Chase Bank Complaints Continued... (Page 5)
239+ reviews added so far. Upset? Call Chase Bank corporate: 1-877-242-7372No Reviews

I received some convenience checks from Chase Bank in which I have been a customer for probably 20 years. I wrote a check for $2185.00 to Prudential Life Insurance Company.
On or about 4-28-2015, I received a email from Chase Bank fraud department. I called immediately and told the person that I wrote the check and gave her my name, my address, my social security number, date of birth. She then wanted some more information that I didn't think was necessary. If she was concerned about who I was she could called me back on our telephone number which was provided to her.
The Chase representative—on her own—decided to stop payment on the check.
I have been a loyal customer to Chase Bank and never dreamed this would happen!! Furious and reconsidering if I want to continue on with Chase...

As said before the people that work at this Branch 145th st. & Bradhurst is very nice and friendly. My complaint is not about them. It is about the entrance door and glass . They are very, very dirty I complain by phone and in person . I was told the store in on a list and they have to wait until the cleaning company got to that store. It has been that way for over a month, unless it has been clean four days..I have been to some of your other branches and the doors and glass seem to be clean daily.

I have been a customer of Chase for 35 years. I have been using the Chase app that has the quick deposit where you take a picture of the check and then it is deposited. I have a windows phone and have been quite happy with the app. But Chase has quit using the app and only provides it for Android and IPhone. Instead they say use Chase Mobile app online. But it does not have the quick deposit. What brain child at Chase decided that it was ok to offer something that was not as good as what you had. It ok to offer something different, if it is the same, or better, before you discontinue an app. I run my business (construction remodeling) with all windows platform and it was really great to use the quick deposit. It saved me time during the day. Now, you are making me make a choose between another bank that offers windows platform or going to an Android Phone. To tell you the truth my company is set up on windows platform so your bank will probably go. I will find a bank that offers the service to me. I thought the brain child would have tested his idea before changing to such an insufficient program.

I have been a customer of Chase for 35 years. I have been using the Chase app that has the quick deposit where you take a picture of the check and then it is deposited. I have a windows phone and have been quite happy with the app. But Chase has quit using the app and only provides it for Android and IPhone. Instead they say use Chase Mobile app online. But it does not have the quick deposit. What brain child at Chase decided that it was ok to offer something that was not as good as what you had. It ok to offer something different, if it is the same, or better, before you discontinue an app. I run my business (construction remodeling) with all windows platform and it was really great to use the quick deposit. It saved me time during the day. Now, you are making me make a choose between another bank that offers windows platform or going to an Android Phone. To tell you the truth my company is set up on windows platform so your bank will probably go. I will find a bank that offers the service to me. I thought the brain child would have tested his idea before changing to such an insufficient program.

Bank teller at Burbank, CA First Street, Branch 740808 was very rude to me. Instead of explaining properly the procedure on how to deposit and cash the check he just blatantly told me "I don't need this withdrawal slip!". He also raised his voice and ask me "What do you want me to do with your check? Very rude! He is a tall guy and his name is Patrick this happened on 3/26/15 @ 10:50 am in Burbank, Ca.

Chase has been making a lot of bad mistakes in my checking account ever since I got my wallet stolen last year on December 15, 2014. Recently they took out an amount for a purchase twice of $7.40 and have not credited it back to me. I am sick of their mistakes, and they won't stop!

I am getting very tired that Chase keeps calling my home number asking if so and so is available. After explaining a minimum of 12 times in 3 weeks, I am getting extremely irritated that no one at Chase has a brain in their head . If I give them ny telephone number and last name and it does not match what is in their records, I feel that the next step shoul dbe a Class ACTION Law suit for undo harassement....
Please remove my number from your system if not - the problems that will arise are on your head................

I went in to my chase branch in Clinton Township, MI and made two deposits. They were small deposits that totalled no more than thirty dollars. I knew that i had paid a bill for twenty seven dollars and some change. I had a little over seventeen dollars left in my checking account. The personal banker was using a teller's computer but he kept going to the back into another room. I asked him why did he keep going into the back especially after I gave him money.
He said the computer wasn't operative and that it wasn't his. The teller that used that computer was on lunch I assumed. I have seen her many times and I have even went to her before. I felt something was wrong but I went to this personal banker before because he straightened out a NSF check a month ago where I did not receive a below deposit alert. I did not receive a below deposit alert this time either. These alerts are to alarm you when your balance is low. I am suppose to get alerts when my balance is below fifty dollars. I even changed my alert to checking account not getting below one hundred dollars.
This personal banker printed me out a receipt that said bank inquiry. It looks just like a deposit receipt. How clever was that on his part. I received one just a month ago and did not look at it until this problem occurred. This is a trick and or scam that is new to me. I want to alert all customers and remind them to look at their receipts before leaving the bank. There is no transactions on the books because it is as if I did not deposit any money at all.
My proof is that I have the inquiry receipt and I had a inquiry paper printed for my records. Even the printed inquiry receipt has another tellers name on it. The teller who uses that computer was the name that was on the inquiry receipt and paper. This is a sure way to steal money from your bank without the bank ever knowing it was you or seeing anykind of fraud. Banks beware.

Hi I have an account on chase bank which is frankfort Il Colorado Ave.
It is near my home so I choose your bank.I am not satisfied with service .
When I was eligible for card that took more then four month to deliver.Every time they told me that I will get in mail in seven to ten days and when I didn't get it .I had go to bank again and every time they told me it is the post service .I alert post office too .Finally I got it after many visits.It was waste of time ,gas energy anf frustating.I gave them benefit of doubt that may be it was misplace by post dept and did not complain
Again they show their service when I ordered for my checkbook . I had to order check book whiich I did in last week of Jan 2012 and the date before 27 .I was told that I will get in seven to ten days. Chase bank was Late as usual for service .
I made three trips and today is 16 and still I did not have my check book. I want that they should give us good service and as being late in their service not one time but twice,they should give me some penalty. I am thinking to go back to my previous bank which was one mile away but had better service. Instead of talking they should work and show some efficiency

Chase contacted me in Dec. 2011 about suspicious activity on my acct. At which time my debit card was cancelled and a new card issued. In Feb. 2012 I went to use my new card and the transaction was denied.2 months after the initial card was cancelled the same company was allowed the charge $2000.00 plus dollars. Now 3 days later I'm disputing the charge. Howcome a company was allowed to use a card that was cancelled and no longer valid 2 moths later. I'm furious. And have no access to money. The next step for me is to hire a lawyer to sue Chase Bank for not complying to secure banking as prpomised and the company who made the unauthorized charge.
I am told they are waiting on a sales report; from a company whom don't have authorization? I will be waiting forever. This is the worst service and experience I've ever had. This error shows how incompetent your business is. It's common sense that a bum would undetstandx if a card is cancelled, it shouldn't be used. Period. Why does Chase Bank not get it?? Card cancelled 12/2011, charge 2/2012. What's wrong w that picture?

As good business it should be considered to implement an operational procedure that monitors the updating of your website to include only active locations. Your north Dale Mabry location in Tampa is now a Chase bank, but is still listed on your website. Poor operations as this should be a relatively simple task for an organization as large as yours.

In Sept of 2008 my contracting business was very slow and I fell behind 4 payments on my lake home. I contacted my lender, Chase Bank and explained the situation. I requested the modification and the manager at that time put me on a 3 payment "Trial" payment of $1800 a month, $650 more than normal PLUS a $5000 downpayment. I thought this was odd but never having done this before I agreed. After scraping up the down payment and making the 3 payments I was then placed with another manager. This one told me that things had changed and I would be required to make a $2500 down payment and 5 payments of $1200.
By this time I was very leary but this was my lender and I didn't know I had any alternative. After these payments were completed, I called to check on the process I was again placed with a new manager that informed me that the Obama law was in affect and that Chase did not require any further payments and that my modification should be forecoming.
That was October 09. At that time I was only 4 payments behind. It is now November 2011 and I'm STILL awaiting my modification but now I'm 27 months behind and my home is and has been in Foreclosure status. I have sent so many "Request for modification packets with updated bank statements and documents that I'm worn out. I now think Chase is a total scam but therre is no where to turn. I just wait on news that they are foreclosing on my home and they didn't do a thing after all the required money was paid and no credit was given.
The actual investor is Wells Fargo. What ARE they waiting for?? By this time Chase should just offer me a low interest rate modificaition and let me get back to my normal monthly payments since they have SO many homes to deal with. I NEED HELP!

My husband had an account wth Washington Mutual but they merged with Chase. Chase sent a letter to my house claiming that unless they hear from us, they will transfer the money to the State for being inactive. I just found out about this when I received a 1099 claiming a distribution money that I never received. I went to the Chase and asked them to correct this mistake and re-open the IRA account. They refuse to do it. I ended up payting taxes for money that the state still has it. Chase bank has closed my IRA without telling me, and it's caused all kinds of problems. This scam has to go stop now.
I've been a Chase customer for many years, with thousands of dollars in accounts all over the place. It's not reason why they can't go into my account and clear up this mess, my money is literally depending on this. I called their customer service phone number, but got nothing but frustration in return. How else am I supposed to fix these problems with the taxes coming in April. The money still is in there, even though the letter says otherwise.

I'm a Realtor in Aliso Viejo CA. I've been hearing an ad slot on the radio in which Chase Mortgage promotes their mortgage website as a "One Stop Shop" and there is no need for a Realtor. I'm letting you know that I have tremendous influence over the Mortgage companies used on my Listings, and my Sales.
As long as these ad spots run I will do everything in my power to discourage everyone in my personal and professional life to stay clear of Chase. I am also in the process of bringing this concern to my local real estate association, the National Association of Realtors, and the California Association of Realtors. If you don't value Realtors you're going to find out what it's like when they don't value you.

I recently lost my check/debit card and closed it. Let me say that I 've had this account for over 20 yrs. Up until yesterday I was extremely satified. Doing what I thought was right after loosing my card I closed it. Needless to my surprise, my rewards points which you no longer offer were wiped off with out any notification.
I had been holding on to these points for this holiday gifts. Not knowing my balance I spoke to YOUR represntative and explain if I didn't know the exact amount. 4300, 43,000 I don't know and stated that. Well, reviewing my account yesterday I notice a strange credit of $43.00 deposited on 12/07/12. So after contacting you, I was told there was nothing that could be done. THIS IS UNEXCEPTABLE!!!!!!!
A disatified customer who is looking at other banks!

I love how Chase has singled out an entire group of mobile phone users. I am relieved that I switch to a credit union before this happened on top of the fact you have no offices in upper Pennsylvania or lower new York area. I think everyone should switch to a credit union just for the better personal service and lower costs in fees and other services. You, Chase bank can be replaced with a plethora of other banking options an i hope you lose a lot of customers due to your stupid choice.

Even after discharged bankruptcy Chase Bank Willoughby, OH branch continue to write letters to me regarding continually accruing charges for a small safety deposit box awarded me by Chase Bank for opening up an IRA back in 2005. As my finances dwindled during the recent recession, I closed my account and eventually mailed the keys back to Chase who promptly returned them to me saying that I need to come in their office to sign papers. I will not return to their office to sign closure documents that can be mailed to me the same way they returned the keys to me. Charges are continually accruing even after my bankruptcy and attempt to return the keys. I feel threatened, harassed and frightened by their aggressive collection behavior. There is something very sinister and unsettling about a huge financial institution devoting so much time in constant harassment over a non-issue that could have been resolved by their acceptance of the safety deposit keys.

It is very hard to say this, but my father Frank Fanella is a deadbeat. He is always making up excuses. I am grown now, but my mother, Claire, is still raising my younger brother and sister and is facing foreclosure now. Now, my father is getting into dope dealing with another black sheep of the family Dominic Thompson in Florida, who has already been convicted. I don’t know what else to do to stop this insanity.

I am a “homeowner” with a mortgage through Chase Bank. I am writing this letter with no real expectation of change but with a need to express my experience having a Chase Mortgage and to determine if I am a customer who has been singled out and persistently mishandled or if there are others with similar experiences to mine. I am attempting to determine if the policies and best practices of Chase are flawed or if they have been deliberately used to harass me. Hopefully I can explain my frustrations in a way that will allow the person or persons reading this to offer at least an explanation if not an apology.
I will begin at the beginning. In 2001 I was granted a 30 year fixed rate mortgage. I had a husband and two children and two incomes. In 2005 my husband was fired. I was making partial payments not realizing that none of the payments were being applied to the mortgage until I received a call notifying me that I was 4 months behind on my payments. “By the way we do not accept partial payments”. After many forms and phone calls later I was granted a forbearance which in fact made my payments higher. The Homeowners Assistance Dept. was rude in their phone conversations and unreliable when receiving faxes and paperwork requested by them.
Entire files had to be resent due to their claims that they were never received. All payments had to be made by certified funds. The representatives were impatient, uncompromising, and mean when attempting to explain to me how this higher payment was helping me. While dealing with this issue I called or was transferred to (800) 446-8939, (614) 961-3196, (800) 848-9136, and many other numbers to various departments and fax machines. In 2007-2008 I had to begin the whole process again after going down to one income again. Just like before my “help” came in the form of a much higher mortgage payment. For 18 months I had various handlers or negotiators.
I went from a 1500 dollar mortgage to an 1880 dollar a month mortgage. Again I was asked to send in mounds of paperwork that was lost or misfiled more than once and transferred to different departments, placed on hold for 20 minutes or more, disconnected or told “your call can not be completed please hang up”. I was told on more than one occasion that unless I could refinance there was nothing that could be done. Meanwhile as you are making payments according to the “forbearance” on time, with certified funds, you are reported to each credit bureau, every month, as late on your mortgage payment which has been devastating to my credit rating, and also making it impossible to refinance.
For two years, even though I was making the higher payments on time, I was reported late. In 2009 The NACA convention came to my area. I was having a very hard time making the payment each month and I thought there may be some help for me. I gathered up every tax form, paystub, teacher contract, bank statement and every other piece of paper, waited all day, and watched as the bankers from Chase turned each and every homeowner away. In September of 2010, back to a single income again, I applied for the homeowner’s assistance program. I began the process of calling. Each day I got new relationship managers such as Sharon Keys and faxed paperwork.
Everyday I would call to find out what else they wanted such as proof of address, letters stating that my husband was not receiving unemployment. Re-faxing documents every day for various reasons such as box C wasn’t checked on form 4506T. At one point the process was taking so long I had to fax in more current bank statements so that the most recent months were represented. After all of this I received a form letter informing me that I was denied. In that letter it was suggested that I attempt to refinance. As you may know it’s the policy of Chase that if you were behind by 30 days within the last year you are not eligible to refinance your mortgage.
Chase had reported me as late for the entire 18 months. In March of 2011 my divorce was finalized. Throughout that process I was 3 months behind on the mortgage. I began again the process of gaining a modification. Weary from the last attempts I began by gaining a transfer of ownership since I received the home in the divorce settlement. I received the packet in the mail after 3 requests. Completed the forms, notarized and attached the one hundred dollar check. I also requested at this time that my name be changed. I attached a copy of my divorce as well. Immediately I began the follow-up calling after the return receipt came in the mail.
Initially the person I spoke with had no record of the information I sent. After the check cleared the bank I received a letter stating that they were unable to remove or add party on loan. They also would not be changing my name on the loan. I began the phone campaign to speak with someone. I called (800) 848-9136, (800) 548-7912, talked to Brandy (her real name? maybe), (877)314-6359, talked to Ebony Williams. Still nothing on the name change. Meanwhile I am applying for another modification. I called (866) 282-5682, (888) 404-4674, (800) 848-9380, (888) 353-1842 and got to Robert at ext. 322057 who listened and was extremely helpful. He basically talked me off the ledge. I faxed everything to Robert and was miraculously approved for a trial modification. Like a ghost I have never been able to reach Robert again.
Now I am on the modification, my credit is still taking a major hit, and a hail storm puts several wholes in my roof. My insurance company is contacted. They promptly send out a check to me, and you guessed it, Chase bank. Theoretically I could go into any Chase branch to have it endorsed. Wrong. This is Chase bank. They won’t endorse it because I am “behind” on the mortgage. I have to send it in with, you guessed it, a packet of notarized forms. I call to request the packet and it never comes. I call to ask what happened; they give me a website to download the packet. I download the packet send it in with the check.
I call some more numbers and departments to find out that they have rejected one page of the packet because I have “Chase” written where my name is supposed to be written. In the mean time a month has passed and I still have a tarp on my roof. If you’re getting tired of reading this then you know how exhausted I am living it. Every time I call they refer to me as Mrs. Sowell. Not my name. Every paper they send to me has my ex-husbands name on it or requires his signature. He doesn’t live here or have any claim to the house. I can see why people just give up. There seems to be no end in sight with this bad romance I have with Chase Bank.
There is no one “in charge” to complain to and no department who has any clue what the other departments are doing. No phone numbers that get you directly to a person who has any idea about what’s going on with your case. I am frustrated by all the red tape, the bureaucracy, and the bouncing around from person to person and department to department. I am frustrated by the endless hoops that your best practices cause honest people who are trying to do the right thing to jump through. All of this brings me to my original question: Am I being targeted and harassed or is this just the common practice of how Chase Bank operates?

My daughter has also had trouble with Chase and from the beginning I told her not to do business with them, cause they were so inept when we were selling them the house. They kept calling me every other day to send more information and payoff information and they already had it. You could never get the same person twice and they seemed stupid to me. Now after she has paid them on time, they reported her to the credit bureau and threaten forclosure on them. They also said the money went to a different account. She has proof that it has been paid and faxed them the information, in the mean time she is a basket case and it is challenging her health.
They have gotten help from the government and I thought the Bank’s could not take advantage of the average person, my daughter has had credit problems in the past and they know this and have intimadated her now because of her past problems. They are certainly some bank to stay away from…..they have a license to be a crook…………..She hasn’t got the money for an attorney and now that they have ruined her credit further, no bank is going to consider her for a loan….Help please with some answers…

Chase froze my account for $10,000,000 meaing they put that against my balance, after a poor conversation I had with depost review. The conversatoin was to discuss the fact that all the sudden my pay check was being held out of the blue for some odd reason. They said the account will have the $10,000,000 hold against my account until the check was verified. That is absolutely insane and extremely cutthroat. Chase Bank is the WORST!

I have a print out of my account from 06/27/11 and it has everything on it that is on the print out from 06/28/11 except now the balance is $1.15 less. I’m wondering if there isn’t some fishy business going on in the computer systems. I complained by phone today and they of course “don’t know what to say” is their response. Then they try to tell me to “keep up” with my account better by keeping a check register. My reply is it apparently doesn’t matter how I keep up with it if money just grows legs and walks out of my account. I have been calling regularly since March on my account because my online balance hasn’t been matching up with my personal one on an extreme regular basis.
One day it says this is your balance and the next it switches with no new transactions just a different balance. I even stopped purchasing, when I can, by credit and doing straight debit so transactions will post that day and not carry over for three days. RealCash isn’t even worth it anymore because Chase can’t even keep my money caged where it belongs.

To Senior Management of the Chase Banking Corporation, I have been a Chase Bank customer for over 1 year. I have always done most of my banking at the Chase location in Yukon, Oklahoma. Almost a year ago I was injured on my job and started receiving workman’s comp. insurance payments. These payments were issued through my attorneys office. When my checks first started was when I first opened my account. Prior to opening the account I verified with the current manager at that time (Bryan) if I would be able to deposit the checks, he stated I would, so I opened the account.
I deposited the checks without any problems for about 2 and a half months, so around 9 – 10 checks. The following week I went to deposit my check and the clerk (Melissa) assisted me. She would not take my check. Stated they could not deposit the check. I explained I just wanted to just deposit it not cash it and that I had been bring it here for over 2 months. I again spoke to Bryan and he deposited the check. I wanted to give you some background on this issue. Since then I have been inconvenienced for a year now with cashing and depositing my weekly checks. I have to take them to a different bank, pay a fee, cash it, drive to the Yukon location and deposit the cash.
This is and has been ridiculous, but this correspondence is in reference to my experience today 20 June 2011 at your Yukon, OK location. My attorneys office, as of today, is no longer issuing letters with there weekly checks, and they would be contacting the banking facilities to inform them. First of all they called the facility in Yukon, OK eight times and they never answered. I waited in the lobby for almost 30 minutes while this took place. When they finally answered Melissa’s excuse was that they were a small branch and they couldn’t get to it. When Melissa spoke to me a Chase customer she was very rude and her tone and condescending statements were very disrespectful.
She didn’t stop there, when she spoke to my attorneys office she was just as rude and disrespectful. She was rude to the point that they requested the number to the corporate office and she refused to give it to them. I asked what can we do to fix this or who we needed to talk to because I didn’t want to open another account at another bank just to deposit this check. Melissa stated well you have to just do what you have to do.
The Banking Industry is not just dollars and cents, a very large part of it is customer service and customer satisfaction. I understand Melissa is the new Branch Manager in Yukon, OK. I am sure she has cost your company customers and their business. Melissa desperately needs additional training in the customer service area. She is also very rude and very unprofessional. She has no people skills that were evident. I can’t comprehend how she could be an effective Manager. You may have good employees suffering under Melissa’s lack of leadership, and Managerial skills.
I would appreciate it greatly if someone from your office would contact me in this matter. Thank you in advance for your time and assistance.
Lupita Smith

I went into Chase Bank to meet with Investor about investing $50,000 in C.D.s but they decided to invest my money in an already stock that costed me $2,800 in less than 2 weeks. Tell me what kind of crap is that, they put my money in a stock that was knowingly failing and worth crap! If I wanted to gamble I would have gone to the damn Casino. Chase should refund my money as a courtesy of being a customer for over 20 years.

Recently I got several charges on my Chase debit /checking account on May3,5, and 6th of 2011 and I went in to my home branch to talk to a Banker about my account. She gave me their Dispute Claim number to call which I did and they told me to call the merchant number on my bank statement first I did that and it was they asked me for my full account number so they could handle it for me. Initially I had 3 charges of $19.99 from yahoo and $34.00 charge from and I never did business with these people at all!
Chase reversed the charges from them all but decided to reverse the credit on one charge back to the merchant for $19.99 7 days later and I called to complain about it but the dispute person was rude and sharp to the point that Chase decided to give that amount to the MERCHANT and I recieved no product or service! Now it has thrown my account into overdraft of $34.00 and an additional $15.00 for not paying it in 6 days! I am livid and about to close my account with Chase Bank!

I received an automated text message from Chase Bank telling me to activate my new debit card because my current debit card is going to get cancelled on June 7th (the cause of which was because my account was one of those compromised by them -NOT ME). Firstly, I never got this so-called replacement debit card at all. (I never throw away my mail, even the junk ones from the beginning of the year to the end. I always get rid of them by taking them to a shredding event at the beginning of the next year). According to the Chase representative I talked to, it was supposed to have been sent on the 15th of May and I should have gotten it within a few days after that.
Well, I didn’t! She then proceeded to tell me they could send me a new one and just charge my bank account a $5.00 fee to rush it and get it within 2 business days, whereas, if I go through the “no-charge” route, I will just have to wait 5 – 7 days to get my debit card.

I was recently flooded. Chase bank holds a very small 2nd mortgage on my house and GMAC holds the principal mortgage. Chase is trying to say they have a new policy in place where everyone else would sign the FEMA check and they would deposit it, hold it and issue it to us a little at a time. I had to pull money from my 401K in order to pay for the flood damage up front and this is my reimbursement money that has to go back into my 401K. How in the world can Chase Bank get away with this?? Who makes up these stupid rules and where does one get protection from them? It’s not their money, it is mine.

For over a year we have been trying to have our loan remodified with Chase Bank. My husband and I were out of work for a few months. Both working now. Chase continually would say they were going to remodify our loan. We would send in paper work they expected time and time again they would lose the material or have a different worker on the case. One minute they would say we were approved and then send us a statement saying we were denied. You talk about being a yo yo. My husband and I finally put the house up for sale trying to stop foreclosure.
They say we are in the short sale department, but whenever our realtor tries to get in contact with them to set up the short sale they get the same run around as we did. I have never heard of such a confusing bunch of people. The old saying the Left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing is definately true with Chase Bank.

We paid mortgage payment on time since we got a mortgage from Chase, which is last 6 years. Last year by mistake the check went to different vendor and they cashed it. Chase never informed us that they never received a mortgage payment for a month. They send us a regular statuement following month with due for 2 months as well as late payment. We send them copy of the check that check was cashed. After Chase assured that they never received a check, we paid them before the due date all money. However, Chase reported to credit bureu about late payment. 1 late payment in last 6 years of loan.
When we called them bank representative informed us that they will fix it but nothing happend and we send them all paperwork twice. Chase is nothing but scam.. BEWARE…

this is about jhoanne bernal, first left no information about the irs situation and my bank account went into negetive money. was there and chase has no record of the conversation we had about the money being in someones account and then transferd to mine. its fine it goes back i have to wait 14 days plus mail time and a 140 insaficaiant fund thats not right it is what it is. all i wanted to know today was if the money had cleared in my chase bank account or what happened and i spoke to mary j aynes very simply i have never had a person in her position talk like that in my life.
go back and listen to every lie and you will know that some day it will bite you in the foot i will say no more but chase now will never get any lump sum of money from me to do business. you can have enough to pay my light bill.

To: Chase Bank / Mortgage Department March 30, 2011. In late October of 2010, I purchased a new house insurance policy with Allstate, the representative need some information on the property and requested that I call and talk Chase Mortgage Co about the changes. I was shocked to hear the following message: Your payment for October is past due! I immediately call the mortgage department and talk with an associate from that department, he said not to worry, Chase allows a person to be one month behind and this is how Chase will handle the late payment.
October would be excused and November payment would be the same as previously paid. However, December’s payment would be $3600.00 plus dollars and January’s would be approximately $2700.00. He stated that this would not AFFECT my credit and asked why the payment was not received as scheduled. I told him that I rent the property out and the tenant always paid on time and with that I explained that my daughter had passed away in June of 2010 and left behind 5 children and that my wife and I needed to help with until all was settled. My daughter lived in Wilmington, Ma. and we live in Colorado.
As I have already explained the tenant always paid, so I did not pay any attention to the mortgage as my mind was preoccupied with the tragedy at hand. In November, I received a statement from the mortgage department requesting a payment of $4300.00 plus dollars, I asked them why, would you be expecting a payment of $4300.00, when it already has been agreed to pay the regular amount in November and the December and January payments to be of the larger amounts, and this would satisfy the loan.
The lady I talked with started to ask me questions about my income and I answered all the questions that she requested. At the end of our conversation she said I will set you up under this plan. Pay the regular payment for December and in January, February, and March you will pay $2860.77 for the first two months and $2799.08 for the third month. These conditions have been met. However, along the way I was charged for two payments in November as my bank statement will reflect and I had to fight with the mortgage department to get one payment put back into my account.
Secondly, I was told repeatedly that I would receive papers to apply for the modify mortgage program, after calling a number of times to ask for the paper work. I was told that it was sent out, and another set of papers would arrive at my house in 5 to 7 business days. To date this has not happen. I have received at least 6 documents stating that I am in default and that there is a modify program and all I have to do is request this. Well I have, and the only thing I received so far is a notification from the Post Office is to pick up a copy of that which you send me every week (default statement). I have kept all that I have received from Chases Mortgage department and I have been in earnest pursuit of an attorney to see if I have just cause to sue for harassment and also will request that any late payments that show up on any of my credit scores be expunged.
Enclosing, I feel that all the penalties that I have had to pay as part of a late fees on the mortgage should be reimbursed, the opening statement, back in October, when I was told to pay the amounts addressed and the fact your representative stated that my credit scores would not be affect, have in fact been. A closer look at this issue has caused my credit card limits to be substantially reduced.
Again, I believe that I have been misled by your representative(s) and have paid far too heavy of a price for their actions.

Yesterday i was unnecessarily triggered into a sympathetic empathy from my personal banker at Chase bank. The business being discussed by myself and a Chase Bank personal banker, were interrupted by a bank officer. Two days before yesterday , April 7th. My personal banker had ordered my checks to be mailed to me in care of the Chase Bank @ Central & Green Bey Ave. Evanston Il. My personal banker permitted the check delivery to me at the bank, because of my personal special needs. The bank, lady director was in my personal bankers office and over heard my question, ” STEVE ARE MY CHECKS HERE ?”
” You are not permitted to order checks to be mailed to the bank” the lady bank officer said to my personal banker. I was embarrassed, my Personal banker was reprimanded in my presence. Prior to this experience, I held Chase Bank in high esteem. Your apology may help me to resume my good opinion of my Chase Bank. Sincerely Yours, Rev, Dr. Chandler.

I went on line to fill out an application for a Chase Freedom credit card and noticed that by filling the application on line as opposed to filling out the mail copy and returning it my variable APR after march 1,2012 is 11.99% and 9.99% on the paperwork I received in the mail. I don’t like being told one thing and then having it changed when making application for the card. Please DO NOT send me any other offers from Chase. Sincerely, Betty Alm!

I ALWAYS make my mortgage payment via online banking. For Dec and Jan the payment was rejected by Chase for no valid reason. My bank (BofA) noted Chase did not accepted payment. Because the money was taken out of my account, I assumed it was paid. I received letters claiming my mortgage was in default. As soon as I was made aware, I paid WITH FEES the 2 months balance. It has affected my credit. BUT BUT BUT, here is the kicker. The SAME THING HAS HAPPENED TO A CO-WORKER OF MINE. It was in Dec. and he is at risk of loosing his house because the Chase payment was not accepted. I thought it was a fluke with me, but now I think it’s a scam Chase has to collect additional fees!

I had 87.42 taken out of my checking account by chase bank and I didn’t request it because I am on social Security and can’t afford it. I didn’t expect this from a bank like chase (which I trusted fully with my money) but they still have no idea. I have called their 1-800 line and tired of getting placed on hold for hours with incompetent fools! Please give me back my missing money and put it in my chase bank account or you will be hearing from the better business bureau, which have already been notified!

An open letter to Chase Banks and Chase Banking worldwide. I don’t care much about the inconvenience. Nor do I really care about the overdraft fee very much. What I do care about is being lied to repeatedly and the holding of funds for no reason. I have been through quite a bit with this bank, and am tired of them holding funds, rejecting transfers, and charging me wild random fees left and right. I have almost had enough, and will probably switch banks soon. The overdraft fees really bother me, but at least if chase would work with me I wouldn’t care half as much! It’s the fact that they are incredibly rude and customer service could care less about us, the consumer!

We tried to get a loan modification with Chase bank last year, handling everything ourselves. They “lost” our paperwork four times and then eventually denied our modification because they said we didn’t make enough money. We started the loan modification process again with Chase bank in early 2010, this time we hired a loan modification specialist to help us. Again Chase has continued to “lose” our documentation. They denied us again because they said we hadn’t provided all of the necessary documentation. We have proof that we did and had to file an appeal to reopen our case. We still have not received our loan modification or any information regarding the status of our case as of today.

Opened a Chase online banking account in July 2009. Last transaction was posted Aug 2009, but here’s how it went. I called in March 2010 to close account while still in free promotional period with a positive balance of approximately $3. I thought no problem everything should be fine. However, there was no correspondence until today, 9/23/10, when I get a letter stating they are sending my account to a collection agency for $46.83 due to under-balance fees and overdraft charges. The overdraft charges for the under-balance fees which should never have been levied in the first place. I had called chase customer service to discuss the issue and alert them to their system error.
I was then informed that I should have visited a branch and spoken to a manager to confirm that a $3 account was closed. Are you kidding me? What a joke Chase! They “forgave” the $20 overdraft charge because I was upset but are still sending the account to collections for $26.83 unless I bring the account to a zero balance within the next 10 days. So basically they’re threatening to hurt my credit rating unless I give them $30 they never had any right to. I will NEVER do business with Chase again and will strongly advise everyone I know not to either. I don’t understand why people make such a big deal out of nothing, is it really worth the fuss over a few bucks!
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