Walmart Complaints Continued... (Page 11)
1684+ reviews added so far. Upset? Call Walmart corporate: 1-800-WALMART
On Monday, August 28, 2017 I woke up around 8 am and got dressed. I had breakfast and went to the Hardee’s restaurant on Ringgold Rd. Next, I ventured to the Walmart located on 409 Greenway View Dr. here in Chattanooga, TN 37411. I had my list in hand and was prepared to knock out the visit in a short amount of time. However, after partaking in a conversation with another customer, Ms. Debbie, by the candle section of the store, I noticed how hot it was in the store. I began to feel overheated and made attempts to fan myself with the index card that contained my list on it. I began to feel dizzy, light-headed, and my vision began to darken. I attempted to lay on the shopping cart, but I did not make it. I opened my eyes and I was laying on the floor across my purse. I landed hard on my right leg and I was surrounded by the feet of concerned customers who were all asking me questions. Someone tried to give me gluten tablets, but I had to decline. At this point, I was still dizzy and nauseous. An associate brought over a trashcan per my request. I vomited two separate times after that. I could hear the customer whom I was talking to frantically telling the couple of staff members to get a manager over to our location immediately. They were just standing around looking at me on the floor until Ms. Debbie started yelling that I fell out on their property and they are responsible for my wellbeing at this point. Eventually, more people came over, whom I assume were some form of management, as no one introduced themselves to me. A lady named Brenda tried speaking with me and had someone place me in a wheel chair while someone else brought me a bottle of water. As I was trying to collect myself, a man who I think was called “Odello” insisted on asking me questions to fill out an incident report and asked me to sign it once it was done. Ms. Debbie mentioned calling an ambulance. I asked if Walmart was going to pay for the ambulance and ER visit, but was only met with silence. That was a clear indication that the expenses would all fall on me instead of the culprit who was responsible for me fainting. That store is always hot and everyone complains about it. They feel like it is done to keep the minorities in that area from frequenting it.
By now, most of the customers and staff had cleared out. I was soon bombarded with more questions about my health. I had to constantly defend myself and them that I was not diabetic, pregnant, or suffering from anything else. I was diagnosed with hyperglycemia at the age of 12, but it has been under control for years now. Besides, I had just eaten breakfast a little over an hour and I had raisin biscuits waiting for me in the car after my Walmart shopping was complete. “Odello” kept insisting that it had to be a heath issue. Ms. Debbie stated that it was rather hot in the building. “Odello” and the other male associate who stayed the rest of the time with him both agreed. Then he said that the home office in Arkansas controls the air and they have no say over the building temperature. I was left in the same location where I fainted from heat exhaustion in the wheel chair that they brought. I was only given one bottle of water and was not moved to a cooler section of the store. No one made any attempts to cool me off or bring a cooling pack. “Odello” and the other associate basically hung around, leaning on store displays having conversations among themselves without paying me any attention. I was left to my own devices, desperately trying to reach my mother via cell phone. I was weak, tired, neglected, and anxious to leave the store. The staff did not properly care for me during this time. They allowed other customers to shop the candle section in front of and behind me, reaching over me in the wheelchair. I felt very vulnerable and unsafe. Ms. Debbie is the only one that tried keeping me conscious and find my mother. When I was finally able to reach my mother, she was actually in the parking lot as luck would have it. I announced this new information to Ms. Debbie and the two Walmart associates overheard. The “Odello” guy then stated that he would flag her down to our location, because he knows how she looks due to us being in the store all of the time! Well, if you are familiar with my family and I as well as how much money we spend in this location, then a little bit more respect and compassion for one of those people fainting in your hot store would be expected. Considering that at least two-thirds of my family are in this store on a weekly basis. After my mother met us at the candle section that I was never removed from, I briefed her on the situation. “Odello” walked us over to check out and my mother rolled me out to the parking lot. Once I was finally home, I noticed several bruises on my right leg as well as a large lump underneath my knee cap where I landed down on the floor. That lump and the largest bruise are still on my leg now.
I received one voicemail message from the store’s assistant manager the following day and I have not heard back from anyone since. I have absolutely no plans to ever shop at that location again. I have spent entirely too much money at that place since it opened in 2004 to be disrespected and disregarded in the manner in which I faced. No one introduced themselves during the process, explained what the Walmart procedures were for this situation, or displayed proper due diligence after I fainted at the candle display shelves. Also, I have noticed over the last couple of years how much warmer this particular location is in comparison to the Walmart on Gunbarrel Rd. branch. There is an obvious temperature difference from the Greenway View Drive store. So, if corporate is responsible for the temperature control for all locations, should they all be regulated the same way? I do hope that the Greenway View Drive store is not be abandoned or treated in a more negligent way than other stores due to it being in a more urban location. After all, my black dollars are just as valuable as everyone else’s. That location will never see me or my money again.

order 5201788645371 on sep 9 I received my tv cracked in halve I called for replacement and told them I had returned my barowed tv the night before my regular tv was power surged so I did not halve access to a computer as my tv was my monitor so they said they would mail me return label by Friday (lie) later told me 3 weeks also said they would ship me a tv 2 day mail and I would receive on the12 (lie) I called on the 11 for tracking they told me they were back order and could take up to 30 days I asked wy are they still for sail on website I could by one today and receive it in 3 days told me because it was a different warehouse I said just send me one from that warehouse they said they could not do that then I was told I will receive tv by sep 13 (lie) then I was told it would be here by Friday (lie) then on Thursday they told me they may ship in on Monday I argued with supervisor for halve hour with no satisfaction finely thursday I get tracking for delivery I was also told on sep 9 I would receive a refund in five business days which would be by Friday of $29.00 (lie) I called on Friday for transaction id number because I halve not received they told me they will not send until damaged set is returned all week 2 times a day I called and was lied to every day so this is how I will handle return you send Walmart rep to my house to pick up broken tv witch I halve to move wen ever I need something behind also stubbing toe with $29.00 refund and one dollar a day starting sep 16 for storage a official complaint form and receipt for return and you can halve your broken tv in the last 15 years of buying online this has bean the worst experience I halve ever had online every day I called I was lied to I also halve pictures of broken tv and box if you do not pick this tv up within 30 days I will dispose of it I am disable and is not easy to move tv out of my way all the time replacement order#5231796227079 ref#170911-003463 I will never ever buy from I do not whant your broken tv

I purchased 2 gallons of milk I was stopped at the door by a black employee to see my receipt for the milk. REALLY I do know that they stop customers who have electronics and other valuable items BUT MILK. I felt very disrespected, embarrassed and discriminated. There is no excuse.

i wanted to but some fish but told they could not sell them because they could not get water out the sink. Tap water kills tropical fish. You have to take water out of tank not the tap

To Whom It May Concern:
My 18-year-old daughter was hired at Walmart on 08-15-2017 in the bakery and terminated from Walmart 0n 08-24-2017. The reason I assume was that she couldn’t do the job because she was not properly trained on the job. Considering she just graduated from high school, this was her first job, she had to be at work at 3am in the morning. Durning the few days of training she worked different hours form 8-5 or from 1-9 but was not trained for the specific job. Keara worked on 08-21-17 from 8-5 her scheduled was changed so she could come in and learn to work the glaze machine at 3am on 08/22/17. Keara arrived at work on 08/22/17 at 3am she was trained on the glaze machine. The next day 08-23-17 she was scheduled off. Keara returned 3am 08-24-17 and had to do the job alone and pressured to have At Approximately 7:30 I received a call from Keara to pick her up. when I Arrived at the store I spoke with one of the employees the stated that Keara had hurt herself and was crying and Keara was with the manager (Brandy). I met with Brandy she stated that Keara cut her finger, and was upset, and that they were letting her go home for the day. She also said that if she could not do that job they would try and find something that was available, but if not they would have to let her go. At approximately 1;30pm Keara picked her paycheck up from Walmart Brandy (manager) stated she was no longer employed at Walmart.
On 09-10-17 approximately 7:33am Keara received a call from Walmart (Brandy) asking her if could she come in to work because they were shorthanded and needed help in the bakery. She then told Keara to text at this number (870)377-5711 if she was coming, Keara wanted my permission(mother) if it was ok I stated yes, I am happy they called you back. Keara texted Brandy (manager) that she was coming. Keara arrived at Walmart at Approximately 8:30. Keara met Brandy (manager) at the bakery. Brandy (manger) had Keara to go with her. approximately 10 minutes later I received a call from Keara, she wanted to know where was I. I told her I was still in the store. When Keara arrived, she stated brandy said she was terminated. This was unfair treatment! I don’t know why this happen but this was very devastating for her. She was under the impression she was coming back to work. I know Walmart has the right to terminate but this was uncalled for. She was already terminated why did she feel the need to humiliate and embarrass her. How would you feel if this happened to your child? This child has been battling depression all her life this was the first time she was happy about something. She looked forward to going to work every day even though this was not the Job she applied for but she was willing to make this work until a stocker job was available.
I know this is not important to you but I feel it’s only right you know how I feel and others who patronize your business. Bad management is not good for business!
I have always believed Walmart’s motto is to give workers a fair shot.
Thank you
Lovetta Morehead
5501 S Olive ST
Pine Bluff AR 71603

Letter to Mr. Doug Mcmillon:
I am writing to express my worst nightmare with Wallace Walmart Supercenter, 5625 S Nc 41 Hwy, Wallace, NC 28466. Today at 12:30 pm I went to customer service to collect the rent payment from my house in P.R. using W2W as I have done for more than 4 years, when I give the code number, the employee informs me that she has to speak with a supervisor since the receipt says Angel Luis Rivera Fernandez and my Driver's License (from NC) says Angel Luis Rivera, I indicated that in PR usually the two surnames of the Father and the mother are used, but that here is the United States only the paternal surname is used. My driver's license which has my physical address is the one I have used for that service, that is when she calls the assistant manager by the name of Leron. When I spoke to him with my Latin accent his face changes, I explain that I have always used the W2W service for years and that I receive that money every month, he tells me that they can not give me the money because of my surnames, I am a retired Police, I show my identification of retired Police indicating that it is a federal identification by which I port my weapon and the identification shows my full name Angel Luis Rivera Fernandez, I also showed him my SS card. Here is where my nightmare got worse, he tells me that he can not do anything, I tell him that I've been receiving that money for years. I show him the receipts for the last 5 months using W2W. I then told him that is a lack of respect and a lack of customer service on his part, because his attitude was not logical since I had received the W2W in that store in the past also at the Clinton, Mount Olive and others, without any problem, since I reside in Warsaw and I'm in the middle of those three Walmarts which takes me almost 30 minutes driving, he ignored me. So I ask his name and position and that I would like to speak his boss. He told me that he has no boss that he was hired directly, I then asked for pen from the cashier to be able to jot down his information. This has been a great nightmare and discrimination, I had to drive almost one hour and a half from the Wallace to the Walmart of Mount Olive where very professionally I was attended given my money, apparently he has had problems with Police or with some Hispanic people, since in the illogical manner and unprofessional way that I was treated there is no other explanation, I am expecting communication to know what administrative action you are going to take against this employee, to to be able to meet with my lawyer and discuss this nightmare, which my family and myself have been put through so I can see what legal actions may be take

Walmart Auburn N.Y. You have about twenty registers in the store and I have never seen more than four in operation. Lines are ridiculous there and you would think they would open up some registers to serve your customers. I was in there last week and of course only three registers working. I had 13 items so I attempted to go the ten item or less register where there was absolutely no one. Of course your brilliant register people refused to let me check out. I told them maybe you should start checking out people so were not there all day. Here is a clue. HIRE MORE PEOPLE SO YOU CAN CHECK YOUR CUSTOMERS OUT IN A REASONABLE AMOUNT OF TIME. I am sure you take in plenty of money from your Auburn customers so maybe it would be nice to open more registers, and in the long run probably make more money. Also maybe you could have your store manager attend some Wal-Mart seminars so he can learn how to run and efficient store.

Bardstown Ky. store I was grocery shopping on Sunday morning, as I have done for several years. This morning there no tomatoe juice in the store. No medium rotel and no white hot rise corn meal and the fruit looked it had been there for a long time. If I have to double shop between Kroger and Walmart I will start making only one stop. It will be Kroger THANKS FOR YOUR TIME I really would like to stay at WAlmart This is not the first time items in the grocery cannot be found,it happens on a quite often. Thurdsay I could not find any potatoes.

So I order tires from wal mart Monday, they come in Wednesday, I'm up there at 8 o'clock, my old tires has like 50ty percent tread still left. 3 good tires and one with a cut in the side wall. So I bring my trailer, to carry the old ones home, to later put on my jeep. Now the tires I run cost around 700 bucks.
The guy walks out, and asked am I gonna take the new tires with me, and I'm like no, I want them put on. He says, we cant put them on with a trailer behind you. And I'm like, watch me unhook it. He was the only one there, and acted like he didn't want to do 4 tires.
Well out walks a lady, and says to me, I'm next in line, can I come back at 10, we will have another man here then, and I'm like, if I come back at 10, I may be 6th in line, and have to wait 6 hours. Well after about a 3 hour wait, I get my tires.
The guy then says to me, do I want to keep my old like, that's why I have the trailer, you seen that trailer, cause you thought u was gonna put my new tires on it, so you would not have to mount them, lazy man. In walks the man at 10, and says, them are some good tires, I have them on my truck.......that's why they wanted my old tires, duh
So I go home, hook the mower up, run to my moms, to cut her grass, get back, and a tire looks slack. I get up next morning, and its almost flat, I air it up, cause I got the warranty, and head back to wal mart.
There at 8;30ty, and the guys says, there is a locked car blocking are drive, I'm gonna change the oil in the car that came in behind you, as we like ill help push it out the way, car locked and a flat, after I look, we could move the display tires and get my hummer in there, but I wait.
So he takes the leaking tire off, cant seem to find it leaking air, fills it up, comes back in 15 mints and says, it hasn't lost any air, some one must have let the air out your tire. so he does it again, wait 30ty minutes and finds it leaking at the Tire Sensor, now none of my tires was leaking before,, so I want them to look into this, cause I already know, before hand, all there good men left to work with Everett. What I didn't know was they was gonna go watch a 3 hour video as they line up other cars in front of me.
Now its 12:30ty and I know that lazy boy some how damaged my tire sensor. But that's ok, its Labor week end, I just spent 800 bucks, I just want to get on my way. So I say, can you pls, take one of them 800 dollar tires I got 3 days ago, and pls put it on my spare rim, seeing how my spare is a smaller size, again, the run around. Then they say to me, Yes we might can do that, seeing how the other Main tire place is now closed on a Saturday, and you have no choice, but to wait another 4 hours, cause we done checked in 5 cars in front of you, even though they came in hours after you.
To think ,i drive a hummer, pay 800 for tires, and in gonna try to beat them out of a 60ty dollar tire sensor , that worked fine before all this,, stand in line for now adds up to about 8 hours of my life...but what really got me, they was gonna put me at the back of the line , and been there all morning. Pls look into the tire center at wal mart in Eastman Ga, I know they short staffed, but there is no excuse for this, wife had her tires changed there, another broke sensor also. I mentioned to both the service manager and his top boss, if they could swap tire and rim out, before the 3 hour video , yet I stand and wait, in the end, I'm home with a new flat tire, on Labor day week end, TY Wal Mart.
The worst part of all this, I paid for the tire rotation for the lifetime of my tires, and now I am stuck with this kinds BS service. My buddies told me, wal mart is only good for fishing lures and

I was arrested 9-1-2017 for shoplifting a wallet. I was purchasing a wallet because mine was stolen earlier . I removed the small case from wallet and placed it in the top seat on my buggy so I could pay for it when I checked out with my other items, I needed to put my money up in it while I was shopping , don't want it stolen. My mom came and placed her purchases on the case , she was to buy it for me. We walked to garden center to check out and watched a man with a buggy full of items walk out the door without paying! the cashier called out to him, chased him down but never got him. she came back and checked me out. My mom was checking out when I was walking to the truck. I didn't think anything of it because she was buying it for me. These two people that couldn't catch the first man grabbed me by the gate and accused me of stealing this wallet! The case had fell out of my moms stuff on the floor and we never noticed it!! It was a mistake! mom treied to pay for it but they refused and took us to the breakroom in front of all the employees and proceeded to yell and threaten my mom with the police, she was very upset and wanted to explain it was a mistake but they told her to sit down and shut up. I went on in the back with this woman where she had me arrested. the man, 100 as they called him, continued to threaten my mom. The assistant manager was mean to her as well. Our friend witnessed this as well as all employees did, this was a mistake, an accident that this fell out and my mom tryied to do the right thing but they were were rude and abusive to her and her feelings. I aslo know this conduct is against the law to conduct this situation in front of emloyees and I have contacted attorneys and await their decision. This is unnecessary. we deserve better. I got arrested for this dumb action. you need to call my mom at 601-754-3988 or email

Is Wal-Mart not a supporter of the no shirt/no shoes, no service? I am appalled, disgusted truly offended. Grown men walking around in Wal-Mart with no shirt on! Wal-Mart, not the beach, not on a boat,not in their own home, in Wal-Mart! No one employee said a thing. Well I did, as well as asking your security( haha) what the issue was with them not telling the guys to get dressed or get out. Really? I am not happy and spend my money in your Damn store. Fix this issue,fix it now.

I, shop here a lot and today 9-1-2017 at the Walmart at 7700 W. Quincy ave. Littleton, Co. 80123 , I, asked for help to get some baby food off the very top shelve and it was also pushed to the back of the shelve. I ,spoke to a very nice lady that was working by the dressing rooms,and asked if someone could help me. She called for a manager, and the name on my receipt is Jessica Tinoco. When she came, I, told her what I ,needed and right away she said that all the food was in reach, and I , said no, not the ones I wanted, and the nice lady asked her if she needed a step stool and she said no,then when we got to the food I, needed she seen that she did need the step stool. She, was so mad that she was wrong about the food being on the top shelve out of reach, and had to help me. I, felt like I, was such a bother and cried coming home. I, have never been treated that way at any Walmart's before. Just needed to let you know. Thank You Sherry Andrews

Purchased a 36 count Maxwell house k-cup pods @ your Medford Wisconsin store. Used nearly 1/2 of them and every one busted and each time I had to clean my coffee maker so I switch to Green Mountain with no problems. I feel that there is a problem with the Maxwell house pods.
I own a 2.0 Keurig brewer. My manual reads (Pop in your favorite brand pod). Can you please give an answer

Dear Sir/Madam,
I normally do not complain for bad service but today was too much. I've been a Walmart and Sam's customer for several years here and in other parts of the United States and NEVER received such bad service elsewhere to my recollection.
The following has occurred to my wife and I almost every time we place a prescription to be filled....
1. When taking the prescription there is no problem. We are told our prescription will be filled in 20 minutes Great So, we go shopping in the store just to kill time or get other items we may need..
2. We return within or after the 20 minutes to pick up the medication, Guess What! we are told they are out of it and they will have it TOMORROW, OK.
3. Tomorrow comes we return sometimes in the afternoon to allow delivery but when we reach the counter after waiting in line for 5-10 minutes we are told that it did not come in and it will be here tomorrow . Now! We are getting flustered OK!
4. We return tomorrow to pick the medication up, Guess What? The prescription was cancelled... BY WHOM? NOT US! So I got a little upset and express my feelings to the counter person and she tell me to come at 5:45 after I've already been there almost an hour.
5. The result of this a Pharmacist prepared my prescription and handed to me within 5 Minutes.

I have been a loyal customer of Walmart for years but after today, I feel I must complain. I live in McMinnville, Tennessee but have shopped at Walmart stores in other cities. When I went to check out, there were only 2 lanes open and people were lined up out in the aisle waiting to check out. Yes, there were those stupid new scan and go registers that you can use but I do not wish to use them unless I have one or two items. There are people with disabilities who may feel like they can't use these registers like my sister who has glaucoma and can't see that well. And yes, there are plenty of older people who feel they can't use them because they don't know how. Corporate people, you need to visit these Walmarts and see how it is and not decide to put these types of registers in just because you want to. You should have gotten feedback from your customers before doing this. I'm sure you would have gotten an earful like you are getting right now. If I hadn't been getting groceries for my sister, I would have taken my cart to the customer service desk and told them to put the items back because I was leaving. If this continues, I will definitely be going elsewhere to get my groceries. Wake up! If Sam Walton were alive today, he would be very upset with the way Walmart is being run today.

I was at Walmart 11-26-2016 at 07:58:52, the store: 330 Sutton RD SE, Owens Cross Roads AL 35763. Manager David Sims, ST# 05197, OP# 004222. I had just gotten off work, a 12- hour shift, I had purchased some items, went to the cash register, the cashiers was rude, she never smiled, or said anything at me even though I smiled at her, never said good morning, she acted as if I was annoying her by being there, the one time she looked me in my eyes, she glanced at me for a second and said nothing.
I had a box of cakes, chips and toddler clothes to name a few items, she tossed my chips down the conveyer belt, as well as my chips, she stuffed my clothing in a bag, not folding in any kind of way, I politely took everything out of bags, folded the clothes, so that they would not be too wrinkled, my heavy bags I doubled. When she rang up my total, she did not even say the price, she just looked down at the floor, I was looking at the total anyway, and gave her the money, he never said, thank-you, she just moved from the cash register and got out her cell phone and started texting.
I was going to go to the manager but, as I said, I had just gotten off a 12-hour shift (nurse) needed rest to do another 12-hour. This cashier was rude.

I went shopping at Walmart in central square last night for Black Friday. Stood in line for activation of contract phones. The sale started at 6:00pm. As I stood there for a half an hour a associate asked me. What carrier I had, I said AT&T. He said, we no longer do AT&T. You have to go to another Walmart. Here it's 5:55 pm. So I called Cicero Walmart which is about 15 minute drive. As I got to Cicero Walmart, the place was packed. I stood there an hour in line just to set up appointment to get phone activated. The associate was rude. By the time I left there and headed back to central square walmart, all the deals were gone.
I think central Square Walmart should of put up notice ahead of time that they no longer carry AT&T. I had called there that morning asking questions about the phone and the guy never said anything to me. He didn't even know anything about the ad. 2 years ago I stood in line for a TV for 2 hours and went to pick it up and they sold my tv to someone else. I've been doing business with walmart for many years. Enough is enough. I'll start doing my Black Friday shopping elsewhere.

I purchased a box of cereal that had a coupon that gave a free box of $3.00 or under. At the checkout the cashier did not know how to enter the information for the free box. She called for a manager who stated since the coupon was on the original box I would have to come back another time for the free box. I told him if the transaction was completed on the original box I could remove the coupon and take the free one right away. the manager said no he could not do that I would have to return at another time. I made no purchase at all, I told him if this was how I was going to be treated I would not buy anything. I then found the floor manager and explained the entire situation to her.
She also said I would have to return at another time. I am disabled and coming back is not such an easy task. I normally get everything I need in one trip to the store. This entire situation could have very simply been remedied if only either of the so called managers would have finished the first transaction and let me remove the coupon for the free item. This all took place at the Walmart store in Aberdeen South Dakota. I normally did a great deal of shopping at Walmart but will no longer do so, I will not be mistreated in any way by any person. Your managers need additional training on how to treat customers, 'no' is not an acceptable answer when there are alternatives.
I was a system analyst and can truthfully tell you there are always alternatives. The service in the Aberdeen store seems to be consistently getting worse, a person will get nothing but angry looks if you ask for nothing more than help trying to find an item. Up to this last episode I still shopped at Walmart even with the poor customer service but there are other stores in Aberdeen that carry all of the items I normally purchase. If your managers refuse to listen to a possible solution to a small problem I believe it may be time to do my shopping elsewhere.

I wanted to buy some towels and sheets that were in the center aisle without any sign of Black Friday. The manager Karen treated me bad and aggressive because of our complaint why there was no sign indicating it was a Black Friday special as I was about to pay. This was at the Walmart at Casa Grande Arizona.

On Oct, 24, 2016 @ 10:am. Columbus, TX. I was looking at the black porcelain drip pans for my cook stove top. There, hung many packages of 2 large & 2 small sizes wrapped together. Alongside these packages were hanging several loose drip pans in both sizes. It looked if some packages had been previously opened and the wrapper removed. I asked the attendant if I might substitute one of the loose pans for one of the larger pans, because my stove has 3 small and one large size. She said I would have to ask the manager. Posing the same question to the manager, he refused me.
"Are you telling me I have to buy 2 twenty dollar packages to get the 3rd smaller pan that I need, when you have those loose ones hanging there? HIs answer was, "That's right." He gathered the loose ones in his arms and just stood there fumbling with them as if he didn't know what to do with his hands. At this point, I left. All my life I thought items on display were for sale. Why not put a price on the loose unpackaged one and give that one, with the packaged set to me? Only a few weeks ago, in the same store, I had bought some dull finished drip pans for $10.00. Only to find I could not wash off any stains or marks that got on them. Therefore, I wanted the black ones to solve my de lima.
I have been buying at this store since it was first opened some 30 or so years ago. Which now makes me almost 93 yrs. And getting out to do my shopping is not that easy. I have always been under the impression everything on display in a store for sale, was for sale. All he had to do was put a price on one of the small loose drip pans hanging there and all would be well. So now I sit at home wishing my stove top looked nice, clean, shiny and stain free. Only to say I am an unhappy camper is minute.

Ive gotten semi used to the fact that cashiers are going to lick their fingers to get bills out of the drawer to hand bills back to the customer. Today I got to bring home 15 bags with a cashiers spit on them because she does the same thing to open the bags. Every item I purchased then had her spit on it. While I know its highly unlikely I'll catch anything from this consider how many people purchased at your chains, how many products go out the door, how many bags. Tell your cashiers to keep their spit to themselves for pity sake.

I have Order number: 5621663-571586 to be picked up at the Checotah OK 74426 store. I have been notified that a part of the order is ready for pick up. I first tried to contact the Chat line only to be told that the Billing Address was incorrect - I double checked and had given them the correct address - one I have used for years and which reflects on my on-line account - 702 SE 1st ST, Checotah OK 74426. She was not helpful.
Next I called the 800 number and was told the store would hold for 7 days, which is the point of my call. I simply requested they hold the partial shipment for an additional 7 days until the Entire Order was ready. I am handicapped and it is not easy to run to the store unless absolutely necessary.Your Customer Service? People would make one believe a PHD is required to understand and honor a simple request. I am getting very disillusioned with Walmart.

I am spending 200 to 400 dollars a month in Walmart, I am handicapped and frequent the Davie, Florida store off of university drive. Every time I come most of the carts are in complete disrepair. The steering is so bad I can barely turn the cart. Why can't they be fixed properly. Many handicapped people complain to management. They inform me they request repair. What's the delay? Why can't my shopping experience not be so frustrating?

I have visited 2 Walmart superstores in the past 2 months. The first was in Sunrise, FL, at the intersection of State Road 441 and Oakland Park Blvd. I requested $20.00 change from my purchase, which the cashier failed to give me. This required me to make another 10 mile trip to straighten out the discrepancy. The second visit was to the Walmart superstore in Pompano, FL on Atlantic Blvd. When I checked out, the cashier did not give me all my purchases, and as a result, I have to again travel about 8 miles, bringing my receipt, to retrieve the goods,
My complaint is that at both these stores, the service is way below par, and I am 75 years old, and it is difficult for me to return to these stores for errors made by your checkout people, who couldn't care less about the customer. I have reduced my visits to Walmart for this reason, shopping at other local grocery stores like Publix, Winn-Dixie and Target. I hope this complaint causes a review of the two stores I mentioned, as I feel they are both sub-standard.

I have a "cage" up and down my spine due to severe scoliosis of my back. I am handicapped because of this and other issues which make it impossible to walk very far. As a regular shopper of Walmart, I am extremely upset with the abuse of handicap parking and the handicap stalls in the restrooms. The parking spaces are regularly used by unauthorized people who have no plaques or plates. They are just lazy. The restroom stalls are regularly used by people who just want "more room to move."
I cant move my body more than 30 degrees in any direction and trying to get down to the toilets is impossible without a rail. I have to use the handicap stalls as they are the only ones with a rail. Not only are customers abusing this stall but so are employees. People stay in there an extended amount of time talking on phones, etc. while I am waiting on a bench outside for them to leave. This is very inconvenient and, sometimes, you cant wait long enough for them to leave because you need the restroom now.
I feel rails should be put in all the bathroom stalls so that us who are handicapped can use any stall available rather than having to wait on those who abuse them. Not having rails also leaves the store open for law suits when a person gets injured from falls trying to "get down" to a toilet without rails. Would also like to let the company know that the McDonalds in the Walmart store at 8401 Anderson Blvd FW, TX 76120 has roaches crawling on the walls.

This is a complaint about a customer and I know you can't do anything but because it involves my Service dog I want you aware of it and make sure employees handle situation similar how the ones did today.
I was at check out with my dog Bentley, she doesn't wear her fest because she is fluffy and its hot on nice days, but she has her gold pendent and visual ID card tagged on leash. Well I was unaware of this unruly Customer, she was at the other end of store giving your employees a very hard time about my dog. 3 or more employees realized she spotted me at check-out and came down to me, they tried to get to me first. She screamed at the top of her lungs at me telling me my dog is not a Service Dog she didn't have her fest on and an emotional support dog is not a Service Dog and called me a name.
I dumb founded, I said something I don't know what it was. I have never been treated like that ever. I'm not out to please anyone, it's the law I can have my dog with me and I do not have to tell anyone my medical history and was not about to with that woman. She is a Service dog and trained to keep my balance and for other things, and she also is an emotional support.
She's Bichon/Havanese, very calm and intelligent, she wants love not violence and wouldn't hurt a fly. Everyone at Walmart, employees have always treated me with a smile and love to see my Bentley, always, they even come up and ask if they can hug her. I have felt very comfortable there. You do have one employee there that is very mean to me, and tried to knock me down but it's not because of my dog. And if she does it again I will personally go to store manager. But she is the only one and she shouldn't even be working there.
But now it's going to take a minute to go back. If I am attacked again, I will call 911 and I will not put up with it. She doesn't have a right to bully me, there are laws protecting me against people like that. The 3 employees that tried to protect are absolutely wonderful and I wish I would have taken all of their names and was able to let you know who they are. Because they deserve acknowledgemen. Great Customer Service people, it was one girl, just lovely and two very nice young men!

I have shopped this store since it opened. I endured the remodel and monitored the continual weekly increases on almost every product that I normally purchase. I spoke with an associate at checkout about the upward spiral of prices across the board and was informed that this is taking place to cover the raises for the new hires at this store. As a person on a fixed income, I have cut back and even returned items which continue to increase in price every time I shop at this store. I find your policy of taking more out of my pocket to cover your payroll an outrage! I have had a Walmart credit card for years and am considering canceling it.
I already cancelled my Sam's Club membership. It is unfortunate that Walmart is no longer a good value and rest assured I shall continue to withdraw my business from your store because of this new policy that has been put in place. For example, today I returned 2 items, Store number 01230, receipt ID number 7JZW47F9W8Q, taco shells that a month ago were $1.12, are now $1.67. GV bacon marked at the meat counter at $2.74, rang up at the register at $3.94. This slight of hand pricing from the shelf to the register probably works on a lot of those who don't check the receipt.

Complainant Against Walmart Pharmacy, Store #5047:
Zuhirah Rasulalah , 540 Collings Avenue, Collingswood, NJ 08107
–, 609-206-8946 {HELP ME}-
Series of (3) Cases of Unethical Behavior toward the Complainant: Occurrence #3 to Occurrence #1
The Current Occurrence # 3: After returning with new prescriptions from my Doctors, The Pharmacist Assistant (PA) did the intake verification and said that my prescription would be ready in about 15 minutes, in about 3-5 minutes, I was called to the Consult window, a pharmacist by the name of Nugyuen stated that the DEA# on my prescription was invalid, I stated that this prescription’s origin is from the same Medical Practice as in Occurrence #2, and that this point was not an issue then, why now, he proceeded to attempt to return the prescriptions to me and not call the doctor or make any effort to resolve whatever this problem was, I refused to take them back, II stated that this was something that needed to be resolved with my physician. It was obvious that he did not want to fill my prescription
My Only Goal is to have my Valid Prescriptions Filled as they are written by Licensed Practitioners, authorized by DEA. The Decoding of the DEA# has to be done by PA before giving prescription to Pharmacist, correct?
Occurrence #2: Held Prescription for (1 week) did not inform me that It was not being filled On 9/21/2016 presented prescriptions to Pharmacy Assistant, who returned (1) because there were two prescription medications on the One Script, the 3rd prescription, had to be ordered and it would be ready in (7) days, I returned to the pharmacy to pku meds and was informed that it had not been ordered, in fact it needed prior authorization, Not (1) phone call, no alerts on my WM online portal to let me know that I would not be receiving my medication, so that I could do whatever was necessary to resolve the situation, but allowed me to suffer thinking that I would be getting my medication for relief.
Occurrence #1 Refused to fill the 2nd of Two prescriptions (Same Medication)
My physician prescribed Fentanyl patches, because it was the introduction of a new medication in his "Plan of Treatment" he divided into (2) prescriptions, so that I could gauge its effectiveness before continuing the Month long therapy. On 7/15/2016, I presented my prescription, the Pharmacy Assistant (PA) informed me that it had to be ordered and would arrive on 7/19/2016.
I presented the (2nd) prescription on 8/13/2016, the PA stated again that it needed to be ordered, on 8/16, I received a call from the pharmacist who stated that the prescription had expired, I reminded her that I dropped off the prescription on 8/13 and should not have expired until 8/15, she then said, “Well it was too early” would not fill my valid prescription.
The Pharmacists do not know me personally, so there logically has to be other reasons as to the “Ill Behavior” towards me, I realize that I am Muslim, African American, 69-year-old, unsure if one or all of these characteristics formulate a basis for this unethical and biased behavior
If Walmart continue to stand by its policies as I have experienced before and that is in not supporting any type of Racial, Religious, Gender or Age Related Discrimination or Racism of any entity, employee representing their company. If that remains, please support me in my effort to get fair treatment in this situation and allow me to continue as a customer with my Preferred Pharmacy Walmart and I acquire my medication which I severely need and am entitled to as a human being.
Zuhirah R Rasulalah(zrr)

Our family, on tonight, September 18, 2016, was met with a touchy situation birthed from a mischievous Leeds, Alabama Walmart employee who goes by the name of Scorpio. Unfortunately, this overzealous, contemptuous and disrespectful Leeds Walmart employee meant evil by calling the Leeds, Alabama police on our loved one who had treated him with the upmost respect when he refused to give cash from our debit card refund when Walmart, all day and night, hands over cash from debit card refunds even when a person would rather have had the refund placed back on the card at hand.
Then, Jerry, likely Jerry Hicks Jr, a new Leeds Walmart employee, who is obviously a “good” friend of Scorpio, pretended to care about the ill-treatment our loved one was receiving when at the end, we discovered that he too was a huge part of the problem of involving the police in a situation that could have erupted into the death of our loved one.
Fortunately, when Scorpio chose to abuse his minute power by calling the Leeds, Alabama police for no reason, resulting in a gigantic waste of tax dollars from hard-working citizens, Officer Breasseal, an understanding police came on the scene. Not only did Officer Breasseal arrive on the scene, but, three cars of officers showed up as well indicating that Scorpio had likely made the situation seem to be that of a true emergency when it was not an emergency at all. We are confident that had Officer Breasseal not shown up, there would have been an assault, battery and bloodshed upon our loved one.
Furthermore, the actions of Scorpio and of Jerry proved that some people should not be given supervisory responsibilities when these hard-working, we’re sure, officers could have been addressing serious issues that could have been life threatening. Likely, people like Scorpio and Jerry are against marriages that involve people who are unlike them or perhaps they, like Hitler, are drunk with a little bit of power.
In the end, nevertheless, Officer Breasseal did not make a report against Scorpio and the obvious prejudices Scorpio had cowered upon our loved one; but in the same vein, Officer Breasseal did not treat our loved one with scorn, hate or contempt. He was respectful and may our father bless him and his family, always for that.

I purchased a green dot card on 08-21-2016 Ozark Alabama store #00740. When I read it and realized all the fees I would have to pay I was very up-set. I should have bought a Walmart gift card since I plan to purchase just about the whole amount from Walmart. I tried to get my money back from Walmart service department. I purchased the card there but can't get my money back. So I tried green dot com the card has to be activated 1st which cost $7.95 that is throwing money. You took my money. It is real simple just give me my money back. Please make this happen before 09-21-20016.

At 9:15 the Walmart in Morris Illinois prescription department caused me to be upset. I was there to purchase medication behind the counter that would help my husband with his sinus infection. The pharmacist in back refused to sell me anything being it wasn't for me, no one even asked me for my drivers license. I spoke with a manager there and all she had to say is it isn't her department. I rarely buy medication but maybe 3 times a year and am extremely dissatisfied with the treatment I received. Me and my family spend 3-4 hundred dollars weekly at Walmart and being I was treated so unfairly I am now a Jewel shopper. Let me ask you, when elderly or handicapped people need medication and can't leave their home, Walmart turns their caregivers down also?

I bought new everstart car battery which failed after 1 1/2 years. It says on the battery that it has a 2 year exchange warranty. When I brought it back to exchange it was told there is no warranty. It is clearly deceptive since the battery and display says 2 year replacement warranty. I was forced to buy a new battery.

If I could give this experience a minus rating, I would. Placed an order online on 8/29 because the item I wanted was out of stock at the two local Walmart's. Received a 'do not reply to this' email stating that the order was canceled due to 'inability to verify payment information' directing me to 'make sure my information is correct'. No phone number or email address to respond was supplied. Two days later, tried to replace the order only to find that the item I had ordered (and iPhone 5s) was now no longer available.
Placed an order at that time for a different iPhone 5s that was in stock plus several cases for the phone. Received the same automatic email response canceling THIS second order. In frustration, I did a Google search for a contact number and called it. I was informed that Walmart had experienced internal security issues and that the reason for both orders being cancelled. At no time prior to this call was this information given to me. I was never informed that my orders wold continue to be cancelled until I called them. At no time was a phone number or return email supplied.
The supervisor who I spoke to, 'Nina, badge #05133' repeated stated that 'all you needed to do was call us' but accepted no responsibility for the fact that neither the need nor the number were ever supplied. Despite my asking her several times how I would have known that I needed to call them so that they could straighten out their system, she continued to state' all you needed to do was call us' followed by, when I asked how I would know that I had to call, 'you don't have to call us unless you want to'. And to make matters worse, the second phone that I ordered is now no longer available!
This is a perfect example of a large corporation acting in a manner that shows very clearly that they do not care about their customers but only their bottom line. How much effort would it have taken for Walmart to send a personal email to me to let me know they needed to confirm that I was indeed placing the order? Nina even went so far as to try to put the blame on ME because, in her words, 'this is the first time you've ordered from us online in nearly a year'. How crazy is that? And when I asked for a phone number to contact corporate offices, she informed that they don't have one and if I want to see if I can FIND one, she suggested I Google it. Unbelievable.
Walmart, you have lost another customer.

I went to Wal-Mart to get a phone card for my granddaughter. While there I passed a section that had phones on an end cap the price said $5. After getting an associate to help, she discovers that the phone is mis-priced. She said she was going to let me have it anyway since it was the stores fault. She had to call a manager over to ok the transaction. The manager litterly lost her mind. She went into a rant about there was no way she was selling a $29 phone for $5. She was very rude and arrogant! I asked her to whatever happened to the policy, the customer is always right. She laughed at me! Trust me, if they sold straight talk phone cards anywhere but Wal-Mart, I would never shop there again! It didn't matter to me in the beginning, but after her rant, it became the principle of the whole thing!

The USDA says dogs are not allowed in food stores. Except for service dogs and on duty police dogs. I shop at the Jane Missouri Walmart and 90% of the time there is at least one dog being hauled around in a shopping cart. A dog is an unsanitary animal and by law is not allowed in food stores. I shouldn't have to share my shopping experience with a dog. You need to address this problem it's becoming much too common. Don't ignore the law.

I am told by your Brennan Texas store that " corporate" has instructed that no Ocean Spray Cran Cherry juice may be ordered. I had this problem 2-3 months and got the Brenham Texas Store manager to "get this straightened out" I wrote Walmart an never got any explanation as which of you geniuses decided to discontinue one of your best sellers. You have an idiot in your organization who needs to be fired.

Went to Walmart in Talladega AL. to get my tires balanced and rotated. A truck pulled in ahead of me with a flat tire in the back. After being ignored by 2 employees for 10 - 15 minutes , one finally asked what i needed. I told him and was told that it was going to 1 1/2 hrs before he could get me because he had to wait for the guy to go get his vehicle and come back to have his tire fixed,"First come ,First serve". There wasn't another car around, had 6 or 7 bays open and he couldn't get my vehicle on the rack because he had to have it for the other guy whenever he got back. He could have used a jack and been done in 30 minutes if the 2 of the employees would have worked together. Instead they were going to do nothing for another 1 1/2 hrs.

I went to the Wal-Mart in my hometown of Lockhart TX this morning to buy dog food and two chicken breasts. I am a retired Senior Citizen and no longer buy in bulk. Imagine my surprise when I was told, both by the young man in the Meat Department and Customer Service, that it is "company policy" not to break up packages. I had no idea that Wal-Mart was in the habit of discriminating against Senior Citizens and small families, but HEB is not. I will not shop again at Wal-Mart. HEB had the exact same price for the dog food and sold me two chicken breasts.

I ordered a swing set on July 27th and it was supposed to be deliver by August 4th. I got a message saying it was in the store in north Attleboro I go to pick it up and the woman at the desk said it was not in the back. I was told that it was probably on the truck and would be delivered that night when the shipments comes in. The next day I call the store to see if it was there and every person I spoke to was giving me the run around saying the same thing the woman told me the night before, that it would be on the truck coming in that night.
Extremely aggravated over the whole thing, because my sons birthday was August 5th and I wanted it built for his birthday, I decided to just call the next day hoping it would be there so we could pick it up and it be built for his birthday party Aug 7th and was told the trucks don't deliver on weekends. Now I'm beyond aggravated because I have 20 kids coming to my house and no swing set for them to play on. This is so unprofessional and unexceptionable.
I spent almost 500$ on this swing set for it not to be here when it was supposed to be. If I would've know it wouldn't of been here in time for my sons party I would've went some where else to buy it. Now I have to deal with a bunch of disappointed children and most importantly my son that's been looking forward to a birthday present that he hasn't received yet.

I was shopping for fabric at the Walmart store located 2824 Appalachian Hwy, Jacksboro, TN 37757 (store 01466) this morning. I attempted to complete the Walmart survey online ... but unfortunately, the printout is so blurred that I cannot read the ID# so my attempt was unsuccessful.
What happened: I tried to purchase fabric. After announcing customer needs help in fabrics, no one ever came to help me. I waited during two calls and 20 minutes. I went to a "greeter" who could not hear/understand what I was saying, so I went to Customer Service and they again announced for help at the fabric counter. Told me someone would be there to cut/price my fabric ... again, no one. So, I put my selection down and walked away. If Walmart is going to sell fabric, then WHY is there seldom any help at the counter? Talk about a run-around and a waste of time on my part! Not happy with the store!

I got 2 tires. Paying about $200. I bought them on may 8 2016 and by August 3 2016 they were bald and wires are poking out everywhere. When I called wit my concern I was told a manager would call back. Waited an hour no call. I called back talked to a manager then requested to talk to someone else. And I was put on hold for 20 min. Called back and was told phone lines weren't working. Don't believe that.
Then when I talked to the co manager he put me on hold then had someone else pick up and give me the answer I was waiting on. The lady said the manager had to go somewhere. I find it extremely unprofessional to just decide ur done helping a customer. I told the lady that I wasn't done talking to him and she said she cud call him back.
So my bad tires that didn't even last 3 months are still on my car because Wal-Mart doesn't want to replace them. I will never get tires from Wal-Mart again and I will tell others what happened to me so that they will think twice about purchasing tires from Wal-Mart.

I have lived in Decatur, IL for 55 yes. I am 73, a senior citizen who reported SS fraud 4yrs ago. There are people who are angry that I reported this & now when I go into Walmart these people call Walmart Security & pretend they are Police & I am a known shoplifter. They harass & follow me & are very disrespectful. I have never stole anything in my life. I receive pension & SS from my deceased husband. I have a 813 credit rating. A home & I always pay my bills. If you run a background check on me you will find someone is just trying to ruin my good name.
I've shopped at Walmart once or twice a month. I have been a customer for many many years. I hope Walmart can contain this problem. I am not a thief. Stealing is not in my DNA. These people are NOT the real authorities. Contact the Decatur Police Dept. to verify. They are making security look silly because they really think they are harassing a 73 yr. old thief. I would NOT spend the rest of my life stealing from Walmart or anyone. I am considering filing a lawsuit. The harassment needs to stop.

I purchased a Road Hazard Warranty when I purchased a set of tires. I took my vehicle to Store #94 on July 10, 2016 to have my oil changed for the advertised special of $39.88. I was charged $4.79 for an extra quart of oil (I was not informed that I needed an extra quart. Also I needed to have a tire repaired. I was told that the repair could not happen due to the nail being too far on the side of the tire. I feel as if I purchased the road hazard under false pretenses because the road hazard warranty was not honored.
I intend to tell all my family and friends to not use the Tire and Lube Services at Walmart because I am NEVER going back to Walmart. I am very unhappy with my overall experience with Walmart. I would like for someone to call back to discuss this matter as well as I would like a refund of the road hazard warranty that I purchased which is $40. Also, I arrived at the store at 7:45 am. The tire and lube department did not open until 8 am. They did not pull my car into the bay until 8:15 am. I did not leave the store until 10:25 am. Again, I am very unhappy and a very dissatisfied EX-customer.

Poor customer service, If I could give a negative star, I would. There are so many issues, it would take a 10 page research to address each one accordingly. There are two major issue. First, individuals walking around selling food out of their car. Secondly, the parking contains so much trash until it makes doing business questionable. Also, I notice the prices are higher at the Balch Springs location than other areas, I ask myself, what type of business ethics is Walmart practicing, or better yet, is business ethics apart of Walmart's philosophy?

The store at Alva Okla at 9:00 pm had no (zero) checkers. Use the self check out only. Or the little check station at self check out or customer service desk which has no scale. Couple of days ago they would not check me out at the self checkout station. The girl just walked off and said it was closed. I just left my basket of stuff and walked out. My schedule allows me to shop after 9pm. I do not know how to use self check out and don't want to learn. Tonight there was a long line of people just like me that do not use the self check out. I shopped for a 5 minutes and stood in line 20. You may think you are saving money by not manning the check outs but I do not go to Walmart unless I have to. I hate going to walmart.

Had a very bad experience with a lady in a certain department ,she made me feel like I was intruding on her privacy when I asked her a question about something that I needed to order . Very dry and unfriendly reaction so much so That i decided that I was going to the other walmart across town to do it.I then proceeded to the bakery to order a birthday cake and met a lady named Faith who was sweet and friendly and very caring she turned my bad experience around and totally made my shopping experience much better .We need more people like Faith in retail. I work in retail myself and was a manager for many years and and customer service has to be a priority for us to succeed .No , the customer is not always right we learn this through trail and error but common courtesy is a must for any business to succeed .Once again thanks for people like Faith and hats off to her and the person who hired her. Thanks for taking time to read this Zaneb Hamonda

This is directed not at one individual but the department. I live near Walmart on Collier Boulevard in Naples, Florida. I frequent the store weekly but my complaint is towards the auto service department. Today I went to have a tire changed and rotated and I sat there in the lane for five minutes and no one came up to me. This happens every time I go there. There was one man with his handheld computer outside and he just looked at me and ignored me.
When I walk inside a gentleman came up to me and asked if he could help me. I told him what I wanted. He immediately told me it would be a two-and-a-half-hour wait. I asked him why such a long wait. He said there were five cars in front of me. But I could come in tomorrow morning first come first serve. This happens every time I go there there is a two-and-a-half-hour wait. This is ludicrous.
There was nobody working inside the stalls at 12 o'clock in the afternoon they were all inside joking and not outside working. I have gone there three times and three times I see the same thing. As a one-time business owner and now teacher I am appalled that Walmart allows this type of customer service. I hope someone looks into this and finds out what is going on in this department. Inside the store is not much better when you have people walking around on their cell phones texting and not taking care of business I approached one lady at one time and ask her a question and she ignored me if she was texting on her personal phone.
Other Walmart staff have earbuds in their ear and listening to music and not paying attention to the customers. I will continue to use Walmart as a place to buy my goods and services but this needs to be corrected. Thank you for your time.

Subject: A Clay Beige Egyptian Cotton Blanket/ King I purchased at the Walmart located in North Carson City, NV. Today as I removed it from the zipper package to spread on the bed, it had a foul odor. I decided to launder it to remove the odor, following the instructions exactly. When the dryer stopped I removed the lint trap discovering excessive lint. The blanket needed more drying, again the lint trap was excessively full of lint. Should I not have checked the lint trap, a fire hazard was very possible. This is a problem you should be aware.

First of all I believe the store number is #2111. The employees are rude and they spend way too much time playing and texting on the sales floor instead of helping customers. The male and female employees do nothing but play and flirt with customers, ask for their phone numbers. My daughter is scared to come in that place any longer..Even a manager asks for female numbers his name I believe to be is Jason Hanner a store manager, if no action is done soon I will take it to the BBB. There seems to be no professionalism in there whatsoever!!!

As I was loading my purchases into the back of my pickup, I was approached by a security person who asked where my receipt was. I responded that it was in my shirt pocket. When he asked to see it I declined stating he could review it from the store's system. He grabbed me by a wrist that has a bone that has never healed jerking me forward and removed the contents of my pocket and then shoved me away exclaiming that he would not tolerate my assault on him.
He drew some sort of weapon and advanced toward me. I quickly realized that he was trying to frame for a crime that he would have the right to detain me for, so in my pain I felt I had no choice other than allow him to humiliate me to whatever level he desired. He ordered me to put my hands on the truck. He dropped the Walmart receipt and looking at one from another store exclaimed that I had no receipt. I pointed to the receipt on the ground and he ordered me to pick it up for him. He did finally let me go possibly realizing that it wouldn't be that credible for a disabled person to assault a person twice their size.
As I was parked in the first handy cap space in front of the entry I presume there is clear video of what I was loading as well as what occurred. Incredibly something similar occurred to me at the same store several months earlier when a customer service manager attempted to frame me. I had brought a wrench back that I had purchased at another store in another state and found I didn't need. It was still sealed in the package, but they refused on the basis that they didn't carry that item. Clearly I upset her as she called security telling them I was leaving the store with unpaid merchandise. I was tackled a short distance outside the door from behind by two men.
Fortunately I was able to get them to understand that I couldn't possibly be stealing the wrench as it wasn't carried by the store, and that the only reason I was leaving with it was that I was refused a refund on those grounds. I returned the next day to speak with the manager regarding what had occurred and point out the deliberate attempt to frame me. I urged her to review video of what happened and she repeatedly told me she believed me. Apparently she didn't have a problem with it as I later noted that she retained her job as customer service manager. From this experience I decided not to waste my breath on a store manager and contact a corporate person.
After finding a number to call and describing what had happened, I was told I would be receiving a call shortly. Thinking minutes to an hour or so, after a few hours I called back. I was then informed that it would be about three days for them to evaluate my complaint before I would receive the call. Clearly this type of conduct isn't a significant concern on a corporate level either. Thanks to Walmart I've spent my birthday in bed trying to recover.

Went to Customer Service at Walmart on Covington Pike in Memphis, Tennessee in the Raleigh Community, to return a Beauty Rest Air mattress for an exchange for another one. An easy change, right? Very, very wrong! Never have I been so treated so rudely and wrong and humiliated. I was told to go get another air mattress, same kind exactly, and to bring it back to Customer Service and I would not have to wait in line if there was one.
When I came back there were only two people in line. So I was told to step to the other register and they would be right with me. Wrong again. I stood there for over 30 minutes and watched and counted 17 people get waited on while I was ignored. I finally complained so much that I got the Manager and told her what happened and she took care of me. There were 3 women employees working in Customer Service. They were all rude, lazy, thoughtless, and very unprofessional to say the least.
I never even got an apology. I will never shop at that store again. I have a seizure disorder from a head injury and being so upset that when I reached my friends truck in the parking lot I had a seizure. My friend was there in the vehicle and took care of me and got me home and put me to bed and administered more seizure medicine to me. Walmart used to be a good place to shop, especially for some of us senior citizens. I am a 67 year old man.

Went to the NFM store because the Cape Coral FL store was out of the same item for 2 weeks. There were no carts in either end of the super-store and the workers that were supposed to be picking up the carts were too busy talking to each other outside. I guess management doesn't care

This is the second time this happen to me, on Sunday morning Easter, March 27 about 2am I came too buy a boston butt and ham. When I went to the check out the bar code on both items could not be scan, they was wet and the scan could not read them, but the price were clear. The female attempted to work on the problem for 30 - 40 minutes calling several people to help. After 40 minutes, I left because no one would over ride the items, please has some one there who can.

Today (March 21, 2016) is the second time in one week this problem has occurred at the Walmart Store 4928 State Road 674 Wimauma FL 33598. I told the cashier I was making my check out for 20.00 more and what does she do? Rings it up for the regular price No 20.00 more added on. Cashier: I forgot to add the 20.00 and hands me back my cancelled check which is made out for the extra money. I told her to get the manager and manager takes receipt and cancelled check and tells me she cannot give me my 20.00 as the cashier put in wrong amount.
I told her she was going to re-ring my order and run the same check again and give me my 20.00 that is what the manager had the cashier do the first time this happened. Are you teaching your workers to do this so they can pocket the 20.00? I am losing confidence in all your Walmart stores and especially this one. The first time this happened it also happened to friends of our at the same time just two cashiers down from ours. Really makes you wonder.

I was shopping this afternoon at the Evansville, IN store on Burkhardt Rd. to be mostly Easter candy for our grandchildren. I bought 8 units of 3 different kinds, but was charge for 16 units of the more expensive one. (TC# 6180 3699 5834 2363 1463 4) I tried to call the store twice at 812-473-1815, but both times I was not connected to speak to anyone. So basically, I was overcharged $27.48, and it seems that Walmart has no interest in even talking to me.

Went to Walmart at Washington, in 47501 to get paint mixed had to ask twice for help waited 30 minutes then when someone did help me they could not mix my paint because the mixer was broke. That was on Friday. Then on Tuesday of the following week I took my mom out there to put in an application only to find out that both computers were out of service. The same day while I was there I wanted to refill my 5 gallon water jug and it was also broken. Left there wondering why I even bothered going there in the first place after working all day. I think the store could used some major improvements. Maybe that is one of the reasons your stocks are down and Walmart is losing money.

On Monday/22 Feb 16 at 11:45; I purchased two items from the tobacco department at the Emporia, Va WalMart store. The sales clerk took my order and processed the sales on my personal credit card. When I looked in the bag; one item was not the brand of Skoal that I wanted. It was a tube of 5 containers. The other item which was four loose cans were the brand I wanted. When I told the clerk I did not want the tube of 5 containers; she took the tube and then told me I had to go to customer service. I went to customer service and the individual said I needed the tube for her to process a credit card reimbursement. I said the clerk took the item back from me.
She then went to see the clerk and came back confused because the item was not the same as the receipt. She then went back to the clerk and I followed. Now there were two other WalMart cashiers that were totally confused and asked me where the item was that had been in my bag. I explained to them what I had told the service customer rep. Becoming frustrated after being accused of possible shop lifting; I said just cancel out the entire transaction on my credit card. I was told then to go back to customer service where the store manager asked me the same questions that had been repeatedly asked by the other WalMart personnel.
So I just told her that forget the entire situation and I walked out of the store with only the four Skoal containers and $17.11 over payment because I was not given the original item/tube with five containers. The store manager took my name and phone number and said she would call me. If this is customer service, I don't think I will go back to this store.

This is in reference to the pharmacy department at this Walmart, my husband and I get all of our prescriptions filled at this Walmart, and in the past month on three of our prescriptions when we call them in and are told they would be ready the next day we go to pick them up and are told they are out of that prescription that the order has not came in, On Monday Feb.15, I called in a prescription for my husband and received a call the same day that they were out of that medicine, but would have it in on Wednesday Feb.17, we waited until Thursday Feb.18 to pick up the prescription and were told then that the medicine still had not came in. so we still have to wait a few more days and go back to Walmart for a second time. This seems to happen at LOT at this Walmart, Whoever is suppose to order all the medicine is not doing there job. Someone needs to check on this matter at this Walmart.

It is very strange to me that Walmart wants its customers to think they are giving good customer service. Recently, I went to the Chubbuck Idaho store. Needed to buy a large amount of groceries. While there, I was informed that if I ask the Deli to slice a package of meat that I had picked up from the cooler, I would have to go pay for it first, at the register and bring back the receipt..... Walmart has had shop lifters in the past on these items.
This was a very stupid policy, as I was getting other meat and cheese, from the deli, and my time line was running to appease a store, that can't seem to put a register in the deli for this, or have security walk to the store lines after cutting the meat to make sure that I didn't lift it with my other basket of groceries. It put me way behind on getting home and preparing my meals for company I was expecting. Glad I know this now. I will shop the real stores in town that give customer service and be sure to tell my family and friends , and anyone else. Maybe you should give the person, that came up with this policy, something to really do.

How many times do I have to submit a complaint about Walmart's? Are you trying to discourage people from filling a complaint? I have been shopping in Wiggins Mississippi Walmart's for over 12 years. They regularly have people selling animals in their parking lot and never do anything about it. I do go in and complain, but it does no good. Anyone who loves animals knows impulsive buying of animals very seldom works out for the animal.
Can't toss it at the bottom of the closet like you can a shirt you decided you don't like or take it back, because you don't know who the seller is or where they live. SO, they usually dump it on the side of the rode, especially here in Mississippi, where most of the people have no respect for animals. If they did they wouldn't be selling them at Walmart's. So, hopefully I do not have to repeat this letter tomorrow and Walmart will have enough sense to correct the problem and have their guys who are always in the lot collecting carts, ask the people to leave or call the police.
Go to any pound and see for yourself all the animals that were bought on impulse, maybe if Walmart was not there just for money but for the public they would understand people are repulsed at seeing sales of animals in the stores lot.

This morning, my wife was shopping at one of the East the El Paso stores (I10 west @ Yarborough) and, having less than 20 items, went to the "20 Items or Less" line, only to find that there were two customers in front of her with two baskets each filled with more than 20 items. When she commented to the cashier about using the 20 or less line for full baskets, the cashier said she could not comment. My wife was then was approached by a cashier supervisor, (didn't get her name) who responded that the full basket customers were paying customers. When my wife noted that the sign read "20 items or less", the supervisor repeated the fact that they were paying customers.
When my wife said that "if the sign doesn't mean 20 items or less, then take it down", the supervisor said that was store policy. After a comment by my wife that she may be shopping elsewhere, the supervisor said " you wont find better prices anywhere".
At that point, my wife left the check out area and proceeded to the exit where she encountered three personnel wearing Manager and Assistant Manager tags (again she didn't get any names) and after restating her concern that the 20 or less check out registers should be for customers with 20 or less items, as the sign reads, and those customers with more that 20 items should go to the other registers, the managers repeated that the customers using the 20 items or less lines with more than 20 items are paying customers and could use the 20 items or less line regardless of how the sign reads. My wife then left the store without further comment.
The exasperation encountered is in regards to the policy that, if the sign reads "20 Items or less", then the rule or policy should be enforced or the signs removed. Other than the inconvenience caused those customers with less than 20 items having to wait for the customer with a full basket, is the fact that Walmart does not enforce its posted policy. Again, if the express type lines may be used by any customer, I feel that the 20 or less signs should be removed.
Additionally, the inconvenience experienced by those many customers with less than 20 items who must wait for a full basket customer to check out, us greater than that experienced by the full basket customer who is asked to use the regular check out register lines.

To my knowledge, Walmart's does not allow the sale of animals on the property. I have been going to this Walmart's, in Wiggins Mississippi for over 13 years. Many times I have pulled into the parking lot to see people selling live animals on the property. It is very offensive to me, since knowing impulse buying of animals never turns out well for the animal. I always go inside and make my complaint, which doesn't get any response.
They have guys who have worked there for years, getting carts, and just ignore the problem as well as your managers. Next thing you know someone will be pushing kids on your property. A little harsh thought, but that is how I feel when I see people selling animals. If you have them to sell put an add in the local news paper. I really wish your people were more aware on what's going on in your parking lot. Believe me because of this problem, if Wiggins had more choices of stores, I would not go to Walmart's. I am sure other people are offended, but don't take any action.

Walmart advertises some medications at 3 months for $10.00. My physician writes prescriptions for 3 month supplies. My insurance company will only pay for 1 month at a time. These medications are for diabetes. I have asked the pharmacy to please fill my prescriptions as written by my physician. They have the prescription and know it would be a better value if dispensed as written but They continue to give me a one month supply at a higher price knowing full well the doctor has written prescriptions for three months.
They have this information on their computer. Why do the Walmart pharmacists continue to not fill prescriptions as written by the doctor and as advertised by their own company? I feel Walmart is taking advantage of me and not abiding by their own advertisement. Walmart on highway 303 Bremerton wa is where this activity continues to happen. It is the inconvenience and the money that continues to be a problem. Any help would be appreciated.

This seems to be a constant that there is only one or at most two lanes open around midnight. Sometimes before that. There are long lines and the store does nothing about it. I guess hiring one or two more, or even train those stocking to run a register would be asking too much. Very disappointed about finding help during the day as well. I wont stop shopping yet at walmart but I will reduce my spending , even if I pay a little more for the items. Kroger is building a huge complex a stone throw away - and I cant wait. This isn't just a first complaint it has been going on for some time and I guess I'm getting tired of the company falling behind more and more in customer service and customer care.

To the Walmart customer service dept. I am not usually one to take time out of my schedule to complain about certain situations in the retail world for I have worked in retail over 19 years. I understand the good days and the bad days we all can face in retail. But I feel the need to let your company know how stressful and unprofessional some of my last two visits have been.
On Feb. 2nd my fiance and I decided to go and do some shopping. I brought the idea of him getting a credit card with you because we shop there more than 5 times a week and he agreed. As we proceeded to checkout we applied for the walmart credit card and we were approved! she gave us a receipt saying," you can use this till Feb. 9th as long as it is at this Walmart. The following day we decided to go and take advantage of the 12 months 0 interest. We spend 2 hours in the store to get the things we feel we will need and then proceed to checkout.
My fiance hands the lady the receipt and his i.d. the lady puts in the info and its not working so she calls for a manager. The manager tries and then proceeds to tell us nope its not gonna work, this happens all the time. I showed the manager where on the receipt it says we have until the 9th of Feb. to use this. I told her that's unbelievable and that you would just turn customers away. The manager senses our frustration and proceeds to then tell us we can call the customer service number and see what is going on. come to find out the girl who had input my fiances info put in a extra letter! so, after about another hour waiting they finally told us what to say to the cashier to process payment.
We then proceed to try again and tell the lady we need to put the W after the digits etc. and she said its not working well come to find out she didnt listen to us and tried it twice without the W. when we specifically told her to add the W. FINALLY!!! it goes through. I was very frustrating on our end to go into a shopping center and buy the stuff you need and have to wait and wait for your employees to figure out what to do.
On another note more personal to me. I went into Walmart in Tawas City Yesterday to receive a walmart to walmart money order! Apparently the cashier in Owosso,MI walmart helped my friend fill out the money transfer and put in the wrong state! So, there i was ready to just receive money and was told oh must be wrong state. I was upset to say the least it was late and I had hurt my back and drove 25 minutes out of my way to just pick up the monies. My friend had decided that she would drive back up to walmart to see if they can change the state. You have to understand my friend just got released from the hospital b/c of seizures and she was pretty much bed ridden! and had to go back up to Walmart in owosso to fix a mistake your employees made.
I dont know if its the lack of training but as much as we shop at the Walmart in East Tawas and as small of a town it is, I feel ever since the first situation they remember us as the customers who gave them a hard time when really we were very patient and kind so they are not as kind in helping when we need it. Last nights situation was proof of that. I hope whoever reads this takes this to heart because your employees are the core to having a smooth running company, but when you have employees telling customers NO without even trying to help or fix the problem well that's what I consider Lazy and unprofessional.

I went into a Walmart store on 2225 W. interstate 20 Grand Prairie , TX to the the Automotive Department to ask the price on some tires. A lady by the name of Patrice in the automotive department was very rude. She did not want to look any information up she just kept saying in an abrupt matter I need to know your tire size. She lacked polish customer service skills. Her manager Brady was any better he just tried to justify her behavior. I will not buy any tires from this store ever. She said she was busy and did not have time to help me. One a sale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest I give her a 0.

Around 10:30 AM, Saturday, Feb. 6, I was leaving the store in Columbus, Ms. with four items in my cart when I encountered Jimmy, an older man checking items at the front door. He asked me for my receipt and I replied that it was in the first sack. I must have offended him because he gave me a hard look, reached for the receipt and stood there for a long while trying to intimidate me.
When I asked him to please hurry he acted as if I had said nothing and continued reading my receipt over and over. Either that or he could not locate the items, but it was clear to me that he was paying me back for him having to retrieve the receipt.
I am 80 years of age, cannot bend without becoming dizzy and often loss my balance. Of course he had no way of knowing this but to react in the matter he did was totally unacceptable when dealing with a customer of Walmart. I must have raised my finger as I spoke because he got right into my face and told me :" don't you ever put point your finger at me again". What a reaction for someone representing your store. I wonder how many more people he talked down to on Saturday. Thank you for reading my complaint.

I shop at Walmart in Semmes, Al. I and several other people had an ad from a fruit stand. Walmart says, we will match any ad, This one will not. I have had lots of problems matching ads there. First of all they will not match eggs. Why not? That is very simple, most of the time large eggs. This time last week they matched everything but eggs, then a day later they decided not to match 8 pounds of russet potatoes. I asked why?
Their response was the potatoes at the fruit stand are real big. When I went to school 8 pounds is 8 pounds no matter what size. I think you need to just do away with that whole policy so each store manager can't come up with their own rules. Then I and a lot more people will just go to the store where the sale is since that is what we have to do after we spent our time in Walmart. We uses to have the same problem with milk. It is always something different at each check out. If you are going to have a rule stick to it or do away with it.

I placed an order for a sheet cake that feeds about a hundred people. Told the lady what I wanted on the cake and told her the colors but when I went back to pick the cake up I was in total shock. The appearance of the cake was unprofessional and not up to par with what I know Walmart usually produce. I was not satisfied at all I have attached pictures for your viewing. Please let me know what you think?

I ordered a 7inch tablet for a xmas gift picked up at auburn Walmart dec. 19th ,on xmas gave as a gift worked fine for week, than would not hold charge, brought back to Walmart with receipt no box would not do even exchange and also said was over 15 days so could not return anyway. call the Walmart number they said not whole lot they could do either except for me to file complaint, they also said when you order on line I had until jan. 10th to return.
Was well before that date, very unsatisfied with this and all the time I have had to spend trying to return, than to find out it was within time limit that they should of let me return item. I would appreciate any thing you would be able to help me with this on going issue, and also educate employees on return policy for online orders would much be appreciated thank you

We got groceries at Supper Walmart in Hartwell, GA on 12/14/15 at 13:09:56. We picked up 5 Great Value Original Coffee Creamer. When we opened one it was French Vanilla; we opened another one and it was French Vanilla. We're scared to open anymore because if it's the same way we will not use it; it's nasty, a waste of our money, and without any coffee creamer. If you can't replace them with original creamer, I guess we'll have to change brands. I have my receipt and the creamer containers.

I ordered a tv on thanksgiving day it was supposed to be in the walmart store in Ash Flat Arkansas on Dec 9th 2015 well before Christmas. Well, it not there yet this is 12/22/2015 and no one know where it at or when we will get it. Talking to people on the phone with customer service is a joke be cause no one speaks ENGLISH. It sure would help if they did we might get this straightened out. We ordered this so we would have it for the CHRISTMAS shows. We saved all year for this tv when it came on sale.

Today (December 3rd. 2015) I ordered 2 toys from My local store was out of one of them so the site suggested a store an hour away that had it in stock. I hurried and paid for it so I could pick it up and have it before Christmas. About 15 minutes later I received a text saying one of the toys was no longer in stock. I called the store and asked how long to get the refund back to my Walmart Money Card. He said it was showing it was refunded already. It is not on my card. He suggested I call the customer service so I did. I talked to a man that I could barely understand that informed me it would take 7 to 10 business days. I said no I can't wait that long.
I have a fixed income with 4 children and up to 2 WEEKS is not an option. He said there was nothing further he could do for me. I asked for a supervisor and was put on hold for 2 minutes only for him to come back on the line and tell me the supervisor would not get on the phone. He said the only thing he can do is give me an authorization code for me to call my bank with. The customer representative at the bankcard had no clue what I was asking him to do, saying that wasn't something they did. So now, not only do I not have the toy, I don't have the money. I tried to get on the corporate site for a complaint number that took me right back to The email is sent to my local store. I am very disappointed and cannot believe there is no way to actually speak to someone at corporate offices.

I ordered an item and changed my mind as it was sale somewhere else and Walmart would not honor the price even though they say they add match. They refused to give me my money back and I had wait for it to come via UPS. It hadn't even been 5 minutes and order had not shipped yet. Totally unacceptable.
Once I received it I called them for the shipping label and the person on the phone couldn't even speak English good enough to be understood let alone understand what I was saying. He refused to transfer me to a supervisor and kept interrupting me. Very rude. I ended up hanging up and calling again. This time I got a woman and she was just as bad. Interrupting me constantly. Talking over me, condescending, and didn't understand English. Finally after 1 hr (I know right) she told me she would send the tracking label but I needed a copier to print it. I told her she could send it electronically to UPS and they could bring it to pickup the items. She refused trying to lie and say the company didn't do that.
I told her this and she still refused to do it. I finally gave up and just went to Walmart downtown but ended up waiting 45 minutes in the line to return it. Walmart is horrendous and they don't care if their employees are disrespectful. I have reported employees to managers before and they laugh at you or just make excuses. With as many people out of work as there are they could replace them but they don't care. Horrible company.

On November 24, 2015 my wife four month old son and I went to Walmart in Warrenton, Mo. I recently had back surgery, so I have to use an electric cart. We were going through the store looking for Christmas items for our kids. We had been there for about twenty minutes. My wife and I were in the back of the store and the battery for the cart went dead. I saw a manager so I talked to her and let her know about my situation. The manager did not acknowledge anything that I had told her, That being said having back surgery my doctor does not want me walking for long distances. The manager I talked to did not have anyone go and get another cart instead I was forced to walk to the front of the store in a lot of pain.
I had to use a regular cart as a walker. This is ridiculous I was under the impression that managers were supposed to be helpful and courteous to there customers in this case apparently not. I don't know what I did to deserve this, all I know is something needs to be done. I took the risk of falling an would have ended up in a lawsuit which is not something i want to do. The reason I am complaining is that nobody should be treated like this, if the manager would not have walked away so fast I would have her name but i don't. Thank you for your time and hopefully the Walmart corporate office will respond.

I love the false advertising Walmart does so well, *Near the bottom of the page you will see other heaters for sale and there sale prices, the URL is current. Do you see the Roll Back Price for the Lasko 5790 Oscillating Ceramic Tower Heater with Remote Control Was 44.98 now 35.00. So go click on that advertisement and wow it's on sale from $48.98 List price $59.72 Save $10.73. So what happened to the RollBack of 35.00. Oh yeah that was just to get you in our Doors.

Purchased one quart of 1/2 & 1/2 from dairy cooler, marked $ 1.88 was charged $ 3.52. Checked back with associate in area and found most all the items in cooler were priced wrong. Went to customer (frustration ) service for $ 1.64 refund, waited 30 minutes to take care of problem. Associates attitude was semi acceptable. By the way, you can buy 1/2 & 1/2 for 1.79 a qt. just about any place in town.

I ordered a Kid Kraft Kitchen on sale for $119 which was a nice savings. Since then I have bought the separate items that my granddaughter will need to use to play with the kitchen. This was about 3 weeks ago and I happen to call to check on it and found out it had been shipped to another store. Does your system not show somewhere where a mistake is made and you can correct it? If this can't be fixed I hold your company responsible for an unhappy little 5 year old because it won't be the one She wanted. Walmart ruined last Christmas because of a big mistake and your employees in Crestview Fl have the worst customer service and are the rudest people I have ever seen in retail!! Fix your system and make sure items are shipped to the right location, how hard can that be?

I read on Facebook where your Medina Stores manager, Janet, was not allowing the Marine For Toys for Tots to stand inside the store. If you want anti-military and insensitive individuals to manage your stores then YOU do not need the military personnel to shop in your stores. I am taking back my Walmart purchases of this past Friday and will not be purchasing from any of your stores in the future. Tell Janet she does not deserve to enjoy the freedoms the military have given her and hers. Next, I will write a letter to the Walmart corporate office in Bentonville, Arkansas and see what the CEO says.

I purchased a SCEPTRE X325BV-FMDR 32" LED Class 1080P HDTV on 11/21/2015 for $169.99. I see it online on 11/27/2015 for $159.00. I call the number listed in's price guarantee policy page, 10800-966-6546. The service rep, Angelee said they couldn't refund the difference of $10.99 and I must buy the new one listed online, have it shipped for free (but it would cost the company probably that much to ship it) and then return the item to get the $169.99 back. I told both her and the supervisor, Jobaline, that this made no sense as the returned item would then not be able to be sold as new, but neither representative would budge. For a lousy $10.99, they make me go through all this trouble and also have the company lose more than $10.99 in the process.

I'm an electrician, and we do new walmarts, and remodels. Today I was in Salem Illinois and the manager called the cops on us for trying to work. Said she had no information about the work. So basically the cops came and harassed my boss, and when I came, only black guy in this town, he asked for my id. And questioned my car, for some reason. Walmart has to do better.

I went to the Walmart store #01801 in Arlington, Tx 76014. To the layaway department where I have 55" Tv in layaway. As I stood there in line waiting to speak with an associate. There was a man (whom I assume was the department manager) marking down (already clearance laptops). As, he was marking them down, the associates behind counter where claiming their laptops and putting them under the counter? So, I asked the gentleman: are those laptops pretty cheap and he said yes ma'am. Then I said wow I didn't know the workers were allowed to stash merchandise or hold merchandise as side for themself. He said oh ah their not suppose to. I then said I would to buy one! He ignored me, once again I said I would like to buy one do you have anymore? He yes I do check with me in a minute. I said ok as soon as I'm done here I will.
As soon as I finished I went to the Electronics department and tried to find him but I did not see him anywhere. I asked an associate where he was and she said oh, he's on break. I then asked her about the clearances laptops. She said they are all gone. I then said well, all those employees sure are lucky and she said yes. Now I know this must seem petty to you but I know it is not good business to allow all your team members first bids on your items. Especially, if they are on the clock and are shopping instead of working. This does not seem fair at all and it really made me mad to know that you are allowing this practice. Especially, if one of your department managers was doing it in plain sight. If this is allowed ok that's your business but it should not have done in front of customers or be more discrete. I know you all get many complaints and mine will probably be ignored but we the customer would like some good clearance deals also!

On Nov 12th, I went to the Salinas Walmart at the Westridge Shopping Center for an oil change. I got there at 2:30pm and sat in car for 15 minutes until someone came out to ask me and the car in front of me if we had been helped yet. We stated no; so he came out to get our information. There were 3 cars in front of me, and two already in the bay, and I was told that it would be at least 90 minutes. I told him thank you and I understood. They finally pulled my car in the bay at 3:25. I got out and was waiting in the waiting area in the store. At 4:15 one of the staff employees came in and told another employee, "Those two cars have been sitting there and no one is servicing them; that every one had taken off somewhere". My car sat there for 45 minutes and no one did anything but put the hood up. So another employee went out to service mine and the person in front of me. Took them 15 minutes to complete the oil change. I have tried calling the store manager (Jose Alfaro Store #05751) several times this week, only to be put on hold forever: which i eventually hung up. He has no voice Mail?? What kind of manager of a store doesn't have voice mail. This experience left me very pissed off. Thank you Walmart for not having the customers back.

I bought golden rewards jerky chicken treats my dog almost died from being poisoned has cost me $400.00 to fix the problem and my vet has confirmed it was from these treats, she had 3shots and is on prednisone, amoxycliillin and benadryl get china chicken off the shelves. Walmart needs to pull these items from the shelves immediately!

The wine department in the Slidell la store on North Shore Blvd. has been completely depleted. Yellow tail Pinot noir seems to have been eliminated. I know this is not a supply issue because the store across town on Natchez has plenty of it. Likewise I can no longer find bulk boxes of Ice drinks. Instead a wall of bottled water seems to have taken the place of where these used to be located. I could go for an alternate Pinot noir if necessary but the least expensive I can find is upward of $10 a bottle or the very bottom $3 a bottle stuff, no midrange at all. If space is an issue please decrease the water isle & carry more wine & drink selections. I don't know why this has changed so drastically but I find myself shopping frequently at alternate stores so I can find the products I wish to buy. If the situation could be addressed it would be appreciated.

I arrived at Walmart at 7:52 to buy shaving razors prior to attending church services this morning. At 8:03 I told a Walmart worker that I need razors that were behind a locked cabinet. The worker stated that he would see if he could help me. No one ever came to help so, at 8:10 I went and told a Manager who called on the radio for someone to meet me with the key and get the razors. At 8:31 still no help so, I went back to the Manager and stated "how come there is such a big disconnect with someone helping a paying customer."
The manager apologized and did nothing more so, I stated that if no one was to help me, I would be leaving the store and Walmart was not worthy to my hard earned money and I went to Walgreens. Not only did Walgreens have the product but the price was also cheaper than Walmart by $2.00. My friends have vowed not to show in Walmart and now I feel the same. The store chain is too big and you people care nothing about your customers. Shame on Walmart.

On 29 November 2015, 9: 20PM my brother and I went through self-checkout. Wells Fargo gave my brother $100 to open a bank account. The only condition to keep the $100 without a monthly bank fee of $10.00 my brother has to do 10 separate purchases using his Wells Fargo debit card. Both of us told customers who lined up behind us that we would stop, so they could go make their purchase. But, after I explained it to each customer why my brother had to do 10 separate swipes they would just laugh and said to keep $100 they too would swipe the card 10 times. They then would say don't worry about it and would go to another register. This continued on for approximately 5 more minutes and all the customers who arrived during this 5 minutes all had the same reaction, "no big deal." Meanwhile, I start to notice an employee was getting irritated with what we were doing and says "can I help you?"
To which I responded, "no need to, everything is fine." But she would not let it go. She proceeded to act like we were disrupting the whole store. To which I of course, my response was "what the hell?" She kept on insisting we were holding up the line. At first I tried to explain it to her, but she wasn't accepting our explanation. I am unsure if you wish to discuss the matter, and I am unsure I want to go back to this store. I shop in this store quite frequently and spend close to $800.00 dollars a month. I do not understand what the big deal was. Like I say, none of the customers in line were upset with what was going on.
Only your employee was and she insisted that "just because we offered to let people step in front of us and make their purchase, that none of them would." I know if a customer in front of me said I could cut in front and make my purchase, I would, especially if I needed to get home or had to go some where. I really believe the issue here, is the employees wanted to close down the self-checkout registers. They only had one register left open. They had already closed down three of the self-checkout registers, so maybe the big deal was we were delaying the shut down of the final self-checkout register and this employee wanted to go home. If you feel I have a legitimate gripe call me back next time.

The Walmart neighborhood market is on the way home from work. It is convenient to get to. However, having to ring myself up because only the self checkout line is open after working a 12 hour shift is ridiculous. I didn't ask you to do my job at my place of employment. Help your customers for God sakes. Otherwise when I find that manager he can take care of himself when he comes to the hospital.

Went to local Walmart to purchase a green light for Green Light a Vet, sponsored by you guys. To our surprise, your managers at this Walmart had no idea what we were talking about. We proceeded to explain, however it fell on deaf ears. By the way, my husband and I are both veterans. Then we visited another Walmart on Hwy 35. When we got there, we ask some of your managers about the green lights. They had no idea what we were talking about. As we were headed to checkout, we saw a box of green lights. On the box was a sign saying Green Light a Vet. I commend the store for having them, but why did the managers not know they were there? Also, my niece, whose son was killed two years ago in service, could not find any at your stores in Port Arthur.

I needed a couple of ingredients to make a pie. There were no deep dish frozen pie crusts, Great Value brand or any other brand. There was also no dark corn syrup, Karo brand or any other brand. There were empty spaces where both of these items would typically be. I shop at Wal-Mart a lot, and I have never seen a Wal-Mart store be out of grocery items as often as the Wal-Mart in Wausau WI. I realize this happens every now and then, can't be helped, but it happens a lot at this store. I had to vent, sorry.

Racial Profiling: on November 3, 2015 I went to walmart in Fremont Ca (Albrae location) after shopping I went to register where a cashier name Narcisco, as he started ring up my items he looked @ me and stated I know this will be with your EBT Card right. I was shocked my daughter in-law and I was caught off guard with this statement, I said no he looked at me and stated you are buying a lot of items, I asked him do you ask every one you ring up the same thing he stated no, so I asked why me because I'm black he just said sorta, I told him you know that's wrong he said I'm sorry, you must not be from this area I said why because I took offense.. I just said wow and showed him my money and asked for a manager he said there is none on duty, and said really I'm sorry.

I ordered a couch from The box it came in was covered in black soot (which ruined my sweater and parts of my rug) and and the couch had a rip in it. Called customer service to complain, sent multiple emails asking for a refund or return, and still no answer from corporate. I will never order anything from here again.

I am a good Walmart customer. I am a general contractor. I wanted to purchase some Bostitch, 18v, cordless impact drivers for the business to try out. I purchase a lot of tools and like Bostitch products. On line you show this impact driver with 2 batteries (same for drill driver). I read the first couple Reviews where they clearly state this tool comes with 2 batteries. I placed my order. It arrives with only one battery per tool. This makes it almost worthless to me. We have to stop work to recharge the battery or use 2 tools to do the job of one. Had I known this was a 1 battery tool I would never have purchased them. Your advertisement is misleading. I am an UNHAPPY customer. You should modify your advertisement for this tool to correctly show only one battery. My wife, my business, and I have not shopped at Walmart since this happened.

I ordered an items off on Oct, 27 to be shipped to my local walmart to be picked up, The email confirmed my order would be ready by October 29. The funds were pending in my account to be withdrawn, however I never received an email telling me it was ready to be picked up. October 30 i notice the funds were deposited back into my account and i was unable to track my item on I assumed for whatever reason you were unable to process my order and just refunded my money without any explanation. This item in particular was a Halloween costume for my husband to wear to full fill a promise we made to our 3 year old son. We had to rush around town to find another item that was 3x the price just to full fill our promise. Oct. 31 at 1:07am i received an email saying my order has been process and it will be ready to be picked up Wed, Oct 28. THIS IS CRAZY! I don't understand how this could happen. I don't understand how a corporation as big as you all could make such a large mistake. You have failed me completely and i will be telling everyone that i know about this, I will be going to Krogers or Target my shopping needs. I hope you take this matter serious and fix it for any future shoppers!

I have been shopping at the Kewanee, Illinois Walmart store since it opened in the 1980s. Usually spending at least $150.00 per week. This will probably be the last time, I am unable to concentrate on what I'm doing because of the loud obnoxious music. This is something I have mentioned to the cashiers, but they do not listen. I have called the complaint line, but they do not care. Fine, you have just lost a customer.

I purchased 2 packages of pre- made cookie dough, chocolate chip from Walmart. Upon separating the pre cut sections of cookie dough, I encountered a hard white object in the dough. I do not know what it is. I have taken a picture of the section of dough with the "white rock" in the dough. I have placed the section of dough with foreign object and the packaging in the freezer. I had already baked all but the last row of cookies. The other cookies appear to be fine. I cannot imagine if I had sent these cookies to school and one of the children had ate the cookie with the "rock", choked, or broke a tooth.
Quality assurance at the plant seems to be lacking!

I tried to return 3 items of my late husbands yesterday( that I know longer need) and the cashier/CSM was so rude and snotty she made me feel like I was doing something wrong. " She told me that if I didn't have a receipt and if it was over $ 9.00 I couldn't return them. I totally understand that,but what I can't understand is this. I understand that this cashier/CSM has had a lot of complaints and write-ups and she still works there. If this was anyone else that works at the Pocatello, Idaho store they would have been fired along time ago. Now if you want her name all I know is her first name and it's Patty. I know I bought the items I tried to return at Walmart but she scanned one item and her prompt window said "item not found" that's when she got really snotty,just know reason for this kind of attitude with any customer.

My complaint is about two Academy Bank employees within the Walmart in Harrisonville, Missouri. On at least two occasions over the past few months, two of the bank employees were gossiping and insulting Walmart customers waiting in the check-out lines. In addition, they block the flow of customers trying to leave the store. Unfortunately, I fail to understand how their inappropriate behavior increases business for Walmart or Academy Bank. Although I am a frequent Walmart customer, I am annoyed that this type of event continues, and I am beginning to feel uncomfortable about returning to this store. I do not feel that i should have to travel an additional 20 minutes to another Walmart location because certain individuals do not know how to conduct themselves in a professional manner.

My wife and I looked up a cordless Dirt Devil vacuum cleaner BD22050 on your website and it gave a price of $59.99, showed in stock for pickup today at our local Wal Mart. I went to the store and they had it priced at $75.00 so I showed them the price listed on your website at which time I was told they don't price match your web site pricing in a very rude manner. I told the associate that this was bullshit and they could keep their vacuum, She then slammed the vacuum down on one of the checkout counters and stormed off telling me to leave. What I find most upsetting about the whole thing is my wife was able to order it online at the lower price and get free shipping to our home. To me this is a rather asinine way to do business as we got the cheaper price and you all are out the cost of shipping. Maybe you should rethink your business strategy as it alienates your customer base.
Dirt Devil Power Swerve 16V Cordless Stick Vacuum, BD22050
Average rating:4.1737out of5stars, based on259reviews259 reviews
Dirt Devil
Walmart # 558157193
Free 2-day delivery
Arrives by Mon, Jun 10
Free pickup today
In stock at Abilene, 4350 Southwest Dr
Add a Walmart Protection Plan
powered by Allstate
None2 Year - $5.003 Year - $7.00

I purchased a summer dress. Probably three or four weeks ago. I tried it on last week it is too short. So today I returned it. I am really really upset. First let me say I shop there at that store three to four times a week . Pay with debit card or cash. I really try to keep my receipts for a month. well I did not have the receipt for the dress . so let the function ... She said she checked for the last ninety days a d did not show on her records. So that left cash. So now she says the dress is on sale for $7.00 so I cannot get a full refund. HELLO!!! that dress has not been in the store for more th a. a month .... You know it is not fair to a good customer to be treated like I am trying to pull a fast one on Walmart.but is is ok for them to take almost three dollars from me. I do understand thAt people try to pull fast ones on stores but I am NOT one of them all I wanted was a full refund. I must say I will rethink shopping there as much as usual I just want to be treated fairly. Oh yes I had the price tag for the dress just not the receipt so unfair thank you for your time

What a piss poor excuse of a store Wal-Mart has become!!
I live in Richland County IL, I have shopped in the Olney location for 30+ yrs.
Todays trip just about topped it...
There are only 2 checkout lanes open with people backed up into the bathing suits and clothing because they refuse to use the new and ever present
self-checkouts...including ME!!!
I hate them and absolutely refuse to use them!!! There were numerous elderly people standing in line waiting, leaning on their carts and shuffling from one foot to the other...I felt SO sorry for these people.They are NOT convenient for the elderly because they just don't understand them, nor are they convenient for people with disablilties.
Someone from the CS desk finally opened up a lane, and I could clearly see that she did not like checking people out...well, TOO BAD!!
She didn't make eye contact with anyone, not even me and barely managed a thank you when she handed me the receipt.
You people wouldn't know what it was if it hit you in the Ass!!
You're supposedly all about creating jobs...CRAP!! When you put in self checkouts, how does that create jobs???
Customers are doing the employees jobs by being FORCED to check themselves out and bag their own groceries!!
WE don't work FOR YOU...we DON'T GET PAID BY YOU!!
If I'm good enough to walk my Ass off around the store to get what I need, I'm good enough for someone to check me out and bag my things!!!!!!
And then, you are going to start charging us so much per bag??? That's total BULLSHIT!!!
Wal-Mart isn't the only game around...there are other places to shop!!
Your Wal-Mart FB page is FULL of various complaints!!
You need to start LISTENING TO YOUR CUSTOMERS!!!...they're getting fed up!!
You can sit back and laugh at my little email...I'm sure you will.
I will be taking my grocery shopping somewhere else other than Wal-Mart, as many other people will or already have...BECAUSE THEY ARE FED UP WITH YOUR GREED...THAT'S RIGHT...GREED!!
I would hate to think how many times Sam Walton has turned over in his grave because of how Wal-Mart has become...
Corporate Assholes don't have a clue!!!

St. Robert, MO Walmart employees at the checkouts said that they were told that the Corporate Office in Arkansas TOLD them to close all but the few self-checkouts at 10:00 PM nightly. This is incredibly inappropriate, unsuitable and inconvenient for customers----especially for those who have a cart-full. Who wants to act like they work for Walmart by doing that anyway beside it being a huge hassle?? Then I found out today by calling Corporate that the Corporate Office DID NOT give the order to the St. Robert, MO store to do what the staff is telling customers (which is to only have the self-checkouts open after 10:00 PM). I hope to see at least ONE lane open after today for those who shop after-hours and DONT WANT TO CHECK-OUT THEIR OWN GROCERIES!!!

I shop at a Walmart in Maryville, Tn. The staff is great. So what is the complaint. You need to hire more people to work in your auto department. I went there on Saturday, June 1, 2019 to get an oil change. The time was around 3:00 p.m. I was actually turned away because they were too busy. So I tried again after work on June 6, 2019. Time was around 4:30. I waited until 7:15 p.m. and was told it would be at least another hour. For an oil change? The women setting next to me said she had been there 4 hours waiting to get two tire put on. Another man and his two kids told me that they had been there for 5 hours for an oil change and tires. Finally I went to the desk and told them to pull my car out of the bay. I hate that I had already wasted the time I had but I could not sit there possibly another two hours to get an oil change. I used to go to that Walmart all the time and get tires and oil changes but no more. The people in the setting area with me were saying the same thing, that they would never return. Can you not see that they have more help or at least check to see what the problem is. They are not in there rebuilding engines, it is mostly tires and oil changes, etc. I don't blame it on the staff, they are just simply overwhelmed. I won't be back and I am sure if enough customers quite going, they will have a lot of extra time to do oil changes, etc... but your company will certainly lose business.

I have been a regular customer of Wal-Mart for many years. This store has been declining ever since. They will hire almost anyone, suppose it's because of wages. I grocery shop there about three times in a month, which adds up to a lot of money. The most recent is regarding the "Snickers fun size crunchy peanut butter 21.50 oz. Pkgs." For quite some time now (about a year) they are containing bars that are open, half of it missing, and some are hooked together with nothing in it. We find this in almost every package. I brought them back( two pkgs) to customer service and explained everything that has been happening. She was not really concerned at All! She more or less made me feel like a jerk.. Her last words to me were "this is not a Wal-Mart issue". We are thinking maybe it's time to take our business elsewhere since this is not the only time we've had a problem. This store is in northern Mn. And started out as a very good place to shop. Don't. Like to pay for something We are not getting.

Good evening,
19 of my family members were in Pensacola for our vacation and we went to Walmart for groceries and swimwear supplies. I had 3 of my grandchildren therefore their mother gave me her Louisiana Purchase Card to get them some snacks. I paid $60.58 for the food items and my cash total was like $51.00. The register froze twice and the pregnant Walmart employee tried to assist me but it didn't help. Once she got it to work again my cash total went to $102.00. I explained to her that it wasn't right and she paged for management twice. Over a 30 minute wait no manager came and I told her to cancel the sale and I would pay for it. She apologized several times and stated that the food stamps would be back on the card in 6-8 hours. I spoke to BJ (she stated that she was the front end manager) Sunday June 2nd and she apologized but she stated that the food stamps should be on the card by Wednesday June 5th. I called your store Wednesday morning and asked for BJ but I spoke with Melissa. She stated that BJ was off. After explaining to her what happen she took my contact information and stated that she will call me Wednesday as soon as she find out what to do. She said if I wasn't out of state that I could come in and she would put the stamps back on the card. After she didn't call me I called your store Thursday and I was put on hold over 10 minutes. I called back and the receptionist asked if I wanted to be placed on hold because BJ was on the phone with the main office. I waited 5 minutes and ended the call. I called back one hour and a half later since I'm typing this complaint and I told the receptionist it was me again and I needed to speak to BJ. I am still on hold and it's been over 30 minutes. I took it to be extremely busy Saturday that I waited 30 minutes and no one came to assist me with my sale but to be put on hold today and no one pick up not even the receptionist. I think it is absurd to be treated so harshly. We spend a lot of money at Walmart and we don't deserve to be treated to unfairly. After over 30 minutes the receptionist picked up and asked how could she help me. I explained to her how long I waited and she asked if I wanted to speak to any manager. I asked her what was her name and she stated that the Operator can't give their name. She asked me to explain to her why I was calling and I did. FINALLY BJ spoke with me (didn't apologize) and she remembered who I was. She stated that Melissa didn't return my call Wednesday because your store was closed for several hours because of a bomb threat. She also stated when I asked why did she have me on hold so long that all the managers were in a safety meeting because of the bomb threat. She took my contact information again and told me that she would mail me something today before she go home. If your customer service is this horrible all the time I don't know how your business is making it. Please help me with the situation. This store management staff need more training.

Would like to let ou all know of m dissatisfaction with our all..
Ordered a L G 65" TV order # 4061969-120832 on May15th, to be delivered on May21st. Did not finish unpacking TV noticed that TV was already broken,
called customer service, they were helpful.Ordered replacement LG 65". order # 4121972-7669674..Had Fed EX picked up broken tv sent back.on May22
RePlacement was to arrive June 4 but moved to June 6.
June 6 @ 6:45 order arrives to find that the warehouse sends a TCL 65" tv not even close to a LG 65" REFUSED order
Again called customer service Had to order another LG 65" order #4281982-107089
Order to delivered June 20.
Now I have to wait 2 more weeks for the order when the first order took only 5 days from placement to delivery
Why can't the order be expedited (less than 2week) after all it was you alls mistakes NEED BETTER QUALITY CONTROL
LeRoy 480-708-0333

Your door greeters DO NOT need to see my receipt if my items are bagged. I will be taking my business elsewhere if you don't retrain them immediately. This is the last time I will be harassed by anyone employed by your company.

The best idea is replace who ever is in charge of your Pier Park Store on Panama City Beach, Florida. you must get a lot of complaints about how this store is operated. Last time in store 3 days ago after shopping for 45 minutes in the grocery dept. I go to check out at self check out and it was closed, "You need to go to the other end of the store to check out," I let over a $100.00 worth of stuff setting in the cart after one of your employees said this to me and 3 other customers wanting to check out. They all agreed, dumbest or stupidest thing they had heard, We all walked out together.
Whoever came up with the idea to move things around so not even your employees know where items were moved too. I'm so tired of hearing the same answer from your store employees "The item out want used to be on isle 7 but they moved it and I don't know where it is now". It's bad when your employees don't know where to find an item, How do you expect your customers to find it. I have started shopping at Publix and what a pleasure it is to shop there, employees know where almost everything is and not have to stand in line for 30 minutes or longer to check out. Price is important but CONVENIENCE is also important. You idiots don't seem to care about convenience for your customers. Tried your free pickup and sure enough you could not get this correct either, Waited for 10 minutes at pick up and they could not find my order...what a surprise.. You have a problem at that store, its not my problem it's yours. Hope you can figure this out, good luck. Won't ever shop at that store again.

On 6/3/19 one was at Walmart at 3001 N State Road 7, Lauderdale Lakes, Fl 33313 at the pharmacy dropping off one's prescription. The attending pharmacy technician was on the phone for approximately 10 minutes without coming to one's assistance. After making an attempt to get her attention one's request was further ignored and one was told to have a seat. One's pain was very unbearable and needed immediate attention. The next attempt to get service, one was told by the technician that she the technician was on the phone. One had to resort to raising one's voice to be heard to get attention. One was told at 9.30am that the prescription would be ready for 10.15am pick up. At 12 noon one had a family member to pick up said medication, said family member was told that there was no drop off and after several failed attempts it was found under a different name. This kind of customer service is unacceptable.
Awaiting your respond

I have been a Wal-Mart shopper since 1988. My husband and I had a motor home and traveled all over the US.I have been to 134 stores. My home is in Columbus,GA and recently decided to no longer shop at Walmart. It began with shopping our local neighborhood Walmart. The store now carries mostly great value brands, which some are ok but there are products that I would rather stay on brand. Then came the self checkout lines. I really don't mind that if I have a few items but not with a cart full. Then I noticed that there would only be one regular checkout and sometimes only self checkout so I stopped going to then neighborhood. I then just went to the regular Stores. We have several here. Now there is the same situation. This past Monday I went to the store on Airport Thruway at 4pm. There were 2 registers open with lines of people waiting. an employee was badgering customers to check themselves out. I had $237 worth in my cart. I am 53 years old and in Renal failure. I don't have the strength to shop,scan, bag, load and unload my own groceries. I've decided I would rather go to Publix and pay for the convenience. Many of my friends at church are making the same choices. I know times have changed and it works for some people but there are many that are like me and it doesn't. Thanks for years of good values but if I wanted cheap off brand food that I have to bag myself, I'd shop at Aldi's.

My two year old was tired and upset. Which I dont know what two year old who hasn't thrown a fit in public. Your worker Constence mocked him by whining at him. That is not okay. She also reached out to try to touch him. I told her it was not okay to touch my child. In today's day and age you dont know if my kid is autistic or a sensory issue. He didn't give his consent to be touched. I let her supervisor I'm store know it was unacceptable but she didn't seem to care. This store was in Blackstone Virginia. I have a receipt as my husband checked out.


Deceptive advertisement . And self check out machines that steal your money. Walmart store 1125 N Pine St, Deridder, LA 70634.On May 30 2019
we shop there and pickup pack of chap sticks which placed in a slot that said 1.00. when puchase price was 4.00 at check out also check machine cheat us of 2 pennies. it doesn't sound like a lot but imagine this done thousands of times with other consumers. I can only imagine the thousands of dollars stolen by a giant global co. who already reaps in billions and who don't care for their employees, Very sad. this episode has happen in the store here in Derider LA and in Leesville La Walmart. Very unhappy customer shame on you Walmart you are thugs . You don't rob with guns but you use technology and deceptive practices....

I have not received the replacement gallon of paint that was damaged when it was delivered to me and I put in a complaint about it weeks ago . 215-477-8734.

I keep seeing dogs in the store. They come in in purses and on ropes. They are in the food area, the clothing area, everywhere!! These are not service dogs. I know a service dog when I see one. These are pets and hunting dogs. Store employees say they can not stop them from entering. What type of customer do you want? Someone who plays by the rules or someone who makes up their own ?I can guarantee if I lit a cigaret inside I would be told to leave.

The pharmacist Olivia at the Beebe Wal-Mart store sold us an inhaler that doesn't work, she refused to replace it, refused to refund the purchase price and refused to give us back the prescription. Her only solution was for us to take it apart and fix it ourselves. My wife is still suffering without the meds and had to return for a new prescription. I told all this to the store manager Connie, she doesn't care and told me to leave. Been complaining to cooperate ever since, but so far nothing. Don't know we're to go from here.

I arrived at my local Walmart like I have done in the past 14 years. parked in front stall, and sat there for about 15 mins. then I decided to go inside and talk to the manger, One of the young kids runs in side, tells me it would be about 15 min! I looked at him and said, you could not tell me it would be 15 mins when you walked past my vehicle about 7 times!!! He got smart with me! I asked him his name! He told me it was none of my business! I told him I would never come here again, his replay was that's not a big deal. I'm very disappointed in the service that I received! I will not go back and I will voice my concerns with my friends and family.
Sincerely disappointed customer,
Bill Finnegan

One would think that returning a defective Walmart battery well within the warranty period with original receipts in hand would be a hassle-free, straightforward process. Think again! Leaving my disabled European vehicle behind in Cypress, I managed to make it to this Long Beach store, battery and receipts in hand. I presented the battery, and receipts, to the auto center personnel. This was done after guidance by the customer service department. The receipts revealed that the battery, Walmart's top-of-the-line " EverStart, 5 year, 3 year free replacement" , had failed after only two years. The failure was verified by another facility, and the in-op vehicle itself was proof-positive. But Walmart's succinct, & clearly printed warranty served only to confuse the auto center employee. He did not seem to comprehend the word "warranty"; obviously not comfortable with the many nuances of the English language. He immediately became loud and pugnacious, demanding I present the receipt from the shop that tested the battery! (What shop issues a receipt for a free battery test?!) "Where is the shop?" he demanded. "I want the receipt" he angrily continued. Becoming smug he then stated "it will take an hour to test the battery". I remember thinking "what country am I in?". It became clear the employee seemed to have been schooled in the realm of "mordida", and my continued presence would yield nothing but continued insult. So I unhappily departed, defective battery in tow. I am certain, if Sam Walton were watching, he would be saddened and disgraced. REP, Laguna Beach, Cal.

trying return a tv that was purchased at your store. they were very rude. I would like someone to call me. your west Brownsville, store

****MILITARY ***** (Navy) son has horrible experience at this Walmart location on Memorial Day leave. On leave looking to purchase some headphones so he could use when back in Virginia.. VERY SAD that he had to deal with this and especially to be treated as he did something wrong. I asked for Walmart to step up and do the right thing. Here is the story: We stopped in to purchase a set of Apple Airpods only to walk out of the store and open the package to find a lighter, vape pen pieces inside the case. Someone had repackaged and placed it for sell. We went into the store right away to speak with Assistant Manager, he stated that it was not a legit product. He would not replace or refund the item even after verifying the video surveillance. We were told to call Apple. Had to call the police and file a report at the store. Next Day spoke with the Manager Ruby, she wanted to review the surveillance and was going to get back to us and of day. That did not happen, I called back after waiting for a return call only to find out she left early for the day to attend a family event. Nice to know what she was enjoying herself while our family had to deal with the aggravation. Called again next day and she started they couldn't do anything, she did call the Vendor and Apple stated they were not going to handle. I've requested a response from her corporate office but don't expect much. If you purchase electronics or higher dollar
from Walmart it would be in your best interest to verify the merchandise before leaving the store. I get the store would be leery of scams but this was minutes of leaving the store. This has gone beyond the money and is more about principle. I've reached out to a few local news papers to share the story in order to prevent other from having to deal with this.

I went shopping at your Duarte, CA store. I was going to purchase 12 pack Shock top, 4 pack red bull and 4 pack monster. As the cashier was ringing up the items she asked for an ID, I let her know I did not have it on me, I was surprised since I am 56. My 32 year old son walked up and showed his ID. As the manager walked up, the cashier said she could not sell the beer to us since I did not have an Id. The manager said it was policy and that they could not sell it to my 32 year old son even if I was not with him for a 24 hour period since I did not have my ID. Unbelievable! Every one in line was staring at us, your employees were cavalier and seemed inconvenienced by us, that we were bothering them by needing clarification on the policy. I am happy to report that my local Albertsons had Shock Top for a good price as well and sold it to my 32 year old son even though his 56 year old mother did not have an ID. I agree with a policy of verifying the age of individuals prior to selling alcohol but once my son showed his ID verifying he was over 21 the sale should have taken place.

Today was the 2nd time I have tried to buy a tv at the Harrison Walmart. The 1st time was last year. First I could not find anyone to help me.
Everytime I asked for assistance, I was to told to wait and someone would be with me soon. New customers enter the department and someone would walk up to them and if they needed any help. I was very stupid because I waited an hour before I left the store. I went to best buy in Branson and was help within minutes and they answered all my questions and were very helpful. Today, dump me, went to Harrison Walmart to buy another tv. I did find some to help. this is what happened. I asked two questions about the tv,s. He answered both and started to walk away. This is Friday ant your ad on the Walmart page stated a sale for the holiday weekend. I asked if the sale was on or if it was just on Monday. He stated the sale started earlier in the week and all the sale products were gone and if I wanted to buy a tv that was on sale I should have been there earlier in the week. I don't know what is wrong. I guess I am not young or pretty enough because those employees will spend lots of time with them. I am just one person and I know my business does not mean that much. I don't buy groceries there and most likely still will. But anything else I will go somewhere else. You should tell you employees that it may be a lot of fun to wait on the young and pretty, but it is the older people that have the money. And trust me, WE will go somewhere else, Our money matters, and I do not have to spend it at Walmart..
Like I said, I may still by grocerties but any anything else I may need including electronics I will go somewhere other than Walmart
Margaret Metzgar

why is it when you purchase some Great Value products you get sub standard quality, i purchased a 12 oz package of Great Value thick cut sliced bacon after opening the package the bacon has a couple strips normal sliced (not thick sliced) and the rest is almost paper thin this is very deceiving i am very disappointed in your product i would think you would have better quality control standards than this

Hi, This Mahesh, I am this Reynoldsburg Walmart customer last 19/20 years, used to be a business customer also, and getting Tire and Lube service for me and my brother's family, around 6 to 7 cars and vans. This time I am terribly disappointed with Walmart Tire dept. at 2793 Taylor Rd. Reynoldsburg, Oh. 43068. who’s selling Goodyear Tires and not honoring either Road Hazard warranty or Goodyear 65000 mile warranty.
I purchase Two Goodyear Tires Assurance Auth from Walmart in Reynoldsburg, Ohio, in Nov 2016 with 43034 ml. both installed in front. As of routinely for the rotation and balancing, I went to Walmart this past Sunday morning, May 19th, they were balancing and rotation, but in the same evening with my bad luck I ran over somewhere on Nail and Screw on each tire. I went there for repair on Monday, May 20th evening at around 4:30pm and found due to some reason they closed the Tire department. Timings are 7am to 7pm. Then I went there on Tuesday, May 21st. at 2pm and explain to Mr. Tom. The way he acts, I feel like he is not in mood to honor the road hazard warranty and Mileage warranty. He makes excuses like I bought the tire 3 years ago (acutely 2yr and 6 months) and your tire don’t have enough tread on the Tire so we cannot replace your Tires, and he was forcing me to buy two new tires. In our conversation at one point he said (You just want free tires. He doesn’t have right to disrespects me like that) and I told him I am not here to get free tire I have a road hazard warranty and you guys should replace these tires under road hazard warranty. And then he calls Mr. Garly to handle this, they have more than 5 minutes’ conversation in between. Mr. Garly he acts like a supervisor and he also said my tires are not in good shape and refuse to honor me with road hazard and Mileage warranty. If my tire is not in good shape, then why they didn’t tell me at the time when they rotate and balance the tire and they did not even mention on their service order sheet. I told him how long I have been coming to store for all kinds of services and you guys treating me like this. Also in the rotation and balancing time they totally ignored that pothole cut. Most of the people working in Tire and Lube department are totally nonprofessional and non-technical and careless, and don’t care about Customers safety. When I ask him can I talk to the Manager then he said he don’t have any manager available right now. When I ask him to find some manager then after 12 to 15 minutes he came with lady Manger from some other department, and she repeats the exact same thing what Mr. Tom and Mr. Garly told me.
On first tire I have 4/32 and on second tire I have 2.75/32, They still in good shape to drive another 15K to 20K miles. Right now I have 86242 ml. means I drove only 43208 miles. I still have 21792 miles to go, according to Sam's Club, Tires still in good shape and Walmart should honor the Road Hazard warranty or Manufacturer warranty.
I would like to know how Walmart management justifies this situation and punish those people.
Today May 21st I purchased 4 Goodyear Assurance Comforted Touring Tires from Sam's Club with the best deal. I am pretty sure of myself and my family, Walmart lost valuable customers.
I am still holding both Tires with nail and screw in it. And one of it also have pothole cut on it, Pease see attached pictures. My contact number 614-961-2803 and email add.
My contact number is 614-961-2803. And my email add.

I was on your website and I wanted to buy your v7 dyson cordless vacuum cleaner for $299.99 When I looked up the website a day later It said that vacuum was now $399.99.I complained to your corporate head office and all I got was a woman named Sabrina V who I could not hear properly, Im pretty sure she was doing that purposely because 1 minute you could hear her clearly and the next you couldn't. She kept on asking the same question about the vacuum cleaner and then would go away and check,.she did this many many times, finally she said she found the item. I asked her if she would order it for me since I couldn't find it on the computer anymore and she said yes. My visa account number was given to her plus my adresse then she again said she would CHECK! when she came back she told me she would put me in touch with another customer service rep. That rep gave me the same bull and I was getting nowhere so I hung up. If walmart advertises a product on line and does not say when the sale is over they should honor that price for the same item!!

Yesterday on May 21 2019 I went to Walmart in the Ephrata area. I bought a 16 oz container of Wilton Rich Chocolate Icing. When I tasted it it tasted terrible. I looked at the expiration date and it had expired August of 2017. I was very disappointed as I had expected a good rich quality tasting icing. Also this was for my cake I was decorating for someone's birthday. Is there anyway this can be looked into and steps taken to fix the problem? I would like to see the old icing taken off the shelves of the Ephrata Wallmart in Pennsylvania.

I live half a mile from this store. Automotive department has a SLOW NICE gentleman working at cash register. He needs second young man at cash register. It ALWAYS takes LONG time to give a service. PLEASE send help!!!

I purchased a comforter from $57.49 on Friday 5/17/19.
It won’t be delivered until 5/23/19.
Today I got an email from Walmart that the price dropped to $24 . So I contacted Walmart for the price adjustment. I was told that the item came from another vendor and Walmart won’t adjust the price. When I order and pay my Walmart credit card I expect Walmart to honor the adjustment. If I wanted to deal with another company I would have gone to their website. I use Walmart trusting the integrity of the company.

I visited store #577 on Friday and again about 1 month ago to buy diapers for my granddaughter. On both occasions I am now being stopped at the door on my way out because the box of diapers are not in a bag, now you imagine putting a big box of diapers in a bag, but mostly you don't have bags to fit over them. Really so now your going to treat all of your customers as thieves because your large bulky items that DO NOT FIT INTO BAGS are thieves..... Its discouraging when I have to frequent this Walmart many times because I have to struggle to go to the mall or other places to buy items for my 15 month old grandbaby plus my 2 kids and husband and I. I suggest that if you dont want stuff not in a bag then you need to stop selling these items and put your stores to stuff that will only fit in a bag. Its very upsetting when people are starring at you like youve done something wrong and you have like 5 other bags in your cart plus a box of diapers and a potty chair. ( LARGE ITEMS) it's really disgusting of THE NOT SO GREAT WALMART TO TREAT THERE CUSTOMERS THAT WAY WHEN THERES NOT MANY PLACES TO SHOP AT. So I think you need to fix this issue with me now that this has happened to me now twice and I am almost sure if I go buy another bulky item that this will happen again. Fix your stupidity and don't blame me if your employees can't do their job correctly and catch thieves. Don't treat me as a thief when I have stood in your rediculous line because you won't hire people to work the registers and expect people to work for free by doing the self check out. So fix it, your not so happy customer......

I called to Walmart (1825 Rockbridge RD, Stone mountain Ga 30087) I asked to be transfer to the meat dept. I was left on hold for about 5mins, then call drop. I called back spoke to a African American women, I ask to be transfer back to the meat dept. She stated she couldn't transfer to that dept. She asked me how can she help, I ask her did you have the case of whiting, she stated I just left from over there and there is not no whiting today. To me that was very odd, I went a step further and use you Walmart app, that stated you all have whiting fish in stock, so surely I took the drive to the location, and discovered there was over 6 boxes of whiting fish. She straight up lied. I use a gift card that was giving to the school for us to by items we needed for the kids picnic on this past Friday. I used $73.34, which left a balance of $26.66. I went to you your Centerville store and the card decline. I'm like I know there should be $26.66 remaining on the card. I went to customer service, where it was discovered someone use my gift card. I had to pay out of my personal money, because you all have fraud. I was told to notify the Rockbridge store. I called and spoke to Timothy he advise me that I have to go back to the store where the card came from, however I live 1hr away from this store. He also told me that you all are aware there is a scam going on. With that been said, I don't feel like I shouldn't have to commute the other Walmart which is off of Peachtree industrial, to get my money back. I have been dealing with this since Friday, what a inconvenience.

I have made an online order on the Walmart website with the option "Pick-up in store" on 13th of May. I have received the notification that it was delivered on 15th of May but the store is telling that they don't have it, not even after several days. The store is telling me to call Walmart Canada, Walmart Canada is telling me to contact the store. This is the worst experience I've ever had.

Large Holiday order from was received damaged and defective. Returned in person with store manager. Promo codes were received to make up for AWFUL experience. Final code did NOT work. Upon questioning with on-line chat my account was deactivated. Call center supervisors created new account for me so promo code could be applied. The new account was also closed. Tried a third time with supervisors instruction and assistance. Third account closed. All returns were accepted as an item cannot be returned without being accepted. Walmart has a return policy, yet they penalize a customer for using it. Items ordered from ALWAYS arrive with problems. Boxes, bags burst when thrown from whatever delivery service. Items inside boxes defective and damaged. You can NOT shop with confidence. I suggest Amazon as they appreciate their customers.

This is the second shipment that has been damaged in shipping. First it was almond milk not properly packaged and 2 half gallons leaked out completely before it got to me. This time I have 2 bags of flour torn and all over the box, and I am missing 5 pounds of sugar! I am in a very small town and have transportation issues now so I can't even get to the nearest Walmart, which is 16 miles away. I guess I quit ordering from them and start ordering from Target

This is a consumer complaint.
Yesterday, while shopping at the Grants Pass, Oregon Walmart, I was walking down an isle to get some Tums for my sick husband. While pushing my basket down the isle, an above cameo was filming me, and snapped pictures of me. I was not stealing, nor was I near any products, yet I could hear the camera click and two bright lights flashed off in my eyes. That is not acceptable and feel very violated by Walmart's tactics to invade my privacy as a customer and to take away my personal space and right to shop in peace.
I am appalled at their intrusion of privacy at my shopping trip of 5/6/19. In the past, I worked for attorneys and a Police Department and have never stolen a thing from Walmart!
When I called to complain, my call was given to an Assistant Manager, who said no pictures were taken and denied it happened. Then she said, apparently the camera was just "rebooting".. I do not agree.

I shopped 5/5 at store # 02955. I bought 2 outdoor chair cushions. I paid for them, with a basket of other groceries through the self-serve check-out. After scanning them, I placed them on the bottom of the cart while I scanned the rest of my items. Apparently on my way out of the store they must have slid off the bottom rack. They were lightweight and the material was kind of slick. After driving about 8 miles home and unloading groceries I realized I did not have the cushions. I have tried to call customer service 7 times in the past 24 hours. Either I get no answer at all when I call the store phone number, or if someone does answer they transfer me to Customer Service and then no one answers there. I let it ring and ring and ring. I would like to know if anyone turned in the two cushions. Of note, this Walmart store (133rd State Line, KCMO) has steadily gone downhill , in my opinion. It is the closest one to my home and I shop there on a weekly basis, but I am now willing to pay a little more to simply cross the road and give my business to Target and hopefully receive better customer service. These c/s issues arise and there is no one to address them. If you don't care, you'll soon find there will be many less customers to care for.

Daughter had a tire fixed and 12 hours later it's flat try to get it off lug nuts start breaking off. Call wal mart and he has no answers as to how I'm getting this tire off. So now I'm having to pay a mechanic to get it to his shop and get the tire off. On the 2 remaining lug nuts. Should also mention that it was already missing 1 lug nut before the tire was fixed. Found this out on paperwork. And when we tried to get the tire off.


I purchase the majority of our groceries at our local Walmart Store located at 5101 SE 14th St in Des Moines, Iowa. Recently I have noticed that our store no longer carries the Rotella Bread that my family loves so much. I spoke with a Rotella employee at another store today (where they still sell Rotella Bread) and asked him what had happened. He said that he had heard that Walmart was going more nationwide with the merchandise that they carry. I personally believe in buying local. With stores all over the U.S., I would think that they would prefer to stock the shelves in each location with local products.
I would like to see the Rotella Bread back on the shelves at all of the Walmart store in Des Moines. As is since Walmart is not providing that choice at this time, I find myself going to other stores that do and that is an inconvenience for me, but worth it.
Please reconsider your decision to remove Rotella Bread from the selves by putting it back on your shelves.
Kathy Pullman
Des Moines Iowa

the pharmacy in granite city would not fill a Doctors prescription saying I need to talk to the Doctor it is not the job of Walmart to pry in my wifes medical history I will talk to a lawyer about hippa rights and Walmart.

May 3, 2019. I took a unopened DVD BLACK complete First Season 31398 28380 to the Customer Service counter 1650 W. Maloney Av Gallup, NM 87301 505-722-2296.I did not have the receipt. The cashier said it was Item not found. I told them it came from their store.
I asked to talk to the manager. An Assiatant Manager Vilda, said it did not come from thier store and refused to listen.
In front of a store full of people, she basically called me a LIAR.
This is Gallup, NM, the store employees are Navajo, and I am a white women, and flet attacked. The manager took no time to help, but continued to embrass me in the store.
Right now, returning the DVD is not an issue, but the act of discrimination is!
The DVD did come from Walmart, for Gallup, NM is a small town and there is no other place to buy DVD's.
The assistant manager is rude, neglectful, prejudice, and not a people person, and cannot handle store situations.
Maybe I need to seek other legal advice...
Geneva C Davis
1801 W. Aztec
Gallup, NM 87301

The gates you have installed is a pain in the you know what. You have added more self check out lanes and taken away full service. I hate this and so does every one I have talked to, I have gone to Walmart for years but I am seriously thinking of switching to Meijer in Danville, Illinois, Please do something to correct these problems. IT IS A MESS!!!!!!


we purchased a ATT sims card at your store in AZ we moved prior to using it lost our receipt only to find the sims card is no good...……...

too long of line checking out..more cashiers please..thanks.

All of the self check out lines. If you have a cart full of goods the last thing you want to do is check yourself out. there are 4 lanes that are not self serve. you can wait in line up to 45 minutes to get checked out. I used to be a checker at Albertsons if I wanted to be a checker and get paid for it I would still be a checker. there is no incentive to self check, how about 10 to 15% off since you are not paying a checker or a bagger. I normally do all of my shopping at Walmart but have changed to WinCo as my time is valuable and I do not have time to check and bag a cartful of items. Sad

I bought some pork rids at your Ephrata wa store. they were so bad that they were rotten they stunk . I never buy meat and food from your wall mart again. you .need to clean up you meat dept .. .people do not have money to buy rotton products . I will tell people not by from wall mart

I checked out on 4/1/19 and 2 feet from the checkout at the door, I was stopped scanned my receipt and then He proceeded to take out 5 easter buckets that was 90% off 49 cents, counted them, took pictures of them, I could not believe what I was seeing, He told me that anything that is not in a bag is to be counted and pictures taken! I paid for these items and I feel that he did not have the right to touch my items, I am 76 years old and never in my life has this happen before, 49 cent buckets!!!!! Everyone I talked to I told them to make sure that every item they buy at walmart to put in a bag, even if they have to tape them around the item, What is going on with you people, I have shopped at walmart for years and this is a sad thing to happen.

I was in Walmart located on Annapolis Road, Lanham, MD and wanted to purchase a Xbox game for my grandson, I was informed that they only had one Key as they had lost the other one. Understandable I could wait until the key returned, but when the employee who had the key returned I still didn't get any service, actually Robert the CS Rep who informed me stated he wasn't going to help me when one of the cashiers said we were still waiting. I finally flagged down someone else and they retrieved the key and assisted me.
If the young man was having a bad day he should have clocked out and went home. I guess he got upset because I asked why we couldn't get the game again. However, this is no way to treat a customer. You need to train your customer service staff on effective customer service. If it had been him and he got treated poorly he would have had an issue. This should not be tolerated.
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