eBay Fraud Seller Took My Money

i bought an item on ebay. the seller sent me a message saying that if my item does not arrive in 40 days i should contact him. after 40 days i kept sending e-mails to the seller, but he never replied. i tried to contact him directly, but got a reply saying the sellers mailbox is full. obviously he disappeared with my money. i wanted to file a complaint at ebay, but got the automated reply of “you can only open a complaint within 45 days. what do i do in a case like this, where the seller just stops trading under one name and start doing this to other people. i checked the sellers name history and it seems he changed his name one day after i bought this item and is now trading under electronicusuk. obviously fraud like this will never come to light if there is no way to contact ebay to report this after 45 days.

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