JCPenney Credit Card Scam

After placing an online order with JCPenney, this company will add a $9.95 per month fee to your JCPenney card. Their website reflects that they are an extension of the JCPenney brand. Since JCPenney credit cards are only valid for JCPenney purchases, it is clear that JCPenney is authorizing this scam. They will only reverse one charge and they will try to talk you into keeping their service. Insist on terminating and ask for a credit. The website shows their exclusive relationship with JCPenney. It is unfortunate that one of America’s most trusted brands has decided to associate with a complete scam that defrauds consumers. It would be hard to deny that they are strongly associated with JCPenney. Very sad!

Company Name: 
Retail Stores

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