Instagram Complaints Continued... (Page 3)
190+ reviews added so far. Upset? Call Instagram corporate: (650) 543-4800No Reviews

Hello fellow Instagram users. I am writing because I am baffled as to why I am "temporarily blocked" for "misusing this feature by going too fast." What does this even mean? I have been a a loyal, honest, responsible Instagram user for a while now, and my habits have not changed. I have never posted an indecent photograph, heckled, or stalked anyone. I am simply photograph who posts one photograph per day, and likes pictures from my own feed. So there's a penalty for scrolling my feed, or liking photographs too fast? Is this a new thing?
Anyway, I feel my blocking was done in error, and I welcome the any administrator from Instagram to please review my history, paper trail, and whatever else is deemed efficient to see I am a user that poses no threat to myself and anyone else. I would love to be able to use my account - I have a lot of flowers that enjoy my photographs, and a follow a lot of photographers that I would like to like and comment on. Thank you in advance for resolving this problem and helping me finally get in touch with someone at Facebook or Instagram who can solve my problem.

I was following people and the terms of service say that the cap per day is 200 people correct but i followed around a 120 people and i have been blocked from following until Saturday the 30th. In my opinion this is ridiculous i understand that Instagram is trying to prevent bots on Instagram but at the same time there are actual people trying to grow their account. I'm just a normal user.

I am blocked from unfollowing people who randomly end up on my follow feed. I don't follow these people they just add to my following list. Please fix this. I didn't do anything wrong and now I have 77 that I am following when it should only be 32. So, I don't know why but if you can help me contact Instagram so they can remove this block I can fix it.

I use the social media sites Instagram and Facebook everyday and I have been blocked from following users on Instagram until next Sunday. I have over 6,000 followers and are following 3,000. I believe I may have been mistaken for a bot as to why I have been blocked for such a long period of time. I am requesting an unblock, please and thank you.

I tried logging into my account but I could not remember my password. I tried resetting my password only to be told that I violated Instagram's TOS. I then tried to reload the app and log in via Facebook which told me that I was no longer a member. After clicking a link to notify Instagram of the issue, they requested that I provide a code (emailed to same email associated with the account) holding it with my face shown. I requested a different way to verify but they ignored my request. privacy aside, when i signed up, I never showed my face. This seems like a way to abuse my right to privacy with no clear indication of why it is necessary. I also never received any response to what the infraction was. This is by far the worst service that i have ever from any company in all my years of business.

Suddenly I was logged out of my Instagram account. I eventually managed to reset my password and log back in. But all my photos have gone. The page is empty. It also says I have no followers and am not following anyone which is totally wrong. I want my photos restored and my followers and the people I am following, at once. I shall take this further if it is not done within 3 hours. I have tried emailing Instagram but do not get a reply. I want everything back. I am presently consulting my solicitor re this and will take it further even to court if I need to. I want this matter resolved asap. My legal advisor has advised me that what Instagram have done with my account and photos is illegal
Please help me get it sorted within the next few hours or the case will go to court and the media.

Every time I go on instagram it stays on the posts screen showing the showing the sign that it's loading for three seconds then it seems me back to my home screen. It been doing that for a few days now and its very annoying because I don't want to have to get a new account,I also don't remember my password for this account I have currently. Also I deleted instagram once but my old account it's still there and I want it deleted. I can't load that account because I don't remember the password for that account. Please fix these problems.

My daughter who is 12 years old, is being contacted, by someone who is 29 years old and commenting on her pictures with inappropriate comments? I have messaged him on Instagram but he has now blocked me? If this is not sorted I will be contacting the police as this is a disgusting matter! My daughter is obviously being groomed by this man and I want it sorted?I have attached one of the comments he has put? Please help as this is a very upsetting matter?

I deactivated my account a little over a week ago and the next morning i decided to activate it again and i noticed ALL of my pictures were gone. I was told that none of my pictures would be deleted so i ma very saddened and confused why they would be gone. I've reported it more than 100 times, tried logging in and out, deleting the instagram app, changing my password and that hasn't done anything. Any help please!

Ive been blocked from unfollowing people but those who i am unfollowing are people who I've never seen before. Someone hacked into my account and changed everything and added more people that I don't want. Please may you change the setting and get my unblocked. I believe this is a temporary ban.

I cant see my own posts. 3 pics which I posted 2 weeks just disappeared from my account. I checked it from my friend's account and others can view all the posts, but I am not able to.

I've been using Instagram for a few months now, and so far I have not had any issues. As of a few hours ago, however, I noticed that a few of my pictures have been deleted without my approval or doing so personally. I don't know how or why this happened, but I'm very upset. I initially did not want to use Instagram for reasons like this, but I ended up doing so for fun. All was well until my picture count changed from 77 to 75. I don't want to lose anymore, and I would appreciate it greatly if those pictures were returned to my profile.
Thank you kindly for your time. Hopefully, this issue will be resolved soon.

It will not open on my cellphone. All my other apps like twitter and Facebook load. I tried to uninstall and reinstall it and its not working. I have a windows phone and it said I could use the beta one for instagram. I do not know how to fix it.

I was hacked I don't know the person at all but they some how changed everything about my Instagram account. I emailed them a hacked profile help request forum. They couldn't help me since the email and everything else was changed. There were pictures of my cat that passed away and due to error updating my iPad I had to factory reset and lost everything. They don't care about privacy like it says they do. I'm heartbroken by this.

I need major help this boy hacked my account and I need him off of Instagram bc he is harassing me and when I block him he threatens to post something really embarrassing all over social media. I need him to be off Instagram. Immediately. We used to be friends but then he did something really rude so then I blocked him and he hacked it saying if I don't unblock him he will post something really embarrassing. His account is clear and if there is a way make sure he can't get back on to hack it.

You know I'm just kinda ticked off because I'm trying to DM w/ my new friend and I'm trying to send those hearts to him and it's only letting me send 1-2 at a time until I get a reply. Sometimes I would just like to be able to blow up his phone with hearts, is that really too much to ask?

I had an account with an outdated email and someone tried to log into my account. For security it had an email sent to my outdated email with a verification code but I was unable to get a hold of it since I no longer have that email therefore I was not able to get the account back.

I am writing in utter sorrow and sadness. It's been a year since I have lost what meant so much to me. My account got hacked and Instagram didn't respond to my evidence. I put so much effort into that account I just can not describe my feeling the moment since I got hacked. I feel so bad and let down I just couldn't believe the security and communication level would be so low. I really hope Instagram pays not only me but everyone a price who they have failed to return what's rightfully there's. I just want my account back.
Before that, I reported an account for impersonating me and it is still up. I also reported an account multiple times stalking hurrahing and cyber bulling and it is sill up. And I believe she is the same person who took all my pictures to make a fake account.

I`m a regular Instagram user and whenever I try uploading a photo on Instagram, I enter a caption and add some hashtags in the caption of my photo, yet when it uploads the caption doesn`t appear! I`ve tried turning my phone on and off, nothing. I`ve logged out of Instagram and back in again, nothing. I`ve even deleted instagram off my phone completly then re-installed it, still nothing! there is no problem with my internet connection, as I`ve tried that aswell. Please help!

We are an account holder of Instagram here in Riyadh, KSA. We write to your company because we noticed and observed with your Instagram site that there is an account similar with us under the account. We are a chain of bakery here in Riyadh and very famous, In connection with this we have registered our company in other countries namely Turkey and Oman. Very soon we will have our certificate of registration for Bahrain, UAE, Qatar, Egypt and Kuwait.
We are very serious in expanding our bakery business but with this issue it will affect our dear customers, clients and suppliers. This will lead our customer to confusion. Based on intellectual property rights it is referring to creations of assigned to designated owners by law. Some common types of intellectual property rights are trademarks, copyright, patents, industrial designs, trade secrets and in some jurisdictions all these cover music, literature, and other artistic works; discoveries and inventions; and words, phrases, symbols, and designs.
Hope and we appreciate your immediate action for this issue and resolved the soonest possible time.

For some reason Instagram changed my password. I don't know my email password that I used for it and gmail isn't letting me change my password. It also isn't letting my log in there Facebook. Please help me. Is there anyway Instagram support can add my phone number to get access to my account?

Someone has put a picture of me with inappropriate words and have NOT had my permission to use my picture. I have been harassed and myself and 10 other people have reported this bullying instagram page AND my picture but it has still not been taken down. I have attached now, how can I contact Instagram to expedite this process? I am tired of filling out Facebook forms online.

I am sick and tired of this unprofessional steps you take for deleting my own pictures from my instagram (and facebook) profile without verifying or double checking if it really violates privacy rights. Did you take my consent? Did you authenticate the person who reported is genuine or not? How can i violate privacy rights when the pictures that i uploaded is of me and my wife, the pictures from my husband's profile was also can you do this.
Someone is playing around with your privacy norms and you people fall for the trap..someone is probably stalking my pictures that i post and this is not the first time it has happened. I have reported the same issue earlier in the past by phoning Instagram customer relations and nobody responded from the corporate office. How unprofessional! I will take this matter to the court this time..

I'm new to Instagram and happen to go on a page of pictures that I liked and then I scroll down and it was full of smut, and adult pictures I find these upsetting as they ruin ones desire to follow people and enjoy looking at art you must have the authority to ban this obscene behavior. You should have a button you can press to block all these pictures so they don't come up on your site plans of a young kid gets to see them not good you know.

Ok the account needs to be a "verified account" with the check mark or how ever you mark it. Also, I've got way more followers then what the numbers say I am and more please check my followers number and fix it asap. I've got new followers every day ten at a time on a good day and the number never changes. Now I'm upset!

My Instagram account was disabled on the 16th of January 2016, for a reason I didn't understand being told I did not conform to the terms of instagram on my instagram account are only photo and picture messages of myself and friends and message relevant to me and my friends. I did not understand the deactivation.
I was sent an email with a code as well as instructions to write this code on piece of paper together with my name and username and email it back to the instagram help center which I did and it's the 3rd day now and my account has not been re-instated. I am very unhappy with this service as I am unable to create another account with my original email as it is now telling it has already been used.

I get an error while tagging someone on instagram. I can't even mention his/her name in the comments. I connected my instagram account with Facebook account, reinstalled instagram, updated it, then also the same problem is coming.

Instagram reset my password and sent me an email with a link to reset it because of suspicious behavior or something but I only read the email 2 days after receiving it and then it said the token had expired. So i requested a new link but im not receiving any emails now. But they sent me an email so that means they had the correct email the one i signed up with so how are they not sending it again I am realy upset. Please help i dont want to lose my account.

My Instagram accounts and followers are being deleted. How can I get them to stop deleting my stuff? I have been unable to contact customer service, only a Facebook form.

I have people following me and I'm following them back in terms of trying through social media to have my sons story heard. I get an error from Instagram stating that I was moving too fast while following other users now this absolutely absurd and insane and I'm pissed to the moon and back about it.
I haven't done anything wrong compared to the people using Instagram for their defrauding scams or to shop at their boutiques and so forth and I know my limits on how many followers I can have isn't outlined in their policy but look at the pics below and tell me if this isn't some crap but I guess since we are not a celebrity it's an issue social media is to be used for connections so who do I complain too well let me be clear. I saw today Kim Kardashian now has 55,000,000 followers on Instagram. I guess they did not "slow her down" from going too fast.
I will find out tomorrow morning for God's sake it's a sick child and you are blocking me have a damn heart.

My 10 year old daughter was the victim of cyber bullying on Instagram. She does not have an account because you are supposed to be 13 to have an account, but that didn't stop some of her classmates from having accounts and using it to make an account claiming to be her and post vile things about other classmates. I reported this to Instagram over and over again. FOUR times to be exact. I sent them my ID. I sent them the identification they requested for her and even pictures because they claimed that they needed it to verify her identity. (Really? She's 10! She doesn't have a picture ID yet!)
And STILL, they did not take the account down. In fact, the account was never taken down even though it violated their community guidelines and terms of service. Their policy should be that if it's a cyber bullying issue of any kind involving minors, they will suspend the account while they are investigating, instead of leaving it up so that more bullying can occur. This was a stressful, horrible week for us. Thank goodness the school took it seriously and contacted parents of students who they thought were involved, and talked to the students about cyber bullying. The account has now been cleared of all posts and the title changed to an apology (by whoever owns the account), but Instagram never did one single thing except keep asking me for more identification.
There is no reason for it to have been that difficult to get this taken care of. I am so disappointed and angry over Instagram's lack of attention to this matter that I can't even put it into words. We are lucky that it ended up this way. Things could have gotten so much worse. Shame on you, Instagram. You need to train your employees better and rethink your policies regarding minors. Also, you need to find a way to make sure you don't have underage kids on there. There are certainly some 10 year olds that could handle having an account, but very few, and this proves why they shouldn't be on social media. If I could give Instagram zero stars on this complaint, I would.

I would like to report an account disneyparodies. This account reposts other artist's works without crediting them and also mislabeled them. I tried leaving nice comments simply asking the owner to credit artists and label correctly esp bc the last series posted I instantly recognized and it is Korean not Japanese as it is labeled. The owner keeps deleting my comments and others who agree with me. I think this account is a false respeesentation. I uploaded the screenshot of one of the pictures I commented on with my comment bc I know it will bc deleted again soon

I can't log into my account and no one will help me. I don't understand why! Instagram has been getting worse and worse lately with their response time, especially since Facebook purchased them. I am wondering if the faster way to get service would be to write a snail mail letter to the Instagram corporate offices?

I had temporary disabled my account for less than 2 weeks and on the guidelines, it does not confirm that a disabled account will eventually be deleted! I did not receive any email or confirmation that my account would be deleted. I tried to log back in today and my details were not recognized which appears that my account has be deleted! This is not fair. If I knew my account was going to be permanently deleted, I would of deleted it myself in the first place and not temporary disabled it.

On 11/16/15 I was inform that there was a Instagram profile that I did not create that had completely nude pictures of me. Some of the photos were of a sexual nature. The person who create the profile ( believed to be my ex-husband) did so without my consent. There is a full blown investigation (with NCIS) which will bring him up on sexual exploitation charges and more. In the process of him attempting to humiliate me he followed all my male followers. In my male followers are a number of minors. Which brings the charge of corrupting the morales of a Minor. The page has been up for a total of 15 weeks, which is the 1 year anniversary of our divorce. My family, friends, myself and a number of my followers have tried countless attempts to report the page and it's photos. The photos are a clear violation of Instagram's guidelines and my rights.Yet, this page has been left up and active. In the process of the investigation Instagram will be brought up on charges as well. Seeing as though Instagram did not adhere to the REPORTS of this profile which clearly violate it's guidelines... This page needs to be deleted.

Hello, it appears that instagram has changed my password without my knowledge or permission to 'secure my account'. I have yet to receive the email containing my reset password despite having requested for it on numerous occasions. It has been about a week since I've had access to my account and I would appreciate it if you could assist me in overcoming this issue as soon as possible.

A few weeks ago Instagram sponsored an ad by a company. I reported it as i didn't receive my goods and money was taken from my account. I trusted this company as I believed it to be real as Instagram sponsored it. Like I said I reported it to the help section and have heard nothing back, I would appreciate a response as I would like my money back. I think it's disgusting you are doing this and people trust your company and also you are still sponsoring these companies.

HI, I have recently purchased makeup items for my daughter from instagram account holder named Tania. She has an instagram account. She has a mobile number which I have been trying to contact her on. I am extremely upset and disappointed as I have purchased and paid for two items on 23/09/2015 ( paid $95 in full) from her and had nothing but hassles and is now avoiding my calls and messages. The order was first promised and provided me with Australia post tracking number which was delivered with the wrong products. She told me to keep them and she will resend the correct products purchased.
I then contacted her again and got another tracking number and items for that number were sent to Qld. The third tracking number provided showed items delivered to South Melbourne 9/11/15. It has taken almost two months for me to receive items from her and I messaged to her to give me a refund. I have tried calling her this morning and left a message and had no reply. I want my refund and hope you are able to assist. If you require any correspondence regarding this matter I am happy to provide. I look forward to your reply. I have attached photos of the products I ordered and proof of payment made to her.

My account has been deactivated without warning, saying that I use a pretending name, even though I have been using the same username for a number of years and I didn't do anything differently as an Instagram user all these years. I have contacted Instagram support team via emails numerous times, no resolution and reply about this. First I was asked to provide a photo to prove the account is mine, I have sent the photo to proof that I am the user who use the user name in my account. But then The reply after that was "your account is deactivated", no explanation, no warning. I seriously have not violated any of the terms. Many users use a different name for their account for the reason of privacy etc. I feel as if this is a joke to mess me around. I have a lot of photos of my children as well as photos of a colleague who passed away two weeks ago, I need my photos back even if I didn't get my account back. I seriously feel that I have not been treated fairly and feel that my time has been wasted and my personal items (sentimental photos) are lost. The service I have received is very poor which gave me the impression there is hardly any one provide customer care behind.

I have been trying for three days to contact someone to ask why I have suddenly been band from tagging people who do not follow me in. My Instagram pictures. None of my fellow Instagram friends have this problem and nobody seems to be able to help me out with my problem.

On several occasions I have been suspended from tagging friends in my Instagram photos. I only tag 2 people in each photo and I only do this about 10 times in 24 hrs. This is very frustrating as I have many followers who tag a whole lot more in shorter time and they do not experience this problem. This is only happening on. MY fan account. My personal account is working fine. I am currently still suspended and it has been four days now. Can someone from Instagram customer service please fix this and tell me my limits to prevent it happening again.

When I filed a complaint instagram said they would send me an email so that I could verify my email address, they did send me an email but there was nothing in it so that I could verify my email? Please try again, I will, until my abuser is stopped, he probably does it to other people too.

I am a gymnastics coach and always searching on Instagram for videos of gymnasts around the world for research reasons. On numerous occasions I have searched 'gymnastics' or 'dancing' and come across horrific pornographic images. I am highly concerned that there are millions of children on the social media site and search for those very same things. I report every time I see something of this nature but I am becoming increasingly worried that I see it most days. Please can you assure me what is being done to combat such issues.
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