Dish Network Complaints Continued... (Page 4)
336+ reviews added so far. Upset? Call Dish Network corporate: 303-723-1000
I had the service installed on the 15th of December, and as of today, three other technicians have been here to the house to get the system working. It is still not working, and they are not giving up. I have asked them to remove the equipment and end close my account, and they will not give up. I am about ready to get a lawer and file a class action lawsuit. I am tired of the lies that they are telling me.

I’ve had so many issues with my service it would take all day to explain. I would never recommend this company to anyone. Was promised a second hopper by someone so when the installer comes out to install it low and behold it wasn’t noted…. GO FIGURE!!! So I try to call them no record who I talked to nor will they work with me. They want $350.00 for another hopper. You would think if you pay for 4 boxes you could watch 4 t.v’s WRONG!!!! The 4th TV shares with someone so if you don’t like what the other 3 TV’s are watching GUESS WHAT? YOU’RE SCREWED!!!!
I was never told this when i signed up with dish. there is 4 people in my house and we all want to watch different channels but cant untill i get a second hopper. When i called and spoke with someone he stated that he would get me the second hopper due to all the stuff i went through plus nobody explained about the hopper only has 3 tuners… Oh I could go on for days about other stuff like the cable goes out with the slightest rain, take money out of your account without notifying you first, low signal on dish anywhere app on the phones so it freezes, not one single person can help me with the dish transfer app…
Like I said I can go on and on. I just want to warn you call someone else other than dish. Can’t wait till my contract is up.

I am so unhappy with Dish. They want me to climb up on a snowy roof to retrieve a switch???? I had Dish for years and not only did they over charge me but now they are mistreating me and I told them I was disabled!! This is stupid!!! How am I supposed to get this switch when I don't even know what it is and everyone I talk to on the phone can barely speak English and they don't anything!!! This is a nice way to treat a loyal customer. I will NOT recommend Dish to anyone!!!!!

Dispute between Dish and NBC has gone on long enough- when we signed up it was for the three major networks plus some of the others/ since we are not receiving NBC our bill should be reduced . Actually I think this is considered a breach of contract. If other carriers can settle with the networks there is no reason that Dish cannot settle. Honor your commitment!

Filed against : DISH Network, LLC
Dish network employee made a huge whole on my ceiling 3 months ago, since then the whole is still there and they did not fix it. I contacted dish network to have Spanish channels on the guess room for my family coming from Mexico. The guy that made the installation fell through the ceiling making a huge whole on my ceiling this was back in November (16th) until now the damage was not fixed. Now I have dust coming from the attic, all my walls are covered in black dust, we have spiders e every were, my daughter is getting sick and the actual is starting to have problems, there is dust every were. They do not care. I called more than 30 times and no response yet. I'm tired of this situation. The contractor that they have is busy all the time, I asked for another contractor and they say that will be more time. I already spend in a hotel stays for my family for thanksgiving and for Christmas too, they can not sleep in that room with that whole on the ceiling. I don't know what else to do.
I want them to fix the whole and clean or repaint the walls and clean the air duct and reimburse me for the extra expenses that I made because of their lack of responsability they are taking a long time to fix this 3 months already.i want to cancel their cable service and they wanted to charge me early termination fee, are this people kidding me?

WIll be dropping Dish if the CBS negotiations aren't resolved in the next couple of days. I have been a customer for over 20 years, and I can't begin to tell you how sorely disappointed I am in Dish Network overall. I have contacted my local CBS affiliate as well to express my disappointment. Funny how neither Dish nor KWTV wants you to talk with a live person; just easier to point fingers at each other. Time to think about the consumer/customer!

I tried for two years to stop the services . I paused the services as they requested and continued to pay. I was charged $17.00 for their label without prior communication. $35.00 for early contract stoppage. An additional $24.00 charge after the final date of services.
This is thief!!!

I got new service from dish network and just paid the first months bill. Now I get a letter saying that beginning on the next bill my service will go up 5 dollars a month. When I signed up I was told that this would be the price for the first year and then go up the second year on a two year contract. How can they get away with this?

I realize that Rupert Murdock owns both channels and Direct TV ,however unless you want to lose a bunch of viewers,I suggest Dish network finds a independent News Channel and Business channel other than what is now offered.I don't think I can hold out until after the 4th of February which is when their promotion ends.
I stay with Dish because they provide me good service but if I can't find nothing for me to watch during the day,I will have to find another provider!!!!

We contacted Dish Network last fall (Sept 2013) about switching from Direct TV. We were given an attractive price and we were told by the salesperson that we could use our receivers in our motorhome, just as we had done with Direct TV. We are getting prepared to leave for an extended period of time, and now find out that this is not true. Before we signed up we had asked this question repeatedly because we wanted to transfer our package to the motorhome. Now we find out we cannot do this, and we need to purchase two more special receivers at a cost of over $100 each, plus if we want to use the recorder on the receiver we have to pay an additional $40 for each TV in order Dish to set it up. Then we have to pay an additional $7 per month on each TV to be able to use it in the motorhome. All the while our service at home will not be used, but we cannot put it on vacation, unless we purchase an additional separate Dish package for the motorhome exclusively which would be more than what we currently pay. We feel totally duped by Dish Network and totally disgusted that what was simple with Direct TV ends up being such a hassle and additional expenses. While we love the Hopper in our home, as soon as our 2 year obligation is met we will be dropping this service. It would have been a different story if they had been honest from the start and we weren’t deceptively duped by dishonest personnel. I have talked with 4 different Dish representatives today and not gotten the same story from any of them, so it appears that their sales staff isn’t trained to give the correct information..

I order this cable network but after 1 day of this so call service I call and cancel it. Dvr is not what I want first it was not hd and can only rec .180 hour and two channel at a time. The channel keep on freeze and I could not get not thing on demand for anything . So after I complain I was told I will receive a part of my money back. After three week of call and there came tell me 3-5 bussiness days I got mad and now there tell me I will not get anything because of fee. What fee and put you on hold for awhile and hang up on you.

I recived abilling statement Showing you are increasing our monthly payment to 43.49 from 38.49 Thjis is not accetable to us. We are on a very limited incom with both of us now on SSI we scrimp as it is to pay yhe 38.49. If you can:t lower the payment we will have to cancel You service. My husband is in the hospital and if we had any extra it is going for gas,perscriptions an copays. There is no way we can pay MORE.
Velma L Patterson
Account NO.8255 9093 8622 9576

Five channels that I watch are on thier 120 channel package and five channels are on thier 250 channel package. I have no movie channels, no DVR, no HD and two boxes. Is it just me or is $100.oo a month for ten channels seem excessive? Why can’t I just pay for the services I use? $30.00 a month seems like a fair price. I’m about to cancel the whole mess and just watch TV online for free….

8:30 pm last night I heard the dogs going crazy, no doorbell was rung, but when i looked out the door there stood two young men, one wearing a DirectTv coat with a name tag turned backwards, the other in street attire. They claimed they worked for a installation company that allows them to solicit for both Direct TV and Dish Network, but funny thing was they were only trying to sell Dish.
When asked for Brochure, they said they were the walking brochure. Turned over his I.D. badge and it was not of either company. Only thing they related to for pricing was their blackberry phone, but wouldnt show me. I didnt let it go past there, but wanted others to know beware of scam artists hitting your door late at night.

I signed up for Dish Network last week, I’d like to know when I will get my solo receiver charger in the mail. How much will it be if it doesn’t come, because I really need this! Quite happy with Dish, but I will be the first to admit that I wanted multiple receiver in various rooms around my house.
Wasn’t happy with the one they sold me for the living room. Aren’t Dish the ones that sell the fact that you can use these packages in various rooms around the home, or is that Direct TV?
When customer support phoned me, possibly in India somewhere, they said Dish would be happy to send another solo satellite box free of charge to my house. The problem is they always say that! OK enough with my rant, I’m going to go back to watching Hulu on my laptop, because I still can’t use my television set in the living room.
The problem I have with most companies is the get you locked into a long term contract without any hope of getting out of it because of technical problems or performance issues.

I’m curious whether dish or direct tv has more complaints about their service online? Both of the companies seem to have quite a few problems from customers, with no real customer service in mind when they sell a product. There are always going to be people upset with bundled services or bundled problems, that’s just the nature of the business I guess.
Still I’d like to know who I should sing up with for cable television services, frankly I feel like I am forced to decide between the lesser of two evils instead of the right choice. When I had AT&T U-verse I could never get a hold of their support line. Of course when I wanted to sign up it was easy, when I wanted to cancel it was impossible.
I will probably end up going with Dish Network, because most of my friends have Dish, still DirectTV will probably be pretty tempting!

Dish networks email address has not been working for me lately, I have checked not only my spam filters but my inbox, and still nothing. I am trying to resolve a dish networking billing issue that has been going on for many months now. Each time I get my bill from dish it’s for a different amount. Is this the right email for payment issues?
When it comes to television service, Comcast and Time Warner offer similar cable packages, even Direct TV has some good options. Does someone have the customer service phone number or email address? I am missing quality TV shows and I can’t stand it. These companies continue to get rich off the suffering of it’s customers like me who are frustrated! I hope they go out of business for their horrible actions against me…

Approximatley a month ago I ordered the Dish Hopper system on the condition that I could keep my RV system as is and the representative confirmed and made a note on my account. My 1st appointment had to be resceduelled to Christmas eve in the am but it was 5 pm before a trained tech could hook up the hopper system. The techs from Skywest were compitant and professional and had the hoppper system ready to be activated when the Dish representative whould not authorize the activation without dropping my RV reciever. I pointed out that this was allready authorized bu he wuold not listen to me and was quite short. I realize it was Christmas eve and all but their were 2 techs missing time with their families and I was without tv. They came up with an alternative not to my liking but it was the only resolve they were left with by the Dish rep. I have been a loyal dish customer for 2 decades and this has been the worst I have ever been treated and will no longer ber recommending Dish network.

I has two door to door salesmen come to my door selling dish network instalition. This was on a Friday,They were anxious that it should be the same day. They promised that on Monday they would return to complete my telephone and computer hook up. I waited all day Monday for them to come and when they never came I called the company and wanted to cancel the contract they said it was too late.
I only had three days to cancel ant Tuesday was the forth day and I would have to pay $400.00 to cancel. I called the headquarters told the scam they said they would compensate me by installing the channels I payed for and other compensations like $100.00 gift card for I haven’t received any thing.
I tried to contact the salesmen and they said they has been flown to Sacramento Calif. the same day he was to come back to my house and the salesmen sad they had just the day before they had been in Huston Tx. So they were getting them our of town as quick as possible to escape the wrath of the scammed coustemer. I would like to get enough people who have been scammed by Dish Network to start a class action suit.

After I was approved for my new services and I was charged on my debit card all the fees like in a normal company for new services. I set up my installation day with the rep so I was ready just waiting to get Tv at home. But the previous day that I was schedule for installation a weird number appeared on my cell saying that they were calling from Direct TV and they were asking many questions to verify my ID, like: Day of birth , last of your social, states that you have ever live in USA , last two addresses where you have lived in.
So, when I was tired answering all his questions , I decide to ask how do I know that they were Direct TV , so the guy “Ramon” told me the installation day and the time that I have for the next day, so I believed they were Direct TV. He continued asking more questions and finally I did not answer one and he said , since I cannot verify your identity you need to fax your social security card, Picture ID and the lease agreement or loan information.
I said no. So he said that was not negotiable with the company and that I have to fax that information to get the installation, so I decide to hang up and get the service with Dish Latino, which I am very please because the good service easy approval and quick installation. Now, I am looking to get the refund from Direct TV for all the charges that I have on my account made by them while I was not verified on their company.
Amazingly they charge the fees, get the money and then after the fact you will find out that you cannot be verified even if you have gave them your account information previously. That is ridiculous!

`I guess you can take this as a complaint or I am sure much better as a suggestion. I have been with Direct TV for years and left Direct TV for Dish for a short time. I find that the biggest problem with all comanies is that their Marking Depatment sells the programs as how many channels are available to a consumer at a price. Now, who can really watch 200 channels in a day, month, or year. I would like to suggest that there be a price set for each channel a consumer would like to purchase. Lets say one could pick out CNN, FOX, CMBC,and a price would set to buy the ones a person really watched.
I know there are package deals but some people watch no more than an adverage of three channels a night. There is in the near future and now going on through the Internet one can get to watch more programs there and a lot are free. So Marketing should get on the ball and revisit their structure now. Thanks

We only use our disk network during the summer months in our motorhome. Back in April I applied for a reconnection. After the several hours of being transferred to nine people I was told the memory card in my box was out of date and I received a new one in May.The last week of May (for my birthday) several of my friends and I took a trip to Harrison Bay State Park once again we spent several hours on our cell phones trying to get the dish to work, and being transferred from customer service to new account and at one time to the Philippines. The conclusion was the memory card was out of date.
My son and his wife took the motor home to Kentucky for their 1st wedding anniversary in August and once they were parked he called asking about the TV. I gave him the Dish Networks phone # and my account. Yes, once again several hours on the phone and another new out of date card. We have paid our monthly bill along with a reconnection fee since April of 2011.I am in hopes that someone in your company will review my account and compensate my credit card for the last seven (7) months. Please contact me soon with a reply.
Sincerely Jerry or Stella Rozzell

Dish Network, On 09/08/2011 at 2:00 a.m., I got in the Internet to check on some Cable and satellite TV deals. Well, I noticed that Dish Network was offering some astonishing deals. So, thinking that the Dish Network’s customer service might’ve improved in the last five years, I decided to order the service. I called the company and began talking to a sales representative lady from India. I explained to her my concern and the reason why; I cancelled the service five years ago. Well, this lady assured me that customer service had improved over the last five years and that I had nothing to worry about.
After a few minutes on the phone and a few questions answer, I agreed to the service. This lady told me that the installer would have all the equipment I ordered including the “Sling Adapter.” She convinced me to purchase the service by guarantying that the installation would be no problem and that the installer would install the Sling Adapter and take half an hour to explain to me how it works. After the agreement she took my information and right away pre-charged me $177.16 from my debit card.
At approximately 12:30 p.m., the installers finally showed up to my house to do the installation (half an hour “LATE”). Upon there arrival, I asked to verify that they had all the equipment. Guess what! They didn’t… They did not have the Sling Adapter that I had already paid $99.00 for. At that time I called the company to speak with a supervisor about this problem. A Gloria lady (supervisor) was contacted and I began to explain my frustration and the reason why I was upset.
I explained to her what the sales representative had guaranteed me during the sale. This Gloria supervisor was very unprofessional and instead offering me an explanation and a resolution, she gave me an ultimatum by stating “there is nothing I can do, you either want it or not.” At that time I asked to speak with her supervisor and she told me that she was it and that there was no one else, but the resolution department, and that I could only contact them through e-mail. When I persisted by telling here that there had to be someone else I could talk to, she hung up on me!!!
I then called back and began my whole explanations to another customer service representative. He directed me to a different supervisor. The new supervisor listened to my complaint and frustration and stated that she could connect me with the Resolution Department. While she was directing me to the resolution department, the installer entered my house and told me that he did not have all the necessary equipment to complete the installation.
At that time I told the installer to pick up all his equipment and to cancel the installation. I then made contact with Resolution Department Specialist by the name of Lucke. I explained to Lucke the whole situation. To give credit where credit is due, he did try and help me as much as he could, but in the end, I told him that I could not trust Dish Network any more because if a new installation in being done in this fashion, I can only imagine once the contract is signed.
In conclusion:
I made the mistake in thinking that your company had gotten better. Unfortunately I have noticed that it has not. I can tell you that I have started my complaint with the BBB and I have imputed some negative remarks in the Internet about your company. I can also assure you that I will continue imputing negative remarks about your company in as many Internet reviews as I can. I will impute them in Facebook and in every site that will listen to what I have to say. The sad thing is, that I could’ve been a great customer.
I have a great career; impeccable credit and all my bills are direct pay through my bank. I am not a low life that wanted anything free. All I wanted was what I paid for. Unfortunately, only one of us could keep his end of the bargain. This letter will probably not make a difference with you as you read it, but I guaranty you that it will with my friends and my friend’s friends. (Chain Reaction)…

I just switched from Directv to Dish and realized that I should have never switched. Dish network’s services are not up-to-date as Directv services. The picture images are poor and lack HD quality. Recording (DVR) is not as advanced as Directv (can’t change channels at the same tiem while you’re recording). After only 7 days of having Dish Network, I couldn’t get out of the 2-yr contract. Would have to pay $420 if I did. Don’t make the exact same mistake that I did because then you will be as I am….. A very DISAPPOINTED new dish network customer for the next 2 years.

Visited by 3 guys wearing Dish Network T shirts, asking if I’d consider swapping to Direct TV. Asked why they were soliciting for a competitor, they said they contracted for both. Offered new equipment, more channels for less, etc. These were young guys in a compact car from Idaho who claimed to be working out of Missoula MT. The thing that sent them packing was when they said they’d need a credit card number, and of all things, Social Security numbers. Is this a common scam? I have no complaint with Dish Network, by the way.

F*** dish network they have disconnected me 3 time due to there failure to notify me of me owing anything I have only been with them since march, the customer service guy told me it wasn’t his problem it was mine were paying them are hard earned money and they treat us like crap I hate direct t.v but I should have choose them I know it would be more money but atleast they could send me a bill and give me time to pay it. DISH NETWORK I hate you and your service go to hell you money hungry a** who say they are better than other companies, you f***** are the same just in a diff cover.

Phone numbers that didn’t work (i.e. busy all the time), voicemails to them that were not returned, faxes that were “not received”, and I could NEVER get a dish network manager on the phone…basically, they put up roadblocks at each step, no doubt in the hope that I’d just give in and continue paying for the service. Trying to get accounting information and discontinuing service should not be so difficult. My father, the dish network account holder, died recently, and I was trying to help my mom notify all vendors/service providers to change the name on the account, and in some instances, discontinue service.
Pretty much every other company was helpful and reactive, but not Dish. First, they required a death certificate before they would even talk to me about ANY details on the account…I mean they would not even tell me whether we were under contract or whether the equipment was leased or owned. When I finally had the death certificate in hand, I tried to call the phone number they provided for their “Dispute Resolutions Department” and was not able to get through…I probably tried 50 times over the course of a few days and it was busy EVERY single time….kind of like they don’t want you to get through.
Anyway, I spent some time looking online and found the number to their corporate office and was able to get transferred (that number is 303-723-1000) and get the fax number to send the death certificate. To make a very long and painful story short, after numerous phone calls — always to different people…I could NEVER get the same person twice — and the sending of 5 faxes over the course of a week, they finally said they received the fax. Anyway, they “confirmed” that one of the accounts would be discontinued but they needed me to fax yet another death certificate to discontinue service on the other account (there were two accounts in total, and inexplicably, each one needed it’s own death certificate!!!).
We’ve dealt with telephone companies, banks, utilities and ALL of them were easy to work with. Some of them may have required death certificates, but all of them understood the gravity of the situation and were helpful and willing to work with me. But not Dish.
Beware of Dish Network — they are no better than a street-corner criminal.

Here is what I sent to Dish Network because I am suffering from the Economic Crisis. I can no longer afford to live. This is what has become of our world today. Since everything seems to want to keep going up in price while there are no Jobs and people are suffering and can’t even afford to eat. Dish Network has no sympathy.
Dear Dish Network,
Due to the economic crisis I no longer have any income. I am fixing to be homeless cause I can not afford my rent anymore. I don’t even have the money right now to file bankruptcy. If I can find a way to borrow the money to file through Legal Aid then I will. I have no money to pay for satellite service which I receive through Dish network. I no longer have a home phone for that has been disconnected. No Gas or Water. Electric is next. I have 5 days to be out of the home I rent. I am trying to find a shelter to stay at.
I contacted customer service over a month ago letting them know I would be losing my income and didn’t know how I was going to afford all my bills plus rent. Suicide doesn’t look to bad right now. So many others are suffering the same way. The United States of America is about to be no more because it is so broke and busted. More and More companies are going to lose money because people like me can not afford to pay for services from companies anymore. Sorry Dish network. I really love Dish too. But, I am going through things that are beyond my control. So to save yourselves time.
Please just go ahead and charge what you want to me. But you will not be getting any money. So go ahead turn it over to a collection agency. Good luck with that too. To save time you should just go ahead and put your charges on my credit report. Who cares anymore. Defeated in a world that is seeing its end. What are people to do. There is nothing more you can do to me. I am all ready dead. No Jobs. No money. No home. What is there to live for.

It is almost 5-6 years I pay for solo receiver that i have never have during this time. Dish Network charge me every month $7.00. Today by the way I discovered mistake. I asked Dish Network represantative to give me a credit for all months and yers. He said that his record shows that I have solo receiver!!! But after checking he was agree that I did not have it. But he refused to credit my account! It was not my mistake!!!! I will submit a complaint about dish network immediately and their billing!!!!

I had applied for a supervisor position with Dish Network back in November and still have not heard back from anyone. Not even a Thank you but sorry letter or email. I noticed that the position is once again showing up for a field supervisor in Gilbert, Az. but it will not let me re apply for it as it already shows applied for still in November. There is not even a phone number to call to make sure it was received or what is going on with the positions. If Dish Network could do something or tell me what I need to do or who to contact I would appreciate it.
I am loaded with experience in the field and in the supervisor experience. I have been in this line of work for 16 years and would love the opportunity to continue that with Dish Network. If someone reads this within the company, please review the applications and resumes in Nov., around the 16th or so, for the field supervisor position and contact me so I know you received and reviewed it. I stated a salary but it is open and negotiable. I just need work and not to be boastful, but feel my skills and knowledge is an asset to any company in this line of work and would hate the fact of not getting a chance to discuss them in more detail because I was overlooked and missed. Thank you

Dish Network, GUILTY until proven innocent. I tried to sign up for Dish Network only to find that I couldn’t because someone else was already using my social security number. Did they immediately contact the customer in question, NO! Did they make me jump through hoops to prove who I am, YES! It should have been as simple as faxing a notarized copy of my driver’s license and SS card to their office but that’s not even close. After doing all that I was told it will still be about 3 weeks before I hear from them. I tried to call the fraud department back but all I ever get is a recording and no one ever returns my phone call. Needless to say I’m now using DirecTV!

I stopped Dish network’s service. I returned the DVRs, remotes and specified items as directed. I asked about the dishes on the roof. I was told that they do not remove or take them back. For a fee, they can arrange to have somebody take them down. It is their equipment and they installed it so I feel that it is their responsibility to remove and discard them as they see fit. If this is a policy of theirs, I think that they state this when they sell their service.

I have written (e-mailed) Dish Network four times, three addressed to the President and one to customer service and have not received an e-mail response. My concern in contacting Dish was that as a 13 year customer, I should not have to sign a two year contract to have free HD. They are giving free HD to new customers but old customers be damned. I am also concerned that some of the Fox and FX channels have been removed without reducing my monthly charges. Even if they disagree with what I have to say, I still deserve a response.

Hiss your to darned expensive. I thought you had me for life but I finally realized your just to expensive. Your promotions promises of discounts that apparent one loses if their late on their bill. I’m self employed with no certain promises of work, so I guess I should have realized sooner I just cant afford Dish TV. Going back to antenna, regards, Dan. PS you have all the good channels spaced in different packages and still show the same stuff month after month. I can live without dish TV.

I signed a 24-month agreement with Dish Network LLC on the assumption that they would continue providing access to my regional sports network, Fox Sports Southwest, which had been a part of Dish Network’s offerings since the company started. The Fox Sports Southwest programming represents approximately 90 percent of the content that I watched on Dish. After a disagreement with the Fox News Corporation, Dish eliminated all Fox Sports regional sports networks, including Fox Sports Southwest. In order to get this programming back, I am forced to cancel my Dish Network subscription and switch to DirecTV or Time-Warner cable, as well as pay a cancellation fee. This is unfair because I signed up under the impression that I would get these channels that have since been cancelled.

I thought that getting a Dish Network HD DVR means to get all available HD channels, not only the local HD channels. Why do customers have to do this unnecessary step? This does not even make a sense and does not even work. I am trying to create an login on their web site for 5 hours now and I keep getting a note: “The system is currently unavailable, please try again later”. Please see attached image. I get no help if I call Dish Network Customer Service and I didn’t receive a response to my email to Dish Network’s ‘care system’ either. This is an unacceptable service!
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I recently acquired Dish Internet, I was advised by installing tech that usage may be limited due to my location. The service is horrible, slow from day 1, I called to cancel the service as it was horrible, was told I would have to pay the $440 early termination fee, even though the service does not work as portrayed.

I called at the beginning of the month and spoke with a representative because I needed to extend paying my bill until the 21st and the representative told me that was fine and that I actually had until the 27th before my service would be disconnected. However, I got an email today stating that I only had 2 days before my services would be disconnected. I called dish and spoke with 3 different reps who said they would talk with the supervisor to see what could be done. I finally ended up calling back and the last rep I spoke with so rude and told me I had to pay 90.00 before they could extend it for 9 days. So basically the first rep I lied and the ones thereafter lied and the last one was rude. Dish is a rip off and as soon as the year is out I am cancelling our service. Don't like being lied too.

I had been a Dish Network customer since 2010, in Sept. of 2016 I called and asked for a discount in rates because I am retired and on a fixed income. Your customer service refused to give me any consideration unless I contracted for two years. So since I was quoted a better rate through local cable without a contract, I ended my service with Dish on September 29th 2016. I was informed I would receive two box's with shipping labels to return the equipment. I followed all instructions and dropped off the two box's at a UPS store in St. George, UT. on Sept 16th, On Oct. 23rd, I received an email from Dish that the equipment was received. At that time I discarded the shipping receipt with the tracking numbers.
Now on Oct. 3rd, I received an email stating that they did not receive 1 of two box's and that I was to be billed for 248.00, I called Dish customer service and was told to call UPS, they explained the tracking number was needed to investigate and that Dish's shipping dept. would have the tracking number recorded, since they purchased the shipping labels, I called Dish back and they refused to act on getting the number from their shipping department. So this lack of their cooperation will leave me without any means to find out what happened to their property and stuck with a 248.00 bill. I was assured by UPS that they did have this number on file, only Dish customer service refused to contact them out of pure disregard for me because I am no longer a customer.

I moved and the person I live with has dish and it stinks. You remove good channels and put on garbage. You take off good programs and put on garbage. Every time it rain or is going to lose the signal. I would never ever get dish or tell anyone to get it cause it stinks as a provider.

I have had the worst experience! I was called a liar, from an account specialist the supervisor did nothing about it. He himself was rude, hard to deal with and never looked into the issue I have. The next guy I spoke with said with his own word "Dish has no worries about customer not receiving proper care", also "I can leave dish they don't mind even with me being a 5 year customer". I told him you have a 5 star rating how? I've been a customer for 5 year at one point I decided to turn off the cable for extra study time for the kids. After buying my house I felt with the gift card that had been sent to me for 360.00 with dish I would go ahead and turn the cable back on. I spoke to a rep turn the cable on with 73.00 from my visa.
We then called the gift card provider "NuCards" on 3 way to activate the gift card. All was set, the dish rep said to call in to make a payment using the gift card. The next month I called they said the card was invalid. I called NuCards they said the lost their 3rd party deal with Dish 3 days prior. I understand there is no more business between the two so I asked Dish if they were willing to at least take off the 193.00 for instillation they said no doesn't matter how long I've been around etc. they would do nothing. It was said in the rudest way possible.
I felt she could hear by voice I was a Black Man and treated me as if I was dirt! If your company doesn't value us I understand I will pay the 73.00 the equipment can be pickup up. I will go from there but I can't believe after 5 year of payment I could be talk to or treated this way. I know its a bad time in the country, we live in Denver its not so bad but I do understand. Hopefully I get resolution in this matter.

When I had moved into my new house I decided to do the refer a friend package deal 59.99 a month. All of the sudden my bill started going up to $70-99 a month. I have been hung up on twice that I've called to ask for corporate's phone number because no one wants to speak to me about this situation. I've worked as a business manager for years you don't speak to your customers bad or disrespect them especially when they are giving you business.

My complaint is that the package that we pay for does not allow us to see Detroit baseball games. They are always blacked out. For as much as we pay for the services they should include this channel. If I switch to direct TV or charter it is included. I live in Marion Ohio and am not within driving distance to Detroit. We get the Indians games but I am a tigers fan. I am seriously thinking of switching cable companies. I am not adding any channels because then my bill will go up and it is to high now. You do all kinds of promotions for new customers but do nothing to keep your existing ones from leaving.

I have had dish network for quite a while probably around 5 years. I recently moved and there was going to be a few weeks between when I sold my prior property and my new property. I was told that it would take 2 weeks to receive a box to return my receiver and it would be best for me to suspend my account rather then cancel. I did and moved into the new home only to find out that I wasn't able to keep the existing package that I had at the existing price and that I had to sign a new 2 year agreement.
I had asked for new equipment, however was told that I would need to use my old equipment that I have had for the past five years. I asked about an upgrade for the Hopper and was told I would have to pay $150.00 that was non refundable just to use the Hopper. I sang the praises of Dish in the past and am now completely frustrated with the customer service as well as Dish as a company. Why would you treat your loyal customers so bad?
Please feel free to ask me for any of the calls I have had with Dish customer service recently for verification of the conversations that I have had. I cant express enough how disappointed I am with dish at this point.

My son had ordered dish network and internet. We were told the bill would be $68 and change for one tv set up and internet. We called today looking for the internet and was told this was not included. I have been transferred over 10x tonight, blind transfer, speaking to Dish customer service who have no idea how to service or settle this matter. Finally was transferred to Gus who said he would look into it but will take 7-10 days to resolve. This is not acceptable. This is the first time I have ever dealt with your organization and honestly it was the worst experience.

While watching St louis and Pittsburg on ESPN channel 140 after approximately 21 minutes you blocked the channel. You people are really making it easy for me to try another company like most of my relatives and neighbors have done. I have been a loyal customer for well over 20 years and this is the kind of service I get forget it I will probably be looking elsewhere for better service. Don't bother telling me you have no control on the channel being blacked out you also blacked out my fox Midwest that I use to watch my games on so I decided not to get that channel anymore if I could not watch it when I wanted to. With service like this I am surprised you are still in the business of ripping people off.

I have been awaiting your restoration of Fox for the past month. Please resolve this issue ASAP or I will unfortunately be looking at returning to Comcast, something I do not want to do. I am not overly fond of Fox, but it is holding our programming of the Seattle Seahawks ransom. I have missed all preseason games and enough is enough. I even have paid for the extra sports channels and still can not view the Hawks in my own home. Not fair.

In June of 2016 my wife called Dish Network to add service to a second location which we use on weekends and holidays. This location has no mail service so she asked that the bill for this second location be sent to our home address. In August of 2016 we found our service had been suspended due to non payment. After calling customer service we discovered they had been sending the bill to the second location street address which has no mail service. They informed me they would restore service as soon as I made payment and then informed me I had 48 hours to pay or I would be turned over for collection.
Wonderful service for a customer who has paid their exorbitant monthly bill for 10 years. In addition, the installation at the second location has never been completed. The dish is being held in place with a pile of rocks and the cable is still stretched across the yard and has never been buried. Perhaps payment should not be made until they finish installation.

Dish was installed on my property without my consent. I am the owner of the apartment after the tenants abandoned the property it was discovered that dish had not only installed their system without authorization but damage the property along with very poorly installation leaving wires loosely around as a potential safety hazard. I contact Dish to get someone to removed the equipment and to fix the damage. I get a customer service rep telling me that they should have contacted the owner, but later recanted that statement stating that it was my responsibly to have it removed and the damages are my problem as well.
I then ask to speak to a manager only to be over talk and spoken to very rudely again telling me that its my problem not hers. When I ask for an email address to the escalation department I was told no. That they can't help me so she is not giving me the info. As well as refused to give me her information also. I only contact Dish to get a better understand as to how could this installation could of happen without my authorization and let them know that this problem happened as well as to have Dish removed and the damage to be repaired.

Today two young men came to my door trying to sell Dish. When I asked them to leave they became abusive and threatening cursing me out I had to physically escort them off my property. After reading reviews of this company online, I can see that this kind of abuse is not outside the realm of what you can expect from a slime company like this.

Due to unexpected expenses this month my auto pay did not go through on the 3rd. I attempted to setup payment for past due amount today the 27th for Friday 29th. Was told by a very rude lady that I must pay total amount due of 313 by Friday or 15 dollars for an extension to the fifth. I have attempted since I signed up to have a payment date of the fifth to no avail. Then I was told that if I cancel before my contract is up in 2017 I will be charged like 400 dollars.
On top of this I have been attempting to get a replacement hopper for bout a month only to get run around bout it's my tv or hdmi cable or I don't know what I'm doing. Luckily I did get a replacement box shipped out this evening. Also I do not have my local CBS station and the crap antenna they send doesn't work in my area. I feel it's a breach of contract on dishes part due to my lose of local station and will seek legal advice on my contract.
I understand I'm a nobody in the middle of nowhere but I've had enough. I was a fool to switch to dish and after my dealings with them tonight I'm making it my mission to let the world know that their customer service is terrible (I never had this issue with directv), their equipment is poor at best (once I receive this latest box it will be my fourth one if you count the one that didn't work right out of the box the day it was installed). In closing at best dish will get me till April of 17 then I will be moving on and as of ten mins ago I have convinced two coworkers to switch service and will be contacting everyone I know and encouraging them to leave also. I am fed up and not taking any more crap.

I moved to Missouri about a year an a half ago to take care of a family member and they have dish network and it has been the worse thing I ever experienced. Every time it rains no matter light or heavy it goes out. My comment about it well here it is it "STINKS" big time. I just can't believe how crappy it is. Every time u turn it off and back on it takes 5 minutes for it to make a connection. I had directv and for 16 years was a happy customer.

Auto pay was not deducted and I didn't know that. I deducted it from my checking account and received something across my tv that said my service was going to be interrupted if I didn't make a payment. I called immediately to see what was going on. The supervisor was fantastic and took my payment and gave me a credit for the report.

Why is it when we call for service, the person answering our call is always from another country, whom we can can not understand. This makes us very angry, because jobs are needed at home in the USA.

I no longer have NFL network that was my most favorite channel on dish network that was the whole reason I had dish network and now I don't have NFL network and is really really making me very upset. Y'all need to solve this problem fast. I want my NFL network by ASAP.if he is not back within days I will switch to a different user and I have been with y'all for years.

I just simply want to know why I'm suppose to have 120 channels but I actually have only about 60. I just want to know why you have two (2) of the same channels which show the same thing at the same time and want us( the customers) to believe that we have twice as many channels as we actually have? Yet practically every February you raise the rate for your programs. Just recently we discovered that channel 8 (local channel) is no longer available on Dish. There is not hardly anything worth looking at on some nights and in order to add something like Bet in my plan I have to move up to another package. Totally disgusted!

Today, I have spoken to WDAF and they say that this is a problem with DISH and not them. We have lost channel 4 for whatever reason which is for you people to work out. I agreed to the contract with you and that included the local channels. I don't feel that WDAF is not my responsibility to deal with. If you can't provide the channels that you promised me I would like to have a refund. I'm sure DIRECT-TV would like to have all the customers that you people have done wrong.

Called to cancel my service in February 2016, they never cancelled the service because I was not able to stay on the line and talk with corporate. They continued to draft money from my account and when I called in again was told that even though I requested to cancel my service that because I did not talk with a corporate manager that the service would still be cancelled and also because after three months I switched to wireless joey that it restarted my 2-year service agreement. So charged the $400 plus $10 for postage, an additional $57 for billed charges and took $384.90 for billed charges all after requesting my service to be terminated.

After my first year was up and the deals they gave me was up I'm forced to get a lesser package which includes basically nothing. If I want to get ESPN or history channels I will have to get the package that 90$- 100$. I also got a movie channel (10$) that shows old non rated movies. I'm on time every month with my payment and I'm not satisfied with my service. Other companies that offer service don't rip you off like this. I'm not getting my moneys worth and after one more year I'm canceling this service.

I just signed a contract on the 29th of April for service for my home. First of all they sent a standard receiver after asking if we had an HD tv, after ASKING me if I had one to start with. Sent me two non working receivers for the bedrooms where I had little to no visibility on either. Today I get disconnected for non service altho I was sent a bill with 0 balance and also wouldnt work with me toward a solution that would be amicable. I never received the 48 hour notice on the tv and they had my email incorrect. I talked to no less than 5 people about the issues and still no satisfaction. I wanted to cancel because I am so not happy with the service and was told that I would be charged for cancelling the service altho I AM NOT SATISFIED AT ALL.

For the last year I have had nothing but trouble with your signal and equipment. It will cut out numerous times through out the dat and night. If I try to listen to music it skips like the old records of long ago. It also does the same thing to something I try recording. It just cuts out for no reason. I'm tired of your people passing me off to someone else all the time and they tell me the same thing and try the same the same things over and over and over. It's not my connections! You have a terrible signal that just plain is not worth $113.00 plus dollars a month. I deserve a rebate of some kind after all this crap I have had to put up with. I didn't even get a tablet when I went with the dvr and joey!! Nothing but grief for all the years I've been a loyal customer. Very upset and disappointed.

Dish is not providing the service the were contracted for and due to the fact that they have my credit card are making unauthorized purchases I am not happy with the service the service has never worked and I am being strong holded into paying for it. I presently am trying to return the boxes I was refused any contact info to resolve this. I want to sue you and need a poc.

I have spent the past 10 days attempting to get a properly working receiver. The initial receiver was broken and it was promptly replaced. However the "new" receiver had hard drive failure. We attempted to correct this on our own for several days using internet troubleshooting and following directions on the screen (resetting, unplugging and restarting). Then we took time to call and finally convinced company to send a technician. He did the same unplug and reset that we had done. Initially this corrected the problem but it continued to recur daily. We called again and had to threaten to cancel to get another technician to come. This technician came and again only reset the device instead of replacing it.
So we called again for another technician and were refused anyone to come and replace our box. WE were only offered new equipment in the mail after insisting ours was broken how could they keep billing us for broken nonworking service? So I was forced to cancel our account because they will not provide service and correct their broken receiver. I have not been reimbursed. I have also been billed for boxes. Boxes to return broken receiver when a customer cannot take any more of the insanity of paying for service they aren't receiving cost $10.00 each. Good riddance Dish Network. Will never recommend Dish to anyone, maybe an enemy.

Last July I remodeled my basement and added a tv and a Joey. I've been a Dish customer for four years. When I tried to leave Dish they said I needed to pay $300 because I added a Joey last year. This is how you treat loyal customers? Impose an extortionate $300 penalty for a $50 device? I would very much appreciate Dish waiving this penalty because it is totally ridiculous. Please let me know when and how we can conclude this in a satisfactory way.

If I could give zero stars I would. DO NOT GET DISH! I signed a 2 year contract with them and called today which is now 2 years later to see what the final day was. They told me I had another 2 years left. I called them a year ago because my equipment wasn't working for the tv and the sales rep said I would get a better deal if I went ahead and got the hopper and would also receive a 15$ a month discount. So I had the cable guy install the new equipment. He had me sign a paper that he said was for the equipment. In the fine print I had just signed another 2 year contract with them that I had no idea I was signing!
I asked for that contract and they said I had to wait over a week to receive it. They said they had a recording of me saying I was fine with another 2 year contract as well, but they magically could not play the recording or send me the transcript. I now have to pay a 400$ cancellation fee for not keeping the "new" contract that I was completely unaware of. When you call to resolve issues with them you will get "I'm sorry " and "I understand." They do not care!
Also, every month my bill was different and channels that I originally signed up for would be gone because they were in disputes with other companies carrying those channels. They broke their contract by taking away channels that I payed for. This company will steal your money.

Me and my roommate been with you for 7 years we always had everything service we're both senior citizens on a fixed income I spoke to someone last night let them know that we were sick and couldn't make the payment until the 1st of this month I tried to pay it today the $220 but they told me they won't turn my service back on I'm calling to see if there's anything you can do because we don't want to lose our service and if you have a special for senior citizens. I hope that's something you all can do I don't want to lose your service

I am a new Dish customer - just had my Dish installed yesterday 04/16/16. My local paper on 04/16/16 had an add for Dish that included a three year price guarantee and Netflix included for one year. I called to see if I could get this offer and was told that offer had ended. Now that does not seem fair to me. If the newspapers are still advertising this offer I feel Dish should honor it. As a new customer I am concerned about the treatment I will receive with Dish.

I was charged $50 installation fee the day I called and was told install was free and my bill would be due on the 24th and I told them at the time I get paid on the 5th of each month a toast up my payments for that date and he told me it's not a problem. I got charged a $13 dollar late fee. I was also told I would get free tech support so when I contacted customer service to change my pay date I got charged another$12 tech fee. I was also told I would get $100 gift card to date I've seen nothing. I'm very unhappy about the these charges I switched from direct tv to dish for a supposed to be better experience which I have not experienced as of yet. I want to order the internet but I am afraid to because I don't know what hidden charges will appear unauthorized on my card. It's reasons like this that people become dissatisfied with big companies you forgot the values that made you grow the customer.

My husband paid our bill early, before the bill came, we didn't know that dish had taken a raise so the payment was 10.00 short, they said they were just adding it to the next bill, we thought no problem, the bill came and it had the extra 10.00 on it he paid it through bill pay right away, it was paid on march 31 through bill pay, which was a Thursday, bill pay said it will be to dish on Monday, but on Sunday morning they shut off our service, all because of the ten dollars. We have been with dish for about 20 years and NEVER had a late payment and this is how we are treated?
I just put dish in my mothers house for her, when our contract is up and my mothers is up I am dropping dish and will never return. If this is how you treat good customers then I want no part of your company. I am telling my sister who is considering dish not to. If you try to charge me a turn on fee when your check arrives I will file a complaint with the Attorney Generals Office. We made two phone calls to discuss this issue, did no good at all. I will let all of my friends and family know what happened.

I'd like to know why the inspiration channel has been taken off. A channel that my family and I enjoy instead you put another stupid channel on with dumb comercials. how dumb can you get. It was bad enough when turner was done away with. Renew the contracts and put the shows back on. Why should i pay you to watch commercials. as i say dumb direct tv is looking better every day. so if you dont wont to lose your paying public stop messing up our programs real dumb move.

I am a former customer of Dish. I cancelled their service about a year ago. We have a disputed bill that is still not resolved. I just looked at my bank account and found that Dish has taken $148.37 without my authorization. Since I cancelled their service I have also changed my debt card number. I have never given this card number to Dish. I would like to know how they obtained the card number information. Looks like theft to me!

On Monday march 28, 2016 a service tech came to my house from Dish (tech van #741 VAN24). I explained to him that I was unable to see about 3 channels. He said that it could be the box or dish outside my house. He said if its box that he would have to replace because my box was outdated. I said will both of my tvs still keep working he said no new box cannot mirror two tvs. I said well if its box please do not replace until I find out how much a new double box is gonna cost me and how much my monthly bill is gonna increase, he said ok no problem. I was working and my wife who doesn't speak any english was at home. I called 30 minutes later and he already had left. , he switched my box ,took my old box, put a single box so now i was unable to watch tv upstairs and most of all he faked my signature. I am so upset that I am gonna dedicate all the time necessary to make sure this guy gets reprimanded. Hope to hear from someone soon.

Dish customer service was the worst I have ever received I am highly disappointed in the terrible service. I requested a 1 day extension to the 15th and was informed on the 3rd that if I called back on the 9th to see what could be done. I called back and now they say sorry can't help u due to high balance however that's NOT what the rep said on the 3rd! I understand everyone is human and sometimes makes mistakes as a support rep did but as a company who claims they care about their customers it should be fixed to make customers happy.

Called to get info on 3/4/16 about possibly changing to dish. Spoke with a sales rep named Jason out of Phoenix. When I asked him what the rate would be after the promotion price expired he said "I don't know what I'm having for dinner tonight how would I know what the rate would be." When I hesitated got give him my credit card number he said, "I would not lose my job to steal a few dollars from you." I told him I wanted to discuss this with my daughter as she handles my finances. He responded "Do you want to save some money or not?" He was very rude, and condescending. I would never use your service due to his attitude and unprofessional demeanor.

Today I was watching T.V and I went to go see what was on Chanel 121 which is usually History 2 but to my surprise it had been changed to Viceland. I was very upset to see this. I had loved this channel, and would watch it often. It had shows like Modern Marvels, Hanger 1 UFO files (ECT...). I would like Dish to restore this channel immediately or I will see to other retailers. And Dish is such a great network that it didn't even have the sense to tell there costumers. It is an irresponsible choice and I want to be informed about the changes in my T.V company. I do not watch Viceland and I think Dish is more responsible than that. So I thank you for hearing me out, and listing to my terrible run in with a Chanel 121 switch.

It has been a major task getting connected to the offer that was made to me by mail, the technicians who connected me were fast and did a good job connecting my service, but there is a problem with your customer service there is a serious lack of communication between dish and they're customers. I called several times and even sent emails to customer service and finally found someone over there that got one problem fixed and just when I thought we had every thing worked out and I had the offer and the programming I wanted, my service was disconnected.
Now I was really starting to get upset because when I was connected I signed up for e auto pay and I could not figure out what was going on so I sent an email to customer service they were no help and told me to call so I did, when I called the first thing that bothered me was the recording that said if I wanted to continue in English I had to press 1 so I did and spoke to representative and I think she was speaking English but I had very hard time understanding her because of her accent, but after having her repeat herself several times I found out why my service was disconnected because I had an open service order to upgrade my service that some how changed my e auto pay so instead of contacting me or clearing the service order which was just swapping out a receiver they disconnected my service, you figure that one out.
This is bad business. I like your equipment and your programming but I would like to see some improvements in customer service, the language barrier, the policies for disconnecting service, your representatives knowledge of current programming offers and better communication with your customers. Take a look at customer service see if you can make that better your doing pretty good with everything else. I hope I don't have this problem next time I want to change or upgrade my service, if you can fix a few little problems you will have a lot of happy customers.

This wonderful company for the third time in a row, shut my service off without any notice or warning. Tacking on late fees and re hook up fees. Only for me to receive a bill that I'm supposedly late in paying, in the mail a day or two later. Nice little scam these bags have going there. Can't wait till my contract is up!

My receiver was not working so I called customer service and was sent a new one. I sent the I defective one back within a week. Friday, I turned on TV but there was no service. I called them and according to them, I had no service because I had not returned the box. But i actually had done it. So after going back and forward with the customer service representative, she went ahead and told me that they had received the box but not the smart card.
First of all, i took the smart card out because of their misleading instructions on how to return and recycle the original receiver. Not only that but the representative was no help at all. She kept telling me that if i did not pay the fifty four dollars charge for not returning the smart card, they would not restore my service. She gave me no solutions only threats and hostility. And although I had already paid for my service, as it is, withdrawn from my account monthly, I still had no service. What did a smart card have to do with my service connection, anyway? I am very frustrated, dissatisfied with way they handle the whole situation.

I had TWC for 5 years and they gave me a great deal, no contract but HBO, Showtime,Cinemax free for one year. Dish called me 2 days later and asked me to switch and they would match Time warner if I came over with a 2 yr price lock of 89.99 including the movie package for one yr. After 90 days my bill went to over $180 dollars! So I called them again to see why, and the movie package reverted to regular price! Pissed I told them that I didn't want it but they told me I would have to pay the $250 disconnect fee on top of my last bill, WTF!? They lied to me and I have to pay?

I signed up for Dish with Lee Dennis out of Indiana in October 2015. At the time the promotion going on was for a free Xbox one for new customers. I was very excited about this because I wanted to be able to give it my son for Christmas. I went over everything with Lee over and over again making sure I was getting what was promised to me. I really didn't want dish, because I had cable before and cancelled it because nothing was ever on and I was paying a lot. My husband and I cancelled everything and have had nothing but regular tv, Netflix, and hulu. Once I saw this advertisement about the xbox for new customers and dish I contacted Lee Dennis to get information. I made him repeat to me over and over again what I was signing up for and what I was getting, so there would be no problems.
I still have not received my Xbox like promised. I have contacted Lee Dennis every week since December with him giving me a run around about referrals and how sorry he was that it fell through the cracks. Lee Dennis knew the only reason I was signing up was because of the free promotion of the xbox. To not get it I feel scammed and with no explanation except referrals got messed up. Really???? Is this how Dish runs a business? I am a very upset customer. I would have never signed up for this if it hadn't been for the free xbox advertisement and I told him that several times before committing. So, now I am stuck with Dish for 2 years (which I didn't want) and I am not receiving any of my promised items for signing up as a new customer.
I am very upset about this situation. I was expecting to give my son a nice Christmas and wasn't able to and now I am told Sorry about you have a nice day? That is terrible customer service and I would not refer Dish to anyone I feel I got scammed and I will tell people how Dish scams the customers to sign now.

I submitted the following complaint to Dish Network, and have been speaking with them multiple times each day since Monday morning. I called their corporate headquarters, and I'm at a dead-end, and don't know who else to contact or how to find the proper contacts that can help me!:
I've been struggling since last Sunday to resolve a double-payment Dish Network took out of my bank account. The double-payment made my bank account overdraft, so the sales reps I spoke with said that Dish Network would refund me the $35.00 overdraft fee as well as the $91.66 Dish owes me back. Dish has done NOTHING but send me some coupons to resolve this! My bank is treating me like I'm lying that Dish is going to be straightening my account out, and I don't blame them, since my account has been in the negative all week, due to the negligence of Dish Network.
I've gotten a different answer from each representative every time I've called, so I know that nothing is being done to resolve my problem. This could end up damaging my credit, since nothing is being done and my account has already been over-drafted for almost a week. No one up there at Dish Network even cares about this, and I feel your customer service is horrible! You just threw some coupons for movies into my lap, that I won't even get a chance to watch, to try and pacify resolving the real issues, which happens to be Dish Network's fault, not mine.
I made my payment on time, and did everything I needed to do. No one up there cares about this at all! Please show me you care about your customers, and make this right before the weekend! Show me I didn't make a mistake by signing up to be a Dish Network member. Please forward this email to a supervisor in your financial department, or someone that can handle and resolve this issue. This is theft!

Setup appointment to upgrade to 4K service yesterday. Rep said appointment for today noon to 5. I said I needed 8 to noon. She said okay. I waited all day for tech to show up. When I called in I was told the service was for the 11th. I explained that the rep said tomorrow when I spoke to her. I also explained that I needed the service done by the 9th. They kept offering apologies and excuses, incentives. Everything except meeting my needs. I am now shopping for a new service provider.

Why do you have to run that line across the top and bottom and cut off peoples heads and take things out of the bottom? The top says LED & MHL, photo frame mode, speaker, etc. and the bottom says Demo mode (loop) over "Clear Resolution Enhancer". I do not know what that means, I can't even find anyone (including your Dish TV technician) who knows what it is or what it means. He suggested I press the Format Button below the number 7 to change the size of the picture but it does not eliminate those top and bottom lines across our television.
They are very irritating when you are trying to watch a program and then get the picture cut up so much it does not even make sense. Why would you do such a horrible thing?? It just completely ruins whatever I am watching at the time when it cuts across the top and bottom. If it is advertising (and I am not sure it is) why don't they do it at the station break when everybody else is advertising. I can't imagine who would want to ruin our pictures when we are so interested in seeing something (like the presidential debates). Please eliminate those lines across the top and bottom so we can see a full picture at all times like Directv and Cox Communications. Those other television companies do not cut up the picture while we are watching television.
I stopped Dish TV before because they had something that stopped the picture and said you had to push certain buttons to keep seeing the movie I was watching. I am too old and did not understand what buttons I was supposed to push to keep watching the program.. Please do not force me to change companies again when my contract runs out. You have a lot of very good programs. I do not want to change again.

I am writing this complaint because I am not satisfied with Dish. A dish representative that I ordered from, promised that my bill would not go up, but it doubled. Dish also advertises on TV that it will not go up, that is false advertisement. I was also promised Lifetime movie channel that I don't get either. I switched to Dish because all the other cable providers kept raising their prices and now Dish has done the same. I would appreciate it if you I could have this complaint addressed as soon as possible.

I had dish a few years ago an there service sucked every time it rained or snowed or the wind would blow the service would go out. I got tired of it an told them to cancel my service an i took the box back to the store. An they are trying to get. $547 bucks out of me big waste of money!

Very aggrevated Dish charged my account twice after confirming with me the auto pay was not set up for two month billing cycle. They did not admit to the error so I am out of $108.44 until it clears and have to wait for refund. I had to take action and contact my bank via 3 way with Dish supervisor. I contact on my own. Customer service is incompetent and never accurate w info when I call. Very disappointed I had to do something for their error. Too often dealing with customer service has been awful and having to explain my account to them because of there lack of competence with my account. I am a good paying customer and feel they were not helpful and concerned about my needs. Now I am out of money for few days until my bank adjust there error.
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