Wells Fargo Complaints Continued... (Page 4)
320+ reviews added so far. Upset? Call Wells Fargo corporate: 866-878-5865
Wells Fargo is the worst…I mean the worst company I have ever had the displeasure of patronizing. Their customer service is a sloppy disgusting mess. Rather than to make sure you receive the proper service they would rather bounce you around, waisting your time (the so-called valued customer), never attempting to make your experience on the phone a pleasant one, all just to feed you some BS line that they can’t help you but the other department can but when you get to department that’s supposed to help you they don’t know how to help you either. Funny they will be all over you when they something from you but if you want something from them they all but tell you F..YOU!
Well that’s what I’m telling them F..YOU Wells Fargo, I hope your sorry ass business fails. You suck. I hope someone outs your disgusting scams and shuts your asses down. I hate you!!!!!

Me and my wife currenty have a mortgage in good standing through Wells Fargo. We had recieved numerous solicitations by phone from WF to refinance. Finally I decided to talk to them and see what it was all about. They said because I was a current customer in good standing, I qualified for a lower interest refinance at no cost to me. They sent me the informatin; we reviewed it and decided it was a good choice for us. I talked to the Wells Fargo loan processor to get things started he entered everything and said someone would be in touch.
2 days later a girl from the Charlotte office of Wells Fargo called and said she needed more information about my employment. 4 years ago, I became self employed as a consulting engineer providing estimating and project management services to construction companies. I explained this to her and she said she could not verify that. I offered to send in previous years tax returns which contain a Schedule C for self employed. She said that was not good enough. I needed to have a website or advertise in some way. She said I needed to be registered with the state as a business.
NOT IN PENNNSYLVANIA YOU SIMPLE BI&#H. I don’t advertise because I work for a select group of companies in Pittsburgh. This is crazy especially since I currently have a mortgage with them. I wish there was someone at Wells Fargo that could help? But I have been told I am out of luck.

ive been with wells fargo an its has been a headache. they have contacted family memebers about my account they call them non-stop. they keep sending letters to everyones house even those who are family by marriage. i have told them over and over againg that the car is not working and im will to settle to pay off the loan. the car is a 2002 i have had it for 6 years and they are saying i still owe 10,000 on the car. they even call on holidays they call my grandmother cell phone… she paid her car payment aslo an they tried to make her pay mine to because we share the same address. wells fargo is bad at doing business and understanding there customer i will never tell anymore to use them ever.

Please tell me HOW this is acceptable business practice. I am a 53 year old woman that has worked for Chrysler Dealerships over the last 5 years in sales and unfortunately am in the court process of losing my home to Wells Fargo. After several unsuccessful “modification” attempts. In fact Wells Fargo told me my life circumstances has no bearings what so ever on my loan. They also asked me what my solution would be in a perfect world and when I told them a realistic plan and solution for my situation they laughed and said well it’s not a perfect world and that is NOT going to happen!
Wells Fargo plays really nasty emotional games and losing everything is emotional enough. They finally after months stopped calling me and just over the last five days (I have a court hearing coming up in a week) they start calling again out of the blue. I mentioned to them today that I was going to record the conversation and they informed me they can no longer speak to me. The Wells Fargo representive told me they have a staff that edits their recordings and takes out things as protection and if I record a conversation they do not have access to edit my recordings!
Does anyone realize this is the type of help Wells Fargo is giving the public?

Dear Wells Fargo Representative, I am not a wells Fargo Customer. Yesterday, I stopped by Wells Fargo (Huntington Beach ) Golden West and Bolsa Ave to cash a check. After about 15 minutes talking to the bank representative (Paul Gaurodo) I am not sure about his last name anyway after he got my fingerprints, all my IDs , and wrote all the information on the check ..he told me since I am not a wells fargo customer he can’t cash the check for me …it’s OK no big deal – I just needed the cash at that time I deposited the check into my bank account today ..he did not even apologize for that …but’ it’s ok …I think I will never be a wells Fargo Customer. Thank you for the great customer service!

I have a car that was purchased new in 2005. I financed with Wells Fargo Auto Finance. They gave me a 72 month loan with 18% interest. If you do the math… you will see I signed up for a loan that would make them a ton of money. I am a teacher. Recently teachers had a huge layoff in Georgia and now I am unemployed. Although I have struggled in the past, this is like nothing I have ever been through. I have continued to pay Wells Fargo for the car. I have gotten behind on payments but no more than 60 days. When I asked for an extension they denied it.
When I asked for any program or solution, they had none. When I asked to change the due date, they denied it. I make monthly payments but it takes two unemployment checks to make One payment. I now receive over 8 phone calls a day, every day beginning at 8am and going to 9pm. They are rude when I answer and try to reason with them that I can’t dream up new money. I told them I have no intention of just letting the car go back and will continue to do the best I can. They threaten repo in every phone call.
Once they told me I COULDN’T make a payment unless I made TWO. They have told me “You need to stop playing GAMES.” They have suggested I get my CHURCH to pay my car payment. They have yelled at me. They have told me that I am irresponsible and that I am just plain avoiding my debts. Does anyone have a class action suit against them for unfair debt collections?

Have had multiple Mortgages with Wells Fargo Bank and the Wells Fargo Financial Division for Refinancing and also Wells Fargo Mortgage. We have NEVER in over 30 years been late with ANY payment to them and often have paid ahead or made larger payments. I am alone now and have become so ill that I was hospitalized for months. During that time I made payments, however I was told by 5 Doctors that there is no possible way for me to continue to work. I called Wells Fargo Bank and got in touch with the Wells Fargo Mortgage Division but they were of NO HELP.

From May of 2008 at the beginning on the housing bust, I owned the property. After failed attempts to sell the property during this time, I requested of Wells Fargo a loan modification and entered a process of several months of filing paper documents, extensive phone calls and a great deal of incompetence given that the bank employees often gave very contradictory information regarding the modification. I asked the Wells Fargo rep what I need to do to bring the loan current. I then proceeded to look for another tenant only to find out that Wells Fargo had still placed the loan in foreclosure status and used a portion of the my money to pay internal attorney fees which I had no knowledge of.

Don’t waste your time with Wells Fargo. I wonder where they get those people, like winners of a contest “worst spelling and communication in the class, the best slacker of the year”… Customers at least deserve to deal with somebody who’s able to build grammatically correct sentences, and also finish them. We applied for a loan pre-approval in the end of September 2010, now it’s mid-February 2011 and nothing is done. A few times they told us that it’s finished, and that they are sending a letter. Never did (probably, not literate enough to write it). Also (probably didn’t like our names) Wells Fargo asked us to produce VISAS!

Wells Fargo closed our business & personal accounts on the 14th of the January, a Friday. They told us we would receive our funds within 10 days, by the 24th. On the 31st, we still hadn’t received our funds (over $2000.00). On the 5th of February, a Saturday, we still have not received our funds. We lost postal service only one day during the recent snow storm that hit our state and surrounding states. We also received a notification from Wells Fargo on a closed business savings account, mailed from South Dakota on the 2nd of February. Supposedly, our funds check was cut on the 28th, mailed on the 31st, and mailed from North Carolina.
We were told subsequent to the “check will be there by the 24th” story that they had to wait 10 business days before cutting the check (which was technically the 28th). Apparently they have another policy for when they mail the check, and it is also apparent they don’t send their refund checks out first class mail from North Carolina, which is usually only 2 days in the mail. Now we’re being given the “snow storm” excuse–I think we’re being given a SNOW JOB. It has been 15 business days since the closing of our accounts, plus 3 weekends.
They are also telling us that if we want them to issue a new check, we will have to wait another 10 days from the date of the check (the 28th to the 11th of Feb) before they would cut another check. In short, they’re refusing to 1) track the check; 2) research to see if a check was actually cut and mailed; 3) cut us a new check or better yet, wire us our funds that they’ve now used for the better part of a month; 4) make NO attempt WHATSOEVER during the entire period to contact us with ANY details regarding OUR money.
This greedy behavior is right in line with their overdraft lawsuit that they lost in California, their greedy behavior in the mortgage crisis, and their overall lack of professional courtesy in their dealings with customers, past or present, and certainly a harbinger for the future for any customers, which we still are one because we have a mortgage with Wells Fargo also. These people do not deserve to be in the banking industry. They are money mongers.

Since we do not want to lose our house, we contacted Wells Fargo Home Mortgage in spring of 2010 for a loan modification, after being counseled that there were many different options available to us. I got the ‘Agreement’ letter today with our upcoming payment schedule for the next four months. The first three months were, of course, the reduced payment amount. But the fourth payment was the full payment for April PLUS the balance of payments that would have normally been made. Unbelievable! I am contacting any state and federal agency that will listen to me to complain about this. I can’t believe we were strung along for EIGHT MONTHS, then lied to that this would be a ‘relief’ for us!

I will immediately get to the major points of my complete frustration and the financial loss I have occurred while working with Wells Fargo Financial and Wells Fargo Mortgage on my refinance. Please note Wells Fargo Home Mortgage has my current mortgage. I’ll state the facts out briefly and later in my message I will provide any clarifying information you may need to fully understand my frustration and complete dissatisfaction with your organization.
1. I have lost approximately $9119.18 (a + b below = $9119.18) in paid interest; which includes, monthly out of pocket expenses due to the delays that continue to occur that are preventing the closing of my refinance. None of these delays were created by me. I responded immediately to any requests made of me.
a. I am current paying an additional $658 per month out of pocket each month this refinance does not close. This is the difference in the current mortgage payment amount and the new mortgage payment once the loan is closed. In addition, I currently pay an additional $300 per month for homeowners insurance and property taxes; these are not escrowed in my current loan. The Initial closing date for this loan was 8/24/10 – 12/24/10 (4 months) x $685 per month = $2740.
b. Each day the closing of the new loan is delayed it costs me approximately, $51.45 per day in interest charges. Based on the original closing date I was given by Wells Fargo Financial 8/23/10; the total interest cost to me is 124 days x 51.45= $6379.81 (8/24/10-12/24/10)
After a detailed review of your web site it appears Wells Fargo Mortgage and Wells Fargo Financial are definitely promoted as one in the same. Prior to writing this letter I reviewed your web page regarding your company’s mission and values. Based on my experience over the past 6 months you are not adhering to or successfully meeting the expectations of your commitment to the customers you serve. In fact, I reviewed several web pages and found information regarding loan refinancing options that appear to be a much better financial option for my situation.
Other options of loan programs were never discussed with me when Wells Fargo Mortgage took over my initial application for a refinance from Wells Fargo Financial due to inaccurate information provided by their staff. Wells Fargo Financial took full responsibility for the issue and assisted in transferring all necessary documents and information to Wells Fargo Mortgage to ensure I did not experience any additional challenges with the refinance process. I’ve included at the bottom of this email specific information from your websites that appear to be a much better programs than the current one I am locked into.
I would like to know specifically, why these programs were not discussed with me and why I was not provided with all the options available to me at the time this loan was initiated. The initial closing date provided on the application completed with Wells Fargo Mortgage is 10/30/10, currently 54 days past due.
I respectfully request your immediate reply to my concerns and request I be compensated adequately for the money I have lost due to the poor and inadequate service provided by Wells Fargo. I do not believe the $1000 offered by Randy Smith is adequate due to the amount of money I have lost in doing business with Wells Fargo, the continued inadequate customer service; and, my refinance still has not closed nor do I have an accurate summary statement for my review.
It appears in your Code of Ethics section A. subsection 3, 2nd bullet you have the ability and authority to waive fees and offer discounts. Please get back with me right away to discuss those options you are willing to offer.
Suzi Pulczinski
907-982-1374 email: suzip@gci.net
To ensure you have specific details of my experience working with your organization I have included a detailed recap of the circumstances, consistent issues, and what appears to be a total lack of disregard for your customers.
Summary of events:
Initially, I was contacted by your Wells Fargo Financial office located in Wasilla, Alaska a few years ago. I was extremely impressed with the customer service provided by the loan specialist and the office manager, they were knowledgeable, answered all of my questions, explained the risks and long term advantages of the options they could offer, and were true to the promises and agreements made with me both verbally and in writing.
I was contacted by Wells Fargo Financial to inquire about my interest in refinancing my current mortgage, due to the very high rate of 10+%. This contact occurred in April or early May 2009. I immediately followed through with the requirements to make application for the refinance. I was given a closing date on the signed contract of 8/23/2010 at the latest. During the application process I was assured by the loan processor that at the time of closing I would be able to lock into the current interest rate if it was lower than the 5.1 we currently figured in the loan. The loan cleared underwriting and an appointment was made to close the loan. The date of the closing I contacted Wells Fargo Financial to ensure the interest rate was adjusted to the current low rate of 4.5. At that time, it was explained I had been given miss information by the loan processor and the interest rate could not be adjusted. During this conversation with Chris the local manager he said the only option was to start the process over to get the lower rate. He stated his office was unable to do it but he would connect me with another Wells Fargo office to complete the refinance on my loan.
Immediately upon referral to Wells Fargo Mortgage in your Wasilla office I was contacted by loan processor Jay Larson. All my information was transferred from Wells Fargo Financial to Wells Fargo Mortgage and confirmed by Jay. In approximately 1-2 weeks Jay contacted me to explain I would need to come into the office and sign the new loan application. We scheduled a time and date and the application was signed and the interest rate was locked in on 8/24/10. During my initial phone call with Jay and again in person when signing the loan application I asked Jay about closing costs I would be expected to pay. He stated an estimate of $200 or so but he could not be certain. At that time, I said, no problem but a few thousand would be an issue. I also explained my loan with Wells Fargo Financial would not require any money from me at closing and I would assume this will be the same. Today, I was told by Jay my anticipated closing costs would be approximately $3600; the actual summary sheet he provided shows the closing cost I must provide at $4606.
Periodically, throughout the past 4 months Jay has checked in with me. Often, I initiated the contact to check the status of my loan. I called several times with concerns of my appraisal expiring before closing. Jay reassured me initially we should have no problem closing before the appraisal will expire. However, if it does we can request an extension. I was contacted by Jay on November 1st or 2nd, he told me everything looked great, the loan was ready to move forward and we should close within about 10 days. Needless to say, it had already been 90 days with Wells Fargo Financial and another 60 days with Wells Fargo Mortgage I’d been waiting to close this loan. I was very excited we were finally closing. In approximately mid-November I contacted Jay and asked what happened why haven’t we closed yet. He indicated they were very busy and the case was set and ready to go through underwriting.
I was then contacted a day later requesting additional information from another Wells Fargo employee indicating he was following up for Jay and that a couple question had not been completed on my initial application and he needed to ask me those before the loan could move forward. I answered his questions. I explained to this employee I was concerned because my appraisal was expiring in a few days and Jay had indicated we would have closed around mid-November and it was now late November and the appraisal expires 11/28/10. He stated he would do what he could. With still no update on my loan closing I went to the Wells Fargo Mortgage Office in Wasilla, on approximately 11/30 after several attempts to get clear and accurate information over the phone. At that time, I spoke with Jay and Brenda who indicated she was the area manager. I expressed my frustrations; she explained she just became aware of the situation and would look into it and get back with me the next day. Jay apologized by saying he is only as good as the information he is given.
Brenda did contact me the following day in a timely manner. She explained she had contacted underwriting and that the appraisal expired so they requested an extension. She explained the appraiser agreed to do it right away. Brenda explained once that was received she had the file tagged so it could be routed immediately to the correct underwriter for completion. She stated she would call me with an update the following day. Jay and Brenda also indicated they expected we would close by Wednesday 12/8. I explained I would be in Fairbanks for business the entire week. Brenda indicated arrangements could be made to close in Fairbanks. She would let me know once we had a firm closing date. I received no contact from Jay or Brenda until Monday 12/6 or Tuesday 12/7, which was initiated by me. I had not received a return phone call on, 12/1, 12/2, or 12/3 from Brenda. However, she later left me a voice message stating she did call me on one of those days, however a check of my voice mail at all contact numbers I did not have any message from Brenda. Jay did return my call early in the week 12/6, he explained we should close any day. I explained I was in Fairbanks and to arrange the closing for Monday 12/13 or 12/14 if necessary. I was again contacted by Jay on Tuesday 12/7 requesting I provide additional copies of my paystubs, since those provided initially were now too old. These were provided to Jay via fax within hours of his request.
Upon my return to Wasilla on Saturday 12/11 I had not heard back from Jay about a closing date. On Monday, December 13, I called Jay. During that conversation he explained we were still not ready to close. He said he could tell the loan was in the process and we should have it ready for closing any day. At this point, I requested to talk with his Supervisor Brenda’s manager because it is clear neither he nor Brenda have the ability or authority to correct the issues.
I immediately contacted the local area manager Rod. He was out of the office so I left a detailed message of my concerns and requested a call back. Rod returned my call within a reasonable amount of time. He indicated he did not have the details of the situation; however, throughout the conversation it became clear he had talked with Jay or Brenda about the details of my concerns. I explained the challenges I have experienced throughout my dealings with Wells Fargo, beginning in June. He stated adamantly he would not take responsibility for the poor service provided by Wells Fargo Financial. I explained from the customer perspective they are one in the same. I explained the issues and the concerns I have about the unacceptable customer service I have received in addition to the money I am losing each month this loan does not close. In my attempt to explain exactly what I was referring to, Rod interjected his opinion several times, which unfortunately were inaccurate to the situation I was attempting to explain. These are the facts I requested he consider for every month this loan does not close:
1. The appraisal expired and had to be recertified.
2. My current mortgage payment is approximately $1525 per month.
3. My monthly expense for taxes and homeowners expense is approximately $300
4. New mortgage estimated payment including taxes and insurance $1250 per month
Current monthly mortgage, taxes, and insurance: $1825 per month
New loan estimated monthly mortgage, taxes, and insurance $1225 per month
For every month this mortgage closing is delayed costs me $658 (per Jay’s calculations) per month cash out of my pocket.
Rod explained he would have to confirm with Jay that this was actually the money I was paying out each month; he stated once he verified it he would consider providing me with a $400 discount on the loan. I explained that was unacceptable. I requested the name and phone number of his supervisor. He provided the name and phone number for Randy Smith.
I contacted Randy Smith immediately and left him a detailed message of my concerns. Randy returned my call a few hours later, approximately 5pm Alaska time. He acknowledged my frustrations; however, was unable to assist in moving my loan forward so a closing date could be set. We also discussed the monthly amount I was losing just by paying the mortgage, taxes, and insurance on my current mortgage $658 total more than if the refinance had been closed. Randy confirmed he checked with Jay and I was having to put out about $658 more a month than if the loan had closed timely. He offered to compensate me with $400, I explained this was unacceptable. I had already lost over $3000, he stated he was unwilling to even consider that amount. I suggested he at least cover the cost of the 50 days plus Wells Fargo Mortgage has delayed the loan which cost me in only monthly costs $1400 (not including the interest costs I am incurring for each day the loan does not close.) Randy then stated he liked round numbers and offered $1000 which I agreed to. I asked him specifically, when the loan will close, he stated by the end of the month. I again expressed my complete frustration of unacceptable service – I have been waiting since June. He stated he had no control over it and could not guarantee a date earlier than the end of the month. I explained to Randy, that if the loan had not closed by Friday 12/17 we would be talking again because I would expect additional compensation for the continued delays. It is now December 23, an accurate summary statement has not been provided to me, nor has a closing date been set. However, I was assured the loan was approved by underwriting.
It was explained last week the reason we could not close yet was due to waiting for a payoff on my current mortgage. On 12/14 the pay off still had not been received. Jay contacted to confirm my November mortgage payment had been made. I assured him I had, but then checked my account and realized I had neglected to electronically transfer the payment. I did so immediately on 12/14. I contacted Jay again on 12/17 because I still did not have a closing date. He stated the payoff had been received but did not reflect my current payment. Considering my current mortgage is with Wells Fargo Mortgage and my refinance is also with Wells Fargo Mortgage it seems very odd that an accurate payoff would not be available immediately or at least within 24 hours.
Throughout my discussions with loan processors, Branch Managers, Areas Managers, and Regional Managers it was clearly conveyed they did not care about the customer service they provide and often discounted or quibbled with me regarding the details of information we discussed. In fact, at least two of these employees eagerly agreed they are working in a broken system. It was also clearly conveyed to me they would give no consideration to the poor service provided by Wells Fargo Financial. However, I will state again in reviewing your web site it is clear Wells Fargo Financial is a member of the Wells Fargo Company.

My story is so similar to everyone who assumed Wells Fargo new anything about fair practice act. Got fired, got behind asked for modification, they asked for insurance claims. They sold my home after saying we are going to do everything to keep you in your home blah blah blah. Wells Fargo foreclosed in 5 months after not missing a payment for over ten years. We had been paying extra on the loan almost each month, we had been paying when we did not even live in the home for over a year due to a fire. Now what I need to know is what is the note, and how do i find out who really owns the note. My original loan was with wamu.

The Wells Fargo people were put together, we were assured over and over, and over that, we would get in front of Wells Fargo before they left and that we would leave with an answer. I waited and waited and was just about to get in front of Wells Fargo and they announced that they were too tired and were going home and we would not be seen. The frustrating part is I was within minutes of being in front of Wells Fargo and they went home when it was my turn. As a result, I am getting all of this non-communication and told different stories every time I talk to someone. This has been a very painful process and has been way more work than it should ever have been – especially since I was told in Phoenix that I would leave with an answer from Wells Fargo.

I am incredibly annoyed by Wells Fargo right now and their constant solicitors phone calls. I understand I am behind on bills, but there is no reason to call this much. I don’t make money on an hourly and daily basis and I wish Wells Fargo understood that. I working on getting money together, but please be more patient. After all I have paid you consistently on my home loan mortgage for the last 10 years! I get calls from phone sales people all the time, and most of them are just looking to make some easy cash so they usually are persistent, however you’d think with more long term goals Wells Fargo would not want to get on my nerves like this!

Wells Fargo are liars and thieves. When I first started having problems they informed me to call their home loan program and also contact the Home Affordable Modification Program. After months of getting nowhere and multiple trials payments I am told that the “Investor” that now owns my loan does not do modifications through the Home Affordable Modification Program. So instead of making arrangements for me to pay off the loan with a low interest rate Wells would rather sell the house to investors and get reimbursed the LOSS from the government which means the tax payers. Wells made money when they sold my loan to investors and now Wells will get paid again from the government that guaranteed the loan. They get money no matter what happens, so why would Wells Fargo ever care about the interests of their customers!!! They can’t lose no matter how bad they run their business!

I was a long time customer of Wells Fargo. The most important feature was my flawless online banking experience. As I learn now they were a rare find. You entered your bills to be paid by the date you needed them paid. If a paper check needed to be mailed, Wells Fargo used to give you an estimate as to when the payment would be received by the payee. Most important, the money did not leave your account until the check was presented to the bank for payment. Now they have all but forgotten about us, the customers! They could care less when or why things get posted, and it’s up to you to guess at when the money will clear for payments!!!

As a consumer in today’s unfortunate housing market, I can’t thank the government enough for making the Home Affordable Mortgage Act. In exchange for a promise from lenders to help consumers in hardship to catch their loans up and avoid for-closure the Federal Government has allotted special bailout funds to these business’s. Wells Fargo Home Mortgage is deliberately doctoring their numbers, misleading consumers that call upon them for help, turning away people with unfair and fraudulent acts, as well as withholding information and documents needed for consumers to stop the for-closure proceedings in a way I believe is to purposely to gain homes in areas that will not only let them recoup their losses, but the equity in that home as well.

I tried to refinance my house with Wells Fargo and I have a good credit score, I owe less balance on bills then when I bought the house as well as I put a large down payment down so I don’t owe a lot. I thought this would help me out in this process with Well Fargo Mortgage, but oh was I sorely mistaken. The person I was working with was concerned about a balance of $38.10 which was going to be paid off that week, but I figured nobody would take such a small amount seriously. Even thought they have gotten Stimulus money they are not interested in refinancing my house, though I have explained the situation. I pay my mortgage early every month since I bought the house, and this is extremely frustrating given my situation. They are not interested in any business, especially mine!

I purchased a vehicle in 2006 with a co-signer at 12.5% (sub prime). It’s supposed to be almost paid off however, they just repossessed my vehicle after almost 4 years of timely payments, the loan being 13 calendar days late, my car is gone. Also, as many other people have posted in their complaints, I have had collateral protection insurance attached on and off over the course of the last 4 years regardless of the fact that I have had full coverage insurance. I really want people mostly to know that there are class action law suits open and moving full steam ahead for most of these violations.
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I transferred money from my savings account into my checking account to make a purchase on November the 9th 2016, because my checking account was at zero or at the very least was to low for my purchase. Monday I received a notice that I had an overdraft fee for insufficient funds, because the transfer was somehow still being processed. I called and explained to the customer reps that my account is negative because of the nsf charge and even so it is $14 less than the amount of the charge. I was told that the process must have taken place after the purchases even though I would not have had enough money to cover the charges that occurred after, and that there was nothing that they could do about it. The also told me not to use their app for accurate account balances.

Never in my life have I ever dealt with such an unprofessional customer service department or bank in general. I called with an issue regarding an issue with my bill pay (which was not my fault) and instead of correcting the problem they have allowed my account to go into the negative and are not willing to provide any assistance with getting rid of the returned check fees, overdraft fees or crediting my account the money that was sent out without being authorized. This bank is a joke and I wish that I would have never signed up with them. Do yourself a favor and go to a local bank where they actually care about their customers or a credit union where they're willing to help you out in any way that they can.

We've been customers with Wells Fargo since circa 1999. I used to love this bank, but it steadily declining. It would be so easy to change to another bank if it weren't for convenience. We use to have 2 home loans, 2 line of credits, and a credit card with WF. We're down to 2 lines of credits soon to be paid off.
You didn't mind taking our money for interest to the tune of almost $500 a month at one point, and you wouldn't reduce the rate on our credit card (that you doubled overnight) when we asked on numerous occasions. I was never so glad to pay off an account in all my life. I felt like I was being robbed. We've also paid off two home loans -- one a line of credit! In return, if we had $8,000 in the bank for the month, our interest was less than $1.
Last Saturday, we went to our bank located in the 300 blk of S. Hampton, Dallas in need of a notary. They don't have a notary, and won't have one for about another month we were told. We would have to go to another branch. It was 1:45pm, and we were told the location at Westmoreland and Illinois in Dallas had a notary until 2pm. We had about 10 min to get there and that would be cutting it close with the lights. We had to wait till another day.
I went there today and had my document notarized. I found out they have 8 notaries at this location, yet our location has none. Is this ineptness on the part of the manager at our location to not see that 2-3 employees are able to notarize a document? I was told today I was the second person from the S. Hampton location this week who has had to go to this bank in order to get business done. Supposedly, S. Hampton is a full service bank.
Can someone contact our branch manager on S. Hampton and make sure several employees become notaries so that if someone is on vacation, sick, or off that day, or out to lunch, someone is able to handle the job?

Worse customer service I have ever experienced. As a dedicated customer for a decade I would assume I'm a valued client. Unfortunately Erika Villegas (Simi Valley, CA) doesn't believe that after the uncalled for treatment I received Saturday. For a business that has been publicly shamed for their corruptions one would believe the your customer service should be extraordinary. However this is not the case. It was slow and Erika Villegas clearly didn't have alot in her plate yet she just couldn't take the time to listen to my issues that I have been having with my accounts for a month now.
As a result none of my concerns were even addressed, due to fact that your employee would rather give attitude than listen and help resolve any of the issues at hand. It is shame that this company would employ such a rude banker especially since she is the face to your company. I highly recommend to anyone in need of assistance to avoid Erika Villegas for you will not receive help but get disrespect instead. To save time and resolve any concerns wait for professional banking specialist, Ericka doesn't not meet any these qualifications

An overdraft credit card was opened by Wells Fargo Bank without my knowledge. In 2013, my husband and I opened two checking accounts and a retirement account, it was suggested by the banker that we fill out an application for a credit card for overdraft protection, which we did. We never received any correspondence from Wells Fargo about the credit card and assumed we did not get approved. Approximately eleven months later we wanted to refinance our rental property through Wells Fargo and discovered when my credit was run that I had a credit card which I never knew about or activated and now had my credit destroyed for not paying on it.
My husband and I had just paid over $1,000.00 to Lexington Law to get our credit scores raised so we would have better interest rates. I wrote to Wells Fargo both the local branch and corporate branch and got the run around. Apparently, The card was activated when Wells Fargo called my husband about our checking account even though the new credit card was not in his name, and it was never disclosed that we even had a credit card. Our first knowledge of this account was when we applied for the mortgage. We found out how the account was activated when we contacted the credit card branch of Wells Fargo but there was nothing they could do about it. We were charged fees and my credit was ruined because of this illegal card.

Today, October 4, 2016 at 11:55 AM teller Luis assisted me. I handed him my mortgage payment stub and check for October's payment, the check and the payment stub reflected 705.85. When Luis asked me to confirm my payment there was the payment of 705.85 and then right beneath that figure was a figure for 10 cents which made the total 705.95. I asked what the 10 cents was for and Luis said I wrote 705.95 on the payment coupon, which if I had it would not have matched my check.
I said are you sure I wrote 705.95 and then he looked at it again and said "Oh, I read it wrong". I asked him to cancel the payment and re-enter it, which he did, but I believe he should have confirmed the information while he was entering it the first time (payment coupon and check amounts are the same) and immediately said he would cancel the transaction and enter it correctly. He didn't apologize; actually was quite nonchalant about it and because of this I decided to file a complaint. I do not know what the outcome would have been if I had not asked him to cancel and redo the transaction. Concerned that I would be notified about an incorrect payment and end up with a late fee charge also came to mind.

I have banked with Wells Fargo for several years and have experienced numerous times when funds of $20 to $40 have been withdrawn from my checking accounts by some one other than me. When I called or visited the local office to inquire about these incidences I was always told I had probably made a mistake of some sort. Now I understand it is likely that an account(s) was open in my name by employees and funds transferred form my legitimate account into fraudulent ones. The amount of money involved is in the thousands. How do I get my money back?

I open a Wells Fargo checking and savings account and was approved. The bank send me two debit card. I have money on my checking account. I tried to withdraw but Non of the card work. Two weeks later, I received a cashier check from Wells Fargo. No letter or what so ever. I called the bank and asked why. I was told they closed my account. I worried a bit because my paycheck was direct deposit. I was told not to worry, because they denied the direct deposit and that I have to talk to my employer. Wells Fargo employees cannot give me an answer why they closed my account and that all they know my account is closed.

Should be a negative star rating just for the CEO. I have been waiting for three months for a refi every one is on vacation all the time. Corporate head office spends too much passing the buck. They all say the same thing when asked about the delay.we work nights and weekends they say. I don't believe anyone has a clue what a hard day's work is at Wells Fargo they are too busy finding ways out of work and easier ways to scam the USA out of money.

I was one of the peasants that you people raped in the housing crash of 2008. Now you give one of your executives 124 million dollars because she did a good job perpetuating your fraud. You should be ashamed of yourselves. This whole culture is based on lies and deception now and you people are a huge part of it. I hope it comes down on your heads!

My Wells Fargo complaint is I open an account with a $50 deposit within 24 hours it was closed. I went to the bank to get my deposit back and was informed that I had a call 800 numbers after speaking to 6 different department each one blaming the other comes. Only to find out there was an account open project under my name in 2008. I thought I had fixed in 2010 now they're keeping my $50 and charging me 40 more for something that I had nothing to do need to know. Who can I talk to about my money and taking this damn project account out of my name?

Tried to schedule to have a safety deposit box drilled on saturday sept. 10th the day was confirmed but not the time, repeated calls to the branch have not been returned. I am traveling from Maryland to Arizona and stopping in westminster colorado to empty the box, a special stop for me. All I want is the time to be there. The wells fargo branch is on 7401 federal blvd in westerminster I am leaving Md. on Thursday morning sept 8th to be in westminster on the 10th.

I had a loan with Wells Fargo on a haul trailer and paid it off. After I paid it off they even sent me money back that I had overpaid. I did this just to make sure it was paid in full. Now I am getting billed for insurance on this bill and I have never had insurance with Wells Fargo. I had insurance with another company on the trailer I had financed with Wells Fargo. They will not listen on the phone and I even sent the papers proving I had insurance to no avail. Why do they keep billing me? I know if I do not pay it this will go against my credit. What a scam and extortion.

Wells Fargo adjusted my accounts back to my satisfaction. One day after I posted my complaint with Hissing Kitty.

I have visited different Wells banks four times, in an effort to update my mailing address for hard copy statements. I still do not receive statements, although very polite and enthusiastic employees find me on the computer, and assure me the needed data has been entered.In another vein, Wells has stopped including envelopes with their invoice for my monthly mortgage statement. No explanation, no marketing effort to demonstrate respect for the customer. No community building, by promising to donate the cost of their saved envelopes to local charities. No notice of any kind whatsoever. How disrespectful.

I go to Wells Fargo in Pendleton Oregon every day during the week for my work deposit and the manager (Judi Owens) at this location is horrible. She has a hard time understanding the simple job of a deposit most days. She also has some of the worst customer service skills ever! I had on a Star Wars t-shirt one day and she gave me a disgusted look on her face and said "really? Star Wars? You would really wear that in public?" I find this comment very unnecessary and rude.
I don't care who likes and doesn't like Star Wars but common sense says you keep your mouth shut either way. After talking with another Wells Fargo employee I found that she had told one of her employees that this employee is fat and that she should lose weight. I can't even begin to explain how dreadful that is! I am appalled that Wells Fargo would allow a person like this to move up to management level.
So, I checked online and found email address for Wells Fargo executives and emailed all of them. If you want to do the same, here they are: Howard.I.Atkins@wellsfargo.com, James.M.Strother@wellsfargo.com, Richard.D.Levy@wellsfargo.com, Mark.C.Oman@wellsfargo.com, and David.A.Hoyt@wellsfargo.com.

I have three checking accounts with Wells Fargo. One of them has a lot of automatic debits every month. It went into overdraft three times in a row so I put in extra deposits three times and wondered where my money was going.After checking with the local bank branch. I was told that over $5300. was deducted from my checking account for an automatic payment on my line of credit. This paid off the line of credit. It was supposed to only pay $40. minimum every month. They told me it was changed online probably by me.
I replied that I don't bank online, nor is it even set up. They figured they must have made the mistake. The first banker that I went to claimed to have it fixed. One month later it still wasn't. So I went to the branch that set up my line of credit. That manager got a hold of the line of credit person and when asked why the first banker did not get it fixed, she said, "well, that was only a request, not a demand." I was told it would take another month to fix. I still don't have the $5300. back and there was about half of it charged to my credit card. It is now over five weeks.

I went to Wells Fargo this morning and I wanted to do a cash advance and the guy told me he couldn't do it bc it was the exact amount and I have never have had any problems doing cash advance. He told me that I needed to go to another bank and I m a customer at wells Fargo for a long time. I m vey disappointed bc I am a loyal customer and I m not going to go to another bank to get money if I have an account with Wells Fargo.The bank I went to is the one in Mitchell Bridge Road. They supposed to help people and I try to call and the lady put me in hold.

1-800-869-3557 customer service for Wells Fargo is rude. They will ask you way too many questions not to be the claim department. Never get what you filed, funds never and up. And most importantly, why would you have to enter your pin for card to check your savings or checking with world wide customer service?

I had one of the worst customer service experiences today at a Wells Fargo location in Austin, TX. The address of this particular bank is 2028 E Ben White Blvd. I arrived at the bank around 11:05 or 11:10 (if memory serves me correctly). I added my name to the list of people requesting to see a personal banker before making a withdrawal up at the front with a teller. The teller was extremely helpful and efficient. When she asked if she could assist me with anything else, I told her I needed to speak with someone about my savings account. She asked if I had put my name on the list, to which I responded with a yes, and she told me someone would be with me shortly.
There were only 1 or 2 names before mine on the list. The lobby was under construction, so I milled about for a few minutes. Then, I waited in the doorway between the bank and the building's lobby for a few minutes as well. There were 2 parties waiting out in the chairs of the lobby of the building. When they were called back, I went and sat in the vacant chairs. I kept an eye on the 2 personal bankers at their desks to ensure I didn't miss my name being called. The lady who seemed to be the manager was greeting people as they walked in, about 3 feet away from where I was sitting. I made eye contact with her multiple times. Time passed. After about 20 minutes, I began to get impatient. I got up, went into the bank's lobby and made a point to check the list to see if my name had mistakenly been crossed off. The manager was right behind me as I did this.
There was a female personal banker who appeared to have no client in her office and was making small talk with the manager as I was sitting a few feet away, CLEARLY looking for someone to help me. More time passed. A man came in and the manager quickly went over and asked if all his needs had been met. And continued to ignore me. MORE time passed. Finally, the male banker had finished up with the couple he was working with, and I was sure he would go to the list, call my name, and it would finally be my turn. He got up, milled around the lobby, talked to the manager, and went back to his desk. The list was never looked at. I was never acknowledged or asked if I needed assistance. My name was never called.
A man entered the bank and wrote his name on the list. The male banker quickly jumped up, went over to him, and told him to come back to his desk so he could assist him. After I had been waiting for nearly FORTY minutes at this point, I was fed up and refused to wait any longer, be blatantly ignored by the manager, and come second to customers who had just arrived. I got up, scratched my name off the list (which apparently none of the bankers know how to use) and told the manager I could not wait ANY longer. She proceeded to tell me that she "didn't see me over there", which is hard to believe since we made eye contact many times, and she seemed to have no problem "seeing" customers leave and enter just a few feet from where I was sitting for almost an hour.
I've been with Wells Fargo for almost 7 years and I am normally very satisfied with their customer service. However, I felt incredibly disrespected by and irritated with my experience today. I highly doubt I will ever be returning to that branch again, as I can't afford to waste my time while management chooses to ignore waiting customers. I know there is nothing you can really do about an upset customer. However, as someone who used to work in customer service, I would NEVER want my customers to feel the way I do right now. I hope that branch and its manager learn how to treat all customers equally and ensure that no one has to wait for forty minutes without being helped (or at the least: acknowledged).

I read with great displeasure of Wells Fargo decision to support one political parties convention and not the other. While you may find a candidate holds views and beliefs contrary to your own, the convention is much more than a single candidate. If your decision to only support one party stands I will give serious consideration to pulling my business and investments now managed by Wells Fargo and find a more politically neutral bank.

I’ve been in Wells Fargo in Miami, Florida on April, 8th 2016 and asked them how to open an account. I was very clear about not living in US and asked more than once if I would have any problem to use my account from abroad. The customer sales representative and the manager at the time told me that living outside US should not result in any problem. What happened is, when I was back home, I receive a message from Wells Fargo telling me that my credit card was sent more than 30 days so I should ask to cancel my card and request to send me a new one. For that, I should update my account address information and call customer service, so I start to do so.
And I’ve been calling since then, and they keep telling me that I CANNOT REQUEST A NEW CARD or even have online access to my account to request a new one without providing some information from my debit card – the same one, automatically cancelled and that they don’t have enough information about my profile to check my identity. I received the card 2 days after the first call, but the card was already cancelled. It was just a post service delivery delay. It has been a nightmare. All the money that I have transferred to Wells Fargo is blocked, I am not able to do anything with the money without a card. I will not keep transferring my money monthly until this problem is solved. I contacted the Service Representative by email and called many times ( 9 times so far) all the 800 phone numbers available and they’ve told me that I can only solve this problem if I go to US and go to a WF branch to personally identify myself.
It is important to say that when I opened the account I provided all the required documents and I have been told that there would not be any problem concerning identity and/or personal details in the future.
I am not planning to go to US. I live in the Middle East and I have a very tight work schedule and because of that, I am trying to get another solution other than take the first flight available to go to US (which would cost US 1,419.00 only for the ticket!)

I am one of your Wells Fargo customers, who have a report to make about one of your manager employees. Today, I came in to talk about my account to explain a few things. I asked her was there a way for me to stop someone from pulling out of my account so it wouldn't make my account negative, and she told me, "there was no way I could stop them." "If I owe them money, that they're going to get their money!" (Which was rude.) So then, I asked "IF I wanted to cancel my account, how would I go about with that?" She told me, what I had to do. So, I asked her another question, (about my account became in the negatives) and she wasn't quit being patient with me and was misunderstanding what I was asking her. So she rudely told me to "bring in my 109 and cancel my account!"
Which wasn't right of her to raise her voice and tell me to cancel my account. Then, I asked was there a manager or someone else I could talk to and she said " I AM THE MANAGER!" There's no one else I could talk too. So I brought it to you guys, because canceling my account isn't what I wanted to do. I just wanted to fix a few problems and she gave me a really bad customer service experience. Her name is, Senitres Boyd, store manager

This is not a complaint about customer service it is about community responsibility. I live in Canon City, Colorado and have been a customer of Wells Fargo since 1974 and was an employee in Denver for 24 years. The main branch of Wells Fargo on Main Street in Canon City has a small plaza next to it that is part of the bank property. It has two small fish ponds, a statue, and several planted areas. To be frank, it is disgusting! The ponds are filthy, there is trash all over, and there is even a manhole that is broken that could easily severely injure someone. These small communities are trying to revitalize and improve economically and this eyesore on Main street is not helping. Quite frankly, it would not take much money to clean up this area and maintain it for the enjoyment of the tourists and community. Please address this with the local management in Canon City. It would go a long way in improving the image of the branch here.

I called the credit card department about fraud on my account. I was confused to why the amount of the fraud was on my credit card with no hold on it. The way this male representative talked to me referring to me as not remembering things was very rude. I had done everything I was told except I misunderstood about the procedures this fraud was attempted and my checking account not being cancelled. I thought Wells Fargo was canceling it out for me, but he told me I have to close it at Wells Fargo Bank. At the time of the fraud I was under a lot of stress dealing with the death of my daughter in-law and I find his remarks very insulting. I have been a customer of Wells Fargo for numerous years without any complaints until now. I did and I am doing everything explained to me at the time of the fraud.

Dear Mr. Stumpf, I am very upset with the wrong information I received from one of your Personal Bankers. The gentleman's name is Corey Hudson, who works at your Willingboro NJ Branch, I am a retiree from Wachovia Bank for 22 years of service and in my years there we ALWAYS treated our clients with the correct information and ALWAYS returned hone calls to our clients. I visited the bank because our Kennedy Branch was closed and I wanted
my sons names put on my safe deposit box in the event they could go and get necessary papers for me. At the Kennedy branch they had access but there signature cards were not forwarded to the Willingboro branch. I was informed by Mr. Hudson that all my sons needed to do was go to a branch in Delaware and Pittsburgh to sign a new card with their ID.
My son in Delaware went to a branch in Middletown, DE and was told I had to bring my son here to New Jersey to fill out a new application and a also my son in Pittsburgh. I am a widow and I need my sons names on my box.
Your manager in Delaware was very nice and said I received the wrong information in your Willingboro. I call the branch today 5/7/16 and spoke with Mr. Hudson and ask him to give a message to his manager to please return my call before end of business today, Raman Kaur, manager and she did not call me. When I worked for the bank our manager always said to return phone calls to our clients. I would truly like to get this resolved for my state of mind. I am quite sure if you were a widow and your children were not close by you would want for them to be able to take care of their parents business in the event of death. I would appreciate your help this this matter and I thank you for your time.
Your employees at the Willingboro Branch need more training in professionalism and good customer service. I thank you again.

So I received a debit card for my checking account. However the card was broken in two during mailing. So I tossed the card into the bottom of a drawer and ordered a replacement. Several months pass. I find that I am getting charges to my account from India. I start checking and I find that the card being used is the one which is broken, never activated nor used in the bottom of the drawer where I put it.
I go to the WF bank and they blame me for not being careful about using my card. After I show the card to the teller his mouth fell open. As I told him about the card being broken on shipment to me, never used, never activated. Several employees are looking at the card, still with the call this number sticker to activate. I am chastised for not being careful about charges. Its all my fault that someone in the WF bank activated and used or sold the card information. I caught them. WF Bank employees are activating and using the cards or selling card information. They dropped the charges from the card. I closed my account and have gone to a much better credit union.
This is the third time in only a few years that my cards were compromised and I never could find out how or where. Now I know and Wells Fargo bank is not the place to put your money. I try to let everyone know that I can. Check out the complaints about any given bank or credit union before trusting them with your information. Above all, run don't walk away form WF Bank.

My Wells Fargo Credit Card was stolen recently and was used twice without my approval. I called Wells Fargo to report the illegal use of my card. My problem was that I had to give the same identification information 4 times to 4 different people before anything was resolved. That took approximately 30 minutes to accomplish a task that should have been resolved within minutes. Why should I have to repeat myself with the exact same information 4 times? Surely, the computer system that Wells Fargo uses is sophisticated enough to transfer information to the proper office without having to repeat myself 4 times as I was transferred from office to office.
Lastly, the last person I talked to wanted to know if someone else was in the room. There was, but your employee then rudely began some tirade concerning privacy. I had given permission for my friend to overhear the conversation. My friend then took the telephone and explained to the 4th person that a simple task of reporting the fraudulent use of my card had become a "comedy of errors." Finally, the problem was resolved, I hope. II would hope that a better system could be established to make for easier business undertakings.

I would like to report the impolite attitude and terrible customer from the operation Supervisor and the Teller and that I have received at 9550 Bolsa Ave Well Fargo Bank branch in Westminster on 3/18/2016 at 5:30PM when I tried to make a deposit into my checking with $1,000 in half dollar coins that have been wrapped nicely in the coin wrap (the coins came from my piggy bank). I stopped by this branch since I am on the way to Bolsa. First, the male teller asking me to wait for the approval from his supervisor to see if he can accept the coins, then later one of the teller associate came with him to the window and told me that their supervisor can only allowed for one time favor to accept deposit of $200 as max for coin, unless I do have business account with the bank.
The teller clarified with me that this is the bank policy, there is nothing she can do. I asked her if there is any restriction in deposit with paper money, she respond "NO". I also have explained to them that this is only one time deposit, and I do not routinely deposit coins, so I need their help to make an exception but they continue to refuse to take coins in. I was frustrated and disappointed, so I took the coins back home. To validate the Bolsa teller response in regard of Wells Fargo bank deposit policy, I called another branch in Murrieta nearby my home, asking them if they can accept the $1000 coins deposit, and they said there is no problem as long as they are in coin wrapping paper.
I would like to address my concerns with Wells Fargo bank for coin deposit policies and the misleading statement from Bolsa branch. As a PMA and value customer with Wells Fargo for quite some time, I felt that I was not treating fairly and misleading by the operational supervisor and the tellers at Bolsa branch when I got different answer of coin deposit from another Wells Fargo branch.
I like to be advised the followings from Wells Fargo Bank. Why did Wells Fargo bank discriminate of receiving coin for deposit? Aren’t coins also money? If Wells Fargo exchange coins for customer, why does bank not get the coins back? The bank is the largest institution to circulate money in society, by discriminating in accepting coin the bank has limited the customer deposits and make it difficult for customers to dispose their coins. Overall, coins came from bank when customer do exchange. I am not sure if this has violating federal regulations? Why were there discrepancies in policy of coin deposit between branches? How does Bolsa branch can come up with different policy than other Wells Fargo branch? Or is this one of many discourteous, ruthless customer services that Bolsa branch has been treating customers?

On March 5th 2016 I called well Fargo phone line assistance to have one of my debit card reissue. Well Fargo for some unknown reason had cancelled one of my debit card so I called in order to have the card reissued but after hold on for more the 15' my call was passed to a customer service named Claudia she was very rude. After asking several ridiculous questions then she ask whether I remember the date of my last transaction - how a person can remember when the card was rarely used, she can see that too - and she then hang up on me when I said how can I remember.
So I call back after giving an active debit card even giving the pin number and I reached a customer service name Maria she asked my first and last name I did give my name the same as the first time but this time Maria said I did not give her the information same as her information so she had refused to help me. Is this conspiracy between those to customer services to give me hard time ? Or they forgot their job is giving the customer their best effort to help a customer? We are Well Fargo customer sine 1983 and I was treated badly. one should wonder how Well Fargo customer service would treat it's other customers when they are in need of help like me. I can't recall any other banks have this awful customer service.

I had a question about being charged an excessive activity fee in my saving account while having over $500 in there and also being denied to make the actual transaction to my checking account. I spoke to "Abby" who was unhelpful and later transferred to supervisor "Mark", and then he chuckled, said hello, and then hung up. After calling again I spoke to "Gale" for 3 seconds before she complained of not hearing me rushed her ending speech and then hung up. Im an not racist in any way as I also ethnic, but the fact is this is a complaint and the truth demeanor of everybody I was connected to was young, hispanic females with an attitude, except for "Mark" who was a young hispanic guy doesn't take things serious.

Been a customer when they purchased my previous bank. Always wells Fargo seemed okay, few dealings were taken care. But God forbid you run into hard times, the friendly neighborhood bank turns into your worst nightmare. Nobody loves having difficult times, our life took a hard turn and we were struggling to stay afloat. This lead us to file bankruptcy, very low point but we needed and had to go this direction. Had my first disrespectful phone call but was able to work it out, 3 months later struggling to pay mortgage and utilities. Wells Fargo decides to yank out the only 500 dollars I had in account. Never telling me in anyway just took it leaving me with one dollar to pay weekly bills.
Never in my life would I think a bank can not only do that but treat you with the rudest people ever. Hardship is not enjoyable in any means, we are stressed and disappointed but getting by. The only thing that makes it bearable is people that understand and have compassion. Wells Fargo has none, we are leaving and finding a bank that cares. We are not fortunate like the executives at your bank but we are people. We work our whole life to get everything pulled out. We will overcome this and will be happy using a new bank. Why must your bank think being a bully and kicking someone who stayed true with wells Fargo. I may be small and not worth your time but I believed in your bank.

Today afternoon I went to this bank and want to put my money order in the card. I asked one staff where the ATM is. She told me do this in the desk. Ok I was waiting. Then it is my turn and the operator who let me sign. Because the owner is my wife,so I don't signature. But I asked where is the ATM and I want to use that. Because I do the same thing last time on the machine.
I came out and let my wife sign on it. Then waiting for the machine.In the end I found the ATM don't provide the service. Now the bank is closed. I am very angry and asked the women. She told me that she don't know whether the ATM has the service and her attitude was bad impatient. I wasted lots of time and got more angry. Maybe I had the Asian face and maybe I should leave the freedom state.

On 02/11/2016 I cashed a check for $3179 and requested cash back of $1079 and the cash back amount is short by $300. I had this money to pay my bills that is due on the 22nd of February and to celebrate my birthday which is the 20th of February so the money was not counted until the 20th of February when I notice the cash back amount was short $300.The cash missing from the cash back amount is 2 - $100 bills and 5 - $20 bills. I called the local bank here and spoke with Trinity. The tone of her voice was not reassuring. She checked the teller transactions for that day and stated she was not over or short for that day. I've been with Wells Fargo for a few years and never got a cash back receipt with the breakdown of the cash given back to me.
That was a red light for me when I started counting the cash. I would like someone outside of the branch to investigate this transaction because it takes to people to count and verify the cash drawers for the tellers. I hold on to all my receipts for this type of reason and mistakes. There was time from Feb 11th to Feb 20th to contact me of the mistake that was made on the teller behalf and this didn't happen. From now on I will check my cash before leaving the bank whether inside or through a drive thru window. I'm waiting to hear back Monday from Wells Fargo Branch #0006727 9 and if I'm not refunded back by $300 I will be moving on to another bank.

A check was written to Wells Fargo for $8,067.67 (which looks like a forged signature) on 10/6/2015 AND a cashier's check for $21,378.84 on 10/7/15. I need to know why this money was withdrawn from the account. I have power of attorney for my mother's account. I'm writing this complaint on her behalf. She deposited a cashier's check for $10,000 on 10/2/15 and the above checks were written 4 & 5 days later. Please help me open an investigation and find out the whereabouts of almost $29,000 of my mother's money. Customer service has been a joke!

My 92 year old mother has repeatably been denied access to her security box she has been told many times to wait a few minutes and those wait have been over an hour. No progress has been made she leaves in frustration please remedy this A.S.A.P. It's hard for her to drive down there and she pays rent on the box.

On December 5, I called your overseas collect call number (925-825-7600) from my temporary home in Thailand. My WF Visa credit card has an expiration date of 2016-01-31 and I wanted you to send the new one to my Thailand address, not my California address. The person I spoke with got my address here and said it would be taken care of. A couple of days later I received an email from you stating the card had been mailed out. Since I hadn't received the card by January 13, 2016 I called again and was told that a computer malfunction kept the new card from going out. That was an unlikely explanation but whatever. I gave my Thai address, again, and was assured the new card would be Fed-Ex'd out by the next day.
By the 19th I hadn't received the Fed-Ex so I called you, again. Same song: not sent yet and no explanation why. Gave my address, again, and was asked to wait a week for the sure-thing arrival of my new card. February 1, 2016: the card had not arrived (gasp!) so I called again. Same song: card was not sent and no explanation why. Gave my address, again, and I asked for a Fed-Ex tracking number. I was told it had not been generated yet but I could get it in a couple of days. Oh, how I tingled with happiness: my problem was as good as solved.
February 3, 2016: can you imagine how surprised I was when told the card had not been sent? I'm shocked ... shocked!! Of course, no reason was given. This call was just full of surprises. The rep asked for my address, again, and I gave it, again. I asked for the tracking number and was told, of course, it hadn't been generated and to give it a day. February 4, 2016: oh, sorry, it hadn't been sent yet. What's that address again? Okay, we'll send it out right away. Call back tomorrow for the tracking number. (Was a pattern developing?)
February 5, 2016: I called, again, hoping to get the Fed-Ex tracking number. The person I talked to said it was not available and could not confirm that the card had been sent out. I was advised to call back the next day to get the tracking number. February 6, 2016: I called, again, hoping to get the Fed-Ex tracking number. The person I spoke with (Kimberly) told me, big surprise, the card had not been sent; reason unknown.
She asked me to give her my address in Thailand, again, which I did, again. She suggested I call again in a few days to get the tracking number. Noteworthy in this conversation is that I remembered speaking with Kimberly sometime in the past few calls. Same voice, same accent, same name. When I mentioned this she denied it and claimed her name was not in the log of any of my prior calls. I don't know how, or if, a rep's name is entered in the call log but, when she said we hadn't spoken Kimberly told me a lie.
February 9, 2016: I spoke with a rep named Sheila. She told me there was no tracking number (big surprise) so I asked to speak with a supervisor and was connected to Eugene. Eugene told me that they never got tracking numbers for Fed-Ex shipments which I find doubtful but why would anyone at Wells Fargo lie to me? Anyway, he put me on hold while he tried to find out if the card could be sent. I was on hold for 10 or 15 minutes when I got disconnected. I called back and spoke to a supervisor named Carey. She put me on hold and came back with he news that the card was going to be sent out soon and that I should call back in 3 hours to get the tracking number. I decided to wait 24 hours.
February 10, 2016: I spoke with a supervisor named Colin. He put me on hold and came back saying he had a tracking number. After giving me the first 2 digits ("30") I was "mysteriously" disconnected. I called back and spoke with a supervisor named Misty. Misty told me there was no tracking number yet and could not confirm that the card had, or had not, been sent. I was a bit exasperated at that point and asked what I could do to get that confirmation. Her priceless advice was to wait, though she couldn't tell me how long that wait should be.
Two months and five days: still no card. The Wells Fargo Clown Car is here to help. I've clearly been lied to, at least several times during this sorry saga. It also appears that WF has adopted the same contempt toward customers that Bank of America is famous for.

I have made about 5 trips to Wells Fargo to assist my Brother who is intellectually disabled to pay his monthly room and board. Wells Fargo charges 10% for bank check, so we tried to get this set up for auto payment. We were told that we could not do that since he has a savings account and not a checking account. We were told that I can transfer the money using sure-pay. I was not able to get the code on my phone so I had to call customer service. Customer service required that I come in and get added to the account. I did this in January. I am still not able to transfer funds for his room and board payment, because for some reason his account can not receive codes electronically. The Wells Fargo customer service is automated and is only a recording.
I was on hold for 1/2 hour and had to hang up and call back multiple time. On the phone for over one hour on hold. I am sure they will tell me to come into the bank again. My brother does not read or write and has a severe speech impediment. I have a power of attorney which gives me the legal right to assist him. If my brother didn't have his social security automatically deposited to Wells Fargo, I would insist that he switch banks. Wells Fargo has the worst customer service ever, and charges fees for everything to the people who can least afford it. I will call back on Monday. The session timed out on my computer 5 times and my battery is going dead on my phone. I bank with Citibank and SDCCU. Both have excellent customer service, Wells Fargo just steals you money.

I am sending this on the behalf of my 78 year old mother. She was recently forced to resign from her post as Church treasurer based upon a call or calls to a church member who is listed on one of the church's other accounts. Her pastor stated that there had been too many calls from the Turner Drive Wells Fargo Bank employee in Reidsville, NC. I do not know what the employee stated. I was appalled to hear this. When did bank employees start calling customers? Where is the compassion for a customer, who is a little old lady trying to hold on to something that gives her substance and value to be knocked down in front of her church members and Pastor. What could she have been doing? On the other side of things was she at danger of being robbed by carrying the deposit? If so why was she not given the opportunity to have been talked to in private conversation by the Bank Manager? Her name is Anna Brown and she has been a long time customer and she was the church treasurer for Camp Spring United Methodist Church for the last approximate 15 years. She is truly humiliated as a result of the actions of a Bank employee. Please investigate into this matter and I ask for a response to this issue and your findings.

Wells Fargo Virginia call center received a call from Maffrietta Silk, an unhappy customer, on January 5, 2016 @ 2 P.M. Eastern Standard Time. Zahra took my call. I closed my Account 2712698774 for poor service, unjust declines in Michigan from November to December 2015 ; while vacationing and dealing with family issues. They owe me money for unjust overcharges. Furthemore, another problem arose: a SSI deposit not returned to the Social Security Office. SSO, Danielle-40G89 placed a trace on the check because Wells Fargo never return the check. Finally, can Wells Fargo be investigated for its banking activities for my account?

I just read the article in the mpls trib about your photo bombing. What a pathetic attempt for attention. Why would anyone want to do business with a crybaby company like you? I'm sure a lot of people feel just like me. You can take your bank and shove it where the sun doesn't shine.

I made an $18,500.00 payment on my personal line of credit on December 15th. As of December 22 the payment was not posted. They could not give me any information over the phone so I went to the branch. The result: Wells Fargo would hold the payment for an additional 10 business day before it would be posted. If that is Wells Fargo policy that information should have been made clear when I made the payment. I need to make several tax payments before year end and Wells Fargo customer service will not refund or post the payment. A three week hold on a payment is unheard of. I have been a Wells Fargo customer for 20 years. Thank you Wells Fargo and goodbye.

I just had the very unfortunate experience of doing business with Wells Fargo Bank. I was given a check from my previous landlord. This check was for $3142 as reimbursement for my security deposit and incidentals. When Frank handed me the check I requested a cashiers check instead and he assured me that he had sufficient funds in the account to cover that check and that if I ran over to any Wells Fargo branch they would cash it for me with no problem.
Well I'm here to tell you there was a problem. The problem was that after standing in line, then being moved to a personal banker, then waiting for the check to be verified, then coming back into line, I was told that there would be a $7.50 charge. I asked why and was told that as a non Wells Fargo account holder, I am charged $7.50. This is outrageous and insulting, who I assume is a valued customer. and to myself, a previous Wells Fargo customer (who was actually considering opening up another account with Wells Fargo, but wouldn't consider it at this point in time after this experience).
To continue with the story, I notified Frank and told him that I am being charged to cash his check and he replied that "they shouldn't charge anything!". I discussed this with the manager, who informed me that it's simply policy and that she wished it weren't so because she gets a number of complaints about this policy. I asked her to waive the fee and she says she could not. I expect that in one fell swoop Wells Fargo alienated one very good customer and one potential new customer.

I am looking to do my banking elsewhere due to the rudeness and unprofessional service that was rendered to my wife today while I was at work. It is absolutely unbelievable how poor Wells Fargo Service has become. My wife went thru the drive thru of the Wells Fargo location at 5284 Providence Road, Virginia Beach, Virginia. On many prior occasions, my wife and I both have made deposits via the drive thru without filling out a deposit slips and having the account numbers at our finger tips.
This has never been a problem. Today, my wife went thru the drive thru with my two kids in the vehicle and attempted to make deposits. The teller thru the drive thru told my wife that she had to have account numbers and deposit slips in order to do the transactions. My wife asked for someone to help so the teller finally got her manager. The manager seemed to want to fix the problem; however, when it was all said the done, the manager did not solve the problem and cashier's check was never cashed. Even though the manager Tammy Green attempted to help, she did the transaction wrong and refused to fix the problem. My wife was instructed to go in the bank to get these issues resolved.
My wife had to park, take the kids out of the vehicle and go inside to get the transaction done. Having entered the store, the teller smirked at my wife and decided she would wait on my wife even though she had failed to help. My wife refused for that teller to help and requested for an experienced teller to help her. to which the teller rudely and arrogantly replied, that she would have her manager help. The manager accused my wife of yelling at the teller and scaring all of the tellers to the point that they did not want to speak with my wife. Also, she had my wife enter her office and proceeded to tell my wife that she was setting a bad example in her bank and that she needed to stop, etc. My wife pointed out to Tammy Green that her teller had smirked and not acted the right way; the manager replied that she would talk to the teller; but obviously, she was more concerned in lecturing my wife than ensuring excellent customer service.
After all this, my wife left the store with a cashier's check still uncashed and time wasted. I am absolutely appalled by the service she received and will be switching banks very soon. As a side note, both the manager and teller should be disciplined for their actions. If I were to treat customers that way where I work, I would be fired.

I would like to submit a complaint against a telephone customer service representative named Joshua, or Josh, at Wells Fargo Bank. I am an assistant at RBC Wealth Management, a financial advisory firm. We have a mutual client with Wells Fargo that has a 529 plan with Scholar's Edge. We were assisting this client in setting up ACH access for easier distributions from the 529 plan. This requires an application for ACH accompanied by a voided check from the financial institution. The client has a checking account with Wells Fargo but no checks. The client went a Wells Fargo location to ask for an ACH form, and he was provided with a form that could be filled in rather than pre-printed. This form was rejected by Scholar's Edge because it was not pre-printed.
On December 7, 2015, I called 1-800-869-3557 at 1:05pm MST. This was the customer service number found on the ACH form from Wells Fargo that was rejected by Scholar's Edge. I wanted to ask what else was available from Wells Fargo for ACH setup, so that we could instruct our client to ask for this specific information when he went to Wells Fargo. I did not ask for any account information, nor did I give Josh our client's name. I asked him for general information applicable to all Wells Fargo customers. Josh told me to have the client call in himself for the information.
I explained to Josh that our client had already done that and was given a form that was rejected, and we wanted him to know what, specifically, to ask for. Josh refused to tell me anything other than he could only talk to a customer with a valid account, and he could not answer any "hypothetical" questions. I asked him if I could speak to someone else, and he refused to transfer me. He told me that he did not see the point in transferring me to someone else for a question he "already answered." He told me to call back if I wanted the information. I told him that he did not answer my question, and I informed him that I was going to file a complaint against him. He would not give me his last name, but he gave me the address, which I'm not sure is valid, but I will mail this complaint to as well.
Still needing the information, I did call the same number back at 1:13pm MST and reached a representative named Maurice. I asked Maurice the same question and he immediately gave me some options. He said the client could ask for a pre-printed form or he could ask for a temporary check, available for a small fee. Maurice was intelligent, accommodating, and friendly. Josh was difficult, rude, and has horrible customer service skills. He is in desperate need of coaching. If the attitude I received from Josh was the norm at Wells Fargo, the company would go out of business. However, it's great representatives like Maurice that give the company a good reputation. If possible, I would like a response to this complaint. Ideally, Josh will receive the coaching that he needs, and is held accountable for his performance as a customer service representative.

Making a deposit using counter deposit slip, Wells Fargo drive through teller Mercedes Robertson rudely held up deposit slip and said "I can't read this" I said excuse me, she again rudely stated she "could not read this" holding up deposit slip. I asked for my item back and went into bank asking for the manager, was given service manager Nicole. She listened to me, asked what she could do and I said please make my deposit - which she was able to read the deposit slip. I also wanted the teller to apologize. Nicole came in with Mercedes and Mercedes rolled her eyes at me - said I was told to apologize and stormed out of the office. This was unacceptable to me and I was highly insulted. Still waiting for branch manager to call me as well. I too was a teller in that very same window when it was Wachovia, I would have never treated a customer with such disrespect. This teller will definitely drive customer service down in this branch, which I am planning on pulling our school Wells Fargo accounts and going to a bank that appreciates its customers.

August 2015, I decided to start a checking account with Wells Fargo in Priest River, Idaho. At first everything was cool i even signed up for the online banking threw their web site. Anyway October 28 i logged onto their website to check out my info and see how everything looked. However i was in for a shock first thing i noticed was suspicious activity. Somebody had deposited a fraudulent check of $2400.00 in my name which was a shock my first thought this is serious I gotta go to the bank and let them know about this. I went to the bank and said everything that had happened however all i got was constant disrespect from the Bank Manager. Who kept saying i probably did that myself cause i am so slow, I don't remember doing it. My reply over and over again was "Why would i hack my own bank account, and even if i did i wouldn't be here right now i would be on the run." I was told i would probably not be able to have a bank account cause of what had happened so come back tomorrow.
So Next day i went back to the bank and dealt with more disrespect. I was asked questions such as 1. How long have i been on my own, 2. Do I live by myself, 3. What kinds of classes and grades did i get in School. My words were "Why do any of even questions even matter? I'm a lot smarter than i get credit for i have a very high IQ. Afterwards you can get a account again, my thought was good cause none of this is my fault at all. I received a primary debit card that i was supposed to throw away when the Temporary arrived. Next morning after i woke first thing i did was use my primary debit card to try to add $ to my phone so i could call and text. However 3 times it got denied. So i went down to the bank and asked "What is going on with this card you guys gave me yesterday it doesn't even work." Sir, You can't have an account here, plus we have to take your last $27.00 cause you are overdrawn. I signed some piece of paper and then threw away the card that doesn't even work.
Just cause someone hacks into my account i get punished over it. All i can say is i will tell everybody not to bank with them cause of the type of company they are, also the amount of xonstant disrespect i had to deal with. Very Very upsetting!

I made a deposit to my checking account from another wells fargo account. I asked the teller to post it right then. Later on I found out my overdraft protection kicked in. The teller did not tell me the funds would not be available until tomorrow. I called the bank and got no help. I have been a wells fargo customer for years.account number 6768183664. Now I have cash advance fees. I am not happy.

I have been trying to contact someone to help me get my vehicle lien release, but I cannot get any type of cooperation or even an indication of where or who to begin with. I tried the Wells Fargo online forum several times, then called the corporate office, then emailed support, Wells Fargo customer service, and never got any help and finally got frustrated and decided rather than be rude I would take a week to cool off and then try a different approach.
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