JustAnswer.com Customer Service
Rated 1 of 5 Stars
Based on 6 Complaints

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JustAnswer.com Contact Information

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    Toll-free number pending.

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    24 hours a day

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Top JustAnswer.com Complaints

Browse more than 6 reviews submitted so far


I have been billed $46.00 for services. I did not order any services from this company and would like the debit reversed.


My question was never answered, I was charged £5.00 and on top of that another £25.00 was taken for membership which I E.MAILED saying I was not prepared to to pay for no answer to my question


You are NOT authorized to charge my credit card for ANY thing. You ripped me off for $5.00 and provided no answer and now you are trying to charge my credit card for ongoing service which I did not and do not authorize. I have contacted my credit card company and they are on to you and your rip off service. So cease and desist.
M LaRock


Thinking it was a FREE service, I asked justanswer.com a question. Do not remember the question. Anyway, I found a $5.00 charge on my DISCOVER card. I thought the charge was ridiculous, but did NOT contest it.

THEN, on looking back, it seems Just Answer has been billing me since SEPTEMBER through DFCEMBER! They told me on the phone today about December. The charge is $46.00 for MEMBERSHIP (which I dp not acknowledge or have I consented to).FOUR charges of $46.00, totaling $189. Quite an interesting scam you got going there!

I am letting everyone I know, about your outfit.


Yesterday at 11:59 am, I asked my question, after paying the $5.00. To date I have had no reply, answer or comment from anyone in your company. What is happening?


Needed quick help on a computer issue so turned to justanswer.com for help. I was required to pay $4 for their help, an agreeable price. So I authorized what I firmly believed was a one-time charge. My next two bank statements proved me wrong, however, as they began monthly debits of $46! In order to get them to stop this scam I had to zero out my debit card and request a replacement. In no way at no time did I intend to sign up for any longterm program—I requested help on one issue one time only.

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