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Top CBS Complaints
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I am in St Augustine FL. Very much enjoyed DABL Lifestyle channel 4-2. It was the only channel of its kind we had. As of December 29,2023 some nitwits decided to cancel the original DABL and replace it with all black, all the time, sleazy " The Game" and other 2nd rate not funny to begin with black "comedies." We already have the black channel "Bounce" here. We had no other DYI, OR GARDENING, COOKING SHOWS. Return to far superior original DABL. Remove tacky,

Nothing like having a double standard when it comes to Jarod on big brother, he can call America whatever he wants and he's not taken off the show but Luke get thrown off for his comments. I'm not a racist by any means but this is why alot of people are. Very disappointed in big brother for not removing Jarod from the show.

We are all trying to live in a rough time in our country. You had the nerve to put that discusting song, WAP and the “supposed” dance on the Grammys! How dare you subject our kids to that trash on National tv! It was blatant sex and horrible words that you broadcast. Shame on you! I’ll never watch anything on your channel again and I hope you lose many customers. God save your discusting soul!

I want to say CBS is awful to allow such vulgar, lude and disgusting programs, yes I am talking about the Grammy's. You allowing this to happen is horrid, you are going straight to HELL. Cancel this culture, because to allow this during primetime and children could be watching is horrid. I rarely watch CBS because many networks are allowing horrible choices of entertainment.

Court tv has replaced my usual tv programs. It runs 24/7 and I don't understand why. Want the normal programs back. Don't need to see court tv every day and night. I'm not sure if it was CBS decision or my local tv station. Peoples court with Judge Marilyn Million was one of my favorites and it angers me that it was replaced with court tv. Also, don't understand why Court tv is shown 24/7.

Everyday when The bold and the beautiful is scheduled the Corona virus cuts in and interrupts the show. Are you showing it later. Please advise it’s very frustrating being stuck home and missing the whole season. Thank you

Why does it seem that special reports always come on and interrupt The Price is Right. With information that you can get from watching the news.

Your obvious bias towards Trump is so blatant its pathetic. This network is a joke. CBS, ABC, NBC and any network affiliated with any of you are a joke. Your bullshit fake news and doing your absolute best to skew issues into being seen by the viewers, as your networks see them. Your feeble attempt to skew opinions will fail miserably, as it did last election. Omar is a racist BITCH from hell. She would have all Jews beheaded if she had that power. But your dumbass networks defend this insanity. What does it take, when does the stupidity stop. TRUMP WILL WIN IN 2020 HANDS DOWN. REGARDLESS OF WHAT ALL THESE IDIOT NETWORKS DO.

Today our access to CBS 2 Los Angeles, through AT&T Direct TV Now has ended due to a Dispute between CBS and AT&T.
After not being able to receive your Local Programming on CBS 2 Los Angeles, I filed an online complaint with the FCC. We believe CBS is trying to generate revenue from the Public Trust in the form of your $5.99 for Local Access and $9.99 for Local Access without commercials. CBS 2 is basically sticking up Local Citizens, Senior Citizens and the Poor, without a gun, by charging for Local Access to CBS.
Basic Complaint to FCC Below
The US Government and the FCC assured the Public Trust, we would continue to have Free Access to Local Channels after the High Definition Transition.
Now CBS 2 Los Angeles is denying AT&T customers access so they can charge $5.99 for CBS 2 and $10.00 for access without commercials.
As a Retired Senior Citizen, I believe as Local Channels begin to charge for TV Programming, Senior Citizens and the Poor Citizens will not have access as the US Govt. & the FCC have promised us.
We hope you will investigate the issue. AT&T Doc. attached
John Burns
Retired Communications, FCC # PG 11-32357

That was a poor business decision to not allow Direct TV to have access to your CBS Channel 2 daily programming.
It's more than obvious your company could care less about its loyal customers. Several people I've talked to have decided to move forward and disengage from all your programming in the future. There all several other options so good luck with this stupid decision you made.

Why are you so greedy??? You did this to Dish years ago!! No you dropped out of Direct TV. You are the only channel that has ever done this! Thank God I only like 2 CBS shows! I will never watch a CBS show again!!

Please put big brother back to 8:00 pm Eastern

I was watching Norah on nightly news & clocked her distainnof president trump for 20 minutes dragging up Epstein from 30 years ago. Let’s be be fair & give something positive about this president. I will watch a few more nights but if her extreme dislike for this man doesn’t become more balanced pLEASE bring JEFF GORE BACK. He was relatable & appears nice

I’d like to complain about the casting of Big Brother. Multiple houseguests have shown signs of racism and bullying, which is unacceptable. I can’y imagine how many kids watch this show and see how Jack or Bella act towards other houseguests. What’s more disappointing is that Big Brother or CBS or whatever will not discipline them. Simply giving them a chat about not calling other “fattie” or “disgusting” is not effective. Although only 4 houseguests have been expelled, I believe that number needs to go up.

I think that it is Very Greedy of you to want to charge more money for people to have channel 4 in the Missouri area. You seem to think that all of us livestream their tv. Well the older folks don't deal with that crap and they shouldn't be forced to do so. Not to mention that you want the money that you get from the Satellite company that we deal with and to download your app on your computer is free for a Week (la de dah!) but then we have to pay more to watch you television. 4.99 to have partial comercials and 9.99 for commercial free. You SUCK! Bring back the Local channels and Quit being so Greedy with the satellite customers. We already pay enough money out per month as it is!!!!!!

Boycott CBS! Fake news everywhere. They charge for their app. They did not pay Julie’s husband. Pushing socialist! Boycott advertisements with your dollars! CBS sucks!

I just would like it to be known that I watch the CBS evening news every night HOWEVER starting 7/15/19 I will be watching the ABC Evening News as I am not a fan of Nora O'Donnell. She was the reason I didn't watch the CBS morning show. Jeff Glor I guess wasn't good enough for you so. I don't think you are going to increase your ratings with least I won't be helping you anymore.

My wife and I are very disappointed in the program "Love Island" that has been aired at 8 PM in our area. We feel that program is not family friendly and should not be aired at all let alone during a time when children would be able to watch. Big Brother which airs right after "Love Island" also is not family friendly & quite inappropriate!

me and my whole family hatethat stupid advert on CBS reality. The one with the man who gets a woman to grass on her drug dealer boyfriend. i think that this man is despicable he treats this vulnerable woman as a mere means to an ends. she could be murdered for her part and he treats her as if she is just an object that he can use for his success. ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING. it’s on every day get it off

My granddaughter 12 years old does not know what your advertising on the ads (nor do I anymore) She thinks she has to marry a black person, That is what the ad is saying to her.

I or we would like to know if you are trying to get lifetime supports of your news especially to change to NBC or ABC? You are getting rid of all the best anchors and broadcasters and putting people like Gale not that she is bad but she does over talk others like she is the only one who matters. But you got rid of Scott now Jeff, we swear you are trying to get rid of your customers who have watched since Walter. Just about quit when you got rid of Dan but stayed but I swear we are just about to quit your new all together and we know for sure we are not alone, a lot of friends feel the same.
I guess y’all want to quit the news all together, or at least loose your loyal news customers. THANKS what used to be the best and the most trustworthy of all and FOX being the worst of any. I guess you want to be like FOX.

I have had CBS LIVE on my Roku and it keeps constantly buffering and going out. I have been on phone with my internet service is fine. I am hoping you can figure out why it keeps going out.Thank you for listening. I can not get through a show without reloading it 4 to 5 times.

More TRUTH Please. The refusal of this and other networks to give an accurate portrayal of our Presidents rallys is disturbing. It should be taken as as a fact they dont care about our freedoms as Americans. Many more Americans are educating themselves with the TRUTH thanks to your childish little stunts.
Your style of manufactured news to generate feeling will be obsolete. You will be on the losing side again in 2020.

Sunday night shows are consistently off schedule and for anyone recording shows, watching on demand, etc, we are only seeing the first half of the shows we are interested in. More times than not, 60 minutes starts late, pushing back all other shows. If you cannot stick to your schedule when you have sports programming, then push the show windows back so shows start and end at the times scheduled properly with all cable/satellite providers. This has gone on for years and you are losing viewers.. especially when you launch new shows on Sunday nights. Very annoying.

Once again on Sunday night a sporting event takes precedence over the scheduled program. I hate golf We have sporting Chanel’s. Let them broadcast it.

I'm tired of seeing gay and lesbian behavior on prime time tv. Have you lost your sense of morality? A small % of our country is gay and they should be allowed to live their lives as they see fit however I don't want to watch it on tv. The morning news people are disrespectful to the President. They need to address him as President Trump! You may not like what he stands for but show the respect for the office! The values of the reporting by Walter Cronkite need to come back. He reported the new objectively and let the viewer make up their mind. President Nikita Khrushchev of the now defunct Soviet Union said it most accurately. He said the USA would decay from the inside. Your content of programing is leading the Way.

On April 28th 2019 you aired a deal about fetenol and being able to get it online from china....

why are you charging to watch episode 11 of survivor ,don't you make enough with your all access option

ONLINE PETITION...SAVVVVVEE GINA TOGNONI...2000 people have signed, 2000 people will stop watching y&r.,,,,,

Please fix the voice over . The voice doesn’t match the lips. Been going on for several days now. Very hard to watch. And annoying as hell .
A company as large as yours you would think would be on top of this. And not allow it to go on for so long.
Your my favorite station. This makes it very hard to watch. I look forward to the problem getting fixed. Soon I hope.
Thank you

The background music is so loud on most of the CBS programs that it's hard to hear what the actors are saying. If I want to hear music, I'll turn to a music station. I want to hear what is happening when I turn on programs that I'd prefer to watch.
Please see that the music doesn't interfere with the interesting programs!!
I'm not alone with my complaint. Many others have expressed their dissatisfaction to me about trying to hear what the actors are saying, but the music is so loud they can't hear the dialogue, and have given up trying and turned to another station.

Suggesting the assassination of President Trump and then tweeting it is a despicable act and should be prosecuted to the furthest extent of the law, followed by the loss of your license by the FCC and further prosecution and investigation from the Secret Service. You cowards have absolutely lost any semblance of decency and are inciting violence. Be prepared for the continued loss of viewership and a total lack of respect from your former viewers, How dare you suggest that a President of the United States be killed. you should be ashamed of yourself collectively and removed from the airways.

The CBS show 'The Good Fight' threatened the President of the United states for the second time in two years. This violates United States Code Title 18, Section 871. Here is the link to the tweet It looks like you already tried to delete it but it is in the hands of the
Kelly Kahl (President, CBS Entertainment)Secret Service and the FBI since I reported this to both of them.
Here is a reminder of the first threat you made on the President.
Please turn these people over to the FBI or Secret Service to be prosecuted and imprisoned.
Strauss Zelnick (Interim Chairman, CBS Corporation)
Joseph Ianniello (Interim President and CEO, CBS Corporation)

I was watching Mellisa Ethridge perform one of my fav songs on the CBC morning show and you DB's cut right in the middle for somehack commercial!!!! PISSED!

I am a Pro service provider who canceled the pay per lead service and was charged a fee, which amounted to one year of monthly charges. It was claimed that I signed in a contractual agreement..

Wink tv a CBS affiliate has dropped the CBS programming in south west florida with Dish Network. I have not had CBS programming for 3 months. I am sure this is not something that CBS really would like to see for any further time. as there are losses in revenue for the company. Please review the issue between Dish network and Wink network and get this issue resolved.

Watching CBS Sorts network on TV Hulu Live... . The commentator on the show was asked who he thought would win between the sweet 16 playoff game between Gonzaga and Florida State and why? His response was as racist as it can get. He said Florida State because coach was black??????? What the heck? How is that not racist? If one of the other commentators said Gonzaga because coach was white it would be all over the news. Others have been fired for saying less racist things. He needs to be released immediately or CBS will be doing huge injustice.

Please, please stop with the romance on NCIS Los Angeles! It was enough with Kensi and Deeks, please kill the love story between the Beale and Nell geeks! This is a drama, not a soap opera! I know your ratings will go up if you quit the love stuff!! Beale is very hard to take seriously, I cringe when he's on. Please change him out!
Thanks for listening!

I turn to CBS for news not to watch a car chase. You want to put on the car chase, just tell me how it started and why, then tell me when it ended and how.

Madam secretary
This is a first for me to write to any of the networks but this weeks madam secretary was right out of an activist play book. Totally one sided on climate change and was more a political add than entertainment show.
I deleted the recording 1/3 through it.
Very dissapointed.

I had to turn the channel after today's show with Gaye King. What makes her think the side show of R. Kelly is news? You give the tornados that hit Alabama, Georgia and S.C. a 5 minute talk and give this person 80 minutes. Is that what you people call news? Since Gayle King came on CBS This Morning the whole program has gone downhill. The cursing, from her and the people she interviews should never be allowed on a NEWS show. You need to put her segment on a reality show and I will be sure not to watch. No wonder your station is #3. Look at what and who you interview.

I used Moving Dudes/Mover Dudes out of Deerfield Beach or Ft Lauderdale or Boca Raton. They have multiple names and locations listed, sometimes on the same form. Steve Ennis is the owner, boss etc..I had a typical horrible experience moving from Oklahoma to South Carolina. Typical issues lots of deliveries. Without going into the entire sordid affair, right now, they agreed to refund me $1500. and I signed a contract stating that refund. Within 30 days I was supposed to receive refund, sadly that deadline was Jan 20, 2019. Steve has given me a little lip service via txt but as you can expect refund and no further contact can be made. I saw the article about Florida cracking down on scam moving companies and I think my experience fits right into that topic. I hope and look forward to any help or resources you can direct me to. There are so many of us from this company on Yelp and Facebook, I hope there are enough voices to hold this 'business' accountable.

Can't believe you took Young and Restless off after all these years.
I would have to pay more to see it now. But won't because on fixed income can't afford it.
Shame on you CBS
Also will miss seeing Price Is Right

I usually don’t watch CBS news as I find it’s reports biased and inaccurate. I don’t like being spoon fed what is often false information. What I do like is the program 48 Hours Investigates, and the Dr. Phil Show. How annoying that tonight when I watch my recording a “ CBS News Special Report “. breaks in with Trump’s ex-lawyer giving me a morality lecture ??? Are you kidding me?? CBS should choose their “Special Reports” more wisely. Deleted recordings, Cancelled all future recordings. Spend time forwarding this complaint on social media.

Last spring the series, "Scorpion" ended it's season with a cliff hanger working towards coming back the next to resolve the cliffhanger but it was cancelled by CBS for "ratings". Everyone who liked the show got together and vented there fustration regarding this. Finally I read where it would return for a final season on September 25 to resolve the cliff hanger episode and end the series properly. Then lately I heard CBS cancel the return. I will tell you I am 66 years old and realize changes are in store (reading about Criminal Minds and all the new shows that are coming up.
But it now looks like our president may have some says in programming. Case and point "Scorpion", first your going to bring it back for one more season then end it then changing your mind and not bringing it back at all. I watched "Teminator 2 the other night and thought of Scorpion then read today about Criminal Minds. Tuesday night is my CBS night, Wednesday is my NBC night then I come back to CBS for Friday night. It sure would be nice if you would listen to us old farts for a change!

My complaint is that the commentators on CBS refer to our President as Mr. Trump.
He is the duly elected President of the United States and he deserves to have that title.
I am disappointed that the journalists are disrespectful and assume their personal opinions belong to everyone else.
I want the news, both local and international.
Please provide the facts, let me make my own opinions, and have the good manners to respect others people's views.

Not telling whole truth regarding as you call headlines " 1000s of farmers will lose their land" & play upon that throughout. I live in TX. Where fence is going in is open land, not home.They get market value, they can contest the amount. Eminent Domain happens all the time. My aunts property was seized as you put it, to put BART in, My grandparents house they lived in 50 was "seized" to put McArthur freeway in. Both in Bay Area.This is desert land, I'm sure ranchers will love to get paid for land their not using, plus not having illegals running through their property littering, theft, destroying their fences and not feeling safe. If your news is supposed to be fair but know CBS isn't for reasons ONLY TO SLAN TRUMP. If you want to be "fair" I dare you to do whole story!!!!!!!

CBS sports televised the last 2 days of a PGA golf tournament this Saturday & Sunday (2/16-17). On Sunday the tournament end did not occur before their scheduled televised time ended. With less than 5 minutes notice, to their customer viewers, they ended their telecast and switched TV coverage to the Golf Channel network. Many millions of TV viewers can not obtain GC network coverage and therefore were deprived of watching the final results. Dotto, for those millions who recorded the CBS telecast (to view later). My complaint is this same CBS scenario has occurred previously for many years. My conclusion is the CBS motto is: “Customer be damn, it’s all about $$”. This type of CBS action is pathetic !

I am so disappointed in the featured program tonight, 02/17/19, titled Investigating Our President. As a 65 year old retired Professional Registered Nurse, married to a Family Physician still working full time at 72, I have to write. We can no longer either watch or respect your program. We have been avid supporters of 60 Minutes but this is the lowest we have ever observed, on any news program in our country. President Trump is our elected President. The people spoke and the people voted for him. He must not be dragged through the mud and treated as a common thief. It is time for our news informants to get behind our leadership. Stop blaming. Stop Backbiting. Stop it all!! Just support the man! Someday and only time will tell, the good he has done with no one seeming to look or care about that. We do here in southern Illinois and we are proud that Mr Trump is our president. We only ask that you stop the negative reporting. Start respecting. Maybe, someday, we can respect you again, 60 Minutes. Sincerely,
Mrs. Rhonda Ewell

I would like to inform about used car market. Kelly Blue Book present it self as a reliable source for used car prices. It has come to me attention that they sell information to car dealers in a effort to control the used car market. They offer a free listing for your used car and post a very low under the real market price. then they sell the names to new car dealers who call the owners with the intention and success purchase well under the real market price using the Kelly Blue Book as there source. I am selling a 2007 Toyota . The kelly Blue book price is 3K Most car dealers are asking 8K-10K.
The dealers pay thousands for the listing... then sell the cars at auction or there lot for thousands over what KBB has listed the cars for.
This is very least dishonest .

Code black out performed madam secretary and elementary and you cancelled it .where is the intelligence in that? As a 40 yr now retired nurse I FINALLY go to watch a real hospital show.great job guys !!!!.my father was a dept head for 40yrs at the old Republic and the universal Studios so I watch for things other people don't pay attention to
So I say again good job.

After President address you have your biased reporters talk for 30 mi utes then you change programing. Why is this different than when you let a sporting event run over and still show the scheduled shows? This is why you are losing viewers like me. Alse called number on web site and get a computer that cannot understand anything your service has droped to nothing

Please know that CBS is our network of choice. It is for that reason I write to insists that Mr. Trump's speech to the nation concerning the border wall not be aired. He will not say anything new so it will not be news worthy. He is a proven liar and a bully and does not deserve national attention as a proven narcissists craves. Your news division will handle the information with integrity. Please allow your viewers the ability to watch what they please and do not force feed a divisive force the pulpit worthy only of those who work for the well being of the nation and the good of the world.
Gary Liedtke

I am wondering why I have to sacrifice 60 Minutes for football games. Surely you can do something about 60 minutes being cut off by football games. To be honest I dislike football so this just makes me more angry. Perhaps the show can be changed to a different channel where the entire show would be shown weekly. Or, change the time of 60 minutes so it wouldn't be cut off by anything. I think it is much more important than any football game and that you could do something to show the complete 60 minutes each week.

It is about the late show with mr Colbert. Love trump or hate him doesn't matter. I avoid this show because he is driving the trump train into the ground. I realize my thoughts on this probably won't matter to you folks but I was raised to respect the office if not the man. That seems not to be the case here. I am among several just in my small world that feels this way. I believe he doesn't know the meaning of respect and proper edicet to be frank he turns my stomach with his trump bashing. Even when the man does something on the good side of things he finds something to bash him about even if it's only wording being not to his likening. I hope you read this for I am not the only one out here. Thank you

Why are you cancelling the DR Blake Mysteries. Wonderful show, You sometimes make the most stupid decisions. I'm one mad viewer.

Weather with Lonnie. Very annoying report as he talks above the children while displaying children’s schools singing Christmas Carols. Not everyone is interested in hearing the kids singing. Let’s hear the weather, not singing kids.

doc does not shut the fuck up drives me and others crazy please die old asshole your other asswipes one sided opinions shut the fuck up when you have the wings on I have to mute it die please

1. I protest the ad showing on your network of a man hitting a golf ball into the ocean polluting and possibly killing animal life.
2. I protest seeing men kissing men or women kissing women. What goes on behind closed doors should stay behind closed doors NOT for public viewing.
3. I protest using 4 letter words in the everyday vocabulary.
Thank you! I hope these are taken seriously and are remedied.

My wife and I watch Swat every week. We enjoy the action and it presents police work in a very good light. This year you have added scenes in the background of the each character. The female who is lesbian could be left out quite easily without hurting the storyline at all. I understand the re are homosexuals in our country and we are in contact with them every day, however I am not listening to their conversations about their sex lives and I DON'T want. We are Christians and I assure you if you continue to have scenes like there have been shoving homosexuality down our throats, we will NOT be watching Swat. We also watched the TV show 911 until they continually shoved that sort of behavior at us. We no longer watch it. Please do not ruin a good show and our evening by putting that sort of thing on TV. Thank you.

A friend of mine went to the emergency room at Centennial Hills hospital on Monday 11/5/18. After several hours of waiting for help she was refused service because she didn't have ID. She explained that her purse with her ID was stolen on Friday. That didn't matter she was still refused service. I don't understand how this is legal can you.

As a long time viewer of several CBS shows I am writing to tell you that you have lost me as a viewer. I will be watching shows on the networks that have shows on demand through my tv provider whom I pay for access to my local stations of which CBS is one. All of the other networks provide on demand for all of their primetime shows. Your service makes sense for antenna users or internet only viewers but I feel it is unfair to charge again for something I am already paying for. With so much choice out there it is easy to choose other shows.
Regretfully, Shurlee Plouff

To Who it May Concern ! This dispute is a Dotors bill . I've been seeing Dr Favale for years and recently had a change in insurance providers . I told him before any test that it would have to go to Northwell health facilities. But he sent it to his own lab. Now I'm responsible for a $633.48 . If you can resolve this matter for me . Thank you.

What happened to CBS Sunday Morning Proram???
Kuralt and Osgood and I are upset that you are not offering your best program at your usual time.
Forget NFL and $$$!
Please put Sunday Morning back on the air.
Thank you.

I have complained along with hundreds of other people about the loud annoying back ground music on NCIS, NCIS LA, NCIS New Orleans, and many other programs, whats with that????? can't hear the dialog, what is the sense of watching a program if you can't hear over that awful loud music. I have walked to another room, as of it.

The age filters on the cameras for Murphy Brown make the program fuzzy and unwatchable!! I'd rather see the characters with their lines and wrinkles.

This am during John Mccanns funeral, at the beginning with the wreath CBS people brought all the JUNK about our President and what was said YEARS AGO. WHO GIVES A CRAP. SHOW SOME RESPECT FOR HIS FAMILY AND WHAT WAS ON HAND AT THE MOMENT. SICK OF ALL YOU NEWS??????? PEOPLE TRASHING OUR PRESIDENT TIME AND TIME AGAIN.

I am devastated that Scorpion has been cancelled. I am a nurse and work evenings. On Monday night I could not wait to get home and turn the DVR on to watch my favorite show. It was my way to unwind and relax. Thanks for ruining my Monday night's.

First of all it has taken me about 15 minutes to find a link to send this. I am a middle American and a conservative like at least 50 % of the country. Do you plan your programming around us and give us entertainment that is not liberal? What is the % percentage of Gay Americans in this country? A very small % and yet there is a token Gay on every drama. I would not mind a few but come on. What dramas are of a more conservative nature? Tim Allen was removed from another network because of his political views and now he is going to Fox. It was one of the best shows on TV with a big viewing audience. I understand that Hillary is going to be on Madam secretary in the fall. I really liked the show until the writers started leaning left. The Clintons are so crooked, but you just can't see it. I would never waste my time watching that show again. I watch many shows on CBS and if they lean far left I done with it. Rosanne's show was removed from another network over a stupid remark because she followed president Trump, yet Bill Mahr has a show and he is disgusting and as far left as you can go. Many female comedians and actors have been very disrespectful of the office of the president, they still have there jobs. You think the average person is stupid? We elected Donald Trump, better get used to it!!!!! You networks better wake up because there are a lot of us out here and we are really are getting tired of it. Maybe all the writers of these TV shows should start watching FOX NEWS and they will learn some facts instead of all the fake news that is on.

Every time I watch an episode on the CBS website, the site will automatically refresh and force me to restart my episode from the beginning. Even if I'm 30 or 40 minutes in, if I'm in full screen mode or click onto a different tab or window (usually accidentally), it will refresh and I lose my spot in my episode. This is an ongoing issue that I would like to see resolved, as it is very frustrating and preventable. I only watch Big Brother, so I can ensure it happens with this show, and I am unsure about the others. Thank you!

I really feel you are making a huge error by cancelling CODE BLACK! It’s very lifelike and realistic. The acting is awesome and the episodes are so well done. Please reconsider and DONT CANCEL IT

Stephen Colbert is an idiot and a left wing loon. Liberalism is a mental illness and he has it big time. His show should be removed from the air immediately!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the announcer for the Michigan was terrible. You could tell the he was rooting for basketball team. He wasn't even close to neutral announcer. for example a Michigan player take a 3 point shot and the announcer shout "HE WAS FOULED! HE WAS FOULED". At time he used the word "WE". Michigan missed a shot he was "we needed that". Nobody like to listen to a one sided announcer or for that matter a one sided newscaster.

I can't understand why you remove Let's make a deal and put Ellen in it's place during March madness. I pay to see programming at the regular times not switched to suit somebody else's agenda.

I am disgusted that CBS would allow Colbert to have such freedom to denigrate the President everyday. He boarders on treason under the cover of comedy. It,s a shame a handful of executives can have such power over millions watching CBS negative opinions.

I purchased an LG refrigerator 9/14/15. It stopped working on 12/8/17 for no apparent reason. I have contacted LG, Home Depot (where purchased) and the repair company under the warranty Appliances Unlimited. Service Tech came to my home on 12/14/17, and stated he did not know why the unit stopped working, but he would order a compressor. Once the compressor came he would then install a "dye filter" to see if there were any leaks. Warranty company can not tell me when the parts will be in or if they have been ordered. Home Depot refers me back to warranty company, and LG refers me back to warranty company. When I called number given for warranty company, it is Home Depot. They refuse to replace the refrigerator because they say they warranty company would have to authorize that. Meanwhile, the holidays are coming with guests coming to my home and I have no refrigerator and no answers from anyone. I am out $1500.00 for this refrigerator. someone needs to be held responsible.

Please have "Bull" shave off his facial hair. Makes him look unprofessional and skaggie. He is much too handsome to have the hair distract from his good looks.

Trying to understand the newly released information about Dish/CBS contract negotiations. We have no complaint YET! But, we are dismayed at the possibility of losing CBS programing on our Dish service. Gee whiz, y'all put us thru this back in 2014 - now, so soon? If we lose CBS programming we lose our favorite shows - NCIS, NCIS New Orleans, NCIS Los Angeles and Bull. Should this happen my CFO (Chief Financial Officer <as in spouse of 54 years> insists we will have to switch to Direct TV.This will be difficult for 10+ year Dish customers (many more years watching CBS programming!) PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! Don't make us do that.
Clarence Reece
210 S Pine St
Van, TX 75790
(903) 805-1158

Well Shelby should have been DQ after breaking the lenses on the lasers as it was not broken before hand and she was past Jason's time anyways. Also in the Care Package, it was stated that it was to be used as a Veto, meaning if she was on the block she could either save herself or someone else. We also heard Shelby stating she was cheating with help from Production. Now we all know what really happens when we get fish during a regular season. But Production has been very blatantly helping the BS girls. Hope you are going to be happy with so many no longer watching CBS. Too many pare pissed. You should have fixed both errors that we all know you made.

My CBS complaint is that I am more worried about commercials than the actual game. I experienced this enough, to watch them ruin college football, but they're still doing it with the super bowl. The comments of the people they have to describe the game often do more to detract from the experience than help. That's why I turned it off. Good luck Peyton.

My complaint is about the football coverage on CBS sports. I believe the announcers are Phil Sims and Jim Nantz. Wow! What a terrible game these two usually call. Phil Sims sounds like he has the IQ of a 4 year old, and can simply verbalize what he is seeing on the field. Hey CBS corporate -- this is why nobody wants to watch your network and they are switching to ESPN and Cable TV.

I can't tell you how much I hate CBS sports after watching the Kentucky and Cincinatti NCAA tournament game today. Kentucky is a team full of money hungry future NBA players. They are a disgrace to the game of college basketball. Yet what does CBS do while announcing March madness? Talk about how great Kentucky is, how much their team isn't a bunch of "one and dones". Wake up! That's all this team is, a bunch of one and done players recruited by Calipari to make money and oh by the way make a quick pit stop in college for a few years. College education is what separates our great nation from other countries, yet CBS seems to want to ignore this and just talk up a broken team in a broken college basketball system. Stop the madness and just tell the truth!

Nothing like having a double standard when it comes to Jarod on big brother, he can call America whatever he wants and he's not taken off the show but Luke get thrown off for his comments. I'm not a racist by any means but this is why alot of people are. Very disappointed in big brother for not removing Jarod from the show.

We are all trying to live in a rough time in our country. You had the nerve to put that discusting song, WAP and the “supposed” dance on the Grammys! How dare you subject our kids to that trash on National tv! It was blatant sex and horrible words that you broadcast. Shame on you! I’ll never watch anything on your channel again and I hope you lose many customers. God save your discusting soul!

I want to say CBS is awful to allow such vulgar, lude and disgusting programs, yes I am talking about the Grammy's. You allowing this to happen is horrid, you are going straight to HELL. Cancel this culture, because to allow this during primetime and children could be watching is horrid. I rarely watch CBS because many networks are allowing horrible choices of entertainment.

Court tv has replaced my usual tv programs. It runs 24/7 and I don't understand why. Want the normal programs back. Don't need to see court tv every day and night. I'm not sure if it was CBS decision or my local tv station. Peoples court with Judge Marilyn Million was one of my favorites and it angers me that it was replaced with court tv. Also, don't understand why Court tv is shown 24/7.

Everyday when The bold and the beautiful is scheduled the Corona virus cuts in and interrupts the show. Are you showing it later. Please advise it’s very frustrating being stuck home and missing the whole season. Thank you

Why does it seem that special reports always come on and interrupt The Price is Right. With information that you can get from watching the news.

Your obvious bias towards Trump is so blatant its pathetic. This network is a joke. CBS, ABC, NBC and any network affiliated with any of you are a joke. Your bullshit fake news and doing your absolute best to skew issues into being seen by the viewers, as your networks see them. Your feeble attempt to skew opinions will fail miserably, as it did last election. Omar is a racist BITCH from hell. She would have all Jews beheaded if she had that power. But your dumbass networks defend this insanity. What does it take, when does the stupidity stop. TRUMP WILL WIN IN 2020 HANDS DOWN. REGARDLESS OF WHAT ALL THESE IDIOT NETWORKS DO.

Today our access to CBS 2 Los Angeles, through AT&T Direct TV Now has ended due to a Dispute between CBS and AT&T.
After not being able to receive your Local Programming on CBS 2 Los Angeles, I filed an online complaint with the FCC. We believe CBS is trying to generate revenue from the Public Trust in the form of your $5.99 for Local Access and $9.99 for Local Access without commercials. CBS 2 is basically sticking up Local Citizens, Senior Citizens and the Poor, without a gun, by charging for Local Access to CBS.
Basic Complaint to FCC Below
The US Government and the FCC assured the Public Trust, we would continue to have Free Access to Local Channels after the High Definition Transition.
Now CBS 2 Los Angeles is denying AT&T customers access so they can charge $5.99 for CBS 2 and $10.00 for access without commercials.
As a Retired Senior Citizen, I believe as Local Channels begin to charge for TV Programming, Senior Citizens and the Poor Citizens will not have access as the US Govt. & the FCC have promised us.
We hope you will investigate the issue. AT&T Doc. attached
John Burns
Retired Communications, FCC # PG 11-32357

That was a poor business decision to not allow Direct TV to have access to your CBS Channel 2 daily programming.
It's more than obvious your company could care less about its loyal customers. Several people I've talked to have decided to move forward and disengage from all your programming in the future. There all several other options so good luck with this stupid decision you made.

Why are you so greedy??? You did this to Dish years ago!! No you dropped out of Direct TV. You are the only channel that has ever done this! Thank God I only like 2 CBS shows! I will never watch a CBS show again!!

Please put big brother back to 8:00 pm Eastern

I was watching Norah on nightly news & clocked her distainnof president trump for 20 minutes dragging up Epstein from 30 years ago. Let’s be be fair & give something positive about this president. I will watch a few more nights but if her extreme dislike for this man doesn’t become more balanced pLEASE bring JEFF GORE BACK. He was relatable & appears nice

I’d like to complain about the casting of Big Brother. Multiple houseguests have shown signs of racism and bullying, which is unacceptable. I can’y imagine how many kids watch this show and see how Jack or Bella act towards other houseguests. What’s more disappointing is that Big Brother or CBS or whatever will not discipline them. Simply giving them a chat about not calling other “fattie” or “disgusting” is not effective. Although only 4 houseguests have been expelled, I believe that number needs to go up.

I think that it is Very Greedy of you to want to charge more money for people to have channel 4 in the Missouri area. You seem to think that all of us livestream their tv. Well the older folks don't deal with that crap and they shouldn't be forced to do so. Not to mention that you want the money that you get from the Satellite company that we deal with and to download your app on your computer is free for a Week (la de dah!) but then we have to pay more to watch you television. 4.99 to have partial comercials and 9.99 for commercial free. You SUCK! Bring back the Local channels and Quit being so Greedy with the satellite customers. We already pay enough money out per month as it is!!!!!!

Boycott CBS! Fake news everywhere. They charge for their app. They did not pay Julie’s husband. Pushing socialist! Boycott advertisements with your dollars! CBS sucks!

I just would like it to be known that I watch the CBS evening news every night HOWEVER starting 7/15/19 I will be watching the ABC Evening News as I am not a fan of Nora O'Donnell. She was the reason I didn't watch the CBS morning show. Jeff Glor I guess wasn't good enough for you so. I don't think you are going to increase your ratings with least I won't be helping you anymore.

My wife and I are very disappointed in the program "Love Island" that has been aired at 8 PM in our area. We feel that program is not family friendly and should not be aired at all let alone during a time when children would be able to watch. Big Brother which airs right after "Love Island" also is not family friendly & quite inappropriate!

me and my whole family hatethat stupid advert on CBS reality. The one with the man who gets a woman to grass on her drug dealer boyfriend. i think that this man is despicable he treats this vulnerable woman as a mere means to an ends. she could be murdered for her part and he treats her as if she is just an object that he can use for his success. ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING. it’s on every day get it off

My granddaughter 12 years old does not know what your advertising on the ads (nor do I anymore) She thinks she has to marry a black person, That is what the ad is saying to her.

I or we would like to know if you are trying to get lifetime supports of your news especially to change to NBC or ABC? You are getting rid of all the best anchors and broadcasters and putting people like Gale not that she is bad but she does over talk others like she is the only one who matters. But you got rid of Scott now Jeff, we swear you are trying to get rid of your customers who have watched since Walter. Just about quit when you got rid of Dan but stayed but I swear we are just about to quit your new all together and we know for sure we are not alone, a lot of friends feel the same.
I guess y’all want to quit the news all together, or at least loose your loyal news customers. THANKS what used to be the best and the most trustworthy of all and FOX being the worst of any. I guess you want to be like FOX.

I have had CBS LIVE on my Roku and it keeps constantly buffering and going out. I have been on phone with my internet service is fine. I am hoping you can figure out why it keeps going out.Thank you for listening. I can not get through a show without reloading it 4 to 5 times.

More TRUTH Please. The refusal of this and other networks to give an accurate portrayal of our Presidents rallys is disturbing. It should be taken as as a fact they dont care about our freedoms as Americans. Many more Americans are educating themselves with the TRUTH thanks to your childish little stunts.
Your style of manufactured news to generate feeling will be obsolete. You will be on the losing side again in 2020.

Sunday night shows are consistently off schedule and for anyone recording shows, watching on demand, etc, we are only seeing the first half of the shows we are interested in. More times than not, 60 minutes starts late, pushing back all other shows. If you cannot stick to your schedule when you have sports programming, then push the show windows back so shows start and end at the times scheduled properly with all cable/satellite providers. This has gone on for years and you are losing viewers.. especially when you launch new shows on Sunday nights. Very annoying.

Once again on Sunday night a sporting event takes precedence over the scheduled program. I hate golf We have sporting Chanel’s. Let them broadcast it.

I'm tired of seeing gay and lesbian behavior on prime time tv. Have you lost your sense of morality? A small % of our country is gay and they should be allowed to live their lives as they see fit however I don't want to watch it on tv. The morning news people are disrespectful to the President. They need to address him as President Trump! You may not like what he stands for but show the respect for the office! The values of the reporting by Walter Cronkite need to come back. He reported the new objectively and let the viewer make up their mind. President Nikita Khrushchev of the now defunct Soviet Union said it most accurately. He said the USA would decay from the inside. Your content of programing is leading the Way.

On April 28th 2019 you aired a deal about fetenol and being able to get it online from china....

why are you charging to watch episode 11 of survivor ,don't you make enough with your all access option

ONLINE PETITION...SAVVVVVEE GINA TOGNONI...2000 people have signed, 2000 people will stop watching y&r.,,,,,

Please fix the voice over . The voice doesn’t match the lips. Been going on for several days now. Very hard to watch. And annoying as hell .
A company as large as yours you would think would be on top of this. And not allow it to go on for so long.
Your my favorite station. This makes it very hard to watch. I look forward to the problem getting fixed. Soon I hope.
Thank you

The background music is so loud on most of the CBS programs that it's hard to hear what the actors are saying. If I want to hear music, I'll turn to a music station. I want to hear what is happening when I turn on programs that I'd prefer to watch.
Please see that the music doesn't interfere with the interesting programs!!
I'm not alone with my complaint. Many others have expressed their dissatisfaction to me about trying to hear what the actors are saying, but the music is so loud they can't hear the dialogue, and have given up trying and turned to another station.

Suggesting the assassination of President Trump and then tweeting it is a despicable act and should be prosecuted to the furthest extent of the law, followed by the loss of your license by the FCC and further prosecution and investigation from the Secret Service. You cowards have absolutely lost any semblance of decency and are inciting violence. Be prepared for the continued loss of viewership and a total lack of respect from your former viewers, How dare you suggest that a President of the United States be killed. you should be ashamed of yourself collectively and removed from the airways.

The CBS show 'The Good Fight' threatened the President of the United states for the second time in two years. This violates United States Code Title 18, Section 871. Here is the link to the tweet It looks like you already tried to delete it but it is in the hands of the
Kelly Kahl (President, CBS Entertainment)Secret Service and the FBI since I reported this to both of them.
Here is a reminder of the first threat you made on the President.
Please turn these people over to the FBI or Secret Service to be prosecuted and imprisoned.
Strauss Zelnick (Interim Chairman, CBS Corporation)
Joseph Ianniello (Interim President and CEO, CBS Corporation)

I was watching Mellisa Ethridge perform one of my fav songs on the CBC morning show and you DB's cut right in the middle for somehack commercial!!!! PISSED!

I am a Pro service provider who canceled the pay per lead service and was charged a fee, which amounted to one year of monthly charges. It was claimed that I signed in a contractual agreement..

Wink tv a CBS affiliate has dropped the CBS programming in south west florida with Dish Network. I have not had CBS programming for 3 months. I am sure this is not something that CBS really would like to see for any further time. as there are losses in revenue for the company. Please review the issue between Dish network and Wink network and get this issue resolved.

Watching CBS Sorts network on TV Hulu Live... . The commentator on the show was asked who he thought would win between the sweet 16 playoff game between Gonzaga and Florida State and why? His response was as racist as it can get. He said Florida State because coach was black??????? What the heck? How is that not racist? If one of the other commentators said Gonzaga because coach was white it would be all over the news. Others have been fired for saying less racist things. He needs to be released immediately or CBS will be doing huge injustice.

Please, please stop with the romance on NCIS Los Angeles! It was enough with Kensi and Deeks, please kill the love story between the Beale and Nell geeks! This is a drama, not a soap opera! I know your ratings will go up if you quit the love stuff!! Beale is very hard to take seriously, I cringe when he's on. Please change him out!
Thanks for listening!

I turn to CBS for news not to watch a car chase. You want to put on the car chase, just tell me how it started and why, then tell me when it ended and how.

Madam secretary
This is a first for me to write to any of the networks but this weeks madam secretary was right out of an activist play book. Totally one sided on climate change and was more a political add than entertainment show.
I deleted the recording 1/3 through it.
Very dissapointed.

I had to turn the channel after today's show with Gaye King. What makes her think the side show of R. Kelly is news? You give the tornados that hit Alabama, Georgia and S.C. a 5 minute talk and give this person 80 minutes. Is that what you people call news? Since Gayle King came on CBS This Morning the whole program has gone downhill. The cursing, from her and the people she interviews should never be allowed on a NEWS show. You need to put her segment on a reality show and I will be sure not to watch. No wonder your station is #3. Look at what and who you interview.

I used Moving Dudes/Mover Dudes out of Deerfield Beach or Ft Lauderdale or Boca Raton. They have multiple names and locations listed, sometimes on the same form. Steve Ennis is the owner, boss etc..I had a typical horrible experience moving from Oklahoma to South Carolina. Typical issues lots of deliveries. Without going into the entire sordid affair, right now, they agreed to refund me $1500. and I signed a contract stating that refund. Within 30 days I was supposed to receive refund, sadly that deadline was Jan 20, 2019. Steve has given me a little lip service via txt but as you can expect refund and no further contact can be made. I saw the article about Florida cracking down on scam moving companies and I think my experience fits right into that topic. I hope and look forward to any help or resources you can direct me to. There are so many of us from this company on Yelp and Facebook, I hope there are enough voices to hold this 'business' accountable.

Can't believe you took Young and Restless off after all these years.
I would have to pay more to see it now. But won't because on fixed income can't afford it.
Shame on you CBS
Also will miss seeing Price Is Right

I usually don’t watch CBS news as I find it’s reports biased and inaccurate. I don’t like being spoon fed what is often false information. What I do like is the program 48 Hours Investigates, and the Dr. Phil Show. How annoying that tonight when I watch my recording a “ CBS News Special Report “. breaks in with Trump’s ex-lawyer giving me a morality lecture ??? Are you kidding me?? CBS should choose their “Special Reports” more wisely. Deleted recordings, Cancelled all future recordings. Spend time forwarding this complaint on social media.

Last spring the series, "Scorpion" ended it's season with a cliff hanger working towards coming back the next to resolve the cliffhanger but it was cancelled by CBS for "ratings". Everyone who liked the show got together and vented there fustration regarding this. Finally I read where it would return for a final season on September 25 to resolve the cliff hanger episode and end the series properly. Then lately I heard CBS cancel the return. I will tell you I am 66 years old and realize changes are in store (reading about Criminal Minds and all the new shows that are coming up.
But it now looks like our president may have some says in programming. Case and point "Scorpion", first your going to bring it back for one more season then end it then changing your mind and not bringing it back at all. I watched "Teminator 2 the other night and thought of Scorpion then read today about Criminal Minds. Tuesday night is my CBS night, Wednesday is my NBC night then I come back to CBS for Friday night. It sure would be nice if you would listen to us old farts for a change!

My complaint is that the commentators on CBS refer to our President as Mr. Trump.
He is the duly elected President of the United States and he deserves to have that title.
I am disappointed that the journalists are disrespectful and assume their personal opinions belong to everyone else.
I want the news, both local and international.
Please provide the facts, let me make my own opinions, and have the good manners to respect others people's views.

Not telling whole truth regarding as you call headlines " 1000s of farmers will lose their land" & play upon that throughout. I live in TX. Where fence is going in is open land, not home.They get market value, they can contest the amount. Eminent Domain happens all the time. My aunts property was seized as you put it, to put BART in, My grandparents house they lived in 50 was "seized" to put McArthur freeway in. Both in Bay Area.This is desert land, I'm sure ranchers will love to get paid for land their not using, plus not having illegals running through their property littering, theft, destroying their fences and not feeling safe. If your news is supposed to be fair but know CBS isn't for reasons ONLY TO SLAN TRUMP. If you want to be "fair" I dare you to do whole story!!!!!!!

CBS sports televised the last 2 days of a PGA golf tournament this Saturday & Sunday (2/16-17). On Sunday the tournament end did not occur before their scheduled televised time ended. With less than 5 minutes notice, to their customer viewers, they ended their telecast and switched TV coverage to the Golf Channel network. Many millions of TV viewers can not obtain GC network coverage and therefore were deprived of watching the final results. Dotto, for those millions who recorded the CBS telecast (to view later). My complaint is this same CBS scenario has occurred previously for many years. My conclusion is the CBS motto is: “Customer be damn, it’s all about $$”. This type of CBS action is pathetic !

I am so disappointed in the featured program tonight, 02/17/19, titled Investigating Our President. As a 65 year old retired Professional Registered Nurse, married to a Family Physician still working full time at 72, I have to write. We can no longer either watch or respect your program. We have been avid supporters of 60 Minutes but this is the lowest we have ever observed, on any news program in our country. President Trump is our elected President. The people spoke and the people voted for him. He must not be dragged through the mud and treated as a common thief. It is time for our news informants to get behind our leadership. Stop blaming. Stop Backbiting. Stop it all!! Just support the man! Someday and only time will tell, the good he has done with no one seeming to look or care about that. We do here in southern Illinois and we are proud that Mr Trump is our president. We only ask that you stop the negative reporting. Start respecting. Maybe, someday, we can respect you again, 60 Minutes. Sincerely,
Mrs. Rhonda Ewell

I would like to inform about used car market. Kelly Blue Book present it self as a reliable source for used car prices. It has come to me attention that they sell information to car dealers in a effort to control the used car market. They offer a free listing for your used car and post a very low under the real market price. then they sell the names to new car dealers who call the owners with the intention and success purchase well under the real market price using the Kelly Blue Book as there source. I am selling a 2007 Toyota . The kelly Blue book price is 3K Most car dealers are asking 8K-10K.
The dealers pay thousands for the listing... then sell the cars at auction or there lot for thousands over what KBB has listed the cars for.
This is very least dishonest .

Code black out performed madam secretary and elementary and you cancelled it .where is the intelligence in that? As a 40 yr now retired nurse I FINALLY go to watch a real hospital show.great job guys !!!!.my father was a dept head for 40yrs at the old Republic and the universal Studios so I watch for things other people don't pay attention to
So I say again good job.
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