Contact Time Warner Corporate
Toll free phone number: 1-888-892-2253Timer Warner Cable is the second largest cable company in the United States. Only Comcast outranks TWC in revenue. Operating in 29 states TWC is considered a telecommunications company and is publicly traded on the NYSE:TWC. Revenues in 2013 were reported as US 22 billion and in that same year TWC employees numbered 51,000.
If you need to report a problem with you cable subscription from TWC you may call one of two numbers. Customer service can be reached at 1-800-892-4357 as well as 1-888-892-2253. If you would like to contact Time Warner Cable’s CEO, Robert Marcus, you may address your communication to him at Time Warner Cable Corporate Office Headquarters, 60 Columbus Circle, NY, NY 10023. The corporate office telephone number is 212-364-8200. You may also use the website’s live chat or request a return phone call from TWC Leadership team here.
Founded in 1973 as Warner Cable the current name of Time Warner Cable was adopted in 1990. Social media forums that you may find useful are Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and YouTube.
Experienced poor service? File a complaint here!
Time Warner Contact Information
Report complaints to corporate and get satisfactionTime Warner headquarters address
- 60 Columbus Circle
- New York
- NY 10023
Company website
1-800 phone number
1-888-892-2253Support email address
feedback@timewarnercable.comBetter Business Bureau rating
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24 hours a day
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Top Time Warner Complaints
Browse more than 18 reviews submitted so far
We were changing our tv package to the spectrum choice. We were on the phone over 3 hours trying to make the change. Each time we talked to a rep. and got close to finalizing the call would drop. each time we called back we would get a different rep, and no record of the prior conversations. So we had to go thru the hole process again. And each time we would give the rep a call back number no one called back. Each time the price on the package was different. Not really very good customer service.

Your tv service is bad some of the stations digital picture does not come in and we lose pieces of the show. You should pay people back to keep this terrible service. You charge so much for bad service


My complaint regards the price of internet because I am charged $64.99 -$20 =444.99. It shall be $44.99-$20=$24.99. The taxes for service in October were too high over $12.. Please correct the charges for the internet and taxes. The internet pricingwill be adjusted from $64.99 to $65.99 ! i am over 70 years old and request for adjustment of prices on my billing statement. Account #10202-011240912-4001.
Thank you, Teresa.

Time Warner Spectrum cable is giving me billing problems. I have too many problem with this company and with my bills.Time Warner keep giving me negative information on my bill and arrangement and charging thing to my debit cards that I did not approve them to do.
Recent activity will be applied to your next month's statement and is not. Here is what I am saying to you that the past there payments was declined I did not give time Warner Permission to run these payments and if keep my account with charges. I made a arrangement to pay 179.00 On October 3rd and the arrangement on September was suppose to have been removed how ever it was not removed. Now I have another Declined payment.
There need to be credit applied to my account for them charging my card for money when they where not suppose to do this. I am very unhappy with this matter and something need to be do. Speak to customer service and they have not putting thing in writing on my account that we discussed and that is a problem for me also am feed up with this.

I have been trying for a full week to set up service for internet and phone. Have had appointment (confirmation #11294834), left work no show. Called support. They arranged to have a tech come in 30 minutes and call before he got there. No show no call and customer service was to call back to make sure they came. Payment for installation has been made; no one can find an account in my name. Customer service was going to speak with a supervisor, schedule an appointment, get to the bottom of this, call me back. None of those things happened.

My appointment changed twice left work early then took a Monday off 2x and nothing no care to provide the service I need been with time warner for yrs the agents and e not well trained and mess up my appointment dates pathetic!!

My grandfather was a TWC customer for many years, I was designated to manage his account; sadly he passed away last year. I have been paying the bill since then and thought it's best to correct the account by changing the account in my name. I spoke to three different agents on different occasion and was assured the account change will be invisible and the recently upgraded promotion pkg remains unchanged. In other word, they'll grandfathered the promotion plan to me. All these said and done, they lied. To stay with same plan, my monthly will increase by 35%. They refused to own the problem and pretty much told me "you're screwed".

I'm am VERY unsatisfied and very disappointed with Time Warner Cable taking full advantage of their customers being the only Internet Service Provider in my area. "Oh, we are sorry that we can't provide you with optimal service. We have area service disconnections multiple times a month & try to offer you $5.00 for the day of sub par service for your inconvenience and have the AUDACITY to charge you ONE HUNDRED & EIGHTY-EIGHT DOLLARS a month"?!?!? I'm canceling my account with them first thing in the AM! Their Customer Service Reps are incomprehensible and their tact in customer relations is atrocious. I am calling #Apple to get Air-Port Extreme WiFi!!!!

The problems started 7/12/2011 and now 3/26/2014, I am awaiting my service call on 3/28/2014. I pre-ordered specific services and equipment before I moved my family here on 7/12/2014. The order was placed. I called upon arrival only to be told the order had NEVER been processed and the earliest installation date was 7/21/2011! We (myself, my daughter, her husband, my 5 year old granddaughter, and 18 month old grandson) were without phone, TV, cable, and internet services for TEN days!! When the tech man arrived, he did NOT have the correct equipment. I ordered two regular cable boxes and one DVR cable box for three HD TVs. He installed two new cable boxes and one the cable box he installed in MY room was one he had removed from another home ( because it was an out of date box with defects); He did NOT use HD cable and I was later informed the cables were incorrectly connected to ALL three TVs. Then, he told me he could only activate ONE phone jack, when I have six phone jacks in my home! It was BAD! I am a disabled veteran trying to survive with PTSD and several rather severe orthopedic conditions. In less than six months later, the problems began. We (my son-in-law) began to have to re-boot the cable boxes about every other week.
Simply a small band aid on a gaping wound! Next, I began the ritual of calling tech support to have them re-boot the cable boxes. The internet was SLOW!!! The stress began ti increase. This routine continued (check my records) for the past 22 months later, I scheduled a service call. This time the tech agent arrived with a BRAND NEW cable box and numerous of HD cables. This man knew what he was doing. He fixed my room by installing the new box, properly connecting HD cables toyards ALL three TV sets. Things actually began to operate correctly and efficiently. During this time, I had changed my packages several times, but I ALWAYS had the premium package. I added and removed tiers about two or three times and things seemed to be going fine, but then the internet started to lag really bad. This was a MAJOR problem because my daughter and son-in-law were both students at the community college, my granddaughter was now in year round kindergarten and the internet was required for college and elementary school. I called once again and a very nice female agent offered me another promotional package and up-graded the internet speed to Turbo. Then at 1235 on 3/25/2014, the REALLY TRAUMATIC events began! I called tech support at 2445 on 3/25/2014 because the “Look Back” feature I had been using for years wasn”t working properly.
I called tech support and my call was routed to the Phillipines. The trauma had begun. The first agent disrespected me, the US military. and the USA. I was in tears. I was trying to get assistance and I was insulted, lied to and then at 0123, he hung up on me. He talked SO fast, with such a thick accent I was unable to understand his name! so, at 0124, I called again and reached Kevin in the Philippines. I explained what had just happened, informed him of the PTSD issue and begged him NOT to say “ahun, ok, I understand” as THAT response was what had triggered my PTSD and I again began to cry. He did not resolve the problem, he re-booted three boxes. I requested to speak with a supervisor. It was now 0204 and he said she was waiting so he had to go. I was on hold until 0218 and spoke with Lizzy and summed up what ha transpired from 2445. She insulted and disrespected me as she spoke to me in a condensending manner and she also lied to me. At 0302 I ended the call after she finally provided me with a phone number for a support center is the USA. I called the number and reached a recording stating it was not a working number and it referred me to another number. I called the number given by the recording.
He was very polite, respectful, and even apologized for EVERYTHING that had happened. Then on 3/26/2014 I called my local office and AGAIN I was talking to PIM in the Philippines! I explained everything that occurred since 2445 on 3/25/2014 and after I ended the call with Lizzy the system re-booted and I lost all HD and premium channels. He was extremely polite, courteous, and respectful. He stated there was a problem due to a weak signal and it was supposed to be restored within two hours. He talked with me for an extended period of time. He expressed his personal gratitude for my service to the USA. He stated he felt honored to be considered a ‘part’ of the USA and how much respect and gratitude he had for me for my military service. He was AWESOME! He did such an outstanding job he had me totally calm and even made me laugh. He deserves to be the supervisor and replace Lizzy. He should train the others!

I really feel that Time Warner overcharges long standing customers and continues to allow new customers extremely low rates. I called in to see if anything could be changed in order to lower our bill. I was told the only thing that could be done was to have High Speed internet removed, or have one of the two boxes we have removed. I think it is a shame that we have to lose something we DO WANT and need in order to keep countless channels that we would never watch just so Time Warner can keep the price as high as it is. It is just not right and I think it is high time that Time Warner start rewarding long standing customers such as ourselves for staying with them. We have a lot of choices now as far as TV is concerned and again it is a shame to think we would have to close our account just because Time Warner doesn’t care enough about it’s customers in order to work with us.
Heather Nelson, Ells.Me.

How to we get a new service? DVR is 1/10 of a step above nothing. Well right now it’s worthless because it’s not working. I can’t tell you how low of an opinion that I have of these. People Remot is incredible worthless. you have to point exactly at it to get it to work. And the operation of the DVR what can I say. Search is stupid. Can’t search by subject, person, or other. Only way to search is by title and that HAS to be exact. The display for time is inaccurate. The ONLY bright spot for service was Tracy the cable guy that came yesterday. He really cared and gave me his cell phone number to call him back if we had problem.
They change the time of the NAscar race because of rain. So I selected Sportscenter at 9am, the time of the race. When I came back at later today, I find Sportscenter recording at 530 am. They TOTALLY missed the race. How dare this LYING scum even THINK of comparing themselves to Directv. They are not even on the same planet. Because I now live in apartment I’m stuck withthese jerks. These lying thieving scum can burn in HELL. And I mean it! They are evil!

For the past 10 months I have experienced terrible digital reception from Time Warner in El Paso, TX. I have reported it over and over. Technicians, head technicians, supervisors have all come over and over again to tell me there is nothing wrong with the equipment in my house or in the line to my house. But the problem persists. I figured out months ago that it must be a problem in the equipment and infrastructure that serves my area, but because of the way Time Warner responds to customers there is no way to get Time Warner to admit it or fix it. Last week TWO supervisors were at my house, saw the problem, admitted that it must be a “node” and then left.
Not another word. Won’t return calls. No way to register a complaint any higher in the Time Warner system because they block the customer from being able to speak to any one except at the lowest level (if you scream and holler enough you may get a supervisor). I am now convinced that Time Warner in El Paso knowingly sells a product they know they cannot deliver satisfactorily. Don’t fall for the great ads! Choose any other service in El Paso, I’d say.

While speaking to a friend one day, we started to discuss our TV programs and what companies we were with. We then disclosed how much we pay for what programing. She was paying much less than I for more programs. When I called to complain, I was given a big line of bull and umpteen reasons why my bill could not be lowered. I thought they were doing me a favor with a price lock of $120 however, they weren’t. I would be paying about $7 less without it. I can’t have my bill lowered or any additional services added for the same cost because the moron monolopy of a company is too cheap to keep their long term customers happy.
I was really tired with this dufas’s false empathy to me that I could scream. I am thinking of filing a complaint with the better business bureau. I said I was thinking of cancelling and they told me I’d have to pay $175. Friends bill $114.76 a month with tax for phone, internet, turbo, HD, DVR, Starz and HBO. My bill $137.27 for phone, internet, DVR, 1 TV w/HD, Showtime and that’s it. It just isn’t fair.

My letter to TW: I am so pissed at you guys beyond belief. So pissed that I will NEVER ever use your company ever again unless this is resolved! Here is why: I called and cancelled in March (either the 15th or 22nd). I returned ALL of the equipment in excellent condition. I asked the lady at the counter if I owed anything at that time. I was thinking I still had one month of service that I had not paid yet – So I expected to be sent a final bill. I NEVER received ANYTHING again from you guys (Time Warner). A couple of months went by very quickly and never got another bill.
I have been at the same address since June of 2010 – when I ordered the service. I have NOT moved!!!! Three weeks ago I received a letter from a Collection Agency saying I was seriously past due. You, Time Warner NEVER sent me another bill, but you report me to a collection agency? That is such Bullshit and I am pissed off. So I called you and spoke with a lady on Saturday morning (6/11/2011) and she had so much mis-information that it was unbelievable. She had a wrong phone number and a wrong address.
You sent me the same bill every month for 8 months and when I return in your equipment, you seem to have a wrong address? BULLSHIT!!! She also said you have been trying to contact me? Nope, think again. I have not moved!!! I immediately paid the FULL bill that was owed that morning (6/11/2011) – $230.22. And now you send me another bill on (6/20/2011)??? You guys suck. I have to have my credit affected because of YOUR negligence? I want this corrected now.

Yesterday time warner cable installed the 3 in 1 in my home and after leaving my home i reaslized i have no telephone in my mom’s home who is a disable 87 year old women. Calling and making a complaint did not help at all. Now I have three appointments to repair the damage they caused. I was told that someone will come tomorrow from 8-11 for one complain. On Monday from 9-7 for replacement of boxes and on Thursday for one tv that does not work. (which worked before yesterdays service call.)I find this service the worse ever. I have been a customer since the 1980’s and feel I should have been treated better then this.
I waited two weeks for yesterday appointment and now things could not be worse in my home. I shall be first before new customers. It is Time warners fault for all these problems and it should be fixed today. I was spoken to very rudely by customer server people and also by managers last night and this morning. I waited over an hour to get through last night and then was told to pull out the box from a unit for a number. When I told customer service that I am 63 years old and a disable women my self, I was told then ther is noting that could be done except to wait for an appointment.
I was talked into this 3 in 1 by a customer servicer women and I have never been more sorry.

On Friday, 3/18/11, the Time Warner Cable of NC coverage of the NCAA men’s basketball tournament was completely unwatchable. There was NO viewable picture on the HD channel. The entire picture was jumbled bars across the screen. The same mangled, unwatchable picture occurred during the 2011 Super Bowl. We pay additional money for monthly HD digital cable service. Time Warner Cable is a complete rip-off. Being able to provide quality service for infomercials at 3AM is not why we have cable television. The picture quality was poor and occurred for more than 10 minutes. I then switched to the non-HD channel to watch the game.

I’m not the type of person to only speak up when there’s room for complaint. In fact I have often gone out of my way to contact businesses and inform them of superior quality in service. Unfortunately I cannot say the same for Time Warner and their internet service. I have experienced more interrupted service, billing errors, and inaccessibility to customer service with Time Warner than I could ever say for Verizon, Cox Communications, or any number of technology companies I’ve dealt with. When I move to another area, making sure I have an option other than Time Warner is going to be quite the deciding factor whether or not I move there.

For the past 10 months I have experienced terrible digital reception from Time Warner in El Paso, TX. I have reported it over and over. Technicians, head technicians, supervisors have all come over and over again to tell me there is nothing wrong with the equipment in my house or in the line to my house. But the problem persists. I figured out months ago that it must be a problem in the equipment and infrastructure that serves my area, but because of the way Time Warner responds to customers there is no way to get Time Warner to admit it or fix it. Last week TWO supervisors were at my house, saw the problem, admitted that it must be a “node” and then left.
Not another word. Won’t return calls. No way to register a complaint any higher in the Time Warner system because they block the customer from being able to speak to any one except at the lowest level (if you scream and holler enough you may get a supervisor). I am now convinced that Time Warner in El Paso knowingly sells a product they know they cannot deliver satisfactorily. Don’t fall for the great ads! Choose any other service in El Paso, I’d say.

While speaking to a friend one day, we started to discuss our TV programs and what companies we were with. We then disclosed how much we pay for what programing. She was paying much less than I for more programs. When I called to complain, I was given a big line of bull and umpteen reasons why my bill could not be lowered. I thought they were doing me a favor with a price lock of $120 however, they weren’t. I would be paying about $7 less without it. I can’t have my bill lowered or any additional services added for the same cost because the moron monolopy of a company is too cheap to keep their long term customers happy.
I was really tired with this dufas’s false empathy to me that I could scream. I am thinking of filing a complaint with the better business bureau. I said I was thinking of cancelling and they told me I’d have to pay $175. Friends bill $114.76 a month with tax for phone, internet, turbo, HD, DVR, Starz and HBO. My bill $137.27 for phone, internet, DVR, 1 TV w/HD, Showtime and that’s it. It just isn’t fair.

My letter to TW: I am so pissed at you guys beyond belief. So pissed that I will NEVER ever use your company ever again unless this is resolved! Here is why: I called and cancelled in March (either the 15th or 22nd). I returned ALL of the equipment in excellent condition. I asked the lady at the counter if I owed anything at that time. I was thinking I still had one month of service that I had not paid yet – So I expected to be sent a final bill. I NEVER received ANYTHING again from you guys (Time Warner). A couple of months went by very quickly and never got another bill.
I have been at the same address since June of 2010 – when I ordered the service. I have NOT moved!!!! Three weeks ago I received a letter from a Collection Agency saying I was seriously past due. You, Time Warner NEVER sent me another bill, but you report me to a collection agency? That is such Bullshit and I am pissed off. So I called you and spoke with a lady on Saturday morning (6/11/2011) and she had so much mis-information that it was unbelievable. She had a wrong phone number and a wrong address.
You sent me the same bill every month for 8 months and when I return in your equipment, you seem to have a wrong address? BULLSHIT!!! She also said you have been trying to contact me? Nope, think again. I have not moved!!! I immediately paid the FULL bill that was owed that morning (6/11/2011) – $230.22. And now you send me another bill on (6/20/2011)??? You guys suck. I have to have my credit affected because of YOUR negligence? I want this corrected now.

We were changing our tv package to the spectrum choice. We were on the phone over 3 hours trying to make the change. Each time we talked to a rep. and got close to finalizing the call would drop. each time we called back we would get a different rep, and no record of the prior conversations. So we had to go thru the hole process again. And each time we would give the rep a call back number no one called back. Each time the price on the package was different. Not really very good customer service.

Your tv service is bad some of the stations digital picture does not come in and we lose pieces of the show. You should pay people back to keep this terrible service. You charge so much for bad service


My complaint regards the price of internet because I am charged $64.99 -$20 =444.99. It shall be $44.99-$20=$24.99. The taxes for service in October were too high over $12.. Please correct the charges for the internet and taxes. The internet pricingwill be adjusted from $64.99 to $65.99 ! i am over 70 years old and request for adjustment of prices on my billing statement. Account #10202-011240912-4001.
Thank you, Teresa.

Time Warner Spectrum cable is giving me billing problems. I have too many problem with this company and with my bills.Time Warner keep giving me negative information on my bill and arrangement and charging thing to my debit cards that I did not approve them to do.
Recent activity will be applied to your next month's statement and is not. Here is what I am saying to you that the past there payments was declined I did not give time Warner Permission to run these payments and if keep my account with charges. I made a arrangement to pay 179.00 On October 3rd and the arrangement on September was suppose to have been removed how ever it was not removed. Now I have another Declined payment.
There need to be credit applied to my account for them charging my card for money when they where not suppose to do this. I am very unhappy with this matter and something need to be do. Speak to customer service and they have not putting thing in writing on my account that we discussed and that is a problem for me also am feed up with this.

I have been trying for a full week to set up service for internet and phone. Have had appointment (confirmation #11294834), left work no show. Called support. They arranged to have a tech come in 30 minutes and call before he got there. No show no call and customer service was to call back to make sure they came. Payment for installation has been made; no one can find an account in my name. Customer service was going to speak with a supervisor, schedule an appointment, get to the bottom of this, call me back. None of those things happened.

My appointment changed twice left work early then took a Monday off 2x and nothing no care to provide the service I need been with time warner for yrs the agents and e not well trained and mess up my appointment dates pathetic!!

My grandfather was a TWC customer for many years, I was designated to manage his account; sadly he passed away last year. I have been paying the bill since then and thought it's best to correct the account by changing the account in my name. I spoke to three different agents on different occasion and was assured the account change will be invisible and the recently upgraded promotion pkg remains unchanged. In other word, they'll grandfathered the promotion plan to me. All these said and done, they lied. To stay with same plan, my monthly will increase by 35%. They refused to own the problem and pretty much told me "you're screwed".

The problems started 7/12/2011 and now 3/26/2014, I am awaiting my service call on 3/28/2014. I pre-ordered specific services and equipment before I moved my family here on 7/12/2014. The order was placed. I called upon arrival only to be told the order had NEVER been processed and the earliest installation date was 7/21/2011! We (myself, my daughter, her husband, my 5 year old granddaughter, and 18 month old grandson) were without phone, TV, cable, and internet services for TEN days!! When the tech man arrived, he did NOT have the correct equipment. I ordered two regular cable boxes and one DVR cable box for three HD TVs. He installed two new cable boxes and one the cable box he installed in MY room was one he had removed from another home ( because it was an out of date box with defects); He did NOT use HD cable and I was later informed the cables were incorrectly connected to ALL three TVs. Then, he told me he could only activate ONE phone jack, when I have six phone jacks in my home! It was BAD! I am a disabled veteran trying to survive with PTSD and several rather severe orthopedic conditions. In less than six months later, the problems began. We (my son-in-law) began to have to re-boot the cable boxes about every other week.
Simply a small band aid on a gaping wound! Next, I began the ritual of calling tech support to have them re-boot the cable boxes. The internet was SLOW!!! The stress began ti increase. This routine continued (check my records) for the past 22 months later, I scheduled a service call. This time the tech agent arrived with a BRAND NEW cable box and numerous of HD cables. This man knew what he was doing. He fixed my room by installing the new box, properly connecting HD cables toyards ALL three TV sets. Things actually began to operate correctly and efficiently. During this time, I had changed my packages several times, but I ALWAYS had the premium package. I added and removed tiers about two or three times and things seemed to be going fine, but then the internet started to lag really bad. This was a MAJOR problem because my daughter and son-in-law were both students at the community college, my granddaughter was now in year round kindergarten and the internet was required for college and elementary school. I called once again and a very nice female agent offered me another promotional package and up-graded the internet speed to Turbo. Then at 1235 on 3/25/2014, the REALLY TRAUMATIC events began! I called tech support at 2445 on 3/25/2014 because the “Look Back” feature I had been using for years wasn”t working properly.
I called tech support and my call was routed to the Phillipines. The trauma had begun. The first agent disrespected me, the US military. and the USA. I was in tears. I was trying to get assistance and I was insulted, lied to and then at 0123, he hung up on me. He talked SO fast, with such a thick accent I was unable to understand his name! so, at 0124, I called again and reached Kevin in the Philippines. I explained what had just happened, informed him of the PTSD issue and begged him NOT to say “ahun, ok, I understand” as THAT response was what had triggered my PTSD and I again began to cry. He did not resolve the problem, he re-booted three boxes. I requested to speak with a supervisor. It was now 0204 and he said she was waiting so he had to go. I was on hold until 0218 and spoke with Lizzy and summed up what ha transpired from 2445. She insulted and disrespected me as she spoke to me in a condensending manner and she also lied to me. At 0302 I ended the call after she finally provided me with a phone number for a support center is the USA. I called the number and reached a recording stating it was not a working number and it referred me to another number. I called the number given by the recording.
He was very polite, respectful, and even apologized for EVERYTHING that had happened. Then on 3/26/2014 I called my local office and AGAIN I was talking to PIM in the Philippines! I explained everything that occurred since 2445 on 3/25/2014 and after I ended the call with Lizzy the system re-booted and I lost all HD and premium channels. He was extremely polite, courteous, and respectful. He stated there was a problem due to a weak signal and it was supposed to be restored within two hours. He talked with me for an extended period of time. He expressed his personal gratitude for my service to the USA. He stated he felt honored to be considered a ‘part’ of the USA and how much respect and gratitude he had for me for my military service. He was AWESOME! He did such an outstanding job he had me totally calm and even made me laugh. He deserves to be the supervisor and replace Lizzy. He should train the others!

I really feel that Time Warner overcharges long standing customers and continues to allow new customers extremely low rates. I called in to see if anything could be changed in order to lower our bill. I was told the only thing that could be done was to have High Speed internet removed, or have one of the two boxes we have removed. I think it is a shame that we have to lose something we DO WANT and need in order to keep countless channels that we would never watch just so Time Warner can keep the price as high as it is. It is just not right and I think it is high time that Time Warner start rewarding long standing customers such as ourselves for staying with them. We have a lot of choices now as far as TV is concerned and again it is a shame to think we would have to close our account just because Time Warner doesn’t care enough about it’s customers in order to work with us.
Heather Nelson, Ells.Me.

How to we get a new service? DVR is 1/10 of a step above nothing. Well right now it’s worthless because it’s not working. I can’t tell you how low of an opinion that I have of these. People Remot is incredible worthless. you have to point exactly at it to get it to work. And the operation of the DVR what can I say. Search is stupid. Can’t search by subject, person, or other. Only way to search is by title and that HAS to be exact. The display for time is inaccurate. The ONLY bright spot for service was Tracy the cable guy that came yesterday. He really cared and gave me his cell phone number to call him back if we had problem.
They change the time of the NAscar race because of rain. So I selected Sportscenter at 9am, the time of the race. When I came back at later today, I find Sportscenter recording at 530 am. They TOTALLY missed the race. How dare this LYING scum even THINK of comparing themselves to Directv. They are not even on the same planet. Because I now live in apartment I’m stuck withthese jerks. These lying thieving scum can burn in HELL. And I mean it! They are evil!

Yesterday time warner cable installed the 3 in 1 in my home and after leaving my home i reaslized i have no telephone in my mom’s home who is a disable 87 year old women. Calling and making a complaint did not help at all. Now I have three appointments to repair the damage they caused. I was told that someone will come tomorrow from 8-11 for one complain. On Monday from 9-7 for replacement of boxes and on Thursday for one tv that does not work. (which worked before yesterdays service call.)I find this service the worse ever. I have been a customer since the 1980’s and feel I should have been treated better then this.
I waited two weeks for yesterday appointment and now things could not be worse in my home. I shall be first before new customers. It is Time warners fault for all these problems and it should be fixed today. I was spoken to very rudely by customer server people and also by managers last night and this morning. I waited over an hour to get through last night and then was told to pull out the box from a unit for a number. When I told customer service that I am 63 years old and a disable women my self, I was told then ther is noting that could be done except to wait for an appointment.
I was talked into this 3 in 1 by a customer servicer women and I have never been more sorry.

On Friday, 3/18/11, the Time Warner Cable of NC coverage of the NCAA men’s basketball tournament was completely unwatchable. There was NO viewable picture on the HD channel. The entire picture was jumbled bars across the screen. The same mangled, unwatchable picture occurred during the 2011 Super Bowl. We pay additional money for monthly HD digital cable service. Time Warner Cable is a complete rip-off. Being able to provide quality service for infomercials at 3AM is not why we have cable television. The picture quality was poor and occurred for more than 10 minutes. I then switched to the non-HD channel to watch the game.

I’m not the type of person to only speak up when there’s room for complaint. In fact I have often gone out of my way to contact businesses and inform them of superior quality in service. Unfortunately I cannot say the same for Time Warner and their internet service. I have experienced more interrupted service, billing errors, and inaccessibility to customer service with Time Warner than I could ever say for Verizon, Cox Communications, or any number of technology companies I’ve dealt with. When I move to another area, making sure I have an option other than Time Warner is going to be quite the deciding factor whether or not I move there.
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