I hate the new operating system! Put it back the way it was please. I don't like new snapchat update I was wondering if they go back to original back how it's was not yellow screen then blue screen. My boyfriend and I had a snap streak of 120 and it disappeared for no reason after the latest iPhone update, I am very upset about this. I am highly upset with snapchat filters at the moment. And they took away the red eyes with the angry bunny filter.
This is an outrage. Bring it back or I sue.
I am also upset that snapchat took down the dog filter and have these ugly x-men filters. I would like to use snap chat again but if they do not have these filters back up I will not being using snapchat.
The new Snapchat update for the stories is horrible — I totally hate it. It sucks. Sometimes I want to ignore someone and I don't want to open their story. And with the new update I have done this multiple times and it sucks. Plus I never know who's snapchat I'm opening it goes way to fast for my brain. Please change it back to the other normal way. And many kids/teenagers have the same opinion as me. Create a poll and just see. If you agree with me, please leave your comment below.
The newest version of Snapchat can only be used on iOS devices. Others devices, like mine can not be used. Please look into it and make everyone else who is having difficulties getting snapchat have snapchat as well. I love this app and everything & I love having streaks with people but the way the streak system works is ridiculous. I could snapchat someone & they would answer and then randomly we would lose our streak a couple hours later! I just lost a 145 day one even though she snapchatted me today.
Plus, the new app's "hourglass" emoji sucks.
It helps but sometimes it never even comes up & them my streak is gone & I worked very hard to achieve that amount but it was lost for no reason & that system needs to be re-touched.
What do you think, am I crazy?