Home Depot Complaints Continued... (Page 4)
529+ reviews added so far. Upset? Call Home Depot corporate: 1-800-430-3376
Went to Home Depot yesterday and found out they are no longer giving discounts to Veterans unless you meet certain criteria. Retired, disabled or a "Dependent"
So a "Dependent" who has never served can get a veteran discount but not an actual veteran.
Countless Veterans have served in combat and were fortunate enough not to get wounded....but they are not eligible for a lousy 10% discount.
Home Depot has put "Capitalism" before "Patriotism" . This is not an American company. This is a company that touts the fact that they help veterans, but in truth,it is lip service and when it actually comes down to supporting the veteran they turn their heads.
Go to Lowe's, they still give ALL Veterans the respect they deserve.


my complain was filed with a chat person about one of your rude worker name Tandy at the Mansfield tx store. called at her for some help a few time. she finally turned around. she seemed to get frustrated and pointed to the item I needed which was far and I couldn't see where it was. Got upset and walked over to the item and pointed and walked off again. the item was at the top shelf. and I couldn't reach it. I had breast surgery and not able to lift my hands too high yet. she finally turned around and hand it to me. she is at least 5'9" I thanked her and she just walked away in a rude manner. she must've been having a bad day which is no excuse for rudeness. I'm 76 yrs old and have been your customer for at least 20 yrs.

The online purchase that I made on June 7th was the worst experience I have ever had. The customer service was horrible and it got even worse after it was escalated to the resolution department. I can promise you I will never use home depot for another online purchase again and I would tell anyone that's even thinking about using them not too. My story is way to long to get into but I am serious when I say they have no clue what good customer service even is.

I know this will probably go no where but, I have to let you know how I feel. On 7/14/18 I started looking for a dryer. I had just left two stores that had employees with bad attitudes and went into the Home Depot. I was treated great and was not ready to buy yet but, I did' I figure when ever I need an appliance I could come here. Then came the delivery, I will never buy another appliance from Home Depot because the delivery service was the pits. I do not want to deal with people like that ever again. Ken No. H2506-90911

I am writing about an issue we recently had at your Store in Poughkeepsie, NY 12601. We went in to purchase a new patio door and have it installed. We spoke to a very nice gentlemen who explained the different doors and how the installation process works. We set up an schedule to have someone call us and come out to measure.We were told this would cost 30.00 and if we went ahead with the install it would be taken off the price of the install.We were told installation starts around 450-500 depending on how much has to be done during install. We were told a few days after the person comes to measure we would receive a call letting us know how much the install would cost. A few days later person came and measured,he said everything looked good and should be just a simple install.Waited for over a week ,no call.Went back to store and was told have been trying to call us but there was no option on our phone to leave a message...NOT correct as have been getting messages all along from others just nothing from Home Depot. Well he then looks it up and tellls us the install will cost almost 900.00...There is NO WAY I am going to pay 900.00 to install a door that costs less than that..We looked at 2 doors previously one for almost 500.00 and one for 700.00...I do understand there is a cost involved to install the door as you are using outside contractors but this is absolutely insane that you would expect people to pay almost 1000.00 to install a door....We have been Home Depot customers for many many years but this has really made us think if this is how your customers are treating how many other times have we been ripped of over the years. Not Home Depot fans any longer.Thank you for your time

Zero not 1 I just spent on 7-5-18 1400.00 on appliances and set a delivery date 7-12-18 my card was charged by Home Depot when the delivery did not take place, The store told me that they did not have control as the delivery was paid for by the manufacturer. The driver called and could not find my new home so he would not stop at the sales center to get directions. The Staff at the store said it was beyond hthere control as the delivery was a third party, But I bought the appliances from Home Depot.
I was not nice and said the next time they delivered would they send a smarter moron.
The thing is I did not buy the appliances from a third party Home Depot cannot get anything right.

I ordered vinyl siding for my house April 18, 2018 and paid $8000 advance that day. On 24th April, there was a personnel from Home
Depot who inspected the house and gave me sheets to prepare for the project. The project was to be completed in the first weeks of June at the latest. It is already middle of July and I do not have even the schedule and no one has been able to give me an update for the last one month.
I had planned to put this house on sale after the siding work by June 15th and finished all other work needed by May 15th., I have been misled by your company and has kept me to stay ready for the project since end of April. Last three weeks, I have been frantically contacting
the manager and service co-ordinator for the update and they have promised and kept mum. I have been caused mental anguish and financial damage and still there is no schedule or estimated time of arrival (ETA) of materials. Please help resolve whatever bottleneck in your organization, This is the worst experience I ever had.
Varish Panigrahi

The Home Depot on Jefferson in Culver City . Every day there are more and more dogs in the store , not service dogs just people with dogs 10 to 15 at a time it’s out of control , manager does nothing .
Piss on the floors not acceptable in any place! Shelves rarly stocked , no doors for weeks , I was told they were turned away because there were two deliveries at once! This place is a joke , I spend an average of 60to70 thousand s year in there! Now looking for an alternative store shocking! Staff very nice manager doesn’t know what he’s doing!!

Re: The Home Depot Case 08202707 [ ref:_00D50JUFY._50050xRnxW:ref ]
Tue, Dec 26, 2017 9:09 am
cjwicker4 (cjwicker4@aol.com)
To:customer_care Details
Dear Sir,
I have sent you videos of my guttering issue. I also wanted to tell you that:
1. I am a 71 year old Senior Citizen.
2. I paid cash for this guttering @$8,000.00.
3. My old guttering performed better.
4. My first response from your store was the installer came out and cleaned leaves out of the gutter.
5. Which brings me to ask what did I pay all of that money for?
6. Now you tell me that I can't get a breakdown of the prices charged?
Claudia J. Wicker
4109 Holland Dr.
Knoxville, TN 37918
The video was too large to send directly via email.
So, I uploaded it to youtube as a unlisted video – meaning that only with the link can the video be viewed.
You just click on the link above and it will take you to the video.
July 6, 2018 After I sent the video and filed a complaint, I HAVE HEARD NOTHING!!
-----Original Message-----
From: ANTONIO LANE <customer_care@homedepot.com>
To: cjwicker4 <cjwicker4@aol.com>
Sent: Tue, Dec 26, 2017 7:58 am
Subject: The Home Depot Case 08202707 [ ref:_00D50JUFY._50050xRnxW:ref ]
Good Morning Mrs. Wicker,
You may attach your video address to this email.
Antonio L.
The Home Depot
Resolution Expeditor -Services
Phone: 1-800-654-0688 ext.76211

Military ID was "not on the list" - WTF? Have been using it for years at other Home Depots with no problem. 7 Corners wouldn't recognize it because I was honorably discharged in 1973. Cashiers had no idea how to recognize a valid military ID. Customer service was no help - kep pointing to a chart saying "Your ID is not here"
Is this another tactic to chase vets away? It's working . . .

I HAVE BEEN WITH HOME DEPOT FOR A LONG TIME ALWAYS ENJOYED SHOPPING THERE BUT I'M VERY DISAPPOINTED WITH HOME DEPOT RIGHT NOW Just purchased a GE dishwasher JUNE 2018 from HomeDepot doesn't work does not clean the dishes isn't that what a New dishwasher is supposed to do had a serviceman out and they tell me that the New dishwasher needed to new update and I need to get Platinum dish soap I did and still not washing the dishes I called HomeDepot to peck it up .... Home Depot tell me I signed for the product it does not work now it needs Maintenance done on it call SEVICE come on this is a BEAND NEW DISHWASHER !!
Eva Wojtanowski

Order shelving; 16" shelf track bracket 32 each, 60" shelf track standard 8 each, 80" shelf track hang track 4 each, and 12'x16" super slide linen shelving 8 each. Order all of these items on 6/28/2018. Though bought a few more items and took a few items home but had the shelving scheduled to be delivered on the 3rd of July.
But after checking the height of our garage went back to Home Depot and had the 60" shelf track standard exchanged for the 84" shelf track standard.
the only reason I had the rest of it delivered because of the length of the shelving units 12' long. And the delay was they were short on the shelving brackets.
So it was suppose to be delivered yesterday between 7:00 and 9:30 am on the 3rd of July. Now its the 4th and a holiday and called and they are now loading the truck. It would be nice to get a call to why its being delayed or a text.
I am not the only one who spends a lot of money at Home Depot and Lowes on home improvements and gardening things. And will be shopping at other hardware stores in the local community and definitely voicing my complaints to everyone I know.,

I purchased a new refrigerator and it was supposed to be delivered yesterday June 28th between the hours of 12 and 4, I waited all day for this delivery and when it came to be almost 5 pm I thought I'd better call the store to see if they are running late. I live on an Air Force Base and the store knew this when I purchased the item. when I called I was told that the delivery Was re-scheduled for Saturday 30 June and I would receive a call telling me what time. the problem is that the delivery people could not pass the gate because I assume they might have had sometype of record. I wasted an entire day waiting around and had already called base housing maintenance to pick up the old refrigerator. I also took everything out of the freezer and put it in cooler bags and coolers. now I will have to waste another day just sitting around waiting for a delivery. The real problem is that the Delivery company NEW ABOUT THIS BUT DID NOT CALL ME. this is one terrible way to do business, What I should have done is went to the local Home Depot as soon as I found out about it not going to be delivered AS PROMISED and canceled the order and went to LOWE'S TO PURCHASE one. I'm guessing you really don not care about this problem but I thought I'd get it off my chest. customer service is probably number 10 on a list of top 10 things.

Employees not answering phone for hours!!

We purchased a refrigerator for over a thousand dollars and home depot scheduled a delivery date. My wife worked from home to accept it and when they arrived the refrigerator was damaged. We already cut the water/ice line and emptied the old one. They told us we could not accept the damaged goods your stor delivered because it would void the warrantee. now our food is going bad and my wife has to stay home another day. I am so angry I already told ten people not to purchase any appliances from home depot and I plan on telling a hundred more! Why don't you have quality control? You waste your customer's time and don't seem to care!.

ORDER NO# W929016940
On todays date at approx. 10am this morning (PHYSICALLY) went into the Sunrise florida (H.D) Home depot.... asked if there were cinderblocks in stock for a project needed for today and can we pay for the same day delivery as listed on line.... sales person assured me he could take care of me.... we proceeded with ordering 200 blocks....he checked the delivery and explained it could NOT be done today but can garentee we will have them on the 16th ....which is tomorrow ...I was okay with that since we have until fathers day to get this project completed.....
Now as of 815 pm this evening I just got a call from another store here in Weston florida.( NOT THE STORE I WENT INTO AND PLACED ORDER IN...) they- (Weston store) now tell me, sorry we don't have your product in stock and need to cancel order... I explained I paid and ordered from sunrise store why am I speaking with Weston store....advised to call back store ordered from find out whats going on.... just got off phone with Sunrise store mgr.... who claims they have stock available but I need to repurchase again, YET the money my card was already charged the acct had 500 to start with after purchase of blocks at 312.20 do not have enough in acct to repurchase again when we purchased from this store in the first place.... and now I have to wait 24-48 hours for funds to be replaced before I can even repurchase.... so now I have two helpers showing up to work in the morning and will have to be sent home because we don't have the materials to complete the job.... needless to say how furious I am right now... I've been told there is nothing anyone can do...nor can we be compensated for the waste of manpower and time and now the delays in the return of funds..... needless to say my client is disappointed, and recommended we just should have gone to lowes even though they are a few miles further away from us then home depot.... but I have to be honest I'm beginning to question it myself since this is the second time I have had issues with home depot delivering product for our jobs...PLEASE ASSIST
C.C. personal files
Darry Jay Tunick
12850 west state rd 84
box 13-17
Davie Florida 33325

Kitchen Remodel Project started over a year ago in June 2017 that included HD Exteriors for installation of 2 new doors, one in kitchen and one in office, and a new window in kitchen.
After months of scheduled and rescheduled inspections, shabby workmanship, multiple on-site visits and patch jobs, change of Project Managers and further delays, HD concluded that the products need to be uninstalled and reinstalled with all new materials. That decision was made months ago and we are still without the new installations, have no date for installation and have not heard from HD with a schedule date.
After multiple schedules and reschedules, time away from work, missed appointments altogether, failed inspections and damage to our kitchen structure as well as embarrassment to our friends and family and related stress, I still do not have what I purchased from HD and am paying big money! Needless to say, not a pleased former customer of HD and will not recommend .

I went to the Home Depot today at Chimney Rock and W. Bellfort in Houston, TX. I wanted to buy a new front door. I asked for someone to be sent to that department twice and they paged the person both times but he never showed up. I waited 45 minutes. Other customers were waiting also but they got impatient and left before I did.. I guess I will go to Lowe's tomorrow and see if I can get waited on. Thank you.

Should be a 0...... Placed a delivery and install, for my business, never showed up. They called telling me no one was here, even though someone is always at our front door. Basically told me my staff is a bunch of lyres. Then to punish us, for there mistake, now we have to wait 5 days before they come back. Worst service ever, we will never order anything from Home Depot again. Good luck on how you run your business into the ground.

I shop at home depot and in the last couple weeks have purchased $2000 or more .Today at home depot I was purchasing 2x6 16ft pressure treated lumber ,when I checked out I ask cashier why the price online is 15.99 and store is 17.57 she said she doesn't know and I ask who could I ask and she said nobody .I purchased my wood and ask if she could open overhead door so I could get it out and she said no go out side door and stood there laughing at me ,which is very hard because they have roof sheathing stacked there with limited space to get threw and carts especially with 16 ft lumber .As I struggle to get threw a cart hit my foot .I a truly thinking of doing my shopping at Lowes because this Home depot gets worse everytime prices on signs are wrong it costing more then sign says and to try to get help with something you wait forever .This cashier is very rude and to stand there and laugh at me .
thank you
Juergen Kopp
3908 00002 05021 06/01/18
6800W RENO AVE OKLAHOMA CITY OK 73127 4057893895
3908 00002 05021 06/01/2018

I would rate it no stars, but was not able to undo the lite star. I bought a battery for my Grandson's John Deere lawn mower for Christmas. I took the part number to the salesman. They asked for the cord, and I gave them the one that I had taken off the lawn mover. In April my Grandson tried to put battery in the lawn mower and it was the wrong battery, the post were did not fit. So I went to exchange the battery and the girl at the exchange counter said it would be an even exchange and put it back on my credit card. Then I got the right battery and went to pay for it. The sales person wanted to charge me for the cord that I had initially given to Home Depot when I bought the battery in December. So I was sent back to the exchange desk. I asked to speak to a manager, and tried to explain the situation to her. She was very argumentative and talked right over me. The battery cost me $14 more. It was supposed to be an EVEN Exchange. The manager then told me to take my business somewhere else. I just walked away. She then came after me as I was walking away, but I kept walking. I am United States Army Veteran and her lack of customer skills was a disgrace. I did call Corporate and lodged my complaint with a Gentleman that apologized and told me he would take care of it. My received a phone call a day later from the Home Depot store, but she was working and was unable to take the call. She called back when she got out of work. She was told the person that called had gone home. She told them to let them know I was available before 9am and after 5pm. I never heard from them again. That treatment caused me close my account and take my business elsewhere Menards and Lowe's. After all your manager suggested that. I hope the $14 was worth losing a good paying customer.
Rene Romero

I went to home depot to purchase out door rocks and step stones to fix my moms yard..long story short.I had to load up 10 bags of rocks (Weighs 65 pounds each)and liad 15 stepping stones by my self .Noone came to help .May i remind you ,these rocks are so heavy it took all my strenth to put each bag in my car.It took 2 hours for me to load .it was 90 degrees outside and i camre close to calling a ambulance .i had to go back in to get my propane tank and rest of my rocks cause i couldnt push all the bags at once .i told girl at checkout how i was feeling and what had happened to me .i asked for help again .Noone came so i had to do the loading my self again.My back is now throbbing and my leggs are shaking .A emoyee from depot walked right past my car seeing my struggle and said nothing.I couldnt believe this.i videoed this the next time i went in too .i ended up loosing some bags of rock cause i dropped them as well as my step stones.Rocks are all over my car too cause the bags rip .i had to get my kids at busstop so i had to get my stuff with no help from home depot cause i wadnt gonna leave it.i almost had a seizer and heat stroke tjis day and my lower back and legs are still in pain .i hurt my self today and its a shame .this could of been prevented if they would have helped me .im a older woman,. Lifting 60 pound rocks should not have happened .i asked for help a few times but noone came ..a customer lady seen me doing this and she was upset cause depot didnt come help me out .I spent over $300 bucks this day alone , I lost a few bagsof rocks and stones as well as a hurt back and rocks all over my car seats and floor .what a mess..i never will go to Home depot again .I hope i didnt mess my back up so bad that i will be in pain forever .0

I need more than 100 words to tell my awlful exsperience at home depot in leesburg.I went to purchase landscaping rocks and step stones .i needed about 25 bags of marble rocks and 15 step stones .long story short .noone came to help me load or unload these 30 pound bags of rock.aftet pushing them to the check out myself i almost gave out..i only could get 9 bags and 7 stones in my cart cause nothing else could fit .so i walked to my car and ma6 i add it was 100 degrees .it took me a hour to put this in my car.had to go on again to get more rocks and i went to service desk ,told the lady about my exsperience and she said she would get me help .i waited ,no one came .so i had to load my car alone again.and lost a few bagsof rock cause they busted,to heavy. stones broke and now im thinking i may have a heart attack. Im 48 years old and i am so upset that noone cared to help..never gonna go back .i always shoped home depot .3 to 5 times a week.i was so upset i videoed me in the store and loading u also see a employee walk past me and i was struggling.cant belive this.i also pulled my back and stomache ..lachelle young.352 321 0968

Went on April 19 2018 to store #8144 in Victorville California to rent a small demolition chipping hammer. Me and my son walked in the associate there was sitting on her stool and I asked I'm looking for a chipping hammer to rent. She said around the corner you'll find them. I seen a lot of boxes with tools on the shelf was loaded with many different kinds of tools and I asked if she could show me which one is it. Her demeanor was such that she became Discourtous and Rude because she had to get up from her Lazy Ass to assist us! I asked for the store manager and he said he would speak to her about this, when approached by the manager she put on her Disneyland face and her whole demeanor changed, so I told the manager she's trying to be polite because he was present. Nevertheless this was a disappointment for me and embarrassing since another customer was present also.

On April 17th Home Depot counter top installer arrived at our house to install our counter top order that had been placed on March 3rd. As you can see from the dates the wait time was excessive. At the completion of the install, it was discovered the wrong color of solid surface had been ordered and installed. We choose and provided our Home Depot kitchen designer, Mitch, with the sample for "White Granite" and "White Quartz" and been incorrectly ordered.
We have been loyal customers of Home Depot Eagle Idaho for many years; purchasing items for home remodels for over 13 years. Finally after 5 years of waiting we were ready to remodel our home kitchen with great excitement. With visited with the kitchen design team member Mitch several times before placing our final order. We sat across from him and handed him the sample of solid surface "White Granite" that we decided on after looking at many samples. We order our counter tops on March 3, signing the paperwork stating we were hiring Home Depot to do the work.
After this error was discovered we have several conversations with the Eagle Store manager, Kathy. She was unapologetic for the error, told us we had signed the paperwork adn we were responsible. She also said there were 3 opportunities to verify the order, at the time the order was place, when the install company came to measure for the template and prior to installation. At none of these points did anyone ask us to verify the product ordered.
Cathy the manager has told us there is nothing Home Depot can do. I'm shocked that home depot would expect their customers to act as their quality control process. Not once we were asked to verify what had been placed in the computer. During our order Mitch's computer froze up. He suggested we go look around the store and come back in about 15 mintues and he would have our order ready. I suspect it was here where he selected "white quartz" rather than our selection of "white granite".
My wife and I feel utterly betrayed by Home Depot. After many phone calls with Kathy, Eagel store manager, she did offer a $200 compensation credit.
This feels like an insult. We have been planning our kitchen remodel for years and spent a lot of time selecting the product we wanted for our counter tops. The granite has color and the quartz is basically a boring white. It is a choice we would have never selected. This is a heavy disappointment and truley a betrayal by home depot as your loyal customer.
Our ask is to be fully compensated for the counter top material and installation costs. I hope that Home Depot will do the right thing. This error was caused by Home Depot and should not be the responsibility of your customer.
Frank and Denise Loucks
6809 Baron Ave
Boise, ID 83714

As an associate at 4930, I was applauded at what happened to a friend. He's retired in the NM area and I frequently help him with his shopping at the HD. Here's what happened when he went to the HD I asked him which store: " It was the Bernalillo store on Rt. 550."
Steve Goba
8:28 PM (11 hours ago)
Hi Pete,
"I set out this morning to go to Home Depot, to talk with someone about Cafe Doors. I entered the store, but really didn't know what department could take care of me. I saw an employee (an older gentleman) and asked him where I should go for Cafe Doors. I could see that this question puzzled him so I showed him the picture that I printed out from your e-mail. He said "We don't carry those." I said "I believe that you do because I saw this online." He said "Well, you'll have to go online." Everything that he said was in a very rude tone. I then said "I can see that I'm pissing you off, so I'll just leave." I left the Home Depot and went to Loews. I found the right department and the fellow there said "May I help you?" I said "I'm looking for cafe doors" and I showed him the picture. He said that they didn't carry these in stock but that he could special-order them for me. I asked if he could get a custom size for me and he replied "No problem." He took the time to pull up the information on his computer and showed me the different styles that were available. He was very courteous and I ordered the doors from him. Even though they were a custom size, he said that if they don't fit, or if I don't like them, I could return them.
I kind of knew that Home Depot didn't have them, so all that I really wanted to do was to see if they could order them for me. I'm really lousy trying to order things online. Just last week, I ordered some cabinet pull handles online -- and it was not easy for me. I ordered only two and received and paid for 14. That's why I didn't want to order the doors online -- I'm just not computer savvy.
In any case, I appreciate your help with providing the picture and installation advice."
I did respond to Steve with an apology:
peter brainard <petebrainardin54562@gmail.com>
8:45 PM (11 hours ago)
Sorry you had the problem at HD. Yes, just like any place you go there are bad employees!! The store manager of the HD you went to should hear about it.
If you ever run into the problem again with doors or windows, the millwork dept. is the place to go. Yes, a café door isn't stocked but just like Lowes, we special order them. " In fact, if you ever have a online ordering problem again, I can order for you and have it shipped directly to you or your local HD.
I have also attached the picture of the café doors I sent him to get at his HD.

On 10/9/2017 I called Home Depot to request a replacement Simonton window under the warranty provided with my initial purchase. The call was promptly handled and a job order (5703356) was assigned. After placing at least a dozen calls, and receiving constant assurances from the customer service center that the window would be replaced, no follow-up occurred. Not a single customer service representative returned my calls or provided any action. Although the spelling of the names may be wrong, these representatives and managers included Libby Beard, October Warden, Greggory Williams, Scott Nimer, Brad Schwiger and Gary Schlowski.
Through the efforts of Ms. M. Simpson, a new employee with Home Depot, I was finally able to obtain a replacement window on March 3/31/2018. This was an unacceptable 173 days after my initial request.
As a previously loyal Home Depot customer I am frustrated and offended by this lack of customer service. As a stockholder I am concerned. My suggestion is to stop selling products with long-term warranties, shutdown the customer service group responsible for these products, and find another job for Ms. M. Simpson, the only person who could operate within an obviously broken system.

I am boycotting your store until you stop boycotting Laura Ingraham. How dare you! David Hogg is a profane kid who speaks with a filthy mouth denigrating gun owners. He has been funded through the far left, especially by George Soros. The shooting was a tragedy, but it could have been stopped several times--by police, the FBI, the family he stayed with, by counselors and doctors. You and the other businesses make me sick to my stomach. Sick. The boy is having a hard time getting into university because he is very unpleasant. I have a card, but won't use it and will cut it up forthwith. Leftist pigs...all of you. Supporting a 17 yr. old over a Catholic conservative who is highly educated and was a Supreme Court law clerk.
You'll lose A LOT of business!!!!

Worst delivery event for me my delivery would be between 10 a.m.and 2p.m. 4 p.m.still no delivery no One calll.I call the Store some lame excuse..NEVER WILL PỦCHASE APPLIANCES FROM THEM AGAIN..

We signed up for a 2 year no interest no late fee program to reface our kitchen cabinets. After 6 months I received a bill stating if I didn't pay in full we would be accruing interest and late fees. I spent probably 2 weeks of my time trying to reach the right department, with a complete "run around" this person said she was not in charge but this other person was. When I spoke to him, he sent me to the next person round and round till they thought I would give up. I finally got with the right department and faxed over the original contract with the two year info, thinking it was resolved. Another 6 months went by and again same thing, "if you don't pay in full by the end of July 2017 interest and late fees will accrue." This with one more year to go and again I had to go through the same thing all over. This 2 year contract meant nothing to Home Depot it was just a come on so that I would owe them late fees and interest. That is not the worst of it. I visited a family member after my mother's funeral in West Hampton New York. She had the same kitchen refacing on her older cabinets, only much larger floor plan, and more elaborate hardware with glass fronts etc. and only paid a third of what we paid. We were completely overcharge. I am thinking of contacting the Attorney General in the State of Georgia, to see if others were duped into believing they had a two year contract that was pulled from under them and mysteriously changed into 6 months. Also how many others have complained about the overcharging of cabinet refinishing. My cousins for double the space and much nicer was 5,000.00 and ours in Colorado was $12,000.00 Very disappointed in Home Depot, Maria Cocchiarelli-Berger

I'm writing this because of no response from my store rating of 1 overall. This is not the first time with a problem at return counter. store 755 schillinger road mobile ,al .I ordered a gas grill on line 199.00 ,it asked if wanted put together for free, who would not .Online sent me a comp # an stated will contact the when order is ready. That was Saturday ,sunday I received e-mail ready for pick up .I go to the store Gayle tell's me the person who puts it together wont be in till Tuesday .Told me to come back then , I live 40 minutes away one way , She didn't look outside to see if one was there ,just said id have to come back .I I received a refund 20 minutes there, I went to lowes bought one for 159.00 . Gale is not the person who needs to be behind the counter when ,you don't try to trouble shoot . poor service , I work at a shipyard with 7,000 works I will tell anyone who mentions home depot , about my dealings an there lack of caring. Guess I wont be entered for the 5,000 give away !!!!!!!!

Last week we ordered an expensive LG French Door refrigerator freezer which we paid cash for.
We were told that it would be delivered today between 1-5.
After securing the food to prevent spoilage as well as possible and getting the old refrigerator ready to be hauled away, we sit home all day without a word.
After calling the manager we were told that he could not get in contact with whomever was supposed to be delivering the refrigerator and a bunch of general nonsense.
Then he told us that it would be delivered on Saturday which is two days away,while our food sits and rots.
After putting some much needed “teeth” into our conversation with him and hanging up and calling the corporate office, the manager called back and stated that he had found the delivery truck in question and our appliance was on it and would be delivered today.
We are still waiting.
The corporate office was no better than he while relating our complaint to them.
Be leery of Home Depot.
You might get your stuff on time or you might not.
I also know of other problems with them that happened with my sister and brother-in-law when having a door installed.
Thanks for your time.

I have purchased appliances before so I bought a HE stove for over 1000 dollars and was expecting a delivery today from 4 -8 time frame which was assigned to.me. I followed the instructions and removed the stove to make way for the new stove. I waiting for delivery and got a call at 5:30PM and was told that one delivery person got injured (truth who knows) What no replacement? I was told that the soonest delivery would be Tuesday. I work so it would have to after 4:30 PM.
So here I am with no stove for the next four days with no accommodation to get me the stove I paid for and entered into contract with you Home Depot. It was not my fault that my delivery is being delayed. When I contacted your customer service I was told that there was nothing that they could do. I asked why due to no fault of my own could I not be scheduled the next day to compensate the cancellation of my delivery today. I was told courtly there was nothing could be done.
Hey Home Depot I am the consumer who entered in good faith to purchase and receive my goods. Now I have no stove after following your guidelines for the next four days. I am upset and extremely disappointed.
If I could I would look for another stove not in a big box store but in a local dealer or if I had a truck I would see if a Home Depot store had my model in stock but at 67 yrs old I do not have the energy to pursue such. So I wait having to cancel the dinner I had planned on my new stove on Saturday for my sister and her husband's anniversary.
Very disappointed in Chicopee MA
Mike K 413#592-1054

Do NOT buy this carpet. It has lost its pattern in normal wear areas in only 13 months. Home Depot had a new piece tested that rated 3.0(their minimum to deny replacement) after 12,000 hexapod cycles. Their response was it passed the test and they could not help me further. Wrong answer for a $5,000 investment. We have now filed a complaint with the BBB. Not enough room for the whole story.

on Nov. 30 I purchased 2 sets of Samsung washers and dryers as Christmas presents for my son and my daughter. The washers were out of stock so the dryers were to be delivered 12/22. My son's was delivered but they told my daughter the truck broke down. It was delivered the next day. The washers were to be delivered 1/5 between 1&5 p.m. My daughter took the day off work. Received no washer and no phone call. I called at 6:30 and was told their truck broke down AGAIN. Delivery was reset for 1/12. My son was also to get a different unit the same day as his was damaged. I personally went into our local Home Depot to make sure everything was set. They rescheduled my sons without calling, therefore he would have taken the day off for no reason. The morning of the 12th I received a call from GE delivery that their truck broke down for the THIRD time. I later found out this was a lie, they didn't assign the unit a truck number. Delivery was reset for 1/17. When they arrived they said the pan that goes underneath the washer was too small. They left it sitting in her hallway. When they took the old washer out they were too lazy to take the door off the laundry room and ending up damaging her dryer door. As it turns out the pan was not too small so my son-in-law had to install the washer himself. They never measured the pan just looked at it. I have been trying to resolve this issue for almost a month and still have not gotten an answer. Why is taking a month to get a new dryer door that they damaged? I have gone into home depot several times and talked to several people including the manager. This has been a total nightmare for both myself and my daughter. The people at GE delivery are incompetent and rude. They give the impression they could care less. I will certainly think twice before I spend any more money at Home Depot.

Council Bluffs, Iowa store: I went to the kitchen dept. and a female employee was seated at the computer with two customers. I assumed they were working on something so wandered around the dept. for some time before going back. Still sitting there so I looked around the store some more. When I returned they were still sitting there but a male employee had joined them. After I stood and stared at them he got up to help me, and we went to the other computer. He was very helpful - the whole time we were researching the three women were still sitting there, DISCUSSING RECIPES! I was beyond disgusted! They were still sitting there visiting when I left. I happen to know that the store manager bends over backwards to please his customers and I felt you should all know about this employee's attitude. I am renovating a house and always shop at Home Depot, but this kind of treatment will send me elsewhere in the future.

i am having a problem with your service and manager in the repair center on air line hwy. and coursey blvd in Baton Rouge La. i brought in a pressure washer in ocbober of 2017 for repair, Before i could give details of the problem, Your staff begin going on and on of what was not covered and what it would cost if repaired, I was then told i would need to pay a $20.00 fee for inspection of the unit, I haven't even had a chance to explain what the problem was yet, In late january of 2018 after haven't hearing from you i decided to check on the unit, I was then told the unit was not under warranty and i owed you over $80.00 for replacing a carburetor gasket alone with the $20.00 already paid a total of over $100.00 to replace a single carburetor gasket, Bottom line to all of this my pressure washer warranty does not expire until january 2019 i've shown them my original paper work, warranty papers, drove over 100 mines twice only to be denied and treated as a fool in front of other coustmer in the store, I am going to file as many complaints as needed to resolve this issue your service department never has the right to treat coustmers as they see fit and even after explaining to them i called to service plan provider and given them the date the unit expires.

Worst customer service! I bought some home appliance to be installed from Home Depot, and I had the worst experience with the installation crew. Up to now the installation crew have not installed my dishwasher, despite the fact that I paid for the full installation of my appliance. My other compliant is on the fact that the carpet crew did a horrible job installing my carpet, due to that there are air pocket in the carpet. I called on several occasions to report my experience with the installation crew. I urge this kind of customer service to be addressed. In the mean time I need my dishwasher to be installed.

Cashier 1221 0000 17569 I don't know what all these number mean, I was in the store on 1806 east gun hill RD Bronx NY 10469 cashier name Angelia, I ask her to make sure the top on the bottle was on tight, she was turning the top the wrong way, I said that is the wrong way, she said it's ok, and put a bag on top, and just kept on eating, I said, it will spill, out on the floor of my car, I said what are you doing, you are doing this wrong, she didn't even look at me and gave me the receipt, and kept on eating, no people training at all,

I was just in your store in Yuba city, your head cashier is a very rude young man he stood be me and the cashier just staring made me very unsettling.let me go back to the beginning at first he couldn't make change for a 100.00 dollar bill he had to increase here drawer and that took 10min then he made a smart remark because I slid one item over the scanner and he got irate because I did that,you might want to teach these you management kids a little respect and to treat your customers with a little dignity, My husband is a contractor and has used your establishment for as long as you have been open and this is the first time we have ever been treated like this, if this young man (mark) is in there when I am I will not shop I will return at a different time. thank you for you time

I purchased a Maytag washer at Home Depot #6980 on November 24, 2017. I was told it would be delivered on Tuesday November 28, 2017.On November 27 I received a call saying my delivery would arrive on November 28 between 11:00-3:00. At approximately 4:30 my son called to see what was the problem. He was told be on site within 20 minutes. No delivery. I called the store the next day and talked to John Rogers who rescheduled my washer for Friday December 1. No delivery. I received a call saying my delivery would be on Saturday December 2, between 9:00 and 1:00. No delivery, no explanation. I went to the store on Monday December 4 and talked to John Rogers. he had my washer rescheduled for Tuesday December 12. On December 11, I received a call saying my delivery would be here between 10:30 and 2:30 on December 12. On December 12I received a call at 12:45 saying my delivery would be here in 20-30 minutes. At approximately 1:15 a truck pulled into my driveway then left. I called the number on my caller I.D. and asked what was wrong. The man told me that call should have never been made that there was a problem at the warehouse and he would get back to me. It is now Thursday December 14 I have heard nothing and I am extremely disappointed with the treatment I have received from Home Depot. My name is Willie jean mason. My phone # is 706-867-9481. My cell # is 706-701-0585. I would appreciate help from someone.

Delivery team told me they could not install dishwasher because shutoff valve was in basement even though it was within 6 feet of dishwasher as required by the website. Home Depot customer service confirmed this over the phone and were more than happy to cancel my order rather than attempt to provide any type of assistance, promising a refund in 7-10 business days. Just contacted them after 11 business days to be told my return has not yet been processed and it will be another 24-48 hours from Monday.

My construction company was contracted by a Home Depot service provider, (and badged accordingly). The contractor, Cento Solutions, chose to garnish my pay for work that was completed 6 months ago. I will be moving forward with putting a lien on two properties contracted by Home Depot.

Store 3651 E. Greensboro N.C.2912 S. Elm Eugene St. Greensboro N.C. 27406 Salesperson: AJP429 (ANNA)
My complaint: After buying the dryer I needed, she (I think her name is Anna) told me to go to the pick-up door and wait it will be out in 10 mins.
35 mins. later. I see her with a guy, two other ( employee) guys walking the cart with two appliances on it. When they get closer I can hear what her and the guy walking with her where saying. It is at this time I realize why I`ve been waiting so long. During the finalization of my purchase I remembered she told so guy " I`ll be right with you" SO THERE YOU HAVE IT! I waiting long because she felt the guy after me was more important than I . I`ll be honest with you I almost returned it right than and there. But I was on a time restart and had invested to much time already .
Also, when I first arrived to the appliance depart, I`m walking around looking. I picked the one to buy. I look around, don`t see anyone. I walked to the other side where I find two employees sitting doing something on their phones. I asked if they where sales people. No, I`ll call and get you someone. Thanks! I was in the department 10 / 15 min. before the sales people came to help me. And that would be fine if more people than just me was taking up her time. I can not put my finger on it but, did not like her from the beginning.
I usually buy the big stuff at low`s. On this day i just went to the closest store to save the. That was a mistake that will never happen again.
There U have it!

My husband and I ordered a whirlpool gas stove and a ge washer from your Hagerstown MD store on November 1, 2017. Very good customer service from store employees. Delivery was to be made following Wednesday but was not made/no phone call stating a reason. I had to call to reschedule. Appliances delivered November 15. November 17 our gas company was at our house connecting gas range and we realized that there is no bottom to oven!! A week before thanksgiving and I can’t use the oven! We call the local store and were told to call the customer service number. Of course we are put on hold..then we are sent to service, then to parts, back to service, then back to customer service!!! No one would take ownership of this issue - for over an hour. Finally we were told that we would have the part shipped in 7-10 days. We asked that since the part should have been attached when we received the stove and thanksgiving is in a few days, could it be expedited. This kind soul checked with his supervisor and got permission to have it sent by Wednesday (yesterday).
Guess what...it’s Thanksgiving and my oven bottom panel is not here and I am expecting guests for dinner. Needless to say, everyone at my dinner will know the story along with everyone else I know.
I worked as a manager in the public sector so I know what good customer service looks like and when there is little customer service. Your stores try very hard to please the customer but your “customer service department” really needs to learn to take ownership of a problem when they speak with a customer instead of shuffling them from department to department. I don’t even have confidence that the customer service rep even went to his supervisor, but just told us what we wanted to hear to get us off the phone!
I have some Home Depot gift cards that were given to us. Sure wish I could change them to Lowes gift cards.
Linda Hann
494 Licking Creek RD
Big Cove Tannery PA 17212

Waterbury CT store # 6212.
On November 18th at 5pm est. One of your female (Caucasian employee's) racially profiled me! At the self check-out. While trying to purchase faux tin panels for my ceiling (price a little over $20.00 per sheet) your employee proceeded to ask me if I could afford to pay for the sheets and if I know how much they cost! Stating that they where expensive. When I stated to her that I did not think that they were expensive she proceeded to look up the price and again ask me if I wanted to purchase something so expensive. Completely embarrassed and angry I told her that I would not be purchasing and to remove herself from my space! Leaving out I spoke to one of the other employees informing them of the incident. The following day (11-19) after I was able to calm down I went back to speak with a manager Janisia ( I may have spelled that incorrectly) to report the incident. I have been a loyal customer to Home Depot but never have I been so disrespected and embarrassed in a store! As an African American women with two master's degrees and currently working on a PH.D, I am more than capable of purchasing some $20.00 panels. If this is the type of treat your company allows I will take my business to Lowes, Walmart or another company! Racial profiling is never acceptable and it was extremely hurtful!

To whom it may concern;
I am writing this to you as a formal complaint in regards to purchasing items at your Lockport, NY location. A few negative experiences can really outnumber any good especially when encountering insulting, humiliating, and what's clearly discriminatory assumptions from few but too many employees at this location. Our family; my husband and son often visit this store pretty much on a daily basis. My husband is no stranger to this store, as our family has been doing business with Home Depot for over 20 years. On two seperate occasions, in less than one year, he has came home very distraught, unhappy, because of the shock it's very interrupting to his routine, and our world. Both situations, What should have been an easy checkout- was without a doubt, most definitely a form of discrimination and poor customer service , with our 10 year old son present both times. No explanation was needed, our son clearly realized with discomfort, same as my husband did - the truth to the indirect accusations. I myself have never encountered anything being a white female, nor would I ever expect that my husband would be either based on who he is; well mannered, outgoing, respected by many, most importantly a genuinely hard worker who takes on many jobs on top of his regular 9-5, multiple rental properties, multiple projects, people love that hes honest and upfront, he can fix pretty much anything, most amazing father-always teaching our son to be the same person he is with already being an outstanding student with we'll rounded skills. Overall, we are genuine positive people. Alot of frustrating things are swept under the carpet, as we donnot have time or need the extra headache to put energy into complaining about things that probably won't be heard.
However todays encounter is the last straw! My husband was fixing an electrical panel box, he brought the old CH breaker piece to compare what he needed to replace, as he has done on several trips to the store with other purchases. He showed the piece to the worker who helped him look for that part, as he then realized they didn't carry it, he ended up finding a part somewhat similar that would work. While he was checking out, he put the non identical, dirty, old piece back in his pocket. His few items rang up to be what he realized was overcharged for 2 parts, when he only had one. My husband asked what he was being charged extra for, the cashier looked at him ignorantly, raised his eyebrows and stated, "ughhh, u do have 2 breakers" .. My husband instantly aware of the accusation, pulled the old used piece out of his pocket and said, "I actually only have one on the belt with a barcode, this is one I brought into the store, clearly used up and not even the same piece" The cashier refunded him, stayed quiet, continued to appear like he had a reason for his attitude, did not apologize for the " misunderstanding", not even considering that our 10 year old son is staring and well aware of the accusation. My husband kept his composure and didn't even ask him why he had the nerve to assume he would put something in his pocket right in front of his face, and didn't ask him why he would automatically charge double the price. If my husband didn't notice, he would've just been charged and that cashier feels he can charge whatever he wants without asking to scan an item, based of of poor assumption.
Honestly, Lowe's has seemed too far especially when we travel to home depot sometimes upto 3 x a day when tackling home improvements, however Lowes may actually be worth the trip.. between the time, money spent on expensive items that need to be replaced due to poor quality, and the uncomfortable situations that feel 100 percent discriminatory. Home Depot being 5 miles closer has been the choice only because of convenience to us, yet very disappointing.
Last situation worth complaining about, my husband purchased a new leaf blower. While my husband was checking out, the cashiers store phone rang, he answered the call, as he proceeded to carry on a one sided conversation, my husband can hear only his replies, "oh no..they're not.. they are buying it". The cashier hung up and carried on with the transaction. My husband asked, "was that call regarding this purchase?", the cashier said, "yes". My husband bluntly asked, "does your manager think I was trying to steal this? The cashier paused, apparently on the spot- replied, "well he didn't exactly say that". Another situation my husband had to keep his composure with, just learn to deal with being indirectly accused and humiliated, again in front of our son who is well aware of the situation without explanation.
These experiences are not only hurtful, mortifying and very offensive, but they have taken place with our son witnessing how ugly and sad this world is. Regardless of white or black, or just plain poor judgement of others.We understand that there are situations that happen that are not to be trusted, but my family did nothing to deserve the disrespect.
At the end of the day; Cashiers!!!...DO NOT charge anyone for something that was wasn't placed on the belt, donnot charge items without a barcode, Donnot charge for items the customer is unaware of, make sure you are charging for a part you actually sell in your store, next time ask, "hey can I scan that?" That would've been a better approach. Managers!!!..Donnot call your employees and put them on the spot because you were too coward to approach the customer, don't make it so obvious. We are educated people, actually the employees at this store can use some education, mabey a 101 on customer service, customer approach, and discrimination. Employees!!! Treat everyone the same. If you feel that u treat everyone this way, then that would be your policy and everyone would know that the way you run a business. If not, I hope u don't come across someone that isn't capable of holding their composure. This is a very serious matter. Corporate!!!! You may have to hire someone at the door to check every receipt and matching item like Sam's club, that way it's not offensive when everyone else has to prove themselves the same way.

Approximately March 10, 2017 I purchased a water heater for my home. The following is a summary of what transpired between March 10, 2017 to present:
1. No invoice separating product and labor cost.
2. New Phoenix Enterprises signed contract #3806-372795 as agent of Home Depot. When I asked Home Depot about
New Phoenix Enterprises status as agent reply was do not know. New Phoenix Enterprises worked against Home
Depot's interest by violating POINT 13 of contract.
3. New Phoenix Enterprises committed FRAUD.
4. Kristofer Smith, District Service Manager, discriminated by his unfairness and one-sidedness on by denying cases
07153531 and 06060067.
All I have stated above can be verified by emails and other documents.


I purchased a lawnmower may 12 2017. Used it approximately 8 times to cut a strip of grass 60 x80. Failed to stay running next attempt to use.
Took it to local store in Lewes, De . It had a one or two year warranty. They charged me twenty dollars just to take it in for repair and said it would
be credited back when it was repaired. It would also take 6 to 8 wks. They called me on 10/31/17, said it was ready and wanted to charge me $70+.
They said it was due to stale gas residue, which is impossible for the short period of time I had it. I lost use of this in prime season. It was not misused. If you sell products with a factory warranty a reputable company would honor it. Sorry Home Depot but for $70 you just lost a good customer. Marty

Purchased LG dryer three yes ago. Also purchased 5 year protect policy. Problem occurred with dryer and had HD schedule repair service. Person didn't come nor did they call. Had to wait a week for repair to not show or call.. Called and spoke with store mgr that night. Seemed to want to address our issue. Said he would give to day mgr and have him call. Waited until noon with no call. Went to HD next day and contracted mgr. I told him why i was there. Said he gave complaint to an appliance person. Appliance person had not addressed the issue, said he had been busy. Appliance person asked who didn't show . Told him Quality App. He said they have reputation for that (then why use them?).
He called HP protection and they scheduled an appointment for the following Tuesday (another week). On Scheduled Tues Swift App arrived and said the dryer needed a control board. Said he would order and it would be 3-5 days before part arrived. On eighth day I attempted contact with Swift. No answer so I left message. Called total of three times with no answer and no return call. On Friday Sept 21 I went back to HD and spoke with night mgr, Allen. Told him my story. Said he would take care of it and have day mgr handle. I remarked I hope better than first one. He said day mgr would do it as he, Allen , was his boss. He said he would have mgr call me before noon.
No call fro HD the following day. That evening I Went back to HD and spoke with Allen again. Told Allen no one had called. He said that he would turn it over to someone in appliance. Through all of this (almost one month) Home Depot personnel say they will help but don't follow through, don't call and really don't seen to give a damn about the problem. A lot of money was spent to get the protection plan. It appears I have spent money for a nonexistent policy. I'm so angry about this that I could scream. But that wouldn't get things done. Your people actually don't seem to give a s--t! If anyone contacts me about this I will be extremely surprised. Seems the only choice I have is to go to local TV and see what they can do.

My order of a Kitchen Cabinet has been very badly handled from the start. The cabinet was ordered through your Elston/Leavitt store. The salesperson and reviewer where both JM93C6. The salesperson ordered the wrong size decorative end panels, which have had to be reordered. When the cabinet was delivered it came without the crown molding and the light rail. The delivery man, who apparently was contracted and not a Home Depot Employee, told me that those pieces were on the Home Depot truck and would be delivered later that day. The reason why they were not included with the pieced he delivered was not explained to me. I know that they were delivered to your store, because I got an email from you notifying me of that. They were not delivered and after 4 phone calls I finally found out that you lost them and had to reorder them, I have been a Home Depot customer for a long time and if this is not resolved in a timely fashion I'm afraid I will have to become a Lowes customer instead.

I am a single mom and I ordered a refrigerator through online from home depot store account #W900167455. I used all my money so I could keep food for my daughter. I made ordered on October 12, 2017. And set up delivery for October 14, 2017. They charged my credit card same day. They called me on Friday October 13, 2017, that delivery will be made on October 14, 2017 between 4:30 to 8:00 pm. I was home waiting for delivery. But no delivery, no refrigerator and no money. Home depot is the worst store. Because of them I have no money and no food to store for my daughter. If you will not solve this as soon as possible I will complain every hour, and every where. And they called me at 8:45 pm and said they will delivery a REFRIGERATOR ON TUESDAY NOW!!!!!!!!! IT'S REFRIGERATOR .
Eva Gidova.

Home Depot sells used Railroad ties on line. I went to the Silverdale WA. store to make a purchase of 24 used ties.
I was told they do not have store pickup or home delivery for my area. but contacted the Sequim store and an order was placed from the Silverdale store for delivery to my home----after extensive work on the part of the Special Order staff---in keeping with HD service policy.
Whether by error or practice and calls to the Sequim store , the RR ties were delivered to my home from the Sequim store (Order H4716-37397).
I found I needed 8 more ties this last week and attempted to order the ties at the Silverdale store. Initially I was again advised there were problems placing such and order. I asked why they could not ship the ties to silverdale as is done with anything else ordered on line and not available in the store inventory. I also talked to the Swing shift Special order staff who reiterated the problems but was gong to investigate options the next day .He had suggested I rent a truck and drive to Sequim to pick them up. NOTE: I AM 80+ AND NO LONGER PICK UP RR TIES --IF I EVER COULD. I decided to go into the Silverdale store to resolve the problem in person. The concerns about placing such an order were again raised by the Special order staff. I also asked why Sequim store could not transfer my order to the Silverdale store if they could not deliver from Sequim. Again after much back and forth between Sequim Pro- staff and Silverdale special order staff the order was placed (H8998-37459). I told my contractor the material was coming.
The next morning I received a call from the lady who had assisted me in Silverdale saying they would have to refund my payment since they could not get the RR ties from Sequim. I declined to have my account credited and still wanted the ties I had paid for the previous day. I was to receive a call back. I have not had a call back.
I do not know the status of my documented paid order except that my last call from Silverdale was that they could not fill the order.
I see the problem as HD Corp.carrying and selling items but unwilling to bring the items into the store or transfer between stores. If you sell on line you need to be able to ship to home or at least to the local store.
My problem now is my project will not complete with the people I have hired to build my retaining wall if I cannot provide the materials needed for completion.
For the staff that tried in every way to assist me I have he utmost respect as they were clearly working to maintain the HD ADVERTISED service reputation.
They are stopped by management rules which prevent them from providing the full ADVERTISED service to the customer for all products sold by HD.
I question the management of the store and higher ups ----not the staff--- for lack of a system that assures all HD items are available --by every means possible--to deliver to the customer.
In the above cases the store manager should have resolved the questions with the customer--in lieu of leaving the dedicated staff to provide answers not in their authority. During at least one instance I know the staff urgently and unsuccessfully tried to get a manager --at my request.
Please advise me----In lieu of Silverdale store management -----of the status of my order to prevent further delay in my work.

October 9, 2017
Darelene & Ken Carpenter
On June 30, 2017, with the assistance of Home Depot Sales Representative, Brady Beach, we ordered new black aluminum fencing and a matching arched gate from Finyl Vinyl. It was supposed to take five weeks to complete the job. We are now beginning the FIFTEENTH week and the job is still not completed.
We expected our fencing installation to be completed within the first two weeks of August. We called Finyl Vinyl and Brady Beach multiple times in mid-August to get a status since we’d had no word on the status from either souce. Mr. Beach never answered our calls. Finyl Vinyl finally responded and informed us then, that although the fencing had a 5-week lead-time, the gate had an 8-week lead-time, an important fact not provided at the time we signed the contract with Mr. Beach. Surely your sales rep should have mentioned this manufacturing lead-time disconnect to us—that was important information.
Finally, on 8/21, we were notified by Finyl Vinyl that our installation could be scheduled for 8/29. As we were leaving on vacation 8/24, we made arrangements with our neighbor to oversee the installation while we were gone. We specifically requested that Finyl Vinyl confirm the install date with our neighbor so he could be present. They agreed to do this. They waited until the last minute to call him (day before) and he was not available on that date so they moved the installation date out 15 days (to 9/13) due to their “busy schedule.” We were not due to return from our trip until 9/15. The installation should have been completed by that time.
On 9/13, the installation crew was a No-Show and no one coordinated this information with our neighbor. When he called Finyl Vinyl to find out what was going on, he was told the crew was “busy” and would be there instead on 9/14 between 12noon-3pm. Our neighbor rearranged his schedule so he could be there but once again, they were a No-Show. Finyl Vinyl did not communicate this information to him. When our neighbor called Finyl Vinyl on 9/14 at 3:30pm to see what was going on, he was told the installation was being moved out yet another day, but the crew would be dropping off the supplies at our home at end of day. Our neighbor specifically asked that he be contacted when they did that (he lives across the street) but they dropped everything and left without contacting him. He only saw the materials later when he walked outside.
Finally, on 9/15, the crew arrived at 7am to install the fencing. Again, they ignored our instructions to check in with our neighbor when they arrived. The installation was completed but they installed the wrong gate design. We’d ordered an arched gate and they brought a straight-across design. They asked if we would accept it anyway. We said NO. I want the gate I ordered, not the one they made by mistake. Now, I have to wait for another 8 weeks before I get my gate installed. I called Finyl Vinyl on 9/27 to ask about whether there had been a “rush” put on the replacement gate manufacture since it was their mistake and I shouldn’t be inconvenienced for at least another 8 weeks because they made a mistake. The woman I talked to seemed surprised that I’d ask about something like that and she had no idea what was happening nor did she seem inclined to follow through on my request. After a few more comments from me, I heard some “tapping” (keystrokes) and she finally agreed to send the manufacturer an email. It’s no surprise to me that I’ve heard NOTHING since then.
This has been the worst Customer Service experience we’ve had, beginning with your Home Depot Sales Representative. It was as if once we signed the contract, he was done. I do not believe that is representative of Home Depot’s customer relations. The finished fencing product is very nice but our experience has been nothing short of POOR. If Finyl Vinyl sticks to the normal lead-time (and I have no illusions that Finyl Vinyl has done, or plans to do anything to prioritize the gate manufacture) and if we don’t get pushed aside by any “big jobs” somewhere, we may see our fencing installation completed in 19 WEEKS. It was bad enough to deal with the original delay-upon-delay situation but now the gate too? We have a spa in our back yard and are supposed to have a self-locking gate. It was bad enough to have to wait for the originally-stated 5-week manufacture period. When I mentioned my concern with the gate situation, the woman at Finyl Vinyl told me just to put netting across the opening. I’m sure that would be an effective deterrent…Never.
I believe we should be compensated in some way for our inconvenience and our general level of continuing frustration with this whole situation. We went to Home Depot for our fencing because we had such good customer service in the past when we had laminate flooring installed. This situation with Finyl Vinyl has been a nightmare.

I set up an appointment for a kitchen refacing a floor to be put in as well as a stone countertop I was contacted by the individual who was supposed to come out at around 8:05 this evening and he began to you know ask me the questions of how many kitchen cabinet doors do I have how big is my kitchen and I asked him I said well isn't that what the point of scheduling the in-home visit is for and he went on to say to me well yeah but I just you know I know you're in the Detroit area and I just you know this is very expensive and I said I said okay what does that mean you know I know a lot of people that call from the Detroit area once again seems to think that you know they're only going to be spending around $1,000 but I wanted to ask that man I said we'll do you call all your customers and say this to them you know sometimes people are really happy you know what I think this was a very discriminatory call you know I'm not sure if I want to use racial but it was very discriminatory and I was totally unhappy with it and I'm just really irritated right now but it was I was very uncomfortable with it and I definitely intend on canceling my appointment I had schedule with him and my name is Dwayne Williams my phone number is area code 313-926-2851 thank you

I set up an appointment for a kitchen refacing a floor to be put in as well as a stone countertop I was contacted by the individual who was supposed to come out at around 8:05 this evening and he began to you know ask me the questions of how many kitchen cabinet doors do I have how big is my kitchen and I asked him I said well isn't that what the point of scheduling the in-home visit is for and he went on to say to me well yeah but I just you know I know you're in the Detroit area and I just you know this is very expensive and I said I said okay what does that mean you know I know a lot of people that call from the Detroit area once again seems to think that you know they're only going to be spending around $1,000 but I wanted to ask that man I said we'll do you call all your customers and say this to them you know sometimes people are really happy you know what I think this was a very discriminatory call you know I'm not sure if I want to use racial but it was very discriminatory and I was totally unhappy with it and I'm just really irritated right now but it was I was very uncomfortable with it and I definitely intend on canceling my appointment I had schedule with him and my name is Dwayne Williams my phone number is area code 313-926-2851 thank you

paid 4,000 to have custom closet installation in july 8th when purchased new home. first the installer was 2 and half hours late then he brought his son with him. then the child went into my bathroom and decided to play with soap and had water everywhere. when installer left he did put on paperwork job incomplete. Because didn't have enough materials,August 25th or 26th hadn't heard from no one at home depot about completing closet, so I called was being transferred all around, being told we don't do installations .called numbers I was given I spoke with supervisor dale he sent a different installer out to see what needed to be completed and take measurements. I was informed may take to 10 or 12days for materials waited and waited 3weeks, did not get a call to set up time when materials come .Monday October 2nd I called being transferred all around finally I was transferred to a nice and professional employee that went above and beyond to help me. called 301-459-2755 was told they don't do installations a manager even told me he would have to investigate what I'm talking about my closet install, gave him angela's name and said he would call me back , he hung up on me didn't get any info to call me back or anything. kept calling finally got a very nice gentleman , he put me on hold and called them call went directly to Angela. Then she acted like I didn't have no installation because I would have to go through her until I reminded her of the first installer that had car trouble. Then the guy asked her why if he called and got through why my calls were being transferred. why? because she was rude and unprofessional as well as the other young lady that transfer calls to her. I told her I was going to make a complaint about her and the young lady. so apparently they didn't want to deal with me. but I paid my money up front and you want to give me attitude. customers are why you have a job. the supervisor Dale was very unprofessional as well and then I let him know this entire department should be written up, the entire chain of command because no one knows anything or they don't follow through and make sure when installers come back with paperwork and the job say incomplete, do you file paperwork as complete. it told me that no one cared because its a job to them so it can fall on someone shoulder to be blamed. Today October 3, 2017 I get a call and the supervisor dale tells me the wrong materials were not the correct measurements. I informed him he didn't call me back from 4weeks ago now I had to call like he said to see when will my closet be complete and get the run around on the phone for 2and half hours trying to get him or Angela. It's disappointment when employees work for companies and think they can be rude unprofessional. Especially when Home Depot want money up front. But now I'm into the 4th month of waiting for completion. I told Dale I was calling corporate to make a complaint on all of them they all dropped the ball. And really didn't care. no one checked paper work when returned to office, no one notified me I had to call and be transferred all around md,d.c., Virginia stores, please tell me why. Apparently he knew I was serious less than 5 minutes I get a call from Don the manager he say's were short some of the materials and were trying to get expedited to get job complete. I really don't know who to believe whether its a supervisor or manager. I thinks its sad this is the way home Depot treat customers.

We ordered windows and a sliding glass door from the Warrenton,OR HomeDepot in May 2017, The order couldn't be initiated until Miles @ 503-267-7716 verified I was a real person, he drove to my house, between Longview & Cathlamet, WA, to meet me. He took my order, around the end of June. Later when we inquired as to how the order was going, Miles told me the cc# number wouldn't work. I finally convinced him That was B.S. so June 29th, Miles punched in the correct cc#, we were in motion again until the order arrived at Warrenton. This order for windows and a glass door went downhill from then. HomeDepot staff lost our windos and sliding glass door. The order was supposed to have been cancelled August 28th by Miles when I contacted him. I called him the 29th and he said, "the order had been cancelled, It's out of my hands". Yesterday, we get a call from Shauna 877-903-3768 ext 3768 63635, she was calling to schedule the install. She seemed surprised that we no longer own that property and that order was supposed to have been cancelled in August. At this point, we will never, never, visit another HomeDepot store, if this complaint is not heard and acted upon.
Shauna 877-903-3768 3768 63635
Miles 503-267-7716
Michael Forte 503-298-1177

I bought a chain saw for $169.00 plus tax.i had it 3 days and it quite working .It is hard starting finaly get it running and 5 minutes later cuts off it is defective.I went to home depot on skyline in cape coral fl where I spend thousands of dollars per year.i have a company called parker house rentals in the cape and buy all materials from home depot .I follow the procedior to return they sent me to the rental tool department to have it checked out I left it there for 10 minutes while I got more materials came back and the man running the department had a real attitude towards me he says it works have a nice day .that is really poor customer service .I got mad spoke to the manager and she gave me the runaround also she was very profesional .they should post a sign where u sell gas operated power tools so people know what to deal with before they buy the product I am very disappointed in your people I don't know if this letter means anything but I belive I may decide to do my business else where loosing a good customer over $169.00 dollar item is crazy look up my business and see what money I spend there .well I hope we can resolve this in a fairly manner thank you ceo joseph dinnocenzo

We just purchased a refrigerator and stove last week from Home Depot- I decided I would also like the matching microwave oven- when I went to order it I was told I had to pay $59.99 to have it delved to my home- I work in Batavia NY where I wanted to pick it up( which you have a store)- no way was I going to pay that additional fee- so I talked to the asst manager she would work around the delve fee by giving me a discount of the price of delve- where I am having the issue with- is that I also had a coupon for 10% off the microwave which helped make the decision to buy the microwave- she told me I would not be able to use it and she considered it double dipping- which in my opinion it was not-
I was not going to pay delve fee no matter what- and I was going to get the 10% off the appliance- so due her not working this out-
I am now buying the same microwave with no delve fee and 10% off at Lowes( which was the same price as Home Depot)
so you not only lost this sale but also any I might have made in the future due to this situation al for another $34
if you look at out past buying we have spent a lot of money redoing and restocking our house
Kimberly and William Eley

On Aug 31, 2017 I purchased a dishwasher, it was delivered on Sept 6 and not working. I called that afternoon, the following day, and finally went to the store (an hour drive). I was told to call Maytag as Home Depot doesn't replace. Maytag closed, called on Monday, repairman came and said the appliance was defective. Called Home Depot, 2 hrs on hold so drove again to Home Depot only to be told to call Maytag as it was out of your hands. Maytag tells me it will be 3 to 4 weeks to repair the new item I purchased from Home Depot. At this point I will never purchase anything from Home Depot in the future if this is an example of your customer service. You don't answer your phones forcing customers to physically to your store to report broken items delivered by your vendors. This is beyond unbelievable. I did complaint to your Honolulu representative (store) and got nowhere. I only give you 1 star above because there is no lower mark available.

i order a stove 2 weeks ago and they were suppose to delivery it but they kept playing around saying they will deliver it in less than 30 minures but nobody shows up. I guess this is how home depot treats there customers after they accepted our money. They need to fired or get rip of the people who handles the stove deliverys in the quincy ma area. They wasted 2 of my Saturdays waiting for it to be deliver and i'm wondering if i have to sue to get compensated for my time and distress. 2 week of takeout is no fun.

I purchased over $4000 worth of Cascade Tuffbilt metal fencing, including 26 - 5' x 8' fence panels which are still stacked next to my garage because even though I made the order at the local store in Billings Montana with the assistance of an Associate I do not have posts to put up the fence. I have tried three times to get posts. No one seems to know how to acquire the 73003517 line posts (I need 24 of them) or the 73003524 corner posts (I need two of them). This has been going on now for weeks. Winter is coming on and all I have at this point is $4000 worth of fence panels that cannot be installed while I am out the money and absolutely no one seems to have a way to get the damn posts.
The phone complaint system does not work. The on line complaint system gets no response.
In the absence of an answer, I am going to call CEO Craig A Menear at home after hours every night.
Vic Feuerstein
11506 Otis Creek Road
Shepherd, Montana 59079

Just need a follow up ...FYI been shopping at the Hammond store the last 3 days around 4 pm today Sun. the 3rd...only one register with and attendant ...l like to use your self check registers very convenient ...but 2 down the last 2 days today long lines and 3 registers down plenty of help but no managers around...why who maintains the registers.. ...Thanks Jose...Hammond,indiana>>>>

It has been more than two weeks i have been trying to order a counter top.
I have given your store the measurements. I have call a few times only to find out that they are working on getting what it woild cost. I do understand that it may take a little time. The lady i talk to said she would get back to me. Well not sure because the last tome i called she was not working that day. The employee o talk to said he would let her know i called.
If your company does not wish have my busses thats ok. But it would be nice just call and let me kmow.
Bridhgeport store in WV

I was at Home Depot in Merritt island Fl today looking at counter depth frig, spoke to appliance , I asked her to call Palm Bay store as I was there yesterday, she called told me if was gone, I called after to find out it was still there, so Deborah was to hold it for me. My husband and I got there, frig was there, 878 Samsung, I ask for military discount to complete with lowes, it was turned down, when I ask for delivery and was told that it will cost 79.09 and everything in the store claims free shipping with AnY order of 396 or more. I went to CS as there wasn't a Mgr in the store, spoke to CS Mgr she gave me a number to call, I called CS spoke to gayla she was to give me a call back on situation waited 4 hours no call . I will shop at lowes and do will the combat vet ma in Florida abs annex if this is the way you trust us,
Debra Mull

I am the Vice President of Pace Incorporated in Concord Ca. We have been long term commercial customers. Account Number: 6035322531913584. in May of 2017 there was unauthorized use of a very old card from a former employee. The card had not bee used for over 15years and all of the sudden on a holiday weekend 5/28/17, 5/29/17 it was used in 15 transactions at three different southern California stores in a 22 hour period. 10 of the transactions were for $900.00 or more totaling $10,419.00. We are in close contact with the retired employee Andy Dunivan and he is confident the card was properly disposed of years ago. Home Depot was notified by 5/30/17 that these charges were unauthorized yet made no attempt to prevent $9,000.00 worth of gift cards from being redeemed! I have spoken with Vicky at the security Ops Division and she informed me that Home Depot was NOT defrauded that Pace INC. was defrauded. and the charges would be our burden to bare. Their " investigation " is a joke! Vicki claims that checking photo identification is an individual store practice not a company policy. Yet in nearly 20 years of using this card I am ALWAYS asked for Photo ID if its over $50.00. I would appreciate someone from Home Depot contacting me about this and NOT Citi Bank. Pace INC does not feel that this is our total burden to bare. Thank you Cell: 925- 768-4843

Your complaint line isn't very user friendly. Please see below.
I ordered over $9000.00 worth of flooring not quite a year ago from Home Depot I was told I have a lifetime warranty on the flooring. I called Home Deport to report a transom had come up between the kitchen and the foyer and I had a small spot in front of the dishwasher. A fellow came to check it out. I was told my dishwasher was leaking. So the next Saturday I went to Home Depot to purchase a new dishwasher and decided to buy a new stove, also. (almost $2000.00). It was delivered on Thursday, August 3rd. They installed the stove but couldn’t get the dishwasher to fit. I had paid to have the old dishwasher removed but they were going to leave it, I said oh no, had to have the neighbor come over and cut the legs off the old one so they could take it out. I asked why there was water under the sink, and was told because it leaked a little when they undid the old dishwasher. Then the water started running out under the flooring, Keith and I sopped water all evening, and then used a fan to dry the floor. When I awoke the next day my floor was ruined from the dishwasher to the kitchen door. Warped, uneven, plus the inside of the cupboards were warped, a real mess I went back to Home Depot to report the problem on Aug. 4th, Spoke to manager Bill. He just kept saying that the contractor didn’t work for Home Depot and he couldn’t do anything about it. I finally left, telling him “I can’t talk to you anymore”. He had no sympathy, no I’m sorry, nothing but the contractors didn’t work for Home Depot. Needless to say I wasn’t a happy customer.
I text Sierra (the GOD send of the Home Depot on Pleasantburg Drive, Greenville, SC) She had worked until 6am that morning but still called me at 11:30 am. She had Tim Foley (VP over flooring) call me. I explained what had happened. He asked me to come to the store that evening, he would be gone but LeAnn would help me, Keith and I went to the store around 5:30 pm, met LeAnn. She called Mike in plumbing; he took Keith over to the plumbing department, got a part and brought it back. She said here you go; this is what you need to fixed the problem. I said are you kidding me. (Keith and I are both in our 70’s and they expected us to repair the part ourselves) Mike said yes it’s easy. You just cut the pipe and put in the new one or call a plumber (on a weekend) or LeAnn suggested calling our home owners insurance. She did say that a claim had been filed. Tim had already told me that he had filed the claim. She was no more help than Bill the manager, just had a sweeter voice. We left, not happy at all.
A friend came to help repair the valve. So we went back to Home Depot Friday evening, to get the tools that we needed. We were given a hack saw, and told to cut the pipe and put on the new valve, WRONG. The hacksaw made the pipe out of round, and jagged so the valve wouldn’t work. The next morning, another trip to Home Depot, (told by 2 different employees that they thought the company was taking care of this for us, I said I thought that too) given more parts, and told to use a blow torch, de-sodder the pipe and put on the valve. After 20 minutes of using the blow torch, we used Google, It should have only taken 5 seconds to de-sodder, Back to Home Depot again, got a pipe cutter and 2 valves. Problem solved.
I purchased a new dishwasher that day and it was delivered the following Thursday. Still doesn’t fit, Called Tim and told him the other dishwasher didn’t fit either. He has made 5 appointments to come to the house (we live less than 5 miles from the store) to help but never showed for any and never called, The last appointment was set for 4:00 pm Thursday, Aug 17th. I was leaving on a vacation, told him I was to board the plane at 5:55 but he could call me until I had to board the plane. I didn’t hear anything so I called him back. He would be there at 6:00 pm. When I departed the plane, I had a voice message that Mickey would be there at 6:40. Not good because Keith had to leave at 6:30. I have heard nothing back from Tim.
Shirley called on Thursday, Aug. 24 to ask about getting the transom fixed, I explained to her what had been going one. She apologized, said she hadn’t been told any of this. She was leaving on vacation but would be back on Monday. She said if I hadn’t heard anything by then to call her back. She did give me the claim number and a phone number. I called to find out the claim hasn’t been assigned to anyone. I call Shirley back to give her an updated status. She will try to expedite the process
I have done everything that Home Depot asked of me. And still here we are, with molding warped cupboards, warped Pergo flooring, and no transom, plus I now have bugs because of the mold and water damage. I have a new dishwasher sitting in the kitchen (not installed) and I can’t seem to be able to get any help. What started out as a small problem has turned into a major issue?
VP Tim, Manager Bill and LeAnn need to take lessons on customer service from either Sierra, Shirley. or Jim in appliances. At least they have listened and tried to help. I feel like 3 weeks is more than enough time to get helped.
Niki DeYoung
100 Bonnie Woods Drive
Greenville, SC 29605

I ordered a washing machine on line and paid for delivery, installation, and for disposal of old washer. During the chat on line I told the person of the problem. I was not asked at any point if the washer had any amount of water in it. I however drained the washer down to a small amount of water because I didn't want a sour smell in my home. The delivery men refused to turn water lines completely off, as they were supposed to attach the new lines from the kit I purchased with the washer. My brother did it for them.
Then they refused to move the washer because of the water, even as they were told that we would take care of any spilled water. My brother had to move the washer as the two men watched. The movers from Spirit movers were very unprofessional. Now I did go to the local store and told them of the complaint. I was refunded 59 dollars. I am still unhappy about this event and I still have to dispose of the washer, which will not be easy to do. If I had known that this was going to turn out this way, I would NOT have made the purchase! In the future you may need to stress the need to honor a commitment to sub contractors so that your costumers will remain your costumers.

I bought a 22'' lawn mower the first week August 2016 (refurbished). The first week of September the self propel stopped working. I took it to the Cross Keys store to have it fixed only to have it held and "worked on" and told that the manufactures warrantee would not apply. well after picking it up and paying for supposed work, I used it once and it would not work any more.
I also took my 30'' in to have the self-propel fixed on it. I was asked about the tune up which I said do it as well and put new blades on it. I know the tune up is changing the oil, filter, and spark plug it was kept for a week and when I picked it up and used it the self-propel did not work. I took it back and was told that it was the belt and the wire. I paid and got it and it still does not work.
I noticed that the blades were not changed the first time and I was charged for it. But when I mentioned it was told that maybe I was cutting wet grass. Tough when I picked it up the second time the blades were new. I am trying to get a business in lawn-care going and can't do much with badly maintained equipment and having to put customers on hold. it's bad business. I have spent much money with Home Depot to the pointe that I was going out of town and as I came through the x-ray at the airport, the TSA agent said to me 'You look familiar ", I said You look familiar to me too but I can't think of where I know you from.
He then said, "Do you go to Home Depot", I said , yes a lot. He sais "That's where from". If that does not say how much I use the store, I don't know what does. Though my machines do have wear and tare, I paid to have them fixed to work. One is not working( the one just purchased and used one month) and the other is barely working. I need to know what can be done about this. I do have paper work on this situation.

On the 25th of sept my wife and I ordered a Samsung refrigerator from the store in Danbury ct. On sept 28 to be delivered on October 5th.My wife noticed the item was on sale so she called to get the sale price which was 321.60 less. She spoke to Carmen and was told a managers approval was needed. For the next four days numerous calls to get the approval went unanswered. We finally drove back to the store which is 30 miles away after being left on hold for over an hour. This would be on the 3rd of Oct about 230 pm.
Spoke to Carmen again and although she was very nice was unable to get approval because apparently manager was not available in the store. The names of the people responsible were Al Conklin and Tonya. We finally canceled the order after not getting the approval which we were told should only be a formality. With the exception of Carmen the customer care service at this store is completely non existent. Because of the management here Home Depot lost a sale worth $2384.00 to Sears. Both my wife and I think Home Depot should take a look at their customer care in the management area.

I bought a 24.6 cu, ft. French Door Samsung refrigerator on 19 September, from the Home Depot, 11075 Tara Blvd, Lovejoy, GA, and it was delivered on 22 September 2016. My paperwork stated the refrigerator that I currently had in my home would be removed and hauled away. After they installed my new refrigerator the delivery people stated, "we did not come in a truck with a lift, so we will send a message to our company and have someone come and pick it up". Although, you delivered a large size refrigerator they could not remove a refrigerator that was a little smaller because the old one was too heavy. The old refrigerator was placed in the front of my house, today is 26 Sept and it is still sitting in front of my house.
On the 22nd I had not heard from anyone so I called the number for the Appliance Delivery and stated my problem to have the old refrigerator removed. The person I talked to was rude and stated that no one was in my area but she would send someone tomorrow which would be the 23rd of Sept. I asked at what time and she stated that she did not know but for me to just wait until someone showed up and that I did not need to be home. I did not trust her so I called the Lovejoy Home Depot on the 22nd and asked to speak to a manager to expressed my concerns, they transferred me to Logan the person who takes care of these types of issues.
I explained to Logan what the problem was and told her about the rude person I had just talked to pertaining to my refrigerator still sitting in front of my house. She called me back and stated that the refrigerator would be picked up on the 23rd between 2 and 4 o'clock. I knew that they would tell Logan the exact same thing that I was told with no intentions of picking up my refrigerator. Needless to say it was not picked up and today is the 26th of Sept so for 5 days I have had the large double sided refrigerator sitting in my yard with company having to walk around it.
My money can be accepted and after that my issues and concerns are just thrown by the wayside. This is the second time I have bought something from Home Depot and had major problems, I should have gone to Lowe's. I am very, very upset and do not understand why I have to go through this every time I buy a large ticket item from Home Depot.

Purchases a double wall oven on receipt #H1245-15194 at your New Rochelle store. The oven was delivered on Friday Sept. 9th. Your installers were scheduled for Monday 16th. My husband and I took the day off. Two brothers showed up around 5:45. They had no cutting tools with them. They said that the oven was too big and they couldn't do the job. We drove to Home Depot to try resolve the issue. We spoke with the appliance manager and asked if we could return the oven and reselect something else. We offered to pay a restocking fee. I've been doing customer service for the last 38 yrs for a major retailer for furniture and rugs. I found the young lady to be combative. I was rather surprised at her attitude.
We then spoke with the operations manager Treacy-Ann Burnett who was helpful. She could understand why it would fit. Shre offered to credit back the installation fee if we got someone else to do it.. Our carpenter looked at it yesterday and couldn't believe they couldn't do it. All that was needed was to cut about 2 inches off the cabinet. I found out since that the company that was sent to my home has had a lot of complaints. Tracey offered to give us a $25 gift. Knowing that Home Depot sent out a company that has had many complaints $25 doesn't cut it. The main issue I have is the way we were treated by the appliance manager. She was just unwilling to help!

Almost three weeks ago I purchased a cooktop in store. Was not able to fit, per Home Depot contractor. This was never communicated with store, and so I had to make numerous calls and emails after which the cooktop was collected from my home. I spoke with store representatives as well as sent emails regarding a suitable fit. Again no response and so I had to visit store and each time no one is able to assist. I was told that I would receive a call from manager or credit. To date neither of the above. I will therefore seek legal advice, as they have taken my money and have forfeited their side of the contract.

I hate to give one star because our sales person was so nice as was the delivery driver. Beyond that the experience is frustrating and I would say there is no such thing as customer service at home depot. We bought a washer/dryer last Tuesday 8/16...why is that in caps? Because if you pay Home Depot they should take care of an issue not the customer spending 2 days and phone calls to Home Depot store, Home Depot number attached to delivery form, LG, Deliver service, Customer Service complaint/resolution (Not) and still I wait.
Saturday 8/20 on delivery the dryer was damaged (the box looked great but the front of the dryer was smashed..now how does that happen) so it was never taken off the truck. It is now Tuesday 8/23 at almost 4:30 pm and I still have no idea when the replacement dryer will be delivered but well someone from LG is supposed to call me tomorrow (um yeah because they called me today like they were supposed to? nope) to tell me Thursday or Friday deliver....I work people I can't just take off...well I was told if when they call it is not an automated delivery notification you could ask for a time that works for you.
This is not customer service....customer service would be the delivery driver calling someone saturday to say hey damaged dryer when is the next date to get one out to these people? I was warned to go to Lowes...next time I will listen

Took two items without receipts to Home Depot for a refund or store credit. Home Depot would only refund one item and not the other without the receipt. I asked for the manager. He came and I asked him to authorize the refund or store credit. The value was $3.30 on a Home Depot product but he would not without the receipt. And he gave no explanation why the discrepancy as to why they would refund one item without the receipt and not the other.
So I took the store credit for the one item and made a small purchase to use it and when I got home I went to www.homedepot.com/survey that was on my receipt and completed the survey with the only complaint being not being given a refund on one of two items. The end of the survey asked if I wished for Home Depot to contact me and I answered it yes and gave my contact info. They never responded.
It really is a petty issue but they should realize that pissing their customers off just sends them to Lowes. I went on line and looked at scads of Home Depot reviews and lots of folks are giving their business to Lowes due to dissatisfaction with Home Depot customer service.

A few month ago I and my wife went to home depot between 159th Street and 151th Street on root 7th, to buy an internal door. After a few weeks I got the costume door that I ordered. Unfortunately the door was broken when it got to me, and I sent it back. The drive that delivered the door to me said a lay claiming that I knew, and I knew that the door would be broken. I did not understand what he was claiming since I paid for a new door, and not a broken one. I sent back the door.
I went to complain at Home depot headquarters and the CEO, and after a while they told me they would send me anew door. Yes after a few months they sent me a new door, but it was not the one I chose. The door is made very poorly and the glass is not the one I had chosen the first time. I decide to keep the door because I did not want to wait a few more weeks to install a door. But since I have another door to install, I will not buy anymore from home depot. I will buy the small stuff on the shelves, but no more the costume made stuff. After many years I learned, and now I will try other places.

Several months ago we bought a new lawn mower at Home Depot in Valdosta, Georgia. It quit working and we took it back. Was told had a 30 day return policy but they could send it off for a fee which we paid. Was told it would be a couple of weeks. Last week we got a call from the store saying they just shipped it and it would be 6-8 weeks. This is not acceptable as cannot mow the grass and have company coming for the 4th. They waited 2 weeks to send it off after saying it would be back in 2 weeks.

I recently purchased almost $900.00 of rails and posts to construct a post and rail fence in our yard, I placed the order online and when I went to pick it up there was a lot of confusion and what should have taken about 10-15 min. ended up taking an hour. The employee waiting to put the material on my trailer could not seem to get a "spotter" to help him move the packages through the store. This is a lot of money to for my wife and I and we had be putting some aside for over a year to do this job.
When I started the project the next day I was very disappointed with the railings, they were not anywhere near uniform in size, they were not similar in shape and in some cases I had to saw the ends because they were too thick to fit in the holes of the posts. This is unacceptable to me and I am sure others, fortunately I was able to modify where I needed to but I am certain that there are others that would not have been able to.
These materials were purchased at the Home Depot in People's Plaza, Newark, DE 19702. Please contact me about this problem.

6 months ago I visited home depot 1066 Central Parkway San Antonio, 78232. I was looking a light bulbs, a salesman recommended the Led bulbs as he told me they would last as long a 20 years and point it out on the promotion. I bought 3 of the top of the line.He told me they would save me over a $100.00 during their lifetime. I asked him if they failed could I bring them back for a replacement and he said yes.
Today one failed and I took it back to the same store. The young lady told me they would not replace it and If I had a complaint I had to take it up with the manufactory. (I did not buy it from the manufactory, but from Home Depot) I have spent over $3,000 dollars this year with Home Depot, I'm sure Lows will look forward to my business. I left the as the the young lady was picking up the parts from the floor. PS: I dislike liars or company's that don't stand behind what they sell.

I bought a home at the end of May and my credit score was 772-736-716. I asked HOME DEPOT for a project loan for $10,000. Instead, Home Depot sent me a credit card and a letter that implied my credit score was 695 and because of my score they would only give me $5000. I called customer service to find out where did they get the low score from I spoke with someone name Derrick in the credit department. He informed me that my card is void and hung the phone up without an explanation.
This was unprofessional and very humiliating. I have never been so insulted in my life. I am not sure what my options are at this time however, I was informed to contact you and that you may be able to assist me with reactivating the card, correcting a wrong, making me whole again and providing an explanation. I'm asking if you would give this your highest priority. I really need this credit line it was to allow me to complete the work on the home I just bought. Thank you in advance.

I was scheduled to deliver 9 pallets to a Home Depot in Laredo. It's by a Walmart and Academy. Got there 4 hrs early let them know in receiving I had arrived but not expecting to get unloaded until my appoint. Time between 9:15 and 10:15. Went back at 9 and they said it would be 10 . Called not to complain but let the Mgr know that I was told I would be unloaded at 10 but I honestly couldn't understand what he was saying. Another he went by and another. Walked back to receiving twice once seeing several people in the window, rang the bell with a guy looking right at me and walking out of that area and another girl walking off as well.
Walked back to my truck and saw 2 people BBQ asked them if they were in receiving and I feel like they were because he couldn't come up with answer very quickly. 5 times I went to receiving and I gave up and went to bed. Wake up at 3:30 am 5 hrs late to the forklift driver honking his horn continuously driving back and forth to wake me up to pull 1 tarp off of the 9 pallets. That is pathetic and so unprofessional. These people don't care. It's people like this that indirectly not knowingly contribute to accidents with semis involved I think.
All I'm saying most of the time when were unloaded were on our ten he break and if Home Depot says that if the drivers aren't on time they won't get unloaded then it should practice what they preach and not be 5 hrs late waking up a driver that had been asleep trying to get his rest.

First I have been a Home Depot customer for many years, I experienced a very embarrassing incident on May24@7:30pm. Upon checkout I was informed that I could not get my 10% military discount because not every item was discounted and only when I paid was I able to see what was discounted. The cashier was rude and when asked to talk to a manager I got a disgusted rolled eyed look. The manager would not talk to me but told the cashier she was right and that's the way it was.
Incidentally there was a customer in front and in back of me who was veterans also and we were all stunned. I have always respected Home Depot and valued its 10 % discount. I did not purchase anything and went to Lowes who thanked me for my service and as always gave me my 10 percent. If this is your policy, that's ok but all veterans organizations need to know this.. I'm hoping this was a misinformed manager and a misguided rude employee. Awaiting your reply.

Purchased a Smart LG Laundry washing machine from the The Home Depot in Collierville, TN, it was delivered December 30, 2015. I called The Home Depot in Collierville to complain about the machine as it was not cleaning our close they told me they weren't responsible that I should call LG from the number in the book I received. I called LG and they sent a repairman out and reset the machine however it still would not clean our close so I called LG again and a repairman came out and reset the machine but it still will not clean our close.
My cousin went to The Home depot with some of our laundry to show him the results of a cleaning by the machine and talked to a manager by the name of Kevin who told her there would be no problem on getting a refund and that they would call her the next day to take care of the matter no call came therefore my cousin called Kevin and he denied saying he would refund the money on the machine. I called LG and spoke with a gentlemen and after telling me there was nothing more he could do he referred me back to the Home Depot. Their idea is to bounce you between The Home Depot and LG with both throwing the responsibility back on the other.

In the last 10 years we have spent tens of thousands of dollars in the stores located in Palm City Fl, Chattanooga Tn, Port Charlotte Fl and Vero Beach Fl. Remodeling our homes and other properties. In January of this year we purchased a $6900.00 complete new air conditioning unit from Home Depot. Recently we were trying to order $1600.00 worth of cabinets. Finishing the order and arranging for delivery, we were told that they will NOT deliver to the second floor. We were also ordering all new appliances with the same issue--no 2nd floor delivery.
This policy has eliminated Home Depot from being our go-to company. We are in our 70's and cannot understand this policy which is certainly not user friendly for us. I am certain that we are not the only customers who are dealing with this lack of service. And we certainly have rethought our future shopping at Home Depot.

It has now been a month since purchasing an expensive, top of the line impact driver from Ridgid. I purchased the product because it offered a Lifetime Service Agreement and was, I guess, supported by Home Depot. I have followed the detailed instructions to the letter and submitted registration for this product online. Twice. I‘ve been rejected twice. (“Unfortunately, we encountered an issue when cross referencing your product and/or proof of purchase information with our records and were unable to upgrade your products to Lifetime Service Agreement (LSA) status”)
I’ve double checked all numbers. Twice. I re-submitted online, as I was told I could do by both Home Depot and the Ridgid documentation that came with the product. Twice. I’ve been told by a recorded message to call back during business hours - at 3:30pm on a Monday afternoon, and 3:45 and 4:10. I am now told by the second rejection email, that I need to re-submit by “certified mail”, the “original” receipt, which would mean I would have no way to return the product, the customer id and the rejection email and wait another eight weeks for Lifetime Service Agreement approval - which would run over the 90 day registration period. You have to be kidding!
Two and a half hours time spent online, entering registration numbers, verifying registration numbers, trying to phone Ridgid for help and explanations, time spent writing letters to Ridgid, Craig Menear at HD, gas and time to the post office, standing in line and $5.55 to mail certified letter. Is this the kind of experience Home Depot would like to be running through its' customer's mind the next time they're standing in front of another Home Depot product contemplating purchase? Really?

We are very disappointed that your paint personnel gave us the wrong paint. Joe went in and asked for cement floor paint and was told that using the cheapest wall paint would be fine as long as we seal it with a polyurethane, which they also provided, with instructions on how to use it. This paint & polyurethane peeled off the floor. Joe went back, told them what happened, and was told to purchase stripper because it would take only the top layer off and would only need to repainted top coat. Not the case, it melted all layers off all the way to the cement, thus forcing us to remove everything and start over. We re-purchased the same supplies for the second time; repeated the process and the same thing happened.
When returning to the store a different paint employee was present, who told us we should not have used any of the previously purchased products, but should be using an epoxy paint for cement flooring and a sealer called wet look sealant. He explained how to use it, what to expect, and what to watch for. We just finished the room using this method and have only had a few spots that are questionable but overall it is pretty good.
We expect Home Depot to refund us the money for the 4 gallons of paint, the 2 cans of polyurethane, the 2 cans of stripper, and all the supplies. BTW the stripper was like rubber cement inside the can which means it was previously opened and used. We are quite frustrated and angry! Not only did we spend over $600.00 on the wrong materials, but also wasted two weeks of our valuable time dealing with this, not to mention gas and time returning to your store.
We expect you to resolve this situation to our satisfaction immediately!

On 08/02/2015 I purchased several items from Home Depot Store on 9051 Snowden River Parkway Columbia MD. I am a busy person and forgot to returned items that did not work and did not fit my project. Since I have never had any issues returning merchandise back and received store credit I did not bother to remember to return items and completely forgot I had them on my truck. I found them the other day and since I needed other merchandise I went back to the store and tried to return or get store credit for what I had.
After initial process I was told that I was past my 90 days and that I would get store credit. The clerk took my driving license and told me I was denied because of my tendency to return items (not accurate quote but it was what I understood) and gave me a receipt with the following Transaction #132650095-503-THD and was done again later after my conversation with the rep at the #866-550-3133 I called to fix this issue. After waiting for a while she told me the reason I was denied it was because I was past the 90 days and that if the store did not help me I would need to write the Corporate office. The Store manager went through the motions again and got the following same message and Transaction #132650230-060-THD.
I am a customer who over the decades has spent thousands to fix my home and I have dealt with many issues but issues I could deal with. The items I am trying to return do not exceed $52.00. This is more about principle than money.

Home Depot took my pro rewards away. I lost all my points! I went to buy 20 gallons of paint today and I don't seem to have a discount any more! Really! I liked shopping at your store in Chehalis. I really liked the people at contractor sales. Ill miss them because I was offered Discounts at a paint store. now Ill have to go there. You say Its because I haven't bought enough paint last year? You don't know! I send all my customers there!
Its the only discount I get from Home Depot -- or used to! I can go to the lumber yard and get contractor discount on every thing but I haven't just because of the people and the one perk I had of the paint discount! You didn't even warn me about doing this.

I ordered a refrigerator in January of this year (2016). We requested that the doors be changed to open to the left instead of the right. The refrigerator was delivered on 1/7/16, with the doors unchanged. I decided rather than asking the delivery guys to change it, I figured it should be a simple enough job to do myself so I let them go. Little did I know that these hinges were going to be over engineered. The refrigerator has to be nearly turned upside down to remove the bottom hinge and move it. I gave my local Home depot a call and asked if they could come out and correct the doors. I was told probably the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. I was told I would have to purchase another refrigerator. Keep in mind, I am a retired hydraulics mechanic. I am looking at this hinge and all that needs to be done is for the refrigerator to come up off the floor and taken loose to move. I won't shop Home Depot again.

I was recently in the Home Depot located in Boardman, OH.(330)965-4790 on 08 Jan 2016 to purchase Wild Bird Seed. I selected a 40 lb. bag of the Farmers Delight that Home Depot carries for their customers. I proceeded to check out at the register. What I would like to bring to your attention is that the unprofessional behavior of the cashier, Jayne(JKG2096). I am concerned and frustrated because Jayne reacted in a bothered manner once I showed her my retired military I.D.
She then proceeded to inform me that she was unable to pick up the 40 lb. bag which was in a condescending tone. I do not mind having to assist a Home Depot employer, however, not when their tone and attitude was disrespectful and rude. I am a local homeowner and have been frequenting this store for over 9 years. As a loyal customer and a Veteran with 26 years of service to my country, I felt mistreated and looked down upon. I was taken back by this behavior due to that fact that I didn't provoke this type of behavior from your cashier. In all, I was hoping to receive a better quality of customer service. Thank you for your time looking into this issue.

We bought kitchen cabinets, $2800.00 worth. While putting in the counter top, which one section was not cut, so they didn't fit. We tried to modify them, but they still wouldn't fit. I called Topsham, Maine Home Depot, where we got them, explained what was going on to a lady named Audrey. She took all the info, I sent her a picture, she talked to a manager, and got back to me. She asked if I had a way to get the counter top back to the store and I said yes. She said to bring them back to the service desk and there would be new counter top, all cut waiting for us. We get the counter tops back to the service desk, the new ones were there and that's when the trouble started. The man at the service desk, his name was Loren, gave us a hard time. Every little thing we said he had to call someone.
He said because they were cut, they were unsellable. I told him Audrey said to bring the old ones back and pick up the new ones. He just kept arguing with my husband. I was at the point where I said to my husband, let's just go to Lowes and get what we need. It's pretty bad when we spend almost $3000.00 dollars here and get hassled like this. Then again he had to call someone and told us to wait. He then changed his tune and did the exchange. It turned out alright but we were there for almost 2 hours it shouldn't have happened. I will think twice about Home Depot before we do another renovation.

Had a bathroom vanity made and the workmanship was very bad. Don't know who you use to make the cabinets but they apparently don't take pride in their work. Had to hire someone to fix the problems because Home Depot wouldn't take them back. This is a sample of how things look. Drawers don't close correctly.

So I am at Home Depot today and the older gentleman in front of me shows his ID for a veterans discount. The clerk tells him he does not qualify for a discount so the gentleman asked to see a manager. They ask me to go to another line because this may take a few minutes. I tell them no thanks I want to hear this. So a young cocky full of himself moron comes to talk to the gentleman and says no you do not qualify. The gentleman tells him he has always gotten a discount there. So the moron says well we have told our people to tighten the rules and we only give what corporate requires we give and you do not qualify. The gentleman says he will then take his business elsewhere. The young moron replies that is your choice. The gentleman starts to leave and I step in.
I tell the moron if one of your idiot friends walked through the door right now you would have the option of giving him a discount and with your attitude you would do it. So step over to the register and give this guy his discount. He says he does not qualify for it. So I tell him look here is how this is going to work. Either you give this guy a discount and I call Home Depot corp and tell them how good of a manager you are in spite of the stupid policy. Or I go home call Home Depot corp tell them I stupid the policy is and their manager is a moron, then I blast face book and it goes viral and you get to be the moron you are.
I think you know which one he chose!
So people please blast Facebook with this story.
It was Home Depot store E Spokane #4714
5617 E Sprague Ave
Spokane Valley, WA 99212
What a shmuck, he also told the gentleman that he would have to talk to the CEO of Home Depot to change his mind. I hate people who do not respect our military.

Tried to get parts for a screen door tonight at the west long branch, new jersey store. After looking for screen door parts for 25 minutes and not finding the parts, and not finding any associates, I asked for help from a young man who walked me to the front to two other associates who then referred to a third large woman who was quite demeaning and pointed to aisle 11 for the parts is a nasty and demeaning tone. I looked up and down the aisle and could not find them. Obviously none of these three women were interested in showing me the customer where the parts were. After spending another 20 minutes looking, there were no parts in aisle 11.
I went to the front again and again they did not know what to do again. 5 people on your staff just standing around talking and talking on cell phones instead of taking care of customers. Finally i found one good guy, Frank who got me to the part in less than 5 minutes. It appears the store is lacking the basics of customer service and the how can I help you attitude. I have been a customer for many years and never gad a poor and humiliating experience such as this one.
Please see photo of employees in front of store on cell phones while they are suppose to be working.

A. I ordered Delta Classic 400 Curve Barh and Shower Kit at Amsterdam NU store on Sunday, May 5, 2019. Total cost including tax and shipping was $1183.68, charged to my credit card that day.
B Units arrived 5.20.19 damaged. Husband called Amsterdam store. They refused to pick it up. We had to hire a truck owner to help return it to store. No one gave us a receipt for the returned unit. My credit card was NOT credited for the $1183.68.
C. Second delivery on Wed., 5.29.19. Husband was home, held delivery crew while he inspected units. Damaged so he refused to accept and units were returned to store. Husband was told their unit would be ordered. Two plus weeks later no unit yet. Second unit WAS credited to credit card.
D. We went to store on Sat, 6.15 to inquire and were informed the third unit was NEVER ORDERED. Spent almost TWO HOURS working with Customer Service Associate Margaret to get third unit ordered with some discount for our troubles! Finally after calling “Resolution Dept.” we were given $349 gift card to apply to purchase and shipping cost. Another 25 minutes to process the order with use of gift card. Left store at close to 1 PM with no physical copy of any order (Margaret has no way to print out anything).
E. Checked monthly credit card billing to find that the first order that had been returned on May 24 was never credited to credit card! Called store at 8 PM, asked for manager and Elasio, Asst. Manager handled the issue. Within 30 minutes he resolved the refund of first unit. He took a photo of the receipt with the refund and emailed it to me. He also confirmed the order that was placed for the THIRD UNIT today.
F. Before leaving the store today I left a not for Manager Carm Carbone to call me. I wanted to tell him how impressed I was with Associate Margaret and how she handled the issues today. Carbone NEVER CALLED ME BACK AND LEFT THE STORE FOR THE DAY.
Clearly there is a reason why your Customer Service is rated 1.5 out of 5 stars! Rest assured we will never use Home Depot again for any purchases and with either use Lowe’s; a local vendor; or online service. I would like a personal phone call at 518-229-7191 or an emailed reply to this complaint but I am highly doubtful that either will happen. I am the CEO of a local organization of approximately 250 full time employees and I know that if my customer service was half this bad, we would be bankrupt. Home Depot has miles to go before any discernible Improvement will result in anything approaching a satisfactory rating.

I went to the Home Depot on st Croix Virgin Islands to get some paint matched. After Soniah messed up 2 quarts she said there was nothing she could do. I went to get the Puerto Rican bear man and he said he would fix it. Soniah said she was in charge and he wasn’t fixing nothing. I don’t know why you have all these women working in paint that don’t know anything about paint only what is on the computer screen. I never have this problem with the Puerto man and he is at least friendly. I’ve probably bought 400 gallons in the last year but might have to rethink my options

On January 13, 2018, we received a refrigerator that was purchased at Home Depot that included delivery and installation. The installation of that equipment was not conducted properly and the water line to the unit slowly leaked water onto the floor and into the finished basement of our home. The damage that was incurred involved the kitchen floor, the ceiling (floating wood support, insulation, drywall, and fiber optic system) in the media room basement, possible wall damage, carpet, sub-carpet and raised wooden flooring system. There was difficulty working with Home Depot, then Freight-Rite that installed the unit and now with AmeriClaim of Ohio and McCord and Associates.
The damage began on or around the installation date of January 13, 2018. The claim finally made its way to AmeriClaim on July 31, 2018, and the damage was inspected on August 27, 2018. An incomplete quote was provided on September 8, 2018. The house was reinspected, but they have not provided any documentation on that inspection to us. No repairs or mitigation has occurred.

Home Depot touts how much they support military B.S., On memorial day I went to my local home depot to purchase a vanity for a bath remodel. The item was not in the store (I knew that) it had to be ordered on line. I asked the person to include the military discount and was advised it could not be used on on-line ordering. She ultimately was very helpful called someone who said the same thing.
she said people could order items on-line with being a veteran, I said I'm here, you're doing the ordering, and here's my ID. Sorry
depot loves it's veterans

My vehicle was hit underneath their contractors awning, about 50 ft from the camera, the film showed that the guy hit my vehicle got out looked at it and then just got in and drove away, could see the license plate and everything but once you zoomed in, couldn't read the numbers , why would you have a camera outside to make sure nobody steals your products when you can't even tell who the people are that stole it??? Pretty poor, and took 5 weeks to get the answer go figure

First, I purchased doors for home and HD applied purchase to credit card-I haven't received doors yet, but I'm paying for them-$2500.00.
Second, HD uses ARS for heating and cooling installation. They are not proficient with regards as to County policies and laws/requirements. Air is working well and now they have to return to home for inspection because they didn't pull the proper work permits for work. Luis Nana said he forgot to explain need for inspection and according to paperwork from county, I have 10 days to contact the proper authorities; Nana says if inspection is not done, I WILL INCUR A FINE-NOT ARC! Why wasn't permits pulled at beginning of job? Assine! Time is money and money is time-I am wasting time and inconvenience to have someone come to my home. This used to be my favorite store and I see now that common sense is lacking.

I went in today to pick up a couple items. When leaving there was no one to check me out. It was all self checkout. I'm getting old and not very skilled in computers. As we speak my 24 year old daughter is typing this!!! There were groups of 2-3 employees hanging out in the isles. chit chatting amoung themselves doing absolutly nothing. I think ya'll could get a couplr of checkout folks for us old people. Well as a result I may be shopping elsewhere.True Value comes to mind!! Let me know what ya'll decide????????????????

Shopped at this store many times and never had a problem. On 6/5/19 it was different. Was purchasing some plastic patio chairs and carried them to the garden department for checkout. The cashier there was involved with another customer for over 20 minutes and could not resolve a problem with the cost of an item. She told a very senior citizen customer to go back and take a picture of the shelf pricing tag. I got frustrated there and carried the chairs back into the customer service desk to checkout there but there was a line, so I then carried the chairs to the normal checkout lines which had NO cashiers at all. I finally had to carry the chairs to the complete opposite end of the store and checkout at the contractor service area where i requested to speak to the manager of the store. He never showed up. The person at the contractor service desk was not helpful at all. Ended up having to walk back to the other end of the store to get my truck to pick up the chairs. There is no excuse for the lack of a cashier at the normal registers.

My parents recently purchased a Frigidaire refrigerator from Home Depot. They had a repair company, sent by Frigidaire, come in less than 48 hours.
The Freezer was not working. This repair person said the fan was not plugged in. After the repair the Freezer still was not working. A second repair
was scheduled again by Frigidaire. this time they were told the unit needed a new compressor,evaporator and several other parts that the repair person wrote down on paper. My parents are both 89 years old. Home Depot wanted to bring a LOANER refrigerator until the new one is fixed. They live in a condo that has no room to have another refrigerator setting around for at least a week. They want the refrigerator removed and their money refunded. I have spoken to both representatives from Home depot and Frigidaire. Neither one is willing to provide the customer service needed to resolve this issue. I understand there needs to be policies on return but this is an extreme situation and no one would want to keep an appliance of any kind with these issues less than 30 days from purchase.

Horrible customer service. Looks like Lowes will be my go to store. Ordered 3 sliding glass doors. Received email notice they were delivered when they weren't. Took 4 days of multiple calls to Home Depot mgrs. (because no one would call me back although requested) before the doors were located and delivered. Then found out one of the doors had dented because delivery people did not stand the door up as instructed on box. Again had to make multiple calls to managers, to be referred to dept. specialist. He will not order the door parts until a door rep comes and looks at the damaged door. It's been at least 2 weeks out since this latest issue and yet to be contacted by door rep. In addition, returned some door parts I didn't need. That fiasco involved 2 trips to Home Depot, entailing waiting at least an hour the first visit because staff couldn't figure out how to input the parts numbers into their program, and then coordinating a time with the department specialist to handle the return since apparently no one else knew how.

I have purchased from home Depot for many home depots throughout the West coast and have never found one to be as disorganized and unstocked with the proper supplies as the one in Sierra Vista Arizona the lumber I purchased was supposed to be killed dried but was very wet in fact most of it twisted before it could be used within a matter of days after being exposed to the air outside . The pickup section of the store is always blocked with contractors who parked the truck under the cover and walking and to do their shopping rather than wait to buy stuff and then pull in have had to wait up to 35 minutes to be able to get in to get supplies from the pickup section or else have to take him out into the parking lot. Recently went in for some basic tools and was told I have to shop online they don't carry the stuff I need in the store unlike most home Depot stores. Sorry to be so bummed but I used to go to home Depot a lot now I'm going to go to Lowe's they have better lumber and better tolls available.

Home Depot staff is unfamiliar with the special orders. Vanity top ordered thru the wrong vendor 1st time, vanity top delivered with the bowl in the middle 2nd time (bowl need to be off to the right) which delayed the project 5 days behind schedule. I was told by one staff member that someone would come out and measure the sink, another staff member said the sink don't need to measured. Bull nose for tile ordered in the wrong color (had to purchase and pick up the bull nose at a different location and I lost 1/2 day behind schedule). Waited an hour at the store to speak to a manager which never came. The Computers had a problem each time I visited the store. Was told on Monday that the computers were updating and someone would give me a call when the update was finished, I never heard from anyone. This project is behind two weeks and the contractor is due to go to another location starting next week (June 10). This is frustrating and I'm losing money. This is just a portion of what I've experienced. Please assist me.
Thank you

I rented an auger from your Eugene store and paid a fifty dollar rental fee and a 100 dollar deposit. The auger didn’t work so I returned it to the store rental center. They tried to check it out to see why it wouldn’t work and they couldn’t get it to work either so instead of refunding my money they only refunded me 72 dollars I asked why and the manager said because I didn’t call him so out of the 150 dollars I paid they only gave me back 72 I was not happy and asked customer service to let me talk to a supervisor and they gave me back to the guy managing the rental place again. So I didn’t ge5 any satisfaction. The reason they said they couldn’t refund my deposit is because I didn’t call them. I didn’t have any phone reception where I was at the since we didn’t use the machine it was very clean when I brought it back. I don’t understand your customer policy but I won’t ever rent from h9me depot again.
Thank you Carl Galliway

WE were told that we could get a military discount. We spent almost $3000 on a Tuff Shed. When paying for it , we were told that we could not get the discount because it was only for things that you bought there that you could manually take out. now I wish we had bought somewhere else!!!!!!!!!!!! My husband is a veteran and was told he would get the discount!!!!!!!!

On or about April 16, 2019, we purchased a Rheem Hot Water Heater at Home Depot. The cost was approximately $350.00. We asked the clerk to have someone contracted by them to do the install. On April 26, 2019 Rick's Plumb Pro did the install. I asked the man who did the install if I get my military discount now, he said the Home Depot will take care of the discount. I used my Home Depot credit card which the installer scanned my card for payment.
On or about May 27, 2019 I received my Account Statement and noticed the military discount was not applied and also noticed the statement read I owe $922.96. I went to the Home Depot store where I purchased the Hot Water Heater and asked the clerk why the discount was not applied. She could hardly speak English so she got a person named Santos who said he was the manager. He said he would take care of it, made a copy of my Home Depot card. He then left and we watched him get into a vehicle with someone and drove off. So I waited, nothing happened. I called the number listed to file a complaint, 1-800-466-3337, on May 31, 2019. I explained the situation to I think he said his name was Julian. On May 29, 2019 we went back to the store and talked to a clerk named Autum(sp) about the military discount. She said it couldn't be done because the statement was not itemized. I said all you have to do is look for the price of the unit and apply the discount. She said NO. So I called the Customer Care number, 1-800-466-3337. I talked to a person named Julian and explained my issue. He said he will call the store, place me on hold, then tell me what happened. I was told the manager would call me for an explanation. He didn't, a clerk did. She said the discount would be applied, all of $35.00. Now my issue is if the discount is $35.00, the unit was $354.99, why did it cost $503.84 to install.. I'm sorry but this is ridiculous, something is very wrong here. This needs to be investigated, I worked as a store Manager for Target and installation is never almost twice the cost of the item. And this person Santos should not be a manager, he doesn't have time for a customer, lunch is more important?

05/10/2019 I paid for carpet and installation.
05/26/2019 Home Depot call to me for set appointment time for installation. Installation was set on Wednesday 06/05/ 2019. I was prepared for this and take time off from work.
06/04/2019, day before installation, I call to Home Depot for recheck. They don't have carpet. I cancel all orders.
I waste month for business with them.
Home Depot = B.S.

I was appalled by Home Depot NOT being able (they said) to lower my interest rate!!! I have been a faithful customer, NEVER been late on my payments, and I have been a loyal customer for 2 years. I was told by a customer service rep that they (Home Depot) review an account every 6 months in order to reduce interest, HOW then has my interest NOT been reduced? Like I said, I am a good customer. I explained the latter but was told NO. I will close my account w/ Home Depot, it is obvious they don't value a faithful good customer. Just sad.

I rented a rug doctor and it ruined my carpets now I after paying $83 for that I have to hire a professional to come actually clean my carpets! That's another $149! When I chose to rent I did so because home depot offers a 4 hour rental and money is tight so $21 so the goal but when the carpets were soaked and the machine would not suck up the water it left a horrible mess in my home. The worst thing was when taken it back to the store I was treated as if I did not know how to pull a machine back and forth! Are you kidding me? I have never been treated so rudely! I can't believe people can talk to people that way! I will never go back I to home depot again!

This is in reference to Bay County, Fl since hurricane Michael. Let me Begin by saying this really concerns last to orders I've received express deliverey. The last two deliveries I received wrong material, which had to be corrected which cost me down time and considerable adgravation, the first was about two weeks this time is going to be a week, which cost me time making repairs to property. I reside in North Bay County, Fl. The local store is in Panama City, Fl. Since hurricane I've purchased almost $4000.00 on tools and materials. So for this reason I request a $100.00 store credit for my extra troubles and fairness to me..Bobby Bruecher (8505737270), Thanks

My boyfriend and I just bought our first house and have been purchasing all of our household needs from Home Depot. All of our appliances, shelves BBQ, you name it has come from Home Depot. The only reason I shop here are for the prices but lately I’ve been noticing that Lowe’s has better pricing. Upon my online ordering with Home Depot was a 20 ft ladder that was ordered on May 9 and still may 31 still has not arrived and neither Home Depot or the shipping company no where the ladder is. I have called both Home Depot and the shipping company each day because I would like my money back credited on our Home Depot project loan credit card and no Home Depot will not do that. It’s apparently a process and I have to wait. I feel like we have been ripped off. Our 140$ ladder is lost and now Home Depot will not refund our credit card are you kidding me?!?! What kind of business is run like this. We have spent so much money at this store and now a mistake has been made by either Home Depot or shipping company and no one will rectify this? Not to mention the last person I spoke to at Home Depot was rude and told me I have to wait. I’m tired of waiting I want my money back. Home Depot has stole from me and I want this situation fixed immediately!

Hello, I am a vendor/merchandiser with the plant nurseries that provide live goods to The Home Depots in Westerly R.I. and Waterford, CT. I have 15 years experience in Westerly and approximately 6 or 7 in Waterford, primarily part time. In all the years being in these locations, or environments, I have not had an associate harass, attack, or question my abilities to do my job efficiently...until recently in Waterford. As of last year when I started working in Waterford full time with the plants, a garden associate (Linda), whom I hadn't seen in this store before last year (2018), has taken a dislike toward me because I have made complaints to the manager that she will do the merchandising job, while I am there, and when confronted about this by me, she has literally yelled at me in front of customers on busy days on many occasions, as well as direct her anger and dislike for me TO the customers, calling me "crazy" and "sick", (to the surprise of the customers as you would expect). My formal complaint is that an associate, vendor, or other employee on the premises of any business, should not be allowed to react in such a manner toward another employee or vendor. The manager has spoken to her about this issue a number of times but she continues to "lash" out at me with no apparent regard for the rules, etiquette, or reprimanding, especially when the manager is not "in house". This situation puts a challenge on me to perform my job to the best of my abilities while in this store. I will not be bullied out of my job, nor will I tolerate defamation of character expressed to customers by this associate. I have an outstanding reputation with my employers as to my work and work ethics. I would appreciate a resolution to this problem so I can continue to do my job of merchandising plants and servicing customers in the way that is beneficial to all. I will continue to pursue my case against this associate as long as the problem continues. Thank you for your time.

I wanted to rent a skid steer for a week from 8010 Giacosa Place, Memphis, TN 38133. Did the paperwork, paid deposit, discussed with the sales person my truck was not large enough to haul it so I paid a tow company with a roll back truck to haul it for me. Contract # 247785.
I gave him all the info on who was to pick it up and he said everything was good to go, so I went to my build site 45 minutes away.
I get a call from my driver saying the trailer had to go with the skid steer, company policy, ( WHICH I WAS NEVER INFORMED OF).
The driver went and purchased a trailer hitch and the next call I get is they just cancelled the contract without even discussing with me. My schedule was ruined and I'm out of pocket $125 for the tow truck. Very poor way to do business and I will NEVER rent or buy anything else from Home Depot. If I could put 0 stars I would. The 3 young men behind the counter shouldn't be there without more training or supervision. This was all Home depot's fault and I would like a refund of the money I spent for nothing. I will not refer or send anyone to Home depot for anything.

I was in Home Depot last week and this is my experience. The check out area had been remodeled and there was one person checking. I don't use the self check out so the check out line was long and slow. But the contractor area was well staffed with four people stand around mostly doing nothing. I talked to one of the contractor area workers and she didn't think this change was good either but she was just an employees and there was nothing she could do. Home Depot is near to my home. I use (used) it more than Lowes.... I am glad we have a Lowes so I don't have to go to Home Depot any more. If you decide to change your check out arrangement, let me know and I may be back. Tom

I was at home depot today to buy a bag of lawn and flower pellets, along with 5 small plants.
There were several long lines of people waiting to get checked out. I was in the last line, with one person in front of me, an no one behind me. As I was getting up to the counter, a lady came by and told Me I had to get into another line because she was moving that cashier. I had no one behind me, I only had 5 small items, and there was no sign that line was closed.. She expected me to go stand in the back of 2 other long lines to check out. Totally uncalled for and bad customer service. I should have just walked off and dumped my cart... Instead I walked all the way inside the store to the self check out.
I am not impressed.

Dear Sir,
I placed an on line order #H4605-201086 for a garage door, opener and installation on line through my cell phone.
I didn't go to the store to order .
However , I placed the order for the services to my 2nd home 419, Glyndon street NE, Vienna ,VA 22180 on line.The order was automatically transferred to the store in Merrifield Store,Fairfax ,VA 22031.
The order was originally placed on 5/26/2019 from my cell phone .
I wanted to cancel the order on 5/27/2019 .
I called the store several times.No body will pick up the telephone.
It took me atleast an hour of waiting before any one could answer.This was very painful experience.
Then the store person Dwayne told me that ,I cant be reimbursed and that I will have to come to store with the credit card .Note that I originally did not go to the store to place the order.
Dwayne also told me that He cant forward the check for reimbursement either.
THis is a horrible policy that Corporate organization has to fix.
I live more than 300miles from Merrifield store.
It will take me 6 hours drive to go to store from my primary residence in Bluefield,VA..
I would like to receive a call from your corporate office and rectify the situation and be reimbursed for atleast the cost of the transaction without my travelling to Merrifield store, Fairfax, VA,
Dr.Syed Ahmad.
304-5312325 cell.
276-3262638 off.

I walked up to front door @ 7:53pm on sunday & store doesnt lose til 8pm!! Front door already was locked & ignorant employee has the nerve to tell me we already closed!! I started to walk away & seen another person walking up so i told him they are closed but the same female employee opens the door & lets him in!! WTF ARE YOU KIDDING ME!! SO I SAID YOU CAN PICK AND CHOSE WHO WANT TO LET IN HUH? WELL THATS CALLED DISCRIMINATION ARE YOU AWARE OF THAT!! THIS IS BULL SHIT WHEN I WENT FOR 1 SIMPLE THING EXACTLY WHAT THAT GENTLEMAN SAID WAS 1 THING BUT I CANT WALK IN BUT HE CAN? THATS RACIST FROM HOW I SEEN IT.. SOME OTHER EMPLOYEE STATED AS I WAS WALKING TO MY CAR HEY LOWES LOSES AT 8PM TOO. SO I ANSWERED HIM AS WELL, OH REALLY IDIOT KNOW WHAT YOU SAY BEFORE YOUR DAMN MOUTH OPENS! BY THE WAY THEY CLOSE AT 9PM ON SUNDAYS!

Went to purchase a mirror for my bathroom which is under going a remodel at the Home Depot on Pierson rd in flushing, Mi around 10 am on May 26th of 2019, asked sales associate for assistance on getting the mirror so she paged for some one to come to the kitchen and bathroom area. After waiting for about 10 min I asked was anyone available she explained (and she was very sympathetic about it) I’m sorry but that person won’t be in till around 10:30. I politely said thank you and left to go to Menards. You can’t be serious that there was no one in that whole store that could help!!!???? So I basically drove all the way out here just to look at a mirror I wanted but couldn’t get it cause you don’t have the freaking staff????? This is why I hate Lowe’s left and why everyone one I know says homedepot customer service is horrible because it is!!!! How bout y’all open when up at the time your gonna have staff available to help customers!!! Are you serious right now!!!!

Sales person took our window order on May 9th for a SFI Vinyl Window price at $1,200.00 with a deposit of $300.00. Your Store sent out a person to measure the window. No mention was made of extra monies for labor. We received a phone call from your offices yesterday stating that we owed an extra 400.00 dollars for labor. This is three weeks later. No mention was made of extra monies for labor at the time we ordered the window. Someone in your office just noticed the error. We should not be held responsible for your employees incompetence. You need to honor the sales as it was made on May 9th. Shame on Home Depot. I will no longer frequent your stores and I will most definitely make it know to all our contractor friends that you are shady and have no regards for your customers. My husband was treated with total disregard when he called your offices to rectify this issue. We should not be made to pay a fee 0f $400.00 extra for labor when we were not made aware of it from the start of the sale. Your sales persons need more training. All that I speak with will know about your shady practices. In other words I will let everyone know that Home Depot sucks. Thank you - Rose Sirchia - 914-962-6095.

You sent me an email today asking me to verify my email address and authenticate my response to a question about my experiences with a Ryobi 40 string trimmer. I had spent some time reviewing questions for my own information and happy to answer the question when I got to it. Then I got the email. Clicking on the box (5 tries) got me an error message saying the message could not be sent because of a 'syntax error'. Since I added nothing to that authentication the error had to be in the program requesting it.
I spent the next hour trying to contact by email any version of your customer service or customer care departments with absolutely no success. I got stymied at every turn and every email or link you provided. I am thoroughly fed up. I see no reason to try to help your customers in the future by providing information about my experiences with your products or to even purchase the product that I indicated in my response. . Can you provide one?

I can not get to any person to help with anything by 800 number. everything is computer generated how does a person get in contact with a real person instead of computer generated recording? Very frustrating,

I went to home depot to get mulch went to the regester and sales person I had to get it myself ther was no one to help I am a senior and lifting 10 bags of mulch and 5 bags of potting soil was very heavy there should be someone to help with heavy items I was very disappointed of the service I shop at home depot all the time

Ordered riding lawn mower. Delivery date was 22 May. I received emails regards it’s progress for couple days. I assumed it was being shipped to HD near or at Fredericksburg Virginia, en-route to our home @ 12917 Elk Run Road, Bealeton VA. 17. We waited past oh-dark-thirty heard nothing from Home Depot neither by phone nor email. This morning the 23rd we find out the mower was put in stowage and won’t be delivered until the delivery truck is filled?? Resulting in new (maybe) delivery date June 5th.
I deem this process unsatisfactory and am canceling my participation with order WD69128440.
Glynda and Jerry Trujillo
1-540-439-8497 (Home)
1-540-809-3925 ( Cell)

It appear to be one of many who are unimpressed with the broken plastic control knobs that came with our GE microwave, a product purchased over one year ago has a defected handle.
CEREAL No: HG264108A
DHHS CODE 1430448 000
VAC/Hz 120/60
I have contacted GE and to no abele, I purchase the Unit at Home Depot Coral Springs, and is new I am 70 years of age and leave alone there is no reason why this handle should had broken off this way. I
I Called GE/Appliance returns and parts department customer service line they inform I needed a new part and I made the purchase on 04/25/2019 – at the cost of $45.16
To my dismay the part is not closed to what I order. The handle it’s not even closed to what it should be. I call 1 877 959 8688 and was unable to get an agent to help, it keep sending me to the Web Portal. I was able to enter my order and I was astonish to find that there was a charge $ 36.25 for the return – and it was not even my fault that the part send was not a match.
Please contact GE and let them know that I need the correct part for this...I leave in fix income and cannot afford another microwave.
please help.
thank you,

I was looking for 4 inch square u-bolts , I was told they had them in the electrical dept.! Went to electrical dept. and they said the store does not sell what I was looking for! Hello.... You are a home improvement store, you should sell square u-bolts! I will start shopping the other two big home improvement stores. I was a loyal customer for 20 + years until today!!!

Home Dopot
I took a trip to the Home Depot Store at 3500 S. Demaree, Visalia Ca. to purchase 32 yards of carpet for my master bed room. On the first day Tuesday afternoon, may 14th I went with my wife to select color and style, we looked at samples for 20 min. never did find an associate. So on the afternoon of the 16th and 17th of May I went by myself to try and find some help with our purchase. No luck They have people working ( I think) all over the store. Had no one available to me in Carpet. I did stop a associate from another department and he was very helpful in selection and price. I did not get his name….. so….. armed with this information I went back to the store on Saturday May 18, 2019 with check book in hand to spend $1500.00 for new carpet. My wife and I stood like dummy’s along with at least 6 other people trying to find someone to take our money in the flooring department. Finally I left with 2 other elder ladies that was really upset and was quite verbal about their feelings.
• As a side note This store had plenty of personal available handing out hot dogs and other promotional items. But no personal on the register’s to take people’s money. There were 3 employees standing at the self-check out talking but no one cared that people were walking lout upset and mad.
This is not the first time I have called this to your attention I purchased a Kitchen spent $15,000 on Cabinets and ended up going to Lowes for appliances because of the same problem.
Please contact me with your solution to this problem. Thanks Richard Cummines, 3949 W. La Vida Ct., Visalia, California, 93277

Hello, No one had the decency to call me and I took off from work to meet your associate.
Confirmation Number: 70900283
Appointment Location: FALLS CHURCH #4608
Phone #: (703 )534-9580
Associate: Joseph
Appointment: Initial Consultation for Flooring - Other
Date: 05/07/2019
Time: 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM

my plumber went to your Cascade store bought a water heater he call me sales clerk come
to the phone give her my name visa card info on 5-3-19 on 5-7-19 the Napa employee
ask me with a invoice with my water heater on it. We work in the same building the plumber
called me on the office phone , regardless what come up on the phone I gave her my name
and visa number when she did not see my name on the invoice that should have been a red flag. My name was in job description, I call them this morning to correct it they could not spell had to spell everything to them. The manager was trying to justify everything his name is Kevin Hicks he is not management material
Johnnie Marie Williams
470-355-3820 ext 110

I am a veteran, home depot offers a discount to vets, but only if they have a card from the VA, verifying they are under their care. I, like a lot of vets, chose not to use the VA, because of the long waits and the lack of good care. Now, I can not get a card from the VA because I waited too long and I make too much money [I wasn't ask how much I made when they drafted me]. So I can not take advantage of being a vet at home depot. BUT, guess what? I can at LOWE's. So, guess where I will be doing the most of my shopping? Thanks for caring so much! Larry

I purchased a Whirlpool side by side refrigerator from my local store ( #704) and it was delivered on 11/20/2018. When it was installed, the delivery people scratched my new laminate floors. I had to file a claim with the subcontractors that home depot used. It took three months for the delivery company to finally pay up for the repairs. When I purchased the new floors needed to do repairs, floor installer realized that the refrigerator was scrapping the floors. I called store # 704. They said NOT THERE PROBLEM, call Whirlpool. I called Whirlpool in Atlanta. They called service man in Southaven Ms to check the appliance. This was on 03/26/2019. The tech said it appeared that the refrigerator had been dropped somewhere in delivery process. Notified home depot. Still waiting for this to be resolved. I've filed complaint over phone with corp. I spoken with store mng Rico. Last conversation with Rico, after I gave him the paperwork from Whirlpool tech was that now he could resolve. I called about 2 weeks later. He said now he needs second opinion. I need this resolved ASAP. This has been dragging on for entirely too long. Please help me.
Richard Nava

On 4/16/19, I had a GE dishwasher installed that was purchased a few days earlier from Home Depot store location number 2733 in Port Huron, Michigan. When the installer was removing the old one, he had made contact with my counter top doing damage to it in two areas. He said he would report it to his office. I did not hear back from him or his office, ever. I called the Home Depot and was told to sent photos of damages which I agreed to do. After a week of not hearing anything, I had spoke to A person named Dodie and Dave the assistant store manager who absolutely did nothing to assure me of my satisfaction in getting this issued resolved. So, I took the liberty of calling there corporate offices, where i just got continually prompted and could get know one to listen to me or assist me in my claim. I went even as far as trying to reach Craig Meanes who is the CEO of Home Depot. He too, hides and does not have a contact number protecting him from public scrutiny. I wish that the Home Depot would go out of business, They don't give a hoot or a holler about themselves or the people who they sell and service to. I will never ever purchase anything from them again.

Worst employee treatment I have ever received. From customer service person (elderly gentleman) Jeff, HD store 418. This person is a bully, not only to customers but to employees. Every time. Observe him and you will see his rude aggressive behavior.

I have placed a $6000.00 order for new doors for my home. My complaint would be much longer than 100 words, so I will try to condense the issues. The order was sourced out to two different vendors-the home depot contact person was not helpful, I had to call him each time to find out what was going on with my order. The vendor wanted to ship 3 units all separately, which doesn't make any sense. I was able to rectify that, on my own. The Home Depot "Specialist" has never apologized for all the errors and lack of customer service throughout the process. I've called an talked to managers, who just send me right back to the "Specialist". Nicole at the Chandler Blvd location ins AZ explained that this was not handled properly and would offer compensation AFTER installation. There are separate vendors, installation people and my order was all over the place. One door at home depot and the other 4 at the vendor. The vendor was constantly confused and I had to continue to call them to clarify my order, delivery date, time and what they were delivering. Yesterday was the installation---My receipt reflects a "Finished" door, which is painted. The patio doors are not finished. Security door has a dent right next to the door handle. Contacted the "Specialist" and I was told I had to prove to the vendor door was not painted. Both installer and I sent pics. He never apologized for my inconvenience nor have I received a resolution for the wrong patio doors.

As a General Contractor, I stopped sending clients to Home Depot about 5 years ago due to poor customer services, ongoing problems with ordering materials (Ie: Late delivery, missing inventory at delivery time, etc.) and zero assistance to General Contractors vs. private buyers. Our kitchen appliance and fixtures order average about $ 10,000.00., The poor services has cost the company some serious money. Step Forward to April, 2015: Rebuilding a 2nd bathroom and laundry at my home, I met with flooring associate and ordered "Lifeproof Seasoned Wood" flooring. Explaining I was short of time and would like to finalize the order and schedule install. I have now been waiting for installation for over three weeks. This morning's install was canceled because my executed Lead Statement was never provided to the installation company. I had been waiting for the install crew for over two hours when I received a phone call that they would not be installing the produce today. Only this morning, actually the installer received the approval to move forward in an overnight email.
So, although my floor will be installed soon, I instructed a new client to purchase all bathroom fixtures, vanity, tub/shower and toilet directly from Lowes. I will continue to direct clients away from home depot and although they seem not to care, I known I am not directing client to a company that seems to have zero interest in Customer Services. Expect it will be another two years, if HD stays open that long, before I might give this company a try.

I have been a customer of this particular home depot loyally for over thirty years. I have always found the people to be helpful if not knowledgeable. Yet today I was treated very dismissively , and rudely by an elderly white female at the register who, refused to examine my VA. card which I have had and used in home depot for years. She informed me that I had to either be disabled or have a purple heart card. She stated that these were the only veterans I.D. accepted at home depot. As I insisted I had used it there many times she became more rude and much more dismissive. I left in anger an nearly left all the items I purchased on the counter and not pay for them , instead I could go Lowe's and not have this problem. A vet is a vet just because I did not die or get an appendage shot off makes me no less a combat vet. I will discuss this issue at the very next veterans / VFW meetings.

Let me start by saying I typically have a great experience at Home Depot and find the employees helpful or at least get me in the right direction to someone who can help me. However, today Thursday, 25 April 2019 I did not have my normal experience. I came into Teays Valley Home Depot in West Virginia because I have a broken window slat on my garage door. I was not sure if you carried the product so I stop by the help desk for assistance. The lady was very nice and told me she was not sure and advised me to go to the window department for help and she would paged someone. When I arrived no one was in the department. A gentlemen from another department advise to me to go to the Pro desk because they were the experts. The Pro desk said it would probably be a special order and sent me back to the window department. She radio paged Matt to meet me at the window department counter. After 15 mins of waiting another employee stop by to see if he could help me but was not able to make special orders. In front of me he talked directly to Matt via the radio and told me that Matt is on his way. Another 15 mins went by and still no Matt. The same employee saw me still waiting and apologized and recalled Matt and told me he was on his way. I waited another 20 mins with no Matt. I can not understand why Matt never came or at least told the other employee that it might take a while because he was busy with something else. I typically just walk away and avoid the business for a few months but I think it is important to let the Store Manager know about my experience so it does not happen to others. I went to the Store Manager office and found out he was not in at the time. The acting Store Manager was willing to take care of me but, I did not feel he really got or cared what I was complaining about so I decided to take my business elsewhere for now. I would like to make sure that the Store Manager is made aware of what happen because I felt like the acting was not going to make him aware. Matt needs to aware that if you are going to keep a customer waiting (which I do not mind - I waited 45 mins with no help) to let them know. I shop Home Depot all the time and never had this type of service -the store was slow and saw numerous employees but no one else seemed to be able to make a special order. Thank you for your time and your employees are typically very nice. I still do not know if Matt even existed. David Dixon 681-587-0450

Good Day One and All,
1. My complaint if you will, has fallen on deaf ears for the most part, with regard to the Casa Grande Arizona Home Depot Store, zip code 85122..
a. There is however, an Assistant Manager named *Renee*, of the aforementioned Home Depot location. Renee has listened to my complaint and, Renee has taken the most appropriate action at/from her level within the Home Depot chain of personnel level, to correct the people which are on her shift team.
2. The actual Manager of the aforementioned Home Depot location, I believe her name is **Trish** , had placed a phone call to my home phone where she left a message, stating that she was calling to speak with *Jose*..
a. My first name is *Not* Jose.!. My first name is **Wayne**.. Jose is the person with whom I had spoken with at Home Depot's Corporate Ofgfice over 48 hours ago..
3. My having placed my second call to Home Depot's Corporate Office yesterday; Where I had a conversation with a representative named *Corey*. This person had the gall to tell me that the I had to follow the protocols which Home Depot Corporate had designed and put in place..
a. First and foremost Home Depot President/CEO. This American Born Patriot Citizen, does *Not* work for you sir, and or any entity of Home Depot either.
b. What I am though, is an American Born Patriot Citizen, Well Informed American Born Patriot Consumer of Our United States Of America; Who does mind you, *Fully* know and understand my Constitutional Rights, my Civil Rights, and my Consumer Rights, from Fore to Aft, Port to Starboard, from the Top of the Mast, to the Keel..
c. The person named *Corey* , over stepped his authority with this American Consumer, to the level of someone who I would place in the **Brig** , were the aforementioned person be under my command.!. And Yes, **All* of the phone calls which I have had to date, with regard to my dealings with anyone and everyone at Home Depot, regardless of the level within Home Depot's personnel chain of assignment; Has been **Fully** recorded, so that I do not miss state anything, and or, that I miss anything that had/has been conversed about.!.
4. From my stand point of view Mr CEO/President of Home Depot; It is without a doubt, in this Career Retired United States Marines mind, that no matter who/whom I have spoken with thus far; Save one Home Depot Assistant Manager here in Casa Grande Arizona Store, and her name is *Renee*; That all others within and of Home Depot's chain of personnel assignment(s) , truly do *Not* give a hoot about my most recent experience, in and of the Casa Grande Arizona, Home Depot location.!. My complaint, with the exception of the aforementioned Assistant Manager of the Casa Grande location, who's name is *Renee*, had and has paid any appreciable attention to my and my wife's concern.!.
Have a good day/evening.
W.S. Lester
United States Marine Corps-Retired (And Yet, Still Doing FOR My Country)
Once A Marine, Always A Marine
To GOD, to my COUNTRY, and to the CORPS
"Semper Fi America, Semper Fi Indeed"

Dear Sir or Madam
Hello , I'm usually not a problematic person but the experiences from these stores except one. First , I went into your store in Southaven, Mississippi about two- thirty on 4/21/2019 , I was just looking for a key to be made which I didn't anyone around in this area. So, I looked around seeing that of your some associates were busy helping other people which I didn't have a problem. I noticed this older Caucasian associate stocking ,not helping no one .I approached the associate and asked him respectfully can he help with getting a key made, point me to someone or page someone to that area, Your associate looked at me and continued stocking w/ no regards to helping me at all. I also waited about five minutes checking back to that area , the associate was still stocking which I asked him again because the other associates were still handling customers , the associate gave me a look like I irritated him and continued working.
I gracefully went back to the area finally getting an associate, who got another associate about ten minutes later . One associate had no idea how to make a key which the other associate had an idea but still experimented making a key I knew wasn't going to fit which it did not . The second incident happened at your Avalon store in Memphis ,Tn. the morning of 4/23/2019 , I walked greeting everyone then asking a male associate who was close to the key area ,he then pointed another associate, African -American lady. She looked at the key, putting the key into the key machine less than a minute saying with an irritated voice that if the key was made, your key brand labeled is too thick and won't fit .She then walked off ,not even attempting to use the other machine .
Lastly, I went to the store on Poplar /Mendenhall leaving the store on Avalon, I met this lovely soul ( Chastity) who was at the cash register when I walked in the store . She immediately noticed and asked me did I needed a key made which I replied .She left her cash register with no attitude asking my for the key , making the duplicate with no problem in minutes which I was in disbelief because I had to go through all these problems for great customer service.I mostly don't complain about situations like this but I had too because there was no reason for the people in those two stores to act terrible in any way .I will never go to those stores ever again but I will continue to go to that store having the best customer service.
Thank you for listening and have the blessed of days ,
Mr. Luther L .Alexander,Jr.
City of Memphis Firefighter

I was sitting at home, relaxing after a good Easter Day dinner, when the phone rang. I saw it was from Home Depot, so I answered it. I was really taken aback that they would have their 'TELEMARKETERS" calling to verify an appointment on a Christian HOLIAY!!!! Seriously. I guess the bottom line IS that important to them. I thought about bringing this up to the lady who called but, having worked in call centers, I figured she was just doing her job. I will definitely be letting corporate know, not that I think it will do any good. Feel like cancelling the appointment.

This item was advertised at this location;
Polished Chrome
Polished Brass
More Options Available
Exclusive Pegasus 2-Handle Claw Foot Tub Faucet with Riser 54 in. Rectangular Shower Ring and Showerhead in Polished Chrome
Model# 4190-54-CP
I live 5 min. from this location, Due to traffic it took 1 Hour to get there.
I am Handicapped an need to get a power cart to get around the store. Not 1 but 3 of your sales person's assisted me in a attempt to locate this item. After some time I was told that your store did not sell this item. Came home, DBL. checked your add, and found this add.
So, false advertising at it's best. Hope someone sues the Dollars out of ya.
Thanks for nothing, a waist of gas and time. I will not be returning to your store.
Kurt Krueger.

While shopping for a dryer at the Rt40 west store in Frederick Maryland. I was in the appliance section for a half hour. The woman working the desk there saw me walking and looking at the appliances and never asked me if I needed help. I finally had to ask her for help. When I told her I wanted to buy and take the dryer home that day. She said she only had one dryer in stock that I could buy which was way too cheap and not the one I was looking at. After checking the computer she said it would take two weeks if I picked a different one and have it delivered. Then I asked about one that was in the scratch&dent section. That dryer had obviously been dropped from an elevated location into the top corner. Possibly fell off the back of a truck... It looked like it was in a car wreck! She told me that it was a discontinued model and that was normal damage that occurred while moved around the showroom floor. I call bull. The same Exact dryer was out on show room floor. It was a Samsung and around $900. discounted to $538. I ask about a additional discount because she told me there would be no warranty on the dryer and no return. She couldn’t even Guarantee me that it would work 100%.
I was very disappointed in her Lying to me about the damage and so forth. I left there upset and went to Lowes. Walked out of there with a dryer for $500 bucks and a ten year Manufactures warranty.

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