Huggies Complaints Continued... (Page 3)
119+ reviews added so far. Upset? Call Huggies corporate: 1-877 -648-2484No Reviews

I have bought the new born nappies with the part that is ment to draw away the poo from babys bottom and it has given my 7week old a huge rash on his bum i stoped useing them and the rash went away now i have ran out of the older ones and had to start useing the ones that draw away his poos again and the rash i back reder than ever. Not happy!!. Please help. The original ones are the best.

I Evangeline Theunissen would like to complain about your huggies (nappies). My child has been using it from birth and I’ve noticed that there’s a change in the quality of your nappies,it gets full easily, it falls apart after two pee’s and know it gave my child a very very bad rash. I’ve been buying all sorts of cream,but it still doesn’t work.You should see how my childs virginity looks.
I’m very dissapointed and I don’t know what you’ll do with this situation, but I expect you’ll to do something.I’ve spent a lot of money buying creams but nothing helps,know I’ve decided to buy cuddlers and the rash actually stopped, but as soon as I bought the huggies again the rash started and is very bad. I can send you a photo of her virginity if you think I’m lying,and its not just me that’s complaining other three friends of mine told me to phone you’ll and tell you what the huggies has done.
I am really dissapointed and furious, because huggies was what my child wore from birth, and I’m totally sick and tired of spending money on creams. You’ll keep on saying huggies is the best, then why is it giving my child a rash. Please reply to me urgently, because I want to know what you’ll will do know.

Sorry to have to be complaining about your product, i have purchased your nappies since my baby was born, had to complain once already about the sticky tab coming everytime i open the nappy. As you will already know babies cost alot pf money and having to keep buying numerous amounts of nappys on top is costing too much money. I like your product im just unhappy with the tab.

I have been using huggies for my new born baby as I found pampers leaked and didn’t want to use them. I have now noticed that every nappy I use on my baby leaks, I have checked that the size is correct and they fit. I have just bought 2 boxes of the nappies and now they have to be thrown away as they leak. I am outraged and appalled at the quality of the nappies on my 6 weeks old baby

I have used huggies nappies and wipes since i had my daughter in may 2011! I bought 2 big packs of huggies size 5 from tesco last week and when i opened them. The sticky wouldnt stick on any of them apart from the odd couple in both packs! I was upset i had to go back out and spend another £20 on nappies! Im about to start potty training my daughter very shortly and was going to use your pull up nappies. But now im unsure to as i dont want to be spending £40 a week on nappies because the condition is outrageous!

Hello, I am contacting you about your product that I bought a few days ago. I purchased a box if 108 newborn diapers and every singe diaper in the box has leaked through on to her clothes. Im not sure if this is just a defective box or if you have changed the way to make your product, but I am highly unsatisfied.
I would like a full refund of my money for purchasing this box of diapers that i am not satisfied with. Feel free to contact me if you would like the bar code for this box or to send back the product. I thank you in advance for your prompt attention in this matter.

We are trying to figure out what happened to the velcro on the side of Huggies pull ups? Used to be able to RE USE the pull up, now that there is no velcro on them, we cannot reuse them. The last 3 packages we bought are all the same! At first we thought it was a fluke. Plus the pull up feels much thinner than the normal ones. So I am now paying MORE for my Huggies and getting LESS.

I am a mother of twins 3 months and have a boy of 2yr old. They just using huggies nappies. Every month I buy Nappies as usual, each month I buy 6 Jumbo nr 2 pack and 3 Jumbo nr5 pack. I have been using huggies since year 1999 when I had my first child and I have been loving them until now. The pack I bought from Checkers Cape Gate was faulty. 13 of the nappies did not have NAPPY STRIPS and the remaining were either not fastening or just fall off. I was not able to take them back because I work till 17h00. On the weekend i do not have a nanny.
That is not acceptable to me especially for my children who has to wear these nappies all the time. Can huggies produce quality nappies for the sake of our children. I do not want to change to any other brand I just want them to do due diligence and produce quality nappies. I am very up sent and angry for spending so much money on something faulty and can’t afford to buy something faulty as you may know twins is very expensive.

Good day, we have been buying huggies nappies for the past 2 years and did not have any problems.we use to go through 2 nappies a night now we go through at least 4 to 5 due to the bad quality.when our child urinates it goes right through the nappy.huggies is the best on the market, but i must honestly say the the quality the nappies are today is definately not the same as always. If you advertise something as dry comfort that is what it should be. we are paying alot of money for the huggies nappies and we expect quality. please can you get someone to contact me and tell me how we are going to solve this problem. thank you alida lee

I bought 2 jumbo packs of size 3 nappies and have found 9 faulty nappies in them so far. The second pack isn’t finished yet. the fasteners broke off are are on opposite sides and 2 of the nappies leaked through on the left hand side. Also, a few of the actual nappies are faulty where they have gathered at the back so it bulges and does not fit properly. I’ve had an occasional faulty nappy before but it wasn’t really a problem, but 9 nappies in the size 3 suggests that made the quality of this specific size should be improved or checked more thoroughly?

I am terribly disappointed about the poor quality of Huggies that I bought from Spar on Friday the 26th August the whole packet of 52 huggies had no binders and my child’s tummy was running the whole night I had to deale with a child with a running tummy and no huggies but bought useless things with my last cash.
I tried to phone their customer complaint centre that is only operational from Mon-Frid took the stuff back to Spar. I think I must sue this company for all the inconvinience it costed me. They really sell rubbish to people and what was suppossed to be dry comfort turned to wet dissaster.

Not happy! I bought a box of huggies 13 to 16 kgs for my lil lady and MOST of the velcro fasteners dont open properly! When i open the stip to fasten it, it seems to tear up and become unable to stick properly when the nappy is on…One side falls off and MESS lol…When i change her now i am having to get 4 nappies and hope one is ok… Obiviously I have a faulty box, this has never happened before, this is the 3rd baby i have used huggies on.. I will still use your product because its the best.. Am thinking I might just buy some duck tape to help me through this box!

I have been buying huggies for years i have 2 children already and one on the way i normally would just say let it go its no big deal but for the past couple of weeks I have bought several boxes of diapers thinking it was just a bad batch but after spending 20 dollars a box after the 4th box I was so frustrated I went a bought store brand diapers. I would pull a diaper out and grap the end go to close it and the diaper would rip where the adhsive was on seriouly 6 out of 12 tries not a happy customer at all.

I have brought your nappies for at least 4 years and i think they were great better than huggies. Now that you have changed them (supposibly to more improved) i think they are terrible they have gone to being a good quality nappy to poor quality. My kids never leaked out of the older ones now they constantly leak at night with these new ones. You had people coming to your store just to buy nappies i don’t believe you will have this anymore you will get a bag name cheap and nasty.

I brought a couple boxes of jumbo huggies nappies size 5 for my 1 year old baby and have most she leak through and when i changed her and tried to put anothe nappie on the sticky bit broke of in my hand it happened a few times. Im not very happy as Im a single mum of 3 and i can not afford to waste money like i that on diapers. I really don’t want to change my daughter nappies but if it happens aging in gonna do just that. Please help me with these jumbo huggies nappies diapers leaking through on her.

I hate to complain, but I have always purchased Huggies Little Swimmers, and never had a problem with them, until today. My toddoler had one own, and went to the bathroom in it, and it came out in the pool. It had just happened too. Not pleased at all. In my opinion, they should work like a diaper for ones not potty trained. For the price you pay for them, they should fully function as a regular diaper. Thank you for listening to my complaint about Huggies Little Swimmers.

I am a single teenage mother. I just finished school and i am trying to provide the best for my son. I bought a pack of huggies for my 16month old son to find that majority of the nappies had no fastening strip. i can not aford to buy more nappies and had to go to drastic measures to get more nappies. i love huggies but i am very disapointed for what has happened to me twice. i hope that huggies will please change this as i really dont want to change nappy brands.

I have recently bought a large pack of Huggies Nappies size 5 and have at least 12 of the nappies either without a fastener on one side or fastenings totally missing I have been buying Huggies for the last 3 years and I am very dissapointed as being a single parent I cannot afford to keep buying nappies because mistakes are being made when they are made. I find it really annoying having to throw a brand new nappy because it is unwearable. I am considering changing my brand of nappy if this keeps happening. Regards, an unhappy mummy.
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