Spectrum Complaints Continued... (Page 3)
226+ reviews added so far. Upset? Call Spectrum corporate: 1-855-479-6984
What do you do when a mentally chalenged child orders $475 in Porn in lest then tow total hours??? Pay the bill because spectrum does not care! They said basically pay your bill or turn the cable off PERIOD No working through it. Just pay the bill PERIOD!

We are being charged $26 a month for a cable box we never owned & have had 6 technicians out since August. I want the $26 credited to future bills as this theft has occurred for about 4 months.

i was with TWC since i moved into this home. when spectrum took over we were not told anything. then after a couple of weeks i was notified i had to disconnect my router and tv boxes and remotes and bring them to the Reidsville nc office and they would replace them. i had to take them home and install myself. i soon found out that i couldn't record programs. after calling the office they told me i would have to pay extra to record. after talking with my husband he called customer svc and was told i was given 2 cable boxes but they were not DVR. now if i want you to come out with 2 new boxes i would have to pay $50. this stinks. i guess i could return the boxes and do the exchange but it's not fair to charge me for svc. i feel this is a bad start for spectrum and my husband agrees and he just put spectrum into his home last thursday but he would cancel if you don't do what's right for me. pls advise.

I can't give a rating . it would be below zero .I have had nothing but continueous problems every three weeks
Even in Florida. The picture breaks up the cable box goes back to boot by itself Now tonight it shuts down
at 12;37 to cdl progress from 12: 37 to 1:00 am what ever that is then it goes to flashing progress after that then
shuts off and goes to boot. causing me to miss the end of a show . Like I said every three weeks
A service person has been out 3 times with NO solution. They are to come Thurs. A new wire was suppose to be put in a couple weeks ago. I don't believe that ever happened. Then I call and get all your stupid recordings and
put on hold with no call back This happens every time. Why don't you call me back instead. Also I was suppose to get a credit for Sept 7 8 9 as the cable was breaking up so I couldn't watch and now it is happening again. So I expect more credit. for 3 days. One service man did nothing but tell me cold weather had an affect on it . It was 54 here and again I live in Florida . no cold there, It is time to fix it right. I am sure I am not the only one as I am always put on hold. Un satisfied with your service. I didn't have this problem until you took over time warner and brighthouse. Darrell

Since they too over for Time Warner their customer service is bad, they drastically increased rates, refused to honor the special deals already set in place by Time Warner. They are a terrible, horrible, rigid, unjust, disreputable, lousy company to do business with!

We had Spectrum installed in our home for wireless internet and cable TV. First the wireless internet went out 2 hours after the tech guy left. We had another Spectrum tech guy come out the next day. He said we received a refurbished used internet modem, and it doesn't work......would we like a new one? YES PLEASE! Then our cable went out 2 nights in a row during primetime TV. We had a tech come out and he said our cable box was not good, and decided to install a new one. The old phone number we wanted to keep from our old AT&T account couldn't be transferred, therefore the phone number was in limbo for 8 days....neither Spectrum nor AT&T could access it, so my roommate was without phone service for over a week. We finally had to get his phone plan reinstated with AT&T, so now we have cable and internet with Spectrum and phone service from At&T! The intent was to have only one service provider. Absolutely ridiculous service so far from Spectrum. We are very disappointed.

They pulled a bait and switch as far as the pricing of their services. They raised the price $20.00. Per month after service was installed!

I have received the EPIX channel ever since switching to spectrum. Now all at once it was taken off my tv and I have been told it is not part of my package. It is not my fault that I was given it and I am extremely upset with your company for doing this. I also was able to receive the LMN and no longer can get that channel. Please make this right?! I will not pay any more to upgrade in order to receive these channels since I have been getting them this long with the understanding that they did come with the package I am paying for. ! 740-262-9682

We were without service from Friday (9/1/2017) evening until Tuesday (9/5/2017) afternoon. While the technician was wonderful, prior to his arrival we traveled from NYC, to Ohio to Param in India. Nothing occurred according to what we were told, and there was absolutely no way to get any assistance and while everyone was nice -- it was never about customer service or assistance until the scheduled visit. Sad . . . truly expect no follow up from this complaint if it follows suit to our weekend experience. If this is what the future holds . . . not sure of what our next steps may need to be.

Initial complaint Ana Calero-Spectrum Complaint #1503795802 did not go through. Received an Error message. Where can I mail a copy or copy/paste from Word Perfect?

I called about 3 weeks ago,they sent a worker out for missing channels,he figured out the problem was on the pole,said he didn't have parts to fix it so he said he would call me and come back and fix it,still hasn't been fixed and I'm sick of calling them and waiting on hold! Not a happy customer and ready to cancel!!!!!!!!!

Horrible customer service, over charging, not standing behind a promotion they offered

I have been a customer over 20 years and have finally had enough of the garbage service from Direct TV. I have been over billed and lied to for years and I thought the years as a customer meant something but obviously I was wrong. I am nothing more than a payment to Direct TV. If this is how I am viewed I will change my $180 a month payment to Spectrum for $121.

We requested service evaluation on Oct 28th, and was told we would be called when the Engineering Dept determined if service could be provided. As of Nov. 23 we had not received a call and stopped by the Athens AL Charter office and was told our service order was never put in. We had to start all over and was told Dec 10 would be the earliest date. Richard is a disabled veteran and has to have internet service in our home. We have had to delay moving into our home because of this delay. We have at least two neighbor that have been trying to get service for over a year. Seriously this is ridiculous, We are about 500 ft from Hwy 72, where service is available. There are at least a dozen houses on Carla drive that need and want your service. Please help us to resolve this problem.

Bright House Networks has been successfully disrespecting me as a customer and acting very unethical. One day in July 2016 my Internet completely stopped working. We called and scheduled a technician come in. First, they never showed up on time and even the same day. I am saying they because it took like 10 different technicians and about a month without Internet to figure out that we had been disconnected because specifically our wire was creating a noise for other consumers. Regardless of disconnecting us, so that all other customers in our community could have Internet, they never informed us about the issue and just kept charging and sending technicians our way in a very disorganized manner.
I could not believe my years when the company refused to fix the issue and just said that I should just stop using them. I called and asked for refund for August and July (yes they charged me for two months in a row, while being disconnected), they said that if I want my money back, I would need to close an account, but I shouldn't, because somebody named Heidi said she was going to give me a good rate when the issue is resolved and promised to try and fix it, but stop charging me until they fix it. Two months later I've come to find out they charged me for September and October again.
When I called, the manager told me that Heidi didn't put any notes there and regardless of me using their service or not, they have already billed me for the two months and there is not way to give me a refund since I haven't closed my account. After speaking with at least 10 managers and different representatives, and explaining my story all over again, I realized that this company is just simply robbing people. I could not believe my years, with the way they spoke to me and in what they had to say.
Basically, they disconnected me, refused to fix the issue, promised not to charge, but kept charging the money, and when I asked for refund they told me I had no rights to get my money back. Still can't believe this is happening in 21st century in a country of hope.

My Bright House recorder wasn't working properly for about a month. It was replaced with a new one which is worse. I called and the representative rebooted it. However, it still does not work properly. I tried to watch a recorded program. The screen went gray. Sometimes when watching TV is stalls for about 3 minutes and I missed what was said. It cuts to a commercial abruptly. I fell I should get a discount this month. Because I have missed a lot of programs. In addition, my finger sometimes hurts because I have to push the remote many times before it does anything. Very very frustrating customer service from Bright House Networks.

How many work orders and calls do you have to have with Charter to get cable fixed? I known theres been 3 if not 4 for our cable lines down. I have been trying to get fixed and still nothing. And I was told after 9am then this afternoon. Now tomorrow.

I took advantage of your great BUNDLE deal! Within 10 days; my Dish was turned off, with the understanding the early termination fee would be paid by Charter. It was not....I was told my installation costs would be on my first bill and that the bill wouldn't be over $180.00; the first bill was over $245.00! Dish was billing me for the early termination fee (and has now turned that bill over to collections)! I went to the local Charter (which by the way is the most uninviting place to go pay my bill!) office to see why my bill was so much....the lady indicated that it was more now since you bill ahead...the bill then was over $300.00! I told her that the early termination fee had not been paid....she then said "...oh didn't I give you a form to send in?"
NO she had not! Not until after I brought back all the equipment! I took the form, filled it out, and mailed it! I then called Charter Customer Service . The young man was very polite and professional. He took off the current charges, set me up on a payment plan....and I cancelled all services. In about 10 days after I Bundled, I was over $600.00 in debt! That is ridiculous amount to pay for home entertainment! I received a notice that you have now sent me to outside collections! Thank you very much! I have been with Charter for over 40 years! I began when it was Bresnan....never had this trouble or been more disrespected as a loyal and happy customer until Bresnan sold...I am so disappointed in your service: the internet never stayed connected...always had to refresh...the cable service was just as bad...anyway...I'm sure you receive many complaints and that I am probably one in a million.... what difference does one more make.

On April 11 I asked to have my Charter service changed due to increasing costs. I removed my land line phone and movie channel package, the service rep said that service will be changed on April 26 as that is how long I was paid up to. I tried to watch one of the movie channels on April 14 and found that they were already turned off. I contacted Charter Customer Service and was informed that the TV package was changed on the day I called to change the service not the day I was paid up to because that's the way they do business.

We have a rental property (Mobile Home) - Charter came out to install cable and with out any consent of the owner. DRILLED A HOLE THRU THE METAL INTO THE WALL. Leaving a huge hole for cold air to come in. This is not the first time you've done this. We did a claim and you paid us some money for us to repair. Well, they've done it again and Jerin Van Wyk told me that everything was done up to Spec and he Denied our claim. This is totally unacceptable and I thought he was a jerk. When I ask to speak with his supervisor -- he said he did not have one that he was the only one I could speak with.

Verizon has decided to unilaterally eliminate the Sportsman and Outdoor channels because they disagree with the content. When commercial companies resort to molding public opinion instead of pursuing economic goals, unintended consequences will result. Stock holders should be concerned. There are 130 million people interested in the programs offered on Sportsman and Outdoor channels. As one of them, I intend to immediately terminate my service and use BrightHouse Networks. Furthermore, I'll broadcast Verizon's decision and my termination to my social media networks to advertise this alternate provider.

We were promised a 100$ credit for switching our Charter home number to our new mobile phone. We purchased new phones at Costco in June. I've called a number of times to Verizon inquiring when we were to receive our 100$ credit for the port in that happened in June. We did not do it at the time of purchase from Costco since we didn't have the Charter account number to do so. We went home the day of purchase of new phones and called directly from our home and went through process of port in at that time.
We were promised that day on phone with Verizon representative that we would be issued a 100$ credit for porting in our number. I've called many times inquiring and they recently issued a formal complaint that was reviewed within 7 to days which they left a message saying they would not credit cause it was our responsible to get a 200$ credit from Costco, we did receive a 100$ credit from Costco but that was for purchase of phone. Costco has said it is Verizon's responsibility since they promised it to us. We agree and would like our credit as promised.

My name is Robert Walker, I am an active army SFC, I would like to file a complaint against one of your techs that work out of Tomah Wisconsin. It has come to my attention That Mr. Tye Smith had conducted a service call at my house in Sparta while I was not home, but not to get into too much detail but I would appreciate it if this employee never contacts my wife or conducts a service call to 415 N L street Sparta Wisconsin ever again. I did not realize this company endorsed techs having inappropriate relations with married woman, or utilizing their company time in order to find dates. If this worker is ever found near my property again I will be calling the authorities, the BBB and advertise what kind of workers are working for this company.

Looking to lower my monthly bill. I had Bright House Networks for internet and landline for $85 a month. Called ATT and was quoted $50 for same service. Took them over 3 weeks to port my phone number over. So for that time I was paying 2 companies. ATT said hey would waive first bill. The next week I received a bill for over $105. Called again and was told "don't worry I'm showing a 0 balance. Throw the bill out" I asked why he bill was 105 when I was told it would be 50. She told that from on it WOULD be $50 plus tax.
Next thing I know I get a letter saying pay $105 for else service is shut off (the same day I got the letter). Called again and was told there was NO WAY the bill could be $50. Was told I that point I owed over $220 for 2 months. I told them to cancel my service and I went back to Bright House. They are holding my number hostage. At this point I don't care about the number just the bill. I am willing to pay a fair amount for the 2 months of service, which I think should be $100 plus tax. If you go with ATT you should get ay quote in writing!

We can't seem to get any help with getting more DTA boxes for our account and our box limit isn't even at it's limit. Leno B Smith, tech ops manager just dropped us when he told us that he wanted to be our main contact anytime we had a problem. Pamela regina is suppose to be over our account for 336 units and wanted a E911 address for everything that was covered and we sent it to her and still can't get the DTA's that we need, and no reply from anybody. Can somebody help.

If you are looking for high speed internet,un-interrupted cable TV connection, then Charter Communication is the right place to select. I got my internet connection here and experiencing wonderful services from Charter communications. It is the America's fastest growing TV, internet and voice company. You also have different flexible plans for your TV connection, attractive Gift cards and you can save a greater value when compared to other cable connections. Unlimited local and long distance calling, voicemail, free 411 connect, call forwarding, free internet modem, virus protection security systems are also available in Charter Communications. Have a blast with good services.

I have had poor service for several months. Everyday my tv freezes, or pixilates or just goes to blue screen. I have a dozen service calls. Ans even a credit on my account for problems, but now they want to charge me a service fee to come and fix a problem with the equipment.

for the last 4 months or so my phone and internet stop working for sometimes several minutes or less. sometimes during important health related calls and business. I have called spectrum many times about this situation usually someone does a diagnostics check they say nothing seems wrong on their end and that no outages are reported in your area. My son also has spectrum he lives 2 miles away from me he has the same problems. He also told me that his neighbors have the same problems. Technicians have been to my home several times not solving this intermittent problem. I just was on the phone with tech support and the call was interrupted I think he hung up on me. I will be calling the FCC about this issue. It seems pretty obvious your system is corrupted some where, all around this area there is a lot of digging going on all the time. Here in Johnston county, NC. we seem to be a captive audience for spectrum. Get your system repaired, I have had enough talk.

spectrum called to offer a free week of streaming i said no but they activated and charged me anyway 4-5 attempts to remove it only to be put on hold 45 mins until i gave up scam?

Last week I lost my TV service and then I tried to watch previously recorded DVR's which would not open. Last night the same thing happened with my DVR. Also, Friday my TV said I had to "upgrade" to get NBC channel 4. I cannot believe this lousy service or should I say no service!

in ablity to talk to a live person trided to add service after 1 hour I 've no idea what i have can not say enough bad about your system

I closed my account on 17th December 2018 and Spectrum confirmed that i ill get refund of $51.66
Same spectrum store confirmed to me when i went on 24th December to return device.
Then my account was changed on 1st January 2019 with $49.99 via auto scheduled payment. I got a refund of this amount back on my credit card.
Now the problem is they have also deducted this amount from my refund amount $51.66 and saying my refund is $1.67.
I called customer care but they are not understanding. Please look into this matter.
You may reach me at 401-626-8776

I have been a Spectrum customer since 2016, with no complaints. This has changed. Yesterday, between 5 and 6 pm, I ordered four lines from Spectrum Mobile (Order #: 218706). this included two lines using the iPhone 7. This morning, I discovered that there could be a difficulty with my Nighthawk router system, with a myriad of Wi-Fi hookups, and the Apple products. Given that I was told that I could change the order within 24 hours, I contacted Spectrum Mobile Support. I was transferred twice. The agent on the first transfer argued with my housemate, telling him he did not need to change phones because Wi-Fi is Wi-Fi. This agent's tone was argumentatively hostile! And the complaints on Netgear’s website do not support him. Only after I reminded him that we should be able to change an order did he reply that he could not do this, and he transferred me to an agent named Charlotte. At first, she seemed helpful. She accessed the order, and then said she could not substitute the LG Stylo 4 for the iPhone 7. She also said that she could not cancel and redo the order. Charlotte suggested that I reject the order at delivery. Then reorder. She said that the order will be delivered on Tuesday. When I told her I had a two-day promise of Friday but the sales agent said no later than Saturday, she said not possible, Her tone was not supportive. I stated that timing was important because I wanted to time the beginning of Spectrum Mobile service with the end of my Sprint monthly cycle. She offered no solutions. I remarked that maybe I should stick with Sprint; this account has been active since 2005. Charlotte's response was simply to the affect that sticking with Sprint was up to me. No other comments. No offers to rectify. When I commented that she was not helpful with my dissatisfaction, Charlotte stated that this is not her job. Then, in an unfriendly tone, she asked if my last remark was said in order to get something out of Spectrum. I terminated the call. One further comment. I originally ordered online on Wednesday morning. When I submitted the order, I received a tech-problem message, and I was directed to call a Spectrum Mobile telephone number. I did this, and I placed the exact same order with an agent. I am in a quandary. Spectrum has been paid, but Spectrum is not delivering, as evidenced by the inability to correct an order change in less than 24 hours of that order. Please advise. Thank You. Dawn McBride

We have had terrible service since before Christmas and after 2 technicians, we still do not have the problem solved. It gets so bad, that we can’t watch the show and the voice is distorted. Both technicians says it is the cable coming into the area, not us. How much longer do we pay for and not receive the service? Enough is enough. I wish I could attach the video I recorded of the terrible reception last night. Looking forward to your answer and how this problem can be fixed.
Don Main

Went to reboot cable to see if I could get some of my regular channels to come back up. They say not available at this time. Now all I get is a post that blinks about upgrade now . call tech support. So now I have nothing again just went thru this last month. please help

I contacted Spectrum and stated that I wanted to reduce the cost of my cable bill. I told them I had logged into my account, then chose the upgrade option and looked at the packages. I told them the Triple Play Select at $99.95 was more than sufficient for our needs. She then said, "I am sure we can work out something for you," and then proceeded to ask me my account info, what channels we watched, etc. etc. etc. After almost and hour of this back and forth and being put on hold, she proudly announced, " I can give your the Triple Play Select with better internet speed for $189." I reminded her that my current bill was $174 and that I had contacted her to reduce my cost and my internet speed was sufficient. She again reminded me that I would be getting better internet speed. I told her I did not need it and that the Triple Play Select was what I wanted. After several rounds of reminding me about the internet speed, she said the Triple Play Select price was for new subscribers. I reminded her I had logged into my account and gone through the process of looking for what was available to me as a current customer. She said there was nothing she could do and the Triple Play Select for $189 with better internet was a great option. Great option??? Do these people listen to anything you say??? The sad thing is we also were looking into using their business option for my husband's work and utilizing Spectrum's new cell service for their phones. Big loss for Spectrum.

I called to get information on returning your router equipment and cancelation of service at 4:59 pm on 5 January 2019. The computer answering system was one of the best I have ever dealt with. After a few minutes I talked to a very nice lady who was very helpful about the return. I was then transferred to hold awaiting cancelation of the service. I waited OVER 45:00 minutes before the line was picked up! This is totally unacceptable! The man who answered was very polite and helpful. I commend your people but I find your wait times very unprofessional and very unacceptable!

Very upset that Spectrum has cut the 15 FOX Channels that we are paying for.
Pay the carriage fee and get us our channels back--we don't need you to protect
us from these stations or keep our fees down--you are breaching your contract
with your customers. As far as I am concerned, I am no longer obliged to your
"rules"--going some place else next week!! You are not the only cable provider
in town. Very disappointed in the way you did this--turning the stations off at
1 pm in the afternoon with no warning to your "loyal" customers. I have been
reading your reviews online and you need to start working for your customers
in other ways--like being honest. I went into your Spectrum office and all the
girl could do was put on a phony smile--not very professional. The fellow lied
about the channels--another man came in angry and they told him to go home
and call tech support. They couldn't do it for him???? Your employees must
have trained at the department of motor vehicles--they have the same skills.
Very upset with the way you do "business". The customers need to get their
money back for this month or as long as you think you are protecting us--we
should all get refunds for the aggravation--I thought this was a free country.
Not if you are with Spectrum!!!!

This is more of a observation than a complaint.
Your recent format of black background and
white text is hard on these 72 year old eyes.
I am a retired cnc programmer of 30 years and for
my editing I changed the color of my screen to a
light gray background and black text which worked
out very well.
thank you
John Bricco

1 we lost cable for 4.25 hours I did not see any refund on my bill for the missing cable viewing time.
2 now we have lost channel 9,channel 6 and channel 4, if spectrum can not come to some agreement I will cancel my cable subscription we are losing channels and our bill keeps increasing. I have already looked into dish, antenna and internet options. you are not the only player in the tv market you need to provide a service that people are will to pay for right now you are going to lose my subscription. By the way thank you taking AHC from by basic cable you are really make this option easier for me. I know I'm just one subscriber but many others in my viewing area are looking into changing or have already changed to other services
john rateth

I am so upset with Spectrum .... i pay over $150. a month and this is the second time in a short while that i have lost channels... 114 Nick.. upset me but i dealt with it BUT now Channel 11 and 2... I watch many shows on Fox 2 and now it is lost to me... I would think with ALL your customers and ALL the $$$ you charge for your cable service this would Never happen...I can get Channel 2 / 11 plus more channels on Direct tv... If i can't get to watch all my shows for $159 per month I will have to reevaluate my services which i have had with you for years....
Lynn Crews

Ed Garnier, pres.
Kilowatt Electric
POB 28
Monmouth, Me. 04259
Office of John Bickham, COO
Charter Communications
400 Atlantic St.
Stamford, Conn. 06901
Re: Spectrum/Time Warner customer service. Acct: # 676394001
Dear Mr. Bickham,
I have operated my business for 34 years, am a licensed master electrician and have hired service techs and office staff with some frequency. I am not in the habit of contacting upper management of corporations with complaints but I was compelled to make you aware of the conditions that exist with your customer service and the extremely poor service I have experienced.
I am sending this letter to your office because over the last 30 days I have spoken with multiple 1st level Customer Service Representatives, their supervisors, the supervisors of supervisors and technician dispatchers. All of whom were either rude and dismissive or utterly incompetent. If any one of them worked for me, they would have been fired. I did not feel that sending a complaint to them would have any benefit.
Since Spectrum has taken over Time Warner, the product quality and customer service has become even worse, which I thought impossible.
During the month of December, I began experiencing complete loss of internet access, extremely slow speeds below 3.00 Mbps download and frequent buffering. There were multiple outages lasting several hours. I had my computer checked and I had my high-end Motorola modem checked and both are working fine. I eventually called Spectrum customer service on 12/15 to have a technician sent out to check my line. After navigating the annoying automated screening process and waiting on hold I was finally connected to a CSR. After explaining the problem, I spent the next 45 minutes answering questions and trying to set up an appointment. I explained to the CSR that I was a contractor and needed a time frame for the technician to arrive because I could not take the entire day off and I live alone. I was finally given an appointment for Monday 12/17/18 between 13:00 and 14:00. I immediately entered it into my calendar and noted to move some service calls I had previously scheduled. On Sunday morning 12/16, I received an automated reminder of the appointment on my cell phone that confirmed the Monday PM appointment. (I saved the audio file).
I came home at 12:00 on Monday 12/17 to make sure I was here if he came early. At 14:30 there was still no tech so I called customer service again.
The customer service rep said I didn’t have an appointment and when I said I did and had confirmation on my phone, she said I was mistaken and I did not have an appointment and no one was coming. I asked her why I would have written it in my calendar, received a confirmation call and taken the afternoon off if I didn’t have an appointment. Now I have lost an entire afternoon of work for nothing. I became more annoyed when she asked if I wanted to set one up and proceeded to ask me all the same questions I had answered on the first call to cust. serv. I asked if all that information wasn’t already noted on my account and she said yes but she had to ask anyway. Finally another appointment was made for Tuesday 12/18 between 14:00 and 15:00. So I took another afternoon off and was home at 13:00. At 15:30 there was still no technician so I called cust. serv. again. They said they didn’t know why he wasn’t here and would have a dispatcher call me. A dispatcher named Courtney finally called me and said he would be here within an hour and was pretty rude in the process. He arrived at 16:15. He apologized for being late and explained they had several trucks out of service and they were backed up with calls. He checked all the connections and functions on my line and said it was a problem on the main line and everything of mine was working properly. There was a problem with my incoming service. He changed all the connectors and splitter and left. At that point I had internet at 23.38 Mbps when he left. The next day 12/19, I had no internet and couldn’t sign on to get e-mails. Needless to say, I was steaming mad and called cust. serv. again to have another technician sent. I went through another plethora of options and questions and managed after another 30 minutes to get an appointment on 12/20 between 19:00 and 20:00. This time the tech showed up on time, checked all the same things the 1st tech checked and determined the problem was at the utility pole interface. It was dark and cold so I helped him set up his ladder and watched the bottom for him while he climbed to the ports on the pole. After doing several tests, he found that the port interface on the pole was defective and needed to be replaced. He switched my cable to the better of the two ports and said he would put in a request for a line repair truck to come out and change the ports as it was above his tech level.
Until yesterday, 1/1/19, things were working pretty well with a couple of short periods where I would experience buffering. Then it dropped to below 3 Mbps and I couldn’t sign on again.
I called cust. serv. to find out why nobody had been back to change the ports on the main line and got a young woman who obviously didn’t have any idea what she was doing, could barely speak English and said they had no record of it and would not listen to me at all and just kept asking me the questions from the page she was reading. I tried to explain to her that two techs had already been out and checked the house and incoming cable and had found the problem on the utility pole and it just hadn’t been repaired yet. She insisted I had to be home and out of frustration I finally asked for another supervisor. Then I got disconnected. A supervisor finally called back and I explained to him that the problem had been found and they needed to send a line technician with a bucket truck to replace the interface ports on the utility pole. I wasn’t going to be home because I had to work and I didn’t need to be there. He said he completely understood and he would send a bucket truck with somebody that could make the repair. It was an anytime appointment and I wouldn’t need to be here. I thought I had finally found someone that knew what he was doing but unfortunately, I was wrong.
Today I came back to the office around 14:30 to pick up materials for a job. At 15:00 the same technician that came on 12/18/18 showed up again.
No bucket truck, no line technician and no repair parts. I asked him why he was here and he said they sent him because I was still having problems with intermittent internet.
He wasn’t informed of the information I had given to the last supervisor or the need for a bucket truck and pole work.
I told him what I had been through and he said they have been having problems with service calls because most calls are going through a call center in NY. He said he would get the proper person to come out and change the ports on the pole.
I won’t be holding my breath.
The field technicians are great guys but they are not being supported by administrative staff, their vehicles are in disrepair and they are losing local dispatch so they are being routed hundreds of extra miles because the people making the appointments don’t know the area.
I told the last CSR that I expected credit to my account for my lack of service but I doubt I’ll see any.
In conclusion, I apologize for the length of this letter but I felt it was incumbent on me to make you aware of what I’m sure is a widespread customer service condition. I have had many hours of my time wasted by a poorly run customer service dept. I pay almost $90.00/month for my service and expect consistent reliable service which I am not getting. So far, dealing with Spectrum customer service has cost me over $600.00.
Whoever oversees your customer service dept. needs to upgrade the training, policies and procedures and hire people with the aptitude for the job.
A very unsatisfied customer.
Ed Garnier

I want to shut my cable and internet off for 6 weeks while I go to Florida, Spectrum told me that was impossible. Why I do not want to pay for something I'm not using. I don't understand why I cannot discontinue service while I'm on vacation.

2/nd day of missing channels. repair tech setting in his truck for 2 1/2 hours, has not come in to the hotel to announce his arrival, guest are complaining. ticket #50314604

You have managed to downgrade my email services recently. I am on the verge of removing ALL of our business from your company. The OWA is constantly unable to function properly. Our business relies heavily on email service and yours is truly lacking...

the wifi sucks so bad that my router is blinking so fast that I have to retype every word on my pc and I cant get a signal 10 feet away on my cell phone , I have to be six inch away from my router to pick up a signal from my phone . I don't know what's wrong with the signal on why it don't want to catch at all it needs to be fix or I'm going back to at&t wifi .

I am a customer of many years, ,,,,being also with Insight cable,,,,,Time Warner and now Spectrum..... now I have the worse pricing,,,,I am unable to get a new 10 channel package without suspending MY SERVICE for 30 days,,,,,,that is a STUPID idea to not help your customers save money. My pricing with from 97 dollars a month to 147 dollars a month for the SAME service. Most of all my friends now use Sling,,,,,,Hulu,,,,,or the firestick, so you have lost all those customers as well. Your customer service people and your service techs also have told me that they get tired of hearing the SAME complaints that I am informing you about now. It seems management does not want to help get NEW customers or save customers that have had service for many years.

We continually get calls from ph#1855-479-6984 3 to 4 times a day we have asked them to do not call because we are not interested in the service they want to sell us. How do we get them to stop they use a different code # when calling.
#v21510352900168 & it changes often Please correct this problem or we will seek other providers.
David & Marilyn Kern

ESPN on demand. 30 for 30's. New ones, old ones, have glitches!!
This bill is second in cost behind my mortgage.
It's about to be 2019? Please fix this!
Or at least buy a vowel, so you can buy a ticket to the clue train.

You advertise cable does not go out in bad weather satellite does. Mine is out every time we have wind or heavy rain it’s been out three hours today. A friend has dish and it is working. I didn’t think cable was affected by weather seem to be my internet is out sucks and my land line is out my tv is out

I have a couple of complaints but first I complement you on your technical support and in-home and telephone service personnel. They are well trained, personable and want to help. As for my complaints, I cannot believe that you do not have a whole house DVR system. Spectrum is years behind the industry. I have had that type of system from AT&T, Bright House, Directv, Homesc and another cable company whose name I cannot recall. My son lives in an area that is serviced by one of your competitors (?).He has a DVR that has the capability to be voice controlled and is so advanced that you can say a program or movie by name with no station or other information required.
I am sure that the reason that you don't offer this service is the cost of equipment. In today's marketplace customer-oriented companies in most fields are the ones that flourish. It is a shame that the monopoly you enjoy relieves you of any pressure to stay upto date and re-invest in new equipment that would give residential customers the benefit of this option. This seems to be in stark contrast to your advertising, personnel and policies.
I look forward to your response,
Barry Halpern
8935 Puerto Del Rio Dr.
Unit 204
Cape Canaveral

Good Morning
I live in Herkimer, NY.
My televisions, at any random time, will turn black with "please wait" written in white letters in the center. It can appear once, twice or not daily. The duration of this interruption can last from 10 seconds to 20 minutes.
My digital box is also unpredictable. When i switch chanals it will show "unavailable" along the bottom of the screen. I finally unplugged and re-inserted the power plug and it seemed to operate correctly.
Last night the digital box didn't have channels 3-9 and even the weather channel wasn't available.(along with others). In fact the weather channel number{33 here} had another program occupying it.
Also, is there any way I can reduce my monthly bill? Last year i was paying $112. It's up around $144 now. I haven't added a thing. I' retired and that was an awful increase.
Herkimer, NY

Spectrum does not even deserve 1 star, your service is horrible. For quite awhile now we have had problems connecting with internet. I am totally disgusted to have to keep unplugging the modem which will sometimes get us back online. I am paying for a service which I DO NOT HAVE THE MAJORITY OF THE TIME. Technicians have been out numerous times, supposedly the outside lines have been checked "and repaired" by other crews and still no decent service!! It is now 5:30am, I have been up about 2 hours trying to get service back, got up to let my dog out and realized that once again NO INTERNET!!! I will have a higher phone bill this month due to no internet and using our 4G, PLUS I am paying Spectrum for a service I am not getting!! Sorry service and would NOT recommend to anyone!!
Byron Thigpen

E'mail has not worked right for a couple of years. Old program was lil better. Constantly having same problems and constantly receiving the same excuses.

tv signal keeps dropping out. Almost every day and someimes several times daily

I know you switched from time warner but you have caused a big problem. you divide your tiers very poorly you have taken away from seniors or elderly person by charging more to get the channels they normally watch like TCM we watch those because they are old movies and we enjoy them. Now you want to charge us more because you separated them from our normal showing you say you are better I don't see that I see Greed and not caring for people it is unfair. Also you give us to many religious, sports, Music and QVC stuff we are not at all interested in those channels. I myself do not like any of them. But you leave me no choice. This is why people choose to switch to other network services .And why should I have to pay for two of the same channels? example same 49 TNT and also get it say at 1230. The HD and regular is the same to me. Please stop playing on the elderly and poor We want to be happy too. Thank You

Today Dec. 1st ( 12:30) Today we are home to watch the Championship football games.
We have channels which say unavailable. We have rebooted the box. We called technical
support and they rebooted the box. Now we are being told that there is an outage in Finley
which is 63 miles away. Now I know that things like this happen, BUT this has happened several times lately
when big events are on tv. Sports is the only reason we keep out cable service. I would really like to think this will not
continue to happen.
What can and is being done?
Lori Levings 419 560 4730
Former Time Warner customer/Spectrum customer now for years and years.


Dear Matthew,
Matthew let me explain you what we have committed before I signed up with you.
1. We work thru social media ads postings
2. 100% non branded without using Spectrum name anywere
3. When customer is interested in out promotion prices they pm us on our personal Facebook ids
4. We ask customer what service they are currently using and what is their monthly bill etc
5. Then we offer them Spectrum and we ask for Name address Email etc to process their sales
6. If the are approved we inform them you are qualified for the services
7. If its prepay we inform them if they are willing to pay if Yes we process further other wise goes to disqualification
Once the order confirmation work order number generated and customer gets the email we called them and verify each and every thing which we committed, We record this call with customer Facebook chat screen shots and send it to you. We upload on comlink from day one. You checked from day one Comlink never say a single word from day one and they took over 3 weeks of sales and once its pass 21 days they didn't inform us any thing but after 6 week they are asking for full sales recordings, how in the world you can go in the past and do the recording again. So you told me confirm with customer that their service got installed and did they pay their first month bill and how was the services so far so we did that.
Now, after 2 months you are saying that fill out the JOTFORM so we called them again fill out the forms which link you provided and still you have issue with this. I am sure Comlink got paid but they didn't pay you and making all sort of reasons not to pay us. Comlink did this with serveral others that I know personally so I inform you that Comlink is not a legit company.I have all the customers details I will take my money from Spectrum directly I will provide them every customer which I provided to Comlink they are installed and Spectrum paid on time because it shows funded on their portal. All the recordings were uploaded from day one if they dont wanna do business they can do quality check from day one its their problem not mine.
When its time to pay Comlink is playing all sort of game to eat up my 600 customers. I will write up the whole story about Comlink and inform Spectrum first and legal department Social media and everywhere. I am working with few other Spectrum dealers and they are happy with my sales since 6 8 month no problem at all. I don't have chargeback ratio above 3%. You know very well. But I trusted you and you bring thing Comlink mess in between us. And you are not willing to take any action because you are middle man and don't lose any thing while I have done tons of efforts pay high commission to all my online agents who are working from home I recruit them over a year now. I am happy to work with directv instead Spectrum I will call every single customer which I process under comlink make sure they don't pay their bill and cancel their services, I will bring them on Directv at any cost.
Also I will send a debt collection letter to Spectrum regarding my loses and sue Comlink for wasting my time and efforts. Hopefully Spectrum will read this since I am going to forward to all the emails which are available. I know tons of ways to reach spectrum high authority personal who will understand me and put Comlink under investigation to find out who is wrong and who is Right.
Email Kathleen Mayo (Executive Vice President of Customer Service)
Thanks you
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Matthew Thompson <mthompson@vibrantdirectsalescom>
Date: Mon, Nov 26, 2018 at 4:20 PM
Subject: Fwd: Fully uploaded sales for Vibrant
To: netcomsolution.ca@gmail.com <netcomsolution.ca@gmail.com>, thehello786@gmail.com <thehello786@gmail.com>
Comlink response.
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Comlink Admin <admin@comlinksmb.com>
Date: November 26, 2018 at 10:05:13 AM EST
To: Matthew Thompson <mthompson@vibrantdirectsales.com>, Joe Freda <joe@gocomlink.com>
Cc: Matthew Santini <matt@comlinksmb.com>
Subject: RE: Fully uploaded sales for Vibrant
We reviewed all the information for the orders below. None of the opt in forms have a date or time on them which is not acceptable they have to be date and time stamped for a time before the call was made to the customer. They are also missing the location portion of the form which shows where the opt in was signed from. You stated that there were some calls that were the entire sales call, we listened to all calls and none were full sales calls. The customer hardly says a word, and the rep already knows what the customer wants so it is clearly not a full call. When we receive full sales calls they are any where from 20 mins to an hour, out of all of your calls the longest one is 5 mins, and the customer hardly speaks. So there are no orders in full compliance at this time
1705 Colonial Blvd Unit A4
Fort Myers FL, 33907
Tel: (941) 210-0335
A picture containing thing, object, clock
Description generated with very high confidence
This communication constitutes an electronic communication within the meaning of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 USC 2510, and its disclosure is strictly limited to the recipient intended by the sender of this message. This communication may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient and receipt by anyone other than the intended recipient does not constitute a loss of the confidential or privileged nature of the communication. Any review or distribution by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by return electronic mail and delete all copies of this communication.
From: Matthew Thompson <mthompson@vibrantdirectsales.com>
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2018 9:15 AM
To: Joe Freda <joe@gocomlink.com>
Cc: Comlink Admin <admin@comlinksmb.com>; Matthew Santini <matt@comlinksmb.com>
Subject: Re: Fully uploaded sales for Vibrant
Good morning I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday.
I’m hopeful I’ll get an update today. I have 15 fundable orders below that meets all requirements. Please let me know if you need anything else from me.
Thank you!
On Nov 19, 2018, at 4:03 PM, Joe Freda <joe@gocomlink.com> wrote:
Yes, we have everything. We will review and get back to you within 24-48 hours
Sent from my iPhone
On Nov 19, 2018, at 3:38 PM, Matthew Thompson <mthompson@vibrantdirectsales.com> wrote:
Just wanted to confirm this was received.
Lizeth Sanchez and Ashland Gerard has also been completed.
From: Matthew Thompson
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2018 12:51 PM
To: Comlink Admin <admin@comlinksmb.com>
Cc: joe@gocomlink.com; Matthew Santini <matt@comlinksmb.com>
Subject: Fully uploaded sales for Vibrant
Admin team,
I’ve uploaded all calls, confirmation screen shots (besides 2 that were done with sales support) and jot forms for all of the following customers:
LIZETH SANCHEZ (need call)
DETORIAN RICHARDSON (This was a full inbound call not a confirmation call, customer was greeted “Thank you for calling in today” and you can tell the agent was placing the order while on the phone with the customer.)
I’m still working on:
Rick Fred Henderson
Nicole Novotny
Ashland Gerard
McKinney Brittany
Lizeth Sanchez
I wanted to submit what I have done as I don’t know your cut off for doing payroll and I can’t go 3 weeks without something. Please review the completed ones and confirm I can receive payment on those. I’ll make you aware when I have the ones I’m still working on completed.
Thank you,
Matt Thompson
Cell: 704-252-4350
Office: 336-482-8183
Url: www.vibrantdirectsales.com
"The best way to predict the future is to create it"

we paid for a movie and it wouldn't play.please credit for 7 days In entibbi. the movie played for 20 min. or so and went back to the beginning twice .we don't buy many movies on demand but really wanted to see this one and it wouldn't play right.

My name is Gregory Sellers on about the 9th Nov or it could be the 12th Nov, a order were place for your company to installed service on the 15th Nov. This is what i were told that my first bill would began on the 15th of Dec and the price would be $167.95, my account#37667403 order#245630801- security code-6163. But i were lied to over and over your Spectrum offer is a big lie no one told me that i would get a full bill 12 days later, that is right thee man installed the service on the 15th Nov and four days after installation i got a bill due on the 27 Nov, i were told that i would get my first bill on 15th Dec , Another thing they said that they would payoff cancellation and all shut off bill or contract also which were with Direc-Tv , On the 20th of Nov i found out that i must go to a web site and get forms and fill them out and mail them in, i were not told the address were to send the form. Now i will say that i got real up set with the people that i talked to, Because they talked to me as if i did something wrong, Your company should be up front with what the service and all the claws that is behind the seen, if i pay this bill before the 15th Dec, trust me YOUR SERVICE WILL BE VERY SHORT WITH ME and i know that i will not be with your company 12 months, Because i made sure what i were getting from your company and i am not happy about the lies that i were told. Can be reach at (803-783-2093).

Sat a,m,Nov 17, 2018 Called to ask where serviceman? Fri 11/16/18 at 7:00 p.m. told too late for service. Would be after 9 a.m. sat 11/17/18. Now told between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. Sun 11/18/18. Too busy Sat 11/17/18. Have only had Spectrum for 3 months, and this is the second time they had to come and replace cable box. In 20 years with another service, in another state, never had such problems. A. Shoddy equipment B. Not enough techs to take care of equip. in this area. I am not out in the boondocks. If they can't handle it, they had no business taking over. I wonder if I will get service tomorrow, 11/18/18. I hope! Looks as if many other people around the country are having similar problems.

Can not get on my enternet email for 6days now.

New service set-up. I am currently on hold trying to get service setup. They have already been out 3 times and still no service. In speaking with the Techs who have come out, they need the maintenance team to come in front of the house and do a ten minute job. My wife has taken off a half day from work, I have taken off a half day from work and still no service and no ETA on when and if I will ever get service. Shame on you and your company.

Ever since Spectrum went to DIGITAL our service has been very poor. 1. Stations FREEZE during programs. 2. Half the time channels come up with "THIS PROGRAM IS TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE, PLEASE TRY AGAIN". What a disappointment your service is providing, and the cost you charge for this service.... You can NOT tell me that you have not received numerous emails and/or phone calls from people that also unhappy. What is the plan to FIX this? Please do NOT suggest that I call your Service Department for help.....or suggest that I should have someone come to my house to fix this and later still have the High cost of cable service and still have LOW quality of service.

Who picks the movies to watch on HBO and Showtime ? For 5 months now i have been paying for these and other channels . Whoever picks these movies has a lot of issues, to much drama movies no action movies . Old movies and reruns. Other stations every 5 to 8 minutes a commercial and 5 minutes long but better then paid channels without . Thank you

Spectrum Cable recently installed Spectrum Pick 10 Streaming on my television in August of this year. Although my family and I have always had Spectrum Cable, the streaming option which included 10 select channels seemed to fit our needs accordingly.
At first, my family and I were satisfied with the service provided to us as the application worked great and the customer service representative was extremely kind and helpful. Unfortunately, as of recently, the streaming service has not been reliable whatsoever.
On several occasions, the Spectrum TV app has not loaded. When the application does eventually load, after several attempts, the channels are blurry and frequently lag behind live television programs.
This service has been extremely disappointing to my family as a whole. I currently hold streaming service subscriptions with Netflix as well as Hulu and have had no issues with either application not opening or blurry or lagging pictures. I expect a streaming service with quality pictures as well as accessibility such as Netflix or Hulu.

Joined up for the three package deal. Was told that we could keep our phone number. Guess what. They are now saying that we didn't sign up for phone and that that will cost an extra $35 to professionally install. Then why does the credit card bill show that we have already payed for all three services?

For the past two nights (between 7:30 and 8:30) we did not TV reception plus the phones did not work. The outage lasted for an hour or more. Good thing we have cell phones. Our neighbor had the same problem. The reliability of Spectrum TV is horrible. So much for Spectrum TV being better than Satellite.

this complain is on an agent named INDIA T that i spoke with tonight:
I started a chat in regards to a credit that was supposed to be on my bill per what two other agents had told me this past month. I explained that I was told I was not supposed to be charged an installation fee and it was supposed to been approved by now because it has been over a month. she looked up my account and said that the tech was at my residence for over an hour so the charge was valid. I tried again to explain that I was told by 2 different agents on 2 different occasions that the charge was an error and that they had both put it in the system to be taken off once approved. she stated again that the charge was valid and there was nothing she could do. she went through my notes and said that the other agents put in the system saying do NOT credit installation fee and that the charge was not going anywhere. I told her I would like to talk to someone higher up and that I planned on disconnecting my services because that's not what I agreed to and it wasn't what I was told.( I had called on 9/20 to disconnect within my 30 day promotional period but was convinced not to and was very pleased with how that agent , Leah, minimized my bill and waived the late fee and promised that the installation fee would be removed on the next bill as it was an obvious error. ) but once I said that to India T, she replied with "you have only paid 107 out of 3 bills that have been sent oUT, all charges are valid, the other agents put in the notes to not credit my account." she also stated that she wanted me to be aware that even if I do decide to disconnect the charges are staying the same and that I still owe every dime i currently have billed to me, and that if I didn't pay it it would be sent to collections! how rude! I told her that dealing with collections would be easier than dealing with her because at that point I felt insulted. I never once mentioned not paying the bills and for her to say I've only paid so much out of 3 bills sent was uncalled for. one of the bills I just received today and isn't due uneil next month, and the other is getting paid Wednesday when I get paid. I feel very offended by India t. she then disconnected the chat and so I called customer support. the agent informed me that in the notes it stated every thing I mentioned was in fact true, and that the last note from the live agent I had just spoken to said the exact opposite as every thing else and she put to not credit my account because the charge is va lid. she said that the agemt did not initial the note which is not how its done correctly. this kind agent applied the credit to my next bill and was very polite and helpful. india t also blatantly lied to me for no reason what so ever.people like India t, should not be in customer service, and she makes your company appear as they do not care about customers. she had me offended and frustrated enough to cancel my services immediately. she was extremely sarcastic and rude. I am just one person, but I'm sure I'm not the only one that has felt this way. I also wanted to add that this is the first complaint I have ever made regarding customer service in my entire life, and I have aggregated many times before as we all have. i hope you find this information useful. thank you for your time.

I been waiting for 2 cable boxes to be mailed out to me since 10-17-18 and this the 20th they are still not mailed out now I'm told it will be maybe the 24th and every time I call they tell me a different story one said I was suppose to pick them up at a store so I drove around for an hour looking for a store that didn't exit one told me yesterday she had everything fixed they would be mailed to me yesterday evening and this morning one told they are still not mailed out and would Wednesday before I would get them am I ever going to get my cable boxes mailed to me and If a spectrum cable guy brings them to me it will cost me$50.00 can you HELP ME your customer service can't I have been given 2 or 3 work order#'s

My cable box would not stay on and I was not able to watch tv, so I called for technical support but I was not helped. I was given an appointment for a technician to fix the problem. I wasn't happy about waiting 2 days to watch tv. The technician's arrival time was suppose to be between 7pm and 8pm. I got a call at 7:20pm to inform me that there was an outage in my area and that there are no available technicians available to do the work. The caller continued to tell me she didn't know when I would have the problem fixed. Prior to this call I confirmed THREE times (one time at 6pm) and was assured the technician was on schedule to arrive on time.
I was extremely upset and I called customer service to get information on the outage in my area, only to find out THERE WERE NO OUTAGE IN MY AREA. Somebody lied to me!!!! I was finally rescheduled....I HAVE NO CONFIDENCE IN SPECTRUM!!!

I've previously contacted Spectrum Customer Service re: a current Spectrum TV advertisement depicting a teenage girl, leaving her home AFTER DARK, walking unescorted WITH HER HEAD DOWN, CONCENTRATING ON INFORMATION ON HER CELL PHONE, enroute to another home in the area.
This advertisement was surely written and authorized by someone who has no concept of those safety concerns taught to our children into their adolescent and teenage years. Even if you are trying to convey this is a "safe neighborhood" in your advertisement, recent data and ongoing crime statistics indicate so-called "safe neighborhoods" are becoming the trolling grounds for sexual predators and pedophiles.
This advertisement does a disservice to our children and their safety. It is also a disservice to the parents and other family members, as well as educators from all walks of life, i.e., law enforcement, education, social clubs (Scouting, 4-H), civic and religious groups, who are working and teaching daily to keep our children safe and out of the hands of those who can and will harm them.
Listen to your own news reports and read the newspapers if you do not agree with this view.I
Sara Golightly, Newport, NC
Parent, Grandparent, Registered Nurse (Retired)

I've previously contacted Spectrum Customer Service re: a current Spectrum TV advertisement depicting a teenage girl, leaving her home AFTER DARK, walking unescorted WITH HER HEAD DOWN, CONCENTRATING ON INFORMATION ON HER CELL PHONE, enroute to another home in the area.
This advertisement was surely written and authorized by someone who has no concept of those safety concerns taught to our children into their adolescent and teenage years. Even if you are trying to convey this is a "safe neighborhood" in your advertisement, recent data and ongoing crime statistics indicate so-called "safe neighborhoods" are becoming the trolling grounds for sexual predators and pedophiles.
This advertisement does a disservice to our children and their safety. It is also a disservice to the parents and other family members, as well as educators from all walks of life, i.e., law enforcement, education, social clubs (Scouting, 4-H), civic and religious groups, who are working and teaching daily to keep our children safe and out of the hands of those who can and will harm them.
Listen to your own news reports and read the newspapers if you do not agree with this view.I
Sara Golightly, Newport, NC
Parent, Grandparent, Registered Nurse (Retired)

Yes I have had service with spectrum for over a year and the first year I paid 49.99 and after that my bill went up to 69.99 and I have had problems and slow service every since then recently I have had three technicians come to my home and it wasn't solved until this last visit well so far so good and it's the middle of the month I haven't been able to use my internet for half of this month and not one person has even offered me a discount on next month so bill or anything for there troubles mind you I was unable to use my service I'm paying for for half the month and I am a loyal customer I have never been late on my bill for over a year I am quit disappointed in this company..

Spectrum has become a total joke . Internet drops out every day ! But my bill keeps going up. Your techs come to my house and say there is nothing wrong with my equipment.Spectrum needs to get their service in order or start letting our bills reflect the crappy service we are getting. Last time I filled a complaint with FCC I received a letter and phone call from one of your incompetent fools telling me that I should be paying more. Janeen Domagolski was the person who responded to my complaint and I have some bad news for this person there is no way on GODS greene earth Im getting what I pay for. If Spectrum cannot deliver the goods let me know and I will take my bushiness to some one who can at least answer the phone. Your call volume is so high I cant get through ! Must be alot of unhappy people!
Have feedback for Spectrum?
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