Microsoft Complaints Continued... (Page 10)
521+ reviews added so far. Upset? Call Microsoft corporate: 1-425-882-8080
i opened an account using my Asylum in 2010. i have lost my Asylum and my card has expired and there is still money in the card and it is declined to buy anything in shops. When i go to the bank they say they cannot give me a new card since i do have a copy of my Asylum. what do i do now since i need to withdraw all my cash and use my card to buy swiping in shops?

you have given me a system that is totally un workable and I am now off to buy an iphone and apple computer. After 6 months of trying my phone and computer will not back up. My windows phone is a useless piece of junk as a business tool. No amount of trying by nokia or vodaphone is able to resolve this issue. CONGRATULATIONS ON CREATING THE MOST USLESS SYSTEM I HAVE EVER COME ACROSS.

My computer has been working just fine and was faster than it had been in a long time. I tried to down load the 2010 version of Streete & Trips that I had purchased. I went through the process and it said that the installation was a success. When I tried to use the applicaton I got a message that said that my registry settings were not copied correctly. I repeated the process several tims and got the same results each time. I finally went to your help program. I spent a considerable amount of time with one of your techs and even allowed them to control my computer. at first every thing seemed to be “OK”.
They finally said that my computer was in a terrible state of repair and that only they could fix it for an exorbatant fee. When i reported that I carried repair insurance on my computer they reduced the repair amount by $200.00. I then said that I could get the repairs done at no cost to me. Their response was that only they could resolve the problem and that any one that was part of the repair program that I have with my computer was not a certified repair person and that my computer would crash if I didn’t allow your people to repair it right away. I said that I did not wish to proceed with them doing the work.
They then said that they would stay on line with me until I changed my mind and they didn’t care how long it took. They again repeated that if I didn’t allow them to proceed, my computer would crash. No thank you. NO good bye. No go to—-. Nothing. I don’t like being threatened and or being conned. After repeated refusals to o.k. that they be allowed to proceed, they simply closed the session. I don’t know if this is standered proceedure with microsoft. I found it disgracefull and not becoming of a major corporation. All that I want is to install the program that I purchased from you. Hopefully this problem can be quickly and easily resolved. I eagerly await your response.

I filed a compaint against Microsoft with the Better Business Bureau regarding their Technical Support Department on an issue I initially called in on 10/08/2012. It never was fixed and it wasted two months of my time and there is a lot more to it with mis-information, no information, no communication etc. We did agree to resolve the complaint (I thought). I have an emal with the resolution. I was to receive a check for $99.00 and a disc for Home Office. The disc was sent in a flimsy plastic holder and placed inside a Fed Ex envelope and when I received it there was a scratch on it. it was out of it’s sleeve and the envelope was bent/creased, plus I didn’t have a clue what product code to use. Really didn’t matter though as the disc is no good. I reported it and never heard a word since early last week. Never received the check as well. Again I have it on paper what was agreed to. I have never been put through a nightmare like Microsoft put me through. Over two months with almost daily calls all of which lasted hours and each technician with a different diagnosis and crticiism of the previous technician and what do I have to show for it, a desktop which is unuseable. All I ask is they adhere to their resoltion and send the check along with a properly packed Home Office disc ansd product code. If there was ever a case of customer dis-service, this is the one.

I was advised to uninstall windows by Norton & then reinstall. I asked microsoft support if I would lose my updates made to my programs by doing so. Simple question . They told me I didn’t need to uninstall windows they would help me. I gave them control of my computer to fix the problem . After some time working on this the tech asked if my computer was” optimized”. Not knowing what they were talking about , they told me this was the reason I was having the problem I was having . “my computer wasn’t optimized, not to worry they would help me fix this.” After some time working on my computer I was told this would cost me $199 to optimize my computer . All along I thought I was working with microsoft .I submitted payment to Omnitech then was told for avery “affordable price” I could resolve this totally. “Just $100 more I could solve this for a year.” I became mad at this point . I was told not to worry they would fix my problem today. I then watched them remove System Mechanics,a program I’ve been using the last 3 years & just renewed for another year . I was then switched to another person who added ccleaner “free version”to clean out my computer. I lost some of my data from their help plus $199. I plan to dispute this with my credit card company and will not use microsoft help again . This is the 2nd time since August these techs have screwed up my computer “helping me”.

I recently purchased a version of Windows Pro 8 so that I can activate a new hard drive. I checked all the writing on the package and no where did it say that this package was for uprgrading only. When I installed the software and attempted to activate it stated that this was for upgrading only. the first indication of it. No where on the packaging does it say upgrading only. I believe this is misleading and upon further investigation I was informed there is no full version of Wondows * and that the company recalled all versions of Windows & to force you to Windows *. this is in my opinion an obuse of their size and is exceptionally misleading./ I will be seaking legal advise on this as well merely out of principal that someone has to push back on these people.

This is the third time you Philistines have shut down my computer while I was in the middle of a long composition to do some stupid upgrade. I lost all of it and I am going to byy a Macintosh tomorrow. You people are crazy. If the product (your OS) is imperfect it shouldn’t be put out until it is. How dare you enter without warning and dump my work without any interactive panel. There is no time to save my work! Good bye Microsoft.

I have been unsuccessful in obtaining a back up DVD for my Windows 8 which was downloaded on November 16, 2012. I have tried 4 times to resolve this problem with various departments of Microsoft, including the Electronic Software Support section, The Microsoft Stores and the Tech support. Each department assured me that they would contact Arvato and have the suspension removed. I tried the order again today 01/10/13 and it is still in place.
I have a Reference # 1190777051 which I always have to refer to when I talk to the support people.
I need this disk and cannot understand why a LARGE company like Microsoft can’t fix a simple problem like furnishing a back up disk. Please take care of this ASAP!

I have bought a MultiPointSvr2012_64Bit_Licence and five User CAL’s and have received no CD with the program and no Product key number. Actually, no real information that enables me to load the program. Is this standard working procedure?
MS South Africa says I must contact the Product Support number 0860 225567. However, they want a product key number before they can help me. Thus chicken – egg situation!
Or, MS South Africa says I must contact a certified MS engineer. WHY? I just want the information I have paid for!
Please help me.

I have an email address that i have created a very long time ago and just recently when i try to access my Hotmail, it tells me that my account has been blocked because it appears that someone else might be using my account. I am then asked to fill out a form to verify that it is my account but every time I get an answer from them, it is the same thing. “Your details couldn’t be recognized”. I have very important emails and contacts that I need to retrieve as soon as possible and I cannot do that if Hotmail won’t let me back in into my account. The account that I am trying to get back into is Unfortunately I did not have an alternative email at the time.

why haven’t you fixed the bug that causes the performance color scheme popup to appear after you’ve already selected to – Keep the current color scheme, and don’t show this message again.
Windows apperantly ignores my answer and contiues to “pop up”.
Plz fix it or just remove the option “don’t show this message again” because receiving this message 10 times a day 5 times a week 48 weeks a year makes you guys look pretty stupid.
your sincerely Ivor Zwaaanswijk

Microsoft needs to tighten up the inspection of rechargeable batteries that are shipped with products. I purchased the Microsoft Wireless Laser Mouse 7000 in December as a gift and the battery supplied would not take a charge. Instead of paying shipping charges to return the item I purchased($5.99) a new rechargeable battery and all is well. Still, pretty disgusting to think a small overlooked item makes the mouse totally unuseable.

Adobe Flashplayer is not working with Windows 8 – EXTREMELY frustrating! I’ve tried to update Flashplayer but it won’t update! I’m starting to wish I’d bought a Mac despite them being much higher priced. Windows 8 came with my new laptop. (Had to replace my old HP because it was 6 yrs old and was conking out.) Otherwise I would have waited at least a year to buy Windows 8 in order for Microsoft to hopefully have had the bugs worked out by then (unlikely given Microsoft’s track record). I cannot believe that Microsoft is not more user-friendly given how many years they’ve been in business. Seriously! What the heck?! I’m reluctant to call Microsoft support because I figure I’ll get one of those rude, snotty reps who talk to customers as if they are idiots.

I recentely purchased the game Dead island for the xbox 360, it clearly states on the back of the back of the box that it is co-operative play between 1-4 players, system link and multiplayer online. You can only play the game mulitiplayer online as there is no co=operative play. Isn’t this false advertising as this was a main reason for me buying this game. I think that its microsoft’s way of attracting more xbox live customers. If you search the internet there are lots of people who bought this game for the same reason, we feel cheated and some have returned the game and r switching to PS3 even though they have been with microsoft for years. I think this is terrible.

I just upgraded to Windows 8. I have purchased Microsoft operating systems since Microsoft for close to 20 years, I have never badmouth any of your products. I loved XP, Vista was okay, and I love 7. But today is the first day I wish I bought Apple. I have a hard time believing. You did not think it was important for me to have access to media player from the get-go. If there’s an app out there I can’t find it.
I am fortunate I have three computers. In order to work these three computers I have purchased five operating systems from you. 2 Vistas to Windows 7, and this Windows 8. I do get the feeling that you are going to make it easy to add my Bluetooth headphones, contact my media player, and a multitude of other things. For a price. I did just buy a used Mac.
What I didn’t like about it was I’m already use to Windows. There is no learning curve for Windows. What I did like about it. I hooked up my headphones without even trying, I played movies by pushing one-button. The Mac I bought is over 10 years old with a brand-new operating system and I am more of these on that machine than I am on this Windows 8 machine.
This is my question to you. Should I reinstall 7 and put this 8 away in hopes that you care about customers like me. Or are you satisfied with what you did for Windows 8.

I was recently given a new laptop with Windows 8 pre-installed. At first I was intrigued at the novelty of it, but now it is frustrating beyond belief. It is difficult to navigate and find what I am looking for. The settings are not easily understood. My computer has been in “High Contrast” and I can not figure out how to disable it, or how it got like that in the first place. Everything is unnecessarily complicated. Google does not always open and when it does it takes a long time. My old computer is missing 7 different keys, but I would rather use that one instead because it has the old Windows. I am seriously considering returning the new laptop solely because of how much I do not like Windows 8. I am extremely disappointed and beyond frustrated with this product.

I purchased a new computer in 7/2012 and became eligible for a Windows 8 upgrade. I sent in the necessary information for promo key BG-924Y-QTKB-48CF-KWM and received an e-mail so as to upgrade to Windows 8. I download the information and then the install wanted me to restart the computer which I did. After the restart the computer, nothing came up to continue the installation. I called the Windows Support number at 800-604-4899 and got a person that I think was from India who was very hard to understand. I gave him control of my computer as he directed me. He went to the event viewer screen on my computer and told me that I had too many events (125) on my computer.
He went on to state that for about $190 a year a computer tech would make my computer run better and that then I could install Windows 8. I have had computers since Atari came out with computers years ago and I have never had to pay for anything like that just so I could run the operating system. He kept insisting that I need to do this. I asked him if he paid $190 a year to run his computer. At that point he said, “That’s the problem with you Americans… ,” at which time I abruptly hung up on him. I really did not appreciate that comment. Is this your rendition of giving service to your customers? Thanks for the depression I don’t need and that Windows Support is anti American.

Windos 8 is the biggest mistake Microsoft has made. I and We loved Windos 7, all they had to do is make it better not like a childish toy. It is confusing and for Me as a 63 year old it is stupid to act like I’m on a cell phone. Please return to Win 7, I’m watching and will most likely go to Mc Kintosh soon if this is your best answer.

I bought a laptop from Toshiba and now it has issues with software. I purchased recovery disks from Toshiba and still have issues F3-F200-0002. I was told that I need to hard load windows 7 premium first and then the Toshiba driver stuff. However I just got off phone with Toshiba again and they tell me that I cannot get a stand alone copy of Win7HP I can only get it along with recovery disks and the want to send me another copy for 29.95 on top of the 49.95 that I paid for tech., support on top of 65.00 for a new hard drive which Toshiba said that I needed. Is there a dvd that I can get that has win7 home premium on it without reinventing the wheel. I’m $100 bucks into this now and not very happy. This is the second time that I had to use recovery disk ans this time it won’t recognize what I am doing. PLEASE HELP!!!!

Your Operating System merely applies updates without warning me that it is about to shut down my PC. The result is I lose work I have not saved. I am against an operating system taking over my PC without my permission to do so. I trust you shall amend this, as I wish to apply updates when convenient to me, not when my operating systems deems it time to do so.

i am trying to get back into my knobsalong account, i have refilled otu the form so many times it is starting to get to the point where i am getting annoyed with hotmail. i need to get back into the account as it is linked to my xbox live acount and i am also an ambassador for xbox.
but not being able to do so i am stumped. they keep saying that they have sent me a code to my live account to unblock it but that is a lie as i have never recieved any code of any sort to use to unblock my hotmail account.
if you could help me in anyway i would be ever so grateful indeed. otherwise i will have to make a formal complaint to the authorities about hotmail and the abuse i am getting from them .
thank you

With the help of my IT, I bought 2new computers from PLE Computers PO BOX 1445 Wangara WA 6065 online as Christmas gifts for my 5 and 7 year olds. They arrived and all was great. As my 7yr old’s computer hard-drive was not working any longer he was not playing on it so I decided to set up the computer at his desk and hide it with posters. A week later I asked my IT guy to come back and set up both computers for me then I would secretly hide the second one. All this took place on the 21 December after 9pm when the kids were asleep. When the IT guy tried to find the Windows8/64 Product Key it was no where to be found so he unwrapped the second computer as they were not on the Windows8/64 disk covers where they usually are kept. We cound the second computer’s Product Key had been carelessly stuck on with half of it curled up coming off and sticking to the packaging. We came to the general conclusion that the other one must have come off with the other packaging but was now in the lost to the bin/ rubbish tip. My IT guy checked the packaging and he thought it strange that the stickers were taken off the disc. ANyhow he said if I just rang PLE Computers they should have the number somewhere to give me. Unfortunately PLE Computers refused to help me and said I had to buy a new Windows8/64 disc which was very frustrating as it is Christmas and I am very busy. So under pressure I bought another one. I have not opened it as I still disagree with their excuse for carelessly removing and not sticking them on properly. So I am now complaining to you. I have had to pay an extra $99 to buy the same product through no fault of my own. I wan to be reimbursed and if possible the Product Key number should still be available for the third disc I have sitting here doing nothing.

This new system has been imposed on me – there are many problems for me – cannot print incoming mail – inbox does not have enough messages on the page, forcing me to browse through pages to find messages, it does not highlight incoming mail, yellow marker until opened – I cannot find the services that were easily available, now not clearly marked.
I am a ‘silver surfer’ and do not wish to have to learn from scratch how to use outlook – please can I have the old system back – outlook is for young impatient minds….
Please contact me – and reinstate the system that I can use… took me 40 minutes to find this way to contact you…and cannot remember the route to this!
Veronica Saunders complaint refused, advised to look at ‘highlighted’ errors – none visible

I bought an XBOX because I thought if i was paying to play they would set up a way to stop the cheating. Boy was I wrong I could have bought a PS with Blue Ray and saved some money they have cheats also but at least I would not be paying to be an easy target. I have really stopped playing multiplayer games because of that and if some company would step up and stop the cheating they would get my business hands down. XBOX Sucks. Thanks for reading.

Hello, I just ended a phone conversation with someone from California by the name of Brian who called saying he was from Microsoft service department and to tell me my computer was infected and that they were going to fix it free because I was a Window’s user. Because my computer was a little slow I believed he was from Microsoft.
After getting all the information and with a tech names Sarah they were fixing and found over 7 hundred infected files…but as the conversation developed I started suspecting they were not really from Microsoft. Then he wanted to know if I had “software maintenance warranty” on my computer and if I didn’t I had to pay $130 for a two-year…then I asked him if he really was from microsoft and he said “no, we are from microsoft service department”. When I what his company was he said, “Tech Care Department” and that his email was “feeback@msn”
So that was enough for me to tell him that he was lying and I would repport him.
He called from 630 752 9984
Please look after this issue right away and report tom me. I need to know who these people are so I can warn my friends and family,
Thank you,
Amaru Yupanqui

I received 3 emails from hotmail team asking me to give my details of registration for some security reasons, to avoid spams and fishings, I did not reply to these 3 mails, when a 4th came saying me that if I was not doing it hotmail will suspend my account under 24hours, so I did, since,my family and friends and lients receives mails from me saying I had been rapped in Mali where I went for 3 days suddenly with a friend, that my friend had been hit by knife and were both in hospital so please send 3500 euro on my name to an adress they give,mail signed like if it was me.Y can not access my mail account anymore.
I hope you understand the importance of this case, as I am exporter in India, I work everyday with my box mail where client writes me. It is urgent, please help me, as some of my clients of friend could also send this money being scared. I can forward you these mails if you give me a mail id.

Bought new computer from Noel Leeming NZ late August 2 years ago.Computer loaded with Vista HP. Purchased Acer computer on proviso that free upgrade to windows 7 would be guaranteed when it came on the market. Wouldn’t have bought it otherwise. Did a course with seniornet to upgrade my computer skills before getting that which was promised. Went back to Noel Leeming first week in Feb only to be told that offer finished 31st Jan. Sorry not our responsibility ring Acer. Had witnesses with me when I bought programme in computer and no mention made of expiry date of offer.
Rang Acer and very nice asian man tells me that part of company not available any more.Back to Noel Leeming – given the heave ho. Since then have purchased new fridge/freezer large plasma television and a number of other appliances. Guess who was NOT asked to submit a quote. Tired of problems with upgrading to windows 7 operating system.

Hi, I want to tell Microsoft in their face that somebody screwed up big time in the background high white bright white colours and the thin border lines in Windows Live Mail. It just isn’t me complaining, look here, there are heeps of us complaining here So YES, it appears that this is a problem with Windows 7, not just with the standard version, but also it is with the ULTIMATE version as well. I also see problems with the ICON super bright squares on my desktop, I have a LCD View Sonic monitor that works very well at the moment, I hope the LEDs are NOT BEING OVER DRIVEN which will shorten their life.
Microsoft, I paid good money for W7 Ultimate, and you sent me a crappy bit of software, in Windows Live Mail, FIX THE PROBLEM before we all go and get some other email software that is much more easier to use and not so dam hard on the eyes.

How does someone with broken english from your area of support get my home phone number, obviously from somewhere other than the
US. Knowing that I have whatever support system that I have wanting me to logon and turn control over to him. Call enough fools and eventually someone will do it. You are the only one that has this info. What is going on?? Maybe you need to bring these jobs back or put some security check on your employees, whereever they be. HoW can we protect our personal info if you cannot even protect your own. Call from out of area, beware people.
Someone may call you and tell you “your windows system has problems and you need to signon so I can repair it for you”.

Sir,I am working in Employees’ State Insurance Corporation, HQ Office, New Delhi and using Hotmail account for my personal and official use. My Hotmail Account has been temporarily blocked. I have opened the account today morning at about 6.00 am (14.10.2011). Subsequently when I want to open at office around 11.00 am I could not open and it was blocked. As such I am writing this to you to take immediately action to enable me to operate the email account. Your account has been temporarily blocked, got this message for 2 weeks now a and i have change the password and it will still not work and i have try and Verify your account with a mobile number and it stills gives me the same message Your account has been temporarily blocked.

i sent many emails, jumped through hoops and followed your impossible contact links to try and get my email back all to no avail. you have my phone numbers and alternate emails and i have heard from no account was hacked for a while and i did nothing about it , ie spam sent to my contacts ect, so i changed my pass word and you lot decided to shut me me down cause my account was hacked .i had just bought a $50 game from steam that uses windows live and that got shut down too so i have been yelling at steam as well , they have a very poor customer relations department, much like your own.
all the information to regain my account was sent to a dead email account so i had NO hope of getting it back. as a result i am never using windows live or steam ever again , thank you for shrinking my world..

Today I got a phone call for a men and he said that he was from Microsoft and there was a big problem with my computer. They get from my computer the message that I had many viruses. But he was willing to help me, and step by step we went trough my computer. After a long time he said that they can help me but it cost me $ 459,00. I did not fall for that, and than he said, Microsoft is coming over to take my computer away, because my computer give Windows 7 to mats problem for them. Its OK, I said. I also can not buy a new computer, because Window 7 never aloud me till the problem is clear up. He became nasty. This is a big scam, and I thought to let you know about this. If you have any questions am willing to help.

I have been using the same e-mail since 1991 and charged $19.95 since inception. I went to change my password Friday and got distracted. I did noitm write the new password down attemtpted to log in and entered the woirng passwiord so got shut down. A few hours later remembered it and asked for reset. Four days later all of my biz documents still lost as MSN has blocked me. Case number 1160252934 case number 1160347554. Since 1991 American express bill reflects they charged my credit card. MSN has the wrong last 4 digits on my credit card so gave them preceding last four digits.
Did as they asked and now the want last 4 digits from A.E account from 1991. A.E. can’t go back that far. My secret questions changed and have spoken to support staff at MSN since Friday afternoon 9 times. Great people but unyielding as I can’t send them a copy of my E.E bill as all they can do is talk by phoine and this is a billion dollar co. and I have been a cleint since 1991 and peoploe are robots. Ok public since a billion dollar compnay can’t help me reset a password, I see some of you have had this problem.
Anyone have any ideas how I can rest a passwrod and get my biz doc’s since MSN support people act like robots with same answers… HELP

i have had my acct for years and all i did was try to change my password and now my acct is blocked and has been for over a month now. i am a minister and involved with the color guards and all my corespondence is through my hotmail acct. i want my old hotmail acct back and i can’t seem to find any one who will help me with this. there is no number to call and if i want to chat live with someone who might help i have to pay for it. this is not my fault hotmail is the one who blocked my acct and i feel i should not have to pay to get it back

ok ill make this as esy as possible to understand. at about 10pm UK standard time i joined a game (Stargazer Delta) being hosted by a hacker calling him self ZombiE and for some reason i could not place an avoide or complaint onto his gamertag becouse every time i tried it came up with my gamertag and it did not do the same as the other players, reason for suspected hack players chracture was a engenire on Team Fortrass 2 (Orange Box) was moving at 3x normal speed and could not be killed and on top of that he had 1 hit kill and could jump almost anywhere, the gamertag could not even be found on my previous players list

I love the game of Hearts. What a disappointment to try playing against the computer with this game. The cards are all stacked against you. It does not matter what you do. I have made the dumbest moves to prove this to myself with this game on the computer. The same patterns occur over and over again allowing one to win about 25% of the time. It would be a real pleasure for me to match my wits against the computer. How many random options can there be for dealing the cards to each player? I would think this number would be unlimited. I would rather win with the odds being one million to one for me to win, than to play a game that isn’t actually a game at all.
Please consider making it so my time isn’t a waste when I decide to sit down and play a game of hearts on the computer. I realize that the computer is always going to know what it does. Which cards I choose to discard to another player, along with how I determine to try and control who has the lead, can make a great difference in the outcome of each game. Come on Microsoft Technicians!! All that brain power in one place, and you can’t come up with a card game that is a real challenge for it’s palyers on the computer.

This morning as I was working at my brand-new computer it suddenly shut down and re-started for a Windows 7 update. I cannot find any kind of options on this computer or online to prevent this sort of thing from happening again. When I went to the Microsoft website for answers, I had to jump through a bunch of hoops merely to ask the question “Windows updates automatically shut down and re-start my computer.” Then the Web page dropped out! When I went back to MS, it was a different page that referred me to a Microsoft email site where I could get the answer I needed — for “only” $49.95!
I am beyond words to state how displeased I am with Microsoft! This is NOT acceptable to me!!! This is a brand-new computer and I just established it online a few days ago. For the record, I am going to take this computer to the Apple Store in Columbus Ohio next time I’m there and ask if they can install a Mac OS on it. A great deal of my time and effort were lost forever. An entire morning from 8:30 AM past noon were shot! Isn’t MY time worth anything to Microsoft? It would seem to me that it isn’t; I would venture to guess that Windows updates are more valuable to MS than what _I_ am doing on my computer.

I purchased a computer 9 months ago from a store and purchased microsoft office 2010 to load on. The computer developed a fault and we had to return it to the shop where they exchanged it for a new one. I tried to reload microsoft office put in the key code and it would not work. I phoned up microsoft and they informed me that you can only use the code once on the same computer and they informed me i would have to pay again. I think that this is unfair due to the fact that my computer stopped working and microsoft will now get money from me again.

Stop the Cheating/Hacking on Xbox Live. To: Microsoft / Xbox Live. The “Frontlines: Fuel of War” gaming community has been plagued by cheaters for too long, you are risking the remaining loyal paying Xbox live members by continuing to ignore the issue at hand. Why can’t you take immediate and swift action against those who cheat or modify their Xbox 360 consoles to gain the upper advantage against all those who play and compete the fair way.
With today’s technology and under the xbox live user agreement we all signed, why can’t you step up and PREVENT cheaters from being responsible for sub-par play and conditions. Microsoft – you may think you are doing the job however to the “Frontlines: Fuel of War” community trying to play fair – you aren’t.
So I’ll ask again how do i stop xBox hackers from taking what’s bought and paid for by me? It’s not fair but nobody seems to understand with video games how to prevent people from hacking my live account on 360.

If you were sitting at my computer and see what I sere- you would want to _ _ _ the person on the other end. Ex_ my internet stops numerous yimes in one sitting. The web page disappears for no reason- then 5 blank pages appear. What to do about a problem?_To download the internet safety scanner_HA!HA!HA! DOWNLOAD FAILED! They can’t download anything right; make up answers to problems. Windows pop up saying stupid things Ex. You are disconected from chat because you are online-Inever go on chat. They know beter than me? My computer is not the problem. I couldn”t use my computer for a month= The 3 reasons they gave me-it wasn’t one of them_Somehow I figured out what to do.
In other words they aren’ qualified for__!

I phoned the Microsoft free-phone number to activate my Win 7 Enterprise volume license installation (we’re Microsoft Gold Partners). A guy calling himself Rueben and barely able to speak English answered and I couldn’t understand at least half of what he was saying. I asked him to spell what he wanted and he hung up! I phoned back and was on hold for bloody ages until I was cut off! I phoned back yet again and got through to another (this time female Bangalorian) and understood 70% of what she said and was finally able to activate the product.
I asked her if anyone calling themselves Reuben was working there because I wanted to speak to his supervisor to lodge a formal complaint but she said she couldn’t tell me anything nor pass me to a supervisor! When are businesses going to learn that people hate them because of their outsourced ‘help’ desks?! I am seriously going to use cracks in the future, even though my software is fully legal, because I am totally sick-to my-stomach of dealing with Bangalorian or Pilipino ‘help’ desks!!

Dear Sirs, Here is the following history of my problem with GEOTRUST and SYMANTEC.COM with regard to submitting ALL THE PROPER identification and none of the information found on your websites stated anything based on why I have been declined. I have given this group too much information, and while one group asks for more another part of this group is ‘sh****g’ all over me…So I am taking steps to issue a complaint to all and any authorities and your company to rectify this problem. I must say, that this action by Veronica Maria @ is a serious problem.
She is showing racism, her lack of knowledge to tell me that “Hong Kong”, “Taiwan” are allowed, while China is not… Unless you haven’t read the news(MSN news), you will find that these countries are part of China, and they claim to be a part of mainland China… So your reasonings(are really wrong)… if someone from Alaska or Hawaii, wanted to join in the educational program, you will decline them because you didn’t make support for “Hawaii, Alaska”? Everyone would say this is absurd! But if you go to these places, and you ask the local citizens, which country do you belong to, Taiwan or China, they would say “Taiwan China”… not just Taiwan, not just Hong Kong.
Now this is prejudice in its most political form… you are not a gov’t agency, you are a company, a mom and pop start up, you have values.. you had a great leader… now it seems you are struggling with your WP7, soon your OS’s that is modeling itself after Apple, Google… The leader is not the leader anymore…but the copier… While that is not a bad thing, but it can be the bad thing is you don’t cooperate with the ones who made you successful in the first place.
Also, by denying people to allow them to show their abilities, you are promoting Piracy, Hacks, and building up a complete hate for your company.. There are 1.3 billion Chinese, they are pretty much Apple lovers, now, if you are going to cut my head off, as I have a lot of leverage in China, because not only am I a forward student, I am also a teacher, Everyone I’ve taught, is offering me jobs to help promote their companies abroad.. In fact I will come back, and I will go to Apple, Inc with some offers of the many companies in Shenzhen who want to start making commercial apps, along with Google… I have worked in these places as a student, as we could in the Silicon Valley through the temps… and I have people I know, that I can approach to make good opportunities..
China is developing, and if you put them down, they will hate you, and they will kick you like they did Google… Now, Google, Apple, will team up and destroy your line of products… they intend to do that… so right now, is your most critical moments.. Google has come to good terms with the C-gov’t as of late… because they have made a lot of noise and because they have had their bad times here, it’s turning around for them… The C-gov’t still controls all the commerce and as corrupt as it is, it still can promote the right company and it will out run you…. 1.3 billion is a lot to have in your pocket, then 300,000,000… even if you got ½, its still more…
So please fire or demote, or move these people from the support system: Maria Veronica Perez @; @geotrust: Stephen, Joseph, Ravi, and all those involved in my case… it is because they are not good support engineers. As a support engineer, it is their job to seek ways to support the customer. It is not their job just to keep asking for information, that is totally useless and is outside of what you post on your website as the requirements. They are bordering on the line of ‘invasion of privacy’ and because I am a US citizen, I can pursue and file legal charges.
My friend who is a Silicon Valley law firm and represents these kinds of legal matters has told me that 1) that given the past problems of MS and its associates, it is a valid claim 2) getting support from other software developers(there are so many forums on the lack of support and settling of support cases, all I need to do is list these forums, and to add more, get their support, 3) Racism is being shown because of location, especially when there is no explanation given for these decisions… which only proves more that there is bigotry displayed by the Maria, and the Geotrust group… Next I will ask my univ buddy whose father is a gov’t official to submit documents to the main gov’t in Beijing to investigate and determine if Microsoft is demonstrating cooperation with the people of China and will investigate its business policies…
My Univ buddy is helping me to form a group with other university people to help develop apps, so his creativity is now in jeopardy… I also teach in Guangzhou, an official who is part of the anti-corruption, anti-bias department of the government… I told him of my situation, and he is ready to go over to your offices in Shenzhen and Guangzhou, as they are under the Guangdong provincial control. Now unless MS is or will become a very corrupted company and pay money under the table to prevent these problems and from getting out in the newspapers and media, then I don’t see any prevention, which in turn will destroy its credibility in China… With Google, Apple already the leaders in this industry, I don’t think MS should take these chances… Then we have the other factor..
You provide an educational ability to all the students around the world. You want to see their creativity and their dreams released using your products… So thus you created Dream Spark. Com… So now, why are you preventing me? I am a creative person, I am learning here in China, and I am teaching in China… How is I cannot be the most perfect candidate for this program? I am probably the most sought at, desired person for your program.. that is why, I not only want to create apps, but I am inspiring others to do along with me, we want to do our best, give our best, in what I thought is a good product… but how can I think this is a good product now, when it’s development is ran by a bunch of morons with no brains… and why another company that is in direct competition with Microsoft making Microsoft decisions?
So again, you are stifling creativity, and not following your own processes in place, therefore constituting false claims and advertisement which the FCC should be made aware of, along with consumer agencies out to protect consumers.. how much could these vocal groups have with a huge company like MS and be able to topple it down, along with crappy software and basically your direction…
I have submitted all the proper documents to MS to have an Educational account. I’ve submitted everything that they request. I am in China, and of course their website when I applied didn’t have China on its list( and their other website where you submit your process for approval ( which has doesn’t have and going through all the process, giving passports info, visa info, student id info, picture from my camera info… then to tell me I can’t qualify because China isn’t supported! Steps: open account on, got to to make an account so as to submit your app that you will develop for MS Win 7 Phone, the educational submission is linked to dream spark, then after proof, then you proceed and finalize all your work.
Then it gets submitted to a group called “Geotrust” CS-ORDERS@GEOTRUST.COM… who, looks at your all your information and then ask you to provide more… in my case: Student ID, Passport, Visa as I am an American student attending a university on a exchange program. They say it shouldn’t take more than 3 days, it has taken me almost 1 month and 1/2… I get a chick from to come on to tell me I don’t qualify because I live in China.. Hong Kong is only 30 miles away from me, Hong Kong is a part of China as Hawaii and Alaska are…
I’ve spent hours up at night to submit my applications to them so that I can start developing with my other chinese friends. Today, I got my cancelled email from Geotrust, Veronica Gonzales Maria conchita at… yet in a few days, they will ask me for more information… yet i give all my personal data, which i shouldn’t have to give to a company, unless I am going to work for them, and that is limited to the rules of US privacy and invasion laws… Microsoft has been in trouble for this before… when will they ever learn? And when will they ever quit hiring imbeciles who can’t really step up to the plate and look at things on a case by case basis… I worked for MS as an intern on the Xp platform..
I was supporting people who were testing and helping to improve the process… back then, MS told us to give personal attention to the cases we had so as to solve them. If we didn’t do like that, then where would MS be today in all their lines of “OS’s” without people out there to test their products and help THEM TO MAKE LOADS OF MONEY, all we ask is to enjoy their product and find ways where we can do something beneficial as with the App/game development on their new generation of the Smartphone and coming soon Windows 8!
Right now, their smartphone is so bad, I can’t understand how they were able to release it without any abilities to control it, save our data, its like it is so broken software wise, that while it looks good and has potential, never should have been released on the market without something in place for people, SW developers to be able to create fixes for this broken product.
I am so pissed off at this company, and yet i really love this company, and wonder why after all my years of supporting them, and yes even telling them my personal support for their product, why do they step on me like i am a piece of “s**t” and scrape it off on the sidewalk? Why do they have some “f*****g” person from Symantec telling me that MS don’t approve me? Its like the American govt not approving imports to China and not allowing them to have… (how long would that last?)
SO MS! Get your feet on the ground, you are not on your way to heaven, but more like hell if you don’t shape up… Bill Gates will have to return, kick out Ballmer and all the support teams and rebuild again as he did in 1975 or around that time.. Because all these promises, big talks, impressive shows, are nothing but an empty shell, and to kick the people who are making you better, is seriously bad…You will fail as a company if you continue like this… SO many numerous forums talk about the same problems I have… So this is not a singular complaint… a huge one I believe.
As you can see, I have made a valid complaint… I have exposed flaws in your support system. I am also speaking my example for all of those who face the continuing and worsening of the problems in your program that is to help you… I really cant figure out why, you must charge people who are just helping you to improve your product. Or why you are putting down people because they live in the other part of the world. Is it because you have become so big that your feet are running the whole company because, there is no thinking or anykind of feeling being shown to anyone, it’s a cold, caveman like approach to dealing with people… We remember the downfall of the roman empire, it was because the system became so political, that they demoralized the family, the society.. thus, it destroyed itself than Apple, Google, came in to clean up the mess.
SO food for thought and for forwarding to the right persons… I will continue to look for the right person to reach in this regard, because I am tired of thoughtless engineers who are not intelligent enough to respond appropriately.

I can’t even believe the details of this myself, and I’m living it. On February 8th, 2011 my less that 2 month old Halo Reach Limited Edition console started making a ton of noise and the drive was scratching discs. It took over 2 weeks to get the label to send it back. On March 16th I received a standard black 4GB model. I immediately called to report the problem. NOW here it is May the 24th and I’m STILL trying to get my console back. The incorrect unit was sent back and tracking shows they received it on April 8th. The 800-4MY-XBOX number is no help.
I’m constantly being told to check back, or that I will receive a call. When they do call they just tell me that the situation is being monitored and that there are no updates. So almost 2 months now, with NOTHING happening. I have never been this frustrated in my life. And the only thing I want to know is, when am I getting my Halo console back! They’ve had it longer than I have at this point.

Dear Sir, My hotmail is blocked.I got lot of Documents since 2000. Kindly do needful soon. MESSAGE IN MY ACCOUNT AS FOLLOWS. Your account has been blocked. Why are you seeing this? Someone may have used your account to send out a lot of junk messages (or something else that violates the Windows Live Terms of Service). We’re here to help you get your account back. What do you need to do? We’ll help you reset your password. We’ve cleaned your account settings. Often customers get here because someone else has access to your account and are using it without your knowledge to send spam. To protect you and your contacts, we’ve removed any Hotmail auto-replies or linked accounts you may have had.

I received the following notice in my email (2 separate emails) with the following information. I am not really happy that this type of information would be requested by MSN and any affiliates of their affiliates! HOTMAIL SHUT DOWN MY ACCOUNT LAST November. It made me so mad and upset I lost all my contacts. It was so inconvenient. Due to the congestion, HOTMAIL, would be shutting down all unused Accounts, You will have to confirm your E-mail by filling out your Log in info after clicking the reply button, or your account will be suspended within 48 hours for security reasons. We apologize for any inconvenience. Warning!!! Account owners that refuse to update his or her account after 48 hours of receiving this warning will lose his or her account permanently. Thank you for using MSN, HOTMAIL, Copyright © 2011 TEAM. All rights Reserved.

Dear Hotmail, This is the second time I have received a bloody security message blocking my account. My first email I have deleted and stopped using and my new one set up 2 months ago is now getting these stupid messages. No one uses my email but me and I do not send spam or use my email for malicious means. I am getting really pissed off with this situation and I realize you are a big company but you should not be treating us this way!!!!!! Sort this problem out or you will lose a lot of people from Hotmail accounts. I have many contacts and friends all over the world and they will be informed of the rat service I am getting.

I sent an email to Hotmail complaining that I regularly received false messages, about 100 every day, on my account for msn hotmail, and today I see the message “account blocked” certainly because of this. Please advise me where I should write to first un-blocked my account, and second to elimiate all these false messages that obviously I never sent…. Please answer at the following address. denis.sintes [at], With many thanks. Mr. Denis SINTES, Paris, France

Microsoft sucks …I have been a customer for the last 8 years I have over 200 games, three consoles, lots of accessorys. I have sent my consoles in 15 times, yet Microsoft wants to charge me $127 to fix the console that I have already sent in numerous times because it is out of warranty. They don’t know ho to make reliable products for their customers but sure want to charge you for there mistakes. The XBox 360 is such a fun console but Microsoft its ruining it by not having a good product. It’s amazing you spend 45 minutes with a person who works for Microsoft that doesn’t care or want to help you. It is more frustrating than anything.
Not even a supervisor wants to help you. For being a customer for so long its amazing how they won’t compensate you at all. What’s the point to be a Microsoft customer? They are pushing all their customers towards sony. If that’s the business plan… they are doing a great job

My son and some of his local friends were enjoying a game on xbox Live today. A boy that we did not know decided to join the party. With a nasty gamer tag- “NippleSpasm” He was asked to leave because of his filthy mouth and poor behavior and did not so my son booted him. The next thing we get is one of the most vile, foul mouthed audio messages from this NippleSpasm. I personally reported him as one should have. It would be helpful if Microsoft could find a way to actually hear what we have reported on xbox live. Better yet, it would be helpful if parents would actually notice what their kids are doing!
Who in their right mind would allow a young child to use such a gamer tag on xbox live??!!! Step up! It is a video gaming system, not a babysitter!!

Hi, when i was login my hotmail account it showing the “Your account has been temporarily blocked”. after that i changed my password, still it showing above same status on my hotmail account. i try to contact hotmail live team they didn’t give any information still. it was asking the verification code before login. i enter my mobile no and click on send code but i haven’t received any code from live team. it’s not showing the india country and particular mobile operator. please help me anybody, i really need to get my email account back for use as soon as possible now.
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