Comcast Complaints Continued... (Page 10)
466+ reviews added so far. Upset? Call Comcast corporate: 1-800-934-6489
I signed up with comcast at thanksgiving of 2010, was told my rebate would be 6 to 8 weeks. It is now coming up to 5 months and no rebate. 10 calls to comcast and each time someone said a person would get back to me. Not one returned phone call. Before you believe what they say think twice the worst service I have ever had in my life. There saying that with comcast servive is the most important thing is nothing but bs.

A tech was supposed to come to our house to install new equipment from our Comcast cable plan. The tech never showed, nor did anyone from Comcast bother to call to us and explain the situation or say we needed to reschedule or apologized for the no show. Called again, was assured that someone would be out next week to do the installation. Guess what, did not happen again and no call and no show. Called a third time, was told that someone would get back within four hours, how about we’re still waiting. Sometimes paying MORE for better services is so worth it when you avoid these kinds of problems. GO AT&T because COMCAST SUCKS BIG TIME.

Is it me or is it possible that xfinity is actually worse than comcast? On demand is an excellent feature when it works, which for me is about 60% of the time. Errors codes, claims to “try again momentarily” as a program cuts out in the middle of watching it with no result hours later, and lack of consistent updates really makes this a frustrating experience. Want to keep up with a season of your favorite show? Here’s the most popular codes if anybody else is curious. Get on demand, keep up with it for a few episodes, then wait a couple of weeks for episode 5 to pop up with no avail, but 6 might be there, or 4 twice. Im trying to follow a season on demand for a show that currently reads S4E3 S4E4 S4E6 S4E6 S4E9. AWESOME! At least I can watch fragments of series I am at work for and miss, thanks Xfinity.
For crying out loud, get your sh*t together comcast/xfinity, we pay for this service to WORK. I write this as I was watching a program that froze midway through and haven’t been able to access the on demand feature since. Its bad when you have to pirate basic cable programming because it simply wont work on demand. If you want to know how to fix the error codes the most common of them can be fixed easily.

On 3-15 I placed an order with Comcast to provide me with Telephone, Internet and TV. I was told the equipment for my order would be at my house by 3-22. On 3-24, I still had not received my equipment. I called Comcast and asked the status. The agent said he would have to talk to his manager. He came back on line and told me that the person that originally took my order had not “released” the equipment to ship. He told me as a result of Comcast error, he would ship the equipment overnight and I would have it on 3-25. He gave me a confirmation number and told me that I could track the shipment at On 3-25 I went on line for 20 min. and could NOT find any way to track my order.
I called Comcast and after lots of waiting got a rep who told me that there is no way to track an order on He transferred me to another department. The rep from the new department told me that the order was NOT shipping overnight and I would get it in 3-5 business days. I asked to talk to his supervisor who was Monik Employee# Semo0610. Monki told me that Comcast did not have any equipment to ship due to their vender delays and that all orders in March had been delayed due to this. I asked Monik why none of the half-dozen Comcast employees I had spoken to had told me this. Instead they all said “you will get your components in x-days”.
Monik could not tell me when the order would ship, but it would not be before April. She then told me that I would need to go through the “Order Release” process all over again because this needed to happen AGAIN because the order was delayed. I asked to speak to her superior and was told that there was no person I could talk to and that Comcast managers do not receive or return calls.
So, right now, I have been lied to a number of times and I have no idea when I will get my equipment. This is not a way to run a company and I WILL NOT accept this kind of extremely bad service.

I have enjoyed the convenience of the Comcast On Demand feature for many years and that is why I stayed with Comcast. Lately I have found that programs (Harry’s Law) come and go. Now I cannot find it at all. Episodes of other programs I like are random now. I have been catching up on “The Good Wife” episodes and watched the last three consecutive shows for the months of Feb. and March and then all of a sudden the most current March episode comes up as a year old 2010 episode. When I called Comcast they said “Oh you don’t get all the episodes, just some.” What good is that? And if they are not consecutive, what’s the point? I am shopping around for another service provider after this last incident.

i have internet by comcast now for several years, one year ago i switched with voice xfinity because they told me that i will save money. turns out this is a scam they charged twice as much for what i was paying before. i would recommend to cancel comcast xfinity service to whoever is reading this!

I called trying to set up arrangements to pay my Comcast bill which was set to be turned off tomorrow. I was unable to do so. Under normal circumstances i would be able to pay it considering i get paid today but its a blizzard going on outside. I couldn’t get my check and everything is closed. I find it very insensitive that no arrangements with Comcast could be made for me. Now not only am i stuck in the house, now i wont have any TV. I am very displeased with Comcast!

I just subscribed to Comcast on their $29.99/month promotion for 12gb. I thought it was a great deal and so I switched to their service. The first issue I had with them was when their first scheduled installation did not arrive in their specified time frame at all! Then I got my bill claiming that I owed them $190. Of course I thought it was some simple mistake, but as you have probably read, Comcast customer service department is HORRIBLE and I had to wait for a long time to speak with a rep. All in all, it has been so frustrating dealing with Comcast!

If you ever decide to go with Comcast service, make them send it to you in writing. I recently switched to a bundled Comcast service (internet/tv and phone) after a CS rep lied to me and claimed I would save money by switching my phone from Qwest to theirs. I told them I was paying $50 at Qwest and $66 to Comcast per month. That’s $116. The Comcast rep told me if I switched they would pay all installation charges for phone and that my total bill per month would be $114.
Needless to say, after switching, and having NUMEROUS technical issues which required calling for repairs, plus unauthorized tampering with my account password, choice of paper billing, and ring tones, internet service going down, phone service going down, 2 visits by Comcast technicians to set up and repair what they did…my new bill was $195.
I called to complain and they had billed me $27 for a “trouble call” – although at no point was I told I would be billed for anything. They also mysterious had me paying $1.99/m for their Service Protection Plan – which I never requested- but fortunately they did because I had to call technical support so often to get things working. Even now I am getting dropped calls and spotty phone service. I had to file a claim with the BBB to get them to address the “trouble call”…and they lied to the BBB Agent about having credited it to me already. I am still fighting with them over it.
In short – DO NOT TRUST WHAT ANY COMCAST SALESMAN SAYS – get it in writing, video tape it, record it – to prove later what they said to you, otherwise they will deny it. They will say they are taking down your complaint for a credit and must “forward it for approval, which will take 48 hours” and then, when you call 48 hrs later to see what happened, they will have no record of it, and tell you the same thing over again. This is how they will string you along. Comcast needs to be sued with a class action lawsuit for deceitful sales practices.

Comcast is the worst pack of lying thieves I have ever had the displeasure to deal with. Since we had the Comcast modem, we asked Comcast where we should return it for our money back and were told to bring it to the office in Savannah, GA. It has now been 3 months, and since we have not received our money back, we called Comcast. They have no records of our returning the modem, even though we have a receipt with all the information. They refuse to pay since they have no records, even though we have an official receipt. What a bunch of low life, lower than whale poop in the bottom of the ocean thieves. I’ll have to sue them to get my money back. Utter thieves. Nothing but thieves and liars.

Comcast is the worst company!! I was lied to by a customer service representative and charged over 200 dollars (2mths) for BASIC cable and internet service. It all started when I got Comcast. After getting online and it being so slow I called Comcast and told them I had a NEW computer and being online was awfully slow. I call Comcast and sure enough I was outraged! No one ever gets back to me. I was dealing with lots of personal issues and truly had NO TIME to deal with COMCAST, so I said okay and let it go…My internet it still very slow, and comcast raised my price to over 100 a month for basic service and never fixed my internet problem.

People say comcast cable shame on them, but what do you mean shame on them? You just admitted you were getting more channels than you were entitled to, for what you pay. So when they realize it, they have to charge you properly or you do without. YOUR choice. I have Brighthouse and I don’t get a free ride. If I want the channels for my daughter and my HBO, I have the choice but it costs. Basic TV is free, but you want more, you have to pay. Why are you anymore special than the other subscribers paying Comcast. At least you had it free before AND they didn’t ask you to pay retroactively (now that would be shameful of them).

I have been a Comcast customer for probably 18 years. 13 through my condo which I had no dealings with, but 5 since I purchased my home. For the most part things were fine, despite the fact periodically they raised the prices or required new equipment without letting me know. I contacted Comcast to see about having my bill reduced and possibly add DVR service. Increases are automatic, decreases you have to ‘beg’ for. Comcast has chosen to not respond to me this time. No phone calls no e-mails. I so want to send this to the newspapers. It is wrong.

Comcast cable television will not let me cancel my service!!!! I HAD TO CALL THE CITY GOVT. TO START A COMPLAINT ABOUT THIS AND THE FOLLOWING INFO: the worst more disrespectful, rudest, most arrogant smart assed kids for customer service. you will go down along with att. i am canceling my service with joy! complete JOY! you should all be without jobs and poor and begging in the streets and maybe you well figure out you were so bad to customers who were paying your paycheck. good riddance to trash!!!

My request is seemingly simple. I want copies of 3 statements from 2009 to confirm that I was not being charged for two modems back then. I recently found out that Comcast had been charging me two modem fees when I only had one modem. After being lied to on the phone (told I was double charged for 3 months only) I traced back statements as far as they can be viewed online (about one year) and then Comcast refunded the double charge for that full year. Three months later and 31 emails back forth and I still don’t have them.
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