Huggies Complaints Continued... (Page 2)
119+ reviews added so far. Upset? Call Huggies corporate: 1-877 -648-2484
The diapers I have used from Huggies easily leaks and on half of them the velcro fastener doesn’t stick on completely.

I have bought the new born nappies with the part that is ment to draw away the poo from babys bottom and it has given my 7week old a huge rash on his bum i stoped useing them and the rash went away now i have ran out of the older ones and had to start useing the ones that draw away his poos again and the rash i back reder than ever. Not happy!!. Please help. The original ones are the best.

I Evangeline Theunissen would like to complain about your huggies (nappies). My child has been using it from birth and I’ve noticed that there’s a change in the quality of your nappies,it gets full easily, it falls apart after two pee’s and know it gave my child a very very bad rash. I’ve been buying all sorts of cream,but it still doesn’t work.You should see how my childs virginity looks.
I’m very dissapointed and I don’t know what you’ll do with this situation, but I expect you’ll to do something.I’ve spent a lot of money buying creams but nothing helps,know I’ve decided to buy cuddlers and the rash actually stopped, but as soon as I bought the huggies again the rash started and is very bad. I can send you a photo of her virginity if you think I’m lying,and its not just me that’s complaining other three friends of mine told me to phone you’ll and tell you what the huggies has done.
I am really dissapointed and furious, because huggies was what my child wore from birth, and I’m totally sick and tired of spending money on creams. You’ll keep on saying huggies is the best, then why is it giving my child a rash. Please reply to me urgently, because I want to know what you’ll will do know.

Sorry to have to be complaining about your product, i have purchased your nappies since my baby was born, had to complain once already about the sticky tab coming everytime i open the nappy. As you will already know babies cost alot pf money and having to keep buying numerous amounts of nappys on top is costing too much money. I like your product im just unhappy with the tab.

I have been using huggies for my new born baby as I found pampers leaked and didn’t want to use them. I have now noticed that every nappy I use on my baby leaks, I have checked that the size is correct and they fit. I have just bought 2 boxes of the nappies and now they have to be thrown away as they leak. I am outraged and appalled at the quality of the nappies on my 6 weeks old baby

I have used huggies nappies and wipes since i had my daughter in may 2011! I bought 2 big packs of huggies size 5 from tesco last week and when i opened them. The sticky wouldnt stick on any of them apart from the odd couple in both packs! I was upset i had to go back out and spend another £20 on nappies! Im about to start potty training my daughter very shortly and was going to use your pull up nappies. But now im unsure to as i dont want to be spending £40 a week on nappies because the condition is outrageous!

Hello, I am contacting you about your product that I bought a few days ago. I purchased a box if 108 newborn diapers and every singe diaper in the box has leaked through on to her clothes. Im not sure if this is just a defective box or if you have changed the way to make your product, but I am highly unsatisfied.
I would like a full refund of my money for purchasing this box of diapers that i am not satisfied with. Feel free to contact me if you would like the bar code for this box or to send back the product. I thank you in advance for your prompt attention in this matter.

We are trying to figure out what happened to the velcro on the side of Huggies pull ups? Used to be able to RE USE the pull up, now that there is no velcro on them, we cannot reuse them. The last 3 packages we bought are all the same! At first we thought it was a fluke. Plus the pull up feels much thinner than the normal ones. So I am now paying MORE for my Huggies and getting LESS.

I am a mother of twins 3 months and have a boy of 2yr old. They just using huggies nappies. Every month I buy Nappies as usual, each month I buy 6 Jumbo nr 2 pack and 3 Jumbo nr5 pack. I have been using huggies since year 1999 when I had my first child and I have been loving them until now. The pack I bought from Checkers Cape Gate was faulty. 13 of the nappies did not have NAPPY STRIPS and the remaining were either not fastening or just fall off. I was not able to take them back because I work till 17h00. On the weekend i do not have a nanny.
That is not acceptable to me especially for my children who has to wear these nappies all the time. Can huggies produce quality nappies for the sake of our children. I do not want to change to any other brand I just want them to do due diligence and produce quality nappies. I am very up sent and angry for spending so much money on something faulty and can’t afford to buy something faulty as you may know twins is very expensive.

Good day, we have been buying huggies nappies for the past 2 years and did not have any problems.we use to go through 2 nappies a night now we go through at least 4 to 5 due to the bad quality.when our child urinates it goes right through the nappy.huggies is the best on the market, but i must honestly say the the quality the nappies are today is definately not the same as always. If you advertise something as dry comfort that is what it should be. we are paying alot of money for the huggies nappies and we expect quality. please can you get someone to contact me and tell me how we are going to solve this problem. thank you alida lee

I bought 2 jumbo packs of size 3 nappies and have found 9 faulty nappies in them so far. The second pack isn’t finished yet. the fasteners broke off are are on opposite sides and 2 of the nappies leaked through on the left hand side. Also, a few of the actual nappies are faulty where they have gathered at the back so it bulges and does not fit properly. I’ve had an occasional faulty nappy before but it wasn’t really a problem, but 9 nappies in the size 3 suggests that made the quality of this specific size should be improved or checked more thoroughly?

I am terribly disappointed about the poor quality of Huggies that I bought from Spar on Friday the 26th August the whole packet of 52 huggies had no binders and my child’s tummy was running the whole night I had to deale with a child with a running tummy and no huggies but bought useless things with my last cash.
I tried to phone their customer complaint centre that is only operational from Mon-Frid took the stuff back to Spar. I think I must sue this company for all the inconvinience it costed me. They really sell rubbish to people and what was suppossed to be dry comfort turned to wet dissaster.

Not happy! I bought a box of huggies 13 to 16 kgs for my lil lady and MOST of the velcro fasteners dont open properly! When i open the stip to fasten it, it seems to tear up and become unable to stick properly when the nappy is on…One side falls off and MESS lol…When i change her now i am having to get 4 nappies and hope one is ok… Obiviously I have a faulty box, this has never happened before, this is the 3rd baby i have used huggies on.. I will still use your product because its the best.. Am thinking I might just buy some duck tape to help me through this box!

I have been buying huggies for years i have 2 children already and one on the way i normally would just say let it go its no big deal but for the past couple of weeks I have bought several boxes of diapers thinking it was just a bad batch but after spending 20 dollars a box after the 4th box I was so frustrated I went a bought store brand diapers. I would pull a diaper out and grap the end go to close it and the diaper would rip where the adhsive was on seriouly 6 out of 12 tries not a happy customer at all.

I have brought your nappies for at least 4 years and i think they were great better than huggies. Now that you have changed them (supposibly to more improved) i think they are terrible they have gone to being a good quality nappy to poor quality. My kids never leaked out of the older ones now they constantly leak at night with these new ones. You had people coming to your store just to buy nappies i don’t believe you will have this anymore you will get a bag name cheap and nasty.

I brought a couple boxes of jumbo huggies nappies size 5 for my 1 year old baby and have most she leak through and when i changed her and tried to put anothe nappie on the sticky bit broke of in my hand it happened a few times. Im not very happy as Im a single mum of 3 and i can not afford to waste money like i that on diapers. I really don’t want to change my daughter nappies but if it happens aging in gonna do just that. Please help me with these jumbo huggies nappies diapers leaking through on her.

I hate to complain, but I have always purchased Huggies Little Swimmers, and never had a problem with them, until today. My toddoler had one own, and went to the bathroom in it, and it came out in the pool. It had just happened too. Not pleased at all. In my opinion, they should work like a diaper for ones not potty trained. For the price you pay for them, they should fully function as a regular diaper. Thank you for listening to my complaint about Huggies Little Swimmers.

I am a single teenage mother. I just finished school and i am trying to provide the best for my son. I bought a pack of huggies for my 16month old son to find that majority of the nappies had no fastening strip. i can not aford to buy more nappies and had to go to drastic measures to get more nappies. i love huggies but i am very disapointed for what has happened to me twice. i hope that huggies will please change this as i really dont want to change nappy brands.

I have recently bought a large pack of Huggies Nappies size 5 and have at least 12 of the nappies either without a fastener on one side or fastenings totally missing I have been buying Huggies for the last 3 years and I am very dissapointed as being a single parent I cannot afford to keep buying nappies because mistakes are being made when they are made. I find it really annoying having to throw a brand new nappy because it is unwearable. I am considering changing my brand of nappy if this keeps happening. Regards, an unhappy mummy.

We love huggies but this last 2 months we got some faulty nappies the strips keep on tearing off when you pull the strip. My baby is now 1 year and 2 months so this is nat the first time we buy Huggies my brother is having a baby in feb we buy huggies for the new baby but this is now a problem if the nappys keep on tearing like this we wil not be buying Huggies. Nappies is not cheap so please get back to me regarding the problem.

I bought 2 jumbo hugiies gold. I starded using the 1 pack and have already found 2faulty nappies, my issue is with the waits bands. I have taken photos of the fauly straps.
Will huggies reimburse/replace the faulty nappies.
Thank You

I love huggies GOLD and iam very disappionted i have 11 mnth old twins and i normally buy the boxed huggies gold. At first I would get like ten or more nappies that dont have a/both sticker strips.Than i started buying the individual jambo packs; and would only get the odd 3-5 faulty nappy in one pack; but this month its worse than before out of one jumbo pack 11 nappies was not usable.
Dont you guys have like quality control staff or something.If this was any other brand of nappies i would just change brands but i dont want to change brands.Please look in to the matter.

To whom it may concern, Since our daughters birth we had been using Huggies brand diapers with no problems. Well these last couple of weeks we have had problems with the size 4 has been waking up from a nights sleep with her bed soaked from Leakey diapers. We are having to wash.
Her sheets everyday...we have also noticed that when we are out and about during daytime, we find her carseat wet and a very unhappy little girl. We are using Huggies Snug and dry diapers. Is there anything that can possibly be done to make very unhappy dissatisfied parents? We have been using huggies for our family, and maybe trying another brand is what we should do.... please try to make this right...Vouchers or something please....

I have a month old baby and for the first few weeks of her life we were using pampers diapers since that's what she had at the hospital the entire time the baby was perfectly fine. When we ran out of them we began to use the biggies diapers that we brought cases of.the next day my baby had the worst diaper rash and the diapers are soaked when she urinates 1 time making the diaper very large n saggy!! I change her diaper every 20 mins dealing with Huggies. I got the diaper rash to go away and I used pampers diapers while I did so.once the rash was completely clear just so I can be sure after calling the doctor I began to use Huggies again and again like before no more then 24 hours later my baby had a rash! This is ridiculous you charge people all this money for these no good diapers and wipes.i am very unhappy about this I have pictures and I will tweet,Fb,blogg,Instagram,write to the newspaper whatever I have to do if I don't get any feedback n compensated for my expenses with these horrible diapers and wipes.And for my child's suffering!! My contact number is 7733989287, Thanks for this horrible experience for my baby signed a angry mother

Hello I'm writing as I am very dissatisfied and disappointed, I recently purchased a box of newborn size 2 huggies nappies they were £11.48 for a box of 92 I had them for a few weeks before I needed to use them. When it eventually came to using them I opened the box only to discover that they were all a size 5 and not a size 2 like it said on the box.
I could not take them back to the supermarket as I no longer have the receipt, I used huggies with my first child and I intend to carry on using them but I'm very shocked as to what has happened I had to give theses nappies away to a family member as they were no use to me and couldn't replace them or get a refund. I would appreciate some sort of an apology for what has happend to me thankyou.

im writing to complain about the nappies i brouight for my 20 week old son .he wakes up wet and im not happy about that im stuck with 2 packs of nappies that im not able to ues .and i wont be buying wipes or nappies in the futre as there a waist of money and they are no good .

I am arthi Venkat and we have purchased Huggies diapers right from the day my kid was born and had accumulated points. The company promises redemptions for the points accumulated. now recent past, they gave us very short notice of 1 week to get all the points redeemed as they are closing this offer. The variety showcased for redemtions is also put up at such a high points as 20000 etc so that no one can redeem it.
This is certainly cheating the customers. if the real intension was to close then give redemptions to all the points how muchever it may be for the customers to redeem the points.
I am taking this seriously to the consumer court forum. I need a response within 24 hrs and redemption for my 1250 points. failing which I am registering a case against Huggies.

I tried using huggies and there usless, I had changed my son of 18months half an hour previously and then I noticed a massive wet patch in his trousers, so I got him changed and re-dressed again then about 50minutes later he was wet through again. I think this is ridiculos as your nappies cost a fortune and as a single mum I struggle to afford decent nappies. I think its dispicable that I have to change my son every 30-40minutes just to insure that he dosent wet through, I'm so dissapointed. I've used asdas homebrand (lil angels) and he's never once wet through, so the time I think I'm buying good nappies they turn out worse than nappies that are a 3rd of your price. I do hope someone will get back to me as this was a big inconvinece to me.

Sins my liitle one was born a year ago i never had problems with huggies gold but this month that i purchased 1pack of Dry and one jumbo gold
and the gold that supposed to be better my daughters pee is cuming out the side of the nappie which is not On for the brand of nappie
Gold that i Buy thats suppose to be better and more comfortable But pee cuming from the side of a nappie thats not even full not even on an hour
is not worth the money you pay for it the purchase Date was the 26th Of November at ToysRUs Bellvile in Cape town Bar code of the bag 6001019905083 thanks leeann

I recently purchased Huggies Newborn with organic cotton nappies. Being a well known brand and plenty of choice in the supermarkets I believed them to be the best for the arrival of my newborn baby. My baby is now almost 4 weeks old and after going through almost 250 Huggies I have to express my disappointing concerns with two main issues, firstly, the tabs have broken on approx 14 nappies that I have used, this has meant that I have had to discard the nappy as it was no longer useable due to not be able to keep in place.
Secondly, I understand that nappies will at times leak, however, I change my babies nappy several times a day in order to keep my baby clean and irritant free, however on 5 occasions so far my baby has soiled his nappy which has resulted in ruining a number of my babies clothes, on inspection this is due to a very poor seal that the nappy produces around the area most needed to protect from leakages, especially excrement. I never allow the nappy to become so full that I would expect this to happen to the extent that has happend to me.
I wish to raise my concerns as I find this unacceptable with the cost of baby products in todays climate. I eagerly await your response to my concerns.

I'm very upset I bought a pack of huggies dry comfort findn in the pack ther are a few nappies in the pack the doesn't have the strappy part doesn't have the velcro on , so pls tel me what am I supose to do abt this situation , I'm realy upset about this , just hope that my problem will b able 2 be solved abt the huggies diapers ...very upset customer hope u ppl get back to me ... I have bought huggies diapers for many years now and don't like when things are missing and packs don't have what I need....
I would just like to bring it under your attention that I found seven nappies in the batch I bought last week without any tags on them. I usually buy the Huggies Dry Comfort range, but decided to try the Huggies Gold range, as I do not use any other nappy range. I paid a lot of money for the Huggies Gold and was quite dissapointed in the quality I got from the top of the range Huggies brand.
Unfortunately I do not have the nappies anymore, as I got so upset about this, I threw them away. I recently bought your huggies diapers to try. I have used Luvs for 17 years and i have to say, I'm very upset about your diapers. Both my kids, use the number 4 size, leaked thru out the nights. I thought it might have been 2 bad diapers in the box but that wasnt the case. It happened to be the whole box!!! Now, I bought the 46.00 box, the biggest box you sell. I think I got taken for my money and I'm very dissapointed in your brand. I'd like to know, who do I have to speak to in order to get my money back.

I received an sms and email from Huggies on 12th october about the closure of their baby goodies by 30th oct and has asked us to redeem our points however i have only 750 points and am not able to make it 850 points as my unique code number 995DM9342M96 is not getting registered.
Now i would like to ask how do i redeem these 850 points as nothing comes within that limit and i would still earn more points had ur scheme not stopped because i use a lot of XL huggie diapers for my son ... I would now like to know what will i get for 850 points from huggies. Am sure it needs to tredeem my 850 points .... please revert positively and help make me an ardent fan of your company.

I have used buggies for all three of my children but the last packet bought for my 15 month old girl has been awful. They have leaked and the fasteners have come away from the nappy leaving me unable to fasten them.

I have been buying huggies nappies for 18 months now I changed from pampers when my baby was newborn , the recent batch that I bough which was 2 big boxes size 5 from asda ! Nearly a whole box were braking everytime I would go to put around my sons waste , I would pull the strap and would come off I've never ever had this problem before and do not wish to waste money on big boxes being a single mum!

I bought 2 jumbo packs of your Napper dippers one for at home and the other for daycare cone to find out that whebln I opened them the straps were missing and most were messed up didn't even have then she has nothing else to were so I tryed my best to use tape on them but I would go. or to change her and she would be wet threw her clothes and then because of being so wet she started braking out it a rash. Then after a Month the school fimallyopened there box and they had the same thing wrong with that box they called me at work to let me no and I was in complete shock I have been using huggies. Now for 5 years and never once have I had any problems Luke this. So I told them not to use them on her and they had to borrow a few off one of the other kids untilled I was able to Puck her up some new ones I ended up throwing the whole box out because I didn't. Want her braking out again but it was just a really upsetting experience I had I list out on not just a few dippers but 2 whole jumbo onesat that and they are not cheap has this ever happened to any one else before and if so did they do anything about it. Please help and let me no thank you

Dear huggies we recently bought several boxes of your size 6 overnight huggies that are misglued for lack of a better term. The sides of the diapers are glued to the crotch and butt area. When we detach the sides from the crotch area there is s big lump of hard glue left in the area.
These diapers are unuseable an it is very upsetting to spend that much money and the diapers are not usable. I have saved a sample if you would like to verify this issue. Please make it right with us. These are 20 bucks a box... thank you for your time.

Good Day, About two weeks ago i bought a jumbo pack of Huggies size4 (the red pack with the Winnie the Pooh print on) which i regularly purchase @ Checkers, Westgate Mall in Mitchells Plain. Apparently in between the pack are reject nappies, reject meaning that the one side which should stick, either has no fold with the "so called valcro" part or it does'nt have that section at all. I am very disappointed as i am a huge huggies fan & wouldnt want to change my option of choice. The pack is still standing & have not completed the pack as i would like to return it to the store but unfortunately i cannot find the slip which i kept on a place where i could find it.
please advise me on what i should do as i would like to either get a new pack or be refunded. I had to resort in purchasing a whole new pack of nappies of which i bought the Huggies Gold, afraid that i would get that same problem as with the red pack. i am a 1st time mom but also a proud mom to be using your brand, i believe in your product and hope that you can attend to this matter as best you can. my contact details are as follows should you require further information.
I have purchased a jumbo pack of 64 Huggies nappies from Woolworth's and I'm very disappointed would the product. I opened the only to find out that quart pack of the nappies are damaged in the sense of it being to thick or to thin and what is more disappointing is that most of the nappies are poorly made, the product used to make the nappy is absolutely hard. How do I use this on my baby? I would really appreciate it if you would deal with this problem that I have cause it's really disappointing to know that I have changed from Pampers to Huggies and to have a problem like this.

First of all, I would like to say that I really like Huggies and I use them all the time. This is the 1st time I ever had this happen to me. I've used Luvs, Parent's Choice, Walgreens and Dollar General Brand, and I don't give a shit what anyone says. A cheap diaper is a cheap diaper. I have used Huggies and I've used Pampers and they both Leak overnight. All of them do, especially when there dumb enough to promise 12 hour protection like Pampers does. Now they do have an amazing net to pull wetness away from the body, but none of the diapers can make it 8, let alone 12 hours. Just because your brands are expensive they expect some sort of miracle, but don't get me wrong, A PROMISE IS A PROMISE!
Huggies brand is not perfect either. I've bought a few sets of faulty diapers from Huggies, and I will say this, Pampers makes it a lot easier to complain and be compensated than u do. I think Huggies does this shit on purpose. This is the 2nd box of diapers I've needed to be compensated for, and guess what, I'm still waiting to hear back on the 1st box. So please send me an email, because although I've had less problems with Pampers, they fix there mistakes without any hassle of BS, and if Huggies doesn't I will never send another dollar on your diapers/ wipes again (or products). I spend a lot of money, and my daughter is very young and we are trying for a boy.

I purchased a pack of buggies nappies and half of the purchase where missing the sticky pads . I was very disappointed in these as never had a problem with other purchases I've brought before . Thank you

I purchased size 2 huggies nappies in dunnes supermarkets, every time I use them on my son they leak, causing major inconvenience. I tried to give them a chance but every single one leaked. What a waste of money that I do not have to spare. I actually abandoned the pack of nappies half way through and bought another brand.
I always have seen adverts about huggies nappies saying how good they are and that they don't leak. I bought 2 packs of newborn huggies nappies from tesco , but unfortuneately i have noticed that they are very poor quality and that they also leak. After a few hours I am very unsatisfied about the quality of these nappies.

I recently purchsed a few packs of huggies daipers from my local Target store. I assumed such a large brand named baby product company would have daipers that would at least meet satisfactory standards. To my suprise and frustration, changing my son in/out of huggies daipers became a very irritating and extremely time consuming task than I would have liked. The huggies daipers leaked and soaked urine through onto his clothes during every use. This required my wife and I to change his clothes every time we changed his daiper. Huggies daipers are much more expensive then Generic daipers ( around 3$ more a pack ), so you would have expected the generic brand to be even worse. However, we purchsed some cheap generic brand daipers and had none of these issues. I am very dissapointed Huggies product and I am strongly considering never using your products ever again.

Hi, I love your nappies and used them for my twins since birth, last week I bought nappies and some of it didn't have sticky straps, I had to throw them away. I was really disappointed because I never had any problems before. Sorry for the complaint, but your nappies are still the best.

I recently bought my 16 mth old son a pack of 144 huggies diapers. We opened the box and started stocking the shelfs, as my wife and I have done many times before. Much to our surprise most of the diapers had many little hard spots in them. I instructed my wife to try them because I didn't want to wast the forty dollars I just spent on them. Two days into using the diapers my son started to develop a rash and my wife was concerned so she asked me to go get another box of diapers and try that.
Approximately one day later my sons rash was gone and he was much less irratated, which brings me to now. I have this box of diapers that my wife wants to through into the garbage because we can't use them, so I was hoping by writing this letter that huggies would make it right! Thank you for understanding!

I have been using Huggies since she day my son was born 4 months ago, as well as with my six year old when she was an infant. I never had an issue with the diapers, in fact I thought they were better quality then Pampers. Recently I purchased a case of 112 (size 3) and came across a few diapers with lumps in both the front and back side of the diaper. I didn't think much of it and just threw them away. Two days ago I purchased another case and once again found the same issue. This time I went through the entire case and found a total of 13 defective diapers! This is absolutely unexceptable. That is a little more then 10% of the diapers I am having to through away. At this point I will no longer continue to purchase Huggies diapers. I suggest someone looks into quality control department. The Lot number on the case I had the issue with is UT220604.

He Huggies slip ups say leak lock for 12 hours no I will use one and. Next thing you know my daughter is soaked. In a hour and. The gel. Will. Be falling out. Very disappointed because. I spen alot of money and I'm.not getting my money's worth!!!

After using huggies gold diapers for the past 5 years with both my kids, i have never been as disappointed as i am rite now... i ran out of diapers and urgently needed it, so i went to the nearest supermarket to get the gold pack which i normally get. just to find this pack being a reject... these diapers wont even open its like the glue part just holds this diapers together at all the wrong places. The fasteners to this pack wont even stick. After using this for so long i would like an explanation on why this happened. Hope to hear from Huggies corporate office soon.

I am just writing to say that i was extremely unhappy with the last pack of Huggies nappies I brought. I am a single mother and have always used your product but the last pack I did buy were very poor wuality. The sticky tabs to secure the nappy just kept falling off. As a loyal customer of yours I hope to hear from you.

I have always brought huggies nappies since my baby was born on 1st june 2012. The last packet I brought of walkers 32 pack have had problems where the nappy leaking throught, after only a couple of hours. this has never happened before and now i cant even use them over night cause my son will wake up soaked half way throught the night. His only 12kg in weight so i know thats not the problem as the walkers weight is 13 to 18kg. Very disappointed as I pay for good quality nappies and this is not what I got this time around.

I first want to start off by saying I grew up on Huggies and so has my daughter. She is going to be 1 shortly and has only worn Huggies since she left the hospital (the hospital gave us Pampers and we stopped using them and have never strayed from Huggies since then). My complaint is about a box of size 5 snug and dry Huggies that I bought from Costco. All of the diapers in this box stained my daughters clothes. The blue and yellow dye always ended up on her pants or onesies.
I haven't had this problem with any other boxes of diapers and I was very disappointed. Diapers and clothes are very expensive. Besides the expense though, I began to wonder what this dye could do to her skin and health. I am still using Huggies snug and dry which I purchase from the same Costco all the time and haven't had the problem before or since then.

I have always bought huggies nappies since my little boy as been born (he is now 12 months) and have generally been pleased, however i have had a couple of packs that have been of poor quality! The tabs on the side have been coming off when i change my son and also he has been wetting through the sides which has caused me a lot of upset as i have to change his bedding etc at night. Nappies are too expensive to throw away for these reasons so i would appreciate you looking into this matter for me and i look forward to hearing from you.

I currently bought a bonus box of 156 huggies snug and dry diapers and I'm very disappointed because my 8 month old cant sleep on his side without the diapers leaking. Every morning he wakes up crying and soaking wet.

Hello, I recently put Huggies size 3 on my daughter and within 2 days she had a rash that soon turned to welts that looked like burns. We discontinued using them and it cleared up about 80% in a day. This was our first time using Huggies, I don't have the box as I unpacked them and put them all in the diaper holder.
This was very frightening as I dont know why she had such a reaction. Can you please tell me what ingredients are in your diapers that could cause such a reaction. Also, do you manufacture any other diapers for a store brand that I should be aware of. Her doctor said the "burn" marks should clear up in a few more days. Please reply, as I am very concerned.

I brought two packs l. I relised half way through the first pack the nappies were leaving red blistering marks at the sides of the blue strip inside rubbing. Plus the nappies seem to leak very often. Even other i change his bum vrry often throughout the day and night. Not happy and will not buy these again.. but my baby should not have pain due to your horrible nappies

Half the pack was not properly worked off and therefor leaked. my boy also got a really bad rash from it. I really don't understand why because huggies 1 and 2 did not give problems at all.

I recently bought a bag of your diapers for my granddaughter. We used about half of them and found at least ten of the diapers yhad no lining in them. We have used ur diapers before and never had a problem. I was alittle disappointed. I hope tashis will never happen again.

Hi I was quite disappointed to find that in the pack of size3 huggies i bought at the weekend from Asda i have already had two nappies that have only had one velcro fastener on the side instead of two! This therefore means that already i have two nappies im unable to use. Im disappointed as have always used this brand since the birth of my daughter 12 weeks ago - it has made me consider looking to buy pampers as i cant afford to purchase nappies that are not useable.

To whom it may concern, I am writing to inform you that I have had a bad bag of diapers. I love huggies diapers and I have been using them for years. I have three kids and I've used them with all three. I have a baby girl of 3 months and I bought a case of diapers from babies r us in Chicago and the stick Velcro on the diapers was not sticking on over half of the case. I'm upset with this because it's a waste of money on that case. My baby wears a size 2 in diapers can you help me resolve this issue.

Hi I wanted you to be aware that the last pack of huggies I bought for my 10mth old there were about 4/5 of them where the tags were not on properly when I tried to fasten them they came right off in my hand I know this was probably just a faulty batch and am normally very happy with your product but you should be aware as they are not cheap and I hope this will not happen again it left me short and had to borrow some off a friend as am on a budget thanks for taking the time to read x

The diapers are no better than wrapping my babies butt with a towel. I am an engineer and cant believe the percentage of defects I have experienced. This company has failed in producing a quality product. The things LEEK like crazy. Urine everywhere! Unbelievable!
so I recently brought some huggies for my 8Month old believing the packing when they say how good they are and their ratings, well total nonsense they are constantly leaking and I mean atleast 3/4 daily! They feel like paper! sorry but i was just disappointed because im a single mom dont have much money to be spending all the time and the minute i get something good thinking there going to work out great they didnt...

Hey, I have 3 boys and all I use is Huggies - love your product! Have tried all of the other brands (as they are cheaper) and nothing has compared. A very happy customer!
However I have bought the Christmas toddler Huggies twice now, once and then a break, and now again. The first time he got a huge rash - which I just figured was a rash as babies do get them all of the time. And just went away when I went back to the normal nappy.
BUT this second lot has flared up again and is just bout blistering :( I am wondering if it is the red dye used on the Christmas Nappy? And if you have had any other complaints? I have stopped using the Christmas ones and am back to the regular and his skin is calming down already.
Would love some feed back!

Hello huggies, I am writing today to complain about faulty nappies. I purchased my nappies at my local supermarket like i do every fortnight and recently i have been getting a nappie that breaks. it was onky here and there out of a few boxes, but this box i purchased just the other day has had 11 nappies snap on my when its time to use the sticky tab. not only am i annoyed that im wasting nappies that are spose to be the best ones out, but i ak on Spp and cant not really buy excess nappies that i shouldnt of had to purchase in the first place.

My 2 yr old has worn huggies all her life but the last 2 boxes had defected dhattiapers without a velcro strap or its there but barely hanging. I hate to throw new diapers away and it cost extra. So we went through diapers faster than we normally wuld. I see other parents complaining. I would like some type of compensation. Thanks

I have bought several packets of huggies nappies and in one packet i found atleast 2 nappies without straps. I over looked this problem beacuse it was only one or two faulty ones. My recent pack had atleast 8-10 nappies with missing straps which i have the proof of. I really trust huggies as i have used it on my previous child he is now 4. My baby is now 4 months and some days when she wakes up the whole side of her body is soaking wet as it was leaking. I like using this brand as it is affordable, but why waste money on something that is broken and cant be used?

I bought a jumbo pack of huggies from our loyal Pick 'n Pay st9re. about 4 of the nappies did not have straps on the one side.
After the 3rd nappie that had a fastner missing, I decided to send this mail and kept one of the nappies as proof. Nappies are so expensive and we have a 6 week old baby so these things don't come cheap and the quality should be taken into account. I hope to have a good relationship between my baby and huggies for a very long time.

I am writing to you to issue a complaint about a large box of huggies nappies I purchased from my local asda store. I usually buy huggies & I have never had any problems with the brand but on opening the box I realised there was nearly a half missing & the box had been tampered with.. When I buy nappies for my child I don't expect to pay full price for half of a tampered box! I suggest you check your'e stock more thoroughly next time.

I'm a new mother to a 3 month old baby boy. I was told huggies is the best brand of diapers out there but with my experience of use with them I found my boys balls an bum are sticking to the diaper so bad that I have to moisten them just to un stick it from him. I have never seen a diaper stick to any baby's like I have seen these ones and they leak so much out the side of his legs I'm always changing his outfit it's not even absorbing in the diaper he's sitting in a puddle . I'm not happy that I spend money on this product that is doing this to my baby . If u would like me to continue with ur product I would like to have free coupons to try a different kind of huggies .

Hello. I’m so sorry to complain your product. I have a little girl 6 and n half months old. If tried a different brand nappies in the beginning and was not very pleased with it. So we switched to Huggies. The elastic in between the legs, keeps on loosening. I only recognize it after she urns, because the elastic is loose the fluid pas the gel only a little bit of gel get wet and the rest is down her legs ore where ever she was at that moment even if I just changed here. Got it this morning again. If you give me ure email address I’ll send you photos of the diaper for better understanding. We buy the Huggies Gold mega pack for girls and it’s the second box we have the same problems. I’m VERRY happy with your product ‘if it don’t happen’ but it takes a hole lot of washing powder,cleaning products, wipes, bum cream and daipers if it keeps on doing that.

Hi there I have been using Huggies sense day one my baby was born but she reacted really bad to your little movers I don’t know what you use in those diapers but they rip and leave a bad rash behind I love Huggies but I’m ready to change companies due to this problem

The diapers I have used from Huggies easily leaks and on half of them the velcro fastener doesn’t stick on completely.
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