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Top Gardens of Time Complaints
Browse more than 46 reviews submitted so far
getntwo levels then crashes of course have to start over. Frustrating

Gardens of Time is loading slowly and freezing and crashing frequently. This has been going on for several days.

The game for the past 3 weeks has not worked all we get is a notice saying be patient,,,however they have no problem in taking my money for inner circle and there are no benefits....they are misrepresenting themselves with false feels like I'm being scammed as well as hundreds of others! I have been playing for years and the problems began when ROCKU took over

I play Gardens of time and I have played for several years. Over the past three weeks the game has become increasingly unstable and takes many attempts before it loads. The time machine, at startup, keeps continually rotating and will not load. Some days I am unable to open the game and play and it is now coming to a point where I am considering stopping playing a game I have enjoyed playing with friends. I blitz with my friends and find that toolboxes are not being credited to me. My User ID: is 1304329682 but when I try to send gifts at the beginning of the game another ID number, not related to mine, states that it is not valid. Can you please confirm that you are able to fix this problem before i delete and stop playing the game that appears to be focused on advertising rather than the enjoyment of players.

I have played this game before this company took over, I stayed with you, it was a rocky start, but you came through and the game was good for a while, if I tried one, I tried 100 times to get the GOT working, I am not alone in this quest to play your game, many have similar problems, mine, slow to load - when I try to give gifts (I have over 250 players) I get a freeze - I have to completely close down. in the end I just removed the game in sheer frustration - I really would like to play again, maybe a completely new start, it's one of the best games and I was a loyal player even a member for many years - you must have made a fortune off me - ok - lets see what you can come up with -
yours sincerely
Shirley Fletcher

Every time I send a gift request a pop-up shows up with the name of the person or persons I'm sending them to---how do I stop the pop-up?

I just jumped to another level and made a purchase for over 7k it showed up to place and froze up. I am frustrated why does this happen and I want my purchased to be given back ID 1000012227813332. It is very frustrating to try and get a hold of customer service for a game like this when everything is online. I am thankful I found the complaint department with this information! Thank you for your help. I will await your solution.

I subscribed to inner circle but did not receive gold. Got everything else but the gold. Also refresh does not work to check messages I have to refresh the whole page. also having problems with moving objects around. How can I tell this company what is wrong if there is no support phone number online?

I have played diligently to reach Level 91. For the first time, the glitches have overpowered my ability to go forward in the game. The game requires me to complete an art center, and upgrade a hospital, and to advance several buildings to 4 or 5 upgrade levels...otherwise I cannot advance the story. I can clear screens and earn stars and points, but I want to hear the characters again. None of my friends seem to be responsive to my request to help me with materials. This never was a problem before, and now I am "frozen in time" just like Elizabeth. This is a major pain and there seems to be nothing I can do, but hope that the material requests come through but it is painstakingly slow, and I know something must be wrong with the requests going through because others are compaining as well. What to do?

It's been better than 24 hrs & section to ask neighbors for building materials has not come on !??! Also neighbors to send gifts to, has only come up once.
Also, in puzzles there seems to be certain sticky objects that won't come, then after penalty, there it is! I have iPad 2 . While I'm at it, I've used my whole
team of neighbors for a certain object from time to time, often to come up nil.

During the editing process, such as moving objects around/ and or selling off objects or placing objects back in my box for later use, a screen would pop up declaring I updated an object,taking away my gold bars related to said object. This absolutely was untrue, since I have never did any updates yet since I started playing Garden Of Times since October 2012. I do not use the updates since I feel that is waisting my gold bars/money! Due to this assnine error, I, have lost 22 gold bars! Just wondering if this is just another way for Disney to become even more profitable! I would like to see the return of my gold bars back in my account but I guess that won't happen! If this company pulls this stunt on a number of consumers, imagine the profit it would gain. Yes,I am calling this company out,on what I would call a stealing process!

I bought gold with real money, so I could unlock a featured scene in the game "gardens of time". I played these scenes for a couple of days. They were "sleepy hollow" "draculas castle" and "frakensteins den" or something like that. I am now unable to access these featured scenes, although an icon in my garden instructs me to play them to receive gifts and achievements. When I try to access these scenes I get a page telling me that "featured scenes are coming soon". I think this is unfair as I payed about ten dollars for these scenes.

Lost 10,000 points in reputation today. Played in AM and only needed 60 points for next level. Signed on in PM and needed over 10,000 points.
One of my friends has been telling me she loses points all the time, but this is the only the 2 nd time I noticed it.

I have been playing Gardens of time for some time now, and enjoying myself immensley, Then I was sent a time crystal crafter ...since that time I am unable to make request one on one to my GOT friends or make posts requesting crystals I find this very unsetteling and find that I do not play the game anymore because of this as the whole idea of the game was to complete requests and so on. On average it was taking me 3 days to get 8 crystals for this reason I am requesting to be removed from the trial pertaining to the Time crystal crafter. Thank you Neila Clark

So I found all the items in the London nightclub but the app malfunctioned and it kicked me out. The energy was gone (ok that's fine I get it...) but I didn't get any closer to another star, no xp or anything. Grrrrr..

I have been using the same email address since I started this game and now ,when I attempt to login, it tells me it does not have this address on file. I cannot access support since you have to login with your email so I cannot find out what the problem is. They should have a way to contact them for a problem like this. This game has been one annoying glitch after another.
I never got time crystals. Everyone else can request them and other items. I get nothing! Why can't I get or request crystals? Game shuts off whenever it wants anyway. Am about to delete game!!! The crystal issue is pissing me off!!!!

I can't receive gifts or send gifts, so game play is almost nonexistent unless I spend a boatload of money. I can't afford to play with real money, but now the gifts are broken, so I can't play at all. I am really upset and will continue to give 1 star reviews as long as you continue to ask me if I want to leave a review, which is every day. And I will ask my 235 Game Center friends with the same problem to do the same thing. So, not only does it not work, but there is no contact at all letting us know what is going on. Please fix it or tell us what's happening.

I've upgraded the ice hotel and toy shop but it hasn't registered it on the quest bubble and hasn't given me the winter castle. Also I never got the dragon tower when I completed that quest either

Player id #6551019 Garden name: Genevieve Von Blitzen I love this game and play on both my iPhone and iPad. My iPad is buggy. I've gotten to level 48 and now i'm having several problems; #1- all my gift giving to other people has frozen on my screen. When I click on the button, it doesn't disappear #2 - I cannot request any gifts anymore. I send requests to my iPhone to check, and they are not going through. #3 - I have never been able to receive energy as a gift. I have just accepted playing without it, but it would be nice to have that feature since everyone else gets it.
Things I have already done that usually work, but are not at this time.: I clear my cookies often. I shut down the game by clicking the - button on the application as well as shutting down my iPad and turing it back on. Please help me. I am a good customer and would like to continue spending money on this fabulous game!

Gardens of Time has sucked over 13,000 rep points out of my account, which will make it virtually impossible to open any chapter above 24. 40 bars of gold have been sucked out of my account by random finger movements during actions when the upgrade window was not visible. Requests posted to Support seem to be answered by robots who spit out random replies having nothing to do with the posted issue. The GoT Mobile game forum is seething with discontent.
Moderators occasionally check in and offer to try to do something, but no improvements have been noticed. Rather than fixing obvious errors that are diminishing everyone's enjoyment, staff is cranking out new chapters nobody can play because the grid is too small. We can't get enough rep points. Gardens are now ugly. Many people who would otherwise buy gold for real money are not doing so and will not under the current system. We must have confirmation before gold is spent, or we won't buy it. If we don't buy gold, the game is not profitable.
It does not take brain science to figure this one out. Disney sets the bar for customer service in other areas, even training other companies, but they let this abomination continue under their banner. They have to know. I personally have sent three, maybe four, emails to them about the situation.. The first was answered with a form email. How much worse can it get? We'd rather not know!

Yeah I have been playing this game for well close to two months now ,and my experience points on the more stuff I upgrade keeps disappearing .I am well over what it says cause every time I get back on it there is a few thousand missing off it which makes it hard for me to unlock new levels this high up . I would really like to continue playing this game but I will not do so if I continued to be cheated ,please fix it to where my actual score is there and my levels that I have earned are unlocked please and thank you .

When I click on to receive gifts that peoplel have sent me or if I click a request from someone it just pops back up so I carnt receive any of my gifts that people send or energy it won't go into my box I'm playing at a disadvantage nor can I help someone else

List the quest needed to be completed to open a new chapter for chrystal chapters. I spend way to much time completing quest that are not required but not knowig that until it is to late' 2. Tell me where to find the things you want built in my garden. there are way to many items to scroll through to find the tree or animal or item. It is easier to play if you tell me something like put a Koala in your garden located in decorations level 39. then I spend less time trying to locate an item that half the time does not look like what you asked me to build.
I was looking for a Koala, not a tree for 3 days, until I relized the Koala was in the tree. 3. Give me ways to spend my silver and turn it into gold. I know you need money but I am a kid with out a credit card, I need away to buy gold without having to ask my parents. 4. I play on my Iphone and the internet states I can expand my garden to 30, but I can only expand to 19. it will not allow me to go past 19 and it is not enough room to build every thing you request me to place in the garden.

Over a week, now not being able to purchase gold bars! I got new iPad on January 5, everything was transfered only somehow I've lost my purchasing power in gardens of time, I can purchase with silver, not gold bars that cost real cash, WHY? What happened? Can it be corrected, I'm on no. 78 ,chapter 31,have oodles in inventory& a full garden, I'm afraid to delete,as I could possibly lose everything and we are talking hundreds of dollars, what can I do?

I have completed the first two chapters of Lulu's Winter Wonderland, received the Times Square building, upgraded it to level two and it disappeared. I am quested to upgrade it to level 3 and it is no where to be found. I never received the second scene reward for 4 star mastery.

About half of my neighbors have no face...i don't know who i'm sending gifts to, can't collect from the ones with no face......example: if i have 5 kathey's and only one of them has a face,then i don't know which one to ask / send gift's too. #2... Crystals disappearing......example: i go into the game to play and at the top it tells me i have 150 crystals, i check my message center and come back to play there is 20 to 40 crystals are gone. I work hard to get those and i would like for you to fix what ever is wrong with the game..... #3... Items missing.
I bought 12 bushes and now i only have seven, i don't know where they went and they aren't in my garden. #4....i enjoy playing the game,but it is getting harder to play,because it does not work properly..........please fix what is wrong because friends /neighbors will delete you if they think you are not playing any more and that hurts when you start losing them.... Thank you so very much and hope that it is fixed very soon............oh, by the way ,can you replace the crystals that i lost ?

I love playing Gardens of Time, but I do have a complaint or two. After I have placed items in my garden, I use my gold and get help from my friends to get the items that I need to go to the next level. I checked all my items and total up what I need to get them into their next level. I get the amount of gold I need to convert to the next level.
As soon as I upgrade one, they all go back to their original max needs to get to the next level. I can not believe that the game producers are to greedy that they force you to use the gold to purchase the same things over and over again. There must be so many people enjoying the game, that this type of stealing should not be necessary. I also wish there was more area to expand my garden and put my additions better organized. Why can't we have more energy than the 30 max?

After faithfully logging into Gardens of Time 5 days in a row to earn a bonus spin, it now charges 5 gold bars to spin. The prizes are not worth the price. Why pay for an earned bonus? Many of us want to know.
I had 12 gold at last play when log in at 4 AM I only have 1 gold. Please return my gold, I dont want to have to stop playing this game however past 3 months I had more problems with the game, and no officials, employees of Gardens of time doing anything about, I'm just one of millions having issues.
Why, an hour or two after I have gifted or asked for gifts, do the same names appear again (for both asking and giving gifts)? Very frustrating especially when the time crystal games have an expiration date! I would like to use money to further my position in this game, but am unable to see the point of this when this glitch has a big impact on the game.

Here is my rant for the day: I wish the Portal would hurry and expire, I am tired of seeing it. I wish the scenes did not take so blankety blank many times to complete, I really get tired of the scene by the time the third star is finished. I wish they would stop giving nothing after playing any of the scenes.
I wish they would take that blankety blank stamp off the garden entrance. I wish when you click on one of the areas asked for, it would give you credit the first time you click it. I wish they would stop robbing us of gold, energy, levels, and inventory. I wish they would put up some new scenes to play to earn rep and to challenge. I wish when you are free gifting, they would not repeat the same crap over and over. I wish when you are free gifting, they would not throw up items already shown in the box.
Guess I am finding this game a real battle and challenge to play. It can be soooooo frustrating!

this is about Playdom games several women are being bullied and harassed and stalked on gardens of time game all of us have filed complaints since MAY 2012 with printouts as proof and they have done nothing we have contacted Disney and get the runaround these women are being cusses and stalked and harassed on a daily basis all because they filed a complaint to try and protect a fellow player Playdom says they have zero tolerance for this but have done nothing to stop it since May 2012 . where do I go to get someones ATTENTION about this or do I need to go public against Disney since they own the game .

It's too difficult to get all of the pieces and gems to complete all of the handbooks. I'm getting way too frustrated, and I never finish in time to complete it so I can have the final prize in my garden. Enough already.

I've tried to reset /reload the game. I've tried waiting a couple days but nothing happens. I have gotten more gifts etc but the game won't let me accept them. I'm getting very frustrated. I have also lost gold. I purchases $10 worth and like 2 days later I had 1 bar. I'm not spending another cent for gold to have it disappear! Can someone tell me what is going on with this game? I was addicted to it but now it's just getting annoying!

The game is a wonderful, fantastic game to play. But when you have a gadzillion pop-ups to get through just to make it to the actual game itself it makes you want to not play at all. I just went through 7 pop-ups to reach the game itself. So very annoying! Reduce the amount of pop-ups to maybe 2 or 3, that should be more than enough.

For some reason, the first four quests of chapter 8 won't open. The hands of the clock spin endlessly; yet quest 5 was available and I was able to purchase the premium scene. I am at a stand-still.

I realize this is a Beta version of this game, but, for Pete's Sake! It seems like they're just trying to distract players from the fact that they haven't finished the damn thing by sending us off on wild goose chases, like upgrading every single building we've purchased. Never mind the fact that they constantly encourage us to get "more friends". Even when you DO get more friends, they put constraints on you - "Sorry. You've made all the requests you can for materials today.
Come back tomorrow." I loved playing Gardens of Time until the other afternoon, I had just forked out money to join the Inner Circle and was playing a scene in GOT when my computer crashed and BURNT !! I only had it for 6 months .. my Gardens of Time neighbors are experiencing similar issues and have QUIT the game .. I want to make sure they don't kill someone else's computer. I am disabled and on a fixed income .. this sucks ! Please hear me out .. I don't complain much .. I dearly loved the game. RIP dear pc :(( I liked this game when I started it, but, I've about had enough.
I'm not even mentioning (okay, I am!) how freaking slow it is to load, and, getting OUT of it after you've been allotted your 6 plays (if you don't cash in your extra 5 plays) is almost impossible.

Got new ipad (3) transfered everything fromipad2 to (3) somehow the recognition of my purchasing power got lost.when dealing with apple support, was told to delete it, ask Game Center to keep, I did.everything was gone, this was after trying to reach playdom for a week prior. One wonderful man with apple got a hold of playdom for me, of course when they called me the game had crashed, he never called back! I stupidly forgot to get his name, so when I called playdom they threw me to the wolves.
I'm upset because I was at level 78 & had invested over 1000.00 and 10 mos in GOT . iTunes basically said tuff luck no refunds get ahold of game maker.! Here I go again. This has gone on for 2wks, 5 days with apple support who will do nothing! PLAYDOM on LINE won't even give me recognition you'd think with what I spent, somebody would have at least recognized me.

Bought stringed quartet& flamenco dancers, on quartet. Only gray space, on dancers one girl. This is my second complaint, after the last, they came on for about an half hr then oops gone again, even added some upgrade to quartet nothing. If I put them in inventory they show up, but once I stick them in garden same old story, please help!

I was very upset to find that I had purchased $80.00 worth of gold only to have accidentally hit the "special feature" Halloween scenes. It did not even come up with a "verify" this purchase. The icon for "Main Story" was so close to the Special Feature" icon I told my husband given each time I had to play the game I wondered when I was going to accidentally hit it since it continued to ask me if i wanted to buy it every time I tried to play the game. Well, sadly this self fulfilling prophecy came true.
Not only can I not see the scenes they are so dark, it is forcing me to play them as part of my quests. Amazon at least has a way to refund your money within several days if you buy a book you didnt want or accidentally purchased. I love this game and Disney...we just returned from our 10th visit but sadly this has put a "reality check" into my play time. The icons to purchase energy or gold are not available with just one touch. This should be done with special scene features as well. I mentioned to my husband before I ever accidentally hit the button I wondered how many people had done this.
That is a lot of money for each person doing it. I was saving my gold for upgrades and things to make my garden beautiful. I obviously won't be buying gold again only for this to happen When the next special feature comes out. We all know bad experiences affect our outlook negatively and I'm not feeling the "MAGIC!". If you can help me with this or give me an answer it would be appreciated.

I have played this game for more than two years and have completed it (ranked at 100, the highest). However, the game continues but Playdom does not expand the grid so that long-time players can continue to put items in the garden; the grid is maxed out.
Adding insult to injury is I pay the monthly fee but don't get the item of the month which, even if I did receive it, I don't have space to place it in the garden.
And, there is nothing on GOT site that allows me to complain.

I have cleared my history, reset myiPad, updated my game, and logged in and out numerous times however I still cannot receive my materials, energy, gifts, or log into any challenges. HELP! This has been going on for a week and I cannot upgrade any buildings to the next level.

I am so mad! I just used 182,250 coins to upgrade Royal Albert Hall to level 5. All the material requests had been in a completed state. I was short the last 60,750 needed for the 3 of 4 blueprint! When I went back to it I no longer had completed materials status & I was back to needing 0 of 4 blueprints. I have been requesting materials for this upgrade for months now! I won't buy fake gold with real money sorry! This is the 3 rd time I have tried to upgrade this item & others & have been cheated by the game! WTH!! This game is starting to be a drag! Enough of the million update arrows as well!

I have an account with Playdom's Gardens of Time...the 'neighbours facility' in my garden has been faulty for months... I have put at least two dozen complaints into the 'support facility' and keep getting asked the same dumb questions over and over again about my computer set-up at home. There is nothing wrong at my end, because I actually set up another account and managed another garden...which works perfectly in every the fault is obviously at their end and my faulty account.

Gardens of time: 05/01/2012. Here is my complaint about the game, I am not impressed, Gardens has been stealing my gold. At first it was a brick or two every so often. A week or so ago it was a 12 brick bite and a few days later another nine brick bite.One day it bought me the conquistador { for 25 gold, I believe it was}. As far as I can figure it has taken at least 65 gold , if not more. Just a suggestion, but when buying something with gold it would be nice if we could get a conformation, to protect our gold from being taken. I have to be honest and say I am very disappointed in achieving the crystals in the game Gardens of Time. The rules state that every time you post for crystals needed, you are suppose to get 2 crystals for every person who likes.
Unfortunately this is not correct. I can speak for several other neighbors who have yet to achieve this goal due to none responsive posts of these crystals. We have worked for hours trying to obtain these crystals to no avail. Unfortunately we will not have enough time to achieve this particular goal due to the time line. I would have enjoyed it much better if I had gotten all the crystals I and many others have posted, but did not get. I love Gardens of Time and will continue to play because it is an AWESOME game. Here's an idea...extend the time frame for this challenge or give away free crystals so that we can achieve the goal intended. Just wishful thinking. Thanks for listening. *Smiles*

I made tokens in the time Lab, then I went to play and the screen kept going round and round and never opened. I bought tokens and still nothing happened. I love playing Gardens of Time but this might be the most frustrating thing ever in this game1

Inner circle payment for the 2 July 2013 (R151.38 ZAR) I.D. no: 386584914788465 but did not receive the gift "FERIA DE CABALLO" after i tried several time to complain about this I only keep getting that i'll hear from you in 72 hours...well do the since 2 July until now 3 September it's been 2 months +......please send my the building or some of my money back...other you don't leave me a choice to unsubscribe my inner circle ..thank you very much :) !!

I am having a problem with my message center working correctly. I am able to access Help Requests and Notifications then the screen goes blank. I cannot access the "All" category. I have been playing since GoT started and I have lost over 351 million pieces of silver. It's disgusting. Why bother playing when I only have thousands of pieces of silver.
Visited garden while moving screen to find Chauncey w gift to hide a blue police box popped up i hover to X out and it took my GOLD and i bought this - overall is too hard to move screen to find place gift in this game and all sorts of things open up while just moving the screen around and too easy to loose GOLD when one is just hovering to X out of a pop up.

Gardens of Time is loading slowly and freezing and crashing frequently. This has been going on for several days.

The game for the past 3 weeks has not worked all we get is a notice saying be patient,,,however they have no problem in taking my money for inner circle and there are no benefits....they are misrepresenting themselves with false feels like I'm being scammed as well as hundreds of others! I have been playing for years and the problems began when ROCKU took over

I play Gardens of time and I have played for several years. Over the past three weeks the game has become increasingly unstable and takes many attempts before it loads. The time machine, at startup, keeps continually rotating and will not load. Some days I am unable to open the game and play and it is now coming to a point where I am considering stopping playing a game I have enjoyed playing with friends. I blitz with my friends and find that toolboxes are not being credited to me. My User ID: is 1304329682 but when I try to send gifts at the beginning of the game another ID number, not related to mine, states that it is not valid. Can you please confirm that you are able to fix this problem before i delete and stop playing the game that appears to be focused on advertising rather than the enjoyment of players.

I have played this game before this company took over, I stayed with you, it was a rocky start, but you came through and the game was good for a while, if I tried one, I tried 100 times to get the GOT working, I am not alone in this quest to play your game, many have similar problems, mine, slow to load - when I try to give gifts (I have over 250 players) I get a freeze - I have to completely close down. in the end I just removed the game in sheer frustration - I really would like to play again, maybe a completely new start, it's one of the best games and I was a loyal player even a member for many years - you must have made a fortune off me - ok - lets see what you can come up with -
yours sincerely
Shirley Fletcher

Every time I send a gift request a pop-up shows up with the name of the person or persons I'm sending them to---how do I stop the pop-up?

I just jumped to another level and made a purchase for over 7k it showed up to place and froze up. I am frustrated why does this happen and I want my purchased to be given back ID 1000012227813332. It is very frustrating to try and get a hold of customer service for a game like this when everything is online. I am thankful I found the complaint department with this information! Thank you for your help. I will await your solution.

I subscribed to inner circle but did not receive gold. Got everything else but the gold. Also refresh does not work to check messages I have to refresh the whole page. also having problems with moving objects around. How can I tell this company what is wrong if there is no support phone number online?

So I found all the items in the London nightclub but the app malfunctioned and it kicked me out. The energy was gone (ok that's fine I get it...) but I didn't get any closer to another star, no xp or anything. Grrrrr..

I have been using the same email address since I started this game and now ,when I attempt to login, it tells me it does not have this address on file. I cannot access support since you have to login with your email so I cannot find out what the problem is. They should have a way to contact them for a problem like this. This game has been one annoying glitch after another.
I never got time crystals. Everyone else can request them and other items. I get nothing! Why can't I get or request crystals? Game shuts off whenever it wants anyway. Am about to delete game!!! The crystal issue is pissing me off!!!!

I can't receive gifts or send gifts, so game play is almost nonexistent unless I spend a boatload of money. I can't afford to play with real money, but now the gifts are broken, so I can't play at all. I am really upset and will continue to give 1 star reviews as long as you continue to ask me if I want to leave a review, which is every day. And I will ask my 235 Game Center friends with the same problem to do the same thing. So, not only does it not work, but there is no contact at all letting us know what is going on. Please fix it or tell us what's happening.

I've upgraded the ice hotel and toy shop but it hasn't registered it on the quest bubble and hasn't given me the winter castle. Also I never got the dragon tower when I completed that quest either

Player id #6551019 Garden name: Genevieve Von Blitzen I love this game and play on both my iPhone and iPad. My iPad is buggy. I've gotten to level 48 and now i'm having several problems; #1- all my gift giving to other people has frozen on my screen. When I click on the button, it doesn't disappear #2 - I cannot request any gifts anymore. I send requests to my iPhone to check, and they are not going through. #3 - I have never been able to receive energy as a gift. I have just accepted playing without it, but it would be nice to have that feature since everyone else gets it.
Things I have already done that usually work, but are not at this time.: I clear my cookies often. I shut down the game by clicking the - button on the application as well as shutting down my iPad and turing it back on. Please help me. I am a good customer and would like to continue spending money on this fabulous game!

Gardens of Time has sucked over 13,000 rep points out of my account, which will make it virtually impossible to open any chapter above 24. 40 bars of gold have been sucked out of my account by random finger movements during actions when the upgrade window was not visible. Requests posted to Support seem to be answered by robots who spit out random replies having nothing to do with the posted issue. The GoT Mobile game forum is seething with discontent.
Moderators occasionally check in and offer to try to do something, but no improvements have been noticed. Rather than fixing obvious errors that are diminishing everyone's enjoyment, staff is cranking out new chapters nobody can play because the grid is too small. We can't get enough rep points. Gardens are now ugly. Many people who would otherwise buy gold for real money are not doing so and will not under the current system. We must have confirmation before gold is spent, or we won't buy it. If we don't buy gold, the game is not profitable.
It does not take brain science to figure this one out. Disney sets the bar for customer service in other areas, even training other companies, but they let this abomination continue under their banner. They have to know. I personally have sent three, maybe four, emails to them about the situation.. The first was answered with a form email. How much worse can it get? We'd rather not know!

Yeah I have been playing this game for well close to two months now ,and my experience points on the more stuff I upgrade keeps disappearing .I am well over what it says cause every time I get back on it there is a few thousand missing off it which makes it hard for me to unlock new levels this high up . I would really like to continue playing this game but I will not do so if I continued to be cheated ,please fix it to where my actual score is there and my levels that I have earned are unlocked please and thank you .

When I click on to receive gifts that peoplel have sent me or if I click a request from someone it just pops back up so I carnt receive any of my gifts that people send or energy it won't go into my box I'm playing at a disadvantage nor can I help someone else

List the quest needed to be completed to open a new chapter for chrystal chapters. I spend way to much time completing quest that are not required but not knowig that until it is to late' 2. Tell me where to find the things you want built in my garden. there are way to many items to scroll through to find the tree or animal or item. It is easier to play if you tell me something like put a Koala in your garden located in decorations level 39. then I spend less time trying to locate an item that half the time does not look like what you asked me to build.
I was looking for a Koala, not a tree for 3 days, until I relized the Koala was in the tree. 3. Give me ways to spend my silver and turn it into gold. I know you need money but I am a kid with out a credit card, I need away to buy gold without having to ask my parents. 4. I play on my Iphone and the internet states I can expand my garden to 30, but I can only expand to 19. it will not allow me to go past 19 and it is not enough room to build every thing you request me to place in the garden.

Over a week, now not being able to purchase gold bars! I got new iPad on January 5, everything was transfered only somehow I've lost my purchasing power in gardens of time, I can purchase with silver, not gold bars that cost real cash, WHY? What happened? Can it be corrected, I'm on no. 78 ,chapter 31,have oodles in inventory& a full garden, I'm afraid to delete,as I could possibly lose everything and we are talking hundreds of dollars, what can I do?

I have completed the first two chapters of Lulu's Winter Wonderland, received the Times Square building, upgraded it to level two and it disappeared. I am quested to upgrade it to level 3 and it is no where to be found. I never received the second scene reward for 4 star mastery.

About half of my neighbors have no face...i don't know who i'm sending gifts to, can't collect from the ones with no face......example: if i have 5 kathey's and only one of them has a face,then i don't know which one to ask / send gift's too. #2... Crystals disappearing......example: i go into the game to play and at the top it tells me i have 150 crystals, i check my message center and come back to play there is 20 to 40 crystals are gone. I work hard to get those and i would like for you to fix what ever is wrong with the game..... #3... Items missing.
I bought 12 bushes and now i only have seven, i don't know where they went and they aren't in my garden. #4....i enjoy playing the game,but it is getting harder to play,because it does not work properly..........please fix what is wrong because friends /neighbors will delete you if they think you are not playing any more and that hurts when you start losing them.... Thank you so very much and hope that it is fixed very soon............oh, by the way ,can you replace the crystals that i lost ?

I love playing Gardens of Time, but I do have a complaint or two. After I have placed items in my garden, I use my gold and get help from my friends to get the items that I need to go to the next level. I checked all my items and total up what I need to get them into their next level. I get the amount of gold I need to convert to the next level.
As soon as I upgrade one, they all go back to their original max needs to get to the next level. I can not believe that the game producers are to greedy that they force you to use the gold to purchase the same things over and over again. There must be so many people enjoying the game, that this type of stealing should not be necessary. I also wish there was more area to expand my garden and put my additions better organized. Why can't we have more energy than the 30 max?

After faithfully logging into Gardens of Time 5 days in a row to earn a bonus spin, it now charges 5 gold bars to spin. The prizes are not worth the price. Why pay for an earned bonus? Many of us want to know.
I had 12 gold at last play when log in at 4 AM I only have 1 gold. Please return my gold, I dont want to have to stop playing this game however past 3 months I had more problems with the game, and no officials, employees of Gardens of time doing anything about, I'm just one of millions having issues.
Why, an hour or two after I have gifted or asked for gifts, do the same names appear again (for both asking and giving gifts)? Very frustrating especially when the time crystal games have an expiration date! I would like to use money to further my position in this game, but am unable to see the point of this when this glitch has a big impact on the game.

Here is my rant for the day: I wish the Portal would hurry and expire, I am tired of seeing it. I wish the scenes did not take so blankety blank many times to complete, I really get tired of the scene by the time the third star is finished. I wish they would stop giving nothing after playing any of the scenes.
I wish they would take that blankety blank stamp off the garden entrance. I wish when you click on one of the areas asked for, it would give you credit the first time you click it. I wish they would stop robbing us of gold, energy, levels, and inventory. I wish they would put up some new scenes to play to earn rep and to challenge. I wish when you are free gifting, they would not repeat the same crap over and over. I wish when you are free gifting, they would not throw up items already shown in the box.
Guess I am finding this game a real battle and challenge to play. It can be soooooo frustrating!

this is about Playdom games several women are being bullied and harassed and stalked on gardens of time game all of us have filed complaints since MAY 2012 with printouts as proof and they have done nothing we have contacted Disney and get the runaround these women are being cusses and stalked and harassed on a daily basis all because they filed a complaint to try and protect a fellow player Playdom says they have zero tolerance for this but have done nothing to stop it since May 2012 . where do I go to get someones ATTENTION about this or do I need to go public against Disney since they own the game .

It's too difficult to get all of the pieces and gems to complete all of the handbooks. I'm getting way too frustrated, and I never finish in time to complete it so I can have the final prize in my garden. Enough already.

I've tried to reset /reload the game. I've tried waiting a couple days but nothing happens. I have gotten more gifts etc but the game won't let me accept them. I'm getting very frustrated. I have also lost gold. I purchases $10 worth and like 2 days later I had 1 bar. I'm not spending another cent for gold to have it disappear! Can someone tell me what is going on with this game? I was addicted to it but now it's just getting annoying!

The game is a wonderful, fantastic game to play. But when you have a gadzillion pop-ups to get through just to make it to the actual game itself it makes you want to not play at all. I just went through 7 pop-ups to reach the game itself. So very annoying! Reduce the amount of pop-ups to maybe 2 or 3, that should be more than enough.

For some reason, the first four quests of chapter 8 won't open. The hands of the clock spin endlessly; yet quest 5 was available and I was able to purchase the premium scene. I am at a stand-still.

I realize this is a Beta version of this game, but, for Pete's Sake! It seems like they're just trying to distract players from the fact that they haven't finished the damn thing by sending us off on wild goose chases, like upgrading every single building we've purchased. Never mind the fact that they constantly encourage us to get "more friends". Even when you DO get more friends, they put constraints on you - "Sorry. You've made all the requests you can for materials today.
Come back tomorrow." I loved playing Gardens of Time until the other afternoon, I had just forked out money to join the Inner Circle and was playing a scene in GOT when my computer crashed and BURNT !! I only had it for 6 months .. my Gardens of Time neighbors are experiencing similar issues and have QUIT the game .. I want to make sure they don't kill someone else's computer. I am disabled and on a fixed income .. this sucks ! Please hear me out .. I don't complain much .. I dearly loved the game. RIP dear pc :(( I liked this game when I started it, but, I've about had enough.
I'm not even mentioning (okay, I am!) how freaking slow it is to load, and, getting OUT of it after you've been allotted your 6 plays (if you don't cash in your extra 5 plays) is almost impossible.

Got new ipad (3) transfered everything fromipad2 to (3) somehow the recognition of my purchasing power got lost.when dealing with apple support, was told to delete it, ask Game Center to keep, I did.everything was gone, this was after trying to reach playdom for a week prior. One wonderful man with apple got a hold of playdom for me, of course when they called me the game had crashed, he never called back! I stupidly forgot to get his name, so when I called playdom they threw me to the wolves.
I'm upset because I was at level 78 & had invested over 1000.00 and 10 mos in GOT . iTunes basically said tuff luck no refunds get ahold of game maker.! Here I go again. This has gone on for 2wks, 5 days with apple support who will do nothing! PLAYDOM on LINE won't even give me recognition you'd think with what I spent, somebody would have at least recognized me.

Bought stringed quartet& flamenco dancers, on quartet. Only gray space, on dancers one girl. This is my second complaint, after the last, they came on for about an half hr then oops gone again, even added some upgrade to quartet nothing. If I put them in inventory they show up, but once I stick them in garden same old story, please help!

I was very upset to find that I had purchased $80.00 worth of gold only to have accidentally hit the "special feature" Halloween scenes. It did not even come up with a "verify" this purchase. The icon for "Main Story" was so close to the Special Feature" icon I told my husband given each time I had to play the game I wondered when I was going to accidentally hit it since it continued to ask me if i wanted to buy it every time I tried to play the game. Well, sadly this self fulfilling prophecy came true.
Not only can I not see the scenes they are so dark, it is forcing me to play them as part of my quests. Amazon at least has a way to refund your money within several days if you buy a book you didnt want or accidentally purchased. I love this game and Disney...we just returned from our 10th visit but sadly this has put a "reality check" into my play time. The icons to purchase energy or gold are not available with just one touch. This should be done with special scene features as well. I mentioned to my husband before I ever accidentally hit the button I wondered how many people had done this.
That is a lot of money for each person doing it. I was saving my gold for upgrades and things to make my garden beautiful. I obviously won't be buying gold again only for this to happen When the next special feature comes out. We all know bad experiences affect our outlook negatively and I'm not feeling the "MAGIC!". If you can help me with this or give me an answer it would be appreciated.

I have played this game for more than two years and have completed it (ranked at 100, the highest). However, the game continues but Playdom does not expand the grid so that long-time players can continue to put items in the garden; the grid is maxed out.
Adding insult to injury is I pay the monthly fee but don't get the item of the month which, even if I did receive it, I don't have space to place it in the garden.
And, there is nothing on GOT site that allows me to complain.

I have cleared my history, reset myiPad, updated my game, and logged in and out numerous times however I still cannot receive my materials, energy, gifts, or log into any challenges. HELP! This has been going on for a week and I cannot upgrade any buildings to the next level.

I am so mad! I just used 182,250 coins to upgrade Royal Albert Hall to level 5. All the material requests had been in a completed state. I was short the last 60,750 needed for the 3 of 4 blueprint! When I went back to it I no longer had completed materials status & I was back to needing 0 of 4 blueprints. I have been requesting materials for this upgrade for months now! I won't buy fake gold with real money sorry! This is the 3 rd time I have tried to upgrade this item & others & have been cheated by the game! WTH!! This game is starting to be a drag! Enough of the million update arrows as well!

I have an account with Playdom's Gardens of Time...the 'neighbours facility' in my garden has been faulty for months... I have put at least two dozen complaints into the 'support facility' and keep getting asked the same dumb questions over and over again about my computer set-up at home. There is nothing wrong at my end, because I actually set up another account and managed another garden...which works perfectly in every the fault is obviously at their end and my faulty account.

I have played diligently to reach Level 91. For the first time, the glitches have overpowered my ability to go forward in the game. The game requires me to complete an art center, and upgrade a hospital, and to advance several buildings to 4 or 5 upgrade levels...otherwise I cannot advance the story. I can clear screens and earn stars and points, but I want to hear the characters again. None of my friends seem to be responsive to my request to help me with materials. This never was a problem before, and now I am "frozen in time" just like Elizabeth. This is a major pain and there seems to be nothing I can do, but hope that the material requests come through but it is painstakingly slow, and I know something must be wrong with the requests going through because others are compaining as well. What to do?

It's been better than 24 hrs & section to ask neighbors for building materials has not come on !??! Also neighbors to send gifts to, has only come up once.
Also, in puzzles there seems to be certain sticky objects that won't come, then after penalty, there it is! I have iPad 2 . While I'm at it, I've used my whole
team of neighbors for a certain object from time to time, often to come up nil.

During the editing process, such as moving objects around/ and or selling off objects or placing objects back in my box for later use, a screen would pop up declaring I updated an object,taking away my gold bars related to said object. This absolutely was untrue, since I have never did any updates yet since I started playing Garden Of Times since October 2012. I do not use the updates since I feel that is waisting my gold bars/money! Due to this assnine error, I, have lost 22 gold bars! Just wondering if this is just another way for Disney to become even more profitable! I would like to see the return of my gold bars back in my account but I guess that won't happen! If this company pulls this stunt on a number of consumers, imagine the profit it would gain. Yes,I am calling this company out,on what I would call a stealing process!

I bought gold with real money, so I could unlock a featured scene in the game "gardens of time". I played these scenes for a couple of days. They were "sleepy hollow" "draculas castle" and "frakensteins den" or something like that. I am now unable to access these featured scenes, although an icon in my garden instructs me to play them to receive gifts and achievements. When I try to access these scenes I get a page telling me that "featured scenes are coming soon". I think this is unfair as I payed about ten dollars for these scenes.

Lost 10,000 points in reputation today. Played in AM and only needed 60 points for next level. Signed on in PM and needed over 10,000 points.
One of my friends has been telling me she loses points all the time, but this is the only the 2 nd time I noticed it.

I have been playing Gardens of time for some time now, and enjoying myself immensley, Then I was sent a time crystal crafter ...since that time I am unable to make request one on one to my GOT friends or make posts requesting crystals I find this very unsetteling and find that I do not play the game anymore because of this as the whole idea of the game was to complete requests and so on. On average it was taking me 3 days to get 8 crystals for this reason I am requesting to be removed from the trial pertaining to the Time crystal crafter. Thank you Neila Clark

Gardens of time: 05/01/2012. Here is my complaint about the game, I am not impressed, Gardens has been stealing my gold. At first it was a brick or two every so often. A week or so ago it was a 12 brick bite and a few days later another nine brick bite.One day it bought me the conquistador { for 25 gold, I believe it was}. As far as I can figure it has taken at least 65 gold , if not more. Just a suggestion, but when buying something with gold it would be nice if we could get a conformation, to protect our gold from being taken. I have to be honest and say I am very disappointed in achieving the crystals in the game Gardens of Time. The rules state that every time you post for crystals needed, you are suppose to get 2 crystals for every person who likes.
Unfortunately this is not correct. I can speak for several other neighbors who have yet to achieve this goal due to none responsive posts of these crystals. We have worked for hours trying to obtain these crystals to no avail. Unfortunately we will not have enough time to achieve this particular goal due to the time line. I would have enjoyed it much better if I had gotten all the crystals I and many others have posted, but did not get. I love Gardens of Time and will continue to play because it is an AWESOME game. Here's an idea...extend the time frame for this challenge or give away free crystals so that we can achieve the goal intended. Just wishful thinking. Thanks for listening. *Smiles*

I made tokens in the time Lab, then I went to play and the screen kept going round and round and never opened. I bought tokens and still nothing happened. I love playing Gardens of Time but this might be the most frustrating thing ever in this game1

Inner circle payment for the 2 July 2013 (R151.38 ZAR) I.D. no: 386584914788465 but did not receive the gift "FERIA DE CABALLO" after i tried several time to complain about this I only keep getting that i'll hear from you in 72 hours...well do the since 2 July until now 3 September it's been 2 months +......please send my the building or some of my money back...other you don't leave me a choice to unsubscribe my inner circle ..thank you very much :) !!

I am having a problem with my message center working correctly. I am able to access Help Requests and Notifications then the screen goes blank. I cannot access the "All" category. I have been playing since GoT started and I have lost over 351 million pieces of silver. It's disgusting. Why bother playing when I only have thousands of pieces of silver.
Visited garden while moving screen to find Chauncey w gift to hide a blue police box popped up i hover to X out and it took my GOLD and i bought this - overall is too hard to move screen to find place gift in this game and all sorts of things open up while just moving the screen around and too easy to loose GOLD when one is just hovering to X out of a pop up.
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