Google Complaints Continued... (Page 4)
327+ reviews added so far. Upset? Call Google corporate: 1-650-253-0000
Unimaginable how you could possibly have put Chavez face on your site on Easter Sunday. Wow.. such bad taste and totally insulting to ALL the Christians around the world. I am trying to figure out why it is OK to dishonor our holiday. I will no longer be using your site and will be encouraging others to do the same. You should be ashamed..totally disgraceful.

I don’t know what Google did to change my forwarding format to Compose but I do not like it!!
My system was working fine, and I had no complaints. Your Compose System does not work for me. It is time consuming and complicated! Change it back or give me the option of using what ever procedure I choose to forward emails.
I went to Google because the system was user friendly. You are no longer user friendly! What happened to Beta testing with your customers for inputs prior to making a big alteration in operating procedures?? Any body else not happy?

I know how left leaning you are, but really? Easter Sunday of all days you choose to slap Christians in the face with a photo of Chavez? Really? You couldn’t stay neutral and place a photo of bunnies and eggs?
I have an android phone, a google phone number and email address. Guess as soon as I can, all three will disappear. I am thoroughly disgusted in your political display on the most celebrated Christian holiday. I suppose if it were a muslim holiday you would have gone overboard to celebrate it.
Way to go Google – you just thoroughly ticked off millions of Christians. Oh, by the way, it appears your Washington office is being bombarded by calls since you can’t even take more messages at this phone number.
Remember – you may all think that everyone you associate is a socialistic anti Christian as you are, but we ARE the majority in America and we are through being silent about daily persecution.

What were you thinking by displaying Chavez on your opening page rather than an Easter celebration display on the Google home page. I will switch my opening search engine to Yahoo. Easter is a time to remember Jesus Christ, our Savior and the sacrifice he made for all of humanity. Not Chavez who is only a mere man. You have lost a customer, I will use another search engine going forward instead of Google. I will never use your site again. Goodbye. You can keep Cesar Chavez. I will use Yahoo or any other service, but not Google.

We have our address listed in Google as their place of business. They also have a map showing their businesses are operating at our home address. This is a private residential address and we are sick of getting their mail because of incorrect information on Google maps, and would like to complain. Where is their corporate contact information?
We have lived here for 4 years and wish Google to remove these adds from the internet. I understand that businesses online did operate from this address some years ago , but to our knowledge not for about 6 years. Please someone help fix this at once!

my neighbour aunty’s image was posted in google it was unlegal so remove it from the google search. is there a way to remove google images from search or at least stop them from showing up, please it’s important that we stop this my aunty is very upset that her image is posted in google, she does not want people to be abel to find these at once. working to solve it but unable to find a contact info or email with the google, they seem to not wish to help us solve this dreadful problem!

The comment made about myself as owner of All Property Apparaisal Ltd. is “This guy is inept and should not be allowed to appraise anything”. I would like to know who who filled this comment, in that I have been valueing properties for over Thirty years and have never had a complaint. May have had a disagreement over values when the owner feels his value is somewhat higher than what was in the report.
This complaint in my openion was put forward by a person whom I feel, felt that his value should have been $75,000.00 plus higher. In his neighbourhood and quality of home this was not likely. Or it came from my X-Buisness partner. If you will not supply me the details of the complaint and/or who was responsible then remove the comment on all locations where it appears.

We have had nothing but trouble with Google. Google double click keeps coming up on our back button. Google is slow to connect to the internet and their e-mail account is difficult to use. They put up all of this stuff,We do not use. I am not interested in their scam advertisements,facebook and twitter. Just want simple and something easy to use. So tired of having to run our spy and virus removers. About ready to use a different home page and e-mail. Our internet explorer keeps jumping around and doing all sorts of stuff. I keep having to use my Mr Fix it program. It works for a while until we do searches on Google.

Can you explain why google is taking so long to come up on my system it only started happening when you changed to MYSTART INCREDAMAIL I dont know why you did that it has slowed my connecting to the internet time down and has trouble connecting to sites and before you start pointing the finger at me the user and my computer drivers and software please, maybe it does need looking at AT your end. My computer has recently been debugged and whatever else so I know it is running at its best from the technical side on software and hardware so please DONT start mucking around in my system without my permission.
I know you are reasonably intelligent people running this internet provider system but even the most intelligent people can have off days and Telstra in Australia are in the process of and have just started to use higher technology through wiring and connecting towers to make life easier for the user SO AGAIN CAN YOU GIVE ME SOME KIND OF EXPLANATION AS TO WHY THIS IS HAPPENING TO MY COMPUTER. Maybe going to a different opening page to connect to various things instead of that b…..y incredamail might help

Google, my wayward and daft child. How thou hath enjoyed thoroughly making a whole generation of information-age children victims of your censorship. A mere year or two ago, a search with very specific political/societal connotations promptly resulted in suitable results: if I searched for “rap sucks,” I would get pages expressing and arguing that idea. If I searched for “google is a bunch of over-educated and somehow under-thinking twats out to make the world an extension of contemporary values” I would get a page that damn near tried to fit the search terms.
Nowadays, however, if I search “rap sucks,” I’m sure to get a rap song containing the word “suck” or “sucks.” Cool, Google, real cool. I could search for “Pu-239 passing Russian border,” and my first result will be related to some sort of consumer product, pop-culture news, celebrity events or pop-culture music. F*** you, Google. I wish I had aborted thee.

Does Google want to lose customers? Why can’t they set up the instant search feature as something that you have to “turn on” instead of something you repeatedly have to turn “off” I am now using Firefox and Yahoo which by the way, doesn’t require 3 steps to utilize in peace! I find the instant search feature most annoying and I’ve finally had enough. I am certain that there are thousands more who feel the same way. What is wrong with you people at Google anyway? If it isn’t broke, then don’t try to fix it for those of us who prefer to search the web without all the distraction! Not a fan anymore.

I typed in Rod Licence renewal on Google, as a first time applicant I clicked on and followed the application instructions on the website. At the bottom it had a tick box saying this application was not refundable, I procceded I have a blue badge so put the number in the box, the cost was £41 per years. I have since found out that if I had gone to the Environment Agency site I would of only paid £18. This Rod License Renewal Scam on Google I find is totally unaceptable and a con.

“Google Instant” is like a virus that keeps coming back to plague my computer. In a way it is a virus; the functions that I have set up to safeguard my computer won’t work when Google Instant is turned on. Avg Free fails to post search results after the first ten items. I hate being continuously second guessed by Instant. Google Instant should be an option to be selected, not rejected through a painstaking process to shut it off. Every time that I restart my computer or clear history I have to do it again. I could scream!!!
Why are we forced to either repeatedly disable or live with bad programming, when it would have been so easy for Google to just have a checklist to the side for options to be selected without backtracking through the search options to reset the unwanted parameters. If I didn’t hate the appearance of Yahoo so much, I would go there. Why is it when a comment or complaint needs to be issued to Google, there is no Google Complaints Department to be found? Is there something about Google that is so sinister that the are in hiding?

I received a spam email on my gmail account. (I’m assuming that gmail is “Google Mail”. I tried reporting this item to the FBI to no avail. I tried replying to the sender of this email, only to receive the following message from my gmail account. “Senior Romance ” does not appear to be a valid email address. Please check the address and try again. I tried calling my local FBI Atlanta office to inquire as to how to solve this problem. The FBI employee advised me to find out how to report spam through my gmail account. So my question is: How am I to report spam entered in my gmail account when there is no “Report this as spam” option in Gmail.
The body of this letter was nothing but html hypertext. I’d appreciate some help on how to nail these senders once and for all! Is there no help here from on Google High?

That handy page that was a good reason to stick with Google Chrome is now worthless. Because Google Aps now appear at the top of the new tab page, I have to tab repeatedly to get to the links to the pages that I frequently visit. Because the # of aps on the new tab page keeps changing, I can’t memorize the # of times to hit the tab key to get to the particular page I want. So like in the bad old days, I end up using the mouse or ng tab a dozen times access the links to the webpages I visit at least once a day w/o the mouse – very hard on people with carpal tunnel problems.

Please find a way to let us turn off the Google predictive search feature, that has rolled out in updates recently. It is now the default search feature when I open up a browser, and it is also on my Comcast homepage search engine. It is the most annoying feature ever, and has no redeeming value for me as I look for things each day. Everything I search for on Google now takes five times as long. Instead I am now using Bing, Firefox or Safari for all my searches because this predictive search feature is freezing everything up.

The predictive suggestions from the Google search bar are nothing more than spam and are ruining the Google experience for many of your customers, and as you know full well it can not be turned off. But I can turn off Google and choose a different search engine. This would be a shame for those of us who have remained loyal to Google for many a year. I predict that I am not the only person to suggest this!

I was using a company to host my Google maps the person i was dealing with became unreasonable the site was paid to that point. I received my pin,# from Google I gave it to this guy he put it in his name and i can’t get it back, in the mean time he is trashing my site and has changed it around how do i Get it back into my name.

I ordered my 7 inch touch screen android google netbook on january 27th and here it is february 12th and I didn’t receive it yet. I look for it to come everyday, and still no box at the door, my status still say’s preparing shipping. What is going on with my order. Thank you

Hi can you please remove my picture from your Google street photograph. I don’t want to appear on this picture and never gave you permission to show me like that . The picture is located at 13 crouch road RM16 4bx, I have not given permission for this to be used nor do I wish it to be now or in the future by Google or anyone else. Thank you.

googles new prediction search is extremely annoying, as soon as you type the first letter in the search box it goes searching and comes back with web results that you’re not interested in and it slows you down every time you put another letter in, it goes searching for websites and it doesn’t let you finish the word your searching for, in my opinion it’s a been a big mistake. the old google way was much better where it only showed the results in the drop down without finding the results and let you choose from the drop box without slowing you down. annoyed extremely, if it doesn’t go back to the old way, am leaving google and finding myself another search engine.

we are trying to get our website up and running on google but another company are using our name to promote their company. If you put in Party Mania Cambridge into the google search, Party Delights website is the first link. Is this illegal as we have called them to remove this link as it is stopping us from advertising our company!

google management, i would like you too see the… management of your google account as any other outsider is trying to fool the inter net user by making an issue of wining prices in lotto game. i humbly request you to check those fraud members who all are using the google in a wrong way. thank you.

I downloaded Chrome to use until Firefox fixed the recent problem it was having of crashes. I have nothing but complaints about Chrome. I can’t visit my U.S. Army email account because there’s a certificate error. IE and FF let me bypass this, but not Chrome. Newsflash to Google: No .mil website has a certificate. Does that mean they’re unsafe and you shouldn’t allow me to visit them? Also, with other browsers, there’s an arrow at the end of the address bar so I can see the history of websites I’ve typed in. This was something I used a lot, but I can’t do it with the version of Chrome they’re offering. I’m forced to search through my history. My list could go on, but I don’t want to waste any more time on Chrome.

So the Google Adsense competitive ad filter is terrible. The Adsense competitive ad filter is honestly a piece of crap product that Google should be ashamed of. It works like this: when adsense shows ads which are either competitive or irrelevant to your site (which happens all the time) you can put them into the Adsense competitive ad filter so Google will stop displaying them. Sounds good in principle, but in practice it is terrible. You have to cut and paste those ads into the Competitive Ad Filter, and have to wait at least a couple hours to see if it works.
The Google adsense competitive ad filter it only works about 75% of the time! And now I have so many blocked competitors, I never know whether I’m adding a site that has already be blocked or not and I have to go back and delete the duplicates. Basically, Google either doesn’t want you to use the Competitive Ad Filter or did a terrible job of designing it. I have tried to block sites that I don’t want being shown, honestly because they are adult subject matter and I run a blog that I want to be family oriented. For awhile I had a Christian website that ran nothing but psychic and atheist religious ads. I had to watch my ads and copy and paste every single one I wanted blocked into my competitive ad filter, one by one! Can we get something a tad more efficient please Google adsense?

Questions about work-at-home offers are some of the most frequently asked questions to the BBB. Consumers want to know whether offers to earn money working at home are real or scams. Rebecca Jarvis offered advice on “The Early Show” about how to avoid the scams and pull in some real money. If you do a Google search on work from home, 99.9 percent of results will be a scheme to try to rip you off, according to the Better Business Bureau, she says bottom line: You shouldn’t have to pay money to get a job.

What happened to the little guys? Google has a monopoly on all the data that is out there today, or is that just me? I know facebook and other things have tons of users, but seriously Google is taking over! I own a small parts business online and Google represents most if not all of my traffic. If I don’t do exactly what Google wants and how they want it, then I am in danger of being banned from their searches, and that would be devastating to my traffic!
They know so much about everybody already and have tons and tons of information on everybody who has every done a search at Google over the years. Honestly who hasn’t shared stuff with Google they would never tell another person???? I guess I am just in a complaining mood, but I found this site and figured what the hect.
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i am sick and tired of spanish come up in my browser i have my setting in english what's the problem.
other browsers do not do this. chrome is having problems all the time . i pretty much have had it.

It's absolutely awful that I can't sign in to my account on another comp/Laptop other than my own. I currently do not have a cell phone so I can't receive verification texts, so I sent my email and you STILL couldn't confirm it's my account, what an absolute JOKE that system is, absolutely pathetic, it really is...I have work to do this weekend, and now I can't, thanks google, you absolutely suck. Sort it out and get me back into my account

Why does Google discriminates against the White Males.?Is it a normal practice at Google to give preferential treatments for Jews, Indians, Asians, Females, and be bias toward White and Black Males, also against Hispanics ?

My daughter called google in Canada asking for help to get into her google account. She had to change pass word 3 times and still couldn't' get in. The people who answered hung up 3 times for no reason. Very angry. POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE.

I have been receiving phone calls on my business phone from companies selling Google listing. I listed on Nov. 7, 2017 with a company called Modern Spotlight. I continue to receive calls from other companies one told me to complain to google head office. I hope this is the correct form to issue this complaint and look forward to an answer or action that could stop these calls short of disconnecting the phone. Thank you for your attention to this matter and I look forward to a solution that makes these phone calls stop.

We have used Googlemail for a number of years without having to use a password to access it. Now we have been told to change our password but your system does not recognise any password which we thought we had created and possibly does not recognise our e-mail address for the account which we created some years ago and now we are supposed to know the date on which the account was created and of course, we have not kept a record because we never thought that it would be necessary. On inputting our telephone number we are told that your system does not recognise either of our names. Your system is ridiculously complicated. We have already provided an e-mail address which you can check on and you e-mailed that address with a verification code but when we re-enter your system to input the code, we have to re-input the address which triggers another e-mail and a new code so we have to remain on screen until our daughter can inform us of the latest verification code. Since she is working this will have to wait until she is available and this may take some time. Meanwhile we are e-mailless and have been so for over a week thanks to you. We have contacted your helpline number to be given a recovery website address which has been accessed only to find several alternatives which we do not trust as being official. Some customer service.


I ask for free reverse mobile phone location app. Everyone that show up you have to pay to get location of momoblie phone right now where it is located

I called your customer service number to get help with my account and my granddaughter's account, I must have sound a little confusing but there was no need to hang up on me. when I called back someone picked up the phone and put it back down. I talked to another gentleman who helped me with my account and then hung up without helping me with my granddaughter's account, I give up. I think we have a language barrier or they're just not able to help me. If they aren't , I could appreciate them saying so.

Am completely fed up with Google mail and its continuous loading icon that goes on forever or having to recover web pages because they have frozen that take ages to get back. I often switch off. Doesn't happen on my mobile but I like to work with a desktop. Thinking of going back to Hotmail because Google is a right pain and has been for a long time. Also why does it keep asking me to get on to Chrome every time I go on email. I am on Chrome. Get rid of your pesky question on my page please. Drives me mad and obliterates email messages. MY IP supplier has replaced my router and made no difference.

I received several notifications of a reward. Iphone 7 and attempted to verify the validity. And to inform that I could not add my cvv number due to putting a 3rd party payment block due to previous scam. I enquired whether there was some other way of paying for postage. EE account or discover tha £5 and then £16 was required to get an answer. This seems excessive to just validate and help with this.

I want to know why you are censoring people that you feel don't fit your narrative this is called policing our opinions it's illegal and I'm telling you we are censoring your company this is not right your company needs to stop this asap

Please consider this HATE MAIL for killing the Nik Software collection. Do you have any idea how many photographers depend upon that set of plug-ins? Why did Google buy Nik if they weren't going to maintain it?????!!!! Killing the Nik software has just undone all the good that Google has done for world, I will never forgive Google for doing this. Charge us for the software if you have to, or sell it to someone that will maintain it. but don't let it die! Every photographer I know now loathes and detests Google for this despicable act.

My nexus 9 tablet would not open one day. It went through the 'sign in cycle' that so many others have described an was not caused by me. The only way to clear this was to reset using the external buttons. When restarting, it requests that i use the original account details. I tried with what I can recall and failed. An option for verification with sms was questions but one including when the account was set up. If i can't recall a password or other details how do you think i will recall a question like this.
I took an educated guess and it let me through. I am at a stage where i have tried a private account with the correct, a google account with the correct details, but wrong, another google account which was work and i assume closed as i have resigned. Surely if you have details of these you can cross reference details? If i cannot recall a non google account then i do not know what to do. Why does it not give the option to reopen details by confirming with proper security questions or verification through phone etc. I never asked for this level of security and was not informed. The pad does not have any life threatening data and i would rather lose it and have someone use it than having this level of encryption.
I should have had an option when setting up or if i did one that i understood because i would have unchecked it. I expect you to confirm who I am in another way and help me to resolve this issue.

I have been trying to get onto google my business for like 2 years without success. The Filipino call center don't call me to verify my ad on google my business, so it goes back to me calling again to trying to get them to call but then they keep sending me an email wanting me to video verify. I don't want to do that because I am an onsite computer repairer, and very few people come to my house and I really don't want people to just turn up to my house wanting me to fix their computers. So the circle just keeps going round and round and round and round so i am not happy at all matter of fact I am considering taking legal options to sort this out.

I have just received notification from Google that two of my sites violate their advertising policies and therefore all my ads have been shut down. Nothing new has been done to these two sites for at least two weeks maybe longer. The person that looks after this for me is on vacation and it is Friday.
At one time I handled everything Google (we have been using Adwords since its inception, and as the user interface got more and more complicated I was forced to bring in people to manage that for me. I called in to ask what the problem was and was basically told that my landing page has been compromised and that the only way for me to discover what I need to fix is to use the search console which required me to load code onto my home page.
that is beyond my ability and frankly I find this an absolute customer service failure on Google's behalf. I am not a huge multinational client of Google but I have literally consistently spend between $200 and $800 a month since the get go, I would expect a little more than that from a business partner of mine. I wish there was an alternative and now fully endorse The Economist's recent article on the domination of our industries by companies such as Google.

I purchased a Nexus 6P with Nexus Protect on 9/30/2015. I decided June 28, 2016 that I wanted to try Google Fi because my Verizon Wireless bills were very high. Once I received the Project Fi SIM card, I tried using it in my phone for a few weeks and decided that the coverage in my home area was fine, but at my job it was not very strong, so I decided to cancel my Fi service. This began a long series of problems that ultimately ended in my checking account being withdrawn and my Google Drive service being cancelled for my payment being declined without any chance for me to correct the problem.
When I put my Verizon SIM back into my phone, the phone would not recognize the service, despite it working for months with the same SIM card prior to me trying Fi. I spent 2 hours at the Verizon store trying to get my service working, and they were finally able to get my phone to recognize the service my giving me a new SIM card, activating it in a floor model phone (because it wouldn't activate in my Nexus 6P), and then putting the activated card into my phone, at which point I got signal and was able to make calls. What I didn't know at the time (and wouldn't find out for a few months after), was that my phone was constantly sending requests to activate Call Forwarding and it was preventing any calls from reaching my phone.
That meant I never got a missed call or anything on my phone, but I would get a text message that someone left me a voicemail after (because texting wasn't affected by Call Forwarding). After weeks of working with Verizon (resetting the phone to factory specs, trying new SIM cards, adjusting settings on my account), they said the problem was my phone, not their service. I think there may be some problem with Google Fi releasing service from a Nexus 6P when leaving, you may want to look into that.
I called Google to see if they could help me, and they said I could replace my phone since I have a warranty. However, they said that they needed to put a hold on my account for the cost of the phone until they received my phone back. I asked them if that meant my funds wouldn't be available and the person on the phone said they would be (he was wrong). That left me with $13 left in my account, which obviously I wasn't expecting and it caused my entire financial life to be thrown asunder temporarily.
I have to say, why did I pay for a warranty that requires me to basically buy a new phone temporarily? Most companies I've worked with for warranty replacements only charge the customer after the 30 day return policy has passed and they don't receive the product. Obviously I returned my old phone the day after I received my new one, but this is really awful business practice. If I didn't have that money in my account (which I barely did), I wouldn't have been able to use my warranty!
In the interim between the hold being placed on my account and the funds being released, my Google Drive payment was attempted to be withdrawn from my bank account and the payment was declined. I got a notification from Google, but the "Fix or Retry Now" button only takes you to a statement page with no instructions on how to retry the payment or try a different card! It's like they don't want you to fix the problem until your account is expired! I have since gotten my account cancelled and re-signed up for service, which wa sthe only course of action I could figure out.
I would very much like someone to reach out to me to discuss this series of events that were in my mind, entirely Google's fault. Your company failed on a number of levels and I really want to know that something will be done to fix some of these issues.

The sign in button for email no longer shows up on my home page, pain in the fanny to google the right sight to get it. Google keeps saying I have no connection and will not come up, so I have to use other engines and MOST important. Yahoo took over my Google engine and Microsoft explorer. It was impossible to get out. I uninstalled/reinstalled; checked defaults...went through and took out anything related to yahoo and google. Within a couple days it kept coming back. I sent a nasty email to yahoo corp. 2 days later my computer completely crashed. I believe the malware infected my computer when I installed "Chromium" (not Chrome) it says its from Google; I could not uninstall it no matter what I did. If I had the money I would sue Yahoo.

Google overwhelms webpages with advertisements in Chrome. Makes it tedious to use. Sometimes the ads are difficult to tell from the real content. They should outline the ads with a heavy border or something. It's almost like Adwords and Adsense are spammers. I am sorry to see this.

We hired a trusted photographer with google in Calgary, Alberta. It took her 8-weeks and 4 re-shoots to get the photos. Once we paid her the final deposit, she disappeared. I have been emailing and phoning her with no response. We were told, upon final payment she would have our photos posted to google as a virtual tour (which has not happened). We are well into the third week of no response from her. At this point, we feel that she ripped us off and if I can not get ahold of her (despite repeated attempts) what am I supposed to do?

I am a retired university professor and I communicate with approximately 500 recipients of my list, all over the world. Because, As perhaps you know, Greece is enslaved under occupation by the EU, I send messages to MEPs of EU, on the plight of the enslaved Greece. My sending was, according to the guidelines of google. Maximum 500 recipients per message through your website and 100 through the reduction in outlook. Obviously whenever there is a requirement for remission from my list, is done immediately.
Without mentioning any specific to me and asking me to find the reason by myself, Google Greece, disconnected first my email. Before they allowed me only two emails per day. Next they disconnected and my second email, then they connected it, asking every time the password to log in. Given the situation of enslavement of Greece, please check whether my suffering comes from actions to google Greece, from EU. Or from the obedient servant of EU, “Greek” government.

Someone at Google HQ has misused my contact information and put the wrong ads in for my websites. I already contact all of these websites as well as Google. But if anyone searches online they see the wrong information. I have been told there is nothing Google can do about this, even after submitting a complaint on the Google support website. How can I contact the Google CEO and fix this for good? I am getting hundreds of incorrect calls each month now.

Cannot verify my Google account. I know the problem is that I am outside the US. Yes, I was able to get the foreign computer on the list of my devices. Have searched and searched and I know my username and password. I even tried changing my password to get in and still cannot. The only forum suggestion is to delete the account and start over.

I'm originally from San Francisco and relocated to another state. I heard about Google express from family members. I wanted to see what all the talk was about so I signed up for the trial membership and excited to use the $15 off and my order was rejected. Second attempt, rejected. I have money in my account so it couldn't of been my card that was being declined. Third attempt of the same thing. I used my bank card and still canceled my order and didn't even allow me to enjoy the benefits of Google express.
I called customer service which happened to be a waste of time because nothing was resolved after she said that she looked into the problem which was stopping me from being serviced. So I gave up. It says that it delivers to my area, but clearly it doesn't. They are false advertising and to me I think it's only to obtain credit card information and billing addresses of customers. They not once delivered any of my orders and trust me I tried about ten times. I finally went to Walmart and got everything I needed.

I have an ongoing issue with Google Apps for Work. I raised a case some time back after realizing that Google did not invoice my company with the correct company name. I have shared a number of conversations, mostly with seemingly inept individuals based in an office in Bulgaria. Seemingly there is no management escalation process. Hapless individuals repeatedly close my case even though my issue is not remedied - it has been going-on for months now.
The latest advisor informed me of the following:
"I've heard back from our specialist regarding this issue and found that you're Google Apps for Work account was affected by an issue, during our migration to our new billing system, which updated your previous payment receipts with your current billing profile information. This was not expected behavior and I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.
Unfortunately, as my colleagues have previously mentioned, it will not be possible to update your previous invoices with your new billing information. However, I can assure you that all future invoices will display the current information in your billing profile."
This is not good enough. Clearly Google does not realize that they have a legal obligation to supply me with VAT invoices - MY VAT invoices with MY company details on them. With no way of reaching anyone credible at Google, today I have taken the disappointing action of reporting Google to the Financial Conduct Authority.

I own a dental practice. I had a patient contact us yesterday very relieved that we are still here as when he searched in Google, it came up with a short list of which we were on but next to our business in red it stated that we are permanently closed. This information is incorrect and could cost my business money and put our patients through un-necessary worry. We are currently going through a transition at the moment as we are no longer a NHS practice and this incorrect information could be very damaging.

I have a complaint, ever since I stopped using google it just seems like my iPhone sometimes gets redirected to something not related to my search. I search on yahoo or bing, and believe me the results suck, and I do believe that google has something to do with it.

I read a NY Times open piece about Cooper and his DC Blog. I find it shocking that Google assumed the power to shut down the blog with its archives as well as his e-mail account. According to what I understand, you did this in direct violation of your own Terms of Service. In this day when vindictiveness is used as a political tool, you appear to have hoisted on your own petard. My additional reading on the subject finds that you are the only arbiter in many situations and Google corporate headquarters the CEO wield absolute power in a wide variety of cases. Again, not wishing to overstate my case, your actions fall inline with the all powerful Donald Trump. Obviously I am in no position to part ways with Google services, but to say that I am both disappointed and angry would be an understatement. If I have not reached the 100 word requirement and this precludes me from being heard, I see this as another instance of your cavalier attitude.

I registered my account in France and now moved back to the uk. I cannot access apps on play and am not downloading anything more till I can revolve this issue. The issue lays around my banking app, refuses to let me access it and is informing my that its not permitted in your country. Find this strange as people these days live in more than one country and have bank accounts in these. Not so globally friendly after all.

Google charged my account without my permission and told me to contact the app developer for a refund. After confirmation that the developer never received funds from these purchases Google still will not refund me. So what did I buy exactly! $600 total was charged illegality. To make it worse my bank closed my fraud claim against Google before the developer confirmed they never received these transactions and will not allow me to reopen my claim without a police report with a suspect named. So who do I contact for this situation? I am in disbelief the way I've been treated and how can Google get away with this?

Went on Zuuvu [dot] com through a Google search. Told it was free to subscribe. Just wanted info. They took over $300.00 from my master car. I do not play these kinds of games. Want to unsubscribe and get my money back! No answer from them. This website is a total scam!

When I open google Chrome to do a search the following appears. Be who you are. Love who you love. #prideforeveryone. I want to use a service without having to mentally deal with someones agenda, political, social or otherwise. Please remove this and just let me use your search engine without extraneous sayings.

If you 'google' "Wildlife Rehab in Yucaipa, CA", a site comes up with my name and home phone number. I would like this removed immediately as I am retired from the hobby of rehabilitating wildlife for nearly three years. Both wildlife groups mentioned on this site say that this is not their problem. Can you help me, please?

The Google doodle today is celebrating "black supremacy". By celebrating a woman that they refer to as a "human rights activist". Yuri Kochiama was not an activist! If she was an activist for white supremacy she would be far from celebrated! No race should have supremacy! The world doesn't work well with one supreme race! There are a number of races on this earth and we are all equal. Google has the nerve to spell out "equality" in the back ground. Any supremacy is far from equality! This is either ignorance or just plain stupidity! Why is google trying to cause division among the users?

I was on Facebook opening video that was posted. Then all of sudden site throw me to "Google " saying that I did win with my tablet an iPhone 6 for download an specific app. I don't trust had to answer 4 questions then add bank details and address. It looks same as Google symbol but i am scared to put bank details. Did took screen shot for you to see. This is not Google, it's a hack! Please be aware of the site Zuuvu.

I am a business owner, however I am not the page owner of the Google Business page. The page owner is a former employee who I fired for stealing from me. As page owner he has been putting incorrect information on the Google page to disrupt my business. He puts the incorrect phone number, hours of operation, website etc etc.
Every time he does this I request an amendment from Google, and the error is usually corrected within a couple of days. By such time the page owner has again changed the information. I have spoken to Google about this and have had numerous email exchanges. Firstly, they said their policy was to request the page owner to give up that position which he obviously didn't do.
After several weeks and emails Google advised there is nothing they can do!!! They suggested I resolve the matter directly with the page owner. I am reluctant to do this, as when I fired him, he tried to assault me. Only a couple of days ago eh tried to extort money from me by asking me to pay him for the rights to the Google page!
Surely Google must be able to see how wrong their policy is? I am flabbergasted they cannot help me, and yet they help a page owner who is no longer an employee who was fired for stealing!

On my personal Google page they are carrying an item distorting my views, and wrongly and inaccurately attributing words and views to me which I did not use. At no time did I ever say, as you assert, that the North was 'desolate'. Kindly remove this highly misleading item from the Google website under my name if you can. Or give me the UK contact info for Google corporate.

I cannot sign into Google from my cell phone. It tells me to contact customer care, yet they do not answer the phone number I have for Google corporate.

During web searches from Google I am being led to explicit bad websites in which I am NOT in the least bit interested. I find this disgusting and intrusive and disruptive to what I am actually interested in. I will appreciate it if something is done to avoid such practices.

At least one week ago I attempted to set up an account for Google gmail, but for some reason the account was disabled and is still so. No explanation or request for info has been made. If Googles policy is ti ignore problems hoping they will go away it is highly likely you will not reply to this complaint.

Despite three weeks of constant calls emails chats, in order to remove an old telephone number from an old duplicate account at a closed business address Google simply do not edit the number or remove the site address. This is costing my business thousands through many lost calls. Why can they not do what I ask and simply remove the incorrect number? Getting desperate now. I may need to resort to legal action if no resolution. Disgusting non existent service.

Somebody has posted a very bad review on my company on google and I want it removed it is affecting my business. Yet Google will not respond to my calls to their customer service department. Well, guess what, now my complaint is about Google!

The complaint is about the appalling condition the Google search engine is and the problems it causes me when I am using it. Nearly everyday when I use Google, the screen freezes or disconnects from the Google server and sometimes the server is unavailable to be used. The Internet now has been around for at least 40 years now and with it being 2016, we should have technology now, which stops these from occurring.
I am surprised to see the state of the Internet be like this still in this day an age. I think the Internet will become much worse as time goes on, because it seems to me that no lessons have been learned from the mistakes you have made. When people such as myself looses connection I then loose everything I was working on.

We requested Google to remove outdated content as this content is deformatory and to date Google did nothing. Their customer service does not exist!

I was sent an email by some one posing as google saying I have won a google lottery asking for in formation I sent it back and then another person emailed me with confirmation number and I have tried to email them back it tells me unable delivery failed. Please let me know whats happening with this if its a scam then I think you should know about gmail scams?
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