BP Customer Service
Rated 1.72 of 5 Stars
Based on 46 Complaints

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    • 501 Westlake Park Boulevard
    • Houston
    • TX 77079
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I worked for BP gas station in Luxenberg WI for three months. My time there has been horrible. The machines are so outdated, keeps crashing down. When crashes down I call our manager/owner and has told me to figure it out on my own.
When I started in December of 2023 never worked in a gas station before but I have worked in retail. I had 1 training day for 3 hours, and the next night I was all by myself. I had no help, I am a fast learner but I can not learn everything within 3 hours.
The owners friend that works on the weekend was caught stealing lottery winnings. Told manager/owner showed him proof and just said he is allowed to.
95% of the employees do not speak English, and have not nor ever closed correctly which then I get the blame.


I stop at the Bp in Weirton Wv all the time for gas and a few other things and they recently got a new manager and a had 2 new employees as well and now it's a manger and one cashier and any time I stop in there and the manager is working she is always sitting in the back either sleeping or or is at least half asleep, when she comes to wait on me she always looks like I am bothering her. She has never greeted me when I come in there or anything and just seems miserable all the time. I never see her stock or clean but an older gentlemen is up there cleaning when the manager is working and he is not even an employee there so assuming it's someone the manger knows or her boyfriend or something. A lot of times I have gone in and she's in pjs and slippers and sorry but if you are supposed to be the manager you should be professional. I have gone in when the casher is working and she's always doing something whether its cleaning or stocking and greets me and my family every time we come through the door she makes you feel welcome and comfortable and from what we can see is a very hard worker and way more professional than the "manager", and right there is why places can't keep the good employees because I would bet the manger makes more than the cashier here and the cashier does ten times the work the manger does and for awhile we thought she was the manager until we found out that she was not and that's a shame cause she should be she is way more professional and much friendlier than the actual manger!!!! I would swap the roles with those two very quickly bp before that cashier goes elsewhere because I can see a lot of customers going some where else if they have to deal with that manager all the time. Maybe your company can be first to actually reward the hard worker and do away with the grumpy lazy one.


On 12/02/2023 I purchased items and I saw that their was old food in the case. However their wasn't chicken wings. I asked the lady can she make an order of 10 wings. She said 30 min which the cook was back their. They had 6 employees their. So she said 15 mins. She said pay first....I said I'll be right back I pay when I receive the food. I said theirs not chicken wings in the hot case and politely I stated that. Usually you pay after receiving the food. She said okay it will be 15 mins and I paid what I just purchased. I returned 15 mins later and I told the lady thank you 4 times. She ignored me.. I told the male clerk I ordered chicken wings bc none was in the hot case. He asked the lady and she said I told you to pay first. I replied you told me come back in 15 min it will be ready then she walked away. I was in tears bc I felt like that was discrimination. The food wasn't in the case. I ordered and she told me to return to pay for it. I came back says something to the cook in another language then tells me I told you to pay for it first..


the guy working at 17th and grant in bettendorf was rude and insulting ,it must be hard to get good help if he is working there,will NEVER go back and will spread the word


BP station in Harmony NC was about the filthiest gas station I have ever encountered . The proprietor was a non caring rude individual. He talked on the phone while waiting on customers and acted like he was doing you a favor. The restrooms were a filthy disgusting mess,very unsanitary. The whole grounds and building were like entering a third world country. I would never stop there again. I think if this was a person's first experience with BP it would also be his or her last! It was really a bad representation of a BP and I think that the proprietor of this dump should be told to clean up or else! We are used to clean well maintained stations,this was a thorough disappointment and should be looked into!


I use the BP Station At the Corners Of Frankstown Rd. & Salfsburg Rd. in Penn Hills Pa. 15235 There is never any paper in the pumps to get a receipt. The pump asks if I want a receipt then tells me I have to go inside to get it! What's the point of paying at the pump. When I complain about the problem I'm told the pumps need work. This station was completely done over not more than 2 years ago. New pumps , new lights the whole deal. The problem is either a manager who won't pay for paper or employees to lazy to put paper in the pumps. I pay my BP bill every month on time I expect to get a receipt when I buy fuel.
Ken Saville


I went too gas station to play a number and was riding with a friend they parked in front of the gas station I had no knowledge or control of were they parked the lady that works third shift went from 0 to 100 very angry at me yelling being loud and very rude for no apparent reason like it was my fault that they parked there .I give that location a -0 I would never go there again in life she has a serious addtude problem


The bp gas station on 5601 w Lincoln hwy in Crown point, Indiana has been without mid grade gas for a long time. it is a bad image business for bp. The proprietor puts faded/worn sticky notes over the 89 - 93 tabs stating OUT. Also the digital readers are off line and difficult to read.


The bp ,7380 beechmont Ave cincinnati,ohio 45230 . The customer service is awful. The woman behind the counter literally rolled her eyes at me as I approached that counter. She rang up my 1 items , and sat there silently and looked at me . She didn't tell me how much it costs she just looked at me . I was confused at first , and eventually looked at the monitor to see the amount I would need to pay . I gave her more than what the item cost AND SHE WOULDN'T GIVE ME MY CHANGE. She immediately shut the drawer and said next , so the person behind me could ring out their items. I am disgusted by how they treat their customers. This is not the firat time I have had a problems at this station . Their gas pumps and card machines are rarely functioning. And their bathrooms are atrocious.


At a bp station located at 2014 rouye 57,hackettstown,nj. At 6:40 am on 4-30-2019. I pulled in asked for $20 of gas. Because i wanted to go to the atm so i can pay cash. And employee named chris refused to start pumping my gas until showed i had the cash. I advised him i was in a hurry to keep an appointment and to please begin pumping. When i reyyrned he had not started pumping the $20. I told him again that i was in a hurry and the $20 could had been done in the time it took for me to use the atm. Chris then snapped at me and noted he is the attendant and i play by his rules. Also then yhreatened to the call the police on me if i said anything else to him. While having yet to begin pumping my $20. He tyrned to a customer that just pulled in and completely disregarded me. He then got the station manager. The station manager came out and pumped my $20 as i explained the issue with chris


Stopped March 12, 2019 @5:29 am for cigarettes. Was double charged $20.83. Have gone back 4 times and can not get manager to refund. BP on Rte 59 in West Chicago, Illinois


BP in sale creek tn. corner of retro hughes and hwy 27. I asked why they dont put security stickers on their pumps and the lady acted like she did not care. I stopped buying gas there and i told the people in my neighborhood to not use a credit card there. This has been going on for a long time. Please say something to these people.


I write to register a serious complaint against Woodside Garage Usk.

At 5.30 p, this evening my wife put diesel fuel in from their Pump 1. The car stopped 30m after she left the garage.

An earlier motorist had the same problem, and had to leave the car in a side court.

After my wife had filled up another lady filled up with diesel, and her car broke down after 25m,

The lady called the AA, who said there was a lot of water in the tank. She was towed home.
Our car was not startable and was towed to a garage,

Another car further away had called Caldicot Services, They were not able to repair the car.

There were 3 of us at the garage and firstly had the attendant stop people using the pumps,
He said a ribbon of red tape was supposed to do just that.
We were not told the owners name, or the name of the person who was completely unhelpful.
However he took payment for everyone for diesel from pump 1.

A local lady told me those pumps had been out of action for months.

For whatever reason, diesel from this station, has caused at least 4 cars to break-down.

It the AA are correct and this is water, these are expensive to repair.
The garage should be liable for these cost.

Photo of the pump after 1 customer had used it, and before we told the attendant to make it clear they were not safe to use.

Please could you resolve this situation (i.e fine the garage for selling a receiving payment for a contaminaged product.
I have the names and phone numbers of 2 other parties to this disgrace.

Please see the image, taken after the pump had been used, but before we told the attendant to "close" it. He was dozzy and most unhelpful. So much for BP. B.Pathetic.


Staff at this location were very rude. They acted as though they didn't have time to wait on me. I would have hoped that at least one out of three employees behind the counter would have been a little attentive.
When I finally approached them, I asked if they had biscuits and gravy (as advertised on there marquee). They informed me that they discontinued serving that at 9:00am (it was 10:00am when I arrived. It was still "breakfast time").

So I picked up two of their "lay all day" pork tenderloin sandwiches and paid $7.95 for two. And it wasn't even very good.

A very bad experience. If I didn't have to gas up our company vehicles at this location, I would never visit their at all.


Your BP gas station at 5625 Buford Hwy, Doraville, Ga. 30340 has five gambling machines that was paying cash to winning patrons. I played for three days, Jan 3,4,5. On Sat. Jan. 5, I won $250.00 and requested to be paid. The owner refused to pay me in cash despite, after me informing him that I saw him pay cash to patrons of color, Latino, and Asian. I am caution race and feel I was discriminated against. There were no signs or notices posted that they did not pay in cash. I called the Doraville Police and filed a formal complaint. The owner was of Mideastern national. I am going to consult an attorney on the bases of discrimination of race. I hope that you will take this complaint seriously and act on it accordingly. Thank you in advance. Regards, Edward Hanft




Sunday, August 5, 2018,app. 9:20pm, caravan of cars returning to St. Louis from 107th annual family reunion, hosted in Washington DC.
Below is a copy of the FB post I sent to family members on the same route. Trailing me were 3 cars.
Traveling I 70 west, 129 miles from Columbus< Ohio., stopped at BP gas station.
Granddaugther got sick in car; stopped at BP to gas up and use restroom.
I should have known when attendant said restroom was on the outside.
Shit ran from the stool, down the floor, all the way to the door; someone used the vanity to shit in because the toilet was full.
Granddaugther threw up outside door from stench!
It was not real old, so apparently restroom had not been cleaned this weekend.
I will never stop at a BP again!
I poked my head in the door and told the attendant, "NO THANKS, its a bit too shitty for us!
Filthy!!! MY daughter had already started the pump so I attended to grand until we could get out of there!
We went down the road to a clean facility to use the restroom and purchase drinks and snacks.

45 minutes down the road another family, I guess thought I was exasperating, stopped at the same BP.
Cousin texted that the attendant was discussing, while laughing, with a guy how the family before him got sick from the restroom and it wasn't his job! I guess they wanted to see for themselves. Oh boy, did they!




Just a short time ago, this Morning, I went to My local BP Station. Which My Family and Myself are/have been very regular Customers, at this Location. As a side note, We drive past 3 competitive Stations, just to go to the nearest BP Station. Normally and up to this Morning, I/We have had fine experiences with Your Company. I am however, Unable to say that for todays Visit. The issue is very simple in the fact that I happen to be paying for My gas, Partially, with change. All of which were in Quarters. $2.50 of the $15.00, of Todays purchase, happen to be in Quarters. Here-in the gentleman at the register told Me Specifically "I have enough change, Do Not come and pay with change again." I was, at the least, very put back at this exchange. Personally, I am an individual with Handicaps and Do have My HP Placard hung and easily seen thru my front windshield. In the State of Massachusetts it is My legal rite, when showing the HP Placard, to have an attendant come and take care of My service needs. That being said, I have Never asked for this assistance. Personally, I Still try to do as much as I can, for Myself and not burden anyone for help. But, having been told to Not come back to Your Companies station, if the case happens to be that coins are to be used for My Purchase, more than Surprised Me, it very well Upset Me on what had, so far, started out being a fairly Good Morning. I'm sorry if this seems petty but, as I said, I was more than surprised at this exchange and truthfully, I will be avoiding that location. I will also have My family avoid that station and if asked My opinion of that property, I will be direct and honest. Thank You to whomever, if Anyone, actually does read this communication, for taking the time to read this.


I visit the store on Bannister Road, Cumming, Ga just about everyday. Today I was freaked out over an employee (woman), this woman was clearly either drunk or high on meth. She was jerking, her eyes were rolling into the back of her head and the people in the line with me turned around and left. I bought a coffee and gum, gave her a 20 and she couldn't figure out how much money I got back. Someone needs to check her out immediately, not only for the safety of your patrons but for her! I've never seen her in the store before today, but clearly this woman is doing some kind of drug!!!! I would like for someone to either call me or respond to my email and let me know she is ok.


The BP gas station on McCartney Rd. In Youngstown Ohio has got to have the slowest gas pumps in all of Ohio. It. Pumps at around one cent per second. I know I was pumping gas for at least 15 minutes . I don,t know why it's always so slow (maybe dirty filters ) but I know if I didn't have a BP credit card it would be the very last gas station I would purchase gas at. Previously I complained about the credit card scanners. It just seems this station is run very poorly.I doubt this complaint will do anything to solve this problem, but I thought I would try.


I was at the BP gas station at the larchmere rd. on the 17th of April. I bought a pack of cigarettes then the attendant asked for my id. I gave him my id drivers.he then ran it though the scanner. I asked what he was doing and he explain that he wanted to see if I was old enough. I am in my 60s. Ifelt that personal information was stolen from me and that this practice should be stopped immediacy. last year in Pennsylvania the same thing happened at a 7 eleven when 2 state troopers witnessed what happened. They immediately took action and seized the machine and closed the store. They told me that my personal data was stolen and to watch if any thing showed on my credit cards or bank statements.


I buy gas in Kentucky 7 days a week and the BP customer rewards card is impossible to register. I've tried 10 times to no avail. My password should be mine not what you all want. I will go back to using speedway as there card was simple to set up. I have bought your gas for the last 6 months but no more. Remember I'm not trying to get a card for fort Knox. Thanks and have a good day!


I went into the garage after filling up with diesel and paid if my goods, The reason I use this station is because it's convenient to my house & they run a loyalty scheme for customers that live on Canvey island. I asked for a new loyalty card as they never had one last time I went as well, and was refused one very rudely by the employee "Venia" she asked for ID even tho I use this station 2 times a week and she has always served me before but I've had lots of problems with her as she refuses to give out the loyalty scene cards, it's as if she is on some kind of scam herself all the other staff are kind and friendly but she is rude to everyone.

What is the point of running a loyalty money off scheme for the residents of Canvey island if your staff member refuses to give them out to you even tho she has them under the counter in front of her !!! It seems to me like it's false advertising to get the public in but the offer is not being honored !!! Please can someone contact me on 07928 228533 as this is not the first incident I've encountered with this lady at this establishment


Yesterday May 9, 2015 I entered my local bp in Durham, NC on holloway st. I said to the attendant good morning, I'd like $30 on pump 3, 89. I swiped my rewards card declined to use the rewards available and proceeded to the pump. To my surprise I could not pump the gas. I re enter the store ask him to turn the pump on, he asks which one number one or three, I say three. I return to the pump again, I can not pump my gas. He finally comes outside and hits 87 thus turning the pump on, to which I respond, I paid for and said 89. He says no you didn't and if want 89 you have to come back and re do your transaction. I know exactly what I said I say it all the time! I tell them the amount and say 89. I have vowed to never use this location again, here's why. The attendants are rude, incompetent and should be properly trained in customer service, they read (I don't think they are actually reading it) the lil terminal for cues on what to do next.

I have been using debit and or credit cards for many years, I don't need them to turn the terminal around and tell me what to do. I've been visiting this particular bp for more than a year and using 89 for at least the last seven months, no matter the amount. How is it you can see me as often as they do and not have recall for what I purchase? The lady where I purchase my hair products from sees me every three months and knows basically what I want, and that's just shampoo and hair color! I love your rewards program, I appreciate the BP brand and the like, however this location has lost a loyal customer and I've told all my clients, customers, friends and neighbors to avoid this location.


You have a problem at goodale and riverside dr location, columbus ohio. 10:45 pm, april 15. Nobody at counter for five minutes, 3 or 4 people in line. He was incoherent...or just woke up, not sure. Not the first time this has happened. Something is very wrong.


Sad to say the station I've been going to for the last 5 years is either promulgating a rip-off or has defective equipment. Today I selected regular gasoline as usual and the pump gave me premium with the resultant increase in cost. I DID NOT SELECT PREMIUM GASOLINE. I NEVER DO!
When I complained to the station owner he said "there is nothing wrong with our pumps, etc." I won't be going back to that station, will look for another in my neighborhood.
I was on the look out for this because I know of three others who have had this experience with this station. It is the Quick Trip Pantry at 16401 W. Greenfield, New Berlin, WI 53151


My wife and 17 year old daughter went to BP on GRAFTON ST. IN WORCESTER MA. . After getting $30 in the tank the Mexican working there asked for the money, my wife gave our debit card. It was declined because her check was a day late in clearing . He proceeded to talk to both of them in a threatening manner and told her to park in a VERY dark corner of the building. He then told her " i dont care how you get the money women you aint leaving till i get 30 dollars from you ". My wife and daughter were scared to death sitting in a pitch black corner and she told him she was gonna walk to the bank down the street to get the money and he AGAIN yelled at her and said " you aint leaving here" I will never go back to a place where the OWNER smokes inside and gambles and his wife gives an attitude if you use any type of change. I want someone from cooperate to call me before i pay my bill with them. WE did file a complaint that night with The police in worcester. I would like a response of some sort, until then i will NOT pay for the gas.


I recently received a gift card for BP. I've used it before and never had any problems. However, Recently, I attempted to use it at the BP on the corner of route 422 and Tibbetswick in Niles, Ohio. I first asked for a balance which I had done before and had no problem with but now all the sudden they couldn't give balances. So I said to run it for $10.00. It was declined.I knew I had money on it so I called the 1800 number on the back and sure enough there was $13.00 left on it. I told them their machine must be down and the guy cop'd an attitude with me and said it was the card. I told him I didn't like his tone and asked to speak to a manager. He insisted HE was the manager. So I drove down to the BP in front of the Eastwood Mall on route 422 and not only were they able to give me a balance but my card worked absolutely fine there. No problems. I drove back up to the other BP and showed the rude clerk my receipts and asked for his name, his managers name, and the corporate office phone number. He refused to give me any information insisting that it was "none of my business". I will never ever use this BP again. As I was walking out he called me a bitch. I'm sorry but if I treated my clients like that, I would be out of a job in a heartbeat. I don't care how "badass" you think you are. There is no reason to be lazy and speak to customers like that. I would like his managers phone number and I'd like an apology from that employee.


Last month Beachem Brothers Electric was charged $613.00 late fee. The check was mailed on August 20, 2012 and their records show it was posted on Monday, August 27, 2012....said charge was due August 26, 2012. Now today when our workers are trying to buy gas the card is denied because the $613.00 put us over our limit. Have written a letter to BP but not response, talked to their customer service but the lady was not helpful. We are a small company and are trying to stay in business in these challenging times. We always make our payments on time and pay more than the minimum amount!


I need to know who I can complain to about an unkept BP station in our city. We have a BP station in South Milwaukee at - 2318 S 10th Ave, South Milwaukee, WI 53172 Phone Number: (414) 764-8010. This station is always a mess and the owners have not taken the time to fix it up. Half the pumps have plastic bags over them and are no good, and half the pumps do not give out receipts so that you have to go inside to get them from the cashier defeating the purpose of paying at the pump and then going, the sign numbers or letters for price on the big sign are broken. It looks like a mess. I though there were laws or specs in place for every owner to maintain their place. Even the inside isnt the greatest. This station has been like this for a LONG time and when i have asked inside I get the run around. These people represent you as a company and should have a clean manageable place. I am a BP card holder but I refuse to go there any longer. How do I go about complaining and to whom so this gets fixed?



I went into our local BP in Stockbridge Michigan to buy a cup of coffee. I asked how old the coffee was the manager told me 5-6 hours old. I ask if we could vet some fresh please. He laughed and said its a gas station.

So I told him I would take my buisnsss else SARS. He got load and said ." Go ahead I don't care" its not the first time I have had an issue with him. But it will be fhd last time. I know longer shop there. And have told all of my friends.


I been to bp service station at Milton opposite McDonald at Brisbane qld. I buy the candy I been to counter to pay the money . I give the money & the guy at service station give my money back & said you are talking on phone & is rude. He is going to call the police for no reason he is saying this is my business and I have the rights I will serve to who or not. This was happen on 12 April 2013. At around 1 am.


I visited the BP garage at 94 Carlise Road, Airdrie (29.08.13); I filled my car and approached the cash machine, it was not working, it was not marked as being out of order. I entered the store and explained to a staff member (Dawn) that machine was not working and I would need to go a working machine as to pay; was rudely advised "switch" I explained that I did not have a switch card and was told " you'll just need to phone someone and there card details as to pay as cannot leave". I was basically a hostage with no options. I. Returned to my car and phoned and received bank details as to present as instructed, I thought it was dangerous to use a mobile in a petrol station but Dawn knows better. I went to re-enter the shop armed with the bank details as demanded and on way in a customer passed me and advised " teller says she thought you would try and make a run for it and rip them off". My scenario was discussed with members of the public- humiliation - nice touch.
I provided the numbes and paid the owing amount as advised that it would have been more acceptable if I had just nipped to the machine at the end of the road as she has me clearly on video and can see my registration which is registered to me. bUt was advised by the charming Dawn in a lovely manor that they are told to do that. NICE


People hanging around store when cashiers suppose to be working that is bad
for busniess that every day same person. this person is a marry man that bad busniess. The store is in Greenville N.C 1930 N. memorial, BP station. I don't like it make me nervous when I see people hanging around like that. please take it. BP is a good company and doesn't need these kinds of complaints, I go there often for my gas and food. Please remedy this immediately.


I was at your BP gas station on route 70 in Cherry Hill near Greentree Road when a person name sharif came up to pump my gas. He was busy talking the phone when I said and quote "Twenty dollars, cash, regular". He goes and starts the pump and attends to another customer. Then when I look back at the it is nearing then passes the$20 mark. I start beeping my horn and by the time he comes over it stops at $28.71. Sharif then tells me I said thirty dollars instead of twenty. When I said twenty and that's what I'm paying he says black people say that and asked if I was a black person. No I'm Caucasian. He was beyond disrespectful. I went to this gas station a few times and this was unacceptable. I had to savage for change in my car to pay him because he was going to write me up. I wanted to speak to his boss but said I had to wait over an hour for him to come. I don't have time for that. He also said never to go back to his bp gas station ever again and I said fine. This happened at9:20am on 1/5/13. I would like someone to contact me at my email address to get this settled. It's beyond me that every time I go to a gas station it's an Indian talking on a phone not paying attention. What if I said 10 dollars and fills up for a $100? Wonder how many people he ripped off?


I bought some coffee here in Clarksville TN at a local BP station and due to the temperature of the coffee and the design of the cup lid, I was burnt down the chest. There are blisters on my chest and much reddening. I would like to be compensated for treatment and other damages as the law requires coffee to be at a specified degree that would not burn a person. I am contacting you to correct the problem of your service stations but I intend to seek legal advice this week as well.


broward county passed a law forcing gas stations to list highest price on signs so customers are not confused by cash only discounted prices BP at 2099 s state rd 7 davie fl. is not abiding by the law they still have cash only prices on signs I am also contacting county so any fines can be acessed to BP

BP should adhere to local laws including this county legislation that forces them to list highest prices on their gas station signs. not sure how or way they get away with this, but they are not following laws and need to change now.


My wife and I are school bus owner operators in TN. and burn $700.00- $800.00 worthof BP fuel every month school is in session. The BP station we use is Cumberland Crossing BP in LaFollette,TN. We were in the station around the middle of the week to get some fuel Only to find out that the diesel pump was leaking fuel. W e went inside to let the attendent know theproblem, however the phone was more important to him. After he hung up with his call he came out and told me that it wasn't a problem. The fuel was puddling on the island!!!! I took some pics with my cell phone and let him know.
Also it took around 15 min. to pump $25.00 worth of fuel!!!! This problem has been brought to the owners attention many times with NO RESULTS!!!!
This station is very easy for us to get in and out of with our school bus and we need to keep using it for our fuel. We just need to have better service and safe service at that. A fuel leak is not safe for us or the town as a whole.
Please e-mail us back to let us know the status of this complaint ASAP. Scott Stalnaker


On 10-31-2012 (Wed.) My wife and I were at the Cumerland Crossing BP in La Follette TN to get a little diesel fuel for her school bus before heading to Knoxville TN. The first problem started when my wife noticed Diesel fuel dripping from the pump and pooling on the ground. She then went to tell the attendent and he acted like it wasn't a problem and continued talking on the phone in the building. I took some photos with my cell phone and he came out and said that it wasn't a problem anywayand did not want to dicuss the problem. THE ATTENDENT WAS RUDE!!!!!
The slow pumps were another ongoing problem. It some times takes upward to 30 minutes to pump 50 to 60 gal. of fuel and we have tried to ask them in a nice way to please look into the problem because we spend around 6 to 7 hundred dollars a month at that station.
Please help because the pumps have been a problem for some time and Otis the owner will not fix the properly.


We recently took a trip to SC. We stopped for gas off Interstate 26 - Exit 106A. I needed to use the facilities & was very dismayed to have to use them as the restroom was filthy. Paper towels overflowing onto the floor, no tiolet tissue (fortunately I had kleenex in my pocket). Dirty floor, sink. Overall a pig sty!!! When I came out, the attendant was casually leaning against the counter, doing nothing & I remarked how dirty etc. & he just shrugged his shoulders as if to say "so what do you want me to do about it". I told him I was going to report him, and that didn't seem to faze him either.


This BP card is now such a JOKE! Not only do you get screwed on your ‘BP Rewards’ which used to be 5% on BP gas purchases but NOW THEY DEFRAUD YOU! Check it out the next time you fill up. Tonite, I fillled up my truck since it was the last day to get ‘DOUBLE REWARDS’ on their new promotion. Gas here today is $3.979/gallon ‘cash price’ if you use your BP CARD. just like always, right? WRONG! I got my ‘DOUBLE REWARDS’ price, but it was based on the $4.079 ‘credit’ price that ‘Non-BP CARD HOLDERS’ pay and NOT the ‘cash’ priced promised if you use you freakin’ BP CARD!
BP FOLKS must think we’re all IDIOTS. I, personally, am done with them and their gas and their illegitimate operation! BP, please all me…I’d love to tell you what I really think! Good bye, BP!


2195 S Evans St, Greenville, NC
I visited this location, on October 25, 2012 about 2:00pm or 3:00pm not to sure what the time was. I went in just to pump gas. I walked in and I notice the both the manager and the cashier were speaking to a customer, they were joking about how the young lady had paid with food stamps. I'm guessing they knew this young lady because they just kept talking. Well I was next in line waiting for the cashier to even acknowledge me. Which she didn't that the reason I'm doing this complaint. There was an older gentleman behind me and he placed his items on the counter. The cashier who hasn't even acknowledged me yet grab the soda can, I firmly told the lady that the can was not mine. She didn't listen to me because she was to busy still talking to the other young lady about the food stamps. She rang up the item and told me the total I again told her it was not mine at this point I was extremely annoyed. She rolled her eyes and "oh". I told her I just wanted to pump gas. I couldn't exactly tell her the number of the pump because I didn't even look at the pump number before I walked in. I could already tell she had an attitude by the way she was talking to me. Finally she rung me up and yes she did say have a nice day. But I can tell you she was not genuine. So I didn't reply back. She then said it again this time in a louder and in a sarcastic tone. Once again I didn't reply I just kept walking before I even walked out I could hear her talking about me to the other customers. This is a bp employee? If this is who bp hires then I can tell you this either you hire more FRIENDLY employees, or just might as well closed down shop!!! I was so irradiated after that, that it completely changed my mood for the rest of the day. I mean wheres the CUSTOMER SERVICE? Seriously you guys need to work on that!


To Whom it may concern: I was on the side of US Highway 1 across from BP - 4310 S Washington Ave - Titusville, FL at 8:05 PM September 30, 2012.
I was taking pictures of the South Titusville skyline using a camera for twilight photography practice; as an art form. The lady working there ran across the highway and told me not to take pictures of her store. I was on public property well away from her BP store and had no ill intent to what I was doing. I am an ameteur photogpaher and I take a lot of night time exposure photos. When she told me not to take pictures I put away my camera and tripod and went home. I do not believe that I did anything wrong. I have the photo and will be happy to send it to you. I am not mad at the person who challanged me and I will contunue to be a BP customer. I just wanted you to know...


I went into b.p. this morning to get hot water for my coffee, as i sometimes do and i was stopped by the clerk stating that i could no longer get hot water there. Because i had added a little sugar and cream eventhough i guess maybe it came out of his pocket, but that's (ok) because i usually buy sandwiches there in thee morning and in the evening, well that isn't going to happen anymore and hopefully by the time you realize that you have lost a paying customer then maybe you will get rid of your pan-handlers.


I took a recent trip to the Florida gulf coast and can say I'm still upset about BP and the oil spill. It's one thing to have a minor spill but another completely to let what happen go on for weeks! I know they tried to clean it up, but it's a sad state when our world drills for oil so much we can't properly control ourselves. So many animals were lost, so much damage done to our planet. Thanks BP, at least the price of gas is going down!

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