CVS Complaints Continued... (Page 11)
511+ reviews added so far. Upset? Call CVS corporate: 401-765-1500
I am a customer of CVS Pharmacy in Hattiesburg, MS, (Hardy St. location). I have always chose to fill my prescription at CVS, because I liked the staff, and I never seemed to have any problems… until a few months ago when they told me that my “Patient Assistance Card” was expired. I just assumed that they were right, until I realized that they would not take a coupon for 75% off, either. I hate to send in a complaint, but I have called there twice, trying to seek reimbursement for the prescriptions I paid for out of pocket, when I had coverage that should have been used–just like every other time.
If I could afford my medicine, then I would pay for it. I am part of the working class. I put in my 40 Hours just like them, (I’m sure). I am a twenty-three year old trying to pay for my college education out of pocket. I am not pulling a “sympathy” card; I simply want CVS to understand why I ask for reimbursement. I apologize for bothering you and or your staff, however, I am deeply offended for the way the staff at this location handled the problem. I even stated to them that my card should not be expired, but they insisted that it was. I just found out today that it did not expire until March.

i was at the cvs store in dundalk and there was a box of makeup on the floor with stickers marked 50-75% off. i took to the counter and she told me some one put the stickers on them and i told the cashier that there was a big box of makeup on the floor and they have stickers on all of them. she told me that there was no way they are 50-75% off and i asked her to check with someone in management. she asked a girl who was sitting on the floor doing i don’t know what and she told the cashier that they go back. I said then they shouldn’t be on the floor and i got a attitude for saying that..i go to the cvs pharmacy store on wise ave all the time but you just lost a customer.

We were denied care for our 3 year old, at the CVS Minute Clinic, because of the type of insurance we have for her. It’s not just that they didn’t accept her insurance, which would have been fine. We offered to pay the amount out of pocket, but the Nurse Practitioner refused to treat her entirely. Apparently there are some politics with CVS and the insurance provider, but that should not affect her right to be treated if we can still afford the service. Completely ridiculous, CVS. This was also after we had waited an hour and a half to be seen.

I got the CVS weekly store ad, I went to purchase the Scott tissue that is currently on sale, the 24 rolls for $10.00. the cashier called for the store manager. I asked if I could get a rain check but to my dismay I was told that the was a promo, that the CVS store would not be getting any more, nor can I get any other Scott tissue to equal that, nor can I get a rain check, because none will be coming in. When I asked the store manager if there were any CVS stores in the area that had any, he said none are in the area. Thank you for your help in this matter.

Hoy 1/5/2011 la farmacia CVS en potranco y ellison dr en san antonio tx a las 7.49 pm fui a levantar mis medicinas , y vi que el 12 de pepsi estaba a 3/10.00 y puse 9/12 en mi carrito al llegar a pagar el cajero le dice a el manager que no pasa la cantidad de 12’s de pepsi (9) y biene el manager y dice que el limite son 6/12 y yo le dije que en el letrero que esta enfrente de los 12 de pepsi no dice que tiene ningun limite y me dijo que en el periodico decia y yo le conteste que no compre el periodico a lo cual el me respondio que podia decirle lo que quisiera pero que no le hiba a ganar que el limite eran 6/12 y yo le conteste que yo tambien fui manager de una tienda y sabia lo que le decia a lo que me contesto de nuevo diga lo que diga no me va a ganar.
no me importa que ese era el limite ok. pero de la forma en que me lo dijo fue muy rudo el “señor gerente” tenia muchas maneras de decir que si en realidad se le olvido ponere en el letrero que el limite era de 6, ahora yo tengo todos mis medicamentos en esa farmacia y se que medicaid paga varios cientos de dollares por mes y voy a tener que cambiar de farmacia por tener un “MANAGER GORSERO”
mi nombre es Estela Elizondo y pueden ver mi recor de compras en la FARMACIA CVS 9838 POTRANCO SAN ANTONIO,TEXAS STR#7832 TEL# 210-509-0319 gracias por leer mi reporte es la primera ves que hago uno pero la verdad me dio verguenza y coraje porque el “SR MANAGER” no le importo que habia gente oyendo Gracias de nuevo y espero sea la unica farmacia CVS que tenga un manager tan grosero
(espero que alguien lea en español)

I recently had the unfortunate experience of trying to renew a prescription at CVS. I told her that I only wanted one months supply and asked if that was a problem the way the prescription was written. She said No Problem! Ha! I went to pick up the prescription today at CVS pharmacy and asked what the renewals showed. It showed 3 refills at 30 each! She insisted that the computer was right, that I had 3 refills left at 180. Nothing I said could sway her feeble mind, the computer was right as far as she was concerned because she didn’t know how to calculate the correct number. Mind boggling stupidity from CVS wow!

My brother Roger Crawford has no Rx Coverage and has to pay cash for his meds after taking his meds to my cvs pharmacy. I found out that my disabled, terminally ill brother has been being charged full price at this cvs pharmacy when I found out he should not have. They fixed it to where he now will get his long over due discount where other cvs pharmacy did not care enough to do so! There is a discount program for him which that pharmacy has never had the courtesy to let him know of and let him enroll in. They have been charging him full price!
This was soooo very wrong of this pharmacy. They take long time to fill meds, rxs and do not keep many in stock meds. I use to go there. They told me they would after not having 3 different meds in stock and would have to order. They said they would be sure to make it to where my meds would always be in stock if I was to continue to come there. I did for up to 6 months. Every month was same. Not in stock. Have cancer. Needed nausea, other meds urgently. I have ever since only gone to other cvs stores in the area, and only a couple times at other stores after leaving hospital some late nights! Otherwise I’ll only go to silver lake cvs as will my brothers Rx all will be taken to cvs 61019 silver lake rd south Lyon pharmacies from now on. It was so wrong they never let him no this. Just to charge him full price (greed) the more money they could get.
He has not lots money. This was wrong. They need reported. I, his sister am reporting this for him. He doesn’t have, or know how to use a computer. He should be reimbursed for this. The cvs on Pontiac trail pharmacy in south Lyon was, and still is wrong. I’m sure my brother is hardly the only one done this way? |This im sure of! People need to know this. All pharmacy staff made responsible for their actions and this discussed to them each. It looks very bad for this pharmacy. Am awaiting call from that store manager! Shame on them! Sisters of Roger Crawford…..his sister Wanda is guardian over him due to his medical conditions. Please contact this cvs 22381 Pontiac trail pharmacy. Do something about this! Shameful of them all at the pharmacy there!

After having numerous discussions with the manager and the corporate office of the CVS store, I am finally at my wits end with the last incident being the last straw. The pharmacy staff at this store is a group of young, arrogant know it alls, who feel they are not accountable to anyone, including the corporate office. I cringe at having to go into this store, and only do because I have to take a bus, and it is the closest store to my home. Unfortunately, I have to fill my prescriptions every two weeks, due to the type of meds I use.

I have been trying out the lines they now have available and I spent hundreds of dollars, and was very satisfied with some of the creams, but had a problem with a makeup remover and most recently an exfoliate. Their skincare “manger” there states he supervises all purchases. Apparently not enough. He caused me harm by selling me products that were not protected or marketed appropriately, and is now attempting to penalize me for it. I don;t think so. I will be printing flier’s and placing them around the neighborhood warning customers away from pseudo-high end products that are sod to customers by a ridiculous child in a drugstore.

I went to this CVS pharmacy and asked to see if my son’s prescription was refilled and it was not. The lady told me to check back next week and see if they get it in. Then I told her that my son is sick and he cant wait for the meds and he needs it asap. Well she then said with an attitude that i don’t have a choice but to wait for it to come in. She was not very nice about it, and I don’t like CVS pharmacy.
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