Walmart Complaints Continued... (Page 12)
1684+ reviews added so far. Upset? Call Walmart corporate: 1-800-WALMART
I purchased a "Mainstay Stainless Steel, 1 Quart Pot w/straining lid" at the above Walmart. I must say this is the sorriest pot I have ever purchased. It has already torn in 2 places from the heat. Unbelievable. Made in China as is everything you sell at Walmart, and the prices are getting higher and the quality is in the toilet. I have cut my visits to your establishment and now I will switch completely. Just thought you should know Walmart quality sucks.

I went to Walmart in Bainbridge, GA for an eye exam and glasses at least 3 weeks ago. I like Dr. Williams but the service for the glasses is terrible. I have been given stories from my order was canceled to they were sent to the wrong store. I am now on my way to pick up my prescription and to get a refund for the glasses I paid for and have not received. This happened to me there 3 years ago but that time I did get my glasses in 3 weeks. I do want you to know that everyone I came in contact with has been nice but I still did not get my glasses. My complaint about Walmart is there seems to be a lack of communication between the store and lab or someone is incompetent.

When we go to the Walmart near the corner of Military Trail & Linton Blvd. in Delray Beach Fl. It is necessary for my wife to use a motorized cart to shop. If there is one (and there is one available about 50% of the time) it quite often doesn't work, or stops working during use. I could wheel her around in her wheel chair but the store has no small baskets to hold on her lap to carry items for purchase. Also, we would be willing to wait for a cart if there were several and they were all in use, but there is no place to sit down either inside or outside the door to wait for one with the exception of one chair by the return desk. We don't find this problem in other Walmart stores but the Delray store is much closer to us. Thank you for you attention.

Very rude and unprofessional employees at the paint department. One is a lady with lots of hair and one is an older guy. Neither ever gets the color right or have any sense of customer relations. We have complained about these two in the past. Once directly to the kid that manages the place. Nothing changed. Nothing ever changes. Surly, rude, incompetent, aloof, ignorant and ignoring. Good choice of customer contact staff.
Occasional we run into an employee who is happy, helpful, knowledgeable, real. Perhaps these folks should be moved into positions of customer service and get rid of those old bitties and young twerps with the attitudes. If you want our business, then earn it. Just cause you're the only store of this type anywhere near here does not give you the right to tread on common customer decency.
Might I recommend a round of ability for all employees before they go on duty? I understand Prozac is pretty good too.

I am writing my complaint letter because this is the second time I have experience bad customer service at your walmart tire and battery dept. the first time I was returning a battery under warranty. After returning to the store for two days straight I finally got the issue resolved. I understand that sometime it takes time to resolve issues. So I decided to give it another try . Fri Oct 16 I took four tires and wheels to walmart get mount and balance. I told the associate at the counter that I want my tires mount and balance. When I return to pick up my tires he told me they had to put new valve stems in my rims and needed to charge me for the valve stem I told him I had just put new valve stem in the wheels. After he checked with the installer they didn't change the valve stems. I also told him that I wanted the raise white letter showing.
The put the black wall side showing. After I told to the tire installer he said he would change the tires for me, but he couldn't do it today because he had other customers in front of me. I had to wait until Sunday to pick up my wheels. I enjoy shopping at walmart but I believe this is unacceptable. Am really upset with the way I been treated. I really considering not even shopping at walmart anymore. I would have talk to the Manager but I was so upset I though the best thing for me to do is to write this complaint letter. Location: Walmart #01525 7430 Bell Creek rd Mechanicsville, Va 23111.

The same thing happens over and over every time we shop there. Now I like Walmart and shopping there, but your cashiers need a lot of work as far as bagging groceries go. For example when you bag groceries and a customer provides the cashier with insulated bags for frozen food or produce that is what needs to go in there not shampoo and other things not food related, or cleaning supplies bagged with food items. I worked for Brookshires Grocery stores when I was in High school and learned how to bag groceries properly. often I have to request the groceries be bagged how I just explained. Tonight I had one of the same cashiers I said nothing this time because I wanted to see if he would do it the right way, no surprise he did not.

Your stores are depleting fast, that's all I'm going to say. Customer service has ultimately died with Sam Walton. Such a shame, good idea, and it is absolutely dead now. I think now, you have over stepped your bounds, and management everywhere I've been, needs intensive training on service and respect.

I ordered a drill on October 2,2015 and used a debit card.The order said it would arrive the 6th of October and no later than the 9th of October. I called the 9th when I did not receive the order. The order was never sent so I wanted to cancel and now I can't receive my money for 5 to 7 days. They never could tell me why the order wasn't shipped.I want my money now to go buy me another drill. I have had a terrible experience with this order. I should have my money back by Wednesday.I'm going to be expecting by then.

I have purchase Walmart soda in two liter bottles for over 10 years, in the last four months I have often found it did not taste the same as it use to. Last spring I found I had purchase 6 bottles and found a few to be out of date. Then when in a store this summer I was talking to a grocery manager about finding some horseradish out of date and I mentioned I had gotten some soda that was flat tasting and wasn't good. We went back and found all the sodas that I drink did not have expiration dates on them. Today October 11 I finished a bottle and it was not good either. When I was putting it in the trash I saw that it was out of date on 8/15/15. Good by Walmart.

Now i don't know if all of this is because of vendors or if walmart tells the vendors what they want but i have a list of products that i have bought from walmart in the bloomsburg and buckhorn, PA. store that i love and bought a lot of and bought frequently and out of nowhere they just stopped selling these products. For example, Jello brand pudding, Boston creme pie flavor, smores flavored rice krispie treats, barbecue flavored goldfish blasted. The list is now up to about 12 products total and i am beginning to think that they watch to see what products i am buying so they can stop selling them just to make me mad. I'm not really thinking that but im not far from it. I love all these products and believe me when i say i bought a lot of them to the point i know they cant tell me they stopped selling them cause they weren't selling good at their store cause i would bet i bought enough myself each week to to ensure they would continue getting them. I'm so dissapointed to the point i am gonna stop shopping at walmart even if it means that my grocery bill would increase 200 dollars a week. Whoever, if anyone reads this thank you for your time and i hope to hear back from you.

Why do you not send prescriptions anymore? I live 20 plus miles from your store and use over 12 prescriptions between my wife and myself, needless to say they all come due at different times. I used to call in my prescription number and they would send it to me and charge it to the credit card on file. This worked well and I didn't have to drive there and stand in line. Today I went to refill prescriptions and was told they could not throw the empty bottle away I had to take it along home. That is the last straw. And you want my buisseness?

I do price matching there and now when I went in over the weekend to to my price matching they said you could no longer do it with out the adds well I cant always get they from the stores. and you are not to ask where the deals are coming from I guess to many people where talking advantage of it is they are not to ask you were what I was to well I spend a lot of time looking into these stores to get the prices to go there they not have fliers to let you take home with you. some times its in store offers for the day or week.How can they take it away. I cant afford to pay all those prices. With out price matching don't you people ever watch coupons and the stuff they get on that show.I would like to keep this conversation be tween us its called privacy. I don't need no hard times with this Walmart. People like me need the help that's why I spend a lot of time going to these stores and asking my friends when they go to other stores to get prices.they are not allowed to ask you were it is from this Walmart is very rude to you they don't want to help you and they are very rude. you are going to lose a lot of people shopping there if this keeps up.

I was in the Rowlett Texas store. Needed two television, walked to the back of store in t v section. It was about 9:30 it was very busy. I needed help decided to just go ahead and get two television.Lost prevention was watching me the whole time felt uncomfortable . Start to register stop to get some boxers left shopping cart to the side of isle until I look, came back it was gone, less than five minutes. Someone had return it back to the television section. When I ask no one knew nothing, but lost prevention followed me the whole time. I could tell, felt like I was being targeted.I go into the store at lest twice a week. I spent 668.80 that night. I am going to tell all my friends about this experience, because it was not right.

I see from this site only having only one star this will be useless to file a complaint but here is my story I bought a Fulton at the Corbin Ky Walmart after getting someone to haul the large heavy box to my home and then getting someone to put together the frame they unwrap the mattress only to find a stain all the way down one entire side this did not happen at my home my husband is 68 and I slightly behind him, after a huge job of taking this back to Walmart we were told we had to bring in the complete set all they had to do was change the mattress we would have taken the display one but after waiting 2 hrs a manager said no had to have frame and all, this is the2nd time and last for me at any Walmart store we bought a TV it went bad just about 1 year from date of purchase we paid 348.00 and they would not change it either , your customers has made this company so rich it don't give a d--- about America or its customers I will never buy from any Walmart again no compensation was ever made for the TV and none for the Futon sure hope all \you Walmart owners enjoy your dirty money you make off people your day will come .Never buy at Walmart again.

I used to live in El Paso Texas. While In El Paso, I discovered a cheese called Mennonite cheese. in 1986 I moved from El Paso to East Texas. I looked everywhere but could not find Mennonite cheese until a couple of years ago. I discovered Chihuahua quesadilla cheese and realized it was the Mennonite cheese that I had so long search for. yesterday I went to Walmart to restock on my quesadilla cheese but discovered that wal-mart has discontinued it. Why is it that everytime someone find something good at Walmart you eventually discontinue It. it may be something trivial to the people up at corporate office however it was something very important to me. and I am sure that there are a lot of people who are extremely pissed about this matter as I am.
I know that the product was a good seller because there was always empty spots of it on the shelf. I don't know what kind of marketing strategy you're idiot and corporate are thinking of but people are getting tired of it and they are shopping elsewhere. You are not the only grocery retailers in the world. I have just about this I did you start doing my shopping elsewhere because to tell you the truth there really is no difference between your prices and your other leaving competitors. since Walmart was the only place that I could find the chihuahua cheese but you don't carry it anymore there's really no reason for me to continue patronizing your business.
I would also like to point out that you need to start training employees on social skills. there are some of the most out of touch young kids working for you who know absolutely nothing in customer service.

I stopped using my phone after I payed my bill on 5/19/15, because I wasn't getting what I was supposed to have w/unlimited internet & texting , and calling. They said it was a problem with my phone, so I had it back to the store a number of times. They said they couldn't do anything for me, so I switched companies & told family mobile to discontinue my service. I haven't even had the phone or any usage of it since May, yet they just sent me a bill for $ 61.82 yesterday. What kind of company are you people running?
Even your customer service department shows no usage , yet your billing department doesn't have enough sense to stop billing people. Is this some kind of joke , or do I take it up with the attorney general's office. I have been a loyal customer of Wal-Mart, how ever this might change things if you have such incompetent people in your billing department. I have no intention of paying for some thing that I haven't had the usage of.

I shop at the Walmart located in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin. The store smells like something has rotted. Produce is often left out too long before being removed after it spoils. Lunch meat ruins in only a couple days after purchase from the deli. Their are not enough associates to help a customer and if you do find one they are often not working the area you are in. However, my biggest complaint is the store's temperature. It is way too hot in that store, I have breathing issues and the heat makes it difficult for me to spend any amount of time shopping there. I am not the only one who says this, I heard many customers and employees complaining about how hot it is
And why is it a product you need is there temporarily and then you never see it again. you find good food items and then they are gone and replaced with an item more costly that is similar. If this is what Walmart is going to do to it's customers to keep the greedy profits high, then I surely hope Meijers comes to Beaver Dam. Prices are fair, they have a good variety, they have good employment foundations. You better get with it or you will be joining Kmart. Start selling better clothing, shoes and stop getting it from China. they are poorly made, too thin and shrink.

This is a matter that is causing me great concern as it has occurred many times before when shopping at Walmart stores. I frequently shop at Walmart Super Food Center Store in Eufaula, Alabama, and on four occasions after I had finished my shopping I swiped my bank card for payment and I wasn't required to use my bank card pin number, sign a receipt or show identification. We, cardholders, go through a lots to protect ourselves from credit card scam and identify thief by having a pin and other card protection.
If Walmart allows anyone to use a card so freely without properly ensuring it is being use by the rightful owner, what is the purpose of having a pin number and other card protection? The pin number is to ensure that the card is being used by the right owner. When a card is lost or stolen and used at Walmart stores who is at fault, since it is so easy to use bank cards and credit cards at Walmart stores and no verification is need.
When I use bank and credit cards at other stores I am required to give my pin number and sign a receipt I would like to know what will happen if a bank or credit card holder bank account was drained by an illegal cardholder, it happens all the times? Just a few extra minutes to verify will add more security to the cardholder bank and credit cards and it will save a household many lost dollars with just a little extra security.

Went to Walmart Eye Center on Red Bank Road In Cincinnati, Ohio. Everything went well until I was asked to pay an additional fee of $40.00 for a eye contact assessment fee. At no time was I informed of this fee, not when I made the appointment, not prior to the exam. I don;t mind paying additional money as long as I am informed prior. My insurance does not pay this fee, so I walked out without my contacts or glasses.
I suggested that the Eye Doctor compose a form with a sign off indicating that there is a fee. This stops the he say she say BS, which of course came up. Had I known, I would have scheduled the appointment when I had the funds in my budget. Now, I don't have glasses or contact and my insurance is gone. Having been an office manager for years, I do not feel that this is the way to conduct business, and sincerely feel that this additional cost should have been waived due to the inadequacy of this business.

I have been calling Walmart sine April trying to get a product into the store so I can start buying from there. I've asked more than 5 times giving the information of the product that i want and we're now in the middle of August and still no results.
All I asked for was Zummos party time sausages. Now I know Walmart carries this particular sausage because when I lived in Texas I brought them all the time. The company is located in Beaumont Texas and yes I can order them myself, but why should I have to pay $59.00 for shipping on a case when I should be able to buy from Walmart where I reside in Denver Colorado and a case would only be $39.00.
This is just totally unacceptable to treat a customer like this. Four months at trying to get Zummos sausages to be put into Walmart. I've been shopping at Walmart for years and years and this is how you get treated. What a joke. I've dealt with several managers and all they can do is lie to my face and tell me that they can get the sausages ordered. I live 3 minutes from Walmart so I'm there every other day looking for the sausages and still no luck.
Hopefully the next customer that asks for a specific product to be carried will have better luck.

I went to the Cottonwood Arizona Walmart, I had Purchased a swimming pool in July and I needed pool filters.Today the temperature is in the high 90's when I went to go to the pool section I was looking but inventory was a little low. Working next to me where to associates of Walmart I asked the older woman if more pool filters would be ordered? She surprisingly, and very rudely responded, "I won't be ordering any more of those.
The seasons over", I was so taken back with her attitude And such a blunt response, I did not get her name. I did compose myself for a Moment and ask why would these be out of season because it is almost one hundred degrees out still and will be until the end of September? And she responded "oh well corporate doesn't care they will just kick this out of here". I'm very sorry I bothered your associates work today, and I'm happy to say I found these filters online for much less money anyway. I just wish Some Walmart associates were a little bit more customer service inclined it doesn't take much, but to apply yourself.
I left your store today empty handed, I had a list that had much more than pool filters on it.

I bought a new Max battery in March of 2013. It had a 3 year free replacement on it. I had to buy a new battery August 6, 2015. Walmart was going to charge me the full price of another battery. When I ask the girl about the free exchange she had to ask someone else then he (the person she asked) had to ask someone else and it did not work out to our satisfaction so we left the store and went to AutoZone. I asked the associate what free replacement meant at AutoZone, and he said, "free replacement". Needless to say we bought the battery from him. 1st. really bad experience at Walmart. You really should stand behind the warranty.

Because I have had problems in the past with being double charged for items I prefer to use the self check out. Today I was told by an employee that self check out is for twenty items or less. I asked if there was a sigh that stated that and was told " we can't put up a sign". I have never had that problem in Walmart or any other stores that offer self-check out. If this is some new policy there should be a sign visible to customers before entering the area. Please tell me if this is your policy. This happened at the store at 6210 Annapolis Road Landover Hills Maryland 2-784.

I went to Walmart on 66th & Brown Deer Rd, in Brown Deer, Wisconsin, to purchase a roasted chicken and a $25.00 birthday gift card. The clerk at the register rung up my purchases and told me that she put the card in a separate bag with the chicken. I said ok. When I got to the door I looked in the bag as I was walking out of the store, there was no card in a little bag like the clerk indicated. I made it to the car and continued to search for the card, there was no card in the bag. I went right back into Walmart and confronted the clerk, she said she put the card on top of the bag. I asked her to look right around where she was standing no card in sight. She told me to go to customer services with another gift card and they would approve it.
When I told all of this to the manager he told me that they do not replace gift cards. The manager told me after they looked at the tape that there was nothing he could do, but he did say that when you buy a gift card, that the clerk should have given it to me in my hands, which she did not do. If the clerk had given me the card in my hands like she was suppose to do I would know that I was responsible completely for losing it. This gift card was a birthday gift for my great nephew for his 1st birthday, money is very tight I am on social security and I could barely afford to give another $25.00.

I brought my car in to purchase a battery and got an oil change my car was fully operational. When I came in when I got in my car to drive away. I turned on the air conditioner no air I returned and reported it to the service department person that serviced my vehicle. He said he only did what he did I explained to him that I had air when I drove in there. But he kept saying the same thing about 5 times I ask for a manager. She came out looked under the hood of my car said the same thing. He said then they walked close to each other and made a comment while I was looking right at them that I didn't have air when I came while I am looking right in their mouths. I had air when I came and I feel it should have been working. When I left I expected to get my working the same way it was when I gave to them when I got it back.

I had a worst experience of my life with Walmart automotive manager Carlos in Monroe, LA. He was so disrespectful and refused to help me. I drop off my care for tire change and headlight restoration. When I came back to pick up my car, there was a scratch next to headlight. So Carlos the manager was called on. He was a big man and told me that he was there so he really don’t know if this scratch was there before or not. Per him, auto manager, Chis who worked on my car was off that day but somehow worked on my car and left.
He even did not have Chis number to call to verify. He told me Chis will be back on Monday and I can come back. But he cannot let me take my car without paying. While he was talking to me and tries to scare me other woman employee was just laughing at me. I was alone and he was big man on face telling me he cannot do anything because he did not work on my car. So I just paid and left because I did not knew what else they can do to me. I am having nightmares since then. What going to police will do that Big man took me on side and scared me. Sad will never step in that Walmart again.

I shop at Walmart often in London, Ohio. I shop there several times a week and spend plenty of money there. I am finding more and more that the store's stock is poor. A lot of times I find that things I buy all the time is gone. I have not seen the English Toasting Bread on the shelves in weeks? I complained once before and they got it on the shelf for a while and now nothing for several weeks. There are other things that have not been on the shelves for weeks: Very Veggie Salad, Tom and Jerry Gummies, extra wide plastic wrap, Magna Life Medicine for Sciatica and Sam's Club Italian Meat balls. There are other things but the bread and salad I buy alot. Please get them back on the shelf along with more of the medicine.

I was at the Wal-Mart on truxel in Sacramento on July 6, 2015 and send money through the Wal-Mart to Wal-Mart money transfer to my daughter in north Dakota. the customer rep. inputted the information wrong. she put me as the receiver. my daughter went to the Wal-Mart in Fargo to pick up the money, she couldn't because she not stated as the sender. I call the truxel walmart and pleaded to them that I am at work and cannot leave to come at the store, can they fix their mistake and they refused, I requested if I have to leave work I ask that walmart pay my mileage and time loss from work to accommodate their mistake after being tossed around with several managers, they offer to pay one way of mileage only. I need to speak with someone who can fix Waymart mistake and not inconvenience me or my daughter.

I was in your store in Iowa City Iowa on June 17th at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. I wanted to make a purchase from the jewelry department and could not get an associate to come to the counter to open the case to get the frozen necklace I wanted. I went to the self checkout desk and asked the person working there to open the case so we could get the necklace and she responded I will get a supervisor. No one came to ask if I needed help. 4 associates walked by and I asked each one to open the case 2 flat out pretended like they didn't hear me and the third one responded that she was not on the clock. I asked the associate one more time for help with no response. Is this how you promote customer service I was totally disgusted and it will be a long time before I enter this store again. I hope in the future your company can do a better job about educating your staff about customer service because right now it flunks on the grading scale.

I purchased an AirFree P1000 from Walmart, which orders from a 3rd party to sell to the public. The item came, it broke and Walmart's customer services was contacted. They did nothing to assist in a refund. I had to rely on Consumer Protection in my State. Walmart is quick to sell you products but they are not open to receiving refunds, nor are their customer service up to par. Their customer service is extremely poor to none. They do not honor their company policy and finally they do not value their customers. It is sad that a company that has taken over many cities and states and pride themselves on being family oriented in providing low prices, etc., they do not help families. They are only after money and nothing else. They treat people like nothing.

Saturday, May 23rd, 9;00 ish, Platteville, Walmart.... was shopping and went to the automotive dept to get a gas can since I forgot to bring mine to town and needed lawn mower gas. I got it and couldn't figure out cap pieces as to how they went together. I looked for someone and I looked for someone then went to the auto counter and rang the bell 4 times...NO ONE!! Another couple was there waiting for help who haven't yet been helped either.
Finally approx ten minutes later, I dropped the gas can right behind the counter and left so they knew someone was not happy. THEN I had many things to get. In the grocery aisle by the fresh produce, I heard a women explaining to a man why their were no produce bags and she said we are out of them. I looked and their were none so I left without produce.
Then up front between the produce and the check out there were 2 men talking and one looked like maybe a manager openly complaining about not having staff etc etc.... what a downer...with the billions of dollars our CEO makes you sure as hell should have staff and you surely should not have unhappy staff complaining in front of your customers.
I spent 405.00 dollars there which I do 2 times monthly and I will not ever shop there again but then again that doesn't mean anything to you I am sure.... my shopping will be in Dubuque at Hyvee etc....

We ordered a Wedding Cake...with extra fillings. All the people at the Wedding asked where we purchased the cake because it was all lop sided. I paid $156.00 with tax for this cake and it was a disaster.
I went two days prior to the cake to be made and spoke to a Robert that was in the Bakery Dept. I waited for the decorator...she never came...I paid and left. When I went back to the Bakery to talk to the decorator to ask why this cake was like this and to complain because I thought $156. and being a Wedding Cake, it would be as ordered.
Well, no cake decorator to complain to again. I got to talk to this Robert again. He stated that the decorator never showed the day of the Wedding to make the cake, so he had to pull other people from the floor to make it! I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Can you look into this for me please...what we pay for on a special cake is the decorating...we pay mostly for labor...
The thing is, the Groom works for WalMart at another store. I asked if he could get a discount, that was before the cake was made, they said no because food is not included in his discounts. But....the cake was a disgrace. Troy is an excellent worker at Walmart and has been told this by many associates where he works on Power Road.
The Wedding Cake is one of the most important parts of a Wedding. This should never have happened especially to him or any other customer for that matter. Please look into this matter for me? It was at the Apache Junction Store on Apache Trail.

On May 8, 2015, I stopped into the Dubois, Pa Wal-Mart to purchase 4 gallons of paint/primer. One gallon of exterior white primer, one gallon of exterior white paint/primer and 2 gallons of exterior porch paint color wheat. Last Saturday I had people here to paint the porch. The primer had been applied, dried and one gallon of the porch paint was applied. Today, a week + one day later, we opened the second gallon of porch paint, and instead of the wheat color, it was white. Just the base, no color.
So I called Dubois Walmart, and explained the situation to them, and they told me to bring it in. They would give me the right color. I explained to the lady I live 50 miles from the store, and it would be 100 miles for us to make a trip over, and feel I should be compensated for the time and expense. She said she would have to put me in touch with the manager.
Shortly, the manager Tony came on the phone and listened to what I had to say. He agreed it was a terrific inconvenience and was quick to offer me a gift card to make up for any inconvenience they have caused. So with that, I said okay. We made the trip over and got the color of paint I was using, and went to customer service and picked up the gift card. I just checked the amount of the card, and it is for $20.00. A trip over and back costs us at least $40.00 in diesel fuel.
We have a pick up truck and that is what it uses. It is not my fault the clerk did not put the color in the paint. That was her job. It is not my fault she did not check to see if it was the right color, as I showed her the sample. While I was standing there today waiting on my paint to process, the same thing happened to another woman. The only difference was the clerk took the cover off of the can and checked the color, and it was white base, and it was supposed to be a blue.
I am finding more and more mistakes are being made in customer service. Fast food is almost impossible to get the order right, the post office is constantly putting someone else's mail in my box, I have to return several times to the Walmart Pharmacy in St Marys, Pa (86 miles round) to get my prescriptions they don't put in my bag.
I am so frustrated with the poor customer service I have been getting. I am sure I am not the only one. Please, reassure me that this poor service is not here to stay. I am 70 years old, dealing with my husbands Alzheimer's disease, heart disease and prostrate cancer. It would do me well if people would be more conscientious about doing a good job for their employer and making sure the customer is being well taken care of.
And in return, the customer will tell the world what a great place it is to do business. In the mean time, until I hear differently, I will take the extra money I pay in fuel to return to Walmart to get something right, I will go to Sherwin Williams and purchase my paint there.

This is the third time I have purchased milk and found it be to sour when I arrived home. Also I have an issue with the manager on 2 small single broccoli purchase, which was total incorrect. The checker charged me for 2 double broccoli wrap in cellophane instead of the individual ones. Not a major deal, the difference in price was approx 2.00. In fairness to the manager I only had the receipt and not the 2 small broccoli with me, I didn't appreciate his attitude at all. I'm live very comfortable and certainly not in the practice of trying to cheat anyone.

I purchased two bottles of cascara sagrada @ $5.44 each & was charged for three. I also purchased a PK2 freezer bag that was marked @ $3.95 an was charged $14.97. I also purchased a small carry bag that was marked $7.50 and was charged $7.97. So I was over charged $16.91 + tax.
I don't usually stand there at the checkout and go over the sales slip. Never had to before. But this is outrageous. While I'm venting there is something else that happened about a week ago: at the speedy checkout as I checked out, the cashier was going to charge me $.33 each for 15 key limes that cost $1.12 per pound. But I caught that one. And as I spoke to the male cashier, I could smell a strong sence of whiskey. This was at the Walmart supercenter @ 4331Thousand Oaks Drive San Antonio Tx 78217. Tuesday the May 13th @10:36 AM.

After shopping in the Lake Park FL main store I decided to wait for the liquor store to open at 10 AM. A few minutes after opening time I went to the door to find 2 employees waiting outside. Management had not yet arrived with the key. Employees both said this was an every day thing. At 10:10 the assistant manager arrives starts to unlock the door and then remembers the alarm was not turned off. She radios for someone to check the alarm board to see if alarm is off, A few minutes later she unlocks the door only to find alarm still on. So the doors are locked again and more radioing for assistance. At 10:15 she unlocks again, alarm still on. She said she would let these customers make their purchases, which had to be credit card since the cash drawers weren't set up, and close the doors again. It's one thing to have this incident not an "everyday" thing. Shame on the management team at the Lake Park FL store #3348.

The Porterville CA store is filthy dirty and has very narrow aisles. I am surprised that the fire department has not condemned it especially on big shopping days such as Black Friday. Most of the time the shelves are not stocked and are frequently empty. This is not the norm for most Walmart stores. I have traveled in several states and have frequent several stores in each. Unfortunately the one closest to me happens to be the filthiest and the most cramped in space. I let my wife do shopping in this store because I get angry just walking throughout the store! We only purchase what we MUST here. Nothing more.

I've been standing in jewelry department for twenty minutes while the only worker is changing watch batteries he gets to second watch can't get the back off customer ask to try proceeds to meanwhile your WalMart employee standing there Isay sir could you get this ring bare in mind he just watching customer work on his on watch he says in a minute I'm perturbed name was Joseph tagged service manager LOL he would be floor crew sweeping if he worked for me!

I bought 2 50 dollar straight talk prepaid phone cards in different months that were no good. the store refused to give me a refund even though I had my receipt and wouldn't even give me another card. In total I was out one hundred dollars in phone cards I purchased expecting them to work. I switched to a different company and the manager and employees were very rude, not helpful and it was basically, sorry, not our problem. I find this inexcusable and refuse to shop at Walmart unless this is fixed

So I've shopped at this store 4080 Stevens Creek blvd S.J Ca. for about 20 times , had problems a least 5 times. When I say problems I mean downright annoying ruin your morning type problems , all at the check out side of things. The place is great in that there is no waiting (until you check out) because nobody shops there, that can't be good for you Today I packed up my groceries in one of your bags because I forgot mine , but my debit card with about $1000 would not go through , or maybe it did it said approved but locked up and went back asking me to insert payment. So I might be out $17. As usual there was no one up front to help, this time they were having a problem over at customer "service". I knew this was going to be another pain in the ass situation.
So I just pushed the card in front of the kiosk near the registers and left , not a soul noticed. It still amazes me that at every time I've been there, there is literally more employees then there are customers. How can they have so much confusion with 10 people on line at any time. I've shopped at the store on Showers Dr in Mt. View and in 10 yrs I've had maybe 5 problems total. I would estimate that being more then 300 times. There was fresh strawberrys, small blueberry pies , Cheetos , broccoli , lemon pound cake , banana's and maybe a couple of other items. The reason I tell you what "I wanted to buy " was , unless you have allot of other customers leave a bag full of groceries in front of their front register kiosk , they should remember it. This purchase was from the self checkout register , which is the only reason I shop there.

I was at the Quinlan Texas Walmart this morning about 10:00am and bought DELO 15w40 4 gallon oil. I decided that I needed to get a couple more this evening to change my other vehicle and went to Greenville Texas. The price for the same oil was a little over $1.00 difference.
I asked the cashier and she said she would was other store to verify and did, asked for a manager and he said he could only make one at that price. Why is this if it should already be the same price at both Walmarts? He was very rude and did not want to help and said that it was only $1.00. His name was Ronnie Roden, I would like to see about getting the rest of my money back and talk to someone that is concerned about this matter.

I bought a new battery for my lawnmower April 2014. Today, the battery was dead and would not recharge using my charger at home so I took it to our local Wal-Mart- 1359 W. 2nd St. Waldron, Arkansas, at 1:30 PM where I bought it. It said two year free replacement on the front of the battery.
When I arrived I was told that they would have to check it for the charge and it would take about 30 minutes. I asked about exchanging the battery because of the Warranty and she said we have to check it first. I didn't have a big problem with this for the first 30 minutes but then I was told that it would be another hour and a half before they could determine if it was bad.
I asked to speak to the manager, Debra, who said she was a manager showed up after 20 minutes of huddling with two other workers, Vickie, from the maint. department where I was standing waiting, and Pam from the information desk up front. Guess they were getting their stories straight. Vickie finally came on back and said how may I help you, I said I think you know why I am here. She said well it's our policy to check the battery before we can make the exchange and it will be another hour and a half before we can determine if it is bad.
I guess the beating on the charger didn't make the battery charge after the first 30 minutes of waiting. She said the warranty doesn't mean anything, we have to go by our policy and you will have to come back later. I tried to tell her that I had someone hired and waiting to do my lawn and I needed the battery now and the battery had a two year replacement warranty on it. No such luck....after waiting until 4:15 PM it was determined that the battery was bad.
After much defending of their policy, I finally received another battery, however, it didn't make up for the long 3 hour, unnecessary wait plus the $50. I lost from having to pay the lawn person who had traveled to mow the lawn and couldn't.
This may seem like a small matter but it isn't. Some of our Wal-Mart employees are very rude to the customers and no help at all. On my way out I told Pam at the information desk that the battery had been determined bad, she said well it isn't my department anyway. So I am wondering why she was back there with the manager and Vickie putting in her two cents on why they shouldn't be making the exchange. Maybe it had to do with the truck battery that I bought for $105. dollars last year and it was dead when I got home with it and wouldn't crank the truck.
I took my receipt of about 30 minutes old and asked for a different battery as this one was dead. Pam said did you hook it up in the truck, I said well yes that's how I know it is dead. She said well it voids the warranty when you hook it up and we can't make an exchange due to our policy. So my new $102. dollar battery is still sitting at home hoping that some day the truck may start by magic from it.
Waldron Wal-Mart store could certainly use the Boss under cover visit. Plus an attitude adjustment for some of the workers. Mr. Walton would be ashamed today if he was still living. This home town policy- if it really is a policy- needs adjustment.

I will never again go into you Walmart store in Springfield Pa. The employees that are in there are the most miserable people I have ever seen. They don't smile, say hello, how are you, nothing comes out of there mouth. I work in retail so I know you are suppose to smile, make eye contact with customers, say hello, how are you, can I help you with anything. Also this store is very messy I have never seen such a messy store. Also all the employees that work in this store seem to have a chip on their shoulder. Yes Walmart will never be seeing me again.

I have never seen so many expired products in you refrigerated department. I picked up a roll of cookie dough and it expired April 2 the next one expire April 29 after going thru about 6 or 7 rolls I finally found one that expires on May 24. I told one of the associates and he took the expired rolls off the shelf, {about 12 rolls}. I went to get packaged ham, and again all expired packages. I put them aside and got so frustrated I left without my ham. That associate picked all the set aside ham and put it back on the shelf.
I hate going to Wal Mart more every time I have to go there. Since you put so many stores out of business, you could at least put products out that are worth purchasing.

This afternoon at approx. 6:30 pm, I went to purchase a fishing license.The man working in sporting goods called for a manager. After about 20 minutes, I thanked him for his assistances and left the store. It would be different if it was 9:00 pm, then I would understand the lack of staff in your store, its a shame with corporation as large as Walmart you can't find the man hours take care of your customers!! By the way I work in retail also, my customers don't wait 20:00 minutes.

On April 23, 2015, I purchased a Walmart family mobile and starter kit for my daughter. I did not open the starter kit and phone til today May 4, 2015 to surprise my daughter for her birthday. In the process of activating the phone with the starter kit, the customer rep. tells me the sales associates have given me the wrong starter kit for the phone.
So I take the phone and the starter kit back to the Walmart with the receipt. First, I go to the customer center and hand her the starter kit as you know the sims card is broken from the board and its in the package. She tells me to take it to electric department. I am not thinking that the sim card could fall out so when I get in that department there is an associate that does not know anything about the Walmart family mobile phone booth. Not thinking, he takes it out of my hand. Once again its been slammed on the counter, carried many times back and forth to the fixture.
Finally, he calls the assistant manager and she says she does not know anything about the Walmart family mobile. She takes the package over to the fixture as well. Finally, she says we will return it and give you the right one when she opens the package the sim card is gone. Then she tells me that it cannot be return because there is no sim card.
I tell her that the sim card was in the package and I made sure before I came into the store that it could have fallen out with all the carrying back and forth to the register. She tells me their is nothing she can do. I told her first of all her associate sold me the wrong starter kit with the phone second why would I drive from my house without the sim card when I am trying to surprise my daughter with the phone.
Now I have a phone that is not working and I don't have any money to replace the sim card and the customer rep had already given me a phone number upon activating the phone. Now I am about to be charged for minutes and the phone does not have a sim card.
So I call Walmart store#0604 to talk to the manger, Stephanie Hines. I was on hold for over 20 minutes then finally the same asst. manager gets on the phone and tells me the same verbiage about the sim card which I understand but I would not be going through all this trouble if the sales associate would have given me the correct sim card in the first place. I continue to talk to her and she calls me a liar by saying that I never had a sim card in the package.
I thought customers are always right. I am a manager at J.C. Penney and I don't care what goes on, the end result the customer is taken care of regardless. Then she tells me they will review the cameras to see if I dropped it. I'm wondering to myself how will you see that little white sim card anyway. I ask her did she need my number and name.
I guess she took it down because I called at 1:20 P.M. today May 04, 2015 because she let me know that it will take an hour and thirty minutes to view the tapes. In Dothan, Al. it is now 4:48 P.M. I have not heard anything. What kind of business is this?? I am disappointed on how I am being treated!! All I want is the correct sim card to work my daughter phone.

On May 4, the lady across the street asked me and my wife for help to get her a TV out at Walmart. She is 94 years and can't get out. She sent a check with me and we went to the Halleyville Al, Walmart. We picked out the TV and was directed to the pay out counter. The department head was on the phone so a new sales person stated she would have to call the owner of the check.
I gave her my phone and she was told it was ok. The dept. head stopped with her call long enough to say that they had to have the lady's drivers license number on the check and I told her that she is 94 and hasn't driven in the last 20 years. She was rude to us and I ask for the store manager and he was too. He didn't even care what I had to say. The dept head should have gotten off the phone and took care of the problem!! I paid for the TV and will not shop with Walmart in Halleyville again!!

Seems like whomever is doing the ordering at the Macedonia store doesn't have a clue. I have gone to this store on different days and different times and every time I do I never get what's on my list. Response is always it will be on tomorrow's truck. I hope things change otherwise, I will be taking my business somewhere else

I and my sisters are frequent shoppers at the Walmart stores in my local area such as Shelby and Gastonia. We went out of town visiting in Salisbury North Carolina and Raleigh and was quite pleased when we got a Walmart in Kings Mountain, North Carolina. I am also a grocery shopper at Harris Teeter in these areas and a e-vic shopper and compare prices frequently to the prices at Walmart.
Today my sisters and I had to go get some items for the gift bags we do for Mother's Day at our church and so we thought to kill two birds with one stone by doing all of our shopping at Walmart. Imagine our surprise when the manager at Walmart, Pam Thomas, told my sisters that you do not honor e-vic specials which can only be generated my e-mail. When did this become the norm for price match?

June 2014, I purchased a refurbished General Electric Remote Controlled 10,000 BTU window A/C unit. I am mechanically savvy, my A/C's compressor does not turn off but I am quite sure I can fix it. I called the company who refurbished the unit what the Serial # or Model # my unit is so I can troubleshoot. I was told "we strip the unit of all identifying numbers as per Walmart's request". I was told to contact Walmart and get the numbers from them.
I called Walmart and was told "you have to contact the refurbisher because we're not allowed to give out that information." I asked "why is that, that doesn't make any sense?" The brilliant answer I was given was "we don't know why we can't give out the numbers, but to call the refurbisher and get the numbers from them". Again, I called the refurbisher and explained Walmart just told me you will give me the numbers, and once again, I was told they can't help me with any numbers. WHAT IS GOING ON WITH YOU PEOPLE??????

The vision manager is not very good . They broke a pair of Coach frames and she has be mad ever since. We then purchase a pair of glasses from them (not her but another worker). My daughter and I went in again to purchase a pair of frames and she was there and very rough (once even saying duh). I am ready to take legal action on her and your choice of managers. Other customers looked at her and us and said as they left, (is this the way they treat people). This was not the first time she has been mean and she has treated us with disrespect. We cant help that they had to pay for other glasses due to us signing a paper where they were not responsible if they broke them. Also she did this in front of my grandson which had done nothing to her. She was a piss poor choice for a manager. I give her a 0 for her attitude and she is the manager in all vision locations in Murfreesboro Tn. and sucks at her job. I will tell anyone that ask (don't piss her off).

I want to make a complaint about the Walmart pharmacy in Rogersville,TN. My husband and I came in to fill prescriptions and than we asked how long it will be. The lady told us that she has no idea. I was a pharmacy tech for 2 years and know for a fact that you are supposed to give a time never ever," I have no idea".
To begin with, the doctor had called our prescriptions in, and we transferred one from another pharmacy before we arrived to the store so we gave them at least an 45 minute window to have our meds filled before we showed up. We went home because our prescriptions were not ready. We went home and called 10 minutes later to see if they were ready at the time. Now this has been well over an hour and they said it would be 20 more minutes so we had driven over there a few minutes later to pick them up and we couldn't afford to pick them all at the time.
My husband had told the cashier that we would like to just pick one up that day and get the rest later. The lady had told them that they could not separate the meds because they were all linked together on our insurance. I know for a fact that if someone wanted to separate a prescription whether linked with insurance or not, we should have been able too. This was all pure laziness and unprofessional! I am very upset by this and will not be returning to this pharmacy in the future. Again this was the Rogersville, TN pharmacy store.

On April 20th, my elderly father purchased some flowers at Store #3255 - Mississauga, Ontario Canada. The flowers were intended to be placed at my brothers grave (he passed away recently) as it was his birthday that day. When he and my mom opened the flowers, they were completely wilted and only two twigs were useable. The wilted flowers were thrown away at the cemetery.
On April 22nd, by father returned to the store with his receipt to ask for another bundle or his money back. The customer service desk was unable to help, so he asked for a manager. I can only assume it was a duty manager that came (white, young, very slim, and very rude & sarcastic) to address my father. My dad explained the situation, & the response from this jerk was to tell my father to retrieve the wilted flowers from the cemetery garbage to show him how bad they were Yes this is what he said. Insulting, insensitive, rude, & a jerk.
I can't imagine this was the store manager - Walmart seems to have a better level of store manager in place. This "manager" should not be in that position to represent your brand. I expect a response, & an apology to my parents immediately.

So I applied for a card, and it went through. One week later, it's 11:30 and I am rushing before they close to buy what I need. I tell them "I haven't received my card so here's my ID like the manager had told me before." The cashier says "you need the slip" "that's not what the manager told me." He takes my ID then claims he attempts to do it "no it doesn't work."
Now, I'm getting angry "well I haven't received my card and that's what the manager said I could use until then!" "Are you done?" He asked. Well no duh I'm done with this store. He blabs about a small slip I got that even said bring ID not slip. I just say fine and walk off. Thanks a lot Walmart! I couldn't get my groceries because of your stupid cashiers who didn't even attempt to help me

I went to the Walmart in Lehigh Acres, Fl on Sunday to get my oil changed. When I got there, all the techs were sitting inside with nothing to do. However, I was refused service because I just changed phones and did not have it with me and did not remember the number. I called two days later to talk to a manager about this and was told I have to give them my phone number to receive service there. I will take my business elsewhere for now on. Very poor customer service!

On Thursday May 23 and Sunday May 26, I went to purchase cold cuts. On Thursday, the Meat slicer was down, so they were unable to slice cheese. On Sunday, I again tried to purchase cold cuts this time both slicers were not in use. This is not the first time this problem has occurred, doesn't the store manager have someone on staff to get these machines in working order when a break down happens.

I was in Walmart yesterday in Clearlake, Ca. to buy a few small items and picked up one of your bags to put the items in as you have no small baskets for that purpose as most box stores do. Your employee who checks receipts and items purchased at the exit door came over and told me I was not allowed to use the bag to place my items in and that security would be notified if I attempted to do so. Our conversation became heated. I walked off and proceeded to shop.
My husband and I normally shop in your store twice a week, and often use your bags to gather our purchases in and this asinine event was perturbing to say the very least. Normally my husband is with me and if this would have been the case yesterday an unpleasant incident would have occurred. We are senior citizens, financially sound and pleasant, but when an event of this nature takes place, we refuse to be treated as trash or criminals. Shopping at your store has always been an enjoyable experience but after this incident we are planning to shop elsewhere.

Recently, I bought 2 pairs of capri pants. One were Levi capris and the other another brand. I returned the Levi pair to get another size. The lady that I asked (Paulette) argued with me and told me I didn't get them there. My receipt says Levi capris. Well, she called another person (he/she with neck tattoos) who argued also and told me not to get an attitude. They were just SO rude and tacky that I left the store in tears. I've never been treated that way before. I have always shopped at this store and hope to continue to. I just didn't appreciate being talked to this way and treated like i was.

I would like to know as to why water has been taken away from employees in loading/unloading area? If there is an issue with them not cleaning up with themselves, then reprimand them some other way. You have a female manager that did not like the way they were keeping their area and has since won't allow them water. This is outrageous.
My other complaint is they should not be able to go back close to a year before and bring up missed days. You have 10 days from the date that the infraction happened to bring it to the employees attention. How dare you guys bring up something that happened 6 plus months ago. This is unethical. This is all happening at the wal-mart store in Adrian Mi.
If your corporation can not or will not treat your employees better than this, I will not be spending my money at your store and I will make it a point to tell others as well. It may not seem to big of a deal to you to lose a customer, but I would think you would not want any more negative remarks.

I purchased three (3) Richfield Studios 2" Room-Darkening Blinds, White, Size 30x64 under order number 2677-247-768067 almost a year ago. One of the 3 was hung in the master bedroom above a radiator. Shortly thereafter the bottom left half of 4 or 5 slats began to curl, and could not be straightened. I swapped a Richfield blind from another bedroom and hung it in the master bedroom location. It too began to curl similarly to the first instance. My radiator gives off uniform heat and the steam valve, much further down, happens to be on the RIGHT side - opposite the side where the curling occurs.
Now I have 2 horrible looking blinds in two different rooms. I suspect a defect in the material used in the manufacture of these blinds to react to normal heat from an efficiently operating radiator. Certainly blinds should be able to be hung over an existing radiator without the extreme curling I am now experiencing.

i visited Walmart on vann drive Jackson tenn. April 24, 2015. I do require assistance for long distance shopping and need an electric cart. This is the third time I have been and at least 15 carts are bagged and out of order. Unacceptable!! The amount of money spent in a week alone should have replaced these ten times over. Shame on you Walmart and management for letting this happen and not keeping your end of the deal with the handicapped!!

My complaint is the loud accusation of being a thief. On 4-23-2015. My daughter and I went to the NEW Express Walmart on 420 S. US 69 in Leonard, Tx. 75452. We where pulled to the side and had our receipts checked our merchandise that we had. Nothing was stolen. Everything was paid for. But after everything was checked the cashier was still saying that we had things not checked out and paid for.
We used the self check out. I will never go to any Walmart again... That was embarrassing and rude. The cashier never once apologized after it was proven everything was paid for. I work with the public everyday and that isn't the way to handle things. I will go back to our neighborhood Family ran grocery store.

Do you think closing the stores to rip out and replace plumbing to cover up employees illegal disposal of hazardous waste down the drains will hide it from the eyes of the Government agencies and the Public? Isn't that huge fines and hard jail time, not to mention multiple millions in fines, lost revenue and public trust? Are there records to back up claims of proper hazardous waste removal by licensed and approved local firms? These are just a couple of questions your about to have to answer? I have copied these questions and sent them via another email to 30 friends. Also sending to 6 separate State's environmental agency's.

The Walmart in Antioch, Tennessee: My friends registered at Walmat for weddings or births. The problem is....when we get to walmart, we CANNOT use the computers to see what the people are registering for, what has been purchased for these people OR what in the world they are wanting. They have not worked for at least a YEAR. Why do we even let people register there if the people purchasing their gifts CANNOT EVEN SEE WHAT IN THE WORLD WE ARE SUPPOSED TO PURCHASE???????????????

Cannot find several products that my entire family uses & likes at the Walmart in Alva Oklahoma. When I asked on the phone about them carry these products, they said "what they have on the shelf is all they have & if I wanted to look up the UPC code of the products I wanted & get it to them, they would see if they could order it." I don't feel like that is my job as a 2 to 3 times a week dedicated Walmart shopper. Here is just some of my products I would like to see at the Alva Oklahoma Walmart: Home Pride wheat bread, Kraft cheese dip like the green onion, Malt o meal blueberry toasters, 30 packs of Coke in cans (they rarely have these).

The Walmart place that I am usually going to is the most rudest store that I have ever seen. Not only the sales people don't want to help you but also the managers and the supervisors don't want to help you at all and they tell you that straight to your face by literally kicking you out if you don't like their rude business. Also, the most despicable and shocking thing is that they are being very racist and just don't want to do their job to solve the problem. All I did is asked them to call the WIC program, like they asked me to, because I was approved for the stores to exchange the non-kosher products to kosher. But the managers many times kicked me out from the store humiliating me in front of everyone. They saw the problem they were causing by not only not helping me, but causing a long wait in line and frustrated costumers, but did not care about it at all. What kind of service is that? I went to a Fry's store right after, they did not caused me any problem, resolved my issue nice and quite, with respect. I am never setting my foot in that Walmart again!!! And I will raise this complain in officially in the consumer complaint agency organization for religious discrimination.

About 2 weeks ago I purchased $100.00 worth of Wal Mart gift cards, in various denominations, using a check from the Senior Council in my county, which I am the treasurer. Less than a week later I went back to Wal-Mart to purchase a $25.00 Visa, MasterCard, or American Express gift card, again for the Senior Council.The cashier told me they did not accept checks to purchase gift cards. So, I offered to use my personal debit card, and informed her I wanted to sign instead of using a pin number. The cashier told me I needed to pay cash if I was not going to use a pin number. I told her I had used a check less than a week prior for gift cards with no problem and that I always used my debit card when shopping at Wal-Mart, signing my name with no problems. The cashier then told me the cashier who helped me then must have been a new because Wal-Mart did not take checks for gift cards. She then ask the manager to come over. Again I was told by the manager, Wal-Mart did not accept checks for gift cards and I could pay cash.
I phoned Customer Service on Friday, April 17th, presented my complaint and was told someone from Wal-Mart would contact me within 2 to 3 days, which hasn't happened. At this point the Senior Council will probably not purchased any other items from Wal-Mart to assist the seniors in our county for future seminars, games, events, etc. This experience was aggravating to say the less.

I went to Walmart store # 912 when a customer service rep told me I could not pick up the Order that was for my wife when I showed her in my phone the email and order number from Walmart to my wife from my wife to me why the name from my wife email show it come from her to me she would not release my wife Oder . This took place in New Orleans at store at store # 912 after asking for a manager and showing him a Oder release he still refuse to release it.. Me been a young Black African American male feel the manager Val who he said his name discriminated against me on this matter. Let me in enlightening you that I am a elected offical in the state of Louisiana in the city of New Orleans it was very very displeasing for the manager to show mistrust in disrespect towards me, I explained to your manager Vail at store number 912 that I pick up my wife Oder several times from Walmart in a white neighborhood with and email from my wife to my phone with know problem. While my wife where at the party place prepared for my lil girl birthday party , thanks to the sale rep store # 912 and Walmart and manager Val from have know consideration and ruining my lil girl 4 year old birthday party because of this we where able to present to her the 12 tricycle which she was so so looking forward to.

I WAS VISITING IN Bradenton ,fl. I live in Sarasota, fl. I stopped in your store at 5315 Cortez Rd and purchased 2 cartons of Boost and an HP ink cartridge for my printer. When I arrived home I discovered the ink cartridge ($24.97) was missing from my packages. My question is, since this store is a long way from where I live could the price be refunded in the form of a gift card or check so I do not have to inconvenience someone to drive me back to the store. I have tried to resolve this matter with their customer service and also the assistant manager to be told their is no way to fix this without returning to their store for the merchandise. In Sarasota I live only several blocks from your Walmart store on South Cattlemen Rd. M.A.

On 4/23/2015 I drove to Walmart in Toccoa, GA and after spending $135.00 inside the store, when I was putting my groceries in my vehicle, a truck pulled up on the other side of my vehicle and said did you know you had a flat tire. He offered to change it for me, but the spare tire was flat. (My husband passed away on February 14, 2015 and he was the one who took care of the vehicle. I never had to change a tire or even put oil in one.) I called my son and he came up and tried putting air in the tire but it was leaking out as fast as it went in. He filled it up and drove around to the tire department and it was 7:45p.m. and ask if they could put me a tire on and he went in the back and came back and said no that everyone gets off at 8. I told him I would have to leave the car there overnight because I could not drive it in that condition...
He never ask to fill out any paperwork so they could put it on in the morning. Just said that they close at 8...May I say I am a senior citizen and was stranded with $135.00 in grocery's in the car that I had just bought from their consideration whatsoever...My husband has always bought our tires there but I will never again..If my husband knew how they treated me and left me stranded, I believe he would roll over in his grave. If my son had not been there to help me put the groceries in his vehicle and lock my up because I had meat and ice cream which was melting in the car..
He drove me home and went back and pumped up the spare and changed it in the walmart parking lot.with no help from from any employees ( I was parked about 5 feet from the entrance to tires department. I just wanted you to know that I have never filed a complaint before but I am so highly upset I guess my blood pressure has shot up..I believe that the employees could have pulled my car in there and changed 1 tire in about 5 minutes. What has happened to helping one in need in an emergency. I could understand if I just pulled in there and I had no flat tire and they told me to come back the next day.

Della, Paul, Nancy and Bill. just had our picture taken at Walmart to be used for our passport. Paul and Della were charged $28.25 each; Nancy and Bill paid more because they took it for 10 years. Nancy just returned from the post office having sent the necessary documents plus the pictures to the people concerned. While there she was told that we could have had it done for $11.00 at Shopper's Drug Mart. I am really disappointed with Walmart charging more than twice as much and would like to know why yours is so expensive.

I have been dissatisfied with Walmart for some years now, for various reasons but this was the last straw. I purchased an Apple tablet from Walmart Store #1141 in Steinbach MB March 14.2015. Today, April 22,2015, I tried to return after deciding against it. It was unopened and the original pkg was unharmed in ANY way but Was refused because I was unaware they have a 14 day return policy on these items. I was told the reason was they could not resell it. I went back to electronics and found the exact same tablet on the shelf---but the un-opened, un-damaged tablet I was trying to return (with receipt )could not be re-sold. Never again will Walmart receive any sale from me.

I'm getting more and more unhappy with Walmart. It is NOT Sam Walton's store anymore. I've used the picture processing machines for years and spent a lot of money, I take a lot of pictures. First, the stools were taken away which made it a lot more uncomfortable for me since I have a back problem. Now, the machines have all been replaced with new ones that don't allow editing. Not only will I not use them anymore, but my shopping with you will become very limited. Sam's children need to get back to running this business like he did.

There are two employees that were more worried about talking about their vacation together to Florida than helping the customers. One was a manager upfront and the other one worked in customer service. Their conversation was more important then helping the long line that there was. They were rude to all the customers, they were disrespectful and most of all, they were slow because of them talking and laughing the whole time. For a few customers they would stand their and talk about them as they walked away. They also did not have the friendliest mouths either, and there were children in the line with parents as well

I love shopping at my Walmart by my house in Lebanon, Indiana, but the past few times I have been in there, the cashier was more worried about everything else but helping me with my purchases. There is one cashier who is only around 16 yrs old, named Kali. I am not the only customer who has complained about her but Walmart does not do that.
I went to Walmart to buy some groceries and when I went to check out, she was talking with a few other cashiers about what her sister had stolen from the store! I, personally, do not want to hear what goes on with someone else. To add more kindle to the fire, a young man was in front of me checking out and she looked at me and said that he had a cute butt! It was highly inappropriate and down right disrespectful The things that she talked about was uncalled for. I will not be returning to that store as long as she is working there. I would rather go 15 minutes away and shop elsewhere. I have complained about this girl time and time again and nothing gets done. What she does and says warrants her termination as one of your employees!

Today, while shopping at the Walmart Super center on Merritt Island Florida, my wife and I were told by management that her small licensed service dog had to be on the floor with leash attached and that this was due to Florida statute. This statement by the Manager was in error. After extensive investigation and a phone call to the Florida A.D.A. I discoverer that no such statute or law or Ordinance exists and considering that this is the only place that I have run across this, I believe that your managers must be relying on hand-me-down information that is false and without any type of investigation on there own. Her service dog not only wears an identifying vest, he also has his NSAR license attached to his collar for inspection even though it is not required by law to do so. This animal is small and fits very well in the child section of the basket and lays/sits on a clean blanket that covers the entire area were he is at all times. Having him on the floor in the past has caused him to be stepped on by not only other customers but Walmart employees. He has been hurt several times by being on the floor, luckily, he has not been seriously hurt YET.
I request that you bring your store Management teams up to speed on the laws and common tolerance concerning the treatment of your disabled customers and there needs. If this is beyond Walmarts capability or desires than I request a note from the corporate management stating so. If that is the case, then I will refrain from the use of your stores. Especially since ALDI, Publix, Winn-Dixie or any other store that we have visited in the past never seem to have the problems with run away management that Walmart seems to have.
Another small item to bring to your attention, the use of your electric carts for the disabled by children to enjoy some racing down the isles is running ramped. As of yet, I have not seen any movement by the store management to stop this. I use my own mobility cart but the misuse of the store carts by kids, and by the way, some of them are Walmart employees children while the employees are on break. This misuse of the electric carts I'm sure has cost Walmart in repair and maintenance of the carts as well as some loss of customers who need them and will go else where to shop where they know the carts will be available, and they do not have to compete with kids to get them.
In closing, I understand the difficulty and frustration concerning the laws governing service animals, and I believe that the License/Registration should be available for the business to see but unfortunately this is not required as of yet. I'm sure that some non service dogs have been brought into the store on the owners word alone. I find this unexceptionable but I have no say in this gap in the law. But I assure you that our service dog will always display his license for all to see.

I placed an order for 2 beds. I also saw it online for a lower price, and I had clicked on the link to let me know when it was back in stock. I received and email that they were with a direct link to the item that was priced lower. I emailed Walmart asking that they adjust my bill to the lower price seeing as they had emailed me with a link to the lower price. They had me send the email with the link so they could see, and now they are saying they will not lower the price. I feel that this is false advertising. I have a link that was sent to me from Walmart with a direct link to the item listed at $299. Reference #150413-019639. I would appreciate having a price adjustment on this!

i went into the Lansing, illinois to buy some asphalt sealer that I had seen online the night before. I didn't see the sealer so I went to customer service. I asked the young lady to check and see if they had any or check the store in Scherville, Indiana. Instead she gave me the store number. I call the store and I was put on hold by a make. After saying hello a few times I hung up after 18 mins and called back. I now had a female who asked me what department was the sealer in. She then sent me a adepartment and I was bounced back to her twice before I asked her her to use the intercom. After the phone bounce to her again she said she could send me back again if I wanted her to. I informed her that I would go somewhere else because Walmarts Customer Service was not good. She said ok and hung up. Walmart needs to be reminded that Blockbuster Video was the bully on the block for over 30 years and it changed in an instant. Customer service is important to me and other. I use to be a customer service representative and giving good service to customers is not an option.

I come to the money center often on hickory hill WalMart in Memphis TN. They open at 6:30 am and there is never no one to assist with the customers I stood there for 40 minutes no one show up finally the sales clerk told me & others customers waiting that their clerk called off that is not our issue as a customer to have to wait cause of a sales clerk not responding to do his or her job and a manger never showed up to assist the customers with their needs this issue is an on going problem and needs to be resolved thanks.

On April 17.2015 my purse was stolen and the the thief went to WALMART and charged 650.00 on my debit card. WALMART never asked for any ID on this purchase nor did they check the signature. The they purchased a $949.00 T.V on my charge card also never asked for a ID nor did they check the signature. The manager at WALMART told me that there corporate policy does not require them to check a signature nor does it require them to ask for ID. I know I am not the only victim this has happen to, I posed my story on FB and my victims have responded. Had WALMART checked for signature it would have said C. I D and a thief would have been caught on the spot. The local Police department said there hands are tied as WALMART DOES NOT CARE! Anyone that steals a credit or debit card goes straight to WALMART AS THEY KNOW THEY NEVER CHECK.

I boycott you, Walmart, and so do many of my friends!! Reason, you're not Union, and you're just another greedy corporation making billions off the people you employ, paying them low wages by keeping a lot of them part time to avoid paying benefits!! Walmart is the perfect example of why people need Unions!!I See where you advertise paying $15.00 an hour? BS!! If your management, and CEO, COO's are worth the millions you pay them, how come everyone around this country post, and make jokes about your dirty, disgusting, greedy stores!! Just remember: greed is a sin, and charity is a virtue!! Don't give me any of that, "you realize how much we give to charities" crap, it's just a write off to pay less taxes on your billions in profit, while the small people get screwed!! Walmart is a disgrace to the working men, and women of this country!!!..... Oh, by the way, if your such an important corporation in this country how come my " spell check" won't except the name Walmart, and changes it to Elkhart ???

While waiting in the Express Checkout I noticed the customer in front of me had a cart full of various Easter clearance items. When the cashier did not speak to the customer and ask her to move to another register I asked if I could be rung out first as I had less than the required number of items and the other customer far exceeded the indicated number? While the customer looked at me the cashier (without a name tag) ignored me and began to have a conversation with the customer. I then asked to speak to the store manager. The cashier asked why? Even when I pointed out (again) the cashier failing to honor the Express item numbers the cashier said she is trying to ring up as quickly as possible. I informed the manager the cashier was not following the store policy and I wanted to complain about lack of protocol. While the store manager apologized the cashier never did. Why have Express lanes if your cashiers cannot follow your own company policy, or are to illiterate to read andnenforce policy? This has not been the only time I've observed cashiers failing to honor Express . How often are cashiers trained/retrained? Do they understand English? Why would the cashier not a knowledge my request for faster check out? How often are they trained in customer service and satisfaction? Store #2697 Antioch, California. Op #00004872 Date: 04/19/15 Time: 20:28:31.

This complaint is to store#2989, auto department, employee name: Ivy. I bought a CAR battery (MAXX-H5) in ST# 2989 on 4/18/15. Today (4/19/15), my husband tried to replace the battery in a 2007 Volkswagon beetle car but found that he does not have enough experience to replace this battery. The old battery is over 7 years but it is still OK. We decided to return the new battery to the Store# 2989. When we returned it in the customer service counter, the service rep told us that we need to go to the Auto department to verify the battery if it is full charged and told us this is the policy. As a customer of Walmart, I did not know this policy but it makes sense to me. We (my husband and I) went to the Auto department and asked the cashier (Ivy) if she could help us to verify the battery. She seemed clueless and told us to go to the customer service for return.
We had to explain her why we were here. She asked a technician to verify. The technician verbally confirmed that the battery is in good condition. We asked the technicain to inform the customer service rep. He said that he does not have authority to inform the customer service but he pointed Ivy and he talked to Ivy (we did not know the detail of their conversation). We had to wait over 15 minutes but Ivy was at another counter and did not say anything to us. Finally, we asked Ivy to either have a written note on our receipt or call customer service to authorized the return. Ivy promised that she will call so we went to the front of the customer service counter. When we were at the CS counter again, we learned that Ivy did not call the CS rep for authorization of return. The CS rep called the Auto Department. We had to wait again. Finally, we got return receipt. We are not happy about the service we got from Walmart this time.

I went to the WalMart at 8000 town rd Raleigh NC on Saturday the 18th of April. I went to the Sports Dept no one was there. I found someone and ask them page someone to this dept. After three trys I went to the manager and ask for help, I wanted to buy a fishing lic.. He said he didi not have anyone working in the store who could help me. I could come back tomorrow. So I went back on Sunday and got the exact same results. This is the worst customer service I have ever seen. On the above Star rating, I would have given you a zero if the form would allowed me to.

Was looking online for portable basketball hoops and searched stores near bu but both stores said not able in store. I then ordered online and am currently awaiting the arrival of the hoop. But went to both said stores this weekend and the exact hoop I wanted was available in both stores with many available. To double check before writing a complaint I again went online and they still said not available in store. Very disappointed that we are currently waiting 5 days later for an item to arrive that was available in store all along due to incorrect information online.

On 04/11/2015, My husband and I paid for a Char Broil propane which cost 299.00 plus tax and 27.00 dollars for extended warranty which brought the total up to 347.00. We asked for it to be assembled. We were told that the person who assembles it only works 2 days a week, and we could pick it up on Sat 0418/15. We went to Walmart but there was no grill We talked to the sales person who went to look for it , the grill was still in the box not assembled and no one could say what happened. We do at lot of shopping at Walmart in Neptune store number 48 and the sales people are not very helpful and act like you are bothering them. Needless to say, I just asked for a refund and went somewhere else. No more business with Walmart!!!

I ordered tires for my car online on ship to store. They worked well except the tires the website told me were for the rear tires for my car was incorrect. The size was wrong, they had to be returned and refunded, and the store had to order the correct size which sets me back a week in getting the proper size for my car. The tires website said to order were 245/45rz20, which they should have been 255/45rz20. So they are an expensive tire to go onto an expensive car. It is a good thing Cody the tire tech at Woodsville NH Walmart was courteous enough to listen when I questioned him of the size, becausse I knew the front and rear sizes are different.
KUDOS TO CODY. He helped me get them returned and ordered the right size for me. I guess the real reason for this complaint is to get the website updated on what tires are the right match for the car they are being ordered for and to make sure they are for the front OR the back many cars do require different sizes for front or rear tires.

My daughter went shopping for me and I gave her some coupon. We both have worked for walmart as well as my mother, together we have over 26 years. Her cashier was rude, the csm was rude, over two coupons that they apparently have no idea what your policy is. She was treated like a thief. She was told by the cashier that "you got razors for 1.97 your coupon is $3 you shouldn't be able to use this" The coupon was valid on one pack of Gillette 3 razors. There was no size requirement on the package. This is not the first time we have had trouble using your "comp" and coupon in this store. We will no longer be shopping your stores. From now on, I will just go to the stores with the items instead of shopping your store at all. Keep treating your customers like thieves for using your own policy's. By the way, they let us use our coupons, but it will be the last time we will be treated that way. Chalmette, La store is always nasty, smelly, and employees rude. will never be back!

Wal-mart in Fort Wayne had open job interviews today. My daughter spent three hour trying to use one or two computer which did not work correctly. I just told her to go home. I cannot believe how Wal-mart allow people to be treated. Managers and supervisor were not helping and were being disrespectful. If you going to hold a job fair please allow it to be fair. People need jobs and less stress which they got a lot of it today. I feel so ashamed that I shop there.

On Friday, April 17, 2015, my daughter and I were shopping at the store in Turnersville, NJ. At about 9:15, we were getting ready to check out. The lights had flickered and we found the registers were off line. I saw a woman and asked how long they would be out, and I found it hard to believe that Walmart did not have a backup plan. She told me that I should be glad that I was not being asked to leave the store. I was stunned by her attitude.
I am a disabled person and did not appreciate the way I was spoken to. I then asked her for her name and she said it was Joanne. I asked for her last name, and she told me they did not give out last names. Again with the same attitude. I have always heard that your company is very customer friendly, and I now find that is not the truth. As a consumer, I expected to be treated with respect. I did not find that to be the case yesterday.

I went to wal mart at south tryon, Charlotte nc, today it freaked me out. I was in line at self check out waiting, this black lady skipped in the front of me, I told her you are skipping line, she turn around said shut the *f of, I'm staying right here, do you have anything else to said? people's behind was looking, awww I came to the girls at the cashiers told her what happened, she didn't do anything? ( I know the girls it's not security) but at lease she need to shop the lady skipping the line or call security or manager. It feel unsafe, even wal mart it cheaper than Target, but I never feel unsafe. This is the last time I go. I don't want to be hits or cursing by someone skipping the line. If Walmart not revalue or make a change, you will loosing middle class.

You would think the Walmart Stores in Arkansas would be the best since their home is Arkansas. But, the Walmart #2575 on Dave Ward in Conway, AR is one of the most poorly managed that I have ever shopped in. Just a couple of examples: Not long ago, I went to buy the 2 pk. of Great Value butter. They didn't have any out so I asked a stock person if they had any in the back. He supposedly went to check and came out to tell me they no longer carried that item. The next day, there it was in the butter section. I guess he just didn't want to look for it. Next, I went to purchase some 2% milk. I am a widow, living alone, so I only buy smaller portions. All they had out was the gallon sizes. Once again, I asked a stock person if the had any smaller sizes in the back. He said, "I don't know."! Really! So, I asked him if he could check. He was gone for a very short time and came out and said "No"! This store is not only poorly stocked but the manager must expect very little customer satisfaction out of the employees. I will admit that a few of the employees have been helpful in the past but, overall, the employees are unfriendly and not helpful at all. I really hate to ask anyone there for assistance because of the usual reaction which makes you feel like you are asking for the moon. This store is not far from my house and I really would like to continue shopping there but there is a large Kroger almost as close and I have been tempted to forget Walmart and go elsewhere.

As soon as my wife and I walked into the store we were greeted by a "Walmart Greeter". When asked the location of the Pharmacy, she had a hard time telling us where it was located. Once we found it, I had asked the Pharmacy Tech for a price on a medication. I had to attempt to fill the script first, because I had a coupon. The med was over $120 but grocery down the street had it for $47.00! After shopping for over an hour, we went to check out. The cashier questioned every single coupon we had. My wife had to start pulling items out of the bag to verify. One coupon came up expired, when in fact, it expires two days from now. This was verified by the cashier and the next customer. After having to take more items out of bags for coupon verification, my wife and I left the store. Never will my family or I be treated like this again. Way to many places to shop.

After searching for a Bluetooth mouse on Walmart site and seeing multiple available in stock in store now (according to the site) I went 40 minutes to the Walmart to get one. After arriving I go to the electronics section where the mice are and find out that all of the "Bluetooth" mice that were on the site are actually wireless dongle mice that take up a USB port making it useless for the laptop I had. I was very displeased that I couldn't purchase what the website labeled as Bluetooth mice.

It seems like every time I go into Walmart to get a prescription they either have to order or, if you call one in you have a automatic call telling you that its ready. When you get there to pick it up it's not ready or they are out of it. You still have to wait any where from an hour to two hours(at the store) to get it(after you get the call). So I transferred all my prescription to another place it only takes about an hour to get a prescription there. Also you go to get groceries and they are out of a lot of stuff. So I go to other stores to get what I need, they my be a little more expensive but at least they have what I need and want.

In store #0955 on April 9, 2015, my wife fell ill in this store and went to sit in our car. In doing so, she forgot one of her bags that she had purchased cosmetics and toiletries in the store. On April 14, 2015, she discovered that she was missing some cosmetics and we returned today, April 15, 2015 to check with Customer Service to see if it was turned in to the Lost & Found Section. After checking the Log used to identify items turned in, we found that it was listed with the date and items. We didn't have the receipt and asked exactly what the items were that was listed. A Customer Service Salesperson named Marie, slammed the Log shut and said she couldn't help us, very rudely! We then left the Customer Service Area, to see if we could remember what she had bought.
A very friendly Customer Salesperson on the floor tried to assist us by telling us that we could request a copy of our receipt, since she used a Debit Card. After going back to the same lady, telling her how rude she was to us and that we wanted her to look up our receipt by our Debit Card number, she said why are we fussing, she's waiting on us now! She had never asked us how we paid for the items and that we could ask for our lost receipt by the Debit Card number. We waited at the counter 17 minutes awaiting her to find our receipt. We started to look for the 3 items she said was listed (later finding out there were 6 items missing and were indeed listed) and brought two of them back to the counter, as the 3rd one was out of stock. This lady Marie had left the Customer Service Area and had given the Log book to another salesperson. This person was extra nice to us and was the one who found the other 3 items which we went back in the store to get and she refunded us the money for the out of stock item! What a horrible experience we had at this store and expended at least 1 and one-half hours settling this matter. We have strong feelings not to shop at Wal-Mart especially this store again!

I at one time worked for Wal-Mart and the policy was only animals allowed in the store were service animals. And if your policy has changed just answer this e-mail and I will start shopping else where. Seems like everytime I go to this store people are in the store with dogs in there carts or just walking around and they are not service animals. Today a guy had one on your display furniture at garden center check out. Said something to the cashier and the only thing she could say was they weren't allowed to say anything. Enough is enough like I said they put the animals in the carts and we are suppose to put our food in them. If animals are still allowed in the store I will start shopping else where even if I have to spend more money to keep from putting up with the stupidity of others. And let the cashiers have some say so. Also I do spend quite abit of money each and every month, but it can stop.

On april 4th 2015 around 2 not exact sure of time I know I stopped there before my appt at 330 pm. I went in there to pick up a gallon of paint. I had my niece that day with me, she had some change in her pocketbook and she took out her ipod generation 5 that was given to her for christmas. We waited for a second to count her change and I was helping her. I took out some dollar bills to give it to her because she wanted to buy something, the thing is she put ipod down and we walked away for a minute. She realized that she left ipod on top of something went back it was gone,, not even a minute. I asked everyone I could employees that worked there some where nice some where not I even asked costumers that where walking by the area. No one had a clue, my niece was crying so bad her face was so red everyone just fell sorry for her. At that point I went to costumer service and asked them if no one brought it up. They said no, I asked if theres anything they can do to help us maybe look at the camera. All they said was to look at the lost and found and for me to give them my cell number and if it shows up they would let me know. They also told me a story of someone who lost there iphone mean while my niece was crying hysterical, and no one seem to care or suggest to call police and make a so disappointment in walmart that didnt help, I called a couple of times to see if maybe it was found and nothing that sad part is we shop there so much.

I have been a faithful customer of Walmart for many years and most of the time my shopping experience has been very satisfying. Now the problem I have is with the political road you have decided to embark on. You have crossed a line when you threatened a sitting Governor with your rhetoric on the homosexual agenda with the RFFRA law that has been passed in 20 states until Big Business got involved with the process. You, as a corporation, need to decide whether you want to be a family friendly business or be tethered to an agenda that is satisfying only 2.6% of the population, is unhealthy and destructive to the family. Until that time I will take all my business elsewhere and will discuss this decision with my friends and family.

Re: Salmon Arm, B.C. store. Wanted to buy the lawn tractor battery listed in the flyer. Went fairly early to avoid the rush,, Could not locate the battery on the shelf, asked for assistance and waited over !/2 hour. After requesting help twice more a person of some authority finally showed up with a hand held device which did not work. The battery was not in stock and could not be ordered in, I asked for a substitution and was offered a higher priced one but at the higher price but was told that it would be reduced at customer service. BIG LIE. They charged me full list price and did NOT want to accept my exchange battery as it was not a Walmart one.. Only a couple of tills were open plus customer service which I went to. The line up for each of the two tills was at least six people long. I am very disappointed as I have had good very good experiences with other Walmart stores.

Hi, my name is Angela. I went to the Walmart in Blytheville, Arkansas yesterday to purchase a $200 push mower that was back in Garden Center. I am highly upset about the whole ordeal. No associate was in the Garden Center and we waited in there for about an hour,still no associate around and there were more customers asking me why no associate was in the Garden Center. know but we had been waiting for an hour.I told them I didn't know and I went and asked a woman associate that was working the floor. She gave me a dirty look and called for an associate Name April, I went back to the Garden Center and waited believing she would be right there. We waited another 30 minutes and the associate never came to assist me. i went to the pharmacy center to ask them to call an associate to Garden center and that one has been called already but she never came to assist me. So, The lady in pharmacy paged that an associate is needed in the Garden center. Once again I go back and wait another 30 mins. Still no assistance from an associate .I go to the pharmacy once again and asked for an associate to give me assistance. She as well, gave me a dirty look this time but she did call for Garden Center Associate about 5 minutes after I went back to the Garden Center. Waited 30 minutes more and STILL no associate came to assist me. My little 65 year old mother was with me and she had to help me load the big heavy box that contained the mower because we got tired of waiting. Three hours Is too long to have to wait on an Associate. We didn't even have help loading it. This Walmart lacks well mannered Associates and has the poorest customer service reps that I have ever seen. I went through all of this just to buy a $200 mower that I desperately needed or I would have walked away. One upset customer! Thank you.

We accidentally wrote a check on an account that was compromised and had to be closed. We realized it the next day and have been trying to repay what we owe. We have gone to the pharmacy and the store talked to managers who said just wait for a letter. We also contacted corp but no help. Now you send us to a collections agency. So now that you have done this we will never again use your stores for anything. We spend on average of 2-300 dollars a week there. What you did is just wrong. And on top of it trying to charge us an extra $30.00 to boot.

On April 6 of 2019 my grandson visited your Auto care center at the Walmart located at 7101 Cedar Springs Blvd., Louisville, KY 40291. He purchased motor oil and an oil filter from inside Walmart's and took it to the auto center for then the changes oil and filter. He was told by a technician name Marissa number 8509 that she was declining to change his oil and filter because the drain plug she claimed turned twice and was very hard to turn showing signs of cross threading. He brought his car to me and explain the situation and being an aircraft mechanic I told him I would help him. I purchased a new drain plug and brought home a 14 mm tap to re-thread the drain plug. From the comment the technician indicated on the service order I was prepared to remove this plug with an impact wrench. However a hand wrench was only needed because the plug was so loose I merely unscrewed it with my fingers. Within the service order it indicated an inspection had been done only for me to find out that I could actually remove the oil filter with my hand barely turning it. This should not have been missed within that inspection. Concern about the comments the technician made I made a visit to the Walmart Auto Care Center and asked to speak to the manager. The manager said his name was Jim and he was the assistant manager and hired to straighten out the mess with in the auto center. I explained to Jim the situation and he was very rude and continued to smoke his cigarette with another employee and the whole time I was talking to him they would smoke their cigarettes and constantly spit on the pavement. I explained to him that what the technician wrote down had to be a lie because she indicated the oil pan plug was cross threaded and there is no way she could have known that if she did not remove the plug. After observing several of the employees it was obvious they were trying to get the Walmart customers discouraged from having their oil changed. The rest of that week I make several trips back to the auto care Center only to be told and discouraged from getting my oil changed. On April 28 I did visit the Auto care center again with my personal vehicle and told them that I had my own oil that I purchased inside Walmart. I was told that they had changed their policy and they no longer would change oil that was purchased from inside the store. I told the technician that I seen an ad where they now carried mobile synthetic and if that was the case for $44.95 I would take the oil back that I purchased and it would be cheaper for me. But I was told they did not have 0W 40 oil so I was out of luck. What would have happened is your shop would put the wrong oil in my truck with no doubt. Your employees are discouraging customers if they feel like they cannot make a lot of money on them. I have been in business for more than 40 years and this is the worst business practice I think I have ever seen. Upper management needs to look into this practice. I am also going to file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. Walmart is a big company and I am just shocked that you would conduct business this way. I have attached the service order and a picture of the drain plug.

I utilize the Chattanooga Walmart on Greenway drive for extensive purchases within all facets of my life. Store is very complete and rarely do I not find what I am looking for. Unfortunately the bathrooms are not monitored very closely and whenever I can the men's room it frequently smells foul and the waste container for s overflowing. There are some nice associates working there but I have noticed their tenure is usually limited, yet the rude associates seem to remain. Some very nice and very capable associates that in some cases have been there a long time have been fired. I noticed this trend off fast turnover gaining speed after the last store manager(Alan Curtis)quit. He was very capable and very nice, it's anybody's guess why he left. The management team that replaced him are inferior.
But the main reason I am writing is that upon entering your store today, many hundreds of dollars worth of plants had toppled over because of the wind, had obviously been there sometime. And upon closer inspection all these plants, as well as the rest on display we're dieing for extensive periods of time due to be ok ack of water. I have seen t he is before at t hi us store. It posts a terrible WE DON'T CARE IMAGE, totally opposite of the messages of a positive nature on Walmart TV commercials. I spoke to three mangers who all acted arrogant and indignant, and when I left the store 45 minutes later the poor plants were still spilled out into the entrance driveway, many withered from lack of water and proper care. As discussed said, it represents a store wide attitude of not caring about the reputation of the store or how their behavior translates amongst the customers.

You corporate policy now of checking any unbagged items, even when there are may other bagged items in the cart is insulting. It assumes that ALL your customers are potential thieves. Tonight I went to the Supercenter on Westport Rd. in Louisville, KY. I had a few large items that the checker did not bag. As a result I was stopped at the door and scanned on those items. I told the woman at the door that I objected to the policy. She said that it was corporate policy. Therefore I am filing this complaint and telling you that this is a one strike and your out deal. I have done this with another box chain here. Now I will here. I will not go back to this or any other of your stores unless or until I find out that this policy has been revoked. It treats all your customers as thieves. It is VERY INSULTING since I spend a lot of money a year there. You won't miss mine anyway.
James H. Stahr
Louisville, KY

Price mis-marked green peppers on bin .88/lb instead of each. Produce manager told me let the cashier know. While dealing with cashier on register 5 the cashier on register 4 was very rude and inserted herself in the conversation. My decision was easy then decline purchase. This all occurred about 5:25 pm today.

I went to Walmart to purchase Bod body spray, it is now kept in a locked display case and I understand that and appreciate that they had to do that b/c people end up using it and then the next person doesn't get a full bottle. There was a button to push for customer service and I ended up pushing it 3 times, so when no one came I went to the front of the store to customer service and asked if they could get someone to come open the case. The girl paged someone over the loud speaker to help so I went back and waited for someone to come and when no one did I pushed the button again and in a bit a gentleman worker came over and told me they had been looking for the key and no one has it so basically I couldn't buy the product. I told him that isn't right and went back up front and asked for a manager and this gentleman was one. He called to another lady worker who was probably a supervisor and she then found the lady clocking in and asked her for the key. She didn't seem too concerned and left toward the back of the store and the supervisor lady told me come on, we'll go back and wait. When we got back to the case she was talking on the radio with the 1st gentleman and he told her there was no key and that he had already told me that. In my mind that's not an acceptable answer!!!! She apologized and said hopefully they could get more keys and that she and some others would get one. For an organization as large as yours that's poor customer one has a key???? That took probably a half hour of my time.....not acceptable.....

I complained about the Harlequin Series Books being taken from Walmart Humboldt Tn and found out it was not true . I sincerely apologize. Thank you.

O i will use a Hundred words. I was in your Fall River store around 4.30 today doing some shopping, as i was walking down one of the main isle's i slipped on a Broken Egg sitting in the middle of the floor twisting my lower back then catching my balance with no one in site but i'm sure it's on one of your countless cameras in the Grocery Section. After it happened i left my shopping cart over it so no one else would do the same wile i looked for help. So here is the help i received, told one worker who told me o i'm not on the clock anymore and quickly walked away. Then i told a second worker who was a so called greeter and told him about the Broken egg i slipped on and he told me he could not walk to were the broken egg was located but when he seen that it was in eye site of him he grabbed a cone and marked it after i removed my shopping cart. All the wile i can already feel the twink in my right lower back as i was checking out so i told my story to the cashier who asked me if i would like to make a report and i said yes. So then one of your so called Managers came out to meet me and i told him what had happened. Well he told me he seen the broken egg and it was being cleaned up. (Never even asked if i was OK or what my name was.) Right now i can feel the pain in my back and i'm just dealing with it until the morning. If it is still hurting i'm going to the Hospital and strait to a Lawyer. Who leaves a broken Egg unattended as this was? I want you to take a look at the Video i know you have to see just how long this Broken Egg was left unattended in the middle of the floor. I was told by one of your own workers if something like this is spotted they are suppose to stay with the object to warn the public until it's cleaned up. If i'm still in pain in the morning i promise you won't be hearing from me again it will be my Lawyer you're talking to. Made sure it was cleaned up on the spot before i could even have a chance to take a Picture. Unbelievable Neglect.

I went to Walmart in pace florida today to get oil changed. after reading my receipt about service, it said tires checked 35 lbs in each tire, my car has the tire pressure for each tire on speed dial. 3 tires had 35 lbs, but 1 tire had 38 lbs. so I checked when I got home and I know they did not check it. also got to checking other things and know they did not change my oil filter. so I will not be going back. bad service.

On April 1st I paid for 2 Better Homes And Gardens 3 person Glider to be delivered by April9th, it wasnt and Walmart kept telling me to wait it's coming. Later they reordered and dropped shipping charges and only 1 glider was delivered 2 weeks later in a damaged taped up box with pieces missing and frame twisted and bent, driver said they didnt recieve 2. I called Walmart they insisted both were delivered and I needed to file a police report. I made several calls, online chats to Walmart and asked that they call delivery and confirm 1 was delivered, they would not do it. I had to call Pilot delivery service and they went above and beyond to contact Walmart. I still have not been refunded and have a pile of junk sitting in my yard . Walmart has had my money for weeks and caused severe stress over this situation.
Customer service is horrid. And I dont appreciate speaking to someone in the Phillipines that I can't understand.
I asked 2 be refunded for both pieces .
This was a large purchase of ove $700 dollars .

I spend a lot in Walmart I used to work for wal mart we never told a customer there wrong and the customer has to prove that the sign is there and boxes of this is there 50% off the price with the easter waited up at self service for about ten minutes then went for this person and was told the same thing and then had to show her I did ask for a manager but they gave me this person I am really thinking hard on this one I do not like to be told I am wrong this is the store in huntersvlle I can barely read the reciept transaction number is 5504 1712 1492 2367 5724 the manager at this store is james dick I also shop at the one in Denver,nc they are always helpful and nice guess the way I look at it is if travel longer distance just get treatment I expect as a customer even though this one is close to me I spend a lot in Walmart I also do stuff on line

There is an express checkout lane clearly marked 20 items or less. On numerous occasions at the Walmart in Eastland TX I have gotten stuck behind customers with full carts. Today at 9:45 I had 11 items. The customer in front of me besides 5 garden purchases had at least 45 additional items. Her total was 67.xx. When I asked the cashier she told me they are not allowed to turn them away from their line. The lady behind me in line also had an overflowing basket. If it isn't an express lane then take the stupid sign down!!
Very annoying especially when there were 2 other checkouts open. Just one more reason I hate shopping at this Walmart. Maybe management needs to retrained in what express lane 20 items or less, means.
Seriously considering driving an additional 20 miles to shop in Breckenridge from now on. On the many occasions I have shopped in Breckenridge they always have registers open. What a shame this store in Eastland is so bad. Even some of the cashiers have complained.

Visited sporting goods department in Lawrenceburg Ky store On Easter Sunday. Was looking for food plot seed for wildlife planting on my farm. This is the time of year (spring) for planting. Not during the hunting season which is the time of year you guys tend to carry seed. (not real smart) I normally have all my planting done by this time but wanted a little extra seed for some bare spots. Tractor Supply was closed for the holiday or I would never have paid your store the visit. Our visit was at approx.1:00pm I told the lady in sporting goods what I needed and she acted like I was insane! THIS TIME OF YEAR WE SELL FISHING EQUIPMENT AND FISHING LICENSES NOT STUFF FOR HUNTING. IF THAT WAS A PROBLEM CALL HEADQUARTERS. My wife and I looked for our self and actually found two bags of seed. this employee was very rude in my opinion. I have been hunting and fishing all over north and south America and run my own hunting camp here in Kentucky. I buy seed from you guys some times in the fall and normally store it for spring planting because you tend to be a little less costly than outdoor stores. I do not need lectures from associates on the proper time of year it is. And as a side note it is spring Turkey hunting season here in Ky.

On 1-24-I9, I got a Walmart Gift Card off the display rack in Corinth MS. I paid $0.75 for the card and put $500 on it. The following day I couldnt use the card. It% was invalid with a zero balance. The card security was breached PRIOR to my purchase. The balance was withdrawn MINUTES AFTER purchase. I need my money . I have talked with local Walmart management many times without reeolving this issue. The card was basically hacked prior to purchase. I need my money refunded, PLEASE HELP.!!

On 1-24-I9, I got a Walmart Gift Card off the display rack in Corinth MS. I paid $0.75 for the card and put $500 on it. The following day I couldnt use the card. It% was invalid with a zero balance. The card security was breached PRIOR to my purchase. The balance was withdrawn MINUTES AFTER purchase. I need my money . I have talked with local Walmart management many times without reeolving this issue. The card was basically hacked prior to purchase. I need my money refunded, PLEASE HELP.!!

Hello from El Paso, TX., the most Western city in the great state of Texas.
I live in N.E. El Paso, where your nearest Supercenter for most of my consumer needs is located on Dyer Street; store # 05947.
It is very frustrating not to be able to communicate with deli, bakery or floor personnel when your associates are only required to speak Spanish.
I am an American English-speaking senior.
Having to wait until someone can be found who can understand my questions/orders, (deli/bakery) is oblivious. I feel very inconsequential as your customer.
El Paso is a border community. Most employees in our City and County government are bi-lingual. This is important so they can serve our English and Spanish speaking population.
Our business community as a whole employ English speaking staff.
I do not know how your employment interviews are conducted, or what your expectations are of future employees, but, as long as I pay the IRS, local sales taxes and property taxes in U.S dollars, I should be able to use English to conduct business in America.
I will recognize Spanish as the national language as soon as Mexico reclaims Texas.

Left Iphone in parking lot in Walmart cubicle for those waiting for bus or taxi.[ Walmart 04005 ] Realized when almost home that phone was forgotten on bus, called walmart on out of country phone through Skype and am still on hold for customer service. Initiated call at 4:38 PM EST and am still listening to elevator music, time now 5:44 PM 4/22/2019. People have cut in 4 times to inquire what I am on hold for and to no avail customer service " is very busy". When left store customers were quite sparse. Spend thousands a year on Amazon prime and figured to share a little business with Walmart to see how it goes and am disappointed with the dawdling service. Before getting incapacitated had small business that did well by satisfying my customers. Sincerely, James M Montagne @

Bad service and ride people. All self check registers and one with a cashier. I went to the one with the cashier and she puts out her closed sign. I do not use self checkers because I do not work for you. Then I went to the service counter she ringing up a customer with about 20 items. She yelled to me that she won't ring up more than 5 items, I had 12 . I let her know that I was not going to self check and that she was ringing up more than 10 items for the person ahead of me. She agreed to ring me up and told me not to bring more than 5 items in the future. Do you call this customer service? Your company is losing thousands a day with your self checkouts. People are bragging what they got for nothing in the parking lot. Bad way to do business.

I purchased a large bag of Great Value frozen Whiting fish Thursday, April 18. I cooked some of it yesterday but it is no good. I contacted your University Heights store this morning and was told that I could not get a refund or store credit for the bad fish because I opened the bag. This is an unfair policy and I would like an $11.28 refund on fish that is not consumable. How is any customer suppose to determine good frozen fish from bad frozen fish just by looking at it. It is impossible!!!

Bought new tires less than a month ago, one keeps loosing air, went back to get it checked, the man was very rude. No, I did not have road hazard, was never offered it. Said it would cost ten dollars for you to fix it. Now if he would have said, if it is more than the seal it would cost me, but he just said, I didn’t get road hazard so it would cost me to get it fixed. It wasn’t the money so much as the way it was presented to me. I left, will go else where to get it fixed, and if it is just a bad seal (your fault), I will be sending another complaint. Thank you

My husband returned a product. Cashier did a convoluted transaction so he did not realize that not only was the money not refunded, he was overcharged for the product that he purchased in return. I called the Epping NH store to complain and spoke with the assistant manager John. He felt it was reasonable to ask me to drive back the 90 miles roundtrip to get my refund. I offered to scan and email him the receipts but I was told I could only get refunded if I went back to that store. I called headquarters and spoke with Brenen employee#1252106 who insisted he was a manager, but when I questioned if managers worked weekends he eventually admitted he was a supervisor and not a manager. He also stated that headquarters could not issue me a refund, send me a gift card or do anything to help. He said I had to drive the 90 miles. I asked if he would be willing to do that to correct a Walmart associate error and he said that his opinion did not matter. He refused to answer the question. Please be very wary when shopping Walmart as their customer service is pitiful. Too bad you don't have negative starts because 1 star is being way too generous.

I waited 25 minutes for a consult on a prescription. The pharmacist's only excuse was "I forgot you were here".

I have sent three e-mails to your fraud department because two 50.00 gift cards purchased with cash for my husband's and daughter's birthdays were maxed out a week before they received them. I went to the store where they were purchased and was told nothing could be done for me at the store level. The phone number I was given had no options for human contact. I finally managed to reach a Customer Service representative who gave me information for contacting the fraud unit. As of today, I haven't heard from them, even though the e-mail said it would take three days. It has been over a month since my first local contact and I am extremely disappointed that WalMart doesn't seem to care about me or my situation.

About my complaint of things being moved at Walmart so much you cannot find things , because they are being move so much , if you did not move things so much , people could get in and out and shop , more efficient , people with health problems that can not get around to good would not have to look for things and be in other customer way , and you would sell more , people shop for less when they have to look for the same thing in a different place all the time , they get a bad attitude and shop for less , due to the fact they are tired , from work or going to work and they have to look for things , moving things that often , hurts your sales , people buy less , because they get tired hunting for things in the Grocery section , the man that came up with this suggestion , does not shop , and is causing Walmart to lose a lot of money , look at the money you could make if people could find things and not get fustrate while shopping .

I recently (4-16-2019) went to the Walmart Super Center in Defiance, Ohio to purchase a battery
for a 2015 Ford Escape. All advertisements regarding battery sales state that it includes
free installation of the purchased battery.
A Walmart representative at the desk of the Automotive Department stated that it
would be about a 40 minute wait before my vehicle could be serviced. He then took my phone
number so he could call me when the service was completed.
I browsed the store for about 30 minutes while waiting for my vehicle and then received a
call from the same representative and he informed me that the Automotive Department
COULD NOT install my battery due to the location of the battery in my vehicle.
I saw no such disclaimers anywhere in Walmart advertisement and wasted at least 30 minutes
waiting for my vehicle only to not get the service done.
Are your mechanics not properly trained and do you not believe in TRUTH IN ADVERTISING?
I should have asked for a refund on the battery and went else-where.
I could have installed the battery myself if I had the tools that these mechanics have available
to them.
What a waste of time and what a frustrating experience!
A response would be appreciated.

In Lake Charles La. on highway 14 Walmart , for the last 14 years this Walmart , moves items so much in the grocery area , that every week you have to look for the same item , in and on a different isle , nothing stays in the same place over three weeks , so every time you go into the store , you have to hunt for the same items , you bought 2 weeks ago , that not good business , people spend most of there time looking for items , not buying , store is pack with people trying to find thing in the grocery section ..after looking and looking you get tired looking and leave and go to another store , and finish your shopping .

I ordered (order number 3571986*584246) $109.96 of clothing and 3 tops ($37.77) do not fit. I tried to return them to the store in Georgetown, Delaware and they said it was from a third party and I had t send them to them. I thought the person was typing out an address to send them but they were not it was just a slip telling me the same thing they said. I called customer service and they said they handled it and I would get an e-mail from the seller giving me the address to send them with in 24 hours. I waited 48 hours and still have not received anything. I called customer service again. After I explained the problem she said they were having problems and could I call back (why didn't she tell me that instead of after I explained? I am very good costumer of Walmart but if something isn't done that may change I want my money back. And people should be told about the third party deal before they order... Right now I am very upset with Walmart. I want something done.
Patricia Wright
P.S. I hope it does not take as long for this as the calls that were made.

I have contacted Walmart more than seven times to facilitate my "unsubscribe" ( any and all Walmart advertizing messages sent to me ) request and I have received no response. I and my family and friends will never shop Walmart until this problem is resolved.
William Thibodeau
3245 Weigl rd.
Saginaw, Mich.

Every time I go into this store there are no sani-wipes for cleaning cart handle. Often items needed are not available due to failure to restock. Then after all this frustration there are only 2-3 checkouts open with 4-6 people in each line and everyone is angry and complaining. You want my money but fail to provide reasonable service. Thank god for Target! Very disappointed long time customer.

Dear Sir,
My name is Fred Mallaire. On Saturday April 13th, 2019, I purchased what I thought was a Mariokart7 2DS game system with a box having serial number AW11472120 from the Walmart store # 2113 at 1607 W. Bethany Home Rd., Phoenix, Az. 85015.
On Sunday 04/14/19 my granddaughter opened the package for her birthday to find in lieu of the 2DS system a wire cutters wrapped in a Los Angeles times newspaper.
That same evening we immediately went to Walmart with the defective purchase. We spoke to an assistant manager with the name Margan or Margarita. She went back and reviewed the film and said that from when the box was received by Walmart to my purchase they could see that no one had tempered with it. So my wife and I knew we had been a victim of fraud and we decided not to purchase another 2DS for our Granddaughter at Walmart.
My wife and I went over to the Target store in the same mall complex. And we notice that the 2DS system boxes, there, are not sealed in a plastic wrap. The sales employee at the target said these units never come with their boxes wrapped in plastic. We explained what happened at WalMART. The Target employee said I would go back and see if the other boxes were wrapped in plastic at that Walmart for the boxes do not come like that, for I used to be a manager at game stop and I know how they are sent from the distribution Center and as you can see here at Target they are not wrapped in plastic. I said did it come from the factory this way? He said no, and added that the stealing of the 2DS had TO HAPPEN at the distribution center and perhaps Los Angeles, since the La paper was in the box with the wire cutters.
My wife and I went back to Walmart and noticed that none of the other boxes were wrapped in plastic. My wife asked the assistant manager, If she would please look on the video again to see if the box that she watched on film earlier from delivery acceptance at that Walmart to my purchase of it on 04/13/19 was wrapped in plastic and then seeing it wrapped in plastic as it should not be would confirm that it was received in a tampered condition. The Assistant manager said sorry I can’t help you.
We walked away with the understanding that Target in lieu of Walmart cares about customers.
We know that we received a sealed box from the Walmart locked cabinet that did not have the actual game system inside. We purchased in good faith and if the manager would have just checked the film then they would have seen that it was wrapped in plastic unlike all the other system boxes in the locked cabinet.
We would appreciate if you would please make this right.
I have attached pictures of box, plastic wrap that box was wrapped in, wire cutters in lieu of game system that box contained and receipt.
Respectfully, Fred Mallaire at 602-361-6574, email:

On April 13,2019. I, Jonathan Bradley was visiting the Greenwood Walmart Tire Department located in Greenwood,Ms. I informed employee Rosie Jackson that I needed to replace a tire that under warranty because I mistaken ran over bark wire causing the wire to rap around my entire putting a large hole and causing wire to come through the tire. Ms. Jackson began doing the paper work later. Another employee first name Rosie stated she (Jackson) were on her break. I asked Rosie could someone check me out because I had been waiting for approximately one hour. Rosie began to check me out informed me (Bradley) that I owe sixty plus dollars. I informed Rosie that the tire was under warranty. Ms.Jackson return from her break assume. She (Jackson) informed Rosie that wasn't correct paper work. Ms. Jackson look for the correct paper and couldn't relocate the paper work that when she departed to the back (Tire Shop). She return with two employee from the back. One tire worker gave (Jackson) a number from the tire rack. At this time (Jackson_ stated to me that I needed to get a tire alignment. I informed(Jackson) that I didn't need a alignment. I ran over some wires again showing her the hole in the tire. Ms. Jackson informed one of the employee to check the thread on both tires. The young informed her that my old tire thread about 6/32 and the new tire was 8/32. She informed him he didn't read my tire correctly. That when she stated 4/32. At this time she stated she could give me a credit of $14.00. and I would have to pay a credit of $47.00 . I informed her that the young man read the thread right the first but you change it. Again I showed her the big hole in the tire. She started hitting on the wall calling for Associate Manager Kimberly Mays. I seen Mrs. Mays looking through the Tire Shop door. Ms. Jackson departed the front area to the shop area and began talking to Mrs. Mays. Mrs. Mays and Ms. Jackson both re-enter the front desk area. Mrs. Mays began playing with a small child hugging on some customer and later on start typing something on the computer. At no time Mrs. Mays said anything to me. Ms. Jackson again stated I needed to get my rear end aliment. At this time my wife Linda Bradley informed (Jackson) to take the new tire off and put my old tire back on. At this time departed Greenwood,Ms. Walmart. This is the not the first time I have had problem with Greenwood Walmart. First time I lost my three of my hub cap because the weight were put on the outside causing the hug cap to not stay on. The manager stated I didn't informed the tire man to put the weight on the inside. I informed him the tire man seen the weight was on the inside before he put new tires on my vehicle and hug caps wasn't fitting correctly. The second time the tire man mess up 14 lugs on my car.The manager informed me to buy some more lugs and he would get his best work to replace them which he did.

myself and my family go to Walmart everyday we probably spend $2000 a month in the clarkesville Indiana store but as of today that all stop I wouldn't shop at Walmart again if it was the only store on earth.I tried to return a plum tree I bought there it was supposed to have a 1 year warranty if it died I was supposed to be able to get another tree but because of some hag on a power trip they got me for $22 she would not swap out the trees because I had lost the receipt even though the tags were still hanging on the tree all she had to to was scan the bar code but no she insisted on a receipt I have return and swapped out stuff at lowes home depo and Walmart in the past without a receipt and did not have any problems what so ever.Will never shop Walmart again!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't find the products I'm used to buying. It seems like I get accustom to a product the stop stocking it.
I get to the checkout line and I have to wait for the cashier to stop chatting with the customer in front of
me. The lines are long enough to wait in, let alone waiting for cashiers to talk about their personal problems.
I can't even get a 1 serving can of peas. 1 liter bottle of diet coke. Vegetables are not very fresh....etc.

I spoke with Harvey from Chicago Illinois (call center) took my online order today. As it was a large order, I had called and spoken with someone both yesterday and the day before and had my shipping fees waived. Victoria gave A+ customer service as did Maley. Harvey from Chicago -took my order-hit my debit card for the full amount and then said no I am not going to waive your shipping fees and then HUNG UP ON ME despite it being documented as approved by a supervisor 2 days prior. During the course of my transaction he said he would finish my order as he would be going on break in 4 minutes. He is rude and was not authorized to take the full amount. This needs to be resolved. I am IRATE!

My Walmart online grocery account with Fishers, IN was flagged because of reporting too many honest facts about their flawed grocery delivery service and because I used too many promo codes. Apparently, they don't want you to be honest about their continual issues of out of stock items. They send you a survey and if you give them a low rating too often they don't want your business anymore. The flagging is determined by the grocery manager's discretion in an effort to prohibit you from ordering in the risk that the department will receive another bad review or customer service call. Instead of raising their standards to improve service they simple ban you as a customer. I placed15 or more phone calls including speaking with corporate and the only resolve was to open up a new account with a different email address. I received no apologies and most of the people I spoke via customer service, call centers, consumer dept. and even corporate acted as if their hand were tied. Many were downright rude!

I tried fo many times to call a store and your customer service line. Over an hour of my wasted time. I never gotto speak to a live person. The stores' lines just rang and rang on. HORRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE!!!

I took two rims to the auto dept and bought 2 tires and have them mounted.
They put my tires on the machine and stopped and started on other customers that came in after me, to service their vehicles. One of them I knew and he wanted oil change and didn't have it scheduled. Finally after over 2 hours of waiting they had my tires ready. I paid and drove 25 miles to mount them. When I got them out of the truck one was flat. I aired it up to find the valve was leaking. I looked at my ticket and they charged me $3.00 for new valves for each tire. They did not put new valve but charged me $6.00 for them. I had to drive to wal mart in Forrest City Ar and pay $3.18 for a new valve. The wal mart in west Helena at is the one that I paid for something, not to mention the extra time and expense to go have one fixed again. The time on the ticket does show the accurate time I waited. My ticket service order 26588. I think the extra charges for the valves were done on purpose thinking I wouldn't know the difference. Wonder how many more times that has happened On 4-9-19. This is not the first bad experience I've had at this store. Most of your employees are rude and act as if it's a pain to wait on customers and I have never got a thank you for doing business. If they don't like their job they should find another.

I went to the Walmart in 1919 Davis St San Leandro, CA. This happened Monday 4/08/19. This Walmart in particular is always gives me extremely delayed service when the formula drawer to be opened. I went in and there was no bottom to called for assistance to open the formula cabinet. Both me and my husband are walking around asking ALL employees for the key. No one had it. After about 15 minutes we ask someone to make an announcement over they speaker, they did. 5 more minutes and no one came. I decided to go to the front and I encountered the CUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGER DANIELLE. I asked if she could send someone to formula bc no else could seem to help us and she just "ok." I replied frustrated, "It's been over 20 minutes," And she rudely answered "well the only thing I can do is call and you can wait." I walked about 10 feet away and watched her NOT MAKE THE CALL. I went over to her again and said "can you please call because I clearly saw that you didn't." She replied, "Well that's your fault because you walked the other way and now you're going to have to wait longer" I cannot believe this is the type of service I received from the Customer Service Manager. I am extremely applaud and hurt by the attitude of this employee. I shouldn't have to drive to the Walmart father from my house, I expect every Walmart to live up to the great customer service you claim to give your customers. I would like the district manger or store manager to contact me via email or phone. or 510-696-0142.

I am writing this letter to clear my Wife Juliette,s good name also mine
Let me give you a picture of how it began .We were checking out at Walmart in Ajax Ontario and the Cashier asked my wife if she would
like to apply for a Wall Mart credit card and with my nod she agreed the line behind us was long and people were not pleased about
this so she felt stressed as the people were grumbling...however she gave the information asked of her ..I was bagging our purchases while she
gave the information as understood .We got the card bearing my name by mail and called activating it being told that we must make the first purchase at Walmart which we did and another at a Pharmacy problem at this time...the third purchase was declined ..I called the security
number that was given and was asked my name where I live date of birth credit cards and their numbers that I have and drivers licence number
and they said this is not correct and asked for me to fax a copy to them ….this is when I took objection...I would not send such a document by mail
ever ..considering the electronic fraud taking place, and beside this it may be against the Law.
We have never been made to feel as though we were scammers as at this time ! and we have never been refused a Credit card before! and we have a number of them in good standing some saying that we qualify for a Credit Increase if desired! we don't see why Walmart cannot validate our identity other ways and restore our good standing in the credit department.
We spend about 3-5K at Walmart every year using other Credit Cards ;we would like to continue business with Walmart and it is up to you if this
relationship continues
Neville & Juliette De Abreu

Shopped at Walmart Cromwell CT. Store #02299. Spent over $500.00 with 2 carts of merchandise. Ref#90900040835 on 3/31/19 at 11:12am. Gave clerk $1.00 coupon. She entered $1000.00 in error. Had to empty entire 2 carts, unbag and rescan order. This took another 1/2 hour after waiting in line. No process to void coupon apparently after a manager tried. What a huge inconvenience with children. Almost aborted trip...Walmart needs more up to date computer system to keep loyal customers. I spend an awful lot at Walmart and was very unhappy with this experience.
Susan Mack
3 Mario Drive
Higganum,Ct 06441

Our local Walmart in port Allen Louisiana is open 24 hours. Should I be able to call and talk to someone at 630 in the morning. Tried this morning from 6am to 630. No answer.

I don't mind self check out usually I had the worst experience ever! I arrived at the front of store to massive lines in all lines with a cart full of groceries only to find out that yes I had to check myself out and that the store has NO BAGS!!!! Their was a young girl very rudely handing out cheap plastic garbage bags that would barely hold anything heavier than a load of bread without breaking!!!! And since the bags were just laying there the scanner kicked off and had to wait for an employee to come type in code after every few items scanned because the scanner perceived us to be stealing because you couldn't balance the garbage bag in the correct place! Total lack of managerial presence during this catastrophe and total overall poor management! Thank goodness we have another option nearby in Murray, KY !!!! Will not return to the Paris,Tn. STOre! Hire a manager! This woman is never there! We are a rural area we need our store!

Purchased 4 tires and had them put on my jeep almost 4 years ago. I bought road wear and have been satisfied with everything until this weekend. I hit something with my front drivers tire and my tire went almost totally flat. I have only put 29,000 miles on it since I bought the vehicle. I know tires wear and I didn't have a problem with paying for another one at all. My issue was the run a round with my nearest Walmart. I looked them up on line yesterday Sat, 4/6/19 saw their hours were until 7 pm. I called, couldn't get an appointment, must come in person. Was told they could cut off taking customers early so they wouldn't run out of time. I understand this. My husband took the tire off and we drove 35 mins and got there at 6pm. I was told they didn't have time because they were short on help. I wasn't real happy but understood, we shouldn't have gotten there so late. I looked up their hours for today, Sun, 4/7/19, open until 6 pm. We got there at 3pm and was told it would be a 3 hour wait by the same man as the day before. That would have made it closing time for them so why was he still taking customers if I was going to have a 3 hr wait which put it till 6 pm, closing time? Once again he said they were short on help. Not my problem, hire some help, bad manager or something. I was pretty hot this time and should be ashamed of myself for what I said. There were still 2 people in line behind me to talk to him so I'm guessing they didn't have a problem waiting 3 hrs. We drove another 35 miles to Canton, got waited on, the tire replaced, and had dinner out, then drove 45 mins to get home at 6:15. I'm guessing we'd still be down there waiting or would have been told at 6 pm, Oh sorry, it is now too late to do this tonight. You got some serious problem down there. Just needed to vent and apologize as I did use some nasty language at your business. I've had all 4 new tires put on both the last 2 vehicles I've purchased at Walmart and I just purchased another vehicle which I'll put new tires on soon I'm sure but I think I'd rather stay in town and give local merchants my business even it does cost me more after this frustration.

MY TV SAGA: I purchased a 50" Samsung LED TV from on Nov 2016, together with a 4-yr extended warranty. The TV lost its picture and sound in Feb 2019. Asurion, Walmart's Customer Care Team agreed to have the TV repaired at its depot. It was returned via UPS. Although it was now working, it was physically damaged, probably having been dropped in transit.
Asurion now decided to replace the damaged unit but instead of a Samsung, the choice was a Polaroid or a Sceptre---each retailing for much less than a Samsung. I complained to various supervisors at Walmart and Asurion that if I wanted a Polaroid or Sceptre, I would have bought one. "Too bad" was the reply and I was given 48 hrs to decide.
All this with an extended warranty! I chose a Polaroid with a picture that is not the greatest and a reputation that is even worse.

I bought several things at the Brigham City, Utah store including a razor for 11.88. When I got home it wasn't in the bag. I took the recite back to the store and the cashier who helped me said to just go get another one and take it to the customer service desk. They wouldn't let me have it and said they can't do anything about it unless someone turns it in. So I am out a razor and travel to and from the store...I live 5 miles away. Very disappointed and hope this can be resolved.

i had sent a complain on 4/5 when we got home,about 2 employees engaged in a very loud tone,seems the man was trying to calm a cashier down,you wouls thing,that they would go into a offics,the lady was talking so loud,waving arms just unreal,mean while people are looking because it was loud, she is off reg. and there are lines,come on ,then she is going to reg. and a employee walks buy she yells its ok i have been talking to micky,the employee said nothing to her unreal

The store in Whitehall, Pa. is by far the dirtiest store I have ever been in, it is a total disgrace. There is garbage, spills and partly eaten food containers everywhere. I just spent over 30 minutes trying to get assistance in the jewelry department along with six other customers. One was waiting so long he sat on the floor waiting for assistance.. I know a long haul truck driver who goes to Walmart before every trip and he once stated to me this was the dirtiest Walmart he had ever seen.
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