Microsoft Complaints Continued... (Page 9)
521+ reviews added so far. Upset? Call Microsoft corporate: 1-425-882-8080
Microsoft Windows 8 is the most maddening, frustrating piece of crap ever foisted on innocent consumers. Unwanted sidebar user menus constantly popping onto screen, random loss of working documents, sudden popups of unwanted documents e.g. picture library, email sign in: random magnification of screen, loss of icons on desktop at every update, Bill gates needs to return half of his 72 billion to windows 8 purchasers. At least give us the option of downloading Windows 7 at no charge. My wife and I have both regretted not buying the more expensive but significantly better Apple computers after being forced to use Microsoft Windows 8.

Well I have had this Microsoft surface for over 2 years and I have had problems with it rite off the bat I had problems I can't access my teachers website I can't download any thing I can't change any settings it blokes me from almost every thing so what is it good for if I can't use it form the purposes I got it for I have a iPad and I haven't had any problems with it at all just saying come on Microsoft I trusted you to make a good product vs. Apple and now I am wishing I wouldn't have switched.

The song pack for Rocksmith 2014 is called Bon Jovi song pack and cost me $15.95. I would still like to have the song pack but have tried everything I can as far as trying to download it several times over the past couple of days. As far as the other packs I have downloaded, they have come through, this is the only one that hasn't and because this has never happened to me before I don't know what to do. If necessary I do have the billing information here from Microsoft I can send for verification that I have purchased this song pack.

In 1995 Microsoft had the best customer service in the USA. Today it ranks below Comcast which is at the bottom of the list. I just bought a new computer with Windows 7 and they are now no longer supporting it. What a bunch of scum bags. I hope they all rot in HELL! I am going to Apple. I know from past experience they are high integrity people.

My VAIO was working perfectly until (I made the mistake of allowing “Automatic Updates”). Updates downloaded to my computer that caused it to be completely un-functional. I ran the restore program, which made it work again, but I lost my MS Office 2013 program, which now shows “empty” on the folder.
I have used your product for many years and I am so very “sick” of dealing with the continuous problems! Every OS you come out with is stricken with problems. Problems the average user cannot rectify on their own. Reliability is zero with your product line. There’s always something wrong with Microsoft, something that ends in the user losing functionality, losing a significant part of being able to use your products. I think it’s intentional and I think I can prove that in court.
I will file a formal complaint with the Federal Trade Commission on this matter because I’m absolutely sick of having to spend my time trying to fix my PC problems, which originate with Microsoft. This is simply pathetic. I am sitting here typing, and my cursor is jumping around so frantically, I have to stop, correct, then continue. Definitely a Windows 7 issue. Something I never experienced until I installed Windows 7. Pathetic! In fact, it took me thirty minutes, just to type these few lines. Come off of your money making horse and start providing quality! We shouldn’t have to renew our OS every two years. Pathetic!

I purchased the Entertainment Package (first mistake). My XBOX was stolen before I could begin using the XBOX live subscription because had to wait for current one to expire. Now that has happened no one can seem to start my Entertainment Package. I have to wait up to 5 days for the “advocacy” team to get back to me? I am paying $14.99 a month and right now I have no service. My cable company does a better job than this. I should be able to have it started regardless if you can find the information or not. The proof is the credit card charge every month that you seem to have no problem functioning. Also, little control over information re: stolen XBOX. I should be able to keep my stolen xbox serial number from being registered for XBOX live account. And it should be required to have a serial # to get a Live account. I will not be buying anymore Microsoft products. Too bad you bought the xbox business.

The Xbox Live service provided for the Xbox one is really poor. It is unreliable, inconsistent and often unusable. For a paid for service it is not good value and really shouldn’t be something Microsoft struggles to provide.
The control pads are just a poor. In 4 months I have had 4 faulty ones replaced. To be on number five in this amount of time is appalling for something that costs £50 a piece and again, shouldn’t be something Microsoft has an issue in producing high quality, durable hardware.
Lastly, it seems to me that they couldn’t give a flying f*** about their customers. Anyone that has tried complaining to them directly will know that it is impossible to find an email address. Any postal address you can find probably won’t be the right one and likely wouldn’t reply anyway. A very anti-customer company in my view. Your only options are to wait in line for a Live chat for 85 minutes in my case or speak to a site ambassador that can probably to little to help.

It has been several months since I have accessed my hotmail account, when I came back to it my account has been wiped out. There were very important emails and a lot that were sentimental. I tried to recover them. I need someone to help me get them back please and thank you.

I have a Nokia lumia 720 phone and since entering the two year contract last year I have had my Hotmail account hacked, can`t upload pics, no ability to download apps and now I have found out I can`t transfer my numbers due to them being transferred onto the Hotmail account. Not happy.

Just bought my wife a new Desktop with windows 8.1 on it. You want a happy customer? If so send me a copy of windows 7 to over write 8.1 it is a complicated mumbo jumbo like a touch screen telephone. I and the wife wanted her to have a new computer. She has a phone. I heard from friends that 8 was a mess, and have several friends who simply loaded 7over it. One way or the other I’ll be next. At minimum you could have made a version for Desk and lap tops and added one for touch screen. Not real wise guys.

Hiya, I’ve been using my hotmail account for many years now which contains vital information and also a lot of important work. Today I tried to log in as normal and realised that my account had been hacked and that somebody else is accessing my account. I am absolutely gutted and I cannot believe that they will not help me find a solution to this problem. Please could you help me as soon as possible.

Lately I have noticed many people saying things like “that’s a ways away” or “we’ve got a ways to go” – even anchors on television are speaking this way. Obviously “a” is singular and “ways” is plural and, therefore, they should not be used together. Out of curiosity I typed “a ways” on a Word document, spell/grammar checked it and it was accepted. If Microsoft could correct the spell/grammar check you would be contributing to a better spoken population.
Thank you.

Me hot mail account has been blocked and I have provided the information that they requested including my phone number but no one has contacted me and all I am requested to do is give out private information. Can you inform me of the level of compensation you are going to pay me for the inconvenience you have caused me.

So I downloaded GTA five from the Xbox live store and I Played it with my friends and then like after a month I tried to play GTA online and it would not work no matter what!!! I WAS FURIOUS AND I STILL CANT PLAY WITH MY FRIENDS NOW… So I need you guys to give me a new copy if the game or give me my money back!

I just bought a Surface Rt from Best Buy. Microsoft is running a promotion whereby a free keypad s offered for this tablet. Best Buy claims to know nothing of this promotion and refuses to provide the keypad. I calld seeral MS numbers and was met with ignorance of the promotion.
How do I go about getting this keypad for my tablet??

I have been trying to access my email for several days. The first day I had the problem I was sent an automated message with a code to enter. I listened to the code 5 times and only made out 4 numbers. When I entered those 4 numbers it told me I needed 5 numbers. The automated voice mail was pathetic and hard to understand. So I finally called the number for help. I talked to someone I could hardly understand, probably in a foreign country. He wanted remote access to my computer. I’m sorry but I do not let anyone have remote access to my computer. I think this stinks. I enter my login info correctly and I still cannot access my email. I have been irritated with outlook ever since it came on line. I do not appreciate people I don’t know wanting remote access to my computer and I think it stinks that it has to be done this way, especially when I enter the correct login info for my email and still can’t get access. Needless to say it has just prompted me to open another email account with some other service. I don’t know if I ever want to use outlook email again.

hi i am a disabled person with 10 computers that all have xp on them i can not afford 10 new copy’s of windows 8 or 8.1 these are all my family’s computers all in one house we are all screwed when you end support for xp if you cant help you will lose me as a customer i will go to Linux it is free and it is not going to cost me $2000.00 two thousand dollars to fix all my computers what are you going to do about all the people that can not afford your software

I went to sign in to my email account and I cant because ‘someone else is using my account’. I use that email for pretty much everything, so that was annoying. So to verify my account, I had to type in the last 4 digits of the number that I had when I signed up for my account. Obviously I’ve changed my number since then, so I didn’t remember it. I had to then find a way of getting the last 4 digits of a number I had around 3 years ago. So when I eventually did, I typed it in, ready to receive the code to allow me back onto my email again. I didn’t get the code, and I’m getting extremely angry. I need it to be sorted asap. Thank you

On 3 February 2014 I posted a letter, similarly dated, to Microsoft U.K. Headquarters, Microsoft Campus, Thames Valley Park, Reading RG6 1WG on the subject of Attempted Fraud from my address in the U.K. namely 32 Auchmill Terrace, Bucksburn, Aberdeen, AB21 9LF. I am unable to attach this letter to this email but presume that Staff at Reading would be able to do so if requested so I will not repeat its content here. No reply has been received from Staff and Reading, which, at the very least is discourteous. I would be obliged if could arrange for me to obtain a response from Staff at Reading to the letter in question.

I bought Windows 8.1 Pro last night at Best Buy for my lap top. I bought the whole operating system since my husband accidently erased his Window’s 7 operating system. The system requirements matched our lap top’s, therefore, we decided to buy the Windows 8.1 pro. They were out of standard otherwise I would have bought that. However, my husband did open it, and he did install it. The problem is that the video card in the lap top does not support Window’s 8.1, and he cannot go into safe mode in order to install the updated driver manually. My only option that I have been given so far is to pay another 200.00 to let a technician fix it. I want to return your product that is technically considered defective because it does not do what it says it will do. If I have all the systems requirements that needs to support the product, than it should install without a problem. If I do not take the technical help, than I am stuck with a worthless software disk that I can do nothing with. My husband did research the problem, and found that there are numerous complaints about this particular video card, therefore, he is not the only one who has this problem. Please contact me on how to get a full refund. I will not except anything less. I am sick of hearing people tell me about federal laws stating that they cannot accept open software, when I cannot seem to find these federal laws online. Therefore, if there is such a thing, than at least send me a copy of one.
Crystal Dolan (224-410-2819)
A customer for many years, who is about ready to give up on Microsoft all together and switch to Apple. At least their computers do not have this problem. I usually update my electronics once a year, and I am loyal to Microsoft. At this moment, I really am regretting that decision.

I am absolutely discussed with the service I have just received from Microsoft. I ordered a surface pro 2 – £1039.00 on Friday 21 March. After a mix up on your side you have taken payment for 3 – £3117 and shipped 3 out to me. I received an email stating this and telling me to reject 2 of the surfaces and keep one. It even told me the order number to keep. So I took a full day off work yesterday to wait in and nothing came. When I rang they said Microsoft had recalled all 3 and I had to ring Microsoft, which I did and was told they would refund the money, which would take 5-7 working days. I have been on the telephone for about 4 hours trying to sort this problem out and have just been told that I have to wait until the 3 surface pros get back to the warehouse and I have been refunded the money in 5-7 working days and then I have to re-order the Surface pro 2 then.
I really don’t think so. I was waiting for a supervisor to contact me for over an hour. When i spoke to the supervisor i said that Microsoft should arrange for a surface pro 2 to be delivered tomorrow as it was their fault. The supervisor spoke to an employee who said i could not have a surface pro 2 tomorrow and i would have to wait until the refunds reach my account in 5 -7 days and then ring up and re order the product in 5-7 days. I can not believe this is the way Microsoft treat their customers. I have never ever had such bad service in my life. Microsoft make the mistake and I have to just put up with it. Microsoft should have made sure a surface pro 2 was dispatched straight away, when UPS confirmed to Microsoft that all three products had been returned to the warehouse.
Absolutely discussing service, I still can not get my head round the fact that you have £3117 of my money and have not sent me 1 surface pro out straight away at £1039.00 its just unbelievable.

I will be filing a federal lawsuit agtainst you. First of all Mocrosoft 8 is hard to use. Second it downloades and does stuff on its own. I was unable to sign back in because I did not have my passwored. HOw dare you to shut my computer down without my ermnission. I should be the person who directs this. Then I had major problems with your company. Attempting to get help is a joke. Your voice recognition system suck, YOur staff do not speak good English, and do oftenhave no idea what they are doing. I had been unable to down load my attachments from work.
I called and the technician made it worse now I cant even open thee-mail, and yes they use Microsoft out look. I will be asking that he Government investigate you all You are a monopoly and that is why you get away with poor servide and f-ed up products. I am so sorry that I bought a new computer last year. My next one witll be an apple. I am through with you f=ers. So far I have spent 8 to 9 hours on the phone with you. You are a disgrace.

My computer came equipped with Microsoft office 2007. Several months ago Microsoft downloaded MS Office 2010 on a ttrial basis. I didn’t want it, need it , or like it so Ididn’t renew. This evening I deleted that version of office. When I started the process I got a message that MS detected the earlier office version on my computer and the message said “that would stick around”. Now its gone. They’ve loaded a 2013 version on my machine that I don’t want either. Please restore my Office 2007 to my machine so I can use this older verstion again.

I have used Microsoft since I first using computers. I was content and happy with all your programs, until I bought 2 new laptops and both had windows 8. I would to ask someone did you people just decided to hate the way you had been doing business and decided to invent a program to prove your stupidity? I have thee two computers with the worse programs I have ever tried to use. What was wrong with Windows 7?
Would you please allow me to take my computers some where and have them both installed with windows 7, I will gladly give you windows 8 back. The person who invented windows 8 and the Executive who authorized it to be published and marketed both need to be fired. I truly wonder how many people your Windows 8 program has caused heart attacks to have happen.

I am discusted that Microsoft will not support XP in the future, I operate a small business that employes 12 people. Each and every staff member hate with a passion Microsoft 7 and 8. I have been to three diffrent retail stores looking at lap tops including Dick Smith, Havery Norman and Bing Lee. Each sales person I spoke with informed me that no one like System 7 or 8 . I have two PCs in my business that have System 7 & 8 and all staff hate using it.
I will remove all Microsoft systems from my business and change to Apple if I have to. You push your product onto us then cut out the only operating system XP that is easy to use. I am at a loss why Microsoft destroy something so popular. Everyone loves XP . 99.9% of people hate system 7 & 8
You will never buy another Microsoft product. I am in a group of 300 , We are all business owners and all 300 business owners feel exactly the same way I do. Good buy thieving idiots from Microsoft, Hello Apple.

Given the economy and many of us trying to hold things together, here’s Microsoft telling us support is ending for XP and therefore we would have to go to 8.1, which you say that perhaps older computers won’t work well with, so it means both buying the 8.1 and a new computer. After reading this “let’s make more money for Microsoft warning, I’ve decided if I have to change anything in the future, I’ll buy a MAC.

On March the 19th at 0530 AM I recieved a phone call from someone with an East Indian accent claiming to be working for windows and that someone is hacking into my internet through my computer. I had this same caller the prior week but they could not provide a way to verify who they were.
I called microsoft and spoke with a tech and explained what was asked of me concerning my computer. They went through the same procedure and were looking at events from two years ago saying that was a problem and someone could hack into my system but for $499.00 they could fix it and prevent it from happening for the next year. This I consider to be a scam because the things they were showing were on my old computer that is no longer in service.
Awaking me at 0530 AM is very annoying and the call was unsolicited. I do not what to receive anymore calls that claim to be an emergency coming from your company and then be told that the issue is only from my end and there was no hacking involved. Your employee said it was hacking that showed up on your end which I am assuming is your fault and show be taken care of from there not billing me for something that has not happened. If anyone whats to contact me use my email not my phone.

So since I’m a huge gamer I get a lot of games and recently I have been needing to delete many saves so I can play the games I have just gotten. So I started using the cloud to hold my games so I dot have to delete them the. I found out that it was a waste of time because I barley holds 1GB so now I come to the poit where I had just bought a new game for $60 and I can’t place things into my cloud to download it. And I recently just beat a game and I’m coming to having to delete all of that stuff just to play this game and I know I’ll want to play the other again. So having the cloud doesn’t do good if it can’t do what it seems like it is suppost to do.

I was scammed by a person using Microsoft information to verify that he was calling about a rebate for a previous charge that was to be refunded. He had my Microsoft ID for my computer and was allowed to access my computer. I got very suspicious after a while at what he was doing and shut my computer off. He called back and said if I did not send him $240 I would not get my computer back and would send all my computer files on the internet. I was charged $220 money transfer to one of my credit cards and another card denied the money transfer.
The money transfer is being dealt with by the credit card company . I had to Close and renew all my credit cards, checking and savings accounts. I could not get into my computer and had to have it repaired for over $113 Because this person put a password on my operating system and could not even bot to the windows log in. I would like to know how this person got my computer ID from Microsoft that is very long in order to verify he was from Microsoft. It has gotten to a point that nothing can be trusted no matter what they have for proof to access your computer. Also All these offers of money from all these crammers around the world is ridiculous. Why cant Microsoft do something about removing them from in internet.

I bought a Microsoft software product containing a defective scratch card that resulted in the PIN code being damaged when trying to reveal the code. I contacted the Microsoft helpline on 3 occasions: The first occasion they asked me to send the proof of identity and the receipt. 4 days later still no reply. I call them again, and they say that they have received nothing (and the call was associated with a problem number). The person sent an email to me and asked me to reply to the message to re-send the information.
This I did 5 times (including the images in different ways (not at all, in-line, zipped, etc.) and was told that they were not being received. I was told to wait 2 days, during which still no reply from Microsoft. I call again and explain that I think my email addreess may be on a a black list because they don’t appear to be receiving my messages (the images in the first email were quite large and I was made to believe that they had not arrived). I’m told that I must be a fraudster. Then, on verification they find that they had received my original message after all, even though they didn’t bother to reply to it.

My son has an Xbox live account. As I renew yearly with automatic renewal my bank details are stored on the system. Over the course of a day payments of £31.99 x2, £11.99 and £1.99 x2 have been taken from my Bank account. As the email address the notifications are sent to is my ex husband I am having huge difficulties removing automatic renewal and therefore my bank details. I have spoken to my son regarding the purchases and he believed he was using his coins won and not any monetary value. I would like to understand
What the purchases are for? What message is displayed at the time of purchasing? How to remove my Bank details to prevent any further payments being made? All the websites to obtain this information are not helpful and I need this addressed as a matter of urgency. As I am unable to log into the account as my ex husband details and as I can not provide details on this forum I would like to escalate this and obtain a response on how I can make this a formal complaint.

I purchases a laptop from currys on 18/8/2013 with it Microsoft office home and student 2013 when installing the program the key code came apart off the card when scratching and I applied very little preasure. Never the less the pieces were able to be put together and the software was able to be installed. Then my laptop was faulty and had to be returned after ten days . In the courrys store (Coleraine Branch Northern Ireland) on 28/8/2013 the manager chriss informed me that they could not give me another software card that I had to redeam my original one off Microsoft. I have made several attempts at this over the phone in the actual store and at home but was unsucsesful because I could not put my original keycode in because it came apart.
I was then informed through another phone call that a new key code could be given that to receive this proof of purchase and a photo of the key card was need this has been sent several times to mirosoft and Suraj Shetty who dealt with the call without a reply they were sent 13, 16, 18th of September from me and one a week previous from the currys store. I am getting stressed out with all the constant emails and getting no reply as I really need the software for university wich I started a week ago and I pais 120 pound for a program that I could barely afford and I cannot use. If you could please get back to me with urgency it would be much appreciated.

Three days ago I went to look at e-mails, but I was denied access because I did not have the password. I also did not pass the first animal test. I do not know the password, and I assure I am not a security risk. Who gave some one the authority to rule my life. MSN was also blocked until just a few minites ago. My could not receive a test password because I cannot access e-mails. The test e-mail was sent to someone with a account. I do not know anyone with a live mail account. It has been 3 days without any assistance. I was supposed to receive completed legal forms, but I cannot get. I collect recipes. gardening, and baking. In fact I could not go to a fund raiser because I could not access my recipes.

I recently purchased a new computer with Windows 8. I have never been so frustrated with Window Mail until now. My vista mail just went smoothly and quickly without problems. With this one, it constantly going blank, synchronising fo rI don’t know what. The end result is that it takes forever to use the email. I have spent 10 hours with the Telephone company just to be told that it was not their problem. Spent 2 hours with HP support to tell me the only way is to refresh the whole system. Spent $ 300 for a tech support person to fix it . At this point, the Miail is still limping along. I have had people using my mail and said that they would never never get the Windows 8 now that they have tried it. Does Mr. Gates know how bad this OS is. If you stand by your product, could you connect with one of your people who may have the real solution. At this point, I am at the end of my rope.

I am extremely dissapointed with the service I received when attempting to recover my accounts details after my hotmail account was hacked. I was unable to access my Windows Live account as my password had been changed. I completed the account recovery steps and 10 minutes later was pleased to receive an email to my back up gmail account advising I had successfully completed the security information was given the link to reset my password on my hotmail account (address for hotmail account is I immediately clicked on the link only to be advised by on screen warning that the service was temporarily unavailable and to try again in a “few moments”.
When I clicked on the link a second time I was advised that the link had already been used and I needed to complete the account recovery security questions again. This I did but was sent an email (to my gmail account) advising that too many attempts had been made and I could not attempt recovery for 24 hours. The next day I completed the procedure once again, only to receive a “final” account recovery email from your team advising that I did not supply enough information and perhaps I should open another account. I am digusted. If your security measures were this adept, my account, which I have had for in excess of 15 years, should not have been hacked.
I would like my hotmail email reinstated and there require for you to respond to me with measures on how I can once again access my main email account. I await your response by return.

Hello get your god damn xbox live server fixed cos your little bugs are screwin xbox live and to be honest i only want to talk to my friends and i cant because you wont fix your server i cant send messages, send party invites or see my friends achievements so get it fixed

I have 4 children. My 1st son got an xbox for xmas, my 2nd son got one for his birthday. I have 2 more kids who I was planning on buying each an xbox for their birthdays. And I was going to buy the xbox live family membership for all 4 to use for onlive. I tried to purchase it today & was informed that this product has been discontinued. I am very upset at this decision. There should be a discount for families with multiple children. Especially in todays economy. It’s the time for companies to provide families with deals not take them away. Needless to say I will not be buying xbox gold for any of my 4 children for $240.00 instead of $100.00. In addition, I will now not be buying 2 additional xbox consoles. I’m very disappointed in your company. That is not a very smart move on your behalf when there is other competition. For my other kids birthday I will now consider a Wii or Playstation instead. Which I would not have even considered prior to this decision of yours. I have now unsubscribed from your emails, products. I will not be buying your games, consoles and you have lost 5 customers including my husband. You’ve essentially given a customer to your competitors. I seriously encourage you to reconsider your business strategy as I am sure I am not the first and will not be the last of the many customers you will lose when your company has an attitude and disregard for families with multiple children and helping them financially. I am confident I will see your company name becoming obselete in the next few years with decisions like this. Which is very disappointing.

Yesterday I paid $199 to one of your partners, Omni Tech, to reinstall Windows Internet Explorer on my computer. After four hours nothing was accomplished. The main reason that I used Omni Tech was that they were a Microsoft Company. I believed that since they were affiliated with Microsoft, Microsoft was guaranteeing this company. Therefore I believe that Microsoft owes me $199.

The service pack update for my computer was automatic, unsolicited and is taking forever. I have a 64 bit windows 7 home premium OS. I’m a transportation worker who spends a great deal of time offshore. I have few opportunites for internet connectivity and today is one of those few opportunites. My computer is completely useless to me and the vital information i have stored on it is unavailable to me because of a service pack update that is 7% complete after 90 minutes.
This update should be cancelable and differ-able to a different time. I have been a loyal microsoft user my entire life. I see apple as trendy and overpriced but this incident is enough to make me consider an alternative operating system for my machines. This is a crucial day of productivity that has been lost and has now become very costly to me as tax preparation and completion for my entire family hangs in the balance. The tens of hours of work spent gathering components and preparing returns, now has to be repeated if even possible, by a paid preparer.
The solution is not complicated. Update the OS with smaller more frequent and differable updates so that any particular computer can remain functional at any time if necessary. From the king of software companies, I expect better. I own three machines with windows operating systems but they will be phased out and replaced if Microsoft doesn’t show they care to keep my business.

I purchased a new lap top along with a Microsoft card to set up on the lap top. I am having problems finding on my comupter so I called several times. I have 8 case numbers. (yes 8) When I call I am sent from one person to another. I have been on hold for more than 3 hours a a time. Calling everyother day looking to help. I finally was told that a perso from Tear 2 will be calling me to help with my situation. His name is Arshit Sood. He did call me, he did not have any patients with me at all. He ended up hanging up on me. He did shodow in on my lap top, I sent him a message and asked him if he just hung up on me. I did not recieve a respons. Go figure. I do not recamend anyone to purches anything from MICROSOFT. And were is this money back garantee. What a crock of bull. Microoft told me that I had to get a refund back from the store where I bought the card. I told them I tryed but the store said they do not refund any money because it is a microsft produce. I have to get the refund from MICROSOFT. Again BIG JOKE. A lesson well learned. A very expensive lesson at that.

I called about an e-mail problem and was on hold for 1 hour before I hung up. Then I called back and asked for a representative. He kept me waiting 5 mins. and sent to tech support again. I was disconnected. I called a 3rd time and got a woman from Panama. I insisted on talking to a supervisor and waited for 23 mins. and decided to do this. I’m still waiting. Why can’t we get someone in the States to talk to? I have trouble understanding foreign accents on the phone. I was told it was either Panama or India. That is disgraceful. You make changes through updates to our programs without our permission and then don’t even tell us what they are and what problems they may cause and when we try to get help there is none. ! When did we transfer to a place where we have no choices anymore? I really hope you will get someone (American) to help me with this problem before I die of old age.

Without any warning or notification , I find my emails now arrive under Outlook !
The layout is a shambles , apart from being so different as to be confusing.
You should have had the courtesy ( look that word up in Thesaurus & acquaint your Management & staff with the meaning. Clearly , hitherto, any customer courtesy or loyaltyhas been dumped ! I am changing my emails to another source, thru no fault of mine I am faced with some considerable additional work in advising friends & contacts.

For several years I have been happily using a Hotmail account which has provided all my internet needs perfectly. Now I appear to have been forced into using ‘Outlook’ , this to my mind is a very retrograde step, it is nowhere near as good as Hotmail, the contacts list is not as accessible, Hotmail In-box showed which e-mails I had replied to or forwarded.
I frequently need to print multipage e-mails which now seems impossible on Outlook
and so far I have not found one application which is an improvement on Hotmail, I would suggest if your backroom ‘experts’ are going to come up with these so called ‘improvements’ at least give users the opportunity to opt out.
I don’t claim to be a computer expert so I may be missing something but at least Hotmail was very intuitive and easy to use. I await your comments with interest.

Why did you change our email system to Outlook? Everyone I talk to that has the new system are having problems.! It takes too long to download, will not work most of the time, to review or forward an email is super slow and my contact list two thirds gone. Spent an hour reading the instructions and it does not work.

stop messing with everything so much i have had the same account since you started xbox live there is know reason i should be jumping through six billion hoops to get online and why should i have to send you a phone number i have never had to fill a microsoft account online before i did it all on my xbox so thats bullshit.

I am 66 years of age and most disgruntled that you have changed Hotmail. Now it is Outlook I do not have a top address bar that will allow me to forward, reply to emails and there is no icon to sign out of the problem. Currently I am using Google Chrome, I would be most grateful if you could resolve this issue or I will have to use another more simplistic email service.

I have been experiencing a phenomenon when it comes to forwarding mail to third parties. Recently and on quite a regular basis, messages with attachments have not been allowed to be sent. A typical example is today. I need to forward information with attached documents but they just won’t go.
I have made 5 attempts already but to no avail. The 5 copies are saved in the draft file which keeps adding the same email to the others. Frustrating is not the most appropriate word in this instance. This is part of my work and I need unencumbered communication.
Do you have any practical and useful suggestions on how to get rid of this gremlin. I am so mad that I have often felt like throwing the computer out of the window.

I am suffering severe illnessess and probably won’t live to see 2014. I am 57 and of course not computer savvy. But without the computer and internet alternative political radio, etc, I would probably die sooner. And it distracts from my suffering. You microsoft fat cats are so cruel.
would you have the decency of stop changing my default realplayer (way better than yours) back to windows media player. i have precious little energy and time to be staying up half the night trying to get this back to the way i set it.
i hope someday, i won’t see it, that you are no longer one of the masters of the universe like the banksters, wall street, the city(London england financial criminals district)the US “deep state” murderous corporate corporation/military complex. the 99%, and another os will triumph one day over you monsters.

I bought a new computer 3 weeks ago. With my new computer, l also bought office 365, when I was setting up office 365 I accidentally typed in my email address wrong so I have not been able to activate it. I have spent over 30 hours on the phone with technical support.
They told me that I needed to speak with the level 2 security team, so I set up a return call. That call was supposed to happen 2 weeks ago and it never did. I have called numerous times since then, still with no resolution.
Wait times are so long. Technicians have told me everything from I have received a refund to the case has been resolved, which neither has happened.
Please help me.

i opened an account using my Asylum in 2010. i have lost my Asylum and my card has expired and there is still money in the card and it is declined to buy anything in shops. When i go to the bank they say they cannot give me a new card since i do have a copy of my Asylum. what do i do now since i need to withdraw all my cash and use my card to buy swiping in shops?
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