AT&T Complaints Continued... (Page 7)
1405+ reviews added so far. Upset? Call AT&T corporate: 1 (800) 331-0500
i have been a customer for over 60 yrs i am 86 yrs old you have been out 5 times to my house to hook up internet and each time you cant do it my internet cuts of today i need to buy a device from the at@t store in lodi i have just had surgery and cant drive ive called the store and can not get any body to help me please help me 2087635779

I am getting 20 to 30 phone calls everyday from unknown phone numbers. In addition i am now getting calls from government official staff members enticing me to vote for their candidate. This is pure harassment. This is not my first complaint to ATT concerning unwanted phone calls. Either ATT STOP THESE CALLS OR GIVE ME SOMETHING TO STOP THEM MYSELF. I am paying ATT over $5000 anuualyl and I demand these harassment phone calls to stop. If not, I will cancel my phone service with ATT.
We NEVER answer these "phone numbers" but they persist to keep calling. THERE MUST BE some way to stop this.

We went to AT&T store in Coop city in the Bronx, NY. We signed up for direct tv and set an appointment w/rep to assist in installing it over the phone. Well we spoke w/ several morons for 2hours and got nothing but a big fat zero. We went back to the store leaving specific instructions what we want is direct tv. Again the rep calls us with the wrong info and before we could ge a word in she hangs up. She wanted to assist us in changing phones.... We called tech services and spoke with Ron who after 5mins figured out we needed to purchase an ap on our phone....I must say your reps helping assist people setting up direct tv should be fired, retrained if they we ever trained in the first place or shot. Also the people at this particular store are not the brightest bulbs either as they deceived us into purchasing a trial run... FINALLY my girlfriend who was not only going to purchase this crappy direct tv service but was also going back to this store to upgrade to an iphoneX now I’m warning her and every one I know of the AT&T crap the way ..the reason she wanted an upgrade was because her signal keeps cutting out....
My girlfriend Juliet Elkins tel #

I am a retired employee. I was receiving a monthly concession for the last 18 years till I received a letter stating that concession would end at the end of July 2018 and a new concession is being offered for monthly long distance service. All I had to do was call a certain phone number and sign up. So I have been calling 877-377-9010 (a retiree and employee service center) for 3 weeks and every one of the agents that answered did not know what I was talking about. I was told numerous times that I would get a return call in 24 hours (they never came) or was told to call a different 800 number for help cause they don't do that. That would be 4 different numbers but they all said the same thing and referred me back to the original number. The offer to sign up is ending tomorrow, 7/31, so I called one more time and demanded to talk to a supervisor. Again I was told that somebody would call me back. Now it's nearing the end of the business day and not a call has come through. Is this the way the company saves money nowadays? Can this be the way retiree's perc's are ended and shuffled out the back door? Is anybody listening anymore?

4 hours total on hold/in queue, lied to, misinformed, hung up on by Supervisors/Managers and intentionally just placed back in queue....this is just the beginning and the issue was NOT resolved. I have NEVER been so frustrated, nor have I ever encountered such poor customer service to the point of a supervisor (jerry) insulting me by telling me that I was trying to blame AT&T for my ignorance! Shame on you AT&T.
I have had the same number and have been a customer with Cingular, Cellular One and AT&T for 30 years - never once have I NOT paid my bill. I currently have 4 phones on my account and am seriously considering canceling each and every one of them and going to Verizon.
I hope that someone at AT&T cares about the Loyal Customer Care enough to respond in a manner that will erase the current opinion I have of AT&T and the value of their service.
My account is under the name on this complaint - the number associated ends in 3324


I have had nothing but trouble with my home phone since I've lived here. Just since May I've called in five or six tickets on this phone 2706672464. Twenty five or more times since having this so called service. It was called in last Monday July 23 2018 after I could not hear what the lady was asking me in a very important interview. She is supposed to call me again July 30 2018. When I tried to use this phone this morning it was buzzing and making so much noise I couldn't hear what was being said. So it was called it in again and they stated it would be repaired by August 3 2018.
Well that is a problem.
You expect you payment on time each month with out any discounts might I add for an unusable phone ninety percent of the time.
I have been told by two service technicians that there is about eight miles of bad copper cable that is causing my problem. So the problem is in your hands to get the problem fixed.
I need my phone Monday morning at 8:00AMcst.
I didn't see a star for zero but that is the rating I give.
One fed up customer,
Stephen Early
9841 State Route 120
Marion, Kentucky 42064

I signed up for auto pay and was confirmed by AT&T that payments would be deducted from my checking account beginning May 16 2018. For some reason it wasn't nor was I notified of any problem. June's statement indicated payment would be deducted from my checking account on June 16, again it wasn't and I was not notified of any problems. I received a past due notice issue date June 27 with a total due of $172.81 that would be deducted through auto pay on July 16, it wasn't and again I was not informed of any problem with auto pay. I called customer service and explained everything I've written here and that a check had already been mailed out on Monday July 23. I also said I wanted to be taken off of auto pay since you couldn't get it right and never notified me of any problems with auto pay. The customer service agent informed me that I have to pay a late fee of $5.75 and a $40.00 fee to reconnect if my phone is turned off. The next day, Tuesday July 24 my wife and I noticed our phones no longer worked. If you keep payment records, check back and you will find I never skipped a payment nor was ever late making one. The check I sent to make payment was written from the same checking account as the auto pay would debit and there was never a problem for you cashing it. I feel your lack of customer service in this matter is unjust in this matter and I should not have to pay these fees, our phones reconnected, and credit given for the time our phones could not be used. I feel this error was on your part not ours and I feel we should not be penalized for your mistake!
Account # 436049521751 The account is under my wife's name, Jocelyne Berry.
I hope you take care of this right away.
One very dissatisfied customer,
Ralph Berry

I've had a land-line phone for the hearing impaired for about 13-14 years. It''s worked perfectly until about ten days
ago. I always have used a code to access my personal phone messages - the code: *98. However, about ten
days ago I used that code only to find I had a LONG recorded message from AT&T which repeatedly used the
word "download" throughout. Since I have a hearing-loss I couldn't understand the message. FURTHERMORE,
when I attempted to use my code for personal messages I could NOT access them! A couple of days later. I received
yet another recorded message from AT&T - also inaudible to me which seemed to give some "instruction".
Please note: when the problem with the FIRST message became apparent, I contacted the AT&T website and left
a message for "Hissy Kitty" and was told my complaint was receiving attention. NOTHING has been done!!
I STILL cannot access my personal messages! AT&T caused this problem - not me. I want my service reinstated.
I am PAYING for personal message access! I am NOT of the "techie" generation so am unable to comprehend
Techie language. Neither am I STUPID! Kindly e-mail your response - NO MORE phone messages please.
My e-mail: It's essential that I receive personal messages - particularly from my
healthcare organization. I am VERY healthy physically and also mentally.. AT&'s lack of service is deplorable.
Rosemary Gilbert - phone number FYI is 415-474-7849. Address 935 Hyde St. #3, San Francisco 94109.

My husband called around 730 to change his number from a pa to a nj number. Plus lots of harassing telemarketers calling. The lady hung up on him and shut his phone off? In the meantime i had no idea he is 2 hours away at work. I tryed calling him to tell him we had a emergency here with his young daughter. He finally called on his lunch using a office phone to tell me why his phone is off. I then tryed calling customer service to see what is going on? A markus a lady was given to me. And it was the worse experience i ever had under the stress i was under. My husband pays the phones. I have no pin or codes to give or get he was at work with no cell! She would not give me her name at first or transfer me as i had asked?? Very rude and poor business. I asked for a manager or supervisor and this lady played me on the phone. Im very upset with the whole situation .

Set up appointment to install Direct TV and internet for today between 9 &11. No one showed up. Called and dispatch was suppose to make sure someone was out today. Waited at home all day. No phone calls and no one showed up.
Customer service was clueless and only frustrated me.

AT&T send my bill July 12, I receive on July 23 and it is due 11 days later. So it takes 11 days to reach them and a few days to clear, so what do the crooks do??? They slap you with a 20% late charge. Way to grow your business... and you want me to sign up for DTV and all the other mediocre services you provide? No way!

I have AT&T phone service at my place of business, a consignment shoppe. I have two phone lines. One phone line is to handle credit card processing. That line has been down since July 17. Today is July 21. I started calling AT&T customer service on July 17. I was told they could not get a service technician to me until July 23. I made it clear that my business could not accept credit cards from customers and that July 23rd was not acceptable. They said this was the best they could do.
I called again on July 20 and got a customer service rep who agreed that I should not have to be treated this way and claims he scheduled a service call for the morning of July 21. I was at the business all day and did not see that a service call was made.
To date, I have lost in excess of $17,000 in credit card sales because AT&T cannot provide the service its customers deserve. I will be sending AT&T a bill for this lost business.
This is not the first time this has happened with this phone line. I have lost my patience with AT&T and will be cancelling this account with them as soon as I can locate another phone company.


On July 18,2018 one of your installer came to my home and preceded to go in my backyard without my permission and took my gate apart .because his manager told him he could go in my yard. my property is private I did not give the idiot permission to go and take my gate apart he was told by the manager to do it. that's is what normal people called breaking and entering. my neighbor has this all of this on video and I will be speaking with the news people on Monday about this. I was told by the police if you guys don't handle it to call them back. I called my attorney this morning and I file a complaint with the better business bureau today.

Account #286200382
I was scheduled for Installation of Wireless Internet today 07/18/2018 and the Tech did not make the appointment. He indicated he called a (812 number) which is not my number on file, the Tech is a flat out liar, he never was at the service location. He was suppose to be there between 1-3 pm and fail to attend. I had to pay someone to be there all day and your Tech fail to show up and lied about calling me. No email from ATT what so ever about this mishap. No phone call or anything, If I wouldn't have called them , they would not say anything.
Now I am rescheduled for tomorrow 07/19/2018 from 11 am -1 pm and the people who answer the phones never know what's going on. They fail to let you speak with a Supervisor. I don't trust anything that those rep say, its freaking horrible. At this point I been with you guys for years and I don't feel your company provided good customer service , technical support , or installation anymore. This is outrageous and to have representative not be able to help is even more horrible. If my service is not installed tomorrow, I will cancel all my accounts with your company. I need a call back from a Manager/Supervisor like I been requesting for the past 8 hours. Contact # 469-359-0601

I have been a loyal customer with AT&T since 1971 and paid my bill on time. I was interested in getting WiFi and was told that I had WiFi already. Told them I did not they insisting that I did. After all this mess turns out I did not have it, which I told them. They said I would need another modem that would cost $100. Told them why was I not informed about this modem since the beginning I would need for the WiFi. Said she would speak to the department that handles this after a while on hold, she said they would send the modem at no charge being of how long I have been a customer. They she transferred me to another customer service rep, the loyalty group and said they had a promotion for the monthly services ,Complete Choice Enhanced at a discount for 1 yr I agreed but never happened. These customer service reps tell so many lies which is a form of fraud for customers to buy and I wonder what kind of people you hire to train these reps to lie. I hope this can be resolved. Please answer

I have been a good customer of AT&T for 25 - 30 years. My services include 3 mobile phones, 2 Galaxy pads, internet, Direct TV and landline phone. Almost without exception, my bills are paid before they are due. Within the last month, I've experienced an issue that I believe should be elevated before it becomes anymore convoluted.
Upon receiving my Jun 10 - July 09 bill ($617.04), I called AT&T to inquire about whether there was an international calling plan that I might add to my account. I explained that my daughter was required to make and receive several international calls to Tanzania, East Africa during the billed period (86 minutes usage). Her father (age 76) lives in Tanzania and was very ill. She thought he might have to return to the US for medical care. In my initial call, I spoke with "Marion" or "Marianne" and she was very helpful. She offered a plan that is $5/month plus $.55/minute usage and indicated that my bill would be adjusted to reflect the new plan and a new balance. I accepted the plan. She then transferred me to "Emerson in International customer service" for authorization. Emerson spoke with his supervisor and the supervisor approved another new balance based on the new plan and a new adjustment amount. Emerson indicated that I would receive some type of communication within the next few days. I did not so I called again. This time I spoke with Colin on 7/1. He looked into my account and said I should receive a call within 4 - 5 days with the amount I would need to pay by July 13. Unfortunately, once again, I heard from NO one! So on July 13, I paid the entire bill of $617.04. Please note: in every call I asked the rep if I should go ahead and pay the entire billed amount and we could settle the adjustment issue on the next billing period. Each one of them said "No"... Today, I spoke with Adrian to verify that the new international calling plan was, indeed, added to my account. Well, guess what, it HAD NOT BEEN ADDED. Adrian indicated that he added it today (7/18) and to call back when I received the next bill and any international call charges would be made retroactive to 7/1/18, when I spoke with Colin.
Please let me say how disappointed and extremely frustrated I am with AT&T at this point. Since AT&T indicates that all calls are recorded, I will appreciate receiving a call or email from someone in management who can verify all of the foregoing and especially confirm my enrollment in the international calling feature. I am a Senior on a pension and social security and I cannot afford to pay $617 per month and more for mobile telephone service. Thank you in advance for your assistance.

For two weeks I have been going back and fourth with AT&T. Spending a total of 4 hours and 20 minutes of my time to not get any service. Monday I got a confirmation that someone would be out on Friday the 13th and this was sent via email so I have proof. I took off work to make sure someone would be home for the installation. 3:10 come and went no signs of the technician, I called the customer care line to see if the technician was on the way. They said there will not be a technician coming out today because, they didn't have the proper equipment to do the install. So, they said someone will be calling me in 3-5 business days and my order was on high priority. So I have taken off from work for nothing and told someone will be calling me in 3-5 business So I called back to speak with a manager to be told the manager will call me back; I never got a call back from the manager. AT&T customer service has really gone down the drain. Nothing about this company is professional or worth having.

I did NOT even want to give one star. That might give the impression that I was even remotely satisfied with the performance of the AT&T customer service rep that I have been dealing with for over ONE MONTH. Lightening hit a pole in my yard and I have not had internet, phone or cable since that day. UNBELIEVABLE! I have called every single day for 30 days and they still will not come out to fix the problem. All I have been able to get to get a massive run around from every person at the call center. I understand that they are busy, but there should be a department that they could transfer me to, that handles certain calls, like mine, with some sort of detailed assessment to find out what has happened and how to fix it. Instead, I am disconnected rudely or transferred to having to leave a voice message that says someone will call you back. They WILL NEVER, NEVER call you back. They are the only cable company that runs service where I live, so I don't know what I an suppose to do. I would NEVER EVER recommend AT&T to anyone who could be sitting at home and have the unfortunate luck of lighting hitting a pole because you now are off the GRID. Especially in ATT&T EYES

I am not sure if the sales associate was new, but my screen was blank. He did not try to help me, but kept giving me the insurance number to call. I told him ¨How can I call someone and my phone screen is black?¨ It just felt like since I was not there to buy a phone, he did not offer any other options. I would have been willing to buy another phone. He sucked. I will never go to that location again.

July 12, 2018
AT&T sold my pastor and wife an iPhone 8 (buy one get one) in January 2018. The Rep told him that his wife could keep her current phone number (She had been a long termed customer), but they gave her a new anyway. They ended up paying for three phone bills since January 2018. They overpaid a minimum of $550 for the old number which should have been disconnected.
AT&T said it was their fault that they should have cancel the old number because in order to take advantage of the getting an additional phone you had to get a new phone number. She could not use her long termed old number. Both are long termed customers of AT&T. But we won’t be one for long.
I was on a 3 way call with pastor and AT&T and heard the reps say you can keep you old number. It was not noted in the files and AT&T said she did not asked for her old number to be disconnected. Pastor had been on line with AT&T for two days and spoke with 11 Reps in 8 hours. Some reps are just incompetent. We call the 800.331.0500 for complaints and this is the kicker. At this number a guy name Bruno say, I will have to transfer because I don’t change account. Also at this number, I got a Toni who put me on hold for 4 hours. She never came back and I finally hung up. On July 10th, I had spoken with 8 reps and their story was not consistent and they didn’t know what to do. I wonder whether their names were correct.
I am beginning to believe all the thousands of complaints about AT&T. That it is a scam for profits business. Our phone bills have continues to increase every month while we are using them the same with no changes to the services.
Finally, I talk with a second Bruno, he said, that AT&T had changed and we don’t care if you leave. I will give you up to two months credit because the account notes doesn’t show a request to cancel the old number. This is just good will. It seems that all the bureaucracy is for the benefit of AT&T and customer are left out. In my research, I’ve found that complaints made about AT&T are rarely solved and it appears that most complaints are ruled in favor of AT&T.

We moved into another home in December of 2017, at that time our contract through the combined Direct TV and AT&T INTERNET services I spoke with someone about possible canceling my services before we moved. The person I had spoke with stated that he would get my bill under a hundred dollars and we could decide to cancel when our contract was up in August of 2018 if we wanted to. He specifically stated our contract would not change upon moving services from one home address to another. He also stated our combined bill would be approx. 88 dollars per month. Charging me INTERNET 50 for only 30 a month. We moved and approx. around March I had received an email stating my Direct TV and AT&T bill were going to be separated and no longer combined. While I thought this was odd I assumed it was something they were doing across the board. All of a sudden I realize that I was now paying 74 dollars for internet alone. When I called customer service about this they had stated that it shown that I had chose to separate my bills and in turn that lost my bundle savings. Common sense alone should have be apparent that a person would not choose to pay two separate bills and pay more. I was frustrated but the technician stated that they would combine my bills and credit me for the past months I had been over paying. Also that the next month my bills would be combined and at the 88 dollars I was originally told I would be paying. This was at the beginning of June. I called customer service again yesterday after looking at my bill for internet alone again at 74 dollars on July 11,2018 and I was told that it would take another month before they would be combined and when I asked then if they would take away the 74 dollar charge for internet as I was already credited for the last mistake (why would I pay 74 the next month after I thought I resolved this issue) I was told that whoever I spoke with in June not only did not fix my issue but downgraded my internet without my authorization from Internet 50 to internet 25 I was furious that now not only am I paying more but for less internet essentially. When asked if they could fix it they stated that it was "not allowing" them to give me the internet 50 back for the price I was told at 30 dollars a month. On top of all that I found out that when we had our services moved it DID in fact extend our contract out another TWO YEARS. I feel like every time I call customer service they say they are fixing my issue then I find out they have messed it more, I feel I have been lied to on numerous occasions, I feel that they give you false information and trick you into services (ie. our contract. I wish I would have had that recorded because I specifically asked him that and he said no.) Another issue we had was at one point during all this was I had found out we had been paying for an extra receiver for two months.

I spoke with a rep regarding my telephone bill. I have been a customer for about 17 years. I had some concerns about my bill and a credit that a sales rep told me I could get if I were to call customer service, which I did. The male rep I spoke with on 07/11/2018 was extremely rude he kept cutting me off and over talking me. He had way to much "sass" in his voice, and lack understanding which made me completely feel as if my concern didn't matter. He put the manager on the phone, and he didn't try to help at all. This is the worst customer service call I've ever had from at&t which left me crying because the rep was so rude! And nothing got resolved.

I called back in the beginning of April I believe. (I don't have my notes with me right now). We went over on our phone internet and were charged an extra $15.00. I called to see how much it would be to up the usage some. The girl told me I could get unlimited internet on all phones and it would save me $20 a month on my wireless phones, and $15 a month on my Direct TV. My wireless phones ran $205 a month. So she assured me my wireless bill would be $170 a month and my direct tv bill would be another $15 off a month. She said it started right then. Well my next bill WENT UP to $303 a month. I called and it I was told it would be fixed, that it would run $186 a month plus tax, not including my direct tv bills, and that they would give me a credit that would show up on the bill that would be due on the 17th. Well the credit was never put on. I called again and was told it would be $186 month plus tax, not including the direct tv bill (the $170 a month was never mentioned, when I asked they said it was $186). Well I was assured it was fixed. My next wireless bill was $280. I called again and was told that it was not correct, and he would fix it but it would run $240 a month plus tax. My husband did get a phone but that was only $18 a month. The guy told me he saw how many times I called in and that he would have someone call me. Well that has been over a week and never heard from anyone. Every time we have ever changed anything on our phone we ended up getting overcharged and if it is fixed it takes forever. Once our phones and contract are paid off I will switch to someone else. I am not the only one who has trouble with ATT. I have never been lied to so much.

I just came from the AT&T store in ElDorado, Ks. I went there to see about getting my cracked screen protector replaced. When I first got my iphone from you the clerk asked if I wanted a screen protector put on the phone, i said yes. She never said the protector would need to be registered to get the warranty. Later I cracked the screen and when I went to have it replaced I found out it would cost me $50. The clerk at the time asked about registering the new screen protector with Gadget Guard and I asked her to go ahead and do it. This afternoon I went to see about getting a new screen the clerks claimed they could find no registration. The clerks were not only not very helpful but acted like I had never registered the screen. I know the screen was registered by the clerk after the first one was replaced, it makes absolutely no sense that we would not have registered the screen after the first broken one. When I could not remember the password to get to the Gadget Guard account they claimed my e-mail address was no good, I can assure there is nothing wrong with my e-mail address. I am being told that the only way I would get a screen protector is pay $50. I know I was registered and feel that the clerks were trying to take advantage of me. My account no. is 444019670.
Thank You
Larry Doornbos

High speed DSL department is a joke! Their Reps are incompetent & when you finally get through after multiple calls & excessive wait times they state "wrong department this is Uverse I'll transfer you" then they just hang up! Then if by chance you finally get though to the department for DSL which is handled by Bell South [no fiber optic out here] on 855-466-2691 and get their "code of the week", which is useless as it goes to voicemail of some fictitious Rep who asks you "give all your info all over again and what problem you are having". Ridiculous/stupid/incompetent as well as the computer answering system they have! All the while they want you to "Pay your bill today" for their crappy service! If I could give them a minus 5 star rating I would! These outages happen every month and last a week or more. AT&T cares? NOT!!!

I applied online for service, was approved had to pay a small amount. amount was paid, went to store to pick up merchandise and was told had to pay 500. i was approved in the morning and mid afternoon was not i have emails saying was on zero down payment. and now i cant get my phones. its sad that people get treated like this and cant even speak to someone of higher authority.

We have had DirectTv since about 1995 in California. We moved to Indiana and signed up for the service 2 years ago. When the promo for Direct TV and internet was coming to an end, we went to an ATT store near us to see if there were other options. This was a authorized dealer, not a corporate store which we didn't know at the time. The difference between the two, ended up costing us in the long run.
We asked what we could do to keep direct tv, since our bill was about to double in price since we are on a fixed income. The manager said there was nothing they could do about keeping the cost the same for us. His option was Uverse, that was owned by AT&T. He told us that it wasn't cable, it was all fiber optic. And the internet would be about 4 times as fast as our current internet and no weather interruptions like satellite. Since there was no help from Direct TV as far a price, we chose to get Uverse. We also switched our cell service to ATT, got new phones and got the Uverse TV and internet package. The main reason we even considered it was that he said everything would be "better", as far as internet speed. We would have rather stayed with Direct TV, we have never had any issues with them.
When the installer arrived, I found out there is no fiber optic anywhere near our area. So everything they installed is running on CAT-5 phone line. The tech told us our internet was exactly the same as before. He said its running at 6 megabites and no where near the 4 times faster we were told we would have. I took it for granted the manager at the store who helped us, knew what he was talking about. We found out that's not the case. He looked up our address online, so he knew exactly where we lived. The install tech told us the only fiber optic in the area was a new sub division was a new sub division being built now. I feel like I was deceived, in order to make the sale.
I contacted the Direct TV loyalty dept.which told me they were very sorry but couldn't do anything to help me. Contacted AT&T to find out about returning the Direct Tv boxes, explained the situation to them and received another, I'm sorry. They did say I could double my internet speed to 12 megs for additional $50 a month. So much for the help...Customer service did say we have 30 days from installation of Uverse to cancel. But none of the terms were put on paper at the time of purchase.
I was surprised and disappointed no one at At&t / Direct TV loyalty dept. wanted to work with us.
Here is the store we went to:
2683 Main St
Plainfield, IN 317 838 3099
These authorized dealers are using your name, to make money and deceive your customers. We have 30 days from install to decide to keep or drop everything.
Concerned Customer,
Robin Tice

Have the unlimited plan worked great went and got a new phone now this unlimited plan has a limit and it made my hotspot absolutely worthless after 10 gb that wasn’t in the plan we paid for have been customers for decades and this is how they treat us? Upgrade your phone and downgrade your plan? $1000 phone that I can’t truly enjoy because the hotspot is worthless not what I call good service. Speaking of service we’ll that isn’t great either.

As an AT&T customer for over 20 years and an Apple user of more than 10 years, I have been very displeased with my services with AT&T for the past 3 to 4 months. I have an iphone 7+ and cannot have a work or personal conversation over 1 minute. I have called for assistant several times and I can truly say that the young ladies have really did their best to help; from walking me through resetting my network to referring me to help from customer care. On today (July 5, 2018), I received a very important phone call, but was unable to communicate with the other person due to drop calls back to back. The same thing happened yesterday and the day before. This has become an ongoing issue. I depend on my iphone for work as well as personal uses. Today the representative walked me through resetting my network again. After she finished I requested to be reimbursed for the inconvenience for the last 3 to 4 months, she informed me that I would have to speak with some one in customer care. I was transferred to customer care only to hear that I was only entitled to $25.00, in which I refused to except. The representative then informed me that $25.00 was all that AT&T would reimburse to customers. I informed the representative that I had been a loyal customer for over 20 years and I wanted to speak with a supervisor. The supervisor informed me of the something. I also informed the supervisor that I would not accept $25.00 for reimbursement for missing work-related calls as well as personal calls for the past 3 to 4 months. After speaking with a colleague about this issue, I was informed that the information that was provided to me from the customer care representatives was not correct. I was advised to call AT&T complaint center and make a formal complaint. After speaking with the representative in the complaint center and sharing the past discussion, he informed me that someone had already applied a $25.00 waive on my account. I instructed the representative to remove the $25.00 from my account. He placed me on a brief hold, after he returned he advised me to choose another data plan which was cheaper but had less date to save money. I informed him that I didn’t want another plan. He also informed me that I was not using a lot of data on my current plan. I then informed him that this was the reason I was calling; my phone is dropping calls and is not working correctly when trying to use the network. I informed the representative I was seeking a waiver for the 3 to 4 months that I was unable to use my device reasonably, a device that I pay for each month, a service I have been a loyal customer to. $65.00 is not an adequate or a reasonable amount to waiver for 3 to 4 months of unsuitable service. I am requesting a waiver for one full month. Please contact me if needed (334) 507-0955.
Thanks for your support.

I scheduled a repair appointment because I wasn't getting anywhere near the speeds promised I currently have the 1000 Mbps plan and was only getting 250-400 Mbps the appointment was suppose to be between 10 am and 12 noon. It currently is 1:45 pm and they still have not arrived.

This afternoon, between 4:00 & 4:30 PM, I started a job application, which took 2 or more hours to complete. Problem was that a resume writer sent my updated resume by email. I opened another window to assess my email. Now since the email icons/functions have changed, & I am unable to just click on "Move" & transfer it to "My Documents" as I had before, I needed instructions/assistance to walk me through this process. So I called AT&T for tech support. I talked to a female who's directions were unsuccessful. Then, and only then did she tell me that there were no tech support persons on duty tonight, they wouldn't be back until tomorrow. So I said," Hope u have a good night", before hanging up. I realized that she did not tell me what time tech support would be returning in the AM. I called back, just for that that information. I asked the next person, "What time will tech support be back tomorrow morning, & got no answer. Instead he also tried to have me try things that did not work...I had asked a few times during this interaction, "what time will tech support be in/back, in the morning ? ", each time he ignored my question; he even tried to redirect me to another company for help, so unprofessional, when I know AT&T usually have an excellent support team. That is inexcusable. Before hanging up, @ 9:00 PM, My resume that was on my email & the application have both been deleted, and I still don't know what time the knowledgeable tech support team will arrive in the morning. I work in a field in which these applications need to be carefully worded, & it takes a considerable amount of time to compose, so I am very upset about this extremely poor service, & especially the persons whom are obviously not capable to solving a basic issues.

my uverse has not worked for weeks and I have called and complained and no one fixes this problem. Mark a service tech installed another service and charged me again and it is still not working. I want credit for the month of June. I also want a service tech to CALL ME before he comes, not to show up when I am out of the office. This is ridiculous. The service is terrible. The ban # 285544238.I want a credit for all the time of non-use. Donna Makowski

Directv Account 35056717 Had a service appointment today, 6/28/18, between 8 and noon. Received an email yesterday reminding me of the appointment. Received another email this morning at 10:00 am saying I was still scheduled. No show by 2:00 pm so called 800-519-1823. I was told the technician came to the door and I cancelled. No one came to the door and I did not receive a phone call saying he was coming. I did not cancel the appointment. I confirmed the technician had the correct address, 2848 Carmel Ridge Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89134. Obviously he went to the wrong house. Doesn't he use a GPS. I am asking for a month's bill rebate for my lost time and inconvenience. BTW, rescheduled appointment is not until July 10th. Poor service.

I received an administrative broadcast from ATT regarding an application today
(June 27, 2017.) Your technical support is familiar with this broadcast and could not assist me.
I had previously requested that ATT not call or email me about selling products or service, yet you disregarded my request and force this message on me and taking up my time for the past 4 hours to get the mess you made cleared up.
Just as soon as I can find another carrier, you have lost me as a customer. You failed to respect my request to not contact me, especially to sell a products and services and then made it impossible for me to delete the message.
The call was spoofed on my caller ID that showed it came for Allstate Insurance.
of which I am not a customer.
This voice mail cannot be deleted by me using the regular way from my phone voice mail. I had requested that ATT not call me or email for any product. I am furious and will file a complaint. You are just like all the other business no respect for the customer.


June 2018 - I called AT&T to let them know that the address they had on file for me had the incorrect house number. I spoke with a representative who kept questioning if I wanted to move my internet service to another location. He could not grasp the concept that I was simply calling to correct a clerical error. I asked to speak with a supervisor after 30 minutes or so and was quickly told that the steps that had been taken were the correct ones. I was told that their system required that they disconnect my service from the "old address" and then reconnect my service to the "new" address. I was told that I may have a brief period of time where I did not have internet access while the system "moved" the services to the "new" address. Remember, that I did not actually move anywhere. The equipment never left my house... I simply wanted to correct the house number they had on file for me.
1 week later
Tuesday - I came home from work and my internet service was not working. I called AT&T to speak with resolve the issue and was told that my services were disconnected because I was moving to another location. I spent another 2hours on the phone with some poor tech guy until he finally said there was nothing more he could do. He suggested I call back the next morning when the correct people would be in the office.
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday - Each day this week I have called, spent about 2 hours each day on the phone, and spoken with 2 to 4 different people each call to try to get this resolved. EVERY person I spoke with said one of two things... 1. I will get to the bottom of this and you will have internet shortly... OR 2. I need to dig into this, contact the "back department", and you will receive a call within a few hours with an update. I have. I have not received a single call back and, you guessed it, It's Saturday and I still don't have internet.
The most frustrating thing about this situation is that there is no one accountable at AT&T. Each time I call I speak to a new person, and have to spend 20 minutes reviewing what has happened so far. Then, an hour or more later, I get off the phone with that person (or multiple people) and they are off the hook. There is no follow up, no need for them to every question or check to see if their customer's issue had been resolved.
AT&T,,, please help me. I don't know what else to do here. Unfortunately, AT&T is the only internet service provider in my area so I don;t have the option of going with someone else.


Have called 5 times...…….Can't get anyone that speaks good English...…..asked to be switched to someone in the U.S...…… back please...…. Unbelievable that a corp. as large as you has such bad manners...…..never again...…….

We had at t tech come in and upgrade our router. After he left out Wi-Fi printer is off line. Called customer service. They informed me it is not their problem. I should call the printer manufacture. It was working fine before they showed up. My money their way. Zero stars !!!

I had Uverse installed in my new home in March 2018. After 2 weeks a TV issue appeared, could not access recordings or pause a live viewing. Tech came and fixed it, said it was a bad box. Same issue returned this past Sunday (no recordings access, no pause). Tech comes Tuesday. End result without consulting me, he deletes all my recordings on the grounds the disc was full (it wasn't), 2 of those recordings I needed for work (3 of those service calls were Sunday-Wednesday this week). Not 10 minutes after he leaves I lose Internet. Another call to "customer service". Eventually get the Internet back. I return to the TV and THE SAME ISSUES ALLEGEDLY JUST FIXED! Except now in addition to the recordings/pause issues, I can't record at all. For the third time this week I call. I'm told a tech will be here between 4-8pm last night (Thursday, June 14). NO ONE CAME AND NO ONE CALLED!
Rating ATT with 1 star is 5 stars too high.

after 61 years with same phone# my uncle86 and aunt82 feel betrayed by you. a letter said they must upgrade so they made an appointment.3 guys came in took away landline and DSL[they did not ask for this] and put in VOIP. no amount of calls has resolve this. it seems everyone involved is denying any wrong doing. so, congrats to you ATT customer service. they have only been with you 61 years

Our landline is out of service. No dial tone and the phone doesn't ring when called. I checked and there is no dial tone at the service box on the side of the house (the demarcation). I found it very difficult to report the repair issue to AT&T. When 611 is called you are put through various levels of automated nonsense before being routed to the wrong person, generally in the sales department. Finally got through to a human who made a repair appointment 4 days out with a 4 hour window. On the appointed day no one showed up and no one called. Called back to complain and AT&T has no record of either the repair request or service appointment. So I made another appointment, 4 days out and with a 4 hour window. I waited all day and no one from AT&T showed up. Tried to call AT&T, but by then their call center was closed. Today is Saturday, they will reopen on Monday. I will call on Monday and make another appointment. I will wait all day and they will probably not show up again. It's not like they can't find us. Their RT is at the end of my driveway. Meanwhile, we will continue to get billed for the phone service that we don't really have - payment for which they will continue to demand on, or before the due date...

I called to pay my bill. First call use automated service, didn’t work. Second call, talked to billing customer service. I was told amount and it would cost an extra 5.00 to pay with James. I explained automated service was not taking my information. In fact it tried to have me pay someone else’s direct tv account. I only have a wireless account. Was told try again at *611. Tried the automated system tried to add 40.00 for me paying my bill. Called back spoke to Casey she took my payment charged me 5.00. When I asked about my bill I was referred to app. Spoke to Randy supervisor. He was rude, nasty and talked down to me because at this point I had been told 4 different balances not including what the app said, 5 different balances. I tried to tell Randy I had never had another carrier but that was going to change. I have had a car phone before they had cell phone to now a cell from age 16 to current with AT&T. Randy basically said AT&T didn’t care about my loyalty and should leave. Last time I checked AT&T was doing better but still in the forest and not even close to the woods let alone in the clear. I don’t understand why Randy (supervisor) is able to talk like that to anyone! Randy needs a mouth wash and a very long time out, possible long enough he is no longer on AT&Ts payroll!

I am so extremely disheartened with AT&T customer service. I have had several issues in the last two months related to Internet and DIRECTV. I've spoken with countless customer service agents and multiple supervisors who have not not only not helped at all but have also been dishonest and none have returned calls as promised. I've invested at least 15 hours in phone calls. I'm at my wit's end and still have no resolution. I am ready to take legal action if I cannot get a resolution to my billing and contract issues.

ATT U-Verse service went out at approximately 2 AM Saturday, May 12, 2017. Spoke to 3 representatives and 2 supervisors starting at 7 AM who had me do a reboot before telling me it was a problem in my area and would be restored in 2 -4 hours to telling me I would have to wait until Tuesday, May 15 for a repair.

some one called me from at&t but instead of fixing my problem he just wanted to give me a few bucks and that's makes things alright? why do you not fix the problem. then told me he would take phone back but would give the taxes I paid

Our beautiful lawn is DESTROYED from your company (AT&T) digging up my yard to put in new lines and the DEAD SOD and ROCKS that was put in to replace the dug up holes looks like TOTAL CRAP and I AM VERY UPSET. I would like AT&T to put down sod that is actually alive and make it look like it did before my lawn was destroyed!!!!!!! I already cleaned up most of the rocks so the lawn mower doesn't hit them as well as fixed the huge bolts that had springs in them which I had to take off for the bolts to fit level to the ground (nothing like a trip hazard) very dangerous. PLEASE FIX THIS ASAP!!!!!!!!!

You lied multiple times about our bill an the perks you supposedly where letting us have what a joke charging us twice for phones that where supposedly free or we would not have gone this route maybe that's why we havent received a paper bill for 3 months no happy customer here ever wonder why? Even the so called credit cards where nothing as to what you advertised to us amount cut in half per Pam @276 254 9587 she said would return calls an never had please pull taped phone call if you don't believe this !so why am I receiving so much dung from this so called customer based company you can contact me three the snail mail @ Danny Keeley 1480 ward my rd rome has 30161 of you have the gonads to I'll be waiting today is 5/10@8:45pm

your sell man lie to me I have been with you for years time to look for new company

On April13 I made a call to the ATT service department reference my direct tv not working properly. On this date I'm not sure if I spoke to a person or not about getting it fixed. On April 15 I spoke with a person who set up a service call for me for repairs on the 16th. The 16th came and no one showed up advising road conditions were too bad to get here. Personal in the survey department called wanting to know if my tv had been adequately repaired at which time I told the person no one had showed up. This person set up another repair date for April 19. Again no person showed up for the repair. I called the repair service once again asking why. The lady advised that she would have the service supervisor call within the hour. Needless to say no call. I pay 124. dollars a month for a service that I'm not getting. I feel that ATT show prorate my bill for this inconvenience and I will be looking elsewhere for tv service.

I needed to purchase a new cell phone. I'm an HVAC service tech and I'm crawling in and out of attics and crawlspaces all the time. My old Samsung flip phone was a military grade phone and has been through the war. I asked for a rugged phone and was pushed to an $850.00 phone plus a case. I didn't need a smart phone for where I was working, I knew it wasn't going to last. I was offered one flip phone which is a cheap piece of plastic for 63 dollars and change. But, I can buy 6 of them and still save 500.00 dollars over the smart phone which will only last two years anyway. I called tech support to find out how to import my contacts, there isn't anyway to do it. I have to input 239 contacts by hand. He told me I had 14 days unconditional to return the phone so I went back to the store to return it and was informed there is a 45.00 restocking fee on a 63.00 phone. So, I'm keeping it while I go out to bid for a two new phones and carrier, did I mention there are two phones on this plan and carrier. I've been with AT&T for 13 years now, but I guess that doesn't mean a thing. You're only as good as the new money they want you to spend in there store. I now understand why they are rated the worst of all the carriers for customer service.

I am a handicapped seventy year old. I came to this store to pay a final bill for a family member. Three people behind the counter and I have been waiting over 30 minutes and no one is taking my money. This is unacceptable

0n 4/2/ 18 I spoke with an agent regarding a $40.00 charge for a mini genie that a tech left at my home & a $9.00 late charge. advised the agent that I had contacted agents in feb. & mar. 2018 and was told that the non owed $40.00 & 9.00 late charge would be removed. this did not happen. the agent that they were generating the paper work to effect the removal of these charges.also onthis date i advised the agent when I attempted to schedule $153.52 payment due 4/ l7/18 the system was showing a payment for $151.51 was schedule for 4/13/18.the agent advised me she entered and scheduled the $153.52 for 4/7/18. in checking bank account on this date I did not find the that the payment had not been processed. an agent advised me, after inquiry that they were unable to process the schedule payment because my banking information was not available and because of this I would have to pay $5.00 or processing fee and, be charged a $ 9.00 late charge on my next billing I schedule my paymentst to be drafted from my checking on the scheduled due date. when I do this it shows my banking information is stored in the system. the time I have spend on the phone waiting and the thank you for being a valued at&t customer at the closed of the call is not true. I trust that your response to this complaint will make it true.

I have been promised a credit on my account since November of 2017. Its now April 2018 and every time i call, I am told the exact same thing. The rep sees all notations on the account for every month I have called and promises me that the credit will be applied to the next months bill. Today I was transferred to 7 representatives. 7! And they each claimed that they were transferring me to a supervisor to apply the charges. Finally after the 7th rep tried to transfer me, I just hung up! ATT is the worst company I have ever dealt with! Not only will I never do business with them again, I am making it now my personal mission to express in every outlet my dissatisfaction as well as notes of names, dates and recorded conversations I have contacted.

I feel compelled to contact you in support for the young students at Stoneman Douglas school. I would like to ask that you think about being on the "right side of history" and DO THE RIGHT THING and drop your support for the laura Ingraham show. She is a loud mouthed bully and should not be allowed to act in such a manner, without being held accountable. Please, DO THE RIGHT THING. BE ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF HISTORY!
the boatwrights from Oregon

I am a longtime customer of ATT with a family plan that costs us about $4,500 annually. I notice that ATT advertises on Laura Ingraham’s show, and am very upset that she was so cruel to school shooting victim and high school student David Hogg via Twitter. (Her subsequent apology was just to save face and advertising support.) I hope you are very upset by her cruel words too and will stop advertising on her show. I’ll wait to see if you stop endorsing her to decide whether or not I stop using your services. I don’t want to give so much money to a company that supports such cruelty. It makes me feel like, indirectly, I’m supporting her too. Please stop supporting such a mean-spirited person; it’s not in keeping with the spirit of your company.

I purchased a new 6S apple smartphone from AT&T, during my first month the phone was checked and found to have some defects and AT&T filed a warranty claim and replaced the phone, 2 to 3 months later my phone was stolen and then AT&T filed a insurance clam and replaced my phone again, I am now having issues with that replacement phone with missing screws from the charging port and have been told that my phone is not a new phone as I had purchased but a refurbished phone, I made 7 calls in one day trying to have my issue resolved, 4 calls to the techs at call center, 1 call to the billing management, 1 call to technical support, and 1 call to Apple waranty. I am only asking for my phone to be fixed or replaced with another refurbished 6S since I paid and bought in good faith a new 6S from the begining and with all that I went through from the time of purchase AT&T had replaced my new phone to a refurbished phone that I could have bought at a pawn shop for way less money. No one was able to help me with my defected refurbished phone. I am elegiable for a upgrade but find it hard to upgrade with a company who in their good faith sent me a used phone to replace a new phone and now want even help with the repairs of 2 small screws to fix their refurbished phone that they know clearly and without doubt that they shoud step up and resolve this petty issue which could become a major repair for this phone in the future. thank you for your attention with this matter and your time

I write to you not just to complain about poor customer service but hopefully someone in the corporate office can rectify the situation. My complaint is long so please bear with me.
On Friday, March 24, 2018 we 9 my girlfriend and I) went to the AT&T store located at 8646 Gladiolus Dr. in Fort Myers, Florida to see if any promotions were in effect.
We were told by the woman staffing the office that there is a promotion, we could upgrade to a Samsung S-9 for only half the price of the cell phone. She said the phone normally is $789.99 however we could get it for $395.95. My girlfriend asked is there anything we have to do other order the phone and we told "no', just pay the sale price. However we had to go to the store located at 4125 Cleveland Ave, Fort Myers, Florida since that is where I purchased my phone. So across town we go, there we are told the same thing, S-9 phone for $395.95. My girlfriend up grades her phone, however I cannot, I must go to the store located at 6 Mile Cypress Parkway. Before closing the sale my girlfriend asks the saleslady(Dana Brown) it is half price, no other commitments, she says "no". She never shows us the paper work but puts it in a folder and we leave. The only number she signs for is the $42+ - sales tax. Never saw any paperwork or image on the pad for the price of $789.99.
We go to 6 Mile Cypress store and wait for a rep, when I tell him I want to upgrade my phone he tells me I must get Direct TV. I couldn't believe it. No one before mentioned Direct TV to us, as a matter of fact we asked at both stores is there something else we must do to get the phone at half price and both times we were told" no". We then look at the paperwork and we see the $789.99 charge. We were told that my girlfriend would have responsible for the entire cost after 14 days and there would be nothing we could do about it. We were so mislead, to the point I would classify it as a scam.
Now we have to go back to the store on Cleveland Ave. and undo the whole sale. Mind you we have already spent 4 hours on this process.
We get there, and Dana Brown tells us it was just a miscommunication!
To add insult to injury she want to charge us a restocking fee, nervy.
We started out at 11:30 a.m and ended up leaving the Cleveland Ave store at 5 p.m.
We have been long AT&T customers and I am not going to threaten leaving, although I have had many offers to leave. I am happy with the service but not with the AT&T representatives as some of your stores. They are the face of your company, to many the first impression of AT&T, don't let them ruin your reputation.
I hope and expect a response, Thomas A Turco, 203 400 4922 my email is

Account #298089494794. I received my February bill on 2/16/18. I mailed my payment 2/17/18. It was posted 2/27/18 and I was charged a $5 late fee on my March bill. I received my March bill 3/19/18 with a due date 3/24/18. There was no way my payment would reach IL from WA so I had to spend $24.70 on next day service. P. Van signed for the payment 3/22/18 at 5:48 AM in Carol Stream IL so I know my March payment will not be late. What I want to know is why I was assessed a late charge when I mailed my payment timely and have had no late charges on this account in 6 months. Please credit my account with the $5 late fee. Is there any way you could mail my payment to me a week earlier to avoid this problem? I have tried and will keep trying to set up an online account but have had no meaningful help from customer service.

I am very Upset about a situation with AT&T INTERNET BILL ,I have been told 2 months ago I will pay $34 for 1 year of promotion,and today 3/24/2018 I have recived a Bill for $40. Rude !
This is very not right !

I am very Upset and disapointed! I had a VERY BAD EXPERIENCE at the AT & T store located at Beverly Bvd,(and La Cienega) Los ,Angeles CA 90048.This is the second time I went to ask for help to downdload an App.and No only the employee didn't have a knowledge at all, he couldn't respond any question. that he lied and was disrespectful.His name is LUIS, he was trieing to make buy a new cell,when the one I have I bought it 5 months ago,He said I need a biger phone,becouse I don't have room for texting??????
LUIS ,need training and education,this is not right to treat a costumer and lie to make me buy a new cell. Are they in comisions on sale??? This is the second time that happened!

For 3 months in a row I have received my bill 2-3 days before the pay time actually after the date all resulted in a late payment.
There is no way other then going into an outlet to pay this on time. Paying by check through the USPostal service which is the most convenient way for me it is impossible to be on time, so, go ahead and charge me the $5.00 late fee.
The closing date on bill this month was 03/07/18. I received it today 03/23/18 16 days after the closing date, the due date 03/28/18 Today is Friday the check goes to Atlanta If I pay the bill tomorrow the chance of it being recorder by the 28th is absolute zero.
I believe this is fraud committed by the nations largest telacommunications co..

Had DSL internet. Always had problems with account . Connection problems, lose of broadband and signal due to signal lose to packs . I tried for 3 to 4 years to work with A T & T. They even lowered my monthly rate to 28.00 . But they never fixed the problems and I finally had enough of their none action and customer service. They were none carrying. They sent final statement to be paid after I had told them I had not had internet due to them for 4 weeks. I should not have any billing. And they also for about 3 to four months had been charging me 88.00 to 95.00 for DSL. Why would I have the slowest internet for the cost of the fastest which is about 20x's faster at that price ??? We can not even get faster service in this area .... I have tried to talk to the complaint department with no successes at all. I need to talk to someone that has the power or authority to fix this issue and so I can go on down the road. I told them that I was contacting my rep. and also the BBB and Attorney General of the state due to their none carrying and none comment to help customers. Have copies of billings and also, copies of monthly checks going through bank. Bank statements validate our payments and also we should not have any late charges on an account which never really ever worked to its specs.A T & T owes us money for over charge and also for so called late fees, which is a joke .I've been lied to, been rude to, been maneuvered, been manipulated , and even been hung up on. I am a customer and I do not work for A T & T. I fail to see why anyone should be treated like this from a company that projects so much friendliness. False advertisement .I have tried to conclude this event of lack management . This is just the start I feel and I am up to the task !!!!!!!!!! 3 / 20 / 2018 .... Phone # 1-918-271-4160

i got a lg v20 back on march 11 of 2017 the deal was 50\ off of 829.99 over 30 months but att made me pay 249 of the phone upfront that left me with 580.99 over 30 months they were giveing me 13.37 a month as a creidt over 30 months but are now saying i ported my number out so now i owe 829 not 580.and not takeing off any creidts i have so far after 13 months of billing

On March 14. 2918, an AT&T serviceman worked on a telephone line in the yard behind my house. Before his arrival, I had no problem with my service. I did not call him. Shortly after he arrive around 9:15 A.M., I list the dial tone on my LANLINE. I waited to see if my service would be restored after he finished. He left around 3:30 P.M., but my LANLINE service was not restored. I immediately called AT&T to inform them of the problem but was told it would be Thursday of the following week before anyone could come back out and restore service to my house where I didn’t have a problem until the servicemen worked I. The line. I complained that I WAS A DUSbked elderly woman with severe rheumatoid arthritis and that my ADT SECURITY security system would be greatly comprised by that arrival date. The agent then told me that the soonest they could come to my house would be March 21. I asked to speak to a supervisor and was referred to Ryan who assured me they would expedite the repair and someone would be out the following day, March 15 between 8 A.M. and 8 P.M. At around 3:30 on that date, I called to check the arrival status of the serviceman only to discover that no order had been established. Ryan lied! I complained because of the risk to my self and home security because my ADT alarm operates on my LANLINE. I informed Louise that my home had already been broken into once and I didn’t want to face another danger like that, especially silly with a compromised system that has lost service because of A mistake made by an AT&T serviceman. Louise assured me that someone would be out between 5-8 PM, but needkess to say, she LIED as well. I pay my bill on time and AT&T does not have to call me for lack of payment and to be treated with such lack of concern for the customer’s well being has become the trademark of AT&T. You all don’t care about customers. Not only I’m I without service but I’m at risk because my ADT system is compromised but I’m using cellular data I should not have to use, possibly costing me financially in the long run, because I don’t have the security of using my home Wi-Fi. No one from AT&T visited my house on March 15 to fix a problem your company caused. I ask that you send someone to my house first thing on Friday morning to repair the problem your service man caused. I ask that you discount my bill for lack of service from 9:30 A.M. on Wednesday, March 14 until those repairs are made. I also ask that you discount my cell phone to atone for data used that would not be used. I have had similar problems in the past where I have been accused by AT&T of using data beyond my plan while aim sittiting at home all day long relying on a Wi-Fi that may or may not be working through no fault of my own. There was a time when AT&T appeared to care about their customers. Where is that concern now? I live alone! It’s not a very comforting feeling to have someone break into your home, and the thought of my security system being disabled because of a mistake on your part is REALLY frightening for me! When I faced that dNger before, it was well over a year before I slept at night. Please don’t make me relive that incident, which is becoming very real for me.

On or about March 2, 2018 I made a promise to pay by phone using your automatic services for 3-21-2018 and on Tuesday my services were interrupted. I did receive a notice in the mail for the 8th of March service interruption. I was approved for that date and someone tried to get into my gated community and was unable to get in. I can't get in and out of my gated community because the last four digits of my phone number is the gate code. It is so sad to offer a service and not honor it. Services needs to be restored immediately. I also spoke to Linda Wilson and she said she showed no record of a promise to pay by date. I also explained I had 2 surgeries and I was running a little behind so I would make payments on my account as much as I could. Linda stated that she could not restore my services unless I did a promise to pay by with her by check or credit card. Why would I call and say I did a promise to pay by and give her the dates and amounts if I didn't schedule one. If they were going to interrupt my services, why didn't they do it on the 8th as they say was scheduled. Obviously it seems as though my promise to pay was deleted. I used my phone as recent as Monday night. I have been a customer for many many years under a different last name and city since it was South Central Bell.

I have been dealing with this issue since May of 2017. My services were transferred from the home that I was staying in to the home that I have bought. Since then I have called every month to get everything taken care of as far as my billing. Someone on Direct TV took it off of combined billing and I didn't find that out till September because in June they stated that everything was fixed. I still wasn't getting my bill to upload so couldn't pay it. In September they told me to register which I did and was only able to pay once on there because every time I log in it directs me to combined billing. I have called every month been promised call backs I never received, been told it was fixed, and just wait to make a payment until they could fix it. I called every month to due my part as a customer. This experience has been crap and something I shouldn't have to call in monthly and speak my weekend on the phone 3-4 hours at a time.
I spoke with supervisor Frank Employee #FR371B who tried to say that I didn't do what I have been doing calling in trying to pay even when they said I had 0 balance and I even went to a store you couldn't find it in the system and speak two hours after work. I understand there is valid charges because I can't disconnect them but all the work I have put in your company never responded. Frank then stated that I can only adjust 100 dollars due to the unfortunate circumstance which he has the power to due the balance. Im not trying to get off easy but for my difficult situation and been provided bad customer services I'm not paying charges I can physically pay because they don't pull up or they can't find them. I will continue out paying once everything is fixed and start with my combined billing the way it is suppose to be and the correct amount. As I stated to him. A a supervisor you are suppose to go beyond for the customers and satisfy them. I never had an issue till I moved and never missed a payment. This is not on me I haven't dropped the ball ATT/DIRECT TV did. The balance should be credited and what should happen is credit and pay the early cancelation fee because I'm done being a DIRECT TV customer with the horrible experience I deal with every time I call in. I will go to cox where I have never had an issue and think about getting a new cell phone and internet plan as well. Ive been a long time customer and this experience has left a bad taste in my mouth and when your friends and family ask are you calling direct tv again that is an issue.

Just had corporate gentlemen that came by to see how Dave (our installer) did they opened the gate without my knowing to check on install and failed to shut the gate behind them. Now my dog is running loose NOT a good start for your sevices.
Jason Stratton

The month of Jan I dropped my fax line my bill was reduced by $52.00 the bill was $151.57 this month my bill is $222.66 ..
I made multiple calls before I actually got to speak to someone in the US and they pretty much said this is your bill and when I said that ATT was going to lose me as a customer pretty much got the oh well. I said Comcast would like to have me as a customer and the ATT lady said would you like for us to cancel your account or wait till you call Comcast.
With my wife's cell phone bill is separate from the other ATT services that we have all totaled we are spending over $300.00 per month and really disappointed in the ATT attitude towards their customers.
That lady in Kentucky needs some customer service training she was supposed to be a supervisor in Customer Retention.
Happy to hear that so much is going well for ATT that they no longer need to keep their customers.
Thanks for listening I feel better now hope to hear back from ATT but not expecting too will be searching for other options.
Harold Burtt 904-272-0788

I'm having grave difficulties trying to get the plan agreement your company and I entered into (see below) correct billing info. I've spoken to billing and the loyalty departments on several occasions within the last few days with each time receiving feedback via email from them of plans that was said that I had agreed too, but didn't. I have spent numerous of hours on the phone within the past few months and days trying to correct these issue with negative results. Agreed to services and plans timelines: 1. Change in monthly services cost (03.08.17). Directv - $15.99; Internet - $31.99. No contract. Total monthly cost including taxes - $52.00. Effective date: 03.26.17~03.26.18. Had many issues with billing thereafter. 2. Change in monthly service cost (08.06.17). Directv - $15.99; Internet - $31.99. No contract. Total monthly cost including taxes - $52.00 with $36.60 due 08.26.17. Current balance: 0. $32.30 removed from my bill. Conf #: 3531967603A. Rep name: Taja. Problem in Aug: Bill was great and the service person was very good. However, my upload and download speeds were changed without my knowledge or consent. 3. 02.12.18: Receive email stating change in services. Bill increased, contract added. 4. 02.15.18: Called AT&T to address concerns. Asked to speak with a Mgr. Rep said Mgr would call me back. Mgr never called. 02.16.18: received email stating same as item 3. Reps that I've spoken with: Jevone, Tre, many others. My request and expectations are that your company adhere to the service plans and agreements that we entered into in Mar and Aug 2017. No contract, download and upload speeds at 18 mbps and 3.0 mbps, respectively. I look forward to your response as soon as possible. My telephone: 502.695.3707 (H) 859.492.3707 (C). Acct #135252206. Pass Code: 5217

Installation of my service was done in December 23,2017. A cable wire is still exposed in the backyard. I called in to report the issue and even called the attention of a serviceman servicing my neighbor but nothing has been done to bury the exposed wire. Is there anybody listening?

I called into your customer service to check on my data plan. I spoke with the representative about what there was to possibly upgrade my plan. She told me about the Unlimited Data plan. I asked her how much it would be and she quoted me the price of $145.00. I currently pay 133.30 for the 10gb plan. So I asked her if that was the price and she again said yes. So I told her that since it was only $12 more that I would upgrade to it. Never once did she say anything about any additional fees or taxes. I get my next bill and it shows a higher rate than what was quoted me. I called the customer service at that time and then they proceeded to tell me that my new rate would be $172. I told them that was not the price told to me and that it needed to get fixed. Nothing was resolved at that time so I asked for a supervisor. The representative told me that they would have to call back in 30 minutes. That was on 2-9-18. Today is 2-13-18 and I just got off the phone with them after spending 1 hour and 21 minutes with 3 different people. I made that call as no manager called me. I was told that the initial representative had told me a wrong amount as they should have explained about the added fees and taxes. I explained to each person that the representative never told me that and that I should have been given that price. Each person I talked to kept over talking me and did not resolve anything except that they were giving me a $100 discount on my next bill. The final person whose name was Sylvia (did not get the first two as I could not understand them) said that she could not help me due the fact that they can not change the amount of a plan because it was the marketing team that set these prices and that they could not alter the plan. I then asked to speak to her manager and she stated that he or she would only tell me the same thing and basically said that it would not do any good. I then asked for the corporate number and she said that I would have to get that from the manger. Then she told me that after conversing with her colleague's that there was no corporate office number. I was on the phone with her the whole time so I do not know when she had time to do this. I asked again to speak to her manager and she said that it would take 24 to 48 hours to get a call back. I asked for the name of the manager that would be calling me back and she gave me the name of Jessica or a Martin. I will be waiting for this call.

I am James Crawford---1833 7th Street--East Moline, IL. 61244
About a year and a half ago. (Aug, '16 I believe) I requested a land line be installed in my home. I had service with ATT for over 50 years but had it removed because all I was getting was sales calls.
Shortly after, my wife lost her vision and could not use the cell phone. I requested a new land line from ATT.
After waiting a week with no service I called ATT (after my usual 25 minute wait) The lady said it had been installed. I had been in the telephone business for 31 years. I checked the demark point and the terminal at the pole(since it was a buried service) and found my drop wire was not connected. I called again and after my usual 25 minute wait. and was told it was working because she had called the number 309 752-0372 and heard it ringing. Wow, I thought: Who am I dealing with here? A ring back tone doesn't mean it is really ringing a phone. I told her my service was not connected at the terminal She said I should call repair. I told her I needed an installer. She was sure she was smarter than me and we reached a stalemate. I told her I wanted to cancel my request for service and she agreed.
A month later I got a bill for connecting and a months of service. I called back and after my 25 minute wait, the person said they had no record of the previous conversation. but she would annotate our call and look into it.
A month later I got a bill for installation (about $45 and for a months service. I called and after 25 minutes, I was cut off. Next month another bill arrived with just the installation charge. I sent a letter of explanation. Then I got the nasty letter saying I am late.. Then I explained to a collection agency and they said OK forget it. They sold it to another collection agency which I ignored. Yesterday I get a notice from another collection agency.
I am sure this has had a negative affect on my credit rating and feel that ATT is responsible for all the harassment I have been given.
Would someone take pitty on me and resolve this matter.My previous telephone number was 309 752-0372. I had copies of my letters but have changed computers and the letters only duplicate what I have said here

I called internet service number in August to complain that our extra charges for internet usage was impossible because we are unable to download movies and the amount of usage they were saying (250gig-650gig) was not believable because we are a two person family and work full time jobs.
The individual stated the Technical department could research this and get back with me.
In October I called again, and stayed on phone over 1 hour, and the lady agreed with me that it appeared incorrect that two people were using 650gig in one month with NO movie downloads, and NO video downloads. She stated they would credit my account for that month and go to research the other months.
In February, I noticed the other months were not addressed so I called back a third time, and this lady was horribly rude. Wendy Desk R100. She stated it was very possibly that I could use that much internet and there was going to be no more research. In essence she didn't listen to my complaint and understand what I was addressing.

After careful review and outside inspection, it is the collective conclusion that AT&T is deliberately slowing down my internet speed both direct and wireless !!! - I would like a direct response regarding this matter !!!
Respectfully Submitted, Judith A. Kowich
30529 Iroquois Dr. Warren, MI 48088 1-586-751-0159

This is the worst service I’ve ever had I’ve only been with AT&T for 2 month n my transition has been horrible I will not recommended nobody to them at all I’m so disatified already !!! Now when I switch services they’ll ask me wht can they to keep me instead of asking me now smfh!!!

I live on St, Croix USVI, I have been an ATT customer for many years, I have enjoyed excellent service with ATT all the time. I even at one time switch to Sprint for they has better rate packages, but had to switch back to ATT because the service was not as good as it's rates. So I know the service that ATT was able to provide, However all that changed after the passing of the resent hurricanes in the Virgin Islands. The service we now receive is nothing compare to what it used to be. We were able to two months credit which was good but we are now about five months after the passing of the storm and the service we once enjoyed is yet to be. Over the past three month I have called Tech Support to see they could do anything about the service only to be told that only two of the towers are showing good and all others are showing deterioration, they are working on the problem and will be restored soon. Over those three months I have been given several dates that repair was to be completed only to be disappointed. The last date I was given was Feb. 7th, and of course we still have the problem, poor service, but our bills is like we have excellent service, with no discount. I will be filing a complaint with Better Business Bureau for I am fed up with ATT customer service responses.

I live on St, Croix USVI, I have been an ATT customer for many years, I have enjoyed excellent service with ATT all the time. I even at one time switch to Sprint for they has better rate packages, but had to switch back to ATT because the service was not as good as it's rates. So I know the service that ATT was able to provide, However all that changed after the passing of the resent hurricanes in the Virgin Islands. The service we now receive is nothing compare to what it used to be.We were able to two months credit which was good but we are now about five months after the passing of the storm and the service we once enjoyed is yet to be. Over the pass three months I have called Tech Support to see they could do anything about the service only to be told that only two of the towers are showing good and all others are showing deterioration, they are working on the problem and will be restored soon. Over those three months I have been given several dates that repairs was to be completed only to be disappointed. The last date I was given was Feb. 7th, an of course we still have the problem, poor service, but our bills is like we have excellent service, with no discount. I will be filing a complaint with Better Buisness Bureau for I am fed up with ATT customer service response.

my complaint is that i had trouble with my hd tvs and had a service man come out to fix it and a car showed up and an att guy came in and pulled a scam on us to change from century link to att sevices. they spent several days hooking up our phone system and we evidently have a blockage somewhere in our home so it was a waste of time we have had no phone for almost a week. and also we were supposed to have a 14 days grace period to change back if we weren't happy to keep our phone number as we had it for 30 sum years.well guess what we tried to get our old phone number back to change back to century link our original phone outfit and we have gotten no where.i and my husband are not in good health and we need a phone and it still. is not working. i am so stressed i have been trying to get help for this and can't get anywhere.please contac me if you can help get my 30 some year phone number back so i dont have to notify a bunch of family , doctors ,banks , famiy etc... thank you so much please help... nancy stover use e-mail i don't have a working phone... thank you

I needed help on my internet service. I can't tell you how many hours I have spent and I still have not got the answer, All I wanted to know was how to keep devices and/or people off my internet. Customer service has changed my passwords and even taught me how to look up things, but I still had problems. They finally sent a Tech JUSTIN (problems with getting that even). I was not at home but my 15 year old grandson was. He was suppose to call me and I would come home. My 15 year old is on his gaming xbox to much and I wanted to block his xbox but not other things. I had many questions. In Jan 2018 for the 1st time I went over my 1000gb and I wanted to know how could that happen when not much changed. Sadly my phone had problems and I didn't get my grandsons call. Justin still serviced my home with no adult present. When I got home my child said I screwed everything up and if I changed passwords again and a tech had to come I would be charged. Justin had left his number. I called him because I never got my questions asked and didn't really believe my childs message fully. He didn't answer but returned my call not long after. He was instantly annoyed with me and any question. He would keep saying "What do you want me to do?", After about 3 minutes he said look I a just ready to take my lunch so I gotta go. Why the heck did he call me back if he didn't have time? He was horribly rude and I began to cry I was so frustrated. I just needed some help and guidance. So after being a customer for some time now I will cancel my account and go to Infinity Internet Essentials. They have faster internet speed and classes to learn things about the internet service. Most of the phone customer service people will ask a bunch of questions (about 10 minutes) then transfer me to someone else and they ask the same questions. I am to old to waist my time like that.

I have a 6s IPhone that just froze and was unable to restore..... this I was told at the apple store, On 2/6/18, I went to the Retail store at Sunnyside Village Plaza Center, 10820 Pendleton Pike Ste D, Indianapolis to discuss the next step. When I went in there was only one customer in the store and she was finishing up.... there were two staff on duty. I explained my problem and I needed to verify insurance or upgrade or replace.... I did not break the phone - just plugged in to recharge and the next morning the phone would not turn on... So of course they preceded to TRY to fix it when I had already said in would not restore..... It was very apparent that the one I first talked to was new and was not very sure what to say, then the other man came over and was very short, and arrogant with me. His demeanor was not very professional. Look up info told me I did not have coverage on my phone and still had 13 months so pay this or call this number was his solution.... he did not offer to call to help just gave me a number and said to call it - duh... did he not listen I had no phone - he would not let me use the phone there because it was "business phone" was this not business???? I left very frustrated and went to a friends to use her phone and a claim was made- a phone is being sent as a replacement. I have been an AT&T customer for over 40 years and left with a very bad feeling as if it was to much trouble to help me - and I was just an old lady that he had no time for..... customer service definitely was missed in his orientation....

I have paid 565.00 to get the internet and tv turned back on. They want turn it back on and are rude some of them. My grandaughter needs the internet to do her homework on. My daughter is looking for jobs. My husband Jorge funes let his friends do a three way group plan its 1000 and something dollars some charges were made in my name after I cut off there phone's October 18. There has been fraud on my phone by my husband's friends and it needs to be stopped and the internet needs to be turned back on thankyou Elizabeth Gale funes.

I changed my plan with the customer loyaltly department early January, said that I was going to save money on Directv and At&T. I did save money on my Direct Tv and when I got my at&t bill my bill was over 60.00+ in charges. I called to talk to a representative who was rude and said that since I changed during my billing cycle that I owed this money. I understand these charges are associated with changing a plan during my billing cycle, I was not made aware of this when customer loyalty changed my plan. I was under the impressing that I'd save almost 20.00 or so with changing to the new plan, not adding 60.00 for billing cycle change, then my bill after would go down. this was not disclosed by the representative. if that was the case. I'd change plans when my billing cycle ended to not incur charges of 60.00+. I need this rectified. I tried to ask the agent to connect me to a manager he refused would not give me his employee id to identify him, or his customer number to identify him. He would not connect me to a manager for assistance. I feel that this kind of customer service treatment is unfair. I did get his name was John I called at 1:42 mountain standard time. He was very disrespectful, not customer friendly, and not symphatethic at all. he advised me to call and talk to someone else. This kind of treatment is very unfair. Please adjust this situation. You can pull the call records. my phone number is 623-414-8255, name is Sonia Butler, under the account. I have 5 lines with you and directv service. I would like this taken care of. The money that was added was not disclosed even if it is for one billing cycle. I would not have changed my plan. Please call or email me back with resolution. I am very upset.
thank you

I can't remember my at&t wireless user ID and password, customer services will not let me reset to a new
ID and password with out these two pieces of information. possibly because my wireless phone was lost
or stolen last year. My old wireless phone number was/is 309 278 8809. my account number is/was
199024947635. I simply do not see a good reason why these 2 pieces of information are no enough.
they could have sent me the requested information by email or by mail or by my new cell phone numper
witch is verison wireless #309 207 2990.

I had a home internet with At&A for only two Months. They offer me a plan below Basic. They send a technician to see if there is something else they can do about it. Thet poor person he did not even know why they send him out because they had to check everything on their end and take care of it. He was in my apartment and he was on the phone with them and ask why he was there. After all, I find out they just did that all promise to have me to pay them more money, and right now they are trying to charge me because I had my internet for almost 2 months. I never sign any contract, and I don't think they have any right to charge their customer an agreement fee if it's never been sing. Since December I have been calling Belling Department, and talk to them they all tell me the same thing. They all tell me they do see the comment about not having you to pay any fee and let's send out a request for ADJ. I think I have about 20 people is name and ID number that I have talked to and They all told me the same thing. I was hoping At&T could care about their customer a little more. Especially, when the Customer is right and there is an ADJ required for $132. They have a lot of rude people in their Customer service department, and a lot of unhelp full people in billing Department. plz, don't trust At&T. Get your Service though someone else.

I have been a loyal customer of ATT wireless for 22+ years, with phones and data plans for my entire family. We recently moved for to Longmont, CO, a suburb of Denver and a city of 100,000, and have NO SERVICE at all in our neighborhood. The service is so bad that if I step out of the WiFi range of my house, I have to drive 3 miles to use the phone.
THAT is not the reason for my complaint. I contacted ATT shortly after moving here, and was assured that I would receive follow up. I never heard back by phone, text, email or written correspondence. I waited a few months and decided to try again. I went through the entire scenario again and AGAIN was told someone would call or email me. AGAIN, ATT has been completely unresponsive.
I have never missed a payment, I have continued to add lines and data plans and tablets. And, now that I have 2 useless phones in my neighborhood, I can't get a response from ATT. This is unacceptable. It is NOT the way a loyal customer should be treated. Now that I have no other option but to switch to Verizon, I am asking for SOME DEGREE OF SERVICE RECOVERY! I called (800) 331-0500, and was told by Tabitha that "there is nothing they can do - you have to pay your bill in it's entirety" She then told me that she could give me a discount on my plan or switch me to a cheaper plan!!!!!! Why on earth would I want a cheaper plan for 2 phones that I can't use in my area!
I would hope SOMEONE at ATT could offer SOMETHING in the way of Service Recovery.

I've called Att since Irma hit Florida to replace a leaning pole with wires hanging below my 6 ft wood fence, they've sent the wrong crew 4 times, 9 calls, 9 lies told of when and who would repair they pole, to this day nothing but lies and denied responsible about work orders

On 01/23/2018 I had purchase a cell phone from this company and on 01/25/2018 once again I had to purchase another cell phone from this company down payment of $372.87 for each phone .Problems is Numbers to both cell phone was a recycle phone Numbers; these account was in some one else name; this company tell me it was a problem with their ITT department and I was told that I would receive a refund within five to seven business days. When I call again this morning another employee tell me I will get a refund within 1 month, which is unacceptable, since this company had no problem taken my money you all needed to refund my money with in a timely manner especial since there was a computer issue. I have bill to pay like every one else and this is a lot of money that was taken from my account, I 'm very unhappy with how this matter was handle. please contact me at your AS SOON AS POSSIBLE I will be write the BBB about this issue as well , I need my money and I refuse to wait one month for this company to refund my money for both cell phone here is a copy of my order. since this company mess it up it shouldn't be a issue with give me my refund.
Order canceled
We are sorry to say that order 56-804000002565825 that you placed with us on 01/25/2018 has been canceled because you didn't accept our Terms & Conditions, or an order cancellation request was received.
Order Number: 56-804000002565825
Wireless Number Device
901.463.5588 Samsung Galaxy Note8
Order canceled
We are sorry to say that order 56-802000003492554 that you placed with us on 01/23/2018 has been canceled because you didn't accept our Terms & Conditions, or an order cancellation request was received.
Order Number: 56-802000003492554
Wireless Number Device
901.567.1525 Samsung Galaxy Note8
We did try to contact you a couple of times to resolve this:
Initial request sent: 01/23/2018
Reminder sent: 01/23/2018
If you'd like to place a new order, or if you have any questions about the canceled order, please contact us at 800-331-0500. We're here to help.

I was an AT&T customer for a very long time until recently, I canceled my business with AT&T because of how my internet problem was not resolved, my account number is/was 134092905(which is canceled) but my issue is now that I have gone to Sonic and AT&T was suppose to connect the service line, before my installation (this last Sat 1/27/18) and was never done. The service tech called to see what happened and he had to get another ticket AT&T to come out Monday 1/29/18. I went home at lunch today to check and service was not on, I called Sonic and they checked and AT&T ticket was closed like it was done....I check the box and it was left opened and with exposed wires and they were not even connected! Exposed wires to the weather....not good! Sonic said that another ticket was opened for a tech to come again tomorrow 1/30/18 between 8am - the mean time the wires are exposed to the weather....and I'm being charged thru my cell phone carrier $15 per 1mgb I use because I have gone thru my normal 20megabites, because I have not had internet working for 3 weeks. I can not even connect t o my work e-mail! This is bad customer service all the way around....If I knew I could attach an image I whould of taken a picture of the exposed wires and box....
Maria Quiroz

we purchased our phones over 13 months ago and while reviewing why our bill ran close to $300. per month we discovered that we were being over charged 2x on the insurance among other things. we contacted AT&T and was told that they weren't responsible for reviewing and uncovering such things I don't know if it was the customer service agent or the company but what I got from this situation was that we will take your money on bogus charges and if you don't catch it we will continue then tell you if you discover this fraudulent charge that is was not out fault...thank you AT&T.
my question is how many people is this being done to and is this an appropriate response for this issue by this company?

Representative did not fulfill my request regarding service, instead she changed my cable to Direct TV without my consent, resulting in lack of service for 24 hours and being late for work; after being on the phone for more than three hours over two days.

Would like to have someone call me at 731-695-5850 please.
Too lengthy to go into. But I am sure Att would love to know what has happened! Please call




I moved from coral springs fl. to north fort myers fl. had great connection on the east coast. but to make or receive calls in my house in n.ft.myers, I have to go outside!

This has been the worst and most stressful service from day one. I have had issues and still have them and Noone ever calls that can fix when I spend hours on end trying to get help. I have literally balled my eyes out over the stress this has caused. They lied about the plan and it being cheaper. They keep trying to take money out I don't owe and Noone cares there

At 70 dollars a month, my internet should never be down for 5 days. If fiber is not a service that AT&T has the resources to provide you should not provide it. The internet is supposed to be so reliable, but I have to spend 50% of my time talking to customer support bc the internet never actually works.

I signed up for your service because I moved. It sounded like a good deal at the time. Once it was all set up I was not impressed. I called to have it ALL canceled including the phone service. I sent everything back like I was told. I found out through my bank account after I canceled EVERYTHING you were still taken money from my account and Robbie Raines account as well. I called about it and wanted to know why you were taking money out of my account since I canceled EVERYTHING. The gentleman I spoke with said he would take care of it and he refunded both of us money that was taken out of our account. But for some reason your company still said I owed you money which MAKES NO SENSE AT ALL!!!!! Y’all sent it to collection agency. I owe you NOTHING!! You refunded me money so I owe you NOTHING! I still have the emails where you refunded the money back to my account. So you need to take the collection off my record!

ATT&T sends these so called salesmen knocking on your door. They are going to save you money, give you a phone or gift cards and better service. All lies. I was scammed. My bill is double what I was paying with US CELLULAR. My phones were fine. . No gift cards as promised. Surcharges and taxes are ridiculous. Now I have a 3 year contract with a high bill. BEWAREdo not let them in.

ZERO Stars!!! I have had spotty (at best) to no internet for over six weeks. I have spent hours on the phone with the tech dept (huge waste of time). The techs have made housecalls and could not fix the issue. Finally, one told me that it was a tower issue and would require the Engineering Dept. to resolve. He said he escalated a ticket to them and they would call me back in two days. That never happened (all the time I am still paying for the internet, but can't use it). After 3.5 hours on the phone one week after I was supposed to get the call, they 'guaranteed' me I would get a call within one hour. Nothing. Called again, went through the whole explanation with yet another person, was on the phone for over an hour when they finally told me the Engineering Dept was closed on the weekend. Then, they once again told me for sure I would get a call back. Never happened. This is a worthless company. I am filing a formal complaint and cancelling service. I can't believe the level of incompetence.

I’m at location 1809 Reisterstown Rd in Pikesville, MD to have 2 phones repaired. Was told we had to wait 30-40min for tech to comeback @ 3:30pm. Ask rep can they see if tech is back, the reps response was “oh he somewhere bullshitting” you just gonna have to wait for him cuz I can’t fix it!” I’m highly irritated and have been a loyal customer for years…this type of customer service is offensive and unacceptable!

Recently purchased a $50 cruise package and it only worked for the first day. Phone number for the purchased line 816-392-1712. We had to instead purchase ship internet because the Att cruise package didn’t work.

Look..I do not owe $700.00 to AT&T. I have been talking to about 4 different people to fix it but nothing has happen..I had account for 3 days when I returned the phone #436181201792 last year I sent the phone back brand new with in 7 days but your billing department lied and did not take it off and claimed they reimburse me money they did not I only had the phone 3 days they sent the wrong phone I called and told customer service I was closing my account after that it was on t h em I did not save any pkg I sent it through ups with your labele at one time they took the money off and now it appears on my account so when I try to get a cell phone or internet they say I owe this money I will go to consumer affairs it's not correct and the people I talk to do nothing they told me to go to a AT&T store I do not have a car and I a senior I also order the phone over the phone this is fraudulent and when I counseled my order it was done 3 days after I got the phone it was your billing department that messed up I would like it taken off perm so I can order my SamsunS22ultra and internet service this issue has been going on for over 1 year first they took it off and than they put it back on when I tried to order services. I took care of this 1 yr ago apparently the billing department did not and your customer service is blaming me for not keeping my records they keep saying I made payments I did not..I do not know where they are getting this information from but if you do not want me as a customer ok but you still need to take $700.00 off my account that is fraud and hurting Mr, I was hoping you can hp me with this before I go to consumer affairs. It's ironic just 5 months ago AT&,T was going to give me cell phone but I was not ready to switch I filled out the application and that $700.00 was not on there now it is showing up again please explain that to me and I need to talk to a supervisor who will truly help me one final attempt, AT&t expects me to keep receipts or account info that is over 1 yr I o ly had the phone 3 days how do they figure Ithey reimburse me money for several months that is what Brittany told me she said something is wrong but that the other people I talk to say funny things here is what I think happen? I order the phone it was on a contract but when I counseled it and sent the phone back the billing department did not close it and kept charging me payments but than a couple of months went by I got a bill from At&t saying I owe money I called them and I said I sent you back t h e phone it wS brand new and with in 7 days they stopped it than but it was not done correctly and now it keeps coming up I owe nothing to AT&T for a phone I gave back I get soany different stories from your customer service people but its not correct let's not make up things, so I want this cleared up..I should not have to go into a store I order the phone over the phone I have my ID N7887599 Ca..expires 10/31/2029 my phone us 669-279-9881 ,feel free to call me
Diane Bohn

I was scammed by an AT&T in home expert on mobility service.
In March of 2022, I was waiting for my AT&T internet install appointment when Jeffrie P. (ATTUID: FP5460) knocked on my door. I thought he was there to install my internet, but he was there to sell me on switching my family's phone plan to AT&T. My whole family has been with Verizon for over 15 years. It was good timing on his part, because 4 out of our 5 lines needed new phones.
The deal was.... we'd trade in our phones and get new iPhones. We'd also get $250 visa gift cards per line we switched. He quoted me in person and over text message that our total bill would be $160/month (before tax) and would never change. So it sounded like a no brainer, so we decided to move forward. (My total tax is $10, so let's use $170/month for the quote). He told me it was "special In Home Expert pricing".
After my first few bills were a bit all over the place our 3rd bill settled in at $242/month with an expiring promotion of $10/line after 10 months. So currently I'm paying $242/month and it will be $292/month after the AARP promo ends. Again, he quoted me $170.
After multiple phone calls to corporate, they told me that I needed to get back in touch with Jeffrie or his Supervisor, Melissa (ATTUID: MP1547). It took about 3-4 weeks to get Jeffrie back on the phone. Jeffrie finally admitted that he mis-quoted me and it was his mistake. Jeffrie told me he had to go to his supervisor Melissa to get me a 1 time credit for the mis-quote. That one time credit was around $3,800 for the 36 month term. Not surprisingly, it took weeks to get ahold of Melissa after she dodged my calls and texts. The only things she told me I could do was lower my level of service, which is the same thing ATT corporate told me.
Finally ATT corporate told me that my only course of action was to sue ATT.
Shame on you ATT. Shame on you In Home Experts. Shame on You Jeffire P (ATTUID: FP5460) and Melissa (MP1547).
Jeffire's game: to tell the potential customer whatever number they want to hear in order to get them to sign up. He says your first few bills will be all over the place due to the trade in's/ special pricing. Then when your bill settles in, AT&T corporate has no recollection of the communication between you and your In Home Expert (Jeffrie). And now I'm stuck for 36 months, paying $122/month more than what he quoted. Not a good feeling being taken advantage of.

i had wireless phone service with a 3g plip phone and it was canceled with my account that was paid up to dec. 1 2022 ,i had a cash balance of 347.84 in the account . the phone number was 708 -710-7617 my pin # was 7717 . i believe there was a change to 5g which my did not support. i would very much like to get the money that was the balance in the account. thank you . daniel a. tuffs 7226 w. 109 th. place worth ,il. 60482

ATT has continued to promise me I would have access to Fiber for 4+ years now. I understand the new construction in the area will be getting it, but the existing customers will not. This is not acceptable, I am paying more for 6MBPS than customers with fiber. When is ATT going to put forth the effort to take care of their rural customers?

I have been without landline service and internet service for a week and a half or longer. When I called on Monday, June 27, 2022 I was told service would be restored on Saturday, July 2, 2022 by 6:00 p.m. On Saturday, July 2, 2022 around 7;00 p.m. called customer service again because still no landline service or internet service. I was told it will now be Saturday, July 9th before technician can come out. Can someone tell me why? I am not very happy right now with AT&T service. I will expect credit for the weeks I have been without these services. I have been an AT&T customer since 1968 but it may be time to change. I would like someone to check into this matter for me.
Wanda Deal

I'm really disappointed to AT&T. All I need is just a receipt for my previous payments when I was in US! I can't login to my prepaid account from oversea. The website is not working (I can do that while I was still in the US)! I called for helps several times. I was told that my invoices will be sent to my email account. Got nothing after 3 days. I called again today and was told that I can't get my invoices in any ways out of US! I can't imagine how AT&T can say that they are the best mobile service in the US and charges for that much! People should really be told how poor the service that AT&T provides!


I have fixed wireless with AT&T its a internet service based on antenna to tower service, i had service interruption since day 1, but lately every Friday around 7:30-9 service goes down for days, i have contacted customer suport and att help on Twitter and they give me random answers but they dont fix my service, now i think they have blocked me on Twitter and on service support on the phone they have me waiting for 20plus minutes and then they drop my call

I have tried for 4 days now to activate my base fir my home for I am unable to do anything so my daughter has been handling this for me I have been in and out of the hospital not to say I need my phone!!!!!She had called 5/6 times and on hold for an hour at a time, disconnected after being on hold for 50 minutes. Told to take base into local store to activate when got to local store told that they couldn’t activate that SIM card that was in the base, sold me another one, supposedly activated the new one and told me all I had to do was to go back and plug in the phone. Nope it still didn’t work. Called back on 6/13 on the phone again for almost an hour, after about an hour was told I had to go back into the store with a drivers license and call back when I’m the store to activate the base!!!!!!! This has been unreal. I’m 87 years old terribly sick need my phone desperately. WHAT A messed up system!!!! And no one can help!!!! AT and T your a joke!!!

Was told the technical would come to install internet 3 times with no show. When calling to confirm what exactly is going on the AT&T manager I spoke with on the line hung up. Disappointed in the service.

Very bad customer service and they have wrong and false advertisement on their website, i added international calls feature for $10 a day like the app says then after one month I got a bill of $1008 and no body could resolve or help on that issue, especially the manager Leonards he’s very unprofessional and rude and has zero communication skills, this company is a scam don’t ever join it

AT&T don't take care of customers and fix our service so we have DSL and internet again.for myself and all my neighbors I have talked to.they want even show up when they set up a appointment time or even call .this has been down for over a week.we don't have fiber optic because AT&T want run it.

On May 9, I called in order to check on my account as I knew my current contract would be expiring at the end of the month, and I wanted to see what sort of deals were running at the time to resign on with. I spoke with Kendell, and all of this was under the phone call with this employee. Fiber had just been installed into our neighborhood the previous month, so I was told that in efforts of getting people to sign on for fiber, they would give me a deal. If I signed on and agreed to Fiber (at $65/month with autopay discount included), that he would keep my Uverse charge the same as my previous contract and roll that price over for the next year ($12.24). I specifically verified and asked what my total bill would be multiple times, and he told me $77.24 plus taxes/fees. Today, I get a notification that I am being charged $165.17. OVER DOUBLE what I had agreed to. I immediately called and spoke with about 10 different people. Everyone told me the same scripted answer that there was nothing they could do differently to honor what I had previously agreed to. After much convincing, I was allowed to just cancel the Uverse part of this (because there is NO WAY I am paying $85 for a service I used maybe twice a month), but I will still be charged this amount for the previous month, THAT I NEVER AGREED TO.
I know that phone calls are recorded, so I asked to please have that looked up and that all of it would verify. They told me that they could see that I spoke with someone on May 9, but that its only recorded SOMETIMES, and that then it is reviewed by a manager and deleted. So therefore they are claiming there is no way to verify how THEY messed it up. I was even told that knowing that Kendell was the sales employee meant nothing, as they had no way of looking up who that even was.
I made sure on this phone call on May 9 that I discussed both internet and Uverse, knowing my contract was up very soon. We discussed multiple promotions/options before landing on this one. Throughout my conversation with Kendell, he even kept putting me on hold in order to see if there were any other better deals he could get me as a VERY long time loyal customer. Today, I was told that in the transcript from that original phone call--there is no mention of Uverse at all so they can't verify anything I said, and are not taking my personal notes that I had written down as fact.
Something else they tried to convince me of, was that I only signed a contract at this price for the remainder of my previous contract??? (May 9-May 27). That is absolutely false, and very evident by the fact that my bill from April 27-May 27 is $165.17. So, that was just more wasted time with more lies from your employees.
Honestly, I have never been more disappointed with customer service. To make an agreement, confirm it multiple times, and then charge over double the amount of the total bill is outrageous. I work for our local TV station in Atlanta, and I have already contacted our consumer story reporter about this practice. I will continue on to contacting the BBB, FCC, and my lawyer about how to proceed with this further. At this point, we are not even arguing back and forth on numbers--it is about honoring an agreement as a company that an employee of yours made with a customer. We have been ATT customers for over 20 years, and the best the I was offered on the phone today was a $20 credit. I am appalled that I am not being honored the amount that I was offered and had agreed to.

Had an account rep stop by our home on May 9, 2023 and talked his way into us switching our cell phone service by reducing our bill from $100/month with Berizon to $50 a month with ATT. He upgraded one of our 2 phones and explained we would receive the upgrade for free. He said we would see a charge for $22 every month for the new phone but that there would be a credit of $22 month for my old phone. We discussed NOT wanting insurance. Once he us into switching to ATT, he handed us his mobile phone and asked us to sign on his screen. We trusted that what he told us is what he was doing so didn’t request to see what our signature was attached to. 2 weeks later on May 23, as I was trying unsuccessfully to set up our online account, I finally called and was
advised our bill was over $300. When I pursued this with a supervisor (the service agent was polite, but had no response or suggestions to stay with ATT- she seemed very anxious to get us a return mailer for the phone and get the lines disconnected) . The polite rep also said I was SOL on my phone I turned in to the scammer thatt completely misrepresented ATT. The supervisor was a little more understanding and said we were set up on the highest tier of service and were paying for insurance. Again, the rep that came to our home scammed us. The supervisor (Amy) did advise me that May 23rd was the last day to turn in my new phone for buyers remorse. She confirmed that since I turned in my old phone, ATT would not give me ant credit for that phone. I made the decision to return to Verizon where we have been customers for 22 years. Amy, the supervisor, suggested we get the numbers ported over to Verizon so we did not lose our existing phone numbers. Amy also said we could bring our tier down lower so our bill wasn’t so high, but that we were locked in for 3 years.
That same day, I took my phone and husbands phone to Verizon and got our prior account opened and numbers ported over. In my discussion with ATT supervisor Amy, because of how we purchased the phone ( through an in home advisor/rep) we needed to return the phone to an ATT store.
So, after finishing with Berizon, I went to the ATT store. The agent there couldn’t understand how I got my phone but finally seemed to comprehend I got it from an ATT agent that showed up at our house. Then she asked me where the box and charger were and said she couldn’t accept it without it. She ended up taking my new identical phone box and charger I got from Verizon with my new phone I purchased from Verizon. She also commented that this whole transaction would have been easier (on her I’m sure) if I had turned in my phone to them before I went to Verizon . Evidently she was unaware that I would have lost my phone number since I was told that turning it in immediately shut down the service and cancelled the number. Then as the final straw, she said there is a $55 restocking fee. Needless to say, this was icing on the cake. I paid it just to get rid of ATT. The agent said since no one told me about the restocking fee, I could call and might get it refunded.
So, ATT will be the last place we would go for service. Unfortunately, our Direct TV Service is part of ATT, but other than the continual increasing costs on Direct TV, customer service and wanting to help customers seems more of a priority. Our bill was taken from our account pretty quickly, before a month had even passed, so we paid over $200 for 2 weeks of cell service, I’m out the value of a good iPhone to ATT. No good words to say, and this will not be the end unless I get some satisfaction.

Today I had one on the worst customer experiences at your ATT store at 3302 University Ave Madison WI 53705.
The customer representative was Nolan Kuhn.
When I entered the store a different representative greeted me but Nolan jumped up from a couch and had a minor dispute with the original rep saying he was the next one in line. I have no idea what their procedures are but having this interaction in front of a customer is wrong.
I am trying to sign up for internet service for my new house and my interaction with this rep was not great. When I told him that due to identity theft i would not give my SSN he said that I had to give it to him. The manager told me that I could prepay two month of service so i was happy with that arrangement.
Once it was obvious that I was not going to get the service, Nolan was quite brisk, when I said that I was going to give this customer service feedback, He told me that I should not come into the store and tell him how to do his job. (which i did not do). Although I am only a customer, I do not think this person should be in a customer facing role. ATT may have different standards so I have no idea what you will do with this information.

In January I went into the local AT&T store to take advantage of a trade in promotion. I was told with my 7 Plus and my down payment my monthly payment for my 13 Pro Max would be $9.45 a month.
I sign up and turned in my 7 Plus and a month later I get a notice that all I was going to get was $40.
I called customer service and after a long call I was told I would be getting the full trade in credit but it takes a couple of months to complete the process.
April’s bill came and my payment is still $19.45
Another long call and they told me I wasn’t eligible for the trade in program. I asked the speak to a supervisor and while on hold I was disconnected. I called back and after explaining my problem again the representative put me on a long hold and when she came back on told me everything was taken care of and I would be receiving the trade in credit.
This month’s bill came out today and I’m still being billed at the higher charge.
I again called customer service and spoke with Jeremy, he looked over my account and told me I wasn’t eligible for the credit. I again ask for a supervisor and was connected with “Magic”
After putting me on hold many times Magic told me there was nothing he could do. So I asked for a corporate number I could called and the number he gave me was a customer service number.
The whole reason I did the upgrade was because I was told I qualified for the trade in program. My account on the AT&T app also told me I qualified.
I’ve been a customer of AT&T for over 30 years and am very disappointed with this “bait and switch”
Please return my old phone and my down payment and the payments I’ve made and I’ll turn in the new phone and take my business to a different carrier.

Just thought you should know why you lost a customer. Yesterday i cancelled ATT and switched to Infinity because of your enormous rate hikes in service. As Doctor Phil famously asked, "How's that working for you?
Sincerely James Westerberg

I would like to complain about the supervisor you have for customer rep. his name is Lincon. I dont think he even tried to help me instead of keeping me on chat for almost 2 hours. If this is the customer services you have then there is not need of support team or at&t should not be operated. took my 2 hours just for 5 min answer. After i end chat other supervisor told me i have to call certain number for the issue i was having. I dont know who made him supervisor

We wer me trying to get a phone line threw our internet connected to my wife’s computer from her office at home. She needed the phone to connect with her company’s phone service to take calls from home. She had this last year but to to Covid-19, she had to be off for several months , so we canceled the phone part of service while she wasn’t working to save money. Once she was able to start back working from home, it took an act of congress to get it back on. First they said that since the phone itself wasn’t an att phone, then the service wouldn’t work. Well we knew this wasn’t correct due to her having this same service just six moths prior with same office phone, plus other employees that work from home do not have issues. Well after several days finally get it worked out. This whole time, her office was loosing there patience because she couldn’t be on the phone. Luckily got it fixed. Well today, after having the service up for about a week, it’s not working . Come to find out, the guy from att that was handling thus for us, didn’t complete the order and the phone was cut off. So we have been on the phone all evening trying to find someone that not only could speak enough English to understand, but someone that could tell us what’s going on. Finally get ahold of a nice lady that was able to tell us about the worker not completely doing his job, so we gave to get it redid. She was very nice and apologized for us going thru this and would get a technician to come out as soon as they could. So now thanks to our faith in att service, my wife will not be able to fully do her job again tomorrow until they fix their mistake. Hopefully her jib will not be in jeopardy due to this. Very upset right now.

Advice double check always your bill, 2021 my husband walks into a store with a broken phone and warranty on it, customer service advised phone is being discontinued by Att there a new upgrade would be given hubby approves as he needs a phone for his company, agreements and terms over a new upgrade are presented to my hubby he signs for what we expected to be a new upgrade right nopE wrong 2 months on the billing cycle appears a 3 line at the time of me King a payment online and in the app I called loyalty dept because we also have internet with them and customer service mentioned we can return the device to cancel the 3 line added but keep in mind we need the device for my husbands job, so we decided to keep the line that is been hanging for a no th without activity in it and at the time I decided to give my iPhone 8 plus to my daughter over that Line that pho e was bought with Apple therefore the phone is paid off and I decide to upgrade to a 12 pro max cool we have 2 payments for 2 phones under installments on the with month I check and see bill is way higher that 2 installments taxes and internet combine in a single bill $330-340 every month I called they said we have 3 phones under installments to which I reply it should be only two devices where is the third one they mentioned is the 3 line which the customer service advisor who gives my husband never remove the broken phone even when we clear deductible and Att no longer carrying the phone the reason of the upgrade and mess of ending with a third line every month up until On April /18/2022 I called to finally settle what our friends and family have been telling us Att is horrible Att charges super high which is true but I always have had service when I'm Camping, traveling, etc. so I called to pay my phone because I'm the one in charge of making payments but due to an emergency surgery it slips my mind and ends up with two month which gladly I'm paying $660.+ cents for my BILL also I request to pay off all installments to see where we are without installments and if the bill will be reduced I pay 2 PHONES and when everything is done the very kind gentleman mentions you only have left the third line when you pay the bill an installment of $6.99 was paid for a phone so you paid also the 12 pro max you have left another Samsung to which so how many phones I been paying oh 3 which I request to hear besides the two first lines what other phone he can't find but is paid and no refund can be made to which reverts the payment cause is late on a Sunday 5 pm everyone is gone for the day call Monday I called no one know anything but I have a bill of $840 Because they didn't revert the payment of the installments they revert the money from my bill so I proceed to leave two phones paid off and paid $585 to bring my bill to the current statement no one can help to tell me about this third phone but they reassure will be fixed I hang up I assume will be fixed may comes on May / 14/ 2022 my Iphone 8 plus dies of frying results of my daughter Studying hard for finals on H.S. Tests I walk into Apple to obtain a new device which apple mention the phone Is fry you need a new one let's get one with Att since they are your provider he finds lock on the system I should call Att to which I do and tell me again my bill is in $800’s to which I simply leave apple to thank the guy and proceed to get furious with all this mess I been dealing with for a year and a half ok To which I in the term of this year and a half I have spent countless hours been transferred from loyalty to reg customer service from 3 to 6 hours keep in mind I paid for I a phone I Dont have and no one can't find installment of 24 months 373.18 cents and no one knows where it is why my bill is been bouncing and I still haven't paid my husband phone when I hang up with Att from 6 hours of frustration I called another provider who in 15 minutes me new service orders me a new phone for my daughter and gives me two sim cards for our phone that once I receive and pay off my husband phone in full will be able to take those number to a new phone company May/20/22 comes everything arrives and give a call to Att to cancel service pay the phone and tell the person I want to resolve and leave so pls let. I pay my bill and he replies to get the codes and you free I asked if the payment is made yes happy hang-up called the other company that made the transfer give codes and I get service for the 3 lines but only one works mine and my daughter and hubby are locked call back to Att they said payment is processed but phones are locked and I can stop at the store to which I go they can no longer see my account, not in any device form Ior shape to which is a Friday 6 pm everyone left you to need to call Att loyalty dept THIS IS THE REASON WHY I LEFT ATT THIS FOR THIS I DONT UNDERSTAND WHY YOU ATT CARE AND PROTECT FOR CUSTOMERS THAT HAVE BEEN LOYAL TO THE COMPANY so if you ask me or anyone asks me if I recommend Att is BETTER to GO TO A PROVIDER YOUR RELATIVES CAN PROVE THIS IS THE BILL WITH TAXES AND UNLIMITED FOR $$$ money and boom no headaches this morning I call and 3 representatives could find my account or explain why some see it partially and my lines are blocked if we no longer belong to Att and bill is paid. The irony is I still have u-verse they couldn’t help with my wireless bill and since I left yesterday may/20/22 this morning appear a $101.18 credit text towards my u-verse why couldn’t you help we had a great thing Since you guys were CINGULAR against all odds I supported you but you failed me and my family my kids now know att is not a great company because they heard me countless hours olead with you guys. Thx I know you’ll continue to make money but I won’t support you in any way, shape or form.

Telemarketer call at 2:49 a.m. !!!

People are in my alley, installing fiber optic cable. It is now Friday afternoon. Wednesday morning those same guys in the alley disconnected my internet and the internet of everybody on my block, at least. We have spoken to the guys in the alley each day, and they said they had reported the problem to AT&t. They acknowledged that they had broken the internet connection. I called and finally got somebody out here today. But he couldn't fix the problem in the alley. As I had been telling AT&t from the beginning, the problem was not in my house or immediately behind my house. So, the AT&t guy who came out today placed a call to the AT&t people who can work in the alley. Now I'm getting a message from AT&t saying that they can't schedule these guys to come out because of a problem with the AT&t network. I feel sure now they won't be out here today, which probably means they won't be out until Monday, and who knows if they'll be able to fix it then. Soon I will be without internet, phone and television for a week. This is ridiculous, but it's not the first time AT&t has done this to me. I need AT&t to fix this and I want to be reimbursed for the cost of the internet that I did not get because AT&t disconnected my internet.

One star because 0 is not available! After the company driving me crazy to switch my wifi to fiber I caved and agreed. Had to lose a days pay for install that didn't happen because company had no box at existing pole after making me crazy to switch! 24 hrs later they send an idiot out to climb pole and add box to except the new fiber. When he leaves he doesn't recconect existing service so now I have no internet! I call for him to return to make it right and they said their schedule is full. Yes full of half a__ed work!! So now I miss another day of work! Calling and talking to someone who barely speaks English outside of country, I request someone inside the states. Once connect I speak to another person who suggested I made an appointment yet again-why they cannot complete first appt! I ask for his supervisor. Once connect to him he says let's see if we can get him back out there, I will update you shortly. Few hours later I get an auto message for an appointment and NO RETURN CALL FROM SUPERVISOR!!! I am livid. What am I pay for? How many days work do I miss? Why can I not get anyone with power to respond to me? Worst customer service ever!!!


My wife took a day off of work in order to be home and wait for technician and when he shows up 1 hour late he says he doesn't know how to fix it. He calls for a specialist to come by and he doesn't show up. Terrible service and company doesn't respect its customers.

Was scheduled an appointment 5/1/22 12-4 pm for fixing cut internet line from tornado. Confirmed text saying tech would be here 315-345. Tech called at 345 saying he was out of material and he checked with his supervisor and he wold be out 1st thing next morning. 20 minutes later I received a text saying my appointment had been moved to 5/4/22 from 12-4. I was lied to. I should have been 1st o list next day as you guys missed my appointment not me. Spent 3 hrs on phone with 2 different depths and best I could get was 5/5/22 AM as pm does not work for us. I should have been a priority but was not. I don't want an I'm sorry. I want priority as I was lied to.

I was quoted a price for a phone this December and when the bill was higher than the quote I went back to the store twice. The first time I was told that my credit didn’t kick in . The second time I spoke to the manager who said the employee who gave me the price no longer works there. He tried to tell me it’s not a big deal and there is nothing he can do for me. My bill is 20 higher than my quote. I have been a customer for years and would not recommend AT&T again. How can they get away with quoting one price and bill you another price?? It feels like a scam!! I guess I’ll try the better business.

I have been a customer for many years, got a new phone it was stolen , i got a broken non functioning used one , they took my old flip number and now no phones work

My wife went up to our AT&A office because we kept getting on our cells qe were using to much Data we would us around 3 GB for total for both cells come to find outwe had 9 GB in our service so we would Never go over but she was talked into by the sales person to change our plan and get unlimted Data and it would only be $10.00 a month more.come to find out when we got our billit was $30.00 a month more it was over 10.00 per phone so we were lied to and when she went up to tell them and she wanted to go back to our old plan she was told it was discontinued so now on a fixed income we got lied to and now have to pay 190.00 a month when before we paid 162.00 a month. We have been with this company for 10 years but as soon as my wife's phone is paid off and that will be in two months we are dropping AT&T and going with another service one thing we won't stand for is being lied to. Very bad customer service and our 4 children will be dropping thir service also

Only HAD internet with ATT. Two weeks ago internet disappeared and after calling for a week never got anyone to help or even talk to. After a week of calling and getting NO HELP OR A PERSON TO TALK TO. Tried to return box but had to take it to UPS OR FEDX unfortually we don’t have a store where I live have to do a 60 mile drive. FINALLY sent me an address knowing I had no way to print it since I don’t have internet!!!!????? So wrote everything on label hoping it gets somewhere. Not my first problem years ago when had AAT PHONE BUT SUCH POOR SERVICE I could hardly get service to use phone and they refused to let me out of my contract offering items that would not work. Took over an hour today to get the address to mail the return.

At&t billed me for service whjch was not working.

Please address my complaint. I keep being charges on my bill of a Applewatch that has been removed and the service in my area of Brenham Texas is horrible. It drops all very often and everyday. I need AT&T to remove a recent charge for a Applewatch ending in 3413 immediately!

Called AT&T regarding a AT&T fiber optic cable box that was destroyed in a car accident. Wires are exposed. We told them children are playing outside, not our children but children just walking by our house. We called at 12:36pm EST. After being sent from person to person the right person set up an appointment with the repair dept at 3:08pm EST
I f I could rate them 0 I would.

My phone was temporarily disconnected when I was late paying my bill. (I have basic, $24.99/mo. \ The account code is 705. I have had this phone number since 1985.) I was never notified of being permanently disconnected, only temporarily. This afternoon, I was connected and transferred to at least six different customer representatives, most of them in the wrong dept. I was told by one representative I couldn't have my service restored, but could only start a new account, at twice the cost of my old one. I am a pensioner, and don't want to pay twice as much, and then have all these extras thrown in that I do not need. All I ask is to be made whole. My account is paid in full; now I demand to be made whole, fully restored to what I had before.

Sales representatives are misinformed. AT&T won"t fix their mistakes and will not work with their customers. Very unsatisfactory customer service.

I have the same problem others have had. I have a paid in full (at purchase) Samsung S10 and my nephew’s iPhone11(also paid in full) and tried to unlock them. The iPhone, no problem, it’s unlocked. For my phone, I did the same thing on AT&T’s unlock page and when I checked later the status was “In Progress” Later it came back DENIED saying there was no manufacturer’s code for my phone. Called AT&T support (90+ min) who created a case number. The next day, hearing nothing back I called AT&T again. Another good hour or more on phone. That call turned out to be useless as well. Tried again to unlock online. Checked status later in the day and said “in progress”. The next day called AT&T again. This was a 2+hr call as I was moved up the phone chain. Was told by the second person that since 5 attempts to unlock my phone were made (I only made 2 attempts, so AT&T support must have tried some attempts while I was on the phone with them), the phone is now permanently locked. Final suggestion today from person on support call was to wait at least a month or more and MAYBE it will work. But no one at AT&T can override my now permanently locked Galaxy S10. So my only other option is to spend $1000 on a new phone from AT&T that is unlocked from the start. If that is my only option, I am done with AT&T. I have always paid my bills ahead of time, have both the phones paid in full and this is how AT&T treat their good customers? I’d like to tell the executives at AT&T what they can do with this phone.

On January 31 2022, I was at an AT&T location in Utica NY to get my mother a phone while she was going through cancer treatments so she could contact family or her medi cab. The AT&T representative talked me into buying a new phone and keeping my existing number, and giving my mother my old phone, with a new number. The representative, when asked, stated that my bill should only increase by an approximate 10 dollars. When I received my next bill it had increased by 280 dollars. I went to a AT&T store in Latham NY to see why my bill was so much, and to cancel the old phone with the new number being that my mother wasn’t using it at all. The AT&T representative informed me that they were unable to do anything being that they were just a contractor for AT&T. They stated that I would have to call customer service to get any results. When I called customer service they told me that I had to go to a store to get the phone shut off and only took the installation fee of 30 dollars off my bill bringing it to an approximate 330 dollars. After many attempts by the representative to get me to sign up for auto pay and much debating they finally transferred me to the cancellation manager. Also trying to get me to sign up for auto pay one last time. The cancellation manger got on the line and wanted me to agree to one last bill being charged to the phone I was canceling. When I did not agree and was asking why I would agree to this, being that my last bill was 360+ dollars, the representative hung up on me. Noted, they hung up on me after spending almost an hour of trying to get to a live representative and then dealing with almost 30 minutes of a representative trying to get me to sign up for auto pay instead of assisting me with what I needed. Plus I’m not signing up for auto pay when you just increase my bill by 280 dollars for no reason and without informing me??!!

On March 18, 2022, I visited the AT&T store at 1475 Broadway Ave, Boise, Idaho. Two days previously, AT&T and arbitrarily shut of my cell phone. I own a OnePlus phone that is 4G LTE, which is compatible with 5G networks, but AT&T had decided that they wanted me to use a phone locked to their company and shut off the OnePlus. From my first encounter with a young man named Stetson Cox, he lied to me. His first answer to my question about my phone was that AT&T was working on towers in the area and there were spotty outages of service. I then told him that I was with a friend the previous evening who also had AT&T service but whose phone was working when mine was not. At that point he changed his story to the truth, which was that AT&T had shut off my phone and that there was nothing he could do about it. I told him that I would take my business elsewhere. I went to another store to move my cell service, and in the process of transferring it, the SIM card for AT&T was lost. Due to this, I was unable to get a PIN to port my number to the new company. I returned to the AT&T store to see if they could help, and they assured me that they couldn't. I then said that they'd highjacked my phone number because I no longer had an AT&T SIM to be able to use it, and without the SIM I couldn't set the number up on another network. Stetson's answer was basically, "It sucks to be you." I then told him that I thought the action warranted an FCC complaint, and he became defensive and told me that I was being abusive and that he didn't have to put up with me. He then gave me a number to call, and I returned to the other store. The number that AT&T gave me to call didn't work. I returned to the AT&T store, and Stetson pretended to try to issue a new SIM card to me, but then said that there was a fraud warning on my account due to all the times I'd been in the store trying to transfer my service. I stupidly believed him. He gave me a number to call. At this point, I have no phone, so I went to a friend's house and called the number from there. It turned out that he had just given me the number for customer service. In talking to them, I discovered that there was no fraud warning on my account and that Stetson was lying to me to screw me around. I returned to the AT&T store and told Stetson what I'd learned and asked to see the "fraud warning" on his computer screen. He refused to let me take a picture of it, but did let me write it down. He had written on the screen, "We are unable to proceed with the transaction. Do not call for review. Do not open a ticket. If customer persists engage a manager." That is a direct quote. I had not been abusive, aside from offering to file a complaint with the FCC. I never raised my voice, I never threatened anyone, I never used a swear word, I only said that I'd take my business elsewhere, and then mentioned filing the FCC complaint. I then called customer service back from inside the AT&T store, on a borrowed phone, since I didn't have a working phone and the store never offered to let me use their landline, and the man on that call offered to send me a new SIM card in the mail. Before we could complete that transaction, he suggested that the store I was in could issue a new SIM, or sell me one, and asked to speak to them. I don't know what Stetson told him, but by the time I was put back on the phone, the customer service rep was telling me to go to WalMart and buy a SIM. By this time, I'd been trying to get a working phone for 7 hours. I went home. The following morning, I went to the second AT&T store in Boise, and the person there issued me a new SIM. It took about 10 minutes and was free. I was then able to complete the transfer of my service to another carrier. Had Stetson been decent to me, I would have let the matter drop. Due to his extreme arrogance and his policy of lying, I'm going to file the complaint with the FCC about shutting off a working phone and leaving me without any phone.

We have been without internet/TV for two days. Repair may or may not happen and tomorrow will be day 3 without service. Numerous calls, chats and messenger messages were useless. Supposedly there is a system failure in our area. At one point a repair technician was dispatched to our residence. He arrived at the scheduled time and sat in his van while I watched him for about 5 minutes. He did not attempt any communication. He drove off and we waited for 4 hours of the appointment window. He never returned.
Finally after hours and hours of frustrating communications with agents that were clueless and making up stories about what the problem “might be”, I made contact with Edwin on a chat. He explained that the problem was an ATT system failure and what it was. One out of maybe 6 people had a clue about what was going on. He was not aware of when the problem would be corrected.
ATT has demonstrated that it is highly capable of providing mis-information, inaccurate information and no information are all. Reaching out to customers when the repair technician drives off is something the ATT giant is not capable of achieving. We were stood up one time by a repair technician and our next door neighbor was stood up two times on service calls that never happened.
It is inconceivable that ATT cannot repair their own equipment and they score a 0 when it comes to customer service. Midco is in our future.

The two men at the AT&T store on Federal Street in Greenfield should receive a poor evaluation. Juri, who said he is a 14 year employee, accidentally upgraded my daughters phone instead of mine. This left her without a phone for two days, and a loss of business as she is a digital strategist with Veracity Media in DC. Juri had no idea how to fix the problem, and after 3 hours, I had to leave without a working phone. I got angry at him and we exchanged expletives; which I don't think he should have been doing given that I informed him I had a psychiatric condition and had my service dog present. When my husband picked up my phone the next day, they said it was all set- but it was not ready and much of my info did not transfer. When I stopped in the next day to return my old phone (as Juri directed me to do ) Nikolai said to me, "I thought I told you not to come back to MY store." This young man behaved like a thug, and does not represent your company well. It has been nearly three weeks and my new phone still does not have my phone contacts. Unacceptable. I went and logged this exchange with the Greenfield Police. Do yourselves a favor and reprimand these two, or provide a manager that has customer service skills to oversee the Greenfield store. Thanks for your time.

My wife and I have different PCs and different email accounts. I have to reset my password at least once a month, and it's been three times in the past week. I just spend over two hours with something jokingly called "customer support," and the last dumbbell couldn't figure out what I wanted. Her script called for to tell me about changing my password (something I've mastered rather well). By the way, nobody at AT&T speaks English as a first language. Those kids in East Asia are hard to understand. I can't wait to get rid of AT&T.

Im first time customer. I just paid my bill yesterday and my service stop working after 1 second. I talk to 6 customer service representative yesterday trying to resolve my issues. I was told I would’ve to make another payment after to used my service. After my payment went through successfully. I just want my service up and running. I was only offer $5 out of money. I’m very upset how I was treated about my money .

Went into the Chapman hwy store in Seymour Tennessee specifically to buy two new phones! Associates name was Paul, He was rude, condescending, and treating us like we were stupid! Now not only will I not buy a new phone we will probably change companies! Never had a problem with att before but this guy needs to be reprimanded!
Sherri lusk
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