Walmart Complaints Continued... (Page 13)

1684+ reviews added so far. Upset? Call Walmart corporate: 1-800-WALMART

I have complained before about this store and its level of security. you are in business to make money, but can't someone watch the types you serve? I shop there quite often for lower prices but cannot tolerate the people who totally ignore rules. I was told long ago that someone would get better watch over parking lot. The person who called was not real nice. I could tell she was not happy. nothing has been done. In this state there is a big fine for parking in " Handicapped". That place runs amuck. If you were to enforce this would help. This happens all the time. some of these jokers need to be warned. I was told by the Manager they cannot enforce out there. What? how about regular rounds by Rent a Cop? The level of folks you serve sometimes need a rude awakening. I do not like the whole atmosphere here in Holland. Do not call me. Just do something.


I bought Kettle Brand Sea Salt and Ground Black Pepper chips at the Wal-Mart in Port Arthur, Texas for a long period of time. Delicious chips that go good with anything. What Happened to them? Can't find them at ANY Wal-Mart in my area. Why does it seem as though when you find those things you simply love and look forward to finding at your stores, it suddenly disappears off the shelf never to be seen again?... Please bring them back, if you haven't tried them you must! They are GREAT! I learned that Walgreen's sells them. its just one more inconvenience I have to go through because you all decided to pull them off the shelf.


Waited in the Fabric Dept for 10 minutes, all the while trying to get someones attention to come help customers there. 3 were waiting in line. The person at the automotive dept ignored us when asked to get someone for help. I'm guessing a manager walked by, she said she would get someone back there. The three people waiting including myself, saw 6 associates in the isle. One of the people waiting sent her friend to get one of them, they totally ignored her. This is not the first time i've encountered that kind of behavior. Really pathetic to be working in a public place and have absolutely no idea of helping anyone. Once someone came named Mandy, we asked who do we complained to , she said to her. That is would not go any further if we complained any where else. We were told they were in the process of changing things back to the way it use to be. Looks like to me, your employees are walking around doing just enough to look busy. Really bad place to shop


Today I went into WalMart in san Antonio located on military and Flores and I tried to exchange a watch that was given to me as a gift. It is a timex that is $29.92 it doesn't fit my wrist the band pinches my skin. I didn't want a refund just something that I could use. I tried to get the receipt from my ex but he said he threw it in the trash and doesn't really care. to be honest I asked them if I could just get my son some pampers and wipes. His dad wont help me out and I thought that I would be able to exchange the watch for what I really needed I am a single mother and times are hard I just don't see why I am having such a hard time to get this issues resolved. I have tried to go a few days ago to get some thing else pantries and socks and the lady at the desk said I had to ask the person in jewerly. she was out to lunch at the time. I decided to wait for another day. That was to day I am in desperate need of pampers and things for my son he is 7 months old and I don't want to have him with out. I explained this to the people today and they said I needed a receipt I can't believe they were so cold hearted. I just thought that since it was up to the person in the jewerly department it could be done. I am so heart broken and disappointed with my experience there.


We had a nextbook that was under warranty that we had bought . Sent it back and got the check for replacement. Went to your store in Boonville to get the item. Took the check in only to find out that You All charge a percentage of the check to cash it. Pretty Bad when we get charged for cashing a check on your product you sell. Should have sent us a gift card instead, or something that we would have been able to get refunded FULLY! What's the point of a warranty if it doesn't guarantee a FULL refund!?


My complaint is concerning 11 Apr 15 around 8pm I was looking the Walmart site and found items on sale and decided to apply on line for a Walmart card. Walmart approved my new credit card, but I was unable to purchase anything, because it kept asking me to input my 3 digit code which didn't have since it was a new acct. So I called customer service support asking for assistance. They kept asking me to call various numbers and one lady hung up on; Customer Support gave me several numbers, 1877-2947880/800-925-6278/800 9666546, none were able to assist this continued on 12 Apr 15. I tried to make online purchases of $647.21 I was approved for much more but this is what I wanted to purchase. I kept going on line to place my order with the new account and I couldn't get past the checkout because it kept asking for my 3 digit code which I didn't have since the acct was new. I called to ask for assistance a couple of customer service clerks told me to enter 000 for security code or 999 or 123, none worked, no one could help me. I still haven't been able to order my merchandise on-line, I am very frustrated with Walmart. I previously had Walmart acct bur had bad experience so I paid off & closed it. I have a ref number DTQSFJGXAN. When will I be able to use my credit card which I was approved for 11 Apr 15 to get the items in my order. Judy Charles, 4603 Lyceum Drive, San Antonio, TX 78229, I await your response to my complaint. Thank you, Ms. Charles


I went to walmart in Manchester ct. to buy stuff and also get my baby some earrings so I was stand there at the jewelry counter for like min. and no one shows up. so I then went to go find someone in which I did and when I saw this lady I knew I would have to ask her more then once for someone to help me. so I went back to the counter to wait for another 20min and no one shows up so I went back to the same lady in which she said oh yeah I forgot sometime you just can tell when someone has a stank attitude so finally someone came and she was very nice she apologize and she tried to see if she could nock off some of the price for me waiting a half hour but the broad said no. but I knew she wouldn't because she was Spanish and I wasn't and the lady who tried to help me was black in which I am also but I bet you if I was Spanish I wouldn't had to wait as long as I did or if I did she would of gave it to me for half price I shop there to often for people to act like they don't want to do their job. I thought the store in htfd ct was ghetto but that one take the cake your company need to check on the people you hired because there been plenty of time I went in there and your employees would just be gathering around each other. a few time I was there they was cussing not caring who was around.


Downsizing of your products. I purchase your Great Value brand of Homestyle waffles. It is apparent that you downsized this product as least two times within the past year also, the new packaging sucks. I spend about $300.00 a week at Walmart however, practices like this will prompt to go to your competitors. I know your company is good at making money, now I know the reason why!


I usually shop at the Wal-mart in Broken Bow Oklahoma. I have went there the last 4 days to try to buy a 50lb bag of Purina Dog Chow only to find empty shelves every time. I finally get to the customer service clerk and ask why the riser was empty only to find out none of this product had come to the store on the truck. They guess the warehouse was empty. Yet there is no signs up and the store had plenty of ol'roy which not many people buy or they wouldn't have it either. The aisles in the store are one cart aisles. Last time I checked more than one person at a time shop. If ya would start worrying about your products, your customers, and your employees instead of all of this stupid remodeling every few years, ya would have a better company.


My wife made tacos for supper tonight and when I bit into my food, I found a human tooth in my food! We got out meat from the Kittanning Walmart. When we reported the incident of a human tooth in out meat, they only repaid us for the meat! I bit into that and it was disgusting!!! I will never purchase any meat from that Walmart ever again! And the worst part about the experience, was that we didn't even get an apology or any other form of restitution except for a refund. Made me re-evaluate where I will be taking my business in the future!


I purchased a battery from ST# 2874 I learned was 4 yrs. ago. My problem arised from the battery gett high build up of acid on the positive post. This went on from the 1st year of purchase, but I thought it was normal or maybe the car. About 2 years ago I purchased the post cleaning kit, but never used it. Recently the battery started going dead, but once I it was jumped the battery would work again. i decided to clean the post and when I disconneted the positive post I noticed that the battery was damage at the post and battery caseing. this being the source of the problem and a walmart tech installed the battery. when I approached the walmart location I was called a lier and that it has been to long. i tried explaining that this is damage I would not have known about until now. So I purchased a new battery from same location, the tech tells me that was the wrong battery they installed, Im really upset about this because the battery I turned in still worked, just had the leak and it was the wrong battery. Im asking for this to be looked into, I called the complaint line and the person said the store manager would be calling me, Ive recieved no call. as of this complaint.What can be done about this?


My daughter went to the Floresville Walmart vision center on the evening of 4-8-15 to drop off a prescription for contacts and gave the employee her united healthcare vision plan card and HSA card, the vision plan card was for the employee to verify and find out how much the insurance was going to pay for the contacts the HSA card was to pay for any amount difference. While my daughter was there she called me with the question of how to use the HSA card and Did the insurance need to be called to use it. I told her no and explained that she was to use as a debit card and to just swipe it and enter the PIN number like we do with debid card. The employee decides not to call the vision plan either because my 19 y/o daughter, who knows nothing about how these cards work told her not to call for HSA card that has a MasterCard logo on it and charged the whole amount of $101.00 to the card and this employee told me when I called to complain, that she did what my daughter told her to do when she called and asked me about the HSA card, which correct I did tell her to swipe it but never did I mean for the full amount. Certainly your employees know the difference between a insurance card and a debit card. I work in a medical office with many different insurances and when a patient hands me a insurance card and a credit card it doesn't mean I get to choose insurance benefits or just go straight and cover the full balance. Of course not, I have the common sense to know that if the insurance card information is given to me, it means the office is to submit the claim and the card with the MasterCard or visa is for the copayment. I would like this matter corrected and my HSA card refunded and to cancel the order for the contacts. I will have my families vision needs filled somewhere else.


I took a women's top back to Walmart on Shary in Mission TX. I did not have the receipt because it was a gift for my birthday 2 weeks ago and it was way too big and also not my style. Stood in line at customer service for a long time and then when I finally got up there, the person at the register said it would be a $3.00 refund, so I said ok as I had no receipt. I left and went to the women's department and looked around and there was the same top I brought back hanging on a rack (there must have been 10 identical tops there ) and it was marked $12.97. So I took the top and stood in line again for a long time and when I got to the register the person said it was $3.00 but why were they all marked $12.97 and no sale sign around. So I ended up with $3.00 which I think is totally a rip off. Don't know if I will be shopping at Walmart again.


I already sent a letter to WALMART in which I express my displeasure with the way the receipts are issued. Illegible in parts. I was trying to participate in their competition, however, I could not even read and copy some of the identification features rehired for the contest. This is not a big deal. I just wanted them to know that I had wasted half an hour of my life trying to read a document of theirs.
Please make your receipts more legible and if you are having a contest, make it as easy as possible for the customers. If I have to spend more than 10 minutes filling out information than the contest needs to be changed to where it won't take as long.


I have been shopping at the WalMart store and they have always had the frozen Milky Way ice cream bars. All of a sudden in the last 2 weeks they don't have them anymore. They only carry Snickers and Twix and when I approached the assistant manager Pete he kind of blew me off with" oh that's corporate". Rather than check to see if it was a supplier or something else why they didn't have them in the case. He doesn't deserve his position since people seem to be a bother to him.


I recently bought a bag of Marketside premium romaine lettuce mix and it was soaking in water. I couldn't even spin the water off the lettuce in my salad spinner. I will no longer buy Marketside products . I not only wasted my money on the lettuce as it was inedible, but also the salad dressing. It is too inconvenient for me to take a food product back to the store.


Twice within the last two weeks a rollback price was misrepresented at the store in butler, mo. The last item was fixaflat, on the same shelf they had a 12oz can on the right side for $4.97 next to it was a rollback price of $5.00 for the 16oz can, but what was there was a 20oz can, not looking at the ounces until the checker charged me $6.97. I said something about the price and she explained the rollback price was for a 16 oz can not a 20oz can, so I complained, but nothing was done or even checked out while I was there. now if this is a way to raise profits, I for one will start shopping more at dollar general or wait until I go to Kansas city to do my shopping.


We were shopping, I had printed out the coupon that we printed off the internet. They took all coupon except for one that expired on5/4/2015. They said that it was not any good because it was off the internet, the thing it was printed off the same page 0222360587965949 on website. This program is a scam!


I purchased a Dirt Devil hand held vacuume, model number BD10025W and am happy with it. Unfortunately the filter, part number 3ME1950001 got a tear in it and it is impossible to order a new filter. I tried to order one at the Walmart on Glenwood in Boise, ID and the person took down my information but never got back to me. I went to the Walmart store on Overland in Boise and the service dept person told me that I must order it online. I was told that the Sporting goods dept had a computer and could help me. The people at the Sporting goods dept were very helpful to try to order one for me online but were not able to do it. The assistant store manager tried but he too also failed. I could not order one successfully online at home either. Your stores sell this model, there was even one at the Overland store. Why in the world do you sell something that you cannot order parts for? I could order one from Dirt Devil but will have to pay shipping. I understand that when I order a part from that the shipping is free. If I order the part from Dirt Devil or another company other than the cost of the filter and the shipping would be just as much as buying a new vacuume.

It is an F4 filter, part number 3ME1950001 for a Dirt Devil hand held vacume 7.2 volts model number BD10025W. Indeed when I entered the part number in the search on the Dirt Devil model appears but I can't order the filter. Why is this? Please help me to secure a new filter for my hand held vacuume.


I bought an electric heater at mountain view Missouri walmart. After a month or two it kept shutting off and finally would not turn back on. I took it ti Thayer Missouri walmart. They gave me a different one. It was a sunbeam . Pretty soon it started shutting itself off and finally wouldn't come back on at all just like the previous one. So I took it back to walmart in Thayer but the only receipt I could find was the original one but the heater was circled and initialed from the first return. They said the original receipt was over 3 months old so they couldn't take it back if I didn't have the other receipt they gave me when I returned it. Then they called the manager who said they hadn't even carried that heater., which is wrong because I got the replacement there and it was just like the original heater. I seem to be having a lot of trouble returning things to this walmart in Thayer Mo. I don't buy a lot of things at Walmart but I will NOT be shopping there at all until this is resolved.


It was very important that i had to order an important prescription for my ill father and for the past few fays of calling your crestwood il store, nobody answered the phone. today i called again. it rang several times, then someone answered and hung up. this happened five times. i guess the ringing bothered her. the last call i made it ran awhile, then a lady answered. i asked for pharmacy, then once again i eas holding forever! no answer at all. this is no way of doing business. people can die waiting for medicines they rely on. needless to say, i took my business to walgreens. they were very helpful and glad your company screwed me around. i used to always shop with you but have second thoughts now.


Yesterday at your store in Murdock, Florida. I purchased a GoBank debit card. $2.95 for the card and I put $20 on the card. Today I went to the GoBank web site to activate it and have gotten the run around from them. I went back to the Walmart store to file a complaint but was told there was nothing they could do about it since it was not an in store item. It is bad when you take money from people like me and will not stand behind the things you sell


Our Sherman, Tx. store can not seem to keep their shelves stocked. , This has been going on for several months now. They once carried sugar-free orange jello and nursery water with Florida. Haven't seen either in some time. I have talked to workers and mgrs. alike. They take your name, number and never call you back. Other Walmart's in neighboring towns don't seem to have this problem. Getting tired of having to go to other stores to get the things I need.


I was shopping at your Nampa, Idaho store off of Greenhurst and 12th avenue today at 4PM. It was really busy! I was picking up a pack of diet coke and looking at my grocery list. I did not see or notice that I was in the coke guys way, as I was passing him he made a statement to me. He said it was, "OK that I took my time because he was on 36 hours of overtime anyways!" It took me a minute to register what he was so rudely saying to me. I just want to say that it doesn't matter how many of hours of overtime he is working, because I am paying his paycheck by shopping in your store. I know that I am just one customer, but if everyone who shops in your store was treated the way I was just treated, your company and the Coke Company would be out of business and the coke guy would be out of a job. Nice Lady who finds another place to shop!


As a result of walmart continuing to side with the L.G.B.T. community and supporting the anti God anti Christian majority we will take our business elsewhere and sell our stock in your pro homosexual perverted gay agenda company!


Dear Corporate offices of Several Stores, There is a major shortage of pain medications in Las Vegas. Over the past several days I and husband have been to over 30 different pharmacies. We have been told that they are out of this medications and are not expecting any soon. I was pulled aside by one pharmacy worker and in a very hushed voice he told me that it has been over 7 ½ weeks since there last Percocet medications delivery and he is not expecting any soon. That makes me worried about the other types of pain medications. I was changed because my old medications was even harder to find each month. They do not work as well but it is better then nothing. Well, right now I have nothing. I will not say who as I do not want him to get fired or threatened.

I am not only a patient but also a care taker of two elderly persons. I am not able to get there prescriptions filled. She has cancer, he has kidney failure, I have a ton of thing wrong and my husband has arthritis. None of us can get anything filled. We have been long time members of the same pharmacy for over 20 years. We are being forced to look elsewhere. When I try to talk to the pharmacist (most won’t come to the window-that is great customer service right there). They look at you with a blank look of “Sucks to be you” When you ask when you can get it filled all they say is “Try a different pharmacy”. Well guess what this does not work. I have asked if they can check a different vender. They just walk away.

Have contacted Endo Pharmaceutical to see if they are having problems. They said they have plenty of pain medications of all kinds. They are shipping them to their distribution centers. So where are the medications going from there. They are not making it to the stores? At least not in Las Vegas. No patient with a legal Rx should be without their medications. Elderly people should never be made to stay in pain.


I purchased Hamburg at Walmart on March 27th when I went to use it I noticed several spots that looked like needle pricks. Today April 2nd I went to return it because I had an appointment at noon to get my taxes done. I arrived at 11:45 and there were 2 peoples working and waiting on customers with 3 more in line me being #4. The manager in charge of the cashiers told the cashier on lane 13 that pickups were to go to customer service lane 1 because there wait time in line was so bad. I took this as to hell with customers doing returns. So then one of the clerks doing returns said she would check on it left and had still not returned at 12:31. The second cashier started taking people out of order to do customer pick up. I then asked for a store manager. I finally completed my transaction at 12:31 missing my appointment. The store manager never showed up. I tried calling your 1-800 # after ten minutes on hold I was discounted after giving her my name # and the store address, I thought she would call back but never did. The store # is 1513. Put I guess I should expect this type of service since that's the one think you don't advertise. I also know nothing will change with this complaint except my shopping there is a Publics right across the street and they are always happy to see me.
Rating me experience with the store and 1-800are a negative. 10.


The Company's response to the Arkansas Religious Freedom Act was totally uncalled for. I received this info on Facebook and have forwarded it to all my contacts and have suggested a one month boycott of all your stores. It is time you people grow up and stay out of government related issues!!!

By the way I have 115 contacts and asked them to forward it to all their contacts so it might hurt you where it should!!!


Your packaging for Montelukast Sodium Tablets 10mg is horrible! The only way I can get to the tablets is to cut the packaging with scissors. With my arthritis I can not press and hold the spot and pull the tray at the same time. Please consider new packaging that is easier to extract the tablets. Thank you for your consideration.


I just came from one of your stores. I had picked up a 9'portable fan that I really wanted it was what I had been looking for.When I went to check they told me they could not sell it to me because it would not scan.I was very mad .if you are not going sell what you have on your selves why in the hell put it out? Now if I go back {and that is a big if] in a week or so they will have sold them all more likely. If this the way you do business I will go somewhere else.And I spend a lot at your stores. If everyone felt like I do and I have been hearing a lot of people that feel this way ,you could loose a lot of business.


Store in Augusta Kansas of Walmart, 03/31/15- and 04/01/15 Have tried to buy mulch from garden center no one there, today went to custmer service and girl did not know of number of sale mulch and gave her my receipt from last time she said it did not have number on it, this is not good we have a garden center but not all time no one there and it time, I waited tuesday by gate to see if they would open it, for five minutes they said up front they were on lunch that was 11.00am it was 11.30 , and there were over five people wanting into the gate and left. We was told we would have a great garden center when this opened and this is not happening. I realize when people are off but there should be someone to replace them. And your fresh veg, dept. for over six months products are not good, look that they have been frozen , some products need threw away they are dark, we love our store, but want product fresh, and people to work in departments were it is need, thank you


Worse Walmart in the USA. Just finished a trip around the USA and found this to be the worst laid out store in the country. Other stores are laid out almost the same. But not this one. Terrible!! Do something...


I originally bought my son a bike at the Walmart in Port Perry Ontario, after a week the handle bar started to come loose so I went to exchange it. They did not have the same bike so I paid the extra $20 and got the only other bike with the 20" wheels. When My son tried it at home it ended up being to big for him. I decided to try the Oshawa North location as it is much bigger and would have more selection. They also did not have a bike in my sons size so I asked for my money back so that I may go to Canadian tire and try there. I only had the receipt I got when I exchanged the bike earlier in the day, they did not give me back my original receipt. I was told by the customer service clerk that because I didn't have the original receipt from the bike I originally bought their was nothing they could do. I asked to speak to a manager. She called a manager to come then commented to the other staff behind the desk that she was going on break because she couldn't deal with this crap. She then walked by, put her hand up and looked at me with disgust. The Customer service manager came and explained that the receipt I had did not show how I paid for the bike even though it did show the date and the amount that I paid.

I can't understand why this would be an issue. The receipt I had showed the amount that I paid, what does it matter the tender I used? She called an assistant store manager. He seemed to have trouble reading and understanding the receipt and me it was policy but he would give me a store credit. I didn't want a store credit I wanted to buy my son a bike. I explained that the receipt showed how much I paid so what was the issue. He proceeded to ask me questions as to why I wanted to return the bike, (it was to big) what was wrong with it? (nothing it was to big) what was wrong with the first bike I bought (the handle bar was loose, but that's not the bike I am now returning). In the course of an hour ( yes that's how long it took) he asked me the same questions at least 6 times. He suggested I pick an other bike form the store (if there had been another one I wouldn't be arguing to get my money back) I finally did get my money back but I left the store felling exhausted and extreamly frustrated. I had other purchases I had planned to make but I left the product there. Even now the next day, when I think of the hassle I went through, I get worked up. I work in customer service and I know it shouldn't have been this difficult. I had a receipt albeit not the original of the first bike. I get policy but common sense should prevail. I often shop at the Oshawa North location but I wont be anymore.


I am a regular shopper in your Beatrice, Nebraska store, and usually my experience is a happy one. Clean store and pleasant cashiers. I spend several hundred dollars in your store each month. Last Friday the 27th of March, I ended up in the line with a cashier named Janet. It was obvious that she knew the lady ahead of me, as they were very busy visiting, even to the point of stopping ringing up items to visit. When the belt was to a position for me to start unloading my items, I could not find a separator bar, so I left about a foot gap between my items and the lady ahead of me. As it went on, I noticed a couple of my items go into the other lady's bag. I said whoa, I think those were mine. It was downhill from there. Janet became very hateful with me, pointed her finger toward where the bars were supposed to be and said "I need a divider between orders". I said I looked for one but could not find it. At that point, her friend said she could not find one either. Janet pointed to one, but it was clear up next to her so I would have had to reach over the other lady's stuff to get to it. anyway, she continued to chew on me for the duration of the time she was checking me out, until I finally told her that her problem was that she was so busy visiting she was not paying attention to what she was doing, as I had left a big enough gap between orders.


I bought a refrigerator online with my pay pal account. It was defective, had cracked sides, broken edges scratched everywhere. It looked like a used second hand thrift store item! I went to return it @ Walmart on 1960 bypass in humble Texas. I spoke to Yesenia Yanez (the supposed manager). I cant understand why she is a customer service manager. she needs a lot more training for sure! she was rude & had no knowledge of how to do returns with pay pal purchases. she would not refund my money or credit my pay pal acct. She told me she would only give me store credit or I had to take back my frig & do what I want with it cause its not her problem. I told her I had purchased Christmas gifts using my pay pal & had to returned an item & the manager said they would give me the cash back but they could not credit my pay pal. she practically called me a liar & said they have never given money back!

There were two younger girls in customer service working & they were slow , rolling there eyes , talking across the room to each other instead of paying attention to what they are doing. one was texting on her phone the whole time & kept banging the machine saying it was not working but in fact she didn't know what she was doing , she was focused more on her texting than doing her job. This manager was right there watching all this & didn't seem to care that there was a long line , I mean long line, with about 15 people waiting. if the managers don't care the others wont either! these people need to work else where not in customer sevice & surely not as a manager! YaYa (the name on her tag) shouldn't be allowed to manage anything until she gets more training & proves that she knows what she is doing ! Not only that, she needs training in caring about people period!!


I recently tried to get my medications filled at another pharmacy besides my home pharmacy on my profile and it was the worst experience I have had dealing with a pharmacy. My medications were in the walmart system with refills attached. When I arrived to pick up my medications only one had been filled, the other one was going to take a couple of hours to transfer over and they did not transfer the prescription card which is attached to my pharmacy account. The person checking out at the pharmacy said if you had come here when you first arrived at the store maybe your prescription would have been ready. I informed her that I had just walked in the store and came directly to the pharmacy counter. I gathered from my encounter with this person that Walmart does not pride itself in having associates that are willing to help the customer. Walmart has the resources to have computer programmers at their disposal to rectify any glitches in their computer or create a computer system that has the ability to transfer all information pertaining to a customers presciption. Thank you for the awful experience.


When I was in southern pines northcarolina we would go early morning 7:30a.m. And pick up yesterday's roticarire chicken which was marked down to 3.48 I then traveled to fort myers fl and we would go in after 7.00a.m. And pay the same price,I am know down in vero beach and when I went there to pick up yesterday's left over rottisaree chicken they were charging me 4.98 a dollar fifty more which I questioned but did not receive a great answer.


On Tuesday March 31st I went to the local Walmart store in Farmerville, Louisiana to purchase so plants and other garden items, after browsing for a moment I picked up a 6 pack of plants and needed a price check I entered the checkout counter located in lawn in garden an no one was there, so a sales associate was coming towards me and I politely informed her that I needed to get a price for some plants she just looked at me an continued to walk outside without any response. At that time I followed thinking that maybe she was going to get someone else but instead she went outside into far parking lot and never returned to say anything. I seen a manager and told her I needed a price check and she got someone to assist me even though the manager got someone I still feel as though the young lady was very rude and showed no concern for my needs. I feel as though the proper way to have handled this situation was to great me and inform me that she wasn't in lawn and garden but that she would find someone to better assist my need not just brush me off as though she didn't care. It's all about being considerate of other people, especially when dealing with the public. I'm 50 years of age with children and I hope they never display the attitude towards others in the way I received today. I voiced my concerned with the previous mentioned manager and she informed me she would speak with associate about the experience.


After I completed ringing my large order at the self check out, during the check out process the computer would scan but not credit two of my coupons. The cashier assigned to monitor this group of registers tried to get them to go in, but they would not show a credit. She called the head cashier, while waiting for her to come help us the self check out register completely canceled my order while the cashier and myself were standing there waiting. A few minutes later the head cashier came over to see what the problem was. She said we had to re-ring my whole order and told us to manually input the coupons. The regular cashier took care of this for me. This was no an easy task as it was nearly $150.00 in groc, HBA and misc.items. It took me almost an hour to check out at your Oswego ny store because of a time program set on the self checkout register. In the end the cashier still could not get one of the coupons to take from the manufacturer, right on the front of the product. She called the head cashier, we waited for at least 5 minutes. When she didn't come, I just gave up on the coupon. I am very dissatisified with my shopping experience. I do not plan on using the self checkout again. Maybe I should consider shopping elsewhere.


I have a Walmart about 1/4 mile from my house and I prefer to go 3 miles out of my way to shop. The Walmart in Cheswold, Delaware near Dover De.19901 always has several empty spots on the shelves constantly. They never replemish product that are out in a manneraly fashion it isn't as clean as the other locations in the area.Also they have more people on smoke breaks then in the store,can never find someone to help if needed.


we purchased element tv july 2014 with one year warrant.had problem right away-horizontal lines for the first 5 minutes and then they went away. next would not turn on using remote. had to turn on with finger on manual button. then it would not turn at all. so Walmart store said because it was after 90 days had to talk to element about their warranty. they said it had to be shipped to them at our cost $46.02 our packaging cost $27.52 and any damage to set in shipping warranty is void. after they receive our set they would ship us a refurbished set in 6 weeks. so we are looking at 2 months no tv looking forward to your response scott


I have order a dresser off of 200·00 dollars I paid for it when I got it the one side was damage I called them they replace it and then when I got it all together the draws Don't fit right and it bows in the middle I am very unhappy with it I will never ever buy anything from walmart


Nothing happened EXCEPT your company is bowing down to Muslin Shariah law and will provide halal products. This will be the last straw for me and. I will not shop with your company anymore. This is AMERICA, not the Middle East.. If the Muslins wart Shariah Law, then they can pack up and move back to the Middle East.. I know that one customer won't bother you at all, but when this is my way of showing that I don't have to depend on your superstore to get by!


When I was in southern pines North Carolina,and then traveled to fort myers fl.i would go to walmart that morning early and pick up your rottisatie chickens for 3.48 when I came over to vero beach florida they charged me 4.98 for the same day old product.iasked the manager about it he said it depended on the price at the time which was the same as the same day rotisserie price I felt that if they do it in southern pines walmart and fort myers walmart why not in vero beach,fl,thank you for your time Jim Cocce vero beach fl.


I want to buy 2 barque grills the one that I wanted there was one on display and they said that they did have anyone, the manager said that he had other thing to more and would be back, but it would take him some time. I told him a would wait, in about 20 minutes he returned and went out back to see if he could find the other grill. He came back in about 5 minutes and said no. I ask him if I could have another grill that was only $10.00 more and he said no. I told him I would go across the street and buy them at Home Depot, and he replied "you have wasted my time for this long, why did I go there in the first place." I could not believe he said that and went you Home Depot and got my 2 grills and they where real helpful in and help me load the grills. I will never go to Wal-Mart again. I have never been treated so badly in a store and specially by a store manager.


Xenia, Ohio,,,March 28th, 2015. Manager and employees treated my family rude simply because we expected them to honor price. Soda sign read as follows.. $3 or 10. So I purchased 10 cases of soda for $3. Manager did not want to honor it and it took 20 minutes before they rudely did. they proceeded to give us dirty looks (employees and manager)...told other customers in line what happened. Openly saying "THAT IT IS PEOPLE LIKE US THAT TAKE ADVANTAGE OF SITUATIONS." Customers gave my kids dirty looks and shook their heads while the employees looked on in their direction with pleasure.


I have went to WalMart store more than twice and received the worse service ever, and I have made complaints to the store manager on duty every time, and his answer is always an excuse. Then have the rudeness to treat me as if I am nothing or nobody, when I spend thousands of dollars at WalMart. The receipt reads at the top ST# 0451 OP# 00005797 TE# 10 TR# 06245, in this transaction the clerk double charged me and I called the store and the man listened to me then he said oh let me transfer me to customer service and the phone just rang. The night before the night customer service manager Mike had no register open then he said he would come to the self check out to assist myself, mom & sister, but never came the clerk at the self check out told us she didn't know how to price check the items we had. It was just a terrible experience. We spend so much money at WalMart to be treat piss more by your staff at this store. And this Mike night customer service manager is very rude along with this Christine customer service manager. I have been in customer service for years and know how to treat customers, and it is oblivious these two individual do not have the skills to wear such a badge that recognize them as customer service manager. I am thinking very serious about taking my family business and money to Target. This store has struck my last nerve. Once a very happy WalMart shopper, Sheena Waggoner.


I went to walmart yesterday to look at the plants. Many of the plants were wilted and when I say many it was the majority. I said something about it to a girl working and she said they didn't have any way to water them. I've been there before and they had a hose on a reel to use for watering. I don't understand walmart having a garden center, having beautiful plants shipped and before the plants are there anytime they look have dead. Are the customers suppose to buy these full price or what. This happened last year also, they just let the plants die.


Quincy fl pharmacy. Droped off prescriptions on Thursday March 26 for my disabled wife and they scanned it in the system and said she was in their computer. Drove 10 miles Saturday to pick it up then they said oh we need her medicare card. I said why didn't you tell me that before. Pissed. Drove back 10 miles home then 10 miles back again. No more business from me in that store ever.


I was being checked out at register 10 at the Burlington nj walmart prices on a few items were ringing up wrongly I told the check out girl she body told me prices do go up and did not take the time to call someone to check the prices. I was also purchasing water which I asked if I had to lift the water so she could ring it up her response was I will get to it. She did not tell me what my total was at the end of the transaction I have to ask her what the total was and when she handed me my change she didn't say anything maybe I was expecting to much but a least she could have said thank you for shopping with walmart or have a nice day. I think she might need to be re trained with that type of attitude and show courtesy to get prices checked if a customer is requesting since we all work hard for our money. I will not be revisiting that walmart sometimes one bad experience is all it takes for a customer not to return.


My complaint has to do with the continuous and woefully unprofessional conduct and behavior of one Ms.Bianca, pharmacist of the Walmart store located at 5929 Georgia Avenue, NW, Washington, DC - her unwillingness to honor a valid Walmart coupon that was submitted to have a much needed prescription filled. In effect, behavior that has become part of a pattern and practice at this particular store. Please call me at 202 292-2396 so that I can explain away, in detail, the overall problems associated with this store - from managers appearing overwhelmed and indecisive to the General Manager, Alvin Robinson, never being in the store to mediate and resolve customer complaints, among other very serious operational issues...


I was verbally attacked by two customers and three or four Walmart Employees for no reason. They followed me to the front doors. I ended up in the ER. I called to complain and was ignored then called corporate office. Still ignored but referred to Market manager who still has not gotten back with me. I feel like this is not something that should be ignored. I am owed at the very least, an apology!


Wal-Mart, for the most part and Sam's Club, has the best prices and is always clean with courteous associates. Last Friday, my family stopped to get a birthday present for my granddaughter. At the register, the price rang up as $34.95. My wife sais that she thought the price was more like $19.95. The associate called back for a check and my wife was correct. The associate immediately credited back the incorrect price and charged the correct price. I thought that this was just an honest mistake, my wife told me in the car that it had happened before with an item that our daughter picked up in the line at the register.

Tonight, I went in to get a bag of candy. the price was $3 or 4 dollars. It showed up at the register as $8.98. I knew that this was wrong so I told the associate that I would run back to see the price. The price was $3.58. One time could be a mistake, two times gets me a little concerned, THREE times means that I cannot trust the register to accurately scan the price. From this day forward, I now have to write down prices as I put things in my cart because I never know which one will come up with 30, 40, 50% or more above the price listed on the shelves. All of these transactions took place at the Wal-Mart #5727 in Bradenton Fl. Your receipt says "Low Prices You Can Trust Every Day". For the last 3 trips to Wal-Mart, this has not been true!


In the local (Portland Oregon) newspaper was a ad for Walmart Miracle-Gro Garden Soil .75 cf @ 5 for $10.00. When I went to the Sherwood Oregon store to make a purchase of this item I was told that the store was too small to carry the item. I then tried to order for local pickup and was told that the item was not available within 50 miles. My Complaint is why place a ad in our local news paper for a item and not at least say that the item was only available in certain stores. The ad said nothing of this and I was rather pissed that I drove 8 miles to make this purchase and was not able to get it. I may never shop again at Walmart for the fear that the item will not be there.


Complaint, Walmart Park Plaza, Customer Service and Money Center, Cashier to the Left, and I was walked over to the next counter near ATM Machine, where the Walmart Cashier, picked apart my license, and they both found something wrong with a, Woodside Management check mailed to me certified, I live here at Stonebridge Apartments, Modesto California, and Woodside Management is our owners, We decided to cash $100.00 check here a Walmart, purchase, chips, dip, soda's for the kids dinner party, However, we were extremely mistreated by your employees there, even though, I have shopped there for the last 3 years at least monthly, It was a racial profiling, discrimination, case, and I am quite offended of how some of us are treated in regard to our color, although tolerant of low behavior, or bad character flaws, I am saddened it continues at Walmart this location.

Your McHenry Location, ***** in customer service, while your park plaza location gets * star, I just happened to be closer to Park Plaza and it takes one bus Modesto City bus the (25) or (36) to get there. I am spending some $200 to $300.00 each visit, not to include both daughters, One shopping at Park Plaza while the other at Mchenry Location. However, they both had me put in my social security number, ran the check some 6 times through your computer system and turned down by both cashiers, while the customer service person, picked at my Arizona Driver License issued in 2004, my birth state, I as well, had California State ID first issued in 1971, I am saddened also, humiliated over the mistreatment, God Bless, in hopes this doesn't happen again, Thank you, Walmart.


The customer service area needs to revamped. Customers stand around while one young girl waits on them (returns, complaints, etc.). The rest pretend to act busy in order to avoid waiting on customers. I had printed two pictures and did not know that they had to be paid for at customer service so I did some shopping and when I checked out, they did know what to do with the picture slip. I explained, and was told to pay the fifty-eight cents in customer service. I went over and waited seven minutes (one person in front of me). Three other employees were doing other things. I find this an unacceptable way to treat customers.


Hi, I'm an employee with the Diana TX store and first want to thank you for my being hired into the store. I just began working there and am a little put off that you don't have seating for employees who stand on their feet all day and have their breaks outside. There is one seat in front of the store but they don't want employees smoking there. So it would be wonderful if we could have a seated break area outside, since we live in Texas it would be appreciated if there where a cover over the area because of the sun and rain. Thank you for taking your time to read this email


we purchased a 40' element tv from your store. had a problem right away-horizontal lines for approx. 5 minutes until it warmed up-ok we lived with this small problem. next the remote would not turn on or off the tv. had to used the manual button-1st called direct tv and they sent us a new black box, it did not fix problem, then set would not turn on at all. Now problem is determined has to be the set-so we call Wal-Mart and are told because set is 7 months old and over the stores 90 day warranty period we must contact element in California. so we do and element goes over the same protocol as we previously had done they tell us tv must be sent to them in cal. we have to ship it at our cost $46.03 package it at our cost $27.52 and if there is any damage to tv whatever warranty is void. also claim is good for 30 days only. then we are told when they receive tv-within 4-6 weeks we will receive a refurbished unit. so we paid $298- for this tv which we wont have for 2 months has not worked properly from day one-oh by the way we purchased vizio tv from Walmart prior to this and has worked fine and still does work good. needless to say this has been a very stressful upsetting and time consuming hassle. I look forward to your timely response. sincerely scott & jean.


My wife called the store pharmacy trying to get a prescription refill gave our info to attendant out of state said she couldn't find our store# 5424 twice long haul truckers get prescriptions filled all over country worst service ever for store #3835. Finally got to store after contacting my pharmacy at home who contacted store in OOLTEWAH, TN., then stop to get medicine didn't have medicine needed, not courteous people worst ever.


I purchased a phone from WalMart in Opelousas Louisiana,I had to swap it out 3 times,first one didn't work,second and third phone was tagged in at&t computer as at&t restricted both phones.I went to WalMart 3-22/15 to see what the problem was. One of the phones I returned was missing,customer service department,electronics department and the manager we're very rude as if i would have stole the phone which is impossible! I left the store very mad because they kept the Las phone I brought in and kept the $53,which was my son's graduation money. Some one in customer service department is stealing from WalMart and in this matter they pinned it on my son and I. All I wanted was a different phone.

They had everything messed up, two phones I purchased were both restricted by at&t because the imei number didn't match the imei number on the box,what is the chance of that happening twice? Then they couldn't locate a receipt or the second phone i bought. I want my son's money back or a phone. Some one at WalMart and at&t messed up bad now I'm considered a thief,there is no way possible you can steal a phone from WalMart electronics,i was very offended by the customer service department and electronic staff,and the manager was very mean ,cocky and rude!, please contact me at 337-308-9028 my name is Jeannie Stelly. I want this matter resolved,I'm a paying customer and WalMart kept the restricted phone i bought and my money because there's nothing they could do because the second phone returned is missing. That's not my problem. If i have to get a lawyer i will.I'm not worried about me,it's my son who graduated and decided to go to WalMart to purchase the phone.

The people in customer service department and electronic department need to be fired,because someone has the returned phone and my money. As for the manager,she needs to be let go also,my opinion. Isn't the saying ( the customer is always right?) well that WalMart staff called me a thief but i left there after two hours trying to resolve the issue to find out the second phone i returned was no where to be found!so my son has no phone and WalMart cheated him out of his graduation money because someone in customer service is stealing. Please contact me asap i need this problem resolved, if it isn't it won't be pretty because i PAID FOR THE PHONE I DIDN'T STEAL Anything, It's IMPOSSIBLE.


There is a Walmart located on Lafeyette Road Indianapolis Indiana. The service there is absolutely horrible and the employees who are on the floor and cashier do not tend to employees instead they talk and play ignoring customers who need service. My worst experience was involving the deli. The woman there name tag Andrea ignores and talks on everytime I come to store after work. I asked her to please get me something and she will make a big deal of doing her job. She makes experience shopping there horrible everytime and I have been offended for the last time by her dreadful customer service.


First my complaint is for the Wal-mart tire center in westvalley Yakima Washington the first time 2/2014 I took my truck in to have tires mount and balanced after having it for 45 minutes the tell me they don't have a lug wrench big enough so I give them my star wrench they then have it another 30 minutes and tell me they don't have a torque stick big enough and the manager wanted to laugh when I was clearly pissed off 2 time I called them to have two tires on my mini van mount and balanced and rotated the tire center closes at 7:00pm it is 5:35pm they tell me they can't do it to come back at 7:00am because they have to finish an oil change and put two tires back on another truck now to be clear I am not mechanic tire person but I have change oil and never has it taken me over twenty minutes needless to say Wal-mart sucks and I will never go to the tire center again I will pay the extra money!!!!!!


Store number 5443 ran out of Walmart to Walmart money gram receive forms. They are having customer stand in line and tell them when they reach the register. Linda the store did know the receive were not available. They are asking customer to go to another store after standing in line for greater than five minutes. Linda said "I will try to fix it. She did not return. I stood waiting on an answer for 20 minutes. Customer should be kept inform of what they are trying to do. The money have cashier talking to friends while customers are standing in line.


Store number 5443 ran out of Walmart to Walmart money gram receive forms. They are having customer stand in line and tell them when they reach the register. Linda the store did know the receive were not available. They are asking customer to go to another store after standing in line for greater than five minutes. Linda said "I will try to fix it. She did not return. I stood waiting on an answer for 20 minutes. Customer should be kept inform of what they are trying to do. The money have cashier talking to friends while customers are standing in line.


Our Walmart does not keep the products supplied. They are always out of things. We are a very small town and need products to be there when we need them. For instance they were out of lettuce today. Two weeks ago they were out of the gallon jugs of Arrowhead water. I had to drive a hour to get to another Walmart just to buy water. Then I had to drive another hour to get back home. Our Walmart is located in Salida, Colorado. It is so depressing when they cannot order the items they are running out of. Something needs to be done with this Walmart . If they are not going to keep things in stock they should be forced to have to close there doors. There management does not care about keeping products in the store.


Me and my wife went to your store Forrest City AR to pick up some paint that she needed to paint a project for a lady. Couldn't find the paint she needed so we asked the young lady and young man putting up stock if they had crackle.They couldn't find it so I ASKED if I could get them to order it the young lady went to ask the manger. So the assistant manger Arma come over to look if she could find it she couldn't.So she just walk off not telling us anything. So I asked to speak to the manger MATHEW FIGGINS and I guess we wasn't speeding enough money for him to come see if he could help. If Walmart going to put items online then they should put what stores are going to carry the items because I can't go to all their store.


Yesterday I went the Walmart in Boonville, IN and after getting all of my shopping done, which wasn't easy to find everything I wanted. I went to the check out and I needed to get some cigarettes and that lane was marked 20 items or less and I had a cart full and there was already a line of people there so I went to the second lane over (there was only 3 lanes open) I waited until the 2 people ahead of me got done then after all of my food is on the conveyor belt it is my turn and the first thing I tell the lady is I need a carton of cigarettes and she tells me that she can't do that I will have to put everything back in my cart and go over to the other lane or go ahead and check out and then get back in the other lane and get the cigarettes.

I asked for the manager and he told me the same thing I told him that the other lane was for 20 items or less and this lane says you must 18 to purchase tobacco products and that is what I am doing. This is not a lane for 20 item or less and you are not going to get me the cigarettes I ask for and he said no so I left all of my food on the lane and walked out. If there is only one lane that can sell you tobacco product then it should say so and not be a lane for 20 item or less because if you use that other people will get upset for a person with more item than that, I left very upset and did my shopping elsewhere and will not ever go back to that store or any other walmart. I was not treated very well at all!


I went to Walmart today because I called them this morning asked them if my ring I sent back into get sized I was told on the phone it was in so I told the lady I would be in to get it today...when I got there nobody was working jewelry counter but a lady from clothing department .which had no keys to the safe where my ring would be . she called two managers over they had no idea how to find my ring so I had to wait an hr for the lady who was running the jewelry counter to get back from lunch. long story short when the lady who was running the counter came back from lunch told me yes I called you yesterday and left a message.

So I called my voicemail well I was there no message from anyone from Walmart so she stood there arguing with me then proceeded to tell the manager she had called me and left a message which I told the manager no message on phone then she proceed to tell the manager that I must of came already and picked the ring up and no one made me sign for it which I told her wasn't true the lady stood there and said well the was here yesterday long story short my ring never came back after standing there for hr after she got back to work they finally figured my ring hadn't come back yet from being sized . I feel that they need to make it right because I wasn't lying about no phone call and I never came picked up a ring that wasn't even there ..I would appreciate a phone call back one this matter or I will quit shopping Walmart which i am there 4 x a week.


We went to Walmart and they don't have enough registers open at night when we go check out the customer service isn't the best I've had.


I was leaving the store in Evanston WY. while I was taking my bags out of the cart the man pushing the return carts in slammed the whole line of carts into me, I said excuse me and he did it again and then started yelling at me. I could not believe this was happening after I had just spent my hard earned money in your store. Yet another reason not to shop at this store!!!! I expect to hear back from someone about this as I am very upset!!!


I bought a set of headlights next day when taking old ones out I bought wrong ones I could not find reset I looked up online I also called I was told would be a problem I went to store with unopened pack of headlights and lady at customer counter got rude said I could not exchange or get refund I asked for manager she said he cant help me ive never had a bad experience with walmart before this I don't understand why I cant find in any rule says I should not be able to get return was around 25 bucks for headlights now cost me over 50 to by another set I am no longer a customer of walmart yes my fault lost receipt but even if rule says cant return why all the hostile and verbal actions towards me!


The Walmart at irving ,valley ranch texas is always busy with long lines at checkout. If you try to ask an employee on anything nobody is interested in helping . And a lot of them cannot speak in English or handle if anything comes up at checkout. I went to return something yesterday and the indian lady with glasses at costumer service was very rude. She didn't have the skills to be working at costumer service. Just seems like very mismanaged place where employees are talking to each other than doing their job.


Call the store on today March 6, 2015 three times for the electronic department was placed on hold for that pacific department was on hold for 15 mins call back the second time and was placed on hold this time even long. called the third time and asked to speak with a manager the rep on the call paged the manager and the department several times but no one answered at all. That is absolutely ridiculous for a Major company like Walmart to be operated in such a poor uncaring. If it wasn't for the customer's you would be in business. Sincerely, Help!


I pre ordered a Gold Nintendo Mario Amiibo figure and then was told a week a later my order was canceled now multiple source have found that select stores are stocking it early. Which could affect my chances at waiting in the freezing cold on Friday morning when I'm waiting for a local Wal mart open up only to find out they sold them days before release. I get these collectables are hard to stock, I get more orders and quantity on stock is hard to forecast for such a big store but don't cancel my pre order say, there wasn't enough stock then be clumsy about the few stock you do send to stores. Now these people among the many others who made multiple single pre order purchases and sold this particular item out originally, have posted it for online auction for 100 times the retail prices. Which makes me wonder if they have proper employees protocol when it comes to something they EXCLUSIVELY sell but ONLY in LIMITED stock .


Can you please tell me the Bereavement Time Off Policy (PD-06) for a employee that work 32 hour a work. It my sister-in law. If it not paid time off can they write me up or not give me the time off. Please send me the info asap and if you can tell me where I can get a copy of the policy. thanks


I order my living room furniture on your online web site. On march/10/2015 my living room furniture was suppose to be delivered between 11:00am to 3.00pm. I personally took off from work to wait for a delivery that did not show. At 3.00 pm I received no call to let me know that they was going to be late. I had to call them and was told that it will be at my house between 4.00pm and 5.00pm. But at 5.00 they still had not delivered my furniture and I received no call. So once again I call them for the second time and they said it should be there in 15 minutes. But that 15 minute turned into an hour. So at 6.00pm I made another call for the third time. This time a young lady keep me on hold for 10 minutes to see where the delivery trunk was. Finally the delivery truck showed up as I was still on hold. Once the young lady return to the phone I let her know he was there. I was not happy with the service, I had to wait 7 hours with no courtesy calls. I wasted a hole day sitting and waiting. And I feel I should be compensate for my troubles. Because of this incident I choose not to order from your online web site.


I tried to purchase a sweater that was marked $3.00. It was on the clearance rack and had makeup on the front -- I figured was the reason it was marked down. The cashier said the cash register message would not let me purchase the sweater, because there was something wrong with the item. I explained, "Yes, there was clearly makeup on the sweater...." The cashier called two managers over and they both said that I could not purchase the sweater -- it was an item that had something wrong with it. They would not let me purchase the sweater, and in fact argued with me. I had just purchased a grocery cart worth $198.00 worth of merchandise and they argued with me about a marked down sweater that clearly had makeup on the front of it. P.S.


My wife and I shop at Walmart all the time. We buy everything from groceries, dog food, T.V.'s. even change our oil there. We live close so go there multiply times a week. We also have been a member of Sam's club since they opened. They have a 20 or less checkout that I usually use because I go there so much. The last 10 or so times I have gone there, there is always someone with a full cart getting checked out. Why have the 20 or less checkout if you don't use it for that. I have talked to the managers about it and they tell me that they tell the checkout people to use it the way it is intended. The checkout people tell me that the managers tell them to take the full cart people and ignore the 20 or less people because they would rather make the 20 or less people mad than the full cart people because it is more business. I am not making this up. We spend 1000's of dollars a year there and I will simply start shopping somewhere else. I have been to other stores and the checkout people adhere to the policies of the store. It is really upsetting to be lied to when you are a good customer. You are losing a good customer. Maybe it doesn't matter to your company because they are so big. I can't believe that is the fact because that is bad for the store and you will lose a lot of money. The store number of our store is 1971 and it is in Rochester, Mn. Thank-you for your time


I'm an avid Walmart shopper. This morning at apx 11:45, the associate had finished keying in all of my items. I first handed her a gift card which still had funds remaining on it. She tossed the card back, saying, "this card is no good." I said, "it's a gift card, from Walmart, check it out." She did, and sure enough, funds were remaining to use. I asked her why she tossed the card at me, and why was she being rude. She proceeded to look at a customer behind me and asked her, "was I rude?" The lady behind me just rolled her eyes, she knew she was not part of our conversation, nor did she want to be. The associate never said sorry for the mistake on the card, or for being so rude. I paid the remaining balance not covered by the "gift card", with my WM card. Receipt info: ST# 3213, OP# 00004478, TE# 08, TR# 08968. Most every associate are very friendly, please work on her. Thank you very much!


Went to Walmart in Utica NY to purchase a new HD FLAT Screen TV 3/8/15 and THEY WERE OUT OF STOCK???? The big box store? I couldn't believe it. I went to the circle of 5 or 6 store clerks doing NOTHING at the checkout counter and asked for help with the TV's and they answered WE ARE OUT OF TVS...ReallY? I traveled 40 miles one way to the closest WALMART for a TV and they are out. Then one smart ass clerk said - DID YOU BOTHER TO CALL AHEAD? WHAATT? its 2015 kid and WALMART is supposed to have it ALL and since when do you have to call ahead for a TV??? what a snot. Unbelievable - WALMART carries so much JUNK FROM CHINA it should be BANNED. WILL NEVER SHOP AT WALMART AGAIN - JUNK


I called in a re- fill prescription for my pet. I specifically told the worker that I had a new phone number for the Vet. The next day I go to pick up the prescription it is not ready and no one can find it. I have to wait in two different lines to get some sort of information on what has happened. The worker says she called and the vet said the pet needs a new test. So I asked the worker to call the vet back because I had just got a new test done for the medicine 2 week ago. Her response was why would I call back she already has told me she would not sign off on it. So I am like wow this person will not call the Vet to clear up the problem. so I just left and told them I will go somewhere else. Which I did and got the prescription filled without any problems. Turn out the worker had called the wrong vet and not the number I gave her and if she had recalled when I asked that would have taken care of the problem. Wal-Mart in McDonough, Ga. 30353. I will never go back to that pharmacy. The service was shabby from start to end.


I started on my lunch break about 1:30 pm on a Wednesday afternoon and wanted to pick up a few items from Walmart. I have recently had to use crutches due to an injury. As I entered the store I noticed there were no scooters. Several other handicapped customers entered the store as well. When a employee was approached by one of the customers for assistance the employee said that was not part of his job. There where no scooters. Not only did I waste my lunch, my time and energy. The employee was rude.


Walmart advertises low prices and will meet competitor prices. For a prescription I needed for an antibiotic for upcoming surgery, Walmart's price for Levaquin was approx. $11/tablet and my prescription is for 3 tablets or $33 to fill it. This is the highest price compared to all of the other CVS, Rite Aid and Walgreen pharmacies. At the KMART pharmacy the TOTAL cost for the 3 tablets was $11.35 Walmart lies and in this case was over 300% higher than Kmart and about 150-200% higher than all other local pharmacies.


I went to Walmart Sunday afternoon to get groceries. I came out to my car and noticed a woman and her kids in a burgundy van pulling out from a parking place beside me. I noticed they were standing by my car and when they pulled out and left and I looked over and noticed writing on my window saying idiot written in lipstick. I went in to get security and was told they don't work on Sundays and call back tomorrow and talk to them about the security tapes. They weren't very helpful.


I do all of my shopping on line, i like to take my time looking at everey thing, but something changed you place so much junk from other stores all around the items i'm tring to see i can't tell what's what! If i wanted to shop at other stores i would go to other stores, it also keeps locking up after everthing comes up at once then i can't get to what i want! I'm a disable senior citizen unable to go to stores, get distracted and agravated to so mch junk at one time, my friends too. I guess it's worth paying a little extra for comfort and no aggravation. Besides i heard something about you helping muslims?


Went to Walmart to use the rest room and they were nasty. I fill like germs are spread like wild fire in this store maybe I should call health department and take photos of it.


I'm Disabled and we went to the side entrance where the Gates where closed and what concerned me most was that you are not complying to the fire exit Standards. When you where given the permit to build the store You needed to provide that exit to use in an emergency basis and are violating the Township Fire regulations. Your handicap scooters are being used by everyone that feels like using the carts fro kids to perfectly competent people everyday and you have relinquished all responsibility for the use.of the parking area you don't have near enough spaces and no one is enforcing the management of any of these areas.

The store has increased all the prices by at least 30 % since before Thanksgiving. You have installed a huge of self checkouts and have reduced your employees by about 40% causing very long lines everywhere in the store including the self check out areas. WHAT A JOKE your Management has become to all your valuable customers in the York area. Most ot the handicap carts are out of order on not charged . Please feel to meet with me anytime or talk to me anytime. These issues are a very serious matter and can't be ignored or tolerated any longer.


Went this Walmart the park lot was so bad with snow that had remove it was a joke could not find a parking space. Also trouble getting check this girl had to spend , a long time talk to a pal and then had to put bags up had bags in the rake made people in line wait long time for her bad action. Her name was Hattie, this was in the Walmart in Middlesboro ky


I was at the walmart on old national and i really just wanted to walk back out or personally speak to a manager about my service. First walking into the walmart bathroom I was utterly displeased tissue was everywhere no toilet paper water was all over the place and the stalls was disgusting. I went ti the electronic section with my sister to get a tablet and had to wait hours just to even get someone for service then had to wait another half hour just for them to come over. On top. Of that there were no grocery carts I had to go outside in the rain in the Parking lot. lot to get one i need yall to get it together all these new hired employees it should not look like this.


Walmart has the worst customer service. They take forever to answer the phones. when they do, they transferr you to the right department while your in mid sentience and all you here is "one moment" They soound as if you have just ruined their entire day with your phone call. Its not professional . Walmart seems to hire anybody these days. S....A....D


Trying to call to see about an ordered item and get stuck on hold for long periods of time and calling back over and over and over and over again with nothing accomplished. Then speaking with the manager about issue to be insulted by them and rudely hung up on. This is unacceptable behavior. This manager's name is Jennifer. This happened around 3;30 p.m. on February 21 2015.


I had Walmart / Family Mobile for over a year on two seperate telephones and the service was never 100%, dropped calls and messages missed. My real problem is when you try to contact the company for any reason a non-english speaking or understanding person most likely in another country would answer the call and have difficulty understanding me or I would not understand the person. Recently I decided to replace with another carrier and I ported my telephones and called to say I was leaving Family Mobile. My problem was the person on the other end of the line and trying to get the idea I was leaving the plan.

He in this case was only interested in telling me I was overdue for my monthly payment and I tried to explain I knew that and was really a week overdue and would wait to get the final bill in order to reach the correct amount. I am too old to fool around with my credit and take my score very seriously. I had the new carrier port my number. I paid the Family Mobile bill the next day and and felt all was well! Big mistake now Family Mobile wants another $88.00 for not reporting my cancellation. I have filed a protest with the FCC and will file one with BBB today, this kind of treatment should be reported every time a customer is billed for the companies incompent employees.


We purchased a Visio "60" TV April 25th 2014 and brought a three year service plan in addition to a one year manufactures warranty. Unfortunately, after ten months the TV broke down. We called it to be serviced through Visio, who put us through to HDTV tech working with a contract company named Diversified TV. After, constant back and forth, repeatedly given rhetoric about the inability to service, this TV due to a height requirement (cannot service if, TV is higher than 5 ft. from floor) that was never disclosed when TV was purchased. Nor at time of sale when we also paid for TV to be mounted.

My husband and I both have disabilities and repeatedly informed these people (Diversified TV), that we were unable to unmount the TV. Had we known of this stipulation, we would have not opted to pay for it to be mounted in the first place. And to raise a question, if Walmart and all parties connected with service of such items, sell these items which the majority of the time are brought to be mounted, how do those who have disabilities, get properly serviced with these items. If the stipulation is in placed? Being, again unaware of this Height requirement, that was not disclosed at Point of Sale. I feel this is a breach of contract, or a misrepresentation of services, if you purchase an extended warranty on an item, in addition to the manufactures warranty, only to find when said services are requested, there are stipulation that weren't mention at time of sale.

It has been very disheartening process in addition to dealing with unprofessional people who seemingly, will hide behind a policy that needs to be revamped and revised. Shame on Walmart, Visio, Diversified TV and everyone connected with this idiotic policy, that doesn’t provide allowances for those who have disabilities. Or unable to physically, remove a TV purchased. I have shopped at Walmart for years and never dealt with a travesty of this multitude.


I need someone to contact me in reference to my visa prepaid debit card I can not get a resolution or any kind of help from any representatives at 8779374098. I have no been able to use my card or get my money off of it there has also been transactions made that was not made by me and I do not understand how because they put a block on my card on feb. 2 due to suspicious activity and was suppose to mail me a new card which I still have not received. I called on feb 16 to see what the status was on my new card and checked the balance of the card and it had a zero balance and it should of had 178.00 dollars on it. The hold was put on the card feb 2 I have not been able or made any transactions since then I asked that the hold be removed back on the second and they informed me they could not do that I would have to wait for my new card. I have spoke with three or four different reps and I have asked all of them to let me speak to someone that is higher than them so I could get this resolved and I am always told there is no one else I can speak with. I need to be contacted by someone who can help me get my money back and problem resolved I do not want to have to take further actions. Your help is greatly appreciated thank you.


14 months ago I bought a 37 inch Vizio tv . Now it won't turn on . After I tried to return it to the Wal-Mart I bought it from ( with the extended warrenty ) . I was given new paper work instructing me to mail it back to them . The run around that I have been given is more than 8 years in the army and an ex-wife ever trained me for . I will never buy another high dollar item from Wal-Mart SATISFACTION NOT GAURNTEED . I guarintee if you have a problem with a tv you bought from Wal-Mart you will become even more pissed off than you possably ever have been . WTF Wal-Mart


I recently purchased a email gift card for my father, the purchase request was easy, but not very informative of how it wold work. The request said a gift card would be mailed to my fathers email within 48 hours (usually immediately). The gift card did get there close to the the 48 hour mark. My father was having difficulities with his printer so he copied the card number down and brought it to his local wal-mart (40 miles from his home). Customer service was very busy because of the holiday season so he ended up waiting in line for 45 minutes, (not easy for a senior gentleman) when he made it to the front he was told by Walmart associate that he would need the email not just the number, he explained he why he was unable to print it and they offered no help. I can not understand why they could not allow him to verify his email address and use the number or let him check email there and print for him, or call me to verify I sent it or help him call someone that could access his email and email to store for printing. The associate did not make any attempt to help him or advise him why it was needed, just shooed him along like it was not her problem. My father left quite upset and when he told me how it went I felt the terrible for the trouble he had to go through to recieve a gift card from me. When I ordered the gift card they did not say the reciepent would have to print out entire email and bring to store, he told me his printer was down after I sent gift and I told him I thought it should be fine as long as he had the number, I even provided him with order number in case he needed it. I have been a loyal Walmart customer for many years, but I will now try to avoid using Walmart services or make purchases from them in the furture. Walmart needs to change it's logo to a large frown for unhappy customers.


I am a member of the Wal-mart family mobile plan with my brother Mike Seals. I had an agreement with Walmart to return a damaged phone, which I did on October 24,2012. The agreement was that I was to receive a return phone within seven working days upon the receipt. I confirmed with them that they received my phone via UPS, which I also paid for. I originally paid $150.00 for my phone, and they stated that since they no longer stocked that particular phone, they would replace it with a phone that would cost $99.00.

That would have been fine, if I ever got a phone back. Today is November19,2012, and they just keep telling me that it is also out of stock, and due to the storm, they cannot give me any information except that whenever they get one, they'll send me one. At first, they used the hurricane as an excuse, and now they just say that they can't give me a date. There is a Wal-mart ten minutes from my house, and it hurts me that they have to take money from lesser-fortunate people, who are already down on their luck.

I can't afford to buy another one because I am pending disability for two years. I also was getting side jobs to help to keep from losing my home, and all of my contacts were in that phone, and used that number. This doesn't seem to phase them, and because of them, I haven't been able to receive any side jobs in three weeks. I'm not even sure how I'm going to supplement my financial needs. Please help me with this situation if you can, because I don't see how they're able to get away with this. I have called and expressed my need of my phone to them over and over. They just don't seem to care.


Helped my son pick up a bureau and poster frames he had ordered at your Glenolden location. When the stock person rolled out the boxes, it was easy to notice that the top box had been badly damaged. When I looked inside, the frame was broken, and we were told that we had to go to the customer service dept. so my son could be credited on his account. It took my son another forty minutes to complete this transaction. During this entire process, no one even had the decency to apologize for our inconvenience. I will never set foot in another Walmart as long as I live, the experience was worse than having a root canal.


Today, November 4, 2010, at approximately 11:30 am I was shopping at the Wal-Mart in West Sacramento, Sacramento, California. My husband and I wanted to return a "wand" or remote for the Wii system and replace it with a black one. We were in the Electronics department and noticed that there was none available. So we started looking around the area to find someone to help. After looking for a while we finally saw an associate near the back of the store talking with another associate in the photo department. We walked up to them both and asked could we get some help in Electronics. The person standing on the outside of the counter in the photo area said he would help us.

So, we explained that we saw no "wands" for the Wii. We asked him could he look the "wand" up to see if we could purchase it online. He said we could do that at home. I said to him, just last week were in the store purchasing the Wii console just last week and when what we wanted was not there, the associates at that time were so helpful, one actually went online and helped us get everything we needed. I asked him why he could not do the same? Finally, he went online and then said to us that the "wind" was not available. The associate was extremely rude from the beginning, he acted as if we interrupted his conversation with the other associate in the photo area to begin with. Then, his tone when we tried to asked questions were just outride rude.

We asked for a manager to come and a supervisor (Jazmine) came over. She listen to my explanation about what happened and as I spoke to her the associated interrupted and said he asked my husband to come look at the computer to show him that the "wand" was not available. The associate (Matt) lied to her. He even went so far as to say check the cameras in the store and they would show him motioning to ask my husband to come around the counter to see that the "wand" was not available. At that time we both said to the supervisor and Matt, he was lying. My husband then told him he had no customer service skills. I looked at the supervisor and noticed there was little she could do about the matter so I asked to speak with a manager. Lisa, an assistant manager came over. I explained the problem once more and she apologized for his rude behavior. I told her that I also wanted to purchase a IPod but did not want to ask Matt to help because of his unwillingness to help us.

The assistant manager (Lisa) apologized and then turned to Matt to ask that he assist us. He did and while he helped, the assistant manager, Lisa told the supervisor, Jazmine not to leave until the transaction was complete. I am appalled at the way we were treated today at the store. I can't begin to tell you how much money I spend at Wal Mart and to be treated like a second class citizen is unspeakable. Not only would I like to be contacted about this matter, I expect and want to know if Matt received some type of reprimand for his actions. There is no need for anybody to come in a business and be mistreated the we were today with numerous customers on looking.


On the morning of 02/20/2013 my wife, Lois Einolf, had dental surgery in Cumberland, Maryland. The surgery was completed by about 9 AM and I was told that prescriptions for pain medicine and antibiotics were telephoned into the pharmacy at Oakland, Maryland's Walmart Store. I was also told that it was very important to get my wife on this pain medicine as soon as possible before the numbness to her jaw wore off. I took my wife back home immediately located in the McHenry area of Garrett County, Maryland, a 45 minute trip from Cumberland. After making sure that my wife was as comfortable as possible, I proceeded immediately to Walmart in Oakland to return a bad product and obtain the prescription. Upon going to the pharmacy counter and inquiring about my wife's prescription, I was told that it would be another 30 minute wait. The pharmacy was not busy with visible customers at that time. I told the gentleman behind the counter that it had been over an hour since this prescription was called in and that my wife needed the drugs to relieve the pain of dental surgery.
He apologized and said he would 'Bump it up." In reality, it had been over 2 hours since this prescription had been called in and I told him that their response time was unacceptable. I do believe that more than 2 hours to fill pain medication for patients who have just had surgery is not in the best interest of the patients care and comfort. Needless to say I am very upset with Walmart and what seems to be a lack of timely prescription filling. This will probably be the last prescription I have filled at Walmart and would not recommend Walmart's services to any of my friends and relatives.
Donald E Einolf Jr.

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