Dish Network Complaints Continued... (Page 6)
336+ reviews added so far. Upset? Call Dish Network corporate: 303-723-1000No Reviews
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I work 60+ hours a week, so I like to tape programs & watch them during my downtime. Not one single recorded program starts on the scheduled time and EVERY SINGLE "recorded" program is NEVER recorded in it's entirety!!!! Always get the message "Part of your recorded event has been lost due to signal loss." I am so sick of only being able to watch a small portion of any program. Your service IS THE ABSOLUTE WORST!!!!!!

I am a big fan of Nascar Sprint cup racing, and fox 59 has removed them and put them on fox spts1 which is not on our channels. I would like to know why, and how long this is going to go on? This is not a way to treat customers!

I Signed up for Dish Network late at a mall one evening after talking to the salesman and repeatedly asking and being reassured that we would receive the dish hopper 290 + channels premium channels for free for first 3 months and Internet for only 46 dollars a month first 12 months and the salesman even showing us writing down what we would get for free and telling us that we would receive the hopper for free because of the package that we had we only had to pay $25 to start our dish Services Well the cable guy came and installed we tried figuring out how to work the hopper and later discovered we did not receive the hopper or the internet and only the 290 channels for the last week we have been trying to cancel our services terminate our contract and at first they tried a million different offers to keep us with them because we told them we were still with Comcast now they refuse to let us terminate our contract they're trying to make us stick with them or buy out I am in the process of trying to find help.
The representative I spoke to when I called dish both of them were very rude and the supervisor the highest authority that I could talk to told me it didn't matter how many times I called dish I would always be re-routed back to him and there was nothing I could do he refused to cancel or terminate my contract and there will be no possible way for me to do that because anytime I call - I will be directed to him no matter what!!! So please somebody if you have gone through this please help me out a number for a reasonable Dish employee who will help or a number FOR a lawyer who will help we only have 1 income and 3 children we cannot afford to buy out of this contractwe only have 1 income and 3 children we cannot afford to buy out of this contract :(

I saw Dish Network accessed my credit reports in October 2012. I write Dish asking why the accessed my credit reports, and inform them if they opened an account, that account WAS NOT opened by me. Dish never responds. Months go by, I pull my credit reports again, and I find a collection by AFNI for a collection for a Dish Network account opened in Texas (I live in Alaska). Because Dish never responded to my initial inquiry, I dispute the collection instead of contacting Dish, and the credit agencies remove the collection from my credit reports. Dish Network waits almost a year, then has another collection agency, Stellar Recovery, put a collection on the same fraudulent account that has been disputed and deleted. I've filed an FTC complaint, filed a police report. I disputed the accounts from the credit agencies and had the collection removed. Yet Dish continues to pursue the matter.

I do not have a dish account. In the past several months,you have been double billing my credit card. Total of $ 393.42,was charged to my card. I feel that I have been patient enough,and would like to have my monies returned to me at once. (393.42)
Double billing as follows:
Nov.-Dec.2014. 79.46
Dec.Jan.2014/15. 87.02
Jan.-Feb.2015. 87.02
Feb.-Mar.2015. 139.92

I do not have Dish Network. I am a Maintenance Tech for Genesis Housing, Inc. in Oregon & Brooklyn, WI. The cable Techs are very rude and do not clean up the messes they make EVER!!!! I have called and talked to people on 4 different occasions with no success. The last Tech to work in the building, (having ladders on his truck) was so lazy he took a chair to the basement and used it for a ladder, the chair is broken and still remains in the basement with all the cable clippings. This chair is from the tenants washing area. I refuse to go get the chair and clean up his mess. I recently had to tack cable wires to the rafters, because they were falling to the ground. They have wires everywhere inside & out. The outside looks terrible. They are very unprofessional, and all we want is the problems fixed. My # (608)516-7581. Please have someone look into this ongoing problem with your Techs. We will be forced to have all services cancelled and get a different provider. We have 56 units. All of our building are not done in a professional manner. This has to be fixed!!!

I talked extensively with a representative today to cancel my service. I was told that I had agreed to extended service and would be charged $90 for discontinuing service at this point. I want you to send me proof that I ever agreed to an extension since that was never my intention. I've been angry since the protracted dispute with Fox which happened well before December. I want some form of evidence since I have lost any faith I ever had in you. Almost everything is available by Netflix or the internet and I think you better rethink your prices and practices while you still have customers. Thank You

I had recently switched to dish. I have two hoppers/slings and several joeys. Tyne problem is that the five tv's cross channels with each other. Meaning, I can change the change of a different tv from my bedroom. Now, my bedroom Joey crashed and haven't received any follow up from the several calls top customer service. I'm not recommending Dish to anyone I care about.

Dish called my 72 yr old mom....would not take no for an answer. She was trying not to be rude and hang up. She kept saying no thanks. He would not give up. She called me on her cell and I explained she was.not changing her service. He set up an install after she told him no. The technician showed up and took the heat for this asshole. Why would you do that to an elderly person. Tells you alot about this company.

have a dish tailgator mobile sat. That is supposed to be pay as need be service for my camper [ no contract]. Now they sat i owe them a monthly pause fee for not using the system, ihave even tried stopping the service but they will not let me. I am now thinking of puttting it ouyside using it for a yard orniment.big corporations need to be stopped of fraud.

Today,02/19/15, I called Dish Network customer service to ask if "box" been sent out. They (Dan) stated the box will be sent. This is the third person handling this simple task of sending the "box". We were in good faith while paying our bills, so I'm just looking for good faith in Dish Network to send box... If we do not get this box than I'm forced to file a complaint with Consumers Complaint Department...

Dear Dish Network, I am very unhappy with the customer service I have received while trying to return Dish equipment. My daughter, Jessica Reddest was incarcerated in December 2012. I was named as her Power of Attorney to take care of her financial situation.
Her Dish account # is 8255909425418289. I called Dish on Jan 26, 2013 to cancel her services. I was told boxes would be sent to me to return the equipment in 3-5 days. I was told there would be a $367.50 cancellation fee which would be taken out of my checking account because I set the account up in October with my debit card. When I set the account up, a man named, Carey assured me that my debit account number would not be associated with her account. The first month the payment came out of my account.
Jessica called dish and told them not to take payments from this debit card and to sever all ties with this debit account. I told the person at dish that they did not have permission to take funds from my debit account. Dish told me that Jessica had signed an agreement so they could do this. Jessica is not an authorized user on my debit account so there is no way she authorized any money to be taken out of my account. I would like the $367.50 put back into my debit account as you did not have authorization to take it from me.
Feb 8, 2013, I again called Dish and spoke with, Raymond DVN operator. I still had not received the boxes to ship back the equipment. Raymond assured me the boxes would be shipped in 3-5 days and would be sent out that day. Feb 18, 2013, I again called Dish and spoke with, Zack. I told him my debit account was charged $367.50 and Dish DID NOT have my permission to take this money from my account.
Feb 18, 2013, I again called Dish and spoke with, Phillip â 70970 I told him I had not received the boxes to return the equipment with and I was afraid Dish was going to charge me $550.00 for the equipment. He assured me, he promised that my account would not be charged and he would send the boxes to return the equipment.
Feb 26, 2013, I again called Dish because I had not received the boxes to return the equipment. They assured me they would send them out today and I would receive them in 3-5days . March 1, 2013, I again called Dish and spoke with Vince. He assured me the boxes would be sent out today and I would receive them within 3-5 days.
March 6, 2013, I again called Dish and spoke with, Natasha. I told her I still had not received the boxes to send the equipment back in. She told me my debit account had been charged $550.00 for not returning the equipment! Youâve got to be kidding, right???? I have been trying to send this equipment back since Jan 26!! I called my bank to try to stop payment on the $550.00 you took from my account.
The bank said they canât stop it and that Dish and Direct TV were known for doing things like this. So much for Phillipâs and Dishâs promise and assurance that the money would not be taken from my account! March 6, 2013, I called back and spoke with, LaRone. I asked to speak to a supervisor and he refused to let me. He was very condescending towards me and when I asked him to take my debit account off of this dish account he said he wasnât authorized to do that.
Again, I asked him if I could speak with a supervisor, again, no. I asked him 4 times to speak with a supervisor, he assured me he could help me as much as a supervisor. He told me the $550.00 would be credited back to my account as soon as the equipment was returned and could take up to 2 weeks to credit my account. I told him thatâs the problem, I canât get anyone to get me the boxes. I donât think itâs fair that I have to wait 2 weeks after you receive the equipment to get my money back that you should have never taken in the first place.
Again I was assured the boxes would be mailed that day and I would receive them in 3-5 days. I told LaRone that I was going on vacation for 7 days so I would send the equipment back when I got home. LaRone assured me the boxes would be here when I got home. Well, guess what??
March 18, 2013, I again called Dish and spoke with, Drandon I still had not received the boxes to return the equipment in. I asked him if I could speak with a supervisor. He told me the supervisor was on the phone and asked if I could wait 2 minutes. I said yes, then he asked me if he could help. I said, no. He kept talking and assured me he would send out the boxes.
I said no, this is unacceptable! I want an address where I can send the equipment back myself. The sooner Dish receives the equipment, the sooner I get MY money back. He said this is dangerous because the boxes might get lost. Really?? The boxes have been lost since January! He gave me an address in Colorado.
I asked him what needed to be sent back. He asked me where the LNBF was located. I said I donât know, he said donât worry about it, you will not be charged for it. I told him I have already been charged for it and he said he would make a note on the account to refund that charge. He assured me 100% that I will not be charged $50.00 for the LNBF.
This experience with Dish Network has been very frustrating and time consuming. Not getting the boxes to me was your incompetence and yet Iâm the one who had to pay. I donât have a lot of money and canât afford to be charged $917.50 for an account thatâs not even in my name!
Had I been told that Jessica signed a 2 year agreement and that if she didnât fulfill it, My debit account would be charged, Dish Network would have NEVER been given access to my account.
Nowhere did I agree to pay her DISH account! When I set up her account in October 2012 I was ASSURED my debit card would never be charged again. So imagine my surprise when Dish started taking money from my account without my permission!
Because of the incompetence of your employees and all the frustration and time I have had to spend on the phone with your company, I request that you waive the early termination fee and return the $367.50 to my debit account. I am sending your equipment to: Dish Network Service 90 Inverness Circle East Englewood Co 80112. I also would like you to put the $550.00 equipment fee back in my debit account as soon as possible. This kind of service is unacceptable!

I was with dish 2yrs and Neva broke da contract in August I went 2try another company cause they had a package deal phone internent n cable but after 5 months I didn't like da service .when I left dish I sent da equipment back because Iif I come back 2dish I would not have 2pay 4daequiptment I owed $140 so I came bac n paid the bill. Then Ihad 2pay $80 then I had 2 pay $138 ok then they gave me da cheapest equipment wer when I turn on da RBI had turn on da satalite 2watch tv wat piss me off I have 2pay ahead $ 60 b edited I can watch tv then I had da 3months promotion deal n u try 2charge me 4dat n cut my satalite off after I paid the $60 then it 3;25 in da mornin I wanna watch tv n can't watch it cause u gave me that cheap ass box n it reboots every note @3 so I said we'll let me watch da DVD b I can't because da satalite ain't on so if u give me another box all my movies that I tape when I had dat free channel for 3mpnths will b gone so now I'm up n can't watch tv cause da satalite is off n has 2reboat cause u gave me dat cheap Azz box so dat how u do ur customers imma have 2tell my story on my fb page of how dish network do der customers n just Azz soon as I get my Moni rite I Gina find me another service n fuck dish network I'm not common bac because how u treated me now my box iz not on now every nite @dis time my box iz off wat the hell I'm payin. 4 it should b on 24 hrs u cheating me I can't watch no tv rite now soon Azz I get straight I'm leac vin y'all n y'all can kiss my Azz cause y'all think sum1desperate like y'all is the only company in town soon ass I get my Moni rite bye bye uyall tray ur customers like shyte my name is Maria Mullen of Elizabeth city nc look it up sittin
Here @ 3:38 n can't watch tv cause I don't have satalite dis time of the mornin every note but u want my Moni y'all's can kiss my entire red ass now tell dat n stop false advertising

I stopped service with Dish and now they are saying that I was under a 2 year lease ,and that I owe them $ 400.00 for breaking the lease. I never signed a lease.,and was never told that there was a lease. If I would have been told,I would have never agreed to said lease.I ask Dish to send me a copy of the lease that I supposedly signed,and they did.The problem is that you can clearly see that my signature is a copy and paste job.1.The signature is way to small 2.all four of the signitures are exactly the same.It so obvious what they had done should be illegal,I went to prison for less than what they are trying to do.Thank you.

Out of pocket for tv is 87.99 and with that I should not get a single channel that is the same. Yet scrolling thru the guide I find this many times. This Sunday I found that the blockbuster channel (that does not have anything worth watching any way) was playing the classic movie "The Crow" the movie before it was "The seventh sign" which still had according to the guide 10 more minutes left (crow starting at 845) When going onto that first blockbuster channel, "The Crow" was already on and had been for some time. All 4 blockbuster channels were this way. This is just one recent example of paying good hard earned money for nothing but crap and now to add insult to injury, times 4! While we do like "the crow" we did not watch it seeing as it was already on. Same thing with the style network (2 channels of that) while I am bitching, how about all those worthless garbage reality shows? Never mind the bullshit with taking FX and then recently AMC. At least with FX, the shows missed were played again and we were able to watch them and get caught up. Not so with AMC and "The walking dead" No notification that it was being put back into the dish package until I happened upon it the other day. We are one of the thousands that complained about FX and AMC and wouldnt you think that at least the customers that complained via e-mail would recieve a courtosy e-mail notifying us of the channel coming back?

I had an account with DISH for internet service and satellite e-mail. That account was closed in February. DISH took money from my bank account, then refunded the balance and sent me a statement saying nothing was due. I moved after returning all equipment. First, DISH sent me an e-mail saying it was going to withdraw $220.00 from my account for failure to return the equipment. When I called, the company magically found the equipment. Then, I get a billing statement saying that DISH was going to withdraw $70.00 from my bank account. The statement listed two $35.00 charges for something. I called (this was April), and was told by the customer service rep that it was just a computer glitch and that I wouldn't get another billing. No money was withdrawn from the account. Today, I get another e-mail saying DISH is going to withdraw $70.00 from my account. I called back, and was told that the two $35.00 charges were for early termination of the contract. Yet, when the $103.00 was reimbursed to my account earlier in the year, I got a statement showing a zero balance. I contest the fees, and can't help but wonder why, if there was a early termination charge, that charge was not deducted from the $103.00 which was reimbursed. Since cancelling this account, I've had to call DISH maybe seven times total to get the mess cleared up, and it's never been cleared up. IF I hadn't contested the equipment return, DISH would have ripped me off for $220.00. I think that this company's business ethics are non-existent and that it will gouge people for as much as it can. It gets away with this, because the filing fee to sue is greater than the charges and DISH knows that. DISH's internal record keeping is inconsistent and seems to depend on who you talk to as to what is automatically withdrawn from your account. What a nightmare! What a rip-off! I will never do business with this company again under any circumstances, and will warn everyone I know away from this company. Oh, with respect to what is written immediately below -- "We need to make sure you are a human" -- what else would be e-mailing you? A blue jay? I guess that sums it all up. I'd like to make sure the people at DISH are humans.

My son took out Dish in July 2012, only having service for 3 months. They told me that I would recieve 3 months of HBO, Max, etc. Well guess what, he received a bill in July stating that he owed nothing. Then in October, he received another bill for 228.00 with late charges. I have called Dish 5 times trying to get this straighten out with no help. They still are saying that he owes 54.00 plus the normal rate of 40.00 plus tax which that is all he shiould be paying anyway from the get go. He had already sent them a check for 62.00 and 103.00 now you tell me is that right or what?
So my friends out there please do no take Dish out they will rip you off. I beg you to go the Charter of Direct TV, maybe they will be a little more understanding with their loyal customers like me. I will never recommend dish to another person.
So Dish if you can help us please feel free to call me at 706-882-9277 because 5 other could not.
Brenda Jordan, LagGrange, Ga.

Please hurry up and come to terms with AMC before this Sunday. I will be missing the season opener of The Walking Dead because of some stupid deal between you and AMC I pay a lot of money for the all channels package and I want to watch AMC NOW. So figure out something out soon.

Tammy 458 is the rudest customer service rep I have ever had the displeasure of speaking with. She hung up on me and when I got a hold of her again she lied and said the dead air I heard was her putting me on speaker phone. She charged my credit card for an early termination fee and told me to deal with the credit card company. If this reaches anyone who can resolve this issue it will be great but I intend to write and keep complaining until I am reimbursed. Dish extended my contract without my approval or notifying me. I was told when I upgraded that I would not have to extend an already expired contract. It took four service calls to get the correct equipment for the upgrade and the ONLY reason I changed services was because DISH does not offer the level of internet service I required for my home based business.

Sunday, May 5, from 11am to 2:15pm I was on the phone with Dish technicians trying to get my RV Tailgater up and running after being shut down for the winter. I ended up talking to 5 different techs and one supervisor and no one could get my tailgater operating. I was totally frustrated to the point of having them just disconnect everything, including the satalite for the house and the Internet service and finding a satalite co. that could work with me and get their equipment working. They kept trying to tell me that the problem was with the tailgater and that I had to call the mfg but I kept telling them that it wasn't the satalite dish itself because it was picking up the signal but it wouldn't download the programming. They still insisted it was the tailgater so finally I agreed to call the mfg. After we hung up I noticed that I couldn't shut the satalite box off either manually or by remote. Then I noticed on the front of the satalite box it had a button that said "hold to reset" so I did that and the box went off and came back on then the satalite info started to down load again so I decided to wait to see what would happen and SURPRISE, the info down loaded and the TV works fine! Now after 3 1/2 hrs on the phone, talking to 6 different people, not one of them could tell me that all I had to do was push the reset button on the satalite box? THAT IS UNCALLED FOR! I thought these techs were highly trained and were skilled enough to handle problems like this. I even asked them to send a tech out to the house and they wouldn't do it. Needless to say I wasted a Sunday afternoon on a problem that should have taken only a few minutes to solve. Dish has had my business for several years and they get their money on time every month so is it too much to ask that I get the service that I pay for.

How come every channel is soon to be released from dish network? First AMC and now NBC? I don't agree with this since I will not be able to watch some of my favorite shows as well as Sunday Night Football anymore. Because you guys keep cancelling TV channels, I will probably switch TV carriers very soon (I'm just waiting to see whether NBC will be cancelled). Why are you guys cancelling every TV channel now?

DISH Advertising
Within the Yahoo e-mail, when you login, the new DISH advertising has a red animated kangaroo - but then it jumps out of the ad space into the yahoo e-mail space. It's veryinvasive.
Trying to get rid of it, by clicking anywhere around that kangaroo -- which is in the Yahoo e-mail space now - and whammo - it takes you to a DISH advertising web page. That never should be allowed. It's not only intrusive but invasive and misleading and time consuming. You're never even aware that you clicked on a link (because you can't see the space that the link occupies) until it's too late.
Please stop it.

Today i noticed my credit debit card got charged 180.00 from dish without any permission i called and filed a complaint but these poeple dont want to refund my money back this not my acount i dont have any contract or acount with dish only used my card for a one time payment now thay say that the card can be charged again till the debt is paid off .told them that is not my problem i dont have any dish acount on my name .

Blazzing fast my , thats a buntch of bull and now they want let me out of the agreement , i had it 7 days it was so slow and tjey sent out a tec who said thats how it is and on top of it we have used over half of our limet when we where not home all day. And this was 7 days after installment dishnet suck the big one .

Dish network has the rudest customer service reps. There job is to help and that seems to be the only thing they don't do. I've been hung up on so many times I lost count. Been told this isn't my problem many times also. Word of mouth is a great way to get the message out to stay away from this company. They don't value their customers or treat them with respect. Shame on you dish!!

I would like you to unblock the Fox channels. I have waited for 3 months for Nascar to start back racing and the day before the Sprint Unlimited you decide to block the channels. Why? Is that the very reason? You knew that many more viewers would be tuning in to watch the races and qualifying. Fox has said in its statement that Dish Network is the one blocking their channels, that they did not do it. So why is the bold face lie on my tv screen when I try to view a Fox channel. I thought it was Fox, like a lot of viewers did and was really mad at Fox, but now I find out it was Dish the whole time. What a really great way to thank your loyal and long time customers. THANKS! Now I know where the saying "With friends like you, who needs enemies?" comes from. I just want you and Fox to know that I pray Nascar will some day have their own station/ channel that I can subscribe to and not have to go through all this BS. I hope the big CEO and owners of Dish Network that have made this decision, realize the only thing they are accomplishing is hurting their customers and their customers belief in Dish. You know "word of mouth" is still the best advertising for any business including one as huge as yours. You can never get to big to fall on your face. You know the saying, "the bigger you are, the harder you fall!"?

It is Sad Of your Company Someone I had been a member of for many years, I never missed one payment while with your company not one. I took photo's of all the equipment that I sent back to you, I did all I was supposed to do with your company but now my credit is ruined after being a Great Customer of Your company. You have stated that I did not pay my last bill when I know what I did and even sent copys of the last statement that I paid the last bill but you all have got to fix your company that when a Customer canceled your company that the payment was done as I was told when I closed my account that I did not owe you one penny. I am a Wonderful Lady and was with your company So very long and You as well as I know I paid my last bill but someone in your Billing department made a mistake and Now you have my credit ruined because you said I did not pay my last payment when I did. But still you put my last bill that was paid in my Credit that I worked so hard to fix due to raising four children all by myself that are all now in there 30's. I fixed my whole Credit up and then being a Dish network customer for years paid my bills through the money I set up to come out each month. I did not owe anything not one penny as I was told when I quit your company then you call me 8 months later with a Bill saying that I did not pay my bill the last one. I am beside myself that this company could do something so Horrible to a customer who was with you for Many years paid her bills on time. Or before time was up and then you state 8 months later I owe you. How do you wait that long and say I owe you money when I do not and know that.. There is a mistake in your company somewhere! This should never have happened not one day. Due to You know I paid my last bill but someone in your accounting department made a huge mistake and charged me all over again for a bill I DO NOT OWE.. No matter who I talked no matter what I did to fix this you still said I owed you money look my name up you will know what happened if You just looked. Take this bill off my Credit Please so I can have my Good Name back. As it was taken due to You saying that I owe you when I do not. I am asking that you just take this off my bill.. That you have something wrong and that I was a Wonderful Customer. If you ever want me to come back I would take it off and hope that I decide to come back to you. But how could I do that when You say I owe you money I do not owe. Please be kind as I was for SO long with your company for I DO NOT OWE anything. I have cried and cried over what had been done to me and I wonder if That really matters but What has been done to me is not something I would have done when I had such a good thing going with your company then you tell me Everything is fine your bill is paid and you can continue to move on in your life when I quit your company it was due to not being able to afford it anymore due the fact that I do not watch TV anymore so I thought I would quit so when I called They told me your company who ever I called no worry your paid up just send the equipment back as I did. I even sent the last statement to you as I went to my bank to prove to you that I paid it after your company told me You have not one bit of worry your paid up but then you came along with a bill saying I owe you when I did not almost one year later. Please take this off my credit I am paid up and If I ever want to come back I will I was a Wonderful Customer if You look at my hookup with you when I was with you. It atomatically came out of my account when I was with you so How could I owe you when I paid each month. When my month was up I paid the last bill was even told by your company there is no worry when I asked to be turned off of Your company your company did something wrong and now Your saying I owe you. So please fix this. I have been a wonderful dish network customer and never missed a payment not one month of oweing you and I finished my term with you. SO know I am so upset at what your company did to me. I did nothing worng and everything right. But your still saying I owe you and ruined my credit. I am so hurt that a Company I had been a wonderful customer would come up with the words I owed you when I never did and paid my last payment before turning off my tv. Please help as This is something No one should go through with your company. I never yelled at anyone I never did one thing wrong with your company but You still have me in credit saying I did not pay when I did and I was told Everything was fine. But it is not. Your still saying I owe you. Please fix this problem I cannot take it no more I have done all I can. Its now up to you to fix my account and It would make me so much happy with your company that I would actually tell everyone what a Great company your company is and come back when I find I can. But for now if You do not take me off of this credit then I will suffer again. As I am now. For something I did not do I paid you up and should never have gotten another bill after that. Please look into this lets get this fixed as I do NOT owe nothing and your ruining my credit. Due to this. This is the ONLY thing I have on my credit that is ruinned my credit due to a mistake you all made not me in your accounting department after I was told so many times your ok you owe nothing your paid up we did get your last bill. But still you say I owe you fix this please and email me when You have finally fixed this so I do not suffer another day.. No company that you have been such a good customer with should hurt you like that. NOT ever.. Thank You Gerri LaGrange 32307 Pine Road Eustis Florida 32736 Thank You and I DO look forward to returning but we have to fix this problem before I Do come back to dish.. I was a Wonderful Customer if You look how long I was with you and how good my payments were you would know that there was a problem somewhere if You just look into this whole thing properly you would know that I was a Good customer and always paid.. Thanks again. I DO hope you finally fix this BIG ISSUE I am hurting so much over..

After waking up one morning with no cable (which i seemingly had no problems with 8 hours prior to this) I try the online "fix it yourself" solutions which of course did not work. Later that evening I decided to call dish to try to figure out the problem-- after 15 minutes I was sent to the more problematic dept of customer support. After 40 minutes and talking to 2 different dish representatives the conclusion was that a) my receiver had gone bad or B) there is a faulty cable. Ok no big deal, a few days later (I work so the whole being home from 8-12 or 1-5 was slightly difficult to swing) and two men ( who were very nice-- but I could barely understand what they were saying) show up to my house. I'm not quite sure what they did- they did not have another receiver nor did they try any other cables. So after they get done doing whatever they did they tell me my receiver has gone bad and that dish will send me another one. Ok, annoying, but at least we were coming to a resolution. 3 days later the receiver is delivered. I hook it up according to the directions-- and again no cable. Obviously assuming that I could have very easily messed up the wiring I call dish again for help. Well, all the wiring is ok and they can not figure out the issue. On to round #2 with higher technical support. After another 15 minutes the dish representative tells me that there is most likely a faulty cable and asked if I had any to replace it -- (no) then proceeds to tell me they will ship one to me for 10$. WHAT??????? Not to mention that it would take 5 days to get here. So by the time this cable would get shipped to me I would have been without Tv for 2 weeks, have had a technician come to my house, and spent over an hour on the phone with dish ( and when your working 65 hours a week you cherish every hour you get to rest at home!). Why would they not have sent cables with the technician or with the receiver??? You expect me to have my shit together every month and pay my bill on time and in return I expect the people who manage the services I am paying for to have their shit together- which dish network clearly does not. I have nothing good to say about dish network- I will never recommend it, I will copy and paste this complaint everywhere I possibly can and I will NOT Be renewing my contract. (a call to the better business borough may also be in store considering they have charged me for channels which I made sure to cancel before they were no longer free).

I had DISH Network installed 3 weeks ago; the installers said they would be back to bury the cable. They never came back, and they never called. Last week I called DISH about this matter and was told that they could only do it between 8 and 12, or 12 and4, and that someone would have to be home. I explained that there was no one else but me and that I could not get off of work, and was going out of town Saturday. The man promised me they would come today at 4pm. I got home and had about 3 messages from DISH from this morning trying to come out; no one called or came by this afternoon. I called and told them to come get their satellite and cable and leave me a box to send the receiver back, and was told I would be charged a termination fee--they fail to do their job and charge me a fee to cancel the subscription. I would not recommend this company to anyone. Juanita

on october 4th 2012 between times of 8:36 & 9:16pm i made several phone calls to the dish network customer service line in an effort to resolve an issue i was having with the service. on two occasions i was rudely disrespected and hung up on by "supervisors."i am knowledgable of the fact that these conversations were recorded and therefore am requesting that someone in authority look into this matter and contact me with convincing assurance that the necessary measures will be taken so as to address this situation. i am compelled to say that if i am not given justice from within the company i will seek legal assistance.
your loyal customer
andre wellington

I have been a good customer of dish 2 years and 9 months contract came up 9months ago but now we are moving ask dish could you give your loyal customer like me a better deal like you do for new customer? Answer we can give you $5.00 a month off I said my contract has been up if I resign will I get new equipment no so I felt that I could get a better deal some were down the road let they have the new customers that were not happy with some other company and give me the old if you don't like it you can leave!!
I have never been late office them cause I AM A PROVEN GOOD CUSTOMER! But here is were I have a problem when I canceled I was told FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER!!!!!! That I would have to pay $17+bucks to sent back the receivers can't take them local they have to go to Texas and wanted me to take down the dish leaving hold were they drilled in my roof!!!!!!! If you cancel the people are not as helpful as when you sing up just google dish complaints and start reading THEY DO NOT SEEM TO CARE'!!!!!

I signed up with Dish back in June of 2012. Had I know that they were going to cancel my AMC channels (including WEtv), I would have never subscribed to this service. Not to mention that the brochures I received from this company still has 128 printed as WEtv. I am very disappointed in your programming and your attempts to use your customers as pawns to gain leverage against AMC. Either resume my programming or lose me as a customer, PERIOD!! I don't care anything about your $400 termination fees, I simply will not pay. If you attempt to put this non-payment on my credit report, I will contact an attorney and have it removed.
A pissed-off customer

I like nascar and thanks to the dispute between two money hungry giants we the little people get left out. The bottom line is millions today will not have programs thanks to you two.

I have been a Dish customer for 6 mos. and the 7th technician is coming to my house today for the same problem. The 4 channels Prime Time is supposed to record doesn't work properly. Sometimes one channel overrides the other 3 and sometimes the hopper indicates it is recording a show but when I go back to watch the show, it is a blank screen. I don't know if the machine is going to work properly from night to night. My wife and I have missed a lot of shows we thought were recorded on Prime Time. The Presidential debates were on all Prime Time channels but our Dish equipment kept showing a signal interruption on the TV screen and we were unable to watch the debate. I signed a 2 year agreement with Dish to receive TV programming that I am not getting. Dish has had numerous opportunities to fix the problem but the same problem still exists. I've gone thru 3 hoppers, 2 joeys and 2 satellite dishes and had all the wiring replaced in the house. I still can't watch TV. Dish refuses to accept the fact that they are not honoring their part of the contract and continues to send out technicians for the day to attempt to fix the problem. I've been told that if I don't honor my part of the contact with Dish that I will be penalized $17.50 per month for 18 remaining months. In a nutshell I can't watch TV while Dish sends out numerous technicians to work on an ongoing problem. Enough is enough! Do I need to spend money on a lawyer to void this one sided contract?

I ordered dish about a month ago.And I asked for HD tv in two of my rooms out of three rooms.I ordered dish because they have the most HD channels for your money .
But anyway I asked the person 3 to 5 time will it be HD .She said yes more then once to cost my $225.00 to get it started up because of my credit.But I felt like it was worth it .I Had to wait 3 weeks to get it.
But that was okay.anyway the installer came and put it in he didnt know what room they went in I told him the HD tv goes in the living room and the bedroom and the other one W/O HD goes in the other bedroom.
after he finish .I ask him about the HD channels .he said the one bedroom and the living room are the only one with HD, I was happy with that and sign the papers .that was on a Sunday.
I went to church a little while after that.when we got out I came to watch the tv and notice it was grainy looking I didnt think to much of it .it was kinda cloudy that day so I just blew it off.the tv in the bedroom look fine but grainy but it's not a HD tv.
the next few days it just didnt look right to me.I check to make sure it wasnt nothing blocking the dish.I did notice the tree in my yard was kinda in the I waited a couple of weeks to trim it didnt I check the signal bar on the dish reciever.
it was a little on the low side.I call dish and they said that signal was I asked her about my service and she said I didnt order HD.I asked her to check my order again.
she said I didnt ask for it again.I told her the only reason I got it was because brought a new TV and it was a HDTV and I really wanted the HD receiver that the only reason I called in the first place,I had the antenna tv and it was very clear.she said she was sorry and she could give me HBO free for a month.I told her I didnt want it if I couldnt see it any better then what I had .she said I could buy it for $399.00. our buy it on Amazon for $ 135.00 .
I told her why would I buy it if I order that anyway from the beginning.I just just got tired of going around with her and the other people I call since that time.I could cancel my order but I have to pay for it anyway for the next two years.I dont know what to do .Im stuck with this .
and nobody seem to want to help me.anyway they will get there money with HD our without thats my complaint.I hope you our somebody will help me solve this problem.there our other things I can say but I wish you guys would get it together nobody have my right order from the beginning if you guys recorded this converstation from the beginning you would see that I did order the HD .did you just run out of the HD reciever and just tried to pull one over on me.
every person want me to buy one ,I may not want this service after the two years and I will be stuck with the recieve and cant use it.

To whom we may concern:
Yesterday 09/30/12 I find out one of channel we sign out with dish network is stopped work.
I call to dish network â#1 satisfactionâ customer service phone number where I was on hold for almost 35 minutes wait first time and then I have to call back again because they hand up phone on me.
When I call second time I was talking with to âfriendlyâ customer service representative who let me now they have right to do anything they want at any time without any note to the clients. When I ask nice people how I can contact executive office of the company I get answer is no way you can reach any one from executive office this is top secret information and cannot be provide to dish network clients.
1)My question is you advertise your company as #1 customer Satisfaction Company on tv and people who is working for you have very bad attitude with no respect to client.
2) Why you are not notified you client regard to changes you will make.
3) Why your employee refuse to provide phone number to executive office.
Please provide me with answer to mu question and let me now when can I file personal complain regards to your friendly employee.
4)Email address was provide to me is not working email.

Do you really think the Ely Grau should be able to treat her employees the way that she does? Are you aware that she works as a coach and has borrowed money from them? She has had them drive her to and from work. That she has had her people do her work and told them not to tell anyone? Are you aware that she has told an employee that the team does not like them? Now she has decided that she will get rid of this employee and told them such. You may want to look into this. I believe this may be a case of discrimination and defemation of character. Having people re-apply for jobs that they already hold, and not giving them a reason? Is this even legal? I know for sure that I will find out.
Thank you.

Since I had dish network installed I paid the bill every month on the 1st to the 3rd and every month my service is turned off on the 19th of the month. They told me that if I wanted to pay my bill on the 1st of the month I would have to pay another $34 dollars.
I had told them if I paid for 30 days of service on the first, of $34, then why does my service get turned off on the 19th? They expect me to pay $68 a month for service just because they turn it off on the 19 for not making the payment on the 18th. I paid ahead on the first bill when it was installed, and the bill is paid 18 days early, they expect me to pay more money to turn it on.
I had told them I would pay for the extra days till the end of the month of $17 this month, and they said I have to pay the full $34 to restore it. For three months I had been on the phone with them for two hours and more, until they say they fixed the problem and restore the service, then the next month I have to do it all over again. This is overcharging the customers by black mail.

I was a customer for 4years. There was a thunder storm 2years ago and I called the the service center I happened on a person at the other end of the line who was obnoxcious and rude. He told me a few things to try and they did not work. I continued to try and he hung up the phone. I was without service for a number of days and calling again several times. Recently I had a same problem called and the female on the other end. She told me to do a few things that did not work. Finally she said "your box is no good you can throw it out and will send you another one within five days" I thought she was talking a little out of her head.
I tried calling again and got another female who got the box going I mentioned to this female that I was expecting a box she told me she would stop the shipment.(she didn't) I went out of town and came back and there was a box at home. I was charged 100$ on my next bill for not returning equipment. Called them, they told me to take it (which is 20 miles from me)to the nearest Ups store. Got there to find out, dish don't ship by Ups only Fedex......well......I now had to find the Fedex store......another 10 miles. that was not all, I sent my next payment on Monday in the mail with a due date on Friday they turned off my service on Wednesday morning.
At this point, I had enough of their bad service and rude talking employees, so, I terminated my affiliation with them that same day. I received the boxes they sent me and followed the instructions and returned ALL their equipment I received my final bill with a Zero balance in August 2011. Well, it is now the end of October I received a bill for 32.10, called,and was told that I owe them for period of 10/23/11-11/2211. What is this for? SHIPPING. My point is, If you wanted me to pay shipping you should not have sent return labels.
I would have paid to sent it back to them -- as bad as I wanted to have nothing to do with them, besides I will call it even for the gas and time I spent going to the Ups and Fedex store 60 miles round trip, all, only because of their poorly qualified and malfunctioning employees and equipment. I am VERY DISSATISFIED.

After months and months of watching my favorite show, Ghost Hunters on the SYFY channel, I all of a sudden no longer have this program. I called to find out what the problem was, and the customer support person told me that it was a networking issue with SYFY and had nothing to do with DISH. I asked for compensation, but was only offered 1/2 off of a upgrade for HBO, Starz, etc... NO thanks. After looking through your online site today i noticed that you have an advertisement spread on telling your customers that with SYFY they can get a list of programs, including Ghost Hunters... See
So, what gives? Will a new customer on my block, in my city who's signed up with you actually get this channel as your advertising? Will I ever get it back? Why did it leave? I left Comcast to save some money, and this show had to be on my new DISH service or I never would have switched.

I've been with dish for awhile . I was having problems with my dish so I scheduled for someone to come out to look at it. Yeah they came out spend probably 30 minutes looking and said I needed a new box. My brother (he was there cause I was at work) was told that he would be back in a hour with a new box. Well a hour went by then two still no tv.
The auto how did we do called so I ended up talking to a person who was helpful. But the tech that came to my house not only didn't fix my dish but forged my signature. How could I sign when I was at work. This incident makes me think its time to change my tv provider. Cause the only thing I was told was sorry we will come out to fix it.

I live with my sister and she has a dish network account. here in Arlee,mt. My complaint is about the Seattle Seahawk games being blacked out in Montana or in the area I live in.We are 500 miles from Seattle and we are 500 miles from Denver from where we live and yet we have no problem watching the Denver Bronco games when they are aired but when Seattle has home games they are all blacked out.I do not understand this at all and
perhaps the NFL has some say in this I do not know but I am a little mad about it.We pay you " Dish Network " a lot of money per month for services
and we should at least be able to watch a foot ball game in Seattle.
We are also wondering what has happened to the Documentary channel, it has been removed and am wondering why?

We disconnected our Dish Network on 5/13/2012 and returned our equipment in the boxes Dish Network provided after calling them twice to get the boxes. Dish Network then called my husband and said they were not going to cancel our service, but put our account "On Hold" for 6 months, then start it back up again. He informed them that we were moving and did NOT want our account on hold. It is now October 8, 2012 and we have yet to get our final bill. I have made 10 calls to Dish Network and each person I talked to said they would mail our final bill and issue us a refund of $8.39. At the beginning of call #10, this credit balance was still on our account and the rep told us it was. She also informed me she would mail us our final bill. But when I asked when we would get the check for our refund (since we had paid a month in advance), she all of a sudden claimed that we have NO credit balance and that the credit balance went towards programming. When I asked "What programming?" , she could not answer. After repeatedly asking her why we no longer have a credit balance and her giving at least 4 different excuses, she hung up on me. When I called back to AGAIN request our final bill, I was told the credit balance was deleted and our balance was zero. Oh, and they'll "get us our final bill mailed to us in 7 to 10 days".....I won't hold my breath.

I live in Laguna Niguel Ca and have an account with you for my iPad, iPhone ,landline, DSL and TV (through Directtv). My bid issue is with deceiving and dishonest practices of DTV. you offered it and therefore I'm writing you. They started me with $31 month on Sep. 2011 and promised a hick of no more than $15 after one year. my bill now has nearly tripled to $91.
Without my knowledge or permission they started charging me for NFL which I noticed it after few month (automatic payments) and after complaining by phone and email the discontinued charging me and never reimbursed the past charges. My TV shuts up randomly while I"m viewing often. Now, I'm discontinuing their services and they claim that I will owe them for early cancelation.
Since you referred them to me A) I except some action from you B) Since it involves your reputation, you want to opt out of your partnership with them in the future.

When i first called to get information as a new customer to "dish" I told the man that signed me up that i was only changing to "dish" because Direct TV was coming up on contract negotiations and they maybe loosing channels like "AMC" and a few others that were Vital to me to have.
I am a sound editor and NEED to be able to watch the programs that I work on for business reasons. The man on the phone assured me that "dish" had NO issues and NO contractual problems and that I would NOT have any problems with loosing that network "thru out the duration of my new contract".
With that verbal contract made I then agreed to sign up with "dish". I noticed that a few months after signing up with dish that dish was now cancelling their contract with AMC as well.
When I called to explain that the only reason I had dropped Direct TV after 10 years of service was because I was given a Verbal Contract (which are just as legally binding as the written contract that i have signed with dish) the Dish representitive replied that "that individual is no longer with the company".
I am not surprised he is NO longer with the company so i asked if they could pull our recorded conversation so they could hear that they are comiting fraud by NOT holding up their end of the verbal contract. Dish says they delete those recordings and they are NOT available.
It is completely unethical and still considered illegal to ignore a verbally binding contract as your company has done. I could NOT be more disapointed with the levels of service your company has (sort of )provided these past few months since becoming a customer.
I notice your company policy seems to say 100% customer satisfaction, but that must be a false advertisement as well, because each time i have talked with a "dish" employe I have felt more and more lied to. I have already submitted a formal letter about your company to "Consumer Affairs" and noticed that I am NOT the only person that your company has lured into a contract with false lies and broken verbal contracts.
I also plan on filing a formal complaint with the BBB along with the other 33,000 plus complaints already against your company. If your company doesnt want to be heading towards a Class Action Lawsuit I suggest that the blatant broken verbal contracts and fraudulant representation of your company to new customers stops.


I have just switched to dvr HD since I bought new tv with hd but since I switch to hd dvr it's keep freezing up every half hours . I called & complain to dish quite few time & nothing has been done . Please show a solution . It's really frustrating when u r watching movie which is 3 hours & I have to keep resetting dvr . If this keeps this up I m thinking about switched my to Comcast soon .

Well first thing is that dish wanted to charge me 185 dollars to send a technician out to my house not for something I needed but yet a problem that was created by their technician!!!!!! Their tech guy who installed the dish service placed the dish to close to in coming power lines, this not only was against the law but also endangered my family by creating a fire hazard!!!!! When I called to tell them that I wanted this fixed they tried to charge me for a service call 185 dollars I told them no way! So then they offered to only charge me 85 dollars, again I said no way! Then they offered to do it for free and I told them any time so they scheduled the appointment after they scheduled the appointment I told them I had to take that day off work and that they would have to pay me for time at work I missed out on, then they immediately wanted to change this to my day off since it's my only day off week I guess they found that was convienant a time as ever since it's my only day off!
So I can look forward to dealing with their technician and having no tv for my day off I don't consider that a day off so I will be sending dish my detailed billing for the day so they can pay me back! TRUTHFULLY I JUST WANT DISH GONE THEY DONT CARE ABOUT LOYAL CUSTOMERS WHO HAVE BEEN WITH THEM FOR WAY OVER A DECADE! THINKING OF GETTING DISH???? PLEASE GO BUY SOME VASELINE FIRST CAUSE THIS COMPANY IS A JOKE AND SHOULD LOSE EVERY CUSTOMER THEY GAVE!!!

I am unable to contact supervisors with complaint to local channel distribution. I should start off with this complaint by saying some profanity so I'll say X I X I X I get that out-of-the-way I live in Sweet home Oregon I receive my local channels through you from the city on the other side of the damn state I do not want Portland news I need to news from the city closest to me which is Eugene Oregon because of things like today they forecasting weather that comes out of Portland does not help me in anyway keeping my family safe from severe weather activity so I need the city is closest to be they can give me a correct forecast so I can be prepared to protect my family and my property which today was forecasted from Portland that it was going be scattered showers with a little wind well in fact for me it's a bear wind and heavy rain which I've already had some property damage I was not prepared for it was like I was able to cover.
But there's no reason I should go out in the rain to get my butt soaked to the bone to do it after the fact this is just one for instance we also have severe fire seasons here that we need to be up on date and information not I need you to change my local channels ASAP your customer service department is stuck with the program on their computer I'm not able to make an adjustment other than what some that is not in touch with people that live in that area they look at a map and say oh this looks okay will guess what but it's not okay somebody didn't do their homework or the right-hand wasn't talking to the left-hand what I work for corporate's people from generals in the army to state senators and congressmen and other people in between I found out back in the day they talk to each other definitely looking at your programming someone didn't I need you make this adjustment ASAP.
Overall as of today I would give you the lowest rating possible for able to assist somebody other than somebody stuck on a program card and a computer program that does not let you do any adjustments as very poor Barvac below poor. Thank you very much and from a first is very confused with the bet way you run your company Mr. retard officer Troy Wolff CO5

Dish Network you have raised my rate for the last time. You keep raising my rates I told you a year ago to stop or I would cancel! My new Dish Network bill received today was raised by 6 dollars. I have tried everything to get hold of you people to no avail I am no longer a dish customer so don't bill me again.
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