CVS Complaints Continued... (Page 5)
511+ reviews added so far. Upset? Call CVS corporate: 401-765-1500
To whom it may concern, every day now for the past month or so a pharmacy tech (don’t wanna mention names) who happens to be a good friend of mine is constantly telling me how she is being treated unfairly at her job. Things like always being told she needs to step it up when she already works 40 hours plus over time, but can’t be qualified as a full time employer? Can never ask for a day off with out being talked down to like she is a no body and so on an so forth. If you’d like to know more about what I hear you can feel to email me back.

I purchased my prescription after my insurance policy had expired and CVS charged me $110+ for what used to be a $4 prescription. This would be the Bloomfield, Indiana CVS store. You people are what is wrong in society today. I will file with the Attorney General and then post this on the net. Hope you are happy with what you do. Have a nice life. Print this if you think your business ethics are acceptable, probably not. Please use my name too.

I went to CVS on 15 the street Augusta GA 3/12/14 at 8pm and got in line to drop off prescription. There was only one customer ahead of me but the tech did not get to me for 20 minutes because she constantly answered phone calls from customers an let us wait in line an excessive amount of time. Two customers behind me began to complain and the tech, Mary, announced loudly, ” Rite Aid is open if anybody is to impatient to wait!” The customer was offended and began to argue more and she proceeded to have a verbal battle with him in front of customers. Then she said “Feel free to speak to the pharmacy manager because when I finally get to you I am sure you are not going to let me help you.” She again told everyone in line to go to Rite Aid next door if they wanted to. I was very uncomfortable with the whole scene and felt she was wrong in many ways. I like CVS but plan to rethink my decision on continuing to shop there in the future.

My wife and I just relocated here to Newark about 6 months ago. We are both senior citizens and require a lot of meds and we have a son that also requires a lot of meds. I have never seen such disorganization in my life in dealing with past pharmacies over the last 40 years. Scrips that seem take forever to complete and misinformation on when scrips are ready for pickup. We received info that the script is ready for pickup and when we arrive, we are told it isn’t ready and have to wait and additional 30 to 40 minutes This was our choice for a pharmacy because of the convenient location. My choice now is to make a decision to continue with this pharmacy and waste our time with scrips or drive further to receive the service that I think a pharmacy should provide. This is my first experience in dealing with a CVS pharmacy and probably the last.

While in CVS today, March 11, 2014 at approximately 2:30 pm I asked the so called manager for assistance while he conversed with a female worker and he informed me that he would be right with me. I continued to do my shopping in the aisle they were conversing in but I became pressed for time and the discussion they were having in respect to another employee wasn’t worth my having to wait. I approached them both and asked again but he became belligerent and hostile.
This really irked me to no end. I did not see a name tag on him but the woman employee said, Gino we could take this up later. This man was rude, disrespectful and didn’t care about me, the customer, one that shops in your store religiously! I told him there was no need to help me so he might as well take my cart and put everything in its perspective place. I will no longer shop at your store when I can and have been treated better elsewhere. It behooves me that this man was even given such a valuable position when clearly, he shouldn’t be working there at all. He obviously feels it’s his job to bad mouth others with his vulgarity instead of doing the job he was hired to do. A very poor choice in management. I honestly didn’t know he was a manager until I asked the cashier at your counter whom obviously would have been better suited for the position.

The young girl complained to other employees and was very rude saying I would have to wait 2 hours because she had to put other prescriptions in computer before she could get to me. My doctor called and talked to pharmacy and got my prescription straight and the girl told me no one ever called a prescription in for me and the whole time it was called in sitting in the inbox tray right in front of pharmacy table. I also noticed that the other pharmacy person had to come and correct her for telling a lady about her meds and not letting her know about insurgence problem. She would not let other pharmacy lady talk because she was talking too fast and trying to cover her tracks by double talking. She was very rude and acted like she didn’t want to be at work which worries me about who you have working for you. And I am standing here waiting and bet she makes me wait the 2 hours and probley more just to prove a point to me.

I have coupons that I keep in my purse, so that I can have the cashier scan them at check out, never once I had a problem doing this, until I walked into the CVS on Martin Luther King Jr. Ave., In Seat Pleasant, MD. I think the address is 5024 Marting Luther King. After receiving my items aproaching the register, The cashier asked me do I have a cvs card, I said yes, but can you scan all my coupons, before I could finish my sentence he said I’m not going to scan them, because you don’t have nothing on thats on the coupons.
I said, the cashiers scan my coupons all the time when I ask. He said I dont care I’m not scanning them, then he called security, I said why cant you just scan my coupons, that’s all I ask please. He said in a I dont care attitude, no. I said can I speak to a manager, he said I am the manager. I said I not moving until you scan my coupons, he said well your items are voided. I never got my stuff. I was frustrated told him that he needed to do something about his dandruff falling from his locks. He said something back as I walked out the store. It was late and I needed my tide to wash my close which I never received. Is this now customer service conduct.

I have had to wait several times on going back several time to pick up my perscription at the pharmacy and it was not ready. The pharmacy have on several occasions filled perscriptions that were not requested to be filled. This has caused my insurance company Aetna to not fill my perscription when needed due to fact CVS filled the perscription when not requested. This has been done many time by them. I have asked them not to do this and they have continued to do this. I have spoke with the shift manager several times about this happen and it still appears to continue to happen,. This problem appears to be happen with the elder and those on medicare/medicade. I often get call by them asking to refilll medication on ready fill. Some of my medicine I am no longer taking, due to fact my doctors changes my medication often. There is a young phermacy there that always intentionally keeps my pharmacy card, and makes mistakes in taking in my information. I can be contacted at 281-441-90380or 281-706-2050 Thanks

I recently was perscribed a new perscription last month for a narcotic drug for my ADHD diagnosis. My doctor indicated that I could raise my pill does to an additional 1/2 pill during my menstrual cycle. I had to do this for ten days. Then I went back down to my nomal dosage of two per day. Obviously, that left me a few days short. The pharmacy told me I would have to have my doctor have a new perscrition perscribed by my doctor. I went the same day. I got the new perscription from my doctor which raises my does to two 20 mg per day as opposed to 10mg per day, so this would never happen to me again.
I gave the new pharmacy the perscription and they told me that even though I have a new perscription I would still have to wait until the 10th of this month which is six days from the date of the last pick-up when I can pick up the perscription. I will be out of my medication this Sunday. The tech was supportive enough to fill out a fax to my doctor asking for an early refil. In this case it would be six days before my new perscription could be filled under the traditional two days before. This would leave me without my medication for six days, which a “health and safety issue.” I will have no choice but to do with out my medication for five days. I believe this was within the pharmacists discretion and within the medical dialogue under special circumstances. My pharmacist was complely cavalier about the whole thing.
He blew me off as if he could care less aout me, and indicated it was too much paperwork to do. That he was more concered about the pharmacy being sued then looking into my situation in totality; and that it was more necessary for the pharmacy not to draw attention for perscribing this new perscrption even when the new one had no refil date. He did not want the the pharmacy in trouble over the health of the patient. My husband and I have over seven or eight perscriptions a month which we fill and we shop regularly the store as a result.
Call the managers they will confirm this. I am at the point where I intend to retrieve my new perscription this Saturday as well as all our other medications to Walgreens who would be haapy to get them and reviw me on a case by case basis when a good patient needs additional help. I would fire the Indian pharmacist. I don’t his name nor do I want to. If this is how he treats other customers the way he has treated me then you will continue to loose custormers.
I would also bring to your attention that if anything happened to me during the time I am off my meication and could prove this was the case. The pharmacy would be at a greater risk of being sued than dealing with my one perscription. Yes, they may have faxed my doctor, but she is in an office with so many people we will not know when she actually received it or in the time frame I am contacting you about. It is easier to blame the fax and/or the doctor than doing the job of a pharmacist.

I am six months pregnant and have been dealing with severe knee complications. I purchased a knee brace and got it in the wrong size. I went back to the store to exchange and the cashier refunded the product back onto my card to then re purchase it. My credit card had a hold on it bc of a car rental I had on it , therefore she was not able to swipe my card again. The process I understood, however she did not tell me this before doing it. And if all i needed was a swap in size why couldnt she just change it.
I spoke to the assitant manager who was very apologetic but that doesnt change the fact that i left the store without my product and have to wait up to 48 hrs to get the refund money back ony card. This is such an inconvenience to me personally because everytime I come in this CVS there is an issue. Ranging from never ending long lines, to the staff no where to be found, dirty restrooms, and pharmacy attendants unable to answer simple questions about their own products. I would say this last incident was the last straw to my overall experience at this pharmacy.

I feel I have been treated unfairly by your company. Last week I visited the Minute Clinic located in your Miami Beach store because I had a clogged ear. I told the clinician that I have a history of wax buildup in my ears and wanted to get my ears cleaned out. I was told that there was no wax in my ear but there was a congestion which could be helped by taking a steroid medication. I filled the prescription that was given to me at the Minute clinic in that Miami Beach CVS pharmacy. The prescription cost me $61.99.
I proceeded to use the medication given to me for a week with absolutely no improvement in my ears. Needless to say, I became quite concerned about my hearing and so yesterday I decided to visit an ENT doctor to find out what was going on. The doctor informed me that I had a very large amount of wax in my ear which was causing my hearing loss. His actual words were that it was the most wax he had seen in anyone’s ears since he had been removing wax from people’s ears and that was a long time. When he removed the wax, my hearing immediately returned to normal. He was quite concerned that anyone could have looked in my ear and said that there was no wax in there.
He insisted that I return to your pharmacy and show you what was taken out of my ear and also show you the report he made because he didn’t want the same mistake to be made with anyone else. I followed his advice and went to the store this morning. I spoke to the only person I saw in the clinic who then told me I should talk to the store manager. The manager informed me that all he could do for me was give me a $25.00 gift certificate to compensate me for my troubles.
I would like to let it be known that I feel that I have been treated very poorly. I feel that I should have at least been refunded the amount I spent since it was not my fault that I had purchased the medication in the first place.
Not only did I have to deal with thinking there was something wrong with my hearing for over a week, but I also was not able to communicate well with my co-workers during that time. Add to that the fact that I spent $61.99 for a drug that was not helping me and I’m not sure what kinds of effects taking steroids for that period of time may have on me. I don’t think that being reimbursed with a $25.00 gift certificate is adequate compensation for a mistake that was made at the Minute Clinic in your store.

I went to CVS to get my medicine and the Pharmacy tech name Terrinna was so rude to me, she was yelling , an even after I gave her my money in the drive thru she pull the draw so hard and walk off. I was very shock and scared. I have been using CVS for years, and I have always been a loyal customer and referring everyone to the company. Now I am thinking about going to a different Pharmacy to get better service. I am so scared to go to that pharmacy now, because I am not sure what she will do next!!!

I have already complained once. But I find it necessary to complain again. I took a prescription to be filled on Monday. They were out of it and told me that they would give me three pills and I could come back Tuesday and pick the rest of it up. I went back to pick up the prescription on Tuesday, that I was promised would be ready Tuesday after 12pm,and it was not ready. I was promised it would be ready after 12pm on Wednesday. I got there today and it was not ready. This is not a surprise because this happens all the time. I asked that they give me a couple more in case I could not make it by tomorrow to pick up the prescription and they told me that they had already given me pills free of charge and they could give me no more. First of all, they were not free. I will be required to pay for them when the whole prescription is given to me. Second of all, the medicine has to be taken and I have gone by multiple times only to be promised the next day. What if I run out? I was then promised that the prescription will be ready tomorrow after 2pm. Aside from not having the medicine, the staff were unpleasantly rude to me and I do not appreciate it at all. If it were not for our insurance, we would go elsewhere because this is not a first time occurrence.

I was with a pharmacy employee when a person started to talk out loud on the Cell phone at bearly 3 feet from us, and just because I asked the guy to please stay away or low down his voice he started insulting me with explicit sexual and dirty remarks than everybody could hear and none of the employees care to call management, security or police and stay looking as the argument was escalating and with the dangers to get worse, I have to call 911 myself since I’m a High Blood Pressure Patient. The police came to the store and the officer talked to the pharmacy staff, later I talked to the manager and asked her how can they(CVS) aloud a situation like that going inside the store specially the pharmacy, to what she answered to me that she was on a phone call, sorry. The violent guy have the nerve of saying to the pharmacy girl (Rachel): hey I’m sorry for my dirty mouth. To what she responded: It’s Ok!!! The guy got violent with a customer and talked sexualy explicit she could hear but: It’s Ok?? The Violent guy cause and alteration in front of everyone in the pharmacy and store and the manager did Zippo, Zero, Nothing? Is that the new operational way of CVS? letting things getting to the edge of tragedy, at the line for prescriptions? I’ll like to hear an aswer from you and what plans for security awareness to employees and customers and the use of Cell phones and how you manage that kind of situations inside Your stores.

I purchased a 5 oz (141 g) bag of Gold Emblem fruit & nut trail mix from CVS 2866. I buy these at work so I have something healthy to eat during the day. One thing I noticed in the bag was they had apricots and dried cherries in them but after opening the bag and putting the contents in a bowl to snack on I noticed that there were no apricots or dried cherries. There were chunks of dried pineapple plenty of raisins and cranberries and nuts but now apricots or cherries..
I will purchase this product again because it is good for you to eat but I will inspect the bags to make sure the product label matches the contents

On Saturday, April 30, 2013, I accompanied by disabled son to CVS (Store #628) to fill his prescriptions. We submitted the prescriptions at the “Drop-Off” counter, and then returned one hour later to pick up the order. When we arrived the prescription was not ready, so we took a seat, waiting for my son’s name to be called. In the meantime, several people walked up to the counter to inquire about numerous things, and instead of stepping away, they remained standing at the counter. After an extended wait, the person (male) behind the counter called my son’s name, and began to enter the prescription information into the cash register. I looked over and told him that “we” will come over after these people move away. Instead of asking the customers standing at the counter to move back, the counter help, now with an attitude, called my son’s name again, then saying to me that he is not speaking to me. I reminded him that son and I are together, then took it upon myself to ask the two men standing in front of the counter to step away so we can conduct our transaction. Even with all this going on, the counter help (cashier) never took the initiative to ask the men to move back. An argument between me and the two men ensued, and instead of assuming a “leadership” role, the counter help began to ask my son for his age and date of birth in a loud and annoyed tone. I had to remind him about the HIPPA Law, and the fact that such information should not be divulged within earshot of others.
This is the second time I registered this type of complaint. The first was a verbal complaint to the Store Manager in January 2013; so, today I made several calls to the Area Manager, with no luck. I am still waiting for a callback from the Area Manager. I now see why CVS is always empty when I walk in.

I have gone there multiple times! Every time I go, I always have to wait for extended periods of time! One time I waited 2 and a half hours and the next Time I waited 1 hour! The service is not the best, and every time I go to pick up prescriptions, they never have my full prescription. I went yesterday, they gave me 3 pills and promised me it would be ready today after 12pm. I went to get it and they told me that it would not be there until tomorrow. It is just aggreivating, and I know that several people I have talked to also have to same complaint.

lI live in decatur, ga. So on 4-8-13 I went to pick up dad med. there was 4 to be pick up. i dont live with my dad he is in Lithonia so i try to grt it at one time so i don’t have to make that drive. One of the pharmacy fill all four but when i went to pay the young lady said i could not have but three. all four was fill 3-11-13. which was 3 day before. but she would only give me 3 of thim, saying it was not time.
my dad is 91 years young. with my job i could not get back in time to drop off . my brother do not have a car. She was not friendly and had a bad attuide. i all ways pick them up at once. The CVS in Lithonia, Georgia. need help all the citizen of lithonia hate that store, But it the close;s one near them. small town. They need better people working in this store. PS Is this store a training center. No one person is never there long.

I was at CVS Pharmacy in Martinsville, Va on Church Street. I swiped my card to pay for the items I was gonna purchase, but it read, “invalid card”! The cashier by the name of Eddie tried, it didn’t work for him, so he then called a lady over by the name of Kathy. I was on my phone as they were trying an I was telling my friend how my card wouldn’t go through.
Eddie (cashier) was in my conversation and said, “the name is Eddie, go ahead file a complaint”. So by that time he had really irritated me to the fullest and I asked for the manager…so Kathy was beside him and she says, “I’m the shift supervisor”, I said, “so you’re gonna just stand there and let him talk to me like that”, she said, I don’t see where he said anything wrong!
So basically, me an the cashier Eddie stood there and argued back and forth and she never opened her mouth to correct him the entire time. So eventually, she said she wasn’t able to get my card to work, so I just slid the money across the counter, because I’d become very angry with the customer service and how the supervisor didn’t take any control.
Eddie handed me my changed and I snatched it from him, he had the nerve to throw my receipt in my face and I picked it up and threw it right back at him! I have never received such horrible customer service in all my life. Now is somebody that you all have chosen to represent your company…I’m curios of what you think of this situation!

I want to complain about the quality of service at the CVS located at Harwood and Centrall in Bedford Texas. First of all people should not be put in front of customers that have no customer service skills. There are many occurances where I go in and constanly have to wait in line because an incapable person is waiting on people. There are also 5 or 6 other people besides the Phamacist that refurse to look up.
There was a woman just waitng on the drive though and just stood there stairing at the computer when no one was even at the drive through anymore and refused to look up or help when there is clearly a second register there. There were at least 7 people besides my self, all of who were shaking their heads.
This is a common ooccurance at this location. I switched from Walgreens last year for convience and absolutely dread having to pick up my perscriptions from this pharmacy. I have no choice but to switch back to Walgreens. The manager of this location is a joke as well. I have often seem him ignor calls to the back for assistance. He does a whole lot of nothing.
I dont know his name but he is tall Blonde very young looking guy. It is a farce that this company or location is sitll in business. Again this is an every week occurance. My wife and I both have prescriptions filled on a regular basis and it never gets any better in there. Its just unbelieveable and I can not immagine Im the only complanner.

I have a really hard time getting my meds after my dr. calls them in to cvs,sometimes Ican’t get them for days even though I’m completly out of my meds. or if i have three or five refills Ihave argue with them,for days,then evenly look on the computer and tell me sure you have five refills no problem.
Ihave been with cvs for fifteen years but I am being forsed to look for another drug store after all these years, also they scan my drivers license for everything ,now my license number is out there for anyone to have acess to which i don’t like I’ve already been through someone getting my number from my license ar home depo and using it in another city and it took me a year to get it straightened out.
I do not want to go through that again. those people are so rude to everyone. needless to say i will be leaving cvs I’ve had it with cvs I do not need to have to be up set when I have three refills left, and i’m out of my meds..FED UP

my son has seizures daily takes medications daily called C V S they were giving all kinds of excuses , to early, no refills available medications not available pharmacy stated the medication was not in and would not be available until Monday after 12.00pm .
Called CVS Monday morning around 9: 30 talked with Lacy she stated hold on while i check and see if we have any she stated yes we do i asked her did you just get some in this morning she stated no we have some on the self i asked why didn’t they give me some Sunday she stated i don’t know .

Prior to 01/04/2013, my father Michael Chun had been discharged from the Queens Medical Center with numerous prescriptions including Metoprolol and Digoxin. Prior to 01/04/2013, I noticed that the medications he had been discharged with were in low supply so I called in for refills at your Longs Pali CVS pharmacy. On 01/04/2013, I visited Longs Pali CVS pharmacy to pick up the refills, (totaling 8). At that time, the Pharmacy technician brought out and held infront of me a total of 7 individually sealed packages.
I informed her that I had phoned in a total of 8 medication refills. The technician then asked me “which one are you missing?” (this was without removing any of the refills from the bag). Looking puzzled, I again told her that I had called in a total of 8 prescriptions. I then noticed by looking down at one of the sealed bags that another patients name was affixed to the bag and the medication was Levothyroid.
This was held all together with my fathers medications. That visit ended up with me leaving the store with only 6 out of 8 of the medications. The reason I was given was that it was too early for my father to pick up the Metoprolol and Digoxin. (according to the pharmacy technician). I personally prepare my fathers medications weekly and the orders for the Metoprolol is 1 tab TID which had been given to him properly since his discharge. Finding that my father was 10 days short of his Metoprolol was perplexing me. I called the Longs Pali CVS pharmacy and got a 10 day supply to last my father until his insurance would cover another refill.
Prior to 1/16/2013, I phoned in the refill of Metoprolol and Digoxin.
I received a text indicating to me that his Metoprolol and Digoxin refill was ready for pick up. On 1/18/2013, I picked up my fathers Metoprolol and Digoxin and drove home. Upon arriving at home, I found that he had only received Metoprolol 30 count where the prescription was for 1 tab TID. I further noticed that he had only received Digoxin 10 tabs. I called the Longs Pali/CVS pharmacy and asked them if the label indicated that there was supposed to be 90 tabs dispensed for the Metoprolol, and 30 tabs dispensed for the Digoxin, why was there only a 10 day count administered? I was informed by Pharmacist that the count had infact been incorrect and that I would have to return to the store, return the two medications, get a refund and be dispensed the correct amount.
This is the second visit to Longs Pali CVS pharmacy with two medication errors and second with two more medication errors. Being staff in a local Emergency Department, I know the importance of avoiding medication errors along with incorrect billing to Medicaid and Medicare. I am wondering if I had caught 4 errors in 2 visits, how many more are NOT caught by other members who utilize Longs CVS pharmacy. I am currently in the process of filing complaints with the State of Hawaii Board of Pharmacy, the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs Regulatory agency and possibly bringing this to the attention of the media.

I am a nurse and I have been dealing with CVS on Fayetteville Rd. in Lumberton, NC for sometime now as a customer and as nurse. This has got to be the rudest place of pharmacists I have ever dealt with. We have patients changing pharmacies to different CVS locations and leaving in general due to the attitude. They lOSE refill authorizations, lose messages for prescriptions called in and sometimes just get it wrong in general. Today I dealt with a pharmacist named Roshonda who raised her voice at me when I asked why she was asking for information that had not been asked for before. Seriously! This is what we as a business have to deal with daily! Dr. Hardin and I are highly dissatisfied and pray your company will make changes to improve this location!

I submitted a refill to CVS on 225 Sound Beach Ave, Old Greenwich CT for 60 Atorvastatin 10 mg Tablets. When I got home I discovered only 30 tablets were in the pill container. I went back at which time they said they had made an error (not the first time) and were out of the medicine, but would have it in that night and it could be picked up the next day. I went back the next day (today) and they now indicate that this is a special order and will take a week. This medicine is a generic substitute for lipitor. I find it hard to believe that this is a “special order”. What would you suggest I do at this point?

I have typed Rx pads with directions for my patients. Pharmacy filled out rx label – Take as directed. ( never typed the directions for taking the medication, or what the medication what as prescribed for )as on the prescription Patient had a rx for Malarone and Zithromax 250mg Dosepak. I have had multiple complaints with clients calling unsure how to take the medication, all the clients used CVS pharmacy. I have called 2 pharmacies and tried to speak about the importance of having the complete directions with no success. Please respond on how to resolve this issue.

Our parents have been doing business with CVS Pharmacy in Center, Texas for over a year. We have had several issues with Daniel and one of the clerks. Don’t remember her name so I will not address this issue. But Daniel is the pharmacist we have had the main problems with. One time, I had called in to refill some of my mother’s prescriptions.
The system stated that they would have to contact the physician for renewal of prescription. After about a week my mother did not have enough medication to last through the weekend I called to check on the prescription and they stated they had not received notification from her physician to renew the prescription. I asked why they had not notified us there was a problem and they were very unconcerned about it. I called the physician’s office and had to get the doctor that takes his call to call the pharmacy to reorder the drugs. This physician called me back and told me that he would not speak to the pharmacist again at this pharmacy.
Stated he was rude and very disrespectful. When I called and spoke to Daniel he told me that he would not deal with the physician. Which I told him that my mother’s health was my concern, not that he and the physcian had a problem and that if they had notified us in a timely manner there was a problem getting the prescription renewed we would not be in this situation. After several minutes of telling him the importance of getting this prescription he said he would give me enough to get us by until they could contact the regular physician on Monday.
Then we had issues with insurance cards not being valid. Striplings in Nacogdoches was able to call the insurance company and get the information needed in order to fill the prescription, but CVS would not make a toll free call to see what was wrong. My parents are 86 and very feeble but my mother is very independent and is trying to take care of her business. A simple 5 minute call would have cleared this problem. This was mostly with the clerk we had this problem. We’ve had a couple of issues of them not refilling prescriptions in a timely manner and I call the physician now to make sure that they call and approve the renewals. My sister went three days last week to pick up a prescription.
The first day she went the drive thru window was closed and she wasn’t dressed to go inside, one of the main reasons we use CVS is the convient of the drive through, the next day the computer system was down, the third day is when we find out there is a problem with the insurance card again. Daniel told her that they had already ran the card through and it showed to be expired at the end of December, and she asked him to run it again. She said he put both his fist to his head and very upset told her that he had spent an hour on filling a prescription and asked her if she didn’t care about him. She told him no that she needed my Dad’s medication for alzheimer that she has been trying to pick up for three days. He made some other comment to her and she told him that we would be moving our business to WalMart because she always had other things to purchase at WalMart.
When I called him, I asked him why they could not call the insurance company like they did the last time and his response was that the computers were talking to each other and this was how he got the information that the card was expired. The information I looked up on line for Aetna stated that they were updating and improving their coverage and that they did not have to do anything. I told Daniel, that this could have been resolved with a ten minute phone call on their part and my Dad would have had the medication that he needed. I told him that he did not show any concern about the customers. There are several comments on my facebook that several customers of CVS are going to move their business because of the attitude the pharmacists and clerks have. Too late for us to not move our account but I just wanted you to know that we do not have to use CVS and be treated like this.

To Whom It May Concern, I have been getting my perscriptions at CVS for many years! Today I went as usuall to get my petscription filled. The person typing the perscription wss very rude to me from the beginning. It was a very busy night, but.that should be no ecvuse!
She then told me that my perscription would take 2 and half hours.I didn’t have that kind of time. She said she would try and get it faster. After sbout 30 minutes of walking the store, I went to the desk, and asked the pharmacist how much longer he thought it would be. He knew who I was because I have been there many times. His response was, “just shut up and sit down, it will be ready at the time tbe other lady told you!!”
I got extremely mad for being talked to like that. I then went to get the store manager.. He went to the pharmacist and he sided wirh him!! He finally got my medicine ready only to find out he didn’t run it through my insurance. Of course that was my fault. So they had to refund my card and recharge.
The pharmacist didn’t even apologize for anything.. I understand that they are very busy, I just don’t like to be talked to that way

I have been told on numerous occasions it would take no more than 20 minutes to fill my prescriptions. I called in my prescriptions today & 4 hrs layets they were still not ready. When told they would be ready in 2 1/2 hrs. This had not only happened to me but my wife as The Minden store is horrible!!

When the US Government ended it’s contract for filling prescriptions with Walgreens and began using CVS Pharmacies my husband and I began using the local Helotes, TX pharmacy. Every prescription we have had faxed to this pharmacy has resulted in a problem. The latest problem today, January 4, 2013, was two prescriptions faxed for my son, Nathan. The pharmacy called our home around 12:30 to advise that they had the prescriptions and named them and requested my son’s insurance information.
About two and a half hours later we went to pick up the prescriptions and were told they had only received one prescription. While the young man at the drive through felt his job was finished I requested that he call the doctor’s office for the second prescription. He wanted me to come into the pharmacy and I did not intend to go in as we had received the phone call and I felt the burden was upon the pharmacy. In the meantime, I had my son call the doctor’s office and request they re-fax the prescription.
The young man again wanted me to leave the drive-through and I resisted. He brought a manager, Chase, to the window and I proceeded to explain my frustration with this pharmacy as this has been an on-going issue with this location. Another individual, perhaps a pharmacisit came to the window showing the fax and telling me I had to move. I wanted the prescription at this point as I would have driven 50 miles to fill it due to the absolute frustration with the incompetence of this location.
She advised me that she could not give me the prescription since it had CVS on the heading. We then agreed to have this final prescription filled at this location, however, I was required to move and was told it would be ready in fifteen minutes. The prescription was filled within the time stated. The young man that had originally assisted me came to the window without a word.
He handed me the clip board for my son without a word. He then had to advise me of the cost and I paid. I then requested information for filing a complaint. He searched for a bit and came back with a phone number written on a CVS coupon type receipt. I would like to have a resolution to the problem with this pharmacy. As I see, it appears maybe it is all of the CVS Pharmacy’s. I long for Walgreens. I never had a problem with their receiving, processing, or customer service at Walgreens.

I went to CVS located on the corner of Camino al Norte and Craig January 1st 2013 around 7pm, because I needed a money order quickly. My husband and I have always came to this pharmacy for well over 3 years. I have never had a problem with any employee we ALWAYS get money orders with no problem. I asked the the cashier for a money order he told me that you guys charge 1 dollar for the money order and that I needed my ID. Which was fine i had no problem. So I went to my car and asked my husband to get it for me. My husband got in line and asked the gentlemen for a 40 $ money order. The cashier asked my husband for and ID and my husband presented it to the cashier. The cashier tried scanning the ID and he said that the computer didn’t take his ID.
The gentleman tried typing it in and he said that it wouldn’t take it again. The cashier calls the manager (Angela) as soon as she approaches she said they couldn’t take his ID. The manager did no effort to even look at the ID. The ID my husband was presenting was a Matricula Consular. This ID was issued to him here in Nevada. Its a legal ID with a Legal address from Nevada. This is the same Exact ID he has presented for the last 3 years. We felt very mad that the manager did no effort to try to help us. She had no customer service . And I don’t understand how every other employee had no problem with his ID and that day they didn’t accept it. I’m very mad and will never return to this location again.

I I order a refill on Wednsday 12-27-12. I came to pick it up on Thursday evening, they said they were waiting for it to be preauthorize by the Dr. Iwas told the Dr office didn’t respond. I called, the the Dr office and they said they didn’t recieve anything. The pharmarcy the would fax it again. I call on Friday evening,and I found out that nothing has been done. I ask could I have a few pills for the weekend the Pharmarist Jay Mwangang said no.( I have been using this Pharmarcy for over 10 years, the perscription is for my autistic son,he can not cominicate well, but I after three days with out the drug he seem anxious).
Saturday I speak face to face with the Pharmarsist I ask him exactly what did he want the Dr to do.,I know whenI page the emergency number. I would have to give the Dr this information. I did speak to the Dr,and he did call the insurance company only to find out that it is closed on the weekend.I call and ask could just pay for it.I bought two pills for 26.00.That’s not the problem,my complaint the Pharmarist didn’t try to help in anyway.It’sh always some problems at this pharmarcy.As soon as I get this problem straight I’m switching to WAlgreen.

First of all my wife and I have been costomers with cvs for over 35 years however I don’t think any more. We have our prescriptions filled located on providence hwy in Dedham, Ma we order them sometimes 5 days ahead of time or our doctor call or fax the prescriptions in and they don’t get filled. Point of fact on Dec, 21 2012 at 1:35pm my wife doctors office called two prescriptions they were approved by our insurance company at the sme time However only one was filled not the other one until my wife called on Dec, 23 2012 and the pharmacy and they said oh we will fill it now. My daughters Doctors office called in one for her on Dec, 13 2012 and it was not filled until Dec, 21 2012 after atleast 5 calls to the pharmacy. this is very unproffesional but also unacceptable. I am beyond upset and mad. You need to resolve this or we will look else where to fill our prescription.

My complaint is concerning your Mechanicburg, PA store located at the corner of Carlisle Pike and Sporting Hill Rd. Recently we changed insurance companies, my wife dropped off a script to be filled at the drive through window. She informed the employee that we had new insurance and wanted them to take the information. The employee told her to just leave it and it would be placed in the bag with her script. She did so. I picked up the script not knowing that there should be our insurance card. She asked me for the card which I didn’t have. We immediately called the pharmacy.
They didn’t have it. They said the person that took the card left for the day. When my wife asked for them to call the employee they refused and every employee she talked to after that was rude and sarcastic. The manager on duty was on break and didn’t want to deal with the situation and when did hung up on her, stating something to the fact I am on break. I then called back and was told that they are looking through the trash now…. how comfortable does that make you feel. I finally decided to go in. I did go in and when I got there all the people on duty had conveniently left. So I filled in the manager on duty. He heard about it but was little he could do and stated he would have someone call my wife tomorrow.
At my dismay I found out that your employees do not know your red flag or fraud policy. I stressed my concern that the card may have been given to someone else in error and/or possible misuse in the department.
I am a V.P. of a collection agency and deal with medical fraud and abuse on a regular basis. I am also a CCCO (a certifid compliance officer. I am aware of the necessary policies and procedures that must be in place concerning this matter including but not limited to HIPPA, RED-Flag, Fraud prevention. To add to my frustration we did not receive a call or any follow up from CVS concerning their misplace of our insurance card.
I did contact our insurance carrier and informed them of my concerns and they are taking care of it. I would appreciate a response to both your policies and procedures concerning lost medical insurance cards placed in your care and the training your representatives receive in the handling of those policies and procedures.

After picking up my daughters perscription I took it home and did not open the bag that was stapled shut by CVS. When I opened the bottle it did not look right. After counting the number of pills I find that it was short 6 pills. Knowing this CVS, due to problems in the past, it was pointless to go talk to them.
But I decided to go anyway. I was met by a very rude young pharacist. I told him what was wrong. He informed me that they have to keep a very close count on this type of medication. Looked at his counts and came back to me to tell me he was correct and the bottle left there with the right amount. He then continued to tell me “I am sorry you can not understand what I am telling you.”
As though I was ignorant and could not comprehend what he was saying. They do not make mistakes. He then told me I needed to check the people in my house hold because they took the medication. I am very upset at the way this man treated me and astonished by his accusations. This is not the first time I have had an issue with the product I have been given at this CVS.
I have had 3 different issues in the past few years with them. When I told him I would never use them again he simple remarked “OK” and walked away. I knew they would not give me the missing medication. But at least admit that a mistake is possible. And never treat your customer as though they are beneath your intelligence.

Dear cvs I have a complaint about how I was treated at your albuquerque n.m store on centrel and louisianna .I went in on 3/1/12 to have a perscription filled everything went fine got home counted my pill it was short 10. So I went back the next day after work to let them know what had happened and the man at the pharmacy said the pill bottle was initaled the that they had been counted there for they where right and I was wrong.
The Pharmacy manager had filled my perscription and he would not be back until tuesday 3/6/12 so again after work I go back I tell them what happened they did a pill count they had shorted me.The girl behind the counter asked me if I wanted them in a new pill bottle or did I want them added to the one I already had or do you want to COUNT them then the pharmist says very loudly that the next time I get this perscription filled I need to bring it in two days ahead of time I said on my B/P meds he said no only on your hydrocodon Pain pills, so while waitting on my B/P perscription he back at counter slaming his stapler around .
I am still saying WOW i HAVE NEVER BEEN TREATED LIKE THIS.Not a sorry about this mistakes happen and all they did was embarrass me.This man needs anger management. How can you treat a customer like this for counting there pills. Still saying wow!!!

Ok one day I went in to CVS in Houston medical center to get a glucose machine, lancets,test strips and ect. The test strips are in the back where the pharmacy clerks get it. So I had no idea how much they were are how mant came in the packs. I also didnt know too much about the actual machine. So im goind from isle to pharmacy checkout asking if it would be covered on my Flex account and how much are the test stripes. So I pulled one of the shelf and went back to the front and requested the test strips for that machine and they were 106.25 and I said hell no thats to high.
So I asked her ar there any cheaper test strips and she replies with attutude yea it depends on the machine. I then asked well what machine has the cheapest test strips and she said she dont knowjust go get another machine and she will tell me. So I go back to the isle and grap every damn machine and brought it back to her and she huffed and puffed and just was pissed that I dd what she told me to do. I then told her I didnt tell you to work at CVS, you are on the damn clock if you was not so damn bitchy you would of look at the test strips and told me the brand that was cheapest. So she did and they were out of that actual machine.
I did have other items in my hand but by then i was done and walked out. You dont even want to know how there unprofessional manager acted when I caled back to the store. Very rude disrespectful, non customer relation skills, hire anybody off the street folks. I have no decent words for that…

Dear Sir, I have been going CVS Pharmacy at Moraga Way, Orinda for over 10 years. I usually go there first in the morning 8:00AM on the way to my work. Yesterday January 31, 2012, when store manager Isaac took care of me at the cash register, he said “Why you come everyday? Can’t you combine things to buy and make it one time?” Sometimes that store’s tag on Sale items are old, so I reminded him that the items (Oatmeal) are 2 for $5. He said “You DON’T have to tell me, the bar code tells and our store is always up to date.” If it is so, I would not remind him.
This kind of thing happened time to time. I don’t see him acting like that to other customer at all. I feel he is just picking on me only. Till yesterday I was holding my feelings. So when he told “Why you come everyday!” I told him nicely “Because I would like to see you.” That way, there will be no controversy. But the more I think the more it is the time to say something about it to somebody. I still would like to purchase the items from CVS but I would like to be in the store with peace in mind.
This complaint is related to your pharmacy. I call a few days ahead, I use the store system of ordering my prescription and I do all that I can to make sure my prescription will be ready on the day that I need it. When I go into the store to pick the item or items I have to wait 30 min. to an hour. Sometimes the items are not ready and I have to go home and return hours later. Today I called direct to the pharmacy and was put on hold, I waited, and I waited, then hung up and called again.
“Chad” answered for the second time and and again asked if he could put me on hold. I said no. He explained that he was waiting on customers at the counter and the only one there. I think it is great that you have so many customers but those curstomers may start thinking that it is time to find another pharmacy to shop at. In the past the people that have served my family have been kind, and considerate. They are now just too pressed to render good customer service.

My Dr faxed my percriptions into CVS around 12:00 pm on Friday 2/3/2012, I went to the CVS on Shelby road in Kings Mountain to get these percriptions before I went home as I am pretty sick right now, first the guy at the counter tells me they don’t have any perciptions for me and that I would have to come back later. I explained to him that I was very sick and my Dr wanted me to start on these antibiotics as soon as possiable and I ask him if he could call my Dr and ask about my precriptions, he told me to call him because he was to busy. I called the office and they had gone to lunch.
I ask him if he would call me as soon as they filled my medicine and he very rudely tore off a piece of paper from the register and told me to write my name and number down. I did that and with out even acknoledgeing me he took the paper and walked off. After not hearing from CVS all day I called them at 5pm and the lady told me my medicine was ready. I told her that I had been waiting on a call from them all day and no one called. She said she was sorry but they had been really busy. I think this is bad business and when someone is sick they shouldn’t have to wait all day to get their medicine.
I understand that they are busy but they need to be educated in customer service. I am very dissapointed in them.

I dropped off a prescription to be filled and was told that so many “fillers” had come at the same time that it would take 30 minutes to fill mine – maybe 40 minutes. The pharmacy girl was agitated that so many came in close to the same time! That is what I call job security but she was upset because of the number of people needing medicine… I said okay and went to the grocery store and dropped back by in 65 minutes. After searching for several minutes, I was told that since my prescription had to be mixed, they filled everyone else’s and had not done mine. They intended to do it last but had not done it yet, although the store was empty. I inquired how long it would take and it would have been another 20+ minutes.
I had milk and ice cream in my car and I live too far away to run back the same night so I ask for my prescriptions back and took them to another store. This is only one of many bad experiences I have had at CVS. I do not know why anyone would shop there and I am moving all my business after 40 years. Another bad experience I had was when my doctor faxed through a prescription 4 times while I was in his office and it took 4 days and 4 trips before CVS ever admitted that they received it. I was also treated rudely on l occasion when I wrote a check for toiletries I had purchased and the clerk demanded to see my drivers license. She had checked me out numerous times, including the day before and my drivers license was imprinted on my check. Additionally I have never bounced a check and everyone in the store knew me!
I told her my license was in my car and she said I would go get it or she would not check me out. It was raining really hard so I walked out. The next time, I wrote a check and the new male clerk had never been taught how to key it in. He knew how to key in debit and credit cards and cash but not a check. With 5 people in line behind me and one being a banker I know, the new clerk announced that my check would not go through. I explained to him nicely that if my check didn’t go through, no one else in our town would have one that would go through either. Being a business person with a solid business and being well known in the town, this was humiliating.
I finally pulled out a credit card and gave him after the banker and I both tried to show him where the account number and routing number were on my check so he could key it in. After I checked out, I went to the back of the store and confronted the pharmacy staff about how I had been treated at the front and they advised that he was new and did not know how to enter a check. They advised that I should have brought my purchases back to them to check out..That was no consolation when the 5 people standing in line behind me still thinking I tried to give the check out guy a bad check…. Well I have had enough after 40 years – I shopped there when it was called Rite Aid – but I refuse to be treated disrespectfully over and over again. As I walked around the cosmetic counters a year ago, I observed a 10 or 11 year old Hispanic girl opening up all lipsticks and trying them on and pushing them back on the shelf.
She broke seals and contaminated all the lipsticks in one complete display, then started on the nail polish and mascara. Staff walked on by her and said nothing. Two days later, 2 small hispanic children accompanied by their parents were at the check out counter as their parents supposedly asked questions about where a certain item could be located. As the parents leaned over the counter talking to the check out girls, the kids filled their pockets with numerous pieces of candy and then they all walked out the door. I told the clerks that they had been scanned since it was apparent that they only came in to steal candy for their children. The clerk said “oh well”. They need to sell out to Walgreens or Rite Aid or anyone. There is no such thing as quality control in CVS.

My neighbor dropped off a prescription at the CVS on Hollywood Way and Verdugo St in Burbank,Ca. (store # 9795 )last week and was told by the pharmacist that she didn’t have enough to fill that prescription,my neighbor asked if she could call one of the other CVS stores to get some more to complete the prescription and was told “no,and if I could it would take a week to get it in”. My neighbor had to go back to her Doctors office ( which generated another DR. visit co-pay of $95 dollars and additional lost time and money at work which her boss didn’t appreciate either).
When she got back to the pharmacy with the new prescription there was a male pharmacist there and when my neighbor turned in the new prescription for the lesser amount ,she was told that she already had a prescription waiting for her with the original amount. When my neighbor complained to the store Manager she was told that they have had a lot of complaints about that pharmacist but it’s difficult to get people to cover that shift so they put up with it. What the HELL kind of an attitude is that to have in a store Manager,and especially in a pharmacist who has to deal with peoples health and maybe even their life.
I think your Human Resources Dept needs a MAJOR shake up,if they are going to hire people like this they need to be FIRED and CVS needs to have their license pulled effective immediately.

I was at CVS to copy two pictures. A young man finally helped me and wasn’t polite. I had trouble finding what I wanted and asked the sales lady to help me…she had the same young man help me but he helped with one sheet and I stared to process the second sheet but again had trouble and stood in line to get help. After he accused me of pushing all the buttons…..when he helped scan the second sheet it cut the hat off all the pictures. I said that’s not right which he replied that’s how it scanned. He never asked to corect or have a solution. I went back up front ask for the manager and the lady said he was the manager.
I asked for the store number and said I wouldn’t be back and was transferring all our scripts. We spent between $600.00 and $700.00 dollars a month on scripts…..never again. I went to Wal-greens and the photo staff were pleased to help me and within 10 minutes I left the drug store pleased. Word of mouth is the best advertising a person can get….I can a sure you I will tell all my friends how unprofessional your manager was to me. He doesn’t realize that a $6.00 picture will cost the store $600.00 a month in lost scripts.

I have several prescriptions with CVS and moved them to the CVS Pharmacy on Seal Beach Blvd in Seal Beach, CA. On three separate occasions my girlfriend and I have had to deal with the Pharmacy staff over the phone. Each time we dealt with the same Asian woman who is extremely rude, dismissive and has a very difficult time with English. Let me re-state, she has an extremely difficult time understanding English and we have an even harder time understanding her. To top it off, my prescription for Coumadin was due yesterday 01-16-2012. Its 5:30pm PST time on 01-17-2012 now and I left the pharmacy 15 minutes ago.
First, I called them 3 1/2 hours ago at 2pm to confirm that it was ready and were told the it would be ready very soon. We arrived at 4pm and it was not ready. I spoke to the Pharmacy staff member and asked when it would be ready. I was told 15 minutes. I told him that my girlfriend and I would go get dinner and return after. We returned at 5pm and spoke to the same Pharmacy staff member. We were told that it was not ready again. He told us that it would take a little more time. While waiting I decided to get some supplies which included insulin syringes and blood sugar tablets. I am a Diabetic without insurance and have purchased my prescriptions and supplies with cash or credit card for years. When asking for the supplies I was told that they do not sell syringes.
I have, in fact, purchased them from the CVS Pharmacy located in Westlake, CA on several occasions. They asked for my ID and had me sign a syringe receipt form. I explained this to them and the same woman told me that CVS does not sell syringes and then dismissed me and walked away. I assumed that she misunderstood me as she does each time we speak. I asked again, but this time she asked to see my Diabetic Card, as if some card that says that I’m Diabetic would be sufficient to purchase syringes. Second, there is not a national or state database where Diabetics are required to register and then issued cards like drivers licenses. Have you ever asked a person for their cancer card? Moving on, I then explained that I had purchased insulin and syringes from CVS again. She then proceeded to look my purchasing history up in the computer.
I asked her how she could possible know if I had purchased insulin if I paid cash and it was a non-prescription item? She again dismissed me and rambled on, which I could not understand. I had to repeat my statement 4 to 5 times before the Pharmacist on staff walked over and asked me what was going on. I explained that I was trying to purchase syringes to administer my insulin as I was a diabetic. She told me that it was a prescription item, which it is not. I told her that it was not a prescription item and anyone could purchase them from any pharmacy, even online.
She responded, “Purchase them online then”. Basically what they are saying is that they don’t recognize the protocol of other CVS pharmacies and that they need a purchase history for insulin with insurance to be able to provide a basic necessity for a diabetic. They give needles away for free to drug attics, but I cannot purchase a very necessary supply which allows me to live, from a company that claims to be a Pharmacy. The more interesting part was watching the other customer’s faces of disbelief as they listened to the pharmacy staff.
To prove my point, I then went to another CVS pharmacy located just miles from this CVS location and was able to purchase my syringes and Coumadin within minutes. I was able to do this without insurance, insults, embarrassment or a diabetic card.

I wanted to buy Christmas cards so I saw a very large 50% off sign on the CVS card shelf. I bought a box and went to the counter and was told it was: buy one and get one at 50% off. I went back to check and sure enough in very tiny tiny print it said buy one get one 50% off. I find this deceptive advertising. I complained to the store manager and was told that they had nothing to do with it. It was a corporate decision and all the signs came from headquaters. It made me want to shop elsewhere. You should have had the Buy One get one 50% off in large letters. Shame on you!! Where is your Christmas spirit?

This it the 3rd time I have cancelled a possible order due to complete disgust. I am a long time customer of Longs. I spend thousands of dollars per year now at CVS. You send me emails with all kinds of lures to purchase online, and as I have said, I cannot be successful. This last miserable event, today, was the same: I go through about an hour of finding the things I want. I go to check out and the prices are different. I go back and start over again. Now, I get the prices right. I want to complete my purchase and submit “cyber monday”.
It is supposed to give my $10 off my purchase, if $60 plus, and free shipping. Instead, It gives me $2 off my purchase and charges me shipping. Oh, the top of it all? Try calling your phone line. I never did get a way to talk to customer service. I assure you, I will NEVER go online with CVS again. It’s making me ill and stealing my precious time. If you want me to try again, make it worth my while. I’m including my email address. In the meantime, I will order my $100 worth of items from Rite Aide and/or Walgreens. Merry Christmas to you too.

A few days ago i went to cvs in Fallbrook, ca. to make a picture cd i was standing in line at the photo section the guy there pretty much ignored me, then this lady went to ask about her one hour photo the guy right away screaming at her told her she needed to wait because the machine was broken so i moved over to the cash register line where i waited about 20 minutes after that the manager came to help, i looked at him straight in the eye and i told him “i want to make a picture cd” he didnt seem like he was paying attention and since it was my first time making a picture cd i didnt really know what to expect.
He asked if i wanted the glossy finish i replied yes confused i asked him if that was necessary for the picture cd, he replied “no thats not what you said”, u said you wanted to process this” i responded “no i didnt i told you i wanted a picture cd” he keeps arguing with me on my request pretty much he was calling me a liar at the end he processed my request and made his angry faces at me. If thats how a manager treats you what can you expect from the rest of the employees? This is the worst customer service i’ve ever had!

I just received an e-mail stating the pictures I ordered from CVS on 11/9/11 are now ready (it is now 11/16/11…a week later). I went to store #1458 in Ocean City, MD on 11/10/11 (when the website told me the photos would be ready) and was told that they did not print my pictures because they just migrated to a new system, and the cashier did not know how to use the new system…she also told me they were still receiving orders and she would not be able to print those photos either (her attitude said: “good luck to those people too!”). She told me that the photo supervisor would be in NEXT WEEK and I could pick them up then.
I live 3 hours from Ocean City, and considering I ordered the photos knowing I could pick them up the next day (like the website told me the photos would be ready), this was completely unacceptable to me. I understand that there was a new system and the pictures could not be printed, but I NEVER received a phone call stating any of this. The order on the website would not process without my phone number…so what is the point of me entering my phone number if CVS is not even going to have the common courtesy to call me and tell me that they have NO INTENTION of printing my photos?
I am very unhappy with this service and will never use CVS for photo printing again, or recommend CVS to a friend. I hope you will make changes to your customer service once reading my complaint. It is understandable for a machine to not be in working order, but it is unacceptable to have complete disregard for your customers and not tell them when you will not be able to perform a service.

complaint is with the cvs on walnut and shiloh in garland tx. with a young pharmicist name gayla. I ask to get a pain medicene alittle early for going out of town two weeks for the holiday. where everyone could hear she tells me shes calling my doctor wanting to know why I was taking that. I had requested her call for early refill. they fill it whenever they take a notion whoevers there. this one takes great pride in deciding when its filled. I told her shes not suppose to call a persons doctor as to why a person takes a medicene. she said yes I can and I go back up there to see if she called to as what I wanted.
she said no you said you didnt want me to call them. I said no I didnt tell you not to call. I said I want you to call them so she did but not to see if they would ok it to be filled early. then she proceeds to tell me shes not filling it before she says its to be filled and wont do any good if the doctors office does call her shes not filling it.. now is this a way for cvs to treat customers. playing god. plus the attiude and smirk she had like ha ha you cant do a thing about it. I called my doctors office back and told them what she said. after this.
I will not step foot back in a cvs ever even if they had a free giveaway of everything. they pull this with my son whos had pancreatic cancer and has to have digestion medicene to survive. they play games with him. I will copy this and send it to everyone I know. letting them know how cvs is ran. I will pay more for my medicene to have pleasant pharmacies. cvs is history

My husband and I stopped shopping at Walgreens years ago,because when we went there for sale items they were out on the first day quite often. We haven’t been back there since, because we don’t want to waste time if the product won’t be there. Today is Sunday, the first day of the new ad and CVS was out of the sale items we wanted. My husband drove to another CVS only to find the items at that store were also sold out!!! You lost some loyal customers today because of this. Since we haven’t been to Walgreen’s for several years we are going to give them a chance to earn our business. We are very disappointed in CVS and thought you should know why you lost 2 customers today. Thank you for your time.

BEWARE OF THIS CVS PHARMACY ON ATLANTIC NEAR ST. JOHN’S in Jacksonville, FL!!! They grossly shorted my (expensive!) prescription of a controlled substance and not only did they refuse to do anything about it, they treated ME like I was a liar and like I was the one who did something wrong! The male pharmacist there was RUDE and dismissive — DO NOT GO THERE. If you do, make sure you re-count your pills before you leave, because either they can’t count or some employee is stealing from peoples bottles. And what they told me is that they can basically just short you howver many they want and then won’t refund the missing meds to you OR your money. I’ve NEVER been so poorly treated — I will NEVER go there again!

If keeping the customer happy and keeping him as a customer is one of the goals at CVS, then the dark haired middle aged female “shift supervisor” at the Broadway,Arlington, MA CVS who was working there on Oct 26 at 1PM should be fired because she is a miserable employee who couldn’t care less about making customers happy or keeping them as customers and she would much prefer to highly upset them. I dropped in there to take advantage of the buy one get one free vitamin sale and discovered that there was only one bottle left of the one I wanted.
so knowing the cvs policy that I should then get that bottle at half price, I went to this woman and she adamently refused to do it because she said there WERE more bottles in the back room but they contained less vitamins because the particular bottle I had had 25% more due to an ended promotional offer and that I had the last bottle, so to take atvantage of the sale i would have to buy both bottles of unequal amounts, which I did not want to do because i just wanted the one in my hand.
The point is that my request was not being unreasonable, she COULD have done it if she wanted to and CVS’s bottom line wouldn’t suffer for heaven’s sake. In addition, it would have made the consumer happy and kept him as a customer neither, one of which is now the case. I know nothing will be done about this and that’s fine because it just drives another nail into the coffin of CVS’s alleged committment to customer service.

If keeping the customer happy and keeping him as a customer is one of the goals at CVS, then the dark haired middle aged female “shift supervisor” at the Broadway,Arlington, MA CVS who was working there on Oct 26 at 1PM should be fired because she is a miserable employee who couldn’t care less about making customers happy or keeping them as customers and she would much prefer to highly upset them. I dropped in there to take advantage of the buy one get one free vitamin sale and discovered that there was only one bottle left of the one I wanted. So knowing the cvs policy that I should then get that bottle at half price, I went to this woman and she adamently refused to do it because she said there WERE more bottles in the back room but they contained less vitamins because the particular bottle I had had 25% more due to an ended promotional offer and that I had the last bottle, so to take atvantage of the sale i would have to buy both bottles of unequal amounts, which I did not want to do because i just wanted the one in my hand.
The point is that my request was not being unreasonable, she COULD have done it if she wanted to and CVS’s bottom line wouldn’t suffer for heaven’s sake. In addition, it would have made the consumer happy and kept him as a customer neither, one of which is now the case. I know nothing will be done about this and that’s fine because it just drives another nail into the coffin of CVS’s alleged committment to customer service.

My sister and I have been purchasing a pint of liquid vitamin c-brand name Rx Choice at least once a month (each of us). The price was never consistant one time it would be 14.00,the next it would be 16.00. I finally asked who CVS deals with (cardinal,Mckesson or who). I was told Cardinal. I knew Walgreens dealt with Cardinal also, so I asked what would they charge me for it, and was told around 10.00!! I was dumb-founded. they had in the last year or so been charging us 18.90 per bottle. The item number is 163-1951 and I’m saying that the cost is around 7.00 per bottle….you don’t needto know how I got this info.
This is a total rip-off to your customers and I won’t be shopping there anymore. We always bought it at the CVS at the “four corners” in Oklawaha on state road 40. I am telling everyone I know how y’all (do business). I deserve an explanation as well as an apology for being overcharged for so long. And the staff in the pharmacy are rude and don’t know jack about how to treat customers. My sister also bought all her prescriptions there and she is pulling out to another pharmacy. I would appreciate an answer if you can come up with a good one.

I was in Las Vegas and had to pick up a few things so I stopped in the CVS store next door to the Monte Carlo hotel the store was busy Icould not find an employee to help me locate something and when I did finaly find someone they they were rude and nasty like I was bothering them by just being there so I left and went to the store by the Circus Circus Hotel and found those employess even worse there. There was a women there here name tag said she was a shift suporvisor and she was the most rude one of all. I go to Las Vegas often and will never go in one of those CVS stores again!

I went today to pickup my prescription that I called in on Thursday. When I got to the pharmacy, they told me that it was not ready and would I like to wait. The girl at the counter told me that the pharmacy was not open on Thursday as the pharmacist could not make it to the store. She came back and told me that there were 16 pages of prescriptions to be printed. Could I come back. I feel I should have gotten a phone call so that I did not waste my gas to go there. I will tell you now, that one more problem and I will pull all my prescription out and take them to Walgreen. I have been doing business with you for 46 years.
In the last year there has been numerous times that I have gotten to the store and my prescription was not ready or I would have to come back. You all need to get your act together if you are going to keep my business. I take 18 pills a day and you receive all my business. Please look into this matter and get back to me.

I have been using CVS for my medicine refills for several years. I have encountered a tech. that has a problem hearing or just don’t care. She has been the reason for most problems that I have encountered. I have complained to the store manager several times. But she doesn’t do anything about it. I think the people working in a pharmacy needs to be professional and able to do a professional job. after all some medicines are life and death. Not just a asprin. I am now having to go back for the third time to pick up my perscription that was faxed in yesterday about 1.30pm.
I t was ready for pick up but they didn’t bother to call to see why it was over $20. and not the usual $3.00. The tech. said she was told that I was going to call the ins. company to find out and she just did what she was told. Which it still had to be sent through again anyway. If she had done the job she is paid to do it would have been ready earlier today. Oh and when I asked the pharmasist to run it through again for me. he told me he would have to transfer me to that department. Yes he is a older gentleman. but if he isn’t able to do the job correctly then he needs to retire so a capible pharmasist can do the job and quit messing with peoples medications.
As with the Tech. And if the manager cant handle telling them thwy are causing too many mistakes so she don’t have to hurt their feelings. well when they cause someone’s death for a perscription mistake she too will be held accountable for it. I have nothing against older prople working when they are capible. But there is a time to give it up before you kill someone. For Goodness sakes. {Store in Madisonville Tn. 37354.}

August 8 in Minneapolis at the Nicollet and Frankling AVe CVS Store I was shopping. It took a while because everytime I asked an employee where something was they gave me the wrong isle. I wondered through the whole store looking for my items. When I went to pay I ask if I could use the restroom. The clerk who was going to check me out said that they did nto have a public bathroom. Now in the past I had used the bathroom. I am 62 years old and I was a long way from home and was taking the city bus whcih now had to hold my bladder. I stepped away from my cart and said, “Fine, I will never shop at your store and I will make sure I tell everyone I can.
The people employed at this company are the rudest I have ever encountered. I will go to target, kmart, walmart and walgreens because they have public bathrooms.

The CVS pharmacy in Immokalee,Fl. store # 3268 is treating people coming in to fill legitamite prescriptions like they are all criminals or drug addicts! We have gone to this same store for over TEN YEARS, and the pharmacist named “Vicki” along with her one little flunky are giving elderly patients with serious chronic pain very hard times to get their meds! These are people so ill that they ONLY time they get out of their homes is to go see the Dr. and then to get their scripts filled! But because of all the stigma attached to Oxycodone here in Fl., THESE two hateful shrews are pledging personal vendetta’s against pain med customers!
They lie, saying “the pharmacist is out of town for 2 weeks”

The doctor perscribed me predinisone 20mg tabs twice a day for five days..he told me to take the entire bottle till it runs out,Now i take my perscription to get filled at cvs..on the bottle it says 10 is listed as the QTY..Which it was 20 pills count inside the there is no doubt that this is a hugh error had i have not noticed or caught on to this what would have happened…I know it’s only prednisone but suppose it was something else that’s life threatning and the doctor gave his order and not to exceed that amount and i take more than he told me to take and i go into cardiac arrest or dies..what happens next..this is i’m a Diabetic,High blood pressure,High colesterol.
I can’t afford to continue to go thru these types of med error’ can become deady to some people,,,this is not the only time i have went thru this with this cvs location i brought it up to the pharmacist and they say sorry we’ll do better next time..and now this please see what’s the problem with this location it may very well save lives…your immediate attention to this matter is greatly appreciated…Thanks in advance for all of your help…..Ms Beverly Tate

The mamager at the CVS located near Siesta Key in Florida is very unprofessional. He flirts shamelessly with the women that come in his store and with his female employees. I also have seen him act very innapropriate with a particular female employee. I have heard from some of the staff that the manager and this female employee are having an affair and the manager is living with her because his wife found out. It is very uncomfortable as a customer to witness this kind of behavior so I can only imagine how uncomfortable it would be for an employee to work in that kind of atmosphere

While picking up my prescriptions at the 2323 Illinois Ave store in Dallas,TX, I encountered very unproffesional behavior resulting in my transfer of $2600 worth anual prescription bussines to a non CVS store. I am disabled and need to carry a blue Walmart shopping bag with which contains personable items so my disabled arms don’t drop, loose, and or break things while traveling on public transportation. I have filled RX at the same store since 2005 and have never encountered a problem having a Walmart bag and personal items with me. However, during the last visit I was told that I had to leave the bag at the front of the store.
I opened the bag and showed the new manager the Galaxy Tab inside the bag and explained that I did not want to leave a $500 computer at the front of the store to be stolen. Afterall, women were allowed to enter freely with purses without a problem. The manager told be that I would have to pick up my RX at the drive through window. I followed instructions but was not allowed to pick up the scripts at drive through. The RX employees were laughing and taunting me for thirty minutes. Would not allow me to pick up RX because I was not in a car. How do I file a violation of Americans With Disabilities Act Complaint/Suit?

To whom it may concern I never receive all of my prescriptions. Every time I try to get my orders refilled at the cvs pharmacy on, 130 Lenox Ave. New York NY 10026 they always leave some out, and when I call to inform them of their error they claim it was either already filled or that it was never ordered. My doctor even has trouble when ordering from this pharmacy. CVS pharmacy’s gross incompentents is not only frustrating but also quite dangerous. I strongly urge whoever’s in charge to fix this serious matter before a customer dies becauses of their intolerable carelessness. Sincerely Concerned customer.

I was at the CVS pharmacy located at 959 Bay Area Blvd. Houston Texas Store 212-8040 to purchase some Vitamins.
Even though add started today Sunday 6/26/11 all the items that I was looking for is either gone or only one bottle each were there. Buy one get one free was not possible because of the umavailibility of the same kind. When I approaced the Managre Mr. LAHIR he plainly told me that items which they had many on the shelf (higher quantity bottles are not on sale) are not on sale. I asked him if he can honor the ad on thr paper and sell those buy one and get one free” he plainly with mean attitude told me NO.
I aske dhim why not his anser was that is the way it is. In a way he aske me to get out with his mean attitude. Even then I shoppe $51.00 worth of items since I did not want to go back with nothing. I will never agin step into that store so long LAHIr is manager.

I took my 70year old mother to the CVS Minute Clinic at 6015 E. Brown in Mesa Arizona ( corner of Recker and Brown) to to get help for a nagging cough. The Nurse Practitioner refused to help her. She stated that my mother had pneumonia, but when asked why she thought that, she had no reasons! We asked the nurse if she would at least please do her vital signs, check her oxygen levels or her color in her feet or hands or lips. No, she would not. She simply made a diagnosis without any evidence. This was done at my mother’s expense because we went for help, but received nothing. When contacting CVS, they said it was their policy to not take vitals! Unless you want heath care by crystal ball, DO NOT go to CVS.

My fiance’ brought to CVS pharmacy in Bozeman Montana,a new script. This was on a Wednesday. When he went to pick it up on Friday morning,he was informed it could not be filled. There was no explanation as to why he had not been notified of this. As it turned out-he had to take his script to the nearest pharmacy at Albertsons-to be filled. By our own choice, we do not own a vehicle. We like to walk, great exercise. Walking another mile was not the issue,as they made a point of mentioning. The issue is the lack of consideration to let my fiance’ know his script could not be filled. If this happened to him has it happened to others, the lack of consideration?

Two different times this month the cvs pharmacy has made error’s reguarding my prescriptions The 1st was they gave me the wrong amount. The 2nd, I called to varify if my Rx were ready for pick-up, I was told that all 3 were ready. I went to the drive-through, they only had 1 filled. I had to go in for an explaination, I was given three different ones, none of which made sence. also I had to speak to 3 different people even though I asked to speak to the head pharmicist. when she came she handed me all 3 with yet another excuse. she was rude and unprofessional. the whole experience was very upsetting, as well as un-nerving. I have serious reservations reguarding using your pharmacy again.

CVS Pharmacy; 7607 Greenbelt Road; Greenbelt, MD 20770. I would like to bring to your attention what I consider to be a rather Extremely poor customer service exhibited by two of your pharmacy technicians at the CVS Pharmacy at Hanover and Greenbelt Parkway. On Thursday evening, 6/16/11, on or about 11:00 p.m., on my way home exhausted and stressed from a 10-hour workday, I drove up to the drive through window to return an earlier prescription that was incorrectly filled by the Pharmacy at 7607 Greenbelt Road in Greenbelt, Md.
After several months my doctor finally prescribed the medication “Tegratol”, that is effective. The prescription delivered to me appeared to be the generic brand of the prescribed drug, Tegratol, which I cannot tolerate. I returned the prescription to the technician at the window and told her I needed to have the medication replaced with the name brand “Tegratol”, prescribed by my doctor; I also indicated that I could not wait but will return the next day to pick up the prescription. She kept insisting that I park my car and come into the drug store; she never stated the reason for her request.
I was too tired and did not want to get out of my car; I wanted to get home; she refused to understand. She left the window as I sat waiting for what appeared to be 10 minutes. She then returned with another technician who I repeated the same information and who responded in the same manner,stating that I needed to come into the store; in response to my question why I could not complete my transaction at the window, she said that there was another customer waiting behind me. I stated that since I was first, she needed to complete my transaction before proceeding to the person behind me.
She continued to argue with me by which time I was so stressed and upset I expressed my anger and drove off leaving the medication and other related receipts in her hand,for which I do apologize. What I found to be appalling, however, is that although, they were left with the returned medication and receipts and that my medical history in CVS’s records clearly identifies my health condition, and the need for my medication, CVS’ Pharmacy Technicians obviously did not care enough to follow-up by making a telephone call to me the customer.

Saw tons of money-saving blog sites promoting the one day Pepsi deal at CVS. Scan your card at the magic machine, get a coupon for a 12-pack of Pepsi only 99 cents. This deal valid on June 15, 2011 only. I dragged the three kids to the store, scanned my card and got nothing. I asked the clerk and she said “Better luck next time, I guess. People have been complaining about that deal not working all day.” It appears the deal never existed and was just a way to get people into the store. Then I tried to use a perfectly valid and non-expired manufacturer’s coupon for Flintstone Vitamins with the exact product listed on the CVS coupon.
The register beeped. CVS cashier said I couldn’t use the coupon. I asked why and her response was “The coupon is good but the register beeped and I don’t know how to override the system”. I’m also tired of the items promoted to get the free gas are always out of stock.

I called in my refills 4 days ago at CVS Pharmacy and have been getting daily messages on my phone to pick up rx because they were ready. I went to pick up my meds this evening. One of meds was missing and when I asked where it was I was told they didn’t have the med and maybe it would be in tomorrow. This is a med I can’t be without and I took the last one this am. I asked CVS Pharmacy why I wasn’t called and the pharmacist shrugged his shoulders. I asked if he could help me get the rx somewhere else tonight all he said was no. I have many rx filled at CVS Pharmacy and have had so many problems like this.
If they would have called me and informed me they did not have the med I could have had it called in to another pharmacy. It is Friday night and again this store has messed up my rx again. I have already spoken to the district manager several months ago about this very med and he was so rude I just don’t who else I can talk to. CVS Pharmacy in Hanford, CA 93230 Fargo Store.

while I was awaiting a prescription to be filled, I sat down to wait. As soon as I sat down, I noticed a CVS customer having breathing problems. Obviously suffering from asthma/emhysema. He requested a refill and asked if they could kindly give him one puff of his asthma medication….the employee (Justine Broccia), said, “NO.” “you about 20 mins. I was stunned at the unprofessional atitude, discourtesy and lack of empathy. I sat with him because I thought any minute I will call 911. (he was about 72 yrs old and in addition to his breathing issues, I noticed each step he took, he was in pain.
I felt it was necessary to contact CVS officials to let them knew, there are a few days of the week, I no longer go to the pharmacy/front store. I have a few friends that also feel as I. In the past, I visited CVS on a daily basis ( nnever walked out without making a purchase. As a result of the above, my friends and I only will do business at the pharmacy is when Ms. Janet Distefano and/or, Arafarh Shamsaddin is doing pharmacy. I believe the CVS Store is #1058.

I could not find an email address to send praise so I am doin it here!! Yesterday I drove from West Palm Beach to Tampa to visit our daughter and I had forgotten my generic Zocor medication. I went to the CVS pharmacy on MacDill Avenue and Columbus Drive in Tampa and explained the situation. We normally get all of our prescriptions at the local CVS at home but this prescription was not filled at CVS but at COSTCO. The pharmacist said that if I had a prescription bottle showing my name, medication and strength, she could help me. I did have an old prescription bottle that I had some vitamins in and I took that bottle to the store.
The pharmacist gave me three pills to hold me until I returned home, at no charge!! I have always been very pleased with the personnel and service that we have received at this particular CVS. All of the people there bend over backwards to assist customers, all the time. I would just like to send praise to the staff at this CVS. They are great.

CVS in Whittier Florence, near West of Sorenson. 25% off coupon not credited to purchase. It said it was good on everything. The clerk kept it and didn’t tell me it didn’t save me on anything on my purchase, or why. She also carded me on cigarettes. I’m a Grandmother, and I have to go out and get me ID. Then she enters my Driver’s License info into the computer. I said I don’t want my info in a computer, it can be hacked. She said “too late”. Anyone know how I can get CVS to take my info out of their database? I know every company and store says their data is secure.
Unfortunately that is a myth, and always has been. I’ve worked with computers since 1976 and the internet since it started. I can tell you with 100% certainty, no data on a computer connected by any route to the internet is not secure. Also, data stored on a computer on an intranet, or no net of any kind is not secure either.

I went to cvs pharmacy in Bridgewater, NJ on route 202 three months ago to fill a perscription. They said that they couldnt read the perscription so i took it back and filled it at rite aid which had no problem. I went the next month to fill the same perscription. I left and when i came back the pharmasist wrote on my my script that it cant be filled until June and put some sticker in the back so it wouldnt be valid anywhere else. she did this all because my insurance wouldnt pay for it. I just went in today with the same perscription and low and behold she said the milligrams the dr. wrote didnt exist so she had to verify it.
she said it was a three but it was clearly a two. so again with the sticker. i was upset because she does this to only one perscription which is clonopin and she is the only pharmacist i have this issue with. so i lost my cool with her b/c this is the third time she took it upon herself to play dr. and decide if and when i get my perscription. i had to take the perscription to rite aid and what a surprise. they saw it as it was, a two. funny thing is she had the bottle ready and the sticker on the script said 2mgs. how pathetic for pharmacist to play with customers perscriptions like that. its unfortunate b/c i like going to that cvs and i really like all the other employees.
however i think this woman should stop trying to play police, dr. and pharmacist!!!!!!!

I was going to write this note to Douglass A. Sparro, Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer of CVS Caremark Corporation, but I dissuaded myself from doing so in order to inquire about a situation in one of your New Jersey CVS stores about which someone in authority at CVS should improve. At the outset of this letter, I must identify myself as a college professor and public school teacher as well as a former school board member in New Jersey, but I am not nor have I ever been an employee of your corporation.
I am, however, a customer as is my wife and as are many of my fellow teachers and my wife’s fellow teachers, the parents of our students and the students themselves. I have served by appointment on the Ocean County Mental Health Board and I have served as an appointed member of at least one executive committee by a former governor of New Jersey, Thomas Kean. I am addressing this note of inquiry to you for the sake of one of your employees (she is department manager in one of your New Jersey CVS stores.
My concern is that this young lady, who has been a loyal employee for years is being personally abused by her superior at the store. The employee asks her superior if she can go to relieve herself at the ladies room and the man in charge says bluntly that she can not be in the bathroom while she is the only manager on duty. THis young lady has been scheduled to work almost non-stop and without a full day of rest by this particular superior. This man represents your corporation and he would deny a loyal employee a visit to the bathroom during a ten hour day? Is this legal in this country or in this state in particular.
The man (the superior) regularly compares his employees and at the same time berates at least one of the employees being compared. I am asking that your store behave in a civil manner. Your employees are human beings and should be treated as the loyal employees they have already proven to be. It is not your employee’s intent (the one is my friend). I have volunteered to make contact with you in a repectful manner and I am doing so with the knowledge that corporations are often too large to show compassion. I will follow your lead and advice, but i must warn you, CVS has a corporate reputation to protect.
The man who is harassing my friend does it with impunity. I hope that this letter does not become one of many and the young lady in question feels exploited by her superiors who will not bend in a civil manner to make this young woman’s work day be a pleasant professional experience. Am I asking for compassion, empathy, sympathy? I am not sure we can expect that from a corporation. I guess, since part of your corporate name is “CARE” I hope and expect that you would do just that, “CARE”
Someone of authority in your esteemed corporation should speak with the manager in question and ask for some traces of professionalism that reflects the proper manner in which your employees are being treated. As I type this note, my wife is on the phone trying to calm your employee down because of her demonstration of personal distress.
The young female employee, is being stressed out by the man who oversees her. THis man seems to hurt with words and with punitive scheduling. I have adviced this young lady to keep an accurate record of accounts regarding Work based humiliations, repressions and all matter of bitterness information to an information. The stress caused to this female employee by a representative of your corporate power should be of great concern to a store whose major purpose is to heal and provide personal comfort to the community.

At least once a month, maybe more, I come back from CVS angry and frustrated. I save my bigger items for when they’re doing the 25% off. Well….it’s changed a bit in the past few months. Once, you did the 25% off the purchases (except booze, scripts), and then if you had any ‘extra bucks’ which were originally to be used like ‘cash’ to pay for the order, that would come off last. Now? OH no!!! Now, they count those as coupons so that diminishes the discount. And this time, they had an item packaged two pieces, priced at the normal price for one. It didn’t say ‘sale’ nor ‘discount’, yet that counted as a sale item as well.
AND every month for the past 6 or 8 months, when I’ve taken a 25% “off everything”coupon in, their computer doesn’t read it right. For instance last month on a 120 dollar purchase (no drugs, no discounts, no booze), it automatically gave me $6.29 off. $6.29? Really? Last I checked, 25% off $120 is $30 off. First he tried to give me $30 extra bucks and I told him I’m so fed up, I may not come back to use it. I want it now, per the coupon. The manager then couldn’t manage to void it and re-do the coupon, then we had to play a game of ‘what in this order equals $30.’ I was there over 20 minutes at the counter while this little game played out.
Thing is, how many people don’t know enough math to know what 25% is? How many people are CVS screwing in this little game? The manager says it’s always like this. Someone at Corporate is clearly showing their disdain and lack of respect for customers when they play these games.
I for one am sick of the games and going to start shopping elsewhere. Our local store is dirty, disorganized, they’re always out of things I need, and they have a lot of past-date items on the shelves. (AND I recommend everyone check expiry dates on everything with CVS. They’re notorious for trying to sell old, out-of-date goods.)

i would like to talk about the previouse complaint i had for cvs at 18080 mateny road germantown md 20874, i went back to the store and talk to a different pharmacist, and talk to her about the problem i had with my 90 day precsciption that i received on april 11, 2011 and was out on may 11, 2011 and my insurance would not pay again, so the pharmacist mary s schnapp, check on the presciption and explain to me that who ever fill only gave me 60 day supply and i told her i was charged full co payment of $50.00, she refilled my presciption and i was not charged for the refill, she even called my insurance company and explain the mix up.
she was very pleasant and her customer service was great, i would like to say thanks to her and my hats off too. she also let me know that it will take some and i had to wait i told her i did not care as long as the problem was solved, she was the greatest and again thank mary s schnapp.

I’m angry enough to write this letter. I usually don’t get this upset with local retail major chain operations. However, this incident was awful enough to warrant a letter. I hope America hasn’t fallen so far that the customer is not always correct. (In this case I believe that I was absolutely correct!) This morning (Sunday, May 15) at about 9:15 AM I purchased some items in the West Cape May CVS Pharmacy. When I got on line to pay for the items I wanted there were five (5) people on line to pay and one cashier.
There was a young lady behind me with two large packages of baby diapers and other items in her arms. The VS Pharmacy manager was at the head of an isle near the register working on a clipboard checking off items. At this time this manager started to call across the line to the customer at the register joking and generally kibitzing with her. She had a large order. I suggested that he open another register to clear the waiting customers in line. He told me in clear terms that it was company policy not to open a register unless there was more than four(4) customers in line.
I replied the I was now waiting in line more than ten (10) minutes. He replied that he was busy doing necessary paperwork and would get nothing accomplished if he opened registers all day. My response was “you won’t have a store here if you don’t take care of the customers waiting at the register. I guess the answer is to go to another store.” His response was, “I’m sorry you feel that way!” He returned to his paperwork.
I let the lady behind me go ahead because she was holding the diapers and other items in her arms and it was clear she was as upset I was as well as being tired of holding the items she wanted. She also agreed with me regarding the wait in line and the managers attitude. The VS cashier was working as fast as she possible could and was as pleasant as she could be under the circumstances.
It is very clear that this manager cared little for the customers and had absolutely no respect for them. All he wanted to do was his paperwork. I stand on my statement that the customer is the most important part of the equation. The customer must be taken care of before all paperwork. The customer is always correct . If any operation ignores this equation they will be out of business in short order. The most important element in the equation is the customer and this element was totally ignored in this instance. In this economy you simple can’t ignore the customer if you want continued success.
For the good of CVS and it’s customers at this store, this manager should be replaced or at the least transferred in my opinion. He ignored the most basic value in consumer retail relations, the customer.
If you wish to question me regarding this incident, please e-mail me and I will happy to respond. This manager is hurting the CVS organization and the customers that support it. There are so many qualified people who need a job, are willing to satisfy the customer and also get the paperwork done without arguments with the customer.
James K. Aumack

This is the second time that I personally have been given the wrong medication! A few months ago I was given the wrong birth control and this birth control was on automatic refill and I had been taking it for a few months already. The CVS Pharmacy that we go to by our house was already closed when I noticed that it was wrong. I called the next closet open CVS and they told me I had to wait till the next morning because I had to talk to the same pharmacy that filled it. I was without my birth control for 24 hours due to this mistake. The next mistake happened yesterday when our doctor called in a antibiotic for our 3yr old daughter that has pneumonia and was given the wrong antibiotic.
She had taken 2 doses of it before I notice that it was not what our doctor said she was calling in. I called our doctor to double check on what she was suppose to have and they read from her charts exactly what the doctor had called in and it was what the doctor had told me she was going to call in. I told them that she was given the wrong antibiotic and didn’t know what we were suppose to do. Our doctor called and got everything straighten out for us thankfully but our daughter was delayed treatment for another 24 hours and were hoping that her pneumonia didn’t get worse due to this mistake!
I am very unhappy with the fact that all we got was “were sorry” both times and they didn’t have us pay the difference on her antibiotic which was only a few dollars! I would like to let someone know of these mistakes and please have them start double or triple checking the medications before they are handed out. This has happened to many of our friends and family members as well so something needs to be done! We are very upset with these accidents and mostly concerned about the mistake that was made with our daughter’s antibiotic!

On Sunday, may 8 at approximately 4:00 my daughter in law went in to get a prescription. After wainting outside for 30 minutes she came outside and asked me if I had my ID so I could go inside and get the medicine because the pharmacy tech in the store was rude to her and they were arguing so she left out the store. I went in the store thinking all i had to do was show my ID. The tech had left the front of the store and refused to come up front to fill the prescription. When she did return up front 20 minutes later, the other tech was asking her to fill the rx because i was there to sign for it.
The young lady looked at me and talking talking to me real rudely. i kindly told her i dont know what happened before i can in the store all i wanted was that rx so if my grandbaby had another seizure we could have the rx. She stormed out the stor saying I had an attitude and she wasn’t filling anything. Ms Lena the other tech told me to just hold on and she would make a call someone to get the approval code for the rx. She came back in the store again and started arguing again I told her I wasn’t in there for all that all I wanted was that rx and if I didn’t get it and my Grandbaby had a seizure I was going to sue CVS. She picked up the phone and called the police and told them I threathen her.
This is unacceptable in any case. I’m looking into getting a lawyer.

(255 Main St Venice, CA 90291). I was assaulted by a cashier/ manager named J** N*****, he ripped a receipt in half and out of my hand and threatened not to give me the merchandise I had just purchased and then he bullied me out of the store– all this because he said “don’t blame me because the strip on your credit card is worn”. I said “I don’t blame you but I’m sure you can find a way to make it work even if it means entering it manually”. That’s when he went berserk and tore the receipt out of my hand saying he has the right to refuse service to me if he wants.
I’m not even sure why he was acting so crazy toward me especially considering the transaction already went through, all because I told him I expect there is a way to make it work.

Okay, for the 2nd time, I was refused service at a CVS Minute Clinic? The first time, I had a bad case of hemmroids. The NP looked at them said I need to refer you to a specialist and that will be $30. Recently, I had food posioning and again was refused service. I don’t have health insurance. Is this the reason why the clinic refuses to see patients? On my last visit they said because my blood pressure was elevated they could not treat me? They referred me to another clinic and they saw me? Needless to say, I will never go to a CVS Minute Clinic.

i summitting this complaints because i will not go there again i got up to go to cvs before it close because i was out of sleep aid so i went in my house dress and some sandals i notice that the employee was watching me and one cvs employee was standing by the door and the other one was sweeping on every lane that i was on i work at walmart and would never do that crap that they did trust me i will not be back it makes beleive because i am black that is why they did what they did i am a very honest person and would not take anything from anybody i work hard for mine.

I have worked for years at CVS. Hours are cut to the marrow. DM does not care, takes you away from what you need to be doing to what they want done. That puts you behind. Not enough staff to serve the customers properly ( I feel really sad for the older clients ) .. Personally, I think Tom Ryan needs to take a good look at the situation. With the competitors with three or more on the floor to assist customers, stock shelves, process film, clean, wash windows, check in vendors, I just hope CVS wakes up soon before they find all of their investments (personal and economical) go down the drain, or with Mr. Ryan retiring, does he or the share holders even care anymore?? J

5-1-11. I had a CVS 25% off coupon for the total amt. of the bill. I had a prescription which was excluded (of course!) a lipstick and a box of candy. I specifically asked the girl at the counter if the lipstick and candy were covered for the 25% off, she said yes. Then when I got the total from her, the 25% off amounted to 38 cents, so I went to the CVS manager and found out that all “sale” items are also excluded (the lipstick was not indicated as on sale). I told him that they say that everything is on sale so the coupon is useless. I say WHY BOTHER WITH THESE FAKE COUPONS! It’s just a joke! The only thing that the 38 cent discount applied to was the $1.50 box of candy.
I hate CVS – false advertising! Has anyone ever gotten anything at a discount at these stores?

I have been on the same meds for over a year, the whole time getting prescription refills at CVS pharmacy. Well I ran out and call my doctor to get refills and he called them in. Well CVS filled all except one. So when I picked them up I didn’t know? Why one was not filled they blamed it on the doctor and would not double check the mistake and also told me that I was going to get sick from missing taking it. What type of person would do that and why would you want them at your company?

Date: Sunday, May 1, 2011, 4:35 PM. To Whom It May Concern: Unfortunately, one of my required prescriptions is Symbicort which is very expensive. Unfortunately, I have no insurance. However, the manufacturer, Astrazeneca, has an assistance program whereby with the prescription and Card my Physician gave me the first prescription was free of charge and the next eleven were to have a $75 discount. The first prescription was submitted and was indeed free. About a week or so ago I called in to get a refill. The CVS Pharmacy faxed my Physician for a refill authorization and received it back.
I was notified that the prescription was filled and ready for pick-up and the price was $150.11 which was of course more than I would have preferred but it covered two months so I took comfort in knowing it would cost me approximately $75 a month. I told the Pharmacy I would be in in a few days, as I had several inhalations left on the inhaler I had and it is difficult for me to get around so I like to try to wait until I have several things to do in one trip, like food shopping, etc. Today, May 1st I went to the Pharmacy to pick up the Symbicort and three other refills that were ready.
I was informed that in the interim the Symbicort was “placed back in inventory” and today’s price, with the Astrazeneca discount was now $177.99. I had never been told in all the years with CVS (and it has been many) that if a filled prescription was not picked-up within a day or two of notification, it would be “canceled” and subject to repricing when I did come in to pick-up the refill and I am unaware of any written notification in any form on your receipts or at the Pharmacy. It was probably ten days or so since the first notification of the readiness of the Symbicort refill, but BOTH times I spoke personally with a Pharmacy assistant and the second time I spoke with the Pharmacist himself and assured them I would be in as soon as possible.
I understand that CVS has no control over the manufacturer’s pricing BUT I would like to know and express my dismay and disappointment that the original prescription was canceled as described above and as a result I incurred an addition $28 expense when I came in today to pick-up four refills, including the Symbicort. Unfortunately. these days $28 is not an insignificant amount of money to me. Unfortunately, I was never warned or notified that a filled prescription could somehow become “unfilled”. The time line consisted of a week to ten days, not a month or longer.
I am a long-time client of the CVS Pharmacy and stayed loyal to CVS even when many were moving their prescriptions to the flat-rate discount programs offered by other retailers that have become so popular recently.
What does CVS have to say to me about this….I would like to hear back ASAP!!!!!

I’m 5 months pregnent and i work for CVS. I like working but not when im the only one.all the other employees take there breaks on time while i have 2 wait for someone to actually be ready 2 let me go. They say they are busy but so im i i take on all the work on the frontend registers, common questions, self scans while everyone else sit in a circle and share there like stories. I don’t even get a second brek until its time 2 close. Like im pregnant can i get some help here i work and lift more than the men here, and what do i get, nothing. My manager at CVS doesnt even care, he is with them young and immature.

I made a trip to CVS in Anderson, SC today to get last minute Easter items. As I was about to check out, I came across 75% off clearance items. I picked up 3 Neutrogena powders marked down to $3.20 and one Neutrogena concealer at $2.50. I recently started couponing, but have learned most of the in’s and outs of how it works. I had four coupons for $3 off ANY Neutrogena cosmetic product. The coupon said “available only at walgreens” at the top, but was in fact a manufacturer’s coupon. When the clearance items were rang up, they were punched in as “taxable items.”
So, when my coupons were scanned, the computer wouldn’t accept them because the items weren’t scanned as Neutrogena products. The manager(who rang my items up), looked at the coupons and said they couldn’t accept them because they said walgreens on them. I explained that they were manufacturer coupons(which can be used anywhere, even if they say a specific store). He still wouldn’t accept them, even after I mentioned that I would clear the issue up with corporate, since I know I can use those coupons for the items I purchased.
Then I asked if they could ring the items up so that the computer will recongnize them as Neutrogena products, but they said that since they were clearanced, the items were taken out of their computer system. The CVS coupon policy doesn’t say anywhere that coupons cannot be used on clearance items, nor does the coupon. So, the manager should have found an option that would let me purchase the items with the coupons!!!
I called corporate, but they are closed since it is Saturday. I will call first thing Monday. I will no longer shop at this particular CVS!

I am a restaurant owner in smithtown new york, and i have never met two farmacisits so rude in my life as the ones that work in the cvs in the waldbaums shopping center on rte. 111 and main street. Every time I walk in the place their is customer argueing with some one from the farmacy. I walk in today ask for my prescription, sorry u have no more refills u have to call your doctor. some customer service huh?? I ask them to call they say we faxed them will get back to you.
This is the type of service u get here, I will never go back they dont need my money. I was thinking about never walking in to another cvs again, but the one I use in williston Park n.y. is so friendly. I have to continue to use them, they know what service is all about. (This is where I live).The cvs in williston Park wouldnt even ask questions, they would be on the phone with the doctor right away.Sometimes people forget where their salary comes from. This is my first complaint ever about anything thats how frustrated they made me!!!!!!!!!!!

At the CVS pharmacy in Bloomington Indiana on walnut, or college by campus I have repeatedly had very poor encounters with the staff. I am not sure if they are underpaid, overworked or under-qualified but enough is enough. I have taken friends in CVS on two separate occasions because they had issues that they were embarrassed about. The most recent instance was a friend of mine who was dating a male that could not fit into normal condoms, so when I asked for some guidance the CVS pharmacists just laughed and left. When I called him back and tried to explain that it was an honest question he told me to just read the boxes.
The boxes themselves are very unhelpful when it comes to giving actual dimensions, so I asked him again for any guidance and he said he didn’t have time go away. My friend was already embarrassed to come in, and when it comes to something as important as safe sex I feel that the staff should act much more professionally than they did.

CVS pharmacy at Heckle Blvd., Rock Hill, SC. The staff stood at the door, which was already locked, waiting to go home. It was not 10:00 yet, but all of them stood at the doorway with their keys in hand, waiting to leave. I needed to pick up a vital prescription for my son. I said that out loud, and one young black male laughed at me and said ‘we’re closed’. I said ‘it’s not 10 yet!’. I asked to see the CVS pharmacy manager and she was too coward to come to the door. As soon as I got in my truck, they all came out of the door and left. Unbelievable!

Store No. 1118. Reference Store Number 1118 – Bayport, NY. Dear Sir/Madam, Recently relocated to New York I made every effort to transfer my prescriptions from my CVS in Phoenix, AZ (Camelback Road) to CVS in Bayport NY #1118. I have been taking about 9 medications monthly since 2005. They were all prescribed and treat serious medical issues. I recently visited CVS store no. 1118 in Bayport NY to pick up my prescriptions and do some other shopping. With customers in line behind me at the Pick Up counter your employee “Pharmacist Anthony” for the second time within a 2 week period unnecessarily and repeatedly spoke loudly about two (2) of my medications.
Anyone with even a minimal understanding of the purpose of my medications knows at least one of them is prescribed primarily to treat mental illness. (Anyone watching television for 30 minutes will probably hear at least one of the melodramatic pharmaceutical commercials about the latest drug they are hawking to treat all sorts of illnesses and disorders) Normally I would have ignored the repeated transgression, but this time the wife of one of my colleagues was in line behind me and clearly within listening range. (It seemed just about anyone in the store that evening was in listening range). While the clerk was attempting to finalize the transaction Pudgy Anthony continued to loudly speak about the medication.
Without request or provocation he boasted about the daily legal research he was compelled to do to maintain his employment with CVS. Although I have every confidence the wife of my colleague will exercise great discretion to respect my privacy, she now clearly knows I suffer from mental illness. I don’t know if any HEPPA requirements were violated, but if not your employee and CVS came awfully close. I want nothing from CVS. I seek no remuneration or compensation of any kind. All I would like is for Pharmacist Anthony to apologize and refrain from further discussing my medications, and for that matter, anyone else’s, in a tone of condescension and at a level which by any standard continues to be unreasonably loud.
While I am making my first complaint I might mention when the clerks at 1118 say they will call your name when the prescription is ready, they do so. Tonight, with hardly anyone in the store, and no one at the pharmacy counter, the clerk told me if I wanted to wait for my prescriptions it would be about 25-30 minutes. Although I thought that strange as there seemed to be no one waiting other than me, I asked the clerk if he would page me when the prescriptions were ready……After 35 minutes I started to become frustrated – well let’s be honest – I was angry, I saw the lights dimming at the pharmacy.
I walked back and saw what appeared to be the manager “cashing out” the pharmacy register. As I approached Anthony and the clerk gave me a strange look. Before I could speak the clerk said “Oh, your prescriptions are ready”………..I admit I am embarrassed at what I said to both of them, but quite honestly at the time and under the circumstances another few minutes and the pharmacy would have been closed and I would be at a loss for my medicine. This is not the first time this has happened at this store.
Someone from CVS really needs to take a look at the manner in which this pharmacy is run. Boy do I miss the amazingly wonderful, caring and professional staff at your CVS store in Phoenix.

i get a monthly script of the same medication every month, and i always go to cvs to fill it maybe not the same every month but still a cvs, i went to a cvs my normal routine to get it filled and the lady filling my script treated me like i was an addict because of the type of medication i needed filled, she gave me a hard time on filling it right away, by telling me i needed prior authorization by my doctor, ( my first time ever hearing this) so i asked why and how i did that, she was very rude when telling me how to go about it, now mind you my doctor had wrote on the script may fill today because of medical reasons and she would not even give me the time of day to explain that and ask her questions on why it could not be filled as a generic.
when i get it filled every month her customer service skills were very poor and i felt so discriminated i walked out teary eyed and confused. i have been clean off of the reason i have been on the medication for more then a year and a half and i take my sobriety very seriously and this medication helped me in getting this far. so i went to another cvs thinking to my self positve and giving that lady the bennifit of the doubt maybe that was just her or maybe i even i took it the wrong way,so i get to another cvs and the phamacist was so nice and explained every thing i needed and wanted to know with out no discrimination and seen what my doctor wrote on the script called it in and i got it filled in 15 minutes.
and i told her what had just happened and she said that the lady either just did not want to do her job.

I ask my husband doctor to call in my medicines at CVS pharmacy. I call to see how long it would take after an hour it was call in, the pharmacist person that fills my prescription answers the phone an told it would be an hour. I said i hope it would take no longer than 1 hour as I really needed my medicine that day, but he was very rude would just hung up in my face. First all his tone was rude, and he had this I don’t care attitude. I’m about to call back to CVS pharmacy and get it transfer to walmart. Now I finally see why i go to walmart for everything.

Good evening, my name is Denise. I just stood in line at CVS pharmacy for 15 minutes awaiting my turn @ the checkout counter @ 7pm @ 511 Hollywood Way, Burbank, California. There were 2 back tellers between the front and the photo dept. They would only come over once in awhile. NOT Worth it to wait in line that long like this. I’m taking my business elsewhere, where somebody can check me out in a timely fashion. Very poor service at this CVS pharmacy location. And the man behind me had just spent 45 minutes in the pharmacy line waiting as well. Its good to have us stand around and compare notes on how long it takes to checkout.

This is what I wrote the CVS feedback online. Location: 5910 Greenbelt Rd. Greenbelt, MD 20770, Store #2016. I would like to file a complaint on your cashier as well as your working manager (Marc BiTewLin?) on March 11, 2011 6:37pm. Your cashier let her two of her female friends harassed me (calling me b**** and other fowl languages) while I was standing in line. The problem is I don’t even know them and wasn’t even talking with them (or notice them) while I was standing in line at your CVS store for approx. 5 minutes.
When I finally get to the register, two black females friends of the cashier rush into my left side pushed my items off the counter and on to the floor (replaced with their own groceries), while the black female cashier laughed with two of her female friends that pushed my items aside (all the while calling me bitch, throwing a piece of paper at me and talking among themselves but staring and pointing at me the same time thinking that I can’t heard or understand their gangster language).
While the cashier was ringing up the register for her friends’ groceries (with my items on the floor!!!). I asked them nicely that “I was the person that was in front of the line, and my items are now on the floor, so please pick them up or apologize”, the two black female friends of the CVS cashier instead both ganged on me and telling to my face with lips that is 1-inch away from my face, “or what, what you gonna do, do you want to get beat up or what! bitch, you fucking bitch etc etc etc…!”
When the store manager Marc (last name: BiTewLin?) came out he didn’t ask for any reason but drag me aside thinking I was the one who caused trouble (this is my first time visiting geenbelt’s CVS & I all want was to purchase medicine and leave), the manager instead of telling off the girls, drag me aside and told me to leave or get out (couldn’t remember which)!!
I would have left if I wasn’t in a hurry to buy my medicine, after paying in the back cash register that manager drags me to (with Marc stand and eyeing me)! Making me look like a criminal or trouble maker! I left with Marc seeing me out of the store.
This happens at March 11, 2011 at 6:30PM if you are of someone of authority in CVS, you NEED TO VIEW THAT VIDEO FOOTAGE, I certainly was not the person that done anything while waiting in line, I didn’t even say a word and all this caused me great stress, humiliation and pain! I was the victim in this case while your manager and the cashier along with her friends are same perpetrators
I WILL FILE LAW SUIT IF THIS ISN’T RESOLVE TO A SATISFACTION! I still keep the receipt on the day# 2502.0161.0709.5141.33
Contact me at: for more details.

i always go to cvs everyday. previously i purchased 20 game card two times and the salesperson asked for my last 4 digit of my credit card number. this also happened again when i had a higher amount on my purchase. than i went in again and purchased two 20 dollar game cards and that salesperson did not ask for my 4 digit number of my credit card. my question is this illegal to ask for my credit card number if so i need to find out for legal purposes. if they are do this illegally the cvs i am referring to is the one on green street in new baltimore mi.

There’s a CVS pharmacy employee by the name of EVA at store number nine five eigth three in SANTA ANA AND SHE IS VERY RUDE! She never lets the customers use the restroom. Every time I go to CVS to shop she’ll follow me around like if I want to steal something in fact one day she kicked me out of the store. I think this is not good service!

Oh how we miss the days of Long’s Drugs ! At first when CVS came into the picture we had great feeling this would be a good company and that they would take care of their employees ! WRONG over the last 18 months they have done everything and nothing to make CVS a nice place top shop ! The stores are dirty, the employees are required to vaccumm, mop the floors, take out the trash and clean the restrooms and toilets, all because CVS will NOT pay for professional janitors, except for the Beauty 350 locations that cost 1 million $$$$$$ oer store.
We are paid crap wages and hours are cut to the bare bone to ensure the management get’s their numbers right and who cares of we can’t pay our rent or bills. Forget the poor customers who can’t find the items that are looking for because there are not enough staff to stock the shelves abd do check out the shelving and how dirty they are behind the products.
The poor communicatiion between management and the DM’s just goes to show you that they don’t give a rat’s a$$ about our concerns or issues that make us unhappy employees. I gave up shopping at CVS, even with my employee discount as I find the prices and selections at Target Stores much better. Besides why get called up to the office to be reamed over something you did not do by a manager who has no idea who or what you are to CVS as a person.
CVS is suposed to stand for Consumer Value Shopping, what a joke, it’s more like crap virus shit with regards to the stock and CVS’s plan to copy each and every brand name product as their own which fails to live up to the standards that the major brands do.
Enough said, check it out for yourself and ask your favorite cashier, if you can find them what’s up? 10-4 over and out CVS Sucks. Me Twinkle Toes

Stopped in to CVS store. Corner of Bustleton Pk and County Line Road. Phila/Feasterville,PA. Went to purchase items at register in front of store. I’m standing there waiting to pay and cashier (Linda) tells me to go to back of store register in pharmacy cause she is busy. I said”I have problem walking” and at that point I remembered why I do not go into that CVS store. I complained to the store manager last year about the cashier’s rudeness. And had a feeling nothing would be accomplished by my complaint. I had mentioned these episodes to friends and family in the area. And they told me that is why they do not go into this CVS.

Gilbertsville Pharmacy gave wrong prescription to my son. Pharmacy corrected but they need to be more aware of what kind of medication they are giving out. Also called Customer Service and could not understand person. If you need other information you can call 484-925-4827

Messed up 2 prescriptions, one wrong doctors name, unsure it was mine and they were no help sorting it. two- narcotic meds messed up and would not take may or my doctors call. I went in 3 times and they blew me off- they could have killed me.
CVS Onville Road Stafford VA 22554- very rude front end manager and pharmacy folks just covering their butts, as I can sue them.
You need to audit those badl people

After I was told my daughters medication would be ready in an hr went to pick up and was told the had to order. Than asked if they had anything bc she was out of medication. They did have half of the medication in stock on top of it the did not put the top on and medication spilled all over bag. I written numerous times to corporate!!!!!

Your store located at 9810 Ocean Hwy. Calabash, N.C is beyond awful!!! They refused to fill a prescription for insulin (life saving drug). After going with another pharmacy, I had the insulin within 30 minutes. The pharmacist (all of the staff) is extremelty rude!! I will NEVER have anything to do with cvs again.

can I begin by saying that cvs is the most inept pharmacy I have ever dealt with, first , its not even my pharmacy, its my 87yr old blind mother's. she takes temazepam to sleep at night, its a controlled substance which I know.. when I went to pick it up they told me they were out of it , so they would transfer it to another store.. a month later I called said store to refill it, told me it would be ready for pickup the next day, when I went to pick it up they told me , they also were out of it, it was on back order, I asked them to transfer it to another pharmacy, was told they couldn't because it was a controlled substance and it has already been transfer once and they couldn't transfer it again . WHAT, it was the same pharmacy just a different location. all their pharmacies are the same, i'll go to pick up a script for my mother, ill asked if there are any more that are due, they say no... only to be notified the next day another one is ready, one week I was there 4 times.. all with a ridiculous excuse of why.. needless to say I have transfer all her scripts to a different pharmacy what knows what their doing.

I walked into CVS, Palm coast, FL (Belleterre store) went to the kiosk to print my coupons as advertised. Kiosk said I had already printed them. I hadn’t been into a CVS in about a month. I went to the store clerk who told me there was nothing she could do, and that I needed to call the 1-800#. I call the # on my card, I give the agent my phone #, email and CVS card #. She places me on hold, comes back and asks me to confirm the last items I bought. How am I tor remember what I purchased over a month ago and why does this matter? She then places me on hold again and the call disconnects. All this to save a dollar or two on a tube of toothpaste. Hardly worth my time and effort. This is not the first time I have run into issues at CVS. The last time as I recall, I added clipped coupons prior to my visit, only to get to the store and the clerk claims no coupons were added. Conveniently, they have no internet/cell service in the store so I am not able to access my account. A complete waste of time. You probably don’t care, because I’m just one person, but I will no longer shop at CVS. Walgreens will be my go to pharmacy store. I refuse to waste another minute trying to save a buck when I can do so, and save time at another business who doesn’t make you jump through hoops to get their advertised price. Good bye!

I have tried 2 times since November to get my Fenofibrate filled at this location were all my other medications are filled...
I keep being told it is on back order but I can driver to another location...
I like to know why it is taking it so long for me to get it at the location near me but other CVS locations can get it???
I have been taking and herbal substitute since I can not get it filled at this location in the dosage my Dr. order???
Thank you,
Charlie Ratliff ll
{216} 577-7929

I went to the drive up window at the lenox mass pharmacy around 7 pm when I got there it took person about 5 mins before the lady came to the window she asked for my name so I told her she said my prescription was not ready yet 15mins more so I tried to her why my prescription was not ready yet I tried to tell her I called it in before 4pm that afternoon so I tried to ask her the reason why it was not ready yet all I got was the same answer 15 mins more so tried to ask again while she was on the phone with me she took the phone and slammed it down and then just walked away in a rage got back to what she was doing other person was there doing something she started complaining to her I seen her waiving her arms up and down and telling her something too I'm sure it was not nice what she told her all I could see she was she vary angry this is not a good professional way to take care of your good costumer I come there at least 2 or 3 times a week for me and my sister prescriptions I don't know her name but she is the head boss there she has short blond hair not vary tall and kind of a large woman. Thank you silvia orozco

I went to the CVS store this evening on 6th and 25th St. to ask for credit on a Vichy product. I did not have the barcode on the item and asked for the credit. The product I wanted to return was Vichy DermaFinish 25 nude. When I applied it, I noticed it was flaking and coming off.
The manger Wale was rude, dismissive and arragant when I asked him to help me. He refused to help me. He said I didn't have the barcode. I told him since he sold the products I could find the barcode for him. He said NO and refused to give me the time of day. I am 79 years old and have been a CVS shopped for many years. I did not appreciate the way he talked to me. He should be spoken to, reprimanded and perhaps have more lessons in customer service lessons, or alternatively another job.

On Wednesday December 26; 2018 I had my doctor call in a refill for my maintenance medication, medformin. I waited for notification from the pharmacy located on Franklin St, but it never came. I called my doctor the next day first to see if the prescription had been called; it had. So I call the pharmacy. As it turns out, they had received the prescription but hadn’t filled it because there was a problem with my insurance. My employer had changed carriers in December, so they did not have the new insurance. Okay, all well and good, but why wasn’t I contacted? The pharmacist that answered said I am sure we sent you a text and I equally sure they had not. I needed the meds so I told him I would bring my in the new insurance. At about 5:00 I arrive at the pharmacy. The prescription still is not filled, ( I am assuming that’s because you all don’t take cash.), and it takes them about 20 minutes to process the new carrier. A pharmacy tech fills the prescription puts it on the counter and walks away. I am told to stand in line, ( I had step away while they were struggling to enter the insurance). Now I am not happy. I stand in the line I pay, I leave.
So please tell me why the pharmacy called on Saturday Dec. 29 and says to me, “You are out of medformin , would you like us contact your doctor to get it for you?, ( Because now I am a human worth helping now that I have insurance) Incredously, I ask the tech, You can’t see I picked up my meds on Thursday? And she says, Yes I can see you picked up on Thursday, but that was 750 ml and this one is 500 ml. This concerns me. Your techs don’t realize that the dosage was the same, and there little chance that any dr would prescribe 750 ml and 500 ml twice daily, Also, my prescription SHOULD have always been for 750 ml. My doctor is looking into who’s error this is, as the lower dosage affected my A1C.

I have to use CVS not by choice but insurance mandated. The pharmacy in Paris, Texas on Lamar Ave. apparently needs more education & someone to answer their phone. First of all, our scrips are on auto refill. They fill one's we don't need yet & don't fill the ones we need. I have spoken to them about this but they always seem to blame someone else. Every time I try to call & speak to someone, I am on hold for 30 min. or longer. I tried just yesterday multiple times to talk with someone & stayed on hold a min. of 20 min. & max 30 min. & finally hung up. This is not the first time either. I usually end up having to drive over there which is 25 miles one way for me. I know sometimes there is a mix up with refills but can they at least answer the phone when I need to speak with them. I would appreciate your help.
Thank you very much!!!

I when to fill my Pharmacy and they stated i had no more refills. My sister-in -law called for me and they told her it's inactive. this is the 2nd time this has happen to me from them. I just just go this filled the 1st time on Nov 2 2018 and have 5 refills left. Can't some one keep their fingers off the button from cnl this out. This Doctor will not refill them FAX I only see him every 6 months. I hart to get an appt with him. How are you yes you going to response this? I am taking this to social media and the new stations. This will get resolved. here is my info Drug # is 872563 Goth shank 704-498-4854.

My wife and I use this particular location due to two reasons:
1. It's the closest location to our home.
2. CVS is the preferred provider for our Part D Insurance
I really have no complaints about the staff of this location except for the pharmacy. Employees other than pharmacy have always been courteous and are eager to offer assistance.
A different story emerges regarding the pharmacy staff. They are arrogant, disrespectful and downright rude to customers. My wife and I have witnessed numerous occasions when customers [especially elderly] have fallen victim to their wrath. They seem quite content to engage with each other until a stupid customer chooses to interrupt their social hour. If CVS doesn't make use of secret shoppers, I would recommend you take a hard look at possibly securing those services.
The reputation of that pharmacy staff members is well known to physician nurses since the mention of the location we use for prescriptions always generates a comment when they too have received the same sort of treatment and other patients have shared the same problems with them.
We don't expect that anything will come from this complaint. You are not allowed to use my name in any of your inquiries with the staff at the pharmacy since that will probably contribute to further problems with them. Once the holidays are behind us, I plan to take action of my own by first asking my Part D provider to consider use of another drug chain. Secondly, we will move from that location even though it would be a longer drive. Rating my experience is limited to a scale of 1 to 5 stars. In this instance you should offer zero as an option. Thanks for reading my complaint.
Again, you are NOT AUTHORIZED to use my name in addressing this complaint with the pharmacy staff at that location.

Today was the second time I went to several CVS stores for an advertised item (Physicians Formula lip gloss) only to be told they were not one of the "select stores" to get this item!! First time this happened was a advertised Black Friday special for the same item....again went to several stores from Detroit, to Ann Arbor, to Brighton and then Howell and non of the stores had the item. I was on my way home so stopped at every CVS store I passed!! No luck and was given the same story. Again this happened today, but only went to Howell, and two Brighton stores. Frustrating when the ad comes out and non of the stores have the item or said they just got a few!!! Not sure if this is a CVS problem or Physicians Formula problem, but this isn't the first time the stores didn't have the item I was looking for in the store. I also had a 35% coupon to use on the item, but, of course, couldn't use that since they didn't have the item so I lost all the way around. Wanted this item for stocking stuffers for my 3 granddaughters and have been trying to get it for over a month now. Probably won't hear from you about this problem, but seriously considering changing my drug store to Walgreens!!!

Called store #09535 for a refill of Bupropion HSR on12-2-18, auto refill. Heard nothing, Rx ran out 12-9-18. Called pharmacy, was told they had Rx would fill that day 12-10-18. Picked up Rx $15.00 normal cost, but instead of 90 days I was given 80 days. Asked pharmacy tech why short 20 pills? Told that they filled Rx with what was available, 160 pills not the script amount of 180. I paid for 180 but was told they were out. I asked if when their supply comes in could they let me know to pick up remaining 20 pills. Answer, NO!!! They could not just give me the balance because my insurance would not cover it. That I would have to wait till the next refill. OK, so I have to go without my medication for the last 10 days of my Rx???? That puts me at risk not taking my meds. I called my Insurance company OPTUM and asked what to do. My representative was furious and told me the pharmacy clerk was WRONG. I am entitled to the 20 pills WITHOUT paying more and no call to the insurance was necessary. My rep Mary, ID#33906561905, called the pharmacy but the Teck Jess told her they don't do that. I have to wait till the pills ran out. WHAT NOW? Optum is filing complaint for me. SUGGESTIONS???? I am very angry, have never had this kind of RUDE service from CVS. I want an answer, and the balance of my RX. Please help me.

In the headline news - CVS employee fired for tackling man who allegedly attempted to rob pharmacy: 'We're not allowed to fight back' - Why doesn’t CVS put up a big sign, Come Rob us, take what you want. Our employees are not allowed to resist. Careful what you wish for, CVS!
I have been a faithful CVS customer for many years now, but after reading this article, where you fired the employee AND the pharmacist, I am no longer going to shop at CVS. CVS has a long history of a lack of common sense due to poorly trained management who follow only checklists and do not evaluate or determine courses of action and reaction. We all understand why they say do not attack the, However, each situation lays out differently. The reaction of the employee was for fear of the safety of the store's pharmacist. Everyone should evaluate the values of the management of this company. Zac Phillips is too good to work at CVS! Your stock WILL suffer! FOOLS!!

Manager at store#2790 refused to honor a valid CVS coupon for vitamins. I talked to a rep last Thursday 12/6. A regional manager, Patrick Carroll, was suppose to follow up.
I have not received any further contact.

I take the same drug two different strengths alternating each day. CVS could never get it right and I was having to go fill my prescriptions every other week. My doctor and I decided to change to a different pharmacy. Then, CVS filled a prescription for the generic brand of the drug without a prescription to do so. I have to use the name brand. This is messing up me being able to fill my prescription at another pharmacy, since it is showing that I picked up the prescription at CVS, which I did not. I have contacted CVS twice and the person I have spoken to has been both rude and unwilling to help.

When I receive promotional ads some are addressed to someone named John. There is no John on my CVS account or email address. Please
check for fraud on my account.

I am 82 years old. I fell Wednesday Nov. 28. I needed to go to the emergency room for stitches in the palm of my hand. I was given a prescription for an antibiotic and so I stopped by my local CVS in Nashville, Indiana. I told the person who took my prescription that I had people waiting for me in the car. She said it would be 15 to 20 minutes. I noticed in the waiting area only one person an elderly man. We both waited in excess of 30 minutes. I was miserable. In a lot of pain. My son who was waiting for me came in to see what was taking so long. At this point the elderly gentleman went up to the register to ask about his prescription and sure enough they were done just sitting on the shelf. My son then ask about my prescription and sure enough it was also ready just sitting on the shelf. Why doesn't CVS care enough about customers to call their name when their script is ready? Every other pharmacy does.

I had been waiting for weeks to get my daily needed medications from CVS pharmacy. I was told each time I came in to pick them up that I could not get them because I don't have insurance or insurance wont pay. This was not true . I was made to believe I did something wrong and I am responsible for them not being able to give me my prescriptions. This was not true . I should have been able to pick up my meds the first time I came in there for them in early November before the medication gets out of my system . As time went by without my blood pressure pills and heart medication , I felt and still fill my body shutting down. After the first complaint to the CVS complaint center just before thanksgiving, another two days went by before I could pick some of them up. Why didn't they give me all my meds when I came in there ,so sarcastic to me. So belittling and degrading to me . I have no strength to argue with anyone . I only wanted to live .I know I wont live long without them. It was on Friday November 23, that I finally got some of the medications. Although I was glad to get even the meds they would give to me after those meds got out of my system ,its been a nightmare trying to get them back into my system. Headaches, uncontrollable shaking , diarrhea , chest pain, blurred vision , vomiting and more. I shouldn't have to go through this . I did nothing wrong to deserve this. I am so hurt that I would have to be destroyed like this . This is not fair. I did nothing wrong to deserve a slow humiliating death like this.

i went in today to buy some stuff at around 8:00 am on 11-29-2018 this pharmacy is located on plumb st right by s.virginia st in reno nv. the cashier was taken in vendors and asked me to wait I thought she might be almost done so I waited but she kept on with that vendor even when the vendor told her he still had another invoice she started scanning that invoice too the whole time I am still waiting at the counter to purchase the stuff i had come for. now i have worked in retail before and i know that is bad customer service i also know that you don't make a customer wait and that includes that vendor cvs was that vendor customer. so i know what is good customer service so i left and went to walgreens now i wouldn't normally complain but this is not my first time at that store and not the first time that happened thank you for listening i hope you can fix this so i can go back to this store my # is 775-357-2136 i look forward to a phone call to retrify this thank you sherry smith

Concerning the vcvs on riverside drive in johnson city ny.almost every time i go there i have to hunt down someone to check me out.They are not even in the area at all many is really bad and makes me very angry!!!!!

I continually have problems filling prescriptions. I receive text messages saying prescription is ready and it’s not when I go to pick up even hours later. When script is dropped off and promised in a certain time it is rarely ready and persons shrug their shoulders and say we are very busy. I may take my business els-ware!

I had called your main cvs customer number awhile back and never was sent my rewards that was promised me. I had been sick in the hospital
in may and I had $11 in extra bucks plus other cvs coupons and when I went to cvs to use them they would not honor them because they expired which they said was the policy. Customer service said they would send me new ones and I never received them. Now this time I thought maybe I would get better results if I emailed you about this new situation that maybe I would get results. This time I lost my coupon envelope with all my cvs coupons and most importantly my extra bucks rewards totaling $18! You can look back and see that none of these were used as you need my extra bucks card which they did not have access to. I hope you will be able to send me the money that is due me. I am a very good customer and I do love cvs. Also I have no complaints about the cvs here. They treat me well. My extra care card is 9 12065 42156 3. Would appreciate hearing from you soon. Thanks!

I understand there is an opioid epidemic. However, I absolutely did not deserve the rude behavior of the pharmacist when I tried to get my prescription for a narcotic filled today. I have been sick for 2 weeks with pneumonia which has left me with pleurisy in my lower left lobe of my lung. Not that this was any of the pharmacists business but he asked why was I getting this medicine, stated I would need to see a specialist before he would fill anymore medicine of this type and then rather than attempt to fill the prescription in a timely manner, he states the prescription won't be ready for 3 hours. I want to add that I had been in the hospital for 2 days with this problem and when discharged was given the same medicine with a quantity of 12 that if taken as prescribed would have lasted 3 days, mine lasted 5. I absolutely do understand about the drug crisis in our country but feeling like I was lumped into an addict category was absolutely not necessary. I would like to add that if HCA Corporation did not have a prescription contract with CVS, I would never do business there. A pharmacist has a job and that is to fill prescriptions that a licensed physician has written. If they want to be a drug counselor, I suggest they change their line of work. The pharmacy in question is located at 1301 N. Dixie Hwy, West Palm Beach FL. The time this occurred was at 0915.

11/26/2018- I was contacted by CVS pharmacy stating all eprescriptions needed my supervising MD's DEA number. This was applied to each prescription.
I was contacted by my patient that he was waiting x 2. 5 hours for his prescription at the pharmacy because the prescriptions has been sent in incorrectly x 2.
I had not been contacted by the pharmacy or the pharmacist.
I called to speak with the pharmacist and spoke to Kisha Bartholemeu. SHe was not very helpful and very condescending about how to get the problem resolved.
she stated all of cvs has implemented a new system and they could only fill my controlled substance prescription with the box. The prescriptions had all been placed with my supervising physician and his dea number in the directions for the medications. She stated she could not use this and was not going to fill these prescriptions.
When I asked her how long she has worked for cvs she states that is none of your business.....
I don't appreciate poor customer service from a professional.....

Very disappointed. Three trips, still no CVS gift cards! No boxed Christmas cards, no fleece blankets for me to give to the animal shelter. Lately not much of anything about except CANDY! Told one of the many different daily managers, she replied, "there's another CVS on Fresh Pond Road! Why would I get in the car and drive to that store when I can walk two blocks away from my house! We need this store! What's going on? Maybe it they had the same manager on a daily basis, they'd be able to keep on top of things and things would be better. Thank you for your time.

I received a 30% coupon in the mail. I went on a shopping trip to my local CVS in North Wildwood, NJ on 11/21/2018. I have used these coupons before & they were wonderful opportunities to stock up on items. Apparently, calculating the 30% is now only on non-sale items a result, I paid almost $10.00 more than I would have if I did NOT use the coupon. I am attaching the receipt for your inspection. May I suggest that you allow sale items that are less than the coupon-discounted price be excluded from the 30%-off-original-price. For someone like me, that would have saved a lot of money. I'm thinking of returning the items which cost me more using the coupon than not; but my time is valuable and I would only be doing it because I am so angry. Kindly respond so I don't think that CVS is just another chasing-profit-over-people chain store

Today I was refused a Vaccine, was told my insurance company was the issue. Left your store and went to Rite Aid and had no problem getting my Vaccine. this tells me there is a problem at your Grensburg store, zip code 15601.

Today at 8 a.m. we entered the Poulsbo, Wa. CVS store. First customers in the door by the way. So, going to get the coffee that is on sale for K-Cups, there are NO products on the shelf. I am so discussed with this store. NEVER has the sale products we are looking for from the ads. I've been in there at least monthly to shop and only a limited number of products are even on the shelves. I can see why the parking lot is empty most of the time when I drive past.
If the sale add comes out on Sunday at 8 a.m. I would think the products would not have been sold out. You can count on me not ever stepping foot in the store again!! If you had a "0" rating then I would have clicked that. I will take our business to Rite-Aide, Wal-Mart, Safeway and Walgreens. I sure feel badly for the clerks and manager....they get the brunt end of customers that aren't happy!!
Betty Petersen
PO Box 443
Suquamish, WA. 98392

Practically every month there is a delay with refilling one of my prescriptions, specifically Protonix. I have a yellow dye allergy and can only take the white or pink pills that have to be special ordered every month. To better meet my needs, I think that the order should be placed very early. Other meds are filled in a timely fashion. The thing that pisses me off the most is super expensive medications like Carafate and Janumet are filled regardless of me repeatedly taking them off of automatic refill, calling in and repeatedly telling the pharmacy not to fill it, and speaking to individuals in person telling them not to fill these medications until I request a refill. I know there is an enormous greed for money, but it's unethical to ignore my requests regarding these medications every time they are "ready for refill" just so CVS can make a profit. I also informed CVS that I would be leaving town on Wednesday, November 14, 2018, which is why they got two of my other medications ready quickly. Because of this unnecessary delay, my trip is delayed and may not happen at all as I'm depending on them to get this medication I should already have. I have chronic asthma and cannot be running back and forth especially in this dangerouse smokey air to retrieve medication every other day. I have severe acid reflux and cannot suddenly stop this proton pump inhibitor just because CVS doesn't think ALL prescriptions are important. If I have any stomach related issues as a result of CVS's negligence in not filling my medication before I run out, I will pursue legal actions.

Should CVS and clinics work together interdisciplinarily?
This is my second time that I experienced being stuck between CVS and my clinic. A few weeks ago, my prescription for special CVS was sent to the Sequoia Station Redwood city mistakenly. Instead of calling my clinic to inform them to send the prescription correctly, employees at Sequoia Station RW shirk their responsibilities to patients. Then I had to write an email to my clinic. My clinic just said that they have sent out their prescriptions. After calls and emails between CVS and clinic, I finally had my medication.
Last Saturday, I gave up my request of filling my medication. I was told that I can pick it up on the next day. My husband came to the Sequoia Station today and he was told that the medication can be filled up in 20 days. The employees did not voluntarily call the clinic to clarify the dosage I needed; as prescribed by my doctor, I have been injecting three times the typical dosage. Should the Pharmacy and the clinics talk to each other when problems happen? Why as a patient I have to stand between the mistakes of the clinic and CVS ignorance?
I wish that CVs and clinic train their personnel frequently and correctly how to do their jobs.

On 11.9.2018 my husband Larry Osburn, went to have a script filled for a replacement freestyle libre at the CVS on Rowan Rd and Rt. 54. Megan approached and complained she did not know how to do the free replacement and huffed in disgust over having to fill this script. Another tech approached and was able to assist my husband with professionalism. Normally, when we are at this CVS we have a great experience. If Megan is in customer service for CVS, she does not belong in this position

CVS 118 Main St. Liberty SC is where I get prescription medicines. I had 2 refills in early October, 2018 and the other 8 medicines refilled on October 18, 2018. Ever since, I got these refills (all but one was for 90 days) CVS Liberty's computer has been calling me every day telling me that I have a medicine needing to be refilled or wanting me to put my medicines on automatic refill. I have never and will never put these on automatic. You need to find out what is wrong with CVS Liberty's computer and fix it.
PS CVS Liberty SC can't seem to keep me wife's prescriptions straight either.
If things do not improve very soon you will be losing three(3) customers ( Robert Myers, Mary Myers, Alex Myers)

I was trying to pick up a prescription for your store on 1204 E Lufkin Ave, Lufkin Tx. on November 11, 2018, while
encountered one of the ruddiest clerks in your pharmacy department that I am amazed how little she appreciates
a good job with a wonderful store. I had gone to your store on Wednesday November 7th in the afternoon because the other CVS on Frank Street checked and the store on Lufkin Ave had in stock the medication my bipolar son needed was in stock, and the prescription said name brand only. Dr Buttar was the Doctor.
The clerk was a black lady who has a real attitude and superiority complex. She glared at me, tried to intimidate me with another white clerk
looked on with unbelief. I explained the other store sent me and asked to see the prescription which she would not show me. The reason I wanted to see it was because she wanted me to take a sunstitute but my son cannot take the subsitutes as this store has made me before get a fax from
my doctor before. I am a senior and have had CVS for many many years,But talking to other friends they told me preferred Walgreens because of the personnel at CVS, No one should be subjugated to those kind of insults. Just thought you should know as you are losing a good customer.
Raising eyebrows and haughy attitudes have no place in a pharmacy ,Insults we dont have to endure as you do have competition.
I tried to find the store manager but the employees were in a group discussion and I waited for a while but then left. I am not predujudice, as many of my friends are multi nationalities. I am a Christain but think you should know respect cost one nothing, but disrespect can cost the company
who pays then loss of good customers. Thank you. Hope you consider having her evaluated and talk to those who work with her as the
were not pleased with her demeaner. The pharmist was so nice and told me he would fill the prescription and text me . I will only go to the drive
in window to pick it up. Thank you . I have owned several companies and never toloerated attitudes that were a reflection on the company.
Ny sons name is Richard C Adkinson, date of birth 3-17-65, for your reference. I don't have the copy of the prescription as she would not give
it to me. I am my sons guardian as he does not always understand except that he has to have name brand. She said she could not and would
not give me copy of the prescription. I explained it was dropped off by his driver who forgot to bring it to me. I am very inconvenienced by having to go back to the other store to get it. My time is important too.
I sincerely believe in customer service. Your other employees are very good. They say, " May I help you", they smile, they listen, and they
say thank you . They don't leer and insult. It is obvious that she was in a racist combative mode.
Thank you.
Sandy Sparks
4410 Hwy 59 N
Lufkin, Texas 7590
713 793 5088

On Nov.6 went in to pick up medicine had a conversation with associate about medicines I wasn't taking and to have them remove from list. On arriving home I look in bag to find one of the meds I had taken off. Return to store to inform them of error Pharmacist inform me that its my fault that I received wrong medicine. Pharmacist name Shenna doesn't know that you can remove unwanted medicine thru your computer system and told me I was impossible to do that. She apparently needs some retraining. And manger on that shift wouldn't give me her full name to put in report and I thought that was wrong. Unprofessional all the way around

Medications out of stock, come back tomorrow. Opt for automatic prescription refill, get placed on phone list for multiple phone calls each week for advertising (harassment) purposes, no other benefit. Pharmacist assumes that they are better educated and talk down to the customer, Cashier determines that since you are reading the agreement form before signing that you are confused/senile/stupid and uses baby-talk to communicate. Medications are miscounted/shorted to require more trips to pharmacy to encourage more purchases, Trips to local doctor's offices include discussions with other patients and receptionists concerning how horrible and frustrating it is to fill prescriptions at CVS. Talk to store manager concerning problems, receive politically correct groomed response that they are sorry and will address situation (resulting in no change to future visits). Call 1-800-SHOP-CVS on multiple occasions to polite individual who states that an area manager will call to discuss problem which is followed by lead pharmacist at problem store calling to cover for their own protection (will something be done??? Doubt it! Nothing has been corrected over the last 6 to 8 years). Only TWO successful, pleasant experiences during the 6 to 8 years (pleasant - referring only that I received the medications requested and the cashier/clerk did not insult or harass me, whether it was correctly counted - yet to be determined), CVS negotiated a sweet deal with my former employer (I am retired now), which locks me in, for now, to a frustrating, infuriating situation. As for the free consulting service, having a monotone voice reading a script that "all diabetics will eventually be subject to limb amputation and organ failure" is not a helpful service, and asking questions is only answered by "you will need to speak with your family physician" is a complete waste of time. I do not wish to be randomly called during dinner to listen to 30 minutes of unresponsive monotone gloom and doom. It appears that the goal of CVS is to force me to make repeated trips to their store to buy products other than my prescriptions (accomplished by not filling my prescriptions, miscounting, claiming the doctor needs to update the prescription, calling me will the latest sale item, not having the prescription ready after 3 hours when they offered that it would be ready in one hour). What is my recourse??? Evidently nothing!! I have been enduring the harassment for years!!! I am glad that the old pharmacist that started this FIGHT has finally retired!!!

since you cut back on help in the northampton,ma. store on king st. in the drug store, you service really SUCKS! can not get prescriptions filled on time and that their always wrong! when you go pick them up ,theres a 15 to 20 minute wait , even tho they were called in to be order week before! HIRE more help and get your ass out of your head!


Visited CVS Pharmacy today to pick up prescription for my husband, Luke, following a call from the pharmacy on Monday to tell me the prescription was ready. There was nothing ready. Only one of the three-packs of Advair was available. Since my husband needed the Ardvair in a few days, I was advised to take just one and pick up the rest later in the week. However, on checking out, I was charged $95.00 for one. The previous time I picked up this prescription it cost $196 for three, meaning I would now have to pay about $300 for three. Unacceptable. On the advice of the Pharmacist I agreed to wait until CVS could obtain one from another pharmacy - the nearest alternative CVS is far from my home. I now await a call to tell me I can pick up the full order. (Survey ID 2461 5185 5650 376 28).
I was helped by William, who went to great lengths to assist me.The Pharmacist on duty was also helpful - or as helpful as he could be in the situation. Stars only for their help.
Why aren't the shelves in this particular pharmacy checked to ensure all items are available. I had occasion to purchase Ensure for my husband to week ago. The shelf held only a few and no Milk Chocolate or Vanilla which my husband prefers, and no multi packs. The Manager disappeared for a while, supposedly trying to find some for me. He did not return, and the next thing I knew he was at the front door counter assisting other shoppers. Obviously, as is often the case, not enough help. I returned a week later - same situation. Again I spoke to the Manager. On my visit today, I did not check the shelf. Some time ago I tried to purchase Zantec - none on the shelf.


I received an email yesterday for a $5.00 off coupon. I had it sent to my extra care card. I had no intent on going to CVS today but because I received the coupon I went with my friend to use the coupon. I chose a Loreal product because I had a 40% off Loreal coupon also. This transaction should of took a minute to purchase but the supervisor said they could not take the coupon because there was no bar scan code on your coupon which came out of your coupon machine. I printed more coupons from your machine but the $5.00 coupon kept coming out with no bar code. I was told both of your workers are supervisors. Their names our Laura and Deon. Both women. I was told by them to call your CVS number. Which I did at the store. Total time I spent on my phone was 45 minutes in your store. Total time in your store 1 hour. Trying to get my $5.00 off coupon to no avail. I spoke with Whitney at your customer service number. She told me. She wanted to talk to the supervisor. I told the both supervisors and the supervisor said she could not talk to her. Laura and Deon said for customer service to call them. Whitney from customer service said She was not allowed to talk to them. Whitney from customer service said She could send me $5.00 extra bucks to my card but it would take up to 4 hours for me to receive the coupon. I said now you want me to wait or come back in 4 hours. She said yes. These people are not in touch with the customers. Like I have nothing better to do then wait 4 hours now. And by the way Its past 4 hours and I never received the $5.00 extra bucks as promised. Laura from CVS said they are losing CVS customers because of these problems with the coupons and then when I mentioned that She retracted and said she never said that. Unless this is rectified and resolve with a gift card for all my trouble today. You have lost two customers me and my friend. I have been a long time loyal customer for decades. I feel as a customer. They are disrespecting me and my friend and treating us like our time is nothing. Remember this transaction should of taken a minute. This has effected my whole day. I don't like that you altered my day in such negative way. I believe those supervisors could of over rided that coupon with the number to the left that was on that $5.00 off coupon. I don't know if this was a prejudice thing because your one supervisor Laura was yelling in spanish. I hope not. Contact me. I will only talk to one of your corporate headquarters person.

Dnoctor faxed perscripion wensday checked wedsday night went to drive through they said come back in 15 minutes came back after 30 minutes
still wasn't ready asked them to call no call Thursday Friday morning still wasn't ready worst service I have ever seen Pharmist said people have waited longer than3 days please do not send me any more of your garbage and lies on the enternet onily reason you get 1star is the onily way could
complain minus 5 stars cvs pahrump

Went to CVS pharmacy in Franklin KY on Tuesday October 16 to pick up my blood pressure medicine.Was told they was out waited till Thursday October 18 went back to pharmancy was told still out of my blood pressure medicine have brrn out of my medicine since Tuesday the 16.Was told it would be there Friday 19 so i went back to pharmancy on Friday guess what no blood pressure medicine they say it will be Monday I live in a different county and have to work still have to use this pharmancy.So i have a doctor appointment on Monday just as soon as i get off work so can't pick up medicine if it is ready.Not getting my hopes up to much im sure other people use the same medicine as i do .Who is going to be responsiblle if something happens to someone.

On Sunday 10/14/18, your store at 206-09 Linden blvd Cambria hts, ny 11429 was scheduled to open the pharmacy at 9am. At 9: 15 the pharmacy's with the only key arrived and was rude to several customers waiting on line and indicated that he was not concerned with his lateness
or our wait. This store is dirty upon opening and management is sub-par. If prescription are complete (short) the customer is not always informed.

Yesterday around 2:21 I went into store to get new eye prescription. Upon finding out the drops was much higher then the prescription I was taken and told Dr. not to fill until I contacted my eye doctor again. Went home and call only to find by doctor yes med should be $30.00 for 3 bottles not $30.00 each. I called the Pharmacy back talked to David which I recognize his voice from seeing in the store before and proceed to tell him what Dr. had told me about the medications. DAVID yelled at me like I was a DOG. He yelled saying he does not know why these doctors are telling patients the cost of medicine and that they should not be. He still yelling - your medication is $30.00 for 1 bottle and not 3. I was in shock that all is said was "Thank You". I waited until I calmed down and spoke to another guy name David put in complaint & he promise that Spv. will call be back today which I have not gotten which I would have expected by name. Thank you Jeanetta

To Leadership and the Board of Directors for CVS. Store is located at 2532 E. Main St. Columbus, Ohio 43209. On or about September 25th I had the most disrespectful, in humane, prejudice and to some extent racist experience ever in all my years dealing with CVS. From reading your website and other customer comments which are mainly complaints I too will add to the hundreds CVS has received just on CVS.COM Website. I still must check the BBB and other Social Media Sites around the Nation. I see I am not the only one that has suffered from the breaking of CVS’ Code of Conduct, Corporate Integrity Agreement Policy, Diversity and Ethics and Human Rights Policies and Procedures per CVS’ own mandate. Upon reading CVS’ own Code of Conduct, Corporate Integrity Agreement, Diversity and Ethics and Human Rights own mandate and Policy and Procedures it seems as if CVS enjoys practicing the opposite especially for people of color and who are not white or caucasian.Is this the type of culture you are breeding in your store employees? My thought process is to exhaust all of my efforts in trying to resolve this is issue and to get answers I have initially asked the store manager, the District Leader REX, and Regional Leader Sarita before any Civil matter is brought up. CVS employees hired for these positions need to be let go or demoted or be involved in continuous training so CVS does not receive any more black eyes. Additional training is definitely needed and not just at the Bexley location. They need Cultural and Diversity training on top of some sort of Communications course when conversing with customers who have been going to CVS for years.
On or about September 26th, 2018 at 3:45PM I had an office visit with one of my Pain Doctors Dr. Jennifer Sullivan at the Riverside Office Location. I explained my situation with Dr. Sullivan (which I will no longer share due to HIPPA Privacy Act with the Pharmacy Techs and Pharmacist. I used to do this but will no longer moving forward). Dr. Sullivan agreed to fill my Pain Medication (Oxycodone 10 MG) 2 days early due to a very severe pain ailment which I just had surgery for October 5, 2018. The reason she did this as a favor for me is because I do not have a history of filling RX early and because I do everything my Pain Doctors say especially when it comes to taking Opiod pain rx. I have Long story short Dr Sullivan had her staff call in my pain medication and okayed it for me to pick up early, however when I called CVS to see how long it would take to pick up my Allergy RX, my Gabapentin, Epipen, and Oxycodone I was told (3) three were able to pick up in an hour or so but that my Oxycodone was denied by Dr. Sullivan. This seems to be a common occurrence so I have learned to always call CVS to make sure they have my proper Prescriptions and to receive time of pick up. I turned around and went back to the office as my pain doctors office was closing. I was able to catch Dr Sullivan and her receptionists and staff on hand. I explained how the CVS Pharmacist told me that she (Dr. Jennifer Sullivan) denied my refill for my Oxycodone. Dr. Sullivan told me that is not correct and that she would call personally to make sure the CVS Pharmacist knew it was okay to fill (2) two days early. So I thanked her again and left to go to CVS in Bexley. Now mind you my blood pressure is through the roof and my pain levels way past 10 dealing with serious nerve damage issues, a left shoulder injury, herniated discs and wisdom teeth needing extraction. Dr. Jennifer Sullivan told me to my face 3 times that she would do this once because of the pain I was in since she and her partners are the main people in my life I have to help manage my pain. Not a CVS Pharmacist or Pharmacy tech. Their job is to basically count pills and put them in a bottle for the customer. I knew nothing about a law where a Pharmacist could override a Doctors request even though a Pharmacist is not a Doctor nor do they sit in on visits. I am seeking to also get that law amended as we speak. Pharmacist have a license I understand, however they are not doctors or nurses and Pharmacist do not have a license to lie to the customer/patient.
I arrive to CVS Bexley and am told by one of the Pharmacy Techs on duty (Desiree) that only (3) Prescriptions are ready for pick up and that my Oxycodone was in verification. After waiting for 15 minutes at the drop off area I was told by that male Pharmacy Tech that my Oxycodone was denied. I asked why? I was told my Dr. Sullivan denied it. I explained that it could not be because I spoke with her two times at the Office and she okayed it for me both times. I asked them - “So what you’re telling me is that my doctor lied to me to my face two times” and all I received was a shoulder shrug from the white male pharmacy tech. I was clearly in pain and upset at this point but I kept my cool. I was never asked about my four day supply of Tramadol my Dentist prescribed me thinking maybe it would help my exposed nerve for my top left tooth where my partial filling fell out a few months earlier. I asked the Pharmacist what the issue was and was told they could not refill it due to the Tramadol and interaction with Oxycodone and that my prescribing doctor denied it. Even though the Tramadol which was way past expired at this point because it was filled September 17, 2018. So doing the math you go from 17, 18, 19, 20, lets say even September 21. How in the world is there concern for drug interaction if there is no drug to interact with? I was so confused and the Pharmacist and Pharmacist tech did not explain any of this to me until the next day and then finally told the TRUTH to me the next day that the Pharmacist OVERRODE MY PAIN DR. JENNIFER SULLIVAN. Dr. Sullivan did not lie to me as CVS Pharmacist and Tech led me to believe. I took certain steps and drastic measures and almost could have ruined a great woman and a great doctors career based off of a lie from your employees in the Pharmacy Department told to me. I made a formal complaint, I’ve spoken to REX the District Leader to no avail. This white man had the nerve to tell me how I should and should not feel after explaining everything to him. I told him I feel there was prejudgement going on there so therefore some sort of Prejudice was taking place. He said: “Oh, NO, NO, there’s nothing like that going on there and you should not feel that way buddy.” I replied First we are not friends buddy. Secondly you did not go through this situation so please don’t tell me how I should and shouldn’t feel .” Well needless to say Rex and I spoke on or about Monday and he asked what I wanted him to do about this issue. I was in shocked and appalled. You mean to tell me, REX, that you hold this position (District Leader) and do not know how to correct or lead your team? You seem like you do not any parts of resolving conflicts and complaints? That is just basic business 101 in College I know because I have degrees in Business both Associates and Bachelors, working on a Masters. Rex really seemed clueless or he just didn’t give a damn. So to help REX the District Leader do his job I explained that I would like an answer from the Pharmacy Tech as to why I was lied to by the Pharmacist. The Pharmacy tech Desiree should receive some sort of write up or punishment even though she was just following orders blindly her superior. I wanted to know why if the Pharmacist felt the Tramadol would be an issue then why wasn’t this brought to my attention like a few other times even though the date on TRAMADOL was 9-17-18. It would not overlap my new refill for my Oxycodone at all but this conversation wasn’t had and was not brought up AT ALL. Only the next day after I called (on or about September 27th between 8:30AM - 9:30AM did the truth come out about the Pharmacist on Duty Wednesday, September 26, 2018 OVERRIDING my Pain Doctor and denying my refill. I want to know REX why they lied on my doctor to my face four times and did not uphold their Code of Conduct, Diversity, and Ethics and Humans Policies and Procedures set in place per CVS? I will not go further there is more but this is the main crux of the problem. I will be patiently for some sort of phone or email correspondence from the Leadership of Board of Directors since it seems your Store Managers, District Leaders, and Regional Leaders do not want to hear or entertain customer complaints and want to tell us the paying customer(s) how to feel. I am worried this is not the only time or customer this issue has happened to. I will make sure this does not continue at this much more affluent CVS. I think I was unfairly discriminated against due to my race, age, and disability, and that is awful. I hope to hear from someone with REAL POWER and AUTHORITY by next week. If not I will seek legal recourse for my pain and suffering due to negligence on your employees behalf.
Respectfully Submitted by Delbert (Del) Perry
Phone: (614) 318 - 5603

Yes I've been a CVS customer for Quite some time now but as of today no longer !! will I spend my hard earned money at an establishement that treat their customers with no respect that are LAZY raise. Their voice roll there eyes so I went to the cvs pharmacy at 1002 busse rd in mount prospect and I encountered the rudest cashier I tryed explaining a insurance situation and asked her if she could call cigna so I wouldn't have to keep repeating myself for the simple fact I just had major surgery two days ago and I'm not feeling well but she didn't want to I mean that is part of her job I don't know what her problem is but I've never had such a horrible encounter with someone that works with sick people .anyway her name is SHWETA her #is1237782 she needs to be held accountable for her very rude conduct it's reprehensible the way I was spoken to Thank you former CVS Customer!!!!!!!!!

Request to fill potholes in parking lot of CVS store located at 645 University Dr in Coral Springs, Florida.
We are a county agency and have received the complaint from a motorist named Nicole - (954) 994-
8853. Nicole reports that there is a pothole in front of the parking space in front of the Subway restaurant
located in the plaza. The Broward County Property Appraiser lists CVS as the owner of the plaza. Kindly
contact Nicole to address the issue raised. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
E. J. Moore
Broward County Highway & Bridge Maintenance Division
1600 Blount Road, Pompano Beach, FL
(954) 357-6040

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