Olin Corporation Customer Service
Rated 2.43 of 5 Stars
Based on 7 Complaints

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Toll free phone number: (314) 480-1400

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Olin Corporation Contact Information

Report complaints to corporate and get satisfaction

  • Olin Corporation headquarters address

    • 190 Carondelet, Suite 1530
    • Clayton
    • MO 63105
  • Company website

  • 1-800 phone number

    (314) 480-1400
  • Better Business Bureau rating


  • Customer service hours

    24 hours a day

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Top Olin Corporation Complaints

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I was given a 3 day suspension which I felt was not warranted. I work as.an Adjustor for Winchester in Oxford, MS at the Centerfire Plant.
I felt all the correct procedures was followed because we have a machine Setup checklist which gives us guidance on how to adjust the machine to keep it running safely as well as efficiently during normal operations.
There was a defect in the operation of the machine which caused poor products; there argument was that this adjustment should not have been made because it was a Military product.


Yes I have a complaint about one of the HR people in oxford ms please call me at 662 202 2584.


My complaint is about the Head HR guy in oxford ms his name is Michael Howe and I worked there for almost 4 years and I had to resign because of final write up with mix material and I worked my butt off for that company and so I was told by Linda Paul and Ben Russell that I could be rehired so after 6 months and then 1 year later I have still been trying to get rehired out there and numbers of supervisors have spoke to Michel Howe on my behalf and also other co workers of mine and I have applied numerous times and still they won't even call me and Michael Howe now is rehiring all the white people only I mean and they are the ones who quit and was fired as well and he won't even give me another chance. I was even told by the general foreman i was given the okay to return by my general foreman Eric Mullink also by Frank hazelwonder who is noe back in East Alton and I was also given the okay by another HR person Linda Paul but being thst I am black Michael Howe is giving me the run around I need help asap my number is 662 202 2584 I need someone to look into this for me


I've been trying to get ahold of Winchester Ammunition (Olin Corporation) for 2 weeks now. I've left 4 voice messages, and filled out their online Customer Service form. I have never been contacted back. Every time I call them I get transferred and nobody answers or I get passed through an automated system that keeps looping with no end.


Bought 3 100 rd boxes of 9mm ammo first box I had primers blow out the back of case. safely discarded this box at gun club. next week 2nd box with same thing, still have that box and 3rd box unopened. took round apart and solid brass bottom when I dumped the powder out no hole.


Hearing more complaints about Winchester ammo and Olin corporation, I actually had no idea this company existed but they should hire a PR person immediately. Corporate office should watching these complaints!


Olin manufactures shot gun shells branded Winchester ammo. I have tried to register a complaint with Winchester about their Blind side brand of ammo. The shells are not crimped properly and the shot is falling out, this may cause the firearm to jam or a shell to explode in the magazine. Their response is below. I provided contact information in my initial message to them and my second message. When checking the link they had no record of the contact.

*** Winchester (Olin Corporation) Response ***

Thank you for contacting Winchester. I am sorry that you were not completely satisfied with your recent Winchester Ammunition purchase. Here is a link to our online support form, www.winchester.com/Product-Service/Pages/Contact-Us.aspx. If you can provide some contact info and answer a couple questions, one of our customer support reps will work with you to resolve the issue and ensure that you are satisfied with the solution. Thank you for your feedback and for being a valued Winchester customer. Sincerely, Consumer Service Department Winchester Ammunition For additional information on Winchester Ammunition products, please visit our website at Winchester.com.

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