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Toll free phone number: 212-258-8000MTV ( is a subsidiary of Viacom International, Inc. and is a music, television and video entertainment company with worldwide viewer ship. In 2014 the advertising revenues for MTV were reported as US 504 million.
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The first music video was aired on August 1, 1981. In May 2015 Forbes listed MTV as #99 on worlds Most Valuable Brands List. Social media is the best way to contact MTV and you may do so on Facebook and Twitter.
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Top MTV Complaints
Browse more than 52 reviews submitted so far
Why do y'all keep playing the same 80's videos? I know that there are a lot more 80's videos than what y'all are showing. Aren't they supposed to change every month? What is going on?

I think it absolutely RIDICULOUS that you play RIDICULOUSNESS every night after a certain time. That show is not worth playing as often as you do. Mix it up a little, I never even have to guess if it's on. I know it is.

Amber needs to stop talking about herself and her problems when no one asked or cares

Orribile programs

Nessa needs to be fired! What she pulled on Janelle Was total bs and you all know it! I don’t always agree with Jenelle but her post was 100 percent spot on! Nessa had no right to pull what she pulled! You need to think things through or this show WILL sink! Fire Jenelle! I understand but Nessa was way out of line! This is America and Nessa “man” is a loser! I’m pissed! She needs to go! Screw pc! This was total bs mtv let this slide! Get Jenelle some help! She is not ok! Get your priorities straight and show us how you are concerned about what’s right! Nessa is a B! I have lost all respect for that stupid gigantic! She made herself look like a tool! Makes me sick!! I’m very disappointed I love this show! She is a pos! #nessaneedstogomtv!

Get Janelle Evans off network already. It's absolutely wrong and disgusting you have this little girl and her ugly psychotic husband represented by your network. What is it going to take for this to happen? I am sure every animal rights group will protest for this exact thing.

Have you fired jenelle Eason yet? I just got off the phone with my provider (direct tv) and they informed me that I can have mtv turned off my tv completely. I will not contribute to animal abusers! Mtv is paying for all these horrible things she does and that monster of a husband of hers. Please stand up for that poor puppy!

I am not very happy with the service of MTV because there's way too many commercials on the mtv app. Can you please try to cut out the commercials on the episodes that gets uploaded after it aired live on TV. It will get more better reviews once the commercials are cut out

Why do you guys still continue to have Jenelle Evans on your show? I hope you guys realize that MTV is enabling their relationship weather he is still being filmed or not. You guys need to fire her. she can only learn from her mistakes if she hits tock bottom.

Hello I am a fan of the show Ridiculousness. Over the years I am becoming more and more offended by the cursing on the show. The F-word is being beeped out. I think there is a platform the hosts are on. Meaning do not teach our youth to speak this way. Be better role models is all I am saying. Personally I do not enjoy the cursing. Rob is 4 years younger than I am. I have heard more cursing in 1 show than I have done in my whole life. Please have fun and clean it up a little at minimum. Thanks...

I tried to watch a movie and gave up. There are literally more commercials than movie. An hour and a half movie in a 3 and a half hour time slot. Yeesh.

Teen mom and catfish is played way too much and there both horrible shows. Also there is way to much commercials its almost 60% commercials and 40% tv when a show comes on its terrible.

Season 3 of tv series scream was set to premiere in march, but it didn't, now mtv don't teel the fans why.I asked on twitter and facebook and they NEVER answer me, and their silence is very disrespectfull.We fans only want to know what is happening with season 3 of scream!

You have ruined teen mom OG you give the new mom's who weren't on teen mom you don't show amber Macy and Caitlyn enough I don't like Bristol our the other one I literally fast forward through their scenes I've watched from the beginning I'm not watching anymore thanks for ruining the show .

Could guys please stop showing so many episodes of Jersey Shore. Instead could you show more episodes of Are you the one and other shows. It's become overpopulated with it. If you take my complaint into consideration that would be great thank you.

The last dirty 30. The challenge show that is airing right now last night watched the show and Shane is so far out of line by throwing a challenge that I don’t think he should be allowed back on to the show ever again. Beside the fact that your overseas people do not belong. Go back to what made the show good. Read the reviews on Twitter

it freezes while streaming shows every 3-5 seconds cant watch it

Watching shows with my daughter and have to see mostly naked women selling phone sex. How can you show family shows and then put those commercials on there?

App won't play sometimes, and when it does, it will have difficulties streaming. But the MOST irritating thing about your app is, EVERY TIME I go into Amazon to watch something on your app, you make me re-sign in to my provider and re-activate it! That is a real pain in the butt!!! I have to turn on my computer, sign into my wave broadband account, and then put in the activation code and activate it before you will unlock the episodes! In today's world, one would think that once you have signed in and activated, you would only have to do it one time. How thoroughly annoying! I have nothing wrong with my firestick, streaming of Amazon shows and movies, You Tube runs fine, my computer speed is fine, and I have no problems with my wave broadband account, I know, because I have spent hours with all three trying to fix this issue. Only thing left is you!

Mtv was just in New Orleans two months ago filming Are u the One episode... Where they take couples on a ghost hunt in New Orleans... You had Dave, Deborah and Steve Blaze from The Veil on there helping MTV crew for two days help film the episode... They gave up there time and money being there to help u all... And you didn't even put them in the episode that aired... Your crew told them check out this episode .. We love you guys.. Great job... Didn't even put them on... All they wanted was to get mentioned didn't even agree to be paid.... Kind of dirty MTV.... When will MTV do people right??.... You don't even play rock videos anymore... No videos of up and coming bands... And u call yourself Music Television.... It's all Reality Shows...... Please play music again and treat people you deal with right in the future...

Why aren't contestants kicked off The Challenge for racial slurs?

Why do you allow Farrah to mentally abuse her mother on the show? Her mom has received so much abuse and doesn't deserve to be abused the way she is. This show was about surviving teen pregnancy not how to abuse your mother.I grew up a terrible childhood but I would still never treat my mother that way. It truly breaks my heart. If Debra wants to be treated with love my family would love to have her.

The series teen mom should get Farrah off the show. Her total disrespect & rudeness toward her mother is so inappropriate & not showing young girls the appropriate way to treat their mothers. I feel sorry for Farrahs daughter as well. Her daughter even told her she is rude, & Farrah told her daughter that she is not. Even that young child sees it.

I can't believe MTV keeps televising this train wreck Farrah and her family. It's very clear that something is very wrong with their family dynamics and watching them turn that innocent child into being just like them. These people are truly unstable and it hurts to watch Farrah's decline week after week. She needs help, why are you not concerned with her mental stability. Is money that important to you? That show will be done at some point and you will be finished with Farrah. After that, I believe it will be you fault for helping her to become this fragile mental monster.

Well fifth harmony worked their butts off in work from home and they are up for best collab? Work from home has been killing it internationally. At least nominate them for best music video. I haven't heard half the songs nominated for that category. Fifth harmony's fan base is increasing and this could lead to harmonizers disliking mtv and their judgment. Maybe next time you should take relevant songs instead of awful, irrelevant songs. Sorry mtv but this is a major L. Guess your not worth it. Pun intended.

"Conclusion: White Rappers Must Be Stopped." That's how you ended an article today. I am hispanic, so I am not exactly biased on the issue. However, this isn't the first article I've read from you like this. Please STOP trying to drive a wedge between black and white people. And don't tell all the skillful musicians out there to stop using their talents because of the color of their skin. That's not what I want from MTV. Make a new company for all of your radical political views please.

I watched show call as a splitsvilla in show there is a task want to do each participants task is like a boy dip is full body in honey and stand up rub his body to another girl. That girl deep her body in corn and another guy collect as maximum as corn from his mouth and put it in a glass. In this show I watch that a boy said that a girl when rub her body in corn she look like "usako mata aayi ho" how can that boy say like this. As I am Hindu I am not tolerate kind of mistake. Please stop your show or punish that boy. Otherwise I will take legal action against him.

MTV has really taken things way too far. They are playing a part in rallying up African Americans all because a cop was defending himself from the attacker who was reaching for a gun in his pocket. I will no long be watching MTV and have already informed many people of the situation, they also will no longer be watching MTV. I plan on informing many more people of the situation.

Dear MTV headquarters. It has come to my attention that this show called, Ridiculousness has began to be a concern of mine. As a 8 figure entrepreneur, I am asking you'll to replace it with a reality show of my own, free of charge, of course. As we know reality shows are at a all time high and will ensure MTV's future. If you'll care to work with myself, which shouldn't be taken for granted, then my assistance number. I've actually wrote this myself because it was a personal concern. Thank you but no thank you.

Every time I go to watch a show on the MTV app I see things about politics. Its normal to see people informing others, but when you go and insult people, with your one sided, that pay cable JUST to watch certain channels that include MTV you need to calm down. You have shows I do not agree with and yet you want someone to take this. If I didn't watch 3 shows from here I'd seriously never watch MTV again. That's rude on your part so shame on you.

Teen mom sucks! you have a female named alexa rae thomas that has violated a custody agreement and is in contempt of court. She is withholding my daughter from me on my parenting days. This is called parental kidnapping. Someone like this should not be on teen mom or mtv! she is a friend of tyler and catelynn. They are bad people and everything on tv is fake. Get the real facts. you guys are wasting the viewers time by recording these phonies!

I have watched every series, of Teen Mom and loved it! However, I am finding this series increasingly difficult to view. I have two comments/complaints that I feel need addressing. These are, in part, ethical dilemmas that I feel need attention. The first is Farrah's emotional abuse of her daughter. The second relates to Gary, the father of Amber's daughter.
Regarding Farrah and Sophia I wonder about the production team's witnessing Farrah, her Mother and Sophia's incredibly dysfunctional relationships. Where do MTV draw the line as observers, who don't interfere when this child is caught in the crossfire of Farrah's emotional instability? The exchange of information and focus on 'Daddy Derek's death' is so uncomfortable to watch. When I hear a child repeating "I wanna Die. I wanna die ..... etc" I am afraid of the damage being caused to such a young girl on TV. In this series we also witness Sophia parroting the same abusive behaviour as her Mother, towards her Grandmother. I could write pages on this but this is a brief synopsis of my main issues.
Regarding Gary. Has anyone pointed out to him that Amber is not the only addicted parent that their child has. Unless I have missed some key information, he is clearly a compulsive over-eater who is overwhelmed by his own addictive behavior and ensuing 'bad behavior'. I feel that the focus on Amber 's imprisonment and drug use is scapegoating and that Gary's outrageous passive anger is ignored. This must have a terrible effect on their young daughter who trusts her father without question, whilst he feeds her lie after lie about her Mother.
I appreciate that the complaint about Farrah as a mother is easy to see, but Gary's dysfunction is no less. What is MTV's responsibility in both cases? Secondly, will anything be done to lessen the children's distress?

MTV canceled all of my favorite shows and keeps making new ones that don't go on. it's very upsetting first "happyland" then "eye candy" and now "finding carter" are you kidding me? these were all great shows if this keeps happening I will just stop watching any MTV shows completely since they don't know how to continue them.

MTV what are you doing??? Farrah Abraham should not be on this show anymore. I have been watching the original girls since the beginning. I have watched them all grow up. After watching the show last night I just can't stand seeing Farrah on tv anymore. She is a horrible person. All of the other girls have great things going on. I love watching them all grow up. Then it's Farrah's turn on tv and it's all about fighting with her parents. It's abuse really. Her poor daughter runs out of the room to cover her ears and tells the producer she hates hearing her grandma cry. MTV stop promoting this monster, do not bring her back for another season.
She goes to her therapist and complains about her mother when really she is the root of the problem. Farrah is just a nasty person. I hate watching her on tv. The yelling and fighting that goes on. Her poor daughter is watching this take place. She has starting acting out because of it. Maci, Amber and Catelynn are the stars of the show. I watch for them. I want to get up and take out the trash when Farrah comes on. She has no business being on this show anymore. All she does is cause problems and I really hate the way she treats people, especially her own parents. Like I said it is abuse. MTV stop promoting abuse. Please do not renew her contract for another season.

Seriously I love Teen Mom. But Farrah really what is she teaching anyone? To be disrespectful to parents, that it's ok to let her daughter be disrespectful to her elders, that shes number one? Come on now MTV it's about time someone gives her a reality check since this is reality TV right! She would be a nobody just another teen mom trying to make it, if it wasn't for MTV making her and that's the truth! I myself was a teen mom and NEVER would have treated my parents nor have ever allowed my children to disrespect my parents the way she does. I put myself through college and have 3 degrees and 2 awesome loving kids to show for it.
What has Farrah done or shown to these teens that doing porn is acceptable, that crying and stomping your feet is a way to get your way, being hateful to everyone is the way to show appreciation for the ones who stood by you. Nope not in real life!
No parent is perfect but the way she does hers is the lowest of lows, truthfully I feel more for her mom now than anything! Way to hit someone when they are down Farrah, just shows shes a weak, selfish, human being. Yall honestly should be ashamed to film such a piece of trash like Farrah Abraham, and it's sad to watch Sophia and know her mother is causing so much harm to her. Farrah has no clue the damage she's doing emotionally to Sophia because she's selfish. How can you not say anything your watching this go on?
I know karma will one day comeback on her so she will know what her mother feels everyday. No one hardly ever watches for her let's be honest it's about the positive ones like Macy, Catelynn and Amber. They are what counts the true meaning of what the shows about. Don't forget your original purpose behind the show, you still have time to fix it.

Today at 9 am est MTV aired the children's movie Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. Both my husband and I were watching the movie with our 5 and 3 year old children. The movie is great and my children were loving it, however I had to change the station multiple times during the commercials because they were scary, violent, bloody and inappropriate for the age of the viewers. It is extremely irresponsible of MTV to be playing these commercials during a movie that is geared toward children. I realize that MTV is typically not an appropriate station for my children, they've actually never watched it, but when you show a well known cartoon movie, it is your responsibility to gear the commercials toward the age of the viewing population.

On letter M of A - Z OF HIP HOP & RnB. It showed the word and spelling of HONKY in the macklemore song THRIFT SHOP yet it is proven racist. Why does mtv condone this racial behaviour?

I was watching south park and on one of the episodes and it said some very inappropriate, racist, offensive, and wreckless language. The show was using words. Then it was using very offensive stereotypes for "comical /educational purposes." This show has been racist and offensive ever since it aired and now it's went entirely too far. If this type of language wouldn't be tolerated in a professional settling then why is it tolerated and aired by MTV.

The number of commercials during the movie wedding crashers was ridiculous. Every 5 minutes of the movies there were 15 commercials. We will never watch a movie on MTV again. So disappointing.

Watching 8 mile Nov. 28, 2015. Every commercial is pop tart peanut butter jelly. I have to say i want to pull my hair out! Do you mean to tell me that MTV has no other sponsors? It was an awful experience.

cI'm extremely upset about a video that was shown tonight around five pm.I had put this channel on because it was playing Christmas songs, it was titled all i want for Christmas. It hadn't been on long when my seven year old son called me in, saying look what I'm watching mom. My stomach turned when i looked at the screen to see a woman with no clothes on the top half bearing a scar from having a breast removed. I found it deeply upsetting as i put this channel on for something cheerful. People that have been through cancer certainly don't want to watch stuff like this. My mom whom has passed now had her breast removed,and to watch that on a xmas channel tonight was terrible,not to mention my 7 and 4 year old viewed it also.Please,please remove videos like this, as i think we need to draw the line when it comes to what people see and don't see about cancer.

Hello MTV. I just wanted to say that I am so disgusted and feel you have gone to far as a company. When I watch the show ridiculouse. I'm not okay with watching videos about people farting or seeing people put their butt on someones face. Remeber you have teenagers who watch MTV, I also feel the the miley commercials were awful and disturbing especially when your mom is in the same room and I'm 21.

As a Caucasian I find your show 'White People' egregiously offensive. It is NOT ok. I am now on a personal campaign to rally anti MTV cool. Next time I am writing a letter to voice my complaint with the CEO of MTV!

Dear MTV, it has recently come to my attention the appalling quality of your censorship within certain music videos. I understand that some words are not for the ears of young children but I as 23 year old think that it is absolutely ridiculous the fact that your would censor a word as harmless as drunk. One video this occurred in was 'Yes, I was drunk' by Twin Atlantic. The word DRUNK is in the title, so besides censoring the word out, the fact that you're showing the song is beyond me seeing as that is the title.

Im very upset with what mtv does at 2pm-5pm you have an episode on tv dating naked. Really. My kid came home and seen two naked people and asked whats that. I dont except that. And please remove the program if possible. Thank you.

I enjoy a lot of the programs on MTV, but as of lately all I ever seem to see is Ridiculousness! I can not stand this show and it is so disappointing every time I browse it is ALWAYS on, for more than half of the day, It is just a worsened version of Tosh.O, Please MTV get some new material, play more reruns of other shows if you have to, like True Life, Teen Mom 2, Documentaries, etc…

I’m a teenager and i’m very disapointed in Mtv! I usually watch Teen Mom with my mother and it disgustes me how young girls are getting pregnant just for fame or other reasons! I believe you should only have a child when your married, and most of all old enough! You should also only have a child if you have the income and your ready to bring a new human into this world. But whats really sad is several teenage girls get pregnant when there not ready for it, and then they go off and have an interview with the producers of Teen Mom! But then again these girls aren’t thinking what is really going to happen with their life and the people’s lives around them.
If you think about it, it’s like the butterfly affect. But anyways I believe they should take Teen Mom off of the television because now days these girls just want 10 minutes of fame and money!

What is the point of having a program called true life when all off it is total crap, its all fake, George Star and Nicole Adamo done a series on True Life’s “I have a digital Drama”. Which was found out later on his facebook status to be all fake, as he stats in a post “TRUE LIFE, was FAKE. If you guys want to see my real ex girlfriend this is her. Ive only had one! – Porn star Kacey Jordan (Courtney Roskop) suicide attempt after breaking up with MTV’s Gstar in Vegas. Porn actress Kacey Jordan was recently suicidal over a break-up with small-time MTV star GStar?” Also stating in another comment, “George GStar – Ya, too bad it was all fake and in real life i like porn chicks who are above 5 feet tall lol!”.

Let me start off by saying I have never seen the show (Mtv’s or the BBC’s version). Actually, I never even heard of the show until a couple of days ago when people on the net started complaining and pointing towards a New York Times article saying the show was so evil that it should be wiped off the face of the Earth. Then people started complaining that companies like Subway are not pulling their ads like Taco Bell did. Let me just say this to all the people complaining about Skins…shut up! Ignore the show. That is the best advice I can give. Ignore it.

I am getting very angry about the shows that kids watch these days. 10 year old kids should not be watching MTV. My child came home one day and turned on the TV. I was surprised because he knows he is suppose to do his homework first. So I just gave him a look until he realized what he is doing wrong. He kept going and went to MTV. Then I lost my cool and asked him, “What are you doing watching MTV!” He explained to me that his classmates were talking about a show on MTV, called Jersey Shore.
Also a show called, 16 and Pregnant. My son is only in 4th grade so I didn’t allow him to watch those shows. They are not appropriate for his age. Then that night he was watching a show called, Degrassi on Teen Nick which my 16 year old watches. I told him no he can’t watch it. That show was also a show that his classmates were talking about. I told him not too watch any TV for the remainder of the night. This wasn’t a punishment but for me to think. What shows are these kids watching. 4th graders should not be watching MTV or Degrassi. If you have ssen the shows you would know what I mean.
I had time to block those channels so he could not watch them. But he told me he wouldn’t watch anything else. i reminded him of Disney Channel and Nickelodeon. He rejected them. I was surprised. He loves Disney Channel. He told me none of his classmates watch those shows and that they think they are for babys. I was shocked. Disney Channel is the best kids channel on TV. Kids in 4th grade should be watching Disney Channel and Nickelodeon. Mostly Disney Channel. That is what is appropriate for their age. I just can’t belive kid’s parents let them watch MTV! MTV is for adults! If any kid should watch it, it should be high schoolers!
My son told me about kids in his school who curse and now I know where it comes from. And the teachers don’t even care if they hear a 4th grader curse! I am ready to pull my son out of this school and put him in a private school because if kids at that school are talking about this stuff then it’s going to inpact my child and I don’t want him ending up as a deliquent! I want to ask you hissing kittys, what shows do your kids watch and how old are they? I think Disney Channel has the best shows for kids. The shows set good examples for them and are entertaining to them. So tell me in a comment. What shows do your kids watch and how old are they?

MTV has really taken things way too far. They are playing a part in rallying up African Americans all because a cop was defending himself from the attacker who was reaching for a gun in his pocket. I will no long be watching MTV and have already informed many people of the situation, they also will no longer be watching MTV. I plan on informing many more people of the situation.

Today at 9 am est MTV aired the children's movie Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. Both my husband and I were watching the movie with our 5 and 3 year old children. The movie is great and my children were loving it, however I had to change the station multiple times during the commercials because they were scary, violent, bloody and inappropriate for the age of the viewers. It is extremely irresponsible of MTV to be playing these commercials during a movie that is geared toward children. I realize that MTV is typically not an appropriate station for my children, they've actually never watched it, but when you show a well known cartoon movie, it is your responsibility to gear the commercials toward the age of the viewing population.

I enjoy a lot of the programs on MTV, but as of lately all I ever seem to see is Ridiculousness! I can not stand this show and it is so disappointing every time I browse it is ALWAYS on, for more than half of the day, It is just a worsened version of Tosh.O, Please MTV get some new material, play more reruns of other shows if you have to, like True Life, Teen Mom 2, Documentaries, etc…

What is the point of having a program called true life when all off it is total crap, its all fake, George Star and Nicole Adamo done a series on True Life’s “I have a digital Drama”. Which was found out later on his facebook status to be all fake, as he stats in a post “TRUE LIFE, was FAKE. If you guys want to see my real ex girlfriend this is her. Ive only had one! – Porn star Kacey Jordan (Courtney Roskop) suicide attempt after breaking up with MTV’s Gstar in Vegas. Porn actress Kacey Jordan was recently suicidal over a break-up with small-time MTV star GStar?” Also stating in another comment, “George GStar – Ya, too bad it was all fake and in real life i like porn chicks who are above 5 feet tall lol!”.

Well fifth harmony worked their butts off in work from home and they are up for best collab? Work from home has been killing it internationally. At least nominate them for best music video. I haven't heard half the songs nominated for that category. Fifth harmony's fan base is increasing and this could lead to harmonizers disliking mtv and their judgment. Maybe next time you should take relevant songs instead of awful, irrelevant songs. Sorry mtv but this is a major L. Guess your not worth it. Pun intended.

I watched show call as a splitsvilla in show there is a task want to do each participants task is like a boy dip is full body in honey and stand up rub his body to another girl. That girl deep her body in corn and another guy collect as maximum as corn from his mouth and put it in a glass. In this show I watch that a boy said that a girl when rub her body in corn she look like "usako mata aayi ho" how can that boy say like this. As I am Hindu I am not tolerate kind of mistake. Please stop your show or punish that boy. Otherwise I will take legal action against him.

Dear MTV headquarters. It has come to my attention that this show called, Ridiculousness has began to be a concern of mine. As a 8 figure entrepreneur, I am asking you'll to replace it with a reality show of my own, free of charge, of course. As we know reality shows are at a all time high and will ensure MTV's future. If you'll care to work with myself, which shouldn't be taken for granted, then my assistance number. I've actually wrote this myself because it was a personal concern. Thank you but no thank you.

Why do y'all keep playing the same 80's videos? I know that there are a lot more 80's videos than what y'all are showing. Aren't they supposed to change every month? What is going on?

I think it absolutely RIDICULOUS that you play RIDICULOUSNESS every night after a certain time. That show is not worth playing as often as you do. Mix it up a little, I never even have to guess if it's on. I know it is.

Amber needs to stop talking about herself and her problems when no one asked or cares

Orribile programs

Nessa needs to be fired! What she pulled on Janelle Was total bs and you all know it! I don’t always agree with Jenelle but her post was 100 percent spot on! Nessa had no right to pull what she pulled! You need to think things through or this show WILL sink! Fire Jenelle! I understand but Nessa was way out of line! This is America and Nessa “man” is a loser! I’m pissed! She needs to go! Screw pc! This was total bs mtv let this slide! Get Jenelle some help! She is not ok! Get your priorities straight and show us how you are concerned about what’s right! Nessa is a B! I have lost all respect for that stupid gigantic! She made herself look like a tool! Makes me sick!! I’m very disappointed I love this show! She is a pos! #nessaneedstogomtv!

Get Janelle Evans off network already. It's absolutely wrong and disgusting you have this little girl and her ugly psychotic husband represented by your network. What is it going to take for this to happen? I am sure every animal rights group will protest for this exact thing.

Have you fired jenelle Eason yet? I just got off the phone with my provider (direct tv) and they informed me that I can have mtv turned off my tv completely. I will not contribute to animal abusers! Mtv is paying for all these horrible things she does and that monster of a husband of hers. Please stand up for that poor puppy!

I am not very happy with the service of MTV because there's way too many commercials on the mtv app. Can you please try to cut out the commercials on the episodes that gets uploaded after it aired live on TV. It will get more better reviews once the commercials are cut out

Why do you guys still continue to have Jenelle Evans on your show? I hope you guys realize that MTV is enabling their relationship weather he is still being filmed or not. You guys need to fire her. she can only learn from her mistakes if she hits tock bottom.

Hello I am a fan of the show Ridiculousness. Over the years I am becoming more and more offended by the cursing on the show. The F-word is being beeped out. I think there is a platform the hosts are on. Meaning do not teach our youth to speak this way. Be better role models is all I am saying. Personally I do not enjoy the cursing. Rob is 4 years younger than I am. I have heard more cursing in 1 show than I have done in my whole life. Please have fun and clean it up a little at minimum. Thanks...

I tried to watch a movie and gave up. There are literally more commercials than movie. An hour and a half movie in a 3 and a half hour time slot. Yeesh.

Teen mom and catfish is played way too much and there both horrible shows. Also there is way to much commercials its almost 60% commercials and 40% tv when a show comes on its terrible.

Season 3 of tv series scream was set to premiere in march, but it didn't, now mtv don't teel the fans why.I asked on twitter and facebook and they NEVER answer me, and their silence is very disrespectfull.We fans only want to know what is happening with season 3 of scream!

You have ruined teen mom OG you give the new mom's who weren't on teen mom you don't show amber Macy and Caitlyn enough I don't like Bristol our the other one I literally fast forward through their scenes I've watched from the beginning I'm not watching anymore thanks for ruining the show .

Could guys please stop showing so many episodes of Jersey Shore. Instead could you show more episodes of Are you the one and other shows. It's become overpopulated with it. If you take my complaint into consideration that would be great thank you.

The last dirty 30. The challenge show that is airing right now last night watched the show and Shane is so far out of line by throwing a challenge that I don’t think he should be allowed back on to the show ever again. Beside the fact that your overseas people do not belong. Go back to what made the show good. Read the reviews on Twitter

it freezes while streaming shows every 3-5 seconds cant watch it

Watching shows with my daughter and have to see mostly naked women selling phone sex. How can you show family shows and then put those commercials on there?

App won't play sometimes, and when it does, it will have difficulties streaming. But the MOST irritating thing about your app is, EVERY TIME I go into Amazon to watch something on your app, you make me re-sign in to my provider and re-activate it! That is a real pain in the butt!!! I have to turn on my computer, sign into my wave broadband account, and then put in the activation code and activate it before you will unlock the episodes! In today's world, one would think that once you have signed in and activated, you would only have to do it one time. How thoroughly annoying! I have nothing wrong with my firestick, streaming of Amazon shows and movies, You Tube runs fine, my computer speed is fine, and I have no problems with my wave broadband account, I know, because I have spent hours with all three trying to fix this issue. Only thing left is you!

Mtv was just in New Orleans two months ago filming Are u the One episode... Where they take couples on a ghost hunt in New Orleans... You had Dave, Deborah and Steve Blaze from The Veil on there helping MTV crew for two days help film the episode... They gave up there time and money being there to help u all... And you didn't even put them in the episode that aired... Your crew told them check out this episode .. We love you guys.. Great job... Didn't even put them on... All they wanted was to get mentioned didn't even agree to be paid.... Kind of dirty MTV.... When will MTV do people right??.... You don't even play rock videos anymore... No videos of up and coming bands... And u call yourself Music Television.... It's all Reality Shows...... Please play music again and treat people you deal with right in the future...

Why aren't contestants kicked off The Challenge for racial slurs?

Why do you allow Farrah to mentally abuse her mother on the show? Her mom has received so much abuse and doesn't deserve to be abused the way she is. This show was about surviving teen pregnancy not how to abuse your mother.I grew up a terrible childhood but I would still never treat my mother that way. It truly breaks my heart. If Debra wants to be treated with love my family would love to have her.

The series teen mom should get Farrah off the show. Her total disrespect & rudeness toward her mother is so inappropriate & not showing young girls the appropriate way to treat their mothers. I feel sorry for Farrahs daughter as well. Her daughter even told her she is rude, & Farrah told her daughter that she is not. Even that young child sees it.

I can't believe MTV keeps televising this train wreck Farrah and her family. It's very clear that something is very wrong with their family dynamics and watching them turn that innocent child into being just like them. These people are truly unstable and it hurts to watch Farrah's decline week after week. She needs help, why are you not concerned with her mental stability. Is money that important to you? That show will be done at some point and you will be finished with Farrah. After that, I believe it will be you fault for helping her to become this fragile mental monster.

"Conclusion: White Rappers Must Be Stopped." That's how you ended an article today. I am hispanic, so I am not exactly biased on the issue. However, this isn't the first article I've read from you like this. Please STOP trying to drive a wedge between black and white people. And don't tell all the skillful musicians out there to stop using their talents because of the color of their skin. That's not what I want from MTV. Make a new company for all of your radical political views please.

Every time I go to watch a show on the MTV app I see things about politics. Its normal to see people informing others, but when you go and insult people, with your one sided, that pay cable JUST to watch certain channels that include MTV you need to calm down. You have shows I do not agree with and yet you want someone to take this. If I didn't watch 3 shows from here I'd seriously never watch MTV again. That's rude on your part so shame on you.

Teen mom sucks! you have a female named alexa rae thomas that has violated a custody agreement and is in contempt of court. She is withholding my daughter from me on my parenting days. This is called parental kidnapping. Someone like this should not be on teen mom or mtv! she is a friend of tyler and catelynn. They are bad people and everything on tv is fake. Get the real facts. you guys are wasting the viewers time by recording these phonies!

I have watched every series, of Teen Mom and loved it! However, I am finding this series increasingly difficult to view. I have two comments/complaints that I feel need addressing. These are, in part, ethical dilemmas that I feel need attention. The first is Farrah's emotional abuse of her daughter. The second relates to Gary, the father of Amber's daughter.
Regarding Farrah and Sophia I wonder about the production team's witnessing Farrah, her Mother and Sophia's incredibly dysfunctional relationships. Where do MTV draw the line as observers, who don't interfere when this child is caught in the crossfire of Farrah's emotional instability? The exchange of information and focus on 'Daddy Derek's death' is so uncomfortable to watch. When I hear a child repeating "I wanna Die. I wanna die ..... etc" I am afraid of the damage being caused to such a young girl on TV. In this series we also witness Sophia parroting the same abusive behaviour as her Mother, towards her Grandmother. I could write pages on this but this is a brief synopsis of my main issues.
Regarding Gary. Has anyone pointed out to him that Amber is not the only addicted parent that their child has. Unless I have missed some key information, he is clearly a compulsive over-eater who is overwhelmed by his own addictive behavior and ensuing 'bad behavior'. I feel that the focus on Amber 's imprisonment and drug use is scapegoating and that Gary's outrageous passive anger is ignored. This must have a terrible effect on their young daughter who trusts her father without question, whilst he feeds her lie after lie about her Mother.
I appreciate that the complaint about Farrah as a mother is easy to see, but Gary's dysfunction is no less. What is MTV's responsibility in both cases? Secondly, will anything be done to lessen the children's distress?

MTV canceled all of my favorite shows and keeps making new ones that don't go on. it's very upsetting first "happyland" then "eye candy" and now "finding carter" are you kidding me? these were all great shows if this keeps happening I will just stop watching any MTV shows completely since they don't know how to continue them.

MTV what are you doing??? Farrah Abraham should not be on this show anymore. I have been watching the original girls since the beginning. I have watched them all grow up. After watching the show last night I just can't stand seeing Farrah on tv anymore. She is a horrible person. All of the other girls have great things going on. I love watching them all grow up. Then it's Farrah's turn on tv and it's all about fighting with her parents. It's abuse really. Her poor daughter runs out of the room to cover her ears and tells the producer she hates hearing her grandma cry. MTV stop promoting this monster, do not bring her back for another season.
She goes to her therapist and complains about her mother when really she is the root of the problem. Farrah is just a nasty person. I hate watching her on tv. The yelling and fighting that goes on. Her poor daughter is watching this take place. She has starting acting out because of it. Maci, Amber and Catelynn are the stars of the show. I watch for them. I want to get up and take out the trash when Farrah comes on. She has no business being on this show anymore. All she does is cause problems and I really hate the way she treats people, especially her own parents. Like I said it is abuse. MTV stop promoting abuse. Please do not renew her contract for another season.

Seriously I love Teen Mom. But Farrah really what is she teaching anyone? To be disrespectful to parents, that it's ok to let her daughter be disrespectful to her elders, that shes number one? Come on now MTV it's about time someone gives her a reality check since this is reality TV right! She would be a nobody just another teen mom trying to make it, if it wasn't for MTV making her and that's the truth! I myself was a teen mom and NEVER would have treated my parents nor have ever allowed my children to disrespect my parents the way she does. I put myself through college and have 3 degrees and 2 awesome loving kids to show for it.
What has Farrah done or shown to these teens that doing porn is acceptable, that crying and stomping your feet is a way to get your way, being hateful to everyone is the way to show appreciation for the ones who stood by you. Nope not in real life!
No parent is perfect but the way she does hers is the lowest of lows, truthfully I feel more for her mom now than anything! Way to hit someone when they are down Farrah, just shows shes a weak, selfish, human being. Yall honestly should be ashamed to film such a piece of trash like Farrah Abraham, and it's sad to watch Sophia and know her mother is causing so much harm to her. Farrah has no clue the damage she's doing emotionally to Sophia because she's selfish. How can you not say anything your watching this go on?
I know karma will one day comeback on her so she will know what her mother feels everyday. No one hardly ever watches for her let's be honest it's about the positive ones like Macy, Catelynn and Amber. They are what counts the true meaning of what the shows about. Don't forget your original purpose behind the show, you still have time to fix it.

On letter M of A - Z OF HIP HOP & RnB. It showed the word and spelling of HONKY in the macklemore song THRIFT SHOP yet it is proven racist. Why does mtv condone this racial behaviour?

I was watching south park and on one of the episodes and it said some very inappropriate, racist, offensive, and wreckless language. The show was using words. Then it was using very offensive stereotypes for "comical /educational purposes." This show has been racist and offensive ever since it aired and now it's went entirely too far. If this type of language wouldn't be tolerated in a professional settling then why is it tolerated and aired by MTV.

The number of commercials during the movie wedding crashers was ridiculous. Every 5 minutes of the movies there were 15 commercials. We will never watch a movie on MTV again. So disappointing.

Watching 8 mile Nov. 28, 2015. Every commercial is pop tart peanut butter jelly. I have to say i want to pull my hair out! Do you mean to tell me that MTV has no other sponsors? It was an awful experience.

cI'm extremely upset about a video that was shown tonight around five pm.I had put this channel on because it was playing Christmas songs, it was titled all i want for Christmas. It hadn't been on long when my seven year old son called me in, saying look what I'm watching mom. My stomach turned when i looked at the screen to see a woman with no clothes on the top half bearing a scar from having a breast removed. I found it deeply upsetting as i put this channel on for something cheerful. People that have been through cancer certainly don't want to watch stuff like this. My mom whom has passed now had her breast removed,and to watch that on a xmas channel tonight was terrible,not to mention my 7 and 4 year old viewed it also.Please,please remove videos like this, as i think we need to draw the line when it comes to what people see and don't see about cancer.

Hello MTV. I just wanted to say that I am so disgusted and feel you have gone to far as a company. When I watch the show ridiculouse. I'm not okay with watching videos about people farting or seeing people put their butt on someones face. Remeber you have teenagers who watch MTV, I also feel the the miley commercials were awful and disturbing especially when your mom is in the same room and I'm 21.

As a Caucasian I find your show 'White People' egregiously offensive. It is NOT ok. I am now on a personal campaign to rally anti MTV cool. Next time I am writing a letter to voice my complaint with the CEO of MTV!

Dear MTV, it has recently come to my attention the appalling quality of your censorship within certain music videos. I understand that some words are not for the ears of young children but I as 23 year old think that it is absolutely ridiculous the fact that your would censor a word as harmless as drunk. One video this occurred in was 'Yes, I was drunk' by Twin Atlantic. The word DRUNK is in the title, so besides censoring the word out, the fact that you're showing the song is beyond me seeing as that is the title.

Im very upset with what mtv does at 2pm-5pm you have an episode on tv dating naked. Really. My kid came home and seen two naked people and asked whats that. I dont except that. And please remove the program if possible. Thank you.

Let me start off by saying I have never seen the show (Mtv’s or the BBC’s version). Actually, I never even heard of the show until a couple of days ago when people on the net started complaining and pointing towards a New York Times article saying the show was so evil that it should be wiped off the face of the Earth. Then people started complaining that companies like Subway are not pulling their ads like Taco Bell did. Let me just say this to all the people complaining about Skins…shut up! Ignore the show. That is the best advice I can give. Ignore it.
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