Diamond Shamrock Customer Service
Rated 5 of 5 Stars
Based on 1 Complaints

Contact Diamond Shamrock Corporate

Toll free phone number: 1-719-597-4428

San Antonio-based Diamond Shamrock Corp. or Diamond Shamrock Refining and Marketing was an American oil refinery and gas station corporation. From its beginnings as Maxus Energy Corp. in 1987 as a holding company, Diamond Shamrock Refining and Marketing Company has operated as a separate legal entity under Diamond Shamrock Refining and Marketing Company since its relocation to Dallas in 1979. Later shortened to Diamond Shamrock in 1990. When Valero purchased it in 2001, it became a brand of Valero and had since withdrawn the trademark from a majority of Texas gas stations or sold them to Texaco or other corporations.

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Diamond Shamrock Contact Information

Report complaints to corporate and get satisfaction

  • Diamond Shamrock headquarters address

    • 1740 Jet Wing Dr Colorado Springs, CO 80916-2393
    • Colorado Springs
    • CO 80916
    • United States
  • Company website

  • 1-800 phone number

  • Better Business Bureau rating

  • Customer service hours

    24 hours a day

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