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in the commercial they betrayed gangsters you will find out who they really are people talking about riding in toaster don’t ride in no broke toaster when we got done passing the toaster around it didn’t work. Matter of fact the cord was loose and a little two year old was electricuted why would any one in their right mine what to ride in a broke toaster when after we through it away side the road in the hood. They like picking up stuff don’t belong to them.
The washing machine why would anbody want to ride in a old brogen down washing machine kia kept using my stuff to make the time run out they can’t treat their on people right they fighting them coming over here stesling our talent one thing about they don’t have a lick of talent back to the washing machine don’t hunt no old broke washing machine kia trying to pull your leg cause out in them bushes where you find them old washing machine you also find dead bodies. the old lady

As you look at the veido you will see a pivture of my botique, you will see Two rats one with a purse that’s poochie mama, the one with the tie is stefon. is my characters but they switch jabo and put stefon as her lover. Why? jabo is a soul brother. Read This draw your own conclusion. Beware Cheating Don’t get You Nowhere! Today was going to be a very exciting day in the Green Leaf Forest because, it was the day of the Annual Animal race. This race has been held in the Green Leaf Forest for the last hundred years,but they had never had the same winner ten years in a row before.
Because of this, rumor had it that Pee- Wee the fox was a cheater. The other animals didn’t believe that any one could be that lucky. Pee-Wee the fox was known as the fastest thing on the trot.He was also known as the only fox,indeed the only animal to wear HiFy Knee-High sneakers. all the animals were preparing to run in the race because the prizes were great. first prize was a 2003 convertable lynchburgh.Second was a 10- piece living room set which included a 52 inch TV, and third prize was 50 pairs if JazzEwalkers with the three buttons on the side. The JazzEwalkers came in all colors. including flowers and plaids.
They were compliments of JazzEwalker Boutique which was owned and manage by none other than the four wood rats Enie Meanie Miney and Moe the four wood Rats.The wood rats had begun to wonder how Pee-wee the fox could be so lucky as to win the annual Animal race 10 years in a row.The wood rats decided that the race needed some looking in into.To make sure there is no hanky panky going on,we have to come of with a plan to trap the cheater, suggested Enie. I’ve got just the plan.
What’s your plan? asked the other wood rats. Enie began to whisper into the other wood rats ears.he told them about his plan and they all agreed saying,If any cheating is going on, we wil find it out.Then we will teach the cheater a lesson he will never forget.The lesson will be Beware Cheating Don’t get You Nowhere! Ater the wood rats were through discussing their plan, the animals start to get ready for the race.First to enter the race was yours truly himself, Enie the wood rat not Hamster.Since the wood rats looked alike,who could say who was who,and really be sure.Nobody really knew,and that was the plan!O boy,was Pee-Wee the fox in for the shock of his life.He would not even see it coming until it was to late,especially since he was the cheater.
Next to enter the race,was the two bears,Honeysuckle and Buckwheat,and of course their little cousin Little Said,who had a very slim chance of winning becaue he was so short and plump and very low to the ground.But he was going to try anyway.nothing fails but a try,little Said thought.Who Knows? I just might win by some small miracle.
next to enter the rest was 2White the white monkey. Next was Mr. Simms the lion,then T-KaKe the mouse, next was Chatty the cat, next was Pelo the squirrel. Last of all Pee-wee the fox steps up to the starting line all ready for the race.Now that everyone was at the starting line, the baloon pop!and the race was on.
After they had been running for awhile ,everything seem to be normal,but of course the race was still young.
Finally Enie was getting tired. He signald for Menie to take over.After running for about two laps, Menie began to get tired,he signald for Miney. Miney took overat the point when the race was almost over and ran his course. Now it’s was Mo’s turn. All Moe had to do was wait at the finish line.and the wood rats would know who came in first.Moe was in place at the finish line when he spotted Pee-Wee the fox coming down on a sky glider. Now Moe had found out Pee-Wee the fox’s most intimate secret.Pee-Wee the fox was about to lose everything.
But still the wood rats didn’t let on that they knew he was cheating ans how He did it. In the meantime, Pee-Wee the fox couldn’t figure out hoe Enie which was really Moe,beat him to the finish line. Now that the race was over,honestly, pelo the squirrel was the winner.He won fair and square without breaking any rules. Therefore the 2003 Lynchbugh Cooptaville was his, he was so happy. He was thinking of all the girls he could pick up.Second prize went to Buckwheat the bear.He too was very happy because he so needed that new 52″TV and furniture for his pond-side apartment.Honeysucklewas especially appreciative of the 52″TV considering he was a sports fan. He got to watch it all the time, because he and Buckwheat shared an apartment together to share the rent.
The third and last prize went to T-KaKe the mouse.His prize was fifty pairs of JazzEwalkers shoes with the three buttons on the side in his chice of colors. After everything quieted down a bit,everyone noticed that Pee-Wee the fox lost for the first time in 10 years and he was a sore loser. I don’t understand how you beat me Enie,said Pee-Wee the fox First of all Pee-Wee before you get the wrong understanding, I’m not Enie,said Moe.Then all the wood rats stepped forward, and the eyes of Pee-Wee fo eyes was as big as two fifty cents pieces.
Until that moment,he always thought it was only one wood rat ant that was Enie. Pee-wee the fox never knew about Menie,Miney and Moe.Then Pee-wee the fos realized a joke had been played on him. But Pee-Wee the fox was the only one not laughing. Enie started to explain since it was his idea.The reason you don’t understand because you cheated and so did we.Enie explained. We thought you were cheating but without any proof we couldn’t accuse you.Now that we have the goods on you Pee-Wee you will not be allowed to partticipate in any other games because you cannot be trusted. You are band forever. We hoped you learned your lesson, said the wood rats to Pee-Wee the fox. From now on wherever you go and whatever you do, always remember to Beware Cheating Don’t Get You Nowhere! The end
You see these are not gangster kia ran their reputation They some sweet guys as you will find out. Thank you copyrighted 1999 Washington DC. I’m out of here Love you the old lady

you want to know why i know kia is wrong. because i grew up in the hood and woods where the wood rats after we feed them grew as large as rabbits. They got the idea from my book the wood Rats dragging their long tales behind them. I have a story called beware cheating don’t get you no where. and in this story They owned and manage the JazzEwalker boutique. they sell cloths different items that you might want to look cool in. But they sell more shoes than anything. you have to freeze the screen to catch all these details.
you see the red car with all the little rodents traveling in the road my idea in my story calling all mice enie meanie miney and moe got in troubl and their friend T-Kake the mouse sent out a destress signal that signal was calling all mice.I also have a story called Double Trouble in that story it tells their color.In the same story it talks about them very shoes you see on their feet.In the story Education it talks about the mini van the wood rats are driving.In my story you read about Moe the wood rat went to New york on a business trip and fell in bad company and end up moving in someone elses Brown Paper board box.In my story some cool dudes enie meanie Miney and moe received a credit card in the mail they bought a car together what a mess some could drive and some couldn’ was a lynchburgh cooptaville.
It was nothing like the top car which is a Blow Fly the crazy eights own that. eight monkies with the worse one was Two Tone black and white to the top and polka dot to bottom he had a pack on his back which everyone thought was a back pack wrong again it was a battery charger.In the story the best old ice in town.they sing.The story the boombox it just like that i had in the seventies the boombox is my idea. I describe everthing in my book. about everthing and and everybody.I have a story called the Hood it’ because I lived in the hood Poochie mama is the grey girl rat standing by the boutique with the purse came from the story Double the story the hood the wood rats had on their hooded jackets jogging suis they had on their tennis shoes they had black sunglasses in this story.
also.on the back of the book you will see it talks about my god children their names Lottie and dottie that’s where they got the idea from for the the twins.This is a free story for anyone who reads this. The title of my story is a town called stichesOnce upon a time in a place called stiches, some very strange things was going on on Troubleton street.There was a big argument brewing: the strange thing about this argument however, that it wasn’t among people it was all happening in a sewing box.The argument was between the thimble and the needle. The thimble was mad because the needle made a mistake and poked him in the side.The thimble all of a sudden started hollering,getout!getout!
and take your cousins straight pins and afety pins with you.All you do anyway is hang out and stick people.So the needle straight pins and safety pins packed their bags and moved out of the sewing box.They left The thread , thimble tape measure buttons and the rest of their friends behind.soon word got out all over town of stiches that the needles, straight pins, and safety pins were useless.So the needles straight pins and safety pins packed up and moved out of the town of stiches.The next day disasterous things started to happen to the people in the town of stiches. for instance seams started bursting blouses started ripping zippers started unzipping but the worse of all the queen was having a ball and there were no needles straight pins nor safety pins anywhere what was queen to do?
The thimble came up with an idea, he decided he would hire his friend Cora the Porcupine. What a disaster that turned out to be, because every time the queen touched cora pocupine she pricked her fingers.The idea was so disasters until the queen was on the verge of telling the thimble to leave town. The town of stiches was comming apart at the seams, and thats because there was no needles and pins.I desire needles and pins!scesmed the queen When the queen finish yelling and screaming the thimible new he had to do something, and he had to do it quick. The thimble wnt around inquiring about the needle and pens. somebody told the needle that the needles and pins had moved to atown called cushions. When he arrived he wasn’t met by a welcoming committee As a matter of fact, it was just the opposite.
The pins and needles made it very clear to the thimble that they didn’t want to talk to him. The thimble knew if he could’t get the pins and needles to come back to the town of Stiches,he would be finished.Then the thimbl said to the needles if you want me to i’ll beg. See said the thimble. I’m down on one knee, please come home, I’m sorry for hurting your feeling. The stimble started to cry, and when he did that,The needles said that’s enough of that mushy stuff how about we get this show on the road? The next day all the needles and pins they left the town of Cousins and move back to the hometown of stiches rips stopped tearing hems of dresses stop falling out sams stopped busting zippers stop unzipping,and the queen had her gown at last.
Now the thimble had learned his lesson he learned that he couldn’t do without the needles and pins.The thinble also learned that the needles straight pins and safety pins could live just find without without him.From that moment on the thimble treated the needles and pins with respect,and they all became old and rusty and one day they were all thrown away,to make room for new ones.But the swing box lived on. copyrighted in washington DC A town call STICHES. This is also the book that kia stole they haven’t stole it yet but I’m waiting on them to snatch and grab. compliments of the old lady that’s me. copyrighted 1999

My name is girlfriend and have I got a story for you. Kia stole my idea Ihad it copyrighted in Washington DC I wrote a book Title The Wood Rats Dragging Their Long Tales not Tails. That mean my wood rats have no tails/ And they are huge you never seen a hamster that big. I can’t believe you copied almost the whole story about Enie, Meanie, Miney and Moe yes that’s their names. They are not gangsters they sang songs like Nearer my God To Thee. They are mine I slept in a bed with wood rats crawling all over me. Falling all out the lot.
KIA you got to be better than you doing. I’m getting up in age,my health is failing.In the book if you look in the book you will see eveything you see in the video. What that tell you? That mean it was copied. It was mine before those cars was born. And it’s still mine. Kia you made billions. i know you a big comany, and I’m just Little David and you’re Goliath all I have is a sling shot. The scienery comes from my book not you it’s called the hood. everybody that bought a book know who they are everybody knows but you.
When i started complaining in may you kept running it you ignored me. I’ m black and I’m not into color. i don’t hate you Kia but I hate you stole my work. It took me five years to write that book. From page 11 to page 139 you copied. Hardly anything you showed was your own idea. I didn’t go to school but guess what? i was born with it. god gave it to me and you can’t take it away. I’m the one you should be the one you’re dealing with cause you can be back on top at any time. i like to entertain. When I was going to school they didn;t have computers,at the black schools.Your no talent ad agency even copied my twins off th back of my book Lottie and Dottie’s birthday party.
They are real they are my god children Their names was changed so when i get famous they will be protected.all the rodents going down the road on wheels the wheels are not mine but the idea came from calling all mice.I have a van to it’s just not red. You copied so bad until copied the some of same colors. I was a best seller on various cites. I was on Tv in your viewing area and you gone say you never heard of me.I had two booksigning at barnes and Nobles my fans came out in the storm to support me. I was in varios news paper. I was on channel wtvm nine news at 12 in Colunbus Ga,descussing my book. I was also own channel 38 Rise and shine in Columbus georgia okay never heard of me other people have.
I wanted to picket but i never went to jail to old for jail and tatoos. People had started to reconize in walmart. I don’t understand we have supported kia for avery long time. I never you would harm me.and gets what I almost can walk to your store I’m black I’m use to walking, I’m use to people stealing from. I stole my mother and she beat all the taste of out of me. Sh’s dead now but I’m proud to have had her for my mom. enie Meanie Miney Moe and their characters are so sweet you betrayed wrong. I’m sorry you didn’t get to know them the way I did.
Kia you stole my copyright an that’s not fare. After 31 years of honest hard work I’m stuck in the givernment apartment with a bunch of crack heads eveywhere. I need a home in a nic area. and something to help me until I die. The said thing is we are in the same viewin area. SAD
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