Meijer Complaints Continued... (Page 2)
80+ reviews added so far. Upset? Call Meijer corporate: 616-453-6711No Reviews

I get upset when I come to your store in Fairfield, Ohio. Your customer service leaves a lot to be desired. I do not like the fact that I have to load my own groceries and cannot watch the screen to see my charges at the check out. Many times, including my visit yesterday, I have had to go to the service desk to be refunded money that I was overcharged. I would prefer to pay more money than to be ignored as a paying customer. I am not an employee that was hired to be a bagger at your store. Also, many times I have seen your employee's not offer to help the elderly load groceries in their cart. This happens a lot. They do not leave the cash register area for any reason and show little or no concern for your customers. Your store is convenient for me but if I have the time, I will go out of my way to go to Kroger. At least they have people that are willing to ask you if you need help.
Thanks for your attention.
Jan Ryan

The store management Meat Dept Managers and customer service managers have repeatedly disappointed me and insulted me I made 3 trips 2 weeks ago to try and get shoulder sliced they forgot to do and then they didn’t slice the right thing this has happened on many occasions the other thing that happened recently was that Patricia at the service desk pretty much called me a liar to my face. I was gave the store directors number but chose not to call because didn’t want to give them any more of my time I thought they would have contacted me I gave 2 different people my info. As for now Meijers has lost my business sale or no sale.

MPerks had done it again....... I went on line to clip mperks coupons, but cannot access mperks "home" to access the coupons unless you "accept" the pharmacy pop up. Pop up indicates "Account now includes pharmacy rewards". The pop up blocks the mperks page and there is no option to "X" out and continue with mperks coupons- YOU MUST ACCEPT the pharmacy reward program or you CANNOT get to mperks coupons.
How aggravating is Meijer!!!!!!! I do not want nor need their pharmacy garbage and really do not like the underhanded sneaky way they are forcing customers to accept a feature they do not want. They did this once before and I quite shopping in their store, opting for Kroger or Good Foods and Trader Joe's rather that Meijer. Why do they do this to their customers??? I am perfectly capable of making MY OWN CHOICES and do not care for the way Meijer bullies their customers into accepting a feature they may or may not want.
My choice will now be to leave Meijer behind and shop where the customer matters.

Was at Lowell Meijer this morning arrived around 8 am. First thing I see is a sign Friday/Saturday special. Can not find any flyer that would tell me what was in this two day sale. Asked 2 employees. Looked in same place as myself. Mumbled to each other wondering if someone was in yet. Well never seen the flyer neither of the employees tried to track me down Oh well I guess Meijer loss.
Store is being stocked like crazy. People and carts and boxes down every isle. A mess!
When I go to check out. Mind you I have my weeks worth of groceries. One cashier!!! 27 lanes one cashier?
The poor gal tries twice to call for more help with no one coming to help. As I am paying I said to the gal I will stop at the desk and see where a manager is. She was up there talking for about 5 minutes. Then says Oh I was just going to help. One casher didn't show. I can not believe you don't have a better system. When lines have more than two customers management from all departments should be trained to come up and help check-out. The gentleman behind me had 5 items and he waited. He like myself want to see cashiers. We don't want to do self check. Am getting real close to going to Forest Hills Foods.


Today 7/11/2018, I went into my local Meijer Store located in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. Bought my groceries, and proceeded to customer service. Where I asked to break two $20.00 bills. I wanted $15 ones and 5 fives. I was told by the women behind the desk she could not do that. Her reason was that if they ran out of 5's and1's the bank charges your company for change. Simple when people come to the service counter and need something as simple as change I would think that in the middle of the day, and after register pick ups a store the size of Meijer has an abundance of small bills. Also, to better accommodate customers maybe the stores can figure out a way to have smaller bills on hand. I am sure that the few customers that would ask to break a $20.00 bill is not an overwhelming number each day. Very sad that this simple accommodation can't be used for the benefit of your customers. Another solution fine a bank that is willing to accommodate your companies needs. Thank you for letting me fill out your free complaint form.
Lea Dean

My ex-wife was a career employee at a Jackson, MI store. She divorced me over 4 years ago. The divorce decree called for a 50/50 split of both our retirement assets; I did my part within a week of the judgment. There is not enough room here to be specific, but over 8 months later I've still seen nothing from my ex-wife's employer, Meijer, in Jackson Mi. I used to be a Meijer shopper at least twice a week; I no longer spend money there. I've been dealing with their corporate human resources for over 8 months, and supplied them with any requested information in 2 days, (maximum).
I still see no action on their part. In the last week I completed a form and returned it to them. I called today, 2018-06-28 to confirm they received they form, and inquire about resolution. They could not find the form and they have to start a "case". I've had "cases" before in this process with no help, no gain, no plan, and no end in sight.
I really really wish I could let someone know the frustration, and hopelessness I'm enduring at their hands. If you've read this far I'm confident you're thinking this is my fault. I do not believe it is; I've jumped through hoops to get a legal document enforced, and, MEIJER just doesn't care.

My wife and I went to Big Rapids Meijer to get a "FEW" things. we were only the third person in line. the two others that were before us only had about a hand about 10 items.
The cashier didn't know what he was doing. We asked the cashier to call a manager to help him, but he refused. about 20 minutes had passed before we got to the cashier. We told the cashier again to get a manager because the Sherbet that we bought had melted. The Cashier still wouldn't get the manager. We told him, that we were not having him cash us out until he got a manager. The Cashier said "well, your going to be waiting here all night". Finally the manager came over. We told the manager what this cashier was doing, and the Cashier was saying, no, there lying. I didn't do that or say that to the manager. The cashier was starting up a fight with us. The manager had to tell the cashier to leave.
The manager wanted to give us a gift card for our trouble, but we don't want any gift cards and refused. We just want competent cashiers.
We stopped going into Walmart because of this. If Meijer keeps this up, we will have to start shopping at Menards, or drive to Mt. Pleasant to shop at Kroger.
I also have noticed that the Meijer cashiers no longer have name tags. maybe they don't want there name to be shown for a complaint.
I noticed that the receipt said the employee's name was Shane. date 4/20/18, time 9:25pm
These types of incidents have happened too many times at Meijer. I guess that I will have to file a complaint with the State of Michigan consumer affairs. maybe they can do something about it.

Location is Haggerty Rd at 8 Mile Rd, Livonia, Michigan.
I take a class Monday nights up the street at Schoolcraft College. I can't get home to eat before class, so I've been going to this Meijer location most Monday nights, where i pick up a grilled chicken breast, some cheese, a banana, and sparkling water, for dinner.
I have to eat low/no salt for health reasons, and that makeshift dinner is about the only thing i can buy at your store for immediate consumption. Everything else is far too salty.
Last night, April 16, 2018:
- No grilled chicken breasts at the deli counter
- No bananas (among the thousand i saw, not one was ready to eat)
- I skipped the sparkling water because i wasn't going to walk all the way to the back of the store to get it, since i wasn't going to be able to eat dinner anyway
All of this was disappointing, since i was hungry, and out of time. But the worst thing was when the counter guy told me, in response to my grilled chicken breast request, "it's not your lucky day."
No, it wasn't my lucky day. I was going to class hungry, and a jerk at Meijer was mocking me.
Shame on you if you don't take this opportunity to help this young man grow up. Who knows how many customers he has sent out your doors forever, upset at his flippant attitude?
Count me as "one." I won't go back. The product avaibility is annoying, but I will not be spoken to like that by some young jerk in a hairnet. Good luck.
If you want to make this right with me, i propose three things:
- go correct the deli employee
- say you're sorry
- send me a gift card
I'm sorry i have to report this to you, and usually i wouldn't indulge myself, but he felt free to stick it to me; so please fix it.
I look forward to the favor of your reply; you have my email address; call my cell phone if you like, 248 388-9772. Thank you for your quick attention.

On 4/17/2018 between 10:50am and 11:00am I went up to the customer service desk to exchange (2) rolls of quarters for $20 after I had cashed in some bottles. I was told to go there by the cashier at the lane I was in. I went to the customer service desk and Linda F saw me and then walked to the back. Moments later she came up to the front. I was the ONLY person in line (and my son) and we approached her. I kindly asked if we could exchange the (2) rolls of quarters that I had. She told me flat out- “No.” I said, “well the lady in the check out line directed me to come here.” And she said “ugh, I don’t have time for this. I’d have to count out all these quarters.” I said, “so you’re telling me that you cannot exchange current/valid US currency for paper currency? That’s illegal.” She grabbed my (2) rolls of quarters and slowly counted them out. At the very end, she literally THREW a $20 bill on the counter and said “THERE.” I have never been treated so poorly in my life. This Woman needs to be talked to. I was so embarrassed. I’ve been shopping here for years and I’ve never had a negative experience until this morning.

Dog being carted around in the grocery area of the Adrian Michigan Meijer store.In the grocery basket,not a service dog,it set off an allergic reaction on me,and can't meet cleanliness standards for food.

Poor management at Meijers on 28th and Kalamazoo. The store parking area is always filthy. The area for carts inside, is filthy. The bottle return area filthy. The restroom are filthy. You're not stocking the shelves like you should. I love Meijers, I'm not going to any other store. Hire the right people, with the right attitudes. I have shopped there over 30 years, again, I'm not shopping any where else.

Cashiers Lamar and Leslie at store #55 36600 Van Dyke Sterling Heights, MI 48312. Both work at customer service desk. They both have I don't want to want on customers attitudes. Lamar has a mean look on his face like he does not want to work. Both act lazy. They act like you are bothering me with your issue and you are interrupting my day.

We went through Meijer Pharmacy in Mt. Pleasant Michigan and was told it was going to be 35 to 45 minutes. So we left and came back and was told to go to the back of the line and it would be ready. When we got back up to the drive thru window we were told that the script was missing something and they needed to contact the doctor in the morning. I told them that the doctor was in the er and to call him and that is when they said it would be ready on 10 minutes. My husband went inside to get the script and when he got to the counter they said have a seat and we will call you when it is ready. My husband said if it was going to take 30minutes they should of just said so. Just then the. Pharmacist went to my husband and said if you don't like it go somewhere else. One of the techs told my husband if he don't like it go somewhere else. We spend a lot of money at meijers and we wold appreciate good customer service! I would appreciate something done with the employees in the pharmacy at meijers!

On November 22 2017, I had an unpleasant experience with customer service at the Rockville Road location in Avon Indiana. The manager needs to train his employees for better customer service. i have been going to Meijers in Avon for my biweekly shopping, since recently moving to Indiana, a year ago. For the first time I went to customer service to return some items that were totally unsatisfactory. I explained to the gal that I had cooked one of the items, and after cooking the required time and temperature, it was inedible and I had to throw it away, so I was returning the other two. She gave me a look which silently said, Yeah, right, I know you are lying. When she gave me my receipt, I looked at at the amount, which only totaled the sum of 2 items, not 3 items as I had explained, and did not give any credit for the tax.??

Im complaining about the meijer weekly ad everything in the ad was not provided cause i have had two different associats told me that they refuse to sell me stuff because they were holding it for thursday ad when the weekly ad says all week long i was trying to buy my husband a ps4 and controllers i think thats false advertisement im taking my buiness else where if this is the way buiness is done i will start shopping at kroger and wal mart.

I go to your Meijer store on Gratiot in Saginaw, Michigan. Every week, there are never enough checkout lanes open. Went as usual, and people waiting in long lines because only a couple open with an actual cashier, but all U Scans open. People around me complaining. Same in the pharmacy! Never enough help! You try to push people to use the U Scan, but not many with a cart full of groceries, want to check out themselves.You need to realize that your customers are more important than saving your labor hours. This is a weekly experience. Thinking I should switch over to Kroger. At least they have cashiers and baggers still!! Even the employees I talk to complain about the management! Maybe you should rethink how you run your stores, especially with the busy season approaching. I've been in retail my whole working life, and this is a frustrating experience every week! You need to rethink your customer service if you value the people shopping in your stores. No wonder there are no jobs out there! You take them all away to save money, but your service to your customers suffers!

Chuck roast meat advertised not displayed case completely empty. Went to meat counter worker and he said yea I noticed that when ai came in and went back to talking to other worker . Turkey sausage patties outdated and expired in case. Shelves not stocked products setting in aisles. Asked worker in milk department to please push milk forward so we could reach. Produce department several areas not stocked. Had to track down a worker to get bananas.
The Coldwater Meijer store has really declined. The clothing choices are limited compared to other Meijer stores in the area.

I shop at Meijer very frequently. It is close to where I work and is one of the few grocery stores that are open at the time I get out of work. I put up with the incessant barricading of the isles for cleaning because of the before mentioned reasons. I get it. It has to be done, though it is extremely frustrating at 11 pm.
With that being said, I usually wait for an actually cashier. I don't like the idea of self check out. Its taking jobs from people. It is what it is but I don't have to participate. I rarely go to the store without spending at least $200.00. And I do this a couple of times a month usually. Another reason that I opt for an actual human to help me. Well tonight to my dismay the only check out manned by a real person was an express lane.
I was unimpressed, and actually considered just leaving my cart and waking out. But then I thought about the few employees that are working at this time of night and how it is not their fault that the Meijer company is more worried about the bottom line than over all customer satisfaction. So I muscled my cart into self check out. I had to continuously stop to clear the belt, get assistance because it was taking so long, and try to bag my $260.00 worth of items on my own.
Meanwhile, I went back to scan more items and my eggs, and potato chips were crushed. I was beyond irritated and the very nice man that was running the express lane (the only actual person checking people out) came over and asked what was wrong. I told him what had happened and he got me a new carton of eggs. I was upset and swore while explaining the situation. I feel terrible about that and apologized to him. Once again, it is not his fault that your company does things the way they do. With all of this being said, I have no intention of going back to Meijer. I have had enough. This isn't the first time I have been displeased. I am making it my last.

I went to a store near my daughter in Aurora (Route 59). Bought Cubs shirts on the display table at the front of store ($22) each. I washed it in cold water and all the colors faded. I bought this for a special party. I called you customer complaint/service phone line and all I was told was I will let the store know. Wow, is that customer service/satisfaction. I don't think so. I have been a customer - credit card holder for years -- I am ready to post all this on my Facebook, Twitter and public pages. I was so upset after this interaction.

The pharmacy at Alpine in Walker is totally inept. My husband has been waiting for a prescription that has been supposedly out of stock for going on two weeks now. The last time he was in which was a few days ago they gave him 5 or 6 pills to tide him over. He takes one tablet twice a day. He has congestive heart and needs the Torsemide for his swelling. Also I called into his heart doctor's office on the 27th of September and talked to them again today because I called your wonderful pharmacy and was told that no prescription was received. The nurse told me that they called that prescription into them on the 27th of September.
They took the prescription over the phone with her today. That prescription was for Warfrin, another heart medication needed each day.This one is a blood thinner. This is not the first time we have had problems with this pharmacy and they seem to have enough help, they are just not qualified help. The nurse told me that I wasn't the first one to complain so I guess it may be all the pharmacies in Meijer stores. I will pull my prescriptions and go elsewhere if this doesn't improve they should have filled my husband's Torsemide prescription when they had 5 tablets to give him. This medication is needed for his heart and his life. It's not just some simple antibiotic. I really am fed up with this pharmacy. I will never recommend Meijer pharmacies to anyone. This matter needs to be attended to immediately.

My husband and I decided to try Meijer brand diapers. We have heard that they are just as good as Target's up and up brand but a little cheaper. So we bought a box and tried them out. We have used them for exactly 4 days and have had 6 leaks so far. I am not impressed with the type of material or even the look of the diaper. Very cheap looking and made the same way. I am fine with eating the money we spent on that box of diapers and going back to up and up Target brand.

We buy Meijer soda pop all the time. We love the taste and quality they provide, but this time the cola and Rocky mist both had no carbonation at all. I believe it just a mistake from the factory these bottles came from. Can someone please let us know if we can get a credit for 9 bottles please.

It was 9pm when my girlfriend and I entered the Meijer in Auburn Hills Michigan. The first thing we saw was lines backing up on the self-service cashiers, which was really unusual. The cashiers were open???? I had to run to the restroom and when I got there noticed how dirty the door was, so I didn't touch it. When I got fully in the bathroom, there were 3 toilets disgustingly dirty, floors were filled with paper, toilet paper, and candy wrappers, dirt, scum and such. The handicap toilet was covered with a plastic bag because there was something that took place that made me mad. The only toilet usable's floor was so dirty and the seat was gross, I stood to go. That's just wrong.
We did purchase a few things down the bathroom isle and I spent 40$ although should have left. I stood like everyone else in the self-serve line because I had only a few items (there is something shady going on in this store) unlike the rest of the people checking out with full carts?
When I got to the checkout register, I began to scan my items not noticing until the end when I had to pay the whole face of the scanner where you put your items to scan was covered in meat blood and who knows what, but I touched it and there was no clean anywhere and my hands were all sticky. I have never been in a more filthy store in all of my 54 years of living. I will never go back to that store in Auburn Hills and very possibly never go to another Meijer store again.

I'm a truck driver I'm out of lake Odessa, Michigan. The Lansing distribution center is the worst people to deal with it takes me longer to unload the load of Orange juice at that place then it takes to bring it there from Cincinnati, Ohio. Today I have set hear going on seven hours I'm so sick of miejer I tell everyone I know or talk to don't buy at miejer. I shop at spartan food stores and aldi's feel free to call me about why I do so.

There has not been any 20oz meijer brand foam cups stocked in the store for approximately 2 weeks. Is this normal? I had to go to grape road location to get some which is further away from my house. I mentioned this to the story manager who did not seem to care. Do I have to file a formal complaint to get something done?

I purchased 20 18 gallon Sterilite plastic blue totes from the Meijer store in Adrian, Michigan a while back, as I thought that we were going to move. That didn't happen. I did use 6 of these totes. Originally, I paid $4.35 each for them, they still have all tags and stickers on them, even the little white MEIJER tag with price. The balance of 14 totes were stored inside in a clean and dry place, time went by and I finally got someone to help me lift them and drive them to local Meijer Store this past Sunday. (This amount of totes were too big to fit into my car plus to heavy,is why I waited on a person with a truck).
He put them in a shopping cart for me and I took them to Customer Service. The lady at Customer Service said that since I paid with a check and didn't have the receipt she would have to give me the clearance price of $2 and something each - I wasn't happy about that but what could I do but accept that. She then called her Team person and they said NO, that the store would NOT take them back. I was amazed and had no other choice but to take them back outside and the man re-loaded them onto truck and brought them back to my house. I am a 70 years old and am on a fixed income - this is causing me not only a financial hardship, the embarrassment of asking for help in returning these totes, the looks that people in line gave me, plus now I have them in my home again. I could see the store turning me away if the totes were not in perfect condition but they are. I am very, very unhappy about this.

Arrived at electronics section of Southgate, Michigan Meijers #123 to purchase a micro Usb data cable. After waiting about 5 minutes for sales clerk to finish with customer , I asked her if the cable I had in hand was in fact a data cable, she said she didn't know the answer to my question. I then asked if store stocked a data cable she said for me to Go AWAY! I asked to see a manager and was told to go find one. When I left to find one she called one on phone and told a bunch of lies about my behavior and temperament.
A manager finally arrived and found the cable requested. Myself and family are avid Meijers customers shopping for our food, clothing and prescriptions in this store, amounting to nearly 1,000.00 dollars each month. I also have 3 grown children that do the same. To be told Go AWAY, by a very rude sales representative is not acceptable by me. Until this matter is resolved, in a timely matter, I as well as my family will NOT be spending our combined thousands of dollars at Meijers. This incident transpires on 4/14/2015 at 9:15 AM.

Top brands at low prices are always comfortable for anyone. I like to follow the best brands when coming to my skin care and Meijer has all the best brands. I am grateful to Meijer as I got the best skin cleansing cream Noxzema at a reasonable cost and within short period. I also got Digital coupons and personalized rewards for being regular customer. Meijer is the best online shopping portal for Beauty & Healthcare, Petcare,Sports,Electronics,Garderning tools,Patio furniture, Grocery and Baby care items. I suggest you to go for this to experience quality products and service.
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