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Publishers Clearing House Contact Information
Report complaints to corporate and get satisfactionPublishers Clearing House headquarters address
- 101 Winners Circle
- Port Washington
- NY 11050
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Top Publishers Clearing House Complaints
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Dear Publisher's Clearing House:
On December 10, 2019, I returned to you a pair of Palazzo Pants. You have sent me a bill saying I owe $29.48 for these pants. I'm assuming that you've not received them, as yet. So, I notified your Billing Dept. that I returned the pants and I did not pay for them. Then, today, 1-11 2020, I copied the USPS Sender's Form and a copy of your bill and I will be sending this out on Monday, 1-13-2020, to your Returns Dept. The pants were sent to an Ontario address, as directed, so this may take more time in getting to you and being processed by you. I hope this situation will be resolved very soon. Thank You. Mary Craig
Order No. # 3065 0399 3467 Customer ID No. # 01826694190

for over two weeks I have been trouble with the keno game , I can't get a game to run right.

Lately the quality of playing any game tokens has been very poor. Games stall out and fail for no apparent reason. No matter what ad-blocker software I use, I still get them and always just as I'm about to finish a segment. I've complained many times and the games are still F**led up . The loot-case game has an ad popup in the middle of the game ; preventing me from getting all the cases popped ; VIP locks up and even the slots and the lotto fouls up. I'm tired and fed up !

For months I have been given some else’s login page I have told them that and they correct for awhile but it soon comes back trying to correct it is frustrating I enjoy playing their games but now I have to check the login they write down and have to work and work to get it changed my I’d is they send me one that starts with vgato I hope they see this and correct thanks Delia Flores 5056037343 df42848@

Dear Sir,
PCH delivered to my house two pink bathroom throw mats, which were supposed to be Rubberized on one side, Both sides a knit wool but not rubberized. What is the sense in getting a non rubberized bathe or shower throw mats. It is an accident waiting to happen. Please correct the shipping error and I will be glad to return the pink one to you.
Very Truly Yours,
Harvey Hecht -908-338-3777
4080 Tivoli Ct. Apt.302.
Lake Worth Fl. 33467

Received an empty envelope that should have contained 2 items, I called the number and was told I would
receive those items in 2 to 3 weeks....
when I talked to the lady ,.,I didn't know my id number...gave her my winning number and found out that
it was another person's winning number is 4913 5192 5507....WHY IS THAT NUMBER ALSO

I ordered 3 peony plants from you a few weeks ago. They arrived today. I just wanted to tell you that I was disappointed with the way they were shipped. They were thrown into a plastic mailing bag and nothing else. No directions on planting, what kind of soil is best or any info on how long before you have blooms. I don't know where they came from, but I do think it was very shoddy the way they were sent out. Thank you for your time.

For the last three days, I cannot get any action on the entry tab from your e-mails. I get intimidating threats from your people, have placed orders cannot send the request, the dam tab is dead!

I would like to know why when I go into your pages I cannot get the proper thing to come up. Frustrating to no end

I received 3 deliveries I did not order the following:
1, Woman's Health Magazine
2. a box with infant items
3. Item in a yellow Envelope I did not open
Please respond ASAP
I am deeply return Items accept Magazine to the address below:
720 Winners Circle
St. Cloud, MN 56399

No one can finish a "complete" game of Keno. Why? Because of the commercials. I have said this a dozen or so times but to no avail. Cannot wait until Friday, God knows!

For four weeks now my games have been getting harder to play , when the game starts it runs fine but as soon YOU MAY LIKE ad starts the game stops and will not run . I have tried not running an ad blocker and sometimes they work for a few games then quit , other times they will run with the ad blocker on and then quit. Is there a reason I can't play the games ? Would somebody send me an answer please.

I did not order anything from you. I received items in the mail. I have been asking for the past 2 months how to return it.
You never want to answer but you want to charge me for the stuff.
Send me information on how to return it or let me keep the stuff for free.
You have screwed me over for the last time.
Nellie Gustn

your games are not working.
please fix them thank you.

I can no longer complete a full Keno game because of all the ads running on every screen
so will just quit playng Keno. This is an invasion of privacy and should not be tolerated by
people. The games used to be fun, but longer are, so I will just quit playing!!!!!!

I have been playing the various games on PCH for years. Now, it is almost impossible due to the relentless ad push-especially on pch lotto. I used to be able to play all the games on pch lotto is just over an hour but now I can't finish all of them even in 2 hours. On 3/28, my browser froze up, then crashed because of all the damn ads. If I could give PCH no stars, I would. I am ready to say hasta la vista baby and quit playing anything on their website for good.

For the last four days KENO games will NOT work. What's up everybody else seams to being doing well scoring tokens.

Did not get reimbursement or information on the lilys. Thisbproduct out of stock and the first order the surprise gift I was charged for.

I recently paid in full for a knife set 3 weeks ago (or more) and have not received it yet: (3/14/19). Could you forward my purchase or refund my entire price ASAP? Thanks.

my subscriptions for one year have been over I keep getting magazines I did not order and have been charged for this needs to be stopped. I have put in a call to the attorney general of this complaint.

After two weeks I still can not finish one full game of Keno because of ten or minutes are taken up with ads. Is this only happening to me or is this a problem for everybody ?

Are you ever going to fix this 1 min. ad and a two sec.a game?The tokens are so low , what's up with that ?

Why don't you ever answer a complaint? I've emailed you for over two weeks about your poor ads and lower tokens and nothing except the games are slower and the ads are longer.

I want your compamy to remove my number 9097713684 from all of your connected apps that i have been just induldged with way too many texts and emails
Please remove me immediately. I hope this message gets into the hands of someone who has a little. Compation forthe ones who dont want anything to do with your company
Thamk you

Here we go again same ad from sk11 again and again. now keno is so slow that I can't get to the bonus games anymore. I have playing these games for over 5 years and have amassed over 280 Million tokens which have never played me anything.I'm not running any ad blockers why the rotten treatment ?

just what do I have to do to be able to play a game fairly run? Keno can not be played to the end because the ads are slow to start and long running . Are you trying to make me quit ?

YOU ARE RUNNING THE SAME AD AS LAST WEEK ON EVERY GAMES AGAIN. The games were working just fine ,but now no other ads run and sk-11 is all you show . great job again.

I have written before about this ad that has taken over the whole games. It is wrecking the whole thing with over a minute run time whereas the games only take about 10 to 20 seconds. I would not mind but watching such a bad made ad. Everything about it is poor. I wonder if the other ad people are aware of their ads not being run. This been going on for over a week so far. Do you ever plan to get back to normal?

I have emailed complaints about the video ads before and after a game, during the confirmation that I completed a sweepstakes and a Token Bonus. I complained about the same video ad that was 48 seconds long and that it was the ONLY ad through 10 cards (2 sets of 5) in VIP Elite games. In fact, it took me an hour to complete VIP games. Of the 44 ads, 30 were SK-ll . Totally, the ads ('loading' to completion) too 30 minutes. And the 46 actual games placed also took 30 minutes.
I played the first 24 LOTTO games. There were 26 video ads and blank 'time' It took me 30 minutes total. 11 minutes of games & bonus played and 19 minutes of Video ads & 'empty spaces'. Please note: 18 of the video ads were SK-ll
In the past several weeks, when I have time to play the PCH games, I've had to deal with changes that deal with ad blocking. Sometimes, everything is fine. Later, I can't get into the videos in FrontPage without disabling the ad blocker. I can't finish the PCH minute games either. The whole page disappears . When I disable the ad block, the first video ad is SK-ll. Actually, every other game I try, this 50 second video ad shows up.
This is NOT a complaint about not appreciating the ads. It's a frustrating cry for variety the ads...AND showing them in shorter versions. CintA's ads where short but were always changing enough to keep my attention. An ad that is too long and is shown continually, gamers or customers will see it as an intrusion to their obnoxious ad that interrupts their concentration on a game...And it WILL have a negative effect on them and eventually PCH will start losing customers.
Did anyone notice an announcement...a statement explaining what was going to happen to their gaming pleasures? That soon you won't be able to use ad blocking on PCH? That, sometimes, the games and settings will be free of the video ads....for a day...half a day....or less.
Yes, for the past several weeks, I've felt like PCH has been using me...and others who have trouble figuring out when block disabling is necessary. Yes, I feel that PCH's changes have taken the fun out the games.
Advertising is necessary for PCH to survive and pay winners. PCH advertising needs to be changed so its current and future customers will want to continue playing the games. It is wrong - a very bad choice - to have a very long (and now quite obnoxious) ad that is shown continually in a game that includes 5 cards - and each card needs all of 4 seconds to complete, There can be short 10 to 15 second ads there but definitely not before AND in the middle of confirmation of a game. It was a good choice to have short ads in front of the videos on the FrontPage.
PCH claims they want their customers to be happy...enjoy the games, etc.
Using your customers as Pavlov did with dogs is definitely not appropriate here.

I have sent two other e-mails and haven't heard a word about them.let me repeat myself again , your running the sk-11 ad is way to long ,poorly done and repeated way to many times . Are you ever going to change it or am I stuck with being forced to watch an garbage ad forever?pleas replay.

Last week I submitted a complaint about an ad running almost every game ,well now it not only is to long ,it do NOT right . It takes forever to load . SK-11 should find another model who doesn't act like a meth head.
Tried to enter on this bulletin before deadline...could not enter...

you are running one ad every game I play ,it is to long and of no interest to me as I DO NOT USE THIS KIND OF PRODUCT . I think this kind of ads are like brain washing. I have played your games for years and watched more and more ads , lower token payouts .I STARTED USING AN AD BLOCKER TO CUT DOWN A LOT OF THE ADS , BUT I STOPPED USING WHEN ASKED TO . Now I HAVE TO SEE THIS SK-11 AD NO MATTER WHAT. I HOPE YOU CAN RESOLVE THIS MATTER SOON.I don't play for the prizes but for the fun. Thank you in advance.

please I spend a lot of money in you company ,and I never winning a penny from you .so remove my name and address of you list

I received my cook book today 1/12/2019 item # 54OTH5 the cover was broken off the rest of the book and couldn't be repaired. The book is called "Welcome Home Cookbook"
My customer I.D.# 019 1681 2058/order # 3062 0195 5809. I think I need a credit to my account.

Thanks a lot. I complained about some of the games I play evey day, So noe this new year I can't finish any games that I so much enjoyed playing this past year, Now there all fucked up and cain't play any of them, Cain't enter any of the millon doallr sweeps cain't do shit, either I must have won something (witch I hope) or you people need some new technitions, did'nt have any problem taking away special gifts. I just don't get it and am about ready to quit, So far I have over 43,000,000 tokens and can't even redeem them. what the hell.

They need to get the system set up to take partial payments online

Latest order acknowledged. Previous order not acknowledged or shipped. My customer ID number is 2051346860. Missing order was for 2 COOKING CONVERSION MAGNETS. Order was submitted by me on 26 September 2018,

I keep getting bills to pay for items I bought from PCH. In particular for an antique bracelet (which I have paid) and for LED lights (which I have cancelled). I have proof that I did, in fact, cancel the LED lights, but they sent them to me anyway. PCH responded to me saying I did not have to return them. Please check your records on these two items.
Thank u.
Christy Boyle

I placed an order on 9/29/18 for a back wrap then on 10/02 I received an email informing me that the order was processed. Then on 10/05/18 I received another email informing me that the item was shipped, I contacted FedEx today 10/10/18 and they informed me that they haven't even received the item yet. My question is how can an item be classified as being shipped when it hasn't even left the warehouse yet?

I cannot get out of the house every time I purchase an item to make a payment. Therefore I make one payment online a month. Always over $150.00. I received a call this passes week for a payment. I informed the representative I make a payment on the 1st to the 3rd. She was very rude. You cannot make 4 monthly payments online. If you make 1 payment a month its applied to the oldest accounts. I got behind when several purchasers were out of stock. I was told they weren't coming and then they did. She gave me 12 weeks to pay and froze everything. I no longer get
notified of games or searches. Look at my payment history. I have never missed a month. No one should have to talk to this rep who refuses to listen. This is the 21st century, fix your billing system.

I.m sick of the add you show on every game of a fat naked man and what happens when he reduces weight, this is suppose to be a family sight and i wouldn't want my daughter looking and seeing that on every game, it has no place being on your games at all. i just cant believe you show something like that on every game. i'm really disappointed in your advertising department for allowing that kind of add on your site. I suggest you take that off right away. thank you for listening to a concerned father.

Received a call from a heavy accented man. Call had unknown ID. Went on and on that I had won PCH of $850,000 and a brand new 2016 (its now 2018) z635 Mercedes Benz Cherry Red. Gave name of Richard Graham. Said my certified ticket # was 0098 that he was at desk #451-RG, Registration #3101. Had my correct name, but had incorrect address of 342 Social Drive, ________ GA ______. I started asking him questions after he asked me my home address which he did not give. He told me to call PCH attorney John Walker at 929-277-4092. He could confirm this was not "baloney". ALSO SAID AT BEGINNING OF CALL THAT THE CALL WAS BEING RECORDED FOR SECURITY BY THE FBI AND THE BBB. I had asked him where the offices were in Georgia because they would be delivering within 2 hours. He said one in Atlanta and one in Lawrenceville, but would not give me address. He told me to claim my prize I needed to find nearest Wal-Mart and register through them. I asked why I needed to register if I was already a winner. Said they would explain when I was at Wal-Mart that I would not want to put my info online as it could be compromised. Seriously. I said I would call their attorney..... wasn't going to. Then, surprise surprise surprise, I got a call from 927-277-4092. With same heavy accent and hearing children in background (which I had heard from first caller).... I think they are the same. This "second" person, Mr. Walker was no more convincing. I asked him for his NY State Bar number. He gave me 8763633686. I googled the "state bar number" and the following popped up! "876-363-3686 / 8763633686 - Mr. John Walker - 'very strange call says he's from Publisher's Clearing House. I supposedly won $850,000 and a Eclass Mercedes Benz. I needed to go to the closest Walmart to get a receipt to give to the driver that would deliver the new car.' SCAM SCAM SCAM. I SURE HOPE THE FBI/BBB AND PCH INVESTIGATED THESE CREEPS.

Merchandise is snotty to say the least. When I mail in payments thinking that I will get a lower balance, it never changes. I have been sending them money for years and can’t ever seem to get a zero balance. They also never send me a receipt or confirmation of payment. They also signed me up for magazines that I never ordered but still have to pay for. I keep accurate records of my payments and ordered merchandise. After sending almost $300 over the last two months, today I received a bill for $150. You can’t seem to ever get out of debt with these people. I don’t think I will ever order anything else.

My complaint is this, when doing the P.C.H. Search game where you get an additional 5 thousand tokens a day for 5days, on the 5th day you get 25 thousand tokens, daily after that, Every time I get to the 6th day it rolls back to the first days tokens.....It did not used to. It used to keep giving me 25 thousand tokens a day as long as I played during that days game.....what happened. Did the rules change or what, I would really like to know, Thank You

First, this company preys on the elderly. My 85 year-young father ended up with 12 magazine subscriptions and we were able to get that resolved with minimal effort.
Despite me telling him not to order any more of their crap he ordered 3 more items. I was at his house when one of the packages arrived and refused the shipment they badgered him to where he ended up paying them $17.98. When I was at his house on 1-31-18 he was beside himself that PCH had sent him another item that he did not order, a sheet of Dallas Cowboys magnets and we live in KC so his team is the Chiefs.
I called PCH "customer service" and have never been verbally abused like I was by a person named David who I spoke to first. I called again and when I asked for the ladies name she sent me to the survey. Third call I asked for a supervisor, I believe I had someone in the Philippines, and she flat out refused to put a supervisor on the phone until I told her the problem. I gave her a condensed version, asked again for a supervisor, and she began the verbal abuse. I was able to get her employee ID # and name.
There is still no resolution to the returned item. I have the magnets that I will return and get a receipt of delivery.
Today, 2/2/18, I looked up the corporate phone number and left several messages and told these people that if I did not have resolution by 3 pm CST I would cancel all the checks and if they want their magnets they can send a postage label.
I have to say that even the corporate operator was rather nasty and inconsiderate. I know that filing with the local AG or BBB is a waste of time but I have contacted the Elder law group through my state and was told that PCH does feed on the elderly and they are sending a cease and desist letter.
This is not acceptable on any level. I detest any organization that preys on the elderly. Good luck to all

Took me 6 months to win two lousy games and then they blocked me, when i watched like 500,000 of their commercials. Seems all of PCH relatives are the only ones getting any checks.

Entered latest online for the PCH customer giveaway. Since then my inbox filled with such things as "Just fill out this question-air, Order this, or just one more thing to make sure you are qualified."
The websites hang up or pop ups keep coming up. I guess you should expect to get spammed when you sign up for Publisher's Clearing House giveaway.

I am now blocked from playing games on the 1,000,000 prize entry. I have tried to login several times and even called PCH customer service to get access. What a surprise, no answer!

I am a Senior Citizen in my 60s, a while back I saw ad advertisement about getting (purple Persian buttercups) there was no mention of any money and I was to believe they were free-----now I get a bill for $16.95 --which I would of never agreed to if I had knew. I can not find the Ad, and I will pay the bill...I also want you to remember my name and NEVER send me anything from your company again. I will go on facebook and let my family and friends know how publishers clearing house ripped me off. There was three seeds in the pack ( a joke). I guess if you can't get people to order from you I guess ripping Seniors off is the best thing to do.

I keep telling PCH that i have sent back everything that i have ordered including a CD that i ordered. I keep telling everybody at PCH that i no longer have any of the items that i sent back. Why has the return department not told billing. I sent all that stuff back because i won 1500 dollars from one of my mailed contest games. I sent it in and at no time have i received my money. So i sent the stuff back and i will continue to do so until i receive my money. it is up to PCH to clear this matter up.
According to your own rules of the Customer bill of rights I can send any item back with no hassle but that's all you do is hassle. You threaten and badger beyond belief. But, when it comes to my 1500 dollars that you owe me suddenly you are quiet as a church mouse. Again i do not have any of your items because i sent them back and will keep sending stuff back until i get my 1500 dollars i will keep sending back anything you send me. You want me to call billing but you need to call billing and your return department and get this mess taken care of. You sent me a Publishers Clearing House item to day and i will again mark refused and send it back until i get my 1500 dollars.

I received "free" gift, now and I have received a bill for S&H in the amount of $4.99 for the free gift. I do not want the free gift you sent, so you need to send a return label and pick it up and you can have it back. This is poor business and once the charge of $4.99 is removed from my bill, please advise. This is poor business and as long as I have been with publishers, I want my name removed from your mailing list, as I will not pay this postage invoice. Publishers must be in some sort of financial bind to rip the consumer off like this. If I don't get a receipt that this charge has been removed, I will contact the Attorney General of NC and file a complaint with the complaints already filed against Publishers..

Dear Publishers Clearing House, I got a floss power jet and now it's not working. When I tried to call you guys I got a busy signal on the phone. Do you not wish to hear my complaint?

It's bad enough that PCH bombards us every day with entry demands. But now they continue to scam us about their search engine and possibly winning more awards. This company is run by crooks with no morality.

Publishers Clearing House have radically changed their entry process, before, when you got an email telling to submit forms, there was a simple way to do that, just click a box, and move on. Now everything is a search, yet there are no clues what to put in the search box, I got some emails telling me to approve some adult forms, by searching. I think the PCH sweepstakes is nothing but a fraud, a gimmick to get you to buy merchandise only.
They build up peoples hopes, then crush them with promises of winning if only they would play some game, or submit some entry, and it always says our next winner is going to be in some viewing area like Cleveland. I think I will start playing the state lottery, I stand a better chance of winning than dealing with Publishers Clearing House fraud corporate policy. If anyone has tried to contact the executives to complain, I'd like the phone number to call please.

While playing Publishers Clearing House lotto games I got an email saying that I won ten dollars. Well when the check arrived I took it to the bank to get checked out. She calls Wells Fargo' seems there are hundreds of these ten dollar checks bouncing around out. next I get another email saying the same thing. I have not received it yet. How am I supposed too know when I honestly have won something? These checks look good too me.Do I destroy these checks or do you want copies.

I'm playing those lotto games one day. Well the day I get a email saying I won ten dollars.A week or so later I get a check in the Mail, I take it too the bank ask the bank manager if she saw me on TV, she said no. Ran a check on this check that I received, She tells me after talking to Wells Fargo that there are hundreds of those checks floating around.Last night I get another email,I won another TEN BUCKS! I am sending a copy to Michael Collins.

Publishers Clearing House says I have already played the game when I haven't. Then of course i don't get credit for playing the games. When I start playing lotto the screen suddenly changes to tell me to log in before I can play. When I try to go back it says I have already played.

I received a broken item. When I paid the bill and stated I WAS NOT paying for what was broken, I got a bill for the balance of the the items on that statement. Order #3051 3140 9686 was paid in full $52.90 with ck #424, dated 12/1/15, which cleared on 12/4/15. That check was for two orders; the other one being #3051 2995 1376. This order contained broken items ~~ #5457M0, which I refuse to pay for. I still have the broken pieces and if you would like them returned, please send me a prepaid shipping label for $5.00, as that is what is showed as the cost for S&H. However, the items I paid for were #54623E Floor Mop and #54320T Alpine Fleece Throw. The total of $52.90 paid for the Floor Mop and the Alpine Fleece Throw.
Thank you. I am paying each bill BY CHECK BEFORE the date they are due. I also received something today that I am SURE I did not order, however, I WILL pay for it. However, should it happen again, I WILL RETURN TO SENDER. I have already spent $227.49 (checks written so far) five to be mailed and another $85.52 to be paid by the first of February. I THINK I HAVE LOST MY MIND. Years ago, when I was not living on a fixed income, I spent over $3,000 and never won a dime. I will NEVER enter another one of your sweepstakes. Your entries STATE, No purchase necessary to win, but you BUG THE CRAP our of the person if they don't order. Please do not contact me again about paying the the broken items.

Publishers Clearing House guy's have cheated me for the last time. I stayed up all night and played tri-peaks solitaire and was in the lead. It took exactly one minute for your fake player to score 14,000 tokens, one minute, that a bunch of mafia action to me. I have had it, I going to the attorney general and ask for an investigation into your fraudulent maneuvers in the gaming industry. This is a total scam by the Publishers Clearing House corporation.

Every time I get on one of the games I get a bunch of bull out of these programers. Tonight I spent the first hour at a friends home and filmed tri peaks solitaire. They had no slow downs , no double pro-mo's and no glitchs like I always get when I play a speed gamf or frozen scratch off cards that I have to back out and loose the card ( over 100) since April. I have filmed every game I have played and you just can't seem to understand that some people take these games serious. This is the last time that I am going to ask you to be fare.
If you have been in this business you already know that you can not score 6000 tokens in six minutes like the people you show as your winners if they get double pro-mo's like I do. Do you think the people out there that play these games every day like I do can't see whats going on.I told you before , fire them little babies you have as programmers and hire some middle school kids that are already weined off the bottle and don't have to have naps any more.

I have been with Publishers Clearing House company 35 years,have spent at least $4000 in shipments in 1 year,I have always paid in full,due to many medical bills,I started to make partial payments according to your payment plan. I have always sent checks with correct account and order #. I keep getting the same bills marked unpaid with late charges pending or charged to my account. I don't get bills sent for all current shipments. All the amounts on my balances are jumbled up and don't match my payments and records. This has caused endless hours of paperwork with no results. I have cancelled my club accounts,but still received them anyway.Many shipments have been mailed damaged, anything I have returned I had to pay postage,and also have been shipped duplicate items several times.
In several calls to solve this,I have been told an automated service handles my payments and can't be changed. They want me to keep paying for bills I have already paid for.This has messed up my records and caused me extra stress I don't need. I have been notified by mail several times and E-mailed every day for no new activity, and threats for collection agency. Being a silver,gold or platinum member doesn't mean a thing when your company is greedy and doesn't honor good customers. Your customer service has a lot to be desired as I have found the Publishers Clearing House customer service rep I spoke to unable to solve anything I mentioned, and told I don't spend that much and was not needed as your customer. Have been E-MAILED my work sheets, but no account where my money is going. I will pay only what I owe, you need to fix this foul up.

I hope that you will be able to give me an answer or forward this complaint to the correct customer service department at Publisher's Clearing House. I have been trying for several days to redeem my tokens. I always thought that exchange meant to give something for something. I have been following the instructions as to what to do. When I make the purchase it deductions the amount of tokens when I check the next day the balance is right where it started from. I am trying to find out what I am not doing that is correct. I will be waiting for an answer from you as to what is the correct way. I have over 15 plus tokens look forward to playing the game.

Today is 11/27 and the email I got from is not working. When I go to play the cards; they just freeze! This happened yesterday and now today. I play every day and evening; so I could win the big prize. Please help!! I don't want to lose out. Thank you Other than this PCH is great.

None of your daily lotto games are coming thru. They appear and stay stuck. This happened yesterday 11/25 and today 11/26. I don't want to lose out on the Dec. 30 big prize. Please help, so far I have called PCH corporate office with no response.

Well my first complaint was a failure. I was playing the Publishers Clearing House Games. When that image says you need to fix your computer and it ha errors. Yes it was running slow and I played into it. That cost me $150.00. They did not seem completely trustworthy. The last time I decided to do that I got a virus in my computer so I decided to by something else to take what they put in my computer in case of a virus. So it cost me a total of $300.00 dollars. I could have payed a bill with it you know I am not rich I try to pay all my bills on time but with these things happening . Please as a concerned customer. I am concerned there might be other people that might buy into this and loss hard earned money. I work hard for the money I get.
But I think I should get paid more .I do not have a college degree but I am a wise person and smell deceit a mile away. With extra money earned yes I would make wise investments, but I would give a lot also. Second Publishers Clearing House needs to let you know if they are no longer going to have a game taken off VIP. After all that has happened this week can I trust Publishers Clearing House? I do have respect for an idea that is has truthfulness behind it. My heart is clean I do not like to debate about anything unless I see a consistency in dishonest actions that warrant some aggressive behavior. Please I hope in the future this will not warrant any actions.

There server is down on the Publishers Clearing House website. I need to use to sign up for the latest giveaway, saw the ad and then the website went blank. Right now customer service cannot help and there is no access to register forms. How can I get them to fix it when there is no number to call to register my complaint?

Purchase organizer item54466h. Received product 6/13/15. The product is cheap and poorly made. While putting organizer together, the spacers tips broke and would not click into place. The lids do not fit half of the containers and they have sharp edges. For the $19.96 plus shipping of $7.99 this product is cheaply made. The only good thing about the organizer is the slide out tray, but if the divider can't hold the containers and lids, it is useless. I am very disappointed that you would consider selling this item. Have purchased other items in the past with no problems. I don't buy a lot due to being on a fixed income and a senior. Hope you explore this item an make it right. Plus instruction are written so small you need a magnifying glass to read it. Thank you for the opportunity of voicing my opinion but I wish I was able to contact the company directly with my complaint, there is no official PCH complaint department anywhere.

I have played cards couple of times and earned some money too on PCH. Gave a reasonable amount of time everyday on PCH. It is fun to start off with and later one gets involved. After completing the Daily Word Roundup Frenzy, I clicked on the daily chance to win and won $ 300 right away. I loved what I got and started doing it regularly and earned quite some amount. In less than 45 days I earned nearly $1200. Glad PCH has some really good way of making money.

I have played cards couple of times and earned some money too on PCH. Gave a reasonable amount of time everyday on PCH. It is fun to start off with and later one gets involved. After completing the Daily Word Roundup Frenzy, I clicked on the daily chance to win and won $ 300 right away. I loved what I got and started doing it regularly and earned quite some amount. In less than 45 days I earned nearly $1200. Glad PCH has some really good way of making money.

Dear Publisher's Clearing House:
On December 10, 2019, I returned to you a pair of Palazzo Pants. You have sent me a bill saying I owe $29.48 for these pants. I'm assuming that you've not received them, as yet. So, I notified your Billing Dept. that I returned the pants and I did not pay for them. Then, today, 1-11 2020, I copied the USPS Sender's Form and a copy of your bill and I will be sending this out on Monday, 1-13-2020, to your Returns Dept. The pants were sent to an Ontario address, as directed, so this may take more time in getting to you and being processed by you. I hope this situation will be resolved very soon. Thank You. Mary Craig
Order No. # 3065 0399 3467 Customer ID No. # 01826694190

for over two weeks I have been trouble with the keno game , I can't get a game to run right.

Lately the quality of playing any game tokens has been very poor. Games stall out and fail for no apparent reason. No matter what ad-blocker software I use, I still get them and always just as I'm about to finish a segment. I've complained many times and the games are still F**led up . The loot-case game has an ad popup in the middle of the game ; preventing me from getting all the cases popped ; VIP locks up and even the slots and the lotto fouls up. I'm tired and fed up !

For months I have been given some else’s login page I have told them that and they correct for awhile but it soon comes back trying to correct it is frustrating I enjoy playing their games but now I have to check the login they write down and have to work and work to get it changed my I’d is they send me one that starts with vgato I hope they see this and correct thanks Delia Flores 5056037343 df42848@

Dear Sir,
PCH delivered to my house two pink bathroom throw mats, which were supposed to be Rubberized on one side, Both sides a knit wool but not rubberized. What is the sense in getting a non rubberized bathe or shower throw mats. It is an accident waiting to happen. Please correct the shipping error and I will be glad to return the pink one to you.
Very Truly Yours,
Harvey Hecht -908-338-3777
4080 Tivoli Ct. Apt.302.
Lake Worth Fl. 33467

Received an empty envelope that should have contained 2 items, I called the number and was told I would
receive those items in 2 to 3 weeks....
when I talked to the lady ,.,I didn't know my id number...gave her my winning number and found out that
it was another person's winning number is 4913 5192 5507....WHY IS THAT NUMBER ALSO

I ordered 3 peony plants from you a few weeks ago. They arrived today. I just wanted to tell you that I was disappointed with the way they were shipped. They were thrown into a plastic mailing bag and nothing else. No directions on planting, what kind of soil is best or any info on how long before you have blooms. I don't know where they came from, but I do think it was very shoddy the way they were sent out. Thank you for your time.

For the last three days, I cannot get any action on the entry tab from your e-mails. I get intimidating threats from your people, have placed orders cannot send the request, the dam tab is dead!

I would like to know why when I go into your pages I cannot get the proper thing to come up. Frustrating to no end

I received 3 deliveries I did not order the following:
1, Woman's Health Magazine
2. a box with infant items
3. Item in a yellow Envelope I did not open
Please respond ASAP
I am deeply return Items accept Magazine to the address below:
720 Winners Circle
St. Cloud, MN 56399

No one can finish a "complete" game of Keno. Why? Because of the commercials. I have said this a dozen or so times but to no avail. Cannot wait until Friday, God knows!

For four weeks now my games have been getting harder to play , when the game starts it runs fine but as soon YOU MAY LIKE ad starts the game stops and will not run . I have tried not running an ad blocker and sometimes they work for a few games then quit , other times they will run with the ad blocker on and then quit. Is there a reason I can't play the games ? Would somebody send me an answer please.

I did not order anything from you. I received items in the mail. I have been asking for the past 2 months how to return it.
You never want to answer but you want to charge me for the stuff.
Send me information on how to return it or let me keep the stuff for free.
You have screwed me over for the last time.
Nellie Gustn

your games are not working.
please fix them thank you.

I can no longer complete a full Keno game because of all the ads running on every screen
so will just quit playng Keno. This is an invasion of privacy and should not be tolerated by
people. The games used to be fun, but longer are, so I will just quit playing!!!!!!

I have been playing the various games on PCH for years. Now, it is almost impossible due to the relentless ad push-especially on pch lotto. I used to be able to play all the games on pch lotto is just over an hour but now I can't finish all of them even in 2 hours. On 3/28, my browser froze up, then crashed because of all the damn ads. If I could give PCH no stars, I would. I am ready to say hasta la vista baby and quit playing anything on their website for good.

For the last four days KENO games will NOT work. What's up everybody else seams to being doing well scoring tokens.

Did not get reimbursement or information on the lilys. Thisbproduct out of stock and the first order the surprise gift I was charged for.

I recently paid in full for a knife set 3 weeks ago (or more) and have not received it yet: (3/14/19). Could you forward my purchase or refund my entire price ASAP? Thanks.

my subscriptions for one year have been over I keep getting magazines I did not order and have been charged for this needs to be stopped. I have put in a call to the attorney general of this complaint.

After two weeks I still can not finish one full game of Keno because of ten or minutes are taken up with ads. Is this only happening to me or is this a problem for everybody ?

Are you ever going to fix this 1 min. ad and a two sec.a game?The tokens are so low , what's up with that ?

Why don't you ever answer a complaint? I've emailed you for over two weeks about your poor ads and lower tokens and nothing except the games are slower and the ads are longer.

I want your compamy to remove my number 9097713684 from all of your connected apps that i have been just induldged with way too many texts and emails
Please remove me immediately. I hope this message gets into the hands of someone who has a little. Compation forthe ones who dont want anything to do with your company
Thamk you

Here we go again same ad from sk11 again and again. now keno is so slow that I can't get to the bonus games anymore. I have playing these games for over 5 years and have amassed over 280 Million tokens which have never played me anything.I'm not running any ad blockers why the rotten treatment ?

just what do I have to do to be able to play a game fairly run? Keno can not be played to the end because the ads are slow to start and long running . Are you trying to make me quit ?

YOU ARE RUNNING THE SAME AD AS LAST WEEK ON EVERY GAMES AGAIN. The games were working just fine ,but now no other ads run and sk-11 is all you show . great job again.

I have written before about this ad that has taken over the whole games. It is wrecking the whole thing with over a minute run time whereas the games only take about 10 to 20 seconds. I would not mind but watching such a bad made ad. Everything about it is poor. I wonder if the other ad people are aware of their ads not being run. This been going on for over a week so far. Do you ever plan to get back to normal?

I have emailed complaints about the video ads before and after a game, during the confirmation that I completed a sweepstakes and a Token Bonus. I complained about the same video ad that was 48 seconds long and that it was the ONLY ad through 10 cards (2 sets of 5) in VIP Elite games. In fact, it took me an hour to complete VIP games. Of the 44 ads, 30 were SK-ll . Totally, the ads ('loading' to completion) too 30 minutes. And the 46 actual games placed also took 30 minutes.
I played the first 24 LOTTO games. There were 26 video ads and blank 'time' It took me 30 minutes total. 11 minutes of games & bonus played and 19 minutes of Video ads & 'empty spaces'. Please note: 18 of the video ads were SK-ll
In the past several weeks, when I have time to play the PCH games, I've had to deal with changes that deal with ad blocking. Sometimes, everything is fine. Later, I can't get into the videos in FrontPage without disabling the ad blocker. I can't finish the PCH minute games either. The whole page disappears . When I disable the ad block, the first video ad is SK-ll. Actually, every other game I try, this 50 second video ad shows up.
This is NOT a complaint about not appreciating the ads. It's a frustrating cry for variety the ads...AND showing them in shorter versions. CintA's ads where short but were always changing enough to keep my attention. An ad that is too long and is shown continually, gamers or customers will see it as an intrusion to their obnoxious ad that interrupts their concentration on a game...And it WILL have a negative effect on them and eventually PCH will start losing customers.
Did anyone notice an announcement...a statement explaining what was going to happen to their gaming pleasures? That soon you won't be able to use ad blocking on PCH? That, sometimes, the games and settings will be free of the video ads....for a day...half a day....or less.
Yes, for the past several weeks, I've felt like PCH has been using me...and others who have trouble figuring out when block disabling is necessary. Yes, I feel that PCH's changes have taken the fun out the games.
Advertising is necessary for PCH to survive and pay winners. PCH advertising needs to be changed so its current and future customers will want to continue playing the games. It is wrong - a very bad choice - to have a very long (and now quite obnoxious) ad that is shown continually in a game that includes 5 cards - and each card needs all of 4 seconds to complete, There can be short 10 to 15 second ads there but definitely not before AND in the middle of confirmation of a game. It was a good choice to have short ads in front of the videos on the FrontPage.
PCH claims they want their customers to be happy...enjoy the games, etc.
Using your customers as Pavlov did with dogs is definitely not appropriate here.

I have sent two other e-mails and haven't heard a word about them.let me repeat myself again , your running the sk-11 ad is way to long ,poorly done and repeated way to many times . Are you ever going to change it or am I stuck with being forced to watch an garbage ad forever?pleas replay.

Last week I submitted a complaint about an ad running almost every game ,well now it not only is to long ,it do NOT right . It takes forever to load . SK-11 should find another model who doesn't act like a meth head.
Tried to enter on this bulletin before deadline...could not enter...

you are running one ad every game I play ,it is to long and of no interest to me as I DO NOT USE THIS KIND OF PRODUCT . I think this kind of ads are like brain washing. I have played your games for years and watched more and more ads , lower token payouts .I STARTED USING AN AD BLOCKER TO CUT DOWN A LOT OF THE ADS , BUT I STOPPED USING WHEN ASKED TO . Now I HAVE TO SEE THIS SK-11 AD NO MATTER WHAT. I HOPE YOU CAN RESOLVE THIS MATTER SOON.I don't play for the prizes but for the fun. Thank you in advance.

please I spend a lot of money in you company ,and I never winning a penny from you .so remove my name and address of you list

I received my cook book today 1/12/2019 item # 54OTH5 the cover was broken off the rest of the book and couldn't be repaired. The book is called "Welcome Home Cookbook"
My customer I.D.# 019 1681 2058/order # 3062 0195 5809. I think I need a credit to my account.

Thanks a lot. I complained about some of the games I play evey day, So noe this new year I can't finish any games that I so much enjoyed playing this past year, Now there all fucked up and cain't play any of them, Cain't enter any of the millon doallr sweeps cain't do shit, either I must have won something (witch I hope) or you people need some new technitions, did'nt have any problem taking away special gifts. I just don't get it and am about ready to quit, So far I have over 43,000,000 tokens and can't even redeem them. what the hell.

They need to get the system set up to take partial payments online

Latest order acknowledged. Previous order not acknowledged or shipped. My customer ID number is 2051346860. Missing order was for 2 COOKING CONVERSION MAGNETS. Order was submitted by me on 26 September 2018,

I keep getting bills to pay for items I bought from PCH. In particular for an antique bracelet (which I have paid) and for LED lights (which I have cancelled). I have proof that I did, in fact, cancel the LED lights, but they sent them to me anyway. PCH responded to me saying I did not have to return them. Please check your records on these two items.
Thank u.
Christy Boyle

I placed an order on 9/29/18 for a back wrap then on 10/02 I received an email informing me that the order was processed. Then on 10/05/18 I received another email informing me that the item was shipped, I contacted FedEx today 10/10/18 and they informed me that they haven't even received the item yet. My question is how can an item be classified as being shipped when it hasn't even left the warehouse yet?

I cannot get out of the house every time I purchase an item to make a payment. Therefore I make one payment online a month. Always over $150.00. I received a call this passes week for a payment. I informed the representative I make a payment on the 1st to the 3rd. She was very rude. You cannot make 4 monthly payments online. If you make 1 payment a month its applied to the oldest accounts. I got behind when several purchasers were out of stock. I was told they weren't coming and then they did. She gave me 12 weeks to pay and froze everything. I no longer get
notified of games or searches. Look at my payment history. I have never missed a month. No one should have to talk to this rep who refuses to listen. This is the 21st century, fix your billing system.

I.m sick of the add you show on every game of a fat naked man and what happens when he reduces weight, this is suppose to be a family sight and i wouldn't want my daughter looking and seeing that on every game, it has no place being on your games at all. i just cant believe you show something like that on every game. i'm really disappointed in your advertising department for allowing that kind of add on your site. I suggest you take that off right away. thank you for listening to a concerned father.

Received a call from a heavy accented man. Call had unknown ID. Went on and on that I had won PCH of $850,000 and a brand new 2016 (its now 2018) z635 Mercedes Benz Cherry Red. Gave name of Richard Graham. Said my certified ticket # was 0098 that he was at desk #451-RG, Registration #3101. Had my correct name, but had incorrect address of 342 Social Drive, ________ GA ______. I started asking him questions after he asked me my home address which he did not give. He told me to call PCH attorney John Walker at 929-277-4092. He could confirm this was not "baloney". ALSO SAID AT BEGINNING OF CALL THAT THE CALL WAS BEING RECORDED FOR SECURITY BY THE FBI AND THE BBB. I had asked him where the offices were in Georgia because they would be delivering within 2 hours. He said one in Atlanta and one in Lawrenceville, but would not give me address. He told me to claim my prize I needed to find nearest Wal-Mart and register through them. I asked why I needed to register if I was already a winner. Said they would explain when I was at Wal-Mart that I would not want to put my info online as it could be compromised. Seriously. I said I would call their attorney..... wasn't going to. Then, surprise surprise surprise, I got a call from 927-277-4092. With same heavy accent and hearing children in background (which I had heard from first caller).... I think they are the same. This "second" person, Mr. Walker was no more convincing. I asked him for his NY State Bar number. He gave me 8763633686. I googled the "state bar number" and the following popped up! "876-363-3686 / 8763633686 - Mr. John Walker - 'very strange call says he's from Publisher's Clearing House. I supposedly won $850,000 and a Eclass Mercedes Benz. I needed to go to the closest Walmart to get a receipt to give to the driver that would deliver the new car.' SCAM SCAM SCAM. I SURE HOPE THE FBI/BBB AND PCH INVESTIGATED THESE CREEPS.

Merchandise is snotty to say the least. When I mail in payments thinking that I will get a lower balance, it never changes. I have been sending them money for years and can’t ever seem to get a zero balance. They also never send me a receipt or confirmation of payment. They also signed me up for magazines that I never ordered but still have to pay for. I keep accurate records of my payments and ordered merchandise. After sending almost $300 over the last two months, today I received a bill for $150. You can’t seem to ever get out of debt with these people. I don’t think I will ever order anything else.

My complaint is this, when doing the P.C.H. Search game where you get an additional 5 thousand tokens a day for 5days, on the 5th day you get 25 thousand tokens, daily after that, Every time I get to the 6th day it rolls back to the first days tokens.....It did not used to. It used to keep giving me 25 thousand tokens a day as long as I played during that days game.....what happened. Did the rules change or what, I would really like to know, Thank You

First, this company preys on the elderly. My 85 year-young father ended up with 12 magazine subscriptions and we were able to get that resolved with minimal effort.
Despite me telling him not to order any more of their crap he ordered 3 more items. I was at his house when one of the packages arrived and refused the shipment they badgered him to where he ended up paying them $17.98. When I was at his house on 1-31-18 he was beside himself that PCH had sent him another item that he did not order, a sheet of Dallas Cowboys magnets and we live in KC so his team is the Chiefs.
I called PCH "customer service" and have never been verbally abused like I was by a person named David who I spoke to first. I called again and when I asked for the ladies name she sent me to the survey. Third call I asked for a supervisor, I believe I had someone in the Philippines, and she flat out refused to put a supervisor on the phone until I told her the problem. I gave her a condensed version, asked again for a supervisor, and she began the verbal abuse. I was able to get her employee ID # and name.
There is still no resolution to the returned item. I have the magnets that I will return and get a receipt of delivery.
Today, 2/2/18, I looked up the corporate phone number and left several messages and told these people that if I did not have resolution by 3 pm CST I would cancel all the checks and if they want their magnets they can send a postage label.
I have to say that even the corporate operator was rather nasty and inconsiderate. I know that filing with the local AG or BBB is a waste of time but I have contacted the Elder law group through my state and was told that PCH does feed on the elderly and they are sending a cease and desist letter.
This is not acceptable on any level. I detest any organization that preys on the elderly. Good luck to all

Took me 6 months to win two lousy games and then they blocked me, when i watched like 500,000 of their commercials. Seems all of PCH relatives are the only ones getting any checks.

Entered latest online for the PCH customer giveaway. Since then my inbox filled with such things as "Just fill out this question-air, Order this, or just one more thing to make sure you are qualified."
The websites hang up or pop ups keep coming up. I guess you should expect to get spammed when you sign up for Publisher's Clearing House giveaway.

I am now blocked from playing games on the 1,000,000 prize entry. I have tried to login several times and even called PCH customer service to get access. What a surprise, no answer!
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