Google Complaints Continued... (Page 6)
327+ reviews added so far. Upset? Call Google corporate: 1-650-253-0000No Reviews
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Someone has been through email texting my phone over 100 times a day. It is a Google gmail spam account that I have submitted for removal without any success. How can I stop this person?

I am very unhappy when I call your customer support help line number 888-361-3731 and they are trying to sell me a security fix or product. I don't know what country it was but I suspect India. I am very frustrated when you call your customer support line and the people are trying to tell you everyone has your information and I am in jeopardy of my information being stolen and all of my accounts are compromised. I know it is a scare tactic to try to get me to buy their security fix. I called my local computer tech person and he assured me that everything is OK. It is very time consuming when you think they are trying to help you and they are only trying to sell you. My time is valuable and I don't have the time to have my hours stolen from me and in the end my issue not being corrected. I have also let them have remote access to my computer and now I am really angry. I am so angry I am thinking about changing my email and search engine. I don't expect to hear back from you except a computer generated email response and that even makes me more upset.

Google Stop censoring and suppressing the Alternative media. #DontSeeEvil #DontExposeEvil #GoogleAltDelete

I got a Google e-mail like this which i can't understand is it from Google or any Fraudulent activity. the person also send me 3 pages latter with some description and also signature of google directors, read down message.
Dear Google User, You have been selected as a winner for using Google services. Find attached email with more details. To claim your reward, please contact our Foreign Payment Bureau officer below by neatly filling the verification and funds release form below, as your payment will be released and arranged by our United Kingdom Office.

Have computer , cell phone, and lap top, google will not let me sign in to all 3 three, must change my pass word each time. and then can only sign in to one device.. so tired cannot get my mail. , server to work , have 2nd account , associated cannot access that either .. cannot sign in to u tube.. and cannot get any help .. Because cannot sign in or contact anyone, big money hogs, 65 i need to bea computer school grad to use my devices with google... Thanks for nothing exempt headache, and keeping my grands away from me. One of the few joys in my life.... And i am not the only one suffering while you get rich and enjoy you bet you use yahoo. They well talk with you and help you , can sigh in to multiple devices. So why am i not there because you fatheads my grand son is ill and he knows how to contact me here... +

Why don't they just ask us about our security questions. Google can't expect us to answer so many dates on when we used their products. That is absolutely insane and it is making it hard for us to get back on our youtube account.

I have tried numerouse times to be taken of the do not call list. And still they keep calling. You delete your number then they send you to another solicitating co. To call you some more. This is what they do they just send it and your info to another calling agency and its starts all over again. I had them hang up many times , and had arguments with them telling them to stop. and they told me they can call anytime they want even if your on the do not call list. Sound like they need a class action law suit field to spank those assholes where it counts. in there wallet.

Google Postini suggested us use an autocreation system for our emails and the system created almost 200 false emails into our postini account, then continued to charge us for those accounts, we started to notice the overcharge back in 2012 and had been contacting Google Support to help us with it but they ended up figuring out that the auto creation system was creating these and finally told us how to stop it but never refunded are money and continued to keep charging us, they say we owe them $35,000 ... it is definitely immoral and it seems to be illegal too ...

I live at 28 Spital Park, Kendal, LA9 6HG, you are showing it in the wrong position on your map which is confusing people when they try to identify where I live. The correct position is the 3rd house on the right as you leave Appleby Road not on the circle of houses as show, I would therefor be gratefull if could amend to save any future confusion.

I am disappointed with your Easter Day logo. I am sure you have your reasons and certainly it's your prerogative but I've come to expect more sophistication, tact and wisdom in your choice of logos. Is there a more important date in History than Easter? Perhaps, in the future, we should expect Chavez Eggs instead of Easter Eggs from Google.

The behavior begins with the offer of an appealing App (Pinterest, Evernote for examples, but no "sign in with Google account" offering App is spared.) Once you commit this "error", your mailbox is vulnerable to any message and any number of messages these sites choose to send. I have found no way to relegate these messages to JUNK mail (intentionally not a Gmail option, or did I miss the instructions) as a user preference, and some of these sites are relentless.
I have on some occasions seen a link to opt out, but is this apparent "carte blanc" provided by Google not a bit of a security risk? It feels like a breach of trust, with your mail account as a mandatory open conduit for these companies. This is in addition to all the permissions the App demands for you to download it. Your other option, sign in using Facebook begins with the assumption that everyone has/wants a facebook account, and you must therefore link to your web of friends in order to benefit from the App. How does this benefit Google? The answer to this question could generate very interesting topics for further query.

I was very sad to see that Easter was ignored by Google, when this special holy day is celebrated world wide. The figure portrayed is a local icon, at best. Google generally always celebrates holidays -- Valentine's Day 2013 and Halloween 2012 as examples. I will be switching search engines so that I don't have to view the disrespect that Google demonstrates toward the Christian world.

When looking to upgrade something you don't down grade a truly great product and substitute a sub par one. Does not give a warm and fuzzy for Apples future endeavors.
The new maps does not even work correctly In Dallas or NY how are we supposed to use this garbage for directions when they are wrong or don't exist in London or US.
I am not going to say please as that never works with Apple the only thing that works is when market share goes down and that is what I am hopeing for. Big taboo to give a sub par program that is so heavily used such as maps and have it not work at all.
I had this map take me through a private (gated) community to get to a public place. Not a smart move.

I am complaining about the lifetime ban on adsense, I am not a criminal, I am a good standing citizen, ok I would be fine with a ten year ban but life?? I am not the same person I was when I was banned, I was young and dumb, I am human, I make mistakes, I think 2 strikes or a period ban, my record by law is clear, I don't see the the point of lifetime ban for one offence in my teenage years I think you should rethink the lifetime ban.

Dear Loved Google, As there is Birth anniversary of Mahatma Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi on 2nd Oct. 2012. We were eagarly waiting for any Google-Doogle of Mahatma Gandhi, but you have not posted any. Please show a concern in this regard. If you don't know anything about Gandhi serch GOOGLE or Wikipedia. God Bless You.. Thanking and Waiting for your reply.

How could you idiots offend me meore... How can you not make a doodle for Easter, but for this mexican, Cesar Chavez. This is a disgrace Google, a full disgrace. You all should be ashamed. Nobody cares about Cesar Chavez let's be honest, you are TRYING to piss people off right? Google used to be my default search engine, but no more. I'm switching to Bing and Yahoo for my searches, at least they know how to stay the hell out of my business!

Dear sir / madam, I wish to make a complaint to Google in relation to the ad words advertising that I have with them. My company is and I advertise as a 24 Hr Locksmith based here in Dublin. I have noticed that over the last few days their has been a large volume of traffic on the Google ad-words campaign in relation to my advert.
The majority of the clicks are invalid as it has been picked up by your system. Today 11/4/2013 between the hours of 13.00 and 13.50 I have received a total 60 clicks on my campaign. The system is picking up 34 as invalid clicks and the balance according to Google are valid clicks. The locksmith business is competitive and it is my belief that the malicious activity is coming from a locksmith that also advertises on Google ad words. I do want to continue advertising with Google ad-words, but not on the basis that I receive a click cost of â¬130.00 in the space of 50 minutes.
I have been forced to pause my ad word campaign as of now 11/4 at 13.50pm as I have been advised by a representative at Google ad-words (Rachel) that the process will take 3 working days to filter out all invalid clicks. I will instead run a night time campaign in the hope that the malicious activity does not continue during these hours.
I have complained to the help desk about two similar instances this week on invalid clicks. There were a large number of clicks again on the 6th and the 8th of April. I provided this information to Google and the times that the clicks took place. I was assured by Google that steps have been taken to ensure that I am protected as a consumer.
I am looking for two things to happen as I want to have the confidence to advertise with Google without the threat of maliciuos clicks being part of the process.
1.) I exclude IP addresses that I see on stat counter on my campaign. If I and Google see a large number of clicks that take place in a short space of time - can the campaign be spread out so that I am not at risk to this type of activity.
2.) What are Google doing to prevent this type of activity with those that are responsible? What stewardship / governance is in place to protect me from this and does Google penalize other advertisers that carry out this activity?
As I said earlier, I wish to continue to advertise with ad-words, but not under threse circumstances. I have advertised with you Google last August and have spent a lot of money on the campaigns. I feel that I have no other option, but to stop advertising if I can not get the above probelm addressed. I look forward to hearing from you.

After as many years as I can remember faithfully and usefully employing Google, your latest format is quite simply nothing short of a disaster. The site is slow and clunky and all the aspects that I had learned and used over the years are now only found with great difficulty - if at all. Mostly not at all. What on earth can you be thinking of? To take a wonderful product such as you had and turn it into a nightmare. If some technical department suggested these changes you really need to do a re-think. I have now spent/wasted quite a few hours on it and sadly, will now move to Firefox. I can't believe you've made such an appalling error of judgement. I've also canvassed a great many of my colleagues, all of whom share my concern and annoyance. A great product turned into a lemon.

Yesterday I went online to get directions for a doctorâs visit I had. The problem is that you, google attached a screen onto my Juno page I couldn't get rid of. Everything I tried to get rid of the page failed. I had to hit ctrl Alt delete to get rid of the damn thing. I tried 3 times to get rid of this screen but to no avail. Finally, I hit ok and then promptly got rid of my google bar. I refuse to ever use you again and will be using Yahoo in the future. I like their methods better anyway. I'm done with you. What this screen is all about is so you can track where Iâve been. Itâs none of your damn business and will take steps to make sure you never do this to me again.
I have also registered a complaint with the state of California and will be filing a complaint with the Feds shortly, or as soon as I can find the right place to file my complaint. Google does indeed suck.

There is a glitch in the billing with my Google Business Apps account. After my service being suspended when it was not supposed to be, I logged in and paid AGAIN.
Still, my apps were not available to me. I spoke with someone at The Ireland call center and they asked for screen shots to prove that I had paid. After sending those scrn shots, I was told that a specialist was assigned to it and would be in contact soon.
Nearly four days later nothing has happened and I STILL have not heard from them. I've called their call centers THREE times and EVERY time they tell me they cannot help me and that it was JUST sent off to a specialist. I run a business with my Google Business Apps and this is costing me time and MONEY.
Google is basically stealing from me. I have paid for a service and they are NOT supplying me with that service. Google apparently has gotten too big headed and believe that providing their OWN customer support is just not a high enough priority.
Google wants to make money and offer all these services but the moment there is a problem, they are impossible to get a hold of. they don't want to be contacted and they don't want to back their product up.

This morning when I opened Google Chrome the Google picture was a Demon with small demons attached to it. Then there was a line of people waiting for their turn to be healed, etc. from the Demon. This is terribly offensive and not appropriate for a company such as Google. I am disappointed because normally the picture are cute and very creative. What is the message that you are sending? Not one that is complimentary to your reputation.

Google incessantly tries to complete my searches which I nearly always have to correct, and which too often links to a site I never heard of and have no interest in. There should be a way to disable this. The one option available to do this was a waste of time. Also, it's nobody else's business where I have previously visited, whether it was my intention or Google's, and don't appreciate the search box constantly re-displaying these sites. Please either get rid of this nuisance, or provide a way for me to disable, disconnect, or euthanize it. I'm tired of Google's auto complete featuring annoying me when I do my searches each day. It doesn't guess very well what I'm actually looking for, is there a way to turn it off? Who knows.

We submitted a payment through Google Checkout, the seeler did not fullfill her end of the bargin. We canceled the order and asked for the money back.The orginal transaction was on July 9th and the cancel was on the 12. We have yet to hear from anyone. We had a Regional Manager (who the moveed on us in the middle of the payment) Mike Kellar and we have NEVER heard a word from him. What gives with part of Google? I find it hard to belief it is even any part of a Google company. When you go to the Checkout site it just keeps turning you around in circles so there is no where ot get any answers.
The amount of money is large enough to be considered a Felony in our state So the next step we are looking at is to file charges. The Google Account for has been disabled. incorrectly entered date of birth while joining Google+, I am not able to sign in to this account or use it to access any Google products or services. Google Account Birthdate Correction Form With Age Proof issued by Got. sent to re-enable my above google account, as i would like to continue the same account and operating since last 4 years. The last request for re-enabling this account created was web-based and was created on November 26, 2011 10:54 AM. This request is still processing.
How long will it take for Google to re-enable my account? Please re-enable my account at the earleist. Please help me in re-enbling and accessing my above google account.

I have been using Google as the homepage and search engine for my computer for quite some time now. I have enjoyed the various website art that appears almost daily. I thought it was nice that you celebrated events like birthdays of famous historians as well as important dates in history on your homepage. I was extremely disappointed and upset however when Remembrance Day came around this year. The only indication for the date at all was one measly little poppy cowering underneath the Google search engine. This came as quite the shock to me when only a few days earlier the website had been plastered with a giant montage celebrating Bram Stoker's 165'th birthday.
Now I ask you this, do you think that the lives of all of the people who fought so heroically and selflessly for Canada's freedom are somehow less important than the birth date of a man who wrote a story about a blood-crazed count some 100-plus year ago? Personally I was very disappointed at Google for sweeping this extremely important holiday under the rug. We as a nation should be proud to lift up the names of those whose lives were so tragically lost by at least making an appropriate acknowledgement to the one day set aside for them. I am very saddened by the insensitivity displayed by the Google website and I can only hope that whoever reads this letter will see the importance of honoring our troops and that next year on Remembrance Day we will see the respect that Canadian troops deserve.

I have been getting a ton of suggestions for friends and friend requests in the last week. I have sifted through them and ignored the ones I don't know the language or are very new. I have however answered friend suggestions that I thought were interesting people. After all how else do you meet new people in a social setting. My suspension for 30 days is so wrong.
On a lighter note there is world wide Google+ day I think it is today May 1st. If you haven't tried it you need to it's great and it will get you out of the little FaceBook box that everyone seems to be stuck in. Google has so many tools and things to do it is a must. Start out with a Gmail account and that hooks you up to a profile, Google+1. pictures. you name it they got it. Google+ also has rooms that you can video chat with 10 friends at a time.
You can follow people and there are no suspensions. You don't have to follow people back if you don't want. And a very cool thing that FaceBook dose not have is, when you post in Google+ there is a chance that your post will get picked up by the Search Engines if you post public. This means that if someone that is interested in what you are they can connect with you no problem. Very powerful thing!
Yes you can post just to one person or circle of friends if you want and your conversation is private to those people. So if you have friends in a circle that like to play the games on Google you can post and talk to just those people instead of posting to people that are not interested in the game subject.
Get out of the little FaceBook Box there is a big world on the real Internet. My 30 day suspension from making friend requests is probably a good thing, I'm on a mission now! By the way your friends on FaceBook..... Only 10 to 12% of them see what you post anyway the code on the site is so messed up as is the company.
Hook up with me on Google+ I will be there!

Dear Google, I get that facebook and google want to upgrade and make changes, however i have been trying to forward an email that I received to another friend and I get a page that is trying to explain the changes...then it locks on the screen and I can't do anything but close this out.
Guys, there was nothing wrong with the way things were working...I have always been a google fan...can't stand Bing. Please, go back to the old format or make it so I can forward a letter without having to go to college and getting a degree on computers.

There must have been some drastic changes unless they're doing an overhaul of the service, Google Images, because when I want to search for a specific file type, there no longer is that option when I do an Advanced Search. Also, I'm not sure if it's something to do with the Internet service provider, or some hacker who's gotten into my system or what; but when I go to Google Images, not all of the options are visible, only the first and second "pages" and the rest are grey-blank.
This dissatisfies me, because then I have to randomly sample each and every one of the greyed-out blanks to see what the picture is, and I can't just wave my mouse pointer over the picture to know how large an image it is; as the larger the image, usually, the better the resolution quality is. Also, I need to know the file type before I download the image because sometimes I want a .png image so the background is clear; I do a lot of digital graphics for a hobby, and also hope to develop future work skills I might apply if I did get the nerve to apply for a job. So I was getting very angry suspecting it might have to do with computer hacking, as this computer is using a remote modem and there are 4 other computers that have access to the main system, I don't know a lot about all that but this is frustrating. Could anyone explain in an email what the deal is?

Traditionally, Google has had a special doodle to celebrate a specific holiday. I noticed that Easter again was not recognized. Cesar Chavez was chosen to be honored instead of Easter. Mr. Chavez did a lot for migrant workers, and it was nice to see him honored. However, I would have preferred to see Easter honored on Easter. Mr. Chavez can be honored on another day. Google has shown a special doodle for Valentine's Day on Valentine's Day and Halloween on Halloween. Goodness gracious! I am disappointed in you.

Your doodle is offensive and in extremely bad taste for Easter Sunday you have offended 2 billion Christians world wide. I suppose that was your intent. What was your purpose for your thoughtless and offensive decision to continue to keep it up?
Why did you do a doodle of Cesar Chavez on Easter, are you trying to upset the majority of Christians in America let alone the world? Google is an international company and should reflect the values and at least respect the beliefs of millions of it's users.
This is unacceptable and I will be spreading the news to all my friends and family to boycott Google!

We receive up to 5 phone calls a day from Google services- calling to update our business profile or webpage. I have now made 7 attempts to have our business numbers removed from the listing because it interrupts our day and ties up our phone lines. This is a doctors office and we dont have time to deal with this. If we want to contact you-we will. The EXTREMELY dissipating thing is the 7times I have called I have been hung up on 4 times by Google and 3 times was told our number would be removed-But it never was. We are very frustrated about this and someone needs to take our number off your listing.

Dear Sirs, For the last few weeks I have been trying to get Google Earth to completely blur out the image of me sitting on my driveway as it makes me look really stupid! They have partially blurred the image and then blurred my house, which I did not request!
They are now sending me a standard reply and have not carried out my request, despite daily requests from me. I have told them I will do it every day until they do what I have requested!
I tried to ring your UK offices but obviously you also do not want to talk to your customers and so I have been forced to complete this form!
Can you please get Google Earth to completely blur out my image on all three of the photoâs and also remove the blurring from my house on the same three photoâs. If that is beyond their capabilities, then can you please arrange for the photoâs to be removed and replaced with the photoâs used in the last version.

Google gmail no longer allows me to exit from the program; very annoying. Also, it will not allow direct composition of new messages, only send by entering from another site. Pretty poor programming which I will avoid in the future if not fixed. NO, I don't want to use your software. NO, I don't want to have to continually download new items just so you can change yours. I don't like the new Google gmail email updates to the program and wish they would revert back to the old mail. It's annoying that things constantly change and I can never seem to find anything.

The next time you put somebody like ceasar chavez on my page I will use someone else for my home page! Yahoo is still in business. I do not agree with Chavez or his politics and I consider it an insult to have his picture forced on my page.

Google Docs will not allow me to edit any of my documents for more than 3 seconds on Google Chrome. This is extremely inconvenient because Google Docs is what I use for all my school work. MER.

I've been a staunch Google supporter from the beginning, using everything you have chosen to throw at us, but no more. Today is the day I being to de-google myself. Why?
It is resurrection Sunday. The day that the God of the universe overcame death and provided a way to salvation for ANYONE who choses to accept it.
And what do you do? No bunny, no Easter, no egg, and no Christ. Instead you give us Cesar Chavez. He was an OK guy and did some good things, but he did not provide an avenue for salvation for the entire human race.
Are you guys out of your minds? You may not want to identify with a particular religion. (Though you see to have no difficulty heralding every cock eyed thing imaginable), I get that. But to insult an entire religion on it's most important day is an incredible insult.
Goodbye Google, and goodbye to your $800 stock price.
Please pass this on to upper management. Google has crossed a line in the sand for me. I will no longer use Google because they decided to post nothing related to Easter....on Easter Sunday!
Are you kidding me? This is a slap in my face. Good bye Google.

This weekend we went to a wedding at the Tickton Grange Hotel, Beverley, Yorkshire, and got diections from there to St Mary's Church, Beverley. The diections are completely incorrect as the "maps" fail to recognise a by-pas and new bridge past Tickton Village, although we understand that this has been in place since the mid-seventies!! Are you prepared to pay for my devorce after several harsh words were expressed on my wifes map reading skills - plus we nearly missed the ceremony.!! This is not very good is it? How can you miss something like a new by-pass and a bridge? Perhaps some flowers delivered to mrs Jenkins may save me as I have not managed to get back to our normal loving marrage relationship - even after 51 years experience!

Thanks for the Easter incident. I as most of my friends will now delete every Google product on my phone, iPad, laptop and computer thanks to your lil Easter stunt. I don't understand stand what your company was thinking but its sure going to coty you. Bing here we come. I can't believe you would ignore Jesus like that on Easter Sunday, who does Google think they are!

I have recently places listings in google places, in the last month i have had over 4 listings go down, i have taken the correct steps in contacting the correct department within google, yet the have not corrected the problem, the only email is we are looking into it but then weeks go by and nothing. I checked my listings again today and another two have gone down. The annoying thing is if i request another pin to try and re-boot the listing i have to wait over 2 weeks for that letter, as a new business thats a long time to wait and lose business.
I have tried to do a bulk listing but yet they tell me its not possible and to check the info and T's & C's, i do this and still they cant do it, yet from what i can see i meet the T's & C's. When i try to contact the relevant department its a 'no reply' email. I have every right to place listings like the millions of other businesses yet i feel im being penalised for some reason. I would be grateful for you imediate cease operation.

I'm shocked that on easter sunday you honor chavez! At least have some tribute to JESUS CHRIST. If you are afraid, then have no tribute to anybody. I will pray for you ... shocked in Cincinnati. In my view you could have celebrated Easter on your search page instead of Mr Chavez.

I am searching on Google Images for the term "brave", because I want to tell my friend to be brave in the face of adversity. I was expecting to see different images describing brave faces and people but to my shock and disgust, 95% of the results are of images from the latest Disney animation movie by the name of Brave. As if nothing else in the world exists any more, or is relevant any more, or as "authoroty" anymore other than this stupid movie. How can this be allowed? Google is showing how instead of helping people find what they want, it just stuffs us full of commercials, desguised in this case as natural results.

Easter Sunday is celebrated by millions of Christians around the world - and Google chose to make Cesar Chavez your google honoree today? You had no issue doing a 'Christmas' theme on Christmas Day so religion/faith isn't an issue for you.
Easter is the highest of holy days for Christians - it is the day the Lord rose from the is far more important in the Christian faith than Christmas. I understand you cannot 'hit' all key faiths on all key dates but this is a big one and Google ignored it.
I am highly disappointed with Google's lack of awareness and sensitivity on Easter sunday, and my family and I will no longer support the company that offended Christians everywhere today.

I was going to do some research using Google just now, and I pulled up your homepage and was appalled at the picture I found there. It is highly offensive!!!!!!!! You take the traditions of this country and Thanksgiving and Christmas down to a new low level. I'll not use Google ever again when you seek to destroy by inserting the devil into a picture that should be depicting good values. You seek to influence subliminally, and I am disgusted and sickened by you. You stoop to very low standards if you have any at all. I am tired of having to put up with low standards everywhere I look and everywhere I go. Try getting some class and innovation instead of copying the tired old 60's era and its dispicable substandard values. Peace Out, Love and Tranquility was dreamed up by lazy, self absorbed, spoiled nitwits whose main purpose was to make anything illegal or immoral OK, so they could do it without having to bother with getting arrested. Smarten up........because that would be very refreshing to see.

I need to make the Google searches stop trying to guess what I am typing. it is a horrible experience every single time i do a search, and I cringe at making searches because it is so uncomfortable that your program is guessing what I am thinking and typing, and worse it never, never has any idea what I am searching for so it just overloads the page with tons of garbage. It is such an imposition upon my entire life, emotions etc. etc. etc.
Please educate me on how to use Google search and have a pleasant experience doing so by NOT experiencing your search engine trying painfully, and unsuccessfully trying to guess what my next move is before I make it. It is just so awful and I do want to use Google search because of the wisdom of the results I yield but the experience of using the search every single day is making me grow old before my time with the stress it causes me by trying to constantly guess what I am typing.
It is always incorrect, and even if it were correct so what it has no business anticipating my every thought, itâs horrible. Please advise how to make your program stop displaying this horrible guessing game answers.

I have purchased many, many books and games with googleplay and now all of a sudden it won't let me get past the cancle or wait portion . When I cancle it goes to yahoo when I wait it just spins. Something is wrong here! I just want to read My books after all this time and money I have spent it seems to me it should work! I would hate to have to change services but will if I have to. Tried contacting the help line My email was returned. I have cell, WiFi, desktop pc, laptop and tablet. Enough is a enough.

I am very disappointed that on Easter Sunday, you had your google logo was depicting Cesar Chavez's Birthday. REALLY ON EASTER SUNDAY this was the best you could come up with. Extremely disappointed in your choice of your special Google Logo.
I have enjoyed the best search engine of all time until today. Because of my strong Christian values, I will no longer use Google as a search engine or for any reason what-so-ever PERIOD! So long Google I am personally boycotting you and I'll spread the word. Good luck!

this is the long complaint part. i have been with google a long time. i have never had a problem but now i need my phone to keep up with my online classes and i has a problem. i CAN NOT FAIL so i NEED MY PHONE to work. Boost is not the problem, my whole family has boost, i can’t use google chrome because it is not compatible with the web sites that the school uses. i need it fixed sooner rather than later. I wonder if stright talk uses google. i can;t even get to google play. my browzer won;t even work….!

I hate the forward on the bottom of page and you cannot take forward off the forwarding message, change back to old system why ruin a working thing just to keep people employed, change it or me and several thousands of my friends are gone and will talk poorly how you ruined a good thing!

If Google doesn’t stop requiring me to sign back in after I’ve checked the remember me box, I am going to make someone else my go to page. This has been happening for about 6 months and I am so over it. Why is this happening and what can I do to stop it?

Your where my home page, not anymore. Your choice on Easter to disrepect most Americans just to show a political stance lost you at least one user. I will from here on use bing. By the way I’m an Atheist not some bible thumper, Right is right and wrong is wrong. Goodbye.

Unimaginable how you could possibly have put Chavez face on your site on Easter Sunday. Wow.. such bad taste and totally insulting to ALL the Christians around the world. I am trying to figure out why it is OK to dishonor our holiday. I will no longer be using your site and will be encouraging others to do the same. You should be ashamed..totally disgraceful.
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