Craigslist Free Stuff Ads Abuse

Vancouver craigslist free stuff ads are being used as- a wanted section a commercial ads department animals for sale, wanted or free ( generally for pets section) personal messages, ads that respond to misplaced ads, as a section to express vulgar language and pictures. That is all that I can remember at this moment. I have just started reading the free craigslist ads and found them extremely interesting. They are an excellent source to use to find an unusual article. In the short time time that I have been reading this section, I have seen it deteriorate as the expression goes, ” right before my eyes “, and this is very sad.

Also, because of such craigslist abuse, it is possible this section may no longer be available for other legitament users. I would ask that more screening be done, so the increasing abuse would be eliminated. Once action is taken on flagged ads and craigslist is policed more, then the abusers may reduce their attempts to contaminate this section with their unwanted messages, some of which are obvious scams. Please respond to this complaint, as there are many readers that would like to see this done. Thank you very much for your time and my compliments to you on your great idea, which has been a godsend to many people.

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