Spectrum Complaints Continued... (Page 4)
226+ reviews added so far. Upset? Call Spectrum corporate: 1-855-479-6984No Reviews

I have been with out TV and internet for three days in Great Falls , Montana. I need the internet to do my homework on line. No one is calling me to let me know when it will be back up and running. I will be looking at different internets and TV as this has gone on to long and as of October 5th at 9pm, it is still down, what is going on, you have no back up. Trying to find a way to get my online homework done, what a deal.
I will be taking off money for the three days that it was not up and running. Am sure that you have got more complaints as this is uncalled.
Thank you for you time, but this is very upsetting and I have been using my data on my phone for the internet and to watch shows, I hope I do not use all my data. Please fix soon, its been three days.
Kathnryn Neuhaus

I am writing this email to bring to your attention the experience I have encountered since I have joined Spectrum. When I initially installed, my experience went smooth. However, since then everything has gone downhill. Everytime I call in customer care, I don’t get the service that I need. I have been hung up on, and mislead in every way possible. I was even told by one of your representatives how I have been transferred to many departments “because no one wants to speak with me.” I was not advised during the contract buy out that I needed to install 3 services, when I only installed 2 services and again was mislead to now not be eligible for the buyout of my directtv contract. I am just extremely frustrated about the miscommunication your representative have told me and no one ever seems to be on the same page. I have asked several times to be connected to a supervisor, and each time I was connected to another regular rep, not a supervisor. I have much experience in customer service so my expectations I look forward to being met when needed. Please take this email into consideration in coaching your staff in better assisting customers.

I emailed my complaint last week concerning all the boxes that were installed and the poor picture on my tv. I paid 106 dollars to have geek squad come reset picture. Your techs came out and said I had good picture and it had become better but was still not like before you came and gave me a box I did not need and change all contacts. They checked box but did not check cords going into wall. Geek squad came again yesterday, but my pic is still not as sharp and clear as before. I called sup that came, told him I had an OK pic but am upset that it is not as before. Web says grainy pic due to installation of box. Oh to have my old box again.

I have been sick in bed and wanted to watch the UK college football game on TV this afternoon. It was on ESPNU which I don't currently have. I called to add it to my package. I was told the cost was about $12 a month. I said ok lets do it. I was put on hold for about 5 min or so and was told there was a problem. She said I was supposed to have home phone equipment in my house since I had some kind of triple service discount. She couldn't upgrade my service until that phone equipment was in my house. She gave me three options 1) get out of my sick bed and drive to the spectrum office and pick up the equipment 2) They will mail it to me and upgrade my service when it gets here 3) I can pay for a service call for them to bring it here. First of all its not my fault that the equipment wasn't left with me over a year ago when my service was connected. I told her that none of the options would work for me and I hung up. After I hung up the phone I received an email saying my service was upgraded and my bill was going to increase for the added service. I turned on the TV hoping I would be able to watch my game. I still didn't get the ESPNU channel. I called spectrum back and was told the service would not be added until I received the home phone equipment. I told the customer service man that the game I wanted to watch was half over so I don't want the added channel package any longer. He said ok I will have to transfer you to another department. I told him no I'm done being put on hold and transferred just cancel my added service. He said he would. I also told him that I have been a customer for over a year and always pay my bill on time. Why couldn't they just upgrade the channels, let me watch my game and send the phone equipment in the mail? They would of made $12 more each month. Now they don't get any more money and I will go to a sports bar to watch another game if I don't get the channel. I'm not upset with the customer service people. Who ever in management made this policy or decision needs to reevaluate the impact to the customers and the company bottom line.

I am writing you after too many failed attempts to resolve a billing matter. On July 2, 2018 Charter accepted and cashed a check from me for $44.99 and yet to date has refused to credit my account, stating that they require the image of the check, despite the fact my bank statement clearly identifies the cashed check paid to charter. Also, checks cashed electronically do not have an image of the check. My bank assures me of this but Charter refuses to believe it. Telling me that "My banker is lying." On my last attempt, the representative even claimed, after I sent a third copy of my statement, that "spectrum" was not listed under the check number as the vendor on my bank statement. This was an absolute lie.
Please help me to resolve this issue. Customer service is unmotivated, insulting and unethical.
I would be happy to send a copy of the statement proving my payment.

I had the HDMI ports blown out on two TV's within three months. After the first TV was blown, I purchased a new TV and installed surge protectors. Less than three months later, the new TV had its HDMI ports blown. The cable box should have blown before the TV but the cable box was not damaged. I tried calling Spectrum to have the cable connection to the house checked to see if it was properly grounded. Lightening should not be entering through the cable and into the house. With the automated answering system, I could not reach anyone to rectify this problem or to get the cable checked for proper grounding. It is very frustrating and aggravating to have this happen twice in such a short time. I am requesting that the cable connection coming into the house be checked for proper grounding.

ever sense spectra took over the service we have had nothing but issues with it freezing,going to pixels or going off. we call they say they fixed the problem and it last for a couple days and it starts all over we are about done with the company NOT SATISFIED AT ALL

I was charged TWICE for my monthly bill !!! It still has not gone back into my acccout causing overdraft fees !!!!

On Tuesday July 31th at 4:30 p.m. I called spectrum and order a TV remote for my television. I was informed by the agent that my remote had been ordered and I should receive it in 2-3 business day. However, on the third day I did not receive my remote, the agent did not ask me my address nor did he asked for my telephone number. I called today August 3th at 7:00 pm and spoke with a very nice agent name Joe, he was able to process my order for a remote, again 2-3 business day. While, it is a simple error and and a remote, I am very unhappy with my service with spectrum. I receive numerous of phone calls from customer services concerning a payment on the account, even after I have called numerous of times to inform customer services of my ability to pay which always is the end of the month. Now, why should I have to call again after I was told that my remote would arrive at my home 2-3 business day later. Spectrum, is failing in customer services, in pricing, and I will be taking my hard earn dollars to a company that does not charge for everything.

My wife and I are very dissatisfied with Spectrum's service. It will be easy to use at least 100 words to give Spectrum feedback. First, I want to compliment the technicians (contractual or not) who report to our house to fix Spectrum's many mistakes. Enough of the positive. Negative comments. Months ago we were lied to by being told that we had to switch to Spectrum and away from Time Warner. We have friends who are still Time Warner customers. Lucky them.
Almost every time it rains in the Wimbledon area, my wife has to spend considerable time fixing or getting back service three televisions (one with a big box and two with digital boxes) and our computer. She gets very frustrated. A Spectrum headache is the most common type of headache she suffers from. Getting a customer service rep from India is an exercise in futility.
I could tell Spectrum more stories about the company's dismal customer service. Suffice it to say, Spectrum's monthly rate goes up often but its service deteriorates. Spectrum keeps charging us more and taking away cable channels that Time Warner included. Nothing but a very bad evaluation from me. Do any of your employees even look at the results of telephone surveys? Are results shredded?

My spectrum app is not showing Previous nights shows that aired, also I can't get Flipping Out (TV Show on Bravo) and is freezing. Representive and Supervisor wanted to do everything over phone. Representive wasn't able to relay how to reinstall over telephone, also I could not understand them. He was never sure what he was talking about, or where buttons were on remote. Also Shows are freezing up. I am 65 years old. I wanted a technician to come out. It was ridiculous hard to get them to make an appointment. After being on phone for a solid hour, Supervisor finally called me back, and he was no help either except to tell me technician probably couldn't help me. I can not hang on phone for an hour everytime I call Spectrum trying to do their job. I hope this is not how it is to get a technician to come out when they can not help me over the phone. I am extremely disappointed in Spectrum's customer service. I may have to change my services if this is the way your business works?

I just wanted to advise you that you may want to work with your customer service I called about cable internet phone gave the lady my address she said yes you do have it in your area so we run through all the packages gave me a confirmation because we set it up to be installed next week on a Tuesday and then she put me over to customer service and the lady said that we don't have it in our area so your customer service needs to be upgraded so these people know when you give them your address whether or not that you get your service instead of going through all of it and then finding out you don't

your internet tv is a shit product...please go get a couple of high school computer wiz kids out of a local school...put them in a garage and give them two days to come up with a better product...I bet they would finish it in about 4 hours!...it is unreliable, it does not load...then you ass holes put an add on it with no way of navigating out of it and it locks up my brand new lap top..yes...brand new.

After eighteen months of Spectrum Cable in our house, it’s time to say goodbye. The continued raiding of our channel lineup has become such an issue that it was decided upon by family members months ago when the last raid occurred, that we’d move our business to another provider when and if the next one happened. The back of last month’s bill had a curious little message about adjusting our package (yet again) and w out actually saying they were going to skim the current package, I knew that is exactly what they were going to do. So I called and of course had to wade through automation alley. None of the programmed sayings ever match what I really want to say, you have to wonder like I have the other times I had to try and get answers, are they really just trying to discourage the customer from getting a real answer? You could easily see why some would elect to hang up and just put up w Spectrum’s dodgy way of doing business. However after so many incidents coming out the losing end of the consumer spectrum, we’ve decided to leave.
I was told last month that there was no worry, that our package was only going to see the PAC12 channel disappear and nothing more. Since no one counted that a loss we went about our business and lo and behold last week, The Movie Channels (171/72/73) are no more. Having endured double speak from a so called operator last summer when Spectrum disappeared an entire swath of channels in the 700’s, I knew there was no point bothering w them, as they haven’t seemed to care about channel raiding since they began service in place of Time Warner.
Any time I have had to call Spectrum and try and get answers it always leaves me angry and dissatisfied. Compared to our past providers, Spectrum is really low rent. Apart from a few flowery letters in the beginning stating how Spectrum was going to love us into the next millennium, and provide us w service the likes of which we’ve never seen, they NEVER bothered to update our cable packages. With so many channels now gone from our package, we reckon we know why they didn’t attempt to send us any updated package information.
Several months ago Spectrum apparently had an issue w Viacom, without any indication things were wrong, three of the four MTV channels suddenly stopped availability on our lineup. I called and when finally connected to someone claiming to be customer service, I was told it was all on Viacom and Spectrum had no liability at all. He didn’t seem to understand that I indeed was aware Viacom could demand a reconstruction of product availability, resulting in channels being unavailable. What he didn’t seem to get was that Spectrum should have at least let us know that there were possible issues regarding our channel lineup that were not going to leave us happy w the service.
The practice of raiding a customer’s channel lineup over and over isn’t considered good business practice anywhere in the world that I have lived. Spectrum seems to excel at it and it has left us vowing NEVER to do business w them again. After the numerous fruitless conversations with their so called customer service agents seeking some sort of satisfaction, we’ve grown tired of accepting this as a normal way to do business. In eighteen months the bill has risen from 109$ to 120$, small to some but to an elderly lady it starts to add up. With no real feeling of satisfaction during the last year and a half, and seemingly no care on Spectrum’s part we’ll happily explore what else is on offer from another provider. I have to laugh now when I see their adverts on TV, what they promise is something they really don’t deliver on. Judging from the many, many complaints found here and elsewhere on line I’m not alone in being dissatisfied w Spectrum. We were aware of the shoddy phone and internet service from the start, so we never got screwed there, but many have, just read.

On 4th service call and 10th. Digital box that spectrum is making people pay for at $ 6.00 a box.
I have had people in my house everyday for 4 days because they got boxes on sale from China . I am on disability can not be stressed over t.v. Last night I am on the phone with customer service ha,ha that's a joke at 11;00 pm.and they want me to pay them this month. They most expensive and this digital roll is unacceptable and very stressful to customers and service people and they show no remorse.
Yea I think I will pay them this month once a week for the month until bill is paid or maybe not at all. Use to work for a law firm looking into class action suite . Enough is enough I and many others have been through enough.Ran out of patients.

Channel box in both rooms needed exchanged over the last 2 years!!!! Friday's cable box exchange, required 3, THREE, separate round trips of 50 miles each exchanging boxes....service man could not commit to service until 5 days wait time...I've spent $150-200 a month on cable service the last 5-10 years.....Satellite service isn't an option.....Your monopoly has resulted into this....I am being screwed royally!!!!!! I haven't any choice, at 71 years of age, disabled living on fixed income, U.S. Army veteran 1964-1967 etc. etc. etc. Citizens like myself have no choice but to "roll" with the flow....OTHER than your apologies, which i've NEVER heard...

Been trying to get our spectrum tv\ phone fixed since April. Techs here multiple times, good us nothing wrong. Contines to pixel, freezes and goes black. Rebooting constantly. Phone always stating " due for to network difficult as can not connect. But nothing is wrong. You have no problems cashing our check, but get we can't get service. On tv i get an error code. When called it in, was told it was a signal issue. But nothing wrong, right. well, no picture no payment. Spoke to 3neighbors who are having same issues. One service call, was told I don't need to even step foot in your house. It was an amp that was bad so you won't have any more problems. Less then 12hours later, cable went out for another 12 hours. When on when can I get a decent signal for what I pay for? You forced us to go out and buy an antenna and a amazon fire stick, so we can watch tv. I bet your cable works. Joined a spectrum sucks site. Where one of your techs told everyone complaining was just ignorant. Nice, real Nice. FIX MY CABLE AND PHONE!!!!. I WILL NOT STOP CALLING OR COMPLAINING TO ANYONE WHO WILL LISTEN.

Why won't you pay the Early Termination Fee that you said you would pay?

I'm sorry I am only limited to 100 words. If there were any other company I could switch to beside AT&T & Spectrum, I would do so. My cable TV is down on a regular basis. No storm, no reason. When you are on hold they keep a recording telling you all the wonderful things they are supposedly accomplishing. I wish they would concentrate on keeping the equipment they have in working order. I never had this much trouble with Time Warner and I don't know the answer. I am sure it is the same equipment. I'd like to know what seems to be the problem. For the amount I pay a month I expect more. I don't think it is the technical support problem, I think it is old unreliable equipment. When I do call to complain, everyone is always courteous and they all seem very knowledgeable, but something has to be done about the cable outage on a pretty regular basis. I am going to be 80 this year and I still work to be able to keep my head above water. My TV is my only pleasure I allow myself. I cam home tonight and was in the middle of watching a movie and the TV shut down. There was a message on it that said there was a problem. When I called for technical support I was told that there was no trouble reported in my area, I was put on hold for technical support. I waited about 20 minutes, hung up and called back. This time I was told there was a problem. I asked to talk to technical support and received a recording that there was at least a 45 minute wait or more. It is not going on 2 hours that my cable has been down. Before they made me go digital on my other TV also, I could at least go in my bedroom and watch TV. Now I can't even do that.

Our condo complex is going digital on July17th. I had to pay to install a box for my tv or else my tv will not work at all. I am a widow and on a budget and really don’t think I should’ve paying for the installation Please help me. My address is 6021 Bahia Del Mar Cr. Unit 335 St Petersburg Florida. 33715. Thank you

Spectrum is disheartening. At age 82 Spectrum is the only choice I have in TV providers and since I am of a limited income and partiality disabled, few choices remain! The cost of Sprectrum keeps increasing while my mobility decreases. So it appears I will soon have the need to discontinue Spectrum due to the increasing cost.i do not need 900+ channels!
Does Spectrum offer any plan for Seniors such as myself? If not the choice is clear for me. I doubt I will hear from Spectrum as you have forgotten this age group.
Most sincerely,
Nancy Montell
76 Coronado Drive
Pataskala, Ohio 43062

My compliant is Spectrum is suppose to be the best and if that is true why so many problems with your service
I mean it works today doesn't work the next day or maybe not even hours later. The proof is in the pudding in other words just sprouting off about being the best does not make it so. Paying for a product that have works is very unsettling and pretty soon customers are going to get tired of paying for half of what they're paying for. (I know I am) so if your better than anybody else "PROVE IT"

I am located in the Maysville, N.C. area and love Spectrum news and weather on channel 14 here in our area but have gotten really tired of Tim Boyum and his never ending ad of his home, family life and what motivates him. Its almost gotten to the point that I can't go to channel 14 without having to listen about his family, school and all that motivates him.. Please don't ruin a good thing with the same thing over and over and waste good air time that could be used for something of interest for us here in the local area. Oh, and if you could assist some of your employees with their dress, tie, bowtie or what ever it would be appreciated as its very distracting when not worn properly and a poor example for our younger generation.
Thank you and love your local coverage that sticks to business.
Ronald Riggs Sr.

I changed service from DirecTV when I changed I was told that spectrum would buy out my contact I send all paperwork twice thru mail this has been going on since May ,June 11 2018 sent fax still haven't heard from anyone I would not have changed over if I knew spectrum wasn't going to do what I was told I had to pay $359.00 that I really could not afford appreciate your help home email is Williamson 2002@brighthouse.com

Since took over from Brighthouse, Spectrum has been robbing customers left and right. I started with Brighthouse several years ago under +-$20 per month for Internet connection, which gradually reached to $40 when Spectrum took over. In a short time Spectrum raised monthly fee to $49.99. And now it is asking for $69 for no reason. Regretfully, our dysfunctional government and corrupt people running it, we the customers have become prey of a bunch of Vultures. I'm a 74 years old retired senior citizen who, until few month ago paid 60% of his income renting a one bedroom apartment until found a HUD subsidized place to live in. With Internet becoming our tool to communicate, buy things, check bank account and pay bills, we need some type of control over greed of Internet service providers such as Spectrum.

Since took over from Brighthouse, Spectrum has been robbing customers left and right and no place to go for help. I started with Brighthouse several years ago under +-$20 and at the time Spectrum took over I was paying in $40, which went up to $49.99. And now it is asking for $69 for no reason. Thanks to our dysfunctional government, these crooks are free to do what they want, forgetting it was our tax money behind development of Internet. They have taken monopoly over the market and their greed has no bottom.

Please pull up my file. my account numbers are 01085-083727302-9002, 01082-08373730-1001 My phone number the account is under is 330-856-4223. I had requested split billing last year as my company pays my phone and internet and my cable was my responsibility. Not only was your company not able to accommodate that, my service was continually turned off as they would apply all money to one account and not the other. Even though when I paid them I state this is for Cable, this is for Phone and Internet only. And the amounts would equal each bill. So after calling over and over and over we dropped your cable service and went with Direct TV as I could no longer handle the stress of calling multiple times every month. Since then they turned off my moden and phone with no notice - why they applied the money to the wrong account, also not once did a get a phone call asking about a late payment - so again you just turn off people had I gotten the call I could have told them to pull up the accounts and they would see the credit. I have talked no less than 28 people. Escalated to supervisors and managers who assured me my account was fixed that I didn't have two accounts. What did I get in the mail today a bill yet again for two accounts! I want someone at Spectrun to please do four things - 1) Review my account as it has so many errors it would serve as an excellent training opportunity. 2) I want a credit for $93.76 as I was held hostage to pay a compliance fee as apparently your system has no override when you make an error to waive the fee and turn on service Plus a refund for the $25 to do it over the phone as no way was I dialing back in to get someone else. 3) I would appreciate a call from someone at Spectrum to explain to me why I had to call so many times and what actions you are taking to avoid this is the future For instance you might want to use the whole account number as opposed to dropping the last 4 digits! Please note that the woman I spoke to on 5/7th when my internet was held hostage and Quvon this evening where the most helpful that I worked with on this nightmare.
I tried to upload my 4 statements but you do not accept a pdf file and that is the only form my scanner will send the file in. So please email me and I will be happy to email you my statements.

I called to inquire about the increase to my monthly bill and how I can decrease the cost. I was told basically nothing and she hung up on me.

I was never on Auto Pay and some how you got into my checking account and OVER DRAFTED my account in the amount of $275.00 not just once, but twice in 2 years. I have attached one of my statements just so the public can see what kind of company Spectrum really is, I am sharing this with the nation, I have shared this with Rip Off Report as well, this company should be BOYCOTTED. You really deserve no ratings, just because you changed your name, you are still the same CORRUPT company.

We just don't have the energy to contact Time Warner/Spectrum customer service again. We have reached out to you 4 times for information regarding our current service and possibly changing to Spectrum. Each time a different rep with a different story. Our current plan is terrible and our internet and TV is often going out. None of the reps offered to help with our current problem. There were suggestions to switch from Time Warner plan to Spectrum....unfortunately the cost and plans are very very expensive. We feel we will need to look at other options for these services. Funny thing, after our last call our TV and Internet became worse. Too bad you are not like your commercials because you clearly don't value your customers.

I called today to switch my cable to Spectrum. Everything was explained and asked questions and I found the Sales person at the 1-800 number was fine but he left out something very important in his selling routine today. I signed up and got the conformation and that's where the surprise was in the conformation that he inadvertently neglected to even discuss. I was changing from HTC in SC to SPECTRUM. I have no contract to be bought out from I was clean and easy.. He was charging me $45.00 for one time set up fee.. NO I wouldn't pay that at all, this was a trick.. He was not forth coming about the numbers.. All three bundle 29.99 each.. with tax was $116.00. My confirmation was $163.00. I canceled the deal immediately due to this lie and underhanded doing. Now if I were you and you want my business? I would find the info in your system and call me back, apologize and maybe we can move forward. This is not a good practice. I have had Time Warner in the past and you need to be very straight forward with the selling practice. This is very important to your integrity in the business.

Shane Agno Field Op at Ala Moana Hub, Honolulu Hawaii, shane.agno@charter.com, 808 594-6713, e-mailed me and told me they need access to my apartment to fix a line in the building. I cancel all my work for the day, a Saturday, waited 3 hours, nobody showed up or called. I called Spectrum phone number, they don't even have any record of this arrangement. When e-mailed Shane Agno when I got back to office, he just replied brushed me off like nothing, not claiming responsibility of stood up someone he doesn't even know and stupid enough to agree to help him. I kept my promise and showed up for someone I don't even know, thinking he is Spectrum employee, much better company than old OTWC with terrible horrific customer service. I am wrong!!!!! I am very very pissed, this happened last week, I still can't get over this, I can't have closure. I didn't do anything to this guy and he treated my time like shit. He is a Spectrum employee. TERRIBLE TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE, SICK SICK SICK. Spectrum should be re-training these assholes first before busy painting work vans! I will never, never agree to help anyone from Spectrum again.

no tv for hours on 3/15/2018. The week before4 I had no phone service or any cable service at all. I need my phone and I am 72 years old, pay my bill on time and you need to compensate for no service. ty for your attention to this matter.\

What a horrible experience....Spectrum customer service is awful...their attitude is that they are the big guys in town n the customer has to do whatever they want...they are rude n their telephone personnel don’t know what they are doing....if u need a company that u can work with go to Dish....hate Spectrum !!!!!!

Had a scheduled appt between 3-4. Recd automated phone message at 3:23 that the tech is in his way. He never showed up. I Called at 5 to see where he was and they said he called me at 4:50 and I did not answer so he cancelled my appt since he was 45 min away from me! There was no phone call other then the automated one at 3:23. Then the customer service person dIdn’t believe me that he didn’t call! Now they will call me within an hour or 2 to schedule another appt! I have had this internet issue of it going off and on for about 3 years and called a few times, even replaced my modem cause they said it was that - I’ve heard complaints about their customer service dept before now I believe them.

every time I talk to someone about the increase in my bill. they tell me if I do this I will get more service need new equipment or something but it always changes from one representative to another I am now paying 243.00 dollars for the same system that I had last summer. Starting in November 2016 my bill kept creeping up and when living on a fixed income one can not afford such increases, but I know I do not have to order cable that it is not a necessity. But I truly believe that an increase of 51.00 over 7 months is quite a lot. last increase took me up to 238.00 I called and was told that because I was a time warner customer not spectrum that my bill was increased because my packaged change, so I changed to spectrum. I was also told that I would receive all the channels and also get higher speed on the internet I would get the gold package at 243.00 a month included everything. I don't get every channel and I received a bill for 252.00 because it took place in the middle of the month. Kind of stupid still it would be cheaper to stay with time warner until the next billing. I was also told to call when my new modem came. I never received a modem or a call stating that I wouldn't be getting one. I feel I am quite upset and worked as a customer service manager for 40 years and I would have never treated my customer in this way. I know that I am wasting my time and effort writing you. But I will never recommend spectrum to any of my friends or family.

back in January, Spectrum put a temporary cable between 2 of their boxes.
the cable was (and still is) in the street in front of 3 houses (including mine)
to me it is a HAZARD since I have tripped on it
I have called several times to ask when the cable was going to be buried.
28 Jan - was told that it would be buried within 7 days
03 Feb - nothing had happened so I called and was told that it would be buried within 7 days
09 Feb - nothing had happened so I called and was told that it would be buried within 7 days
11 Feb - called again and was told that it would be buried within 7 days
12 Feb - called for status and was told it was a big job (needed permits, etc) said it would be complete within 3-5 days
RSVP - anyone able to help?

back in January, Spectrum put a temporary cable between 2 of their boxes.
the cable was (and still is) in the street in front of 3 houses (including mine)
to me it is a HAZARD since I have tripped on it
I have called several times to ask when the cable was going to be buried.
28 Jan - was told that it would be buried within 7 days
03 Feb - nothing had happened so I called and was told that it would be buried within 7 days
09 Feb - nothing had happened so I called and was told that it would be buried within 7 days
11 Feb - called again and was told that it would be buried within 7 days
12 Feb - called for status and was told it was a big job (needed permits, etc) said it would be complete within 3-5 days
RSVP - anyone able to help?

I called Friday the 9th and was told someone would call me and come fix my cable before you switched it off I hooked up the box and the remote won't work and no one came to fix it So I called today and now no one is coming to the 24th I feel like they lied to me just to make me not cancel my service I am going to call Verizon or another service to see if they can get here before the 24th I just feel you should know how your company service is not good at all I know you probably don't care but thank you for taking the time to read this

I have been a customer for 25 years. I am /have been trying to get a reduced bill since my "promotional offer" expired
I spoke to a woman on the phone who really didn't try, chatted with 5 different people who couldn't help me either. I was
transferred multiple times over the period of less than an hour so I had to repeat my situation over and over.
I am very very disappointed in the lack of effort made by your staff to help me .I see ads on TV constantly advocating the" best service
at the best price". I don't see it. If you are true to your advertised word , please contact me and we'll talk

I received mail showing an offer of $29.00 and cents for tv service and the same figure amount for internet. I am currently paying $169.56 for the
same packages. I have been a customer for 20plus years and it is a struggle to meet this cost. I am retired and have a limited income. Is there
any relief here. I talked to one of your reps and was told I received the mail offer by mistake because I already have an account.. Is this the way
a loyal should be treated.. I like your service but it puts a hardship in trying to pay my monthly bills
Thanks for the ear,
Gene Hall ACCT # 8353 30 001 1047222
1900 w manor court Kingsport,Tennessee 37660

No one at Spectrum cared till I cancelled my service, then they were rude.

I am currently using spectrum's starting plan with 100 MBPS and it is costing me $73.19 monthly. I received a letter from Spectrum stating I am eligible for the Spectrum Internet Assist plan which includes 30 MBPS for $14.99 monthly and in house wifi for $5.00 dollars more bringing the total to $19.99 monthly. I am disabled. I am on food stamps and have Medicaid and Medicare and my income is less than $800.00 monthly. It would help me immensely to cut $40.00+ from my internet bill monthly. I called Spectrum and was transferred a total of five times before I was finally told I was not eligible because I have had internet service with them within the last 30 days. This is the only reason I have been denied the downgrade in services. If this service is actually available to people who need it then I should be allowed to downgrade to this service.

My email has not been working since 19 Jan 2018. Called your technician. They said there is a problem at your end and they will call me back. Never got a phone call Called 3 times. No solution. I waiting for an important email. You just raised my monthly bill but my email has been down for 3 days. Bad business.

The ad specifically says no installation charge, yet I got my first bill and it has an installation charge. I was told that in my area there was no such program. Also, I was told by the salesperson that I got one cable box free, yet on my bill I am charged for a cable box.
My remote control does not work, and another TV I have was not installed, no cable from it to the wall.
Susan Williams

The only service I have used and need is internet alone and have no other options in my neighborhood yet here are only 2 options for internet service. The issue is that those option are 5 mps service for 14.99 month - only other option is 100 mps for an "introduction price of 44 month for only 12 months that will increase. Well, the problem scenario is that this is like either getting small size soda or else an entire gallon of oversized soda that is not wanted nor need, so there is absolutely NOTHING in between those only 2 options unless you get reeled into the combination of cable and phone. How is it that this is reasonable to ordinary people? This feels that there is an absolutely unreasonable "service" that does not suit a majority of people like myself. I am complaining that there should be a demand for something reasonable in the middle, like 20 or 25 mps for $30 as fixed price per month. Their proposal of low income is also un-realistic with offers only towards low income parents that have children needing be offered school lunch. These so called offers are so unfair that I feel something must be done lawfully if required.

I need to know when they are going to fix my service. I have gotten quite a bit of misinformation about when it can be fixed. The tech says that they need to run a new line under the road. I have been told they will do it yesterday. I just got a call from the tech sup and he said it would take him 24 hours to follow up with the tech to see why the line they ran in September is leaking and needing to be replaced. I understand marking and all the other items they told me about, I will need to drive to the beach to be there when they fix it and I need the one hour guarantee that I have seen so much on TV. The last operator (a supervisor) I talked with said that there was not a way to put in a complaint. Yet another lie from Spectrum.

Cuz I'm looking at a TV lineup of nothing but Harry Potter Lord of the Rings Jeepers Creepers and Hotel Transylvania today is the day after Thanksgiving can anybody tell me what's wrong with that? Not sure who is picking the lineup but it's almost Christmas it's time to change it from Halloween please!! TV lineup has been terrible. Probably worst I've seen in over 10 years!

What do you do when a mentally chalenged child orders $475 in Porn in lest then tow total hours??? Pay the bill because spectrum does not care! They said basically pay your bill or turn the cable off PERIOD No working through it. Just pay the bill PERIOD!
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