Zynga Complaints Continued... (Page 3)
183+ reviews added so far. Upset? Call Zynga corporate: 855-449-9642No Reviews

What will cause you close my account and my Jeeps I have not done anything wrong and forbidden from you mobile phone while you are making payment by paying the Jeep has got the certificate of the mobile operator, Turkcell, jeeps from you again that I do is check my account and the account is active and the chips that you need if you do not give back to the legal rights until the end of the call.

I had 110 million chips disappeare in a two hour window between logging out and logging back in. After contacting customer service via e mail, calling them on the phone, I get a response after three days has passed. The resonce: because we cannot prove this was a hack your chips will not be restored. I then asked: what happened to the chips during that two hour window? That question, though asked repeatedly went ignored and unanswered. Not being a huge conspiritorialist I'd be tempted to think I just got a really bad customer service rep assigned to me. But after googling this subject and finding so many other people this has happened to I decided to dig a bit further. I found a 2009 video of Mark Pincus their founder exclaiming; I needed to raise fing revenue now so I did every horrible thing in the book to do so.
I also found articles describing how he stole ideas from other companies then marketed those companies out of existence. Where there's smoke there's fire. I wonder now if I haven't run into a company culture that seeks to profit by harming others? My incident by itself is nothing, I should just move on and forget about this awful company, but I hate unethical companies. I feel the call of Network: I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore. I have complained to the BBB along with about 1600 others, yet they stll have an A rating? Apperantly they need more complaints? I have also complained to the California Attorney General, this may prove more profitable since theyre not relying on voluntary business membership fees. I'm also going to complain to the FTC. By myself I'm just one guy yelling in the wind. But.....if we all do this together we become an army that cannot be ignored. I encourage the rest of you that this has happened to to follow my path and complain to the same entities.

When I try to enter Zynga Poker a message code ca3 pops-up preventing me from entering the game, they said they sent me an email to fix this, even though I didn't get an email. How to fix this? I have been unable to contact Zynga after countless attempts online. SECURITY ALERT! Zynga Poker previous sent you an email regarding possible unauthorized access to your Facebook and Zynga Poker account. This email was sent to email@email.com. We recommend changing your Facebook password immediately. How to fix this? the other message I keep getting is, "security alert! message resent! please verify your account by carefully following the instructions".
I have followed all the instructions but still am unable to access my Zynga Poker account. The other Zynga poker security alert I keep getting is one noticing unauthorized access to my account, as I am still not sure how people are accessing my account without permission. If someone can help me I would greatly appreciated. security alert! zynga poker noticed a possible unauthorized access to your facebook and zynga poker accounts. we recommend changing your facebook password immediately. click here to continue to the game. message code: ca5

Farmville 2. The thread in their peer to peer support forum is closed. My issue is resolved according to Zynga. http://www.zyngaplayerforums.com/sho...h-not-received. Except it isn't. I purchased an expansion pack on December 18th. When it hadn't shown up by the 21st, I looked at their known issues thread and found it was being dealt with. I went on vacation for two weeks. When I came back it still wasn't available. I figured it wasn't fixed yet. When I reached the level that qualifies me to expand on my own, over a month after purchase, I looked again, only to find the issue "resolved."
Funny, but I still can't get the expansion without paying my Favors and Farm Bucks and then completing an interminable task. The purpose of the expansion purchase is completely defeated. Is there a way to contact Zynga by email about this? No. By support ticket? No. By phone? No. I am simply referred back to the "Help Options" link in circles, which only leads to a peer to peer bulletin board. I am livid. The largest gaming company in the world should not have "limited resources" to the point they are unable to correct an issue involving real cash. Zynga should be embarrassed to carry such abysmal (and well earned) customer satisfaction scores all over the net.
If I were making money hand over fist, I think I'd rectify this ASAP so that I continued making money instead of losing cash paying customers in droves. Apparently, retention rates are inconsequential to this behemoth. There's always another sucker waiting in line.

Dear sir, I would like to complain about losing chips after winning the hand, I was playing in the 20k 40k game and won a hand of 1.8million the chips were then paid to another player saying they won with a flush, there was no flush on the table and my high pair won the hand, extremlely dissapointed with this as I enjoy the game but this is putting me off playing. Thanking you in anticipation of recovering the chips. George Webster.

I play the ninja kingdom from zynga on facebook, they advertised that if i spend more than $20 on Sephora i would get 3,208 jade, i have spend $50, and they didn't give anything and i have try to contact them, but they make it impossible to access their site. What should i do?

I know it is rigged red this "from one of your ex-coworker of zynga. Another issue was skewing gameplay for the sake of profit, example; I actually resorted to bad math, to make the case for making a feature more fun. At the end of one sprint, a QA dude was complaining about the drop rate of a specific item being absurdly insane, and therefore fun. I looked at the code, and tweaked some values, gave it back to QA guy, and fun was restored. Product Manager overrides this, goes for fun, yet more profitable version.
No one strews with engineers who had access to intimate source code. I left Zynga on fair terms and proper handshakes.Zynga is a marketing company, not a game company. As soon as they cash out, Pincus will move on, and people internally will frantically try to keep all those codebases intact (because most of the engineers I know will be gone by the IPO, or when they vest). An instance of a poker table takes up a significant amount of data. Shuffling the deck for millions of poker tables would rape the server.
Instead, have "pre packaged" scenarios... roll them and randomize which scenario comes us. Cheaper. Can also "construct" scenarios, to add some "drama" all in all I was not fired from the company, I quit. I worked at Zynga for 8 months, I can tell you any disgusting detail, before you invest in a sinking ship. I can tell you about Zynga's mangled code base. I can tell you all about Brogrammers. Ask me anything. Seriously.

My Zynga account was suspended. I strongly believe that I didn’t violate the Term of services as stated on the message during my login. Kindly investigate and reinstate my account.

I have been on Farmville for several years and always looked forward to planting, harvesting, etc. my crops. However, for the last few months I cannot even get on Farmville and when I do I can’t even get it to go to a bigger screen because of all the different icons that are on there. Now I can’t even get on Farmville for 2 months. I also tried to delete everything and get off of Farmville and can’t even do that.

Ty for telling me how to protect my acaunt but i what to know what are you going to do about the chips that was stolen,i had 740000000 milion chips and some one take 720000000 chips of them,its supose to be aprotected accaunt,if you know is the person that take my chips then take it away from him and bring it to my acaunt,i think that you shud protect this site becuse peopel are buying chips with real money,i want you to bring me my chips back and to know that i can trust you if i woud like in the fucher to buy chips from you

My poker zynga account has 1580m but I can’t sign in to poker zynga .so how all my 1580m are gone and how come they will suspended my account .i am not fair for suspended .if every time I buy $99 poker chips they suspended then u better suspended all player and why went I buy poker chips service is fast and good went I complaint will reply nothing and very bad service pls reply me and give the good answer pls thanks.

I tried to redeem a prepaid card on Farmville and a message popped up after I entered my number that said Zynga was not redeeming cards at that time to try again. I tried later that afternoon and a message said that my card had already been redeemed and I received no credit for farm cash. I tried to talk to Zynga through live chat, e-mail, or on the phone are futile. This prepay card is a scam.

Hi, my account was suspended and I got a message telling me there was suspicious activity. I’m not a hacker and I always play fair. The day my account was suspended lost a 100M but won it back that same day fair and square. I some times buy chips when I’m low on them but I shouldn’t have to loose all my chip now because I’m playing well and having a bit of luck. I see players with billions of chips so what makes my game play so suspicious. I don’t agree with reseting chips to reactivate account because I haven’t done anything wrong. I would like my reactived without me loosing all my chips.

I purchased farmville starter pack on sale for $10.00. This was over 7 days ago . I paid online with my debit card and i read the statement from my bank online today and it did come out of my account. But all that i paid for did not show . I didnt get any fv bucks or coins or anything it promise me .Either i get the money put back in my account or im hoping to get what i paid for , Please respond asap.

To: Whom It Concern. First of all i like to say or tell you that i enjoy playing farmville, but lately it seems like i have been having some problem where i can’t pick up any trees, it takes me to Free Gift Box, also been having problem picking other items which i have to go back home and click on the items again….other problem is i been doing alot of refresh on my farm when i post more 3 items…..what’s going on,,,,,,please help and fix all this if u can and let me enjoy playing my game and would very much appreciate it……thank you so much

I dont know the reason for being restricted to a zynga casino only, I lost $122 millions chips in one day which I found this suspicious that on all the games that I play that night did not win not even a single one and lost everything, I did not complain them, but now Im buying chips again a lost everything because Im restrricted to zynga poker casino and can not play with differents people anymore, I will like to know why facebook or zynga poker is doing this to me, is not fair.

Hi, I never usually make a complaint about anything, but I am ssssoooo angry! I worked really hard, adding poker buddies & working our way up week ago, I was playing on Facebook & had 2,000000 chips+. Imagine my surprise when I logged in to pay last week – to find I had less than $100,000!!!
I do not share my email address or Passwords with anybody! I am a little distressed to find that this seems to be a big problem with Zynga Poker & nobody ever seems to get an answer from you, let alone a resolution! I play only occasionally but I have never bet so much as to lose so many chips! In fact I’m quite a nervous player that does not have enough confidence to bet large amounts!
Please, Please, Please help! I don’t feel like it is worth playing at the moment especially if someone can so simply & easily have access to my chips! How can this happen? Please respond & help.

I am a regular poker player on your site and I have been left frustrated by a continuous stream of disappearing chips from my account. The first time I noticed it happen I thought I must have made a mistake the second time I noticed missing chips I knew I hadn’t made a mistake but since then I have been keeping very close tabs on stacks total amount and have seen it clearly happen on numerous occasions so I have decided to complain about it. I find it an absolute disgrace as I have paid from my own pocket to obtain my chips that you or whoever feel they have the right to just take them back. Today alone I have lost over 1 million and I estimate about 15 – 20 mill has disappeared from my account for no reason.
Today was the most blatant evidence. I played in a 25k sit n go tournament won it and my chips total was 400k lower than before I started. As a paying customer this has to stop.. I feel I must have so kind of consumer rights and I will be taking this matter further if I do not get any satisfaction from this complaint. I want my chips refunded to me and I want the disappearing chips to stop leaving my account. I hope that this matter can be resolved immediately so I can get back to enjoying the experience of Zynga poker.

i have been having problems with my game not downloading,this has been going on for a long time but continues to get worse.i just had my computer cleaned and and the problem still exisist.tonight it down loaded for the first time in 3 days it lasted aprox. 3 minutes,long enough to accept and help with gifts and then it was gone again.i get the big ! ,or i get facebook not responding and kicked off,theres another one i get cant think of it off hand,anyway this is very frustrating as i would like to continue playing farmville but you are making it impossiable.i have emailed a couple times before over this with no response or the game working any better.thanks for you time and ear.please fix my game.

First of all i find it great that one can play poker via Facebook, thanks for that.
My concern is whether my account has been hacked or not. I believe that something is wrong because every time i win a hand, i only receive 66%
of the chips on my account. I have over the last week checked, and checked every time i win a hand and it happens every time. What can i do?

I have spent the past 24 hrs planting and rewatering the same crop over and over every time Go back in to pick my crops it is back to the watering crops…finally got that rid of and now I have had requested help to clear wood and rocks..got the help..then had to request again and again and again..after each time I get help and go to clear the rocks and wood…now I have run out of friends to ask….why is this frustrating thing happening..especially now, when I have time to play through the holiday…eeerrr!!!

For sor unknow reason when i turned my pc on the fv’s that i had (7) which isnt very many, but the helped out when i am in need to use to help my complete my task, . anyway they just disappeared an it done it when the picture said wither crops i didnt have any crops that withered.
so when i click for the picture to move off of my screen, I really didnt pay much attention to the fv for a couple seconds, when i changed to another location of my crops i had seen my 7 fv wasnt there. For this is the first time that it had done it , for i getting tired of something happening like this. but while i am writing these little signs keep popping up before you harvest your crops .
its very anoying, is there a way the this problem can be fixed, but back to the fv. i would hope you can understand my concern for i know you have been having farmville problems. very understand, but i dont know what to do about the problem is there anyway that i could get my little bitty 7 fv back. i would appreciate so much . i play all the time which i enjoy very much , they are great challenges

i had 9m all gone by a hacker, a message came to me when i was playing poker, from “zynga” to the application of the game it was about briefcase …something like that, i didnt open it ,cause i heard before from a poker buddy that huckers did something similar to him and they tooke all his poker chips .Then a message came to my mail…. without i giving any adress or answer to any weird thing but they left me with nothing, so can you give my chips back…!!!L thing that the security on zynga doesnt work
, many users of zynga had the same probleme and its really annoying to started over again knowing that probably some hacker enter to your mail just like that!i thing you should do something more about security… we play for fun and all these about our privacy …ok not funny.Finaly i believe that hackers sell the chips they get, more cheap …but they make also other players who don’t pay for chips don’t trust anymore zynga poker..

i have been playing farmvile for a ver long time and have spent a lot of real cash on my farms and have bought many gift cards for friends and family, now i have one complant, it has to do with the crops we must plant for the task. every task that has been put out there that ask for you to plant a crop we have been able to plant the “super” of that kind and the task is always completed. now with the pinapple crop “that takes 2 day” is all of a sudden not able to plant the super?????
i would normaly fly a crop and just not think about it to much and enjoy the game, but right now i am currantly out of work for a spell due to some personal reasons and cant afford to buy FV cash in order to fly the crop. so i guess what i am asking is, can you help out a long time player in this matter. i really enjoy the farms and am at level 195 so you know i am a consistant player and you can probably see i do spend money with you. please help me sinserly Richard Simpson

Greetings,i have an account been playing poker since 5yrs i think and also got hacked for 51million at one time,still have the corresspondence with me.2-3 days back after a long long time in hopes that the poker experience must have improved i played and won around 18 mill..then i play on high bets 100k/200k tables keep losing on best cards until one high bet game a smart player/bot/hacker comes n does all in …i have good cards and all have folded in the table in london casino i i remember right,i call and my winning card opens,
great isnt itbut no the guy goes n raises though i have better cards and the river or should i say rigged card becomes his winning card and u lose all my chips.Sadly situation after so many months is still the same,whats the use of spending so much time playing and not to forget burning electricity which also costs money and utilising my internet connection and also paying a good amount for high speeds and then ending up being a sucker???
zynga please pull your socks up and be a good judge please restore my chips and make sure that these players or bots are banned ….i myself have been reporting as much as i can and also receive thank you for your support messages in my inbox in zynga poker …Please Make IT a Pleasant memorable experience not a bitter one.
i play for hours and then when the tournament is almost over suddenly the game starts playing on its own. then i figure out how to get back on then when i win i dont get any chips. i am not a hacker i play fare i believe you guys owe me alot of chips. if you guys dont start giving people back their chips we are going to start disputing with amex. im going to start posting this on my twitter, facebook and other networking outlets. im sure this company makes millions off of people who play the game fairly, now im going to write the bbb. i mean in the old days you would be taken out back and have your fingers crushed with a hammer. thats basically what this company is doing stealing DISGUSTING

To whom it may concern; On the morning of january 10, 2012. I logged in to play zynga poker and I noticed my 59,000,000 chips missing. I have purchased these chips with my paypal account and they were there the night before. When I looked I only had 101 chips! I have been playing this game since august 15, 2010 and never had this happen to me. I do think that zinga poker is the best poker game out there. My paypal record shows that i have purchased about $110.00 dollars since december 7 of 2011! Please take care of this matter as soon as possible by returning my chips, so I could continue playing with all my friends and have fun!…
I have changed all of my passwords as of this day!…Please continue on doing the great job you have been providing us with this kind of entertainment…Sincerely, Wilson Eldiess Grafals…I’m sending proof of my purchases thru paypal!…thank you.

I have won chips at the table and they didn’t get added to my account and I have chatted with Zynga about it and they won’t give me my winnings. They said that thay have taken care of this for me once before in April and won’t do it again. I would like to know why I should keep playing and if I win the chips don’t get added to my acct and why they won’t take care of it. I have had this happen many times and basically I play for nothing. If I were to go to a real casino and win they would give me my winnings. Well not Zynga they rip me and others off everyday. Something needs to be done with this website especially when they sell the zynga cards in store.
How can we shut them down? They don’t play fair!!!!

I had some where around 30,000,000 got up the morning on nov.1 2011 pass word would not work when I finally got it changed I had 1,000,000 that has happen to me three times now I have spent alot if money that is not right never get back one time I got got 15,000,000 an I called every phone #I could an I got them back before that I lost 50,000,000 never did getem back I am very concerned something needs to be done about it I was a regular poker player

Hi I have lost 26mil chips on the 29 of October during the period of 16:00 to 17:00. I have been playing poker at that time and was just logged out and told to log in again. I have had all the necessary security as provided by facebook and still my account got hacked into I had 26,218 mil in account. Most of this chips i bought. I have previously reported that someone is trying to hack into my account and i took the advise from Zynga and yet i still got robbed. I have paid for a service and i am really not satisfied because the quality of this service is not up to standards.
As a company you ask people to play this game and buy chips but you cannot protect them which is bullshit to me. I am not going to stop here with this message if i have to put this message up on every single page i can i will because this is poor customer service you buy chips and get robbed from it. If you cannot provide excellent service then don’t let people buy chips. I think this is not the first complaint you got. What have you done in the process to curb this. I want my chips back.
It took me a hell of a lot of time to collect this amount of chips. I would appreciate this. Also i would like to make a suggestion. When logging on to Zynga please let them have a different code as this will stop the hacking. Or you issue a unique code.

I ve been playing this game for a while now around 3 years, i ve had 260 million hacked,no refund,i ve been to rnd 3 and disconnected and all these little errors,when complain you inform us you will look into to it and after send a email saying you cant see anything so cant refund……you are being unfair and you cant see the peoples accounts you are only guessing remember there might be some chances out there,but i am not one of them, i was spending alot of money a month on chips,but yet no support and say again no support…..the bots on the table are getting more and more everyday…
you only have to look at your complaints on the site and you can see how poor the service is on your behalf,if i had a customer spending 500 pounds plus a month i would do all i can to keep him happy,but yet in your case its not like that why, because you think he is gambling and will buy more chips wrong,i can say its better to buy chips third party this way,you dont get hacked,and i now alot of people buy third party,and yet they are still playing,so much for your term and condition,i think this is the biggest scam going and i am trying to see if there is anything we can do to sort this out…..
every incident i ve logged,some of them we have recorded via video camera to prove and things happens,and when we complain with the proof you still say you cant see, amasing,well if anybody reads this on the net,people try other site,they are fair….

I have been haveing a on going problem with my site. I am suppose to have won with ticket booth, what did I win ?? I don’t have anything. Also I have a problem with sharing with the second popup all it is a big picture of the item that doesn’t go away unless I restart, that is growing thin. I also donated 2 or 3 times to plant Rainbow Chard still can’t plant any it keeps on coming up to donate, how many times do I have to donated to plant?? Still no sound effacts. What with the price of thing FC,FC,for everything the cost of that is going and going up. I read that zynga farmville has lose 4.4 millon people I can see why.
I love the game. I have lost neighbor and can’t get any because of the cost and on going problems,or getting bord of it. It isn’t that much fun with the on going problem not getting fix. Everyone keeps telling me to stop giving you my mooney. Please don’t make this happen.

i have no clue on what happend. i think i was scammed. i played poker last night august 11 at 8 30 pm 2011, i get off of the site the next day august 12 i cant access my poker account. i tried to find a way to contact zynga and there is no way to contact them. if some one is out there to help me im more than willing to listen. i invested over 2 years in this game. i don’t think its fair to bann me from a site with out a email to my account or to my facebook page. i think there should be some type fo action taking upon zynga. i will go as far as i need to go to get my account back from zynga.
With out probable cause to bann my account. i think there should be some type of compromise made between the account holder and zynga. please help!

Yesterday I was trying to buy a flowery fountain and I got 4 charlais cows. Now why would anyone want 4 charlais cows. That was about $80 and then I was trying to move around the stupid farm and the instantly apply went off w/o me clicking a darn thing and took more money. I had just planted. I have played for over 2 years and I have 2 farms and spent lots of money with you but I am done, finito. Your game sucks. I have shut down both farms and I will bash you to anyone who listens. People have quit playing due to all the problems loading and getting around on the stupid farm. I say stick it where the sun doesnt shine.

This is one of many complaints over the past month on losing fv cash. In the past five days I have lost a total of twelve fv cash. When zynga credits me with lost fv cash, I lose the credited amount plus more. Farmville is becoming a very upsetting game to me with the loss of the fv cash and also the syncing problem I have complain numerous times about. This is the only online game that causes trouble for me as I have no probles with Playdom games. Please, please make this a game I can be proud to tell others is one of my favorites. Thanks for listening. Please don’t steal any more of my fv cash I have left.

For the past couple of weeks I have been experiencing a lot of trouble sharing with neighbors, the dialog box too far down for me to hit share and I end up having to refresh after each time I am asked if I want to share, etc. This is quite frustrating. I also am not able to accept gifts from the top of my farm, it does not appear until I log out and the diaolog is never complete. Is this something that is always going to be this way because it is really frustrating. I can not share ANYTHING without having to refresh my farm after each time. This takes up a great deal too much time.

Dear zynga, I Jamie Pittman Has an account with you in the recent past wherein i am a regular user of zynga poker. Day before yesterday while playing poker in a blink of eyes all chips from my account has been gone and the zynga poker account shows zero balance now. Reason I got from your end is abuse report against me which i never did since the inception of playing this game and if so i am damn sure that you have such kind of method where you can easily come to know the truth. I would like to request you to please take a serious note on this complain as not only me my other friends as well family member are playing and enjoying this game since long.
I am fail to understand that without any reason if any body send a abuse report against anybody which would be absolutely fake, should zynga poker blocked the account immediately without any back-check. Hope for the absolute justification from your end as i always believe the policy of zynga will do justice.

on the 1 june i was banned for 1 week when the ban was up i when into my zynga poker account to find that all of my 71/2 million had been taken and i was left with no chips. since then i have started again and got up to 2,392,539 in chips only to find out when my computer when down there was only 205,505 i do not know if i was hacked or did zynga take it so can you find out what as happen to it as this will probbley happen again if not sort it out .i would like to get the chips i have lost back as it was not my fault the chips was taken in the first place.

My name is Julian Lopez. This morning at around 1am (06/18/2011) I received a message saying that my facebook would be deactivated because someone had reported that I was cheating on Zynga Poker. I did no such thing but my account was cleaned out and i lost 11million chips! I had not purchased these chips at all and it took quite a bit of luck to win them. I would really like to have my chips returned to me please!! I did not cheat and it took such a winning streak at get those chips! By the way, on facebook, there are two pages claiming that our accounts will be deactivated. One is called Tacebook and the other is called something else?
I believe it said Facebook Security with a bunch of weird symbols. The credits at the bottom of the page reflected that they were legit facebook security sites but they seemed to be phishing sites. Please return my chips!

It was 30/5/2011 when I last could log in to zynga from my Facebook account with the sum of 455m chips which came because I bought a zynga offer of 216000000 for 125$ suddenly while I am trying to return to the game I could not play and logged in again to Facebook and when I tried to open Texas holdem the message appeared that my account was bannd for unspecefiEd reason. I was choked this is not easy to lose almost half a billion like that, I wrote for the zynga support and till now I sent a reminder daily with no answer. This is not fair and really this is a big fraud and steal. I don’t know what shall I do next but I hope that someone who understand these things will read this. Email: aquama [at] go.com.jo

Dear zynga poker, my name is aaron and would just like to let you know that I was not given my chips in my winning hand, I whent all in with a flush and the chips were awarded to a nother player who only had a pair. This was not fair, I play poker and have for a long time and now a flush losses to a pair I donr think so, I lost 150k. Please e mail me at aaronsig95 [at] gmail.com, I would appreciate an explanation and would hope that you would replace my zynga poker winnings due to the fact that ethet your server messed up or I was haked. Sincerly aaronsig95 [at] gmail.com

I complained to them for 4 solid hours and included the text of the abusers. You did absolutley nothing to them I kept the full room log of there text. I screen shotted there accounts and faces. I thought this game was for relaxing…sex and verbal abuse is disgusting. An on slaughter for 4 solid hours is unacceptable. You need to take ppl complaints serious, or you will have NO poker site ppl are not going to put up with this abuse, of being hacked, and are pc techs, to be told they have not been hacked when when the key logger was filed to you to check it out. You do absolutley nothing for your players. Disgusted!

I was playing on a game and got a notice that the server was disconnected,when I reconnected the $5miliion I had at the table and another $95million was gone from my account.I was left with$600 in the account. Also the account was suspended for violating their TOS. I reported being hacked to zynga -they are sorry the chips are not there-but there is nothing they can do-I can admit wrondoing which I will not do-in order to get back 10% of my bankroll-capped at 1 million. anyone playing can report abuse by another player and you have no recourse for being reported maliciously by bad losers.
I believe it has something to do with the $30million pot I won yesterday-someone was pissed off and reported me. I am seriously upset at the treatment by zynga and will encourage all my FB friends to avoid using their products

It has been two weeks that i have been bateling with my farmville gift boxs i cant send any gifts to my friends and know i get a message that all my gifts has expired. This is not the first time that i have complained about it. On my home farm i loaded some vehicle parts on my tractor and seader and harvester but the area did not get biger when a added the vehcle part. There whas a time when whe could make zyga a part of a bar that make it accedable to all the games i received 10vf coins i kept it in my gift box it disapears out of my farmville gift box with some other gifts.
I am relay very upset i am curently very ill and farmville is my window to the outside wourld i cant go anywhere farmville gave me so much plesure. Farmville wasent very expensive to play and together with the gift problem the cost to play whent up as well. HOPE THIS COMPLAINT WILL BE READ AND I WILL BE HELPED

I have submitted a complaint before and am still encountering the same issue with my English farm on farmville. I just harvested Red Curant on my English farm I need two to make a specific good in order to complete a mission. It said I harvested four but none appeared in my pub when it should have. I have been dealing with this for some time now and still can’t find a solution. I cant get past the mission and am getting VERY discouraged with this right now. PLEASE contact me and help me with this matter. Thank You!

I have purchased the new sheep with farmville cash that doesnt come easy the blinking poke-a-dot and the camelione sheep they bothe are cool but you cant i breed them and get the same kind atleast they should change colors or blink why r u selling something that we can’t breed and get more. Its not fair we spend money to buy farmville cash to get things we thought would do something else how do i mate a poke-a-dotted sheep that changes color and a camelione sheep that changes color and get some more blinking sheep? If i cant why did you sell them for us to think we can mate them?

Dear zynga poker, I am very disappointed to say that my 45.5 million chips was stolen by a hacker yesterday 1.55am, yesterday i played poker and made 45.5M chips but today when i opened my account my password was changed by the hacker. I opened my account through the reference of my friend and my poker account was left with 0 chips. I was really shocked seeing this and now i request you to please investigate and return my 45.5M chips please Sir do something, and return my chips. Please reply soon. Thanking You, Regards, Vicky Suri.

Last Thursday, 21st April 2011, I purchased 216 M chips thru the account of my friend nani_hipolito [at] yahoo.com (FB account) under my credit card number and was credited at around 11.00 a.m 23rd April 2011. I transferred my chips to my new account mon.marasigan@yahoo.com (FB account) as I stopped using my original account mondizon2004 [at] yahoo.com since I was hacked 156 M last 11th April 2011 (refer to my complaint dated 13th April 2011). Unfortunately, Zynga has been unfair to me.
While I was playing at around 8:30 p.m. (200k/400k blind) on 23rd April, Zynga suspended my account and confiscated my chips amounting to 105.7 M and left only 1.0 M to play. I appeal to your good office to return back my chips. I have purchased around 600 USD worth of chips from zynga in my collegues account for the past 3 weeks and Had been a good client of Zynga. Hope that Zynga will be fair enough to return back my confiscated chips as I have lost my motivation and have decided not to play Zynga poker anymore.
I hope for your consideration on this.
Very Truly Yours,
Ramon Dizon

Please, i really nead your help, for the third time my zynga poker chips are taken. Absolutely there was no reason for that zynga to take all my poker chips for no reason. Before 8 hours i have started again with 940k and now i have again the same mesage that i violeted TOS (Terms of Service). Now you are taking from me 35M chip with no reason, if there is a limit how much in one day man can earn it why someone dont say that ahead of time. I realy nead explanation buth not like thath one who is sending your secretary, because that one dont have any sense. Regards, Zlatko.

hi they, just now 14.04.2011 when i was playing zynga poker in facebook, a message pop up and say my poker account is being banned. i just don’t understand how this issue can happen when i have done nothing wrong. i’m trying very hard to earn that chip and now i cannot play and if i play i need to start all over again. This is not the proper was to banned or to do implement this action for my account so suddenly. If zynga poker team could not solve this issue,its looks like zynga poker games is a fraud and cheat games because it doesn’t have any policies and procedures before banned people facebook poker games without giving any reason.

On the 11th April while I was playing poker a hacker used the name (have entered) into my Facebook friend Jerry Arabelo and asked a favor for a survey of his niece. I was in doubt that he is really my friend as he called me in my first name “ramon” which is not occassion for him. I ignored to open the link having that that my friend’s name is being used only by a hacker. He kept on insisting to help him. I closed my Zynga play and Facebook account and went to internet explorer to try to open the link. There was a failure in opening the link, the system is diverting to yahoo site asking for my e-mail add and password. And when I did it it was diverted to google site.
I ignored and play poker again and I saw that he is offline in the conversation. And then the hacker in same FB friend name insist again to help and open the account and I told him that it wont go through. He then said that he will send the survey in my e-mail and he asked for my e-mail add which I sent to him. I then sign out from the Facebook. The next morning I saw his e-mail in the yahoomail and send the add-on link yahoo.exe. I double click it and close after. I went to work and after coming back in the afternoon, I played poker. I found problem opening my Facebook account in mozilla and internet explorer as it is saying there was problem in opening my account. I then used the google chrome to open it and it was a success.
In the google chrome, I was able to play the zynga poker and after loosing 4 Million chips I closed my zynga poker and went to my Facebook account for my normal communication with my friends. Then I closed the program and went to a mall. Then my friend call me that I was communicating with him in the Facebook while he was playing poker.Having doubt, he called me and I said that ignore and it might be a hacker as same happen to me yesterday. He ignored and when I went home to open my account, I was surprized that there was no problem in opening my account in the internet explorer and when I opened my Facebook Zynga Game, I found that I lost my 156 Million chips totally at that night, 12th April 2011.
I hope that you can track down the hacker and regain back my lost chips (note that I have purched this chip 212 Million from Zynga Pokerchips 1 day ago).
Very trully yours
Ramon Dizon
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