Family Dollar Complaints Continued... (Page 4)
629+ reviews added so far. Upset? Call Family Dollar corporate: 704-847-6961
Family dollar in colonial beach va
Here is the corporate number
1 800 don’t give a crap!
That’s is their take on their customers!! I won’t give another dime to this store until they replace that rude manager!!!

On 20 March 2019, I went into family dollar store on Southwest Avenue in Saint Louis, Missouri, just to purchase a small bottle of chilled water for the walk back home after picking up a couple of Rx's from around the corner. The management told me to leave my bag on the counter. I told her not because I DID NOT want it stolen. Not only did the bag have my Rx's in it, it also contained my wallet, some cash AND my bank card. First of all it you CANNOT FORCE someone to leave personal items out like that for anyone to walk off with. Had the Rx's been stolen the store, it's personnel and the company would have been liable to the Drug Enforcement Agency for prosecution.
The manager Michelle, made a remark to the effect that I must be having a BAD day. It was said SARCASTICALLY!!!!!! THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE FOR SARCASTIC REMARKS from employees to customers. Because of Michelle's BAD MANNERS AND SARCASTIC REMARK I WILL NOT BE BACK TO SHOP AT FAMILY DOLLAR ANY TIME SOON. She needs to be DISCIPLINED AND BE DEMOTED UNTIL SUCH TIME AS SHE LEARNS CUSTOMER SERVICE!!!!!! Personally the times I have seen her and chatted a few moments with her, she DOES NOT SEEM to be personable enough for any type of retail management position.
If she were in the position of the customer, she would certainly have been having been throwing a larger hissy fit.


Yes I went into a store on 3/28/2019 an was standing in line as I over hear someone getting yelled at.. so I move up closer in line to see and hear what is going on the cashier was getting yelled at in front of all customers in line and the person yelling at her was the district manager Ricky Brown . He was on the outside of the counter as he was doing this . as he walked away the cashier breaks down crying not understanding what was going on fully.. that was very unprofessional to do that in front of the whole store and customers.. store was at mabank on 3rd street .. Was very un called for .. I know that something like that should have been done in the back room or in the office not in front of people like that ..

I bought a cell phone from one of your stores on 3/10/19. Went to charge it 3/16/19 it would not charge. I called the store and they said to return it in the box. Told them I did not have the box but I have the reciept and every thing else. They refused to help. I told them who keeps a box for a week. I am so disgusted.

I went to family dollar in Warren Rhode island in Friday March 22nd and bought a Magnavox antenna for my tv. The cashier William proceeded to cash out the next person in line and never have me my receipt. I tried returning the antenna because it didn't work in my house and because I had no receipt there was nothing he could do, not even store credit. It was his fault I had no receipt now I'm stuck with a useless antenna and am no longer shopping there. And I will inform others of t the incident

Went on 26 this month to rosebud plaza in Clarksburg WV the store charge me twice an refuses to pay me I payed in cash then 5.28 debit card an then the lady just rang it up as debit so she could keep the 15 dollars they have rob me an wont pay me so please call me 304 629 3288

i was at the Laingsburg Michigan family dollar a short while ago. and had a great deal of difficulty again with your app for the smart coupons. I was told by staff that another shopper this evening had a problem too. I did however remain diligent and got on the app. I am very disturbed that the app did NOT offer the 180 sheet box of bounce that the sign beside it for smart coupon displayed. I needed the bounce and I would think with the discrepancy staff should have offered me the item even though the online app did not show it. The clerk could have done some kind of override. I do have my receipt.and I was charged 8.50 but with the advertised offer It should have been 4 dollars and something..its on that little sign.8.50 then a markdown to to like 6.50, and finally 4.50. Sounds like a misprint or something. Any way you look at it. I should not have been charged 8.50. I am in your store several times a week. i enjoy your staff there and the nice clean store. They are always working in there Just FYI. I hope you will take whatever action necessary to fix your app and make it more user friendly and also refund me per your advertisement. Just a few dollars but right is right and you know I'll end up spending it there. anyways... Thank you! Have a great night!! I was there just before 8:30 P.M..
Linda Sanford

I have a complaint about the Family Dollar store on West Third St. Dayton, Ohio. First of all the store is always dirty and cluttered. I was in line and a customer was in the isle and informed the cashier that there was a large roach on the floor in the second isle. The cashier told him not to be starting anything. He said know I'm serious, she was on her phone while ringing me up and not pleasant at all. She didn't welcome me to the store or say thank you. I just felt the people who work on this side of town doesn't care about their job, or the people who helps them maintain their jobs. The company doesn't care, because they keep sending these rude, unprofessional people to the store we patronize. I used to come in this store all of the time, but not so much any more. I would like a clean store, and nice pleasant cashiers where I spend my money. I hope corporate office will take a look at this job and get this store together, and not just care about getting the money.

sign was up for pepsi 4/$5 manager would not allow sale because she said it was over
store is a mess with stock on boat carts and I had to get my downy sheets out of a box that I had to open myself
I hate this store!
need new management that want to work!
937-615-6234 is my phone number

The family dollar is on my way to work every morning it’s easy to pull off and get back in traffic but the store is never open on time employees and deliver people waiting to get in I get there about five minutes before 8 the person to open the door arrives 10-15 minutes later your employee either walks or rides a bus or dropped stands in the cold waiting I always buy my snacks and lunch stuff but for the last two weeks can not get in to do that I thought since I came threre everyday that I was a incovience to the person setting up but I most of the time pay with debit card so I don’t have to wait to set the register up the store is located on maccorkle ave south Charleston WV sorry for complaining but I can’t be late for work and you loose money for that day

on march 92019,i wen your store,wich by the way i go at least times week, the chashier wich she told me to ahead and report he, we had long argument,just beacuse i complain about the long line,mine you,i was not talking to her,this woman almost got out the cashier to berbaly abuse me, store#07136,228 nagle ave in nwe york,ny this happens on march 9 2019, i beg of you lookt the tape and you will see,what i am saying,the wa 13:07: the store is 228 nagle ave,ny.ny.I am a 77 year old woman the go to ur store at leats 3 to 4 times a week,since your is convenietly acroos from ,my please your staff to have respeck,i was not talking to her,everbody in the line was complaining,there was gentelman there ,that she also had and argument n sasaidhe was going to complain she said she did not care.


I came into the Paris,Ky store on Main street on 3-9-19 @ 9:45 PM to purchase a yellow hostess cupcake. I was charged $1.15. I asked about price and was told they had gone up. I told her it was posted $1.00 but paid for it. On the way out I told her she needed to change the posted price. She yelled " No! God, it was 15 cents!" Then she falsely accused me of always starting something every time I came into the store which was a lie. I asked for a refund. She said that I didn't have to come back and even said she would call the police.

I went to the Terre Haute In store to make a purchase and the cashier which happened to be the manager was very rude to me. She was hateful when she said you can only use one coupon of these. I said im sorry I did almost the same transaction the other day she said well I will have to retrain my cashiers to read their coupons. I said I will take my coupons back and redo what I have in the cart. She took her hand across the counter and took my stuff and said no I said you cant use these coupons. She would not let me put stuff back and use what coupons I was able to and get other stuff that I had coupons for. I had planned to use the 10.00 of 50.00 and she would not let me.This was very embarrassing for me since my 8 yr. old grandson was with me and there was people behind me. I grabbed my purse to leave I was horrified it wasn't like I was a criminal and doing something wrong and that is how she treated me. When I was walking out I heard her say to the next customer sorry for your wait but some of these couponers just don't know how to read their coupons and try to get stuff they shouldn't. My 8 yr. old grandson looked at me and said she was mean to you grandma. That was the 3rd time I had ever been in the store. The first 2 times I used the digital coupons and the second time I used paper coupons from my inserts. I want to go back this week for laundry detergent but I am afraid to. I am afraid I will get the same mean lady and I am afraid she will embarrass me again. After we left the store we went to Subway for my grandson to eat lunch and he said grandma these people are nicer here than the store we just left. I said yes bubby they are. That is bad a child knew she was rude to me and she felt as if she was justified in doing that. I live in Paris Illinois and I drive 30 minutes to go to the store since we do not have one in Paris and I drove all that way for nothing since she would not let me buy what I needed. I had to go to Wal-Mart to get what I was going to get there. Not sure if I will be back and if I do go and see her I will turn around and leave.

I Went Into The Family Dollar Store About Four P.M. Today, When I Walked Into The Store No One Spoke To Me, A Lady Came In After Me And The Cashier Spoke To Her, She Said Hi How Are You Today? I Had Planned On Spending A Good Bit Of Money But After That Happened I Was Offended And Left, I Told The Cashier She Was Very Rude And Asked Her Why She Did'nt Speak To Me, SheJust Smiled And Laughed, I Am White And The Other Customer Was Black So I Was Very Offended, I WONT Go Back To Family Dollar Again, The Address Is 5960 Ga-42, Phone No. 770-954-8589... Thank You

I have went shop at the Family Dollar Store at Sparks, Nevada 2225 Oddie Blvd Sparks, Nevada 89431 store number 10399. I have called the two manager that have walked in the store many times and they was with an Lady that is Inventory the store items. I know the managers have heard me but did not want to see what I need, they just walk behind the counter and did not bay any attention to me. One manager's name is Dawn and when I went up to the counter and ask for help, I said I have called you two many times when you was walking in the front of the store and I have called for help, and the store is not very busissy. Dawn clames is is very busissy. the store is very durity and not clean, the store dose not have grocery carts to put food in when you go shopping at the store. Custormers have to cary the food in there hands and arems. The store is unsafy when you go walk down the isale's you have to move boxes to get from one place to an other.

Since September when the new store manager took over the Orrville Ohio Family Dollar, there has been vast improvements. The store is clean, organized and shelves are stocked with product for the first time in years. It was getting to the point before September, my family and I were going to another Dollar store across town to shop, when Family Dollar is only a block from our home. It was that bad. Since the change in managment, the only drawback, with the exception of the manager and 1 or 2 other employee's, the rest of the employee's are rude, and far from courteous and helpful. They act annoyed to be bothered with customer questions or when asked for assistance. I thought it was just me, until other customer's noticed it and started to complain. My family and I and other customer's spend alot of money at this store and expect to be treated without saying, as we treat your employee's. With respect. Thank you.

I was at store #08080, 3/2/19 there was only one employee working, the other went home sick. I would like to know and many more why your manager of that store wouldn't come in. The employee who was there was doing an excellent job trying to get people cashed out as quickly as she could. Yes, there was a line and we were very patience. The girl working looked very exhausted. Is this good for your stores? How about the safety of your employee? Yes, I understand that some stores are short handed but your manager shouldn't ask her employees to do something she isn't willing to do. Practicing work ethics like that makes people quit or not apply.
Thank you for your time.

I just left Family Dollar at Culver Ave. Utica N.Y. 13501. I am. 65 yr old disabled. I have been going there for20 yrs. I sprayed an air freshener to smell. All of a sudden this 7 ft. Tall man started to yell and embarrase. me. Followed me around store wanting to throw me out I was never so scared and shaken .Continuing to scream.The more I tried to calm him down the more he yelled.His name was David. Asst.mgr. Not to mention that the store was a messed iales were blocked. Its been like that lately alot.Also their are many people he treated like that.I was taught to respect your elders.I am a fun guy,never argumented. I have never been treated like that in my 'll ife. I hope it is investigated. Before noone wants to shop there. Thank You Ronald Yozzo my ph.3153683713. East Utica ny.13501

I walked into the store as I was walking they had about 2 shelves on the floor that I walked into stomping my right big toe I asked who's the Manager and the Lady on the register stated she was the Assistant I told her what had happened and she called the Manager and told her what happened and so I told her she said alright and went back to doing what she was doing the Assistant lady thought she was going to let me fill out some papers but after the Manager walked off the Assistant carried on checking customer's out it was very rude for Managers to ignore what I was saying u can look at the video and see what I'm saying is to be true. For a Manger to ignore a Paying Customer shouldn't be a Manger at all.i will not return to that store again . Thanks in Advance

Haven't shopped at your Hannibal, Mo location due to your manager. I didn't see her vehicle today when I pulled up, so I went in. Got to the check out and was talking to the customer in front of me as she was leaving and the manager proceeded to butt in the conversation and say I'm still waiting for you to pay me the money you owe me. I do not think this was very good customer service as she was on duty. She even proceeded to ask when I got payed and said she would be at my job that day I get played.

Dear Representative:
I am making a complaint regarding store # 11955. Seems as though every time I go to shop at this Family Dollar, boxes are blocking the isles in all of the back portion of the store. And this evening I went there to pick up a few items, the clerks were bagging customer's items in clear GARBAGE BAGS!! I think the manager or managers need to be retrained on how to manage a store!

These are Family Dollars with real issues and need immediate attention. They are not fit to be shopped in by decent folk (nor any other). I shop at Family Dollar and have been to several others, but the ones mentioned above fall well below the normal standards of ANY retail chain. I've also noticed the communities they're in. Are these customers less valuable because they're situated in the Black and Hispanic community? What is your bottom line other than stock market and shareholders' interest? I also noted that the sister & parent companies are set apart and are kept up very differently. I have on good authority, that there has been several complaints about your company. I am now going to launch a complaint with the BBB to see if we can get these matters resolved to the leaders of these communities satisfaction.

Was at your store on Burnett Rd. In Springfield Ohio. And there were signs at every part of the store where there was home decor that had 40% off but the lady said it was only on certain things. Absolutely nothing I wanted to purchase was 40% off. If you are going to have a sign saying 40% off have something to purchase. I will never shop in your stores ever again the lady was very rude. False advertising is how I see it. So I'm sure you won't respond but just had to let you know. I will be letting everyone know how your ads work. They don't!!!!

I bought a Re-boost card for boost mobile added $85.00 but family dollar charges me $7.87 for surcharge and $6.15 for taxes so the total I had to pay was $99.02 why is that when boost mobile said that CA MTS tax rate should be 0%

Friday February 19,2019 at 8:30 am. I went into one of your stores to purchase a couple of things and I seen a doggie bone for what appeared to be $1.00 or $1.69 I walked to the register to check out my things but I asked for a price check on the bone and it ranged to $3.50 so I mentioned to her that usually the protocol was to honor the price I saw the bone for $1.00 or $1.50 and then she caught an attitude with me took all the other things I picked up to buy and threw it on the floor behind the register then I asked for a manager and she started yelling she was the manager and told me to get out her store.

On 2/14/19 I was at the register. The lady checking me out name tag I believe was Keke. This lady was on her phone while checking me out. This is rude and unsafe when it comes to the use of my debit/credit card. It has been known for people to commit identity theft with the use of a cell phone. Please advise your employees that the use of a cell phone while at the register should not be used. This lady never acknowledged that I was there. She proceeded to checking me out and talking with her ear piece in. This makes Family Dollar in my opinion look really bad. Please to not make my complaint public, only fix the problem.

Our local community family Dollar store is pilled up with water decor and spring products that is still sitting in the isles on carts unloaded. The store needs help . I love going to our local but would like the stuff unloads out of the boxes.

I went to your store on federal only because the web site said it was open to 10pm. i was just at Walmart and for got a coffee pot.stopped at your store and received the worst customer service in all my life. The cashier was aggressive in manner about closing at 930. I responded that i thought they you stayed open to 10pm. He told me that the store had been robbed and that the manager closes early. ok i can understand that i just needed to get the coffee pot. so stopped looking around for more things that caught my eye. he yelled again to me that it was closing at 930and said that if i was not up there i would not get to purchase anything. Mean while my friend had walked up and the cashier was busy complaining to the customer about needing to get out of there because he had someplace to be. he also stated to that customer that he was not going to wait around for me. mind you this all happened in about 10 minutes. i was not in the store for more then that. my purchase was rang up at 932pm. Another employee came to assist me in finding the coffee pot because the cashier told me that he didn't know it was back there someplace. i got the coffee pot and was headed to the front where he was ringing my friend. i was going to grab laundry soap on the way. just grab and go not stop and look. the cashier YELLED at me. He was aggressive in demeanor throwing his hand around a lot. when i told him that he had the worst customer service and asked for corp. number he said. look it up. asked for the managers number and he proceeded to tell me that manager does the same thing. i would hate to think that a company such as yours condones this behavior from managers. Ive managed rite aid, Walgreens, and pet co. Never in the 30 years have i ever come across behavior like this. i went to another location the day before and it was very clean and well put together. this store is obviously not on your DMs priority list. PLAN O GRAMS not done. EMPTY none tagged shelf's every place i looked. DIRTY and not well maintained. I'm sorry to be so harsh but as a customer i feel that something is horribly wrong with this location.My phone number is 303 829 0134. my name is Kimberly Bell. reciept info is. 02-14-2019 21:32 03112 01 6417563 5536, bar coded is 99031120155360179413

I went to the Family Dollar store on 1030 Chalkstone ave Providence with my Husband and kids to grab some Valentine's things for my kids to bring into school. Well when we arrived as we where walking in there was so much garbage bags in the entrance. We proceeded into getting what we needed by the time we went to the cash register there was no one there, one of the workers there said she will be right with me, the girl had to go to the back room. I waited about 5 minutes till she got back, as she was walking back she was speaking to another coworker about the usage of Marijuana and how there coworkers there do in front of the store etc., so she starts to scan my stuff as she was still talking to her coworker and mentioned that she was offered the position in being the store Manager and she refused it, she preferred to be the assistant manager and she also mentioned that if she was the Manager she would fire everyone there but there is a couple of coworkers that she like and would keep. So she also began to say how she would use the place to smoke marijuana in the back room, and the coworker she was speaking to also agreed and stressed how he is dying to smoke in the back room, also all she did was swear up a storm and also mentioning racist words... She also had a customer chime in on what she would of done if she was a manager, the conversation was very uncomfortable where it upset me so much since my kids was listening to this girl talk with those words and actions like she was on a street corner, my kids actually question what she was saying and I had to explain, there needs to be actions made in this store employees there have no respect for their customer.
Store is always a mess no one is ever working but talking and standing there... There needs to be better management, it's very sad it's a store I like going to grab stuff I need since they are right around the corner
Store # 2868

I pay for a green dot prepaid card .And it didn't work.It has a different number on the card from the receipt. Invalid. Went back to the store with my receipt within 10 minutes from buying card.And got a very misunderstanding about the card and why it's rung up wrong. The assistant manager was no help at all..Told me it was my fault..Ask for a refund. I couldn't get help from him. Why they took my money and refuse to help the situation. I paid for the card at the store.Store number is #00615.

Family dollar store in mission worker by the name of kristen I understand she is a supervisor manager and every time I go in there she has a bad attitude.when Maria leaves this lady has yelled at many other customers and kids as well.yells at her workers.slams things around.never helps when asked she just points and says down there.if she has to help someone look she stomps her feet and says sternly its right here maybe you should look up next time and walks away.she is the reason I go somewhere else to shop.I am not the only one who sees this and hears this lady.we do complain to the head manager but it seems to not go anywhere but there.its like the manager tells who complains and when I go back in the family dollar again I get treated more worse then before.this lady has no respect for elders and no respect for no-one else.I've seen her let her family not put up anything in the cart to be scanned and they got away with some things.a lot of workers quit because of this one lady as well.look into family dollar store in mission SD..should be a suggestion box locked and only corporate should only take out the concerns..I won't go back to family dollar in mission SD.I will drive an hour to go shop at dollar General rather shop in mission again!!!

I went the family dollar store on Rossville blvd in Chattanooga Tenn and I was mistreated and she refused me service of a refund on a fan I purchased she said she couldn't do anything for me due to the return policy. So I read the return policy and it said unopened box can be refunded so since I make look like a liar she told me that she will not refund and put me out the store feeling like I was a two year old. It was the worst experience I ever had with family dollar. My name is Amanda Johnson 4234810374 I get messages

I have call family dollar several times about returning item without receipt, the problem the client did not give me a receipt, she says she give receive receipt only 25% of customers, mgmt. told me to come back and help me, in she was personal call and rude. I have call 1800 number several times and let a mgs, my calls has not been returned. the incident happen on 16 jan 19, my phone number is 336-375-6554. I also filed a complaint on this site several times with a phone call. u stated item can be returned within 30 days, the problems I filed a complaint 27 days, y I have not have my call returned.

I Cathey Elam purchase a qeen size air Mattress yesterday on 2/9/19 and when i open the box on 2/10/19 there was no air pump . so i went to the Family Dollar store on the 2/10/19 to ask can they give me a air pump for the bed the manager ask me do i have the receipt i told her i don't have the receipt because i throw the bag away the receipt must have been in the bag. But i told the manager that i don't want a refund for $21.00 all i wanted was a air pump in which no air pump was in the box when i open it. this made the second time i bought something from the Family Dollar store and some parts was missing in the box.I bought a bathroom 4 shelf towel linen stand and some of the leg's and shelves was missing all i want is to get my air pump to blow up the bed to get my grandson off the hard tile floor. and the manager is giving me a hard time. i need some one to call me on this matter at this number 863-614-6641 so i can get a air pump for this queen air mattress to get my grandson to sleep on. the mattress is a queen size mattress large 58 inch. thank you and also the manager call around to another family Dollar store and they told her that i have to pay five dollar's for the pump. i'm not going to pay for a air pump when i paid for a air mattress for 21.00 dollars and a pump didn't come with it that mean i have already paid for a air pump when i purchase the air bed with out a air pump.

I was in family dollar last night. I came in around 9:40/9:45 & was never told “we will be closing soon when I walked in. After going down isle a customer service representative said we are closing in 5 min is said ok . Then a minute later she yelled we are closing in 3 min. Well by then my anxiety level caused me to eel extremely uncomfortable but I needed a gas bc I have no heat & I ask did they sell propane. The lady then said we are closing. I got to register at 10:04 and manager that wasn’t on duty but I’ve had issues before with him when my money was stolen off register counter & another time they refused refund from prior purchase day before. Back to last night. They refused to ring me up & said we are closed you can’t purchase. I’m so tired of the unprofessionalism and rude representatives from this store in knightdale. The manager of store was there but not working & he refused my service. This is the third & last time I will go there. I feel like I was descriminated because of my skin color. I had no heat in 20 degree weather when I was at register at 10:04. Not to mention the fact that she is yelling by minute which totally threw my Mind off. When are you going to get actual professional people that take care of their customers?

Store # 08768 2/5/19 @17:15 pm As I was walking into that store a man and woman in an electronic scooter chair we're trying to get out of the door area. As the woman in the chair was having problems manovering around the big metalsign that holds the fliers. And she had got stuck which slightly pend the man against the candy machines. And upon my entry I had to squeeze between this woman and the sign to open the next set of. Expressed to staff and manager this is a fire hassered and the state of this woman trying to get out of the doored area. Manger stated she didn't put it there and ask if they were okay. And proceed to do ignore the problem. I go to this store very regular, and never have seen the sign in this location. 1. This is a fire hazard 2. Clearly it's hard to get around to go in or out of the store so safety is in play now. All this woman had to do is move her scooter and my foot could of been ran over, or pend me in the area in her struggle trying to get out.

Mckees rocks customer service is the worst. Rude clerks. And know one to report them to. So corporate is no better worst experience in the world. I send close to 400.00 a month guess they dont need it. Will never shop there again or will my friends so thats about a 1000.00 a month you guys just lost.

I was in the Warner Robins Georgia store on Houston road waiting at the counter for someone to check me out at 12:30 p.m. and a white lady that work in the store was standing in front of the door talking to someone and would not come over. I asked her could I be checked out and was told that the girl in the back that I saw stocking would wait on me. She kept hollering for her to come up. The lady that kept hollering wasn’t doing anything but talking. After waiting about ten minutes I proceeded to walk out and she ask me was you paying with a card. I kept walking out the store. I don’t think the girl in the back heard her. My point was why she couldn’t wait on me because she was not doing anything but talking. I even asked her how long will I have to keep waiting and she kept holler for the girl to come up front. The lady she was talking to looked at me and said, I don’t work here. That should have been a hint that she should have waite

store #00231
This is the second time that a for sale sign on your coke products was 4 for 4 dollars. The clerks do not take the signs down. And they say sale is over. You are suppose to sell the products for what the signs says.

I shop at this location at least two to three times a week and all the employees are always very nice, but today there was a cashier whom I have never seen working here. This employee name was David he has put a bad taste in my mouth about treating customers and watching what comes out your mouth. Family Dollar to me was a good place to shop but now I will think twice because I might run into David.
Well as he was ringing up my merchandise I asked him the price and there was a few items that was on Sale and I felt it was too high for the price so when I told him I did not want the items he got upset became rude, his face and body language show I hate waiting on customers like you.
So I said to him you act as though you don't want to wait on me, he then proceeded to say I just don't UNDERSTSND PEOPLE THAT PICK UP ITEMS AND THEN GET TO REGISTER AND CHANGE THEIR MINDS. I NEVER HAVE UNDERSTOOD THAT. I WAS IN SHOCK AND EMBARESS neither did he greet me with a Welcome to Family Dollar. Then he tried to be a butt hole when I said well let me check with Corporate on their policy about customer changing mind on a purchase he www and I told him I don't need your assistance.

1/31 marks the5th time my 2yro&5yro Autistic child& I were harassed+bullied. The same lady has scolded my son many times. The 1st time I politely informed her my SpNeedsChild was NOT "being bad" nor did I "needa parenting class" as she said, &to educate herself abt the many LernDisabilities u can't "see" like "down syndrome. She said she didn't know, I asked her if he wore a big yellow star to identify it, if that'd help. She obviously didn't know basic history reg. The Holocaust either... 2nd encounter, she yelled at both kids as if we we're old pals. I teach my children to respect elders, but to avoid evil people like her. 3rd encounter she stated she was sorry for the 1st encounter above and she was wrong. I accepted it, forgave her and then didn't see her again for quite a while. I honestly thought she was fired. As I was not the only customer voicing my concerns with her multiple mood swings+ uncontrolled outbursts. To my surprise she was back, but as I always do, I walked in smiling asking how she's been, she was cold, as though I had been the one who passed judgment + treated her w/hate+anger, rather than the other way around. I then thought maybe this lady is going through many hard things, maybe like my son, she too has things that I do not "see", I forgave her, trying to b understanding. Last week she again was very hostile, this time keeping what she said low, out of no where while people wait to pay, and walks away from everyone in line bcuz My kids and I. She looked right in my eyes, saying things under her breath, and not telling anyone anything and leaves us all there in line. Everyone looked shocked. I told the other customers I am not surprised at this point but am not coming back as she is dangerously unpredictable. But yesterday I needed a few items and couldn't pay gas togo across town, and went in for a few things. As I went my way I refused to acknowledge her, hoping it'd help, unfortunately as I turn the far left corner towards the laundry soap my daughter was 2 steps ahead of the cart and I said no no. And there Mrs jolly was with a man doing stock I think. Like always I had both kids and go past and look at the soap. As I looked for the coupon, my son who needs a hand stimulate to help calm him, and keep him focused, takes his little car, and puts in on the shelf edge directly IN FRONT OF ME, and drives it two feet. When he stopped the car he literally couldn't help himself and his left hand simply moved the bottle of fab. Softener back approx 3in. And b4 I could bring it to his attention Appropriately and AS I DEEMED FIT AS HIS MOTHER she screams at him from the corner isle where we passed her, and yells at me not to "let him do that". So this psychopath was LITERALLY WATCHING MY 5yro AUTISTIC CHILD like a HAWK watching prey, WAITING FOR ANYTHING AT ALL TO SNAP AT HIM ABOUT, FROM TEN FEET ACROSS THE STORE, without even taking a breath, or seeing if I was going to address it... Even though it was NOTHING AT ALL THAT NEEDED MY SCOLDING.... LET ALONE HERS. It hurt nothing. It hurt no one. It affected nothing at all. When I looked at her, the man standing with her looked at me, rolled his eyes as if she was OUT OF HER MIND and like I knew, HE ALSO KNEW SHE WAS JUST BEING HER REGULAR MISERABLE SELF, going at a helpless child. So I let her finally have my honest opinion of her, and remind her of all the things she has done to him, his sister, and I in this store, and the embarrassment did bother me before. But she should be ashamed of herself, and she should be who is embarrassed. Everyone has dealt with her at least once. But i have tried so hard, because my son.... Had taught me a great deal of patience and understanding. But enough us enough. This is no longer a woman having a bad day. I am genuinely concerned this woman is not taking her meds and is on a very thin line before really snapping and possibly hurting herself or GOD FORBID someone else, let alone a innocent child who doesn't understand why she's so mad at him. It's very sad, but very very infuriating too.... Something really needs to be done. This woman needs help.

I gave a very detailed complaint yesterday and have not received a response.

I just left the McDuff Ave. Family Dollar. I usually shop there weekly and spend on average 100. The last 4 times i have been there, no shopping carts were available. I am 65 years old and unable to carry that much merchandise. There were several carts in store but filled with stuff and not usuable. Two isles are totally blocked and not usuable.
I sought out the Manager to insure that she was aware. Manager Cici was very short and unprofessional. She replied "that people walk off with them and what did I expect her to do". I replied contact corporate and make sure they were aware. She replied " i don't care what you do" turned her back and started sticking shelves. This was a horrible experience in a dirty unkept store.
Please do something about this ongoing horror show.
Thank you,
Kevin McCarthy

Went to your store today with an add that stated 10.00 off comforter set. I also had a 5.00 off 25.00 purchase and and 15.00 off any comforter set. And I was told my 10.00 wasn’t coming off. She stated several people had already purchased a bunch of them but denied my purshase with my digital coupons and the 10.00off as it states in the ad dated 12/31/2018 - 1/29/19

I just left the McDuff Ave. Family Dollar. I usually shop there weekly and spend on average 100. The last 4 times i have been there, no shopping carts were available. I am 65 years old and unable to carry that much merchandise. There were several carts in store but filled with stuff and not usuable. Two isles are totally blocked and not usuable.
I sought out the Manager to insure that she was aware. Manager Cici was very short and unprofessional. She replied "that people walk off with them and what did I expect her to do". I replied contact corporate and make sure they were aware. She replied " i don't care what you do" turned her back and started sticking shelves. This was a horrible experience in a dirty unkept store.
Please do something about this ongoing horror show.
Thank you,
Kevin McCarthy

the location in New Orleans, La on 7300 Read blvd about 3:20 pm . we were in line along with 3 other ppl and one cashier was counting her drawer the other one walk to a room and never acknowledge not one customer. I put everything to the side and walk out. VERY POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE. NEVER WILL I AGAIN GO TO THIS LOCATIONS.
I just called for a Manager and I got interrogated by 2 employees on Jan 28,2018 @1:40pm

I understand there are rules and has to be guidelines to follow, but I have had my share of bad experiences at family dollar..and started shopping dollar general and other like stores. Heard of a good deal at family dollar, after losing most of my stuff and thought I would try it again coz I needed this deal. The comforter set deal. I go into family dollar..the $10 instant coupon signs still up, the $15 digital coupon...and they would not honor the $10 off coupon on the comforters ..2 different stores. And I'm sorry to say, that's just not fair!! Very poor business!!! The signs were still up, they should have HONORED it!!! That is something, I guess, f as miley dollar doesn't know...honor!
A very pissed customer in ohio!!!

Money back guarantee was not honored at two stores on bagged cat food claiming there had been a "scam" going on.

I feel it a disgrace to have a cashier wait on you wearing a hair rag scarf. I have been to all 3 stores located in pontiac michigan and everytime i go in there the cashier which are women look sad like they have just out of bed. Their demeanor is not upbeat. A very dry conversation hair scarf and hair rags should be eliminated. First appearance is everything. Please review your policy.

My Complaint is , have been shopping Store at 780 Nova for months now and Parking lot trashy , bottles , paper goods left all over , lunch bag's etc. all over parking lot for long periods. There's no cleaning of lot what so ever ,only time it's picked up is when grass is mowed that's because it's a must for the mowers . This is bad sign for the business .We shouldn't have to be subjected to this mess, this is a business . My Wife and my self ,have been shopping Family Dollar Stores many years, recently moved to area .PLEASE ADDRESS THIS ,if not you will lost our business and group of HOA of our neighborhood

I’m visiting a very sick family member In Ypsilanti Michigan I was in your family dollar store about three weeks ago and had a bad experience with the cashier at your store on Emerson the service Rd I purchased some items and the cashier who name is Alex he put the items I purchased in a bag that was to small and I asked for a larger one he said he could not do that the manager was right there and he said that they was not allowed to give their bag away I said to him that he was not giving me anything I paid for what I got all I want is a larger bag they did not give me one and asked for the number to the corporate office they said the number was on the receipt but it was not I call another store and they gave me the number to complaints I call and the prompt told me to press 4 to leave a message I left a message and it said someone will respond to me in 7-10 business days and no one have responded yet and as I was leaving the store Alex shouted to me don’t come back I would like to hear from someone soon I can be reached @ 704/333/0777 my name isSandra Lamont Thanks and look forward to speaking to someone to get this matter resolved

Items on sale that said for digital coupons . Could not find items on phone that honored the digital coupon sales . For instance save 2 dollars on Tide using digital coupon , Friskies cat food save 2 dollars using digital coupon. When starting to check out ,I ask the clerk if the sale was correct since items did not show up in phone coupons . With an attitude , she stated she couldn't do anything about it . She did not offer to assist in any way . So with a buggy full of products about 70 dollars worth I walked out leaving clerk to return all products back to the shelves. Feeling good leaving that I had not been ripped off by a so called sale . Wondering however how many people had thought they were getting a sale. People that don't even has digital coupon service may have read the sign thinking they were getting a sale, not paying attention to how much they were actually being charged.
A Sale is a Sale , Digital coupon is a Digital coupon and False advertising is False Advertising. Thank you Bill and Debbie Peake

I went to the Provo Store Geneva and Center St. 84601. The Saturday before I purchased 135.00 worth of stuff. A shirt that I had purchased did not fit. I also purchased a phone head set that did not work. I believe it may have been defective I tried giving them the receipt. It had only been one day since the purchase.
They 2 ladies that were in the store were talking amounst them selfs did not address me so I politely interrupted them and let know that needed to return some items. They acted bothered by my presents. I showed them the receipt and they asked for the box that the headset came in. I walked behind them and graved a the same kind of head set in a new box. The lady claimed it was the wrong box but, there was only one head set available and it was the same one, the manager was just trying to start an argument with me. I then told her I had the box at home and she still continued to be very rude to me.
I then showed her the shirt that I had purchase with tag and the receipt. She then told me to go to the Orem store to return my items and to get out of her store. She stated that it was not her job to help me if she did not want to. Mind you the whole time it was here starting the argument. She was so hostel and rude. I asked her for he name and the number to cooperate. She refused to give me her name or your phone number. I called the Orem store and they instructed me to go online. I even told her that I t was going to report her and she stated very proudly that I was not the only one who has told her that before. I ask that she be let for causing me to have to deal with very unprofessional attitude.
Thank you
385 204 2821

I used my debit card to pay my merchandise and it declined 3 times and the fourth time it was approved because I received a notification instantly to my phone and the employee said was declined but the money was taking off my card and I showed the employee proof my transactions she refused to help me and said she cant doing anything about it.morelss she told me "oh well take it as a loss" I need to know where my money is I want my money back. Thank for taking the time out and reading this

I purchased a product from Carnegie Pa.Family dollar last week.It didn't work so I returned it today 1-17-19.I had the original store reciept which I paid with my debit card.Now they took my cash off my card at the moment I slide my card thur.So I brought it back today the manager refused to give me my cash back and made the female cashier who had no clue what she was doing put the return through as a credit back on my debit.They totally went against their own return policy with the male manager fighting with me about it while 6 people were in line behind me in agreement with me.So I called my bank and my cash for my return is still not on my debit card.U people stole money right in front of my face.I paid u cash from my debit card then refused to give the cash back to me even though I had the original reciept showing they took my cash.Thats theift on ur management and ur management teaching ur cashier how to rip the cash paying customers off.All I know is ur company has ripped me off $11.00.I have no respect for ur management at all anymore and will not return to Family Dollar again and neither will my family or friends.I want my cash back like ur policy says I deserve.Ur management and store employees need better education and better training.This is not the 1st time this has happened to me just the 1st time I've realized this store is stealing from me.As of 2:43pm my cash is still not on my bank card.

FRUSTRATED!! On December 28, 2018, I was hired for an Assistant Manager position in Frazeysburg Ohio. Rita, the new store manager hired me. She said she was going to try to "expedite" to get me in the store ASAP, because she needed the help. I have been going into the store now 5 times, and I am told the same thing. "I haven't heard anything". According to Rita, the DM , who I also have to be interviewed by, just gives her the run around saying he will get in touch with her the following day, and evidentally doesn't. It is Jan 14th, I went into the store to find out again what is going on, and she told me she has stopped calling him. So not only am I STILL not working there. I have decided NOT to work there. The sad thing is I really want to work for your company. And I LOVE the store in Frazeysburg, and have been so excited to start work there. But if the DM in the region can't return phone calls and be the professional he is suppose to be, then you had better take another look at him as a District Manager because he certainly doesn't act like one. So thanks for the let down.

On January 12, 2019 I asked to go through my purse after I had made a purchase and the metal detector sound upon attempting to leave the store. I was asked to come back to the register and waited for the clerk to get the manager, Morice Jermaine. This occurred in the Family Dollar located at 560 West Main Street, Meriden, CT. I shop at Family Dollar every week multiple times. The metal detector in this particular store always goes off and staff tell customers that the alarm is faulty and they may proceed with exiting the store. I do not feel the manner in which I was treated was fair and I am extremely upset. I was asked to go through my purse and "find" what may have caused the alarm to sound. As I shop there often I had several Body Fantasies sprays. One of my larger sprays still had the "this item is electronically protected" sticker on it. Upon seeing the sticker I informed the manager that I would be leaving the store. The manager did not apologize for the false accusations made or the manner in which I was treated. I feel as though this situation could have been avoided if staff was better trained and was not so quick to accuse a frequent customer of shoplifting. I am a mother of 6, a paralegal and the situation was extremely embarrassing. I would like to be contacted (860) 893-3826. Sincerely Luriena K. Palmares

I was told,I was band,from the Albert Pike Store,in HotSprings!I did not steal anything,I was not rude,or nothing!Always speak and pay for my items!No one ever came and told me,that I was band!I asked why,got no explanation,whatso ever!I have a job,I pay for everything,that I want,do not have to steal nothing!If for any other reason,this can not be resolve,I will seek legal action,for being wrongly accused,with no explanation,to why!

Very unfriendly cashier

I was injured in your store and Dayton Ohio on on North Dixie Drive roughly late November early December and I've yet to hear from somebody and I would like to know why if this is the way y'all going to run a company then I suggest you close it I talk to one person and I were a month and it's bull I need to know why you can call me at 9:37 875 3482 thank you very much

Hi . I do a lot of my shopping at your diamond street location in Mansfield Ohio. I have noticed that other than a kind of Dem light in the middle of the parking lot. And the family dollar sign. There isn't any light in the parking lot. It's actually pretty dark . Workers could be at risk when locking the store when they leave . If its icy out. A customer could slip and fall . Someone going thru the parking lot might not see someone walking and hit them . May be a pot hole someone could trip and fall. Just thinking about your staff and customers saftey . And I'm sure you are too. Thank you for your time. And hope you can brighten the matter up thank you.

They want let kids in the store in Shreveport so we go to dollar tree now but that just not Right

I bought a diffuser, it worked three times and quit. I had my receipt, but no box. Took it back and asked for a replacement, told the manager he could keep the box for the defective one. I had to hear about how it was a hazardous material and he didnt know if he could accept it?! This is a very small town with a choice of family dollar, or dollar general, I hate going in dollar general- not very clean and crowded isiles, but im not allowing family dollar to rip me off again.

I returned a Magnavox universal remote, the lady that was there said she couldn*t help me because she did not know how. She look for the manager but could not find her, I could not return the product and could not exchange it because no one was there to help me. the store is ran very poorly. the store in Sparta, ga , hancock county.

I went to the Pocahontas AR store on Christmas day and the manager, Jamie, had her 3 young kids in the store behind the counter. One of them was sweeping the floors, another was taking the trash bag out of the trash can. Having her kids come in and do her work for her because she is lazy is illegal!! The store is a mess and she is always on her cell phone instead of doing her work. Your company has terrible management!

.3141 Frankford Ave #59, Philadelphia, PA 19134-3826 Today was Christmas. I am beyond broke.. So when I saw the $5.00 off of $25.00 store purchase I jumped at it. To me that is literally 3 meals. I have a government phone so your app does not work on it. Today for the first time I saw I could just type my phone number in. So I walk the mile and a half to get there about 4:00 pm. The website said it was open till 10:00 pm. As a matter of fact the website says it's still open. Suddenly there was an announcement for everyone to get in line immediately. They are closing a 5:00. Neither the door nor the website said that.. The new guard would not let me put my bags in my backpack in the store. He "help me out the door"But that was not the worst part.When I typed my phone number it It read my discount would be on the receipt and it was "waiting for cashier". That means the manager has to clear the coupon or something.Well the manager was the cashier and rather than do whatever she had to do she told the machine said I had no ID.The phone number was wrong. I tried it again . Same message about the discount same .message the same remarkable lie from the manager. I am beyond angry. This ruined my Christmas. I was really counting on that money.Here are pages from The Family Dollar website. And the recipient need that five dollars I needed it today.I expect it tomorrow.

Myself An My Wife Was Talking About A subject of A Doll House An A Store clerk Named( Bryan Stackhouse )Just Cut me off While I an My Wife Was talking an Denied us Cash Back An Was Very Very Mean About ' Informing us Its no cash in The Register for a transaction of Cash Back ' Then He Began to Argue with me An I Had Up Until that Last Issue shopped in the Family Dollar Store On Ramsey St. in Fayetteville ,Nc For One full Year I Never Felt more disrespected By Some one who benefits from My Wife an I Shopping in that Family Dollar But I Will Never go In That family dollar store Again ' I Love Your prices an Over All products the Company Service the public ' But that Person ' If That's His Real name (Bryan Stackhouse) One young Lady Named 'Pam is Also Very Rude one Day She Had Said To One Other Employees( quote) He Was Here Early! I'm guessing she made this statement because earlier my two year old Loves chocolate milk an we Ran out of milk an I had to Go back to that Family Dollar On Ramsey St. in Fayetteville,Nc Its Just totally not nice How Those People are in that Store I Hope Changes are made for future customers ' Thank you

The store hours on Lockwood are posted on website and the business door 8am- 10pm. This store never opens promptly and regularly close early. There always seem to be some type of problems. As myself I'm sure I speak for many, we all have schedules to maintain. For some reason if the hours are incorrect please change them; if not could you hire responsible staff.Reacurring behavior I will shop elsewhere.

For years I have purchased the 4 gal. roll of plastic bags. I have found them to be strong and a great buy. This last roll I purchased were anything but that. They ripped at the first sign of resistance. Very disappointed!

The store was closed, doors locked 7 minutes till closing, not very professional!

Family Dollar salesperson at store 640 N Howard St Akron OH 44310-2936 profiles certain people.

You being my district manager at store#1370 i thought you would at least be concern about why i stop working after 10 dedicated years without a vacation and not calling in to work and keeping that store clean and neat and in a instant i was gone and you dont know what was said to me and how it was said to me and not only that its the fact that i was told if i was to get transfer to cheasaning then your store mgr would quit so thats being on my mind also but maybe its my skin color and that some of your other workers are intimidated by me thats makes it not a concern to you of why i all of a sudden quit when i just had a conversation with you of staying on board .. Greg alot of people know me in Owosso there is no doubt and how good of person and worker i am but for you to not call or text me its kinda sad...and now you have to answer their question of why i all of a sudden quit after 10 years and Merry Christmas to you also and i wish you the best..Nelson

I am handicap live in a high-rise andy family Dollar has been closed with no explanation for 2 days now I rely on this store for supplies

I came in your store and the front of your store you had a box of wrapping paper the box as a dollar I grabbed a trolls proceeded to your store to get a couple of items that I wanted got up to the desk and they were marked $2 you don't have a box nowhere on the floor we're wrapping paper Mart $2 you have a box that's Mark $5 $3 but no box that's marked $2 he would not give me that wrapping paper for a dollar and proceeded to be very nasty and aggressive with me I left all my items at your store


I went to your store on Winston road Lexington nc the ice was thick almost fell 2 days after the snow....You could have been sewed and I could have broke my neck..Your employees at that store are either outside smoking or at the back of the store....They never open on time.....I guess I will go back to dollar general.....I hate I cant talk to someone by phone guess that shows lack of interest in your storew

I have a complaint about. The Family Dollar on Cuyahoga. Falls Avenue in Akron Ohio. The trash can is so overflowing that trash is all around the can and in front of the store. It's disgusting.

Hi my name is Jamaar Jones and I went to the family dollar located at 3407 lapalco blvd, Harvey la. 70058 on Thursday December the 6th between 6 and 7pm with my wife to purchase some tissue and some other items for my pregnant wife. so one of the ladies who was visiting the store kept following me for some odd reason, about 10 minutes pass and my wife calls and tells me don't worry about the other stuff just get the tissue. so I put the items back and proceded to the checkout counter, out of nowhere the lady who was visiting the store asks me what did I do with the other items, at this point i'm like excuse me, she then says yea where are the other items, I said I put them back my wife didn't need them. as I handed the cashier the money to pay for the tissue, she took it and refused to give me my money back, she told me that she was not giving anything back until I put the items back. so i'm telling her ma'am I put it back because I didn't need it and if you don't believe me check your camera. she had already asked for a security scan check on the aisle that I was on when I 1st came in there. at this point i'm super pissed because im being accused of stealing and I was not. my wife and I live in that store and never had to experience something so embarrassing before in our life. So I told her call the cops then if u think I was stealing, she did and I stayed right there because I knew I didn't have anything. once the cops got there I told them what happened, we stepped outside for him to search me and he found absolutely NOTHING!, HE APOLOGIZED AND TOLD ME TO GO HOME....I have never been so embarrassed in my life in front of a store full of people for something I was not or did not do. I spoke to my lawyer you will be getting a subpoena in the mail because im definitely going through with a lawsuit. I did not catch the young ladies name but I will be going by there today to get that information, she does not need to be employed if shes falsely accusing people. If i have to I will go to news stations. I need to hear from someone as soon as possible
you can reach me by email or phone 504-289-2557

Cashier trying to check me out with one hand cause she had a bag of chips in the other hand . And talking with the person behind me . This is not the first time I have been done this way .

With receipt denied a return on unopened item purchased the same day of return.
Store looks like a Horder lives inside and horrible customer service.

I'm writing to inform you that store #7744 in Belleville Il locked their doors at least 15 minutes before the 10pm closing time that I know of anyway.
As I sat in my car looking up the corporate info a girl came to the door to let a customer out of the already locked door.
When I asked the young lady why they had closes early she said they closed at 10pm which at that moment STILL wasn't 10pm yet.
She then locked the door again and as I was talking walked away and would not come back despite my knocking.
I don't know if corporate offices were aware of such people doing these sorts of things in your store or not,this is why I'm writing this email.
I do not like going to a store before it's closes to locked doors and rude employees slamming doors in my face.
Thank you for your attention to this matter

Attempted to return molded chocolate covered cashews and was told by the cashier that I could not return them since they were opened. Returned home and called the manager and was told to bring them back.Went back to the store only to be told the same thing by the manager and cashier.The manager told me that he didn't care if I complained to corporate and that it would not do any good to complain.The managers name is A.Jordan.

I was attacked by an employee at the store on Chicago Ave and Homan st. Nov 8,2018 I called police and I have a police report and I reported it to corporate I filed a com plaint online and I have gotten no response and the employee is still working at that establishment I think my rights are being violated and I need help now

I have had some issues on family dollars return policy on some of there merchintize such as tv annetas and now heaters. i feel that they pick and choice which items that the public can return. i bought a 20 dollars tv anneta and they would not let me return it for refund, when it woulldnt work for me. like 90% of your customer we shop at your stores because we cant afford to shop anywhere else. but to not beable to return a purchase that doesnt work for that customer , and not told we cant return it, but exchange it for the same thing. is total bull. is family dollar not about customer service , but dont care if they are happy with their purchase. my heater went out on my house and i needed a heater. bought one at your store in okc on s w 59th street. i was not told it could be returned. they wouldnt let me exchange it for the cheapier one that had a now im out 60 dollars of purchases that i cant use and cant get my money back. i live on a fix income. now i have to do without others things because i cant get a refund. you very seriously need tobe more open om your t
returns. wal mart care about their customers, how about u,

Dollar Tree Store #3010 Cashier Edward. Only one register was open. There were about 10 people in line. I was standing in line for about 12 minutes. The male cashier came out of the office to an unopened register with a teal to open up. He didn't call out to any of the customers that he was open. Some of the customers flocked to his register. As he was checking people out i noticed he never spoke to anyone he checked out. No hello no thank you , nothing. All the customers before me were upset because he did not speak. I am very upset because i was having a very nice day with my Brother and my Mother shopping. This guy Edward put a damper on our whole day. Everyone before me was outside complaining how rude this guy was. He was not a nice person. You have lost my business as long as he works there. I'm very upset.

I was at the Sunbury,PA location on 11/30/18 about 11am and there was 2 cashiers working but there was only one running the register she was very nice and quick but she needed help getting customers threw the check out lines faster but her assistant manager working with her did not really come up to help out. She was on the floor stocking but it looked more like she was talking with friends and going out front for smoke breaks!! And the cashier at the register was stocking shelves plus helping customers find items and checking customers out at the register quick and very friendly so I think your company needs to find assistant managers that do their job that they are being paid to do. Not to hide out on the floor and not help out with people like me your customer. Please do some thing about this issue at store #3684 Sunbury PA I have called the store location and nothing is done because your employee has been at that location for years. Thank You

I baught trea oil and the box was empty when I went to use it. I tried to get my money back and the manager, a younger black guy with dreads and glasses was so rude. I was basically being called a liar. He said he wasn't going for that. Told me I should have known the box was empty! Well the cashier should have known too. Me and manager got into a verbal argument. I slapped my hand on counter and said I'm not a theif. He startsaid yelling at me. Next thing I knew he was following me out the door saying he should slap me!! This man was ghetto, and so rude. I should have called the cops. The managers at the sore on West 110 th off lorain ave in cleveland ohio don't need to be managera. They are ignorant, and treat people like shit. They are an embarrassment to family Dollar. I will never go there again. And that guy better be lucky he wasn't arrested.

i mr. Abraham wilson was an employee at family dollar located at 9390, NW 27th AVE MIAMI FL, 33147.
MY MANAGER( MR ARCHIE ) the name i was told by him was his NAME ( MR. ARCHIE ) ON 11/18/18
at 9:30pm i had to walk away from a job i loved doing with my heart because i was told by my manager
MR.( ARCHIE ) that if i didn"t step up my work efforts my hours will be garnish because my work efforts
were not to his MR. ( ARCHIE ) liking. i would like to go back 30 days befor this happen. i,m a regular
shopper at family dollar located at 14400 NW 27TH AVE IN OPA LOCKA FL thats 3 blocks from my home
i,m also well known there by all of the workers and the manager who"s name is (MR. COREY )who i asked
about a job at family dollar MR. COREY sat me down at the store computer were i submitted my application
a bout 3 days later i received a call from ( MR. ARCHIE ) who is the manager at the family dollar located at
9390 nw 27th ave thats also here in fl where i had to ride 3.6 mi on my bike 4 days out the week to work so i was hired
there a week into me working there he( MR. ARCHIE ) started complaining about my efforts saying its not to his ( MR. ARCHIE )
liking and if i didn"t straighten up fast he ( MR. ARCHIE ) will ( GARNISH ) my hours i said to him ( MR. ARCHIE ) i,m doing my job
and all of what you asked of me to do and he said to me ( MR. ARCHIE ) its just how it works around here. from that point on
( MR. ARCHIE ) had it in for me no matter how hard i tryed to do my job it was never good enough for him ( MR. ARCHIE )
so on 11/18/18 ( MR. ARCHIE ) sent me the schedule for the week there were 4 days ( MR. ARCHIE ) took from me so when i
asked him ( MR. ARCHIE ) why his response to me was its how it is around here. at this point i explain to him ( MR. ARCHIE )
that i have a family with 2 handicapped kids at home and he chose to do this at holiday time i couldnt understand why he would do that to anyone after i did everything i was asked to do the reason why im writing this to you(corp) is because i would like to continue to work for family dollar but at the location thats only 3 blocks from where i live.the manager (corey) would like me there also. is it possible that i can return to work at the family dollar which is 14400 nw 27th ave? corey and i got along fine but Mr archie blocked me from that store which is why i had to go to the other one which is much farther from my home.
thankyou so much for taking the time to rad my letter and im hoping i can return back to work so i can continue to provide for my family
sincerely Abraham Wilson

Rude assistant manager Angela at store # 10661 in Largo, FL. Unacceptable behavior, yelling at a customer and threatening to block her from the store instead of deescalating and being polite. Angela should be fired. Everyone who witnessed the incident was shocked. I personally will never shop at a store that employs this kind of personnel.

Dropped 90 Yoa mother at store in duncanville tx. While waiting on her, the delivery bread man from Nature’s Own proceeded to cuss me out like a stepchild because someone else parked in the middle of the parking lot and he couldn’t get out easily. I just happened to be there and the other guy wasn’t. I was minding my own business and did not deserve being talked to in that manner. If he would have politely asked me to move so he could get out easily, I would have happy to help. They need another driver who respects the customers. Family dollar customers do not deserve being abused by hot-headed delivery personnel.

I was accused of stealing and I was attacked by an employee as I was leaving the store I called police and they viewed the security tapes and seen nothing of that nature so I filed a police report and I called corporate and got no response and the employee is still working at this location Wich I think is unfair to me I've been given legal advice and I'm about to go further with this so can someone please contact me asap because my rights we're violated by your employee

Bethel store and amelia stores are down right disgusting, something needs to be done, you should be ashamed.

You have a employee Samantha Spears working at your Manchester Georgia store who is the rudest employee I have ever come across. I witnessed her refusing service to a young couple telling them she didn't want them at her register and to go to the other register and stand in a long line. The woman was visibly pregnant. As the couple were leaving your employee Samantha Spears was waiting outside the store and told the young woman she was going to physically hurt her and flung a lit cigarette at her, hitting her with it. Your Manager Misty (last name unknown) hired her just a few days ago as they are the very best of friends and will defend and lie for Samantha.
Apparently you transferred a man by the name of Rob who is the brother of your Manager Misty. I frequent your store 4To 5 days a week and have always found Rob to be helpful and polite to everyone, as well as a hard worker. He had been at the Manchester Georgia location for awhile. I believe before any of the crew there now. Rob should have been the Manager if you wanted a good running store. I admit I knew Rob prior to him working for family dollar and I am 3 times his elder and have always found Rob to be honest, hard working and a great customer service employee. On the other hand Misty is sloppy in her dress and never smiles at customers. She is abrupt and does not respect her customers. Its my understanding that Samantha was hired without a drug test. But if you random test her with no advance notice to her or Misty, she will test positive for pills she has no prescription for and so will Misty. They both are pill poppers.
My family has lived in Manchester for 22years and we all shop in your store, that is how I know what your store is capable of and how I know your store will begin to see more losses as items start walking out of your doors.
The 2nd street Baptist Church members will all be going elsewhere to shop if Misty and Samantha (Mandy) remain at the Manchester Georgia store.

This evening my 17 year old granddaughter which is pregnant went into the family dollar in Manchester Georgia, zip code 31816.
Your new employee Mandy was working along with your Manager Misty Evans, which by the way are best friends. Mandy is a grown woman and threatened to kick my granddaughters ass and refused to wait on her and her boyfriend, telling them, not in this register. Mandy also went out of the store waiting for my granddaughter to leave. She then threw a lit cigarette at her and told my granddaughter that she(Mandy) could say and do as she pleases.
My family has been shopping at this same store for over 2 years and have had no problems until recently after Misty became asst. Manager and now the Manager. Misty and Rob (sister and brother) is your Manager and asst. Manager until this week when Rob was sent to a different store.
Misty was fired from dollar general in Waverly Hall, Ga for inappropriate dealings with merchandise and moneys. She knew she couldn't supervise her own brother at your store but kept it secret for as long as possible. Neither Misty or Mandy have any scruples, neither are honest or loyal and both pop pills and use a cleansing to pass their drug tests.
My husband called and spoke with Misty about the treatment of our granddaughter by Mandy. Before speaking to Misty he called the store numerous times and left messages for her to return his call.
My family spends a average of $250.00 a week in your store but will now go up the Street to dollar general. I know $250. A week isn't much to you but its a lot to me. I just can't imagine having a Manager that lies about having a brother working in the store and hires her best friend also would be a asset to your company.

I am thoroughly disgusted I have been going to the Family Dollar at 6429 Rising Sun Avenue in Philadelphia PA 19111 for 11 years I've been in the neighborhood the store #05756 over the years they've had quite a turnover of employees and I've dealt with a lot but this is about right now is the worst group in the store is Thoroughly disgusting so many times I wanted to complain but today I done had it I will attach pictures is infested with mice I went to grab a package of dog food and I jumped and freaked out it was eaten by a mouse there are Mouse turds all over the shelves where the pet food is sickening never seen it like that in 11 years of going there I've been treated like crap I speak up and they don't like me there so I I didn't say nothing at that point because they are ignorant they are rude they had not honored coupons in the past that were 100% effective not expired and I asked them to get a manager and override it they can't do that they are so ignorant the store is a mess they have not hardly stock the shelves in months they got Stacks and stacks of boxes of stuff you can't even move around and the clothing department is is terrible so I decided to go over to the food section there's a dead mouse mouse turds all over the place which I will send you a picture of I was half tempted to go to the health department which I may do tomorrow cuz I was so frazzled and so upset I had picked up some candy after Halloween clearance which I threw to the side I couldn't even buy I got a couple things and I got out of there I was so shook up by that I cannot handle that it was so sickening

I went to Family Dollar store# 05779 to return a Tower Light Speaker,( I had my receipt and it's the same store I brought it from on October 25,2018 around 11:28am) because my 15yr.old granddaughter didn't want that kind, so I was told that they don't do refund on electronics and it says it on the box and the electronics section, so I looked on the box and the manager looked , no sign, so I went and looked in the electronics section and there was no signs at all, another customer looked too , no signs, so I told the manager and she said well the cashier should have told you when you brought it, but I was not told ,so I end up with a speaker I have no use for..... I shop at this store at least four days a week but not anymore!!! I'm very dissatisfied!

I go to the Family Dollar located at 611 Washington Street Whitman ma 02382
I go to this location a lot for products I need at home along with work. I am a retail manager I have never see such poor customer service as I do at this location. not only are they rude, swear at each other with customer in the store, but just today 6/13/19 as I was shopping I had the clerk come down the back of the store and was told I needed to cash out right now or leave right now with out the stuff. He told me " I have been here all fucking day alone and need a Fucking break! as he was cashing me out he was tell all customer coming they had to leave. this is very poor service. Again you can not bring you kids in this store because The crew there swear and just do not care that there are children in the store. I think I will be doing my shopping at Dollar tree from now on they have respect for there customers.

Manager says she is too busy to exchange my stuff? I’m the customer! Jessica at the Fulton family dollar

It is horrible that I have to listen to employees playing music using the (NIGGER) word in it hen I am trying to shop. I reported this to the manager a couple of months ago and she said she would make sure the employees stop playing that kind of music ). Today I went into that same horrible family dollar store and there was a (White) employee playing loud rapper music with the NIGGER word in it. I go to many family dollar stores and never hear this kind of offensive racist loud music playing in their stores. This store is in McKeesport Pa located on Versailles avenue. and it is horrible. I told the white girl playing the music loudly it was offensive. I have went in that same store several times and Black people were playing rapper music with the (Nigger) word constantly being repeated in the music loudly. I told the supervisor today (6.12.2019)no one especially Black people should have to shop in a business with the ( Nigger) word being constantly repeated loudly in the music for the customers to hear it is a business. The top manager never stopped it months ago and lets the employees do anything in that horrible store. I love going to the other family dollars they don't have any of that Racist Offensive horrible (Nigger word music) playing for all customers to hear. THIS STORE IS AWFUL
PLAYING ( MUSIC WITH THE NIGGER WORD IN IT) AND THE TOP MANAGER DOES NOTHING TO STOP IT I REPORTED THIS BEFORE MONTHS AGO TO HER. Maybe the only way to stop this is to report it to all the news channels because it is horrible to have to listen to the (NIGGER) WORD IN A BUSINESS

I was at Store #06766 and the entire time and the checkout counter the worker was on the phone. Not one time did she say anything to me. She didn’t greet me she didn’t thank me for coming in and even when I put my card in too soon and had to remove it and reinsert, she still stayed on the phone. At some point common sense should tell you to at least greet the customer. People like that should not be the face of your brand. Very rude and unprofessional. If I could take away that one highlighted star I would.

I shop a lot at family dollar at 8330 w judge Perez dr in chalmette, la. 70043. For the last 3 days they have been out of milk, any kind of milk. Tonight I went back again and a private truck pulled up with a refrigerated trailer on the back. The employee said that might be the milk. Now is that said or what. Very unprofessional.

Yes i was hired as a temp for remodel on niles in bakersfield california. Well i worked 5 days one of those days i wasnt clocked in the whole day they said they would fix it i dont know if they did anyways well i had last saturay off went to work the next morning they told me no hours sent me home. That was 5 days ago no one will tell me anything deborah the manager told me she would call me but hasnt this isnt an on call job i feel like im termed but they wont give me my check. I feel like my check is being held hostage .. They dont answer me dont telll me any information. Also they had the fire doors completely blocked to the celing, the whole ttime i was there if i wanted water i would have to have my own cup and get it fron the bathroom sink thats gross also the lady from dollar tree who was running the remodel martina was using foul language on the floor with customers there. Very unproffessional . i want my last check this is wrong what there doing to me my employee number is 6510293 kathleen layton 6616345898 thank you for your time. She also said i would get paid last friday which i did not. Very unproffesionall and very hot and dirty.i have never had any employer treat me like this . i have picures and correspondence. I wasnt my last check i feel i was termed but not told. I still dont even know how much i was making an hour they had me come in an hour early and stand around waiting. Off the clock the whole time i dont think i got paid for the two hour onboarding. either.

I sit a do the digital coupons app to save money nothing has ever worked. I have sent three emails no response.looks like I will spend money elseware.

Worker at the store # 08696 on Wilson Ave in Louisville KY is very rude. Told to leave bags at counter, then saw her going through my bags. Will not leave them at the counter. Don't know her name, but she's black with bleach blonde hair in front. She's new, never had any problems before her.

I went to the one on 3435 Roosevelt Hwy, Atlanta, GA 30349
I started to shop I realize I need a buggy Ilooked for one in ths store
I ask the cashier she told me to look out side, I didn't see one she told me to look in
the park lot If i could have have I would looked I have had a coulpe of strokes if I could
have I would I just put everythink I had in my hands down and walked out.

I was in the store one night to get beer. I picked up a few cans and I picked one up and got sprayed
with cold beer! There was 2 punctured holes in the can! All the girls didn't DO A THING!! One girl
was stocking cigarettes, the manager was off-work, she sat there in a short dress. Not even an
apology! "Hey, I'm not working." She said!
This store is in Tampa, Florida. N. Nebraska and Bougainvillea and needs to be SHUT DOWN!
People are rude and it's always a mess!

I went in to the store at Lad PalMas on Castroville rd. On Friday June7,2019, to refund a blouse I purchased just 2days earlier on June4,2019. Melody was the person at counter. She had a attitude from the start. She toke the blouse out of the boat,and said it felt wet?? I was in shock!!! The blouse was not wet. She then says " in the future f you bring in unpurchaseable items,we will not take them back!" first of all unpurchaseable is not a word 2nd the short was in perfect condition with tags still on it.and. I was so humiliated to be talked to like that by someone so unprofessional. Her family dollar shirt was 2sizes to small,get pants were faded beyond their original color,and she still has stains from her breakfast or dinner the night before on her shirt. I am always treated poorly at this store. But this went to far. I want to be put in touch with a higher up,not just her store mngr.I'm furious.

The service in the store will make no one in this area shop there the assistance manager she say was very rude to kids entering the store the young girl had money in hand wanting to buy things i notice how nasty rude this so called manager was i will no longer use THIS family dollar nor send family or friends to this located family dollar

I live in Buffalo,NY someone stole $164.49 off my Green Dot debit card at store #6228 in Phoenix, AZ on 6/8/2019. I filed a complaint with the Bureau of Investigation here in Buffalo.

I walked in to Sanger Family $ and was confronted & yelled at by the asst. manager who showed me a picture off his phone of a women who was clearly not me and told to leave the store being called a thief in front of multiple customers in which some I knew and when I asked him to look at the pic again he refused because I was trying to show him I just had open heart surgery and tattoos on chest and shoulder and the lady was of a different race and had different eye color. I left the store in tears as he followed me to front door as he was shaking and made me feel intimidated and felt like he was actually gonna hit me. I am a regular customer and I have never been treated in this manner and am very insulted and embarrassed by his actions. Please contact me at+16612044039. Thank you, Shara Soliz

My mother and I visited store #10354( 18024 Little York) . We added the smart coupons to our order. We each had 1 gain fabric softer and gain pods. Each item should of been 2.95 with the coupons. When we went to be checked out the computer would not accept the smart coupon. We also tried entering our phone number. The male cashier said he Had experienced this type of error before. When I requested that he adjust the price or override it, we were told that’s was against store policy and it was considered stealing. We left without purchasing the items. I went to a competitor and purchased the items.

I have sent you an email prior and have had no response. I bought several shades from your store in Jacksonville nc. Wind was blowing and receipt blow out of hand. I have two bad knees and could not run to get it. One shade I could not use. I tried to return and the cashier would not allow it. I shop there all the time. I was not asking for money back. When I approach manager she was very rude and would not acknowledge me at all. She said no very sarcastic. I told her I was contacting held office she said go ahead I don’t care. I will never shop there again. Personal terrible. I go to the one on Gumbranch Rd. Jacksonville NC. I have never heard of a store that would not let you exchange item. I have heard of not giving money back but never this. I will post on Facebook how I was treated, also call better business bureau.

I was in your store Peralta Nm store on 6/9/19 at 840 pm. The assistant manager was outside on a personal phone call and the cashier inside had 6 customers in line . I later was approached by a an assistant manager by the name of Diane. She informed me that the store closed in 5 minutes and we needed to hurry because the registers shut down at 9. I said ok we are almost done. I told her that if someone’s in the storeb before the store closes you can’t kick them out she said yes it’s our policy they have to be done by 9 registers shut down at 9 . I asked her so if I’m the 3rd Person in line and your store closes at 9 we can’t purchase our stuff she said I’m not going to argue with you . I asked her again and she stated I don’t write the policy those are the rules. All customers have to be out by 9 regardless of transactions are completed and if they aren’t out we call the police to have them removed I was a little shocked that you’d rather lose business and treat your customers as criminals so your stores can shut down at 9 on Sunday and not service your customers . The store has lost its value in customer service and I believe there should be a undercover CEO or General manager to really review your stores and see what’s truly going on. We as customers fill your shelves and if that’s how your managers are running your stores it’s very poor customer service.

I bought some clearance items at your West Town store in Dayton Ohio. There were at least 5 signs saying clearance items were 50 percent off. I was not given the 50 percent off so I went back to the store to get back the amount I overpaid. and at first I was told they would give me back the amount I over paid. Then the manger changed her mind and would only give me a refund of the whole amount but because I used a Smart coupon I would lose the $5. from it.she then got angry and told me to leave the store. I want back the money I was over charged and a apology for the manager who coped an attitude when it was clearly the fault of the store who did not remove the clearance sign. If the employees there played less they remove expired price signs and put the prices on other items tat have no prices on them. They always get annoyed when you ask the price of unpriced items.

Mr Levine! Your employees are working in a heat inferno! I have been in the store 3 times this week and the employees are working in this store without AC. Get it fixed! This is wrong! Customers not shopping just walking in and out of the inferno.

I’m a thru-hiker on the CDT (Continental Divide Trail) and I went to the family dollar in Leadville Colorado for a resupply and I know I’m a bit dirty and weathered after 1200 miles of hiking thru the Rockies but that doesn’t mean I deserve to be treated well I don’t know There’s no class of person or animal I would treat that way. The lady freaked out when I walked in and started hollering, then she said my backpack wasn’t allowed I explained it was basically my purse because all my pockets were ripped out and it had all my money and personal affects in and I wasn’t comfortable leaving it where anybody could walk off with it. I told her none of the other stores had a problem including the many Family Dollars I had resupplied at in the last 1200 miles. She yelled she was calling the police and got on the phone. It was blatantly ridiculous. So I resupplied at Safeway,where nobody even noticed my backpack and now I have to put on the CDT page that the FD in Leadville is definitely not hiker friendly so others don’t get treated like this.

Mesa Az Dobson&Emelita ave. I am no longer going to this store because every single time I go there you raise your prices. They are now ridiculous for over 90% of your inventory and I've been going here since it opened. Several other longtime customers are doing the same.

I go to the family dollar on 1908 lake worth Florida. I'm tired if paying 2 different prices for incontinence pads that I buy every week. I'm charged $9.75 with no taxes then I go in today and there is taxes. $10..43. Its never the same price. Those girls are rude,nasty and horrible. I'm white and I feel discriminated against.

Manager at regester refused to accept smart phone coupon for 1.00$ of pack of Marlboro cigarettes said we have problems reading with our scan wand.So i paid full price and informed her you refuse this coupon every time you are here , while the other employees never do. And i will log a complaint. Have a good day....Her quote was whatever see if if care!!!!

I was looking at the clearance clothing wear and when I went to check out the register girl rsmg up this clearance outfit for $6.00 ..
when I asked the cashier if it doesn't can I bring it back?? Then the store manager Sonja interrupted me and SAID that I had changed the clearance tag to $4.00..and I said I did no such thing
I agreed to pay the $2.00 difference but the store manager Sonja wanted to argue with me and call me a list and said she saw me change the tag..then I told her shes wrong....
Long story whomever is reading this' his and hurtful accusations has caused me to reach a high level of anxiousnezs and a sense of being poorly judged and discriminated against so let on my appearance...
Btw,my entire wardrobe just so happens to consist of appearal that I purchasrroe fm your company store(314-353-5365 store #06066 8417 Gravois Rd Afton Missouri 63123)
I was wrongfully accused of tag swapping, I did not do that now would I ever do something so petty for a lousy $2.00 discount! Let me explain ...
I am a devout Christian woman. I am disabled and on a fixed income..i get by just fine with what I have. I am a happy person that enjoys a simple life..i am quiet person whom treats others with respe t & I assure you I am not ever without my manners...
I'm not sure what proper protocol is for filing a formal complaint so I started with the incident
I'm frazzled, I'm so upset I must come off sounding ridiculous but I'm overcome with emotions right now! Ugh! Help!!!
I've not ever filed a complaint or a greivence in my 48 yrs alive until right now so I apologize for this letter being "all over the place...
my feelings are seriously manger Sonia was rude & wrong..
Right Wrongs Nobyody!!!.
Corperate store employees are to follow proper protocol and contact local police and properly report store incidences or report to in-store security officers and have another additional eye witness to any accusations of any alleged forgery/ theft etc due to the careful nature not to infringe on one's civil rights or verbally acoust, or insult,assault etc etc..they are to avoid these situations and report them accordingly so things don't escalate to physical assaults to avoid incident and harm to property and avoid a heated argument to cause harm to employees / costumers...
but Sonia took matters into her own hands and was rude, accused me of all ppl of criminal fraudulent intent and cursed foul language at me that I could have her arrested for 3rd degree assault & yes..i do have an additional witness....
im contacting you first before the police, ..before the evening news....
i would like for her be fired however, as I said before I am a devout Christian woman so i am suggesting she be reprimanded accordingly for wrongfully accessing and demanded & commanding me stating I cannot return to thestore premises simply because I stood up for myself..i was treated poorly.
it's not against the law to be rude it is however a 3rd degree assault to scream the word "F or U nlawful C carnal K knowledge" followed by th word "YOU" disgusted by foul language!
So I'm insisting she receive some stern conversation , she needs to get yelled at by a corporate boss ..possibly the kind that makes her cry and maybe even feel bad about!
what she did..also requires a full duration of sensitivity courses are in order as well as a couple Sale Carnagie course starting with "How to win friends and influence ppl due to Sonia complete ignorance of processing ppl skills..she has zero people skills and she is your store addition I would like your permission to shop at your store..i scope there often and a lot & have a fantastic repose with all of your other employees,..i would like for Sonia to share the same repose as Mike for instance...iplease call me at 31r4-956-5138 or reply here.with the best rebuttal written by your Top Corperate Problem Solver so we can all go about our daily business and move on.
Thank you for your time & patience with the grievance & embarrassed and I have done nothing to deserve this but if I do nothing about the incident then I would not stood up for myself, if I don't stand up for myself then instead of being embarrassed I would surely feel ashamed
Heather Hefly
4670 Tieman Ave
Afton MO 63123

I would like to bring attention to the garbage all over the parking lot at the Family Dollar located at 6513 Clark Avenue Cleveland Ohio, store#11537.I live a few doors down and I am great full for the store. I shop there daily. but I spend of time making this street clean of garbage. and look good. the parking lot is a disaster .there was a small can for trash that was all ways full but now its not even there. please take care of this problem. thank you for your time and under stand how important this is.
your neighbor
Larry Sigley

Not sure what the young lady attitude was about visit this wendover location often have been doing so fo 10 plus years loyal customer familiar with all the employees but Tuesday night in a rush to catch them before they close i went to the cashier by th ed name of Marcia ask her where to find the candy and she said i dnt know im new and she cnt help me she advised me to walk up and down the isle til i find it like everyone else i know all the managers there i spoke to the one th here that night about it and allowed him to dtand by me as i addressed the young woman about her unprofessional behaviour and she continued with it in front of the manager who did or said nothing

Store manager Marie said I couldn't return 1 pair of jeans brought June 5,2019 one day after purchase for a refund. She says I could only get a store credit for anything over 5.00. My purchase was 15.50. The policy in store do not say that. Because of her very nasty attitude, police were involved. She also took off her name identification hiding it from me. Police received her name. I don't understand. This was at family dollar on Main street in East Orange Nj. Thank you very much.

My name is Joel Lamar Folson, employee # 6429798. I was working @ store number 8924 located on the corner of W. 7 mile & Telegraph. Once the inventory was almost gone, I quit. The employees were a bunch of thieves. The police were there almost every other day. That may be one of the reasons why they closed. I'm trying to apply at store #8997 located at 22200 W. Grand River Detroit, Mi. 48219. So, I filled out the application, visited the store, spoke with the store manager, (Lisa) she informed me that I could not be rehired? Someone please explain to me, why? I really need this job. I'm ready to start Monday. What do I do?

I was returning 2 brooms to get one larger one and a CD. He did not refund my returns to be reflected in my total price. he under paid me for my return. It should have been $4.26. He underpaid me $2.13 for one. He is a crook. I gave him $20.13 for my balance. He did not present the refund so I could see it & count it. This is a bad employee & I see by your reviews this is the norm for your chain. I'm taking this to my Better Business Bureau to see you shut down! When I was leaving the store, a lady came after me to say it happened to her too.

RUDE EMPLOYEE: Worst I've EVER encountered in any retail business in my life!!! At Store # 12310 36 Spencerport Road, Rochester, NY 14606-5206 Today June 4th at 8:25 am I made the Huge Mistake of entering this store to shop as a customer looking for clothespins. I feel that you as manager or your corporate office be immediately informed and take measures tom reprimand or punish his mean, nasty indignant person with and attitude with up to and including suspension or termination. I encountered the devil incarnate himself employee in the form of a late teen Black employee with dreadlocks(no racism here only way to identify him to Store manager- didn't get his name-) As I entered , I noticed the store was almost 90%dark as if there was a power failure as there was only a sliver of a few fluorescent bulbs lit. and there was no one around to ask or service my inquiry. No One was up front at the register and someone could have ran off with arm loads of merchandise and candy.This young black kid walks buy gives m a quick glance and I ask in a joking manner " somebody forget to pay their electric bill" he just ignored me and kept walking. I thought he was a customer, and didn't need to answer me or have that authority. I found out later that that was trouble ahead waiting to happen After wandering up and down several aisles I went back to the same teenage young black guy who I now saw was an employee with a name tag and store vest ( didn't get the name- didn't need to( I thought) he was kneeling at an end cap stocking lower shelves with juice. The conversation went like this almost word for word( honestly)
ME: Why are the lights out in the store?"
HIM: I don't see why That's any of Your Business!"
ME" What's With The attitude Guy , I just asked a simple question?"
HIM So... " What do you really need to know that for"
ME: " Because I want to know if the store is actually open for business or you just stocking or doing inventory with the doors unlocked( sensible question!)
HIM: "Snotty and Angry raising his voice" You're Standing in front of me aren't you, doesn't that answer your question that the store is open"! The intimidate attitude chip on the shoulder is coming on strong now, I'm getting really angry upset and aghast at this guy talking to me.
ME " But If I wanted to buy something there is no up front to cash me out ?"
HIM: "Hey. not your concern, I'm here you're standing in front of me, does that look like no one is here to wait on you!"
ME Look ! You don't have to talk to me in such a snotty manner; you're rude"
HIM " I answered your question, how many times do I need to say it ( and around and round this went on for another minute or so with his voice increasingly getting louder,
ME: O.K Answer This ! " Do you have wooden Clothes pins?"
HIM: " NO!"
Fine " I'm outta here and going to report you and never setting foot in here again and going to write his to Corporate, Yelp and Facebook , gone Public
So There Rude Excuse for an Employee have blown the whistle on You all The way to Corporate

RUDE EMPLOYEE: Worst I've EVER encountered in any retail business in my life!!! At Store # 12310 36 Spencerport Road, Rochester, NY 14606-5206 Today June 4th at 8:25 am I made the Huge Mistake of entering this store to shop as a customer looking for clothespins. I feel that you as manager or your corporate office be immediately informed and take measures tom reprimand or punish his mean, nasty indignant person with and attitude with up to and including suspension or termination. I encountered the devil incarnate himself employee in the form of a late teen Black employee with dreadlocks(no racism here only way to identify him to Store manager- didn't get his name-) As I entered , I noticed the store was almost 90%dark as if there was a power failure as there was only a sliver of a few fluorescent bulbs lit. and there was no one around to ask or service my inquiry. No One was up front at the register and someone could have ran off with arm loads of merchandise and candy.This young black kid walks buy gives m a quick glance and I ask in a joking manner " somebody forget to pay their electric bill" he just ignored me and kept walking. I thought he was a customer, and didn't need to answer me or have that authority. I found out later that that was trouble ahead waiting to happen After wandering up and down several aisles I went back to the same teenage young black guy who I now saw was an employee with a name tag and store vest ( didn't get the name- didn't need to( I thought) he was kneeling at an end cap stocking lower shelves with juice. The conversation went like this almost word for word( honestly)
ME: Why are the lights out in the store?"
HIM: I don't see why That's any of Your Business!"
ME" What's With The attitude Guy , I just asked a simple question?"
HIM So... " What do you really need to know that for"
ME: " Because I want to know if the store is actually open for business or you just stocking or doing inventory with the doors unlocked( sensible question!)
HIM: "Snotty and Angry raising his voice" You're Standing in front of me aren't you, doesn't that answer your question that the store is open"! The intimidate attitude chip on the shoulder is coming on strong now, I'm getting really angry upset and aghast at this guy talking to me.
ME " But If I wanted to buy something there is no up front to cash me out ?"
HIM: "Hey. not your concern, I'm here you're standing in front of me, does that look like no one is here to wait on you!"
ME Look ! You don't have to talk to me in such a snotty manner; you're rude"
HIM " I answered your question, how many times do I need to say it ( and around and round this went on for another minute or so with his voice increasingly getting louder,
ME: O.K Answer This ! " Do you have wooden Clothes pins?"
HIM: " NO!"
Fine " I'm outta here and going to report you and never setting foot in here again and going to write his to Corporate, Yelp and Facebook , gone Public
So There Rude Excuse for an Employee have blown the whistle on You all The way to Corporate

I was shopping at your store. I pulled up next to a car as someone was smoking meth in a one of those bubbles I wanted to the store if my shopping I come up to the cash register and it was the same lady that was sitting in the car smoking the bubble she was acting all silly stupid her name tags at Kim I forgot the store in Ocala Florida at Martin Luther King a27 started to report her to the manager but I left it alone the woman needs to be dealt with her drug tested I will notgo to family Dollar no more and spend any of my money he kept messing up a cell I had to wait for at least 10 minutes for her just to ring up 7 items someone that would work in their told me her name was Kim Hill

My 18 year old daughter visited the store on 674 hwy 138 in riverdale ga. And bought what was supposedly be on sale pepsi 3 for 10 but when got to check out she was told thar they was not on sale the coca coca was so when she went to exchange them the still changerd her 15 dollares for the cocas and when my daughter ask why it was still 15 dollars the lasy said the chager her to do a my daughter said she wasnt going to get them the lady said well i already rung them up and i will have to call my manger so when manger came up my daughter ask why she was still paying 15 dollars for the drinks and he went on to say do i need to call the police or do i need to take my earings off so my daughter went and bought the stuff and while she was leaving the store another women came out that works there and ask her do she know who shes fucking with so my daughter came home in tears and i tryed to call back to see what went on and the lady said bitch you must dont know who you talking to so get iff my phone and hung up.thanks fir the nice employees you all have and i will take this to my lawyer for more .im a police officer myself and will not be done this why thanks.mrs curry

Shopping with my son and needed a cart . There was an empty cart on my aisle. So, we used it. About 10 mins laywrl

Went to Family Dollar at 3300 Penn Avenue
Pittsburgh PA today. No one greeted me coming in. They were having a personal conversation with each other. They seemed preoccupied and nonchalant even at checkout. There was roudy and inconsiderate outburst etc. This was an atmosphere that I've never experienced at this store.

I asked an employee could my toddler use the the restroom while she was talking to another employee and she walked off from her coworker and saying I don’t think it works and started taking things out of a box. There was no out of order sign on the door so I asked how do the employees use the restroom and she said we walk across the street to Stripes. This employee (Jasmine) at the store on Fondren Road #11983 was rude. After I asked to use the restroom and she said she didn’t think it work she walked toward a box to put things away. I thought she was going to get the key so I stood there with my toddler for about 20 seconds and asked “does it work or not?” and she said “No”. She was very dismissive and had an attitude for no apparent reason. So I left and asked the Stripe employees if that was true and they said No they do not. I live in the neighborhood and go to this store pretty much everyday. No one should be treated that way. Especially a paying customer. I will not give this company my hard working money anymore!

While making a purchase at store #01469 located at 1655 Memorial Drive SE Atlanta, GA ( 06-05-2019 11:32:52) I observed the cashier, who was not wearing a name tag nor does her name appear on my receipt, improperly place items in the customer ahead of me. For example, she placed a large carton of orange juice on it's side in his bag. She appeared to be annoyed with him but, I was unsure if it was the case. Next, after I made my purchase of two small Sterlite Clip storages boxes, she became annoyed with me because I requested a bag for my purchase after she apparently expected me to leave the store without one. She then, slowly separated a plastic bag for my purchase, placed the items in the bag on the counter and simply, stared helping the next customer. She made no attempt to turn the bag handles toward me, move the bag toward me or, acknowledge the end of the transaction. I am highly offended and dissatisfied with the customer service at this location after spending my money. I made two attempts to contact the store manager by phone to no avail. No one answered the phone. I trust someone will address this issue.
Thank you for your time

Manager was very rude and yelling at me in family dollar until we got into a verbal altercation. I was trying to purchase some items and I felt that the price didn't add up to what the cashier was charging. So I asked her what did I buy? I just wanted to go over the items and check the receipt but before I could even ask the manager came over and rudely said without checking any receipt it's 14 dollars either you want it or you don't. So I told her no I don't want it. Because she was so rude and didn't allow me to check the receipt before I paid. She told me I was rude to her cashier which I was not. And began yelling at me to get out of the store because I didn't want to purchase the items. She was yelling at me in front of the whole store. At that point we got into a verbal altercation and I told her she was very unprofessional and didn't need to be in a management position if she was going to argue with and be rude to the customers. I felt provoked into a verbal altercation and I have no understanding as to why? I just wanted to see my receipt and was not trying to be rude.

RUDE EMPLOYEE: Worst I've EVER encountered in any retail business in my life!!! At Store # 12310
Customer Copmplaint RE: Store # 12310 Rochester NY June 5th
36 Spencerport Road
36 Spencerport Road, Rochester, NY 14606-5206
Today June 4th at 8:25 am I made the Huge Mistake of entering this store to shop as a customer looking for clothespins. I feel that you as CEO or your corporate office be immediately informed and take measures to reprimand or punish his mean, nasty indignant person with and attitude with up/to and including suspension or termination.
I encountered the employee in the form of a late teen Black employee with dreadlocks (no racism here only way to identify him to Store manager- didn't get his name-) As I entered , I noticed the store was almost 90% dark as if there was a power failure and there was only a sliver of a few fluorescent bulbs lit. and there was no one around to ask or service my inquiry. No One was up front at the register and someone could have ran off with arm loads of merchandise and candy.This young black kid walks buy gives m a quick glance and I ask in a joking manner " somebody forget to pay their electric bill" he just ignored me and kept walking. I thought he was a customer, and didn't need to answer me or have that authority. I found out later that that was trouble ahead waiting to happen After wandering up and down several aisles I went back to the same teenage young black guy who I now saw was an employee with a name tag and store vest ( didn't get the name- didn't need to( I thought) he was kneeling at an end cap stocking lower shelves with juice. The conversation went like this almost word for word( honestly)
ME: Why are the lights out in the store?"
HIM: I don't see why That's any of Your Business!"
ME" What's With The attitude Guy , I just asked a simple question?"
HIM So... " What do you really need to know that for"
ME: " Because I want to know if the store is actually open for business or you just stocking or doing inventory with the doors unlocked( sensible question!)
HIM: "Snotty and Angry raising his voice" You're Standing in front of me aren't you, doesn't that answer your question that the store is open"!
The intimidation attitude ‘chip on the shoulder is coming on strong now’, I'm getting really angry upset and aghast at this guy talking to me.
ME " But If I wanted to buy something there is no up front to cash me out ?"
HIM: Hey. not your concern, I'm here you're standing in front of me, does that look like no one is here to wait on you!"
ME Look ! You don't have to talk to me in such a snotty manner; you're rude"
HIM " I answered your question, how many times do I need to say it ( and around and round this went on for another minute or so with his voice increasingly getting louder,
ME: O.K Answer This ! " Do you have wooden Clothes pins?"
HIM: " NO!" Fine " I'm outta here and going to report you and never setting foot in here again and going to write his to Corporate, Yelp and Facebook , gone Public
Please Rectify this situation and tell this person what customer service is all about and one hoorble experience announced publicly on social mefdai negates thousands of Dollars spent on adveytising in Print TV or good service on other worthwhile stores
Thomas Boyce 157 Chestnut Ridge Road Rochester NY 14624- 3842 585-247-5878

RUDE EMPLOYEE: Worst I've EVER encountered in any retail business in my life!!! At Store # 12310
36 Spencerport Road, Rochester, NY 14606-5206
Today June 4th at 8:25 am I made the Huge Mistake of entering this store to shop as a customer looking for clothespins. I feel that you as manager or your corporate office be immediately informed and take measures tom reprimand or punish his mean, nasty indignant person with and attitude with up to and including suspension or termination.
I encountered the devil incarnate himself employee in the form of a late teen Black employee with dreadlocks(no racism here only way to identify him to Store manager- didn't get his name-) As I entered , I noticed the store was almost 90%dark as if there was a power failure as there was only a sliver of a few fluorescent bulbs lit. and there was no one around to ask or service my inquiry. No One was up front at the register and someone could have ran off with arm loads of merchandise and candy.This young black kid walks buy gives m a quick glance and I ask in a joking manner " somebody forget to pay their electric bill" he just ignored me and kept walking. I thought he was a customer, and didn't need to answer me or have that authority. I found out later that that was trouble ahead waiting to happen After wandering up and down several aisles I went back to the same teenage young black guy who I now saw was an employee with a name tag and store vest ( didn't get the name- didn't need to( I thought) he was kneeling at an end cap stocking lower shelves with juice. The conversation went like this almost word for word( honestly)
ME: Why are the lights out in the store?"
HIM: I don't see why That's any of Your Business!"
ME" What's With The attitude Guy , I just asked a simple question?"
HIM So... " What do you really need to know that for"
ME: " Because I want to know if the store is actually open for business or you just stocking or doing inventory with the doors unlocked( sensible question!)
HIM: "Snotty and Angry raising his voice" You're Standing in front of me aren't you, doesn't that answer your question that the store is open"! The intimidate attitude chip on the shoulder is coming on strong now, I'm getting really angry upset and aghast at this guy talking to me.
ME " But If I wanted to buy something there is no up front to cash me out ?"
HIM: Hey. not your concern, I'm here you're standing in front of me, does that look like no one is here to wait on you!"
ME Look ! You don't have to talk to me in such a snotty manner; you're rude"
HIM " I answered your question, how many times do I need to say it ( and around and round this went on for another minute or so with his voice increasingly getting louder, ME: O.K Answer This ! " Do you have wooden Clothes pins?"
HIM: " NO!"
Fine " I'm outta here and going to report you and never setting foot in here again and going to write his to Corporate, Yelp and Facebook , gone Public
CONTCT ME_ email or phone
Thomas Boyce
157 Chestnut Ridge Road Rochester NY 14624 585-247-5878
So There Rude employee!!

Family dollar away closes at 830 pm and the sign on the door say 10 on 6-5-19 my family was trying to shop they told us they were closing early there was at least 25 people at the door the manager on duty was nasty to everyone i took 10 so.
You can see for yourself send me your email and i will send them to you. Thanks

I bought some little cans of diet cokes They were packed with the gator aide. When I went to put my bags in my car I picked up that bag and it hit the basket and popped the can. I asked if I could return it and she told me no. Did I drop it. I told her just what I just said. She said she couldn’t take it back. I asked if she couldn’t give it back to coke a cola she said no. I said I will call coke a cola she jumps up and says I am corporate. I said I didn’t say corporate I said coke a cola. She said where is it I said still in the basket she kept looking at me and told me to go get it. I brought it back in still in the basket. She did give me another but none of that was necessary. I feel she was throwing her weight around and needed me to know who I was talking with. I am corporate. I wanted to say I’m Dianne take your coke back to corporate and let them know how important you are. I will get on social media and let all my friends know how customers that spend their money at Family Dollar is treated. I certainly will be shopping Dollar General they try to hard to please their customers. Please let Miss corporate know she has lost Family Dollar several customers

I had made a purchase at the Family Dollar at store # 00292 4112 Raeford Rd Fayetteville,NC when I came home I tried my dress on and it was a little tight so I went to the Family Dollar store #00745 at 1322 Clinton Road Fayetteville,NC 910-323-9259 so I talked to the cashier about I wanted to do a exchange on my dress for a larger size he told me if I bought it from another Family Dollar that he would not let me exchange it I know that’s not right I told him I just went to another Family Dollar and they greatly exchanged it for a larger size. I told him I was going to call corporate he said he didn’t care. On his name tag it said Assistant Manager and his name tag said Rodney. He needs to be fired because if you are a assistant manager you know as long as you have your receipt you can make a exchange. My name isCONNIE MCNEILL 910-850-3372

There was a coupon that was still displayed even after the expiration date. I took it to the cashier and was told if it’s not in my smart coupon they can’t honor it. Of course it wouldn’t be on the smart Coupon app if it expired but if that sign was still up, it still should be honored. The mgr of the was very rude and non chalant. Any other store would have honored the coupon it’s only at store 05642 3179 Queens Chapel Rd Mount Rainer, Maryland that does not honor expired coupons, it is not the customer’s fault that they are still advertising coupons after its expired. I asked the Mgr for the corporate number and she keep saying the number so fast that I didn’t get it. This is the only store I get rude and nasty mgrs. I will definitely go to another location which is in Riverdale (which is out of my way)they always honor the coupons whether it’s in the smart coupon or not, they are very polite.

I had to go back to the store to have my rewards coupons deducted from the balance on my receipt. The manager asked sarcastically if I put my phone number in. I told her yes. I showed her my receipt when I first approached her. She said sarcastically again, all I can do is refund you what you bought and you would have to repurchase it. I said, do you mean I have to bring all that stuff back. She said no I can do it with your receipt. She had a very bad attitude. I told her I have complained about this store before. She said, well it must have not bothered you too much, you keep coming back in. She is a manager and couldn't apologize for the inconvenience I went through to have to go back to the store for my discount.

I can nerv sign in to my account or pull up the app when im in the store to get coupons.every time i sign its telling me wrong email or pass i did thi several times now i can't sign in or sign up again please fix your app problems thi is ridiculous. I tried several attempts and im quite suer you know this problem always happen after someone uses therr phone number then where out of our free spin fix this mess thanks i think

I ask for Grizzly scowl. He kept saying, That's cigarettes isn't it. i told himl no 3 times it is Scoal in a can. Right behind you. He would not turn around an look . i tol him it's right there behind you. Then he said we don't have any. So whatever else i had, I told him i didn't want anything an walk out. will not let that one wait on me again . Really Pissed Me Off.

A local family dollar closes there store at 9:50 every night..I went to open the door and two gentlemen told me there closed at 9:50 which is a lie they close at 10:00 and .I needed fever medicine for my daughter something needs to be done about this issue because I’m a loyal customer that shops here frequently.. And on top of that the manger had real nasty attitude.

You finally got rid of the incredibly lazy, rude, and unethical team you had... I was once a DM at a major box company, and the previous staff was an embarrassment. However, today, the associate that assisted me was incredibly kind and professional. However, since the remodel, you're stock isn't loaded on the shelves, and the store is a mess. When I inquired about product not in stock, I was told they have the inventory, but no one to help stock. I can't imagine sales are very good with nothing to sell. So I went from horrible creatures so called associates, to an amazing, customer focused associate.... With not much to sell. Can you imagine her frustration? The amount of customers treating her poorly because she's the only one to bitch out? And everyone expected the best? Your new staff on Monroe, in Ogden UT seems to care. More than any other that's worked there in the past. You get what you pay for, and you only sell what's available. Simple retail rules. They need serious help.
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