Woolworths Complaints Continued... (Page 8)
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Acc 6007850108627678
About 6 months ago I applied for another card through your Forest Hill branch as my card was no longer swiping due to old age.
I was told that my I.D number has changed which it has not to the best of my knowledge.
Anyhow, it seems that something happened as i had put my daughters telephone number down a I am hard of hearing, as they contact her now.
I have never received a card and have not bought on this account since and there has been a payment made by eft every month barring one which was made up for by an increased payment.
We now get harassed and threatened to be handed over on a regular basis when I would think there must be nothing owing on this account...oralmost nothing.
The amounts due vary vastly and the last one was over a thousand rands when the one before was four hundred and something and no purchases have been made onthis account since the applicationfor a new card.
My daughter filed a series of complaints to no avail and we comtinue to recieve incessant calls and threats to credit bureaus etc.
I have had this account for over thirty years and have never had a problem until i applied for another card and now
It has put such a bad taste in my mouth that I am going to close it.
Please send me statements for the last 6 months reflecting all payments tothis account so i can reconcile.
If you cannot produce them then the money has no longer been credited to this account and i suspect you have 2 accounts for one person as something was definitely processed as the contact details have been changed.
If you can produce them, and your figures are in fact correct then this card has been cloned by someone in woolworths as no purchases have been made whatsoever. We never recieved a replacement card.
I am beyond irritated.
I am sending this complaint again in the hope that it wont fall on deaf ears and please respond to this communication in writing as soon as possible.
Yours faithfully.

I want to draw you attention to what may be a small scale, but regular scam, involving short changing, at your Fairy Meadow petrol station.
Today I bought $56.50 worth of petrol, paid $60.00 with three 20 dollar notes and received $1.50 in change.
The receipt said I paid $58.00
I understand that everyone makes mistake and the clerk apologized and said she made a mistake, but the nature of these numbers is suspect.
It cannot be a typo, as the 8 is nowhere near the 0.
It cannot be a brain “fart” i.e. thinking I paid with 2 twenties, 1 ten, a five and a two and a one (or three ones). That makes no sense.
And it is a secure way to steal from the till without it showing up as a shortage at the end of shift.
It is easy for you to check if this is a recurring event, by comparing if the “total” and the “cash” amounts make sense.
In my case for instance, $57.00 on the docket would have made sense, though $0.50 change would immediately have been noticed by everyone.
I don’t wish to get anyone fired, but I do think this issue should be investigated properly.
On the receipt:
Store 1873 pos 002 trans 1729 5988 13:16 22/04/18

My complaint is your lettuces are brown in Moorebank Woolworths yesterday I ask someone to let them know but I didn't see anyone tell them so I went back to see if they did anything and no they were brown and wet lettuces which it is terrible to sell to customer I like to make a complaint the way these lettuces were wet brown like rust around them all over the leaves etc. and they had the hid to sell this product not good enough in my books. It is terrible the way food is handled these days everything looks off and you are suppose to be the fresh food people not in this case.

I have been buying Homebrand and Gravox instant white and cheese ssauce packets for some years. In the last few weeks these have been unavailable at both stores I use (Bendigo and Strathdale. All that is available is Gravox Instant liquid sauce which is twice the price. I am not happy with this as I have used the other packets as part of my recipes for many years. Not happy. When will these be back in stock or will I have to buy that at Coles who still carry them.

Fairly disappointed in your customer service. I have two outstanding matters which Woolworths will not answer.
No. 1. Reference 9000231856. This matter has been going on since 26 March. Sent follow up email on 3rd April with no
response. Promised an e-gift card for inconvenience. Never arrived.
No 2. reference 9000216969 I ituated this complaint on 3 April. Sent follow on 6th April- no response.
You did respond to initial complaint with suggestions. I emailed straight back advising of change of address and I
asked a further question. You ignored my email. You ignored. You follow up email. Why?
In the interests of good customer service one would have thought the store manager would have made an effort to
contact me, but nothing. It was your staff that lost my reward card. Not me, it I have to do the running around.

I'm extremely disappointed in your select LAMB & Barley Soup.
The flavour was great, however it could hardly be legally advertised or labelled LAMB & Barley, as there was only 2 microscopic pieces of LAMB, with 8 large pieces of zucchini, 7 large pieces of potato & loads of barley.

I purchased woolworths oyster blade steak 15/04/18. Today being the 17/04/18 i cooked 2 steaks. Upon eating 90% of my meal i noticed a thin string like object hanging out of a piece i just cut into. I pulled it out and too my horror it was a WORM. After throwing up the meal i just ate i got my partner to take a photo of the disgusting creature. This is totally unacceptable. I expect a swift reply from woolworths.

About 6 months ago I purchased an Optus phone from Woolworths Bowral. I've been very happy with the phone until recently when the battery seemed to be going flat much quicker. I wasn't particularly concerned and drove down to Nowra to buy a replacement battery only to be told that the battery in the phone I bought cannot be replaced, but if I had a receipt they would replace the phone which has a 12 month guarantee. The problem is I no longer have the receipt so in essence I paid around $100.00 for a disposable phone. Do you honestly believe this is fair and why wasn't I informed at the time of purchase that the battery couldn't be replaced. As I stated at the beginning of this email, I'm very happy with the phone though clearly not with its life span nor the inadequate information regarding my purchase, had I known of the problem I would clearly have never purchased the phone and obviously I won't be buying another. I will be contacting the ombudsman about the issue though I imagine it will simply be a case of caveat emptor.
Mike Wolstenholme.

One the worst front end services supervisors all should be moved to other stores from supervisors to department mangers and mangers should not stay in one store for ever supervisors chatting as for head cashiers they know nothing as for payslips every week they wrong a big company like that

I have received promotional text messages before 7am WST
These text messages are annoying enough but at a time when people are trying to sleep is not acceptable. People have busy schedules and it shows a lac of consideration.
Furthermore, there is no option in the text message to opt out, which I am sure is against the law.
I do not want any promotional messages from your company again and especially at hours when people are trying to sleep. Pkease remove me from your list immediately. my number is 0400021087.

Dear Woolworths,
Yous are the worst company ever you sell crappy stuff and rip people off

Staff Complaint - I frequently shop at Woolworths weekly and had a rude deli staff member throw my cold/frankfurts at myself, I then went through the checkout (staff member- Gin and no greeting was given, extremely poor service by both staff members.

I have been shopping at Woolworths Maryborough Qld every Saturday morning for over 20 years now and in the last few months I have noticed that the fruit and vegetable section has gone downhill. Displays are half empty and in some cases completely empty. It is really disappointing to see this happen as your store is normally great. Your staff in the store are wonderful and I did mention my concerns to a staff member this morning and she was going to pass on my comments to the manager. I really don't want to start shopping at another supermarket but if it continues I may have to make that change.

I went and did my groceries on Tuesday 13/3/18 I was also looking at buying easter eggs . I was just about to grab some of the Cadbury solid eggs 440g when the young man filling them up said they are on for half price tomorrow, I thanked him and thought how nice of him to tell me. So I drove back out there this morning to find they are still $10.00. When I asked about it the lady said i just asked the manager of the department and he said no. I then saw him going around checking the tickets with another young man. I asked him about something else I was buying as they still had a $10.00 ticket and the lady told me they were $6.00 he scanned it and said yes they are $6.00 so I asked again about the soild eggs and told him about how I came back today as I was told they would be half price only to be made feel like an idiot and the guy that was with him laughed and said he probably thought he was at coles. How disgusting to treat a valued customer that way. I spend hundreds there every week. There was no sorry for driving back out and you were given the wrong information just a laugh and are you sure he was staff and he must of thought he was at coles. How bloody rude.Very disappointing. Its no new way to the way he treats his customers he did the same to me when i needed to purchase around 200 chocolates for table center piece and i asked him if they would match coles as they had theirs for $1 and he said no I can't do that you will have to get them there . I know I'm just one person and there are hundreds of people shopping there but shouldn't every customer that spends there be shown a bit of respect .

I went and did my groceries on Tuesday 13/3/18 I was also looking at buying easter eggs . I was just about to grab some of the Cadbury solid eggs 440g when the young man filling them up said they are on for half price tomorrow, I thanked him and thought how nice of him to tell me. So I drove back out there this morning to find they are still $10.00. When I asked about it the lady said i just asked the manager of the department and he said no. I then saw him going around checking the tickets with another young man. I asked him about something else I was buying as they still had a $10.00 ticket and the lady told me they were $6.00 he scanned it and said yes they are $6.00 so I asked again about the soild eggs and told him about how I came back today as I was told they would be half price only to be made feel like an idiot and the guy that was with him laughed and said he probably thought he was at coles. How disgusting to treat a valued customer that way. I spend hundreds there every week. There was no sorry for driving back out and you were given the wrong information just a laugh and are you sure he was staff and he must of thought he was at coles. How bloody rude.Very disappointing. Its no new way to the way he treats his customers he did the same to me when i needed to purchase around 200 chocolates for table center piece and i asked him if they would match coles as they had theirs for $1 and he said no I can't do that you will have to get them there . I know I'm just one person and there are hundreds of people shopping there but shouldn't every customer that spends there be shown a bit of respect . Very disappointed
.Rita Murphy

My personal loan credit available is decreasing instead of increasing. Spoke to your consultant Victor today and couldn't help. The ladt time i withdraw was in September 2017. I suspect fraud from Woolworths. Please refer sms from you.Mrs M Lekoloane, your Woolies Revolving Personal Loan gives you access to the cash you've already repaid: you have R1383 available as at the 04/12. Reply YES now to have the full amount transferred to your bank account, repayable over 60 months; or use the Woolies app to do a withdrawal.
Mrs M Lekoloane, your Woolies Loan has R1715 available as at 08/01. Use the Wo.olies app to do a drawdown; or reply YES to have the full amount transferred to your bank account, repayable over 60 months. Ts&Cs apply
.Mrs M Lekoloane, your Woolies Loan has R1619 available as at 11/02. Use the Woolies app to do a drawdown; or reply YES to have the full amount transferred to your bank account, repayable over 60 months. Ts&Cs apply

I keep getting text messages telling me I have won a $500 gift. Then I am directed to a competition. NO, I HAVEN'T WON AT ALL!!! I am sick and tired of getting these messages, so from now on I am ignoring them. Talk about a scam. Either I have won or I haven't, but please don't mess me about

I was retrenched in 2015 and submitted a claim for a balance protection plan, as per my statements i have been paying for the service and to my surprise am being told that i did not have cover at the time of retrenchment.
Please furnish me with my statements from January 2014 to December 2015 as i will be submitting my complaint with the office of the ombudsman.
My id number is 7507310305088
your sense of urgency in this matter would be highly appreciated

I have always shopped at Woolies Port Augusta.Even helpded build the store.There is one manager,Belinda Davis.Who in my opinion needs to through more customer training.To learn how to be nice to Woolworths customers.
One instident I had with her a few weeks ago,about the price leg ham.
When I complained to her,Belinda put both her hands to her head and said I need this fucking shit this early in day.
My answer was maybe you get out the kitchen if you cant handle the heat.
Today,Belinda was very abrupt and aragant too me.
I know almost every employee in that store,and get along fine.
Thank you for your time.I would hate too have too shop at Coles.
Kingsley press,15/02/2018.

Hi Dear customer service
on sat am at 8 0'clock I had brought a pane de cassa bread. My family and myself were having breakfast , while eating I bit on something very hard and my tooth broke . I checked on what it and to my surprise found a small piece of ?plastic or ?metal . I would like you to investigate this. I am in severe pain my dentist appt is on Friday

I was given a pair of Fresh Water pearl stud earrings price R120.00. As I had the identical pair already I went to The Glen branch to exchange for a set of three different coloured pearl drop earrings(on Wednesday 7th February) extra R60.00 which I would gladly pay.
The cashier advised me that they do not exchange earrings. But her manner was totally surly and never apologetic very unfriendly and aloof manner. I told her that I had previously exchanged earrings with no problem. She called a supervisor who in turn called for a manager who was as rude and arrogant as the cashier - never was I greeted or apologies given for the inconvenience. When I showed the manager the earrings had not even been taken off the card and I further told her that I have exchanged earrings before - she looked at me rudely and replied "if I exchange these now, you will be back to exchange them again"
I take great exception to been spoken to like this as I am a senior citizen of 69 years old and a customer. I could not believe I had been treated like this by Woolworths staff. I explained to the three staff members that it is because of service like this and bad treatment
that the Woolworths shares are dropping at a great rate and they are lucky the Food Division of the Woolworths Stores are still doing fine otherwise they would be out of a job.

I bought this onions saturday 27th january at woolworths vredenburg weskus mall. Im so disapointed in opening the product and find the onions like this. I am trying to go back to the woolworths to get full refund or new product. This is un acceptable especially if you buy this expensive food quality.

Hi there
Ever since this store opened at Wynnum Qld there has never been anything but poor service on the fish counter. They expect the staff to run over from the deli counter to serve you, that is if the staff deign to notice you. The staff at the front desk are run of their feet due to lack of staff at this store. You want to make a complaint and the answer is THE MANAGEMENT ARE AT A MEETING. The management need to get of their collective arses and get down stairs and see the chaos going on and help give the customers some service.

Every time we shop at Woolworths Morwell since they have had the front end done up we find that there is never any one on the cash registers to serve We have to go around the store and ask for someone to serve us This is the poorest service I have ever had If you want people to serve themselves forget it If things do not change in this store I and many other people I have spoken to will leave this store as there are many other supermarkets to choose from in this area This store used to have great service
Regards Frank Ellesley

Many indigenous customers inside your store at Port Augusta SA, stink. There's no polite way to put this - they smell of shit, and it's a very off-putting experience for me and probably other shoppers as well. I prefer to visit Woolworths, but the problem is so bad that I'm sometimes driven to shop at Coles, which generally has fewer dirty Abos hanging around.

I have just managed to eat the Massman Beef Curry which I think is a Woolworths Brand . I have to tell you it was disgusting.
Not since the 60's have I tasted such rubbish. Half Rice, and the rest like the worst stew that I would not serve to anyone.
Never again.
D. Bowyer

Wanted to buy a half leg ham, but no price on it. Took it to desk waited no help went to checkout they called whoever. Came took away 5 mins later price as a customer one shouldn’t have to chase around store for a price. No I didn’t buy it. Went to Coles got service there. This store used to be okay,but not these days.

11/1/18 shopped at coonabarabran woolies where i went to go through self serve only to be told that because i had a large trolley (which i pay to use) that i was not allowed to use this service. I said i hadnot seen a sign and the lady replied I AM THE SIGN and stood in the aisle so i wouldnt go through she was not rude stating she was just doing her job( Meanwhile talking to another customer). no signs on trolleys out the front and no indication that this would happen.I lined up and went through the normal checkout where with 14 items was asked why ididnt use the self serve,this lady knew nothing of the new rule.I appreciate that things get stolen not paid for but woolies you put this system in place for us to supposedly be able to get out quicker.As well as being made feel like i was going TO STEAL FROM YOU WITH PEOPLE LOOKING ON WOOLIES yourNEW POLICY NEEDS TO BE ADJUSTED TO MAYBE THE ITEMS IN TROLLEY,as buy a cartoon of drinks and a few groceries may be the small trolley will not surfice or put the express lane back in .when i asked to speak to the managers they were not available so spoke to a lady and all i asked is could a sign be put up as i wont be the last person this will happen to. not a pleasant morning and also know that nothing will be done.i cannot cut my nose off dispite my face as woolies is the only grocery shop for 150 k very disappointing


Dear Sir/ Madam,
This is the second part of the complaint as I had to change the files to JPG as I could not upload with PDF.
On these two orders I have ordered Kale and both lots of Kale were ruined as normal, I say as normal as every single Online order is the same, The leafy vegetables are without water! It is like Woolworths haven't paid their water bill and that is why the vegetables are suffering, Wilted, Yellowing!
The prices we consumers pay is outlandish! And to have a Company like this ignore us is down right disrespectful to the consumer. On my last order which I have enclosed arrived near Off. Woolworths, Why do you allow this?What is the policy when meat is delivered nearly at the expiry date? This is uncalled for, You say that you are the fresh food people? This is a LIE! I would like a Company that I respect and that you could respect me! But this is not true, You have no respect for me as a consumer at all. My God this is happening on every order! But hey, This is a serious matter, It is one thing to be delivered ruined vegetables but when it comes to meat, This is a whole different matter, Please find enclosed my last two orders plus the meat labels., Look at the date on the order for the meat and the date on the meat labels. Then you will understand what I am talking about. Is this your Policy?
Yours Sincerely,
Deborah Lynette Irish

Dear Sir/ Madam,
I am writing to you as I am upset and angry and also very disheartened at the way you treat me as a customer. I have been loyal to you for many years now, When will you be loyal to me. I have a disease which prevents me from walking and so I depend on you for my Online Shopping as I am confined to the home. For the past months now I have been having many problems with the vegetables and lately the meat. Every time I receive my groceries I can guarantee you that there is always a problem. Because of the problems that there is I have to go through this ritual every single time I buy groceries. This is the ritual, When I receive my groceries the first thing I have to do is put all vegetables into the sink full of water, If it is Kale, Celery , Lettuce all leafy vegetables I have to sit in the sink for at least 2 hours until they retain enough water, Years ago I had this problems with the flowers that I was buying. Whom ever it is that has the job of looking after the leafy vegetables are not doing their job. I have lost so much money buying your vegetables and I just can not afford to keep doing this. I is unjust and unfair. I have enclosed my last two grocery orders plus photos of the labels that I kept to send you. The problems that I am having with the meat are when I receive my order the meat was already on its way to not being able to eat it, You can see the date of the order and the date on the labels. This happens a lot, But because it happens so often I give up on ringing you most of the time. I do not enjoy having to make complaint after complaint and it saddens me. I have asked people to check in store at the state of the leafy vegetables for me and I am told that they are always wilted except for when they arrive first in store.. I have lost at least $ 100.00 after I add every thing in the year that have gone off, This saddens me also as I am on a pension for my disability and can not keep doing this. It is such a simple thing to fix! Water, That is all it is for the leafy vegetables to be at their optimum level! I do not know what else to say any more, No one is listening to me! Well thank you for your time and hope to hear from you soon, Yours sincerely, Debbie Lynette Irish
Apartment 5 189 Ocean View Rd, Ettalong Beach NSW 2257 0406985245 missdli@mail.com
PS I went to upload the files but did not realize that it does not take PDF files so I will have to come back and send the files seperately.

Hi, today I had to buy Clinique make up and went to your Eastgate store only to find not a soul in sight. I walked around looking for someone to help me but there was no staff in the make up area except for one helping another customer. I then proceeded to go through the silver drawers myself to find my base which I did. I actually wanted to change the type of base I use to the new one advertised but nobody was there to assist me. I have a principle to never shop at Edgars due to their lack of service and I am hoping that Woolworths that prizes themselves on service doesn't go their way. I was at the store between 10.15 and 11.44 being the time I paid for items I had purchsed. Today's date is the 18th of December.

Customer service at casula store was shocking on 2nd of Dec over a price check.service superviser could clearly see price of kettle chips display but I was told to either pay at a different price which scanned on register or leave it.checkout operater was worst when i asked to complain telling me i better hurry up its weekend store manager leaves early. Kettle chips are displayed right in front of checkouts they both could see there was only one price. Disgusting service. Thats my local store I'm not going back especially customer behind me heard the way two staffs spoke to me she happened to meet me in car park said I should have put in a complaint.

We were given the e mail address for the head of financial services in Cape Town by customer services. My wife e mailed him 2 weeks ago. Woolworths seems to find it difficult to finalise the rather simple process in closing an account. After numerous e mails, forwarded bank statements and telephone calls we still receive a statement. Financial Service Provider is totally misleading

Good day
Poor very poor service!!!
We are very unhappy for being treated less than a regular customer. My friend, Mrs. Meintjies, and I went to buy coffee at Woolworths Café because we were told it is delicious. We waited quite a while to be served and we were the first customers in line. Another lady came and was standing there also then the waiter/cashier took our orders as well as the other lady's order. We then paid and the lady who came after us were helped before us. They finished her order before ours. Even though she is a regular customer there does not mean your others customers are less important and that is exactly how we felt. We both work in the customer service environment and we know how customers are supposed to be treated and this morning was a very bad experience for us.
From a very unhappy customers.
Mariechen Dickens & Fleur Meintjies

Last week i purchased a can of First Force Crawling Insect Killer from your store at Newton, SA. I used it this morning and liquid continually escaped from the nozzle.
I decided to return and exchange the can even though I no longer had the receipt. I explained the issue to the checkout person and was given a hard time as I didn't have the receipt and hey were not familiar with the brand. I was then told in a tone that wasn't customer friendly, the can had been used. again I had to explain the reason for the return again.
I was offered a refund and when I said I was after an exchange can i was told I was getting a refund so i could purchase a better brand!
Even though the end result was a new can of surface spray, I felt I had been accused of some wrong doing. I have never returned a faulty product to a grocery store before but i believe the return process should not leave a customer feeling upset

Sorry to tell you this, in your catalogue you advertise. Your goods with a price next to the item

This is the 2nd time I'm sending u a mail, and I'm really pi****d off, have spoken to about 10 cosultants that puts me on hold for 10mins everytime I call to check my account, everytime telling me the same story the money will be in my account in 48hrs, its been 10 days still nothing, if that is the way you people work, I'm blocking the debit order u can use the R530 of ther initiation fees for this months inst. and I will pay you everymonth cash. I think that's the best. YOUR CONSULTANTS AND THEIR SERVICE IS PATHETIC!!!
0711239808 ( 10 DAYS ) 2 MAILS & 10 PHONE CALLS

I want to know? Does Woolworth's workers get higher ratings than customers? Lichtenburg Woolworth's open late haven't go stock in store and when you talk to the Stocktaking Manager of Head office about service its been told to you that he told you before if you want stock you must place the order and they will order it for you like parsley because the don't always keep stock....REALLY!!!!???? Must we not buy at Woolworth's anymore and do they not need customers anymore??? Please reply as soon as possible so that I know what to do?

Hi, My name is Sally and I am still a loyal woolworths (61 Mabo Blvd, Bonner ACT 2914) customer ever since the shop was built.
I am a single mom came to Australia from south sudan as a refugee with four little children. My husband was killed in the conflicts. I can not describe the trauma me and my children suffered and still haunting us.
We are extremely grateful to this great country Australia which saved us and adopted us as its own. We have received immense support from the community in Canberra and we are doing our very best to give back and contribute to this society significantly.
Since we have suffered a lot and helped by this country therefore we tend forget and forgive some minor incidents we come across. We believe in reaching gaps and facilitating cultural understanding by cooperation and by living according to laws and values of the land.
Yet sometimes something goes beyond toleration. in this case I have been subjected to rude behavior and racial abuse by one of the woolworths employee name " Stacy' aged about 40+.
If it is just one incident then I would not take this trouble to write. It has been going on for nearly a year now and many incidents. She never helps me with any inquiry and refused to serve me in many occasion by citing that she is on break or other irrational reasons. While I witnessed she talks spontaneously with other customers and serves them but in my case typical bad manners.
She intentionally checks my bag while she lets go others. She does it every time she sees me and I try to laugh away. I even asked her that you have checked my bag many many times and you find nothing then why do insist on doing it ? She tells me it is a policy. I understate it is policy but does it only apply on me?
I usually try to avoid her when I go for shopping as it is stone away from my home. Today she saw me and I was looking for pasta in an isle and she is working in next isle. She was probably unaware of my presence next isle and talking about me to someone such a disrespecting way which is hard to describe. She called me a Chimpanzee. I felt very bad and could not find the strength continue shopping any more. My daughter called to inform store manager apparently she left.
I am traumatized and I would like her to know how I feel and moreover I request that nothing happens to her employment as i suppose she is a mother and needs support her family. I forgive her but I would like you to speak to her about her prejudices and may be train her with necessary skills which could help her know about cultural respect and knowledge.
Sally Kanajoy
Bonner ACT

My rewards card number is 9 344670 554762. I am not sure how many phone calls and emails I have sent but all I was asking for was to put us back on line so that we can receive by email your weekly specials etc. The last email I received from your customer service was very nice and they promised that we would be back online by the 15th of October??? It is now November 3. I sent a recent email to customer service attention Raman, but have had no reply or any action\; each time on previous emails or phone calls they told me they would refer it to their IT dept. How difficult is it to put us back online?
Ray Wilkes

I am writing regarding Essentials tuna in Brine 425g,on average I buy on average 6 cans per week.They have been $2 a can until this week,and now have risen to $2.60 an incredible increase in 1 week.Why such a huge increase???Wondering how many other products have had such an huge increase.I know this will be of little interest to you,but I am feeling very disgruntled.
Wendy Frew.

My wife has had a Woolworths card for many years. You will see from your records that the amount outstanding is paid in full at the beginning of every month.We were overseas for the month of September and on the 13th October received your monthly account indicating that there was an opening balance of 984.87 and the amount owing in total was 1362.41. We went to pay this amount this morning, but before doing so my wife found some clothing for our grandson and wanted to pay with her card. She was advised that her card was blocked and would not accept these items on her account. Your statement tells us that we had to pay the amount owing by the 7th of November and in addition mentions that there is a credit limit of nearly R18000.00. The date for the payment is next week and there is a massive credit limit. This is very disappointing and I suggest that you attend to your better clients in a more sympathetic manner. To block the account- I assume for 73.87 outstanding- after all the purchases we have made over the years and paid for promptly is very poor indeed. To Add insult to injury after paying for the amount owed my wife was told they could not accept her purchases until tomorrow. We felt as if we were categorised as 'bad payers', not only by the staff but by those behind us in the queue.
We expect better treatment by Woolworths than this....

I dnt have a complaint but I would love woolworths to know that I have just had the best service ever from a manager at the Durbanville branch his name was Marlow February he more than went the extra mile for me. What a pleasure to have such great service

I bought 3 of your meals to take home, 1. Italian style chicken with whole grain penne pasta in your Delicious Nutritious Range.
2. Beef and barley casserole with roasted vegetables in your Delicious Nutritious Range.
3. KR Castlemaine Chinese style sticky barbecue butterflied pork scotch roast.
1 and 2 were inedible as they were mush and tasteless and 3 was so bad that we threw it out. Is this the Quality of food that your company is serving up to customers nowadays.We are now shopping at Coles and Aldi and will continue to do so unless something is improved in the quality of the food that is on offer.

This is now the second time that I buy a small pepper steak pie at Woolies in Stellenbosch Square. First time the filling was half full and now today the pie had no taste

Supervisor bad attitude. Complained . Was told someone would contact me. Still waiting 7 days ago. Went back to store to give them benefit of the doubt. Bad service again today. Cashier didnt want to shift her stool in so I could push trolley through. Tried to jam contents that filled 2 shopper bags into one. Did not ask if I might need more than one.Given up on Woolwirths time to boycott

Earlier I found out by accident that my earned rewards points went backward , from over 200 down to less than 100 points. After checking through the activity page on Woolworths rewards website, I discovered that my earned points was reduced twice of 96 points each by declaration of manual credit on 20th October 2017. I have written my concerns to Woolworths through the same page of CONTACT US. Until now there has been no reply from Woolworths over a week.
Also over a month ago, I purchased a mobile phone from Woolworths Burwood Westfield and then found the hard way that I cannot use it with my current simcard. Again I sent email to Woolworths and as usual no reply!!!
I have been pretty loyal to Woolworths so far, but these two incidents were upsetting. Can you please provide some acceptable reasons as why???

Whilst traveling I purchased 2 x Liddells lactoss free skim milk from your store in Childers.This was on Tuesday the 17/10/17.
These items were on special but the best before dates were 03/09/17 and 07/10/17.
When opening the 03/09/17 milk this morning 21/10/17 I found that it was off.
Is it allowable to sell best before dated products that are this far out of date.
As i live in Deception Bay near Brisbane I am unable to return these items to Childers.
Please inform me what is the process for returning these items
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