UPS Complaints Continued... (Page 6)
341+ reviews added so far. Upset? Call UPS corporate: 404-828-6000No Reviews
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My Air conditioner should have arrived July 10, 2018. To date, it has not arrived to my home. Tracking Number 1ZF5Y4230310167871.

I live in Daytona Beach Florida on n Atlantic Ave I was waiting for a package from ups by AT&T. I live in a condo complex and I was home all day they left it down stairs with no notice it was there when I went to my mail box last evening and found it on the ground that is how packages go missing. Please address this issue with the delivery staff. People in my building are getting concerned because of this issue. We have had people come and go with packages that do not belong to them. If THIS KEEPS UP I WILL STOP ALTOGETHER USING THIS COMPANY. THEY DO NOT EVEN LET YOU KNOW THAT THEY HAVE BEEN HERE I AM VERY UPSET.

We are a small business who depends on delivery from UPS, since moving to Shallotte, NC we have had nothing but problems with our delivery person, our deliveries continues to be dropped off ate the local UPS store stating they attempted delivery but no one was there, this is an outright lie, we are a small business and are always there from 9-5 at our shop or the item can be left on our front porch, they do not require a signature or payment, this issue has already been discussed with the delivery person but has done no good. We just lost a $500+ order because they failed to delivery our order on July 3rd, it was shirts for a 4th of July event, instead they were dropped off at the local UPS store which closes at 6:00pm, the customer was refunded, will no longer consider us for future business and I am stuck with $300 worth of shirts, all be cause of failure of the delivery person to deliver. I went this morning to pick up the order and for some reason it was back on the truck and out for delivery, again it was not delivered it was taken back to the UPS store and dropped off again! This is unacceptable service for a business customer. I pay to have my orders delivered to us and not a UPS store and that is exactly what I expect. I need a resolution to this issue immediately, we receive 2-3 orders a week and can not tolerate this type of service.
This is not the first time this has happened, I went through the same thing over a week ago, this seems to be a pattern with this delivery person and that needs to be addressed without delay!

1ST ISSUE:On about June the 7th I called UPS and submitted the following complaint. He told me that San Antonio UPS management will call me
Your software deleted the tracking number, but I can give it to you upon request. Here's the complaint I submitted online as well as what was given to phone agent: On June the 7th my package was left outside at 510 Cleveland Ct San Antonio Tex downstairs outside the front door. This is the front door to separate apartments each with a clearly labeled door, two upstairs and two downstairs. My APT and door is clearly labeled with a 6 is upstairs! I verified that the address on the package was 510 Cleveland Ct. (APT 6) San Antonio, Tx. I have never experienced such a lack of consideration and disregard from a package delivering service in my life. I expect the package to be left at my door upstairs at APT 6, which is clearly lettered on my door, and to knock on my door. The deliverer left it downstairs outside on the steps by the mailboxes! I wish for this to never happen again. Will someone with authority please call me at 2108265318 and leave a direct line where you can be reached without a phone tree to climb through if I don't answer?
So the following day on June the 8th a San Antonio UPS manager by the name of Ellis called me at 2:14pm. Another issue arised (2ND ISSUE)with Ellis's offensive lack of conversational protocol and etiquette. She was a San Antonio UPS personnel contact who said she would resolve my issue, but said my complaint was not clear to her and when I asked her "How was I not clear?" she wouldn't give me an explanation and became very uncommunicative, defensive and self-centered and interrupting my request for clarification talking over me and hung up on me. Too rude! Now let me ask you how could I have made this any clearer. Refer to paragraph above. And again as I say, what gives her the right to talk back to a customer the way she did and ignore my request for clarification and continually talking over me and arguing with me. I want one of her superiors to call me back with Ellis on the line explaining how my complaint was not clear apologizing before her superior and myself for her behavior and for her superior as well as herself to acknowledge the nature of my complaint both with the delivery driver and with her (Ellis's) behavior.
3RD ISSUE On June the 21st once again a package was left outside by the mailboxes, a repetition of what occurred on June the 7th. Please refer to 1st paragraph above ISSUE #1.
So here I complain to you with 3 issues!!!!!

I received a package addressed to Ms Granberry. The package was left on my front porch. I called UPS and spoke to 3 different people to let them know that the package was delivered to the wrong address and asked if they would come to pick it up. I checked the tracking number on the computer and learned that the UPS driver entered on their website that the the package was delivered. Yes, he was right. Package was delivered to the wrong house and UPS refuse to come to get it and deliver it to the Right person. A person who has already paid for her merchandise. What a shame. No one cares any more and besides I am not a delivery person.
Thank you.

Zero stars.
My package was guaranteed to be here yesterday at 10:30 am. It is 24 hours later and it's still here. Now they tell me that it won't be delivered until 48 hours more on Monday.
I stayed home for 12 hours yesterday, waiting for the package that never came, calling ups throughout the day. Last night, they told me they would call me at 9 am this morning, they didn't.
Totally incompetent organization.

Never ever received a package that was not damaged. Majority of items within also damaged. Many times even with foot prints on boxes. Apparently they walk on your stuff on purpose. Boxes so damaged that you would have to use a steel box in order to avoid damage.

I scheduled a pick up (for Amazon return) on Sunday, April 1st, 2018. After four phone calls to your customer service, and four promises that they would pick up the package (first on Monday when the driver just put the return label in my door without bothering to knock or ring the door bell, then on Tuesday, again on Wednesday), still no pick up.
I have never seen anything like this.
Please advise.

I was sending a package to my fiancé in Gheens Louisiana from Jacksonville, Florida and I wanted to get it there the next day. I was told at the UPS store on Normandy Blvd that the package could not be delivered on Sunday but it would be delivered on Monday. I told them as long as she gets it on Monday that is acceptable. I was charged $50.44 for the shipment and I didn't care about the price since it makes it easier for my fiancé since she is bound to a wheel chair. We waited on Monday and my gal called me and she said that the UPS truck went by several times but didn't stop. I saw that the tracking number showed it was out for delivery but it said that it couldn't be left because it was not secure. Then I called Atlanta and they said that the tracking number was for USPS. I said I paid UPS for the delivery not USPS because they can't deliver anything on time. My fiancé had to have her dad drive her to the Mathews post office the next day to get the package in her wheel chair. This caused great stress on her and I refuse to let this go without complaining to your company. I guess I will have to depend on FED EX to deliver my packages to her when ever I send things to her. I am very disappointed in the service and lack of caring.

The complaint I have is that packages being delivered are being left under hedges or in other areas of our yard where we are unable to see them. We have a front porch that has a roof over it where the packages would be protected from the weather. We brought in two packages this morning which were not in plastic bags and it rained and snowed on them. Needless to say, the packages were saturated. When we are expecting a delivery, we check our front porch which is where packages are usually left. We don't expect to have to look under hedges or places that are not visible from our front window or door. If the packages are left where they are not protected from the elements, they should be in plastic bags in a manner which would not allow rain or snow to saturate them. Thank you!

I sent out a package on 12/12/17 to Port St. Lucie, Florida 2nd day air. When it arrived at its destination on Thursday,the package was partially opened and the box was damaged badly. It was a perishable item and luckily nothing was taken out of it. It cost me a lot of money to ship this and am very disappointed on how it arrived in Florida. I always use UPS for all my packages and very disappointed on how this package was handled.

I have been reschedule 3 total time for delivery when the package is shown to be at Gardena CA. 1st reschedule occurred for delivery on 12/07/17 and it was reschedule for 12/08/17. The data below show that it was on the truck for delivery and it was returned back to the local office in Gardena CA. I saw this first on the website that they were going to reschedule at 06:10 pm (CA time). According to your website, once its been loaded on the truck it will be delivered and they will deliver up to 07:00 pm (CA time). Your local office reschedule message appear at 06:10pm and on the data sheet it was re-scan back at 11:38pm.
I was waiting for both days for the delivery because I must sign for it!!!!!!! Friday ready hurt because I stayed home waiting to sign for it because I noticed it was on the truck at 9:44 am 12/08/17.
I was really upset when the website was updated with a message indicating that they were going to reschedule again on me at 06:10pm Friday (12/08/17) when the local office should have delivered the item. I am not far from your local office in Gardena and believe an attempt should have been made. If the message came to me after 7:00 pm, I would believe it more, but not an 1 hour before 7:00pm !!!!!!
I was rescheduled twice before and this was the third time in a row. My package has been in Gardena longer than it took to get here from MA !!!!!!!!
I have also wonder if this is a racial thing too???? Your local office can see from my last name it's a minority name and they seem to be picking on my packing much more than they should have!!!!!!!
I have filed a case with your office on Friday and a case # was given. That case # is 1-78448368117 and the local office in Gardena was suppose to call me back within 1 hour and they didn't call back at all !!!!!
I call your main office number (1-800-742-5877) about 40 mins after the 1 hour and Emp # PZB1EJG would not help me to fill a complaint about that local office.
I hope my complaint will be processed instead of lost like most complaints at other companies. I believe the US Government take racial profiling very seriously in this county!!!!
I think the delivery person didn't want to finish to assigned delivery Friday and wanted to leave for home earlier !!!!!!
I am hoping to see what outcome you can give me of this complaint. If I don't hear anything, I will try Corporate Office and if they fails, I will fill with the US Government that I think I was targeted because I am an minority.
I have every confident that your office will investigate this case and supply be with your findings!!!!
Thank You,
Local Time
Gardena, CA, United States 12/09/2017 2:53 A.M. Destination Scan
Gardena, CA, United States 12/08/2017 11:38 P.M. Due to operating conditions, your package may be delayed. / Your delivery has been rescheduled for the next business day.
12/08/2017 9:44 A.M. Out For Delivery Today
12/08/2017 3:15 A.M. Destination Scan
Gardena, CA, United States 12/07/2017 10:30 A.M. Due to operating conditions, your package may be delayed. / Delivery will be rescheduled.
Gardena, CA, United States 12/06/2017 11:30 P.M. Arrival Scan
Hodgkins, IL, United States 12/04/2017 3:25 P.M. Departure Scan
Hodgkins, IL, United States 12/03/2017 9:18 A.M. Arrival Scan
W Springfield, MA, United States 12/01/2017 10:45 P.M. Departure Scan
12/01/2017 9:18 P.M. Origin Scan
United States 12/01/2017 1:16 P.M. (ET) Order Processed: Ready for UPS

Where do I begin...If I receive 12 packages in a week via UPS, I'm on the phone 11.5 with UPS Customer service looking for my packages. This current incident is too much to take. I ordered items for Thanksgiving travel. I paid for two-day shipping so that they would arrive by Tuesday, 11/21. The shipper - Von Maur confirmed shipment of my order, which was split with tracking numbers 1Z3Y57850200149417 & 1Z3Y56R10208749389. Both show scanned onto truck at 9:21am; however, only one was delivered around 1:00p. The 2nd pkg - 1Z3Y56R10208749389 rode around for the rest of the evening until 6:47p when the delivery was rescheduled to Wednesday 11/22 - between 9:45a -1:45p --UNACCEPTABLE! How are they allowed to make that call on things people have paid to have delivered. As per usual, I called customer service and the rep submitted an inquiry to have local UPS call me. They did and left an imbecilic message that didn't come close to attempting to address the issue - where was my package - it was before 8p - so why wasn't it delivered? So, here I am at 5:50p on Wednesday 11/22 - still without my package. Mind you, UPS has already delivered other packages here today - just not this one - AGAIN! And same as yesterday, it was loaded onto the truck at the same time as the other packages. So, I called customer service again - and went through the same process. Local office (404) 505-6000 called twice and hung up each time I answered, I called back only to receive a fast busy signal. So, I have to travel without the items I paid to have delivered to me ON TIME all because of inept, lazy, incompetent drivers and disinterested, game-playing reps here at the local level. As I said - I spend more time on the phone running down my deliveries than I care too. It's completely insane! You really need to know just how much of a drag this is on my time. I plan to voice my ongoing dissatisfaction with UPS as a delivery option for future purchases and suggest shippers/senders consider other carriers. You guys are too big, too uncaring and lackadaisical (although Tiffany in customer service went way further and expressed empathy and commitment to resolve than anyone else I've spoken with) and it is a frustrating process to go through week after week, not to mention the time spent, inconvenience of not receiving items on time.
This is not my only written complaint, it's just the latest.

On 11/21/17 at approximately 3:35 pm, your driver delivered a package next door at 28036 Hickory Circle, Farmington Hills, Mi. 48331. After completion, in his rush to the next stop, he cut a deep furrow about 1.5 feet into my lawn at 28038 Hickory Circle, Farmington Hills, mi 48331. He may have damaged some sprinkler heads, but we won't know until spring. A damage claim is appropriate but hard to define. I can't find a live person to talk to so I need help. I can be reached at 248.553.8028.

Hello. I have been having problems with UPS lately. The latest is the problem I'm having with a certain delivery of one package from From the tracking I see that my package was fine when it was loaded onto the truck this morning. Now I'm seeing that somehow, someway it was damaged sometime during the trip between the loading facility and my home. And I'm wondering why it is that I'm having so many more problems with UPS. I surely hope Walmart uses a different carrier when they re-send my package!

I sent my patcel from Nigeria to Canada.Sent on 16/10/2017, up till now there is no delivery. My tracking no. is w4981397859

After over 10 years of deliveries amounting to $10000s of dollars in delivery charges . we now have a delivery driver who is scared of dogs? I am saddened at this turn of events but I will not walk to his truck & he will not come inside so we are at a stand still! My only resource is to contact Amazon and others and tell them they MUST use Fed EX who is not scared of dogs and who will come inside the building. You decide which! Change your driver to a more friendly driver or I will use Fed Ex for all deliveries. And yes I did refuse to sign his tablet because he was hiding in his truck! Good day and good by !

Horrible local customer service in Quincy, Il...first time in years the driver decided he was afraid of one of my dogs so he places the slip on mailbox which is at the beginning of our neighborhood. It blows off and my neighbor finds it. Places the slip inside mailbox. I check mail and realize they didn’t even knock on the door which I would have come outside like I have done in the past two years to get dogs (they have never bitten anyone). I call to the UPS office....try to explain that I need to get my packages. All I get in return is that the driver was afraid to even stop ( first time in two years) so didn’t and put sticker on the mail box. Ok I asked her what can be done to get my packages....again I was told that he was afraid of my dog. Ok where can I pick up my package and how are we going to deal with this in the future....driver will be here at 6:15 and all they care about is there drivers not getting hurt by dogs...she hangs up on me when I tell her the issue isn’t resolved ...I call back to speak to a manager...she accuses me of being rude on the phone and hangs up again...I call back 7 more times. She keeps hanging up on me....the 8th time I can speak to the manager who rails at me for being harmful to her employee over the phone....I tell her how many times she has hung up on me and the issue about receiving packages and she talks over me to tell me again three more times about how the driver is afraid of one of my dogs and will not stop to drop it off I ask why he is employed here if he will not drop off packages and she starts yelling at me that her driver is afraid of my dog...I tell her we live in the Midwest most farms have dogs....she then tells me again the driver was afraid of my dog( first time in two years I’ve heard of this...I shop a lot on amazon;). So I ask her if the driver could drop it off at the UPS store so I can get my packages and she said that was policy and if I wasn’t trying to talk over her she would have explained that to me....I asked to talk to another manager that handled customer service and was told she runs everything and that my concerns were not valid because her driver was scared of my dog....awful service. What can you say to that!!!

2 HOURS ON THE PHONE ABOUT A DELIVERY MADE TO AN EMPTY HOUSE. 3 TIMES IN THE PAST I HAD SOMEBODY GO TO THE EMPTY HOUSE AN PICKUP A DELIVER LEFT ON THE PORCH. The Veterans dept continues to send a shipment to the wrong address. I called customer service and told them not to deliver it to a wrong address. They say they have to deliver it there.I told them nobody lives there and was told it would not deliver if nobody was there. I told them point blank it was a lie its already been done by delivering man 3 times in the past.They just leave it on the porch if nobody answers the door. I want to have it shipped here basically I was told by 3 different people I was sol. Including the VA who told me I had to take care of this problem myself. I'm going to find out tomorrow if it was left on the porch of a deserted house again. Then I'm going to raise holy hell. Their customer service is the 3rd worse organization I have ever had to do business with.

The UPS person has been leaving our packages out at the end of our driveway instead of bringing them up to our porch. It is about 100 ft. from the highway to our porch. The UPS driver used to drive up our driveway.
Some have been left without plastic bags and have gotten wet in the rain.
We are older and unable to carry some of them up our drive.
Last week one of the drivers left a big box in the middle of our drive and it got wet.
Our address is 18300 Ranch Rd. 12, Wimberley, TX

I received a note on my door that an attempt had been made to deliver a package. I wasn't home, so the package was delivered to an Access Point instead. It was dated 8/24, and below that it states in black and white "Packages will be available at this location for 7 calendar days". So on 8/30 I went to the Access Point to retrieve my package. No package. It had already been sent back to the shipper. Apparently 1) UPS people can't count. 2) They can't follow their own rules 3) if they make a mistake they can't fix it 4) they can accuse customers of not wanting their packages anyway. Rot in Hell UPS Rot in Hell. And they're some rude SOBs on the phone, too.

Ups driver from flushing delivers packages to someone who sits at abandon building 2 doors down from me but he allows them to sign from in front of my gate. I explained to him that person doesn't live here and can not use my address. Scot got an attitude n then tried to not give me my package I called ups n he called his supervisor eventually he was told to release my packages but Scot never have me my enhanced I.d back. It's like a passport n I also can not use my credit cards without state I'd. No follow ups n it's been 3 days today is 9/30/2016.

This was my first bad experience & it just continued to get worse. I received an alert that said my package was out on the truck for delivery. Later I received 2 alerts that I would receive my package by the end of the day. It was my day off, the package was a surprise for my kids & I from my mom do, I stayed home to wait for the delivery. By the end of the day, I got an alert saying it would not be delivered due to operating conditions. I called UPS customer service number to see what this meant.
They said the package was never put on the truck. Seriously? Why the alerts saying it was on the truck & being delivered by the end of day? I never got an answer to that. I then asked if I could expect it the next day (Saturday). No, because it doesn't qualify for Saturday delivery. Air packages only. Really? Although this was a UPS error? Anyway, she says maybe Tuesday. Not cool. I asked for a supervisor. The supervisor said I may be able to pick it up at the hub the next morning between 10a-1pm. He said he spoke with a Mgr there who would have someone search for my pkg. He stated he would call me in the morning to let me know for sure. By 12:10 the next afternoon, I had not heard anything.
I tried calling the hub and the phone was not working. Since they close at 1pm, I decided to just drive there , just in case. I got there and the guys knew nothing about it plus could not find the package. While driving there I called UPS customer service and held for 20 mins before I was connected to a Supervisor. She told me the package was not there. She stated it was in Orlando but not there. I asked where, then? She said the system does not say. I asked how she knew it wasn't here then? She couldn't confirm. I politely ended the conversation because we weren't getting anywhere and I was getting more frustrated. The guys were very nice. One told me it had to be there because all for Orlando/Kissimmee go there first. They just don't have a listing as to where it is, in there.
They gave me the number to call Tuesday to check on it. Later, I get a call from the Supervisor who was supposed to call me that morning. He apologized he had forgotten. Too many other callbacks to make. Long story short, he said they found the package & it had been damaged. Like something heavy fell on the top and the side was ripped or something. He said there is a Cory at the Hub who said I could stop by no later than 4pm to see the box & get it if products not damaged. I agreed. I took my daughter to work & went back to the UPS Hub. Never found Cory or a way in.
Called UPS support again & spoke with 2 supervisors who said Cory was no longer answering. I stayed there until about 4:10 then drove home to get ready for work. The supervisor called me back at 4:50 & asked if I ever found security or got the pkg. (He was supposed to call me before they closed at 4.) No and I waited for the call back until after 4. Anyway, he said the damage would be investigated and a claim filed. He advised to let the shipper know.
Next thing I know, I get an alert on Tuesday saying the package is on the truck and out for delivery. What?! Later, an alert saying it will be delivered by end of day. It was delivered, it was damaged, a few products inside busted open. It was food. One was oatmeal so I came home to oatmeal all over my front porch, oatmeal being tracked in the house as we take the box in and oatmeal all over the inside.

UPS will not leave my deliveries without my signature. I live in an upscale Condominium complex that is gated and secure. 4 years ago when my daughter lived with my wife and I there was a misplaced item shipped to her.
Ever since that incident we have not had our deliveries left at our door without signature. We want this ban on us lifted because of the hardship it creates for us.

Paid for 2 days shipping to Hong Kong but the box went to China. China put the box under quarantine. I ask for a refund and the UPS store employee would not give a refund. Plus the UPS store employee laughed at me. I am out over $168. Also, UPS website will not let a user of Internet Explorer 10 track a package. Internet Explorer 11 does not allow users to turn off tabs.

My package was deliver to the wrong address on Thursday, July 28th. 2016. When Amazon called it in UPS came on the phone and took the info and had someone to call me. The lady that called me acted i like it was not there fault. And said she would have the driver call me.
The driver never call me at all. So i called back in. And that person to acted like it was not there fault. And i should go find my package myself and he could care less if i got my package or not. But the driver said to someone there he left it at a place where it look like no one lived there. How can you run a business like that . And not care if the customer gets there package or not. The company that sends it is loosing money because of you, having to resend it over and over again. I also told them if they left it at the trailer behind me.
That person would not let me have it and i could not contact because i had to take him to court for not keeping his dog up and trying to kill my birds. So, because of that you people are still not responsible for getting my package to me? I am very disappointed IN UPS and wish i never had to use them again.

Package was suppose to be delivered on 5/16/2016 it was shipped to the wrong facility and now has been delayed for 3 days. I asked customer service to transfer me to a manager, I was put on hold for 15 minutes then transferred back to the automated system. Then had to speak with another agent then wait on them to transfer me again I was on hold again for about 3 minutes. I can guarantee that I will no longer use UPS and if I order online and it is to be shipped UPS I will tell the seller I want it shipped Fed X even if there is extra cost involved. If they can not ship Fed X I will not purchase from them. I will also make sure to post on Yelp and any other social media site I can on how I was treated.

I have lived where I presently live since the late eighties. UPS services this area through the Beaumont Texas terminal. Since I have lived here UPS has delivered to me house hundreds of times with no problems. Recently there was a driver change and all of a sudden they quit delivering my orders and send me a card saying my address is no good. Nothing has changed. My address is correct and my road has a sign and my house is numbered. I had to drive to Beaumont to pick up one item but refuse to do it again.
When I went to the Beaumont office I told them the problem and they blamed it on the new driver. It has been going on for some time now and I am not getting my deliveries. This shows me that the Beaumont store must be run by a bunch of morons that don't give a damn about their company or their customers. I called the 1-800 number on one of the cards I received from them and complained but as usual nothing changed and I never heard back from anyone. I don't understand why, after 25 or 30 years and hundreds of deliveries, UPS is incapable of following simple address to my house.

I was driving on I-285 when a UPS tractor trailer truck started to change lanes without warning and ran me off the road. Thank God there was the shoulder of the road or I would have been pushed into the guard rail. I don't know if he was drunk, not paying attention or playing with his phone but he s are the life out of me. I got the tag number from the front plate on the truck. (P774872) I would hope that UPS will take this seriously as someone, namely me, could have gotten seriously hurt.

I am filing a complaint against a UPS driver who came to my place of business on March 16, 2016 and made some derogatory remarks about clothing I was wearing. To be specific, it was a hockey team T-shirt. He returned today March 17th and said" Well at least you're not wearing that hideous T- shirt you were wearing yesterday. I told him he needed to learn some respect. I do not appreciate remarks like that coming from an employee from a professional company coming into our place of business. It is harassment and I think he should be reprimanded by his supervisor. I work in Ellicott City, Maryland 21043 and it is near the courthouse. Thank you for your time and consideration regarding this matter.

Package was delivered on March 14 2016 at 197 5th avve. Onalaska tx, I was on the porch waiting and he dropped it over the fence and said thank you. It was only 10 feet to porch. Now then I live with an disabled man. Lucky I was there or it would have stayed there over night. Is it too much to ask that he could have and should have brought it to me on the porch or left it on the porch. You charge enough for the service and I believe you service is in poor shape if this is how your service is now.

I brought a prepaid UPS parcel to the Dallas, PA UPS Store #2487. I also had a small 6"x6"x4" box clearly labeled "Media Rate; 4 CD's" that weighed less than one pound. We send CD's to a distributor who resells them. We are paid $3 for each one. I asked the UPS clerk if he could match the USPS media rate. He said "We're even cheaper." After he printed the UPS label and attached it to the box, he said "That will be $12.19," (more than we will receive for the CD's.) He asked how does that compare to the Post Office?
When I explained that the USPS media rate was $2.72 and their "Priority Shipping" flat rate was $6.45, he said it was too late to change because the label was already printed. I wasn't going to argue over $9.47 because he clearly was not in an accommodating mood, but I resolved to bring it to your attention and request a refund of the difference between the USPS and UPS charges since I made my intentions clear to the clerk and the box was labeled for USPS media delivery.

I went to the UPS store on 9090 Skillman ST. Dallas Texas, 75243 on Tuesday 2/02/16 to ship a guitar. I had called ahead of time to find out what it would cost for them to pack my guitar for shipment and they gave me a quote on buying the box and what they charged to pack it which was around $28.00, since it was a large box 50"x18.8" x8" seemed reasonable. I had also asked what the freight charges would be and they gave me a rough estimate on zip code to zip code was given a price without signature required and insurance, as that would be extra. I instead bought a label online based on package dimensions and weight, signature required and insurance which was cheaper than the store quoted. I guess they have quite a mark up if you buy the label in the store.
So I took my guitar and some bubble wrap that would not cover the entire guitar so I would have to purchase more at the store. So I came to the store and showed them the guitar and they got a box out and started to pack it for me.. When the store manager went to ring me up for the box and packing I showed him the label I had already purchased. He immediately told the person who was wrapping the rest of the guitar in bubble wrap to stop. He then told me if I did not buy the label from him he would not pack it and I would have to do it myself as it was against company policy for them to pack it, and then turned rude and unhelpful. Is this really the way UPS works and the kind of customer service the store supplies. I know he was mad I was not going to buy the label from him. I will now use FedEe not UPS.

Subject: Complaint about UPS Package n.:1Z 00V 9R9 0492 955678 - Mozambique. I am writing on behalf of the Mozambican association Esmabama, based in Beira Mozambique, regarding a major issue created by the UPS Maputo that is seriously harming the humanitarian association above mentioned. As it happens many times, our Association receives several donations of goods coming from several countries in the world. Generally, when these donations are sent via post they all go to the customs of Beira, since this institution exists there. However, last November, we were sent two packages (one of which package number is mentioned above) with donations from Ortigia Sicilia - Florence, Italy – to our association. One of these has arrived straight to Beira. However the one numbered: 1Z00V 9R9 0492 955678 was kept in Maputo and the UPS staff left it at the Maputo’s airport customs.
Then, they called me to let me know that a paper should be withdrawn at the ups office in Maputo in order to pick up the package at the customs…This came as a huge surprise since the final destination was Beira, Beira has its own customs office and the day before we have had received a package from the same donor and in Beira as it was supposed to. So, a major issue arose since our association is in Beira and Beira is more that 1000 km from Maputo, besides the fact that the clients had sent the package to Beira and not Maputo! How come one had arrived and the other one was kept there? When inquired, the UPS staff had the most ridiculous excuse saying they didn’t have a warehouse in Beira to store the packages and sometimes these would come to the skynet warehouse and some other times would stay in Maputo… it doesn’t make any sense!
In despair, we have contacted the customs in Maputo through a clearing agent (another expense that a non-profitable organization would have to assume due to the UPS staff incompetence…) but at the customs they have required a declaration from the donor saying it was a donation and the effective cost of the items inside the package. This was a great inconvenience for the donor but still it was done. Our association had also add a declaration with a document proving it was a non-profitable organization that used to receive donations, etc… even though, apparently, the customs have refused to accept both declarations and have demanded a payment of almost about 500 Euros to clear the package out… besides being ridiculous, this was more expensive than the donation itself (of about 300 Euros in hygiene items to the missions)!
Facing all this trouble and after having asked a friend to try to sort this out in Maputo (which meant losing his own precious time) and considering this was a matter of the UPS responsibility (or irresponsibility – as it is the case!), I have decided to contact the senior director of the UPS Maputo – Mr. Pedro Serrano – who would supposedly solve this trouble since it was caused by the UPS’ staff irresponsibility…He took several weeks to give us an answer and in the end he only gave us the same information that our contact had already given… He couldn’t do anything. So, we only had two options: Or going to Maputo and pay or just lose the donation (which besides being sad, it would constitute robbery since it was subtracted from a humanitarian association, to be left to the customs agents…)!
We have written to this person in order to try to understand what had really happened and to know if shouldn’t be UPS solving this issue since it was their responsibility… and fault!? This person never even answered to my email (attached)! So, the package (if not stolen yet) is at the Maputo airport customs and the papers to withdraw it, are at the UPS office… The donor have trusted in this company to provide a delivery service, had pay for it and in the end, the company never brought the package to the final destination and don’t even make an effort to solve it. The donor/UPS client (Ortigia Sicilia – which is a great UPS client) went to the UPS Italy to ask the package back, but they were told that UPS Italy couldn’t do anything and it should be solved in Mozambique…
So, our question now (besides this being a complaint against UPS Mozambique and Mr. Pedro Serrano as its main responsible) is: how will this issue be solved? Who is going to pay for the client’s (Ortigia Sicilia) lost (since besides the items lost, they have also paid for the service that wasn’t performed) and for the receiver’s (Associação Esmabama) lost, since we have never received the goods? Isn’t it the UPS, the main responsible,that has to pay for the customs expenses and send the package to final destination or back to the client?

I'm an online shopper and very frequently order items where the sender uses UPS for the deliveries. Just this year, the driver in the area in which I live would park close by my house, enter onto my property and slap a "Sorry We Missed You" sticker on the door, even if I leave the security door unlock to acknowledge my presents at home. I've even instructed him to knock on the door or window if doorbell is not working. I would call to speak to a manager, or customer service supervisor to complaint and like the driver, they have shit for brains. Corporate is probably no better if all the complaints on this and other website is not being address. UPS sucks and should be avoided like the plague if possible. At least USPS and FedEx are much more reliable than a corrupt, " I don't give a damn" delivery service like UPS.

Lost package. Now delayed returning package blaming a shooting last week in san Bernardino as the reason for the delay. Package only had to travel 98 miles in 5 days. Now 8 days later still no package. Package contains medication which came from a pharmacy.

I took a package to be returned at my local UPS store at 1950 Butler Pike, Conshohocken, PA 19428. I was treated in a patronizing manner because I was unaware of the procedure for returns. I asked not to be spoken to in such a way and another agent called out from his seat in the office ( I guess he was on a break as I was the only customer. ) "He is not talking to you in any manner. You are an asshole !" He then stormed into the back room. The agent who was taking care of me registered shock and immediately went into kindness mode, explaining the return procedure.
I was in shock but before I left I asked for the name of the offender. " Steven ", I was told by the embarrassed agent helping me. I asked for the last name. " Schwartz ". As I left I was rewarded with the yelling of the man in the back; " Asshole " he screamed again. Perhaps he was venting his rage at his co-worker for telling me his name, or perhaps he was still raging at me. If this person is a representative of UPS I am very disappointed. I will never visit the store again, nor will my friends or family. Steven Schwartz is a loose cannon in my opinion.

My sister mailed a package to me from Canada via UPS on October 16, 2015. I first received a call from Lisa at UPS in Detroit on Friday October 23, 2015. She informed me I had a package coming from Canada. She asked me when was the last time I was in Canada. I wondered why that was relevant but answered that I was there in May 2015. She then wanted to know how I came back to the U.S. (an even stranger question). I told her I flew American Airlines. She then wanted to know if I had a U.S. passport and I told her yes I did. I asked her what was in the package (though I might be receiving some highly secret government documents - joke) and she told me it listed clothing & knick knacks. I realized it was Christmas gifts from my sister that I had been expecting and told her that. She said I needed to either e-mail or fax her a copy of my passport. I said I would fax her a copy and she said she would e-mail the instructions. I received no e-mail that day or over that weekend. On Monday or Tuesday I received a call from her to say she didn't receive the copy of my passport.
I reminded her that she had only contacted me on Friday. She said that the package had been in the warehouse a long time and I told her that was not my fault. I told her I would not be a work & have access to my e-mail until Thursday morning & I could fax it to her then. She said OK she would make a note of that. Thursday morning October 29, 2015 I did not have an e-mail waiting. I called & spoke with another person, because Lisa was not there, and explained the situation and that I had never received the e-mail with the fax number. She researched and said the reason I hadn't received anything is because the girl had transposed some letters in my e-mail address. That person then e-mailed me the fax number & I immediately faxed a copy of my passport. I received the package on November 3, 2015. When I spoke with my sister she said she had tracked the package from Newmarket, Ontario to Detroit, Iowa, Oklahoma and Kansas.
My question and complaint is, other than the unnecessary multiple destinations and the length of time it took for my package to arrive, is why was I interigated about my citizenship and why did I have to send a copy of my passport? Incidentally, a week after my sister had mailed the package she drove to St. Peterburg, Florida from Newmarket, Ontario - stayed 7 days - flew home and was still back in Newmarket before the package arrived in Oklahoma! My family and I have been mailing packages back and forth between U.S. and Canada via the U.S. Postal Service for over 50 years and never had a problem. Does someone have to be a U.S. citizen now to receive a UPS package from Canada? VERY disappointed in UPS and will definetly us the U.S. Postal Service in the future.

Here is my UPS complaint. According to tracking info, my package was received by UPS, Joplin, MO and transferred to the Joplin, MO post office on Oct 27. When not delivered by Oct. 29, I contacted post office and UPS by phone. UPS person said it was at post office, post office checked and said they didn't have it. On Oct 30 checked tracking info again and found the package was received and delivered to post office on Oct 30 and would be delivered to me by the post office on Oct 31. Package did not come today, Oct 31. More than one postal employee said that UPS regularly lets packages set for 3 or 4 days after receiving them before transferring them to post office. I hate to think that my package was setting at the UPS building 4 blocks from my house and I have been waiting on it for 5 days.

The dyslexic delivery guy has been delivering very important packages to the wrong house. This is the 8th time this has happened. It is unbelievable. I have been charged $150 from AT&T for not returning an equipment in exchange for the old equipment. Where is my reimbursement? Your employer royally screwed me and I demand the problem to be acknowledged.

Went in to return an item that was sent defective. I was told it would be about 5 to 7 minute wait. After waiting 10 minutes while he was still in the middle of the first customer with 3 more in front of me. I said I'll come back later. I did and the same place and an extremely long wait time. So I just left the package without a receipt. Went back 2 days later and another man was working. I waited for 15 minutes for him to help 2 others send just 1 package each. Seems he didn't understand how to operate the register system. This has to be the worse UPS store in the county.

I went to UPS on Pine Ave in Long Beach, CA this morning to make copies I asked the manager to help me after I gave him $2.00 cash for my 6 copies. He asked me for my debit card, ran it thru the machine then preceded to tell me that I will be charged $19.99 deposit without my permission, no explanation, nothing, after he ran my card. He told me my card would be credited within a couple hours. I said I would be back at 3:00 to check. He did not bother to tell me that he was leaving at 2:00.
The new worker told me it would be 72 hours before my card would be credited. I am on SSI disability on a fixed income. I need my money back now! I am also going to file a police report complaint, as this so called manager took my card and made this purchase without my consent. I am a very unhappy customer, and will tell everyone and anyone I know. I will also contact the BBB.

Today at 2:25 PM PDT, a UPS driver came into our park, which is right off Gibson Rd. There is a stop sign just 60 ft. in as you come into our park. The driver did not stop and did not even slow down. I live at the front of the park, and noticed him speeding well over the posted 15 MPH limit. When he left, several minutes later, he was still going much faster than the posted limit.
This is a mobile park for adults over 55 years. Most people here are in their 60's,70',s and older, and walk these very narrow park roads. This is very dangerous for the people here, and the driver should be cautioned before someone gets struck. The driver was a white male, 30's? and appeared to have light hair. He apparently had trouble finding the house he was delivering to because he drove past my house a couple times. No other details. I am reporting this for information only at this time.

UPS truck license #4C76008 unloading @ UPS store, 3145 Geary Blvd, San Francisco, Ca. at approximately 9:40 AM. Wednesday, May 13, 2015. Her truck was blocking two metered parking places. I pulled in behind your truck and waited very patiently while she was unloading.
After waiting for over 10 minutes as she passed my car. I asked her if she could please move her truck so that I could park. She completely ignored my request and upon her return unloaded more packages. The irony of all this is I was trying to park so that I could drop off a package at your UPS store at that location.
Is all she had to do was take a few minutes and pull her vehicle forward about six feet. Please respond to my complaint as I think her actions were uncalled for. She could have at least responded to my simple request. I certainly didn't expect to be completely ignored.

I was waiting after the package which (according to Amazon) would be deliver at 8pm. Went home early to wait after my air conditioner.... the sticker wasn't at the building door. I went down to lock my motorcycle for the night time and I saw the UPS sticker that "we missed you!"
What the heck !???!! The guy didn't even ring to the door !!!!!!!! I am afraid that I will not be deliver at all ! I am very upset !

They seem to be above the 25 speed limit in our neighborhood. Every day we have one flying down the street. Children during the summer ride bikes and walk from the grade school and middle school. I am about to contact Warr Acers about it as well NW 47th street area Warr Acers Ok 73122. I have observed it for several months.

Package with tracking number was handled in the worst possible manner since 4/20/15 package was not delivered several requests were made to ups and supervisor k.m to deliver the package to Brooklyn. NY 11224 and to leave it with security desk who would sign for package and hold it for me the package is lost according to ups (left by the door) it's not by my door. I didn't ask for them to drop it by the door where is it.
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