AT&T Complaints Continued... (Page 13)
1405+ reviews added so far. Upset? Call AT&T corporate: 1 (800) 331-0500
I became an ATT customer in 1994 and until yesterday I was very satisfied. I was told last October 1st, 2011 to call to renew my account and the time not used in 2011 would be carried over to 2012. I called 9:30 a.m Oct 1st 2012 to add $100.00 to my account, and I was advised that I was 2 hrs short
air time so the $74.00 was terminated from my 2011 account. I tried to talk to a supervisor and to no avail. I was told nothing could be done to adjust my account. No one advised me there was a time on Oct 1st that I had to call by to keep the $74.00 and roll it over towards 2012. I am a senior citizen living on a fixed income and to lose $74.00 because of 2 hrs is a great injustice on your part to a long time customer. Hope to hear from you soon regarding this situation

Our wireless Internet had slowly been decreasing in reliability and power. We used to be able to run a PlayStation 3 and all our computers with no problem. But now the Internet connection is about as strong as a price of grass. It drops connection and when we do have connection it is fucking awful. Now it is your job to provide us what we pay for. And we have not had any change in payment. So unless you can boost our service or cut down what we pay, I demand reimbursement from you idiot providers. And don't give me that bullshit in saying that you can not provide us with any better service, because the streets next to us have better service. Again, fix this damn problem or Give Us our money back because frankly this is awful customer service and it rediculous to treat your customers who have been with you for 4 years like the shit you are treating us like.
Sincerely, a pissed off customer

like everyone else I harassed by unwanted sales phone calls. Now we also cannot easily hang up. As you know you have introduced a new feature that prevents a hang up until the call is completed by the calling machine.
This is not tollerable. I am forced to just throw the phone on the floor and check later to see if my line is available. If you cannot fix this NEW fiasco you will loose much public admiration, and customers (me) . 760 5919043
James Elliott

19 attempts, yes 19 attempts. My problem is still happening. When it rains I have no line or service. This has been going on since Sept 8. All the customer service reps give the same BS about being sorry and I understand crap. Bottom line, they do not listen. An executive should go "UNDERCOVER" and see what it is like to be a customer. Sh*t, I'm an employee of 30 years and have interests in this company. Now when people tell me their encounters, I beleive them. That is why AT&T's stock is doing crappy.
If I wasn't getting a discount (soon to be $50 a month) I would cancel service. Actually the discount is not worth the agravation. Besides, Verizon are the people who own the lines and come out to repair them. I think that VERIZON does not care about AT&T's customers and hopes that they will switch to their services. If I owned a company like this I would surf the web for deflamation articles so I could prevent crap like this from happening. I was just called from an AT&T esculations manager and they insured me a repair by tonight. I serious doudt it. This is the 19th complaint that I have had. I'll give it another week, then I'll make a decision.
If I had more cash I would take out a whole page article in the newspaper detailing my problems. However, AT&T does not allow its employees to speak to the media. I hope someone could get a hold of the CEO, CFO, VP AVP and whoever has clout or interests in making sure their company excels. This is CUSTOMER SERVICE WEEK. Soon they can eliminate that event from the calender because they wont have any customers left. Crap, I already changed cell phone carriers, the home phone may be next. AT&T WAKE UP..

On Dec 2, 2011 I received a phone call around 4:45pm at my job from an AT&T technician stating that he was calling to confirm a work order to move our internet and phone service to the office next door to ours. I told him that I was not aware that we were moving our service, so I had him to contact the business owner about this. The owner told the technician that we were not moving our service. This was on a Friday. The next week by Tuesday we found that we did not have internet service. Coincidentally we were also having computer problems and our computer was being serviced, so that is why we did not find out until Tues.
The business owner called AT&T. After waiting (forever)to speak to a human, he explained what had happened. He was given the runaround, put on hold and told that they would fix the problem. The next day, same thing. This went on every other day, being told they would fix the problem and nothing.
Finally on Dec 16, 2011 the technician who had called originally on Dec 2 finally showed up at 4:50 pm (Friday) and stated that he could not do anything because he had to have the phone room unlocked. (Did he mention this when he spoke with the owner earlier? No.) On this day we also lost phone service. This tech was at a loss as to what the problems might be. He said he would return Mon himself so that he could fix the problem. Result. No tech. Three of us from our office called AT&T and got nowhere. Just more runaround, put on hold, and promises to come "tomorrow".
So our business has been without service since Dec 2, AT&T says their records show that we have service. I guess we must if their records show it. Never mind the fact that we can not use internet or phone. What does it take to get through to these people? We have not been able to conduct business and losing money because these people just keep giving us the runaround. We are in the process now of switching to a different company for internet and phone, but that is still going to take another 5 to 7 days.

I was deeply upset with your company. I was a loyal AT&T Customer for several years. In 2012 we experienced several months of service interruption and sometimes it was days without phone service. I am a Law Enforcement Officer and was without phone service and possibly impeded on my employment. I was satisfied that your company attempted to satisfy us with refunding us some monetary amounts. Several employees for your company were very helpful in assisting us as we were not happy. It saddens me that your company advises that the phone contacts are recorded and while we were advised that we were not going to be able to be refunded any more for the service interruptions. My wife and I inquired about ending our contract, not that we wanted to, but that I was not able to go without phone service, while I live in the city, well within range. An AT&T Customer Service person advised that we would be able to end our contract with AT&T without paying the termination fee. So this is what occured, and then we don't recieve any paperwork in the mail, until we receive paperwork from a collection agency stating allost $1000.00 including several hundreds of dollars for termination fees. My wife called and spoke with another AT&T Customer Service person who we advised the entire situation, this person then transferred my wife to a manager, whom advised her that they would look into the recorded phone call from our termination call. This manager advised to give her one week and then they would be in touch with us, and that AT&T would honor what the manager had said. Over a week passed and my wife called back speaking with another AT&T Customer Service person, having to explain the situation then being transferred to yet another manager, whom advised that not all calls are recorded, but only randomly recorded. This Manager advised that the company would not honor the non charge of termination fee as these are automatically charged. Now we were forced to pay approximately $1000.00 dollars becuase your company did not honor what you said.
Again, I am a Police Officer and feel that being treated like this is not ethically right. We would have not ended our service if the fees were not going to be waived.
I understand that we owed for some service but feel that we should not have been charged the termination fees. Times are tough enough and i do not appreciate your companies dishonesty.
I will voice my opinion about AT&T with not only people in my community but throughout my family and network of friends. A cell phone is a mandatory tool for a police officer and i feel that your company should record all phone calls so you can not use the absence of phone calls to your advantage.
I would also appreciate anything that can be done about any attempt to right this with me.
The account name is Robert Elick with authorized user of Tabitha Elick- Wilson.
Thank You for Any Assistance,
DJ Wilson

I cancelled my business line in July 2012. I am still receiving a phone bill for service although I haven't been with them since July.After numerous phone calls , I was assured they would finish putting through the cancellation. As of today, Oct 25th, 2012, I am still receiving bills for a phone service that I dont have anymore with at&t.I have spent much time and hours on the phone trying to clear this matter up.What does it take to get a supervisor to correct this problem?

We received 7 unwanted phone calls this past week from some "card services - Rachel". We are sick of getting these calls weekly which have gone on for the past year or so. Either you do something about this annoyance or we are going to quit having our land-line telephone and go strictly with our cell phone. We have punched "3" until we are blue in the face or punched "1" and tried to talk to the representative and they just hang up on us. We are at the end of the line with these calls.

I purchased the bundle package over the phone. The technician installed it and was more complicated to operate than described originaly. Then I canceled the order and wanted to return to the previous package I had with them. Since then I have been without televison since November 16th and without telephone since yesterday. There is a total disregard for the affect it has on me. I am 91 years old and live alone and must have a telephone for emergencies. I can get no answer as to when service will be restored.

been trying to get my phone number from a previous carrier switched to AT&T. I have been told several different things on transferring the number. one person tells me they have sent in a request for the number several time and when i call the old carrier, they say they didn't get the request. on Friday [nov. 3] AT&T sent another request for the number and told me to go ahead and cancel the number. today i called to see why my phone is still not working and was told i wasn't suppose to cancel the service with the old carrier. this has been going on since nov. 29. all i get is the run around. once again i am on the phone with AT&T trying to get this mess straightened out.

To whom it may concern,
Hello, my name is Krishna, and I have been your customer for quite a few years. I am do frustrated with this issue that is not getting resolved. I have spoken to many customer representatives yet not getting any where. About a month and a half back I had called to inquire on billing issues and I also dropped a question on paperless billing since the recording kept advertising while I was on hold. I had no intention of going paperless but asked can a person have access to all the bills for all 12 months of the year? Her respond was "six months". So that was the end of it because I like to keep my bills for a year, just incase if I might need it. I must tell you she was very helpful, she even helped me to with the plan, we had increased minutes since my husband kept going over the limit. Next day I followed my instincts and called back to make sure there were no changes except the plan that I had chosen. This time it was a guy, he texted me four digit code and made me repeat to it to ensure the security. After that I stopped receiving bills, not to mention my bill was so high, yet I paid it and he informed me that I had gone paperless thus I explained it him and told him that I never gave permission. He promised me that he changed it back and he would mail me the bill. I was told it would take 5-7 days to receive it and would not charge for it. Since than I have called informing that I still have not received the bill. Tonight I finally spoke to a supervisor, Rocky Trevino id # RT391D. I also taped the conversation, which he was informed about it. I told him my dilemma with not receiving bills. He said he would open up a case to investigate why I am not receiving bills. He said "I should set up an payment arrangement to keep it from getting my service disrupted". This is very disturbing, my account has always been current, my due date(per rocky) is the 25th of December. I still have not received my bill and he wants me to pay it? If not then the service would be disconnected? I am sure there are better, efficient ways to help customers. In seven years I have had three experiences of bad customer service. So to say, majority of time, they have been very professional and helpful. At this point, I am litteraly feeling being conned and taken advantage of .
A person must look at customers's history and know and show how valuable the customers are with resolving one's problems and concerns properly.
I would like to get this resolved ASAP, today is the dec 20,12 and my bill is due on the 25th yet not bill to review. So please guide respond to my email or call at (570)656-1083. I do not want to take legal action unless I am left with no choice. Ido not believe in law suites, however I will if this is not resolved promptly in an efficient manner. Thank you and have a Happy Christmas.
Krishna makadia

Ordered U-Verse and schedule installation between 8 and 12 on April 4, 2013 the tech never showed or called. Contacted various ATT numbers and got someone from India the majority of the time. Called everyday and was shuttled around for hours each time with no appreciable results. ATT shut off my DSL and would not try to turn it on so was without internet for a week. Talked to a couple English speakers and was told I would have U=Verse on such and such a date, never happened. The last I talked to a tech was to find out u=verse would be installed April 10 this time the tech came out. On Monday April 8 was called by tech support and the A--hole told me he would call after the install time to verify installation and supply an offer to compensate for the trouble I was put through. He has yet to call but really didn't expect it. If it were possible to get another provider out here in the boondocks I would tell ATT to stuff it. Their customer service is non existant and the techs say thing they have no intent on following through on. These phone techs put you on hold for 20,30, 45 minutes while they go visit or something because they come back on with the same crap. ATT should be forced to provide a months free service for every day a situation is not rectified. And on top of all this crap I had to put up with U-Verse sucks it is slower than the DSL I had. What a waste. I hate ATT and will never recommend ATT products to anyone.

When AT&T took over US Cellular in 2006, I woke up in the morning and my service had been switched. This was done without me signing any contracts with you or any notice. Then, you stated that I would have a "similar" plan with you like I held with Us Cellular...that was a lie. Believing and trusting AT&T, I kept your service.
When I got my bill, I flipped! My 3,000 + minutes were chiseled down to 300 minutes, of course I went over the limit without knowing it. When I called you, each person was very rude. I changed to Verizon and am still with them.
For seven years I have been continuously harassed, while I was a single mother and now retired, taking care of my 89 and 88 year parents. The people you have ruthlessly and wrongly turned my information over to, have to this day, called me as many as 7 times in a row almost every day.
I need my phone line open for emergencies. Yes, I could have been bullied into paying the bill, but you committed the deception thus making it "really the principal" of the thing.
I would appreciate you taking care of your responsibility of placing me in this situation. If not, since I am retired, I do have the time to go to a lawyer. I still have the paper work for this.
Sharon E. Johnson

We bought a iphone 4 with a upgrade for $99 as a christmas gift for our daughter and gave to her early due to her phone crashed. we activated it and 3 days later it was stolen. we contacted AT&T as well as Apple and we were told we could do nothing about it. we were told we had to purchase another one for $550 if we wanted a new one. even with the technoligy they have it is not able to be located. when apple was notified we were told they dont support the customer just the product and there was nothing they could do.
When AT&T was notified they said it was out of there hands because it was an apple product and apple doesnt care about there customers just the product. so i guess our complaint is that there is no such thing as CUSTOMER care at AT&T or Apple. we are switching companies as well as product. with HTC being as good as or better than apple and better customer care.

I signed up for paperless billing and never received information on the $10 reward that i should have received. I called customer service to check on it and it turned into a 42 minute call with 8 transfers to different departments. How difficult is it to let your customer know that their $10 reward card will be send or credit to their account will be applied. This was a waste of my time and energy, i am so disappointed with the way ATT&T handle their complaints. No where on their web site does it offer you to send a complaint in, better yet just to talk to a customer service rep is almost impossible. It took me 5 minutes and several clicks before i could even find the number. I have been with AT&T for 10 years and expect more from them. Customer service is obviously not a priority!
Jana would not answer questions on cell phone died and had to buy one.isaid no extra charges.other manager is not there there are instructions on how to use access to computer to get info.i get charged for hitting i cons that i never wanted.hate the phone and hate the service in the store.i spent my breaks and lunch hour on the phone with att and no anwers. 2. sons two month phone's batter is defective. store said they could not do naything.that suck. we have two phones that work horrible and were told it would be $35 to bring them back. isn't the customer to get a phone that works when you pay all this money. and 3. people are getting the hd channels free. i called and i was told that i was not a preferred customer to get that free. ok. i have been using at and t for year and years. and years and years. i thought i was a preferred customer. i am not getting any help on the phone or at the store. are you going to help me.

I was out of town and returned to find my ATT modem and internet account not working. Called into ATT and they told me I needed a new modem. I purchased an ATT compatible modem from Radio Shack for $109.36. I tried to install it to no avail so called into ATT. An agent tried to helpe me install it and finally told me to get an agent with more expertise I would have to pay $50 and $15 per month to get support for it. I then went to ATT store and bought an ATT modem. I tried to install alone but called in and an agent helped me get it installed and onto the internet. I tried to log on again and was not successful but a not to contact ATT came up. I could not call them until 7 AM the next day (today) and an agent said there was a block on my account - that dept did not open until 8 AM. I was finally told my account was past due but I had paid $77.14 on 10/;5/12 at but they had no record. I paid another $77.14 today to get it back on. when I got on the internet to pay my cell phone and other bills I found that I paid $77.21 on the 15th also.....ATT HAD CREDITED IT TO MY CELL PHONE BILL OF $154.35!!! I had spoken to a chick in the Phillapines the second time. My cell phone is not due until the 23rd!!!!! I spent over 8 hours because of ATTs error and received no compensation or apology. Why do we put up with such treatment?

I started New-Service with AT&T and ordered Samsung Galaxy S3 Refurbished device. I found some technical problem in the device and went to couple of AT&T Stores to find the resolution. I was told like you can refund or exchange this device since it's under 14-days.
I called Premier Support since I bought this device online (under premier). After several conversation with them, they were ready to exchange the device and asked me to pay Full Amount for new device and as soon as I will send back the existing device they will credit back the difference amount. I follow the instruction of Premier support executive, made the full payment & returned the existing device.
I tracked the device using the tracking number given to me and called AT&T again when I saw that the device has been reached. I asked for the difference amount and asked me to wait for 48 hours. I have been calling them continuously since then but not resolution. Now I am in 2 years contract with them and also paid amount of both devices.
Please assist.

I called to get my e-mail unlocked...after several persons explaining I was sent a few text numbers, could not get any to work. I was told to go to the ATT store and they would unlock it....take a couple of ID's. I did that and the young lady who waited on us tried but could not unlock it either.....I am being mailed an ID...this is crazy since you have the account and more. I have tried 3 ID's and the security questions and all are wrong ....I am upset as it has been several days and now I have to wait longer for the mail....if this does not fix the problem we will be looking into another service....
We are here 5 months and every time we come back to our home I have some kind of problem with ATT. We are bundled and I see no reason for this.
I have been text questions for service and called. That is not necessary,just fix the problem. Don't call or text.
Thank you for your time.
Sondra Wolfe
P.S. If not for the young lady in the ATT store service would be changed as of today....she was very kind...and said she would help when I got the mail ID if I needed her.

I have faced the worst dsl customer service ever, not once but always. When I took dsl service the customer care person assisted me in selecting a plan. She guided me wrong. She told that I will be charged 14.95$ a month as I already have wireless with at&t and If i do not order a modem I will not be in any contract. They told me speed upto 6mbps but provided less than 1.5mbps. I was charged 19.95$ and when I talked to customer care they told me that you need to have a phone connection for 14.95$ price that contradicts the statement of previous customer care person. I am not bothered about 5$ but the speed was so slow that I ended the service after 2 mnths thinking that I am free to leave at&t. After a month they charged me 138.59$ as pending fee with no details. I called customer care. I was on phone for about 2 hrs and they were transferring me here and there and they were so dumb to answer any question. In the end I paid it. Now after 3 months they charged me 80$ again. Am I so free to call them again and again but I called again as I did not want to pay again without knowing what I am paying for. I was on phone again for about 1.30hr and they kept me transferring again and again. They have hired the dumbest people. Then I called after 2 days again and thank god someone told me the reason why I was charged 80$. She said it was early termination fee for internet I used to have 3months back. Wow that was a big surprise to me. I told there was no contract but she said there was. Whom to believe?? The very first customer care person or this one. So I have put the case under investigation. Either they are big cheaters who lie to you to put you in a contract or the customer care representatives are uneducated, dumb people.

My U-verse went out on Dec 23rd 2012, called AT&T tech support on 26th, and had been told that they were not able to figure out the problem. Called again on 31st request ATT either fix it or terminate the service, phone got cut off after 20 min communicated with customer service. I called again and was told they would try to fix it but didn't get the U-verse service to work till this day. Jan. 5th, 2013

Today (December 28) is the thirteenth day I have been waiting for AT&T to "port" my number from Suddenlink or Sprint. I was an AT&T customer for five years and became very dissatisfied with the cost of their service. When I tried to switch on December 15 to Suddenlink, I could not switch because of my alarm system. Suddenlink released my original telephone number on December 16. Since then I have talked to several dozen AT&T representatives.
Two have sent me to bogus numbers, one a health service and one a disconnected number. Almost all of them have sent me to another part of AT&T, which then sends me back to customer service and makes me wait through the recorded list of services. An AT&T technician came to my home, assured me the porting of the number could be done "in a few minutes" and then departed surreptitiously without doing anything or telling me what he had done. I had no telephone service for seven days but then finally got a "temporary" number.
I am supposed to get my original number back on Thursday, December 29. I had good reason to leave AT&T, and if I ever get my original telephone number back, I will leave them again. Incredibly bad service!!!

I called ATT advanced tech support because I thought I was having a Virus problem, and said I should purchase the Advance Tech for $15.00 per month in order for them to help me, I spent over 4 hours with them entering my laptop and cleaning it which I didn't request. When they were through the Virus problem was cleared up, I thought, but my computer was really messed up, fonts were a mess, and numerous items I had such as Bookmarks, Mail, were gone. But the messed up fonts were the worst problem, it felt like it had fraud written all over it. I called them back and spent another hour trying to make some corrections, but they were unable to do anything.
After talking with them being convinced I needed the Advance Tech support contract, etc. I found I needed only to do a restore and when I did everyting was fine. I am now considering dropping ATT, for Cell phone, Internet Service, and land line. If I have to pay $150 to cancel the Advance Tech contract, I will have to do it, but these Techs are not ever going into my computer again. They totally messed it up and I had to fix the problems I had myself, they did nothing but mess up everything. I have been with ATT for ages, but they will not screw up my computer again! This is a total advanced tech support scam!

I March right after getting out of the hospital, I was having issues with my phone. I was in fear of heart attack and being with out a phone. I went to the at&t store to see what they can do, I was told I had to take the phone to the apple store or wait to get phone through the mail. I couldn't wait, mgr said he would see what he could do. I had 2 myths to go before upgrade. He could and explained to someone the importance of a working phone. After all the b.s I went through, he got me an approval for a new phone. NO ONE SAID IT WAS AN UPGRADE NOR A NEW 2 YEAR CONTRACT!!! I call and find out, it was approved for a new upgrade EARLIER than allowed. Then when I call and ask for the Mgr, he was the rudest fuck..... I would have gotten a pay n go phoname had I known this bullshit would have been pulled. I don't work, I am so angry, Better Business B and chamber of Commerce! And I will post this on FB. Disgusting the way I was treated and how this was handled. I will contact my lawyer. Shame on you

I'am filing this complaint due to AT&T Being either unreliable and completely inept as to the problems of replacing a phone i purchased through their company , i had a palm phone which i was trying to get the product replaced and have been met with a stone door as to doing so , now my phone is completely dead and i'm looking at spending extra money to get another phone when the product was clearly a faulty hand set and when trying to get help in dealing with it nobody could help let alone customer service or even the store branch where it was purchased , now i have no phone and very little money to do this and should i do so it will take awy from my family holiday season ...
Thank You , Sincerely Andrea C. Reynolds

After Hurricane Sandy, ATT claimed my husband was Internationally calling/texting, however he never left the states. ATT would not show us proof of these claims and billed us for over $300 charges. I continued to fight with ATT over our international charges and they kept telling me there was nothing they could do since the system showed us international.
I was not international, I was at home with no power or cell service. We left ATT in Feb due to these charges. They billed us with cancellation fees, entire Feb bill (even though we didnt have them) and international charges. They processed our credit card without our consent. I will never use ATT again. They are trying to gain money back after Hurricane Sandy.. Horrible customer service.

Just wanted to let you know an issue that was going on for 3 month with your company and about your employees who not helped me resolve an issue with. Every time I call and they listen to my problems and promised me everything will be done and no calls backs from each of the previous people who promised to help me and call me back the next day,ather from the mangers and supervises.
I had to windup calling back myself each time with hours of holding on and never getting my situation resolved.
. I spent a total of approx. 100 hours on the telephone in 3 month with promises that were not kept... People always call to complain about service but I must write to tell you that Iâm went to the hospital twice because the way of AT&T doesnât care about the customers
. If you would like to contact me with regard to this whole experience please feel free to contact me. at 848-565-5527

I ordered a Samsung Galaxy Note phone from one of the representatives of At&t. It occurred to me on 12/19/2012 when I was getting ready to upgrade my phone I realized that the representative ordered the wrong phone that I ordered for my husband (Samsung Galaxy Note). When I wanted to get the situation taking care of At&T could not assist me because the phones was in processing to be shipped.
This ocurrence was not my fault! The Samsung Galaxy Note was for my husband's anniversary gift. In short I will have wait for the wrong phone to come ruining my anniversary gift for my husband. There should be some type compensation for ruining my anniversary!

For being a telecommunicatikons company, AT&T has one of the worst customer service departments I have ever dealt with. First one must hold on the phone for a good 20 minutes before reaching someone to speak with, then it is usually the wrong person or someone who lacks any sensible knowledge of the guestion being asked. When a person finally reaches the right department it takes a good hour to get any order changed. I recently attempted to upgrade my cell phone service. In ther process I discoverred that after being a customer of A T & T Uverse and Wireless Phones, the
wireless phone department showed me living somewhere in Shaumburg and the next time I called I was living In Independence Ohio. I life in Lisle, Illinois. The first time it took over an hour to do the necessary paper work to upgrade my phones to the I phones. Upon completion, I was told I would receive the phones the fallowing day, One week later after I did not receive the phones I phoned again and again waited endlessly to get throujh. When I finally recached the correct person I was told that I was supposed to go to my e-mail to accept the terms. No one told me that on my first call and I don't look at my e-mails regularly. After we finally get that straigtened out I asked the individual how I could make a complaint about the service. She told me I had to go to an AT &T store in Independence, OHio to file the complaint. I told here that made no sense because I lived in Lisle Illinois. She checked your records and they showed I lived in Ohio, I again worked with her to get everything corrected. I then went to an AT & T store to file a complaint and they had no idea what they were supposed to do. They callled AT & T customer service only to get the same run around for about an hour with nothing to show for it. I then fround this on line.

We have been having problems since we moved to our present location. The tv keeps freezing and when trying to record ar watch recorded program says DVr not working. The tv will stop and give list of trouble shooting suggestions. We have called and are just told to reboot.
We have rebooted this junk more times than I can count. It seems that this is happening on the main tv as the others don't have the same problem. We have been told this was impossible. The cost of this service is not low and for what we spend this problem should never exist. It took several months to get our billing straight after we moved also.
Talking to many other AT&T customers this is happening widespread. Please please do something to resolve this issue.

It's about AT&T--of course...the company with THE worst "customer service" in the world. I just spent two hours on the phone with two different techs (escalated up to a level 2), trying to solve a problem with not getting email from a business client that I've routinely received email from--four emails I was expecting didn't even make it to the AT&T server, and I'd already investigated with the client to be sure the problem wasn't on their end. First, AT&T tried to tell me it was my fault: rule #1 in their training manual must say "always try to blame the customer" because I was using the wrong version of Outlook.
Then they wanted to take remote control of my computer to troubleshoot--I refused, not only because the problem isn't on my computer, it's on their server, but also because I don't want them to screw anything up on my computer, which they almost always do. Then I asked for a level 2 tech, who tried the same routine. I then asked if she could check the sender's email address to see if AT&T had somehow blocked it. She said no, that AT&T couldn't block sender addresses....and backed off that claim when I asked how AT&T blocked spam-sender addresses (which they do, but not well at all, witness the 100+ daily spams I'm getting this week).
The coup de grace was when I had to tell HER that runs on the Yahoo platform....and this is a tech, let alone a level 2 tech??? I'm now going to drop my last account with AT&T...they don't care a whit about their customers, and never have. Thank God it looks as if their T-Mobile acquisition isn't going to go through, AND that it will cost them a bundle to get out of it....which of course they will pass along to anyone stupid enough to continue to use their "services."

I moved from Canton Ohio to Mt Pleasant S.C. I had wireless internet and phone I this wanted what I have in Canton,Ohio. I did not ask for a new equipment. I should not need to pay will $199.99.
They told me then you this move your service there will not be a charge.
They lie to me!!!!! ,
Janie Marcelli

I have uverse put in for all services on 08/03/2012 during the first month my services would go off for periods of time when it rained or got cloudy on Sept 042012 I called as the service in my kitchen tv thats houses one of the wireless receivers did not work After time on the phone to see if we could get it fixed it could not be fixed and they had to send a tech out on 09/04/12 when he came we were told that we had the wrong modem and we were loosing signal He replaced the modem and then went into our downstairs family room and pulled on the wires that were placed for a box on initial installation he then could not get the TV to go on and finally gave up and gave us a wireless receiver. Know I am getting charged for the repair and a $110.00 charge for a computer outlet that was there on installation and a 99.00 repair I should not have to pay for these acct chages as apparently the u verse was not set up right on installation I want these charges removed phone number 773-774-6752 I spoke to a supervior and then a manager who told me the repair charge can be removed but the outler charge has to remain . Waht kind of business is this I am wondering if I should have stayed with comcast I do not see a new outlet by my computer that was put in

Whoever does your commercials is horrible at their job. Where did you get all the ugly kids? I work at a bar and my customers ask me to change the channel or mute when your commercials come on. Thats pretty sad. Make some better commercials the kids are very annoying and not even cute!!!!

I ordered it online and they never check with me the shipping addrres so they send the phone to wrong addrrs wich i dont even kno how they got the addrrs, so i waited pr 3 weeks and cAlled them and found out abt it
So they said we will open a investigation case and we are ordering new phone now wich u will receiece in 10 days
After 10 days i called them and they didnt send the phone cuz they need to find the first one that they sent to wrong addrs etc and they said they cant do nothing for me until they find the phone untill tjey locate the fkg phone
I have bussinnes acount and my phone isnt work it has pass 1 month and no phone
Im with att for 3 years and when i need them they say
Sorry nothing we cant do and i paid for the phone allready anf they cant credit it back
They made mistake now im paying for
They said : you can buy new phone for the hole price woch is 700 but i allready paid for one phone etc
So now im here with phone that doesnt work
I hate att
Millena inc

phone broke..called 611 for time eligable for upgrade. They were very understanding and said I could take it in to a local AT&T store and she (missy) would send a note to the affect that we were ok to upgrade early When we arrived at teh EPPs Bridge , Athens, GA AT&T the manager (Amy) said we could not upgrade because we had already upgraded 2 lines in May (not true) My daughter had upgraded her phone with my upgrade 2 years age and when she went back they used my number again (by mistake) then went in to change it (we have the paperwork) Amy said they had a signed contract with 2 lines...Not true! Amy rolled her eyes at me and said well, maybe if you had 5 or 6 lines with AT&T, they might consider it along with other factors but they cant now so after being treated terrible by Amy, we went to the AT&T store where my daughter actually upgraded her phone and they said that it was their fault They called customer service and after 1 hour and 10 minutes they told her...sorry, they could not upgrade my contradct until December 2013. This will be 3 years since my last upgrade. Even thought it was "their" fault and they assumed responsibility..customer service said no. I don't understand... I have been a customer with AT&T for over 12 years and am very dissapointed!

On 11/13/2012 I needed services to swoop phones because of shattered glass at location, AT&T 3329 Oak Lawn Ave., Dallas,TX. I was unable to get the proper assistance and was told to take the phone to an Apple Store. After arriving at the Apple Store I mentioned I had phone insurance from AT&T. I was directed to the 2nd AT&T Store at 1030 North Park Center, Dallas, T 75225. I was given a card to contact AT&T support to issue me a new phone.
On 11/14/2012, I received the 4G phone, however had problems making connections. On 11/15/2012, I returned to the Oak Lawn store to get the 4G phone set-up. I was told I had an hour wait and the store representative (Jeff) made contact from the store phone to the call center to assist me. The person from the call center stated I needed assistance from someone else because it would take longer to get me set-up on my cell after communicating for at least 15 minutes or longer.
I was switched to another gentlemen that was surprised how I was treated in the store, and on the store phone. We were on the phone for at least 45 minutes and I was passed to an Apple advisor by the name of Jerry Pensleywho took my email address and mentioned to contact him when I got home. In the meanwhile, I had requested for a store manager three (3) times and was never assisted. The associate Jeff who made little contact and assistance was extremely rude and kurt. Jeff mentioned if a representative could not help then a manager would intervene. Jeff was the representative and his assistance was extremely poor and a manger was never called. I was on the AT&T store phone for at least an hour while other calls were coming in on AT&T phone service trying to get my phone activated. As I left the store Jeff mentioned did I need any assistance, and was I taken care of.
My answer was "No". Jeff, personality was very nasty and anyone who cannot conduct themselve in an orderly fashion dealing with the public give the establishment AT&T an unreliable name. I have never experienced a problem with AT&T from the many years I have had service. I will not recommend AT&T to anyone and may consider changing services.
Look to hear from you soon.

I bought a iPhone off the net 2 years ago and recently went and swapped it for another iPhone, I changed my sim card in the phone to find that my phone had been jail broken, it has reset itself to your network, I searched the Internet to find how to unlock and came across this website, I done everything the website said to do, I purchased the package I needed to unlock my phone and waited the required amount of time for the email to say it was unlocked, I did not recieve the email, I then contacted the support network from that website to inform them that I had not received the email and why is it taking so long, they replied asking for my order number, I informed them I didn't recieve a order number, they said they can't find the product to unlock without the order number, I then rang up my credit card company to recieve a statement of transactions, on the statement it shows that AT&T has charged the purchase to my credit card, I informed them of this and then asked for a refund, I was then informed that my transaction was denied and if I want my phone unlocked I have to order again, something is not right cause if my transaction was denied then it would not have been charged to my credit card, it has been approved and my phone hasn't been unlocked, I want my phone unlocked as this is my only phone I use for work and it has affected my work life a fair bit, it seems AT&T has robbed me of my purchase, they are rude and not helpful, I would like a full refund of my purchase and my phone unlocked.

I would call and talk to AT&T about this but I was but on hold forever and could never get through. Two weeks ago I had U-Verse internet and cable installed in my apartment. The man who installed the equipment was friendly and very helpful but the way the he set everything up was a disaster. The wires were all tangled together. Every time I try and disconnect a wire everything falls off the shelf because he just left everything in tangles and in a cluster. I would expect him to fully do his job and leave the place looking better than he found it because I had the wires before neat and clean. But what really angered me was the fact that he set all the equipment on TOP of my new BLU-RAY player. And for some reason it is not working. I would think someone who works with electronics would know better than to put that much weight on top of the Blu-Ray player. I am not the person to complain but I am very irritated with such poor judgment he displaced.

Two weeks ago I'm walking down 6th St. when I'm approached by a stranger who asked me if I would like to make $100 real easy. All I had to do was go to the Apple store with him and use my info to help him purchase 5 iPhones. I got in the car with another fellow and he drove to Stonestown Apple Store where I gave my ID and SSN and they purchased the phones.
Then he gave me $100 and drove off. Yesterday I got a bill in the mail for $450 from AT&T. I thought I was just helping them to purchase the phones, in fact it was a fraudulent wireless phone cancellation.
I mistakenly assumed that they would be billed for the service. I called AT&T and immediately cancelled the service and explained to them what happened. Today I'm in the Stockton Apple Store and someone approached me with the same offer.
I saw that he was with a friend of mine who was considering taking him up on the offer. I told him that he would be getting a bill in the mail. So he declined the offer. The conman got irate and started threatening me.
I talked to the store manager and told them what was happening. They said it is legal because the person is willingly giving their info to AT&T. I told him that anyone who comes in trying purchase 5 phones using someone else's ID should immediately be setting off red lights. The person giving the ID should be told that they will be getting a bill in the mail.
Otherwise this is a scam and Apple is in on it, in other words a fraudulent wireless phone cancellation designed to take my money. The ones getting screwed are AT&T, Verizon and the person providing their ID will get a ding on their credit report especially if they don't cancel the service right away.
I want to the at&t store cause i just get a new HTC phone and my phone felt in the water under 10 days this lady name Olivia, Olivier told me that she can give me a new phone this phone cost about $600 but if I give her 300 she will give me a new phone she did the process gave me a new phone i give her 300 I see that she put the money in her bag and give me a receipt that said 0 dollar 3 days later i went back to the store wanted to exchange my phone for a new one cause i was still under the 15 days.
I told the guys that was helping me i just paid 300 for the for 3 days ago he told me i was lying that the phone was replace for free so i would like to know where my 300 goes and why is Mrs. Olivia, Olivier doing fraud on people account to put money on her pocket.

Hello My name is Randy Gray Accounts # 504 393-0832 475 and 504 361-4601 476 My complaint is about a few things. I have been with AT&T for over 15 years. My business was @ 1801 Hancock street Gretna Louisiana 70053 . Well after I been there over5 years, I had to move to 2431 Hudson place NO 70131. I ask back then that can I have the same number 504 361-4601 moved to that location due to advertisement and everything I built around that number. AT&T replied there is no way . you have to have the number 393-0832 . They also offered me that on getting that line they can forward the 361-4601 at no extra cost as log as I stay with AT&T. Well that has been fine since last year when yawl have been making all kinds of changes.
Change 1) Yawl turned that forward line with out my knowing into a contract that will cost me 60.00 per month more . I didn't ask for it nor did I was offered a lower price when they made the changes nor did I know I was accumulating a bill 466.88. to get disconnected.But The answering guy said that I haven't paid since the month of March.
Change 2) If my phone gets disconnected due to payment . Not only you disconnect ,Your advertisement turns my business Number to other business in the area, as a recording. That is Not right I lost a lot of business over that, on the 504 361-4601 as we speak, while I disputing the charges. ( Please call and here what am talking about)
Change 3) the internet service has change also where that is coming from another company out of AT&T called Uverse . That is so crazy. When you call to speak with a manager they never get on the phone . My main concern is please get my old business number 504 361-4601 to tie back into the 393-0832 and if not please stop referring my business number to other business. I beg you please stop. I'm a small company and I will be force to get a lawyer if it hurts me more than what its doing. Please contact me back your feedback, of what can you do for me to keep me moving forward . First thing Waive that 466.86 and combine both of them numbers to 393-0832 please work with me here. I Never seen AT&T go this for to the left before. Thanks for your time .
Randy Gray

wow, the day that commisions were to be reported for sales in January 2013 for the 3rd year in a row they have not decided which comp plan they are to use in order to pay our commisions. They are withholding 80% of the commissions since they have not sinched down the true commission plan.
They really are not concerned with the customer facing teams the work hard to hit their extravagant goals. thier plan increase about 200% across the board.
there should be a law to protect the employee's, Maybe the SEC should check AT&T out for inflating their earnings and cash reserves based on the withholding of our commissions....
Oh Well, maybe next year they will get it right.....wait we have said that for 3 years....

I haven't had service with AT&T since 2010 yet today I received a bill from them. I spoke to six different people and finally hung up after being put on hold again. I have enough bills without getting one from a company that I no longer do business with. Unreal !

I recently called the customer support center . The purpose of the call was to have my existing land line phone service and internet service monthly bills combined into one. What I thought would be a simple paperwork transaction. Resulted in my entire account being changed into U-verse service which I never asked for , don't want and cannot afford.
This change in service was not explained to me and I did not authorize. While I do feel that your customer representatives are guilty of deceptive practices. I feel far to many of them are not familiar with the services and current technology. And they simply do a very poor job at explaining this information. And an even worst job at listening.
I realize that I may be locked into some type of obligation as a result of this. However as soon as it is met. I will be choosing another service provider rather than file more complaints about AT&T online.

I get over charged on my cell phone bill since I signed contract with att for my wireless phones. Im not going over the limit on my plan but I get over charges for $50 more on my bills. I have contact them every time i get my bill so they can adjusted the correct amount. I'm frustrated with their service specially with their hold time it is insane you wait 30 minutes on the line and someone answers the phone and transfers you to a different person and it continues until it is like an hour or so being on the line. finally you get to the right person and he or she says that the bill amount is correct and then I tell them it is not and they find it that it is actually incorrect and they apologize every time. I never seen a serve like this before. I would be glad to cancel my services when my contract is over. with att.

i live in washington state by omak washington we have had no cellphone and or speratic cellphone service for going on week two now. all of the at&t reps and stores always say its your phone there are hundreds of customers in this area with this service problem and they ignore paying customers issues. they always have one excuse or another but no solution .as a irritated customer i am thinking of dumping at&T and switching phone carries. the headache with the service aint worth it anymore this is going on now and who knows when it will be resolved

It's a shame i have been a loyal customer with AT&T for 4 years last year i found myself on disability as of 11/12/12 it is now 1/5/13 and i still have not received any money from disability i haven't been able to pay my rent or my Car note yet i get more courtesy from my land lord and an auto loan company than i do from AT&T i am currently one month behind on my cell phone bill and my service has been suspended i explained to the billing department that i will be able to pay my bill next week because i go back to work tomorrow but they say there is nothing they can do for me i have a lot of catching up to do on my bills if my phone is off for a week i will not pay for it that's something i can not afford right now i would be a shame for AT&T to lose a customer for 80 dollars! What kind of business does that?

I am in Rockland Maine for the summer. Our contract with AT&T originated in North Carolina where we live in the winter. I have little complaint about the service in North Carolina but the Rockland area is a totally different story.
I understand that AT&T only has a couple towers in the area, both of which are a fair distance away. However, there are many other towers owned by others in the area. I almost alway have sufficiant signal to make or receive calls. My assumption is that I am picking up a signal from a nearby tower owed by another carrier because my wife was asked last year to eliminate several apps the usage of which through other carriers were being billed to AT&T. Until that time we both had reliable service in the area. That was the beginning of a long series of problems. I now own an I phone 4s and have minimal problems outside the Rockland area, but in or near Rockland I am getting bumped off calls, often unable to be heard when making or receiving calls, and unable to leave a message on phones in the area using the AT&T network.
The long and short of it is my signal strength is nearly always sufficient to not experience these problems which tells me that AT&T is on the cheap and not utilizing the towers of others in the area as they did last year. I resent any company that represents one thing but delivers another and AT&T is definetly guilty of that in delivering less service this year over last.

Feb 2012 I placed an order for dsl and for home phone service. I had told them when i placed order for dsl that I had no phone line and no jacks in my home. They assured me that all i had to do is plug into wall, I thought hey new things ok, yet had no internet service, I put in trouble ticket someone was here next day to connect phone line outside to box. They never buried line, said oops would come here mark it out and they would return to bury line. Internet was up the night the tech came out.
However My phone service isnt. Even after deposit of 100 has cleared. I called customer service, put trouble ticket in,said they gave me said they would sent someone out, it should have been on on the 7th of March.Yet they couldnt get nobody for another until 13th someone was to come out and fix the issue so I have service. Meanwhile called a few times just so they can "test line". I tried the number they gave me and someone answered, so i called At&t to confirm that that was my number on March 11th gave them my social my passcode, confirmed my address. they tried to call number, said when tech came out they would make sure nobody swiped line from my yard since it is still laying there 3 weeks later. Talked to customer service 10 times.
Yesterday on the 13th At&T repair guy called me said he was at my house, ha they gave him some 192 red bud pass or some address not mine mine is 8650 forsythia ln orient ohio. He did show up after gave him correct address, yet order was obviously so jacked in the system that he said I would have to sort it out with at&t, so after dealing with automated service which is bs in itself its a phone company there should be enough lines to speak to someone directly. And who speaks good clean english, it is the USA and being transferred to so many people who claim to be supervisors, and then some guy told me I had no order for service! I am really pissed off, over 2 weeks Ive been waiting for phone service I was told by the 11th person today on 3-14 by a customer advocate she was only told I wanted a premier package what? and she said my number was BS.
This should be simple I have dsl, they ran my jack, they ran line all youd think theyd have to do is send signal and turn on the damn phone. And get my name and address right. OH and come back and bury the phone line so its not out in the yard waiting for some kid to try and shock themself or something. My God I have litterally spoken to and dealt with at least 11 different people, yet nobody is helping and are not understanding, the whole picture I have to explain everytime. Give me a number that is mine associated with my name and address. You ran my credit for it and ran my deposit that cleared. Which I better get back, for all the hassles with morons I have dealt with. Ill tell ya, Customer servie goal is to do things right for 1st time this should never had happened. I would love to resolve this because I need phone service

Our monthly service with AT&T is $9.57 which includes Unlimited NW Call Plus . We were told that with internet it would run us about $60.00. OK, no problem. We tried calling out but had to dial 1 first , so we called AT &T and wanted to know why we had to dial 1 first. They said we had to dial the 1 first but verified that we had unlimited calling. Opened the bill today and instead of $ 60.00, the bill was $ 170.72 . Got on the internet with AT &T Chat and spent 45 minutes just to be told in the end that I would have to call a number on the phone. Of course, it is night time and I have to call back tomorrow. I am upset that AT & T has misled us about their fees and what they included, that I spend 45 minutes of time to be told that I would have to call another number, and that they are over charging us for services we need. We did not ask for the Long distance service, why would we need it with Unlimited calling? The rep could not answer my questions. Lies, ALL LIES !

AT&T Disconnected phone service now on a montly basis, like clock work. AT&T disconnected my service on Dec. 15th, 2014, do to a 1 day late payment. Then again on Jan. 15th, Now AGAIN on Sat. Feb. 15th. This is a scam and they refuse to remove the additional $35.00 fee + taxes + sur charges. Payments have been made. Have they sunk so low to produce revenue that they disconnect service on a monthly basis. Additional late fees of $7.00. My service is only 28.00/mn but Now with the late chgs. and $35.00 fee + taxes it averages 75.00/mn. They refuse to clear up this matter and set the record straight. This is a SCAM!

My dsl internet service was disconnected without my consent for Uverse Internet plan. It was installed but my regular wired phone service and my old phone number were also disconnected without my consent for Uverse Voice. I want my my regular wired phone service back or I will have to change to other phone service company. AT&T lied to us and I feel like there is nothing I can do about it now. I have called customer service at length but no response and a very long hold time is all I got for my efforts!

So tired of AT&T high cost poor service. People should be allowed to choose the carrier of their choice instead having to be forced to accept what is in their area only or do without service. Thought they said that America is a free country, really, well you should be free to choose your own carrier not forced to choose the carrier they assigned to you leaving you no other choice to have to choose them or be without service, this should be very unconstitutional. I guess America is only a free country for the wealthy to ripoff the poor.

I recently got out of the Marine Corps and I'm now a full time student. I am unable to get internet in my home in order to do school work and pursue my education. I was told that there is a cap on how many people they can give internet where I live, but I talked to a friend that's an engineer for at&t and he told me to file a complaint in order to get this issue resolved. He said that at&t will increase the cap in order to give me internet in my home. I'm a veteran and a full time student, and I believe that they should be able to work with me. I've been a customer for about 3 years now and hope to have this issue resolved as soon as possible.

Yeah, I know Esurance, but does AT&T care about their customers. This morning I talked with 2 reps, neither of which listened to me. Neither repeated to me correctly what I stated to be my problem. So what's new!

There are no words. Att and U verse are so far deep into the dirt, they can never come back to the ethical company they were years ago. No point in listing all the calls. All the time wasted, all the lies, mystery charges that appear out of no where that no can explain, charges that appear that are wrong that take months to get right. The lies start at the store level and continue into the the service. In August of 2014 we came and gave you 5 lines. I have a contract with you for 12 more months. The minute it's done we will be done with you, and your horrible internet. I will go back to Verizon. I am disgusted. I have been pushed to the point of frustration over and over again. You believe in one n done philosophy. You may have got me for 1contract, but you won't get me again after this ever. Ever. I wish I had the time and energy to legally pursue going after you for all the dirty things you have done since day one. I'm an American customer, I will not discuss my private business with people outside my country who can't speak English. Companies like you have our private info the hands of deceitful lying representatives that sit in call centers in the phillapines, Mexico and India. Do you think those people would think twice about selling our info on the black market? Of course not. Not like you would care

I'm upset about AT&T and their lack of service and the lies from your representatives. We purchased 2 cellphones from AT&T on 1-23-15. Was told at that time that we would put uverse in the house with a sef install. Sometime between 1-23 and 1-28 the order was cancelled for the uverse self install and we were not notified. On 1-28 I called to see where the modem was at, because we had not received it.I was told that I could not do a self install.I went back to the store and talked to Dylan, about getting the uverse taken care of.We needed to get the uverse installed prior to changing the home number to the new cell phone. We needed a little bit of consideration because I'm going through chemo and needed an early time and not waiting all day.The first appt they arranged so I canceled it, and Dylan got an appt for the next day at 9 am. The techs go to work at 9 am, or so we were told.Later I foound out that's a lie, its 8 am.
The AT&T tech came on that day,at 9:20 he did a good job putting the uverse in other that some hoe our home was disconnected.At that time I ask him how I get the cell phone working. he said we had to go to the store.They said they needed the last 4 numbers of my wifes social and I did not have it with me. I came home, got on the phone and tried to get the porting procedure started. After 6 different people, the last person finally told me they could not do the porting because the home phone was shut off. They ask me why I had them shut the land line off, and I told them that I didn't.Went back to the store to try to get the land line turned on. I was told I would have to call AT&T to get that done. Finally got someone, that set up an appt for a tech to turn the land line back on.When that tech showed up, he didn't have the correct piece of equipment to get the land line working. So he called another tech to bring the piece he needed. This 2-5-15 .
After they were here and the land line was working, I went back to the AT&T store and talked to a rep about getting the porting started. He talked to the porting dept. She put him on hold and during that time another rep called my house to see if this was a working number.They came back on the phone at the store, they said the porting process had started. We received a call from napara maddox 866-695-2360 ext 13742 .This was at 2:30 central time. She assured me the matter was being taken care of and in 24 hours we would have service and she would call me at that time. We did not receive a call, so I called that number, she was not there, said she was off this afternoon. The person I talked to said the porting had not even started. Would take untill Monday before it could be reported. I'm thoroughly upset. We go back to the store, Dylan is busy with another customer and the assistant manager came to talk to us.
I believe her last name was reed. She made a call to you, was told it had been ported and would be ready within a few minutes and we would be receiving a call. More lies, again and again. This was at 4:30 this afternoon Friday the 6th. And now it is 8:45 and guess what, no phone call. Imagine that. This is the poorest excuse for a company that I've dealt with. We told Ms Reed that if we didn't receive the call and a working number that we were told over and over, that we would bring the cell phones back to that store in the morning.

I was calling about my bill and was supposed to be transferred to billing when I got cut off. I called back and had to go thru the same routine and listen again to recordings. I asked to speak to a supervisor and the lady (Brenda) said they would call me in three to five minutes. It has now been 50 minutes and still no phone call. Why cant someone do what they say they will do? I have had problems since we switched our plans. Please contact me.

Signed up the for next program in the middle of the month with when updating my phone. I was offered the u-verse phone option at that time so I signed up for that too. I had a combined billing that was due at the end of the month. AT&T did the split around the 20th. I then received a bill from ATT cellular (same billing dates) and a separate bill to pay u-verse internet and phone which I did two weeks before they were due. The following month I get a collection letter from the combined services that state I did not pay my bill. After 2-1/2 hours and getting hung up on several times and calling back I found out they were closed. I called back the next day they told me a claim will be filed and someone would call me.
After two weeks no call, I called them said it was still in process and I would get a letter by the end of the month with the resolution. I never received a call or letter I just figured it was taken care of. Another month goes by and now I am getting calls from a third party collection agency on this bill. Called AT&T back and they cannot find any records of my combined account and have no idea who to send me to. After being transferred 10 times and 45 minutes later no resolution. I got hung up on again!!! Next step will be finding an attorney.

I was ready for an upgrade my daughter and I switched phones she gave me her Samsung Note 3 and she got my upgrade. She got the Samsung Mega cell phone that was on sale for $150.00. My daughter decided she did not like the Mega phone and went back to AT&T store to get another cell phone she was told she could trade the Mega for another cell phone. I notice on my cell bill that I am being charged for the cell phone she returned for $500.00 dollars. We were never told that she still had to pay for the Mega phone even if she traded it for another one. I feel that AT&T is misleading the customers, and are not upfront with the rules at the time of purchase. I have made several phone calls and I am told that I have no choice but to pay the mega phone even though it was turned in.

I called ATT today about an email I received (1/8/15) letting me know that I had been "undercharged" for the last few months. Due to discovery of this "error" I can expect my service to increase by $5. Now, this may not seem like much, but 1-they notified me after they had made the change (on 12/29/14), and 2-I was already paying the regular rate (as was verified when I called them 8/2014 after my new customer rate had ended). They are entitled to increase their rates, as I saw a notice on their website indicating higher 2015 rates. That said, my Dec/Jan bill specifically indicates that I ("You") made a plan change that instigated this increased rate. And, because they made the change mid-billing cycle, I got to pay almost $3 more in taxes. Thanks, ATT! <Not really.> Now, I'm at $8 more on my current bill, which I find ridiculous for the spotty internet service we get. Unfortunately, (if you can believe it) given our location in Fort Worth, TX, there is no other internet service provider for my geographical area. So, I guess I'll just pay my bill and suck it...for now. But, I wanted the world to know...ATT sucks!

ATT has outsourced the jobs to Asian countries where the tellers are incapable of helping customers since they do not know the US. The tellers just read the computer screen. Totally useless people. The American tellers just promise appointments yet nobody shows up. Nobody knows what they are doing. Completely irresponsible! Waiting for internet service for over 5 days.

I have a complaint about the local AT&T stores that I have been to for problems with my cell phones. The customer service is below all expectations. Whenever you walk in one of their stores they greet you very nicely but the seem not to be able to help you. Cracked screen? Go to website x. Bad battery? go to website Y. Camera does not work? Go to website W. So basically all the do is sell you service plans, once that is done you are on your own...

I have been a very good customer but continue to have issues with no resolution or a sense of urgency from AT&T. This organization does not have the capabilities of servicing a customer from a start point to a resolution with out going through therr ridiculous processes. I currently have an issue with a AT&T line and live box hanging in the middle of the alley due to the City of Dallas moving a power pole. Trying to explain to customer service was a nightmare as I was transferred to multiple divisions including billing. After being on the phone with these folks for two hours they finally were able to book a service tech. They arrived the next day and understood the importance that that the line hanging in the middle of the alley needed to be relocated so the customers hooked up to this live box would not lose services.
They did not have the capabilities to move the line and called in another department to do so. The next service tech showed up to explain that the active line hanging down from the powerline in the alley was acceptable and he was not going to move it to the new city power pole. He went on to send in a message that his job was complete and I received a text message indicating my services were resolved. Since I have had Uverse TV, Internet, Phone I have been with out services for 9 days this year because of incompetent service techs in the field. If you want a company that provides customer service and solutions to issues you will have with this provider , please do not pick up the phone and call AT&T Uverse.

At&t allows unsolicited calls to be repeatedly sent to my phone number. At&t knows of these calls and the numbers from where they are being placed. Our local authority (Sheriff Dept.), is aware of the harassing calls to many of the area phone numbers in this city as well as others counties around us. You cannot block the numbers since At&t allows their numbers (multiplies), to continue their service. I have cell phones also but not with At&t.... My consideration now is to totally disconnect from At&t my phone line which will include their U-verse internet service. I guess it is all about the money since the harassers have so many numbers they (At&t) profit a hundred times more than what I pay them...

On Jan 16, 2015 my 88 yo widowed aunt was billed for IDL Teleservices on her AT&T bill for a recurring $4.95/month plus fees. She has no computer and allows ALL incoming calls to go to voicemail because of scammers (ie she did not "sign up" for services). Thanks AT&T...just so you don't feel lonely at the top I did file a complaint with the FCC and Florida State Attorney General's office. Happy New Year.

In Ocala, Fl AT&T Call Center is employing a woman by the name of Yvonne McDonald-Garcia who has a serious substance & alcohol abuse problem. McDonald-Garcia abuses prescription drugs, cocaine, & alcohol at home & during her work shifts at AT&T. McDonald-Garcia has a number of illegal drug transactions taking place within her home regularly. McDonald-Garcia has also connected with other AT&T employees who is aiding her in hacking numerous internet accounts/profiles & cellphone accounts for individuals, a service I believe she is collecting financial revenue for providing.

My land line number is or was 1440 9516218 mike steele cell phone is 440 5374742. I used this land line for my heart monitor only which is as critical of a line as you can have. It was disconnected because i did not have the money. When i finally got it i paid it on 1-21-15 i paid the bill in total and called to have it connected again . In the period of 3 whole days i talked to at least 6 at&t agents from all of the country and world and was promised and guaranteed it would be on at any hours and never happened at all and there was not even any paperwork put in to have it done. I had a small dispute with the last agent and he told me it would be put back on on the 21st but as the day went on it never happened as usual. I called late in the day and got a hold of at&t and was told oh no its not going to be hooked back up till the 28th of January. Shocking i was penalized almost a week to get my HEART monitor put on because of the complaining of never getting the job done. Finally a woman supposedly helped me on Friday afternoon packaging all 3 of my services with a connection of my land line this Monday the 26th. I have been a faithful customer but this is the worse service in the history of services. My u verse account is 4405374742 which is my cell phone number and my new package is 4405255492 what a disgrace with the way this has been handled. My next stop is anyone that will listen to me i told everyone of them that this was for a heart monitor and got the same story from everyone, terrible.

My phone don't answer sometime it drop calls it don't pick up apps at&t app expire etc but i have to pay for service from july-oct without int they say that a part of the contract i will pass the work about these service i will never call for any service from ar7t again soon as my contract is up i rather use a government phone. I am so so so so so disappoint with at&t with all these bad bad bad service so good bye in november i wil be filing a complaint with bbs and whom ever will listen and do something about this rip off.

Att has been nothing but a severe let down and depressing choice of wireless carrier. Service sucks. Garbage. Utter crap. If you like customer service I would recommend you go anywhere else BUT Att.

You would think there would be a maintainable level of respect with this company but it does not exist. Clearly the mobile phone industry is way to big for its britches and AT&T lead the pack in bad behavior. The remedy is unclear but I'm starting by buying my own phone and having the ability to move on in 6 weeks. disgusting people....

AT&T has become such a big conglomerate that their employees and CEOs have lost sight of their Missions. I have been with AT&T for a very long time and with having AT&T products such as: 5 wireless numbers, Direct TV and I have just recently added U-verse (home phone and Internet) one would think that I would be considered a Loyal customer and treated as such! Not the case, I have to do 2 each combine billings on all of these AT&T services. I have these set up for an automatic banks withdrawal (ACH) and have done this for years never had a problem. So to my surprised, I received a letter in the mail from a Collection agency this week stating that I have been turned over to them to collect my debt (which was paid by the bank).
My nightmare begins, when I try to call and discuss this matter with any and all AT&T Representatives. I ended up talking to 10 different Representatives to include supervisors yesterday and got 10 different responses on what the problem was. Finally, on my 11th attempt, I finally got someone and told me immediately what had happen. It seems like when I switched from a DSL and Home wireless account to a UVERSE account that account was closed (no AT&T Representative told me this would happen when I ordered this).
The bank draft was posted to the closed account. The AT&T Representative She immediately reversed the bank draft from the closed account to the new account and all actions were cleared up immediately. I feel I should not have had to endure this kind of mental anguish to try and correct what is apparently several broken processes with the AT&T Corporation. I feel mentally beat up and when my contract expires, I will move on to a different provider. May I suggest A Lean Six Sigma Process for the whole Corporation. Just remember you're as strong as your weakest link.

I just want to say I have been a loyal customer since 1999 and I have always been satisfied with service and product until the last 3 yrs. I have 5 phones for my husband myself and 3 kids and I have had to replace 22 phones either threw warranty or just plain by new ones because none of then work after a couple wks. The product really disappoints me these days and it does not matter if I got a 40$ phone or a $600.00 phone they r all junk. Then u call customer service and those people treat u like crap then charge u to send a replacement then sometimes the new one comes and sometimes u have to call again and get charge more money to wait on another junk phone all the while the mins that I have paid for are not getting used but that's ok cuz u guys got paid for them even when I don't have a phone to use them on for wks. This is ridiculous! I pay for data because half the time the phones won't connect to WiFi. Sometimes u get ur phone calls sometimes u get ur text and sometimes ur boss wants to fire u because u never returned the phone call u never got and sometimes when ur kid is in the nurses office and needs to come home sick or with a broken arm just maybe u will get that phone call. Please stop making new phones and fix the ones u already have out so they actually work more then sometimes. I am a very very disappointed dissatisfied long time customer that is about to change all 5 of my phones to a new service provider if I don't get some acknowledgement on this problem u have been causing me.

This complaint starts from the day I ordered a new iphone 6 plus. My personal assistant, Patty called AT&T on October 14, 2014 and spoke with Frank Victor who placed the order for me. She explained to him that I was up for an upgrade so I wanted to do the two year plan. However, for some reason he placed me on the Next plan and was unable to change it at the time. He told me to call back in 24 hours to have it changed. My credit card was charged $57.00 for the order, which to date I have not gotten back! When Patty called back on October 15, 2014, she spoke with Jarmain and she said that it cannot be changed in the system that we have to wait for the phone to be activated and anytime within 15 days it can be changed...AFTER ACTIVATION
She did say that it shows I will get my phone in 28-35 days.
Continuously called all through November and December for when the delivery will be there and kept asking if there was any way for the reclassification to be done. No progress. On December 17, more than two months later, I finally received my phone. Patty calls to activate it on December 18. That was no problem, but when it came time for them to switch the classification, Patty was told it could not be done. She spoke with Cindy Wood who got with her supervisor Jason Pofhal and he explained that it was another department to make the changes since the order date was so long ago. I explained that I had spoken with several representatives and was told that the phone has to be activated. He said he will make notes and get someone to call me back. He assured me that I would have to only pay $499.00 which is the upgrade contract price and not the next price of $949.99.
couple days later, Jim called and told me to get in touch with the IT department. After several tried for that department, I was told that no such department exists and that I should get in touch with the Premiere Department. Spoke with Connie, he said he cannot help, but to try back. Finally got in touch with the premiere department and spoke with Carol, she said there was nothing that she could do and would check with a supervisor. I was on hold for more than an hour and spoke with Saundra who said she looked at all the notes and couldn't understand why this was not done in the beginning by the department that the supervisor Jason was in. All in all, I was on the phone for about three hours and she spoke with another supervisor in another department, Seeta who was absolutely no help and was not even nice to talk too.
Saundra decided that she would put a note on my account that I can try taking it to a store and if they would take it back I can repurchase another one. I did not want to do that since I already used my phone on a recent trip and did not want to lose the pictures, etc. on it. I am very disgusted with this service and all the back and forth. we were never told to cancel the order completely and start over...I think it's a ploy for people to pay double to own a phone. I am also filing a complaint with for this absolutely poor service to deal with a situation.

I am ready to call the Better Business Bureau or someone about all the annoying calls to my home about switching to U-verse. I have asked to be removed from their list but the calls just keep on coming. I am feed up with this annoyance. I have told the callers over and over again I am not interested in switching but it does no good.

To: President and CEO. Dear Mr. Stephenson, I have been a loyal customer to your cable, internet service for 3yrs now. I remember living in New Orleans when At@t came out with cable services, with the antenna ,before At@t left New Orleans. Now I live in Texas I had your services for 3 yrs. now and in those 3yrs. is have been nothing but problems. I would like you to look at my whole history to see all the problems I have since signing up with AT@T. I was been over charge after I was put in a promotion, I have automatic pay and because of the over charge I was been overdraft in my account, I'm disable and I live in a budget. I took 4 month of credits to my account and to get is straight. My wife and I would like to add extra channel to our services and for some reason they cannot do it because of some error that keep occurring into my account. so far it have been 2weeks since my request to add channels but they can figure out the problem. I have been in touch and put on wait in my cell phone up to 2 hours and the problem still exist. This is totally unprofessional and disgusting. customer service promised to call back and they don't. After various complaint a manager keeps calling me now to give me updates, but all I'm getting is (we still working on it). You guys are AT@T the (Nasa) of programing. Why can the fix this problem this is ridiculous and unacceptable. I have been very passion about this but not anymore. As today I'm looking to change your services to Time Wagner cable. I don't even want satellite because I find out AT@T own them. I might be only one subscriber , but is one less for you guys.

I used to have internet and telephone service with AT&T. Until about 7 months I had my telephone turned off because each month in would be a different price plus they was going up monthly. I left a balance with my telephone $68.00 I still have my internet I was paying $10.00 each month on telephone balance. Until they stop allow me to pay the $10.00 thru my online account next thing I knew they have put it collection. First it was Franklin Collection. I don't understand that I was paying them. My balance was 38.00. Now the have sent it to another collection agency. I just received my bill for my internet service and it has almost double. I look to see what they was charging me for. They stated in December I removed their service and in the same month add it back so they charge me for that. I never called them about anything in December. You can't call and talk to anyone anyway. What is going on with AT&T. I am going to contact Public Service Commission. And why do they goes up every month on telephone service?

I talked to a gentleman about getting only internet that was compatible with Netflix. He signed me up for a $34.95 promotion that was going on which included home phone. I told him that I only wanted internet and he told me that I did not need to use the house phone because it came with the internet and it was a bundle. I looked at my e-mail and it stated that I have my own house phone number and everything. I called back today (1/19/2015) and told the lady that all I wanted was internet compatible with Netflix and it was cheaper than what the gentleman said it was going to be. If I did not call back then I would have been paying for what I didn't want.

I moved to this area two years ago and I settled on one side of the Morse Reservoir and then moved to the next side, which is Noblesville. I had good service until some towers were upgraded and no one had dealt with the problem for over seven months. I have heard all the excuses. The fact is that if I want to use my cell or tablet (both ATT), I must drive from my residence out to route 32 to get reception. It affects my email, internet, and wireless phone service. I have encouraged everyone else who is experiencing this problem to file a complaint with the FCC. If my phone, internet service, and hot spot worked ok before why not now??? Someone had done something during the upgrade that has caused the tower not to see my wireless equipment (phone and tablet, both ATT). I am retired and single and I need a reliable service so I am shopping around so that the next job that I can replace this service after I take on work again.

I was going to wait until 1/24 to cancel AT&T home phone and internet since the home phone is paid through that time frame but I am going to call sooner, guess this weekend to cancel service . Not only has AT&T called every day for the past two weeks but now are calling two times every day, I have told them its not a got time to talk due to a death in the family and they always say NO PROBLEM , do not text and drive, So tonight after the 2nd call from the them today I told them the AT&T account holder died ( my mom three weeks ago) and I will be calling to cancel service and they say NO PROBLEM do not text while you drive I will never will have AT& T for any thing in my life No empathy and they could care less about my mom dying after 91 years of age and having having AT& T services her entire life NO AT&T for me , Its not American anymore , its a corporate money hog

I'm a customer with AT&T for 15 plus years. I called customer service on January 16 to talk about charges on my wireless bill. I was charged data for roaming in Aruba. I did not use my cell phone, could not connect, was still charged for it. I paid over $ 400.00. Next month i was charged for calls received but not answered by me, after my billing cycle. I have a family plan with 4 cell phones on for many years and we should not be charged for phone calls not received and billed after the billing cycle. We are not happy because we are being charged foe a service we did not use. I'm traveling to Germany often and i add text messages to my bill. Text messages received are not being charged but phone calls received but not answered being charged? If AT&T does not credit me the $ 167 i have choice to switch my cell phone carrier. Thank you for your time and i hope we can solve this issue to my satisfaction. Sincerely Bedia Sears

I bought a contract with AT&T. I have one phone and it isn't even a smartphone or iphone. I pay $47.00 a month. I went online to change my account information. Having done that I thought it was going to be automatically debited to the new account. I went to check the old debit account and found it was still being debited by AT&T. So thought I'd call them and they still had the old account listed on my profile, even though the new account was added. I got a letter from the old account saying it past due. That how I found out they didn't change the account information. I also do not like the service. I rarely get and make calls and when I do I most of them are dropped. I want out of my
contract and don't ever want another one.

In 1953 my wife and I became Ohio Bell customers. During 61+ years since then (until 12/26), we've had service from various Bell operating companies or ATT.
For 23 years in Austin TX we were SW Bell/ATT customers -- 2 land lines, TV, internet and 2 cell phones. Poor TV and internet quality compelled cancellation of those 2 services. But land line and cell service continued with ATT -- despite the annoyance of static on both land lines following virtually every heavy or even moderate rainfall.
Last month we moved to a new house, less than 10 minutes from the previous house and in the same zip code. Transfer of the same numbers to the new house was promised. More than 2 weeks after requesting transfer of the 2 lines, a service rep appeared on Christmas eve (only one day later than promised). He couldn't do the switch because the next door lawn (where some ATT equipment is located was locked and the owners were out of town.
So I scheduled phone service from Time Warner on 12/26. That very day ATT cancelled service to the old house, without notifying me.
Throughout this through-the-looking-glass- exercise in absurdity I made many calls to ATT, always with stupendous wait times. The record wait time, I'm ashamed to confess, went on for 1 hour, 36 minutes.
The final call (I deluded myself to believe it would be the last) was in early January. A live female ATT rep in Wichita assured me that all our remaining ATT accounts would be closed. After 61+ years. Time of that call to Wichita? A mere 46 minutes.
Yesterday an ATT booklet arrived by mail, welcoming us to the ATT family, and revealing that for a mere $96.51 a month we get 2 land lines in Austin; numbers 512-453-2799 and 512-453-5530. The same numbers cancelled by ATT less than a month ago.
None of this is or could be made up. It happened, exactly as described. Kafkaesque, you think?

I called AT&T because I had a problem with the cable box and the TV not connecting. When I called AT&T I got a representative, who told me what to do here at home. This lasted around 45 minutes, the problem still wasn't solve it got worse. The TV screen stays black nothing come on. I was getting upset so I told the rep. to send out a technician to come to the house, to replace the cable box with a new one. Why should I be doing this when I pay to have someone fix the problem. He said if AT&T send someone to the home, I might have to pay the around $99.00. I told him the problem was the cable box not the wiring. I asked to speak to a supervisor and he put on the phone a person name Joseph. I asked Joseph what was his full name he refused to tell me. He stated that supervisor were not suppose to give out their last name. I never heard of anything like this before. I would like for AT&T to send someone to my home and replace the cable box with a new one.

Not one representative a spoke with on yesterday, had no experience when I needed some billing information on a miscellaneous account(mailbox in the sky) I was on hold for an hour, I asked for names of supervisors, district managers, also operations managers. I was put on hold and my issue was never resolved. These employees need to be trained better to handle all calls. I retired form AT&T and there is no way I would ever suggest that any customer should call for assistance, because all they are going to get is a bunch of round arounds. Irate as HELL

It has been 4 weeks since AT&T dug up a portion of my front yard and left a big mess upon leaving and never have returned to clean up the mess…one of the workers said would return soon to finish the job of restoring my yard to prior condition…no one has has returned….who at ATT do I contact for resolution?

February 22, 2014 we went on a cruise, right before we left I contacted AT&T about going out of the country and our data usage we just purchased an iPad Air. The person I talked to changed our plan to save us some money and told us we would be put on international rate while we were out of the county. When we left port in Galveston TX and were out to sea we tried to use our phones and we had not service for calls, texting or the iPad. We put them away until we got back in port at Galveston TX on Sunday March 1st. The person I talked to told us our normal monthly bill from now on should be $171.80 until the iPad was paid off. Today I checked our statement on line and it shows we owe $288.65. I called support and asked why so high and was told we made some texts with video and were charged a roaming rate. I again told this person I was talking to our phones and the iPad did not work on the cruise and we put them away until we got back in port in Galveston TX to use. I asked how it could show we used them out of the country and he said that is what the system shows and that is what he has to go by.
We have been with AT&T for a long time, if this is the way you are going to treat us we will look at our options.

I have paid my monthly bill statement on the 19th of March by debit card via automated service. On the 25th of March my bank statement shows I was charged same amount via bank check. I was trying to get clarification and direction from a problem was redirected to a different none existing issue. I am frustrated and disappointed.

3 weeks ago I called and spoke with a customer service rep. that explain incorrectly how the international plan works. I explained in detail what services I was looking for and she assured me that ATT could provide that. Well that was incorrect. My son is in South Korea in the Army, we were with T-mobile which has an international plan with unlimited data and text and calling/ 10 cents a minute. The problem with them was we were getting a lot of drop calls so I called ATT to ask questions about international plans to call South Korea and for my son to call us from South Korea. The lady stated that the international plan was $5.00 per line to add and that each call made would be 8 to 10 cents per minute. So we continue to talk about data and unlimited text and talk.
So I went through with joining att based on the answers I was given to all my questions, so 2 phones and a sim card was sent out to me. The phones were for me and my mother and the sim card was for my son whose in South Korea with an ATT phone. So once he got the sim card which took about 14 days to get there he was unable to get the phone to work. So I continue to call all through out the days to try to get things right. As I called and spoke with different people was being informed different things. 1st the plan we had didn’t support calling to and from south korea, then we were told on yesterday the phone still isn’t able to work do to some technical difficulties for not being able to reach south korea network.
Then I was told that he would have to purchase a calling card. and the story goes on and on and on …lies…So today I was told after they added the international plan that the phone would work. the only happen was a billed that generated for over 900.00 in less than 6 hours and my son still is unable to call or text…so now I want to go back to T-Mobile where we atleast were able to communicate with unlimited data , text and calls. I was lied too in order to switch. Very disappointed when my son is serving his country and can’t communicate with his family just for a company to gain money for a service they couldn’t supply. I would like a phone call, and to terminate this 2 year contract for being told a straight out lie!

I have tried to explain twice that I am not able to connect to the network (my iPhone) on my computer/IPad/or Laptop. They are not listening to what is actually happening and keep going down the path that I can’t get to the internet on my IPhone. I’ve never had any problems before. I now realize how lucky I’ve been. Support tells me the problems I’m seeing then hang up. Very disappointing.

I just realize that ATT added a dollar to my equipment rental. What is the reason for that when the equipment is in my home and has been accounted for. When I called and ask for a good reason for this, I was able to talk to Daneil and unceremoneously disconnected. How rude. They know my number and can call back. I can not find an email or something to air my grievance.

I have a Samsung Galaxy Note which was an upgrade in September 2012. My phone would not charge. I tried multiple chargers and still would not charge. I ended up having to wrap the chord around the phone to put enough pressure on the insertion site for the phone to charge. The problem was the phone, not the charger. When I went to the AT&T store on Lankershim (in Los Angeles), I explained to the store clerk what was wrong with my phone. He laughed at me and proceeded to try multiple chargers in the store before telling me it was the phone. I informed him I had insurance on the phone and he told me he would not help me and i had to call AT&T myself, which I did in the store. While the gentleman on the phone was a little bit helpful, not by much, the store clerk stood in front of me rolling his eyes and laughing at me. The gentleman on the phone instructed me on how to resolve my problem in the store and he spoke to the clerk over the phone.
Once we concluded the phone call, I asked the clerk if we could fix the problem today. He stated he would not help me in the store and i had to call customer service and they could do fix my phone problem over the phone. Which was why i was on the phone to begin with. The guy on the phone told me the store would fix it and the store said no, they wouldn’t fix it. I asked for the manager. When he came over he stated no one in his store would help me with my phone issue. I told him i had been an AT&T customer for 19 years and had never been treated like this. I informed the manager and the clerk that i would be dropping them and they laughed while i was walking out the door.

Now, I must give a disclaimer up front that this story is rather involved and completely a “first world problem”, but it’s my problem so if you care to listen read on. My wife and I’s lease on our house we were renting was ending and sadly we had to move. I previously had service with Wow!, but they didn’t offer internet/cable at our new address so I was in search of a new company to go with. I spoke with many of my coworkers and they informed me that AT&T was the best company to go with.
A few days prior to moving, I went online and spoke with a representative and picked out an internet plan and they informed me that a tech would go by my house and they would send me the modem in the mail for me to set up. The day came where we started moving in and there was already something on the door indicating AT&T had been there and the modem had already arrived in the mail. I thought to myself, “Man, they are efficient”.
The day came (Tuesday) when our internet should be working so that evening I attempted to hook up my internet and low and behold nothing worked. I called their customer service number only to have the first person I talked to tell me he couldn’t find my account number or any record that I had service with them. Now, keep in mind, I had their modem, someone had been to my house and I had two papers with my name and a new account number with a phone number associated with my new AT&T internet. I was transferred to another guy who couldn’t find it and then conference called with a fourth person.
None of these people could find my account. I was then put on hold again for over 30 minutes where I gave up and simply hung up. The next day, after work, I was at home trying to get the internet to work again (which it didn’t) so I called again. The 5th person I spoke with told me he couldn’t find my account number, surprise surprise and he advised me to call the customer service number that I had called to reach him. So I hung up and called the 6th person who did offer me a slight glimmer of hope.
She had me try both phone jacks in my house and informed me she didn’t see any signal, but she could send someone out the next morning to fix the problem. I informed her that I wouldn’t be home, and neither would my wife do to our work schedules. She said that wouldn’t be a problem and that the technician could complete the service call without coming inside.
Well, she was wrong. My phone rang while at work on that Thursday with the technician informing me he was about 15 minutes from my house. I told him that was fine, but I wouldn’t be there because I was at work. He appeared flabbergasted and said, “Well you need to be there, I am going to have to put this appointment on hold until Saturday and I will come back by then”. I completed my work day and being that no one had done anything of value for me so far, I decided to call just to verify the appointment I supposedly had on Saturday. Well, wouldn’t you know it, no appointment existed. The customer service representative I spoke with, Caroline, (who may I remind you was the 8th person I had spoken with), was professional and seemed to have a good head on her shoulders.
She tried switching my appointment but informed me she was having trouble taking the hold off of it. She told me she would work on the matter and call me back. She did a few minutes later, but told me she was unable to do so and would call me back the next day. Long story short she was unable to move my appointment and I had someone else apparently make me an appointment on Saturday (which they didn’t) even though they gave me an appointment number to verify my imaginary appointment. I ended up mailing the modem back and canceling the internet service without every getting to see if it was any sort of a good product.
The main reason for this complaint is that AT&T stresses how much they care about their customers and in reality they do not. They simply tell you what you want to hear knowing you will probably never interact with that person again when they don’t do what they say. All I wanted was the internet. I wasn’t asking for anything out of the ordinary. AT&T’s company revolves around the transmission of information, whether it’s thru the internet, phone or television. But, everyone, other than Caroline, didn’t give me any worth while information. 80% of the people I spoke with couldn’t even find my account. And, even when having two people independently of one another, verify my Saturday appointment, in actuality I never even had one. So what’s the point of giving someone a reference number for their appointment if it doesn’t exist?!
Overall, this was the worst customer service I have experienced in my entire life in any sort of realm. Nothing positive was gained from it, only negative. I realize too that the sad thing is I don’t matter to AT&T at all. They are such a large company, someone will just fill my place.
Disclaimer: This complaint was submitted by Adam on 03/12/2014 at IP address using our AT&T complaint form. This opinions contained in this AT&T customer review titled, “Worst Customer Service Ever” do not reflect the opinions of this website.

My wife interacted with a person called Josh around about January 16, 2014; and she was not told that our phone service would have a limit of 200 minutes. Our bill this month included $86.00 worth of calls. We have always had unlimited minutes local and long distance. I spoke to Jamie at ATT who is supposed to set up our phone service the unlimited local and long distance service for $35.00 per month. However, there was no indication that ATT would lower our bill. This was a mistake made by their representative who did not inform us nor did he change our service to what we originally had which was $35.00 a month. This step was supposed to save us money instead our bill skyrocketed. As retirees we cannot afford these bills.

Every month my bill goes up. And I have had uverse service for 2 years and my bill has never been the amount I was told it would be. I love the service just want my bill to be correct. I am and have always been on a budget and told the agent that when I changed to uverse. Not happy with my billing.

We recently moved 15 miles away from our previous home. We had placed a work order for internet and landline in our new home to be installed the day we closed. That was on 30 Aug 2013. We have been delayed 5 times now with excuse after excuse. Today again we were supposed to finally have a technician to arrive between 2 and 4 p.m. Guess what another no show, and no phone call to explain why or when we would be rescheduled AGAIN. My husband is on the cell phone with someone in another country that just keeps reading a script and not helping. What in the world do you have to do to get service. My husband works from home a lot and needs access to the internet and a landline phone. This is causing a lot of problems and I just don’t get it. I wish we could use another service because we would have after the 2nd appointment was cancelled. But our little town only has AT&T. They have us by the u know what and nothing we can do. I hate this!!!!

Moved to mt. Nernon Ohio to help ailing parents. Upon arriving I find that I have no service from AT&T. After numerous cantacts with AT&T I still have no service and no recommendations. I even drove to AT&T stre an hour away to try to remedy the problem. Nothing happened and I continued getting bills. My contract was cancelled and I was still being billed plus other charges for service I never received. I have been with AT&T for 7 plus years. Never thought they would treat their customers this way . they are sending me to collections for problems they caused.

I am living in my rental while waiting on a home renovation. When my wife called ATT to return service to our renovated home she was not giving a timely frame for a tech to come to our renovated home (which is already set for ATT). Due to massive miscommunications problems between departments at ATT my wife called to confirm that both residences were receiving services until the move was complete and ATT confirmed it would not happen. She was on the phone for 3 hours verifying this because she was kept on hold or hung up on most of the afternoon.
The sales or customer service rep came back and said no services would be interrupted and a tech would be at our renovated home on the 2nd. On the 30th ATT (due to a note error on the part of the customer service rep) caused all service at our rental to be deactivated. My wife has spent the better part of two day and possibly up to 40 reps between tech support, sales and tier II agents trying to resolve the issue. Bottom line we lost our tech guy coming out today in order for her to restore service at the rental. My wife is a online student due to a disability getting her MSN in Nursing.
She failed two exams yesterday due to the interruption as well as a near fail on a huge final paper for graduation. Finally at 10:30 last night internet and phone were restored, however – the television will not come back on and we had to cancel our new service at our renovated house for restoration of service. I have U300 and now being told that we don’t? She has no television and is afraid to order new service due to the fact of disruptions of service. In two she spoke to clost to 50 reps between the different departments and no one can seem to fix anything or get it right.
She has been hung up on, treated rudely and this is all due to a customer service error. Now we have movers coming – no service at the other address. I’m very disheartened and frankly angry that my wife was treated this way by anyone. The ticket numbers and orders are confusing and the different departments have excessive miscommunication between them – as she was told 50 different stories before finally a man told her that her service had actually been disconnected at our rental and all he could do to restore anything was cancel the tech coming out to inspect the equipment and make sure the service was operating properly.
I hope in the future inter personal skills is a must for these positions, as you are one of the more expensive bundle carriers. You are about to lose me and everyone I’ve told about how great you were, and we are all going to go back to Buckeye Cable in Toledo, OH. I will laugh when ATT comes knocking on my door. As I was typing this – my wife was just disconnected again.

Shame on all the top leaders in AT&T company. One of the worst companies to handle your problem. They don’t understand their team is a reflection of them. I have 2 business lines and 3 personal lines. I have called for different reasons to speak to a supervisor and not even once the supervisor has been available. I called 11 days ago and left my information to an associat named Noriel ID#hd097q, he said a supervisor will call me and he is yet to call me back after 11 days. Then I called today and apoke to Craig Jones ID#cj405q
He told me someone will call me and hung up before giving me the supervisor’s name. I called back again today and spoke to Yolanda Gorde ID#YG463T. She was the most inconsiderate person that I have spoken to. She didn’t allow me to talk when I asked if there is any note from Craig about my call that was made earlier today, she responded no there was no notes. Then I asked how they are held accountable for making a note on my account. She said it doesn’t matter who cares why do you want to know about that. At this moment I was furious that not only she wasn’t apologizingm, she was telling me who cares about the customer I asked to speak to Bobby Jhonson the supervisoe, she refused to put me through. I told her that I wanted to disconnect my lines and she responded that she could do that in seconds and there is no need to involve a supervisor. She repeatedly told me there was no reason for me to talk to the supervisor despite my request and disconnected me. I will reach out on any social media to ensure everyone is aware of your service and why we can’t speak to a superviser after 12 days. Why are your supervisors so busy that they don’t care about an upset customer. I expect to hear from you ASAP and will reach out to channel 7 ( Help me howard ) to understand what your philosophy is. You can email me back and I will call you on a number that you provide me.. You should be ashamed of your mission and vision for your company. Without your customers you are nothing. One unsatisfied customer informs 10 other people. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Sam Moshkani

It is my purpose to alert you of my recent encounter w/ an AT&T retail store manager with the hope to have a better experience should the need arise for me to have to visit there ever again. On 5/3/13 I sought out a site to assist me w/ my newly purchased Gophone b/c the SIM card had locked up on me for attempting too many times to secure my phone w/ an incorrect PIN. I located the nearest store, 641 Indian Hill Blvd, Pomona, CA. Having aided me in changing my SIM card I further asked Miguel, store manager, to assist me in secring the phone, but he said he didn’t know how. I then asked him how come he didn’t know how; this was an AT&T store and I had an AT&T Phone? Obviously aggitated at my insistence for help, he then made some unsuccessful attempts before quitting and handing me off to an other sales person, Jessica, as if I was some nuisance child he couldn’t be bothered w/. Jessica, was great, she very patiently helped me seek out the answer to the question I was having difficulty solving by dialing customer service.

I ordered an upgrade from U-Verse to ATT Fiber100
scheduled a visititation window on Dec 29th (3 missed appointments) the next day Dec 30 (two missed appointments)
I lost U-Verse service in the first window.
I have been down 3 weeks
they shipped me a replacement modem and can't get it working

They lie!!!

being charged $20 dollars extra a month because I won't sign up for auto pay. I've been with at&t 10 years and not once have I been late paying my bill. soon I will be saying good bye to your company

worst service ever. lied non stop. spent hours trying to fix situation. bill kept going up. $250 in 30 days for only internet? never had such bad experience. bill started at $30 a month, when I got it it was 70 per month then went up from. there. worst customer service.

I cancelled my ATT&T on October 27. 2018, received a statement for 136.83.
I called. speaking with customer service person named Bamier, who told me that I did not owe for the
this amount that I should have been charged for one day.The 136.83 was taken out of my account
after I had cancelled AT&T causing me to have a huge overdraft. I wrote a letter and called my
bank to dispute this withdrawal. The money was put back into my account. after speaking with another
customer service person at AT&T. Now I am getting a letter stating if I didn't pay my 136.83 it would be
turned over to collection, after 4 hours on the phone being passed from to one person to another asking
to speak to a manager or someone on the the finance department this could not be resolved, I had so
many reasons why this couldn't be resolved and I was absolutely astonished that the customer service
could not get me a manager. This is a terrible way to do business. I am frustrated, I was with your company for
almost 18 years and am appalled at the way I have been treated. I owe you one day of service and am happy to
pay it. I am not going to pay for service I did not use.
I was told that because i just had cell phone service, that they could not break it down to one day, how stupid
is that??? I think you had better have a training class for your Customer Service people so they know what they are supposed
to do I would appreciate to get this resolved as quickly as possible.
Alvin Campbell
acct number 359190360
wireless numbers
479 619 279 479 936 4524
PS I don't see how you can cancel my service on December 24, 2018
when I had already cancelled it on October 27. 2018

Signed up for AT&T about a month ago. The reason i signed up was because of a certain channel I like. (LMN) I was getting the channel in the beginning and now all of a sudden,, I have to upgrade to get the channel. The rep specifically said I would be getting this channel as part of the program along with a Western station that I signed up for.
LMN was the biggest reason I signed up for the service and now they take it away after a few days and i'm now stuck with a 2 yr contract.I'm paying almost a 100.00 a month for the internet and channels on my TV that is mostly channels trying to sell items. My gut feelings was telling me not to sign up with ATT due to the negative reviews. Always listen to your inner voice.

I had an account with att u-vers # 254374857 returned the equipment bank in Jan 2018 by UPS per instructions of AT&T along with the account number. Now 11 months later they have sent this to collections for the dumb amount of $ 162.38 on 12/18/2018. I am sooooooooo pissed right now... that they did not try to reach me nor send me a letter about what was owed. I have been with AT&T for 12-13 years, they have my mailing address so there is no excuse for this crap ! I have call the collection company Diversified @ 904-247-5500 and talked to Michelle Gonzales and Greg Shaws (manager) to explain that I was never notified about this, and it would have been paid right then once I was notified. I did pay the amount with Greg over the phone, but with that being said I cant prove the equipment was sent because I have not longer the receipt from UPS when I shipped it, so had no choose but to pay this as I wanted this gone. The issue is not that you guys have this as a collection item and it has effected my credit score 100 points, and not I will be impacted because of this. I want AT&T to have this removed from my credit report as the mistake was not mine, I shipped the equipment.
Now the customer care team is going to look into this to see if they ever recvd the equipment. Should this not been done before you reported the account to collections ?
I want AT&T to fix this or I will get an attorney to get this corrected and will also call the BBB and report ATT along with the Federal Communications.

I switched over from sprint last year to save money but instead the I’m paying $100 more than I was. I have a $700 bill in collections because you didn’t pay my trade in phones. I have a home phone on my acct that has never been activated. And I didn’t want. I have been to 3-4 Mn ATT stores and know one can help because they don’t know what they are doing! I need to get my bill down $100 that I was promised. And upgrades for my phones as promised every 12 months with no additional fees! Very poor service disappointing!!

My wife was talked into bundling several months ago our cell phones, direct tv service and our house phone witch was version service. Every since our house phone only works part of the time, and we lost our fax service. We have complained to the Barstow office where you pay your bill and have been told they will up the issue to the proper place in AT&T complaint dept. to get the issue resolved. To date no one has shown up to see what kind of problems we have here at our house with our wireless house phone and to say it only works part of the time. I'm asking you to send one of your expert tecks out here to see what the issue here is so we can have what we are paying for monthly witch we have not have since we were talked into months ago. Please call me on my cell phone at 760 267 3855 to see what the issue is here. Thank you. We have spent way to much money on your service that is not working. thank you again. Please respond.

Bill was switched to paperless without conformation from me as a customer. I notify them that I did not want this to happen and I received a letter that stated that my next billing would not come thru the mail. I do not trust e-mail enough to rely receiving my bill thru this method and I do not trust AT&T with any of my info to direct bill. I called and spoke to one person and she could help me and I was passed to another person, no info was provided to the next person. I had to provide all that info again. customer service??????? This person was off shore. No personal feelings for their customers just dollar signs AT&T. Gonna cost you in the end. This is not the problem I have had. U-Verse and mobile phone??

tried to find out about direct tv discounts for retired att employees no luck called at least 5 toll free numbers no luck maybe that is why spectrum service is so much better there stock is over 300 a share att is 30 a share if ceo an board stop being concerned about there on checks an start to work on problems maybe service would be better a change would be better than talk talk is cheap 4786763513

I wish I could give this horrible company a big ZERO. My husband is 80 yrs old and I am almost 67. We were no longer under contract with AT&T and wanted to buy new phones for Christmas. We were told if my husband dropped his number we could take advantage of the BOGO offer of buy one for me and get hubby's free. We did it and was told after all charges and tax our bill would be around 285.00 each month. It took me and Hubby from 11 to almost 7 o'clock on Nov. 27 to get these phones with no time for food. Hubby noticed a few days later that his old phone was still active. I called numerous times and stayed on the line for 30 minutes talking with nothing resolved. I called back to question charges and it took the second guy over one hour to go over all the bogus charges with me. AT @ T had presented me with a 400.00 + bill after me paying about $500.00 dollars for fees for the phones. They also said I had 6 lines and then changed that figure to 5 lines. I only have 4 lines. Nothing resolved but a small credit of $30. I CANNOT and WILL NOT PAY over $400 dollars for 4 lines when it was suppose to be buy one get one FREE on two of the lines. I asked to speak to a supervisor but AT & T refused each time to connect me. UPSET SENIOR CITIZENS IN LAS VEGAS!!!!!

I canceled my contract service and switched to a prepaid account. I called at&t billing (VESTA) and canceled my auto pay. AT&T has no record, but I have it on my call log.
In short: AT&T has structured their billing, service, contract, prepaid services so that you can't get a refund.
AT&T has no clear or defined path to get a refund. They can't be sued, so they have placed themselves above the law.

I do believe a monkey with a blindfold on could handle business better than the AT&T customer service people do. I called in to have my Tv & internet bundled (combine the 2 bills into 1). By September they were combined but not the bill. Called in Oct.~ Nov.( told it would "defiantly" be done by Dec. Well it ain't. Now by Jan. billing. Somebody don't have a clue what they are doing.o believe a monkey with a blindfold on could handle business better than the AT&T customer service people do. I called in to have my Tv & internet bundled (combine the 2 bills into 1). By September they were combined but not the bill. Called in Oct.~ Nov.( told it would "defiantly" be done by Dec. Well it ain't. Now by Jan. billing. Somebody don't have a clue what they are doing.

Installation for ATT U-verse has been scheduled and rescheduled 5 times after moving. The local store says out of our control, we don't have any options that is how ATT works now.

I called in to renew my contract and was told I could get fiber to the home for the same amount that I am currently paying so I explained that they had
just completed placing the fiber in my back yard but has not been lit yet. However your customer service department are selling a product that is not working they dispatch a tech just to confirm what I already know that I can not get fiber to my home even though it's right in my back yard because the engineers have not completed their job. The second problem that I have is trying to talk to someone in customer service that's not from the US and can barely speak English and I have to request to speak to someone in the US this is a problem. I live work and pay taxes in the US and when I pick up the phone to call a US company I should speak to someone here in the US. Your customer service is awful maybe if you focused on making the customer happy instead of trying to sell the customer something or upgrade their service things might just work out. I am on the phone right now with customer service and as usual I was told one thing this morning and its not in the notes and no one can seem to help me so I guess it's time for me to move to another company that want's my business and can delivery on what they say they can and have a English speaking customer service. I called back and finally got to speak to someone in retention and was told in order to correct the problem they would have to dispatch out a tech and I just had a tech out this morning. This is just one example of how the customer service department transfer you from one department to another and no one takes ownership

I bought a two phones for the price of one deal at an AT&T satellite store but AT&T refuses to honor the deal and continues to charge me for both phones. The store admits fault but can not fix it and AT&T says the store has to fix the problem. Great job passing the buck back and forth. Can we choose 0 stars?

To whom it may Concern,
My Name is: William Barona Phone # (305) 510-1910
The Reason I’m writing this letter to inform you that I’m real disappointed with AT&T.
I’ve been with AT&T for a long while and had all you’re I phone’s from the beginning.
I recently upgraded my phone from an Iphone X to an IPhone Xs Max 512GB, which
Is a 1,500.00 dollar phone not to mention? Two after I received the phone I started to
Issues with it, but didn’t reach out to Tat till yesterday I purchased the phone on
Nov 26, 2018 and Received it on Nov 28, 2018. My phone kept locking up and when I
Tried to restart it, it would take up 30min to reboot up. Which it is not normal, so I decided
To get ahold of you people yesterday on Dec 6, 2018, which I know I have 14 days to return this
Phone back to you guys. But all I wanted was to get my phone either fixed or replaced, but all I kept
Was getting the run around from you Guys. It started like this:
1: I called Customer service in the Morning of Dec 6,2016 and explained all the issues I was having with the phone and trouble shouted the fix and you’re agent came to the conclusion that I needed to have my phone replaced and that I should pick up at your local At&T Store.
2. Went to Three different AT&T Stores, but two of them were out of the one I have. The last one
In Jacksonville, FL 9508 Crosshill Blvd (904) 317-2778 I went was the rudest AT&T store I’ve ever been in
I ask to have my phone replaced and they look at me like I was Crazy and Told Me I need to go to the
Apple store, which I explained to the about the 14 day return policy you have and they told me it wasn’t
Their problem, so instead of making a big commotion, I left.
3. Got in my Car and started to drive Home, which is an Hour drive from where I live and after wasting my time and Gas driving all over Jacksonville looking to have my phone replaced. I decided to call you guys again. I went thru all the same thing I went with your prior Agent on the phone for 53min, then she told me that she was going to send me a shipping Label to return my phone back to you guys, after
My replacement got to me, but never happened. Then she transferred me to Apple technical support
And they didn’t even know anything or why I was on the phone taking to them.
4. Call you customer Service Again, after being hung up on and got another Agent about 7:00Pm
And this Agent to me that they couldn’t do anything for me. That the only thing I could do was file a claim with my insurance to have my for replace. Which I explained the whole fiasco bac to him and also
Got hung up by.
5. Finally Made Home and Called you guys once again, and received the same round around about me needing to speak to Apple. I told you’re Agent that I didn’t Buy the IPhone for $ 1,500.00 from Apple,
That I bought from you guys and she said that I still need to talk to Apple, which she transferred me to
And one again went thru all the same things I went thru with your agents and trouble shouted again and then I spoke to an Apple Supervisor, which Stayed that At&T needed to Swap my Phone out, Not
Apple. Since I had just purchased from you guys on Nov 28, 2018. And Still Have no Resolution.
6. I’ve been very pleased with AT&T all these years, Till Yesterday. And Considering Switching Carriers.

Jessie Wilson very upset concerning the experience I had with getting my elder sister service transferred. Annie Davis moved from 1706 st Charles rd to 2321 s 14th ave. REP work order transfer her from 1706 to 1706 I was told they had to redo work order and reschedule. No service on Nov 30th_ resch for Dec 1_ still no service- my sister live alone do not use cell phone, only phone she have house phone. She had to go without any service from Nov 30th to Dec 4th? No one showed up on Mon 3rd as promised_ keep in mind this was a medical emergency. My mother in law died in that same house trieding to get her phone turned on for a medical device. Att gave her the run around also.

I've been trying since my July billing cycle (it's December) to get an early long distance package cancellation fee removed from my bill. At the time in question I did NOT have a special long distance package and was using the basic unlimited long distance service. When I change my local calling package (and both services have different contract dates which would conveniently cause a fee no matter when you cancelled service) they tacked an extra $56.33 to my bill. I have all of the bill and all of the rep. numbers and when I call back this week I'm cancelling every service and I wish them the best of luck collecting any sort or cancellation fees.

Received a spoof call from am AT&T number caller stated he was Sam Johnson with AT&T. Called AT&T and was directed to my phone service provider to block their number. (A service I have to pay for). Rep was rude, curt, and extremely unhelpful!
Yet another reason to NEVER use AT&T again!

AT&T has dug a hole behind my fence to put in a line on Monday, November 26, 2018. First off, I was not notified of the service that was going to be done regarding digging up my yard. The dirt removed from the hole dug has been piled up against my brand new fence and is weight bearing. It is suppose to rain today which will cause much tension on the fence on top of that making stain marks and rotting the fence. I had my fence raised off the ground with a kick board to keep from the dirt rotting the wood. The hole digging started about 3 weeks ago in the yard across the street from me and the only activity since that time has been twice. I would like the dirt removed today off of my fence. If this problem is not solved within 24 hours I will contact my attorney and take further action.
Your cooperation in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Tammie Artesi
2333 Baretta Dr
Mesquite, Texas 75181

Discontinued service package with ATT Uverse/directv. Returned equipment immediately and was then asked to prove it. Fortunately I had a receipt from shipper. I kept getting bills from AT&T but credits from Directv and called about confusion. AT&T told me to ignore the bills and they would send a correction. Instead they sent my account to collections. I have excellent credit and pay on time. The agent I talked to said it was documented that I called about the bills and was told I would get a correction. Now I'm told that the credit from Directv should have been applied to AT&T. You screwed up and now I have a ding on my credit.

I've been trying to get service for over a month now and AT&T is just giving me the run a round on this. We will have appointments schedule and then you can they don't show an appointment and the tech people do not ever call to let you know that they are own their way or running late to the appointment. At this point I'm sick of AT&T will not telling me the truth and treating their customers this way. I want this issue resolve because I left one service to join this service because people say that they have no problems but I'm having too many problems with this company.

My cable went out on 11/23/2018 and when I contacted AT&T I was given a date of 11/25/2018 for a tech to come out between the hours of 10am and 12 noon. I told the customer service rep, that I had to go to work by 1pm, she said she would place a note in the record. on 11/25/2018. I spoke with Mindy, Barbara and Stella, who all stated the tech was enroute and was held up on a previous call and will be at my apartment by 12 or 12:15. He did not arrive and I did not get a call from him until 1:39pm stating he was on the way. I was late for work and at work when I called. This is unacceptable for two reasons. One I take my work home and could not do anything on my computer because I had no service. Two, I have a job and it is very inconsiderate to think I should just wait on whatever time a tech decides to show up. It is not worth it. I no longer want the service and was told when I called to cancel by Tia, I would have to pay a disconnection fee of $300 dollars. She was not concerned that I did not have service and that no one arrived at the times stated to repair whatever the issues were, just that someone called me an hour and half after the scheduled time to say they were on the way, when I was at work. I have ATT service on two home addresses, and am going to cancel both. The customer service is not worth the headache, nor is the tech service working when they should. The communication is horrible. If al you can say to me is to "recap what they think they did for me" is most important than, AT&T missed the mark. I am not going to pay a $300 dollar disconnect fee when the service was not up to standard, and will fight it in court.

I have been trying for several weeks to get a resolution to a telephone number assignment fixed. I have been assigned a telephone number that apparently has been left open for a former person who had this number. I have experience numerous calls including group texts. And now apparently a relative of the previous owner of the number as put a request and texted to my phone. All of this has been alerted to AT&T twice before but nothng resolved. All they did was block certain numbers, but I have many others that continued to text. I have chatted with someone on line and talked to someone to the recommended number to call. Still no progress. I have been given the run around in the store as well.While I plan to visit AT&T again, I am filing this complaint because no one called me back, or they made ridiculous, not helpful information except to block out the phone.

We have called ATT customer support 4 times since June 2018. It is now November 22, 2018 and we called again. We pay on time and in full every month. We continue to get extremely poor service, no pictures, continuous error messages. You customer support people today Jeremy and Natalie were extremely poor in there help. Actually they did not help at all. Jeremy actually told me that he will not credit my account (since I am staring at a blank TV because we have not called every day about the problem. Again, we have called 4 times since June 2018. If that is not a consistent problem, I do not know what is. We have changed many boxes, HDMI cords (at our cost) and this does not permanently resolve the problem. Bottom line, we will change providers as soon as we can. Once again you have lost more customers.
Please do not email me and tell me "your sorry", I needed a credit on my account and Jeremy would not help with this. If your CEO received this kind of service, I don't think he/she would pay for the service. The right thing to have done today by Jeremy is give me the credit I was asking for, but he refused.
ATT did have good service at one time, but ATT must have needed to provide pay increases to its upper management so you cut corners and provide crappy boxes, crappy customer support and of course, we cannot forget you outsource everything to other countries.

I have been trying to get a static ip address for my Nighthawk LTE Mobile Hotspot Router (330-685-7775 / acct #: 287287665845) for almost 6 weeks. I began by contacting Mark Lorenz who after a week passed me off to Anthony Barile. Anthony passed me off to Robb Vandefifer who has been unable to provide me with the static ip I need. I've followed up with Anthony multiple times and contacted his Regional Director Mark Manriquez multiple times. All this has gotten me nowhere. I have a projected pending that depends on getting this device set up. I'm hoping someone at AT&T can help me get this seemingly routine task completed. Below is the latest email exchange that so far has gotten me nowhere.
From: Phil Stewart
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2018 3:24 PM
Subject: RE: Update,
It has been almost 24 hrs since my last email and I've still not heard anything. Unfortunately, this has been a recurring pattern during my ordeal to get a static ip. I've received little to no help. What should have been a simple task has now taken over six weeks. Is there any way I can get this assigned to someone competent enough to take care of it without me having to check back over and over again. I'm hoping this isn't a normal level of customer service or that it isn't an indirect way of getting rid of me. My next step will have to be returning my device and going to another provider. I have a fiber circuit and 10 dsl lines with AT&T. I've never had this much trouble dealing with AT&T on any other issue.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2018 4:54 PM
To: Phil Stewart <>; BARILE, ANTHONY T <>; 'Vandefifer, Robb' <>
Cc: 'Lorenz, Mark' <>
Subject: RE: Update,
Please update the client.
Thank you...
Mark A. Manriquez
Regional Director
Northeast Region
AT&T National Business Select Markets
Office/Cell: 248 231 6119
-----Original Message-----
From: Phil Stewart <>
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2018 7:40 PM
To: BARILE, ANTHONY T <>; Vandefifer, Robb <>
Cc: MANRIQUEZ, MARK A <>; Lorenz, Mark <>
Subject: RE: Update,
No update today.
-----Original Message-----
From: Phil Stewart
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2018 4:19 PM
To: BARILE, ANTHONY T <>; Vandefifer, Robb <>
Cc: MANRIQUEZ, MARK A <>; Lorenz, Mark <>
Subject: RE: Update,
Still nothing.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2018 10:32 AM
To: Phil Stewart <>; Vandefifer, Robb <>
Cc: MANRIQUEZ, MARK A <>; Lorenz, Mark <>
Subject: RE: Update,
Phil I will follow up.
-----Original Message-----
From: Phil Stewart <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2018 1:31 PM
To: Vandefifer, Robb <>
Cc: BARILE, ANTHONY T <>; MANRIQUEZ, MARK A <>; Lorenz, Mark <>
Subject: RE: Update,
Still no static ip.
-----Original Message-----
From: Vandefifer, Robb []
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2018 3:35 PM
To: Phil Stewart <>
Subject: Update,
We apologize for the delay, per my voicemail we thought the issue would be resolved today. We have escalated this issue again today. We need to get the addendum contract to you to get the IP added. Static IP’s are an issue on mobile devices to happen and they open them up for security concerns. We also know that in some cases they are needed. Our team is on this, I know you have heard that these last weeks. Please understand we will resolve this issues. We will continue to escalate this until it is resolved.
G. Robb Vandefifer
Account Manager
Telecom Technicians, Inc
Sent from my iPhone

HORRIBLE! I would give ATT ZERO stars!. This is the worst of the worst- with illiterate agents from the third world, with insufficient English, with no knowledge of simple things, not to mention their refusal to connect with an agent from US. I have absolutely slow Internet; my request to have a technician were unsuccessful ; I am charged fees, I have no explanation why; I complained written way- months ago- I never got an answer. Payment account info is not stored properly, my name is wrong and so forth! ATT, as Cox have monopoly in the area, where I live and I can't get out. My payment due date is changed all the times, I am forced to change my pass- all the time, I can't get medium intelligent person on the line to talk to! BOYCOTT ATT, IF YOU CAN!

November 1 2018 Called and cancelled wireless home phone. They didn't say anything about contract still in force. I thought it was over. 11/16/2018 get a new phone bill for $127.66. Not only are they charging for contract not ended but they also went up on my internet service from $30.00 to
$50.00. I guess they think everyone has a whole bunch of money. As a senior I can't afford those prices. Did they do anything to help me?.No. I think cusotmer service should tell people if their contract has not expired. I will never recommend Att to anyone. All they did was set up 2 payments for the bill. It is still going to be hard to pay second part of the bill. THANKS FOR NOTHING ATT.

I contacted your “customer service” 800 number, yesterday. The person I spoke to was a woman with a foreign accent, most likely Filipina. I was stationed in the Philippines for over 3 years during my 30 year career in the U.S. Navy. I’m a retired Chief Radioman. I was calling because we did not receive a paper bill last month. She told me she couldn’t access my account because their system was “doing an update”. I couldn’t get any help from her. She told me I would have to call back in 3-4 hours. Is this normal “customer service”. We have had DirecTV service since approximately 1993. II stalled the original system myself. We recently had a tech out that swapped out the LNB and switched our service to SWM because we were having problems with the “Guide” saying “to be announced” on a lot of channels. Before the tech arrive another rep from ATT arrived to try and get us to switch our cell service over to ATT. He said I should call and complain because we are not receiving a discount for being Veteran. I’m a bit upset at ATT. Since DirecTV was purchased by ATT our service has been anything but stellar. Besides not receiving a paper bill last month the programming leaves a lot to be desired. We are considering canceling our service and going with either DISH or another service i.e, Netflix, Hulu, PlayStation View. Etc. We might be interested in switching our cell service however with the poor customer service we’ve received in the past from ATT I doubt that will happen. Customer service seems to be sorely lacking on the part of ATT.

I placed my first call on October 12, 2018 to establish service. I had a installation date set. The technician came out and was unable to install my uverse services because under ground cable needed to be installed. A date was set for this and they did not show on the original date. A week later some one finally came and installed the underground cable. I set up another installation date for November 10th. They arrived and were NOT able to install my service because not enough cable was put down underground. NOW I have to wait until NOV 25 for them to come back out for the 4th time, to put more cable. This is not right, I feel someone should have already came back out to put more cable down so I don't have to keep waiting. I want cable and internet. This was AT&T mistake. I think this should be expedited and done immediately.

I called a week or so ago to try and lower my wireless bill. I was put on a unlimited data plan which is ok. However the next day I got a call from an Indian sounding woman. Who had my correct name and address. She said I could lower my wireless and direct tv bill to 99 dollars a month combined. First I needed to talk to her supervisor to get a promo code. An Indian sounding guy named "Brian"gets on the phone and says in order to get the promo. I had to purchase an Ebay gift card for 300 dollars to prepay 3 months. I could not use a credit card they would only take an Ebay card. He gave me this number to the "billing" department. 888 5882434. He also said I would also get hbo, cinemax and showtime free along with a 100 dollar visa gift card. The whole thing sounded pretty fishy to me and I didnt bite. I would rather change carriers than to run down to a store like Walmart to buy a gift card to activate a promo. I called Direct Tv since it was a combined bill. And the lady seemed to think it was a legit offer. I was transferred to an ATT. Department And the guy told me it was a scam. Anyway either you got hacked or its an inside job. I am concerned about my data. Please let me know how you will respond to this data breach. Actually this was the second time this happened in a month. The first one wanted an Amazon card wih 300 dollars.

there are wires that has dropped from my house and is hanging over my driveway. I have called att on Monday the 12th of November and was told some one would be at my resident between 8am and 8pm on Wednesday the 14th. I informed the person I spoke with that I have grandchildren and needed the problem resolved. I have had alabama power and my current cable company come out and they both said the wires belong to att..I called back to att today and they said someone would call me within a hour and give me an update. well, it has been more than an hour and no call. again the problem need to be corrected so no one will possibly get hurt. please have this problem correct soon as it would be greatly appreciated. my cell # is 205-585-7863 and home # is 205-791-0717. thanking you in advance for help

Customer Service and Billing. I was a long time AT&T customer until August/September 2018. The reason is because I paid off a phone purchase early and my bill WENT UP! I ignored it the first time the bill came out, but after the second bill was even more, I called Customer Service to inquire as to WHY? Naturally, I had the irritation of speaking to someone that had no clue. But could offer me "it's a late charge for the previous bill" (because I was waiting for a corrected bill) to "an increase in taxes" (my area taxes didn't go up). I requested a supervisor. No available supervisor at that time, but was assured someone would contact me. I got tired of waiting and switched providers, and quite frankly, forgot about it. What does AT&T do? They can't call me back but they sure can turn over a $84.81 bill to a collection service! Prior to purchasing a phone, my monthly bill was $55. No one could tell me why the increase and when I quit service, I was only ONE WEEK into a new billing cycle! I chatted online with customer service today and neither Jovan nor Kharmelyn (Supervisor) could offer an explanation for an increase in the bill, but was quick to tell me it was turned over to collections because I didn't pay the bill. AND STILL NO EXPLANATION OFFERED FOR THE INCREASE! And still don't know if it will be taken off my credit report! Pitiful service and not worth the aggravation. But I intend to tell everyone that is online how badly I was treated.

My ATT Home Gateway Modem was acting up. Several keys functions weren't working an just about everything over the wireless network was being dropped regularly. It was difficult to stream anything over the wireless network and my wife who works from home was having a hard time stayhing connected to her job's VPN because of the wireless problems.
I contacted ATT customer service and the technician ran some test remotely and said that my modem needed to be replaced. She indicated that she had created an order for a new modem to be shipped to my house and that it would arrive in two - three business days. A week later, the modem had not arrived. I called AT&T and was told that the order had been cancelled, but no one knew why. No one a AT&T called me, texted me or emailed about the change in the order status, they just simply forgot about me. When I called back, they told me they would get the modem reordered, but the tech was unable to get "their" system to place an order. I was told that the "back office" group would take care of the problem and that I should get the new modem in 2-3 business days. Well of course, AT&T didn't get a new modem ordered and no one from the company called me to let me know that they were having problems with their systems. I called back several more times and every time I experienced the same level of ineptitude. No one at AT&T could place an order for a new modem for my account. After nearly two weeks of this ridiculous treatment, AT&T convinced me that the only way to get me a new modem was to have a technician come to my house. We set up a schedule for AT&T to arrive at my house between 8:30 & 9:30 AM on monday.
When Monday arrived, I waited for them to show. At 9:15, I received a message from AT&T which said that they were sorry they had missed me.
I thinking "what are they talking about", I've been setting here looking at my front door, with my phone in my lap waiting on the AT&T tech. No AT&T came to my house that morning and no one called or texted me either. In the days before my scheduled appointment, I had to confirm the appointment at least two times, yet they still don't show up and then act like it was my fault.
I called AT&T to find out what was going on, and I was given the story that the tech had come by my house and left because I wasn't at home. When I told the AT&T rep, that the tech was out right lying because I had waited for him all morning. The AT&T rep then changed the story to say that the tech had called me and that I didn't answer. That was also a lie. I urged the AT&T rep to look at my and the techs phone records to prove the tech's claim that I didn't answer the call was a lie. The rep gave me an excuse that the tech probably used a "personal" phone and they wouldn't have access to his call log. I again encouraged the rep to look at my call log since my cellular service is with AT&T. Again the rep had an excuse and replied that there wouldn't be a record if I didn't answer. We all know that was another lie as my phone log has a record of all my missed calls. Additionally, why would the rep hang up before my call was picked up by voice mail???? and then not leave a voice mail message.
If the truth be known, I'm sure that tech just didn't get around early enough that day to make my appointment. His/Her approach was to tell dispatch that I wasn't home and essentially blame the customer. AT&T set up another appointment for 12 - 2PM that day. Of course they didn't make that appointment either. Finally a 3rd appointment was arranged and a tech showed up around 5PM. That tech told me that it wasn't necessarily uncommon for techs to lie about missed appointments to their management. It seems to be a well know "secret" within AT&T that techs miss appointments all the time and blame it on taking longer than expected on the previous appointment or just out right not showing and then lying about the reason.
When my equipment and system is working, I like the service. However, when it is having problems, I dread calling AT&T for support because it ruins my entire day and sometimes my entire week. Most (not all but most) AT&T customer support reps don't sound professional or eager to help. It appears that AT&T contracts out lots of the customer support work to companies that are not well monitored by AT&T. I have called customer service before to hear what sounds like a party going on in the back ground with so much noise that I can't even hear the representative. Sometimes, I just hang up and keep calling back until I finally reach someone that sounds professional.
This last experience is making me seriously consider cutting the cable cord. The fact that I have TV and internet together makes it harder to switch between providers. Because there is so much equipment to install and remove, I don't like switching. However, if I go cut the cable cord and just go with internet service, the only thing that I have to change is the modem. Streaming seems like the way of the future and AT&T is aggressively pushing me over that cliff. I am at the point that I am going to purchase a streaming service to see how it goes. If I can live with, then I'm dropping the cable and AT&T and just going with the cheapest provider and changing every time I get lousy customer support.\
Regards, Cecil Woods

My phone line has been down for days. This has happened before. Why don't you do your damn jobs? I have called my congresswoman about this. I am a 100% Disabeled Veteran from injuries in Iraq! I need this phone system to work! Who is another service for my area. I will look into this and change A.S.A.P.!

I have several complaints. The most recent is that while on a Caribbean Cruise I paid $50 for both my phone (850-509-0118) and my wife's phone (850-694-6641) to have voice and text. I received information on how to turn off data, which I followed. My wife's phone was billed $250 for the first 4 days of the trip and then billed some unknown amount for the last 3 (approximately $175). Her data was turned off and when I complained I was told that regardless of what AT&T told me, it was my responsibility to ensure no data made its way to my wife's phone. After the first $250 charge was made and I received no satisfaction from your service person, I checked to ensure I had no contract with AT&T and then I switched to Verizon. I have other AT&T complaints which I will identify later. Then on 9 November I received an email saying I was being charged $277.80 and told to click on "sign in" to see the bill. Of course I could not get to see my bill because my account was closed. I spoke with some person at your 800-331-0500 number who said that $277.80 was the bill and that was final. She also said that I was sent a bill via the post office to my house. That is not the truth either. I have not received a bill, and any reputable organization would not bill someone without a bill...but therein lies the complaint. You took advantage of my permitting you to use paperless billing by posting this charge to my American Express account without providing me any information on what the charges were for. I still have not seen a bill. Although after the bill was posted on Amex, your email said I could sign in to view, but would not allow me to. It said it was sending a verification code which was never received.
Other problems with AT&T are: Insufficient coverage (for example, at the airport when flight was canceled, I could not place a call from the gate area): voice mails would appear days after being left, text messages received out of order.
You have convinced me that I am not safe permitting any AT&T organization to bill me paperless. Therefore at my earliest opportunity I will also leave Directv, which unfortunately I have no complaint with except that they belong to AT&T.

My Mother and I have been AT&T customers for several years; she lives in Arizona and I, in Washington. Before she came to visit me in Spokane for Thanksgiving, her smart phone was stolen from her purse while shopping. She reported the theft - by phone to AT&T, and they told her that they would lock the phone and send her a replacement within the next couple days. It was nearly two weeks before she left on her trip, but the phone never arrived... I told my mother that we would take care of things while she was visiting.
So, yesterday I took my mother to an AT&T store in Spokane. It was early afternoon and we had to wait for someone to help us. Initially there was a young guy who appeared to be training (later, he left to help other people) and a woman whose name tag read "Tina". My mother is older but very sharp and understands what is going on... she was trying to explain the situation and find out her options while I stood by quietly most of the time. I will say up front, Tina was disrespectful and rude to my mother. She said "I've never heard of any AT&T doing that" when we mentioned the replacement phone. Then when my mother leaned in as they brought up the records of the call, she said "Oh, this is all legalese, you wouldn't understand it". She spoke extremely condescendingly and cut her off with a very loud and unkind tone the whole time.
When I had heard enough of this, I asked Tina "What is the principal balance owed on her phone?", because I wanted to end this and go talk privately with my mother about her options. Tina told me the balance, and from that point on, if my mother asked a question or responded in a thoughtful way, Tina would quickly answer, then turn to me and ask if I understood and could I explain it to her later.
Tina's behavior was beyond disrespectful, rolling her eyes and making quips about us to the next customer as we walked out of the store. I wanted to turn and scold her for being so awful, but I saw it as a loosing battle and left.
I have over 5 years of experience in customer service, and if I had ever seen this type of behavior with any of my trainees, they would be given re-training and their first warning, leading to termination. What Tina didn't know is that although my mother is older, she has worked for in a variety of city government positions, customer service, billing and with computers, and though she acted oblivious, she was very hurt and embarrassed by this treatment.
I am recommending to her that she should cut all ties with AT&T at this point... as I will be doing.

charged for 6 months and never used this service those six months. moved out may 3rd 2018 told to cancel was never canceled as told charge may,june,july,aug, sept.and oct. $146 each of these month. moved away may 3rd paid and I wasn't living. want this money paid back to me. will contact lawyer if not paid back to me. telephone acct under 601 575 2200 moved away last may and never used service. but was charged for all those months. 6 months charged and didn't live there those 6 months. want money back. lot of money when I never had used service and still not living there. you had been told to turn off in may 2018 and it was never turned off. this is not right. so pay me back those six months. phone no. now 419 455 5868 moved from 300 n Decatur st union,ms 39365 last may now living at 849 n water st apt 106 tiffin,ohio 44883 send money back!!!!!!!! cora garvin

About 3 0r 4 times per month I get a charge on my cell phone for time that I have NOT used. I admit that I am a very low volume user (479-721-3059) My phone is a flip type. I do not text. I use this thing for emergency type communication. I am about to have it shut down as I am tired of getting charged for time that I do not use. We do not use our phones for any internet or other stuff. I called your 800 number and reached a person that sounded like they were from India and I could hardly understand her. She insisted that the charges were for text messages. I do not receive Text messages except from At&T, so if you are charging me for that then stop sending me your stupid messages. If I cannot get this fixed then I will stop using it. I went without my cell for a bit over 2 weeks and did not miss it at all. Ether this will stop happening or you will lose a customer that has been with you for over 14 years. I expect a reply from someone who lives in the USA and speaks so as I can understand them. Thank you. Perhaps you might have picked up on the fact of my total dissatisfaction with your billing practices. I am old and cranky. but people like me pay your wages, we are called customers. Without us AT&T will not be. Thank you for taking care of this, Grant C. Rowell

I called to have a jack installed for our AT&T internet and Direct TV on the other side of our living room so we can change around our TV. The person told me that they could do that and it would cost $49 plus some taxes and $5.00 for something, I don’t know what. They called it Use Tax Adjustment. Why do I have to pay for Use Tax. So the install was scheduled for the next day between 8 AM and Noon. An installer called at 11:10 AM and said that he would be filling in for the original guy but couldn’t make it until 1:30 or so. I called my husband and told him and he wasn’t happy so he called customer service but couldn’t understand the rep because they didn’t speak understandable English. Meanwhile I got a call back from the installer who said the the appointment that he was on got cancelled so he would be over in about a half an hour. He got here ant told my husband that he was from Direct TV so couldn’t do any with the internet cable and proceeded to drill a hole in the floor for the cable and not install a jack because that would cost more money. He left and that evening I called the Direct TV phone number to explain what happened and she told me that I had to talk to someone at AT&T and transferred me. Talked with a very nice lady who understood and wanted to reverse the charge and start all over but couldn’t do anything because she was from AT&T and the charge was from Direct TV. I needed to call Direct TV and explain to them. Ugh!!! Soooo, I called Direct TV and explained again and she told me that as far as they were concerned the job was completed so she couldn’t reverse the charge. I told her that it wasn’t done they way that I requested, but she could care less and pretty much told me “too bad so sad”, I hung up!!!

Att technician will not return my call. His number is 314 740 9896. I am going to change to another provider unless I get action! Dave Scrivner St. Louis mo

I have a home in Cleveland TN and was considering changing my service there to AT&T for television and internet. When I came to my cabin 50 miles away and turned on my TV which is provided by Dish, I saw where there was a blackout by AT&T. It seems like the general public gets hijacked by big companies like AT&T on a daily basis. Of course when you have the controls, I suppose that gives you the right, Needless to say, I will not be switching to AT&T after this. Some things are just wrong! It is a shame that greed always controls companies decisions. This is the polite way of telling you what jerks you are.


I called a month ago to get my mother's phone moved to her room at assisted living in newnan georgia. Her number is 770 area code. I was told that she would have to get a new number because that was a different area code. I told them that the phone 10 feet from her room was a 770 number. The very rude man just read me a phone number. I said what is this for and he said call it if you have a problem. He was very rude and short with info. I called the number and they said I couldn't keep the number and tried to sell me a cellphone. I told them to forget it. I did some checking on cellphones from my Verizon plan and was about to get one but decided to call AT&T again. The very nice and polite gentleman said no problem. My mother now has a phone with the same number she has had for over 60 years. If any supervisor had heard the conversation with the first man he would be looking for a job.I wish I had the second man's name. He was very nice. The first one needs to be fired.

Very disappointed Vendor "Enjoy Dallas" represented AT&T at State of Texas, promised me a great promotion deal if I switched carriers I would receive a $250.00 gift card that could be used to pay towards my balance on TMoible or anything I wish to buy with it, so I left Tmobile with the promise I would receive promotional item, only to find out by the Local AT&T store that promotion was only for bundle accounts, then to find out "Enjoy Dallas" they only deliver the phone to AT&T new customer on your behalf per rep at AT&T store, "Enjoy Dallas" falsified information, if I would have known I would nNOT have moved to AT&T and now I am stuck with an IPhone 8 from Tmobile. I would have waited to switch over, as AT&T is a much better carrier but again disappointed with the false information supplied. I have attached a copy of my receipt showing new purchase at State Fair of Texas that lists that companies phone number.

We continue to have limited phone service for the last 2 years. We had to contact corporate offices last year because of this same issue.
We live at
155 CampbuckTom road
Rockwood Tn 37854
Home #
We have had limited phone service for 2 weeks
And NO PHONE SEEVICE for the last 2 days.
Please check into this
Marshall Simcox
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