Contact Herbalife Corporate
Toll free phone number: 1-866-617-4273Herbalife of America, Inc. is an American multi-level marketing venture that specializes in nutritional supplements. It is publicly traded on NYSE:HLF. There are members in 90 countries and revenues in 2015 were reported as 4.4billionUSD. The corporate office employed 7800 in 2014.
To reach customer service call 1-866-617-4273 or findĀ assistance here. To write to CEO, Michael O. Johnson you may address an envelop with: Worldwide Herbalife Headquarters, 800 W. Olympic Blvd., Suite 406, Los Angeles, CA 90015, USA. Corporate office phone number is 866-866-4744.
Founded in 1980 and having successful endorsements as well as legal litigation you may find social presence on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. Some popular products include: Herbalife 24, FitnFull Shake, Herbalife Green Tea, Formula 3 Cell Activator and the Core Nutrition Line.
Experienced poor service? File a complaint here!
Herbalife Contact Information
Report complaints to corporate and get satisfactionHerbalife headquarters address
- 800 W. Olympic Blvd., Suite 406, Los Angeles, CA 90015
Company website
1-800 phone number
1-866-617-4273Support email address
support@herbalife.comBetter Business Bureau rating
B+Customer service hours
8am-6pm PST
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Top Herbalife Complaints
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I would like to express my disappointment with a Herbalife Coach/ Distributor. She had approached me to purchase Herbalife products earlier this year.I had been hospitalized a few years ago because of a meal replacement shake and the diagnosis was an allergic reaction to the artificial sweetener. My first question to her was if the products contain any artificial sweetener and she vehemently denied this. As she was a friend I accepted this as the truth and purchased the products and became a member ( ID: ********** 455). I purchased the products on 12 June 2019 and received them on 13 June 2019. She was aware that I was going to be out of the country until 3 July 2019 and would only start using the products on 8 July 2019. This was the second act of non-disclosure as she did not inform me of the 30 day refund policy. On 5 July 2019 she took my measurements. I started the products on 8 July 2019 as agreed. There was a bit of gastric discomfort but nothing major. On 11 July I contacted her and told her that I had ben experiencing severe symptoms of an upset tummy, stomach cramps, headaches and a fever. She informed me that these are merely 'detox symptoms' and advised me to continue with the products. I again believed her and continued.On 12 July my tummy size had increased by a few centimeters in a few days. On 13 July 2019 I was severely ill again and informed her. These were all the same symptoms that I had experienced previously with the allergic reaction. She again denied that the products contained artificial sweetener and further reitertaed that she had spoken to three Coaches who informed her of the same. I decided to do my own investigation and found that the labels specifically contain artificial sweeteners. I went to my Doctor on the morning of 14 July 2019 and it was confirmed that I was having an allergic reaction to the artificial sweetener. The increase in my tummy size was directly attributed to the gastric discomfort and bloating caused by the Herbalife products. I contacted the Coach/Distributor and told her about my diagnosis as well as requested a refund on the products. She initially told me that she can only refund the unopened products. I sent her a screenshot of Herbalife's refund policy as her statement was in contravention of this. She then said that my 30 days had expired and I would not qualify for a refund. She then further stated that she can cancel my membership but I have to wait 90 days for a refund. I continued to tell her that she fraudulently sold me products after my full disclosure of my existing allergy and further I informed her of my reaction to the product before the 30 day expiration period. She read my message but did not respond. I am not going to slate any Herbalife product. But being an Advocate myself, I believe that your Coaches should place the interest of the Client first and provide full disclosure and not act unethically to make a sale. I humbly request you to refund my orders placed on 12 June 2019 and 11 July 2019 and to cancel my membership with immediate effect and process a refund. Should you fail to do this I will not hesitate to institute legal proceedings against Herbalife and the Coach/Distributor, not only for a refund but medical expenses as well as a claim for pain and suffering. Further, the media will promptly be informed of this. I have transcripts of telephonic messaging between the Coach and myself wherein the ingredients were denied on several occasions.

we have an acct.. not heard from are up line she borrowed money and did not pay back so will do not know what is going on we still want to buy from you but she should not get rewarded so how can we fix it # 10xy234913 please call john or pat 910-221-9784
we but from you if the up line get rewarded that is wrong,, she has dose nothing ....we need to know are %%% off of what we buy and do you have new thing if you are up line you are to help and tell you down line what is going on she is not bad john pat jefferson call 910-221-9784

I have placed an order on the 17th this month up to now I haven't received it. The has been no notification what so explanation on what is the hold up. Am new and this is my third time ordering! Previously I have never had any delays up until now.

I ordered products from your distributor Anathi nokonya last year I think November, she keeps telling me dat she did till now I haven't received anything

Hello my name is Tiffany shaffer im putting in a compliment regarding an order my daughter Jordann shaffer made. She ordered 2 bottles of tea on February 4th she has not received that order. Other than that complaint on its own we have called at least 10 times been on the phone with people from your comany over 30 minutes each time. We have jumped through their hoops, sent emails with proof, anything they asked we gave. Each time they have said they will get back to us and we get nothing! They say we have emailed or called and you havent got back to us when in fact she has each time! All we are asking for is her tea or her money back. I cant see the problem here she ordered from you officially website this is your obligation to satisfy your costumer is it not? I will attach what we have on this matter and hopefully you can help us out.
We have talked to
Monica Munoz
Erik alva
Cristina T
Through email and a list of people on the phone i dont have the names
The original person the order went through was
I hope you can resolve this issue and refer us to someone in Utah we can trust and order through. We assumed it would be safe to oder directly through your website but apparently not.
Thank you for your time
Tiffany shaffer

I have been using these products for over a year now and have loved every minute of it. How ever I placed an order on Wednesday the 1st of November and my products were delivered on the 2nd when I opened my blueberry & raspberry shake canister this morning it was just about half empty! I am not happy with this as I pay a lot of money for these products and deserve to get the right amount as I'm paying for it! I have got a picture of it aswell, please contact me in regards to this, thank you!

The Herbalife store Precision Nutrition in Del City Oklahoma is a rip off they promote the people that they want to and steal orders and give it to other people to move up instead of who it belongs to, this place is a rip off and the 2 running it our the worst about it, one has only been there a year and does not sell that much product but yet gets every one else's points because the owner likes them and rigs the books for her, this store needs too be shut down.

A rep verbally attacked me because I stated that the Herbalife product was expensive. He attacked my family. This is not the message that someone in business should be delivering to anyone, whether they are looking at buying a product or not. If nothing else, it gives a bad name to the company.
The message follows: this in response to my statement that the products are 'expensive". Herbalife is the healthiest product in the world... if expense is an issue for you stop stuffing you and your over weight families faces with high calorie crap.. I wouldn't normally message anyone about this but I know you and your family and how morbidly obese the lees are.. you can afford herbalife by substituting out the crap you are so accustomed to eating. .. saying its to expensive is a cop out...
I love all my family but I have no time for y'all if you want to make comments like that on my wife's business posts... you can afford it.. you and the rest of those who won't get on this just like my mom and dad are aren't willing to learn anything about it... you see a price but did no research on it. Maybe you should go through all the products in your fridge and compare them to mine before you slander our products expense.. I know all you said was to expensive.. but its enough to discourage others who might not feel the same... it costs 3.25 per meal... you buy a large McDoanld's meal for 9..
I am upset about this only because I expect more from you than the others.

I ordered products from a Herbalife customer service representative over a month ago and never received anything. I even tried to call her but she never returns my calls. Will the corporate office allow this from one of their reps? Not good for their reputation.

Health management is always important as I realized it late in my 30s. One of my friends suggested me Herbalife when I was losing my weight. I have contact Herbalife representative and felt it as the wonderful choice to act on my health and fitness. Herbalife gives you body mass index and suggests appropriate nutrition & weight management treatment with only herbal medicines.
Natural herbal milk shakes, energy drinks & powders are the main products. I really thank Herbalife for bringing me a drastic improvement in my weight from 36kgs to 45kgs in 4 weeks. I would like to suggest you all to approach Herbalife for your nutrition management plans.

we have an acct.. not heard from are up line she borrowed money and did not pay back so will do not know what is going on we still want to buy from you but she should not get rewarded so how can we fix it # 10xy234913 please call john or pat 910-221-9784
we but from you if the up line get rewarded that is wrong,, she has dose nothing ....we need to know are %%% off of what we buy and do you have new thing if you are up line you are to help and tell you down line what is going on she is not bad john pat jefferson call 910-221-9784

I have placed an order on the 17th this month up to now I haven't received it. The has been no notification what so explanation on what is the hold up. Am new and this is my third time ordering! Previously I have never had any delays up until now.

I ordered products from your distributor Anathi nokonya last year I think November, she keeps telling me dat she did till now I haven't received anything

Hello my name is Tiffany shaffer im putting in a compliment regarding an order my daughter Jordann shaffer made. She ordered 2 bottles of tea on February 4th she has not received that order. Other than that complaint on its own we have called at least 10 times been on the phone with people from your comany over 30 minutes each time. We have jumped through their hoops, sent emails with proof, anything they asked we gave. Each time they have said they will get back to us and we get nothing! They say we have emailed or called and you havent got back to us when in fact she has each time! All we are asking for is her tea or her money back. I cant see the problem here she ordered from you officially website this is your obligation to satisfy your costumer is it not? I will attach what we have on this matter and hopefully you can help us out.
We have talked to
Monica Munoz
Erik alva
Cristina T
Through email and a list of people on the phone i dont have the names
The original person the order went through was
I hope you can resolve this issue and refer us to someone in Utah we can trust and order through. We assumed it would be safe to oder directly through your website but apparently not.
Thank you for your time
Tiffany shaffer

I have been using these products for over a year now and have loved every minute of it. How ever I placed an order on Wednesday the 1st of November and my products were delivered on the 2nd when I opened my blueberry & raspberry shake canister this morning it was just about half empty! I am not happy with this as I pay a lot of money for these products and deserve to get the right amount as I'm paying for it! I have got a picture of it aswell, please contact me in regards to this, thank you!

The Herbalife store Precision Nutrition in Del City Oklahoma is a rip off they promote the people that they want to and steal orders and give it to other people to move up instead of who it belongs to, this place is a rip off and the 2 running it our the worst about it, one has only been there a year and does not sell that much product but yet gets every one else's points because the owner likes them and rigs the books for her, this store needs too be shut down.

A rep verbally attacked me because I stated that the Herbalife product was expensive. He attacked my family. This is not the message that someone in business should be delivering to anyone, whether they are looking at buying a product or not. If nothing else, it gives a bad name to the company.
The message follows: this in response to my statement that the products are 'expensive". Herbalife is the healthiest product in the world... if expense is an issue for you stop stuffing you and your over weight families faces with high calorie crap.. I wouldn't normally message anyone about this but I know you and your family and how morbidly obese the lees are.. you can afford herbalife by substituting out the crap you are so accustomed to eating. .. saying its to expensive is a cop out...
I love all my family but I have no time for y'all if you want to make comments like that on my wife's business posts... you can afford it.. you and the rest of those who won't get on this just like my mom and dad are aren't willing to learn anything about it... you see a price but did no research on it. Maybe you should go through all the products in your fridge and compare them to mine before you slander our products expense.. I know all you said was to expensive.. but its enough to discourage others who might not feel the same... it costs 3.25 per meal... you buy a large McDoanld's meal for 9..
I am upset about this only because I expect more from you than the others.

I ordered products from a Herbalife customer service representative over a month ago and never received anything. I even tried to call her but she never returns my calls. Will the corporate office allow this from one of their reps? Not good for their reputation.

Health management is always important as I realized it late in my 30s. One of my friends suggested me Herbalife when I was losing my weight. I have contact Herbalife representative and felt it as the wonderful choice to act on my health and fitness. Herbalife gives you body mass index and suggests appropriate nutrition & weight management treatment with only herbal medicines.
Natural herbal milk shakes, energy drinks & powders are the main products. I really thank Herbalife for bringing me a drastic improvement in my weight from 36kgs to 45kgs in 4 weeks. I would like to suggest you all to approach Herbalife for your nutrition management plans.
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