Netflix Complaints Continued... (Page 3)
154+ reviews added so far. Upset? Call Netflix corporate: 1-866-579-7172No Reviews

I have deleted my account, my card is still there and I'm getting charged still when I'm not watching it. I would you like you to delete my account NOW! I hate this site.

You know that the quality of films that Netflix catalogs is horrible. In all classifications and all areas it is almost abusive how many absolutely crappy choices you have made to entertain me. When you cannot find enough American produced junk you search around the world so that you can find the lowest level of CRUD to insult my sensabilities. You must know that we, the viewing public, are getting fed up. Here is my solution. Each month I purchase five to seven DVDs to complete my library and soon, very soon, I will drop you for good and for always. PS. So far I have gotten several of my friends on board and the quantity of people continues to grow. Every day you do nothing to correct this growing problem. So, we will leave and buy DVDs.

I have been double charged since 11/14/2014 for two accounts created unknowingly under different email address' The total is $39.95 extra that I should have been refunded for. These accounts used the same credit card. Spoke with a rep who was not helpful at all, only offered one month refund. Told him to cancel both accounts and I will never come back to netflix. Will try Amazon prime and Hulu plus instead. Will also file a complaint with the BBB.

"Man on the Train" (French version 2002). Defective disc. Probably worn out. Did not play initially and continued not to after various attempts. Would like a newer disc resent to my account. It's a terrific movie and the results were disappointing to say the least. I receive two discs per week. Try again.

Netflix now has horrible shipping times for the mail order dvd plan. There is an extra 1-2 business day lag in dvd mailing time EACH WAY. I called Netflix numerous times and they are very aware of the situation yet tell the customer "touch luck". We have a long track record of 1 day mailing service each way, and in our local area, all of our letters still are making 1 day service sent to nearby cities in the region. They claim to be "working on the situation" but are unwilling to offer any solution for the long delays. I suggested (and they acknowledged many others have too!) , that in the interim they offer us single dvd plan members a two dvd upgrade for free until they can "work out" the mailing situation. They were not willing to offer any upgrades or even an extra dvd each week if I called them. They were professional and polite, but quite unwilling to do anything about the vastly decreased service we have payed for for a long time. I did not like this response to the many complaints online, so I cancelled our Netflix streaming and dvd services and told them to relay this to people in their company who might be able to address this in the future.

I would like to report defective DVD movies. "Man on the Train" (French) was a defective DVD. "3000 Miles from Graceland" was a defective DVD. Please resend both films. Thanks.

So I pay for netflix and when I was watching something they say that many people are using my account. I am using the account only me. Does anybody else have my password? Please explain

I would like to use netflix when I tried signing up I was not able to due to having a prepaid card. I just don't understand why Netflix will not accept them. I use it to pay all my bills and purchases on the internet. Why does Netflix not accept them?

I have been a customer since Dec 2004. I mailed 2 dvd's back on Friday and realized today I hadn't received any new dvd's. Went to their website and seen that my account was put on hold, no notification from them or anything. I called and ended up having to talk to a supervisor who informed me that my account was put on hold October 21 because they were investigating that out of last 3 months I reported not receiving 2 of the dvd's they said they mailed.
I asked him why am I being punished for the US Mail he said I wasn't then why am I being charged for a service I am not receiving and he replied I'm not. I then said then why did you charge my credit card? Couldn't get straight answer out of them. I canceled my membership and told him they need to credit my card back. We will see what happens. Ever since they changed their pricing, etc they have gone down hill. You would think now that we are paying more we would have better service.

Im very upset to know Netflix took this show off. I guess they will taking all other shows off too. My mine reason for getting Netflix was to catch up on movies and shows like that. Guess i need to cancel my membership too. Its always a mess up something is going and doing great.

Apparently Netflix is not all about customer service. Unauthorized charges for Netflix services totaling $47.94 were made against my PayPal account over a 3 month period. First, the fact that 2 different accounts were opened and being charged to the same PayPal account each month did not raise a red flag with Netflix. Next, one of the accounts opened had not even been used. I was told by their customer service that they had investigated and determined that no fraud was committed.
The supervisor I then spoke with informed me that she could do nothing for me and to dispute these charges with my bank. My only mistake was not paying close enough attention to my checking and PayPal accounts. It is a sad state that a company like Netflix with a net worth of $2 billion needs my $47.94 so desperately. Personally, I will never use Netflix.

Since 9/15/11 Netflex has been charging us for streaming. I only discovered this because I wanted to change my plan. When I called to complain I was told a lot of people have complained over the past year. It seems that streaming was free for the first 2 or 3 years it was offered, which a lot of us seniors knew nothing about, then they supposedly notified us by email that we would now be charged for it unless we said no. Except a lot of us seniors knew nothing about streaming. Netflex will only give me back 1 month over charge credit. I am now trying to get my credit card to dispute the rest of the fradulant over charges. Please do all you can to get this complaint to the right people.

I am angry that netflix removed the series The First 48 Hours from my queue. I had no idea that was going to happen so I missed about half the number of shows.
Dropping shows that have been queued shows a blatant disregard for customers. This is further shown by not having any simple way to convey complaints. This type of service motivates me to seek alternative means of obtaining video entertainment.

My 3 year old daughter received a gift certificate at Christmas for a 6 month use of Netflix. Went throuh all the sign up process including entering a visa number to register. Last month my card was compromised and was cancelled. As I do not own a credit card now, Netflix sent me an email telling me my account was suspended as of April 1. 2012. I called cutomer srvice and spoke with agentleman who informed me even though I had already paid for the 6 month service with a gift certifact, I needed a new credit card so they could get authorization each month??? I told hi that if I got a prepaid credit card I would have to pay the fees on the card to get my already paid service, he said yes. I fundamentally disagreed with this. I asked to speak with a supervisor, "Shell" who reinerated same thing. I told her it is not right that we are required to pay to use a service that is already paid for! I asked her if I could speak with a manager, she said they are all gone for the day. I asked if I could get a call back and she said she could not guarrenttee that they would eve call me back!!! If my service is already paid for, why do I need to give them a new fortm of credit???

I have a streaming only account. With the implementation of the new streaming only system, Netflix has significantly reduced the number of movies available as compared to the combined streaming/mail in program. The results are a restricted number of choices, determined and changed by Netflix. I was watching a series and all of a sudden it was no longer available and the series has been off TV for over 10years......can't be because too many people were watching it!!
Why did Netflix reduce the number of available videos.....most of them of old, off air, or low viewership anyway so the mail-in crowd isn't going to be losing anything in the process.
I see this as another attempt to up the corporate profit margin because there is no real competitor to Netflix. Why couldn't Netflix just keep all the streaming videos it had in place before the organization boondoggle and as the mail-in videos lose interest to viewers or copyright and royalty issues are met, move these to the streaming only group. I intend to spread the word among friends re: the Netflix sorry service.

I have been watching Netflix on my laptop for quite some time with no problem. Now when I try to watch anything, it says I need to download Microsoft Silverlight Plug-In first. I do not wish to download this and I don't understand why Netflix would suddenly require me to download this. I am very disappointed in Netflix for forcing this on me. I pay for their services and I should be allowed to use them when I wish.

my netflix doesn't work right anymore, the words don't match up with the lips, everything isn't synced anymore, it goes in slow motion, and then fast forwards and then it freezes. It never works right. I tried uninstalling Silverlight and then reinstalling it. Still it won't work. I don't know what to do to make it work. I stop it I pause the show and restart it. I turned off the browser and restart it. I log out and re log in. I turn off the computer restart the computer. Nothing I do is working! What is wrong with your product? how do I get it fixed? if it keeps not working I will discontinue to use netflix in the future and withdraw my membership!!!

There are some shows, not movies, that I can view with no problem.... but ALL movies and most shows have a constant lag after about 30 seconds or less that takes place and the audio is playing normal while the video lags and is choppy. I am very unhappy with this because I have a brand new up to date computer and I shouldn't be having these issues. Please fix this issue Netflix or I to will be canceling my membership.

i really like if they cud at list update der system and their movies and series collection because most of them that are been shown on my playstation are either been old movie or old episode which have already watched so it either they update it or i stop paying them and i stop using netflix thnks!

Removing 2,000 titles, huh? And not just titles that no one cares about. All the old-school Nickelodeon cartoons, Trailer Park Boys, and hundreds of movies. The press statement said that these were the titles least often watched, which after reading the list can not be true. I pay to watch the things that I enjoy, that is the entire point of the service. Why would Netflix take that away, what part of that is a good idea? How on Earth is that customer satisfaction?

I'm furious to find out that after I have cancelled my membership with Netflix , they have still been charging me for a service I am not using , in sod cases double charge. I demand they reimburse me ASAP !
Netflix needs to stop charging me now for a service that I am no longer using, this is akin to highway robbery yes? I am so tired of not working with professionals who will take care of customer service in manner befitting a real company. When I cancel that means NO. Is anyone else having the same problems with Netflix?

When I signed up with Netflix a couple years ago, it was wonderful. The movie choices rocked and the tv shows were awesome. I hate the fact that we have to wait SO long for new seasons/episodes but I understand that they aren't allowed by those shows to do that until a certain amount of time has passed. I get that. I didn't sign up for Netflix to watch nothing but B movies! Why are the movies terrible anymore? B movies. I'm about *this* close to cancelling because I can't find a single decent movie to watch. I swear all we get is the straight-to-dvd-movies and horrid knock-offs of the real good movies. Chop Kick Panda? Seriously? Netflix is a joke.

I am VERY disappointed that you removed The First 48 series from instant streaming. I deleted all the episode from my DVR to make room only to find out that I couldn't watch it on Netflix anymore. Im very ticked at yall for canceling The First 48. That's the only freaking show i ever watch on there! Yall used to be good but now ur services suck and me and my hubby are going to cancel. The reason I ordered Netflix was to watch the seasons of the first 48 I no longer see it in my instant queue. I'm really close to canceling my subscription with Netflix there is no longer a need for it!

I've been a subscriber to netflix for all but 11 months with there 2 dvd unlimited plan which is 2 dvd's out at once then when you send them back the same day they ship your next 2 , it takes 1 day to get to my areas local hub, over the past months i didnt have a problem until recently, i used to be to watch 6 movies/week now i'll be lucky to watch 2-4 per week as they wait an additional day to ship them out and if it falls on a saturday then 3 more days, i've tired of calling and complaining about it cause its doesnt help not one sticking bit.!!!! $11.99/ month unlimited is a farse and netflix are nothing more than ripoff artists.

my husband had canceled his account with netflix when the dvd and streaming services became seperate. i thought that after over a year why not try it again. i signed up for the streaming service only and was incredibly disappointed with the selections available. the first 10 items i searced for were unavailable, and i doubt i will keep the service. the titles i was searching for were not obscure, most very popular titles like nurse jackie, the soprano's, criminal minds, big love etc. i thought that i might have more luck searching for a movie, so i typed in my favorite actress julia roberts. i was shocked again to find how few titles were available, and none made in the last 10 years!!!!!! if netflix does not improve the selection of streaming titles availabe they will continue to lose more customers like myself.

I canceled the acct first part of may did not check the credit card until last week when I discovered they were still taking the payment out of my bank account. They have refused to refund my money what can I do to contact Netflix?

I am complaining on here because I have just started my free trial and I heard that Netflix was good but now I have had a look I only wanted to see one movie and it is not on here. My best friend had hit the movie in his netflux but its not on mine. Really unhappy about this. My dad Is a journalist and writes up about stuff like this and I am very closer to asking him to write something up. Unhappy with the service I am getting and want an answer why it's not in Netflix

There is a definite shortage of new Netflix videos, and the selection is utterly redundant. There needs to be more updated videos. Instead of the same choices over and over! I am tired of the same old videos being run for months at a time, why aren't their new updates to live streaming each day on Netflix? Would it really be that hard to do. I pay each month and don't want to file a complaint to Netflix phone number, still tired of this so I am online listing my dissatisfaction with the company.

we have had Netflix for three or four months now, and as for the picture and the quality of the movies they are working at getting a better picture, and they have been improving their service. my problem seems to be that the DVD service is always holding the same movies, we see no rotation when it comes to the movies for instant watch and DVD'S sometimes our family thinks of a movie and when we request it , it's on DVD , those movies don't get any rotation and unless you have the DVD service,we won't be able to watch the movie.
we have been waiting for movies for three months, and they are still on DVD , does this mean they are never going to be on instant watch at all? we end up going to the video store to rent the movie, and it doesn't make any Sence to pay money to not be able to watch movies you want to see, I know they are working on giving us good service, the quality of the movies is improving, now work at rotating some of the instant watch with the DVD movies, and then your service will be great, rotate them at least once a month. thank you foer taking my suggestion into consideration.

I was not using the Netflix service but they were charging me the full streaming price of $15/month even though I have never used streaming services. When I called to cancel the service in September of 2011, I was told that even though I had not used the service for several months and had only used DVDs in the past that they would not credit me back anything except for one month service and that it was my fault for not cancelling the service.
Then I noticed they were still charging my account in March 2012, they had never cancelled the service as I requested and then insisted it was my fault again for not calling sooner and that they would not credit me back to September even though they showed that I had called in September dissatisfied with the service. They said their rep could not possibly have made an error when in fact I know he could have and he was extremely rude on the phone to me. Hannah, the supervisor, said that I could not contact any other supervisor to make this matter right and even though I asked the name of her supervisor she told me I did not need to know the name of her supervisor.
I am completely beside myself and upset about how I have been treated by this company and hope to spare anyone else from this abuse.

I tried registering for a free trial on 10/1, was told no fees for awhile. After filling in all of my information (including credit card info), I received a message stating that I was not eligible for the free trial (I had an account years ago). I did not know that message meant that they were still signing me up and charging my credit card. I wanted the netflix for a trip I was taking. I just got back from my check, catching up on expenses and noticed a monthly charge on my credit card on 10/3, 11/3 and 12/3.
I called for a refund and was told they'll cancel my account and refund the 12/3 charge, but they cannot refund any charges past 30 days - even though I did not know I was a member and the service has not been used. I was not notified (by email, phone, etc.) I'll be contacting the BBB to report this as well.
The latest BS is the advertising that you can not fast forward to the main menu and have to watch!! The lastest Harry Potter movie has about 30 minutes and takes an eternity to get past the BS advertising at the beginning of the disk. I finally gave up. Totally, completely and utterly unacceptable! I don't pay to watch advertising. This is the last straw after the pricing BS a few months ago - and I have been a member since it stared. Good bye and not coming back because of all the netflix fees after 3 months. What is wrong with you guys - your marketing staff should be canned and the rest of the manangement team can go pound sand!!

Hi Netflix, I hope some kind of PR guy is reading these, or skimming them. There is probably a computer, actually. Anyway my complaint is about the retraction of shows from the instant live streaming. It is bad enough they increased prices, divided into two companies, only to retract and go back to one but with, still, higher prices. But now you are going to take away the only tv show I love to watch incessantly?! And ok, I'll admit it: I am talking about Roseanne. The show you are going to cease allowing on instant watch "as of Feb 1" - which leaves me in a sort of panic. Do you mean it will end at 11:59pm of Feb 1, or at 12am of Feb 1? I pay for Netflix to watch specific shows.
I understand if there is an expiration date but why is t this posted on the site ?? It would be so easy to look and elder getting invested in a show. I love Roseanne the tv show and desperately want I back! I've dallied Netflix support. They couldn't give a date but said it would return once renewed. Why isn't there a rough guess or post on these things. So frustrated Because of this I am doing a marathon of Roseanne. It isn't pretty, but it's pretty damn funny. I am annoyed at netflix for all the BS this past year. And I am so bummed about Roseanne. For the love of g-d, bring her back. Im watching the show as I speak and I am already missing it! Sad sad sad...

Netflix is not loading movies and got the same message but not playing any movies. The device says cant get this title right now come back later. I tried other movies and they all none will upload. i went for more detail and it says were not connected. That happens often and Iwould like it fixed.

Ok y'all seriously need to fix some issues. It is loading slowly and no it's not my internet connection. It freezes when I try to go to search engine. It tells me that I have exceeded the max parental controls even when it's set to adult. I have been watching a show and I log on and go to watch it again and that message pops up even if I click on a child's show like Barney it still does it. I have to sign out and sign back in to get it to work. Please fix these problems it has been like this for a few months now and it's getting really frustrating.

we have our netflix streaming through our blue ray . brand new blue ray and never gt to watch one full movie without having to reboot or reset at least 5 times or more.. its very frustrating . we have moved our modem having been told that would help for wifi . and still having difficulty .. help .!!!

I don’t have any issues with receiving bills on time or sending anything within the city I live in and they get it the next day. I called to ask why they haven’t received my dvds back and they got defensive and said it wasn’t Netflix’s issue and treated me rudely. I asked for a supervisor and pretty much got the same thing. I asked for their supervisor and was told “no our supervisors will NOT talk to customers”. They are that high and mighty that customers don’t mean anything to them. I closed the account and dealing with redbox now, with that attitude I don’t need netflix!
I opened a BBB complaint as well.

We’ve been through 3 different blueray players and it’s still the same. We can’t even get through a single video or movie, and the kids netflix won’t make it past the opening credits on any movies we select. What are we paying for here? This is rediculous. We’ve called numerous times and had nothing resolved. Our internet speed is fine, we’ve tried resetting the modem, and still nothing. I’ve read the same problems from many other people on forums and chats online.what do we have to do to get an answer or some help here?

Dear netflix I am very dissapointed that you have movies that involve Paul walker but you don’t have any of the fast and curios why is that feel free to email me at anytime I would like to know why.

I am angry that Netflix has decided to remove the ability to purchase gift subscriptions. I purchase those for my family, as they don’t have credit cards, or tv providers, and this has worked very well. I would also like to note that when I called customer service, it was suggested that they use prepaid credit or debit cards, this solution is unacceptable as these types of cards can incur large user fees, it was also suggested that I let them use my card, this solution is nuts. Netflix, fix your business model.

For the last number of weeks Netflix disconnects and has to be reconnected to again. this can happen many times during a show or movie. As well recently the sound and video are not co-ordinated and also keep hesitating like a video that has a scratch. At times the screen gets stuck and will not continue. I would like some feedback about this as there is some type of problem every evening and I am thinking of cancelling.

Your shows such as “House of Crds” is impossible to watch as it is too (exceptionally) dark! The viewer cannot see the facwes of the characters, background etc. As soon as we switch to Netflix the opening screen gets darker. Why? We are seriously considering cancelling our subscription!

First of all.for a company as big as netflix i can’t beleive the way customers like myself and trying to make ends meet. can’t get credit for something that is understandably a mistake on my part. after talking to people about being charged two times on the same account per month because my wife and i both wanted netflix for our 10 year old daughter. well her bank card and my bank card are different obviously by number and that is how i realized that we were getting charged twice per month. any ways i was told that we could only get credit for the month of april. How do i explain to my daughter that we have to cancel netflix because they need the money more than we do. and netflix does not care about the people that make them as rich as they are

I wanted to check out this Netflix,when I went to there Internet site it brought you through there sign-in option. When asking for your personal information I complied,when I was done I went too sign in and it said the information I gave was incorrect. I then went too the cancel contract did as it said knowing I shouldn’t get billed for something I never has access too.
Well I was wrong I’ve been billed $7.99 for a service I never did receive and now am fighting too get it back. I’ve gotten rude e-mails in regards to my trying to get my money reimbursed,this company is a rip off. How many other people out there have had the same thing happen to them,I can see thousands of dollars in dishonest business sitting in there bank accounts. If anyone can help me with this matter I would greatly appreciate it.

Can y’all please add DA static shock series to Netflix streaming and why isn’t any of the fast and the serious movies I truely love animated car shows is there anymore of the initial D series I’ll be very interested in that these are all movies everyone wants to see and would love to be able to receive on Netflix and from Paris with love is another one that ppl always love and all DA Friday movies and those are just a few why don’t y’all allow for use to see these movies with out ordering DA DVD please look into these things for me:-) have a nice day

I called to find out what was going on with my Netflix account and I got the most unprofessional person I’ve ever talked to. he was a male. I hope they go back and listen to the conversation. I had a calm demeaner in my voice, but expressed that the situation was annoying. he immediately starting insisting I cancel my whole account being incredibly defensive, in a way like he was wanting to punish me by canceling my Netflix account because I wasn’t very happy with the situation.
and I said “I guess if I cant figure it out, then that will most likely be the outcome, but I said that that’s not the steps I wanted to take. I was rude yes, but he was so unprofessional, defensive, unhelpful, rude, just flat out mean, and I absolutely feel like I was being harassed. every time I have called Netflix before I have always got a very kind person that is always very helpful and kind no matter the situation.
I asked if I could speak to someone else and he denied my request. If I had talked to someone else I would still have an account with your company. I wanted to upgrade my Netflix account because I wanted to be able to rent the “duck dynasty” first and second seasons. he said I couldn’t call back, threatening me. he said I came at him guns a blazing. witch is not true. by the end of the conversation he got me mad but I was very insulted and it upset me.

I can’t acess my account even though you all take out the monthly fee every month! Why is that? Do you have a direct or indirect answer for that? Or are you going to avoid the question altogether and leave me in the dark? I am a paying customer for Netflix and deserve to have the rights to watch whatever I want whenever I want! Isn’t the whole point of Netflix to be on demand when I want it!!!!

Up to now we have been very happy with the service provided by nertflix and had quite recently begun to watch one of the complete series that you provide, namely Twin Peaks. Over the christmas period myself and my partner had got through all the first series and half of the second series and in the new year sat down looking forward to another episode. We were very shocked, dissapointed and confused when we realised that both seasons of the show were no longer on Netflix and ofcourse have now been left in limbo as to the ending.
Our understanding of Netflix is a service for people to pay monthly and then enjoy watching what you want when you want and to benefit from being able to watch full series of programs. As you can hopefully understand we are both very dissapointed and somewhat angry about this situation and are seriously considering canceling our subscription if this show cannot be put back on for us. I would be very greatful if someone could get back to me regarding this matter as soon as possible.

It appears to me, that you have structured your company in order to almost force me to buy both parts of your service. For example, take a star like Denzel Washington. You have a huge choice of two of his numerous movies. I have found that on moe than one occaision. I have not the time nor patience to work with the movies by mail. I want to be able to watch instantly and have more available to me.
Why not charge a little more and give the proper choices and service. I assure you that I will be looking elsewhere.

I am writing to inform Netflix that everyday your company continues to support Rush Limbaugh’s program I will be aggressively letting people know where you choose to spend your money. Rush has crossed the line one too many times. I have begun an email and Facebook campaign to inform as many people as possible that your company supports misogynistic hate mongering, and I will continue until Netflix choose to withdraw your support for his show.
If Netflix think that you can sustain the negative publicity I encourage you to contact the Susan G. Komen foundation to see how it has helped their public image. While I support Rush’s freedom of speech, I will exercise my own by discouraging others from supporting your company. I look forward to seeing your company added to the list of sponsors who have cut ties with Rush.
I will be terminating my Netflix account due to your sponsored support of Rush Limbaugh. If you stop supporting him I’ll consider returning but in the meantime I’m going to turn off my account and find a new provider. Maybe Blockbuster or Hulu. As a customer of many years, I have a hard time understanding how you can sponsor Rush Limbaugh’s radio show. He is an ignorant misogynist and racist who spews slanderous statements on his radio show. I believe strongly in Freedom of Speech but that does not include slander.
Your sponsorship of his program makes one question whether you agree with his statements.

I am severely disappointed with your netflix streaming services. For the past month, even though the stream is fully uploaded, it has been acting as a scratched DVD, stopping and jumping every 2 minutes. I literally have to refresh it every time this happens and I know it is not my internet speed, as I have watched films on five other websites with no problems whatsoever. It is imperative that you fix this before I get angry enough to cancel netflix services and make sure no one I know ever pays for it.
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