ESPN Complaints Continued... (Page 4)

404+ reviews added so far. Upset? Call ESPN corporate: 1-888-549-3776

Dear ESPN executives, my post again on Facebook. As I said, I will continue to keep this going till this bully is fired. Please e-mail your complaints to ESPN complaints department on line. Imagine someone saying these words to your wife, daughter, mother cousin, niece, best friend. 12 insults and here is the video as well I have written it out.

1- I'm in the news sweetheart and I will "Blank" sue this place.
2- That's why I have a degree and you don't.
3- I wouldn't work at a scumbag place like this.
4- Makes my skin crawl just being here.
5- Yep, that's all you care about is just taking peoples money.
6- With no education, no skill set, just want to clarify that.
7- Do you feel good about you job?
8- So I could be a college drop out and do the same thing?
9- Why, cause I have a brain and you don't.
10- Maybe if I was missing some teeth they would hire me huh?
11-O, like yours is o stunning (criticizing the lot attendant's teeth)....cause I'm on television and your in the "Blank" trailer honey.
12-Lose some weight baby girl!

FIRE HER TODAY! You are supporting a bully!


This balls and strikes square on the screen has to go !! I'm from St. Louis where we have very knowledgeable fans, and I talked to a lot of my friends, and customers at the casino I work at, and not one of them likes it, in fact they hate it to the point of not watching it when ESPN broadcast, and listening to the radio with Mike Shannon, and John Rooney! This is worse than the red line following the puck in hockey. When on the air why not have fans call in and vote on it, and post the results in the 7th inning or so? I know I'm just speaking for St. Louis, but I'm pretty certain that the whole country will feel the same way! Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Go Redbirds !!!!


Britt McHenry needs more than a week off (vacation?). The video is absolutely shocking and certainly not representative of your fine network. She needs to work in a soup kitchen, get dirty, be common. She's lost touch with reality. If my child acted like that, I would wash their mouth out with soap, demand a real apology and get some serious counseling for them. Really her behavior is inexcusable under any circumstances, but a towed car? Wait until you get a real problem like the death of a loved one or a cancer diagnosis. It's admirable that the recipient of her wrath has not asked for her to be terminated and actually tried to play down the event. Please make this a teaching moment for Britt, and if she is truly not contrite, she needs to go elsewhere. Yuck!


As a long time loyal viewer, I have never seen an ESPN employee get so much deserved hate. Britt McHenry shows such poor character and only gets a one week suspension? After hammering down on Stephen A Smith for saying something that was nothing more than wise words about women not provoking or escalating a fight if your in a domestic dispute. He got two weeks for something that you should tell your own children: Not to provoke a fight or escalate a situation. I hope you make the right decision and let her go. I do believe in second chances, but I for one, and many others I know, will not view any programming that involves her after this tirade. It is one of those things that will not be erased from viewers memories and will always be associated when she is seen.


Why does ESPN support Tony Kornheiser as he uses his ESPN radio show to further his political views and agends, rather than only report and and share his opinions about sports. Friday, Tony chose not to discuss one candidate because they were low hanging fruit. Instead, he chose to slander another candidate. In fact, he accused a United States Senator of lying. He also pased judgement on how that candidate's family chose to deal with a child's physical handicap, and how an eight year handicapped boy would / could / should find encouragement and inner strength.


As a long term viewer of your network I feel it is my duty to provide you with my feedback. The recent events involving Britt McHenry have really struck a cord with me. She came off as a self-entitled brat who is full of hate. It is unfortunate that the video was leaked but there is no going back now. I feel that if you do not cut ties with her, ESPN will be associated with this disgusting behaviour. As a public figure she should of known better and its time for you at ESPN to do the right thing.


Fire Britt McHenry! For a person to get mad at a company is one thing but to attack a person concerning his/her ability's shows a clear lack of respect on her part. McHenry is just a sorry individual integrity.


ESPN shame on you for slapping Britt's hand instead of where it would hurt, her wallet! Fire the girl. If somebody signed me up for ESPN magazine I will refuse payment, should it arrive.


I was very disappointed to see the video of Britt McHenry's appalling treatment of the tow truck driver. I can understand how upset one is to have their car towed, but how she made her attack so personal and degrading is totally unacceptable. How she could comment on someone's lack of education, missing teeth and her living conditions was beyond cruel. I would hope that you have a higher standard for your reporters and let this haughty, hateful and mean girl go. If I were an athlete with any integrity, I would refuse to give her an interview of any kind. I have a beautiful daughter, and would be ashamed and disappointed if I ever heard her berate another human being like Britt McHenry. Rest assured that she should no longer be employed by ESPN.


I am appalled that Washington based reporter Britt Mchenry is still on your payroll. She is an absolute punk idiot. Can her and replace her with someone who isn't so full of themselves.


Dear ESPN executives, mMy husband and I watch ESPN first thing in the morning, lunch breaks, finally after work 7 days a week. I am so EXTREMELY DISGUSTED with the recent reporting that you have chosen to only suspend "Britt McHenry" for one week. In my opinion that tells me you would prefer to give a minor sanction to someone who displays her true colors on multiple occasions. In the law people need to understand foreseeable actions. What if that woman who was insulted beyond anything I can bear to hear went home and KILLED HERSELF? I understand that she did not, however by keeping her apart of your PROFESSIONAL team tells me you support BULLIES!!! We have laws to protect children and what makes you think this worker should be any different? Britt said "toothless", what if woman cannot afford her teeth to be fixed? Britt said she is a college dropout....who does she think she is? The insults were beyond the most gross I have ever heard.

If I was witness I would have called the POLICE for a HATE CRIME!!! You are in a trailer? I understand the clerk may have been pushed into stating some comments back, however ALL EMPLOYES ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR ACTIONS!!! Britt should have been classy, paid the bill, and turn the other cheek. Isn't that what we thrive our culture to do? Make peace. It is obvious that "Britt McHenry" thinks she is above EVERYONE, but I feel this girl needs some humble pie. And be FIRED TODAY!!! I know in my professional experience I am held accountable for my company’s reputation on and off the clock. This is a reflection of ESPN network. I will start a petition on Facebook, and tell all my friends to let them know how you value this DISGUSTING BEHAVIOR!! I am so mad, and DISAPPOINTED! I will think twice about supporting your network if you keep "Britt McHenry" employed!


Keith Oberlander - inept, incompetent, is not familiar with his topic, dated appearance, rude and an embarrassment to ESPN and the sports world. Now fast forward to your long standing joke, Kornhowisier or however you spell it, who got fired from Monday Night Football (what took them so long) Another political agenda brought to a sports show with no integrity or credibility. Just get rid of them - I spoke to several groups today referencing these fakes (never played high school anything) and fully exposed ESPN and their apparent new agenda for what it is. Sometimes if it looks and appears to be pathetic it is. Get rid of them.


Britt McHenry needs to go. She thinks she is attractive. What she showed was that she is a very ugly person. She might be a good reporter, but you don't treat people like she did.What I saw on the video, this kind of outburst will happen again and again. ESPN needs to cut their losses. ESPN acted quickly but not strong enough. After you can her I would not hire her to be my lot clerk.


i am appalled at the degrading,pompous attitude you employee Britt McHeny displayed towards not only the lady working at the towing company but towards all of us who work and live in the real world. She showed her utmost disdain and lack of respect for that poor girl in the towing companies office. The words she used were not only hateful but extremely hurtful to not only the employee but to a lot of people who, because of their income or genetics, do not meet Britts high standard of associates. I cannot believe you have someone like Britt representing your company.Is that how your company and the rest of your sports casters feel about all of us normal low dwelling people? i will not waste another moment watching your channel or support any of your sponsors from now on unless i hear through the news that you have done the right thing and relieved Britt of all her duties at your company. She maybe does deserve a second chance... but let another company decide whether to hire her or not. This is a blunder of gigantic proportion....


Due to NOT Dismissing Britt McHenry, ESPN is now the National Enquirer of sports television. At any other respectable business she would have been fired immediately. I hope the attendant sues Ms. McHenry for everything she's worth. She didn't just stop at one or two insults, she continued to unleash scornful abuse. That in my opinion is the reason she should be terminated. IMMEDIATELY!!!


take britt mchenry off off off off the air !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how can you allow her back on when she shows such ignorance and arrogance to people are probably your fan base?????????? TAKE HER OFFF THE SHOW---BLACKLIST HER--- LET'S SEE WHAT HER" BRAIN" MAKES OF NOT BEING ABLE TO FIND ANOTHER JOB !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Britt McHenry needs to be fired!!!! How can you tolerate such a disrespectful person working for you!?!? Apology doesn't cut it. Those were her true feelings, only sorry because of the feedback. She represents ESPN ... How can you put her back on the air!?!? Yes everyone deserves a second chance but actions have consequences. Let her go find a second chance in Montana


Regarding the behavior of your Britt McHenry and her treatment of the clerk at the towing company, I respectfully suggest that Ms. McHenry lose her job. Her handling of the situation was clearly not an emotional reaction as she claimed in her weak apology, but was the result of arrogance and pride. I believe that this occurrence was not a mistake but rather a flaw in her character which should not be rewarded by a slap on the wrist. This incident has given ESPN a huge black eye. Please take action!


What Britt McHenry did at the tow truck facility, demeaning another person - is a form of bullying and she should be fired! It was disgusting to watch and after I saw this display of such lack of character - with her fake apology today ( just to save her job ) - I would never watch ESPN again because anything with her face on it would disgust me. She should be fired for bullying and verbal harassment.


Can't believe that you are still going to allow Britt McHenry to work for this company after her belittling remarks. How dare she expect that because she is a "celebrity" she deserve any different treatment. And to be that rude to an attendant that was just doing their job is unbelievable. That attendant has more class than your "celebrity employee". To give her one week suspension is a disgrace and a slap in the face to anyone who is trying to earn a meager living and do their job.


I would rate you at a no-star as of today. I just watched numerous posts of your girl Britt verbally assaulting the tow customer service attendant. Wow, how on earth can you continue to have her work and be affiliated with your business? She is a horrible black hole of a human being. Who speaks to someone like that and gets away with it? This little apology thing that she did was as phony as she is herself. I will never forget this instance and the association with ESPN. In a time in the world when we are all striving to live with more peace and love in this world there are maggots like her openly and freely spewing her abuse on a innocent human being only doing their job it is insane. This infuriates me and many others to no end. I would fired her on the spot. Please have more integrity when hiring your employees, after all they are a direct reflection of what you ESPN stand for.


Espn you really need to fire that reporter that verbally abused that parking attendant. She is representing your organization, and makes you look bad. She had no business treating another human being the way she did. I will be cancelling all of my association with espn until something is done!


How can you only suspend Brit McHenry for a single week? If this was a male employee he would be fired immediately. I do not care what she looks like her actions speak to her character. He apology is not genuine and she sounds like a lawyer. You should hear the radio hosts in the Philadelphia area and peoples reaction. Not happy with ESPN! Any time her face appears on the screen I will be immediately flip the channel. She is a phony and she needs to be reprimanded for her actions! Your decision is disappointing!


When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. Britt McHenry showed you who she is. Do the right thing. A suspension is not the right thing. A dismissal is. Thank you.


I am so disgusted with Britt McHenry, how can you let that woman continue to work for you, she sounds like a spoiled rotten brat and straight up bitch, who probably knows nothing about the sports she is covering and probably got her position soley based on looks!


I have to tell you. If you don't relieve Britt McHenry of her job you have no moral or ethical fiber in the management of your company. To watch someone who has been gifted with a beautiful face denigrate and attempt to embarrass someone who is just doing their job in the manner that. Ms McHenry turned my stomach. She is in essence the face of your network right not and it is pretty disgusting. It is obvious to me and everyone I have discussed her performance with, that she acts like this more often than this single incident. She exemplifies a spoiled self centered
narcissist and as the representative of your company it doesn't look good. I promise you I will do my best to let people see this and to respond exactly as I have until this woman is relieved of her position. She causes me to be embarrassed to ever say that I watch ESPN or ever admired her work. Until she is gone I will abstain from watching anything you put on the air.


I just saw the video of Britt claiming her car a tow lot. I understand that it must have been a frustrating situation. But she verbally attacked and very personally insulted the person working there. She repeatedly declared that she worked in the news business and the other person lived in a trailer and was beneath her. IS this the public persona that ESPN wants out there for their sideline reporters/cheerleaders? Her loving glances in her mirror every morning should be interrupted by doubts about her own self worth. Perhaps being fired would make the world a better place, especially from a motivational standpoint for her.


I would like to see you (ESPN), take action against Britt McHenry for her bulling threats and demoralizing language of the tow truck attendant. I don't care who you are or what you do for a living, you need to be held responsible for your actions. With the recent actions of a number of male sports figures towards women, let us not forget that same gender assault/demoralization/threading behavior is in no means any better.


A longtime arena football fan, I tuned in to ESPN2 to watch the Arizona Las Vegas game on Sat. 4 April. The game was a very exciting and enjoyable event, however, the broadcasting coverage, if you want to loosely call it coverage, was the worst I've ever seen over my many years of sports viewing!!! It was plain terrible, to say the least. All you could hear was the Arena and crowd noise with occasional audible words from what was suppose to be an announcer!!! This only got worse as the event progressed and when it was over, there were no "sign-off words or comments" from anyone and the programming just meshed right into basketball! Never seen anything like it before and hope not to in the future. It was the worst broadcasting I've ever seen anywhere. Please look into this situation and make it right by doing whatever it takes to bring reasonable broadcasting back to this programming.


I am currently watching the April 12th 2015 Boston/Yankee game. The broadcasters in the booth are talking just to talk. The drivel they put out is inane. None of them knows how to call a ballgame. They are always trying to get their opinion in, talking over each other. I will probably follow my brother-in-laws example, just mute the sound. When want to watch a game, that's all I want to do: watch. I grab a beer, some snacks, and put my feet up ready to relax for the next few hours. Only, it's not relaxing when you have commentators talking over each other. I understand that baseball games have a lot of "down time" but that time should not be spent with grown men arguing over asinine opinions. ESPN, get some qualified commentators for your sports broadcasting and not just ex-players that like to commemorate about the good ol' days.


Please for the love of Zhod get rid of that Damn strike box on your ESPN broadcast. This is the worst and the second week in a row. Please do your viewers this common courtesy!


I put on a baseball game and your stupid K Zone was up. I am a fanatic fan and watch as much about baseball in general as i can. I have been an ESPN fan since you started on TV. I will never watch ESPN or a baseball game again on your broadcast. You ruined the pitch, the swing or not and the umpires choice for numerous reasons. You ruined fans debating and arguing which has been going on since baseball started about strikes and balls called by the ump Simple as that. I have many friends who are following me or stopped before me. Goodbye ESPN. Someday you'll actually care about us fans.


Your new format on you web page sucks. The old one (red) was fine and easy to use and find information. I am switching to


I have just watched the Florida State - Notre Dame baseball game on ESPN 3 and the televising was terrible. The picture was blurred to start with and the whole game was televised thru the net which made it awful. The camera was shaky to the point it hurt our eyes. If you didn't know the player you couldn't see who it was. The game never showed the angle from the pitcher to the plate. Always thru the net and couldn't see the pitch. To say the least I was very disappointed with ESPN 3.


Could your reporting of the NCAA Frozen Four game between Boston University and North Dakota be more one sided? Let's see, you shown the Boston pregame message from their coach, interviewed the coach during the first period, interviewed a parent of one of the BU players and then interviewed the BU player. Gee, I thought you were a national sports media outlet, but your reporting seems to indicate you're not. Hopefully, you correct this error in the remaining two periods.


I don't know what you've done to your website. It used to be fairly cumbersome to navigate but eventually you could get to items of interest. Now your site is just a bunch of useless garbage. I for one will no longer be using your useless site.


I opened my espn app and found a new format. I don't recall ESPN ever advertising a new format so I was a little excited to see what it was all about but my excitement was immediately squashed with utter frustration and disappointment. I don't like having to sign in to see what's going on in the sports world but even more frustrating is the fact my screen constantly freezes up. This never happened with your old format so I'm convinced this new format was never tested before it was forced upon the public. It's time for me to find a new sports venue until you work out the bugs with this piece of garbage!


Mike Tirico should not be on TV during the events you have him on because he doesn't have a clue. All he does is read stats that's pumped in his headset. When you have any event you always put someone who is knowledgeable about the event he is doing because he doesn't have a clue. He can't do basketball, football, and for God's sake please get him off golf. All he is a stat man.


ESPN denying a 12 year old boy from receiving the bracket challenge winnings despite his winning bracket ... Booo bad move both espn and best buy!


The new mobile format for espn nfl is just bad. I cannot get to insider info very easily and when I do it sends me to a different article. I pay monthly for insider, if things don't change I will cancel. I have not watched espn on tv for years and now instead of trying to navagate your 1980 style website I will look for another one. Your site was by far the best for football not it just sucks and is truly a waste of my time. This is sad and your site was a big part of my daily research. Why change something that was great into a pile of you know what.


I am so fed up with the Duke " lovefest" that has been continuous since the NCAA basketball tournament started. They have a great coach and a great program, but for goodness sake, stop the adulation, PLEASE! Do all announcers have to be from Duke to work for ESPN? Enough IS enough!


Watching opening night of 2015 baseball season on ESPN 2, and commentators are not even calling the game. They sound like they are sitting in a bar having a private conversation. Awful! the game!


ESPN2...softball game...does the person who runs the TV scoreboard even watch the softball game?...they are doing a terrible job...sometimes there is no scoreboard available...they are slow on pitch count...are often off on position of runners on base...and very slow even when they get it is as if they are not even with the game...or don't care...


I didn't know ESPN was a bigoted network. I was watching Sportsnation and they were covering blooper and other humorous clips, when Michelle Beadle started to make fun of a red head, calling him Ginger like a player intentionally hated his teammate and through a pass off of his face. I would hate to see her say, chink, or N***** on national television and get away with it. She is instigating hate towards a specific group of people and finds it funny. I am disturbed when I see a network support hate so openly.


The new website does not support IE 11 which is the newest version.


This new website sucks. Like seriously. I love look at it multiple times daily but this new format makes me want too puke and ultimately not visit the cite at all. I'll just get my information from sportscenter. Please fix the site!


Your new website format sucks! I hate it and wish you would go back to the old version right away please.


I am very irritated about having a problem getting on the espn website. Since i have an older computer I am prompted about updating my browser. The computer cannot upgrade to a better browser. Since I am unable to update my browser I am unable to get on the regular espn website. I am redirected to a second rate espn website. If espn cannot let me on their regular website I will start using the yahoo sports website and quit watching espn tv.


NHRA is not on, suppossed to be on 2,00 pm like always never on time. If you don't want to show it, just say so, why NHRA even keeps crawling back to this crap is beyond me. And the nhra wants to know why there rating are down.


As a huge fan of Colin Cowherd and ESPN it was really shocking to hear his insensitive remarks regarding how he liked Oregon because it has white peoples . Then today it was even more insensitive to hear him say that people from Middle East flew planes into the building because they thought God wanted them to do so so they can't get the virgins they are promised . Not only is this insensitive to those who died because of terrorists but it's also inaccurate and not the . Islam isn't the only religion in the middle east , Judaism and Catholicism and Christianity both are in the Middle East and they don't believe that . Muslims don't believe that either . It's a lie and misconception that was put out there by uneducated people . Now the fact Colin used his platform on the radio on the radio to spread misconceptions and lies about Islam and people from the Middle East , people can believe and say well Colin said it .


Tournament center march madness. Technical glitch occurred, causing an inability to participate. There customer service is of no help. They refused to trouble shoot. They need to fix this issue or get a new system


I have paid $99 for cricket world cup 2015 live streaming to ESPN. Today is an important semi final match and ESPN site is throwing error wile streaming the game. Many times it is not even landing on the streaming page. This feels like a cheating on customer. They took the money but not giving the service. I don't even know how to get the money back.


I am really really offended about the comments that the racist steven a smith said about the eagles coach and the team about not being black enough. if that was said by a white reporter about a team not being white enough he would have his balls in a sling and probably fired I really think that espn is a spineless company and that racist smith should have been suspended if not fired he is a horrible reporter and I assume a worse person in real life I am disguted that he continues to be able to continue broadcasting espn grow some balls and take a stand raceisim goes both ways open your eyes and fire him


I would like to bring to someone's attention that I was very dissatisfied with Brent Mussberger calling Big XII basketball games. It was merely annoying when he editorialized what the coaches were thinking, saying or "wanting" from their players but his blatant favoritism towards Iowa State was unprofessional. I was dumbfounded that Brent and co. discussed the brackets and who would be playing Kentucky in the tournament instead of calling the Texas at KU game. Nothing was easy and automatic for the Kansas Jayhawks this year but the glee in Brent's voice when they were struggling was unmistakeable and he was disrespectful to their coach when he repeatedly referred to him as "Self". The fans of every team in the Big XII conference deserve better than they got this year from ESPN. Thank you for your time and attention to my concerns.


ESPN help me help your ratings, Bill Walton is a terrible commentator the other commentator has too carry the whole game, he talks about everything but the game and when he does he gets the players wrong he talks about when he played, instead of commentating the game in front of him,this proofs one thing, just because you played basketball doesn't mean you can become a commentator, Face it someone made a terrible mistake and us as fans of the game have to pay for it we are being torched by Bill Waltons dry commentating, Lord Help Us All Shame On ESPN.


Bill Walton as a color commentator does not stay with the game. Seriously, he is a big distraction from the basketball game for the Pac-12 championship!!!! Why on earth do you keep hiring him to do the color on Pac - 12 games? If you are contractually obligated to Bill Walton get him out of the Pac-12 so we can enjoy the games! Send him to the SEC awho cares about them!


Bill Walton is the worst announcer I have ever heard. His voice is annoying and all he talks about is himself. I don't think he knows a game is going on. After a few minutes I hit the mute button and watched the game. Please replace him.


I am very disturbed at the most recent comments by Keith Oberlman, towards PSU. He should be immediately terminated from his position at ESPN!


Dick Vitale was not on Duke vs Carolina game. Why not keep the game tradition of Mr. Vitale on this game. He is the best. A living legend. Like Dean Smith. We should celebrate these living legends while they are alive. Dickie V is my favorite. He is a class act not like these guys you put out there that go out and get drunk and solicit prostitutes on your time and smudge your name. Dickie V is old school. Why not let him call this game until he can not. What happenend to respect for those who earned and achieved. Who have aged with us. I have grown up listening to him over the last 45 years. Please. Give an old Italian man his due so when he dies he knows you value him. Don't wait until he goes and then say pretty meaningless words when you Allow others to disrespect him and take him off the game. He is still my favorite.


This morning, 8/28, Colin Cowherd took my Lord's name in vain TWO times within one minute by swearing "Jesus" on his radio show in referring to the Stone article on Hernandez. This is inexcusable !!! Colin may not be a Christian but he has no business swearing on the air by profaning my Lord "Jesus".


You have taken every big bowl game off of regular television and left us with the crap bowls. Believe it or not there are some people in this country who cannot aford the cable companys outragis rates, but still love watching the bowl games on New Years Day. I guess that the mighty ESPN does not really care about things like that or about the people it hurts. I think that you should go back to the old system and give all of us the chance to watch the big bowl games, But I know that will never happen. All ESPN cares about is the BIG BUCKS, and they don't give a damn about the people who cant afford to pay for cable.


Watching ESPN on Saturday night around 9 and 10 pm you had a commercial about a dating site for farmers. I was very upset the way you portrayed the American farmer. You portrayed them as being as being ignorant. Farmers have the most important job in this country. If it wasn't for the farmer people wouldn't have food to eat. We should all be thankful for all the hard worker the farmer does. From the mother of an American farmer.


Your half coverage of the NHRA countdown race was interrupted by a nascar race,because of that I was not able to watch the NHRA race to the countdown because someones stupid decision to think that nascar race was more important then the scheduled program.With nascar you only need to watch the last 2 laps to see who takes someone out to win, thats why its lost its fan base. ESPN is getting worse at keeping programing on time. Why, I now need to add at least 30 to 60 mins of record time. Sorry to vent but I was looking forward to the nhra race,not every one is on your time frame.


I am writing to complain about the past two articles she has written. I have been a customer for many years and her past two articles were the worst I have read. The Ray Lewis article was in extremely poor taste. I decided not to complain even though I was miffed by the article . She painted him as criminal and didn't focus on his: what he means to the city, impact on the nfl charity work, or leadership in the Raven organization.

This past article where she claims ray Lewis's career is over and ravens shouldn't even go to Denver is plan stupid and the why I decided to complain. Twice blatant cheap shot articles, I am of course partial , however lines were crossed and or just dumb articles lacking in validity . I will no longer read her articles and ask ESPN to review these articles better as the last two were trash. Even Bronco fans in the posts thought article was horrid.


Rece Davis is constantly critical of Clemson football and I feel he lacks class when doing so. It is obvious he has a dislike for Clemson when he does their games and on the BCS final showing, he said their victories were "hollow" and later, they all praised Florida State which basically played the same schedule as Clemson. I am not saying Clemson is a great team, but I do think some commentators can do better than be classless in their comments. ESPN does have some commentators with class but a couple of them could use a session on learning to describe events without being disrespectful to a group of young men that are fighting with all their heart to win and sometimes make mistakes. Could you please tell me where Mr. Davis played his high level of football? I know where most of them played and their resumes but I cannot remember a Rece Davis being a great football player.


Homophobia is akin to anti-semitism? The Jewish community is well represented in Hollywood, the media etc. Yet to say such a thing is insulting. I think any peoples would find it such. It is more than insulting a non-blacks like Rick Riley to relate the homosexual movement to the Civil Rights movement!! At the very least due to his not being African American- he has no right to do so. I call for a public recant and apology for his blatant ignorance, and for the privileged arrogance of your employee Rick Riley and ESPN.


Was watching the Berwick rangers v Rangers game on sunday 24th of febuary on espn along with my grandchild and also a young member of my family . From the first minute off this game the chanting and singing from sections off the rangers fans was nothing short off disgraceful it got that bad that even espn commentatiors on more than one occassion had to opoligise about the chants. Ive already made complaint to rangers which no doubt will be swept under the carpet as it has been by most media ill be sending complaint to uefa and fifa as this was tottally over the top sectarian chantting . Now its down to you as the media and was on your football channel the match was on to at least make a statement condeminng these chants surley thats the least that yous can do. Ive supscribbed to espn for a while now and enjoy the sport on it surley you must see these actions off rangers fans as WRONG thanking you david weir


I have had enough of blow hard, publicity seeking, egomaniacs like merrill hodge! His outrageous comments about Tim Tebow and others reveals what a small minded person he is! I have just had it with preening, narcisstic, loud mouths that ESPN seems to admire! Hodge likes to be noticed. Well, I hope he gets noticed in the unemployment line! Get him and others like him off the air! His agenda is tiresome! Hodge is dispicable!


ESPN's decision to run chainsaw movie commercials during college football games is really sad, low and sickening. I have been up with one of our children for the past two nights with nightmares and I have had several discussions with friends that they have had similar issues from their children seeing this commercial. Aren't we supposed to be promotions sports and especially collegiate sports as something for our kids to aspire towards? There are lots of inappropriate commercials on lots of ESPN's programming but this one is inexcusable. Going on a campaign against your decision and writing a letter to our newspaper and liking all the Facebook comments I have already seen about this. So sad...


I am so disappointed that every bowl game on ESPN this year has not shown the marching band half time performances. They are an integral part of the college football experience and something I look forward to with each college football game. Each band has approx 200-300 students playing and thousands of fans and families hoping to see them play. I counted 29 commercials during the half time...disgusting! I'm thinking about cancelling my ESPN plan.


I noticed several months ago that if you go to the ESPN Dallas site and say anything bad about Mark Cuban or the Dallas Mavericks that the ESPN police/monitors immediately bash you and delete your posts. As a die hard Dallas Maverick fan, any time I or anyone else on the comments section said something about the Mavericks, our accounts were disabled.

I intentionally asked some negative questions about the Mavericks to make sure that it was not an aberration and sure enough, after about 4 posts, my account was disabled. There was no profanity in the posts, or anything that violated your rules of conduct. Several other people who commented mentioned that they noticed it before that the moderators would disabled any accounts that were negative to Mark Cuban or the Mavericks.

I have purchased an Insider account and I cannot even access those pages because I am not able to get into my account. I am also contacting an attorney and anyone else who will listen that your comments sections are only for positive comments about the teams. If that is so, you should market the site as an advertisement for the Dallas Mavericks instead of a comment section on their team. I

have bought many tickets to Maverick games in the last 10 years and I have a right to voice my opinion on them whether it's negative or positive.


I am a subsciber to ESPN mainly for the English Football and I want to complain about comments made by commentator John Champion in the Mansfield Town v Liverpool FA Cup Tie shown live on ESPN on Sunday 6th January 2012.

Luis Suarez scored the second goal for Liverpool under dubious circumstances as the ball hit his hand on its way into the net. When the replay was shown John Champion commented " THAT IS THE WORK OF A CHEAT "

As he is supposed to be an impartial football commentator I think his comment was absolutely discusting! Whether it was or wasnt a deliberate handball it is not for him to basically be judge and jury against Luis Suarez as the officials gave the goal.

Just because Luis Suarez has been in trouble in the past it certainaly doesnt give him the right to make comments like that and is just pure unprofessionalism and damn right slander.

I feel he should be made to apologise on air to Luis Suarez, Liverpool FC and their fans.

I hope you can give me your views on this complaint as I am seriously thinking of cancelling my subscription with ESPN.


Comment made by commentators "Fans deserve to see GOOD FOOTBALL on Monday night" should apologize to not only Seattle and it's fans but the Rams and their fans. There NOTHING wrong with last nights game as a matter it was well played. Badly officiated but well played. Then to follow it with "next weeks game will be GOOD football" insults ALL fans of the game and makes the commentators not only look foolish but show just how ignorant they truly are! It will be comments like this that will eventually make fans stop watching ESPN if they continue to carry Monday night football cause honestly unless your name is John Madden no one cares about your opinion!


I am on espn's web site at least an hour per day. I love to read what is on there and make comments at times. For some reason, I can't comment, like, flag or do anything. I've not been notified of a problem and I've sent numberous emails for help. No one will email back What's going on?
A fan


How dare you have snoop- the drug guru, appear on your TV show as a commentator!! Great message you display to our country and children.

Let's light up and go on ESPN. NFW

signed- an American Dad.


At halftime of the Ohio State-Penn State football game and while reviewing earlier concluded NCAA football games on October 27, 2012, Mr. Holtz referred to the Kent State University football team as the "Kent State fishes" on ESPN after they had just upset #18 Rutgers. As a former Kent State University athlete I was enraged at this unwarranted and misplaced comment from Holtz who is a KSU alumnus and who has been honored by the University and it's athletic department in years past. Quite frankly it is time for this man to be retired because he quite frankly does not know enough about the KSU program and it's comeback to be allowed to speak about the program on national or even local sports coverage television. Whatever benefit he provided to ESPN or for that matter anyone else in years past is now history. His misplaced comments cannot be overlooked any longer.


ESPN's Stuart Scott mentioned that Jay Cutler was "baptized" on an illegal hit that resulted in a concussion on this past Sun. night game. Fellow viewers and I noticed racial and religious references made by Mr. Scott in the past that are really offensive, and make no sense. He should really stop trying to be hip and clever with ebonics and religious insults. If Stuart wants to be offensive that's fine, just don't do it on ESPN.


Just wondering why were going to have to watch a killer on espn (Ray Lewis) What does it take to work for espn? Was wondering are you in management going to have Ray over for dinner with your kids? Just had to vent im amazed how espn will suck up to a killer, but what the heck it was not your kids who he stuck the knife in.


Rob Parkers comments on First take were very out of line and in no way was that remotely close to being sports jornalism. He needs to be fired for his staements he made towards RG3. If he is allowed back onto the show i will no longer support ESPN. As a black person I am very disappointed and ashamed of the comments made by Rob Parker and I hope this matter is taken seriously.


I was watching the NCAAB Wisconsin vs Marquette game on ESPN2 and your commentators made a very unprofessional comment. There was a foul called and fans were not happy and one of the commentators said something to the likes of The rich guys in the front row are complaining.

As a Marquette alumni, I resent the fact that they stereotyped Marquette fans as rich guys. We work hard to get where we are and show a lot of devotion to our basketball team and that comment was just offensive. Please be professional next time!


I am shocked!!!! That you had the nerve to fire Hank Jr. He is an institutation for, country music fans and Monday Night Football fans!!!! Does he not have the same rights as the rest of say what he thinks. Yes he does have a flair for words!!!. But take a good look at Just how many ethics groups poke fun at us or just threaten. Us individually or as a are you saying that's OK for the all minorities to do?...get a grip ..we true Americans say just what we think.and we belive in our country...( get your heads out of the sand)and remember we are a great nation..where freedon of speech is our god given right!!!!


The Masters is the greatest sporting of the year to many fans. The coverage ESPN is providing is lackluster. The commentary is terrific but how to you only show Toger Woods shots from the 15th-18th? Fans should be able to see every shot the greatest golfer of all time makes for every round. Take some hints from the coverage of CBS, NBC, or ABC do for the other majors. You see every shot of all the big time players. This is disrespectful to all of us who love golf because your company is a powerhouse in sports coverage and we have no choice but to watch it. But for once show the actual tournament. The centimental, historical stuff is nice but we do not need two hours of coverage on it. I will appreciate any feedback on the reasons for the coverage. I am not in the television business and do not know the rating system, but I am sure you get great numbers for the Masters. Trust me its not because you do a great job, it's because we have no other choice to watch it elsewhere. Please show more golf, show every shot. 


I do not appreciate the continued harassment of Tim Tebow by ESPN. I am a Saint fan and have no real connection other than the fact that I am a Christian and it appears that your network is trying to make fun of Tebow and his relationship with God. That is a freedom he has and I would hope that you could communicate to your sports announcers that they are not nearly as cute as they think they are. Knock his abilities and point out his flaws, but don't tie all that to his right to be a football player who has a relationship with God. Thank you for your time in this matter


Prior to the 1998 NCAA Men's Basketball tournament, few people would have ever heard of a smallish Lutheran school in Northwest Indiana. But when Bryce Drew made "The Shot" that beat Ole Miss, Valparaiso University was put on the college basketball map. It must have been a big deal. You show The Shot and other assorted pictures of the Drew clan all the time, including tonight's game against Wisconsin/ Green Bay. And I appreciate that. So does every sports fan in the world who roots for David over Goliath. I almost never happens. But when it does, it is SOOO Sweet. So, the problem: after all these years, some of your announcers continue to mispronounce the name of the school. (and the City where it is located). It is Val-Pah-Ray-So. Not Val-Pah-Rai-So. Ray as in X-Ray, The Rai place is in Chile. Ray is USA.


Have a complaint about Cricket World Cup 2015 - Subscription. I have subscribed for World Cup 2015 and paid $99.ESPN says I can watch only one match at a time. There are two matches in a day and I was told I cannot watch two matches on two laptops.This is cheating because we paid for 49 matches we will end up watching maybe 26. In past where ever I subscribed for Cricket World Cup I was allowed to watch multiple matches.


BIll Walton has to be the most disgusting broadcaster today on ESPN. He does not broadcast the game like so many other great broadcasters. He just rants and raves about himself , his idiot opinons and comments about nothing, plus he now has been advocating Pot smoking and how it helped him . Ha HA. Great for out youths to listen to. He is just horrible, please replace him asap. Void his contract ASAP. My coaching experience and friends in the NCAA mostly all dislike him.


Tired of seeing 30 minutes of interviews during Australian open tennis when there is actual tennis being played. No one cares about the interviews, bios, or pre-match comments. Just show the tennis. By the way, get those stupid hats off the air ESPN.


Your announcers on the ESPNU Ar/tn are way way to partial to Tenn, if they can't call it without all that crap, then they should just shut up []{}#%^*+£>~~|\__ just not happy with it and you should know better , thanks in advance for letting me vent! WPS!!!!


why can i not watch SF vs. LAD? do i really need to see another Sportscenter? don’t say you have the game if you don’t have the game on. i could be watching this on my local channel if you didn’t have the coverage. i guess it’s just that important to run the same sports stories again and again and again… you do know changing the presenter doesn’t change the story right? put the game on please…


Tonight after the AFC championship game Shannon Sharpe ripped on Bill Belichick on CBS. After Belichick declined a post game interview, Shannon was so upset that he went on a mild rant calling Belickick’s actions “unacceptable”. Sharpe talked about what it was like to be a gracious loser, and called Bill a poor sport. I’m not sure CBS is the place for that kind of a rant, especially one about a coach’s “optional” interview.


Kids enjoy playing sports, and therfore watching sports. ESPN runs inappropriate advertisements. Parents are forced to either allow their children to see these ads, or, not allow them to watch sports. For example, during the Orange Bowl game, at 9:15 p.m., ESPN runs an ad for Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D. The ad concludes with a young woman with a chaisaw held against her neck, about to get her head chopped off. Nice job ESPN.


Please ask your commentators to stop using all of the SEC homerisms “SEC Speed”, “SEC Yards”, etc, etc. Also, when an SEC team loses a bowl game, be sure to give the other team credit instead of saying that they SEC School wasn’t taking the game seriously.

Kirk Herbstreit basically said that Florida didn’t take Louisville seriously, thus the reason for the loss. I don’t know if you realize it or not, but ESPN is alienating the fans of other conferences by hammering us with the SEC propaganda.


Is Beth Mowins married? I have heard a lot of buzz about relationships and her husband, but never see any proof of this online. Of course her personal life is her own business, I’m just curious about it if anyone has heard one way or another. I have always enjoyed listening to her online, don’t have any problems with her announcing or style of commentary. I think ESPN has a great thing going. Lots of people say they don’t like Beth Mowins voice or think she is annoying, I disagree. She is a great college sports personality, I even follow her on Twitter most of the time during games.



I have filed a complaint against hoge and would like to know what standards ESPN has in place for relaying complaints. I would like to say hoge is egotistical jerk looking for publicity, but that seems to be the norm for ESPN. I will continue watching live events but will NOT watch other ESPN programs. hoge is disgusting. His rants on Vince Young were mean outrageous and borderline racist. His slant on Tebow was classless. But apparently employment of loud mouthed self centered analysts is approved by ESPN. hoge, Slereth, Edwards, and some others, seem to think that centering attention on themselves is what viewers like. The “Hey, look at me” attitude is not appreciated by this viewer. But possibly the humble viewer is an afterthought. Thank you for your patience and hopefully these idiots will be reined in.


I have been stewing about sending a letter ever sinse it happened but after coach Knight showed his obvious dislike of the Cats i was compelled to at least vent about them both. If ESPN chooses to send these FORMER coaches out to represent them as analyst they need to instruct them to keep their bias attitudes to themselves and do what they are being paid to do. I know everyone has their teams they favor over all others but lets give credit where credit is due as in a past interview.

COACH KNIGHT refused to acknowledge the NCAA leading shot blocker as a candidate for “poy” or even mention the cats as a favotite to win the national title from their performance to ths point.As for Digger i found it to be extremely classless and bias for him to repremand fans of the traveling road team , the UK WILDCATS at the COLLEGE GAME DAY coverage in Nashville . All other representatives especially Jay Bilas and Hubert Davis are exceptional given that they played at schools know to have extreme prejudice against the cats.

Thanks for allowing me this venting time. GO CATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Why is it that Historically Black College and University’s (HBCU’s)Football games are never given any priority on Saturdays in regard to games which are televised? Every Saturday, when its time for college football, I search far and wide looking for an HBCU football game. If and when I find one, its on tape delay.Earlier in the season, there were a few HBCU games on Thursday nights, now that is even nonexistent. HBCU’s have sent many athletes to the professional ranks; it is only fair that these young men are provided the same exposure an opportunities as football players in Division One colleges and universities.

Secondly, when the game is televised, there is usually one camera at the game. Everything about the game is an afterthought. There are very few fan shots, and the halftime coverage is about Division One programs(top ten). On Saturday, Division One schools campus and students(classroom shots) are shown throughout the broadcast. It appears to be a double standard when it comes to HBCU football games.If one of those players did something illegal, I can assure you it will make Sportscenter.Even the playoff games are not given any priority.

I pay good money for my Direct TV programming;therefore, every division should be represented equally. ESPN gives more coverage to skateboarding and bicycling than HBCU Football. I wonder why… just look at the color of the participants. Unless we complain at the inequities and hold “THE MAN” reponsible, then nothing will ever change. ESPN should be respectful to all of its fan base regardless of culture, division or type of program.


Albert Pujols does something that hasn’t been done in 34 years and Michigan St/Wisconsin is your lead story…REALLY! A 3 home run performance loses top billing for a hail mary. Oh wait a minute; the highly touted east coast biased Yankees and RedSox are not playing. I am done wasting my time trying to find solid coverage on ESPN. By the way, I live in Michigan and I am not a state fan or a wolverine fan. I am a baseball fan who enjoys the fall classic no matter who is playing and someone who enjoys history being made.


Dear ESPN, I am not a Hank Williams, Jr. fan, but your decision to remove him from the Monday Night Football leadin is ridiculous. The man spoke his opinion and he did not call anyone Hitler, he used the analogy as a comparison. It is too bad you are willfully ignorant in comparisons and will remove him from your programming. I have decided I will remove Monday Night Football from my programming as well. We are still a country that honors freedom of speech, but apparently you don’t have the guts to do so. I am extremely disappointed in you and your decision. Keep your stupid game, I can find something else better to do.


I am an avid Monday Night Football fan. I enjoy Hank Williams Jr. starting the show off. It was EXTREMELY stupid and wrong, wrong, wrong to take it off last night just because he voiced his opinion. If he had said something about the tea party nothing would have been done. I will not buy a thing that is advertised on ESPN if it happens again. That is what America is all about! Freedom of speech. Hank Williams is perfectly entitled to compare President Obama to Hitler just as I am perfectly entitled to believe that Williams received no musical talent from his father. It would be okay if he criticized two-term President George W. Bush though. Go figure. The double standard continues.


I am sick and tired of your ESPN commentators running down the Arkansas Razorbacks! We do deserve better than Mark May and the likes!!! Think of hiring someone from the SEC to commentate the games instead of someone from a lesser conference! WOO PIG SOOIE – ARKANSAS RAZORBACKS! Why cant the ESPN commentators shut up? or at least stop saying stupid and annoying comments? I really want to be able to mute the commentators but be able to listen to the sound of the game. they keep on saying things that are obvious, repetitive, ignorant, stupid, or just straight up annoying.

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