Holiday Stationstores Customer Service
Rated 5 of 5 Stars
Based on 1 Complaints

Contact Holiday Stationstores Corporate

Toll free phone number: 1-952-830-8700

In the United States, Holiday Stationstores is a chain of gas stations and convenience store locations. There are more than 600 sites in ten states, making it part of the second-largest convenience store network in the world. It was established as the 18th-largest convenience store chain in the United States. In addition to 500 outlets in 10 states, it has two food commissaries, a fuel terminal, and a network of car wash stations. Laval, Quebec-based ACT acquired holiday Stationstores Inc. and its 522 convenience stores in mid-2017, and the name was retained rather than converted to the Circle K banner. In Bloomington, Minnesota.

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Holiday Stationstores Contact Information

Report complaints to corporate and get satisfaction

  • Holiday Stationstores headquarters address

    • 4567 American Blvd W Bloomington, MN 55437-1123
    • Bloomington
    • MN 55437
    • United States
  • 1-800 phone number

  • Better Business Bureau rating

  • Customer service hours

    24 hours a day

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