Radio Shack Complaints Continued... (Page 2)
67+ reviews added so far. Upset? Call Radio Shack corporate: 817-415-3011No Reviews

How long does it take to buy a cell phone? I just spent 2 hours in Radio Shack on Rt 1, Edison NJ. The sales guy didn’t seem to have much knowledge of their products. He took almost 2 hours to get my information, print a contract, and get credit check. He then made a mistake ringing up the phone. After being on hold and exchanging faxes with tech support, for 2 hours, I became extremely frustrated, grabbed my credit card and drivers license, and left the store. I can only imagine how much longer to activated and explain the phone to me.
It seems Radio Shack employees are better trained in suggestive selling techniques, than knowledge of the products they sell. I blame management and not the employee. This sales guy was very professional and apologetic, however not very knowledgeable of his products.

Drop Dead Radio Shack ! I went in Radio Shack at 1301 Nuuanu Ave., Honolulu, Hawai’i as I usually do to find a few parts I needed for a couple of projects. I like to look around for any new things they might have before I start looking for my parts that I need. A sales associate approached me and asked if I needed help, I looked at her and said No. In the next isle over she asked me again. I said it is irritating to be interupted while I am looking for a part trying to remember a number and again I said No. Then the other associate came over and moved me out of the way 3 times to retrieve parts for another customer.
All this in the space of 5 minutes. I go back to the search for parts that I need and again the 1st associate comes over to ask the same, can I help you with something, question. What part of No do they not understand? The ‘N’ or the’O’? I go up to the register and put my parts on the counter and the same sales associate takes the parts and shoves them roughly towards the next register. I pick them up and put the parts in front of the next register. The 1st associate opens her big mouth and tells me how she does not like my attitude after bothering me 3 times in 3 different isles. The second asso then tells me how he is going to have me banned from the shopping center
It is no wonder Radio shack is not out of business yet. The shopping mall has only 3 stores rented and is a pit to visit anyway. This particular Radio Shack the sales people don’t know their ‘A’ from a hole in the ground when it comes anything electronic. They have no idea what ohm’s law is. And, they have no idea How To Treat Good Customers. There are many OTHER electronics stores where the people are very nice and I am going to VOTE with my wallet. Drop Dead Radio Shack !

On 11/10/11 about 3:45pm, I came into the Radioshack at 6070 Garner’s Ferry RD. Columbia SC. Store number 019608, Sales associate RK was on duty. I attempted to remove a micro SD chip from the shelf and discovered it was locked onto the shelf. After finishing with another customer, he came and removed the item from the shelf, I was waiting at the counter. A white customer walked up to the counter before he started to ring me up, he dropped my item and served the white customer who actually came into the store after me.I stepped back and the white customer stepped in front of me.
After he started to ring the white customer up, I spoke to the sales assoc. saying it is normal to be offended when this type of thing happens. He proceded to to suggest that I had jumped in front of the prievious customer. Which was not true since she was awaiting a phone activation and was on her way outside to her car to retreive something. The white customer was placed in the position and began defending himself, but he was unaware of what transactions was taking place, and was prompted by the sales associate to come forward, so he could not have, like normal check to be sure he was not jumping in front of me.
The sales associate continued to argue at me as if he wanted to make the situation worse even after the white customer walked out. I see there has been many such complaints throughout various Radioshacks, as if it is something that is not discouraged by management. This could have become much much worse as the sales assoc. seemed to be putting effort into precipitating the situation.

A crayon red headed sales associate made my returns experience so bad , that I had to rush my children from the store. I was being treated like a crack head with a receipt from the trash can. I had a low end soldering that was to light duty for my needs. I also had a few capacitors that were wrong for the project. She told I could not return a product that had been used. She told me it was just $7.00 worth of products.She told me that radio shack did not put the returns policy on every item. The manager allowed the return, but the associate added that “next time we wont return it”. I was so mad that I just took my products and left the store.

purchased samsung galay s 4g phnd from radio shack on aug 3rd. Advising the sales associate of certain item i wanted this phne to accomplish “billy” assurd me it would. I purcharsed this phne from radio shack had to go cross town to a different store to pick up my phone. Whem i got home there is no owners manual in the bow, which suggests to me my new mobile phone was prevovisly returned by someone else. My sales person was n a bit of a rush to make some more commission money as the store had 10 or so customers. I lodged a complaint with radio shack on line, i will say dist rep got back within 2 days. He was arrogant making statement “well my phone works”.
This poured gasolind on the fire! He hung up on me. Monday i call corp ask not to have dist rep call me, guess who calls. So look Radio Shack all i want is a owners manual to relate to this cave man on the how to of this previously owned phone. Y Mr Shack do you wanu to hassell me and you over a owners manual. Here’s the kicker, talk to 3 people todate no offer for a $3 manual!!!!

I had gone to Radio Shack to return an item purchased June 25, 20011. It was bought to my attention thar it had passed the 30 day refund policy. The sales representative initially tried to refund my money because it was only 3 days pass the 30 day policy. He was unsecessful and I asked to speak with the store manager, he proceeded to the back of the store and no manager, he relayed a message instead. I insisted he ask the manager to come out and speak to me directly. She appeared to have an attitude which let me to return the favor. She had back to the back of the store.
I then asked for the number to corporate. I could read the sign because I didn’t have on my glasses. the other sales rep: read the number to me and I relied thank you. A costomer came in and the sales rep: proceeded to help him while interferring with myself and the sales rep: I told her to finsih with her customer and I’ll finish with the sales rep: I stated with didn’t want to be rude unlike her. The sales reps: were very rude and unprofessional.

We went to the Radio Shack on Malabaar Rd and Mitton in Palm Bay Florida. My wife and I were simply trying to buy a prepaid cell phone. The manager there refused to sell us the phone saying they couldn’t do it without us buying something else. My wife questioned him about how she could buy the same phone at Wal -Mart by itself but Radio Shack couldn’t sell it. The manager then in a very loud, rude and degrading manner told my wife “THEN GO TO WAL MART”. I did not realize it was Radio Shacks policy to suggest its competition.
Upon getting to the house we ordered the exact same phone online at without buying anything else with no problems. When the phone got to us it was the wrong color and after talking to some rep online they assured us we would have no problem exchanging the phone at the local store. When we got there the same manager refused to do it saying they couldn’t exchange for products even though it plainly says right on our .com invoice receipt that you can which we pointed out. At that point my wife said I’m not leaving until you exchange the phone and his reply in a very loud, smart and sarcastic manner was “YOU WILL BE HERE A LONG TIME.”
At that point I decided to call radio shack myself from the location and told him that I was and was going to call his district manager. SUDDENLY AND MIRACULOUSLY, He figured out how to do it. Upon leaving we asked for his name, he had retreated to the back of the store so as not to have to deal with us and left his hourly clerk to do it. When we asked for his name both the hourly employee and the manager (who I guarantee heard us from his position, we made sure of it) refuse to give his name. I didn’t know radio shack was the secret service when it came to complaints.
I cannot believe you have this man in a customer contact position since he has the reverse of the skills needed. He treated my wife specifically terribly with his abnoxious and sarcastic remarks but when I got involved he hardly looked at me. I don’t know if his problem is with women or people in general but it was ridiculous and I will not go there again while he is there. I have shopped radio shack for 30+ yrs and never been treated this way nor seen a lady treeted this way. I want to know what you are going to do about this man.

I called the Radio Shack at Front and Snyder avenue in Philadelphia, Pa. to ask about an issue I am having with a PC bought there. An African-American answered and I asked him. He told me to hold, then he got back on the phone using an accent, saying he can’t help me. I saw right through his bull and am very upset. My PC is still not powering up and now I’m upset over what is supposed to be a professional to some degree making me feel like an idiot for whatever reason. I just think he had better things to do and couldn’t deal with it. He needs to be fired. I called Sat. June 11th in the afternoon, so you can pinpoint the Radio Shack employee.

Been going to Radio Shack since 70’s. Needed 2G splitter for coax, so quick and slick sent friend to Radio Shack in Enfield CT, no problem. The Radio Shack womeness employee converted 75 Ohms into 2 Ghz noting that Radio shack measured products differently. The time and effort lost to me is beyond what my fingers can now express. She Must Go. And most certainly the one that hired her. Ignorance and incompetence sometimes can cost more than what a simple salesmen’s mind can imagine and of course ever comprehend. Thinking that their relevance is of more value then the little bit of effort it might take to be sincere or even honest. Get Rid of Them Both I Say. Enfield at the mall. psssssssssssss.

Dear radio shack, here is my complaint. I went to the Radio Shack in Lakemore Plaza (Akron Ohio, at 1500 Canton Rd.) I had lost my Trac phone, called Trac and they told me to go to the store where I had purchase my phone and pick out another phone and then have the sales person call them so they could instruct them on what to do so they could transfer my minutes to my new phone. Shala, the girl at the store told me that they didn’t do that. That they weren’t allowed to do it and they didn’t have the equipment to do.
I explained to her that they had done it when bought my first Trac phone, there in that store, and that Trac phone had told me it needed to to be done like this. She said, “Sorry”. I left, I was angry. I came home, got the address of the next closest Radio Shack, called them, explained ONLY my Trac phone problem and they said that they could help me. When I went in, a lovely young lady, Daniel, (Arlington Plaza, Akron Ohio) waited on me, she was very nice, very patient, very helpful, and this took quite a while to do. My total bill was nearly $150. Part of that was due to Daniel’s sales skills and showing me accessories.
I will go back to THAT Radio Shack any day and feel good about spending my money there. I will NEVER go back to the store in which Shala works. I wonder how many other customers that you will never hear from feel the same way that I do and won’t go back due to the poor service provided by Shala. Wanted you to hear both good and the bad. And if you give merit increases, I believe one is due to Daniel. She just saved a good customer.
Pam Eggers

I entered a radio shack on newcut rd. in louisville ky. when a sales man greeted me at the door I asked him how much HP 60 tri color printer ink was he walked over to it and read me the price from the sticker where it was stocked I said cool ring me up he. He rang me up and told me a higher price than what he originally told me so I asked him was he sure , we walked back over to where it was stocked well it was stocked wrong there were a few colored ink stocked were black ink should be and black ink were colored ink was suppose to be, I asked him if he thought he should give it to me at the price it was stocked he said that he wasnot able to do that that his manager was the only one that could but he had no problem calling him.
he called his manager and explained the situation , I could tell the salesman was very embarrassed and uncomfortable by what he was saying to his manager on the phone it sounded like he was explaining to the manger that the customer (me) didnot switch the prices on the merchandise because he was with me in the very small store( the price difference was not much of a difference but it was the principle of the matter and the way you could tell the way the manger was being) really I felt bad for the sales person because when hung up the phone he had to tell me he was very sorry he seemed embarrassed and even degraded.
Radio shack is only a few blocks from the house i just stoped to see if there price was cheaper or even the same as walmart, I did not buy the ink there I drove the 4mls to walmart and paid the same price, I usually buy my dvd/r’s there about once a month but I will not buy anything else from radio shack I know it may seem petty but other times Ive been in that radio shack Ive heard people complaining about the manger being a rude and cocky lil punk.

In january, i brought a Virgin Moble phone, from Radio Shack, aka (ripoff Shack) an Optimus. From day 1 it had problems… i went back twice in less 30 days. So in february i desided to get the extended warrantee. It was a $39.00 mistake. Now Target had the same phone for$ 99.99, plus a$ 20.00 gift card, to be spent in the store. In March, i started having more problems, the headset quite. So I brought another headset, now I have $ 24.00 in two headsets, $158, junk phone, and change, $39 in a extended warranty. Now I have over$ 221.00 in vested in this junk phone.
To add insalt to injury the phone headset quit all together in early April. Now Radio Shacks nightmare starts. So, I took the phone in, it was 31 after buying the extended warranty, (no monies back on that.) Radio Shack now pours salt on the wounds. When i get the new extended $ 39.00 warrant phone, I have no more extended warrant from Radio Shack. Left out in the cold, Goodbye$ 39.00, and here is the real kicker, because the phone was on a (so called sale) the phone is a regular$ 199.99, I have to make the balance up of$ 53.00! Now this junk phone cost me more then$ 274.00l
Thanks Radio Shack! !!!! Just what i needed, to get screwed by you. I will not walk through doors even if you were given your JUNK away for FREE!

I am convinced that radio shack is Satan’s kingdom here on earth. There is no other way to describe your service and cruelty. Why can’t you ever replace my blue head phones after I pay for a warranty and follow all your evil commands? If slavery and the holocost had a baby it would be radio shack. After 3 years of dealing with your crap, irresponsibility and carelessness for your consumers I am never buying anything from you again. Free yourselves!

I called a Radio Shack Store to see if they had an advertised item. The girl said, yes we have one. I said I would be right over to get it. Hold it for me. When I got there, nobody knew what I was talking about, they said the sale would be over tomorrow, and if any comes in they would sell it to me, they couldn’t assure me that the would get more. So after calling ahead, paying for gas to drive to the store that told me they had one, but all they had was an empty box, I said I’d like to see the manager, the sales “associate” that was waiting on me walked into the back room, and I followed him.
There was a young lady sitting there, and she yelled, get out of here or I’ll call the police, your not allowed back here, I said call the police, she and the people in the store were very dumb, and knew nothing about customer service, I wanted to pay for the item at that time, and pick it up when they got it in, but they said that is not allowed. It seems that customer service is not allowed in the store, they are very “dumb”, if it’s not on the computor, it’s impossible. Seems more like a theology than a business.
1. Why advertise an item you do not have?
2. Why tell a customer you have the item, when you do not? and have him waste expensive gas to drive to the store.
3. If out of the item advertised, why not allow rain check, or prepayment for the item at the sale price. To not do at least this could be constude as false advertising, lying,
4. If you do not want customers in the back room, don’t have associates walk back there, while you follow, put a big sign KEEP OUT…..which I will do at least in this NEWPORT KY store.
They were very BUMB….and that’s my opinion and I’m sticking to it, go call the police if you want, I want to buy something, I call ahead, they say they have it at a sale price, I rush over to buy it, NO GOT! I guess I’m the DUMB one for listening to your employees, associates, what ever you call them. bernard madoff was a fraud and so are those associated with Radio Shack. Thanks for reading, but I feel certain nothing will happen as a result of my submitting a complaint. Politically correct is all that counts, and I’m sure that’s how you want to be seen as.

I just opened a acct with sprint thru radio shack. We wanted 2 blackberry’s, but the salesperson was just like it can’t even download, and there’s no adobe flash so i cant apply online. They wont let me change it hasn’t been 30 days, and i have insurance.

Yesterday I saw a Radio Shack advertisement about HTC-Aria free phone with at ATT service plan. I tried to purchase it online, but it didn’t work so I contacted their wireless department. The representative told me that I have to upgrade my at ATT plan – I told him that I am not interested and wanted to hang off. Then the guy said “wait a minute – I’ll make you a deal” The deal he described was free phone with extension of my existing plan plus $15 for web-access and $36 activation fees.
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