Woolworths Complaints Continued... (Page 4)
688+ reviews added so far. Upset? Call Woolworths corporate: 1-800-638-434
My complaint is your lettuces are brown in Moorebank Woolworths yesterday I ask someone to let them know but I didn't see anyone tell them so I went back to see if they did anything and no they were brown and wet lettuces which it is terrible to sell to customer I like to make a complaint the way these lettuces were wet brown like rust around them all over the leaves etc. and they had the hid to sell this product not good enough in my books. It is terrible the way food is handled these days everything looks off and you are suppose to be the fresh food people not in this case.

I have been buying Homebrand and Gravox instant white and cheese ssauce packets for some years. In the last few weeks these have been unavailable at both stores I use (Bendigo and Strathdale. All that is available is Gravox Instant liquid sauce which is twice the price. I am not happy with this as I have used the other packets as part of my recipes for many years. Not happy. When will these be back in stock or will I have to buy that at Coles who still carry them.

Fairly disappointed in your customer service. I have two outstanding matters which Woolworths will not answer.
No. 1. Reference 9000231856. This matter has been going on since 26 March. Sent follow up email on 3rd April with no
response. Promised an e-gift card for inconvenience. Never arrived.
No 2. reference 9000216969 I ituated this complaint on 3 April. Sent follow on 6th April- no response.
You did respond to initial complaint with suggestions. I emailed straight back advising of change of address and I
asked a further question. You ignored my email. You ignored. You follow up email. Why?
In the interests of good customer service one would have thought the store manager would have made an effort to
contact me, but nothing. It was your staff that lost my reward card. Not me, it I have to do the running around.

I'm extremely disappointed in your select LAMB & Barley Soup.
The flavour was great, however it could hardly be legally advertised or labelled LAMB & Barley, as there was only 2 microscopic pieces of LAMB, with 8 large pieces of zucchini, 7 large pieces of potato & loads of barley.

I purchased woolworths oyster blade steak 15/04/18. Today being the 17/04/18 i cooked 2 steaks. Upon eating 90% of my meal i noticed a thin string like object hanging out of a piece i just cut into. I pulled it out and too my horror it was a WORM. After throwing up the meal i just ate i got my partner to take a photo of the disgusting creature. This is totally unacceptable. I expect a swift reply from woolworths.

About 6 months ago I purchased an Optus phone from Woolworths Bowral. I've been very happy with the phone until recently when the battery seemed to be going flat much quicker. I wasn't particularly concerned and drove down to Nowra to buy a replacement battery only to be told that the battery in the phone I bought cannot be replaced, but if I had a receipt they would replace the phone which has a 12 month guarantee. The problem is I no longer have the receipt so in essence I paid around $100.00 for a disposable phone. Do you honestly believe this is fair and why wasn't I informed at the time of purchase that the battery couldn't be replaced. As I stated at the beginning of this email, I'm very happy with the phone though clearly not with its life span nor the inadequate information regarding my purchase, had I known of the problem I would clearly have never purchased the phone and obviously I won't be buying another. I will be contacting the ombudsman about the issue though I imagine it will simply be a case of caveat emptor.
Mike Wolstenholme.

One the worst front end services supervisors all should be moved to other stores from supervisors to department mangers and mangers should not stay in one store for ever supervisors chatting as for head cashiers they know nothing as for payslips every week they wrong a big company like that

I have received promotional text messages before 7am WST
These text messages are annoying enough but at a time when people are trying to sleep is not acceptable. People have busy schedules and it shows a lac of consideration.
Furthermore, there is no option in the text message to opt out, which I am sure is against the law.
I do not want any promotional messages from your company again and especially at hours when people are trying to sleep. Pkease remove me from your list immediately. my number is 0400021087.

Dear Woolworths,
Yous are the worst company ever you sell crappy stuff and rip people off

Staff Complaint - I frequently shop at Woolworths weekly and had a rude deli staff member throw my cold/frankfurts at myself, I then went through the checkout (staff member- Gin and no greeting was given, extremely poor service by both staff members.

I have been shopping at Woolworths Maryborough Qld every Saturday morning for over 20 years now and in the last few months I have noticed that the fruit and vegetable section has gone downhill. Displays are half empty and in some cases completely empty. It is really disappointing to see this happen as your store is normally great. Your staff in the store are wonderful and I did mention my concerns to a staff member this morning and she was going to pass on my comments to the manager. I really don't want to start shopping at another supermarket but if it continues I may have to make that change.

I went and did my groceries on Tuesday 13/3/18 I was also looking at buying easter eggs . I was just about to grab some of the Cadbury solid eggs 440g when the young man filling them up said they are on for half price tomorrow, I thanked him and thought how nice of him to tell me. So I drove back out there this morning to find they are still $10.00. When I asked about it the lady said i just asked the manager of the department and he said no. I then saw him going around checking the tickets with another young man. I asked him about something else I was buying as they still had a $10.00 ticket and the lady told me they were $6.00 he scanned it and said yes they are $6.00 so I asked again about the soild eggs and told him about how I came back today as I was told they would be half price only to be made feel like an idiot and the guy that was with him laughed and said he probably thought he was at coles. How disgusting to treat a valued customer that way. I spend hundreds there every week. There was no sorry for driving back out and you were given the wrong information just a laugh and are you sure he was staff and he must of thought he was at coles. How bloody rude.Very disappointing. Its no new way to the way he treats his customers he did the same to me when i needed to purchase around 200 chocolates for table center piece and i asked him if they would match coles as they had theirs for $1 and he said no I can't do that you will have to get them there . I know I'm just one person and there are hundreds of people shopping there but shouldn't every customer that spends there be shown a bit of respect .

I went and did my groceries on Tuesday 13/3/18 I was also looking at buying easter eggs . I was just about to grab some of the Cadbury solid eggs 440g when the young man filling them up said they are on for half price tomorrow, I thanked him and thought how nice of him to tell me. So I drove back out there this morning to find they are still $10.00. When I asked about it the lady said i just asked the manager of the department and he said no. I then saw him going around checking the tickets with another young man. I asked him about something else I was buying as they still had a $10.00 ticket and the lady told me they were $6.00 he scanned it and said yes they are $6.00 so I asked again about the soild eggs and told him about how I came back today as I was told they would be half price only to be made feel like an idiot and the guy that was with him laughed and said he probably thought he was at coles. How disgusting to treat a valued customer that way. I spend hundreds there every week. There was no sorry for driving back out and you were given the wrong information just a laugh and are you sure he was staff and he must of thought he was at coles. How bloody rude.Very disappointing. Its no new way to the way he treats his customers he did the same to me when i needed to purchase around 200 chocolates for table center piece and i asked him if they would match coles as they had theirs for $1 and he said no I can't do that you will have to get them there . I know I'm just one person and there are hundreds of people shopping there but shouldn't every customer that spends there be shown a bit of respect . Very disappointed
.Rita Murphy

My personal loan credit available is decreasing instead of increasing. Spoke to your consultant Victor today and couldn't help. The ladt time i withdraw was in September 2017. I suspect fraud from Woolworths. Please refer sms from you.Mrs M Lekoloane, your Woolies Revolving Personal Loan gives you access to the cash you've already repaid: you have R1383 available as at the 04/12. Reply YES now to have the full amount transferred to your bank account, repayable over 60 months; or use the Woolies app to do a withdrawal.
Mrs M Lekoloane, your Woolies Loan has R1715 available as at 08/01. Use the Wo.olies app to do a drawdown; or reply YES to have the full amount transferred to your bank account, repayable over 60 months. Ts&Cs apply
.Mrs M Lekoloane, your Woolies Loan has R1619 available as at 11/02. Use the Woolies app to do a drawdown; or reply YES to have the full amount transferred to your bank account, repayable over 60 months. Ts&Cs apply

I keep getting text messages telling me I have won a $500 gift. Then I am directed to a competition. NO, I HAVEN'T WON AT ALL!!! I am sick and tired of getting these messages, so from now on I am ignoring them. Talk about a scam. Either I have won or I haven't, but please don't mess me about

I was retrenched in 2015 and submitted a claim for a balance protection plan, as per my statements i have been paying for the service and to my surprise am being told that i did not have cover at the time of retrenchment.
Please furnish me with my statements from January 2014 to December 2015 as i will be submitting my complaint with the office of the ombudsman.
My id number is 7507310305088
your sense of urgency in this matter would be highly appreciated

I have always shopped at Woolies Port Augusta.Even helpded build the store.There is one manager,Belinda Davis.Who in my opinion needs to through more customer training.To learn how to be nice to Woolworths customers.
One instident I had with her a few weeks ago,about the price leg ham.
When I complained to her,Belinda put both her hands to her head and said I need this fucking shit this early in day.
My answer was maybe you get out the kitchen if you cant handle the heat.
Today,Belinda was very abrupt and aragant too me.
I know almost every employee in that store,and get along fine.
Thank you for your time.I would hate too have too shop at Coles.
Kingsley press,15/02/2018.

Hi Dear customer service
on sat am at 8 0'clock I had brought a pane de cassa bread. My family and myself were having breakfast , while eating I bit on something very hard and my tooth broke . I checked on what it and to my surprise found a small piece of ?plastic or ?metal . I would like you to investigate this. I am in severe pain my dentist appt is on Friday

I was given a pair of Fresh Water pearl stud earrings price R120.00. As I had the identical pair already I went to The Glen branch to exchange for a set of three different coloured pearl drop earrings(on Wednesday 7th February) extra R60.00 which I would gladly pay.
The cashier advised me that they do not exchange earrings. But her manner was totally surly and never apologetic very unfriendly and aloof manner. I told her that I had previously exchanged earrings with no problem. She called a supervisor who in turn called for a manager who was as rude and arrogant as the cashier - never was I greeted or apologies given for the inconvenience. When I showed the manager the earrings had not even been taken off the card and I further told her that I have exchanged earrings before - she looked at me rudely and replied "if I exchange these now, you will be back to exchange them again"
I take great exception to been spoken to like this as I am a senior citizen of 69 years old and a customer. I could not believe I had been treated like this by Woolworths staff. I explained to the three staff members that it is because of service like this and bad treatment
that the Woolworths shares are dropping at a great rate and they are lucky the Food Division of the Woolworths Stores are still doing fine otherwise they would be out of a job.

I bought this onions saturday 27th january at woolworths vredenburg weskus mall. Im so disapointed in opening the product and find the onions like this. I am trying to go back to the woolworths to get full refund or new product. This is un acceptable especially if you buy this expensive food quality.

Hi there
Ever since this store opened at Wynnum Qld there has never been anything but poor service on the fish counter. They expect the staff to run over from the deli counter to serve you, that is if the staff deign to notice you. The staff at the front desk are run of their feet due to lack of staff at this store. You want to make a complaint and the answer is THE MANAGEMENT ARE AT A MEETING. The management need to get of their collective arses and get down stairs and see the chaos going on and help give the customers some service.

Every time we shop at Woolworths Morwell since they have had the front end done up we find that there is never any one on the cash registers to serve We have to go around the store and ask for someone to serve us This is the poorest service I have ever had If you want people to serve themselves forget it If things do not change in this store I and many other people I have spoken to will leave this store as there are many other supermarkets to choose from in this area This store used to have great service
Regards Frank Ellesley

Many indigenous customers inside your store at Port Augusta SA, stink. There's no polite way to put this - they smell of shit, and it's a very off-putting experience for me and probably other shoppers as well. I prefer to visit Woolworths, but the problem is so bad that I'm sometimes driven to shop at Coles, which generally has fewer dirty Abos hanging around.

I have just managed to eat the Massman Beef Curry which I think is a Woolworths Brand . I have to tell you it was disgusting.
Not since the 60's have I tasted such rubbish. Half Rice, and the rest like the worst stew that I would not serve to anyone.
Never again.
D. Bowyer

Wanted to buy a half leg ham, but no price on it. Took it to desk waited no help went to checkout they called whoever. Came took away 5 mins later price as a customer one shouldn’t have to chase around store for a price. No I didn’t buy it. Went to Coles got service there. This store used to be okay,but not these days.

11/1/18 shopped at coonabarabran woolies where i went to go through self serve only to be told that because i had a large trolley (which i pay to use) that i was not allowed to use this service. I said i hadnot seen a sign and the lady replied I AM THE SIGN and stood in the aisle so i wouldnt go through she was not rude stating she was just doing her job( Meanwhile talking to another customer). no signs on trolleys out the front and no indication that this would happen.I lined up and went through the normal checkout where with 14 items was asked why ididnt use the self serve,this lady knew nothing of the new rule.I appreciate that things get stolen not paid for but woolies you put this system in place for us to supposedly be able to get out quicker.As well as being made feel like i was going TO STEAL FROM YOU WITH PEOPLE LOOKING ON WOOLIES yourNEW POLICY NEEDS TO BE ADJUSTED TO MAYBE THE ITEMS IN TROLLEY,as buy a cartoon of drinks and a few groceries may be the small trolley will not surfice or put the express lane back in .when i asked to speak to the managers they were not available so spoke to a lady and all i asked is could a sign be put up as i wont be the last person this will happen to. not a pleasant morning and also know that nothing will be done.i cannot cut my nose off dispite my face as woolies is the only grocery shop for 150 k very disappointing


Dear Sir/ Madam,
This is the second part of the complaint as I had to change the files to JPG as I could not upload with PDF.
On these two orders I have ordered Kale and both lots of Kale were ruined as normal, I say as normal as every single Online order is the same, The leafy vegetables are without water! It is like Woolworths haven't paid their water bill and that is why the vegetables are suffering, Wilted, Yellowing!
The prices we consumers pay is outlandish! And to have a Company like this ignore us is down right disrespectful to the consumer. On my last order which I have enclosed arrived near Off. Woolworths, Why do you allow this?What is the policy when meat is delivered nearly at the expiry date? This is uncalled for, You say that you are the fresh food people? This is a LIE! I would like a Company that I respect and that you could respect me! But this is not true, You have no respect for me as a consumer at all. My God this is happening on every order! But hey, This is a serious matter, It is one thing to be delivered ruined vegetables but when it comes to meat, This is a whole different matter, Please find enclosed my last two orders plus the meat labels., Look at the date on the order for the meat and the date on the meat labels. Then you will understand what I am talking about. Is this your Policy?
Yours Sincerely,
Deborah Lynette Irish

Dear Sir/ Madam,
I am writing to you as I am upset and angry and also very disheartened at the way you treat me as a customer. I have been loyal to you for many years now, When will you be loyal to me. I have a disease which prevents me from walking and so I depend on you for my Online Shopping as I am confined to the home. For the past months now I have been having many problems with the vegetables and lately the meat. Every time I receive my groceries I can guarantee you that there is always a problem. Because of the problems that there is I have to go through this ritual every single time I buy groceries. This is the ritual, When I receive my groceries the first thing I have to do is put all vegetables into the sink full of water, If it is Kale, Celery , Lettuce all leafy vegetables I have to sit in the sink for at least 2 hours until they retain enough water, Years ago I had this problems with the flowers that I was buying. Whom ever it is that has the job of looking after the leafy vegetables are not doing their job. I have lost so much money buying your vegetables and I just can not afford to keep doing this. I is unjust and unfair. I have enclosed my last two grocery orders plus photos of the labels that I kept to send you. The problems that I am having with the meat are when I receive my order the meat was already on its way to not being able to eat it, You can see the date of the order and the date on the labels. This happens a lot, But because it happens so often I give up on ringing you most of the time. I do not enjoy having to make complaint after complaint and it saddens me. I have asked people to check in store at the state of the leafy vegetables for me and I am told that they are always wilted except for when they arrive first in store.. I have lost at least $ 100.00 after I add every thing in the year that have gone off, This saddens me also as I am on a pension for my disability and can not keep doing this. It is such a simple thing to fix! Water, That is all it is for the leafy vegetables to be at their optimum level! I do not know what else to say any more, No one is listening to me! Well thank you for your time and hope to hear from you soon, Yours sincerely, Debbie Lynette Irish
Apartment 5 189 Ocean View Rd, Ettalong Beach NSW 2257 0406985245 missdli@mail.com
PS I went to upload the files but did not realize that it does not take PDF files so I will have to come back and send the files seperately.

Hi, today I had to buy Clinique make up and went to your Eastgate store only to find not a soul in sight. I walked around looking for someone to help me but there was no staff in the make up area except for one helping another customer. I then proceeded to go through the silver drawers myself to find my base which I did. I actually wanted to change the type of base I use to the new one advertised but nobody was there to assist me. I have a principle to never shop at Edgars due to their lack of service and I am hoping that Woolworths that prizes themselves on service doesn't go their way. I was at the store between 10.15 and 11.44 being the time I paid for items I had purchsed. Today's date is the 18th of December.

Customer service at casula store was shocking on 2nd of Dec over a price check.service superviser could clearly see price of kettle chips display but I was told to either pay at a different price which scanned on register or leave it.checkout operater was worst when i asked to complain telling me i better hurry up its weekend store manager leaves early. Kettle chips are displayed right in front of checkouts they both could see there was only one price. Disgusting service. Thats my local store I'm not going back especially customer behind me heard the way two staffs spoke to me she happened to meet me in car park said I should have put in a complaint.

We were given the e mail address for the head of financial services in Cape Town by customer services. My wife e mailed him 2 weeks ago. Woolworths seems to find it difficult to finalise the rather simple process in closing an account. After numerous e mails, forwarded bank statements and telephone calls we still receive a statement. Financial Service Provider is totally misleading

Good day
Poor very poor service!!!
We are very unhappy for being treated less than a regular customer. My friend, Mrs. Meintjies, and I went to buy coffee at Woolworths Café because we were told it is delicious. We waited quite a while to be served and we were the first customers in line. Another lady came and was standing there also then the waiter/cashier took our orders as well as the other lady's order. We then paid and the lady who came after us were helped before us. They finished her order before ours. Even though she is a regular customer there does not mean your others customers are less important and that is exactly how we felt. We both work in the customer service environment and we know how customers are supposed to be treated and this morning was a very bad experience for us.
From a very unhappy customers.
Mariechen Dickens & Fleur Meintjies

Last week i purchased a can of First Force Crawling Insect Killer from your store at Newton, SA. I used it this morning and liquid continually escaped from the nozzle.
I decided to return and exchange the can even though I no longer had the receipt. I explained the issue to the checkout person and was given a hard time as I didn't have the receipt and hey were not familiar with the brand. I was then told in a tone that wasn't customer friendly, the can had been used. again I had to explain the reason for the return again.
I was offered a refund and when I said I was after an exchange can i was told I was getting a refund so i could purchase a better brand!
Even though the end result was a new can of surface spray, I felt I had been accused of some wrong doing. I have never returned a faulty product to a grocery store before but i believe the return process should not leave a customer feeling upset

Sorry to tell you this, in your catalogue you advertise. Your goods with a price next to the item

This is the 2nd time I'm sending u a mail, and I'm really pi****d off, have spoken to about 10 cosultants that puts me on hold for 10mins everytime I call to check my account, everytime telling me the same story the money will be in my account in 48hrs, its been 10 days still nothing, if that is the way you people work, I'm blocking the debit order u can use the R530 of ther initiation fees for this months inst. and I will pay you everymonth cash. I think that's the best. YOUR CONSULTANTS AND THEIR SERVICE IS PATHETIC!!!
0711239808 ( 10 DAYS ) 2 MAILS & 10 PHONE CALLS

I want to know? Does Woolworth's workers get higher ratings than customers? Lichtenburg Woolworth's open late haven't go stock in store and when you talk to the Stocktaking Manager of Head office about service its been told to you that he told you before if you want stock you must place the order and they will order it for you like parsley because the don't always keep stock....REALLY!!!!???? Must we not buy at Woolworth's anymore and do they not need customers anymore??? Please reply as soon as possible so that I know what to do?

Hi, My name is Sally and I am still a loyal woolworths (61 Mabo Blvd, Bonner ACT 2914) customer ever since the shop was built.
I am a single mom came to Australia from south sudan as a refugee with four little children. My husband was killed in the conflicts. I can not describe the trauma me and my children suffered and still haunting us.
We are extremely grateful to this great country Australia which saved us and adopted us as its own. We have received immense support from the community in Canberra and we are doing our very best to give back and contribute to this society significantly.
Since we have suffered a lot and helped by this country therefore we tend forget and forgive some minor incidents we come across. We believe in reaching gaps and facilitating cultural understanding by cooperation and by living according to laws and values of the land.
Yet sometimes something goes beyond toleration. in this case I have been subjected to rude behavior and racial abuse by one of the woolworths employee name " Stacy' aged about 40+.
If it is just one incident then I would not take this trouble to write. It has been going on for nearly a year now and many incidents. She never helps me with any inquiry and refused to serve me in many occasion by citing that she is on break or other irrational reasons. While I witnessed she talks spontaneously with other customers and serves them but in my case typical bad manners.
She intentionally checks my bag while she lets go others. She does it every time she sees me and I try to laugh away. I even asked her that you have checked my bag many many times and you find nothing then why do insist on doing it ? She tells me it is a policy. I understate it is policy but does it only apply on me?
I usually try to avoid her when I go for shopping as it is stone away from my home. Today she saw me and I was looking for pasta in an isle and she is working in next isle. She was probably unaware of my presence next isle and talking about me to someone such a disrespecting way which is hard to describe. She called me a Chimpanzee. I felt very bad and could not find the strength continue shopping any more. My daughter called to inform store manager apparently she left.
I am traumatized and I would like her to know how I feel and moreover I request that nothing happens to her employment as i suppose she is a mother and needs support her family. I forgive her but I would like you to speak to her about her prejudices and may be train her with necessary skills which could help her know about cultural respect and knowledge.
Sally Kanajoy
Bonner ACT

My rewards card number is 9 344670 554762. I am not sure how many phone calls and emails I have sent but all I was asking for was to put us back on line so that we can receive by email your weekly specials etc. The last email I received from your customer service was very nice and they promised that we would be back online by the 15th of October??? It is now November 3. I sent a recent email to customer service attention Raman, but have had no reply or any action\; each time on previous emails or phone calls they told me they would refer it to their IT dept. How difficult is it to put us back online?
Ray Wilkes

I am writing regarding Essentials tuna in Brine 425g,on average I buy on average 6 cans per week.They have been $2 a can until this week,and now have risen to $2.60 an incredible increase in 1 week.Why such a huge increase???Wondering how many other products have had such an huge increase.I know this will be of little interest to you,but I am feeling very disgruntled.
Wendy Frew.

My wife has had a Woolworths card for many years. You will see from your records that the amount outstanding is paid in full at the beginning of every month.We were overseas for the month of September and on the 13th October received your monthly account indicating that there was an opening balance of 984.87 and the amount owing in total was 1362.41. We went to pay this amount this morning, but before doing so my wife found some clothing for our grandson and wanted to pay with her card. She was advised that her card was blocked and would not accept these items on her account. Your statement tells us that we had to pay the amount owing by the 7th of November and in addition mentions that there is a credit limit of nearly R18000.00. The date for the payment is next week and there is a massive credit limit. This is very disappointing and I suggest that you attend to your better clients in a more sympathetic manner. To block the account- I assume for 73.87 outstanding- after all the purchases we have made over the years and paid for promptly is very poor indeed. To Add insult to injury after paying for the amount owed my wife was told they could not accept her purchases until tomorrow. We felt as if we were categorised as 'bad payers', not only by the staff but by those behind us in the queue.
We expect better treatment by Woolworths than this....

I dnt have a complaint but I would love woolworths to know that I have just had the best service ever from a manager at the Durbanville branch his name was Marlow February he more than went the extra mile for me. What a pleasure to have such great service

I bought 3 of your meals to take home, 1. Italian style chicken with whole grain penne pasta in your Delicious Nutritious Range.
2. Beef and barley casserole with roasted vegetables in your Delicious Nutritious Range.
3. KR Castlemaine Chinese style sticky barbecue butterflied pork scotch roast.
1 and 2 were inedible as they were mush and tasteless and 3 was so bad that we threw it out. Is this the Quality of food that your company is serving up to customers nowadays.We are now shopping at Coles and Aldi and will continue to do so unless something is improved in the quality of the food that is on offer.

This is now the second time that I buy a small pepper steak pie at Woolies in Stellenbosch Square. First time the filling was half full and now today the pie had no taste

Supervisor bad attitude. Complained . Was told someone would contact me. Still waiting 7 days ago. Went back to store to give them benefit of the doubt. Bad service again today. Cashier didnt want to shift her stool in so I could push trolley through. Tried to jam contents that filled 2 shopper bags into one. Did not ask if I might need more than one.Given up on Woolwirths time to boycott

Earlier I found out by accident that my earned rewards points went backward , from over 200 down to less than 100 points. After checking through the activity page on Woolworths rewards website, I discovered that my earned points was reduced twice of 96 points each by declaration of manual credit on 20th October 2017. I have written my concerns to Woolworths through the same page of CONTACT US. Until now there has been no reply from Woolworths over a week.
Also over a month ago, I purchased a mobile phone from Woolworths Burwood Westfield and then found the hard way that I cannot use it with my current simcard. Again I sent email to Woolworths and as usual no reply!!!
I have been pretty loyal to Woolworths so far, but these two incidents were upsetting. Can you please provide some acceptable reasons as why???

Whilst traveling I purchased 2 x Liddells lactoss free skim milk from your store in Childers.This was on Tuesday the 17/10/17.
These items were on special but the best before dates were 03/09/17 and 07/10/17.
When opening the 03/09/17 milk this morning 21/10/17 I found that it was off.
Is it allowable to sell best before dated products that are this far out of date.
As i live in Deception Bay near Brisbane I am unable to return these items to Childers.
Please inform me what is the process for returning these items

Poor customer service employ doesn't know how to speak with customers

I saw the myer bonus 10% promotion today in baulkham hill WWS store and bought 6 of $200 myer gift card, when I went back home and used the the gift cards to make purchase at myer online, all the cards did not have the bonus 10% value, then I went back to the WWS store and asked what happen to the bonus, the staff had no idea and ask me to contact myer. But myer said I need to go to the WWS store to solve this issue. Can you tell me what should I do and I will go back to WWS store and talk to manager tomorrow. Hopefully I can get some answer.

I went to your Woolworths Store situated in the Douglasdale Village in Johannesburg to purchase something for dinner. I settled on the Spicy Chicken and Chorizo Bake which by the description of the meal sound very appetising. To my disappointment and dismay the meal had no flavour at all, there was hardly any pieces of chicken and chorizo. The price that I paid for this meal, taking into account that is main ingredient was rice is totally unacceptable. I will never purchase this meal again.
Very very disappointed.

I have just seen the news on Channel 7 and note that Woolworths is dropping all reference to Christmas on Christmas Trees etc as a long time and loyal customer of Woolworths neither my wife or myself and any friends that I can influence will set foot in a Woolworths store again we have always done weekly shopping in Woolworths but it will not be a massive inconvenience to take my business to Aldi or Coles.

To whom it may concern, my wife and i entered into a rewards offer on the 11/09/2017, spend 180 per week for a fortnight to receive so many points. At about 7:00 pm on the 20/09/2017 my wife and i rang Woolworths on line rewards section to find out how much money we had on our Woolworths reward card as we were a bit confused due to the different emails that we were getting from Woolworths. The lady that we spoke to said we had 100 dollars on our card, so having a big family get together this weekend my wife and i decided to go and buy a 5 Kilo box of tiger prawns for the occasion as well as other groceries. We went that afternoon to Wooloworths Alenstown -- Rockhampton to shop. To our horror and great embarrassment in the cue the lady said that there was no money saved on our card. I explained to her that we had just rung Woolworths to double check on our card before we went shopping. The young lady at the checkout then called another older lady, who tried to call the rewards section without any success. The older lady said that she could see the hundred dollars on the card but could not do anything about it. Meanwhile the cue had grown and we were very embarrassed. I then said to the older lady that we have entered into a reward program in good faith and that good faith also meant spending money at Woolworths, however that good faith by Woolworths has not been reciprocal. Both my wife and I are very annoyed as we have for years shopped at Woolworths. The older lady at Woolworths said for us to ring the rewards program the next day, so I rang your reward program today at about 12:30 Hours on the 21/09/2017. The lady at the reward programs said she could not help and that she also saw that there was 100 dollars on the card which had been saved up. The lady at the rewards center said that a supervisor will ring us in the next 7 to 14 days. We have spent quite a lot of money at woolworths over our life time, so could you give me a good reason why we should still support Woolworths after this big embarrassment. My wife feels like we have cheated and defrauded by Woolworths. The rewards card number that we used is 9344750506957 which belongs to my wife. I hope to hear form you soon, my Mobile is 0459124887 and my name is Geoff Moffitt and my wife's name is Yafang Dong.

Woolworth Mascot NSW 2020 is my local supermarket. I do my grocery in this store 2-3 times a week. Today i have a very unpleasant experience while shopping in Woolworth Mascot. I was scanning my shopping at express check out. Half way through it your staff approaching me and demand to check my bag. I was not even finishing in the check out and get distracted.
I have no problem with bag check but it is very unpleasant to do it while I am not even finishing my shopping. When I open my bag, Your staff demand to see everything in the bag even to the bottom of my bag. I spoke to the duty manager and advised Woolworth has the right to check bag any time while I am in the shop. It is not restricted to check on the way out. Is that mean even when i pick up my shopping, your staff will check my bag? Is Woolworth so worry that all customers with backpack will steal your products? When I asked do you suspect me to steal your stuff, The duty manager reply that Woolworth worry that customer forget to scan item that they put in the backpack. That is why they ask to check bag before the transaction finish. Why would people put stuff in backpack when there are baskets and trolley available? That is just a polite way (so not get sued) to suspect me stealing while you have no proof.
This is something that never going to happen in Coles. I think You should put more trust on your loyal customer. Now I know which supermarket is better. FYI I didn't steal anything and your staff didn't find anything in my bag. The reason i write this complain is just to hope you can improve the way you treat your loyal customer. Not all people with backpack are thief.

I purchased 3 punnets of 500 g Berry Delights strawberries from your eli waters QLD store on sat 16/09/2017afternoon and on sunday 17/09/2017 morning when trying to use/ eat them for a party we had planned found the whole 3 punnets had gone off and were soft and off with bad soft bruised looking and could not use them at all . This is the 2nd time I have found your strawberries in this state .2 punnets I purchased on Tuesday12/09/2017 went bad and soft before consuming them within 1 night , both purchases from this store Eli Waters QLD . within a week , I am going to address this issue to the food consumer group obursemen to see what food control this store does with its fruit quality. I find it costly and a very frustrating , if you cannot consume this fruit ,at all before it goes off within 24 hrs not good enough and something need s to be addressed within this store on there fruit quality product if unsatisfactory to me as a loyal paying consumer, I am losing money at all times and will look elsewhere for fruit products if this matter if not dealt with approiately and I am given full monies back to me over 5 punnet@ approx. $5.00 each over a week that I have lost purchasing this 2nd rate quality product you are selling at this store , I await your quick response to this matter have attach couple pics on this product hope to receive response ASAP via email .
Regards Alan Egan

does Woolworth still train there staff on how to pack groceries? I always put my items in the checkout the way i want them packed. eg all cold items together, cans together, fruit & veg together. To day I had 3 cold items together for the one bag. When I got home I had butter & yogurt in I bag with tin good, and a box of fish fingers in a bag with grain wave chips. I had the 3 items of cold item together. This often happens when i go shopping.
28 years ago I worked for 2 year for woolworths and we had basic training on packing. I've even had cockroach baits in a bag with meat item before. I dont think this is good enough.

I went to buy fruits from South Africa gauteng Woolworth sandton Johannesburg , as I went to pay at the nearby tills were there is a point of sale, I found the girls there holding a tea party, one girl decided to assist me but she was not friendly at all, she made me feel like I'm disturbing her or I was not supposed to buy there- no hello, the only word I heard was 'PLASTIC'? - I don't know if I was belittled because I'm wearing black so I can't be respected as a customer because I'm working at the same mall ... I got a very painful and shocking experience, I should've went to checkers to buy but I choose woolworths because of service and quality ..... the name of the lady who assisted me is Douglas Masemola

No catalogues have been delivered to my street for the past 3 weeks. No issue for years. All other streets are receiving them. I rely on these and then pass them into my family. I do not enjoy viewing catalogues online.
Please advise how this can commence again.
Thank you

Hi my name is Mel and I am a loyal customer.
I only shop at Woolworths for many years just as my mum has and I decided to become a loyal member and I have started going to the Carltex petrol so I can earn points and make the most of my discounts which I am very thankful for .
I was really disappointed today when I went to Craigieburn Highlandes in Victoria to pay for my petrol and I was not allowed to give my membership number to earn my 300 points I explained that me and my husband share the same card and that we left it at home even pulled up my email to prove it was my membership but was told No!! and it so happened to be that this week they received an email being told that they are no longer to type membership numbers unless they see the card , I don't see the big deal if I can pull up my email to prove it is my membership .
Sometimes I do leave my card with the Hubby and in the store they are always happy to type my number in when I show them my email .
I'm very disappointed that I missed out on earning my 300 points today when I spent about $51 on petrol.
If I knew this was going to happen I would of went to BP so I can earn my Velocity points .
I hope in future I am not treated this way again because if I know I don't have my card on me I won't go shop or put petrol in again until I remember to get my card off my husband.
P.S I would like my 300 points that I earned .

i have been purchasing your woolworths brand pitted kalamata olives 180g from the service deli ,,,,so i am purchasing pitted olives ,can you please explain why every 180g i have purchased has 1 olive with the seed ,,,i am purchasing pitted ,which the product ticket has on it ,so why do i continue to get an olive with a seed ,,if i want seeded that is what i would purchase ,,,the packaging is false as i continue to get a seeded olive you need to fix this as it is incorrectly labelled or amend this problem with the supplier as it is false information,,,i am not impressed that i do not get what is stated on the packaging

dear madam
your select beef sausages packs are blown up with gas
your staff said they come like that ,and are safe.
would you buy meat packs you cant trust?????
i wont
thank you

Scottsdale Tasmanian is living up to its reputation as the worst woolies is Australia again! A monkey could pack the groceries better than they can. The dry food with the cold food, the soft food under heavy cans and the list goes on. Repeated complaints to Woolworths about this site do no good, they seem to not care. This is probably because there is no competition in scottsdale Tasmania. I have repeatedly told you about the poor quality of fruit and veg ( and the lack of variety) , the lack of variety and poor shelf life of meat purchased in the meat section and general lack of variety and shelf stocking in the store. Nothing is ever done. Apathy, disinterest or total disregard for customers is the only thing that comes to mind when l think of Woolworths Scottsdale.

I recently purchased some potatoes at your supermarket in Ingram .
After consuming the potatoes over several nights I became ill and had to consult a doctor.
I became dizzy ,nauseous and developed a rash over my body.
The potatoes were green and I have since learnt that it is unsafe to eat green potatoes as they are poisonous.
I am somewhat alarmed and concerned that Woolworths sells green potatoes given that it is well documented that they produce solanine which is a natural toxin.
I assumed that the potatoes were safe to sonsume and was not aware that they were poisonous.
I ate the potatoes over several nights and became ill .My symptoms included dizziness,nauseous and developed a rash.
Surely by selling green potatoes you have incorrectly stored them, and consequently may have breached Health and Safety Regulations.
I request that you take my complaint seriously ,as, as result of your negligence I have suffer considerably.
I trust that you give this matter your urgent attention and advise that I can be contacted on 0428504049.As I am an aged pensioner with limited means I do not have a computer and hence email address . The above email is my friend Eliza Brights. I prefer to be contacted via my above phone.

Woolworths, Hinkler Mall, Bundaberg QLD.... I purchased 6 tomatoes in a sealed see through container on the Wed 7/12/2016 at around 4 PM. The tomatoes were placed in container, stalk side down & bottom side looked OK. They were placed in fridge at home about a half hour later. Opened them on the next day, Thursday 8/12 2016 to use for lunch. When I turned them over all were either rotten or covered with a fungus. I had to throw them out!
Photo include here. I don't care what price you place on your produce, it still has to be edible and within the health & safety standards. As a former producer it is my opinion that these tomatoes have been sitting in the heat for sometime and reacted to the plastic tray they were resting on as it was the side resting on the tray that was affected. Perhaps the type of plastic is not suitable for this purpose or its just old rotting stock you are trying to foist on us. I also wanted to purchase some oranges but... not one orange for sale in your shop.
I even asked a staff member and was told after some indecision that "oranges are hard to get" (?) I used to do my fortnightly shop at Woolworths but became VERY dissatisfied & have shopped at Coles for my fortnightly shopping order for several years now, but decided I'd give Woolworths another try. Won't be coming back.

I have been shopping at Woolworths for a few years now and the main thing that I kept going back for is suddenly off the shelves. I visited in Cape Town as I thought perhaps it was just the Woolworths in Kimberley (hometown) that is out of stock. To my disappointment they had none. I queried and no one can give me a straight answer. I want Woolworths Instant Curry Noodles back on the shelve. I've never tasted any Noodles as delicious as that. Please hear my cry!!!! Bring back the curry noodles, pleaaaaaasssse.

Today at your galleria store(Amanzimtoti) I was treated very badly when I was told that the price on the trouser tag was different from price till, of which I was told that I was wasting time when I was contesting.Eventually I decided not to buy other 6 items because of the treatment I have received.

I have a major concern about the Queanbeyan Woolworths. I have had a gut full of complaining to them they look at me as if I’m dumb and try to tell me they are unaware of the times. On the 3/10/16 a public holiday the trucks came in at 6:30 am this is totally unacceptable I work five days a week and enjoy my sleep ins. This has been happening so many times I am just sick of complaining to them and they do nothing but continue to not stick their opening and closing times. I really hope you can sort this out. Today the truck reversed in at 5am though they opened the roller doors at 5:55 they have to make the trucks wait at the gate and not reverse around the side of the building. Also the sign has no limit on when it can open on a Saturday please let me know what are the hours on a Saturday.

We had a problem with Masters regarding a return I wont go in great detail.We considered we were right so sent letters to managers of Woolworths head office in Brisbane and Melbourne some 2 weeks ago.Got a call from Brisbane from some one that had no interest in what we were saying and asked were should he send the letter. Nothing from Melbourne it appears that they don't even reply to good customers. The upshot was unless this problem was fixed in some way we would not be shopping in any Woolworths stores the value was $34-00 so that was not the point. How ever Masters finally fixed the problem but as both head offices showed no interest in our complaint and one did not respond Coles is now our shop in both food and fuel.

We purchased a Kambrook Slow Cooker from Woolworths. When we got home we noticed that the cooker had chips on the base of the cooker. So we returned it to our local Woolworths Bargara. Who replaced it with a new Kambrook Slow Cooker. This time we used it twice and the Cooker starting letting off an odor and taking a long amount of time to cook. Over 10 hours. It was not working correctly. The water was also not bubbling in the slow cooker. Sadly we do not have the receipt because Woolworths Bargara took our original receipt when we purchased the original one and did not give it back to us when we replaced it. We returned to our local Woolworths today and they advised us that they cannot help us without a receipt.
We have only had it a couple of week and you just have to scan the box to see that your price will come up. We are extremely angry and upset. We did not ask for our money back we asked for yet a 3rd exchange. If you couldn't then you should have given us a credit. We are appalled with the sales lady at Woolworths on the counter with her arrogance and feel that your customer service has deteriorated extremely. We are a country town and all the staff at Woolworths know who we are as we are regulars for the past six years.
All she had to do was smell it to see that the odor coming out of the box was wrong and also to scan it to see that it is a Woolworths price. We ask that this please be further investigated and a replacement or credit be made as soon as possible. I am not going to pay out money to woolworths when you keep supplying a dud Kambrook Slow Cooker. This is the second one now.

Bought LaZuppa soups on the basis that they are Australian. In very fine print we noticed that this product is produced in Thailand. When we asked the consumer hotline on their packaging where the product is made the customer service person said Australia. When she was advised that the packaging said otherwise, the phone was slammed down. Can only presume that this company supports the lies its customer service personnel purport to be true. Can you please advise exactly where their product for these soups comes from, where they are grown and if they are grown over human waste. Does this product contain SMG!?

My wife is disabled and wheel chair bound over past 4 years we have shopped at your business in Legana and always have found difficulty getting through this stores check-outs. Today, Thursday 8th September 2016 near to midday I had cause to walk away from check-out leaving our basket of groceries on counter. My reasons for this are two-fold-- firstly the operator of this particular checkout disregarded my wife and self to continue to inform another customer on shopper application form rather than direct this person to the Information desk.
Secondly because aisles are narrow between opposite checkouts there is not enough room for my wife's wheelchair and the other customer's trolley hence this other customer became abusive towards my wife. Sorry you pick on my wife you pick on me for my darling wife did not ask to be disabled-- so understandable I became irate and leaving our basket of purchases on the counter I walked out pushing my wife from your store vowing to never return. After further discussion with Woolworths Legana senior staff we, that is my wife, Myra, we re-entered your store and purchased previous selected articles leaving store thanking Senior Staff.
This not the first time we have had this problem in this particular store over the past four years. I am 80 and my is 76, I am my wife's Government designated carer. This world is for all- the young--the old and the able and disabled. I am a Doctor.

In the morning around 9 o'clock 28 August 2016 I went shopping in Woolworths Cabramatta, I went in with the chemist I purchased two days ago from Chemist Warehouse because I wanted to post overseas. I did not notice the sigh at the entry. When I checked out the shop manager asked me to show her the docket. I showed her the docket but she confiscated four items, I said they are all on the docket list, I showed her then she returned one to me, I said there were two dockets the remaining three items on the other dockets, but she said, "I don't care". I called police and showed the other docket to the security then I got my items back. I by mistake brought my staff into the shop without notifying them but she did not want to resolve the problems but we ran into big argument. She and the front desk lady manager are not fit for their positions. I was very angry by the way they handled the problem.

Over the last 6 months, Woolworths customer service at Plainland QLD has become appalling. I went today they had no cockatiel honey sticks, no woolworths small packs of dog food,and no sushi. Outages are becoming a common occurrence in this store. I went at 8am this morning to ensure I could buy a carded Paralympic coins but of course they didn't have any. When I asked when they were coming in all I got was maybe today sometime or maybe tomorrow and when I asked on the weekend a lot of the staff didn't even know about the coin. I then drove 30 mins away to Brassall and the staff there were wonderful and helpful. This is the second time I have had to go to Brassall as it seemed all to hard for the staff at Plainland. Aldi is moving into the area in the next 12 months and I can tell you a lot of customers will be lost to them if Woolies doesn't start providing better service.Thanking You Wendy Smith.

I wish to lodge a complaint regarding the disgusting standard of customer service at the Rivonia branch. We were in the shop around noon today and selected a shirt that we wished to buy. At the till section which has 12 tills there was a queue of approx. 10 customers. Only 2 tills were operating. After a verbal complaint from the customer in front of us, 1 additional till was actually opened. All this while an additional 3 staff members appeared to be having a conference in the section behind the tills.
After being in the queue for 10-15 minutes and finally being second in the queue, a new customer (who obviously believes that he is better than any other) pushed in at the front of the queue and insisted on being given the prices of some items. I raised a VERY loud objection to this and was rudely told by 1 of the conference who decided that she would help this "gentleman" that she would help him despite my objections and that I was being unreasonable. She implied clearly that I was shut up and wait.
I am not prepared to be treated this way and immediately left the shop without making a purchase. I will most definitely never visit this branch again and am actually reluctant to shop at any Woolworths store any more. This is unless, and until, you can prove to me that the entire staff of this branch have been through satisfactory training in basic customer service.
As an aside, this may or may not be of interest to your department but I grew up with both my grandfather and father being long-term management employees of Woolworths. I literally grew up in Woolworths, both the stores and their clothing. I can guarantee you that this level and type of staff attitude would never have been tolerated in the past.
Finally I cannot rate my experience on your star rating above as you have no provision for zero or minus scores .

Two weeks ago we went to woolworths, corner Burwood Hwy & Brenock Park Dr. F.T.G. Vic 3156. We toke 4 1/2 price vitamin supplements put into basket.one servicewoman came forward told us Woolworths policy each person just can buy two. I respect Woolie policy. I toke two when I went to pay and this servicewoman came again told me. If I pay this item the other person with me can not buy it. I explain to her this is for myself. she answer I don`t care what relationship you all.
You buy the other person with you can`t buy. So I put the item back to the shelf and my feeling very bad like someone all the time watching at me. I had been spent money three decades at Woolworths this is first time give me so bad feeling. If Woolworths have limit people buy .why I can`t see notice in catalogue or in the item shelf .how many people read Woolie policy? Woolie TV ad how friendly service people I doubt it.

I am currently still awaiting the 'promised' call from the 6 July 2016 from the Business Team for Woolworths Supermarkets since a carton of milk leaked all throughout the boot of my car on the 5 July 2016. I have since made 3 more calls to the Contact Centre but to no avail. What is their problem? Such a big Corporation but with such poor communication skills. Has anyone out there experienced the same experience from Woolworths Supermarkets? If I could give them 0 stars on this site I would for sure.

On Saturday 25 June 2016, I went shopping at Greenacres Woolworths, it was just before closing time, 6pm. My daughter wanted to take a pee, so I asked my mom to go pay my items for me. but I was leaving in such a rush, I realized that I had left my phone in the shop. After we got back from the ladies, the shop had already closed, but the staff were still inside. I managed to get the security guards attention, who was very helpful, I told him through the glass door what had happened, he went to go consult with the manager, but she refused to open up so that I can get my phone.
I am originally from Fort Beaufort, 208,05 km, with road works, and I explained this to the Manager on duty and that I was certain that the phone was in the shop, even told them where it was, I would not take much of their time, but she rudely told me that I would have to make a way to come collect the phone, they will cal me tomorrow morning IF they find it, their cleaning staff will not steal the phone IF it is actually in the shop, as if she would fund my trip back to Port Elizabeth and that the whole story about cellphone being fabricated.
My main problem was the fact that I was treated inhumanly and I knew where the phone was, I just needed to collect it, I was treated like a stranger, as though I did not just support the franchise, she was just completely rude. The Manager's behavior was totally disgusting and it worries me if that is how loyal customer's are treated at woolworths. First thing, sunday morning 26 June 2016, at about 07;00 am. I received a call to say that they had found my phone, and I should go collect it. I am a totally upset.

Good day, I am quite disgusted with the sandwich that i bought on Thursday at your Campus Square branch (23/06/16 - Chicken Avo on low GI bread for R37.99) which you will agree with me is most definitely not cheap. There is even a sticker placed advertising it as "Now with increased fill"? I have pictures to confirm (see attachment) of the AVO on the sandwich only two small "pieces"? Which is to say the least disgusting i previously bought the same sandwich with a descend amount of avocado on it? This is totally a rip off charging R38 for “chicken and avocado” then you only get “two extremely small pieces of avocado” just visible for the buyer.

Went into Woolworth with my granddaughter age 6 yrs old , Had a shopping trolley with other items from other shops, Took a small green shopping trolley to get a few items from Woolworth. Wet to the fast lane check out and paid for my items, as I was about to leave a woman who worked for Woolworth approached and ask if I had a docket for one box of Ferrero Rocher that was on the bottom of the other shopping trolly.I reply that I had got them in Big W she said have you got a docket I said yes and proceeded to look found one docket from Big W but it was the docket that my grand daughter had got for her toys. She then said there is no Ferrero Rocher on this docket I explained that there would not be on that docket as my grand daughter had paid separately with pocket money. At this stage I could not find docket and she let me go I felt that she thought I was guilty of shop lifting. When I got to my car I had a good look and found docket and took it back to her. This ordeal was poorly managed I was so stress and flustered and my poor grand daughter was up set as well she kept asking me if that lady thought I had stolen I felt like a criminal , My grand daughter thought I was going to go to goal. This event took place at 13.56 on 27-6-16 have reported this incident to Neville. This was poorly managed in front of a small child who thought her grand mother was going to be taken away. I felt embarrassed as this took place in front of member of public, this women did nothing to take the child's attention away from what was going on. In fact I do not believe she had any training at all in people management. I fully under stand that shops have the right to search bags, and I have been ask many times to open my bags , but in all the years that I have been shopping any where in the world I have never been made to feel degrades and humiliated, and to make matter worse a small child was also witnessed this horrible even . I would like some one to respond or this matter will be taken further

I am a regular shopper at Woolworths at Orion in Springfield Lakes Qld. Last Saturday May 7 as I was carrying my groceries to the car park I witnessed the trolley man while maneuvering a line of used trolleys collide his line of trolleys into the front of my vehicle - a 2011Mitsubishi Lancer scratching the paint work across most of the front of the vehicle. (see pic below which shows the middle section of the damage).
While I was initially very upset and have since sourced a tin of spray paint for $32.99 and will repair the paint work, I would on reflection like to offer this suggestion as one day more serious damage may be done to a customers vehicle. Suggestion 1. Perhaps when that a line of trolleys need to be collected that some training be provided that only a small number of trolleys be moved at any one time. Suggestion 2. That two staff be engaged in the process to provide extra support in the process.

On Saturday the 30th of April 2016 I purchased 6 x Satay Style Kebab RSPCA Aprroved Chicken At $1.00 each. My receipt no. is "STORE 1178 POS 081 TRANS 5767 0801 11:37 30/04/16". I have provided a photograph of 2 of the items which are unsatisfactory. These should not have been offered for sale as they are only 60% in volume. I am a loyal customer however this has brought your quality of products into question

I purchased a $100 gift card from Safeway dingley as a gift and when the recipient went to use it they were told the card was not activated. I contacted Woolworths and completed the questions they asked me to prove I purchased it. Then they told me the funds had already been spent and that this card was not purchased at dingley Woolworths but at a big w. So first I was told it was never activated and now Iv been told the money has already been spent on the card.
This is false information as I know for a fact that my mother tried to use it at clarinda safeway and was told it was not activated so it could not possibly have been used else where. I have given the gift card team copes of my statement and all of the information I have. Also, this card was apparently used the very next day after I purchased it 240116 to the exact amount of $100. My mother the card recipient did not shop that day anywhere and has never shopped in the store they claim it was used.
The whole time I have been liaising with the gift card department I have not been given a name of who I have been speaking with via email. Their tone has been accusing and disinterested. Now they have finally claimed to put $100 on the gift card we have, and they did not even sign off in any way. I literally got no apology at all through out this process, no acknowledgment of their error! So rude! I can't believe how unprofessional this has been and how much they have lacked in basic customer service! So much for the customer is always right, I have been spoken to as if I am a lying thief.

Today I received my online order and all my cold stuff was off. I contacted the online department and they have issued me a refund on the off items. I had been ordering on line for a while up until a few months ago when every time that I would get me order the cold items never felt cold enough, so I thought I would try again as it is convenient for my family, unfortunately it will be the last time I will be using it as even though a refund has been given I now need to go to my local woollies which by the way I dislike going to as there is never anything on the shelves and never enough staff working and we seem to get all the crap when it comes to fruit and veg.
I really think that you need to look at the cold side of your trucks or make sure that all the cold stuff is kept in a refrigerated compartment in the truck. I have added the photo of the milk carton when it was received it was blown up (the way they go when they are off) the photo isn't very clear but you can see that it isn't the same as the other one, all the chicken was very smelling. I think if nothing is done about this problem you may end up making a lot of people sick.

I am very upset that I got email from Woolworths saying that my email had won a $1000 voucher to spend in store. I had to make a phone call go number and enter to claim. But it wanted a survey. I just hung up, a big wast of time. It was so upsetting because it gets your hopes up and it is a big take. why tell people that they have won and then let them down.

I purchased some items at the Seadoone Mall store in Doonside KZN. I presented my account card to the cashier who subsequently rang all the items up and once complete she handed me my slip and said I was not required to sign and I could go. I found this rather strange as the option of using a pin number is not available and she did not know whether I was actually the account card holder. I asked her since when the procedure had changed and that how did she know it was me. I could be anyone . She did not reply but began a frantic search around her . She could see I was not going to leave so I asked her again as to when the procedure had changed, She finally replied that it had not changed. So I once again asked her why she told me I did not need to sign?
She finally answered and said that she did not have a pen whereafter she suddenly produced one for me to use. I asked for the Manager of the store and the cashier pointed to a lady that was on the phone behind her. I waited for quite awhile and her phone call never ended nor did she acknowledge my presence. It appeared as if she was busy with a personal call. This store has not offered the service that they used to when I first moved to KZN which is only two years ago.
Often they have no stock of items and long life milk for sale is normally very close to the expiry date and the packaging is damaged in some way or another. Normally handles are not able to be used or box itself is soft and damaged. I am continuously asked whether they can raise limits and am a very loyal customer. However when the client becomes a hinderance to the employees then I guess its time to move to a different retail store that offers quality and friendly service. Very dissatisfied with this shopping experience to say the least.

I work full time Mon - Fri so of course I take up you offering of BBQ chickens weekly however since last Tuesday the 16th Feb I have been unable to purchase one. I work in North Adelaide so the drive home is 1 hour so of course I shop nightly at my local Woolworths Virginia making my mind up what's for dinner on the drive home it is becoming quite annoying that every night since the 16/2 I have not been able to buy a BBQ chicken it is not like I'm turning up at 8.45pm at night I arrive every night at 5.45pm so I am having a hard time understanding that at the peak of trade that you have no chickens.
I am not usually one to complain as I also work in retail however the final straw was tonight when I went into the store at 5.05pm thinking I would be lucky to finally get that BBQ chicken & guess what none to be seen not in the warmer or the hexagon I realize you are in competition with Coles etc re the price of the chook & you may think you are covering it with the signs that say while stock last but seriously you can't cook other size chooks to offer the customers. As I previously stated I work in retail & can understand the mishaps but this is getting ridiculous. I realize that there is new management within the store & it has improved by far however this I would think would be a basic sale.

I did my shopping today at the Woolworths Leichhardt. Store, I thought I would try your select tomatoes diced (Australian) I bought your brand once before but I seem to remember they were Italian tomatoes, so I was happy to see they were Australian this time and whats more they were on special, 80c, I just checked and that is the price advertised on your online shopping site I was not imagining it. Anyway when I got home I noticed on my receipt the tomatoes x 2 when I only bought and have 1, while I could live with that loss of 80 cents I was charged $1.79 per can total $3.58.
I will attach photos. As my buying record would show I am a frequent buyer with a rewards card, I stick with Woolworths because your stores happen to be conveniently situated to me, not in truth because I like the l stores or products, perhaps that adds to my annoyance at this error. I wonder now how often this happens, that something is not only scanned twice but more importantly I was not charged the correct advertised, on line and in store price.

My husband and I went into the Gunnedah Store today the 13/02/16 at about 3.30ish, as I thought I would try Woolworth for a change, we normally shop at Coles Or Aldi's..We are new to town so this was the first time in the Woolworth store. We needed some help so we spoke to a young woman... Her name tag said Nikkita. She may have been in charge or something as she was being approached by other staff members. Maybe I should have asked her what her role was, but she didn't really come across like she wanting to help us.
The reason I am writing this is that she was talking to me while chewing gum or a lolly of some sort and chewing like an old jersey cow. Trust me when I say it was not a nice sight! It was not very nice and a little bit off putting to say the least. Maybe Woolworth need to tell their staff how rude it is to chew gum when serving their customers. When I was younger, my Managers would have never allowed this to happen. You may think this is trivial but, Manners go a long way and this young woman obviously has none.

I bought a packet of Chuckles peanuts yesterday (11/02/2015 )and when eating found that a lot of it was just plain chocolate and not with nuts. Disappointed as I obviously expected chocolate covered nuts and not just plain chocolate. The sell by date on the package is 1 Jun 2016 and best before date is 15 Jun 2016 21:45 10089.

Visited Woolies on Canterbury Rd. on 3/2/16. Driscolls Strawberries 250g looked like not enough strawbs in 3 of the packs on display. Weighed them on the store scales and they were all 210g total. If we subtract say 30g for the pack and the bubble wrap, that's 180g of strawberries, when there should be 250g.
In the other Driscolls punnets on display, 3 contained one strawberry totally rotten and covered in mould. The cardboard tray had a sticker showing they were packed on the 22/1/16 - 12 days earlier. Went back to the same store 7/2/16. 250g punnet looked underfilled. I weighed it on the store scales. 200g. That means it contained about 170g net of strawberries. Someone is ripping us off. Someone should be inspecting the incoming produce, and "The fresh food people"? Bah!

Shopped at the above store on 23rd December 2015, specifically to purchase half leg of ham, piece of boned and rolled pork and fresh vegetables/fruit for Christmas. No half leg hams at all (told by staff member "thats all we have") only about six full legs on display (too big for us), only very large pieces of pork (again too big) and no fresh beans. I was very disappointed so had to shop outside Woolworths to purchase these items. I have been a very loyal customer of Woolworths for over two decades, but I found this experience very disappointing.
I sent an email on 23rd December which asked for verification of my email address. Did that. On 11th January this year sent another email - this time came back "delivery to recipient failed permanently". I then posted a letter to Woolworths on 13th January to Bella Vista address. I have received no correspondence from Woolworths to this date. Could you please respond to my complaint otherwise I might have to shop at your opposition, Coles. Seems these days, nobody responds to anything - just ignore you.

I recently bought a leg of lamb from Sale Woolworths in Victoria. It was cryovac sealed. After I restled the wrap off I found more hard plastic covering over the end of the lamb and removed it. When I had baked the leg of lamb I had discovered another hunk of plastic baked on the side of meat. I had to throw the leg of lamb for fear of toxins from the plastic. No dinner. Far from happy. All the legs of lamb need is cryovac bag Not all the extra pieces of hard plastic stuck hear and tbere on the leg. Very angry that I missed that last piece and angry that there are so many hidden extra pieces of plastic on the leg of lamb!

I attended the Woolworths St Georges Terrace store on the 27th January at 1:50pm and was served by a Staff member in training. The staff member did not speak or advised what I owed. When I handed 50 dollars over I was short changed seven dollars. I went to the service desk and they reimbursed me the funds. I asked why the new employee was not trained properly and was advised we don't have the staff to train.
This is appalling how can you expect staff to give good customer service if they are not trained correctly. Shouldn't staff greet the customer, and advise what you owe and count the change back to the customer to ensure their till balances. Woolworths need to address your training standards so your staff know what's required of them.

It is bad enough to get those annoying phone calls every night about free lights, but to have it shoved in your face going into and out of your seaford store. They are not a charity but people making money from a government run scheme. She could not be avoided as she was standing next to the trolleys. I complained but they told me the directive had come from head office. You could tell people were very annoyed.

I have bought 2 ladies tops, both made from the same material in the same style. The one I bought about 3 months ago but have only worn it about 6 times. The other one a bought about 3 weeks ago and have worn it about 3 times. Both tops have developed small holes around the tummy area.
This is not the first time that this is happening to tops that I have bought from Woolworths.
I am very disappointed with the quality of the tops. At the price that we pay for the clothing, and the statements that the company makes about the quality of their clothes, I really don't expect this to happen so soon as purchasing them.

Online order number: o726946715
I have ordered a parcel from Woolworths online scheduled to be delivered today, 30 March 2019 between 10:00 and 13:00. It is now 13:50, and no parcel has been delivered.
This is now the second time in 2 weeks that exactly the same thing happened. I am deeply disappointed and unhappy, as I relied on this delivery.
Numerous phone calls to your Centre produced no results as the kind lady who assisted me could not get hold of the DSV Courier driver, as his contact phone was on voicemail.... exactly the same as 2 weeks ago.
Maybe it’s time that Woolworths review using this courier as they are unreliable and giving Woolworths a bad name.
I have ordered LOTS of times in the past, and this has never happened before! Now, with this courier it is the 2nd time in 2 weeks. This is absolutely unacceptable!
Please advise when I can expect delivery of my parcel as soon as possible, thank you....

I have done everything possible to access my account I have been with Woolworths for 18 months. I have redeemed points twice the rest I have been saving. The problem is my points are disappearing. I have done every thing possible to access my account. Customer service staff have been sending tempory pass words,they dont work.I have been requesting replacement cards with new bar codes but the same bar codes are sent. I shop at Wyndham Vale Woolworths Vic 3024. I asked customer service to cancel my account today until the problem is fixed or I will shop else where.

I walked in to woolworths at Hurstville westfield this morning and had a not so happy customer service at the check out.
The store was practically empty at 9 in the morning. I walked up to pay four items at the desk and Biana who was at the desk truly looked like she didnt want to be there. Not even hello or good morning not even a smile she scanned my items and placed it there .. she didn't even bother to tell me how much the amount was...I myself tapped my bank card.. picked up my items and filled my bag took receipt . I did come to know though that she was going away on a holiday soon as she chatted away with her friends while I was being served.
This may not seem a very big issue but I work in the same industry and I know how important customer service is.
If the store was busy and it was the end of shift time , it was a different story too but to start the day like this is not right.
I hope my story is heard and small issues like these are looked into.

I was at you Waterfront branch where the assistant double scanned an item, no problem but she walks away without notifying me that she is going to call a manager.
She then comes back and says she called a manager to do line void, I told her that she was wrong by not letting me know that she's just leaving her till to get someone, she apologized...
I waited about 5 minutes and still no one, there was a guy busy with something behind her, I think he works at Country Road mens department opposite tills I was paying at, she then asked him to do line void which he did and still no manager.
Now I'm a General Manager of several stores and if any of my staff had to take their own time to sort out a customer, they would be in trouble because my motto is "Customer comes first, no matter what you're busy with, you can go back to doing that, but your customer leaves with bad experience and won't come back to your store"
This is not the first time I experienced this at your WF store, the service there is atrocious.

The fruit they sell are most of it salty and rotten

Since the beginning of the year the service at the checkout point has been atrocious because customers queue for ages. On 25 March for example there were only two checkout points at the food section at 16h30. The shelves are also empty with many products not being available. It seems as if management is not visible and crisis engagement takes place. When a teller was questioned about the long queue she responded to say that they were understaffed. I have shopped at many trances recently but to me this is unacceptable. Are you perhaps considering closing down the store? Our nearest alternative is in Vanderbijlpark - a distance of more than 17km; in today's busy age nobody can afford these kind of challenges.
Renske Pieterse

I am disappointed by the Woolworhts Mokopane ( staff and manager : Lorna) I bought the pair of trouser cash and did not fit it. When I fir the pans the following day , it was small. I decided to return the articlewith the slip. I was told by the security lady that " I wonder if she is going to authorise" I quoote. And I humbly went to the cashiers whereby they were talking to each other as if i don't exist. Then one cashier said " let me help the customer and will your article later" refering to her colleaque. I was asked to come and I did as requested. I explained my story again and she said to her colleages " I wonder if wa mahlo will accept it" and I ask why because the article is still in good condition, they all laughed at me. I was foaming as I also work with customers and put myself in the customer's shoes.
Yesterday I drove 120km to Polokwane because I wanted to change the article. To my surprise the branch at Landross Mare Street helped me and I even bought more clothes to the value of R980 because of their welcoming mood,probong more with humility,referring me to the right queue and finally I got the sixe 12 the fits me well.
Arears of concers to Mokopane Branch;
1. They are not customer centric : "The manager said sorrr there is nothing I can do" I even left the trouser intentionally to see if they reach out but it never happened. i send my son the following day to collect the trouser still they just gave him without checking with me if am happy or not.
I will never in my life to step in that store again. I repeat I WILL NEVER.

I visited your small store at the petrol station in croydon to support new owners ....what a disappointment. There were bags of seedless satsumas advertised at @24.99 per bag or two bags for R35.00. I selected the offer of two bags for R35 and went to the till to pay.The teller asked me for R49.98 and I said your price for two bags is R35. I was met with a vacant stare and two other staff members standing around just stared at me......Are you going to fix the price or what I said....still the vacant stare. Keep your two bags I will go elsewhere,I said , and left the shop....maybe things will improve and I can return....but lets see Dan Morton

Good morning
Further to my in store (Mandurah Forum WA) complaint on Friday 22nd March 2019 I have now decided to contact you direct. Whilst the staff at the store were very receptive to my issues, offering replacement products it was all too late.
I am a loyal Woolworths shopper and have been for many years. My issue is regarding the constant poor quality of the fruit and vegetables.
Over recent times I have purchased inferior watermelon, cucumber, strawberries, raspberries, potatoes and other produce only to bin most of it.
My last purchases were for a special family gathering and I have to say most of it was tasteless and damaged. This put considerable pressure on my wife and myself in preparing the luncheon as I had to source alternative products from other stores. It made our preparation very stressful from a time and cost factor. I am now 80 and try to budget the best I can on a pension.
I feel I need to pass this information on to you so that Woolworths can improve its products.
I look forward to your reply.
Kind regards
Allan cooper
11A Waterside Drive
Mandurah WA 6210
Mobile 0417 009 290

Last week I placed an order for my elderly mother who lives far away from me I live in the Blue Mountains when her order arrived how carton of cigarettes were missing.
I called up the customer service or non-service line on sat 16th waited 30 minutes to get through then was put on hold for another 10 minutes while they called the shop and the truck they found that the cigarettes had been left in the shop.
I explained they had to be re-delivered right away and they said they couldn’t do it until the next day I advise them that unless they delivered it right away it was the last order I was placing with Woolworths I was telling everybody about my experience and placing a formal complaint into head office Woolworths.
I have since put these same comments in the survey you sent me and have had no response
It was not the girls fault who answered the phone and she tried to assist but we’ve had a whole string of problems with lots of things missing all the time you really need to re-train your people get more people or just do something other than a stupid survey to address your customer service problems very very very disappointed.
I would appreciate compensation for 40 minutes of my time while I drove from Springwood to Katoomba listening to that horrific jingle over and over and over again
Some free advice from me to you....you don’t need to play that jingle to your existing customers maybe some pleasant music to calm people down maybe a bit more appropriate ( it’s just lazy to throw on the jingle).
Since this incident I stupidly placed another online order - this time when I went to checkout 6 of the items I had placed in my trolley were unavailable and I had to remove them one by one ….I am really at my wits end with your online service
I expect a response to this and I expect compensation Very upset and dissatisfied customer
Susie Prentice

I live in a small town called Carnarvon and as a very regular customer of Woolworths I have never had a bad experience until recently.. Not once but twice with the same staff member.
She is the manager at the customer service desk an older lady but I did not catch her name. Anyway my first encounter with this staff member was when I arrived 2mins to closing which I fully understand why I might not be able to enter, however I begged if I could just grab a tin of baby milk I would be 30seconds, note at this time customers were still in the check out putting through alot of items so I thought slim chance but wouldn't hurt to ask, when doing so this staff members reply was "Don't be stupid!" frowned at me and walked off. I replied "A simple no would have done love" to which she turned around and shooed me with a gesture using her hand.
Next encounter two days later I was buying tobacco at the service desk and all I said when asked was "Can I please get a packet of Winfield gold 50g a packet of blue Rizal papers... Then she interrupted and said "see these (shows me her hands) I only got two of them so one thing at a time. I replied "dont worry about it I'll go elsewhere with that attitude " ..she ignored me and looked over my shoulder and said "next please ".
I find this Manager at the service desk to be very rude very abrupt and definitely needs to be talked to about her customer service and attitude.
I worked for Woolworths for a wonderful 5 years as a manager and only left to start a family. It is a company that I still recommend friends and family to apply for it because it can be a career and options are endless.But I am majorly dissapointed in seeing such a team member representing such a great company in a negative way. The current team working there is fantastic and I believe Carrisa the store manager has a good crew in there at the moment but one bad apple will rot the team and truly believe I am not the only one this lady has been unprofessional and rude to. I will still continue to shop at Woolworths as I am a loyal shopper but will wait as long as I have to not to be served by her again.
Carnarvon,WA Woolworths shopper.

I placed an on line order during the big frozen foods special you had a few weeks a go. With next day pick up. Upon entering the store I had to wait 20 mins for them to find someone to serve me. And then another 25 mins to have my order brought out from the back. Once home I found that more than half the items I purchased were melted, softened or defrosted. Because of this the ice creams now has frost in it. The bag of ice melted and then re froze causing it to stick together like glue not to mention the water that's now frozen in the bottom of the freezer!

Went to do a small amount of shopping. (i shop regularly and only buy what I need).Monday 2.30pm, Shelves had little to no stock. e.g. Homebrand tinned applea, homebrand Domesto s- no stock of either. That got me looking at other areas and that's when I noticed there was a shortage of a lot of items. Have also been into your store and you have had no carry baskets for small amount of shopping, I walked out that day.
Today I only had 6 items so I went through express checkout.
I was acknowledged at the checkout but before I had finished paying, the operator spoke to the person (staff member) standing in the queue behind me. How rude!
Your express checkouts are not express. Bring on self serve checkout, at least I can handle their bad manners. Coles have it all over Woolworths Yeppoon

Although the website says to e-mail a complaint this email bounced back
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Mandy
Date: Wed, Feb 27, 2019 at 2:30 PM
Subject: Damage to car from shopping trolley 27 February 2019 1:45 pm Neutral Bay Car Park NSW
To: <feedback@woolworths.com.au>
To Whom it May Concern,
I would like to lodge a formal complaint regarding an incident that occurred today (27 February 2019 at approximately 1:45pm) in the Woolworths Neutral Bay (NSW) car park.
I was sitting in my car close to Chargrilled Charlies attempting to leave the car park; when a stray trolley came rolling out of control ( nera where the motorbikes park and hit my car (for your reference, I have attached photos of the damage it has caused to my car). This was not the only trolley that was not the only trolley that was in the vicinity. There were approximately another five (5) trolleys in the same location.
People may not return trolleys to where they should however, trolleys should be collected on a consistent basis by the employees that work collecting the shopping trolleys.
Not only was my car damaged, I was also frightened by the trolley hitting my car, which caused me to jump and I could have potentially hit the car that was stationary in front of me.
I do not think I should have to pay for the repair of the damage that occurred to my car today, due to amount of shopping trolleys left in the carpark; which run out of control due to the lack of employees collecting them. These shopping trolleys are owned by Woolworths and should be collected regularly and not left to their own devices in the carpark.
I would say in this instance it was lucky that no one was hurt particulary a young child.
Please advise how you are going to proceed with this complaint. As mentioned above, I do not think I should have to be out of pocked to have the damage to my car repaired due to incompetent employees not collecting shopping trolleys.
Yours sincerely,

Have been going through self checkout at Unanderra Woolworths for years. A new system is in place today with bag weighing etc. It takes so much longer to self check out. It was not working properly, 2 staff were on self check out today. The older one ( in her 60's ) was hesitant and unsure, the young one was extremely rude. I asked for help with an item that didn't want to register a weight, I have to admit I was extremely frustrated and my manner wasn't friendly like I usually am, ( I got an "eye roll" from another worker at the customer service desk ). This was really rude as well.
The only reason I use the self checkout is of course the obvious reason of never enough staff on customer registers.
Also of note as I was leaving there were 4 people waiting at the cigarette/mobile phone counter, with no one serving.
I just need to mention that in general the staff on self checkout and on the service desk are quite rude and loud. I have witnessed this behaviour many many times over the years.
I was there at 11.45am today.

no stock on shelves and to matters worse waited to go to the checkout for over twenty minutes with only checkout open. this is not the first time that i have not to be able to buy things that i have required.I spend over two hundred dollars a week and i dont think this good enough. I will be going elseware from now on . Marilyn Murray

Tried to online shop with Woolworths for the first time last Thursday 14/03/19. Not only did my order get cancelled with still 7 days and 2 phone calls later still no refund. Did any one else know AMEND AND CANCEL apparently are the same. If l could remove that 1 star that is there l would because you guys deserve nothing just like what l got. NOTHING.

I am a Rewards member - I was recently offered a 11000 point incentive, which I duly completed but never had confirmation from Woolworths Rewards. Upon calling I was informed I had received the points.
The fact I had to make the call and the fact I only received a single email at end of week 2 is not customer service. I have noted an indifference to customers all across the Woolworths areas but none more so in Rewards. Previously I received an email weekly confirming attaining each weeks goal and a final acknowledgement of achieving the reward points - now it is a sadder state. Decent communication is expected even in these days - just begrudgingly awarding the points is not good enough

My son purchased a cooked organic chicken from Emerald Woolworths, Victoria, today 19/30/2019 for myself to use in a recipe that we have every couple of months or so. However, upon opening the chicken I was surprised to see that this chicken was literally no bigger than a pigeon! This chicken was at least half the size of the last one that I purchased from the same store. I am disgusted at such a blatant rip off by your organisation.
I have been a loyal supporter of your supermarket chain for decades and now I am confronted with the need to look elsewhere to do my shopping. I understand the economics and the need to down size but buying a chicken and getting a pigeon is beyond a joke!

My Wife and I are regular weekly On-Line Shoppers from Woolworths - We order AM Sunday and the Groceries are delivered AM Monday - Fine.
In the case of past Two (2) Deliveries for example:
One Navel Orange out of the Two Ordered was "BAD" and I mean so bad that half of the orange had turned Purple - We had to simply throw it out
This week we get the same issue One of the Two is bad although not quite as bad as last week.
Given that your Company Logo is the "Fresh Food People" not the "Off Food People" - What do Woolworths intend to do about rectifying this matter.
Doug Pickersgill, 7 Sheoak Street, Middle Park, QLD 4074 - Phone 0419 799 387

There was Spilt coke or liquid on the floor at the entrance to the check out.
Asked the check out male to call for someone to clean it for safety reasons. Apparently customer service comes before the safety of your customers. The responce I got was unacceptable and included how about I don't finish serving you and go and clean it up. I repeated that safety comes first and yet again all I got was no customer service comes first I have just done training and customer service comes first. As I left the store the spill remained I only hope no one trips and hurts themselves on it as it was at the front of the register.
Poor responce to an unsafe situation that was easy to fix.
David Humble

my family and friends and I shop at the Woolworths Riverton store a few times a week.
on 7.3.19 I went through the checkout of an older lady, brown hair, bigger set, terminal ID W4382001.
I was not greeted and began loading my items on the conveyor belt, including my shopping bags. when the cashier saw these, she said 'I did ask if you had bags' quite rudely. i was shocked- so was the man behind me. I said 'well I didn't hear you'. nothing elsewas said. i paid for my shopping $150 odd- a normal figure for me, and began loading my bags. The man behind me proceeded to be served, and asked her "how are you" she said "good" and that was it.
honestly if your staff are going to be rude and clearly over it (it was the afternoon, maybe she was tired) then you should give them other jobs to do instead of serving customers.
I have actually gone to Coles the last two shops as I just can't continue to support rude staff.
I hope you don't lose other customers and take the time to look into it.
I look forward to your feedback

(Current rating should be - 5 ) currently I am so angry and upset I cannot put into words my disgust in your store currently, firstly you put on a promotion that pretty much makes it impossible to do I personally tried for hours to summit an order without success as my email address or card number was invalid always no matter what I did which really annoyed me as only used it not too long ago to buy a coffee machine from you card number 9344 428 869 353 .
Then ask my daughter to do it for as I can’t keep playing with it due to work and has the same trouble as me nonstop her name was Natasha Fernandez, so she then logs in under my grandson which surprise surprise works what a joke.
So she then commences to place orders for all of us keeping to the 20 items per person at a time – all of these process correctly 10 orders in total for a grand total of $596.12.
Which by the way you didn’t have a problem taking from my card straight away on Thursday 14th March.
Orders were under my grandson as only one that would work for all of us Kyle Reid.
1. 34201361 $55.23
2. 34203408 $86.35
3. 34213233 $58.00
4. 34202442 $58.24
5. 34205888 $64.45
6. 34206744 $36.25
7. 34207391 $59.20
8. 34208423 $68.40
9. 34209093 $61.00
10. 34204596 $49.00
We spent a total combined of $596.12 only received 1 order been order 2 cost of $86.35 order number 34203408 and to date still waiting for our money back or product in the total amount of $538.12 this is disgusting most of the order was for my daughter her has two very special needs autistic children which need specific food and regular times don’t handle change so she has not just been left totally broke without food as her shopping money went to you and not returned and the food was not supplied but the kids didn’t get there specific brands and she can’t afford to go get it as you have her money. If there was a limit on total orders aloud you should not have processed the orders or taken the money as nothing changed all under my grandson and his email etc. especially since you system didn’t work and we had to group up together was for 3 different families together since none of us could get through.
I want my money back ASAP or supply the orders we purchased I am disgusted and will be taken this complaint further specially since I paid for all of this on Thursday and not one cent has been returned to my account you owe me the product or $538.12 plus compensation for starving my children by taking our money preventing us from buying new groceries and not suppling our orders. Please respond ASAP as taking this to the Ombudsman plus all forms of social media to stop other people paying for products they do not receive.

Although the website says to e-mail a complaint this email bounced back
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Mandy
Date: Wed, Feb 27, 2019 at 2:30 PM
Subject: Damage to car from shopping trolley 27 February 2019 1:45 pm Neutral Bay Car Park NSW
To: <feedback@woolworths.com.au>
To Whom it May Concern,
I would like to lodge a formal complaint regarding an incident that occurred today (27 February 2019 at approximately 1:45pm) in the Woolworths Neutral Bay (NSW) car park.
I was sitting in my car close to Chargrilled Charlies attempting to leave the car park; when a stray trolley came rolling out of control ( nera where the motorbikes park and hit my car (for your reference, I have attached photos of the damage it has caused to my car). This was not the only trolley that was not the only trolley that was in the vicinity. There were approximately another five (5) trolleys in the same location.
People may not return trolleys to where they should however, trolleys should be collected on a consistent basis by the employees that work collecting the shopping trolleys.
Not only was my car damaged, I was also frightened by the trolley hitting my car, which caused me to jump and I could have potentially hit the car that was stationary in front of me.
I do not think I should have to pay for the repair of the damage that occurred to my car today, due to amount of shopping trolleys left in the carpark; which run out of control due to the lack of employees collecting them. These shopping trolleys are owned by Woolworths and should be collected regularly and not left to their own devices in the carpark.
I would say in this instance it was lucky that no one was hurt particulary a young child.
Please advise how you are going to proceed with this complaint. As mentioned above, I do not think I should have to be out of pocked to have the damage to my car repaired due to incompetent employees not collecting shopping trolleys.
Yours sincerely,

Although the website says to e-mail a complaint this email bounced back
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Mandy
Date: Wed, Feb 27, 2019 at 2:30 PM
Subject: Damage to car from shopping trolley 27 February 2019 1:45 pm Neutral Bay Car Park NSW
To: <feedback@woolworths.com.au>
To Whom it May Concern,
I would like to lodge a formal complaint regarding an incident that occurred today (27 February 2019 at approximately 1:45pm) in the Woolworths Neutral Bay (NSW) car park.
I was sitting in my car close to Chargrilled Charlies attempting to leave the car park; when a stray trolley came rolling out of control ( nera where the motorbikes park and hit my car (for your reference, I have attached photos of the damage it has caused to my car). This was not the only trolley that was not the only trolley that was in the vicinity. There were approximately another five (5) trolleys in the same location.
People may not return trolleys to where they should however, trolleys should be collected on a consistent basis by the employees that work collecting the shopping trolleys.
Not only was my car damaged, I was also frightened by the trolley hitting my car, which caused me to jump and I could have potentially hit the car that was stationary in front of me.
I do not think I should have to pay for the repair of the damage that occurred to my car today, due to amount of shopping trolleys left in the carpark; which run out of control due to the lack of employees collecting them. These shopping trolleys are owned by Woolworths and should be collected regularly and not left to their own devices in the carpark.
I would say in this instance it was lucky that no one was hurt particulary a young child.
Please advise how you are going to proceed with this complaint. As mentioned above, I do not think I should have to be out of pocked to have the damage to my car repaired due to incompetent employees not collecting shopping trolleys.
Yours sincerely,

I am a current Woolworths employee, I have 2 Woolworths car insurance policies! 1 policy is up for renewal, I was very shocked to see my policy increase for the year, as I have never made a claim, my car value go down, but my policy goes up. So I call to talk about my renewal, instead of start shopping around. I wanted to stay within my company I work for! The operator "Keith" couldn't do anything except tell me to go online to the woolworths staff benefit site and go though there to get a better policy! no reduction offered, even tho I have another car policy with you with my already staff benefit applied! He told me how does he know I am a team member? anybody can say they work for us! sorry???? I said because of my staff employee benefit card, which is also applied to my other policy! Still said he couldn't do anything to better my policy and I needed to go on the site do it myself and then call them back and we can see what we can do! 2 things is very wrong with this, one as an already existing customer to be told, I have to do all the work and call them back, to stay with your company and take my money is appalling customer service! not to mention im already working for this company! 2 to not offer any discounts to keep an existing customer for the sake of any reduction, you are willing to lose $800+ a year for no reduction, is not good business sense, in fact it make zero sense to me. I a going to start shopping around, and is very disappointing to think not even a customer or employee is worth anything to this company.

I HAVE been a customer at Woolworths for many many years and use various stores HOWEVER, Merrylands, Stockland Mall has been my main store for a few years now and I used to LOVE the bakery, but in the last few months there is never the variety in fresh baked available that there used to be during the week, especially before 10am. I have on a few occasions looked in the bakery and no-one was around to ask. There used to be a Lovely Blonde Lady, Michelle was her name but I have been told she has left??
I am very very disappointed in the fact that especially sourdough bread and donuts are not available early enough. I am now travelling to Greystanes where I find it is almost always well stocked, even in the late afternoon.
thankyou for your time

I have had a Woolworth's online delivery and was missing two items I have paid for.
Date-10 March 2019
Invoice order no-34037631
Items are-Woolworth's country loaf wholegrain 850g x 2
Can I have a refund for these items please.

Joseph Niraan Alwis
Fri 8/03/2019 4:55 PM
Absolutely appalled by the resolution provided by member care.
Please see below
Sent from my iPhone
On 8 Mar 2019, at 4:33 pm, Joseph Niraan Alwis <jnalwis@hotmail.com> wrote:
Unfortunately I wouldn’t have spend this much at Woolworths if it wasn’t for the reward.
I feel cheated and disgusted. Well what else can I expect from a giant like Woolworths
Sent from my iPhone
On 8 Mar 2019, at 4:17 pm, "membercare@woolworthsrewards.com.au" <membercare@woolworthsrewards.com.au> wrote:
Dear Joseph,
Thank you for contacting Woolworths Rewards regarding 13,000 bonus points from your promotion.
To be eligible for the bonus points you need to activate the offer at least 2 hours before making your purchase. I can see the offer was not activated until 05/02/2019, meaning that we can only include your spends in Week 1 that were made from 05/02/19 onwards. Unfortunately the amount spent after activation in this first week totals $89.97, resulting in the first weeks spend amount not being met and therefore the promotional points have not been automatically loaded.
I understand it may be frustrating if you feel like you missed out, rest assured there will be plenty of more promotional offers to keep an eye out for!
We love sharing our rewards with our members, and in some cases they do need to be activated. This helps us get to know what offers you like, and that means we can send you more of them in future! It's also there to ensure you don't miss out on the offer.
Thank you for being our privileged member and we do appreciate your time and patience.
Need further help? Visit our Help and Support page to view our FAQs or chat with us.
Kind regards,
Customer Service Representative
Woolworths Rewards
Your privacy is important to us. Please view our Privacy Policy for more information.
On 6/03/2019 5:54 PM, Joseph Niraan Alwis wrote:
Sent from my iPhone
On 6 Mar 2019, at 4:25 pm, "membercare@woolworthsrewards.com.au" <membercare@woolworthsrewards.com.au> wrote:
On 4/03/2019 12:51 PM, Joseph Niraan Alwis wrote:
I have not seen a credit of 13,000 points on the promotion that ran from Monday 04/02/19 through to Sunday 03/03/19.
I have spent over $155 each week for 4 weeks.
When will I see the credit?

We have just finished our weekly shop and would like to complain about the service at the checkout. The operator was very slow,we waited for nearly half an hour for groceries to be put through, we could not go to another checkout as we had already unloaded them on to the checkout. The packing of the bags was very poor ,She has no customer service,or communication skills at all, very hard to understand,has a very abrupt and rude manner. Also it is not a very good look to be serving customers while you are chewing gum.
This is the first time that I have complained because normally the service is excellent.

On the 27th February at about 12.30pm my handbag was stolen in Woolworths, Menlyn branch, Pretoria, Gauteng. I immediately reported it, but they apparently could not see me on their security cameras which \i found very odd, because I was moving around in the store for sometime!
I lost my purse, cash, car keys, house keys, cell phone, reading glasses, bank cards and all store cards. After being told they could not see me on cameras I immediately went to customers services to report and stop my Woolworths card. In my purse was a gift card for R549.00 for goods I returned on the 18th of February. I still had the refund slip for the R549.00 at home, and later I went back with it to customer service. They took the slip into an office to phone the gift department so they could cancel it, and issue me with a new gift card. I left phone numbers with them, but since I have been back there several times, only to be told they are still investigating it! My Son-in-Law also sent an email to the CEO of Woolworths, but to date has had no reply. I am a pensioner of 82 years old and found the experience extremely stressful.
I trust you will be able to be helpful in the matter
Yours sincerely
Annette Sophia Kennedy

I have been buying from Woolworths Broadacres meat and on a few occasions it has come back smelling badly. Just after the load shedding. I took the one steak back and they replaced it, Then the next time we bought duck legs and that came back smelling. I did not even bother to take it back I threw it away. Now today I went to Woolworths Dainfern and ordered Granola yogurt berry breakfast. Not sure of the name.- I think Acadia. It was so hard the raisins and the currents, it was like eating hard candy, I could have broken my teeth on it. I called the manageress and she agreed with me.
Woolworths always used to be the best store, but now it has completely lost its touch.
I was very disappointed.
Kind regards
Lynette Bernstein

Woolworths Riverton Store Perth 5 March 15:16pm
Cadbury Turkish Delight bars advertised at half price for $1.00. I purchased 8.
At home I checked my docket. I was changed $16.00
Upon return to the store, the manager explained the discount sign had not been removed. Sale had finished a week ago on the 26/2/19.
No Apology until I asked for one and then it was a feeble "sorry" that was dripping with sarcasm.
She gave a refund of $7 on my card and a two dollar coin.
Very stressful and a huge time waster driving back and forth to shop, parking, walking, waiting, waiting, waiting while manager worked on a check out.
Not worth my time! Guess it works for Woolies.... False advertising and quite unrepentant.

Customer service very very bad change wrong money did not say sorry my daughter buy a bead with $3.40 she give $10.40 need change $7 but the cashier only give $6.00 ,she going to ask the right money back but the cashier unhappy to give back $1 more but did not say sorry with my daughter I very angry giong in ask ,why you do wrong did not say sorry with my daughter and you do not happy to give back the change

On Sunday, 3.3.19 I shopped at the Woolworths Revesby NSW store and spent $364.89. The cashier gave me 6 Disney tiles for this. I reminded her that it was a 2 for 1 weekend so she called her supervisor who informed me in a not so nice way that "don't be silly, this only started this week and we would not be doing that" (meaning 2 for 1 tiles) I asked her to look it up but she walked away. I found this a bit embarrassing as there were lots of shoppers around. I then left and went home and then I rang the store. They informed me I would have to go down there again and take my receipt with me so they could check it - no problem - went down explained again at the desk and they gave me a few more tiles. When I got home I counted the tiles and I was still short - only a couple but that is not my point. I was not about to go down again it would have cost me more in petrol.
May I suggest that next time you have a promotion like this you make a point of asking ALL supervisors to inform ALL cashiers and staff what is going on because this certainly did not happen at Revesby store. I would attach a copy of my docket but I do not know how to.
Store 1402 - POS 007 Trans 6342 12.55 3/3/19 Term ID: W1402007
Carolyn Walker
66 Whittle Ave
Milperra 2214

Although the website says to e-mail a complaint this email bounced back
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Mandy
Date: Wed, Feb 27, 2019 at 2:30 PM
Subject: Damage to car from shopping trolley 27 February 2019 1:45 pm Neutral Bay Car Park NSW
To: <feedback@woolworths.com.au>
To Whom it May Concern,
I would like to lodge a formal complaint regarding an incident that occurred today (27 February 2019 at approximately 1:45pm) in the Woolworths Neutral Bay (NSW) car park.
I was sitting in my car close to Chargrilled Charlies attempting to leave the car park; when a stray trolley came rolling out of control ( nera where the motorbikes park and hit my car (for your reference, I have attached photos of the damage it has caused to my car). This was not the only trolley that was not the only trolley that was in the vicinity. There were approximately another five (5) trolleys in the same location.
People may not return trolleys to where they should however, trolleys should be collected on a consistent basis by the employees that work collecting the shopping trolleys.
Not only was my car damaged, I was also frightened by the trolley hitting my car, which caused me to jump and I could have potentially hit the car that was stationary in front of me.
I do not think I should have to pay for the repair of the damage that occurred to my car today, due to amount of shopping trolleys left in the carpark; which run out of control due to the lack of employees collecting them. These shopping trolleys are owned by Woolworths and should be collected regularly and not left to their own devices in the carpark.
I would say in this instance it was lucky that no one was hurt particulary a young child.
Please advise how you are going to proceed with this complaint. As mentioned above, I do not think I should have to be out of pocked to have the damage to my car repaired due to incompetent employees not collecting shopping trolleys.
Yours sincerely,

Although the website says to e-mail a complaint this email bounced back
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Mandy
Date: Wed, Feb 27, 2019 at 2:30 PM
Subject: Damage to car from shopping trolley 27 February 2019 1:45 pm Neutral Bay Car Park NSW
To: <feedback@woolworths.com.au>
To Whom it May Concern,
I would like to lodge a formal complaint regarding an incident that occurred today (27 February 2019 at approximately 1:45pm) in the Woolworths Neutral Bay (NSW) car park.
I was sitting in my car close to Chargrilled Charlies attempting to leave the car park; when a stray trolley came rolling out of control ( nera where the motorbikes park and hit my car (for your reference, I have attached photos of the damage it has caused to my car). This was not the only trolley that was not the only trolley that was in the vicinity. There were approximately another five (5) trolleys in the same location.
People may not return trolleys to where they should however, trolleys should be collected on a consistent basis by the employees that work collecting the shopping trolleys.
Not only was my car damaged, I was also frightened by the trolley hitting my car, which caused me to jump and I could have potentially hit the car that was stationary in front of me.
I do not think I should have to pay for the repair of the damage that occurred to my car today, due to amount of shopping trolleys left in the carpark; which run out of control due to the lack of employees collecting them. These shopping trolleys are owned by Woolworths and should be collected regularly and not left to their own devices in the carpark.
I would say in this instance it was lucky that no one was hurt particulary a young child.
Please advise how you are going to proceed with this complaint. As mentioned above, I do not think I should have to be out of pocked to have the damage to my car repaired due to incompetent employees not collecting shopping trolleys.
Yours sincerely,

I bought the mango 100% fruit juice blend today and it tastes nothing like a mango fruit juice that I'm used to. its so sour it felt like I was drinking the mango pineapple fruit juice blend. and because I know the difference between the two, I think this is mango pineapple fruit juice packaged in mango fruit juice.

Good morning, at 8 50 on the 26th of the 2nd 19 a staff member who identified himself as Edward was speeding through the undercover parking area and came to an abrupt stop after screeching his tires near the zebra crossing at the first zebra crossing I thought the man was literally going to run me over, as he got out on the second zebra crossing I told him there is a speed limit in the car park as and he then said to me whos having a bad morning. I replied that he should stick to the speed limit has was in uniform and worked in the complex. I told him I would be reporting him then he said close to my face that I should go ahead he didn't care as his wife was the manager. We were now in front of the customer service desk when he said what country are you from as I'm an immigrant I found this to be highly racist. I then accused him of making racist comments and this had nothing to do with the situation. he was at this stage calling out ineligible comments over his shoulder as he was rushing off the lady at the counter at the time witnessed this and was shaking her head at him, I asked her if this is how the staff behaved at their store. I am a person of sound character and have worked with woolies in the past in my charity work. I am sure the cameras will also confirm the events. I will also report this to the management of the village center and hope that this behavior is not tolerated by Woolies. Regards Katrina Proctor My email is katrinaproctor@gmail.com

I would like to raise some issue when I returned the incomplete set in Wooloworths Westfiled Belconnen the staff in charge in Customer Enquiries told me to just get a new set as replacement. To make sure that the box has the complete hair coloring set, I have to open the box and double check before grabbing it. An old guy customer was watching me doing this and call my attention and ask why I am opening the box. I said that I have to check the box to make sure it is complete as I have bought incomplete set previously and he suddenly said that I am a "BULLSHIT". It hurt my feelings and it is really upsetting because of this incident. I think the one that should be getting the replacement for me is one of the woollies staff and not the customer to avoid this kind of incident. And also make sure that any boxed items are complete set before you sell it.

I have just thrown out my ladyfingers bananas even though they looked beautiful and ripe they were hard and not ripe, why do all the Bananas I buy from Woolworths end up tasting like green bananas that only look ripe? 0416 988 894 is my phone number if you want to ask more questions.

I have been shopping here for 4 months since I moved to Croydon and I have never experienced such poor customer experience, lack of stock and the dirtiest store I have ever shopped in. This store seems to be run by incompetent staff who literally dont give a crap about any standards. I would like to take this further to an external body and ensure your store is audited against standards you should be complying with. To provide more detail in relation to what I have experienced I have outlined some examples below:
- deli staff not using gloves or tying their hair up
- not enough lanes open even during peak times
- dirty scales at the checkouts so you cant even weigh your fruit and vegetable in fear of some horrid disease
- empty shelves all the time, especially bread and milk and these are staple foods.
- We dont want to see just your name brand on the shelves, all the healthy foods have been deleted and you have left all the processed Woolworth brands that are absolutely junk
- you have deleted diced beef, jamie oliver chick tumeric soup to be exact and lots of other brand name foods and have basically monopolised the shelves with your own products
- the staff at the service desk are rude and stand around and do nothing even during peak hours
- Sunday closing shuts at 10pm which makes sense to lock the front door at 8.30pm. You leave the back entrance open only when most cars are parked at the other end of the store
- the store is absolutely filthy
- your fruit and veg are not fresh, are they even Australian grown?
- food on shelves are out of date
I usually wouldn't care and I would go elsewhere however this is my local and I would prefer you lift your game like the other woolies I have seen. I would also like the external complaints body and any other external complaint forum where I can have this heard. Im not sure who is running that store but its definitely not someone who cares about their shoppers.
I look forward to your reply.

Looked forward to the free Mil Lel cheese samples this week, however, the three Woolworths stores which I visited did not have any of the products advertised.

I would like to make a complaint about your attendant at Woolworths Petrol Brown Plains. I was there to fill my car up tonight 21/02/19 about 6.30pm. I got out of the car with my 8 year old grandson and went to the pump. I put the pump in my car and realised the preset amount was not working so I asked my grandson to hold the pump while I figured out what was wrong with it. Your attendant came outside and started screaming at me saying he cannot fill up. I said to her I know he’s not filling the car he’s just holding it for me. She kept yelling a me even though I said three times, he’s not filling up. The pump was not working. While I accept her right to inform me that my grandson is too young to fill up, what I will not accept is her abuse and her continuous screaming at me. It was way out of line. I am a customer and I will not be spoken to like a dog. She was aggressive and her yelling at me across the station is unacceptable. My grandson was upset by her aggression. There are more polite ways to speak to a customer. In my opinion she had no understanding of customer service and manners.

I did a survey for Woolworths for which I was promised a voucher in Feb 2018, have been sending e-mail to customer service they are of no assistance.

Approximately one month ago I purchased a Woolworths Cheese Cake, just a few days later I suffered an attach of diverticulitis, I was treated for that condition. About 10 days later I again purchased another Woolworths Cheese Cake & suffered the same fate, unfortunately with more severe symptoms, unfortunately the items purchased contained peanuts which I am allergic to. My complaint is that the labelling on this item is not legible, I was obliged to use a magnifying glass to read the label.
I am disappointed that your company engage in the practice of selling items with labels that are not legible, the company's duty of care towards customers is quite questionable.

To who it may concern,
Ref: car insurance claim no 911424
I had a minor car accident early this year & what should have been relatively easy lodging a claim to repair my car has caused me just so much stress & major upsets. I went to a repairer & they quoted $1,402 & sent it to you but I got the "we never received it", I then have sent it 15 times & it's the same story. I feel so let down & on the brink of a breakdown & therefore are withdrawing my claim with naturally a lot of hurt & anger, the bottom line is it's just too hard & not worth it if it effects my health & well being. You must work out a better system & much clearer email address to forward quotes as I truly do not want another person to go through what I have, it's been a very bad joke & has really taken it's toll on my health.
I am not going to report you to consumer affairs & do not wish to speak to anyone from your company, I just want to try & forget about the entire mess but strongly feel I am entitled to some form of compensation, whether it is a gift voucher ? I don't know. I will leave it in your hands but truly expect nothing.
Yours sincerely from an extremely disappointed & disallusioned long term 'Woolworths customer. Carolyn Jones
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