7-Eleven Complaints Continued... (Page 2)
109+ reviews added so far. Upset? Call 7-Eleven corporate: 1-800-255-0711
7-Eleven Store #25726, 8700 WEST 95TH ST, Overland Park, KS66212-4049. This place has some real Customer Service problems; if there is any specific Dress code, "Undercover Boss" needs to pay 7-Eleven Store #25726
a visit. In These days and times when juveniles can get shot for wearing "Hoodies", Where is it now appropriate for your white staff members to mimic today's questionable news headlines by wearing 7-11 displaying "arm tattoos and earrings" while wearing hoodies? Greet all African American customers, Older elderly neighborhood residents, with "Yo what's -up?" The neighborhood in this location is , of course, mixed with dedicated customers (mostly older) who have used or patronized your store 7-11 for years. I personally video tape each encounter I have at this local store and archived varied behavior problems ranging from A-Z because I never know what to expect when dealing with your hired staff.
When I purchase gas I always prepay; even with a simple $20 bill the clerks regularly check it as if it is counterfeit... they are also unequal with this procedure when comes to white customers I have recorded paying with $50 bills and larger. I used to gas up after I get off from work near mid night to ensure I have gas the following day/week; these days there seem to be stray that are in and about your store for long periods of time like "hells angels." I have since stopped patronizing your local store during these hours since it does not feel safe. My next step is to archive thru social media some of the antics I have video recorded, and share them with our local neighborhood "library District" association. Maybe even file a complaint with 7-11 corporate offices so they know what is going on. Please let me know if I should advertise you have not responded to your customer complaints. I 'll be happy to re-route my business elsewhere.

I went to 7-11 on Albert and 1st avenue to exchange my propane tanks as i was going camping for the weekend and the girl working had told me that they were over 10 years old which was impossible as they had been sold to me from that very store only a few months previous to this issue. They should not be allowed to give out expired products that i can not exchange ruining my camping trip.

The above 7-11 sells buttered rolls as do other locations for an additional charge. Store #11201 located at 944 Portion Rd. Lake Ronkonkoma, NY continues to sell buttered rolls with less than a half teaspoon of butter smeared on a roll, this is like eating cardboard. The roll is buttered by the overnight crew. I have addressed my concern with the day crew. I never see the franchise holder and I doubt that my concerns are mentioned to him. If I am being charged extra for the butter there should be butter on the roll. I have been in other 7-11's that market unbuttered, lightly buttered and heavily buttered rolls. Unfortunately they are not convenient to me.

Kudos to you 7-Eleven, you hired an absolute gem. I am referencing the unit at 3rd and Marian in downtown Seattle Washington. Never have I witnessed such a turnaround in a business. This is the friendliest 7-Eleven I have ever shopped in. It is obvious that it is a strong priority to this new manager, genuine and sincere. The store is kept so much cleaner than it ever use to be. But the thing that I am most appreciative of, is I can now walk in and out of the store without having to walk through a pack of undesirables. She has all of her staff running them off just as quickly as they congregate. My entire office echoes the same words and we just want to thank-you, as a day does not go buy that we are not in the store. You need to hang on to this one.

I went to a 7-11 at 2 am Saturday morning and they did not even have Any hot dogs on the grill. This is bull, there busyess night of the week and no hot dogs or pizza. Poor customer service please improve on this or many people will be displeased with your service. This is dragusting and needs to be corrected. Poor employment is suggested.

Tonight my boyfriend and I went into the 7-11 off of Lomaland in El Paso TX with his two young boys. We were having a sleep over so we wanted to get some snacks for the night for ourselves and the kids. My boyfriend loves slim jims so he got one of course. When we got home my boyfriend took a bite and even the kids asked when he took the bite “what’s wrong dad does it taste funny”. My boyfriend swallowed the bite he had and then looked at the expiration date it was indeed expired. It’s expiration date was Feb. 27th and it was March 15th. We had to make the trip back to the 7-11 to ask for a refund to find out we can’t even get one until tomorrow from the manager between 6am- 2 pm. That is just ridiculous this is expired meat that means these employees or slim jim themselves are not even keeping up to date meats.

Am a regular, twice weekly, patron of store at 1101 N. Calvert, Baltimore Md. They used to have one of their doors locked shut(two door entrance) but with PUSH/PULL signs and I was reguarly complaining they should have it also-unlocked or remove the PUSH/PULL signs as many of us believed the signs and tried to use it. Finally store size doubled and new doors(one still shot) has PUSH/PULL only on the usable-door. THen last week at 6am I put $3 currency on counter for $2.50 purchase and two quarters are tossed on the counter, spin around and settle.
I picked them up, thought clerk(who is mgr) had too much caffine that morning, and started to leave. I then get this lecture from the clerk-manager “I tossed the coins on counter because you disrespected-me, you did not put your money into my hand thus I cannot respect you by handing you your change”. Wow, had never considered my act of paying to be disrespect. And I complained to corporate by phone and told story to neighboring 7-11 whose manager used to work at the troubled 1101 N. Calvert facility.
Today at 8am I show up for coffee, newspaper, sandwich, $3 purchase and have only my Temporary debit card, it has been replaced with Regular debit card(which I learn cancels out the temporary version issued by bank when you visit, regular is mailed). I did not know that. I tried to use it, resonse “expired” on screen. I showed manager(SAME GUY) the card says Expiration 8/15 but tell him it is the TEMP card, I have the real card at home, can bring it in later. He then has an assistant talk to me, assistant assures me that if I did not pay, it “will have to come out of my picket, now, and I do not have any cash on me”, (I do not believe EITHER of these statements).
The manager, target of my prior complaint over “disrespect” supervises all this, says nothing. Let’s the assistance refuse the $3 transactoin, refuse letting me come back later in the day,I live just across the street in a 23 story upscale condo complex. And I own six rentals at 941 N. Calvert, down the street, that the Manager knows about as once he had walked down the street to check out a vacancy I was promoting a year ago. The manager knows I own prperty in area, live just across the street(at 1101 St. Paul), knows that I am in store every few days, but he LETS THIS ASSISTANT stonewall me over $3.
Obviously I am paying a high price for having complained about the “disrespect incident”. I am not returning to THAT 7-11. Any other merchant who sees me regulary, and that includes several neighborhood bars, if I come in without funds unexpectedly, or with cr. card and (‘we do not take cr. cards”), they always say “pay us next time” and I insist on signing a small chit and do return within 24 hours.
7-11 treated me today as if I had just got off the bus and was a first time visitor!. Being a neighbor counts for nothing, and a patron who has complained is stonewalled. I guess this manager was asleep when commmon sense was taught.

I had an extremely unsettling experience this afternoon in the Gladstone Ave and Bell St 7-11 store. I went in around 4:30 to pick something up for lunch, when I got to the counter one of the employees asked if “this was everything for today” I replied yes. A second employee behind the counter asked me a question but I did not understand one word he said so i asked him to repeat the question, at this point while I’m being kept busy a third employee was sneaking up from behind and reached into my jacket pocket and pulled out my prescription that I had purchased at the pharmacy across the road five minutes earlier. (Tylenol)
After he looked at my prescription he showed it to the other employees, after they had a laugh he put the prescription back into my pocket and walked away. when I looked back he was just putting it back,by the time I realized what was going on he was on the other side of the store. I had to seriously force myself to get out as fast as possible. I’m not sure at this point which issue scares me the most. That 7-11 employees seem to have this scam going on and that 7-11 Corp office can not be bothered to reply to what I am sure is not the first complaint of this type.
What I was about to do to him ( simply out of self defense) when I realized he had just picked my pocket, at that moment it took everything I had in me not to react in a negative way. Picking customers pockets must be a way for some employees to help supplement their income or just something they do for kicks when they are bored? What would have happened if I had my cell phone, money or anything else of value in my pocket? This can’t be the first time they have done this because, other than the employees laughter to alert me that something was happening behind me, I would never have known his hand was in my pocket, this was done quite skilfully.
Another customer in the store at the time caught up to me outside and suggested I take his name and number in case something else was missing from my pocket and commented on the employees skill. I honestly believe that 7-11’s customers deserve to be warned that this type of activity can and does happen in their stores, however, the 24/7 head of the complaints department Susan Bradley seems to prefer ignoring this issue.
To avoid loosing personal property, either stay away from this store or empty your pockets before entering. Better still after reading way too many unresolved complaints on other sites maybe just avoid 7-11 completely, after the Quicky Store buy out of most of the 7-11 stores just go to the 100’s of Mac’s or Quicky stores.

Wouldn’t surprise me if this store is slated to be closed soon. Almost all of the stores back in London have now closed up shop. Only two 7-11 locations remain still open there. Can’t say I’ve seen very many here in Ottawa either, and other towns are the same. It’s a shame that 7-11 has become a shell of it’s former self. They refuse to even cary bus tickets because they don’t make money on them. Yet they’re too stupid to figure out that those that do come in to buy transit tickets, they almost always buy a coffee, a drink and a snack as well. 7-Eleven used to be a great place to stop in and grab what you neeed to start your day, now they only get my business when I am desperate from spoiled milk in the middle of the night. Canada doesn’t need these stores or their lack of customer service.

Cookstown, NJ 08511 time 330 pm march 13 2019
went in to buy power ball. I was skipped over 2 times. then lady named named jay I think. working the register tried to give me some one elses money. I respectfully told her it is not my money I just need to buy a powerball and please stop skipping me.. she told me I will be helped last for what ever reason. the next person in line refused to do business till I was helped because I was there before her. the person working the register was on speaker phone arguing and not paying attention to her job. for what ever reason me asking her to stop skipping me and sell me a power ball ticket upsetted her. when she did help me she sold me the wrong ticket then argued about it. saying I don't make her money and it went on and on . I was very angry about it but I did not say a thing and I left as soon as she finally gave me the ticket that I payed for. can you please ask people that work for you to do their job then screaming on the phone and not paying attention. and if possible be respect full and treat every one in first come first serve manner. I am muslim and she is white I don't know if this is some sort of racist issue. I live a block away and do business with you every day. this is not the way to treat any one.

Guy behind counter I s always very nasty. To me for no reason several times.i also seen him do it to other people.un called for.something really needs to be done.

I tried to return an item that was faulty (headphones) and Tracy, the clerk was extremely rude. I've gone to this 7 11 a bunch of times, and only bought the headphones last week. I was fine with just exchanging but she wouldn't help me because mainly she had an attitude problem. I showed her my bank statement with the purchase on it, and she refused to listen. I've never met a meaner person in customer service in my life. I told her i wasn't given a receipt, yet she says she gas never seen me, yet she knows 100 percent that I was given a receipt. What a liar. 1 out of 10 service. Now I'm out $32 and still have these broken headphones.

I was at the counter paying for 2 taquitos for 2.22, and I wanted to try the burger taquito. I noticed that my total was higher than I anticipated. The cashier explained that the 2 for 2.22 does not qualify because of the type of taquito. I wanted to switch it for the 2.22, but the lady cashier forced me to pay for the burger taquito because I had brought to the counter. I shouldn't have to pay for something if I change my mind. She said it was 7-Eleven policy. The location was 8235 Esters Blvd, Irving, TX 75063. I entered the store at 8 am on 2/28/2019

your coffee cups are basic paper cups, they do not keep coffee hot for more than 5min. as a daily customer, this is not a good way to keep my business. I buy 3 cups a day and not happy. my location was just converted to 7-11 from sunoco in Danville Pa. and your cups for coffee are not addiquite to keep my business much longer. please change your type of cups for coffee.

Guy behind counter I s always very nasty. To me for no reason several times.i also seen him do it to other people.un called for.something really needs to be done.

please setup al new build for all setup 7-eleven in
Omaha Nebraska the this weeks in
7-eleven I Omaha nebraska

The store is 10418 Rushing #57604. The workers name was Gweneth. she is a very peteite black female. I've asked her to leave my husband alone. His name is Mark Franco. He has been claiming they are having an affair. This has been going on For some time and I'm tired of hearing his confessions. I don;t know who is initiating the affair but he is still talking about it. We lives on Lambda which is three blocks away from the store, off of Sagittarious street. Could you please have her to leave my husband alone. This is my Husband. Thank You. The 7/11 is the one located right after Sagittarious street on the right side of rushing. My contact number is 915-203-6300. We have been married 6 years and This behavior of your worker is Unprofessional.

When I walked into the store to the counter, no one was there, I waited 2 mins, they said nothing, I had to walk around to find them putting stock away, I said I am at the counter. I feel they should have said , I'll be right there. This is not the first time this has happened. I said you should have said something when you heard the buzzer , she said if you don't like it , go somewhere else. She had a bad attitude. I said you are lazy and slow, she kept argueing. She is a heavy set , pimple face woman , middle age. this was Sunday Feb 3 at 7:15 am

I have patronized store #34114 for the last 7 years on a regular basis. The service by the Vietnamese store owner and all of his Asian employees has been excellent for 6 of those seven years. However, the store now employees Ethiopian clerks that are very insulting, and try very hard to pad sales. For instance, the one lady clerk from Ethiopia that was working tonight on 12/30/2018 at 7 P.M. always tries to sell you more than what I come in purchase in addition to the gas I am purchasing. For example, if I say give me one pack of cigarettes she will try to add a second pack with the justification that I can save two dollar. This is very insulting to me because I can read the display prices on items I am purchasing, and most of the time, I will not even buy the one pack because she is trying to sell me two. Tonight I expressed this to her and she told me that this is a store and she is trying to save me money. However, she does not understand that this is a convenience store and 9 out 10 people know what they are going to purchase before they enter the store.
The solution she gave me to avoid her service is not come in during her shift. Without doubt, I have a better solution by not patronizing that store any longer.

I always stop for a coffee at your stores all over vic.as i.m in building trade.and i grab one b4 work.but i stopped at th store next to sandown racecoarse.and it only tskes one bad coffee tobturn one away.this coffee was luke warm.lacked flavour and inthrew it out.ibthinknu need to xslbrate your machines better

I spend at a minimum of this store, $100!Per week out of convenience. Staff is nice. First they blared CNN on their TV for months, stressed me out, I don’t want to hear hate media when I’m paying THEm money. Nicely, they changed that. Now, I go in and they have some liberal PC stickers on the door that say “happy lights”, what the hell is that?! God forbid, oh, did I say GOD? ...... they say Merry Christmas? Done, I am sick and tired of it, and you know what I mean, bye bye 4K a year from ONE person because you want to be PC. Utterly laughable. River Edge NJ, the one on Main Street not the one 1 mile away on Kinderkamacck Rd. At least they have the brains not to piss off customers by being proactively, ant-Christmas obnoxious.

Congress st Portland me I was trying to get napkins out of the dispener and tube that one did not come out it tore cuz the were pinched all in the corner so I grab the bunch about 7 -8 napkins and pulled em out as I was setting the in front of the display a guy worker snatched them out if my hand and told me I don't belong in "his" store if I didn't know how to take one mind you he was on the other side of the cliffs island and didn't see me reasoning for taking the bunch out..it was ride and he continued to yell after I applied ...the other employee talk man at the register was apalled as well ..happened at 12pmest time I purchased a coffee gentle was gray haired and always wears a winter beanie hat in his 50s I asked politely for his name but he refused . I never would think to do this but it was extremely upsetting to have him physically grab at me like that it brought me to tears the way he continued his rant calling me a "degenerate" and couldn't "understand how to pull 1 napkin out."..it should be addressed absolutely..also he said don't say u want a manager I am the manager...Idk if that is true but please I hope this is adxressed

Somebody got ahold of my credit card number when I bought Mobil gas at a nearby 7-eleven. (store 34766). This is the second time this has happened to me and I have heard it has happened to many other customers of this store. Somebody used my credit card number in Houston and I am located in Florida. You need to do something about this like requiring thumb prints for credit card purchases. I will try and avoid getting gas at this store if possible but it just makes things so much harder when this happens over and over. Please do something.

store#34692 December 4, 2019 Tuesday night at 10:55p.m.,, I walked into to purchase some drinks and snacks, I needed to use the restroom and I asked Maria(clerk) to use the restroom and she told me to use the mens room. Funny I just saw Maria come out from the ladies room. After I approached her she got attitude and told me if I like it to leave. She was extremely rude. I will never go back to this store. I used to shop there every morning before work. Thanks Michele

Clerk didn't tell me gas pumps tank timed out in only 3 min when I still had another transactions! I lost $20 I'm pissed!

At 7-11 389 E Williamsburg Rd Sandston Va 23150. Teen age boys drinking slurpes at the machine and not buying any. One went to the the cashier and asked for a cigar, he was asked for a ID and he said he did not have one. Then another employee said he OK he comes in here all the
time, he was then given a cigar.

I went into the 7-11 on Culver and Overland on Tuesday, September 11, at 12:43p then, went to the counter to play my lottery. The cashier Kanie was at the register I gave her my tickets as I was waiting my phone rang. I walked away towards the condiments so, I wouldn’t be at the counter speaking will customers waited. She still has my tickets.
As I was talking I heard her yelling, yes yelling at me across the room. I finished my call went back to the counter there was a customer in line. I ask were you speaking to me, the look on her face said everything she was angry. "You have to pay; the next time pay before you leave" with this rude, condescending, nasty tone. Don’t speak to me like that I said.
She began to attack me you have no educated she said I have a master’s degree what about you, you work at 7 eleven I make 20.00 an hour how much do you make? Never mine just pay or I am going to call the police call them I’ll wait as I began to count/check the lotto tickets. I was not trying to still the tickets I had planned to pay she attacked me so, why is calling the police. She needed to be nasty to me it was out of the blue.
I’m going to talk to the owner I don’t care she said I was surprised how she replied!. I took out my debit card to pay I was humiliated, offended I lost my train of thought. I turned to get a banana put my debit card into the machine requested cash back 10.00. I realized afterward I hadn’t gotten enough my total was 15.00 therefore, I had to get another banana to get five dollars more to pay. As I tried a couple of times touching 5.00 it didn’t work "use the pen" she said, again with that nasty tone. I stayed calm then, took the pen touched the amount took my tickets. All I did was walk away trying to be polite, now I am the villain.
I tried to take her picture as she put a pink envelope to cover her face. The male cashier standing next to her began speaking in Spanish to her as I tried once again. I told you don’t take me picture she said, me picture I repeated. Just leave as she stood staring at me. I am happy there are audio and video cameras in the stores.
Get out as she waved her hand in the air at me then, walked into the office behind the counter. I was surprised at how comfortable she was behaving as if she was some sort of bi-polar, crazy lady with a mental illness. She has her job because, of customers yes, I am a customer.
I saw the owner on his cell phone, leaning up against his SUV. I knew him as I had spoken with him a couple times about my lottery. I waited he noticed I was standing there therefore, he stopped speaking on the phone then, looked at me do you need to speak to me, he asked, yes? He finished his conversation I walked then, stood next to him. I had a conversation with the cashier your employee which one the male or the female, the female.
She attacked me, I have the conversation here as I opened my phone, I sat there as I pointed to the end of the gas station. I didn’t want to forget I would have done the same thing he said. I am a customer I don’t think you are a customer each time I see you, you only play lottery, I only get five cents he said. Excuse me, I am here when you are not here, I am a customer as soon as I walk in there as I pointed to the door I am a customer. I don’t only play the lottery, I buy bananas, food. If I spend two cents in there I am a customer, he shook his head.
I am positive if I were a white lady I would have been a customer. He would have never made such an ignorant racist statement. I continued do you see all these wrinkles I am not six I do not appreciate the way she spoke to me she has been with me for 20 years he said and the male 16 or 18. I have never had a complaint from anyone except you I think she’s racist I don’t think so he replied. Of course, she is going to be the victim then, make me the villain I said. We have the right not to serve a customer, what does that have to do with your cashier attacking me I thought. Do you I replied?
Then, he insulted me even more people treat customers different ways he said really, what a strange comment to make. I just looked at him it confirmed what I thought he was condoning her actions. I'll be back he said. I looked at the video and listened, I think she owes you an apology and you, I interrupted him and I owe her one, he was surprised.
We walked into the store he motioned to her to come from behind the counter I looked at the video and I listened. I think you owe her an apology and she owes you an apology. She asks me, no as she shocked her head, I looked at him? She’s not going to apologize I can’t make her he said? I was shocked she told her boss no after he told her she owed the customer an apology, NO!
There is more however, I would like to communicate with someone who is interested in your customers. I contacted Customer Service the gentleman documented my complaint then, I received an email from Gayle Pugh your FC District Manager on September 13, 2018. I replied, however, I have not received the coupons she promised nor a reply to my email. I am considering contacting an Attorney as I feel I was harassed by a company employee. The Yelp reports for this business are horrible.
Thank you,
Jan Maiden

Im buying a loaf of bread but cashier do not have change of rm 50 today 17/08/2018 at 16:47pm. I am so surprise why such a big company which operating 24 hrs do not have change for their customer. Location in ampang utama, one ampang avenue.

I PRESENTED A GREYHOUND PAY WITH CASH SLIP TO THE SEVEN ELEVEN CLERK AT STORE LOCATED AT 8484 Georgia Avenue in Silver Spring, MD at approximately 8PM this evening (10/3/2018). The clerk in the presence of all of the customers accused me of fraud, called the police and asked me to get out of the store. I waited and waited and no police arrived . I then went to the store located at 8282 Georgia Avenue in Silver Spring where I handed the slip to the clerk who processed my ticket at approximately 8:17 PM. Kindly forward this letter to your insurer. A copy of the documents would be forwarded you by mail. Amt paid:$77.00.P
I took a video recording of the clerk. I will be filing a complaint for slander and defamation of character.
You should be able to view the transaction on video.
Adrian Ifill
7924 16th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20012

This morning I was on my way to work and stopped at the local 7 11 in Florence OR to purchase a bag of chips to go with my lunch. The woman behind the counter, Kaylee, was arguing with an elderly man I believe over a coupon. She could not ring up his transaction correctly and was getting upset, was being a bit sarcastic towards him and using a lot of negative body language, rolling eyes, slamming things, etc. I knew my purchase was under $2 so I held up 2 dollar bills and said I'm sorry but I need to get to work, can I just leave this for you? She yelled at me that NO, she had to scan it!. I was a bit stunned that she would yell at me like that. She stomped to the register I was at and did something, then stomped back to the elderly man without a word. So I asked, Am I good? She yelled at me again and I said there was not reason to talk to me that way. She promptly threw me out of the store and told me never to come back. I am a senior citizen myself and wonder if this is age discrimination? Do you not want seniors in your establishment? I was humiliated. I have never in my life been told to leave a place of business and not come back. I left but then did come back in to get her name so I could let you know and boy, oh boy, did she ever let me have it. I thought you should know that customers are being banned from this store on a whim. I will take my hard earned dollars to another store and will tell everyone I know of this horrible experience. This is a very small community, and I might add is a RETIREMENT community and word will get around that apparently you do not want senior citizens in your store. That is so very sad. I lived in Minnesota and we didn't have your stores there. I'm thinking that because of the whole 'Minnesota nice' thing, you may not be allowed. I feel a bit afraid now to visit another 7 11 so will find a different store for that quick cup of coffee, bottle of water or bag of chips in the future. Thank you for listening and I truly hope you will teach customer service skills to this extremely rude and negative person. And by the way, besides being rude, she kept the change.

I went inside and used a gift card to purchase gas 15.00 and went outside to pump the gas and the pump cut off at .48cent. I went back and told them the pump cut off the lady said it’s nothing they can do and speak with the manager who is a short Asian guy. He told me that there’s nothing he can do and I said it’s a gift card I used and he said yea and people died so what do we do about that!
My point here is that he’s very nasty and disrespectful! I spend lots of money at 8 eleven to be disrespected like that I can’t believe the way he speaks to people it’s rude. I will let others know how he speak and I can’t stop spending in this store.

06 28 2018 arround 2 pm at florence and santa fe ave. I lend a 5 dollars ticket to the clerk and this other girl say she is not open for bussines to the next 15 o 20 minutes, with a bad attitude. That i say heyyour attitude is not acceptable she say do not care and started to insulting me, and kept my ticket. And do not gived to me the price.

I stopped in to get wings, lottery ticket and a drink on Friday June 8 2018.
There were minimal wings on display so I ordered 10 honey garlic wings.
The staff had to make ( micro-wave ) the 10 wings. I noticed the attendant stopped the micro-wave with approximately
28 seconds remaining on it's cycle.
Took the wings home. (5 minutes away). Discovered a number of the larger wings were cool near the bone.
Quite a disappointment as I have ordered wings a number of times in the past without issues.

The guy was being very rude discriminating yelling threatened to hit me in front of my kids while I was buying a Slurpee refuse for me to pay with two EBT cards and my kids were horrified crying dropping the Slurpees he threw me out the store for no reason at all just cuz I was playing with two different methods of EBT card and he threatened me not to come back cuz I cussed me out call me a b**** and my kids are screaming yelling cuz I'm not around so I left after paying for my item at that not only that he was going to hit me with the wet floor sign all on camera cops were called I want to file a criminal lawsuit civil lawsuit on them I'm pressing chargesc

I was getting a slurpie, I love them. I know they are 69 cents for a refill right now. I went to 7-11 on 14th and mai Springfield, Oregon. 5/12/2018 1a.m.
The guy with the beard and long hair about 50 years old. Said "one ninety nine". I showed him my refill cup. As I came in the store. The ugly fat redheaded slob girl working there chewing down two hotdogs behind the counter making pig noised disgusted me. She saw my cup. She didn't say ANYTHING. ( pardon MEfor saying) f*** you . I will NEVER GIVE YOU ANY MORE OF MY MONEY seven eleven.
Sam, the owner should not have hired that ugly slob fat disgusting girl.
I'm really super pissed off about paying 2 bucks for fucking refills. Stupid.
Yes I am pissed your employees are terrible. I applied for a job. I am discriminated against because I am a returning customer? B.s. I live down the street. I like the neighborhood. I know some people. Not many. I really am a quality and good dude. But this is stupid. 2 bucks for refills. Its advertising is sixty nine cents....
Matter a fact I'm going to go get a refill. Well see if this hippie dickhead charges me that again. I hate the two working there tonight. And the fat disgusting pig girl is such a turn off cuz she stinks to boot, like ass and sweat. Its gross. Makes your store seem like a buttplug.

Last wee I went in to get 2 hot dogs at the Huntington Park CA, 7 Eleven store on Florence and Mountain Dew. After fixing my hot dogs I told the lady there if she could put Chili and Cheese in the machine because they were out. She answered, I had to pay for that because that was extra.

I patronize the Seven Eleven at 1850 M Street NW, Washington DC ran by Tario Hussain. I purchased a pack of cigarettes and a pair of Warner Deluxe Rolex Earphones $5.99 on April 17th and got to work this morning to put them to use and they fell apart on me. I walked over to the store in which I am so much a regular until the cashier can identify me. This morning I was told you will get nothing without a receipt. I said you know me and your cashier was the one to sell them to me because she did not even know the price and I had to wait. Morally I am upset because all I wanted was to be able to listen to my music here at work. I did not keep receipt with the intentions of not returning them. I can go to my bank and get a statement of purchase; but to go thru this for a $6 purchase when they know me to be a constant patron is just a little too much. Sometimes is about respect and the way you treat people. I will not spend another dollar there because on my way out I was told by another customer that they get complaints all the time about how they treat the customers. To come to this country and not have respect for the people who live here is unacceptable. My contact info is jojocorrola@yahoo.com (202) 486-8883 Very discouraged and disappointed.

This regards the 7-11 located across from the Space Needle, Denny Way, Seattle, WA. There has been a homeless person constantly asking for money, shaking a cup and in the way of being able to enter and leave the store without being harrassed for money. This same person is given a
boom to sweep the parking lot. I have complained to store management to no avail.
Thank you for looking into this and hopefully provide a resolution to stop this harassment.
Chuck Francoeur
2721 Fourth Avenue
Seattle, WA 98121

I stopped at the 7-11 at
2970 Union Rd
Cheektowaga, NY 14227
between the hours of 7:00 Am And 7:30 on (02/08/17), Am and fell on the ice, when I tried to to tell the employee he ignored me, I have missed two days of work so far, I tried to come back and file a report today at 8.00 Am there was only one employee and he was to busy to help me. The day of the fall, the sidewalk was a solid sheet of ice and not salt on the ground. I am very upset that I am in a lot of pain and have gotten the brush off like nothing happened. I need to know what more can be done ? my phone number is 716-380-0697

store at 1390 Weston road Toronto Ontario Canada.i go there to buy milk and a few other items about once a week.the last time I went there they have no milk.this time I go there and they can,t serve me.they are doing a reno/repair and the cash register doesn,t work.why waste my time going to this store I,ll have to find another store.why can,t they take my money and ring it in later.just a bunch of employees standing around without a clue how to run a business.i guess you can,t cure stupid.

I am tired of your evening cashier always trying to get the extra buck off of me. Every time I go into this store specifically to buy 2 packs of smokes that are clearly posted for 2 packs for 5.12 each. This is the location at midway and Frankford. I go there out of convienince being that I live just a mile or so away from there. I can get the same 2 packs of cigarettes from the store in Plano at the corner of Plano parkway and Preston for 10 and a little change. I don't know what the problem is at the midway location..the cashier acts dumb when you ask him about the way he rings them up and always wants to give you one with a coupon and one without..even going out of the way yo find one of each. I am telling you this because that is some shady business practice and if that's what you expect of your cashiers then you will loose business and working in the service industry for 25 years now negative word of mouth can kill a business. I expect to hear from a district manager on this practice and why there is a price difference for the same product at two stores that have a price that is is clearly posted and why one store rings it in with a smile and the other is so deceptive and not wanting to even give you a receipt. My phone number is 9726840690 and I expect to.hear from someone soon.
Mark Brown

I apply for work, didn't get it . Afterwards I find out that there's at least 2 people working without work authorization and use false documents .This happened at a 7-11in Fullerton Ca. 2222 w.commonwealth ,Fullerton,Ca. 92833.one is the manager Pedro Rodrigues

Hello 7/11 I have an issue with one employee I don't have a name , has argued with me at least 3 times ,today-took the cake.
I'm in 7/11 3 times a day . Today 9/5/17 about 6:15 pm I walked in he was upset about DACA ,I asked another employee to get me last night lottery # s she had trouble so she asked for help from this individual I had my lottery form filled out except 2# s so he said step to the left because there was one person behind me , I said I'm done here's my ticket ,
he then said I was ruied ,I said I'm not stepping a said I was here first we spent about 8 minutes arguing I was also buying milk not just lottery tickets ,and the other employee helped know 2 other people behind me . So I said I'll go to 7/11 down the road he said your here now but this happens every few days with this employee ,he is very ruied and must learn not to argue with customers it's very embaresing, I don't want to see him fired just learn not to argue with
Customers. Like I said this has happened more then once .please look into this. Thank you David

I have been accumulating points for approximately 3+ years so that I would be able to obtain the "free drink per week for 6 months" with my Belly card at 7-11. When I realized I was 3 visits from redemption I check on the point system to find that it was no longer available. It was there earlier this summer. No contact regarding this redemption being disposed of. I have contacted many different people and no success. I would like someone to contact me as soon as possible. I am so aggravated I may just never visit 7-11 again.

I'm sending you a complaint because I had lost a money order and I ask the manager at the seven 7-Eleven where I had bought the money order from if they could help because I had lost the bottom half of the money order so I asked them if they could look for the receipt in there record and I never heard anything back from anyone. I really don't think it was right for the manager of seven eleven not to help me in getting proof. So I can get my refund back from western union. I really need for seven eleven to search there records for there copy of the transaction that I did on 8-2-15 because if the manager would of done it when I asked them to back in April 2015. I probably would of got my refund back. I purchased the money order on 8-2-15 at seven eleven #25125.

Go in order the taco. But theres a drink that you started offering as fountain drink used to buy it buy can. Well when you start cheating people by watering down the drink that's sad but I don't expect any less from 7/11 corporate. Guess I'll have to start doing my business elsewhere including my company gas fillups. You come to Victoria,Tx. And from jump street treat people bad, that's really bad management choices made.

Myself and my boyfriend have shopped at this location several times since we moved in the area. This last visit was the last straw. The manager extremely rude every time we go in there. At least I think she is the manager? She does not wear a name tag. We were there today and purchased the double bacon cheddar melt and steak and cheese melt. asked to have them extra toasted. We didn't think she heard us because she didn't acknowledge us at all. she turned and very snot nosed reply said "i heard you" this is not the first time with her demeaning disposition. I asked her name, she would not tell us. She needs to be fired!

I like Brazilian dark roast or 100% Colombian coffee and many, times they don't have any, because they have employees there that either don't care or think the customers are not important. They are talking and sometimes outside smoking. When I stand in front of the counter waiting for service, they don't even acknowledge me there, they just stare at you. I am seriously considering not going back to your store number 35577 on Beatties Ford Road. I know there are things more important in life than a cup of coffee, but in the morning at around 7:30 am it should be ready, I don't have time to wait because I am on my way to work.

Your Customer Service Rep Rihana was very rude. First of all I needed to use the restroom. The door open no out of order sign on it and walked in to see defecation all around the toilet...a woman from the counter screamed at me not to go in there after I had gained entry to the room. I bought some candy and a lighter which she tried to charge me for a energy drink...i caught her and told her immediately and that she took my $20. From there get attitude went south as she had slammed the drawer to the register and nearly threw my change back to me.
I told her to have a better day as I was leaving but she said simmering that I didn't understand but saw she was looking at me when she said it. Not good for your business for your reps to treat customers in a bad way. Fix this. Happens way too often.

I was waiting to buy lottery and the clerk was ringing up customers that had arrived to the store before me. People then entered the store after me and brought there items to the counter she continued to ring them up. I said can I please get lottery and she said I have to take care of all the people at this register before I can give you lottery. I stated why don't you just take us in the order we came into the store. She said no that her orders are to take lottery customers only after everyone else. This 7/11 is located at Drum Point road and Brick Blvd, Brick NJ 08723.

Just left 7 eleven after getting yelled at by employee! Not real happy Allegany NY. Walked in got a drink started going over to the ice cream area and was asking the child I had with me if he wanted anything from the hot bar and i hear some voice yell NO. I just scrubbed the floor. No wet floor sign nothing she was talking to the boy behind the register. I was about ready to jump out of my skin.
The young boy apologized when I left, sorry. The girl runs over to stand by her mop bucket.WON'T be back didn't get anything from the hot bar, you lost a small amount of business. No large straws for super big gulps out and the outside door was being held open by a bundle of logs. Don't worry I'll be sure that everyone I know will find out, I'm not happy with your service. Going to the dollar general 7 eleven was a waste of time.

We were in above store at 3:00 pm on Sunday Feb. 14. We wanted hot dogs and Big Gulps. There was nothing on the grill, I mean NOTHING. Ask some guy (manager) if we could order dogs he said it would take 45 mins. to cook. He is lazy and never made a motion to put anything on the grill. I would think in the middle of the afternoon food would be ready. So we left and went to Country Fair for dogs. I guess customers don't matter in that store. Please check into this. He was not at all helpful or nice. I would rate service 0.

The staff at this location are rude to the customers, are less than helpful, and do not think that they have anything to fear from upper-management concerning their behavior they rarely have hot food ready and available and have told me that the management has made them leave the hot food shelves empty until ordered by a customer then they are made to wait for hot food.
I have told these people that I would complain and have been told that the boss would not care to change anything if I did. I would appreciate some attention to this matter and this location. The location is at the corner of W. William Cannon Dr. and Circle S Dr. Austin, Texas 78745.

Store lost internet connection while cashing in winning scratch off, now it's non redeemable. What a joke!

On or about 10/20/2015 I enter 7-11 on 318 west Adams street and purchase 1 bi gulp, 2 bags of chips and a King size Reese cup- The were 4 transaction for chips only 2 bags were purchase When inquiring about the listed transaction I was call stupid at least three or for times This Incident was reported at same night it occur- Latest incident take palace about 3:50 p.m. I enter the store with security and store clerk refuse to serve without just case.

Your 7-11 store on the corner of Park Blvd. and Jupiter Rd. in Plano, Texas looks like a store in South Dallas. New management apparently brought in their own crew, the store has steadily gone downhill. This store used to be clean, organized and always well stocked. Now there are always empty areas on the shelves, some employees barely speak English, and they are ill trained. The outside of the store has trash all over the property-both front and back. I go there at least 3 to 4 times a weeks and it is always the same. There are weeds higher than city code allows, broken glass, and all sorts of trash everywhere. The small shopping area in the same parking lot is clean, as is the entire neighborhood. This store needs new management immediately because I would imagine it will be an ongoing issue. Plano doesn't want this in our city. Replace the management, clean it up and keep it clean or several of us will speak to the Plano Code Enforcement Manager and mention it at the next city counsel meeting. We don't want this in our city. Thank you.

Deceptive pricing on cold drinks, and promotion of unhealthy choices. Big signs on shelves say "Vitamin Water 2 for $3.50". I bought two Vitamin Water Zeros and was charged $2.49 each. When I told them they had overcharged me, the clerk said the 2 for $3.50 only applies to "the bigger one". The "bigger one" was the Vitamin Water with calories on a separate shelf. 1. this is deceptive; 2. this is in keeping with Seven Eleven's promotion of the most unhealthy choices. I dare you to find items in the store that are low in fat, sodium or carbohydrates.
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