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Top NBC Complaints
Browse more than 192 reviews submitted so far
Why did u cut the show ..the voice tonight at 1052 & put ordinary Joe on
I did not get to see the end..first night with Ariana grande!

Stop interrupting America's got talent.
I can watch the results of the caucuses on the regular news. Very disruptive!

i have been watching days of our lives for years
I want to know why is ok for a black lady in episode s56 e119 to talk about white people in a disrespectful way. if that was a white person talking about blacks the show would be cancelled..funny how shoe on the other foot doesnt matter..writers what is wrong with you..or is the writer black..comment on show old white lady..and this town had to many white a disregard to whites and is racist

Don’t get me wrong, I totally love Jimmy Fallon, very talented man. But, I watched him to be entertained, if I wanted to hear nonstop Trump bashing I’d watch CNN. Just as I watched football for the game! They aren’t getting paid millions of dollars to display protests while at work. I’d get fired. Now, I honestly watch NBC 17 1/2 hours a day. But, I’m done! I will not watch Fallon again & if this BS starts to appear on the Today Show I will boycott NBC completely. The media needs to know when enough is enough & we DO have a choice!

NBC minnesota just can’t resist having weather scrolling across the bottom 1/3 of the screen and breaking into tv shows EVERY night during prime time whether there is bad weather or not. Tonight again they are the only channel with weather reports going because some small town on the Canadian border has a tornado watch. Not even a warning just a watch. It’s ridiculous. I hate this channel.

I used to truly enjoy all the Chicago shows I.e Chicago Meds, Chicago Fire and Chicago PD. Now they have added a narration doing certain portions of each show. It is so irritating. It disrupts the entire program. Why are you doing this? It has made me loss interest in the shows

I have been watching NBC TV programs on my computer for quite some time & last week was doing so when all of a sudden the sound went out & it has not returned a week later. No problems with sound on other networks. What is the deal. Sent NBC a msg. when it happened & it still has not been resolved.

I watch Late Night with Seth Meyers regularly in the UK through Sky tv on channel 505 in the UK. Although it is stil titled Late Night with Seth Meyes on the channel you actually show the Jimmy Fallon show. This has changed in the last 8 days. Could I have your comments please.
Dave Valle

Showed to broadcast motocross at 1am on the 21st recorded it and turned out to be a car race. If nbcs is not going to cover the race then let some other channel take it. I ride and would rather watch MX than some car race. Now I will not be able to watch my friends race the second moto. Thanks for nothing

Lately I've noticed the smurky comments made about our president. One sided news reporting and it's sad and makes nbc look like its picking sides. I'm training myself not to turn to nbc for the news before I go to work like other millions that WILL vote again for who you are obviously helping belittle him.

NBC It really SUCKS that THE STEVE HARVEY SHOW was cancelled. I watched that show faithfully everyday. I got a lot of good advice, he was funny and classy that MR HARVEY is a very special person.
Well to bad I won’t be watching nbc now!

Very UPSET customer that you people have CANCELED STEVE HARVEY SHOW & I'm white he's soooo good has made me laugh for many years, I am a Senior Citizen. I don't like to down people, but I guess for NBC sake
hope Kelly Clarkson makes it.
But this person will NOT be watching her,don't really care for her. It will be bye bye NBC.!!

I am very very upset that i cant get nbc on my at&t provider. My favorite shows and nascar are on nbc. Why cant the two of you reach an agreement. I know of other people who are upset also. please reach an agreement soon. thank you

Thanks for finally releasing the second episode of AGT. Now an I get my credits? And give the ones I never got in May either. And can I please get the one I never used in April that you took away? Better yet, stop this stupid, prejudicial punishing of people who have neither cable or antennas and just let us watch TV for free like it should be.

Still nothing. No credits. No unlocking the now over a week old second episode of AGT or any other show. Talk about disrespecting others. You people are certainly showing you expertise at that. You don't even bother to try keeping your promises to your customers. Just unlock the episode and give me my credits. It can't possibly be that hard to push a button or two.

I have been asking for my three monthly credits for over a week so that I can watch the two shows I enjoy to no avail. Not only that, but one of the credits I did have and never used, disappeared and also you are very slow to unlock new episodes after a week as you say you do. All in all, it is very shoddy service from NBC and shows disrespect to your viewers who choose not to pay for cable. Shame on you!

For gods sake, get rid of Chris Mathews!!! He obviously has cognitive problems, insultingly interrupts guests, can’t pronounce their last names and now behaves just like Trump, attacking guests as if they are in trial. I hate this show and avoid it most of the time. Now it is forever. You are just the left side version of FOX. Totally useless.

I spoke with one of your young Talent Scouts. I do a stage comedy act. I've ran my Act at 3 venues; at the Ice House in San Diego, the Laugh Factory on the Sunset Strip, and Marty's off Sunset. The shows went very well, but I have a disability that prevents me from traveling; therefore, to adapt I made a short film. Think what you want about my style or budget. It's still the Act, and I'm going back on stage because I'm moving to Los Angeles. Also, I've made a feature film which exists and is waiting for a distributor I want. Proof: I've been offered distribution already, and the very few private reviews the film has have been excellent. I'm not lying, Google me. It took me 3 years to edit. Two actually professional productions which NBC's guy, Sean Mooney, couldn't tell is a professional production. While this dude laughed in my face and accused me of filming it in my living room. It's filmed in a nice little sound room in San Diego. It's made like a film; a script, a sound guy, a 4k video guy, standing right in front of me in the booth. 3 4k cameras. I've known this guy since I was 14, that's why he's talking to me. He was recently hired, and when I talked to him about my first film, he says, "...that shit was horrible." I can provide screenshots of the messages. So what if I've known him since I was in high school. I've won "Best Actor in a Short" at a nice sized festival in Italy for my comedy FILM. Obviously, I'm insulted, because he doesn't know what an "act out" is. It wasn't how I want to be spoken to by any one. I continue to produce and develop relationships with people in the industry. It made me not want to do anything,like ever, for a company that has employees that think it's fine; plus "Harvard's Campy SNL." You don't like it when I mock what your company makes, right? I don't and can't do it the same way he can, drunk onstage at a bar in Austin, TX, but I've done it since I was 11.The disability my budget restraints, but I'm out there producing. This is my ONLY business. Anyhow, it doesn't matter if you tell him I filed this complaint or not, but please let it be addressed in some way. Perhaps, someone can schedule him a training/seminar in communication sensitivity to artists, especially the die-hard passionate ones. Thank you for your time. Peace be with you.

First the signal for your lovely station keeps going in and out with poor quality. Here’s an idea just call the plays and KEEP YOUR PERSONAL OPINIONS TO YOURSELF ANNOUNCERS!!! If I could watch and listen on another channel I would!! I know a lot of other fans would too!! Ridiculous!!

Social Security has taken my tax return for the 4th year and I am being told that I owe them money for a over pay when I really don’t. Everyone I talk to tells me that , they heard this happen to other people. I believe that you all can really help me.

My family and I enjoy watching the Office on Netflix. To find that it has been removed and that your service won’t be available for awhile to watch it on is quite upsetting. The love of this show runs through the extended family where we had trivia games on our family vacation on the beach, have gone to trivia nights, and have had endless banter revolving around the Office. This show has brought lots of laughs when there are so many other shows that are depressing, inappropriate, or downright unwatchable. Please reconsider this unpopular decision that was made and bring joy back to your viewers.

Im watching the NHL game between Boston & Toronto & the picture quality is very poor. It appears it is NOT high definition. Why is the picture quality so poor? Very disappointing.
John Watson

If you want investigations with no redaction's then wheres Hillary's report s and the FISA court warrants Bet you clowns dont want that ! you people are SICK !
TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020

It is hard trying to watch and hear a show with the background music playing TOO loud.We just Finnish watching Blacklist and at the end especially it was,do we listen to the song or the show? It was hard to hear.Surely someone listens to see how it is playing.

Today hosts spoke of democratic race. Despite the fact that Bernie was second and in Emerson poll first he was mentioned in passing. Once again due to the fact that he threatens your finances and because he is Jewish you dismiss him. You did that last time and got trump. Now you are picking Biden or Beto (that's funny really it is ) YOU WILL GET TRUMP AGAIN. I think that it what you want - I mean it really helps your rating views doesn't it . ?
debra Jantsch

Watching the show has started to be insulting to me. I find you play so many commercial breaks, pop back up with the cast for 10 seconds to let them tell you what is going to come up in the next segment, and then break away for more commercials. If I want to watch all these commercials on cars, etc I will go to there web site. When I want information I have turned to you for many years for that. I just wish to say I am done with you, and am going to national news from here on out. Just too much. I know you need to have some breaks, but you have gone too far. I find using the cast to come on for just a few seconds to dangle the carrot of what is going to come next just so you sit through another long, long segment of commercials is a insult to my intelligence. Thank you.

The racist episode on Chicago Med. Making white people out to be always the bad guys. Black people always the victim. So sick of you bringing your liberal views into every episode.

On all programs when music is playing in background very hard to hear the conversation.
This seems to be on all drama programs. Especially Chicago Med, Chicago Fire, Chicago PD,
New Amsterdam, etc.
It is not enjoyable to watch these programs.

Why on earth are you allowing Law & Order to use language that is unacceptable for TV? Using the Lords name in vain in not allowed on regular TV that is for the cable shows and channels I refuse to pay for. I’ve been watching this show for years but can walk away without another thought if this continues. It’s already over the top with all the goofy liberal messages . The old shows are definitely way better.

Your host and some of white guests have often perpetuate a racist attitude on tv about the funding of the Wall. Shame on you, you people are no different than that racist president in the White House. Boycott,Boycott!

We watch NBC Nightly News every evening. Tonight (1/ 23/19) after watching 3 of your stories, I was left feeling like I could cry and wondering where is the humanity. You had 1 story concerning some “Hollywood” person who has sexually assaulted numerous young men, and another story concerning a rapper (drug addict) who is pushing prison reform. You spent at least 10 min. covering these reformed dregs of society. However, on the story of the missing 3 yr. old boy in N.C., you spent less than 1 min. Apparently, you don’t feel this warranted as much of your precious time. You could have given more information that might be helpful in the search, and talked to officers covering the case. Temperatures in N.C. tonight will be below freezing and the young boy was not dressed warmly. He most likely will not survive unless someone has kidnapped him. You could possibly have provided more information that would help locate him. You should be ashamed to call yourself a news organization. All you provide is 15 minutes of bashing the president, followed by stories that depress your watchers, and end with some feel good story. But I bet you’re sleeping well. ($$$$$)

my name is ray hunold i have never been so disgusted with tv media today . your today show is so biased not only that most of the content is useless i can not believe we as the public have to pay to listen to your garbage clean up your act. CBS stinks MSNBC stinks CNN stinks to much of PBS news is garbage. get back to just reporting the news and cut out bs japan news is better some british news is better . who cares what the people on the set think. some of you need to grow up. Ray Hunold

Dear NBC4 January 20 2019
I have a serious problem with an old apartment complex (Princeton Estate) in Temple Hills md that I was living at, they are trying to make me pay for new carpet they said it had a stained and bathroom problems, I had water pouring in from the ceiling the whole time I lived there for 2 1/2 years and the caulking was peeling from cheap labor and charging me for blinds that I did not break but I am being charged for this also, this is the new amount of ($831.78) plus my security deposit of $300.00. I also had a mouse infestation problem where they wanted 2 months rent because I broke my lease but I could not stay there any longer due to the mice issues and my health, but that part has been dropped cause I had so many pictures/evidence where the mice kept climbing on my stove that I had submitted to them as my proof. I just want my security deposit ($300.00) back and not owe them any thing. I just would like your help in resolving this matter. because they would of changed out that cheap carpet and padding out for a new tenant anyway. You can email me if you think you can help . I can email you I have everything on my computer at work this the number of the collection agency (800-779-4894) the fax (727-214-0517)
Tracy Davis

I am absolutely DISGUSTED! As I was watching Supercross tonight with my CHILDREN a commercial comes on for penile dysfunction, using limp, and crooked vegetables to give viewers a vision of what exactly it looks like. SHAME ON YOU!!! I'm absolutely offended by this garbage. I can't event my small children watch television anymore. Absolutely DISGUSTING NBC!!!

no wonder your channel is worthless when you use homer announcers to broadcast a hockey game Buffalo at Washington on 12/21/18. Its discussing and unprofessional!!!!!!!

I will not watch The Voice in the future. The voting on The Voice called for downloading apps, etc. that eliminated those of us who do not know how or use our phones in that way. It was unfair to many older viewers who wanted to vote but not tech savvy as the younger generation who download apps all the time.

Can’t watch Chicago PD or Chicago med anymore can’t understand what they’re saying the music is too loud

I was offended hearing Kelly Clarkson telling a young lady who was going to sing Amazing Grace to make it as "dirty" as she could. That is sick. I like watching the voice, but that was terrible! Somebody please tell her not to do that again.
Charlene Champion

This year's parade coverage SUCKED. They sliced it up and re-arranged parts of it in order to show all the crap Broadway commercials first, then floats with singers, and finally the rest of the parade. SO many commercials, including local commercials. I hope I can find a decent download of the parade somewhere so I can actually watch it the second time around.

I have enjoyed watching Megan Kelly, she is a breathe of fresh air!!!!!!!
NOW, what did she say wrong????????????????????????????????? This POLITICAL CORRECTNESS IS FULL OF BULL. Since when does ANYONE stop before they say a sentence and wonder whether it is going to offend a black person or a LIBERAL????????? You don't and I don't. What is America coming to or where are you trying to drive this country? If there is separation and division in this country it is by people like you that stir it up every day!!!!!!!! STIR<STIR<STIR YOU ARE AT FAULT. I guess you think the American public will keep watching your network? Let's see what happens. Do you think you are too big to be affected? WE WILL SEE!!!!!! What did she say? Black face or white face-- and you think that is RACIST? BLACK-BLACK-BLACK-BLACK-BLACK=BLACK-BLACK-BLACK WHITE-WHITE-WHITE-WHITE-WHITE-WHITE-WHITE Before long we won't be able to breathe and that will be RACIST. Is that what you are aiming for???

I run into people, along with myself who agree that Jennifer Hudson just doesn't fit in with the other judges. She is not natural. she is kind of a put on. It seem like she waits to see just what the other judges are going to do before she votes. We think someone else could better.

WGEM TV Quincy, Il has turned off NBC stations from all Dish Satallite customers so we are unable to watch any NBC broadcasting. We feel this is unfair and I have been in contact with Dish provider and they say that it is WGEM refusing to up the price or negotiate . We feel they should be delt with , with this station.

I pay good money to watch MSNBC with my cable provider Xfinity...over the past two weeks this station has not been available for four full days..I arrive home this evening and once again this station is not available resulting in great disappointment! Is your company going to credit viewers on our cable bill for not being available? I have contacted Xfinity several times and receive the same response, 'MSNBC is at fault'. I trusted your company to provide service of news and I see now that was a mistake! My contract with Xfinity ends next month..You can be assured I will going to another provide and have no intent or desire to pay for's a shame because the losers are the great hosts of most of your shows and they have no idea the scam your company is involved.

I am deeply upset about RISE being cancelled. RISE is one of my favorite shows. In fact, it is one of the few shows that I do watch on NBC. The show has great characters, wonderful actors, a compelling story and fantastic music. You haven't given this show enough time to really catch on. Please reconsider. This show can and will appeal to different demographics if you only give it a chance.

Why???? Can't NBC reporters act with respect and dignity when reporting on Barbara Bush's funeral and keep their freaking political who cares opinions to themselves. You have to use other people's life events to vent your own personal agendas. Shame on all of you.

First, exactly what is "Rate your experience" asking us to rate, our experience with complaining to you, which hasn't happened yet at the point in which you ask it, or your handling of said complaint (see "hasn't happened yet"). Or are you seeking a rating on the programming or corporate decision about which we are here to complain?
Second, I'm VERY tempted to complain, and have been for years and even more so in the last 18 months, about your national news division being one of the most narrow-minded, self-deceived, unprofessional, and destructive-agenda-serving "news" agencies ever to blight a free society. The latter two descriptions because of nauseating habit of reporting far more fake news and anti-American opinion than truthful objective news, in an unmistakable and clear attempt to throw elections - yes, many - and lately to bring down a sitting American president, which is tantamount to TREASON.
Believe it or not, that wasn't a complaint, but merely a description of how you have presented and do present your public image. It's just a reminder of how far off the mark you've drifted, no, purposely steered your corporate ship from the straight and true purpose of any good news service, which is to objectively report (WITHOUT BIAS) all news that should reasonably be important to the market into which the news is delivered. Can anyone there even remember that original definition of 'news service'?
I say "tempted to complain", but will not do so, because 1. your non-political news is quite enjoyable and even mostly accurate, and 2. in the last 18 months or so, you have done a MAGNIFICENT AND COMENDABLE job, all of you, in completely destroying your credibility so thoroughly that those of us who still love truth are encouraged and hopeful that soon no one with a brain will give any of you the time of day, much less time to listen to your self-destructive lies. So PLEASE, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK shooting yourselves in the collective foot, heart, face...
Don't be so offended that you don't read the rest of this, because it gets much nicer, concerning the complaint that I came here to lodge:
Third, I do not hate or even dislike ANYONE who has persuaded himself that they were born gay or even that homosexuality is merely a suitable alternative lifestyle for them. In fact, I have, friends who are gay who know that I care about them. I am a thinking man who lives by God's teachings in 'the handbook for the proper and successful operation of the human race', the Bible. By the way, you have never even experienced the cosmopolous, thoughtful, and compassionate outlook you could have toward humanity, coupled with the desire to make a TRULY positive and uplifting impact upon it, that you will experience when you give up proving the scripture that reads, "professing themselves to be wise, they became fools" [describing those who steer their lives, and lead others, away from God] and jump ship to the side of The One who, with His followers, will triumph at the end of this age anyway. (We've read the end of the Book, and indeed, WE WIN.) Therefore since I get my convictions about homosexuality from God, who considers it a sin, but who also loves its practitioners despite their sin. And He wants to see them delivered out of it, because He knows how it will harm them temporally, and consummately at the end. I don't hate them, because He doesn't. He merely hates the sin, and that is to their benefit. In fact, He understands what any good psychologist worth his pay will tell you about almost all gays and most of the LGBT community, that they are victims of a dysfunctional upbringing, or abuse, or even just one single "crystalizing event" of mistreatment or abuse that 'crystalized' a dysfunctional mental and/or emotional response into their psyche that surfaces as a backlash to the original design of sexuality as set forth by its Creator. It surfaces in the form of homosexuality or dysfunctional sexual-based behaviors. I've heard several of them deny this, some because their self-protection mechanisms have buried it in their subconscious, and others who realize this and reject it. There are others, too, who realize it and are simply disingenuous out of a misguided allegiance to the gay/LGBT mantra to force the straight world to accept and/or approve of them. I've met those in each group and have a great compassion for them all, born of God's Love within me. And once they see this in me, it's easy to become my friend. You are possibly disagreeing with all of this. But wherever you stand on the issue, you must know, if you are truly thinking, enlightened and cognizant people, that forcing gay or LGBT people onto the sensibilities of those less dysfunctional, forgoing the word normal because no one IS, will not work as training in sensitivity to the gay/LGBT community or cause. They, and you, have been trying for decades now, with only the result of impacting the resolve of both sides against each other, like Democrats have done by refusing to compromise across the aisle and blaming it on the Republicans. It just becomes a destructive and hate-filled stand-off, as we were disgusted to see in the recent display of MASSIVE IMMATURITY leading up to the most recent government (Schumer) shutdown.
I should refer specifically to an unfortunate gay man that I could be friends with if we met, because he seems like such a self-made peacock. I saw him serving as an Olympics commentator on your TV network, which is the specific reason I'm writing to you. Because of the reasons given above, the average viewer is not expecting to see, nor was I, the blatantly effeminate homosexual image, complete with overly colorful makeup, fully feminine hairstyle piled up on his male head and Prada-esque couture that Johnny Weir presented. As an Olympics spokesperson, he was thoroughly antithetical, although I would find him an interesting friend for all of these fashion quirks. And those viewers are unwilling to incorporate that unnatural female/male image into their mental 'lexicon' of what makes up natural manhood. And of course, they should not have to, and certainly not be forced to. But that is what your inclusion of him amounts to IF we want to watch the Olympics on NBC. Your ideology is so big on tolerance that I would think that "live and let live" would resonate with you in this matter, but obviously not. Just like the ear-splitting outcry that would erupt if whites established a 'Miss White America Contest', what do you think would happen if the straight citizens of the world constantly and relentlessly forced their straightness upon the LGBT community?
So C'mon good people, think! And listen carefully to this question, If the gay and LGBT lifestyles are so right, so natural, so unassailable, so necessary for everyone to accept, then why do those communities and their advocates, such as you, have to keep forcing and forcing and forcing for decades their square peg into the round hole of society at large that has been able to function so well for so many thousands of years WITHOUT accepting them?
I'm not, nor does anyone NEED to be, against those who've chosen to live an alternative lifestyle (Yes, it's a choice. For they CAN choose to be free of it. The ever-growing proliferation of formerly gay people, mostly Christians, amply proves it). I'm not suggesting that you or anyone should turn against them, I'm merely suggesting, once again, that you practice the tolerance that you preach, and quit carrying the gay/LGBT banner into the battle for an obviously lost cause that can NEVER be won. They should also practice that tolerance. I abhor the violence that some ignorant gay bashers enact upon them, but the VAST majority of straight people are happy to go about their daily affairs and leave the gay/LGBT person near them free to go about theirs. There need be no strife. And I submit to you that the only strife that COMMONLY arises between the two is most usually brought about by the gay/SGBT element. I'm old enough to remember when this strife of forcing their acceptance on society didn't exist in America. There were gays who went about being gay and didn't force it on anyone. And they probably would have asked, "Why should we, it's hard enough being gay as it is," referring to the natural aversion anyone has to something that appears so abnormal (I just mean different) to them. Just being gay was enough. And I submit to you, once more, that it still should be, and can be. Since they will never succeed in turning the red stop sign to green, why don't we all decide to work together to simplify life in our America, and just get off each other's backs. Live and let live. PRACTICE tolerance, don't just preach it.
So please, get out of the alternative lifestyle endorsement business, and for that matter, out of the fake news business, AND the overthrowing the government business. Face the reality that the only reason you're in the latter is to prop up a power-mad bureaucracy of misguided and self-aggrandized little people who feel big when they have control of governmental power and therefore simply CANNOT ENDURE losing it (i.e.- Madonna wanting to blow up the White House, Kathy Griffin's infamous and career-crushing visual aid image, or the completely laughable need for grief dogs on college campuses just because an election didn't go their way). Is it really THAT difficult to understand and apply the common saying, "You can't win them all"? Besides, presidential elections happen every four years. Are they really determined to remain so ill-prepared to face the very common consequence of not winning?
All of this, at it's base is simply a call to return to common sense, common decency, a respectable social order, and yes, a vast improvement in your corporations respectability and reputation.

Thank you for televising the Olympics on NBCS. However, it isn’t necessary for alll the reporters or announcers to keep repeating the moments of North and South Korea. It’s turning into a political statement as a viewer and you need to remain neutral. Plus, it takes away the enjoyment of watching all the competitors. We know the importance of getting along but make this political as you already have.

For the past 2 or 3 weeks, I've been unable to play ANYTHING on your NBC app through Roku. Gets to the opening screen, and nothing happens except for 3 dots moving sideways waiting to connect. All my other channels on Roku work fine, except NBC. Please fix this or let me know what's wrong. I thought switching to streaming shows would be great... and it is, except for your channel.

Megan Kelly she has got to go, Matt Lauer is the Man ! I will not watch the today show ever again until she is gone ! And start respecting our President ! And Hilary Clinton is not news worthy, put her on the far back burner, get some republicans to work there make it a fair news cast.

background music too loud to hear the actors, I have now switched to CC to understand the show.

Why are you so negative. Shame on Rachel on her remarks why doesn't she talk about her being GAY. She looks bitter. Now, Your anchor people reporting Sex scandals be professional and talk about positive news items. We have young people who should not be exposed to sex allegations. all you have and besides 40 years ago why bring it up now and these celebraties have made a name for themselves. They are trash period. This is America and lets be proud of our nation and shame on you for finding negative thoughts are elected President who is doing a great job. You seem to know answers just prove can you do a Presidents schedule lets move on. I am ashamed with your MSNBC disgusting. Brian williams you lied talk about that and your other Night anchor so bad. change your format so people will love to watch you MSNBC.

you have several shows such as big bang theory mom young Sheldon etx that aired on the nov 2nd and they have not been updated to on demand at spectrum cable and they are getting ready to air tonight again 11/9/17.
Thank You
Barbara Boyle

I have been waiting all week for the new law an order. Why are you people broadcasting last weeks episode and the TV guide claims its the new episode? Unbelievable.

Just get so sick of hodia and Kathy lee. Honda’s smacking food and talking about her baby . Kathy lees fake about how good she is and all their drinking. All I can say I think they are just about to much for me . I think you should get rid of them and put Jenna Bush on they she the best today show has ...

I'm sick of all the BS about the President and you can't even call them jokes any more what your doing is hurting our country,you don't like we get that get over it but last night when Seth flipped him off like that dumb ass rapper is that what you guys have come to?If you people want a civil war just start it and lets get it over with because these child like acts that all of you "big wigs rich spoiled brat" seem to know is if I don't get what I want then I will pout have a hissy fit.Middle America is f'n sick of it you can fill your studio with people that feel the same way you do but your ratings prove other.Please just get over it move on you may be laughing in one small part of the country but if you poke your head out of the cloud you might see your the only one laughing

Racism is racism ... how do you condone anyone let alone a series regular verbally assaulting someone with a racial slur on a program that represents you if you would not condone it from all? Michael Che called a white person (regardless of who that person is) a cracker which is a well known racial slur used to describe someone known to be Caucasian. This word is equally offensive, divisive and insights hate among people just as much as the different racial slurs used that NBC would NEVER allow to be tolerated, condoned or perpetuated with their stamp of approval. Racism is racism and tolerating it, supporting it and/or defending it AT ANY POINT OR TOWARD ANY ETHNIC BACKGROUND only breeds hatred and intolerance and strengthens the negativity that is dividing us as citizens of this planet. It is NOT OK and should not go without reprimand. Mr. Che should apologize to all the people who he just gave permission to hate other people for being an ignorant, hate monger, racist and hypocrite. He proved that he is racist and used NBC as his platform to head the way for others to also embrace their hate.
I really hope that NBC will choose to stand up against ALL FORMS of racism.

Your selfish greed has caused us (direct TV) to lose our channel. So sick of this. Your loyal watchers deserve much more respect than this!

I am a fan of NBC programming. I have been watching late night programing for many years. I love jimmy Fallon and was a Seth Meyers watcher until recently. I now watch James Corden on CBS. I think the constant one sided Trump bashing goes way beyond comedy and has become a political agenda of Seth Meyers. Keep in mind half of your viewing audience has this concern as well. Most people I speak with will no longer watch his show. I am pursuing NBC sponsors for this show and expressing our concern and discontinued viewership.

I want to complain that NBC news no longer broadcasts news. Everything is written and broadcast with the belief that we the people cannot determine what the new means or says to us. We do not need you or anyone else to interpret the news. Just give us the news, we will decide what it says. This is why the polls were off. Most conservatives do not trust the New reports/reporters and therefore do not reveal how we feel about Trump or Clinton. You have lost our trust. Most news is really just cheap journalism.

NBC is inciting rioting and digging up baseless complaints on protecting our country. If you don't stop and get in line with supporting our country and President, you will be next on the cleanup list.

Chris Matthews is objectionable as an journalist/interviewer. His constant interruptions are disrupting and destroy the context of the interview. While this may be accepted by younger observers, I can tell you it causes older customers to change channels. The same complaint applies to Rachel Maddox and all their want-a-be's. Rachel Maddox may be the best journalist on the air, her reputation is going down the tube with older viewers.

I have watched Chris for years. But I feel he showed his bias this evening by what I took as comparing our President Elect to Hitler. I ask NBC to report news and not your company's voices speaking as all Americans. Good luck on trying to spin your terrible biased commentary for Ms. Hillary Clinton.

After watching Jimmy Fallon with Bill Maher using profanity and fowl mouthed comments, I'm saying no more. After watching tonight show for 30 years I will not watch the tonight show anymore. The filth coming out of Bill Mahers mouth was to much.

NBC sports evidently has two tracks for sound, one for the broadcast and one for the sounds of music and commercials. During the Olympics, the other sound was so loud you could not hear the commentators. Just listening to the evening news, it is necessary to turn the volume up to hear the news and then when a commercial comes on, it blasts so loud the sound has to be turned down. Ever think the impact this has on those wearing hearing aids. What can be done to correct this distracting issue?

You're bias reporting against Donald Trump is outrageous. Bill Clinton is a sexual offender. He was charged for rape. You never tell anything about Hillary. How about investigating all the murdered people around her. I will not watch your news again.

NBC staff has been on Mr. Trump for everything he does or not do you report only the negative side how about Ms. Clinton with the young ladies that Bill Raped handled abused and so on, Hilary threaten had people scare them so they won't talk then, But now they are willing to talk about what happen then and now. Get off the one sided reporting or we will stop watching NBC. Or do you really care?

Dear NBC - I have been a long time viewer of both, the Today show and the Nightly News. Your biased and manipulating coverage of this election has sickened me beyond belief! It is clear and unfortunate that you have sided (And always have) with the democratic party. You have strategically planned many attacks on Donald Trump. This is not news this is pure sabotage,manipulation and pure biased. You were once a credible and reliable source for a fair and balanced report of a story. You may not care less about one viewer however, rest assure everyone that I come in to contact with will know how I feel about your childish network. I'm disgusted beyond imagination with your news. So, say good bye to a loyal viewer and I will do everything in my power to help your ratings plummet.

I understand billy boy bush was doing his job as he giggled at trumps sexual chatter. However he questioned Kate Winslet about her age in comparison to a male star. Trashy bully boy. Trashy. I am an ardent watcher of NBC today show and evening news. I am very close to switching to CNN.

Lester and Savannah didn't need Kelly Ann Conway to appear on your show because they injected their own statements over her responses. Hate in America is beginning with you. Curtail the anger in your Journalist. They should ask questions and let the guest respond and stop putting their hateful dialogue into the interviews. Signed always watched before 10/10/16, but never again.

DI am disgusted with Billy Bush. I never liked him on the Entertainment show but did not care as I was a loyal viewer of the am and pm NBC news and not watch Access. Now I will not watch Today with Billy Bush as a host. I am revolted by his egging on Trump's sexist and demeaning comments. He is as bad/worse than trump. How will his cohosts work with him? How can he be looked at professionally? He is not the standard NBC should aspire. What happened to people like Willie Geist and Natalie Morales...were they replaced by this loser? You must not care about women's opinions cause they can't stand Bush.

Billy Bush and Donald Trump interview in 2005 was absolutely disgusting, revolting, disrespectful, insulting and there are many more choice words, Mr Bush and Trump would understand, that I will not state. I, as a mature woman, do not accept Mr Bush's apology.
It wasn't that long ago. A normal person would think that Mr Bush, being related to people who have held the highest office in the country, would certainly know better than to engage in vulgar and demeaning conversation with Mr Trump, knowingly being recorded, would've be much smarter than to get himself caught up in this ordeal which has raised it's ugly head to bite him. An upcoming and rising star such as Mr Bush, at that time, should've exercised better judgment.

It usually takes quite a while for s show takes over and I become addicted, not Grim. I can't believe you are dropping this show. As of late, every show I like is being cancelled and this particular show is the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. So many people I know watch this, what's the matter with you people? What's wrong with testing a different time or something like that? I guess it's just better to stop the show and make a large amount of people angry, right?

I have discontinued watching NBC because of your bias. Nothing But Clinton. Lester Holt was a disgrace on the issues. He interrupted Trump 21 times. He asked questions that put Trump on the bias. Did not get into the issues that concern the American Public ie. Hillary's untruth - Benghazi - email issues. This is an example why I and a lot of other Americans discontinued watching NBC. This will eventually reflect your ratings.

I have watched NBC and their biased reporting all day. I can now say it will be the last time. the station never addressed any of Clinton's lies yet tries all day to trash Trump. I have never since CNN seen a more biased reporting ever. With all the lies she has made and they back her I hope you can run and hide after Nov. Might as well be the liberal news network. Sad that this station is more than terrible.

I love NBC for the soul fact that you still have on Grimm on the air, if you cancel Grimm after season 6, i will no longer have a reason to view NBC anymore. Do not cancel Grimm after season 6.. give the viewers at least two more seasons, look at the super natural series on the WB. It was canceled after season 6 and that was a mistake, the network had to bring back the series because of viewer outcry and now it is up to season 12, you cant go wrong with a great series and Grimm being one of those Great series.

Please at least just put it on hiatus after Season 6, so you can put it back into production again easily after many of your freshman shows, esp. Friday nights, inevitably fail. Grimm has a huge, avid and devoted audience that your antiquated ratings systems fail to recognize -- international as well as the U.S. It has passionate fans across the age spectrum, from kids to millennials to boomers. There is nothing else like it on TV --- we don't need more cop/lawyer/reality shows, and the "Oz" inspired series sounds dreadful. PLEASE don't shut down Grimm, at least hold on & see if you'll want/need to bring the whole creative team back for another season!

I am dumbfounded and amazed that NBC would consider canceling Grimm. This show comes on at 9 PM on Friday nights has a wonderful Fanbase great plot lines and adult sci-fi thriller with an enormous amount of room to grow in all characters. The writers have done such an outstanding job with building the characters and the plot lines that it puts the show right up there with supernatural which is going on its 12th year. Please keep this show on for a few more years. You have the fan base to support this show for at least that many. Supernatural also stayed at 22 shows a year not 13.

My complaint is the shortened 6th season of the show Grimm to only 13 episodes and then it's subsequent cancellation. I belong to many Grimm fan groups and fan pages on Facebook for the program Grimm and was shocked that it would not only have a shortened sixth season but then just be gone after that. Many, many of the groups are petitioning other networks such as netflix to scoop it up after NBC has dumped it. I'd like to take this opportunity to speak to the original network that brought it to us (NBC) to quickly change their mind and sign the actors, writers and all those involved in the program to continue the show and have many thankful fans and future NBC watchers.

Football Night in America. Tony D's comment on not standing during the national Anthem is dishonorable. As a US citizen I am not going to watch NBC football anymore.

I am commenting on the presidential debate with Matt Lauer, his worst job as a broadcaster, he is a disgrace with NBC news, and should be fired. I will never watch NBC news, or its programming ever again. He was not fair with Hillary clinton at all. He was to be unbiased which he was not, what a pity.

After many years of watching the today show. I have decided that I will not watch anything that includes Matt Lauer. His disdain for successful women completely disgusts me. Between his treatment of his female coworker to the grilling he gave Hilary Clinton while giving Trump a "pass" was too much for me. You have lost a fan....and I am not the only one. Many of my female friends feel the same.

I have been a dedicated viewer of NBC News, Meet the Press, and MSNBC shows for many years. However, I am so disappointed in all of your coverage of the presidential election. Your one sided coverage of Donald Trump is disgusting. No one on your network holds him accountable for anything. Matt Lauer's performance as moderator on the Commander and Chief Town Hall was a joke and an embarrassment.
Chuck Todd is almost hostile to Hillary Clinton and only covers the E-mail issue over and over but does not bring up half of the Trump Scandals. I watch MTP every Sunday but I am about to stop as I get so angry with Todd's obvious negative views of Hillary Clinton. I watch MTP daily on MSNBC and it is worse. Chuck Todd needs to go. Andrea Mitchell is not much better and seems to be very anti-Hillary as well. What's the deal? As much as I hate to, I guess I will be switching to CNN.

Matt Lauer's performance last night was disgraceful. He treated Hillary Clinton with disdain and gave Mr. Trump a pass on some of the most outrageous lies ever shared by a major party candidate for high office. NBC has been my news source for decades and I have never been so disappointed. My solution is simple. I will never watch anything involving Mr. Lauer ever again. Frankly, the word for his performance is "revolting." This was about as unfair a presentation as I have ever witnessed - except from Fox news (from which we expect anything but fairness). Lester Holt has one chance to redeem NBC or this life-long devotee to NBC is gone forever. The worst part of this - you probably don't care one bit.

I think you have made a very bad decision to cancel Grimm. This is the best show on your network, if not any network.

I am protesting the cancellation of the television show Grimm. Due to the lack of an official announcement ( was buried amidst other announcements) many fans will not even know of the airdate and cancellation move. This show is followed internationally and crosses many generations. I believe the increased usage of streaming devices has adversely impacted ratings causing NBC to think watchers had declined but not so. Many watch on another day other than the Friday time slot they occupy. I hope NBC " hears" their viewing audience, and if not, shops Grimm out to another network.

I, my family and friends who enjoy Grimm are very disappointed that you have decided to can cancel Grimm.

have depression and anxiety and one thing that helps me get out of my funk, is the stories of Grimm. Also my Daughter and Granddaughter, who is 7 and loves Grimm, all watch it together and talk about what we think will happen next! Also around the world there are many fans who love Grimm but have not been counted by your tally, because you are National Broadcasting Company, and I do not think you counted fans.
All you need to do is look on social media. Please do not take away our show. There are many story plots that can go on beyond season 6. We still need to find out about that magical healing stick, that alone is a story line for a season. THEN we need to find out will Nick get back with Adalind? Or has Sean taken her and the children for his own?! And what about Monrosalle? Will they have a Fuchs baud ? Will the resistance win? What about Truble and Eve? And Lycanthrope Wu? That is a great story.
The Black claws will they take over? Or be defeated? Across the globe some fans are still waiting to see! You cannot finish all of this show in one last season! It is not far that CEOs get to end a series when so many of us love it. I am asking for myself, my family and millions of fans, who in the past week have become My extended Grimm Family. Please do not cancel Grimm! Not to mention all the people behind the screen who put together this story, from script writers, to make up artists, lighting crew, special effects, camera crew...actors and stunt people and the list goes on.
These are a lot of people with families who will be out of work...and even jobs in show business can be competitive. This one decision affects millions of people! And honestly, I don't think I will watch anything new from NBC after this!

I would like to see Grimm Continue it is a wonderful family show and it is one of a kind. It is one of the few shows we watch together as a family. we love this show and i would hate to see it replaced my some reality television or something else we may not all like, Please do not end the show I am not interested in seeing this show end for a spin off I would much rather see it continue. I would love to see this show reach it's potential it is much loved and i have been a loyal watcher since day one and even DVR it to watch again later.

I was watching the Deutsche Bank golf tournament on the Golf channel and as usual they switch at 3:00 PM EST to a network. Well they said to switch to NC, but guess what you were showing the Darlington race which I have no interest in. You would think you would provide an alternate, but no! Sounds like days of yore when the football game was interrupted by Heidi. So what is wrong with you guys.

Don't cancel Grimm. It is the best show on TV.

My complaint is that NBC is constantly asked by many viewers to renew Grimm, a show like no other on tv. But instead you decide to cancel it! Why not try a different day or time to see if ratings improve. It is definitely a big mistake.

That you are cancelling Grimm one of the best shows on TV they have so much more storyline and such a big fan base and such awesome actors and actresses we have petitions signed all over Facebook Twitter and so one to save Grimm please you will have so many disappointed fans if you do so please extend it.

What person made the move to cancel Grimm? What's the problem...the "Nobody But Clinton" network finds it offensive?? Listen to the viewers.

I am very upset along with millions of others that you guys would take off the show grimm. It is voted the number one best show. Sad to say because of that i will no longer watch your channel unless brought back on. You bummed my friday night along with bummed me because i can no longer watch my favorite show.

They are canceling a popular show, Grimm. One of the few shows that I watch on a regular basis. I will not be watching NBC after Grimm goes off the air.

Where is Tamron Hall in this Record breaking Olympic's it would have been so nice to see Ms Hall interview to ask important questions that African Americans would have liked to asked if we had a chance. If have not been discriminated against for so long and continues to be maybe this wouldn't have been a big deal but this is the real world and I know Tamron would have asked those questions. Even if you forbid Tamron to be there at least let Al wife Debra do some of those interview's she is very caring and intelligent she would ask those questions but billy boy bush or his cousin Jenna Bush or natalie bush.
We are all American's but it is not a equal experience and if you don't see that, that's your issue not ours. Also if you don't think Simone Manuel is a Big deal and it's not about our hair or any other stupid reasons it's because the Racist history of African American not being allowed to swim in Public pools, Pools being drained. So many stories of how African Americans weren't allowed to swim in Public Pool.
I remember as a teen-ager getting certified as a Lifeguard that was a big deal in the 70's so Im speaking for myself. My family and many more. Why it's a Big Deal we didn't make this problem white America did. When you interview Michael Phelps who did that interview your best Anchor Matt and we want the best who is Tamron not natalie or Jenna or billy. This will be my last comment about this matter I don't have time to build a Website about my complaints but hopefully someone will understand my point if not I will have to change my viewings practice and what Stations I support if I don't see women and men of color.

Thank God billly bush stopped talking so much between him and natalie. You would like it their show once again making it about them and over talking the Olympians. Why are they so rude? Just think if Tamron was there to interview Simone Manuel and Simone Biles. We need to see that Billy bush and natalie can't ask the questions that we want to here. You still have time to send Tamron for all the track and field former Athletics Not little billy and please not over talking natalie.

My complaint is that NBC is constantly asked by many viewers to renew Grimm, a show like no other on tv. But instead you decide to cancel it! Why not try a different day or time to see if ratings improve. It is definitely a big mistake.

It usually takes quite a while for s show takes over and I become addicted, not Grim. I can't believe you are dropping this show. As of late, every show I like is being cancelled and this particular show is the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. So many people I know watch this, what's the matter with you people? What's wrong with testing a different time or something like that? I guess it's just better to stop the show and make a large amount of people angry, right?

I have discontinued watching NBC because of your bias. Nothing But Clinton. Lester Holt was a disgrace on the issues. He interrupted Trump 21 times. He asked questions that put Trump on the bias. Did not get into the issues that concern the American Public ie. Hillary's untruth - Benghazi - email issues. This is an example why I and a lot of other Americans discontinued watching NBC. This will eventually reflect your ratings.

Lester and Savannah didn't need Kelly Ann Conway to appear on your show because they injected their own statements over her responses. Hate in America is beginning with you. Curtail the anger in your Journalist. They should ask questions and let the guest respond and stop putting their hateful dialogue into the interviews. Signed always watched before 10/10/16, but never again.

Your coverage of the Olympics opening ceremonies tonight is by far the worst I have seen in 40 years! Those people in Brazil are working hard to show the world what they have, and you guys keep cutting to commercials every few minutes. You should be ashamed of yourselves. This is NOT responsible journalism and NOT effective broadcasting. Shame on you!

I am a fan of NBC programming. I have been watching late night programing for many years. I love jimmy Fallon and was a Seth Meyers watcher until recently. I now watch James Corden on CBS. I think the constant one sided Trump bashing goes way beyond comedy and has become a political agenda of Seth Meyers. Keep in mind half of your viewing audience has this concern as well. Most people I speak with will no longer watch his show. I am pursuing NBC sponsors for this show and expressing our concern and discontinued viewership.

I am commenting on the presidential debate with Matt Lauer, his worst job as a broadcaster, he is a disgrace with NBC news, and should be fired. I will never watch NBC news, or its programming ever again. He was not fair with Hillary clinton at all. He was to be unbiased which he was not, what a pity.

I can't believe you dropped allegiance, one of your best shows again!

I told my husband that he was wrong about this guy Joe now we are fans of MSNBC. So I watch the program and saw how he acts towards mika plus how she acts like they are married the I went to the websites this guy is a true bigot plus and he shows it. Their affair should be there private business but if you look at the program you can see for yourself. My husband says he to big and powerful for you to do anything with him. We have been looking at MSNBC and watch you get rid of several people meet the press guy contessa cink keith roback but you cannot handle this guy and this romance on tv and she is still married. My husband says that he to big and has a lot of dirt on them with his big mouth he would just tear them to pieces. You cannot handle this bad man.what you gonna do.

I love NBC for the soul fact that you still have on Grimm on the air, if you cancel Grimm after season 6, i will no longer have a reason to view NBC anymore. Do not cancel Grimm after season 6.. give the viewers at least two more seasons, look at the super natural series on the WB. It was canceled after season 6 and that was a mistake, the network had to bring back the series because of viewer outcry and now it is up to season 12, you cant go wrong with a great series and Grimm being one of those Great series.

have depression and anxiety and one thing that helps me get out of my funk, is the stories of Grimm. Also my Daughter and Granddaughter, who is 7 and loves Grimm, all watch it together and talk about what we think will happen next! Also around the world there are many fans who love Grimm but have not been counted by your tally, because you are National Broadcasting Company, and I do not think you counted fans.
All you need to do is look on social media. Please do not take away our show. There are many story plots that can go on beyond season 6. We still need to find out about that magical healing stick, that alone is a story line for a season. THEN we need to find out will Nick get back with Adalind? Or has Sean taken her and the children for his own?! And what about Monrosalle? Will they have a Fuchs baud ? Will the resistance win? What about Truble and Eve? And Lycanthrope Wu? That is a great story.
The Black claws will they take over? Or be defeated? Across the globe some fans are still waiting to see! You cannot finish all of this show in one last season! It is not far that CEOs get to end a series when so many of us love it. I am asking for myself, my family and millions of fans, who in the past week have become My extended Grimm Family. Please do not cancel Grimm! Not to mention all the people behind the screen who put together this story, from script writers, to make up artists, lighting crew, special effects, camera crew...actors and stunt people and the list goes on.
These are a lot of people with families who will be out of work...and even jobs in show business can be competitive. This one decision affects millions of people! And honestly, I don't think I will watch anything new from NBC after this!

Next time NBC hosts the Olympics they should try using more former athletics winners and put in their sport. Not ignorant anchor's who don't know what to ask stupid questions even when they fall short more.

Watching Stanley cup playoffs and whenever you have a hockey or soccer game I cannot see one of the teams scores. I see WSH 0 but cannot see Pittsburghs score Need to make it smaller and get it on the screen . It is ok on NBCSN but not on NBC. Can't believe your station hasn't had other complaints. It's very aggravating. It looks like the following. WSH-0 but Pittsburgh is not on the screen. So all I know is WSH has 0 but I have no clue what the visitors have.

I can't believe the difference between CBS and NBC concerning golf coverage. The Players championship came on TV today at 2pm eastern time. We saw 2 live golf shots between 2:00 and 2:15. Not even close to CBS' coverage. When golf comes on CBS at, say 2pm, you start seeing golf at 2pm. You don't see some analyst or lead announcer talking for 5-10 minutes. NBC needs to look at CBS when the Masters is being played. You might, sorry, you WILL learn something if you want to improve in the sports broadcast business. As of this moment, 2:29pm eastern time, NBC is showing people putting on the putting green and interviewing some other guy. UNBELIEVABLE!

I can't understand why NBC put Savannah Guthrie on the Today show. Her loud horrible voice, and rudeness is just too much. However, after watching the interview with Rand Paul today, (4-8-15) I just had to complain. Savannah is not a reporter anymore, she's an anchor on a morning TV show. I'm sure this complaint will go unnoticed, but I really like the today show and have watched it almost from the beginning. To see their choice for the Today show host is probably one of the reasons Today is not first in ratings.

Wow NBC! Lies, false reporting, not covering the dishonesty of this so called president. Editing of interviews to create a false story of what is true. Tabloid type bull shit. Not true,or no coverage of Obama Care, Fast and furious, Bengazi. Journalism, what is that? Creeps = NBC.

Why did u cut the show ..the voice tonight at 1052 & put ordinary Joe on
I did not get to see the end..first night with Ariana grande!

Stop interrupting America's got talent.
I can watch the results of the caucuses on the regular news. Very disruptive!

i have been watching days of our lives for years
I want to know why is ok for a black lady in episode s56 e119 to talk about white people in a disrespectful way. if that was a white person talking about blacks the show would be cancelled..funny how shoe on the other foot doesnt matter..writers what is wrong with you..or is the writer black..comment on show old white lady..and this town had to many white a disregard to whites and is racist

Don’t get me wrong, I totally love Jimmy Fallon, very talented man. But, I watched him to be entertained, if I wanted to hear nonstop Trump bashing I’d watch CNN. Just as I watched football for the game! They aren’t getting paid millions of dollars to display protests while at work. I’d get fired. Now, I honestly watch NBC 17 1/2 hours a day. But, I’m done! I will not watch Fallon again & if this BS starts to appear on the Today Show I will boycott NBC completely. The media needs to know when enough is enough & we DO have a choice!

NBC minnesota just can’t resist having weather scrolling across the bottom 1/3 of the screen and breaking into tv shows EVERY night during prime time whether there is bad weather or not. Tonight again they are the only channel with weather reports going because some small town on the Canadian border has a tornado watch. Not even a warning just a watch. It’s ridiculous. I hate this channel.

I used to truly enjoy all the Chicago shows I.e Chicago Meds, Chicago Fire and Chicago PD. Now they have added a narration doing certain portions of each show. It is so irritating. It disrupts the entire program. Why are you doing this? It has made me loss interest in the shows

I have been watching NBC TV programs on my computer for quite some time & last week was doing so when all of a sudden the sound went out & it has not returned a week later. No problems with sound on other networks. What is the deal. Sent NBC a msg. when it happened & it still has not been resolved.

I watch Late Night with Seth Meyers regularly in the UK through Sky tv on channel 505 in the UK. Although it is stil titled Late Night with Seth Meyes on the channel you actually show the Jimmy Fallon show. This has changed in the last 8 days. Could I have your comments please.
Dave Valle

Showed to broadcast motocross at 1am on the 21st recorded it and turned out to be a car race. If nbcs is not going to cover the race then let some other channel take it. I ride and would rather watch MX than some car race. Now I will not be able to watch my friends race the second moto. Thanks for nothing

Lately I've noticed the smurky comments made about our president. One sided news reporting and it's sad and makes nbc look like its picking sides. I'm training myself not to turn to nbc for the news before I go to work like other millions that WILL vote again for who you are obviously helping belittle him.

NBC It really SUCKS that THE STEVE HARVEY SHOW was cancelled. I watched that show faithfully everyday. I got a lot of good advice, he was funny and classy that MR HARVEY is a very special person.
Well to bad I won’t be watching nbc now!

Very UPSET customer that you people have CANCELED STEVE HARVEY SHOW & I'm white he's soooo good has made me laugh for many years, I am a Senior Citizen. I don't like to down people, but I guess for NBC sake
hope Kelly Clarkson makes it.
But this person will NOT be watching her,don't really care for her. It will be bye bye NBC.!!

I am very very upset that i cant get nbc on my at&t provider. My favorite shows and nascar are on nbc. Why cant the two of you reach an agreement. I know of other people who are upset also. please reach an agreement soon. thank you

Thanks for finally releasing the second episode of AGT. Now an I get my credits? And give the ones I never got in May either. And can I please get the one I never used in April that you took away? Better yet, stop this stupid, prejudicial punishing of people who have neither cable or antennas and just let us watch TV for free like it should be.

Still nothing. No credits. No unlocking the now over a week old second episode of AGT or any other show. Talk about disrespecting others. You people are certainly showing you expertise at that. You don't even bother to try keeping your promises to your customers. Just unlock the episode and give me my credits. It can't possibly be that hard to push a button or two.

I have been asking for my three monthly credits for over a week so that I can watch the two shows I enjoy to no avail. Not only that, but one of the credits I did have and never used, disappeared and also you are very slow to unlock new episodes after a week as you say you do. All in all, it is very shoddy service from NBC and shows disrespect to your viewers who choose not to pay for cable. Shame on you!

For gods sake, get rid of Chris Mathews!!! He obviously has cognitive problems, insultingly interrupts guests, can’t pronounce their last names and now behaves just like Trump, attacking guests as if they are in trial. I hate this show and avoid it most of the time. Now it is forever. You are just the left side version of FOX. Totally useless.

I spoke with one of your young Talent Scouts. I do a stage comedy act. I've ran my Act at 3 venues; at the Ice House in San Diego, the Laugh Factory on the Sunset Strip, and Marty's off Sunset. The shows went very well, but I have a disability that prevents me from traveling; therefore, to adapt I made a short film. Think what you want about my style or budget. It's still the Act, and I'm going back on stage because I'm moving to Los Angeles. Also, I've made a feature film which exists and is waiting for a distributor I want. Proof: I've been offered distribution already, and the very few private reviews the film has have been excellent. I'm not lying, Google me. It took me 3 years to edit. Two actually professional productions which NBC's guy, Sean Mooney, couldn't tell is a professional production. While this dude laughed in my face and accused me of filming it in my living room. It's filmed in a nice little sound room in San Diego. It's made like a film; a script, a sound guy, a 4k video guy, standing right in front of me in the booth. 3 4k cameras. I've known this guy since I was 14, that's why he's talking to me. He was recently hired, and when I talked to him about my first film, he says, "...that shit was horrible." I can provide screenshots of the messages. So what if I've known him since I was in high school. I've won "Best Actor in a Short" at a nice sized festival in Italy for my comedy FILM. Obviously, I'm insulted, because he doesn't know what an "act out" is. It wasn't how I want to be spoken to by any one. I continue to produce and develop relationships with people in the industry. It made me not want to do anything,like ever, for a company that has employees that think it's fine; plus "Harvard's Campy SNL." You don't like it when I mock what your company makes, right? I don't and can't do it the same way he can, drunk onstage at a bar in Austin, TX, but I've done it since I was 11.The disability my budget restraints, but I'm out there producing. This is my ONLY business. Anyhow, it doesn't matter if you tell him I filed this complaint or not, but please let it be addressed in some way. Perhaps, someone can schedule him a training/seminar in communication sensitivity to artists, especially the die-hard passionate ones. Thank you for your time. Peace be with you.

First the signal for your lovely station keeps going in and out with poor quality. Here’s an idea just call the plays and KEEP YOUR PERSONAL OPINIONS TO YOURSELF ANNOUNCERS!!! If I could watch and listen on another channel I would!! I know a lot of other fans would too!! Ridiculous!!

Social Security has taken my tax return for the 4th year and I am being told that I owe them money for a over pay when I really don’t. Everyone I talk to tells me that , they heard this happen to other people. I believe that you all can really help me.

My family and I enjoy watching the Office on Netflix. To find that it has been removed and that your service won’t be available for awhile to watch it on is quite upsetting. The love of this show runs through the extended family where we had trivia games on our family vacation on the beach, have gone to trivia nights, and have had endless banter revolving around the Office. This show has brought lots of laughs when there are so many other shows that are depressing, inappropriate, or downright unwatchable. Please reconsider this unpopular decision that was made and bring joy back to your viewers.

Im watching the NHL game between Boston & Toronto & the picture quality is very poor. It appears it is NOT high definition. Why is the picture quality so poor? Very disappointing.
John Watson

If you want investigations with no redaction's then wheres Hillary's report s and the FISA court warrants Bet you clowns dont want that ! you people are SICK !
TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020

It is hard trying to watch and hear a show with the background music playing TOO loud.We just Finnish watching Blacklist and at the end especially it was,do we listen to the song or the show? It was hard to hear.Surely someone listens to see how it is playing.

Today hosts spoke of democratic race. Despite the fact that Bernie was second and in Emerson poll first he was mentioned in passing. Once again due to the fact that he threatens your finances and because he is Jewish you dismiss him. You did that last time and got trump. Now you are picking Biden or Beto (that's funny really it is ) YOU WILL GET TRUMP AGAIN. I think that it what you want - I mean it really helps your rating views doesn't it . ?
debra Jantsch

Watching the show has started to be insulting to me. I find you play so many commercial breaks, pop back up with the cast for 10 seconds to let them tell you what is going to come up in the next segment, and then break away for more commercials. If I want to watch all these commercials on cars, etc I will go to there web site. When I want information I have turned to you for many years for that. I just wish to say I am done with you, and am going to national news from here on out. Just too much. I know you need to have some breaks, but you have gone too far. I find using the cast to come on for just a few seconds to dangle the carrot of what is going to come next just so you sit through another long, long segment of commercials is a insult to my intelligence. Thank you.

The racist episode on Chicago Med. Making white people out to be always the bad guys. Black people always the victim. So sick of you bringing your liberal views into every episode.

On all programs when music is playing in background very hard to hear the conversation.
This seems to be on all drama programs. Especially Chicago Med, Chicago Fire, Chicago PD,
New Amsterdam, etc.
It is not enjoyable to watch these programs.

Why on earth are you allowing Law & Order to use language that is unacceptable for TV? Using the Lords name in vain in not allowed on regular TV that is for the cable shows and channels I refuse to pay for. I’ve been watching this show for years but can walk away without another thought if this continues. It’s already over the top with all the goofy liberal messages . The old shows are definitely way better.

Your host and some of white guests have often perpetuate a racist attitude on tv about the funding of the Wall. Shame on you, you people are no different than that racist president in the White House. Boycott,Boycott!

We watch NBC Nightly News every evening. Tonight (1/ 23/19) after watching 3 of your stories, I was left feeling like I could cry and wondering where is the humanity. You had 1 story concerning some “Hollywood” person who has sexually assaulted numerous young men, and another story concerning a rapper (drug addict) who is pushing prison reform. You spent at least 10 min. covering these reformed dregs of society. However, on the story of the missing 3 yr. old boy in N.C., you spent less than 1 min. Apparently, you don’t feel this warranted as much of your precious time. You could have given more information that might be helpful in the search, and talked to officers covering the case. Temperatures in N.C. tonight will be below freezing and the young boy was not dressed warmly. He most likely will not survive unless someone has kidnapped him. You could possibly have provided more information that would help locate him. You should be ashamed to call yourself a news organization. All you provide is 15 minutes of bashing the president, followed by stories that depress your watchers, and end with some feel good story. But I bet you’re sleeping well. ($$$$$)

my name is ray hunold i have never been so disgusted with tv media today . your today show is so biased not only that most of the content is useless i can not believe we as the public have to pay to listen to your garbage clean up your act. CBS stinks MSNBC stinks CNN stinks to much of PBS news is garbage. get back to just reporting the news and cut out bs japan news is better some british news is better . who cares what the people on the set think. some of you need to grow up. Ray Hunold

Dear NBC4 January 20 2019
I have a serious problem with an old apartment complex (Princeton Estate) in Temple Hills md that I was living at, they are trying to make me pay for new carpet they said it had a stained and bathroom problems, I had water pouring in from the ceiling the whole time I lived there for 2 1/2 years and the caulking was peeling from cheap labor and charging me for blinds that I did not break but I am being charged for this also, this is the new amount of ($831.78) plus my security deposit of $300.00. I also had a mouse infestation problem where they wanted 2 months rent because I broke my lease but I could not stay there any longer due to the mice issues and my health, but that part has been dropped cause I had so many pictures/evidence where the mice kept climbing on my stove that I had submitted to them as my proof. I just want my security deposit ($300.00) back and not owe them any thing. I just would like your help in resolving this matter. because they would of changed out that cheap carpet and padding out for a new tenant anyway. You can email me if you think you can help . I can email you I have everything on my computer at work this the number of the collection agency (800-779-4894) the fax (727-214-0517)
Tracy Davis

I am absolutely DISGUSTED! As I was watching Supercross tonight with my CHILDREN a commercial comes on for penile dysfunction, using limp, and crooked vegetables to give viewers a vision of what exactly it looks like. SHAME ON YOU!!! I'm absolutely offended by this garbage. I can't event my small children watch television anymore. Absolutely DISGUSTING NBC!!!
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