Woolworths Complaints Continued... (Page 2)
688+ reviews added so far. Upset? Call Woolworths corporate: 1-800-638-434
I have done everything possible to access my account I have been with Woolworths for 18 months. I have redeemed points twice the rest I have been saving. The problem is my points are disappearing. I have done every thing possible to access my account. Customer service staff have been sending tempory pass words,they dont work.I have been requesting replacement cards with new bar codes but the same bar codes are sent. I shop at Wyndham Vale Woolworths Vic 3024. I asked customer service to cancel my account today until the problem is fixed or I will shop else where.

I walked in to woolworths at Hurstville westfield this morning and had a not so happy customer service at the check out.
The store was practically empty at 9 in the morning. I walked up to pay four items at the desk and Biana who was at the desk truly looked like she didnt want to be there. Not even hello or good morning not even a smile she scanned my items and placed it there .. she didn't even bother to tell me how much the amount was...I myself tapped my bank card.. picked up my items and filled my bag took receipt . I did come to know though that she was going away on a holiday soon as she chatted away with her friends while I was being served.
This may not seem a very big issue but I work in the same industry and I know how important customer service is.
If the store was busy and it was the end of shift time , it was a different story too but to start the day like this is not right.
I hope my story is heard and small issues like these are looked into.

I was at you Waterfront branch where the assistant double scanned an item, no problem but she walks away without notifying me that she is going to call a manager.
She then comes back and says she called a manager to do line void, I told her that she was wrong by not letting me know that she's just leaving her till to get someone, she apologized...
I waited about 5 minutes and still no one, there was a guy busy with something behind her, I think he works at Country Road mens department opposite tills I was paying at, she then asked him to do line void which he did and still no manager.
Now I'm a General Manager of several stores and if any of my staff had to take their own time to sort out a customer, they would be in trouble because my motto is "Customer comes first, no matter what you're busy with, you can go back to doing that, but your customer leaves with bad experience and won't come back to your store"
This is not the first time I experienced this at your WF store, the service there is atrocious.

The fruit they sell are most of it salty and rotten

Since the beginning of the year the service at the checkout point has been atrocious because customers queue for ages. On 25 March for example there were only two checkout points at the food section at 16h30. The shelves are also empty with many products not being available. It seems as if management is not visible and crisis engagement takes place. When a teller was questioned about the long queue she responded to say that they were understaffed. I have shopped at many trances recently but to me this is unacceptable. Are you perhaps considering closing down the store? Our nearest alternative is in Vanderbijlpark - a distance of more than 17km; in today's busy age nobody can afford these kind of challenges.
Renske Pieterse

I am disappointed by the Woolworhts Mokopane ( staff and manager : Lorna) I bought the pair of trouser cash and did not fit it. When I fir the pans the following day , it was small. I decided to return the articlewith the slip. I was told by the security lady that " I wonder if she is going to authorise" I quoote. And I humbly went to the cashiers whereby they were talking to each other as if i don't exist. Then one cashier said " let me help the customer and will your article later" refering to her colleaque. I was asked to come and I did as requested. I explained my story again and she said to her colleages " I wonder if wa mahlo will accept it" and I ask why because the article is still in good condition, they all laughed at me. I was foaming as I also work with customers and put myself in the customer's shoes.
Yesterday I drove 120km to Polokwane because I wanted to change the article. To my surprise the branch at Landross Mare Street helped me and I even bought more clothes to the value of R980 because of their welcoming mood,probong more with humility,referring me to the right queue and finally I got the sixe 12 the fits me well.
Arears of concers to Mokopane Branch;
1. They are not customer centric : "The manager said sorrr there is nothing I can do" I even left the trouser intentionally to see if they reach out but it never happened. i send my son the following day to collect the trouser still they just gave him without checking with me if am happy or not.
I will never in my life to step in that store again. I repeat I WILL NEVER.

I visited your small store at the petrol station in croydon to support new owners ....what a disappointment. There were bags of seedless satsumas advertised at @24.99 per bag or two bags for R35.00. I selected the offer of two bags for R35 and went to the till to pay.The teller asked me for R49.98 and I said your price for two bags is R35. I was met with a vacant stare and two other staff members standing around just stared at me......Are you going to fix the price or what I said....still the vacant stare. Keep your two bags I will go elsewhere,I said , and left the shop....maybe things will improve and I can return....but lets see Dan Morton

Good morning
Further to my in store (Mandurah Forum WA) complaint on Friday 22nd March 2019 I have now decided to contact you direct. Whilst the staff at the store were very receptive to my issues, offering replacement products it was all too late.
I am a loyal Woolworths shopper and have been for many years. My issue is regarding the constant poor quality of the fruit and vegetables.
Over recent times I have purchased inferior watermelon, cucumber, strawberries, raspberries, potatoes and other produce only to bin most of it.
My last purchases were for a special family gathering and I have to say most of it was tasteless and damaged. This put considerable pressure on my wife and myself in preparing the luncheon as I had to source alternative products from other stores. It made our preparation very stressful from a time and cost factor. I am now 80 and try to budget the best I can on a pension.
I feel I need to pass this information on to you so that Woolworths can improve its products.
I look forward to your reply.
Kind regards
Allan cooper
11A Waterside Drive
Mandurah WA 6210
Mobile 0417 009 290

Last week I placed an order for my elderly mother who lives far away from me I live in the Blue Mountains when her order arrived how carton of cigarettes were missing.
I called up the customer service or non-service line on sat 16th waited 30 minutes to get through then was put on hold for another 10 minutes while they called the shop and the truck they found that the cigarettes had been left in the shop.
I explained they had to be re-delivered right away and they said they couldn’t do it until the next day I advise them that unless they delivered it right away it was the last order I was placing with Woolworths I was telling everybody about my experience and placing a formal complaint into head office Woolworths.
I have since put these same comments in the survey you sent me and have had no response
It was not the girls fault who answered the phone and she tried to assist but we’ve had a whole string of problems with lots of things missing all the time you really need to re-train your people get more people or just do something other than a stupid survey to address your customer service problems very very very disappointed.
I would appreciate compensation for 40 minutes of my time while I drove from Springwood to Katoomba listening to that horrific jingle over and over and over again
Some free advice from me to you....you don’t need to play that jingle to your existing customers maybe some pleasant music to calm people down maybe a bit more appropriate ( it’s just lazy to throw on the jingle).
Since this incident I stupidly placed another online order - this time when I went to checkout 6 of the items I had placed in my trolley were unavailable and I had to remove them one by one ….I am really at my wits end with your online service
I expect a response to this and I expect compensation Very upset and dissatisfied customer
Susie Prentice

I live in a small town called Carnarvon and as a very regular customer of Woolworths I have never had a bad experience until recently.. Not once but twice with the same staff member.
She is the manager at the customer service desk an older lady but I did not catch her name. Anyway my first encounter with this staff member was when I arrived 2mins to closing which I fully understand why I might not be able to enter, however I begged if I could just grab a tin of baby milk I would be 30seconds, note at this time customers were still in the check out putting through alot of items so I thought slim chance but wouldn't hurt to ask, when doing so this staff members reply was "Don't be stupid!" frowned at me and walked off. I replied "A simple no would have done love" to which she turned around and shooed me with a gesture using her hand.
Next encounter two days later I was buying tobacco at the service desk and all I said when asked was "Can I please get a packet of Winfield gold 50g a packet of blue Rizal papers... Then she interrupted and said "see these (shows me her hands) I only got two of them so one thing at a time. I replied "dont worry about it I'll go elsewhere with that attitude " ..she ignored me and looked over my shoulder and said "next please ".
I find this Manager at the service desk to be very rude very abrupt and definitely needs to be talked to about her customer service and attitude.
I worked for Woolworths for a wonderful 5 years as a manager and only left to start a family. It is a company that I still recommend friends and family to apply for it because it can be a career and options are endless.But I am majorly dissapointed in seeing such a team member representing such a great company in a negative way. The current team working there is fantastic and I believe Carrisa the store manager has a good crew in there at the moment but one bad apple will rot the team and truly believe I am not the only one this lady has been unprofessional and rude to. I will still continue to shop at Woolworths as I am a loyal shopper but will wait as long as I have to not to be served by her again.
Carnarvon,WA Woolworths shopper.

I placed an on line order during the big frozen foods special you had a few weeks a go. With next day pick up. Upon entering the store I had to wait 20 mins for them to find someone to serve me. And then another 25 mins to have my order brought out from the back. Once home I found that more than half the items I purchased were melted, softened or defrosted. Because of this the ice creams now has frost in it. The bag of ice melted and then re froze causing it to stick together like glue not to mention the water that's now frozen in the bottom of the freezer!

Went to do a small amount of shopping. (i shop regularly and only buy what I need).Monday 2.30pm, Shelves had little to no stock. e.g. Homebrand tinned applea, homebrand Domesto s- no stock of either. That got me looking at other areas and that's when I noticed there was a shortage of a lot of items. Have also been into your store and you have had no carry baskets for small amount of shopping, I walked out that day.
Today I only had 6 items so I went through express checkout.
I was acknowledged at the checkout but before I had finished paying, the operator spoke to the person (staff member) standing in the queue behind me. How rude!
Your express checkouts are not express. Bring on self serve checkout, at least I can handle their bad manners. Coles have it all over Woolworths Yeppoon

Although the website says to e-mail a complaint this email bounced back
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Mandy
Date: Wed, Feb 27, 2019 at 2:30 PM
Subject: Damage to car from shopping trolley 27 February 2019 1:45 pm Neutral Bay Car Park NSW
To: <feedback@woolworths.com.au>
To Whom it May Concern,
I would like to lodge a formal complaint regarding an incident that occurred today (27 February 2019 at approximately 1:45pm) in the Woolworths Neutral Bay (NSW) car park.
I was sitting in my car close to Chargrilled Charlies attempting to leave the car park; when a stray trolley came rolling out of control ( nera where the motorbikes park and hit my car (for your reference, I have attached photos of the damage it has caused to my car). This was not the only trolley that was not the only trolley that was in the vicinity. There were approximately another five (5) trolleys in the same location.
People may not return trolleys to where they should however, trolleys should be collected on a consistent basis by the employees that work collecting the shopping trolleys.
Not only was my car damaged, I was also frightened by the trolley hitting my car, which caused me to jump and I could have potentially hit the car that was stationary in front of me.
I do not think I should have to pay for the repair of the damage that occurred to my car today, due to amount of shopping trolleys left in the carpark; which run out of control due to the lack of employees collecting them. These shopping trolleys are owned by Woolworths and should be collected regularly and not left to their own devices in the carpark.
I would say in this instance it was lucky that no one was hurt particulary a young child.
Please advise how you are going to proceed with this complaint. As mentioned above, I do not think I should have to be out of pocked to have the damage to my car repaired due to incompetent employees not collecting shopping trolleys.
Yours sincerely,

Have been going through self checkout at Unanderra Woolworths for years. A new system is in place today with bag weighing etc. It takes so much longer to self check out. It was not working properly, 2 staff were on self check out today. The older one ( in her 60's ) was hesitant and unsure, the young one was extremely rude. I asked for help with an item that didn't want to register a weight, I have to admit I was extremely frustrated and my manner wasn't friendly like I usually am, ( I got an "eye roll" from another worker at the customer service desk ). This was really rude as well.
The only reason I use the self checkout is of course the obvious reason of never enough staff on customer registers.
Also of note as I was leaving there were 4 people waiting at the cigarette/mobile phone counter, with no one serving.
I just need to mention that in general the staff on self checkout and on the service desk are quite rude and loud. I have witnessed this behaviour many many times over the years.
I was there at 11.45am today.

no stock on shelves and to matters worse waited to go to the checkout for over twenty minutes with only checkout open. this is not the first time that i have not to be able to buy things that i have required.I spend over two hundred dollars a week and i dont think this good enough. I will be going elseware from now on . Marilyn Murray

Tried to online shop with Woolworths for the first time last Thursday 14/03/19. Not only did my order get cancelled with still 7 days and 2 phone calls later still no refund. Did any one else know AMEND AND CANCEL apparently are the same. If l could remove that 1 star that is there l would because you guys deserve nothing just like what l got. NOTHING.

I am a Rewards member - I was recently offered a 11000 point incentive, which I duly completed but never had confirmation from Woolworths Rewards. Upon calling I was informed I had received the points.
The fact I had to make the call and the fact I only received a single email at end of week 2 is not customer service. I have noted an indifference to customers all across the Woolworths areas but none more so in Rewards. Previously I received an email weekly confirming attaining each weeks goal and a final acknowledgement of achieving the reward points - now it is a sadder state. Decent communication is expected even in these days - just begrudgingly awarding the points is not good enough

My son purchased a cooked organic chicken from Emerald Woolworths, Victoria, today 19/30/2019 for myself to use in a recipe that we have every couple of months or so. However, upon opening the chicken I was surprised to see that this chicken was literally no bigger than a pigeon! This chicken was at least half the size of the last one that I purchased from the same store. I am disgusted at such a blatant rip off by your organisation.
I have been a loyal supporter of your supermarket chain for decades and now I am confronted with the need to look elsewhere to do my shopping. I understand the economics and the need to down size but buying a chicken and getting a pigeon is beyond a joke!

My Wife and I are regular weekly On-Line Shoppers from Woolworths - We order AM Sunday and the Groceries are delivered AM Monday - Fine.
In the case of past Two (2) Deliveries for example:
One Navel Orange out of the Two Ordered was "BAD" and I mean so bad that half of the orange had turned Purple - We had to simply throw it out
This week we get the same issue One of the Two is bad although not quite as bad as last week.
Given that your Company Logo is the "Fresh Food People" not the "Off Food People" - What do Woolworths intend to do about rectifying this matter.
Doug Pickersgill, 7 Sheoak Street, Middle Park, QLD 4074 - Phone 0419 799 387

There was Spilt coke or liquid on the floor at the entrance to the check out.
Asked the check out male to call for someone to clean it for safety reasons. Apparently customer service comes before the safety of your customers. The responce I got was unacceptable and included how about I don't finish serving you and go and clean it up. I repeated that safety comes first and yet again all I got was no customer service comes first I have just done training and customer service comes first. As I left the store the spill remained I only hope no one trips and hurts themselves on it as it was at the front of the register.
Poor responce to an unsafe situation that was easy to fix.
David Humble

my family and friends and I shop at the Woolworths Riverton store a few times a week.
on 7.3.19 I went through the checkout of an older lady, brown hair, bigger set, terminal ID W4382001.
I was not greeted and began loading my items on the conveyor belt, including my shopping bags. when the cashier saw these, she said 'I did ask if you had bags' quite rudely. i was shocked- so was the man behind me. I said 'well I didn't hear you'. nothing elsewas said. i paid for my shopping $150 odd- a normal figure for me, and began loading my bags. The man behind me proceeded to be served, and asked her "how are you" she said "good" and that was it.
honestly if your staff are going to be rude and clearly over it (it was the afternoon, maybe she was tired) then you should give them other jobs to do instead of serving customers.
I have actually gone to Coles the last two shops as I just can't continue to support rude staff.
I hope you don't lose other customers and take the time to look into it.
I look forward to your feedback

(Current rating should be - 5 ) currently I am so angry and upset I cannot put into words my disgust in your store currently, firstly you put on a promotion that pretty much makes it impossible to do I personally tried for hours to summit an order without success as my email address or card number was invalid always no matter what I did which really annoyed me as only used it not too long ago to buy a coffee machine from you card number 9344 428 869 353 .
Then ask my daughter to do it for as I can’t keep playing with it due to work and has the same trouble as me nonstop her name was Natasha Fernandez, so she then logs in under my grandson which surprise surprise works what a joke.
So she then commences to place orders for all of us keeping to the 20 items per person at a time – all of these process correctly 10 orders in total for a grand total of $596.12.
Which by the way you didn’t have a problem taking from my card straight away on Thursday 14th March.
Orders were under my grandson as only one that would work for all of us Kyle Reid.
1. 34201361 $55.23
2. 34203408 $86.35
3. 34213233 $58.00
4. 34202442 $58.24
5. 34205888 $64.45
6. 34206744 $36.25
7. 34207391 $59.20
8. 34208423 $68.40
9. 34209093 $61.00
10. 34204596 $49.00
We spent a total combined of $596.12 only received 1 order been order 2 cost of $86.35 order number 34203408 and to date still waiting for our money back or product in the total amount of $538.12 this is disgusting most of the order was for my daughter her has two very special needs autistic children which need specific food and regular times don’t handle change so she has not just been left totally broke without food as her shopping money went to you and not returned and the food was not supplied but the kids didn’t get there specific brands and she can’t afford to go get it as you have her money. If there was a limit on total orders aloud you should not have processed the orders or taken the money as nothing changed all under my grandson and his email etc. especially since you system didn’t work and we had to group up together was for 3 different families together since none of us could get through.
I want my money back ASAP or supply the orders we purchased I am disgusted and will be taken this complaint further specially since I paid for all of this on Thursday and not one cent has been returned to my account you owe me the product or $538.12 plus compensation for starving my children by taking our money preventing us from buying new groceries and not suppling our orders. Please respond ASAP as taking this to the Ombudsman plus all forms of social media to stop other people paying for products they do not receive.

Although the website says to e-mail a complaint this email bounced back
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Mandy
Date: Wed, Feb 27, 2019 at 2:30 PM
Subject: Damage to car from shopping trolley 27 February 2019 1:45 pm Neutral Bay Car Park NSW
To: <feedback@woolworths.com.au>
To Whom it May Concern,
I would like to lodge a formal complaint regarding an incident that occurred today (27 February 2019 at approximately 1:45pm) in the Woolworths Neutral Bay (NSW) car park.
I was sitting in my car close to Chargrilled Charlies attempting to leave the car park; when a stray trolley came rolling out of control ( nera where the motorbikes park and hit my car (for your reference, I have attached photos of the damage it has caused to my car). This was not the only trolley that was not the only trolley that was in the vicinity. There were approximately another five (5) trolleys in the same location.
People may not return trolleys to where they should however, trolleys should be collected on a consistent basis by the employees that work collecting the shopping trolleys.
Not only was my car damaged, I was also frightened by the trolley hitting my car, which caused me to jump and I could have potentially hit the car that was stationary in front of me.
I do not think I should have to pay for the repair of the damage that occurred to my car today, due to amount of shopping trolleys left in the carpark; which run out of control due to the lack of employees collecting them. These shopping trolleys are owned by Woolworths and should be collected regularly and not left to their own devices in the carpark.
I would say in this instance it was lucky that no one was hurt particulary a young child.
Please advise how you are going to proceed with this complaint. As mentioned above, I do not think I should have to be out of pocked to have the damage to my car repaired due to incompetent employees not collecting shopping trolleys.
Yours sincerely,

Although the website says to e-mail a complaint this email bounced back
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Mandy
Date: Wed, Feb 27, 2019 at 2:30 PM
Subject: Damage to car from shopping trolley 27 February 2019 1:45 pm Neutral Bay Car Park NSW
To: <feedback@woolworths.com.au>
To Whom it May Concern,
I would like to lodge a formal complaint regarding an incident that occurred today (27 February 2019 at approximately 1:45pm) in the Woolworths Neutral Bay (NSW) car park.
I was sitting in my car close to Chargrilled Charlies attempting to leave the car park; when a stray trolley came rolling out of control ( nera where the motorbikes park and hit my car (for your reference, I have attached photos of the damage it has caused to my car). This was not the only trolley that was not the only trolley that was in the vicinity. There were approximately another five (5) trolleys in the same location.
People may not return trolleys to where they should however, trolleys should be collected on a consistent basis by the employees that work collecting the shopping trolleys.
Not only was my car damaged, I was also frightened by the trolley hitting my car, which caused me to jump and I could have potentially hit the car that was stationary in front of me.
I do not think I should have to pay for the repair of the damage that occurred to my car today, due to amount of shopping trolleys left in the carpark; which run out of control due to the lack of employees collecting them. These shopping trolleys are owned by Woolworths and should be collected regularly and not left to their own devices in the carpark.
I would say in this instance it was lucky that no one was hurt particulary a young child.
Please advise how you are going to proceed with this complaint. As mentioned above, I do not think I should have to be out of pocked to have the damage to my car repaired due to incompetent employees not collecting shopping trolleys.
Yours sincerely,

I am a current Woolworths employee, I have 2 Woolworths car insurance policies! 1 policy is up for renewal, I was very shocked to see my policy increase for the year, as I have never made a claim, my car value go down, but my policy goes up. So I call to talk about my renewal, instead of start shopping around. I wanted to stay within my company I work for! The operator "Keith" couldn't do anything except tell me to go online to the woolworths staff benefit site and go though there to get a better policy! no reduction offered, even tho I have another car policy with you with my already staff benefit applied! He told me how does he know I am a team member? anybody can say they work for us! sorry???? I said because of my staff employee benefit card, which is also applied to my other policy! Still said he couldn't do anything to better my policy and I needed to go on the site do it myself and then call them back and we can see what we can do! 2 things is very wrong with this, one as an already existing customer to be told, I have to do all the work and call them back, to stay with your company and take my money is appalling customer service! not to mention im already working for this company! 2 to not offer any discounts to keep an existing customer for the sake of any reduction, you are willing to lose $800+ a year for no reduction, is not good business sense, in fact it make zero sense to me. I a going to start shopping around, and is very disappointing to think not even a customer or employee is worth anything to this company.

I HAVE been a customer at Woolworths for many many years and use various stores HOWEVER, Merrylands, Stockland Mall has been my main store for a few years now and I used to LOVE the bakery, but in the last few months there is never the variety in fresh baked available that there used to be during the week, especially before 10am. I have on a few occasions looked in the bakery and no-one was around to ask. There used to be a Lovely Blonde Lady, Michelle was her name but I have been told she has left??
I am very very disappointed in the fact that especially sourdough bread and donuts are not available early enough. I am now travelling to Greystanes where I find it is almost always well stocked, even in the late afternoon.
thankyou for your time

I have had a Woolworth's online delivery and was missing two items I have paid for.
Date-10 March 2019
Invoice order no-34037631
Items are-Woolworth's country loaf wholegrain 850g x 2
Can I have a refund for these items please.

Joseph Niraan Alwis
Fri 8/03/2019 4:55 PM
Absolutely appalled by the resolution provided by member care.
Please see below
Sent from my iPhone
On 8 Mar 2019, at 4:33 pm, Joseph Niraan Alwis <jnalwis@hotmail.com> wrote:
Unfortunately I wouldn’t have spend this much at Woolworths if it wasn’t for the reward.
I feel cheated and disgusted. Well what else can I expect from a giant like Woolworths
Sent from my iPhone
On 8 Mar 2019, at 4:17 pm, "membercare@woolworthsrewards.com.au" <membercare@woolworthsrewards.com.au> wrote:
Dear Joseph,
Thank you for contacting Woolworths Rewards regarding 13,000 bonus points from your promotion.
To be eligible for the bonus points you need to activate the offer at least 2 hours before making your purchase. I can see the offer was not activated until 05/02/2019, meaning that we can only include your spends in Week 1 that were made from 05/02/19 onwards. Unfortunately the amount spent after activation in this first week totals $89.97, resulting in the first weeks spend amount not being met and therefore the promotional points have not been automatically loaded.
I understand it may be frustrating if you feel like you missed out, rest assured there will be plenty of more promotional offers to keep an eye out for!
We love sharing our rewards with our members, and in some cases they do need to be activated. This helps us get to know what offers you like, and that means we can send you more of them in future! It's also there to ensure you don't miss out on the offer.
Thank you for being our privileged member and we do appreciate your time and patience.
Need further help? Visit our Help and Support page to view our FAQs or chat with us.
Kind regards,
Customer Service Representative
Woolworths Rewards
Your privacy is important to us. Please view our Privacy Policy for more information.
On 6/03/2019 5:54 PM, Joseph Niraan Alwis wrote:
Sent from my iPhone
On 6 Mar 2019, at 4:25 pm, "membercare@woolworthsrewards.com.au" <membercare@woolworthsrewards.com.au> wrote:
On 4/03/2019 12:51 PM, Joseph Niraan Alwis wrote:
I have not seen a credit of 13,000 points on the promotion that ran from Monday 04/02/19 through to Sunday 03/03/19.
I have spent over $155 each week for 4 weeks.
When will I see the credit?

We have just finished our weekly shop and would like to complain about the service at the checkout. The operator was very slow,we waited for nearly half an hour for groceries to be put through, we could not go to another checkout as we had already unloaded them on to the checkout. The packing of the bags was very poor ,She has no customer service,or communication skills at all, very hard to understand,has a very abrupt and rude manner. Also it is not a very good look to be serving customers while you are chewing gum.
This is the first time that I have complained because normally the service is excellent.

On the 27th February at about 12.30pm my handbag was stolen in Woolworths, Menlyn branch, Pretoria, Gauteng. I immediately reported it, but they apparently could not see me on their security cameras which \i found very odd, because I was moving around in the store for sometime!
I lost my purse, cash, car keys, house keys, cell phone, reading glasses, bank cards and all store cards. After being told they could not see me on cameras I immediately went to customers services to report and stop my Woolworths card. In my purse was a gift card for R549.00 for goods I returned on the 18th of February. I still had the refund slip for the R549.00 at home, and later I went back with it to customer service. They took the slip into an office to phone the gift department so they could cancel it, and issue me with a new gift card. I left phone numbers with them, but since I have been back there several times, only to be told they are still investigating it! My Son-in-Law also sent an email to the CEO of Woolworths, but to date has had no reply. I am a pensioner of 82 years old and found the experience extremely stressful.
I trust you will be able to be helpful in the matter
Yours sincerely
Annette Sophia Kennedy

I have been buying from Woolworths Broadacres meat and on a few occasions it has come back smelling badly. Just after the load shedding. I took the one steak back and they replaced it, Then the next time we bought duck legs and that came back smelling. I did not even bother to take it back I threw it away. Now today I went to Woolworths Dainfern and ordered Granola yogurt berry breakfast. Not sure of the name.- I think Acadia. It was so hard the raisins and the currents, it was like eating hard candy, I could have broken my teeth on it. I called the manageress and she agreed with me.
Woolworths always used to be the best store, but now it has completely lost its touch.
I was very disappointed.
Kind regards
Lynette Bernstein

Woolworths Riverton Store Perth 5 March 15:16pm
Cadbury Turkish Delight bars advertised at half price for $1.00. I purchased 8.
At home I checked my docket. I was changed $16.00
Upon return to the store, the manager explained the discount sign had not been removed. Sale had finished a week ago on the 26/2/19.
No Apology until I asked for one and then it was a feeble "sorry" that was dripping with sarcasm.
She gave a refund of $7 on my card and a two dollar coin.
Very stressful and a huge time waster driving back and forth to shop, parking, walking, waiting, waiting, waiting while manager worked on a check out.
Not worth my time! Guess it works for Woolies.... False advertising and quite unrepentant.

Customer service very very bad change wrong money did not say sorry my daughter buy a bead with $3.40 she give $10.40 need change $7 but the cashier only give $6.00 ,she going to ask the right money back but the cashier unhappy to give back $1 more but did not say sorry with my daughter I very angry giong in ask ,why you do wrong did not say sorry with my daughter and you do not happy to give back the change

On Sunday, 3.3.19 I shopped at the Woolworths Revesby NSW store and spent $364.89. The cashier gave me 6 Disney tiles for this. I reminded her that it was a 2 for 1 weekend so she called her supervisor who informed me in a not so nice way that "don't be silly, this only started this week and we would not be doing that" (meaning 2 for 1 tiles) I asked her to look it up but she walked away. I found this a bit embarrassing as there were lots of shoppers around. I then left and went home and then I rang the store. They informed me I would have to go down there again and take my receipt with me so they could check it - no problem - went down explained again at the desk and they gave me a few more tiles. When I got home I counted the tiles and I was still short - only a couple but that is not my point. I was not about to go down again it would have cost me more in petrol.
May I suggest that next time you have a promotion like this you make a point of asking ALL supervisors to inform ALL cashiers and staff what is going on because this certainly did not happen at Revesby store. I would attach a copy of my docket but I do not know how to.
Store 1402 - POS 007 Trans 6342 12.55 3/3/19 Term ID: W1402007
Carolyn Walker
66 Whittle Ave
Milperra 2214

Although the website says to e-mail a complaint this email bounced back
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Mandy
Date: Wed, Feb 27, 2019 at 2:30 PM
Subject: Damage to car from shopping trolley 27 February 2019 1:45 pm Neutral Bay Car Park NSW
To: <feedback@woolworths.com.au>
To Whom it May Concern,
I would like to lodge a formal complaint regarding an incident that occurred today (27 February 2019 at approximately 1:45pm) in the Woolworths Neutral Bay (NSW) car park.
I was sitting in my car close to Chargrilled Charlies attempting to leave the car park; when a stray trolley came rolling out of control ( nera where the motorbikes park and hit my car (for your reference, I have attached photos of the damage it has caused to my car). This was not the only trolley that was not the only trolley that was in the vicinity. There were approximately another five (5) trolleys in the same location.
People may not return trolleys to where they should however, trolleys should be collected on a consistent basis by the employees that work collecting the shopping trolleys.
Not only was my car damaged, I was also frightened by the trolley hitting my car, which caused me to jump and I could have potentially hit the car that was stationary in front of me.
I do not think I should have to pay for the repair of the damage that occurred to my car today, due to amount of shopping trolleys left in the carpark; which run out of control due to the lack of employees collecting them. These shopping trolleys are owned by Woolworths and should be collected regularly and not left to their own devices in the carpark.
I would say in this instance it was lucky that no one was hurt particulary a young child.
Please advise how you are going to proceed with this complaint. As mentioned above, I do not think I should have to be out of pocked to have the damage to my car repaired due to incompetent employees not collecting shopping trolleys.
Yours sincerely,

Although the website says to e-mail a complaint this email bounced back
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Mandy
Date: Wed, Feb 27, 2019 at 2:30 PM
Subject: Damage to car from shopping trolley 27 February 2019 1:45 pm Neutral Bay Car Park NSW
To: <feedback@woolworths.com.au>
To Whom it May Concern,
I would like to lodge a formal complaint regarding an incident that occurred today (27 February 2019 at approximately 1:45pm) in the Woolworths Neutral Bay (NSW) car park.
I was sitting in my car close to Chargrilled Charlies attempting to leave the car park; when a stray trolley came rolling out of control ( nera where the motorbikes park and hit my car (for your reference, I have attached photos of the damage it has caused to my car). This was not the only trolley that was not the only trolley that was in the vicinity. There were approximately another five (5) trolleys in the same location.
People may not return trolleys to where they should however, trolleys should be collected on a consistent basis by the employees that work collecting the shopping trolleys.
Not only was my car damaged, I was also frightened by the trolley hitting my car, which caused me to jump and I could have potentially hit the car that was stationary in front of me.
I do not think I should have to pay for the repair of the damage that occurred to my car today, due to amount of shopping trolleys left in the carpark; which run out of control due to the lack of employees collecting them. These shopping trolleys are owned by Woolworths and should be collected regularly and not left to their own devices in the carpark.
I would say in this instance it was lucky that no one was hurt particulary a young child.
Please advise how you are going to proceed with this complaint. As mentioned above, I do not think I should have to be out of pocked to have the damage to my car repaired due to incompetent employees not collecting shopping trolleys.
Yours sincerely,

I bought the mango 100% fruit juice blend today and it tastes nothing like a mango fruit juice that I'm used to. its so sour it felt like I was drinking the mango pineapple fruit juice blend. and because I know the difference between the two, I think this is mango pineapple fruit juice packaged in mango fruit juice.

Good morning, at 8 50 on the 26th of the 2nd 19 a staff member who identified himself as Edward was speeding through the undercover parking area and came to an abrupt stop after screeching his tires near the zebra crossing at the first zebra crossing I thought the man was literally going to run me over, as he got out on the second zebra crossing I told him there is a speed limit in the car park as and he then said to me whos having a bad morning. I replied that he should stick to the speed limit has was in uniform and worked in the complex. I told him I would be reporting him then he said close to my face that I should go ahead he didn't care as his wife was the manager. We were now in front of the customer service desk when he said what country are you from as I'm an immigrant I found this to be highly racist. I then accused him of making racist comments and this had nothing to do with the situation. he was at this stage calling out ineligible comments over his shoulder as he was rushing off the lady at the counter at the time witnessed this and was shaking her head at him, I asked her if this is how the staff behaved at their store. I am a person of sound character and have worked with woolies in the past in my charity work. I am sure the cameras will also confirm the events. I will also report this to the management of the village center and hope that this behavior is not tolerated by Woolies. Regards Katrina Proctor My email is katrinaproctor@gmail.com

I would like to raise some issue when I returned the incomplete set in Wooloworths Westfiled Belconnen the staff in charge in Customer Enquiries told me to just get a new set as replacement. To make sure that the box has the complete hair coloring set, I have to open the box and double check before grabbing it. An old guy customer was watching me doing this and call my attention and ask why I am opening the box. I said that I have to check the box to make sure it is complete as I have bought incomplete set previously and he suddenly said that I am a "BULLSHIT". It hurt my feelings and it is really upsetting because of this incident. I think the one that should be getting the replacement for me is one of the woollies staff and not the customer to avoid this kind of incident. And also make sure that any boxed items are complete set before you sell it.

I have just thrown out my ladyfingers bananas even though they looked beautiful and ripe they were hard and not ripe, why do all the Bananas I buy from Woolworths end up tasting like green bananas that only look ripe? 0416 988 894 is my phone number if you want to ask more questions.

I have been shopping here for 4 months since I moved to Croydon and I have never experienced such poor customer experience, lack of stock and the dirtiest store I have ever shopped in. This store seems to be run by incompetent staff who literally dont give a crap about any standards. I would like to take this further to an external body and ensure your store is audited against standards you should be complying with. To provide more detail in relation to what I have experienced I have outlined some examples below:
- deli staff not using gloves or tying their hair up
- not enough lanes open even during peak times
- dirty scales at the checkouts so you cant even weigh your fruit and vegetable in fear of some horrid disease
- empty shelves all the time, especially bread and milk and these are staple foods.
- We dont want to see just your name brand on the shelves, all the healthy foods have been deleted and you have left all the processed Woolworth brands that are absolutely junk
- you have deleted diced beef, jamie oliver chick tumeric soup to be exact and lots of other brand name foods and have basically monopolised the shelves with your own products
- the staff at the service desk are rude and stand around and do nothing even during peak hours
- Sunday closing shuts at 10pm which makes sense to lock the front door at 8.30pm. You leave the back entrance open only when most cars are parked at the other end of the store
- the store is absolutely filthy
- your fruit and veg are not fresh, are they even Australian grown?
- food on shelves are out of date
I usually wouldn't care and I would go elsewhere however this is my local and I would prefer you lift your game like the other woolies I have seen. I would also like the external complaints body and any other external complaint forum where I can have this heard. Im not sure who is running that store but its definitely not someone who cares about their shoppers.
I look forward to your reply.

Looked forward to the free Mil Lel cheese samples this week, however, the three Woolworths stores which I visited did not have any of the products advertised.

I would like to make a complaint about your attendant at Woolworths Petrol Brown Plains. I was there to fill my car up tonight 21/02/19 about 6.30pm. I got out of the car with my 8 year old grandson and went to the pump. I put the pump in my car and realised the preset amount was not working so I asked my grandson to hold the pump while I figured out what was wrong with it. Your attendant came outside and started screaming at me saying he cannot fill up. I said to her I know he’s not filling the car he’s just holding it for me. She kept yelling a me even though I said three times, he’s not filling up. The pump was not working. While I accept her right to inform me that my grandson is too young to fill up, what I will not accept is her abuse and her continuous screaming at me. It was way out of line. I am a customer and I will not be spoken to like a dog. She was aggressive and her yelling at me across the station is unacceptable. My grandson was upset by her aggression. There are more polite ways to speak to a customer. In my opinion she had no understanding of customer service and manners.

I did a survey for Woolworths for which I was promised a voucher in Feb 2018, have been sending e-mail to customer service they are of no assistance.

Approximately one month ago I purchased a Woolworths Cheese Cake, just a few days later I suffered an attach of diverticulitis, I was treated for that condition. About 10 days later I again purchased another Woolworths Cheese Cake & suffered the same fate, unfortunately with more severe symptoms, unfortunately the items purchased contained peanuts which I am allergic to. My complaint is that the labelling on this item is not legible, I was obliged to use a magnifying glass to read the label.
I am disappointed that your company engage in the practice of selling items with labels that are not legible, the company's duty of care towards customers is quite questionable.

To who it may concern,
Ref: car insurance claim no 911424
I had a minor car accident early this year & what should have been relatively easy lodging a claim to repair my car has caused me just so much stress & major upsets. I went to a repairer & they quoted $1,402 & sent it to you but I got the "we never received it", I then have sent it 15 times & it's the same story. I feel so let down & on the brink of a breakdown & therefore are withdrawing my claim with naturally a lot of hurt & anger, the bottom line is it's just too hard & not worth it if it effects my health & well being. You must work out a better system & much clearer email address to forward quotes as I truly do not want another person to go through what I have, it's been a very bad joke & has really taken it's toll on my health.
I am not going to report you to consumer affairs & do not wish to speak to anyone from your company, I just want to try & forget about the entire mess but strongly feel I am entitled to some form of compensation, whether it is a gift voucher ? I don't know. I will leave it in your hands but truly expect nothing.
Yours sincerely from an extremely disappointed & disallusioned long term 'Woolworths customer. Carolyn Jones

On 13th Feb, I bought a punnet (250gm) of Imported Strawberries at Woolworths Eastate for R44.99 and they have no juice and are sour and unpleasant. Sell by date is 16th Feb.
Please arrange replacement or credit.

Good day I bought Posh Pets Sachet of dog food today and noticed at home that the best before for this sachet was in October 2018 already
This is really disappointing for me from Woolworths, we do all we can to prevent our dogs from getting sick at all, didn't expected this from Woolworths

My post paid mobile (NOT! prepaid) is not allowing me to make a call with a voice message telling me that there are insufficient funds to make this call please recharge you account bla bla bla....
I have never ever missed a payment and i am unable to contact some one to sort it out when i very much need to use my phone. I have tried to call support using another phone only to find that this area is closed and won't be open till 09:00am. I have also tried online chat only to have chat repeatedly closed.
This is an extremely inconvenient system error this morning!
I have recently reported tower error/fault as well which is also another ongoing inconvenient error!
Having to type this instead of being able to utilise the very unit that is designed to talk to some this pains me as well!

I buy a raffle ticket and then every time I enter the store I'm asked to buy again so to avoid this I will shop elsewere

On 10 February, 2019 I purchased a 400 gram tub of Potato Salad (at a cost of $4.50) from the Woolworths Store at Allison Crescent, Menai.
The majority of the potato within potato salad was near uncooked/raw and uneatable.
We had a gathering to celebrate my partners birthday, and everyone complained that the potato in the salad was hard and uncooked.
I have attached a copy of the receipt.

This is the second time I've submitted this complaint about poor customer service. As yet I've received no verification of receipt of my complaint via the above email address.
The complaint submitted was in regard to an incident which occurred on 9th Saturday at 3:30 pm. The shop in question was Woolworths, Ocean Keys in Perth. As I said in the previous email I was rudely affronted by one of the packers, a female ,middle aged , brunette who admonished me for replacing food containers on the wrong shelf. consequently I had a not very enjoyable shopping experience as I was astounded at her rudeness. I assume and hope it was not racially motivated on account she had heard our accents just prior before putting me down. I've been a loyal Woollies customers for many years and now it makes me rethink my position.
I really do like shopping at this particular store and hope I to continue
Could you please acknowledge my email.
Gary Smith
24 Paymaster Way

My complaint is with the trolley collectors, they are rude and disrespectful.
Placing my 2 yr old granddaughter in the trolley, apparently taking to long for him. He jammed the trolleys through the door, which then trapped both of us against the window amongst all the other trolleys until he moved the ones blocking the door.
I totally understand he has to deal with cars and trucks and pedestrians and some people are just very unhelpful and rude. I am not one of those people and he make me feel quite angry and disgusted in his behaviour.
I am not one to complain but this man left a very sour strike against your otherwise great supermarket.

My complaint is about an on going insurance car claim no. 911424, I just want my car fixed with is my right & I've
just about given up trying ! so very hard when it shouldn't be, impossible to get answers & correct email addresses
via phone & no-one replies to my emails except when you wanted me to pay my $800 excess which
I promptly did. I have a quote for repairs but just so hard to know where to send it & after waiting 30 minutes on
phone on 7/2/19 I was given the incorrect email address. Just so frustrated & will definitely be changing insurer's.
The service I have received deserves zero stars. Extremely disappointed & really don't think I will ever get repairs to my car & close to paying the $1,500 myself, out of my own pocket as just not worth the stress dealing with your employee's that really don't care.

I've been a loyal Woollies customer for the last 10 years and in particular I shop often at the Ocean Keys branch despite living in Alkimos. I occasionally shop at the Butler branch. The reason I chose Woollies as my preferred grocery store as that the staff have always been very courteous and helpful, probably on par with Bunnings.
However, yesterday afternoon, 9/02/19, at about 3:30 in aisle 9, all that changed. I was behind my schedule and in a hurry. My wife had added disposable plastic food containers to our trolley. After a brief discussion we decided we had enough of these containers at home and did not need more. I proceeded to place them on the adjacent shelf,(not from where I had collected them from). I was then confronted by an Woolworths employee( a middle aged, brunette Caucasian woman) who was clearly having a frustrating afternoon and admonished me for not placing them back from where I picked them from. I was taken aback and did not enjoy the rest of my shopping. Consequently I will no be reconsidering shopping at Woolies and may use other grocery stores.
I will, also be extremely disappointed if this was racially motivated and hope that this not the case. Whilst no direct racially discriminating words where used, the employee clearly heard our accents during our discussion.
Kind Regards
Gary Smith (0413774822)
24 Paymaster Way

On 28th January 2019 I bought double pack Lean Mince (R99.99) at Woolies Soneike. Used the first one on Wednesday evening only to realised that there was something wrong with it. Didn't smell but the taste was different. Took the other one back to Somerset Mall (this is where I usually do most of my shopping) and was told by the Food Manager (unable to get the name) with an attitude that he finds it very strange. I kept my cool and just asked him what he suggest I do. made no contact with the cashier and told me "yes".
As a loyal customer of Woolworths I really felt disappointed in the way I was treated. This is not the first time it happened. I had a similar experience at another branch a while back.
I look forward to your reply and a resolution to my query.
Denise February

On January 10, 2019, @ 12:23 pm, I paid $6.49 on assisted checkout using my NAB Visa credit card. Took a bus home, and when I reached Castle Towers and needed to buy something, can't find my credit card, went home and did ring NAB right away. While talking with a guy he cancelled the card right away, was told, same store, purchased of $79.65 was made at 12:30 pm, a gap to 7 minutes..
When I reach home, did ring Woolworth Town Hall in the city, I was told someone will get back to me. After @15 minutes someone called me saying I left my card in the machine and can come back to the store to get it. When I asked how come someone used it, as if maybe, a voice of an Indian girl had a panicked attack. She talked so fast, addressing me darling, telling me not to worry because it will be reversed, because it is money, did not mention that matters will be reported to the store manager and will look into it. Left my card accidentally.
Opportunity occurred, chance to take advantage to obtain goods and pay using/tapping the card that belong to others. It is FRAUD, and it is a criminal offence to act like that.
Received a text from NAB yesterday, Thursday, 31/01/2019, transaction has been reversed.
I was thinking to report matters to police or Current Affair because big or small amount is the same offence. Please check cctv, and verify the footage of that person, between 12:23 - 12:30 pm, Jan, 10, 2019.
Awaiting reply and sorry for the inconvenience that might caused you. I loved shopping in Woolies, trusted and nice staff especially Metro in West Pennant Hills
Thank you,
Victoria Bayad

I've lived in my suburb for 2 years, we have 2 woolworths stores. I throw out over half of my fruit everyday I buy it.
My baby has special dietary requirements and his fibre needs to come from fruit. Everyday i buy strawberries, blueberries, grapes and raspberries or blackberries.
I do not get more that 3 or 4 strawberries out of a packet, daily they are rotten, theimported grapesin winter from America arebetter quality than australian. Blueberries lucky to get 6 out of a packet. Its all rotten when i get home, doesnt last a day.
And their meat, wow, thats really bad, boxes and boxes of pre packaged rubbish, 3times i have been sold off chicken mince, yesterday i took back beef mince, its become to expensive for me to shop there, i cant throw all my food in the bin everyday.
Yesterday I decided I'd take the meat and fruit back, i had a receipt on my phone for the fruit and they had the other order as it was a click and collect. Person atthe front desk got someone, he said i wouldnt get a refund with a receipt so i began arguing he said i wouldnt get anything, then he got the manager who refused to comme over and deal with it and stood metres away talking to 2 staff member, sent the youngest virl over to tell me we can only give you store credit, i said i paid with money and i want money back. Apparently the computer records and the book i signed when picking up my groceries isnt enough to prove I paid. Ive already had to stop shopping at this store once before because the staff were so rudeand refused to serve people at the cigarette counter, and when they finally did serve you they were so rude you couldnt ask them to bend down to even get smokes out of the draw..
I lived in a rich costal town before moving to Newcomb Vic. Newcomb is a poor suburb with a lot of battlers and government housing, low income earners. I noticed moving here the difference in the quality of the produce, I am convinced all the bad old food gets sent here, i usedto shop once a week before moving here, now its daily because of the bad quality of produce. Im 100% convinced Newcomb people get sent the garbage.
Also they refuse to put air conditioning in the store, been that way for 7 + years.. its really bad and i am contacting the council in regards to the rotten food. I picked up my order Friday last week, it wasnear 40 degrees, my trolley of food was sitting waiting cor me, how long wasit sitting in the heat with no air con? Week before went to get my order, got home hadto go back because they forgot half of it. I could let 1 or 2 things slide but this is ridiculous. Allthe elderly people living here are being sold rotten fruit n vegetables.
I will never ever buy another thing ever from there, coles online here I come. Woolworths you left me no choices, you stealing from your customers.

I am writing on behalf of many neighbours on Peel St Tuncurry, I am at 20 Peel St Tuncurry.
They have spoken with staff with no result.
1. The grounds now are very untidy & not kept clean.
2. Sometimes various Derelicts abusing & hanging around front doors & grounds. (not sure what can be done here?)
3. The guy who blows the leafs on Peel St (photo attached), blows out onto the road, & with the N/East Winds, these leafs end up all over our front yards. He only needs to use a Vacuum instead of a blower, a neighour spoke with him, & no results.
4. I have had a Semi Trailer, drop off his trailer? Across from Loading Dock in front of my driveway, blocking any emergency egress. Very very dangerous & poor commitment by Driver & staff not realizing the emergency danger if a situation occurred.
We rarely & do not make complaints, but this now has caused an upset with many of the older neighbours in this street.
Appreciate a response & actions.
Rod Tonkins
20 Peel St
Tuncurry NSW
Mob: 0438466172
Valentine Controls & Services Pty Ltd

Tonight I purchased ice cream from your Lake Munmorah store at 18.49pm. Most of the ice cream in this section was in a thawing state, some were liquid. I let the lady at the self service know that there appears to be a temperature problem that has not just happened. This should be monitored regularly though out the day and never be left in this state for customers to purchase. Obviously a fridge break down that hasn’t been dealt with in the correct manner. I hope that the ice cream is not refrozen for resale.

I live in Montana area in Pretoria... near my business, however to shop at your store at Zambezi Junction , which is so sub standard to Woolworths brand... and the management are so arrogant. This store has had a sign up for +_ 2 weeks in the area where chickens are riadted stating that due to a technical problem , it will be closed for a few hours..I adked manager to put a sign up which is more teuthful & he said no he cant .. so i adked would he rather bullshit people , which he took exception to... i did jot swear at him but yeah, rather not put sign up at all than to have a sign up which we have seen fir padt 2 weeks so it cant be “for a few hours”

I have no complaint about staff, but am extremely disappointed with quality control.
On Friday 26th January, Australia Day, I bought flowers from Woolworths Kingsway. To be specific, dahlias at $10 for three blooms and Singapore orchids at $10 for five sprigs
When I went to arrange them, at the most half an hour after being bought, the dahlias lost at least half of their petals when they were released from the plastic sleeve. The Singapore orchids only lost a few of the lesser blooms,
The NEXT day the dahlias had wilted and were significantly browner and in not good shape.
Today,Monday 28th Jan, the orchids are dropping a large amount of blooms.
This may not seem like a big deal however, as I am on a restricted budget,$20 for flowers that don't last is seriously NOT acceptable.
Jennifer Sibley

I was unable to find stock on the shelves at two Woolworths stores - Greenstone Mall and Green Valley. I went on Saturday at 10h30 and Sunday at 13h00, there was no low fat drinking yoghurt, 6 pack low fat strawberry joyhurt, red apples and Lite Hummus.Surelt these stores shoudl not run out of stock knowing full well that this is the peak period.... it so frustrating!!!!

I am writing for clarification of when a refund and no charge for an item is applied.
Today I purchased at 3364 Bellarine Highway ,Newcomb some items which included a packet of Beef Stir Fry 500 g .at $9 .Usually I check receipts in the car but the car was far too hot today and I was unpacking the items as they were being processed so I did not check the computer screen.At home when I checked the receipt I found I had been charged for 2 packets of Stir Fry @ $18 instead of one packet at $9.Very occasionally I have purchased something which may have been officially reduced by about $1 but have been charged the full price but I have not bothered to return for a correction as the amount has been so little and I was prepared to pay the normal price.
This time however I was double charged and I drove back to the supermarket a little annoyed because of the return journey.I was refunded the overcharge of $9 as it was said to be a scanning error.However I understood the product should have been given to me free.Could you please clarify this proceedure for me as I was the person inconvenienced by making a return journey to rectify the scanning error and have been a long time customer of Woolworths.Surely I am not at fault for scanning errors.
I await your reply in anticipation.
Iris Owen

Shopped at your Woolworths Warriewood store, was served by a girls called Charlotte, she is extremely rude, it’s not the first time I have been served by her.
All the other girls are extremely nice bar this one. I do not like to use the self checkout as I feel I am taking someone’s job away but if need be I may have to start using them.

Dear Woolworths
I buy roses on a weekly basis as I believe that every home and office should have flowers.
Yesterday however I went and bought roses from Woolworths in Palmyra and not even 24hrs later and my roses look half dead.
Now this is really not the norm, especially being a very cool day and it is sooo appauling.
Please can you rectify this.

I shopped at Woolworths Upper Burnie in Tasmania, and went thru a register and the staff member's name was Madison.
No greeting, no smile, no farewell. Sour faced and she was also rude to another staff member at your store. How do you employ staff like this.
Get rid of her. She is hopeless.
I have gone thru her register in the past and i see she is the same at all times.
Needless to say disappointed but with not enough manned registers available i had no choice but to go thru her, very rude !

Woolworths Campus Square - Ladies under wear - bra division - There is a huge sign stating that a trained staff member will assist.
December I was told that the lady was on leave. I went again yesterday and was informed that non of the staff is trained to assist. I asked for a tape measure and w
I Was told that they do not offer the service at all.
Shocking as I had wasted petrol to go there. I chose this branch as I thought that there would be more privacy .

Hi there,
I was shopping at Woolworths store.
You have advertised the 1.2kg weetbix at everyday low price $4 on a big sign in the cerl isle, but today it scanned up at $5. I was using self service and mentioned it to the lady working there. She wouldn't do anything about it, even when i mentioned about the massive isle sign, she just said all the prices that scan up correctly.
If thats correct you probably should take the sign down since it's false adverising.

I have a really bad experience in customer service on the 19/01 at woolworth Springvale.
When i came to the front desk, I was given a distaseful facial gesture by One of the customer service name Jessica, she was helping another customer and she told me to wait and will get back to me after she finished helping the customer, i said ok. but afrer awhile i have waited at the front desk. when she was finished helping the first customer, she came toward the front desk with her body facing me, but her face kept away and avoided to eye contact, as though i am nonexistence and then turned and proceeded to serve another customer that was there after me at the register 6. i still waited for her to serve me but after a while but i felt small waiting there deliberately neglected, i decided to line up at register 6, as it was soon my turn, she came out of the front desk, and as she was about to leave the area, i confronted her as to why she neglected me in a degrading form, she then said to me that she will get masood to serve me, so i went back to the front desk, i was not served, so when i saw jessica again, i directly looked her in her eyes and using body language got her attention and told her to serve me. by then i was very stressed by the treatment and had to go out for a walk before coming back to make a complain. her way of degrading was very distasteful and uncalled for.
My name is Aaron Mirshahi, My number is 0451 089 140
Kindly contact me via my number about this issue as it caused a great deal of emotional stress and effected my day in an unpleasant way.
thank you.

My local Woolworths supermarket at St Clair has recently undergone a makeover which I believe is a standard design for all of your stores. The net result of this refurbishment for the customer has been one of confusion, frustration and anger.
The dropping of certain product lines while understandable in the competitive world is disappointing as many appear to have been local product.
The main concern from my perspective and many of the other customers is the ridiculous product placement.
Comments from other shoppers are less than complimentary when discussing the designers of the store layout
Once again I understand that product placement is something of an art-form for the savvy marketers but wandering up and down looking for a specific product is not an enjoyable shopping experience especially after a long day at work.
Out of pure frustration I am now not looking any further and moving my business slowly to another supermarket and I do not think I am the only one.
A few examples, breakfast and deserts were always together, drinks are split over a number of aisles; finding a particular dairy product is pot luck and my personal favorite placement of “Back to School” products in the drink and confectionery aisle, which is quite a instance from the stationary displays.
I sense a lot of frustration and I respectfully suggest that you have a closer look at the way this is impacting on your customer base before you start losing big time.
regards Geoff

I was at your West Street Woolies store on the 15/01/2019 , I made a total purchase of 488.85. I bought LF CHOC pack of 4 milkshake on promotion .When I got home my son had opened it and it was horribly spoilt. I also tasted . My concern is that this is not the first experience I had .
I purchased the chicken steaklets last week also on promotion and that was sour . I purchase food items regularly at woolworths and im concerned as it seems like stuff that go on promo seem to have a defect.
Unfortunately I mislaid the till slip from last week items , but I do have the tillslip fot the pack of milkshakes .
I have been a customer with woolworths for years and I am very concerned now about the quality of goods sold.

I am a regular client at Woolworths Rondebosch, I love all the staff at the tills even the floor staff, but the problem I have is your Management, especially the Lady, she does not greet at all, not helpful either. it never was be like that before, you hardly see them on the floor.
it is Friday and the weekend.
Very disappointing.

My complaint is I purchased a cooked chicken from woolworths mount richmore yesterday 17/01 round 17.00 hours and that was all we had for dinner when coming to dishing up the chicken was still bleeding inside and pink. Which I then had to put into the oven as there was no other food to make. I just feel this is unexceptable . I love my woolworths chickens . Anyhow think you should just check on your ovens or something.
thanking you kindly

I spent about 3 minutes in woolworths tonight, (Casuarina woolworths, Darwin NT) walked in grabbed some oranges and bananas and quickly went to the self sevice cashier to pay. As i was walking out i was stopped by the security guard and asked if he can look in my little bag. I was quite insulted as they saw me walk inside (security was standing with 2 other woolworths staff) I said why? the security said again that he wanted to check my bag i refused and said that i was already out of the shop and told him to check the camera if they were suspicious of me. I was upset as im a regular customer and not once has my bag been checked in woolworths. Think there was a previous incident tonight as it was noisy before i walked into Woolworths. they think they can do that to any customer but all they do is chase good customers away from returning to woolworths. I was then followed by a woolworths staff and the same security and was told i was barred from returning as i refused to let my bag be checked. I responded to the staff and said i have the right to refuse and to please check their cameras if they were so concerned about me taking something. Was very disappointing as I have shopped in the same Woolies for over 6 years. Just shocking.

A month ago approx. I spoke to the regular Manager about poor quality meat from Drysdale store Victoria. I might ad I have been a happy customer for 40yrs until this pig of a manager NEEDS A REFRESHER COURSE IN PR.THERE ARE NOW 3 Supermarkets in Drysdale now Id love to see an improvement THANKYOU.

I bought this packet of Bicarbonate Soda from Woolworths and weighed to use from the packet. To my surprise the packet only contained 250g whereas it is clearly marked as containing 500g.
This is not expected from Woolworths !!!
I feel cheated and I don't know if I can trust Woolworths for other products.

Pickled fish... .not expired ...opened today ..tranferred to another dish ...found an awful looking peace of SOMETHING in it .......immediately placed it in a bottle bottle to freeze and kept the container ..fish is is now in my own container .
So revolted and horrified that I expect immediate attention please for you to collect and analyse what this foreign peace could be ( now frozen) .
Do you slso want the fish and your container ,.I live nesr Valley centre ...Jhb .
Cellphone 0828519701 MARLENE SHARPE

Please, do not sell Ben & Jerry ice cream who has been under intense scrutiny in the US as described by a reputated US consumer association. Ben & Jerry have been found to lie consumers regarding their "quality ingredients" as they like to claim. Sadly it is loaded with glyphosate as well as other unhealthy ones. Read on the court evaluation: https://www.organicconsumers.org/press/organic-consumers-association-win...
Note: make sure you keep updated on imported products for protection against such unhealthy practices of farming and what those products are labelled with.

A employee at Northgate south Australia 5086 her name Sharon she was dispectful annoyed mean nasty not helpful didn't even want to help out me at all.

I was in the Woolworths Macquarie Fields store and purchased a wish gift card and asked for $5o.oo to be put on the card and asked for $190.00 cash out. The cashier mistakingly put $190.00 on the gift card and gave me $190.00 cash out. I didn't realze the mistake tll I got home. I rang the store and said I would bring it back the next day to have it fixed up to which the person on the phone said" that is a good idea as the service manager and store manager will be in and know what to do. I returned today and the service manager had no idea what to do. "oh I will ring someone and find out what do" Then she said. "here you keep the card and I will see what I can do and I will let you know when I find out. I was furious at this response as I needed a gift card and then had to puchase another one with $50.00 on it. I thank her for her help and said I would go home and deal with it through the head office.Well that was a mistake. I was put threw to 3 different people to wich I had to relay the story each. And was finally told that there was nothing that could be done about it. I Asked the girl on the phone to pass it on to someone who could do something about it. I was then told that someone would get back to me in 1 to 2 days. This is disgraceful, this is not my fault. This is a mistake made by a woolworths employee. A multi million dollar compay and they can not even organise a refund. This mistake has really upset me and taken hours out of my day trying to sort it out to no avail. Shame on you woolworthsYou really need to get your act together. Appalling customer service. I would like to think that I get a respnse back from someone.

I have been purchasing Vaalia "Natural" Yoghurt 900g tubs from Woolworths for years, but suddenly Woolworths no longer stocks it, only the sugar-added fruit versions. Coles still sells the "natural" (plain, unsugared) variety, so the manufacturer still makes it. Why then did Woolworths take the HEALTHIEST CHOICE off the supermarket shelf? If you wish to boost your reputation as the healthy, so-called "fresh food people", it does you NO SERVICE in the public eye to stop stocking the healthiest yoghurt option for this old Australian supplier! It may interest you that these days, I hear more and more the customer comment that "Oh, Woolworths only stocks what THEY want you to buy, which is not giving the customer real choice at all." Please consider re-stocking the healthiest version of Vaalia yoghurt forthwith.

Why is the quality of your meat department in the new Deey Why store poor and looks like it’s been there all day where The Mall with Tim the butcher it’s fabulous and why at Dee Why is the meat old and dry so disappointing and the butcher is too busy texting

On Sunday 6/01/2019 I went to shop at Woolworths at Mall@Carnival.
I was absolutely shocked to see how filthy the trolleys were. There was not even any
cleaning equipment to wipe them off.
PLEASE! Food gets put into these trolleys. This is unacceptible!!!!!

IYesterday I purchased a "250 gram" block of Woolworths Essentials unsalted butter at Woolworths Margate and when i weighed the product I had only received 219 grams.

Where I live in Mossman, NQ, we have one option to buy food, and that is in a Woolworths. Since the megastore opened, all other small food retailers have closed, now we have no choice. Our store is open at 6 am, so to avoid the crowds and/or use the only time you have available, this is when you shop. At that time unfortunately, the bread isn't available in the bakery, the deli counter (meats) are still the leftovers from the day before, the deli counter (seafood) isn't stocked at all..zilch, nada! The fruit and vegetable section, has not been restocked, so many items are missing. One would have to question the wisdom of opening that early, if you are not going to staff adequately. So this brings us to the crux, the fresh(?) produce. I gave up buying stonefruit this year except for apricots, because they were rotting before they ripened, ditto for the avocados, I kept buying ones black and/or stringy inside. When I visited the store this morning at 7.30 am, I could not find a punnet of strawberries that did not have one or more rotten fruit in the punnet, the purple grapes were the same, I could not find a bag with no rotten fruit inside. The silverbeet and kale were 2nd rate at best. Onto the flowers, looking for flowers to place graveside, this area obviously, had not been looked at for a while, some bunches were days past their 'display till date', and many blooms were actually dead. When I mentioned this out to a staff member, he very helpfully pointed out that they were discounted, and they were, very heavily discounted, because they were dead!!! I'm sure you are aware that this is an ongoing problem, so don't bother blaming the floods, heatwave or any other handy excuse.
Thanks for your time, and if you thinking of sending me one of those placatory responses, about how important my message is to you don't bother, because we all know how much that means. Just another sign of shareholder driven strategy, and lack of respect for your customers. At this point I would like to mention what great staff you have here in the Mossman store.
Don't forget your customers are also shareholders.
Wendy Jones

I am a very frequent customer of Woolworth Abbot Street but Also Smithfield. I have had some rather very unpleasant dealings with a female employee at the Abbot Street shop, actually on December 27, 2018. The 1st was when I asked at a cash counter if I could have a word with the manager. The young girl serving me shrugged her shoulder, moved her head towards another female employee, she then whispered something in her ear. The female employee came to me and her body language alone was hostile. I asked if she was the manager and with a swift nod she acknowledged that. I told her the reason; our daughter had done shopping for me from a list I had given her. Emptying the shopping bags I found a packet of cigarettes on the bottom of the shopping bag. We don't smoke in our house and she knew that. I told the "manager" this and asked her for a refund. I was asked for the receipt of the article but I could not provide that. The manager looked at me and said "no, we do not refund cigarettes" and walked away. I called her back and asked if I could change it for another brand and that she would to which I said "if you can do that then refunding can be done too". Woolworth "manager" walked away!
Since then I have been a number of times in the store to buy things and each time I was served by the same female, I saw her name = Karen". Woolworth has many employees but none of them is as notorious as "manager Karen", not many customers have a good word for her and as the reviews go it seems that it is apparent that Karen has got a severe problem.
Not getting a refund for a new and intact item is wrong, I mentioned that I was willing to given my name, address as well as telephone number and email address, to no avail, Karen just walked away.
On another occasion I asked Karen if it was possible to order an overseas drink as my terminally ill husband needs it. Now we have to drive all the way to Clifton Beach to buy at Coles 20 or 30 cans. Karen said "no" and again walked away . I am not upset, I am stunned that a person dealing with public in this way is kept in this demanding job. I look forward to your reply, please do not call me, a text message or email is appreciated.
(Mrs) C. Wilson van der Hulst

One the worst front end services I had took my own bag in self checkout and when I used it she said have to use a Woolworths bag in this area and to made it worst she looked in my bag took things out after I was done then put it back felt like my space was taken away from me , her name was Mellissa blonde person Upper Burnie in Tasmania … cant miss her she always talking to customers at self service instead giving people there space acting like being friendly very rude person … beware customers of this snake very fake at her job :(

My wife purchased Golden crumpets 6 pack bar code 9310043003014 Expiry date Jan 19 from BellPost store on Monday Dec 31st and when we went to use them on Jan 2nd they had already gone mouldy. Considering the time from between date of purchase and date of use by I find this unacceptable by any standards.
I await a response.
Yours Brett Noonan.

Wonderful that Woolworths store were open on New Year's Day, however the staff never felt the same at Besonia , we went to shop for our holiday. Decided to pop in and and have a quick breakfast, ground staff were great, however your kitchen staff and management where a no show waited for over nearly a hour , and to top it all got the incorrect breakfast the garnish was so old.... in my opinion it should just be a quick cake and coffee shop...... very poorly managed ....

i am sick to death of poor service and experience. At 4:00 today I was shunted from one of the two (only) checkouts open to go to the express lane. This was lengthy so I moved to the self serve area.The machine rang up $5.90 instead of $4.50 for a rockmelon, as labelled. The assistant couldn't have cared less until I left the till and checked the label leaving my things at the till. The beans in your fresh food people shop were brown and discoloured. The lettuces shabby and wilted. It's so often like this.

I visited Woolworths Maryborough Qld this am to purchase $380.00 worth of vouchers which are used as prizes for competitions in our Golf Club each week. The person who served me clearly did not want to be saddled with the purchase of gift cards and made this painfully obvious, this is my experience each time I purchase gift cards at this store, some staff are just more rude than others. I was not greeted and when purchase completed staff member said "There you go". If this is such a problem should I take my business elsewhere?

Orders 1kg chicken thighs got to counter to pay $5.50 a kg and was charged $29.50 for ham that is not on woolies got the big eye on you now.have made complaints to the right authorities. Not a very happy chappy woolies.had this happen once before at another store .No regards Brett...PS can't supply products as was taken away and replaced.so left store just so I didn't blow up.but be warned airlie beach woolies next time will have on fraud.(got it).?

Yesterday my grandson purchased a small packet of M&M's from our Woolworths Supermarket in Scottsdale, Tasmania. At the shelf where he picked it up the item had a sale ticket price of $1.00, down from $1.69. At the register it scanned at $1.69 so I pointed out the sale price and without checking at the shelf the girl called a supervisor who said it had been scanning at the higher price all afternoon. She charged my grandson $1.00. I asked the checkout girl why he hadn't received it for free under the scanning policy and she said "We already know that the price is not correct and also, you didn't leave the store." Not understanding I went up to the desk and ask why Woolworths had not honoured its scanning policy and was told that the Manager at the store has instructed checkout staff to not honour the policy if the buyer makes them aware of an overcharge at the register. Instead, the buyer must pay the higher price and actually leave the store, then return and ask for the policy to be implemented. I pointed out that it didn't say that on the printed policy that was displayed at the desk and the person just shrugged. Clearly this is not the correct way to implement a national scanning policy and it reflects poorly on the Woolworths brand that store managers are making decisions about the scanning policy at a store by store level.

I bought shoes at Sandton city branch on Thursday 22 January 2015, Friday morning I realised at work the shoes are too big that's when I decided to exchange them at Wood mead branch. I explained my issues to Tshepo (cashier) he called manager Dumisane who was so rude to me telling me I must go where I bought the shoes I was so disappointed by the service provided by the manager I even left those shoes with Tshepo (cashier) worth R799. 00 I am not willing to pay those shoes up until I get the right size.

Every single time I go to the Woolworths Upper Burnie deli the staff are rude and you wait too long! For instance today I stood there waiting along with other customers while there was one person serving and the other staff member behind the deli was filling up the cabinet. It would have been far more polite and pro active to stop filling the cabinetry and serve the customers but no they are so rude and always look like they hate their jobs. It's very disappointing and frustrating.

Purchased a hot bbq chicken from Coffs Harbour park avenue store Sunday 21st July. It was so over cooked both drumsticks were inedible, very little amount of meat on thighs. Breast meat was dry and had to dig right to back of bird to find any seasoning. The bird looked very small. Maybe this was the reason it was so over cooked

Your Woolworths morningside center restaurant is absolutely appalling. We were seated given menus and not looked again for another 10 minutes. Called the manger to say that we have not been served yet. He took our our which was 2 x five roses tea, 1 x rooiboos tea, 1 x cinnamon and vanilla cappuccino and an iced coffee. Another 12 min passed and we still had not received our order. We decided to leave and I told the manager to please cancel our order. He got a little agro in his tone and said our order was almost ready and I need to consider that it was BIG ORDER! Whaaaattt? 5 drinks a big order. What a joke. He is clearly not the right person to be running your restaurant. He has no idea what a big order is.

I am sick of being constantly manipulated byyour stores.Items are frequently discontinued and other items put in their place. the latest is Berries Australian grown refrigerated pulp free orange juice.The egg section at Wheelers Hill is a disgrace. I am not interested in clearing the section I want the eggs I want.Stop screw ing suppliers and manufacturers and suppliers. For once think about customer service ahead of profits.

Just want to complain re the level of service at your Canelands store in Mackay Queensland. We were at this store mid last week & experienced a particularly long wait to get through the checkouts - long line of people & only two checkouts operating. After a long delay a third checkout was opened which alleviated the problem slightly.
Visited this same supermarket today 15/07/19 around 11.00 am & it was worse, even longer delays, again only two checkouts operating with approx. ten people waiting in line. Eventually a third checkout was opened but that was mobbed by people standing at the back of the que. I estimate it would have taken approx 30 minutes to get through the checkout. The self service line up was even worse with 12 to fifteen people waiting in line.
Appears that you have reduced staffing numbers in your supermarkets to a level where they can no longer operate efficiently.
We have been a loyal customer of Woolworths for many years but doubt we will shop with you again any time soon. Looks like customer satisfaction/service is no longer a priority of Woolworths.

Customer service at the self check in Berala is so disappointing. Today and a month ago during the school sticker promotion i was humiliated by the same lady at self serve check out for no good reason, a month ago after paying,packing my stuff and walking just afew steps i remembered my receipt to get stickers for my son, to which the lady yell out that im not aloud to to that, thats not mine, and even after explaining what had happened she pulls my bag and demands to check my bag infront of everyone,and after realizing she was wrong she just turns her back without an apology and carrys on,sying its her job to check bags. She could have atleast asked me nicely to step aside,rather than embarrasse me. And today, after scanning and checking out, there was a problem with my card, the red light for assistnt went off, the same worker from the first incident approached me, scanned her card and says to try again, this time while i insert my card, i noticed she was watching me type my pine. Everything went well, i got my cash out nd receipt, but than she wasnt satified nd does the exact same thing, demands to see inside my bag. It is the most humiliating thing to have people look at you and your kids with disgust like your shopliftng. When i than confronted her because that was unnecessary and humiliating,she snobs me off saying its her job to check bags. She didnt check anybody elses before me and after me. Such a horible experience to go through in front of not only other customers but most importantly my kids. The manger said he'll talk to her, but tried to defend her t the same time. So disappointed.

I shop at Bonnyrigg shops almost every day, mainly Woolworths. They have been promoting the recent Earn & Learn program running in this area. Unfortunately, during this time, I found some of the staff at the Bonnyrigg store rude and absolutely no help whatsoever.
They ran out of the printed booklets 5 weeks before the finish date, I kept asking when will they have them in as to my surprise most check out staff responses were "Ï don't think we are getting them in better to go to another store and try there."
After numerous attempts asking for the sheets, I decided to approach the front desk only to be told "We are too busy to deal with the sheets now as we are in the middle of a renovation". The last time that I checked, Woolworths had hired contractors to complete the renovations and the staff were not tasked with these duties. Their responsibility remains to fulfil customer service and ensure that they do their best to maintain the satisfaction of each customer, even by simply responding in a respectful and calm manner. Whilst I understand, that they were perhaps repeatedly asked about these sticker sheets and the stickers, and it may have been annoying or even inconveniencing to them, I believe that I asked respectfully and deserved that same treatment in return.
They never did get the sheets in. 3 1/2 weeks to go before the finish date they ran out of the stickers, I would ask every time I went in there which as mentioned prior has been almost every single day. When approaching the staff regardless of what section they worked in, most of them had responded in a rude manner.
I understand that perhaps Woolworths had not expected the influx of the promotion in the area. I also know that I have not been the only customer unhappy with the stores handling of this promotion; as I’m in the store regularly you can clearly also see the frustration in other customers who are in the checkout queue asking for stickers as well.
The sad aspect about this is that when a promotion arises like this to help disadvantaged schools in the area many people who have kids or grandchildren in the area jump at the chance to help out by changing their shopping choices from a cheaper provider such as Aldi’s. I made this choice as one of my grandchildren attends Mount Pritchard primary school which is the catchment area of the promotion.
From my experience with this promotion through my local store; in future it would be more viable for me to shop at a cheaper retailer and just make a tax deductible donation directly to the school I want to help out, rather than rely on the promotion being offered and be billed for it at the cash register.
On my final attempt before the promotion ended, I visited the store on the 24.06.19. I went to take in the sheets with my grandson as he was collecting them from another Woolworths. He had a smile on his face and was excited to put the finished sheets in the box provided by Woolworths. Upon entering the store I noticed the boxes provided were no longer in their designated spots so I asked the man at the front door where are the boxes to which he responded “I don't know, you’ll have to ask the front desk.” On asking the front desk she said the boxes had already been collected prior to the end date of the promotion, as they were more focused on the renovations, and the boxes had to be taken early due to these renovations.
I am a regular of Woolworths Bonnyrigg. I have come across many staff members who work there whom I enjoy seeing and speaking to whilst as the registers, and to say that I was disheartened by the treatment of the staff in this situation would be an understatement. If a promotion is going to be promoted within the store, then cater to that. If there are unforeseen circumstances in which a store can no longer cater to these needs, then simply putting signs around the store explaining this would take off the burden from the staff who have to constantly respond to customers regarding this whilst also advising your customers on what the situation is.
I look forward to hearing a response from your team in a prompt manner so that these issues can be resolved. Thank you.

I am complaining about the self check out system, this system says 'skip bagging' but when I did this I was immediately and impertinently instructed by counter staff today that I was not allowed to press this. It is my personal choice to place my scanned articles in separate bags but the bagging area is far to small to hold 2 separate bags. I found todays shopping experience very exasperating and I do not wish to shop at 2605 or any other Woolies grocery stores.

Yesterday I bought an Easy to Cook 28-days matured Beef Rump Roast with Mustard & Barley Stuffing at Woolworths Meyersdal in Alberton.
I was looking forward to trying this and cooked it as per instructions to medium rare on the same day.
I am bitterly disappointed in the quality of beef used in this product as it is not of a good standard and is was so though and not a pleasant meal.
For this reason I will not ever try one of these products again as it is not cheap and leaves you very disappointed in the end.

Today I shopped at Woolworths Neutral Bay and attempted to use a Fairy Dishwasher Promotion Offer but was told at the checkout that it was not able to be used as the offer only related to the two packs advertised on the ticket. On reading the back of the offer, it clearly states '50% off the RRP on any Fairy Dishwashing tablets'.
I have attached a copy of the front and back of the promotion ticket. The offer expires on Sunday 30 June 2019.
Can you please explain to me why this offer was not honoured.
Kind regards
Wendy Robinson

In the specials brochure for week 19th June 2019 2 Cases of Tooheys Beer 30 x 375 was advertised for $98.00
On the 22nd June I went to Bomaderry bws and was told they are $54.00 I did not buy.
On the 24th June I went to Nowra Woolworths and was told they are not on special they are $54.00 each and it is a printing mistake I refused to buy.
Why have specials advertised and not honour them?

We are regular shoppers at this particular Woolworths & have been for years. However after this last incident , we feel let down. On Tuesday on our regular shop we bought 56 items & were overcharged on 15 of these , including pumpkin .84 kg net @ $5.50 for $ 27.72 ?????. Overall for a $244.40 shop we were charged $299.40. After convincing staff of the problem , then told that the cash register at that checkout was malfunctioning. So the result was move to another checkout , unload all of the shopping , cancel previous docket & start all over again putting all of the items through . So from the time of arrival to departure was extended by an extra 45 minutes to sort this out. We feel let down , as their should have been some sort of compensation . We have both dockets.

Good day
My son wants to change a chino and ordered a bigger size Chino from the Centurion Woolworths about the 14th of April. They called us about a month ago and when we went to fetch the Chino it was the same size he had. Now we hadn't heard from you since then. Can you please follow up on this for me?
Thank you.

MOST DISGUSTING TRAUMA, ABUSE INFLICTED ON A WOOLWORTHS CLIENT /SHOPPER @ WOOLWORTHS LABORI Paarl . south Africa the complaint are woolworths head office cape town, for two years with out closure Rosalene Jacobs SOLE PROVIDER LOST HER Job, woolworths tag her job references , defamed the character as A MENTAL DISABLE PERSON UNFIT FOR ANY OCCUPATION WORKING WITH HUMANS/PUBLIC.

I lost my card about 2 months ago. I went inside a store to apply for a new card. Since then I still don't have a card or get any feedback from nobody. In this case I want this account to be closed ASAP????? Hopefully someone will respond to this ??????

My family and i shop at you"re Morayshire store in Morayfield Queensland.Yesterday 15/06/2019 we were again held up at you're self service check out.Again, as has happened before your self service check out was not working.I guess what made it worse was the attitude of you're young lady who was meant to be assisting but seemed to blame me for the faulty self service check out.I don't think I was the only one as other people seemed to be experiencing the same problem, unsure if the young lady was also not very courteous to them? ,,Hoping this leads you to do something about you"re unreliable equipment, so I can again resume shopping at Woolworths.Just also would like to say that the lady that is normally on the self service check out is extremely helpful and courteous.

I can't believe that the Green stone branch is always low on stock when a person complain they say that it is head office. Woolworths quality is not the same any more they do nothing about it
I Never ever see any white people employed at Woolworths but they want the money of the white people we should all boycott them

I have just returned some corned silverside to Woolworths unanderrato get a refund.The use by date 15/7/19. It was awful. It didn't cut like silverside usually does. Was tough. I had cooked lovely vegetables and was really looking forward to dinner and was so disappointed I got in my car and returned it immediately. The staff were very apologetic and I said I wanted the meat dept to know. I really am not happy with the quality of meat generally and wish woolworths to know.
I am a daily customer as I live very nearby.

Today at approximately 3pm I went into my local woolworths store to buy some groceries.
After I had done my shopping I went to the self service counter and started using the first
register which was a card only machine, as I was using the register the woman (tall, blonde
with pimples on her face) stood over me in a threatening manner while I was scanning my groceries.
When I went to use my atm card to pay for my shopping she stood even closer, so close
that I had to ask the woman in the cigarette shop (Mandy) to tell her to please step back
as I did not want her to see my pin number to which Mandy replied that “No I won’t
do that as it was the womans job to stand there”.
This isn’t the first time I have had some sort of drama from this woman, if she just did her
job I would have been fine with it, but she was so aggressive she even said to me “You’re
the woman that got me Into trouble the last time and if you don’t like it then go through one
of the other registers”.
I have had enough drama for the last few months to last me a life time, I do not need any more,
So if u could please rectify this situation and maybe tell the woman to leave her personal dislikes and
aggression outside of the work place as it is very unprofessional of her.
Thankyou for your attention to this matter.

While shopping at my local woolworths shoreline Tasmania I was using the self service checkout. I am a frequent customer and know that this service has recently changed and is a bit slow and temperamental. However when there was a problem I looked around for your customer service staff member. This was a busy saturday morning. The staff member Sarah was chatting to another staff member. So I waited and waited until I had to say excuse me. Well she was obviously not happy that i had interrupted her conversation. And promptly informed me that the error was of my own doing. Ok no problem. Then it happened again. I turn around for Sarah who is once again talking to the staff member. I ask her if this time it is my fault and she says yes it is as I have jiggled the bags. I ask her for her name as I tell her that I dont think her customer service is very good. She is very insolent when telling me her name. Very rude person. I at this stage I am very angry. I did speak to a gentleman at the service desk about her. When I was leaving I noticed she was at the same checkout helping someone else. So just maybe that particular checkout is not working properly today and it is not the fault of the customer. I shop at this woolworths frequently and have always found other staff to be courteous. I was at the shoreline saturday 15/6/19 at approx 12.15.

I purchased the Mongolian lamb strips . The flavours were lovely & the meat was very tender BUT the pieces weren't strips & very inconsistent in there size. Some really long pieces & then very small & also large pieces . I used scissors to cut some pieces . Presentation didn't look like the photo on the back of the Woolworths magazine where it shows similar sized pieces.

For some time Cooma has been undergoing a "Re vamp" including the carpark. For approximately 4 weeks the carpark has had next to no lighting and in the last week NO lights at all. Cooma is dark by 5.30pm at this time of the year and the car park is very dangerous as to falls etc and also crime. A few weeks ago I managed to speak to the Assistant Manager who assured me that the re furbishments including car park would be completed by 20 May 2019. It's now 12 June and still in darkness. As a local, shopping every day, I knew were to park, but now in the dark parking spots are hard to define.
I find it very incompetent from a project management perspective that the last improvement would be one impacting on safety to customers.
As to the asphalting of the car park no signage was provided at any entrance as to thoroughfares. EG went there one lunch time and could enter carpark as normal but not able to access shop, stopped by a contractor, and then told to go back out the way I came in.
Very Unorganised and no logic.
AS to Self service LOL.
Many Cooma locals do huge shops fortnightly/monthly due to distances/farm commitments as if they will use self service. I have used Self service and every time had to ask for assistance. When will customers be offered a discount for serving themselves.
On a positive note the BWS improvements are fantastic with more refrigerated wines and beers.

I went to Woolworths Wonderboom/Lavender Branch 6 times in the last 3 weeks. There was no Full Cream Long Life Milk in stock.
The lady /head at the cashiers took my name and telephone nr in there book done and she promise to phone me the moment it arrives. The milk was on special for R64.99 box on 6 one liteers. She also said this is not my or her fault and if the milk arrives after the special is over i will be able this still at the special price. The special was over on Sunday the 09/06 and the milk arrives on the 11/06.
I phoned there myself and speak to Eugene Ntuli {manager food section}}and ask him to look my name is in there book and i will come and buy my milk on the order.
He said i can not have this on the special price.
So actually this details was taken down in there book {names and telephone numbers} just to keep the clients quiet and they do not what they promise to do. This is very bad for Woolworth make promises to the client and not keep with there promises.
i need Woolworth to contact me and confirm this is the correct procedure to deal with there clients.
E Fourie - 072 868 2772

Some time back I purchased a Select Automatic Air Freshener Diffuser & Refill which has worked quite well for some months.
Recently it stopped working. i tried replacing the batteries but it still didn't work.
I returned it to my local Woolworths store at Forest Lake and explained the situation.
A female staff member told me that was about the normal life span and gingerly agree to replace the product.
Now I find that the brand new replacement also doesn't work.
It hasn't even been a week.
After my last experience I am reluctant to return with it.
Am I now stuck with this defective product and out of pocket?

I went into Woolworths Brooklyn to hand in a pair of slippers I bought on Saturday which were too small. I only managed to go on Tuesday to change the slippers. The lady at the exchange counter was insisting that I wore the slippers and I told I had not. She was challenging me with her eyes and I said to her I had not worn the slippers but i agreed witb her that the sole looked as it was worn. I probably should have checked the sole of the slipoet before buying it. She kept in challenging me with her look until her colleague said something to her language. The look this lady gave me made me feel like a lier and a thief. As you can see I'm a frequent customer and a reliable one when it comes to paying my account. This incident is giving me second thoughts on whether to close my account with Woolworths. To be treated in this way is not pleasant

Bought a shoes two days ago, returned it as it was hurting me.. Customer service refused to take the shoe back after two days. Highly annoyed

I was unable to find a single worker in the store to help with a query...the 2 staff members in the store were on a checkout and the self service area and too busy to interrupt altho i did try. The product I sought had an empty box on the shelf. I was disappointed to have to go elsewhere but I won't waste my time in woolies again.
T Tribes

I went in the Kalamunda store this afternoon to recycle my plastics. There was no bag in the bin so I asked for one. I was told I needed to purchase a 15c bag even though they failed to provide one.
After this I wanted to get some fresh fruit and veg. Disgusting quality to say they are the fresh food people.

I have had 2 major disappointments in Bundaberg Stockland recently, Bought 2 whole fish (they were marked down) and got home to cook them and soon as they were out of the bag it was obvious from the disgusting smell they were rotting!!! I live out of town so it wasn't worth driving back for refund, I would have been embarrassed walking into a store with rotten fish.
Next was Woolworths own Cheesecake, I have been caught twice with this, the base of the cheesecake is not set at all, it was nothing but crumbs and the entire cheesecake fell apart. I had guests that night and it was again very embarrassing. I prefer Woolworths to Coles but Coles hasn't disappointed me as much as Woolies has.

Yesterday at 5.50pm at the Katoomba store my wife needed assistance at the self service register. Normally we do not use the self service cashier. When requested service 3 times the assistant present huffed and puffed as if we requested her to pay for the goods. I wish to remind Woolworths that such employees, regardless of the reasons for their behaviour, bring discredit to Woolworths. I also wish to indicate that there are alternatives to shopping at your store.

On going through self service today I was being harassed by staff member on what I had scanned and she would not give me a chance to get to my items with her constant interference this happens from her every time I go through self service the sign say we are here to HELP not over ride what Iam do I will no longer be shopping at that store

I got boots for mothersday gift and i wored it for a day but it hurt my foot and wanted to exchange it for another or other boots but the store in vangate woolies did not want to exchange so now what do i as a penssioner do with boots that cost R899.00 ii just need a more comfortable boot to wear please advise
Thank you
Latiefa Parker

I would like to know why you have discontined TURKEY and LAMB from DINE Saucy Morsels varieties. Thats is my cat favourite meal. Not happy. Do you have any explanation?

I have purchased your gourmet tomatoes every week ,they are normally lovely but the past month I have discarded 3 of my purchases due to the fact that tomatoes are inedible ,
They were woody inside and even cooking them didn’t make them edible ,they are very expensive at the moment ,please pass this on to your buyer ,I shop at Warner and Eaton’s hill stores ,I will be returning the ones I purchased yesterday to the store also

Today I went into shop at this store and get a few things. Earlier that day I had purchased a water from the store and I had the receipt in my bag. I had eaten some lunch and in the trolley was the water I purchased earlier, half full. This brand of water can be purchased anywhere in the Shopping Centre.
I went to a checkout with a lady who knows me well, I have been shopping here for many years and I also know this lady from the old Woolworths store at Jackson Court, Doncaster East. She asked me where did I purchase the water, and I showed her my receipt, which she just glanced at. But its the way its done, I feel like I'm a criminal. And its happened twice before with this same person. Asking whether my other purchases were from this store. In all cases I had the proof that I bought the goods from another store.
I don't like my experience at Woolworths, I feel like a guilty shopper. And the way she asks is nasty. I know you have problems with theft. But this woman knows me, I'm a regular customer and not a thief. And I don't feel like going to this store ever again, it fills me with dread. Oh and also she should apologise to me, because I'm not a thief. I think better training of your staff would be better. I never experience this at Coles or Woolworths in other places.

Hi I have a complaint on my woolworths store card account I have been backwards on my payment but did make a payment on what I owe has I did I was told that I can only use the card 1st was told 24hrs then again said 10 working days after was said 3 working days now according to your only next month so why I have to wait so long has I need to do shopping that's the reason I took the card I need answers on what is the storie with my account
Ashwin sewsunker

I went to the Northland Safeway to get a chopping board. Got help from a person called Emma who was really helpful & pleasant to deal with (I didn't know then that she was the manager). No luck with the chopping board but while I had her there, I asked her if I could bring a blanket back I'd bought the day before at the Ivanhoe Safeway as I thought it would be good if I didn't have to drive all the way over to Ivanhoe as I had the blanket with me. She said fine, if you've got the receipt then no problem. Ok so I went out to the car and got it and then went back into the store to the service desk. The person I dealt with (unfortunately didn't get her name) looked at the receipt and said because it's got bits torn off ( I tore off the bottom section as that has the discounted petrol voucher bit on it which I keep it in my wallet) she couldn't use it for returns purposes as she couldn't read the date on it. She then said she'd have to have my identification details and said that would involve my name, address and phone number. I said that I was confused as I've bought things back before and never had to supply these details. She insisted that was the case so I asked to speak to the manager. In the interim, I looked at the receipt and could see that the date was on it and easily readable. A woman came to deal with me and for all attempts and purposes, I thought I was dealing with the manager. Her name was Vesna and she confirmed what the other assistant said that I had to give my personal details or I wouldn't get a refund. She also added this was also because the item being returned was over $20. I said I couldn't give my details as I didn't know where they would go or who would be seeing them. I said I have a silent phone no. and my address is also suppressed on the electoral role for good reason and I certainly wouldn't be giving them my details. Vesna said that was the rule and the computer wasn't letting her override this. Her attitude seemed to be, well that's it, like it or lump it. I stormed out quite frankly furious and drove all the way over to the Ivanhoe store and tried to return it there as that's where I bought it. I asked for the manager straight away and asked to return the item and get a refund and asked him what information did he need and he said the receipt is all. So I said, "Under what circumstances would you need my personal details?" And he said, "If you didn't have a receipt but you have so its' no problem. I said, "Would it have anything to do with the price of the item, say if it was over $20?" He said, "No" and looked a bit puzzled. So I easily got a refund but as I'm sure you can imagine, I was still furious as I realised I'd been blatantly lied to by the staff at Northland. So I drove back to the Northland store to let them know what had transpired. When I got there, Vesna was with a checkout assistant and this assistant pointed me out to Vesna saying something like look she's back I think you're in trouble. Vesna said something like she wasn't worried that nothing would happen. I asked for the manager straightaway and this time Emma came over who I'd dealt with previously. I told her what had occurred i.e. driving back to Ivanhoe and that I had no trouble getting the refund. She apologised and said she'd speak to Vesna to make sure she knew the proper procedure. She also confirmed that what happened at Ivanhoe was the right procedure. Emma also told me Vesna was the Service Desk supervisor. In my opinion, she shouldn't be dealing with the public at all! Such a contrast to Emma who was faultless.

The attendant at the self-serve checkouts attempted to snatch my bag from me and refused to unlock the scanner when it froze up.
Without a doubt the single worst customer service experience of my life.
I have sent additional information to 4361livingston@woolworths.com.au and copied feedback@woolworths.com.au.

My complaint is about my store in Deloraine Tasmania..
The staff are hard working and blameless however I will list the following.
.Shelves half empty.Often whole series of items just not on shelves at all.Also very poor selection even when shelf is full.Check out is far too slow obviously never enough staff to do the job..Plastic bags that you force customers to pay for have overtime greatly reduced in quality.
In short I am very unhappy and very very dissapointed.

hi just a quick note about a jar of dolmio creamy mushroom pasta sauce I just opened.When I opened it I got the pop but looking at the lid I noticed this black stuff on the lid ,it doesn't look right to me so I thought I would make you aware of it.The jar is dated to expire in 2020 so still in date.warm regards Katherine

Woolworths has always maintained a High Standard of fresh fruit/veg but of recent experience I am utterly unhappy with the standards the fruits are sold. As an example, I have bought grapes for the last 3 occasions and they have no taste and not fresh. Yesterday I bought grapes from one of the stores and to my disappointment the grapes were shriveled /wrinkled and look like they about to expire. I spent close to R40 for these grapes and I find this unacceptable.
Woolworths is dropping their standards!!! Considering the price we pay for fresh fruit/veg, this is extremely disappointing.

Since Monday of this week Woolworths at Westfields Liverpool have not had any stickers to give to customers. They do announce they have run out but have not offered to sign our dockets so we can claim our stickers at a latter date.
Your promotion is false and many schools are missing out of there stickers.
I have been shopping at Woolworths to try and collect for my grandsons school. He was very disappointed I could not donate to his school this week.
Yours faithfully
Mrs Eileen Lees
207 Meadows Road
Mount Pritchard NSW

No more half celery? Why?
Very unsupportive of small households.
Only celery hearts...v expensive or huge/whole celery.
Pls return this choice.

I wish to make a complaint about the new system implemented on the self serve registers in the supermarkets. Today at Woolworths Morayfield was my first experience with this system and I am unhappy about the whole experience. I have always used my own bags for at least the last 20 years (even though back then I was looked at as though I was from another planet) and now I am questioned every time I shop? The bagging area is not very roomy and now if I attempt to shift the bags into the trolley or even just rearrange them this machine questions my motifs and demands that I put them back. If I have heavy or bulky items I do place them in the bagging area after they are scanned but if I attempt to then transfer them into the trolley it tells me to place them back in the bag. This is a " Big Brother is watching you" affair and succeeds in making your customers feel guilty even though they know that they have done nothing illegal. There is surely another way to handle this. Come on Woolworths pull up your socks and stop humiliating loyal and long standing customers.
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